#the god of the sun in Turkic mythology
aquitainequeen · 2 years
I'd love for you to write a his dark materials/shadow and bone crossover
Ah, there are several ways I'd love to do this, and there's so many different ways it could be mashed up!
The Grishaverse with daemons is the easiest, but then I'd have to try and find everyone the perfect daemon. Animal symbology!!!
Or Alina and Mal growing up at Jordan College, with Aleksander Morozov as her aloof and volatile guardian and Baghra as the mysterious benefactress who whisks Alina away after Mal is abducted. I don't know at the moment how all the other Grishaverse characters fit in save that Jesper is the Lee Scoresby equivalent and Kaz and Inej are Chevalier Tialys and Lady Salmakia. Fight me.
Or, if we wanted to get really complicated, a bit more of a mashup between the worlds, with both Grisha powers and daemons. The persecution of the Grisha combined with the treatment of those at the mercy of the General Oblation Board. Are the Grisha like the witches of His Dark Materials? If so, are they born or do they become? What forms does your daemon tend to take if you are Grisha? What are the attitudes towards daemons, if Grisha are hunted? Is the Fold more than just darkness incarnate, something that threatens to devour all knowledge and goodness? Are the angels the Small Science made incarnate? Who, then, is the Maker? The religion of it all. And how could I make it so that Aleksander is Metatron???
*lies on the floor, all tuckered out*
It could be beautiful...
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sungodded · 27 days
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Dual promo for two of my independent roleplay blogs for KOYASH, the God of the Sun and MATYR HAN, the God of Courage && Bravery from Turkic Mythology with influence from personal headcanon. OC, AU, multi-muse && crossover friendly. Mun && muse 21+.
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ladyzerodark · 1 year
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I'd talked about drawing Asena interacting with @journey-to-the-au / @kaijufluffs 's Mama Sun from Wukong's Mama AU and I finally had the motivation to draw them!
Also drew their version of the (baby) Six Eared Macaque hugging Asena and a hug between MY Six Eared Macaque and Asena.
Context: in my post-jttw x mythology story, Asena (a mythological wolf in Turkic myth and the ancestor of the Ashina Clan/Gohturk people) is given a revived Six Eared Macaque by a death god from her pantheon as an apology for the death of her eldest daughter. Despite a tense beginning, the two grow to view each other as family, with Asena giving him his own name (Shi Lang). I'm still working on more ideas for their full dynamic but that's the basic idea.
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godofcourage · 28 days
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NOTE: I’ll be away from 13th - 20th October, 3rd November, 17th November && 1st - 6th December. PSA
Independent MATYR HAN, the God of Courage and Bravery, roleplay blog from Turkic mythology. Will be based on Turkic mythology, with influence from my own headcanons. Nephew of my Koyash, God of the Sun. OC, AU, multi-muse && crossover friendly. Written by Wally ∣ MUN && MUSE 21+
Affiliated with: @fortitudina
MATYR && NON-TURKIC GODS ( please read )
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sungodded ( God of the Sun )
godwithoutend ( God of Planets, Stars && Shamans )
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beastwithin, cheekypriest, godofcourage, magneticrage, sungodded, thejadedking, undeadunalive, wolfishturk.
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thewitcheslibrary · 6 months
Ülgen info and mythology
Sorry this one is quite short, I cant find much online about this deity. If anyone does have extra info feel free to reblogg with the extra info!
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is a Turkic creator-deity who, like Helios and Apollo, is frequently associated with Tengri. His name is derived from the Old Turkic words bay ("rich") and ülgen ("magnificent"). Ülgen is thought to be without a beginning or finish.
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Information & mythology
"Ülgen" is a key deity in Turkic and Altai mythology. Ülgen is also known as the "God of Gods" and is often regarded as the highest god. In Turkic and Altai mythology, Ülgen plays a creative function and is in charge of keeping the universe's equilibrium. Ülgen is seen as a symbol of justice and knowledge, as well as of strength and balance in human existence. In addition, Ülgen is responsible for maintaining the balance between nature and human life.
is the deity of the sky and favour in Turkish mythology. Erlik's opponent is Ülgen, the deity of evil and darkness. Ülgen defends humanity against him. Ülgen has 7 sons.
