#general oblation board
the-lark-ascending69 · 6 months
Now I'm thinking about a His Dark Materials x Stranger Things AU and the similarities are just enough for it to make a lot of sense but both stories have so much material (pun intended) in them that I don't even know where to start, other than with the fact that the scientists and Brenner and everyone is the Magisterium, Will is taken by the Gobblers/the General Oblation Board, El is probably from Will's World (Will Parry's world, not to be confused with Will Byers - there are just too many Wills here), and she doesn't have a visible dæmon. Barb is a bit too old to be taken by the Gobblers - she probably got caught finding information she shouldn't know and they got rid of her. I feel like the Byers would be gyptians, too, living in a gyptian boat. Henry Creel was probably the one to first open a gate between world by ripping himself apart from his own dæmon, and that's part of how he kills people - severing from their dæmons, killing them, opening a gate. The parallels are just too strong!
But I wouldn't set it in Europe like the original books... I would set it in North America, in their canon location.
The Globetrotter's Map shows that the United States does not exist in this world - instead you get New Denmark, Texas, and Beringia (Alaska), bordering Hispania Nova to the south and New France to the north. That would make them New Danish, right? And maybe the only General Oblation Board facility is in Svalbard and they need to go all the way across New France and Greenland to get there, or maybe this time around there's a facility in Beringia, or simply in the New French far north. Somewhere far away, hopefully where you can see the northern lights. I like that idea, to keep it more North America inspired.
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After whatever experiments they perform on Will, he can separate from his dæmon like a witch, but it also kind of feels like his dæmon can cross worlds without need for a portal, and this happens unexpectedly and without them being able to control it. El, of course, is considered an aberration since she does not have a dæmon, but the party pretty quickly figures that she does - it's just "inside of her".
Jonathan is maybe a photographer who got his hands on some special equipment to photograph dust - something he shouldn't be allowed to own. Steve is on his way to joining the Magisterium's law enforcement arm, though he quickly realizes how horrible the Magisterium really is. Jason is the one who stays there and continues to rise through the ranks. Eddie is the town heretic who just wants to enjoy his fantasy books - banned by the Magisterium for promoting subversive ideas about God, or just not having God be present, or whatever. He has a small secret fantasy reading club where he and the boys like to enjoy forbidden literature about dragons and knights and play board games based on them. The town does not like it. El can communicate directly with Dust. She's like a human alethiometer. Robin is New Denmark's most dangerous polyglot who just accidentally intercepted some weird messages on the radio in multiple different languages about missing children in Beringia. Hopper used to work for the Magisterium as a law enforcer until his daughter mysteriously disappeared and they refused to give him an answer. Max is just there to punch God in the face.
It's almost 6 am and I haven't had any sleep so idk if this makes sense... but it makes sense in my little heart
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aquitainequeen · 2 years
I'd love for you to write a his dark materials/shadow and bone crossover
Ah, there are several ways I'd love to do this, and there's so many different ways it could be mashed up!
The Grishaverse with daemons is the easiest, but then I'd have to try and find everyone the perfect daemon. Animal symbology!!!
Or Alina and Mal growing up at Jordan College, with Aleksander Morozov as her aloof and volatile guardian and Baghra as the mysterious benefactress who whisks Alina away after Mal is abducted. I don't know at the moment how all the other Grishaverse characters fit in save that Jesper is the Lee Scoresby equivalent and Kaz and Inej are Chevalier Tialys and Lady Salmakia. Fight me.
Or, if we wanted to get really complicated, a bit more of a mashup between the worlds, with both Grisha powers and daemons. The persecution of the Grisha combined with the treatment of those at the mercy of the General Oblation Board. Are the Grisha like the witches of His Dark Materials? If so, are they born or do they become? What forms does your daemon tend to take if you are Grisha? What are the attitudes towards daemons, if Grisha are hunted? Is the Fold more than just darkness incarnate, something that threatens to devour all knowledge and goodness? Are the angels the Small Science made incarnate? Who, then, is the Maker? The religion of it all. And how could I make it so that Aleksander is Metatron???
