#general snowballs
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@pastelprince18 and I are cringe, but we're free! I paid my dearly beloved friend to draw these two together. As always, she did a fantastic job. Chuck money at her whenever you can!
Oh, and Sam belongs to @ghostypeppers. Figured that was worth mentioning.
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pan-fried-autism · 1 year
Sam bingo?
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Would any of your OCs cerebrate Sam's autism?
Greetings Anon
To be honest, I don't think so.
Which I would like to clarify they do not, because they believe Autism is something bad, absolutely not, that is not the reason.
But rather, given that Sam looks , in my view at least, tense about the party, and I don't think that any of my OCs (except of course the villains) would want to make Sam even more uncomfortable.
For example when it comes to Blaise, I think they would just have a, private and quiet talk with each other, with Blaise assuring Sam that, him getting his diagnosis, doesn't change anything for how Blaise views Sam and they are friends, I can see both of them talking about the topic of autism with each other.
I think it would be similar with my other OCs, who just, talk with Sam about it, if he wants to talk about it and feels comfortable of course.
Yours sincerely
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ukuslip · 1 month
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they call me the doodler
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oceandiagonale · 9 months
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gene's galar run, snom hunting, circa 2020
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markantonys · 6 months
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literally every other WOT viewer in the world:
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#they've been saying this ever since the finale aired and it drives me CRAZY#have your personal opinions all you want but to say that 2x08 was objectively a weak episode is simply not correct#cinematography acting vfx choreography music EVERYTHING was at the absolute top of its game#and despite being an Exciting Battle Episode it was completely anchored in character moments & emotional resonance which is no easy feat#so much going on yet there was time for every major character to get a huge developmental/emotional beat#(yes even those like nynaeve whose beat was a loss rather than a victory)#every season arc was either wrapped up in an immensely satisfying way or was set up for a deeper examination next season#and 90% of the general audience absolutely loved it#and yet reddit acts like it's an Accepted Fact that it was poor quality#just bc the book-to-show changes in that episode weren't to THEIR PERSONAL taste#touch grass#wot#seeing as season finales will always have the biggest moments it's kinda inevitable that hardcore book fans#will always be the most sensitive to any changes made in those particular episodes#not to mention that the changes made in eps 1-7 will snowball and culminate in the finale#so i feel like finales are always gonna be judged the most harshly by readers#like if dumai's wells isn't an exact 1:1 recreation of the book version#readers are 1000000% going to flip their shit no matter how objectively good the show's version actually is#wot book spoilers#for the replies
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linktube · 4 months
i think its some of damiens responsiblity to think what kinda relationship he cultivaded with his fans. and why is centering his need for explaning, defending and further protecting his self/image is his knee jerk reaction. unless you do those things a social media break is just another way of image management. plus it wont feel better when you come back and you are still centering your image which causes you too act defensive/childish. you cant support things thru acts of fear and nervousness and not expact them to crumble! i know people joked abour his virtue signalling in the past, and they are jokes, but its a curious thing people notice that around him enough to point that out. i hope he can actually look into that part of himself with a more honest critical lense.also these twitch stream where he wants this magicaly ''positive'' enviroment where people can ''escape'' is just unrealistic at best. this is a livestream where people rush on each other to talk to you. its by nature feeding into these things im afraidi positivity is not the warm blanket you think it is, its more of a trap lol
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hey mollie!! does adventuring pay well? or is it like a hobby? i assume it doesn't cost cheap to start adventuring..
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... maybe not as much as you might be thinking? Money isn't a big problem in our world, and the folks in charge of safety make sure equipment and supplies are easily accessible and available even if we start out with nothing anyway. Making sure people don't starve lost in the woods is generally a big safety concern, so they deal with stuff like that.
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Adventuring by itself makes barely a feather - but doing things like gathering herbs, berries, and cool rocks helps! Salem's a huge help - since I can go and get a bunch of potion ingredients for them, they're willing to do all the trading with materials for money for me!
Really, that's the main point of it. If you've got friends helping you out, the small details like that become a non-problem. Getting into adventuring is really a question of bravery, risking flight and feather to dangerous environments and awkward conversations both.
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Yes hi hello I'm back after ghosting for a bit lmao-
OKAY so. One of the main things we know about the Chronicle Zero Stuff is that it is dated the same as the posts are, only in the year 19XX. So we're essentially getting live updates.
We haven't had an update in a WHILE.