Ulgen is a divinity that is sometimes confused with Kayra Han and Gok Tengri. He serves as humanity's protection and can be compared to an archangel. Ulgen gave humanity fire and defends them from his wicked sibling Erlik.
Ulgen resides in a golden palace and is shown as powerful and long-haired, with a white sun on either side of him. He can also throw lightning and rule over the weather. He is the patron deity of shamans, providing them with knowledge. He represents benevolence and plenty.
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06znj · 2 years
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my new OC Koyash (𐰸𐰆𐰖𐰽𐰴) he is based on the ancient turkic sun god of the same name. turkic mythology is very interesting and sadly overlooked, I had to make use of it!
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duscarasheddinn · 2 months
One of my stories is D&D inspired. I wanna have a pantheon of gods. But while I have a list of names for them from a name generator, I could also use names of gods from a variety of mythologies.
Here's the list:
Goddess of Light: Gimera (original name) or Phoebe (as in, the Titan from Greek mythology)
God of Darkness: Eszotz (original name) or Erlik (as in, the one from Turkic mythology)
God of Nature: Elo (original name) or Aphrodite (Greek god)
God of Chaos: Thosborh (original name; he's also male) or Eris (goddess from Greek mythology)
God of the Sun: Citia (original name; with this name, this god would be neither male nor female) or Vishnu (from Hinduism)
Goddess of Death: Vadione (original name) or Isis (from Egyptian mythology)
God of the Forge: Enah (original name; this one is non-binary too) or Hephaestus (from Greek mythology; would be male)
God of the Sea: Dhomus (original name) or Poseidon (from Greek mythology)
God of the Sky: Edia (original name; she would be a goddess) or Zeus (from Greek mythology; he'd be male)
Goddess of Love: Drymis (original name) or Venus (from Roman mythology; yes, I know Hera is her Greek counterpart)
God of Lightning and Thunder: Yotl (original name; they would be non-binary) or Thor (from Norse mythology, not the Marvel version; would be male)
God of War: Eenar (original name) or Odin (name from Norse mythology)
Most of what would change between these two options would be the gods' names and maybe their pronouns.
That said...
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atlaculture · 4 years
When doing research for this Tumblr, I come across a lot of interesting terms and mythological figures that immediately make me think, “That could be a name in Avatar!” I thought I’d share some of these names for any fan writers or artists who are interested in creating Avatar original characters. The names/words I’m listing are relatively easy to pronounce for an English speaker and in-line with the naming conventions that exist within Avatar (in my opinion).
Also, most of these names/words would not be used as names in the real world, but that’s always been the case with names in Avatar. ATLA is just a world of very on-the-nose names.
Fire Nation Royal Family
Suzaku (朱雀) - The Japanese name for the Vermilion Bird, which represents the element of fire, the direction of south, and the season of summer.
Sanzuwu (三足烏) - A red, three-legged crow known for dragging the sun across the sky in Chinese mythology.
Alaz - God of all fire in Turkic mythology. If fire is treated with respect, his flames can purify. If fire is neglected or disrespected, his flames can destroy.
Nezha (哪吒) - A protection deity in Chinese folk religion. He is often shown flying in the sky with fire wheels and a fire-tipped spear in his right hand.
Water Tribe
Sanna or Sedna (ᓴᓐᓇ) - Inuktitut name for the Inuit goddess of the sea. Sanna is the actual pronunciation of the name, but Sedna is strangely the way the name is typically Anglicized in academia and other informational sources.
Arna - Various Inuit groups refer to the sea goddess by a name that incorporates the syllables “Arna”: Arnaqquassaaq (Greenland), Sassuma Arnaa (West Greenland), and Arnapkapfaaluk (Copper Inuit). I’m assuming Arna might be a morpheme indicating that the name/word relates to a woman.
Takana - Short for Takánakapsâluk or Takannaaluk, the Igloolik names for the goddess of the sea.
Akna - The goddess of fertility and childbirth in Inuit mythology.