*lies on the floor, all tuckered out*
It could be beautiful...
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amemoryofwot · 2 years
Gobblers = General Oblation Board inch resting…. I love the game of telephone to create the thematic word that the children use
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kissofthemuses · 2 years
New Muse: Marisa Coulter
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Fandom: His Dark Materials (show based currently)
Age: 35
Face claim: Ruth Wilson, Lily James (younger)
Occupation: Head of the General Oblation Board of the Magisterium
Daemon: a golden monkey
Personality: Marisa was a very beautiful, superficially charming woman, she was also very well-educated, especially for a woman in her world and loved to associate with various people of status and influence, yet behind the pretty mask hid a woman of iron, who allowed nothing to go against her or get in her way, her anger was said to have a metallic scent to it. She was notably manipulative, managing to use various church organisations and powerful individuals in her quest for power.
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philippmichelreichold · 4 months
On Ikarie XB-1
Ikarie XB-1, aka Voyage to the End of the Universe is a wonderful movie. Made in 1963, it presages 2001 in terms of grandeur and scale. Like 2001, it is decidedly understated and avoids the pulp fiction plotting and production shoddiness that characterizes so much science fiction. Just ordinary men and women doing something extra-ordinary. I first saw it in the 1970's, and it made an impression.
Most of the movie was a blur to me and a few scenes stood out hauntingly. The deranged Michael blasts a camera and later blasts the robot Patrick. Before the blasting, Anthony's robot Patrick roams the ship calling for anthony while the crew is unconscious from radiation posioning. The derelcit US space ship. Most memorably, the final scenes in which shots of the newborn baby and the crew alternate with stock footage of New York City. (Americanized version. Czech version ends differently)
That ending captured my imagination with the implication that Ikarie was a colony ship. The colony it carried would in time have grown into the human civilization we all know and love today, epitomized by the wonder-city of the mid 20th century, New york, New york. This ending fits in nicely with the American pioneer mythos. A mighty civilization arising from the labors of a few intrepid explorers. This was a staple of some mid 20th century science fiction-- the extra terrestrial origin of humanity. We see it in (off the top of my head) Richard Matheson's "Third from the Sun," Larrry Niven's Known Space and Chad Oliver's "Transfusion." Particularly "Tranfusion." This ending rebrands the story as an American-entrepreneurial-captalist story of triumph.
As captivating as it was, the ending sums up the glaring difference between the Czech and American version. In Journey to the End of the Universe, an American crew travels from another world to the green planet-- Earth. In Ikarie XB-1 a multi national crew travels from Earth to Alpha Centauri and the white planet orbiting it. In the orignal, it is views of the white planet's surface that alternate with views of the crew and the newborn baby.
It may be that the American version no longer exists. A pity that. Despite its faults, that ending offers a much more interesting trope than ooo, we discovered a vastly advanced civilzation that managed to completely pave over their planet. Instead, we discovered a green planet and will eventually pave it over(?). I'm conflicted in how I feel about that.
One of the similarities between 2001 and Ikarie XB-1 is the on-board computer. Though not evidencing HAL's level of AI (or personality), Ikarie's computer is able to carry on the ship's mission after the crew is incapacitated and does so. Unlike HAL, it does not psychopathically murder the crew. Like HAL, it does interrupt the festivities of a birthday party. The general alarm sends all 80 crew scurrying to their stations. It's down right comical watching them run to the turbolifts. A HAL-like understatement that sensors were showing something unexpected would have probably been more realistic, but I did not design the bloody computer.
