#parlem de tonteries
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guillemelgat · 1 year ago
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Got tagged by @minglana to post the music we have in common, we got bingo! :D
I'll tag @no-passaran, @chatwiththeclouds, @kutyozh, @gwendolynlerman, @girlmaturin, and anyone who sees this list of artists and is excited about it lol
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guillemelgat · 2 years ago
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He fet uns mems per una classe que al final no els vaig entregar, però crec que aquesta es mereix ser publicat
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guillemelgat · 2 years ago
Catalan was so right about dugues and it's one of the worst crimes ever committed that it wasn't chosen as the standard form
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guillemelgat · 2 years ago
Hi! I just wanted to say thank you so much for your 'Canto per un amic meu' playlist and notes, I listened through it today and it was really fascinating!
Thank you so much, I'm so glad that it's being enjoyed! This message made my day <3
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guillemelgat · 3 years ago
Hey, apologies for disappearing from this blog for a hot minute (I may or may not have, in the span of the past couple weeks, finished finals, graduated university, attempted to move into an apartment, and also gotten covid ahaha) I should now have more time on my hands, and I’m trying to think through things I want to do language-wise, so let me know if there’s an vocabulary or grammar or whatever else posts you want to see! Also I have a couple of message that have definitely been just chilling in my inbox for way too long, so I’m going to try to clean that out 😅 Expect some goal posts at some point because I need to organize my brain after everything that’s been happening, and let me know what you guys would like to see!
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guillemelgat · 2 years ago
Hello I did just post a vocab list but I realized it was missing like half the words, please pardon the interruption! I have not forgotten about the challenge, life just happened a bit and so I’m trying to get back into it.
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guillemelgat · 4 years ago
I’m sorry to be Like This 24/7 but this is your daily reminder that here are valid ways to refer to Catalan:
català (Catalan name)
Catalan (English name)
catalán (Spanish name only)
....and here are not valid ways to refer to Catalan:
catalán (when speaking English)
Please, I’m begging you, if you want to use the accent MAKE IT IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. If you’re writing in English and can’t retain that, I promise it’s okay to use the English-language term (and if you’re writing in Catalan please learn ASAP that á does not exist, there’s only à). Thank you for your time :)
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guillemelgat · 3 years ago
Heyo, I’m back! Sorry for the very long break, I definitely needed it but I’m glad to be back. I have a few things to post over the next couple of days, it might take me a bit to get to everything but I will try my best.
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guillemelgat · 3 years ago
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Hey all! So if you remember last year I made this post, and unfortunately for everyone I’m back to do it again :p
What the idea here is, is that every year for the past two years, I’ve tried to keep a running playlist of songs that I get really into over the course of the year, mostly for posteriority’s sake because otherwise I’ll forget them. But it’s also cool because I can use it to get a handle on the linguistic sonoric landscape of my life for the year, and also to see if my perceptions of my music consumption actually match what I’m listening to. So here are the results:
Catalan (40.3% or 93 songs) - This is much higher than I thought, as happened last year, but it is a fair amount less than last year, when it was more than half of the music I listened to.
English (18.2% or 42 songs) - This number went up a horrifying amount, mostly because I went through Mika, traditional folk, and Eurovision phases though. That being said, I’m still disappointed in myself for buckling to the anglophone domination of the music world 😔
Spanish (11.3% or 26 songs) - This was really low and I’m kind of surprised, I literally have no clue why. I know I always think I listen to more music in Spanish than I think I do but this is an eyebrow-raising drop.
Basque (6.5% or 15 songs) - I’m always surprised by how little Basque music I listen to in practice, all the songs are bops that are pulling above their weight and so while the actual number is small, their place in my heart is much larger <3
Galician (4.3% or 10 songs) - I discovered Ezetaerre this year and instantly became very annoying about it, last November and December all I did was listen to Pólvora e Tormenta over and over. Also I’ve been vibing with Tanxugueiras’ new songs which are all bops.
Italian (3.0% or 7 songs) - I mean, Mahmood is eternal, what else can I say. I also went through a Måneskin phase immediately post-Eurovision, as one does (thank you Italian Eurovision entries for half of my music tbh).
Welsh (2.6% or 6 songs) - This went up a bit from last year, but I was surprised it didn’t go up more. I’ve been listening to so much Welsh music, ever since Sŵnami saved us all by coming back with that EP in February. In fact, about 99% of this is just Sŵnami, ngl.
French (2.2% or 5 songs) - Listen. We all make mistakes.
Arabic, (Scottish) Gaelic, Malayalam, and Ukrainian (1.3% or 3 songs) - “Ha’oud” slapped but besides that I’ve calmed down on the Mashrou’ Leila front. I listened to a lot of Julie Fowlis in the winter for absolutely no reason?? hence the Gaelic. For Malayalam I actually found music I like!! I’m very excited about that development. And Ukrainian was all Go_A, the pretty forest cult lady got hold of me I guess.
Romani, Irish, Georgian, Russian, and Portuguese (0.9% or 2 songs) - Romani should probably have been more, idk why I didn’t add the Šaban Bajramović. Irish was from the recs I got on here for the songs game, Portuguese was also from a recommendation, Georgian was songs from the And Then We Danced soundtrack because I’m gay, and Russian was Zemfira my beloved <3 and “Russian Woman” which is a bop.
Tamasheq, Asturian, Breton, Greenlandic, and Hungarian (1 song) - Asturian was from “Veleno” which I am trying to indoctrinate every uQuiz maker into listening to because I feel like if Tumblr as a whole discovered that song it would go feral for it. Breton and Greenlandic were from the ask games, shout out to the people who recommended those songs <3 Tamasheq and Hungarian were me back on my usual BS.