Nanook - I know it’s a bit cliche since there’s already a film called “Nanook of the North” about an Inuk man in the Canadian Arctic, but it has a nice ring to it nonetheless. Nanook means “Polar Bear” in many Inuit languages.
Kaneq - Central Yupik for “Frost”.
Kuik - Central Yupik for “River”.
Qanir - Central Yupik for “To Snow”.
Like what I’m doing? Tips always appreciated, never expected. ^_^
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umbralich · 5 years
Never ending survey
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RULES: Repost, do not reblog. Tag 10 blogs!
Tagged by: @lareine-kira and @paleshadeofrose
Tagging: @hangedemperor , @istolin , @maximiloix , @trahja-tia , @eorzeasfrozenknight , @charm-in-spades , @thorcatte , @haila-wetyios , @a-sharlayan-abroad
FULL NAME: Varg Blacksoul, formerly Timur Oronir NICKNAME: Varg-Varg (given by Lareine), Stiffy and Grumpy (given by Silke) AGE:  54 BIRTHDAY:  9th sun of the 1st astral moon ETHNIC GROUP: Xaela Au Ra NATIONALITY: Othard, Ishgard LANGUAGE/S: Common, xaelic, ishgardian SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Demisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Biromantic RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single and not looking for company. HOME TOWN / AREA:  Dawn Throne, Azim Steppe CURRENT HOME:  Pillars, Ishgard PROFESSION: Paladin, medic/healer at Ishgard’s service.
HAIR: Long and silvery grey. EYES: Black with white limbal rings, small irises. FACE: Angular features, long nose, high cheekbones. LIPS: Narrow, often cracked, slightly darker than his usual skin color. COMPLEXION: Grayish purple BLEMISHES: Dark circles SCARS: Lots of scars which he keeps hidden at all times. Two thick, long ones are visible and almost go across his right eye. TATTOOS: No tattoos. HEIGHT:  210cm WEIGHT: Slightly underweight BUILD: Slender but masculine, somewhat toned. FEATURES: Black markings around eyes, and naturally thick, black claws. ALLERGIES: None USUAL HAIR STYLE: At work or formal meetings it’s combed back either completely or with some locks on his temples left loose. In more casual situations he mostly just lets it be. USUAL FACE LOOK: Calm, focused, narrowed eyes. USUAL CLOTHING:  Full, dignified heavy armor or parts of it combined with a long coat, formal robes, jodhpurs, vests, blouses and high-heeled boots.
FEAR/S: Imprisonment, being held or tied down, physical pain, betrayal. ASPIRATION/S: To be successful, self-sufficient and powerful until the end, to bring as many as possible wrongdoers to justice, to find an heir, and catch people still on the loose who managed to escape his revenge long ago.
POSITIVE TRAITS: He keeps his word, doesn’t leave things unfinished, is a good motivator for slackers, aims for high-quality results in everything, is reasonable and logical.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Insensible towards most of people, logic always comes before his own or other people’s feelings, very straightforward, capable of cruelty if necessary.
VICE HABIT/S: Smoking. He hates it, but it’s the least harmful thing that calms his nerves down, and he’s addicted. He tries to limit it though, and use it only in worst occasions, since he doesn’t want the side effects affecting his health or work. If things get especially grim, he also has full stashes of potent liquor and intravenous sedatives.
FAITH: Science usually comes first, but he’s also spiritual in some way. It’s one of those topics he doesn’t discuss with anyone. Some of his duties include working as a cleric, so it may have something to do with Halone. Or then it doesn’t, and it’s just another job.
GHOSTS?: Has seen them with his own eyes so can’t deny their existence. AFTERLIFE?: He hopes it exists, for reasons. REINCARNATION?: It’s a possibility.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Generally neutral, but on demand would choose the side of underdogs: ignoble, the poor and the sick, minors etc. Wouldn’t show his alignment publicly if it was a threat to himself. Would also pretend to be supporting the oppressor, only trying to sabotage their work at every opportunity. Even I’m not sure would he actually die for anyone else or some common cause. He has fled once to save his own hide and he could do it again. Knows main points of what’s going on and where around the world for the sake of common knowledge, but is only interested in topics that concern himself. Has been a target for racists since arriving to Ishgard as a teenager, so he despises them from the bottom of his heart.