Unlike Discovery, Ikarie is more expansive than most spaceships in the movies. Not until (the original) Battlestar Galacitca do we see such a large, uncluttered bridge.[citation needed] The crew quarters are of a scale such as those in Star Trek and the common areas are as well. Spaceships before Star Trek and 2001 came in two basic shapes: cigars with fins and saucers. Ikarie is an oblate lozenge in shape, rather like a barge. Its shuttles are saucer shaped, but the main ship is strikingly different. The one detaches from Ikarie and orbits the derelict US ship at a safe distance. In 2001, we have round utility pods with mechanical hands for making repairs. The Ikarie crew does the fine detail work, (which is how Michael gets the dose of radiation that deranges his mind.) but turns the job over to the robots that are centrally controlled by the ships computer. (ah, the benefits of central control.) A pity they don't do the same when they need to burn through to where Michael has barricaded himself. Anthony is RC'ing Patrick, who gets blasted by Michael. The cool part is this may be the first time in Science Fiction an RC 'bot is used to deal with a dangerously deranged person.
I remembered Patrick as being portrayed by Robbie-the-Robot, but this was wrong. Patrick has a rounded head made glass, more like the robot in (the original) Lost in Space. The Lost in Space robot is fully AI, autonomous and goal seeking. If Patrick were ever AI, he's demented now and his malapropisms provide amusement to the crew and consternation to Anthony. His search down the long corridors for Anthony, whom he follows like a lost puppy, is moving and emotionally engaging.
There are no rapacious aliens seeking Earth women. No alien invaders advanced enough to cross the gulf of space yet unprepared for our microbiota. No star destroyers and flashy, Earth shattering ka-booms. I don't know about anyone else, but getting to crew the first ship to another solar system would be plenty exciting fro me. and dealing with the problems bound to arise on such a mission would be as challenging as anyone could ask for. (There is a flashy atom bomb explosion due to the carelssness of the long dead crew of the American space ship, but that is saddening instead of exciting.)
Ikarie XB-1. Philipp Michel Reichold. April 2, 2015
Voyage to the End of the Universe
Third from the Sun
Known Space
'Battlestar Galacitca
Lost in Space
Star Trek
All of my article content should be regarded as attribution required. A link to my content is sufficient.
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viciousgold · 2 years
the SMITHSONIAN is dark at night.
but the PRESIDENT is still there. the only person left, besides the security guards and secret service agents, is the one assigned to check in on her every once in a while. the security stayed away from this part of the museum until she was gone. perhaps the secret service agents didn’t like the security agents. the other had been previously vetted and approved. positioning herself opposite the pile of rubble behind the rope, the PRESIDENT sits there, staring up at the flashing images.  there’s a long pause before she hears the footsteps approaching. there’s a flash of a smile. she knows the other was ordered not to speak to her.
“You can sit with me if you want.”
This museum was a new entry Marisa found, although it led to the same world she had traveled to few times before. It was in a dark area of the museum, behind some bookshelves in a room in the back of the building. It was difficult for anyone to see, just a thin cut in the air, one you had to squint to see. Through it was the world Marisa was from. She exited that world temporarily as she did with the other windows, looking for things like medicine and technology that she could use to further her project with the General Oblation Board. 
It was late at night, and it seemed that there was no one here. Until, that is, she found a woman sitting at a table alone. As she cautiously approached, the woman seemed to be warmly speaking to her. Perhaps she thought that she was someone else. Her instincts told her to walk away, to leave, but her curiosity got the better of her. She smiled a kind smile in return and sat down.
“Thank you. I’m Marisa Coulter.” she spoke. She herself was younger than the woman, in her early thirties, very well dressed and British. There was her daemon too, the golden monkey, but he remained in the shadows as soon as they saw another person. The small animal remained hidden, watching his human interact with the other woman. 
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maddiesnook · 2 years
there is always somebody watching you.
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GENRE - interview piece
WORD COUNT - 10,846
a piece i wrote for my sophomore year 'writing for the media' course in 2020 where i had the opportunity to interview my lovely neighbor.