The Chronicles are Journals, that much is known, and as an attempted journal keeper myself (keyword being attempted) there are two main reasons for why that might be:
Reason Number One:
they simply forgor-
Which is a mood. Sometimes you just stop and then don't for ages. But THATS BORRRINGGGGG.
I prefer the second reason, as it's the entire basis of me making this post.
Reason Number Two:
in a prior post I theorised that Chronos is currently avoiding some real important event that was the "eight months" ago thing. Hero's journey, refusing the call, yadayadayada.
Following that, I suggested that whatever event is being ignored does not LIKE being ignored, and Chronos is going to go through some real world shaking experience. Something that CANT be ignored, and is going to kick off the more TSE Episode Three-esc equavalent events for our buddy Chronos.
Which, as I realised whist thinking about it on a walk today, is PROBABLY HAPPENING RIGHT NOW.
Ranboo stated that Chronicle Zero is about to get oh so much more, and I think that that's going to be the aftermath of whatever Zero's currently going through.
This isn't the calm before the storm. The storm is already here, and we're right in the centre of it.
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chmydarling · 9 months
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*whistles innocently before throwing a snowball at you*
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yarrowleef · 2 years
mmm somethings been rattling around inside my brain about queerness in xenofiction (warrior cats centric cause that's obviously mostly what people are talking about in my internet circles) and I know around here I am preaching to the choir but w/e. I feel like i may have made this post before but i’ll do it again until i feel like i’ve crafted all of my thoughts correctly
everyone knows there’s always like. some shmuck on twitter or youtube comment sections, complaining about how gay cats just don’t make sense ~realistically~
and the common argument back is always something along the lines of “these cats have complex society and religion and talk to ghosts and sometimes have magic powers, and being gay is where you draw the line? it doesn’t have to be realistic”
and something just rubs me the wrong way about that argument, not that it’s WRONG, it’s not wrong, xenofiction by definition is all super super unrealistic. I think it’s more like, it oversimplifies it. because honestly when I make critiques about the warriors world building not making sense, I don’t tend to like the argument beginning and ending at “well it doesn’t have to be realistic” because no it doesn’t but it’s still supposed to feel believable.
i think i don’t like that the argument seems to imply that gay animal characters are at all on par with other fantasy things like talking to ghosts and having powers or complex religion. I also don’t like it when people who are being fake-supportive can condescendingly say “well the gay couple may be completely absurd and unrealistic but I guess it’s ok because its just a silly fantasy :) ” cause like. Like its not unrealistic tho. i don’t like the implication that it’s uniquely unrealistic, if this was a grounded story with no magic or religion and the cat social groups were more inspired by real feral cats, it would still be illogical for some queer cats not to exist.
 I feel like it is a more effective argument to point out that straight cats are just as unrealistic, in fact more unrealistic and silly
“cats lovingly and monogamously married-for-life and raising kids together” is the absurdity it should be compared to, rather then the magic elements. Because then the complainers have to contend with the fact that they aren’t bothered by unrealistic relationships between cat characters, they are just uniquely bothered by gay ones. 
I mean...not to get tmi but it seems obvious to me this knee jerk reaction people have to rolling their eyes and scoffing when “gay” and “animal character” are placed in the same sentence is based on their insistence on equating the breeding behavior of animals to the romantic relationships of humans. Y'know, they're assuming that when people talk about romantic couples between anthro characters, that that is the sort of thing they are drawing from. When, certainly when it comes to cats, that is a very very poor equivalent. Cat mating behaviors are not affectionate or long lasting--they actually seem quite stressful, and then the father runs off to find more girls and probably never calls his one-night-stand again.  
this is why I am really not fond of “mate” being used at the go-to replacement for husband/wife in xenofiction. Consider just coming up with a brand new word for your animal character’s version of romance! maybe they have types of relationships and words for them that humans don’t even have! but “mate” feels like. an action, nothing more. It doesn’t inherently imply love. frankly I think more people should be anthropomorphizing mates as simply Business Partnerships where the business is in desiring offspring, as opposed to husband/wife.
Just like....ok if you’re going to use the real behavior of animals as at least the loose inspiration for your anthropomorphic character’s behavior, surely pair bonding would be a smoother translation to what we view as a romantic couple?? not mating?? because pair bonded animals are the ones having consistent pleasant interactions, and being physically affectionate, and working together in life, sometimes even raising each others kids together.  