FATHER : Not relevant MOTHER :  Not relevant SIBLINGS : None that he knows of EXTENDED FAMILY: Iris Ymir (patient and protege) and Arsene Dreadeois (butler)
Timur is a Turkic and Mongolic name which literally means iron. In Indonesian, timur translates to east and symbolizes hope by the rising sun.
All members of the Oronir tribe believe themselves to be direct descendants of Azim, the tribe's god of the sun.
Varg is wolf in swedish. Varg was also originally a nickname given by his friends at the Steppe. It was the only thing he kept after starting his new life in Ishgard and severing his ties with his homeland.
Blacksoul was given by his comrades in the army for being so ruthless towards enemies - both the ones on the battlefield and the ones captured.
BOOK:  Science, mythology, swordplay, alchemy, etc. Everything that has something to do with his work or hobbies. DEITY: Halone seems to share most of his values. HOLIDAY: Doesn’t celebrate any. MONTH: September and October. There isn’t many little things in life he gets pleasure from, but fall colors is one of them. SEASON: Fall and winter. PLACE: His estate, cathedrals, libraries and forges. WEATHER: Thick fog, rain and sunshine at the same time. SOUND/S: Fire, rain and musical instruments when someone who actually knows what they’re doing plays them. SCENT/S: Herbs, iron, parchment. TASTE/S:  Whisky, tea, whatever Arsene makes. FEEL/S:  Clean clothes, heat radiating from a fireplace. ANIMAL/S:  Doesn’t like animals except for his chocobo, Mori. NUMBER: Doesn’t care about numbers. COLORS: White, black, blood red, gold, silver.
TALENTS: Accuracy of a chirurgeon, skillful with swords, managing to define a goal fast in any kind of surprising situation and being very patient and stubborn at achieving it.  BAD AT: Admitting he has weaknesses, comforting people, having fun, small talk, relaxing. HOBBIES: Reading, studying, weapon maintenance, alchemy. TROPES: Antihero, tragic hero and mad scientist. Definitely could also be a villain. Depends on whom you ask.
“Since you seem to be so worried of my… customers, perhaps I should take you along the next time I interrogate them. You would see with your own eyes what kind of delicate, exquisite and misunderstood individuals they are, when they spit on you, mock their victims and brag about the amount of people they have raped or murdered.”
“Today it happens. Make sure she is out of here before I return tonight. I am no longer even sure which one of them is the worse one.”
“It was a mere procedure. If procedures were considered intimate, I would be close friends with half of Ishgard by now.”
“Do tell me... If you work as much as you claim, how come you are always broke when we meet?”
“Very well. Play something for me. Let us see are you a man of your word.”
Q1 :  If you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1 :  He’s been busy sticking his spoon into so many soups during his life that you could probably make a trilogy of his fooleries feats. The first part would tell about his early life in Azim Steppe and how he was forced to leave from there, the second part about how he found his soulmate and adapted to his new life in Ishgard, and how it all eventually ended up into a shitstorm, and the third one would be the current storyline. No clue about the name, though. The Soulforge would be perfect but too bad it’s taken.
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 : Bloodborne, Dark Souls and Amnesia the Dark Descent OSTs are absolutely the closest ones you could get to Varg. Orchestral, choir, bowed string instruments, both epic and monstrous. Even if there were more peaceful pieces here and there, while listening to them you’d still have that same feeling of dread you used to have while playing the original Resident Evil and Silent Hill games and finding a safe room: you just barely escaped death but can’t stay in the safe haven forever.
Q3 : Why did you start writing this character?          
A3 : He’s quite different compared to my Forsaken shadow priestess in WoW, whom I used to RP for... two or three years? Long story short: I wanted something else for a change. I also used to have an old Forsaken death knight, who was a lot more similar to Varg, but he was more evil. He existed pretty much only for occasions when someone needed a true villain for some plot. He was funny however and I always thought it was a pity I didn’t get chances to RP him more often.
Q4 : What first attracted you to this character?          