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“I am Dr. Sandra Williams Ortega, and I’d like to talk to you about how I got from poverty to becoming the first woman of color to be presented a direct commission in the United States Air Force during the Civil Rights Movement,” said Dr. Ortega, born in 1937 Baltimore, Maryland during an intense period of segregation. As a woman of great wisdom and determination, Dr. Ortega was eager to divulge her upbringing that led her to achieving monumental accomplishments during and after her time serving in the Air Force.
Growing up in Baltimore, Dr. Ortega attended Coppin Normal Demonstration School where she graduated early, due to her vast intelligence, and then went on to attend Junior High at the early age of 10. While talking about the segregation of black schools from white schools, she explained, “There was a benefit of segregation, which may sound odd. Black teachers had integrated from other countries and were brilliant and educated, but they could only teach in black schools.” She continues to express that while they did not have the benefit of resources as white schools had, they had learned from the most brilliant-minded teachers. However, the lack of resources is one drawback that served to affect Dr. Ortega when she was diagnosed with Grand mal seizures, a lethal form of epilepsy. “They were life threatening,” she explained. As the only black junior high in her community, the school determined that their lack of resources would not permit them to keep Dr. Ortega at the school any longer.
At that time, though, the oldest black order of nuns in America, the Oblate Sisters of Providence, were building an independent school for poor, homeless and minority children. Dr. Ortega’s parents had heard about the all-girls boarding school that would cost three dollars a month, however, her family could not afford the fees. “We couldn’t pay for it,” she says, going on to explain how her neighbors generously came together to pay her tuition. From there, the nuns took Dr. Ortega in and she became a student at St. Frances Academy.
When her senior year at St. Frances approached, she had already known she wanted to attend college. There was only one college for black children in her town of Baltimore, and that was Morgan State University. Dr. Ortega knew she did not have the money to go to college, but one of her teachers encouraged her to write a letter to Morgan State telling them who she is and what her dreams are. “I remember the letter as if it were yesterday,” she began. “I said ‘Dear Morgan State… I have a dream, and that dream is attending college. I have no money to go, my family has no way to send me, and I beg you to take me on as a student.’” Dr. Ortega emphasizes how one of the nuns told her to write it herself and get herself into college, to ask for it. “That’s another thing I pass on,” Dr Ortega smiled. “Ask for it. If you want something, ask for it… Let people know. There will be somebody who wants you to have it if you have been the kind of a person that is good.” Two weeks after having sent her letter, she received a response from the Board of Trustees welcoming her into Morgan State with a full ride if she maintained a B average in all her classes. “I did not pay a dime. Not a dime at St. Frances Academy. Not a dime at Morgan State… Everything along the way has been given to me.”
Dr. Ortega had just turned 16 when she entered Morgan State as opposed to her peers. Throughout her years there, in an attempt to fit in, she had always made a point to be a participant and put herself in positions where she could be an active part of the Civil Rights movement. Leading up to her senior year of college, Dr. Ortega points out two special things that happened to her. The first being that she received an F in one of her classes: Negro History. Because of her job outside of school, she was consistently absent from class and would miss out on the quizzes given at the beginning of each one. Her professor did what he could to help her pass, but inevitably ended up asking her to withdraw and giving her a failing grade. She received her scholarship based on the fact that she would have all B’s, but that did not happen. Yet Dr. Ortega looks back at this with positivity as she said, “It was a part of my failing so that I could learn to succeed.” She explains how, after receiving that F, her scholarship should have been taken away, but the President of Morgan State called her into his office to give her a second chance.
Regarding the second special incident that occurred to Dr. Ortega during her senior year at Morgan State, she recalled going home after school one day and seeing two men in Army uniforms on her porch speaking to her mother, father and older sister. She realized the two men were the executive officer and the commander of the Army ROTC program at Morgan State University whom Dr. Ortega had never met before. She explained, “President Eisenhower was being asked to open the door of opportunity to women of color to become officers in the youngest branch of service in the Air Force.” The Army officers had come to Dr. Ortega’s house to ask her mother and father if she could be the one that President Dwight Eisenhower would appoint to test the waters of integration. “Who would’ve seen me as fit? I can never understand it.” Dr. Ortega said with an incredulous look. “Black women could be led but were not deemed to be leaders… But they were on my porch to ask if I could be that token female. It’s an impossible story, but it’s real.” With that, in 1957, Dr. Ortega went on to become the first African American female officer to serve in the Air Force.
