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computerbrxin · 9 months ago
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horses of course
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prismaticstreams · 2 years ago
How to balance all your interests when you have multiple passions?
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I’ve been pondering how to balance all my different passions, interests, and side hustles, as I’m the kind of person who tends to love variety and easily gets excited about new projects. It’s often the completion part that I struggle with! This is a fairly common conundrum for certain personality types, and can also be related to conditions like ADHD. It can be really hard to know how to streamline and simplify things to make it more manageable and less chaotic.
Chronic illness can be a factor here too, as I often start a new project in a high energy period, but then may not have the physical energy to easily complete it. It can be hard to know how to handle this sometimes, as I can’t predict how I’ll feel from day to day or week to week. Sometimes I just have to let something go for a while, and accept that I will come back to it later. I also accept that there’s some projects I will abandon, and I don’t see it as a major problem as long as there’s no financial investment.
So how do you handle this tendency? 
I personally find it’s best to embrace it, and find ways to work around it rather than trying to pigeonhole myself into only one project, passion or interest at a time. However, if you’re trying to make money, earn an income or build a business - and you need to pay the bills with it to survive - then you will probably need to narrow down to one thing at a time for work. You can still allow yourself freedom to explore in your free time, though.
For example, I love borrowing a wide range of books from the library, and reading about a bunch of different topics at once. Switching from one book to another works for me and I find it stimulating. The great thing is that the books all get returned to the library, so they don't create long-term clutter. I also enjoy writing blog posts about a range of different topics, rather than sticking to one particular subject.
Same goes for my art - I have one style that I sell commercially, and then do whatever I want in the rest of my spare time as it captures my fancy. I find creating different IG/Tumblr accounts for particular art styles/niches works well. If it becomes popular and sells it's a cool bonus, but I don't worry too much about it making money. Digital art is great because it doesn't take up storage space, so I'm shifting from doing large pieces on canvas to doing more digital art.
Having said all that, I do have a bunch of blogs and Tumblr accounts floating around on the internet that I've forgotten about and largely abandoned. Same with old creative projects in storage. But it's okay, because I enjoyed exploring that idea/hobby/style for a brief period of time. Sometimes I go back and integrate creative stuff from the past into my current projects (for example, taking an old blog post and updating it for my current blog).
It can become a problem if you waste a lot of money on hobbies you forget about or business ideas that never get off the ground, so I’d recommend finding ways to avoid spending too much money to begin with. Ideally, it’s best to spend no money and find free activities, but obviously this is not always possible. My post about Decluttering My Fantasy Self may be relevant if this is you.
If you're multipassionate, I don't think there's one right or wrong way to manage your interests and hobbies. Some people like to focus intensely on one hobby at a time, then move on to something else. Others enjoy moving between different interests simultaneously to keep them stimulated. I've done both at different times in my life. Emilie Wapnick has a great book about this called How to Be Everything which is more focused on career, but you can apply the same principles to hobbies and side hustles as well.
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j-august · 1 year ago
It is wise to have decisions of great moment monitored by generalists. Experts and specialists lead you quickly into chaos. They are a source of useless nitpicking, the ferocious quibble over a comma.
Frank Herbert, Children of Dune
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realityfragments · 2 years ago
Expanding Our Prisons.
Offhandedly, regarding something related to recommendations, I wrote, ‘there are always echo chambers’ in the context of social media and recommendations. It’s an unfortunate truth about we humans and our perspectives, and I thought to expand on it here. We recursively play our roles in the Allegory of the Cave, where some of us ‘leave’ the cave and go explore outside of it. It was originally…
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hellenhighwater · 2 months ago
I mess around with a lot of random art supplies. I have zero training other than, like, primary school and some random one off classes or short series of classes. I follow a lot of different creators in different mediums on social media. I have never been taught to draw or paint or anything and so I don't really know how I'm supposed to learn. And so a lot of what I do is watch someone do something and then play around with it on my own, or decide I want to draw something and trace it or find a basic "how to draw [x]" and I guess my question is, am I violating some sort of "learn to [art skill]" etiquette or is this a reasonable, if somewhat scattershot, way to approach making stuff?
I guess I worry that, idk, someone is going to feel like I stole their thing? I don't sell anything, and I post from one account (not on Tumblr) just because I like to keep a record of experimenting.
If you're not selling replica work in competition with an original creator, then no, no problems with doing this.
It's funny because I was just talking to a studiomate about this--SO much of learning art is repetition and replication. We stand on the shoulders of the great masters who came before us--from cave paintings to cathedrals, artists have been looking to and imitating the work of other artists. So do tutorials, and trace, and try to copy, and do whatever interests you. Yes, it's possible that some random individual may take offense, but frankly that is never not a possibility, and in the grand continuum of artists, what you're doing is a long and storied tradition of learning. If you go looking, you will find centuries of artists copying and mimicking other artists to learn and develop their skills. And if you're not trying to become a really particular kind of professional artist, then there's really no right or wrong way to teach yourself art, so long as you're having fun.
