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guillemelgat · 4 years ago
Thought I would share this for any Catalan learners/music nerds/people wondering what an havanera is. I love El Pony Pisador, if you haven’t listened to them you absolutely should! But also, this video has both Catalan subtitles (if you have trouble following spoken language or just for accessibility reasons) and English subtitles (it’s technically for their English-speaking fans but it’s  great if you’re a beginner in Catalan). It’s also a good introduction to an important genre of Catalan music, and towards the end it explains the difference between havaneres, rumba catalana, and sardanes in musical terms (as well as a couple of other musical genres). Basically if you like music and/or Catalan you will greatly enjoy it!
There are also videos in the same style about sea shanties, throat singing, singing multipart harmonies, and metal music. If you don’t need the subtitles they also have a lot of very entertaining videos of various kinds which I think are really good listening practice for advanced learners.
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sstyles94 · 8 years ago
                                                            “ It destroys you every time.. "
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guillemelgat · 5 years ago
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📚Aquí teniu el text d’aquesta setmana (“Fet d’armes” de Pere Calders)
📝 Tasca 5: Mira el vídeo i fes una llista de tots els usos possibles que troba l’Abel per la seva paraula nova. 
📍Fés un post amb… la llista que has fet.
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guillemelgat · 5 years ago
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📚Aquí teniu el text d’aquesta setmana (un fragment d’Història de la llengua catalana)
📝 Tasca 5: Mira el video i contesta les preguntes a continuació: 
Què apareix primer en el naixement d'una llengua, la llengua oral o la llengua escrita?
Quin llibre es dóna per fet que és el primer en català?
Com semblen els textos a la gent avui, i com són en realitat?
Què representen les cròniques per la llengua catalana? Per què són diferents dels textos d'abans?
Com es diuen els tres autors de cròniques que esmenta al vídeo? (el que fa falta és Pere el Cerimoniós)
📍Fés un post amb… les teves respostes.
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guillemelgat · 7 years ago
Advanced Learner Challenge (Welsh): Day 25
[ original post with full list of challenges / other posts by me for this challenge ]
Today’s Challenge:  Listen to a professional speech in your target language. Make note of any specialized words or words you don’t know.
Nes i drio ffeindio araith yn gymraeg ond nes i ddim medru gwneud o, felly nes i fenderfynu gwylio “Dal Ati”. Nes i ddysgu am Fynydd Parys, yn Ynys Môn, sy’n cloddfa gopwr. Oedd hi’n bwysig iawn i adeiladu llongau. Oedd rheolwr y gloddfa’n ennill llawer o arian, ond doedd y “Copper Ladies” ddim yn ennill llawer i’w gwaith efo’r cloddfeydd. Mae’r gloddfa’n ddiddorol iawn, ac mae hi’n syfrdanol i weld hefyd.
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guillemelgat · 4 years ago
Part Two of Week 4 for the TL90Days challenge! Here’s a video with some tongue twisters in Malayalam, I didn’t understand 90% of it but it was good listening practice and I could actually pick out a few words so yay!
Here’s a website with some tongue twisters as well (including a few from the video I think), they’re written in Latin script so as a non-native speaker I’m not 100% sure how to pronounce them but if you speak Malayalam and want to let me know I’d appreciate it!
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guillemelgat · 8 years ago
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guillemelgat · 8 years ago
I thought I was doing a lot with Basque but now I just feel like a slacker... 
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guillemelgat · 9 years ago
Interesting video about Kurdish that talks a lot about the different dialects, their similarities and differences, etc. That’s always a good thing to know about if you’re learning a language without a standardized version, and in Kurdish it’s especially interesting.
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