After being sent to San Antonio, Texas, to Lackland Air Force Base, Dr. Ortega joined a flight of 20 white women for basic training. When talking about her experience training amongst these women, she comments, “You just never know what it’s like to be seen, but invisible… I was a part of a group of twenty white women, but I wasn’t.” She continues to say how these women had never experienced being around a female of color before, for it was against the law, and this was evident in the way they treated her. Dr. Ortega recalled not being invited to her own graduation from basic training, this being just one of the many tribulations she had faced. While enduring such treatment, she remembered asking herself: What do you do? How do you respond? How do you stay in the service? She told herself that she was on a mission to make the Air Force think that black women are good enough and can be leaders. That they have enough value to become officers. Dr. Ortega recalled what the Army ROTC officers said to her, “Make us proud. Do not come back. This is bigger than you.” From then on, Dr. Ortega said she would make sure the Air Force wouldn’t put her out, and not give anybody any reason to think negatively of her, because her being there was serving a much greater purpose. “That was the thing that kept me there,” she said. “Knowing that there is one reason why [I’m] here: to make it known that black women belong.”
When asked how she moved from all the injustices she faced during her training to being in a position where she was able to achieve great feats, she looked up with a smile. “That’s when I met Julio,” she said, mentioning her husband who had also served in the Air Force as the Chief Master Sergeant. The two met in Utah at Hill Air Force Base where Dr. Ortega was stationed shortly after graduating from basic training. He is an immigrant from Cuba who began his time serving as an assistant in the Chaplain's office in Utah. Julio had been listening to Dr. Ortega tell her story and was happy to talk about how he was instrumental in her advancement. He remembered telling her, “Anything you need, let me know.”
Following that conversation, Dr. Ortega recalled the time where she did in fact need his help: when she received her first evaluation three months into being an officer. In this evaluation, she was told that she had no potential. “This was going to put me out of the Air Force,” she exclaimed. Dr. Ortega had called Julio and told him what was going to happen to her, and Julio had kept his promise from before when he said, “I’ll take care of it. I’ll call you back at six o’clock.” Dr. Ortega emphasized that this is where her life had changed. Sure enough, at six o’clock, she received a call back from Julio saying that the Commander of the Air Force wanted him to bring her to his house for dinner. While Julio was just an airman at the time, the Commander’s wife had taken a liking to him, and so both him and Dr. Ortega were welcomed into their home. The Commander asked Dr. Ortega to tell him about herself, and it was there that he assured her she would not have to worry about the evaluation anymore. He then assigned Dr. Ortega to the 4754th Ammunition Squadron, where she was the only female alongside 400 males, as the Chief of Personnel and Administration. Over the course of her career, she oversaw education and counseling services for the military, designed college courses for military advancement, and was responsible for 13 global military detachments.
After leaving the Air Force, she received a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from Ball State University in Germany, and her PhD in Sociology from La Salle University. Dr. Ortega came back to the Air Force as a civilian and continued to provide services to those still serving. Dr. Ortega was hired from Germany at McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey as the Wing Supervising Social Worker where she eventually settled down. With this new position she was able to continue making a change by designing the Air Force Family Support Center that, to this day, offers social services to military families in need. Following her retirement, Dr. Ortega has become an astute mentor, receiving many awards and recognition for her achievements and service.