For a good chunk of the "copy" stage of learning art, you're just not going to have the technique to be a viable competitor to most of the artists you're probably copying from, and by the time you do have the technique to really mimic talented artists, you're probably going to have your own ideas you're more interested in making anyway.
As a personal policy, if I feel I'm coming too close to someone else's original idea, I just don't sell that work. I may keep it or gift it, but I don't try to make any kind of profit off someone else's idea, even if it was my work. If you're posting and want to feel like you're giving credit where it's due; go ahead and post reference links for whatever you're working off. It's not required but it's nice to show respect to the work in that way, if you're able to.
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uncharismatic-fauna · 4 months ago
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Wheel Out the Wheel Bug
The wheel bug, also known as Arilus cristatus, is a member of the assassin bug family found throughout eastern North and Central America. They thrive in a variety of environments including grasslands, deciduous and tropical forests, and gardens; anywhere where flowers are abundant.
The wheel bug is so named for the distinctive, spiny wheel-shaped hump along its thorax and abdomen. The body is otherwise elongated and dark grey with white spotting. As an assassin bug, the species also sports an enlarged proboscis for deeding. This species is also noted for being one of the largest true bugs endemic to North America, at a whopping 3.8 cm (1.5 in) long.
As an assassin bug, A. cristatus is a voracious predator within its natural habitat. Individuals catch caterpillars, beetles, sawfly larvae, aphids, and stink bugs with their long forelimbs and then inject their target with a potent paralytic, dissolving its insides and slurping up the resulting soup. Due to their spiky bodies and painful bite, the wheel bug has few natural predators. However, eggs are often prey to parasitic wasps.
Wheel bugs begin mating in September and continues throughout the fall. After mating, the female lays anywhere from 40 to 200 eggs on a leaf, in a cluster resembling a cylindrical honeycomb. The eggs incubate over the winter and juveniles emerge the following spring. They mature throughout the summer and become full adults the following fall, where they mate and then die.
Conservation status: The wheel bug has not been evaluated by the IUCN, but populations are widely dispersed throughout its range and the species is generally ecologically stable. In many areas, it is one of the only predators of other invasive or pest insect species.
Rick Kelly
Seth Ausubel
Richard Orr
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finalgirlsamwinchester · 11 months ago
realised. dean is the perfect viewer avatar for a horror show. he gets to be both the action hero and the quippy, self-aware wiseguy who knows he's in a horror show. he provides a safe point; a comfortable power fantasy for you to experience a story through. he's ash in the evil dead. he's a gunslinging tough guy, and you get to see those moments where heroism sits on his shoulders like an ill-fitting leather jacket. and even when he gets his turn at being captured and victimised by the narrative, it's filtered through this mythic lens first. he's the tormented hero; tortured by villains, tortured by the constraints of his role. yeah he gets bruised, beaten bloody to a pulp, torn to shreds and killed, but his perception of reality never gets thrown into serious doubt (unless it's played out as a gag). the narrative valorises his sense of right and wrong, because that's what heroic stories do. their heroes provide moral center, regardless of how we might judge them. the lines dividing hero, anti-hero, and villian are paper thin, and dean isn't truly ever allowed to be ambiguous. and the hero always wins in the end, even when he dies.
meanwhile sam is the abject object of the horror show, a character who gets trussed up, chased, tied up, ripped apart, cut into, possessed, exploited, manipulated and psychologically hounded. he's carrie covered in pig's blood. he's the marginal person people are cheering on either to die - or to live past it all. he gets his turn at playing both movie monster and victim, always occupying the liminal space between both. abject horror lives within him. he's violated with demon blood, he consumes demon blood. he hates halloween because he vomited his guts up in front of a room of normal children. he will never get to be normal, he's designated the freak on multiple levels, but most significantly, by the way his narrative frames him. he's living inside a world that is at its core, fundamentally frightening and horrifying - full control over himself and his surroundings is always slipping away, just beyond his reach. his grip on reality and the world around him gets thrown into question by the story consistently. what's right? what's wrong? what's real? what isnt? the narrative punishes him - because that's what happens to you when you're living in a horror. he can never run away from his nightmare reality, it catches up to him like a curse nipping at his heels. the only way out for him is through the punishing fire. in order to survive, he's required to be pushed to the absolute brink of instability; emotionally, physically and mentally. he emerges out the other end, barely holding it together but somehow alive - like the bloody final girl, changed irrevocably by what she's experienced.
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cyallate · 4 months ago
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[[[ Animation/animatic spoilerrr ]]]
Music is chosen, the storyboard is done and in sync with the song, and now is the hard part of animating everything. Just 900+ frames to go lol. (and backgrounds aaaaaaaaa)
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askagamedev · 7 months ago
Hello, I'm an aspiring game developer generalist but I honestly have no clue where to start, and my lack of attention span does not make it any better, do you have any advice on how to start learning to become a generalist?