And keeping that in mind, frankly you could argue that gay-coded cats should be the norm. (not that I think pair bonded creatures should always be interpreted as a romantic coded relationship, you could interpret some as platonic or familial or simply allies needing to survive. The point is no matter what route you go, you are projecting some human experience onto animals who’s minds and feelings we cannot ever actually understand. So to make it coded as a gay romance is just as reasonable as making it an adopted found-family sort of affection. You can go any route and be the same amount of unrealistic.)
If these losers actually want reasonable cat fiction, no one should have romantic affection for anyone! and if two cats have kittens together, it should be treated more like a short-lived antagonistic business partnership where you part ways immediately after. If you only criticize one type of romance for being “unbelievable and silly because these are CATS for crying out loud 🙄” but you don't feel “distracted” or “taken out of the story” about the other type of romance, then this aint about realism my guy, sounds like you just have some baggage to unpack.
I am beating people over the head with a very big sign that reads “Whether you’re writing about cats or birds or aliens or fantasy people or whatever, you cannot grant any creature the ability to love without all the variety and complexity that **naturally** goes hand in hand with those messy emotions. If the creatures can fall in love at all, then there must exist the possibility for some of them to be queer about it. And if you view queerness as unnatural, then we don’t have a writing disagreement, we have a fundamental moral disagreement about life. And I can’t help you there, that’s your problem! But I refuse to let people benignly hide behind a “simple desire for more realistic-feeling fiction uwu” as a defense!! (gay people are real. It’s true! I checked!!)”
#i have to think about this a lot bc someday i am going to hopefully publish an original cat story with a lesbian protag#and then i am going to have to listen to some version of these arguments for the Rest Of My Life#i feel like someday i could write a thesis on queerness in xenofiction and how the whole sentiment of 'the natural' has been distorted#-by shitty political agendas since forever. The Natural became an unquestionable bludgeon bigots use against anything that feels 'icky'#and those sentiments have of course leaked into the general publics perception#and of course it crops up in Xenofiction first!!! the genre that is peoples attempt to rationalize the animal world#and lazy xenofiction writers just regurgitate this sanded down unscientific limited perspective of what ~natural~ behaviors look like#WHERE is that quote Ursula made about watership down#and like and like. look it SNOWBALLS and we live in a SOCIETY--#*grabs the youtube comment section goers by the lapels and shakes them around*#DO YOU THINK IT IS TRULY **NATURAL** THAT SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE THIS KNEE JERK REACTION AGAINST QUEERNESS IN FANTASY#BECAUSE SOME PART OF THEM HAS BEEN LED TO BELEIVE THAT BIGOTRY IS THE NATURAL STATE OF THINGS#AND QUEERNESS AND DIVERSITY EXISTING IS JUST SOME QUIRK OF MODERN SOCIETY#THAT IS OUT OF PLACE AND '''''UNREALISTIC'''' IN ANY FICTIONAL SOCIETY THAT IS MEANT TO BE CLOSER TO THE ~NATURAL WORLD~#you think YOU'RE THE ONE WHO IS CONCERNED ABOUT REALISM AND RATIONALITY IN THIS CONVERSATION I AM BITING YOUR KNEE CAPS RN#yarrow speaks#long post#warrior cats#technically but again this broadly applies to xenofiction As A Whole animal and humanoid fantasy species alike
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pan-fried-autism · 2 years
I was thinking of making Willows maiden name Cottontail. Cuz I thought it would be funny if she was related to Smowballs in some way. But then I was like “naw make it something similar” and now she’s the adopted kid of some cousin of his lol
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Oh please, Medile with RCS all you want. I just want to see your story :)
Greetings Anon ^^
Thank you for your approval and blessing, this means so much to me :-.)
Well, from what I have thought/imagined it that, Samantha would, one day just, wake up in a back/blind alley with a headache and confused in how she got there and were she is.
Soon Sam would realize that things have turned very...strange, everything looks different from the last time she remembers how they were, a lot has changed, so much looks different then from how she thoughts things were.
Of course, the rabbit would, after returning to the Roadkillerz headquarters, realize that the freedom fighter organization she knew, no longer exists, and that they now call themselves the "Roadcurators" or "RCS" for short.
After a quick argument she gets thrown out for being "out of date" and a "living fossil" as she gets called by the leadership of the Roadcurators.