When asked what she misses most about serving, Dr, Ortega said she misses the productivity, and she realizes that the older you get, the less able you are. She advises to “try and stay busy. If you stop, you lose yourself. I don’t want to die on my feet without doing all I can to make a change.” She answered the question of what her main goals are now that she is retired with, “To be a good human being. For people who know me to say, ‘Sandy was a good human being.’ And for my husband to say, ‘She was critical to my life.’” After having looked back on her life experiences, Dr. Ortega finished with a final piece of advice, “There is always somebody watching you… People see in you what you don’t see in yourself. You’re not smart enough.” She concluded that in life, you get to a point where you must pay back, and that you will realize your job is to do nothing but pay back.
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Will hail hit Colorado harder, or cause more damage? Here’s what NCAR scientists say.
The heat emanating from the ground is making the layer of air which contains temperatures warm enough to melt hail, as discovered by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. The increased number of large hailstones that can shatter car windows, batter roofs, and cause havoc to food crops is caused by warming temperatures. Cash For Houses Denver CO At the same time, as the climate continues to warm, storms in the upper elevation clouds where hail develops — which are characterized by high winds and turbulent clouds — will grow more powerful. The end result is a wild card. NCAR scientists have also proposed the country's largest hail study project in 40 years to try and figure out what might happen. Climate change has locked in for at least two more decades, depending on whether people reduce air pollution, fostering situations that scientists say will favor strong storms of one type or another. Recently, the costs of hail damage have greatly increased in areas around Denver and Dallas. "Even last year when hail storms lagged below average, insurers nationwide saw a relatively high total of $16 billion in claims for damage", said Ian Giammanco, senior director of data analysis and research meteorologist for the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety. He joined Colorado-based atmospheric scientists at a recent hail conference at NCAR facilities in Boulder – shortly before hurricanes began hammering the southeastern coast. “The biggest driver of the rising costs really is the expansion of the built environment. Areas around Dallas-Fort Worth and east of Denver that used to be farmland 30 to 40 years ago are now dense suburban neighborhoods. Also, compounding the problem, we are building larger homes and putting more on the same footprint of land,” Giammanco told the Denver Post. “We just have more things in harm’s way.” With hail, however, the consequences of global warming are unpredictable. Over the last four decades, the depth where hail melts has increased by around 500 feet, according to a senior NCAR scientist. That’s the result of global warming, Heymsfield said. “When the surface temperatures are increasing, the height of the melting layer increases.” Yet, at the same time, “the air holds measurably more moisture” as the temperatures rise, he said. This means that, in the turbulent high-elevation clouds where hail forms in rising and falling air currents, “water vapor in the air is increasing, and that will increase the rate at which hail grows.” As a result of these variables, hail may grow to enormous proportions and fall from the sky before the storm has even begun. “But counteracting that is the increased melting,” Heymsfield said. “It is unclear, at this point, what the net effect is. The damage may not be any more severe due to the melting.” Therefore, the effort to find research that can help us predict impacts and improve forecasts. The most recent extensive government-backed hail studies were completed in the 1980s, according to what scientists have said. NCAR teams have proposed projects that would deploy an armored A-10 warplane to penetrate storms and take measurements. National Science Foundation officials, however, found this approach too costly. Hail was formerly considered round. They now consider hail to be oblate, resembling miniature footballs rather than baseballs. Planes upwind of storms would not try to enter the core area where convection generates hail, as previously discussed. Instead, researchers would use radar and launch drones with sensors on board that could collect data within storm cells. Researchers might also release tiny metal particles that mimic hail stones and may be tracked, according to Heymsfield. If accepted, the project will begin in 2024.
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The Golden Compass by Marco Giorgianni
Part 3
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rhaized · 4 years
Random concept: Mrs. Coulter hosts a Zoom meeting
"Hi, everyone," Mrs. Coulter sang, voice cheery. It was 7 o'clock on the dot as her eyes scanned over all the tiles of meeting participants. Rows of tired-looking men nursing full cups of coffee greeted her.
Who's missing?
The scientist from New Denmark, her daemon answered her, eyes narrowing. Dr. Laurel.
Well, he'd be fired by the day's end. Punctuality was essential. She locked the meeting so that no new participants could join.