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It really depends on what you want to do. If you want to be a hobbyist, then I suggest reading my guide on the [minimum competence needed] to be able to contribute to a game development team. Then, start doing each of these things - write code, create art assets, build a level, make something playable. As you learn to do these tasks and level up, you'll become a generalist that's able to make a lot of contributions to a dev team.
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If you want to be a professional generalist, the requirements are much more stringent. Generalists in the game industry really only exist at the upper mid-senior level, there really aren't any junior generalists because the juniors really lack the experience shipping and finishing games. A junior might enter without a specific specialty, but they have a lot of learning to do. It's much easier to learn one major thing at a time than it is to learn many things all at once, especially when the goal is delivering shippable quality results.
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The minimum bar for competence for professional generalists is much higher. A professional generalist isn't someone who knows a little of everything and can get something started, it's someone who can finish a wide variety of tasks. A professional generalist can operate and produce work of shippable quality in multiple areas. I've personally worked on cameras, economy, combat, monetization, characters, AI, progression, animation, cinematics, localization, and lots of other game systems in my career.
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interactiveglobe · 10 months ago
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“typical of a flesh magician” like harrow didn’t sew her entire jaw shut
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generic-sonic-fan · 11 months ago
It seems that Eggman has finally had enough of the troublesome E 123 Omega and now seeks to destroy him, permanently. The bot for the job? Metal Sonic. Who do you think would win , with no outside influence?
Or would they be too evenly matched and their fate is mutually assured destruction.
Mutually assured destruction, if a little delayed.
Omega has Shadow and Rouge to avenge him, after all. Metal Sonic does not possess such a privilege.
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through-rosey-glasses · 2 months ago
I think it says so much about the announcers when new fans and old fans appreciate them. Sure I understand having preferences and everything, but when a majority of fans from a range of experience say these announcers are pretty good, it means something.
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uncharismatic-fauna · 3 months ago
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The Wonderful Wall Gecko
Hemidactylus frenatus is a gecko of many names. It is refered to in southeast Asia by the various interpretations of its call; in Malay it is the chichak gecko, in Tagalog it is the butiki, and in Thai it's the jing-jok, just to name a few. In English it's also known as the common house gecko, Asian house gecko. The species is native to south and southeast Asia, from India to Papua New Guinea, and has also been introduced to Australia, Africa, and the Americas. They can be found in a range of habitats including tropical forests, savannas, and urban environments.
Most common house geckos are 7.5-15 cm (2.9-5.9 in) long and weigh between 10-20 g (0.3-0.7 oz), but their appearance can vary widely. Individuals can be grey, tan, or beige; some exhibit mottling that closely resembles tree bark, while others are unmarked. The species can generally be distinguished from other geckos by the whorl of spines at the base of the tail, although dropped tails don't have this feature.
The chickak gecko typically hides during the day and emerges at night to hunt. They feed primarily on insects and spiders, but will also consume smaller lizards opportunistically. Both sexes are highly territorial, and will aggressively defend their areas from other geckos. The distinctive call of H. frenatus is often used to announce its territory to other geckos, as well as signalling readiness for mating. Due to their small size, Asian house geckos are frequently prey to cats, birds, snakes, rats, dogs, large spiders, praying mantids and larger lizards.
Wall geckos can reproduce year-round in warmer climates, and in more seasonal areas of its distribution they mate only in the warm months. Males seek out females and entice her by touching her with his snout, followed by biting and holding her neck. Females typically lay clutches of 2 eggs, though she may have up to 4 eggs at different stages of development at any given time. The eggs are laid in a crevice or covered area, and hatch after 46 to 62 days. Hatchlings are totally independent, and reach maturity at 6 to 12 months old. Individuals can live up to 7 years in the wild.
Conservation status: The IUCN has rated the butiki gecko as Least Concern, due to its large and widespread population and commonality in urban spaces. It is considered an invasive and ecologically damaging species in areas where it has been introduced.
Thai National Parks
Nicole Andrews
Cricket Raspet
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anyajkramer · 11 months ago
I'm spreading the centipede gospel. Hmu. please god ask me about centipedes. fuck fuck fuck oh my god. fuck they are so cool. some of them are k-selected!!!! they love their babies.! im like. im fucking crying theyre so awesome. their legs get longer along their bodies. theyre so much better than millipedes. what who said that. fuck oh my god.
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shirecorn · 2 years ago
You think the Vonder unicorn females are like, somehow non existent? Like the males can somehow reproduce on their own
I think there's so much we don't yet understand.
Unfortunately the leading field researcher was killed and eaten, and the notes of her dissertation found miles downstream and ruined beyond legibility.
It was a great loss to the scientific community, but such is the way of biology. She was a great scientist, and I had worked with her in the past to write a brief overview on unicorn-affected areas. I was hoping to write an entire chapter using her most recent research, but now I cannot. Perhaps I will dedicate the book to her, and to the wild that claims all of us in the end.
I too prefer to do my studies alone, with just myself and the wilderness around me. But even I know you shouldn't venture into a unicorn thicket without backup. Forest guarded by unicorns are home to the most exquisite - and dangerous - flora and fauna
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