I do like to think that it is then, that maybe Samantha would meet another protagonist and one of her first allies, a "One Star Roadcurator" who is stuck in an office job, blamed for problems that are not their fault...and not being taken seriously, they are also a person who has heard a lot about the "old Roadkillerz" and so would recognize Samantha.
Dissatisfied and, to be honest also horrified into what the Roadkillerz have turned, no longer being the organization she was part of Samantha vows to found her own organization, that is closer to what the "RCS" once was, and not what they are now.
Over the time, more and more people would join Samantha's organization, slowly bringing things into order again, and really supporting and helping people, unlike the RCS who only cares about their image and the deception of helping people.
Of course, the RCS, seeing in the new organization a rival..and a danger to exposing who they really are, would try to stop them.
I like to think that while there a references to the past (for example Samantha getting reminded of Cupid by the RCS recruit who helps her) the cast, minus Samantha would be mostly their own/new characters, however, I can imagine that a few of them are decadents of characters from the past. And of course, a few characters would still exist...in one way or another.
Now, there is of course the question now, why Samantha can't remember how they got there, and for that there is an explanation, which could be potential spoilers
Some unspecific time after the events/end of Roadkillerz, Samantha died, having been able to lift the curse from herself, Samantha started to age normally and passed away peacefully at some time, being reunited with her friend and family. The reason how the curse got lifted requires a bit of explanation if that is alright with you :-.) :
I did think about the concept, that, the whole plot/story that is about Samantha returning the effigy to the location were she stole it, involves a scene/point/plot device, were, a lot of immortal/invincible characters, give up their immortality willingly, to help/aid the god/entity who cursed Samantha in the first place, because said entity was in danger, and so by giving up their curses/magic/technology etc. that kept them alive, they gave the deity a boost of power that helps them.
After the danger in the plot/story is dealt with (a group of mercenaries who got ordered to get rid of everyone so that the place could be salvaged and looted, and the ground be used for private investors to built some building there), a few of the once immortal characters would start to, peacefully pass away (Constance for example), whole others, like Samantha, got their curses lifted and are now mortal again and so start to age normally.
Back to the explanation about why Samantha can't remember how they got back there.
In the afterlife, and seeing earth, Samantha, witnessed herself how the Roadkillerz was changing, and while for some time she thinks this is no longer her responsibility, it leaves her restless seeing the Roadkillerz just...turn into this shadow of itself.
So she wonders what she could do, which isn't much.
As a ghost, on Earth, the chances are rather slim, that someone would notice her, and haunting someones dreams also...didn't seem to be like as if it would be a fruitful idea.
Reincarnation on the other hand, would mean Samantha would loose her memories, and could end up anywhere on the world.
For a while it appeared hopeless and as if Samantha would have to just, sit there and do nothing, having to witness how the Roadcurators turn more and more into what the Roadkillerz were not.
Until she suddenly gets an idea...even if it leaves a bitter taste in her mouth.
Which involves her, approaching the same deity/entity, that had cursed her...and requests to get cursed again by her own wish.
The god is taken aback and surprised, that Samantha would request such a thing, and after her explanations, would honor her request.
However, they do warn Samantha, that, while they could re-curse her, and bring her in such way back to the world of the living, it would be very likely, that she won't remember the reason, why she is back on the land of the living again (as in, that she got re-cursed), perhaps also forgetting that she was ever death, and the god would ask her again if she is ready , despite those risks.
Despite of that, Samantha is ready, bidding her friends and family farewell before returning to the land of the living, waking up exactly were she would at the start/beginning of the story.
Eventually, Samantha would regain that part of her memory she had lost, and remember why she got here.
I like to think she would decide, to stay for a little while longer in those new times, before, at one point again, she would become mortal again, which this time she can do, because this time she was voluntarily cursed / got cursed for good reasons and not as punishment.
Yours sincerely
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curtain-caller · 19 days
So has anyone else realized that Doug from Dark Deception and Vincent from Catherine are like. Same character, different font, or is that just me.
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rowavolo · 11 months
btw diavolo and i have matching furbies that are loosely themed after one another so we can hold them when we miss each other. we dress them up for dates and he takes photos of them for his silly little devilgram account where he has a very dedicated following. i have a clear little pocket in my backpack where mine sits so everyone can see it and his has a little baby carrier type thing that he forces barbs to carry around.
mine is named deejay (diavolo junior), his is lilro (lil rowan) or something like that <3
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