"Please remember to mute yourselves," she instructed, "and to turn your cameras on. That includes you, Dr. Stevenson."
"What now?" The old man's raspy voice croaked at her from his black profile, which bore the name "stevieboi251." The golden monkey snickered and Mrs. Coulter fought the heavy urge to simultaneously roll her eyes and shudder.
"Camera on," she repeated, being as kind as she could possibly muster. "I want to see all of your lovely faces."
"Mrs. Coulter," said another tile suddenly, Dr. Jenkins. "May I ask a question first, before we get started?"
No, Mrs. Coulter thought, feeling her jaw clench as she reached over to grab a fistful of the golden monkey's fur. Absolutely, fucking not, you chauvinistic piece of shit!
"All questions can be asked at the end," she said instead, smiling wide as she clicked the "mute all" button. "Now, I will begin today's meeting by reminding you all of the utmost importance of keeping our work discrete, and being tactful while in my employ. In the chat you'll find a detailed report with instructions and next steps that I expect you to read in full by twelve o'clock noon today. In other news, on the matter of the separating chamber..."
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Meet The Gobblers
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spongyspingy-rising · 3 years
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(picks up another project dragon I don't need)
he's a deep north smuggler with no name yet, providing equipment for experiments in Uldegard! he's involved in a plot thread I haven't really fleshed out yet, but it's slowly coming together... kind of got general oblation board vibes to it, from the golden compass
I don't think he's a bad dude necessarily, but he could go either way. I want to flesh some stuff out before I decide!
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drdixon · 2 years
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an   all   women   multi - muse   blog   directed   by   delilah    ( she / her,  21+,  lesbian )
guidelines.          standard roleplay etiquette applies,  don’t be weird - we’re all too old for that.  please do not interact with me if you’re under the age of eighteen.  mature content will be featured,  but always tagged.  my activity is slow and sporadic,  plotted interactions are groovy.  original characters are sexy and if you disagree this is not the blog for you 💋 
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alexandra udinov   as seen in nikita.   canon compliant.   starring : lydnsy fonseca.   cis woman,   she/her.   human.   lesbian.   main verse occupation:  division agent.
bedelia du maurier   as seen in hannibal.   canon compliant.   starring : gillian anderson.   cis woman,   she/her.   human.   bisexual.   main verse occupation:  psychiatrist.
brenda leigh johnson   as seen the closer.   canon divergent.   starring : kyra sedgwick.   cis woman,   she/her.   human.   bisexual.   main verse occupation:  deputy chief of the lapd.
cat grant   as seen in supergirl.   canon compliant.   starring : pending.   cis woman,   she/her.   human.   lesbian.   main verse occupation:  publicist.
celeste wright   as seen in big little lies.   canon divergent.   starring : nicole kidman.   cis woman,   she/her.   human.   bisexual.   main verse occupation:  lawyer.
chris holloway   an original fandomless character.   starring : elizabeth mitchell.   cis woman,   she/her.   human.   lesbian.   main verse occupation:  detective.
cruella de vil   as seen in 101 dalmatians.   canon divergent.   starring : sharon stone.   cis woman,   she/her.   human.   bisexual.   main verse occupation:  fashion designer.
dana scully   as seen in the x-files.   canon divergent.   starring : gillian anderson.   cis woman,   she/her.   human.   bisexual.   main verse occupation:  fbi agent.
emma swan   as seen in once upon a time.   canon divergent.   starring : stephanie march.   cis woman,   she/her.   human.   bisexual.   main verse occupation:  sheriff.
jane porter   as seen in once upon a time.   canon divergent.   starring : angelina jolie.   trans woman,   she/her.   human.   pansexual.   main verse occupation:  principal.
jean rubenstone frost   as seen in all rise.   canon divergent.   starring : brenda strong.   cis woman,  she/her.   human.   lesbian.   main verse occupation:  lawyer.