It also stands to add that I went with the language the majority of the song was in, but there were songs with pretty significant portions in (Northern?) Sámi, Albanian, Zulu that I ultimately decided not to count for those languages and instead counted for English. In addition, several of the songs I counted for one language on here also contain significant portions in others of the languages I put on here, so some of these numbers could be shuffled a bit.
If you’re a music listener and have your music in any sort of library, I’m curious to see what the composition of other people’s listening habits are, so please post and @ me if you do it!
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guillemelgat · 4 years ago
This Welsh course just called a rotary a “roundabout” and I legitimately would have thought it was the adjective if it wasn’t marked as a noun, how dare they not cater to my New England dialectical needs 😤
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guillemelgat · 4 years ago
I had an idea for a somewhat convoluted ask game, I’m kind of unsure if it’ll work but I want to give it a go so here it is:
Send me a language and I’ll reply with a song I know/like in that language! If I can’t name any songs in the language then you have to give me a recommendation to listen to (it’s kind of a game but everyone wins so the stakes are very low).
Anyways, if you feel so inspired, feel free to send me in a language and I’ll do my best to reply!
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guillemelgat · 3 years ago
Hi folks, gonna make some posts here I think?? so let me know if there’s anything you want to see. This is currently the list of things I am Thinking Of Making:
CATALAN (because I finally found my notebook 🎉):
clauses/pronoms febles (probably gonna be a 3 part post)
negative particles/adverbs
pronunciation of the final r
possessive pronouns
train vocab/Tintin vocab/other self-indulgent vocab lists
colors vocab/clothes vocab/farm vocab/music vocab (Very Long but I have started compiling them so)
Judaism vocab??? this one is somewhat tough for me but I did take a ton of notes at the Jewish museum in Girona and I could potentially do it, especially if people let me know what they want to see
vocab from Mirall Trencat
honestly anything people want, especially content for beginners because I could make that pretty easily
house vocab
animal vocab
describing people vocab (I have notes for like...basic descriptors but also body vocab, clothes vocab, and jobs vocab that I might just throw into one post)
possibly just going through all the verbs because I forget all my synthetic conjugations and pretty much everything besides the present tense for auxiliaries
cases??? especially with demonstratives
shops/shopping vocab
SSiW Level 2 vocab/grammar if people want it
highkey considering remaking the resources post but idk
colors vocab??
garden vocab????
still undecided for most of this
possibly like....a language overview post
think I wanted to do colors at some point??
saying yes and no
This is really just to give you guys an idea of what I *could* post if you’re interested. That being said, it’ll probably take some time to make most of these, so just let me know what you want to see and I’ll try to get it done soonish!
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guillemelgat · 3 years ago
If anyone has songs they want to see translated from Catalan, I did just make a LyricsTranslate profile so feel free to spam me with requests! I’m trying to make Catalan music more accessible to an English-speaking audience and I figured that would be a better way to do it than just posting things here, and I would love to add any songs that you guys want added.
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guillemelgat · 3 years ago
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An installation at Quebec City Hall, it says Ayonhwentsa’ yawenda’ yäatsih, which means “My land is called language” in Wendat. Quebec City is on Wendat land.
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guillemelgat · 4 years ago
So update, I am now taking an Abenaki class in August because of uhhh someone telling me about it and so that’s going to be an interesting plot twist. I’m super excited though, it���s going to be amazing <3
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guillemelgat · 4 years ago
What is synesthesia and do you have it ?
Hi anon, thanks for asking lol (I'm guessing this is about this post, I definitely didn't explain anything there so good catch)
Here's the Wikipedia definition, to start:
Synesthesia (American English) or synaesthesia (British English) is a perceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.
Basically, what that means is that when you see, hear, smell, etc. a certain thing, it brings up another feeling/sound/sight in your head. That's a very vague definition because it's a very broad-reaching phenomenon, but here are some examples of different kinds of synesthesia:
Grapheme-color synesthesia, where when you see different written characters (letters, numbers, etc), you get the sensation of a specific color as well (usually each character has a color)
Chromesthesia, where when you hear a certain sound, you get the sensation of a color (often with people with perfect pitch, they see different keys as different colors)
Spatial sequence synesthesia, where you visualize numbers as points in space/as a map (I'd never heard of this one before so I have less of an idea of how it works)
Auditory-tactile synesthesia, where hearing a certain sound might give your skin the sensation of being touched by something
Ordinal linguistic personification, where different numbers and letters give the sensation of different personalities, similar to grapheme-color synesthesia
Mirror-touch synesthesia, where if you sees someone else be touched somewhere, you feel the same sensation in their body
Lexical-gustatory synesthesia, where different words give you the sensation of different tastes
Basically, synesthesia is just your brain making random but consistent connections between two sensations, and it's pretty much only a useful thing, not usually a problematic one. For example, I have grapheme-color synesthesia and ordinal linguistic personification, both for letters and numbers but it's much stronger for numbers. It makes it kind of fun to do things like sudoku because I can look at a box and pretty quickly figure out what number is missing if there's no green, or to remember dates and years because I have the very strong color association. The reason why I brought up the question is because I'm not sure how it transfers over to learning other alphabets, and from the one person who replied to that post it seems like the only way forward is just frustration and tears, but if anyone else has opinions lmk! Maybe over time it'll reform for a new alphabet and I can go back to reading normally.
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