laura roslin   as seen in battlestar galactica.   canon divergent.   starring : mary mcdonnell.   cis woman,   she/her.   human.   bisexual.   main verse occupation:  president of the colonies.
lisa tepes   as seen in castlevania.    canon divergent.   starring : julie benz.   cis woman,  she/her.   human.   bisexual.   main verse occupation:  apothecary.
marisa coulter   as seen in his dark materials.   canon divergent.   starring : ruth wilson.   cis woman,   she/her.   human.   bisexual.   main verse occupation:  head of the general oblation board and agent to the magisterium.
miss scarlett   as seen in clue.   canon divergent.   starring : jessica chastain.   cis woman,   she/her.   human.   bisexual.   main verse occupation:  escort.
olivia benson   as seen in law and order: svu.   canon divergent.   starring : mariska hargitay.   cis woman,   she/her.   human.   bisexual.   main verse occupation:  detective. (this will change as the mun catches up with series)
pamela swynford   as seen in true blood.   canon divergent.   starring : kristin bauer.   cis woman,   she/her.   vampire.   lesbian.   main verse occupation:  fangtasia nightclub owner.
patrica campbell   as seen in the southern book club’s guide to slaying vampires.   canon compliant.   starring : mary mcdonnell.   cis woman,   she/her.   human.   bisexual.   main verse occupation:  housewife.
pippa pentangle   as seen in the worst witch.   canon divergent.   starring : amanda holden.   cis woman,   she/her.   witch.   lesbian.   main verse occupation:  headmistress.
sarah harding   as seen in jurassic park.  canon divergent.   starring : julianne moore.   cis woman,   she/her.   human.   lesbian.   main verse occupation:  archeologist.
stella rockwell   an original fandomless character.   starring : brenda strong.   cis woman,   she/her.   human.   lesbian.   main verse occupation:  studio executive.
winter blackwood   an original fandomless character.  starring : gillian anderson.   cis woman,   she/her.   human.   lesbian.   main verse occupation:  model.
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lordeasriel · 4 years
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                WHAT YET LINGERS: Act Two            “From before Northern Lights to after The Secret Commonwealth, a take on how Lyra’s world existed through the events of the trilogies, from the perspective of Oakley Street, mostly.”  (read on AO3)
SUMMARY▸While Lord Asriel sets out to the North once again, Dorothea is following Marisa’s steps before the creation of the General Oblation Board. At her last destination in Sweden, she meets a woman without her daemon, a final clue to Marisa’s project. Meanwhile, Lyra is taken by Mrs. Coulter and the Oakley Street leadership struggles with their priorities. Marcel’s need for a favour ends badly.
The consequences of Asriel’s actions reverberate across the world and Oakley Street runs against the clock in order to figure out the machinations of the CCD, who is also in conflict against other groups within the Magisterium. Set during the events of His Dark Materials, currently going through The Subtle Knife. (Spoilers for all the books, including The Book of Dust)
Chapters 9 — 23 (to be updated soon)
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Chapters: 9/? Fandom: 6 Underground (2019), The Golden Compass (2007) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Four | Billy/Seven | Blaine (6 Underground), Three | Javier/Two | Camille (6 Underground), Five | Amelia/ Six (6 Underground) Characters: One (6 Underground), Two | Camille (6 Underground), Three | Javier (6 Underground), Four | Billy (6 Underground), Five | Amelia (6 Underground), Six (6 Underground), Seven | Blaine (6 Underground) Additional Tags: will update tags as I go, Soulmate AU, how the soulmates work will be explained later, Alternate Universe - Daemons, Consensual Daemon Touching, Non Consensual Daemon Touching, Daemon Severance/Intercision Summary:
In a universe where half of a person’s soul lives amongst them in physical animal forms called daemons, one man takes it upon himself to rid the world of its evils, starting with Dr. Marisa Coulter and her General Oblation Board.
But first, he needs a crew.
Chapter 9 is finally up and posted! At long last!
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