A4 : He’s a mixture of four different OCs of mine, with a bit of his original spice ofc. One of them came into being in, uh, somewhat obscure conditions. Kept seeing him in my dreams when I was a kid, and he became one of my imaginary friends I used to have back then. And not just one of the many, but the closest one. Also generally in entertainment I couldn’t care less about Lukes and Frodos. Villains, tragic heroes and the like are my thing. They’re usually the most multilayered and interesting characters.
Q5 : Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 : Perfectionism. I’m similar and it sometimes drives me nuts to watch him neglecting himself while trying to achieve perfection. If I could physically talk to him I would go and slap him and be like “EAT. SLEEP. YES THE THING IS GOOD ENOUGH ALREADY. LEAVE IT.”
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 :  Well, already kind of answered this one, but wait, there’s more: insomnia, nightmares, PTSD, misanthropy and cynicism come to mind first. And booze. How could I almost forget booze? I believe I know what misery is so I’m good at RPing miserable characters and make them look as authentic as possible. *lols like Alcyone from Magic Knight Rayearth* We both also have a strong sense of justice and nonexistent sympathy for those who use others as stepping stones. Aye I know, sounds a lot like a self-insert character, but it’s not like that. It’s more like... before meeting him/the OCs he’s based on, I used to be quite a scentless and tasteless kid. Similarities and peer support attract. And I’ve also learned from him.
It’s also a lot like me and Lareine. We became friends because we had 95% of the same interests and problems but perhaps that’s why we get along so well and understand each other.
Q7 :  How does  your muse feel about  you?          
A7 :  He would probably hate and like me at the same time. Or couldn’t decide. We both like peace and quiet, doing our job well is fundamental and our basic values are pretty much the same. We would get along well if we worked in the same place. However, unlike him, I have some horrid procrastination seasons, crippling self-esteem issues, tend to put other people’s needs and opinions above my own and keep stressing about things for 7 billion souls instead of just myself. I’m suspicious of pretty much everything else except Lareine and our plushie crow Agatha, except that Agatha creeps me out sometimes as well when she takes out a knife and sits next to my bed at night, staring at me, can’t watch Hachiko without bawling my eyes out during the entire movie, love puppies and kittens and danger noodles and I’m addicted to video games. Very likely he’d kick me out as well.
Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?        
A8 : Varg would never admit it to himself, but I think he gets best along with people who are a bit silly in some way, and who get on his nerves by being too carefree and doing stupid things. Lareine and Iris, when they’re behaving. Arsene, who’s kind at everyone. Currently Shaura is my favorite. Varg himself is so uptight people like them help breaking his gray routines. Also a bonus: he doesn’t see them as a threat, so that’s probably the closest he’s able to get to relaxing among other people.
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse?        
A9 : I’m a fan of my own characters. It doesn’t feel like I would’ve created them. I saw them with my third eye or something and I’ve just written for others to read what I’ve seen. I don’t plan RPs beforehand. I just let the hound loose and let him do whatever he wants. So far I haven’t got tired of my characters’ antics and could just write more. The only obstacles are limited hours per day, necessary evils like eating and sleeping, procrastination, trying to sort out my life, and the damn FFXIV. SOMEONE PLEASE TAKE IT OUT OF MY HANDS.
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete?          
A10 : Ehh, maybe 4-5 hours.
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divinum-pacis · 6 years
Prehistoric Religion II
Bronze Age
The early Bronze Age Proto-Indo-European religion (itself reconstructed), and the attested early Semitic gods, are presumed continuations of certain traditions of the late Neolithic.
Hints to the religion of Bronze Age Europe include images of solar barges, frequent appearance of the Sun cross, deposits of bronze axes, and later sickles, so-called moon idols, the conical golden hats, the Nebra skydisk, and burial in tumuli, but also cremation as practised by the Urnfield culture.
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Iron Age
While the Iron Age religions of the Mediterranean, Near East, India and China are well attested in written sources, much of Iron Age Europe, from the period of about 700 BCE down to the Great Migrations, falls within the prehistoric period. There are scarce accounts of non-Mediterranean religious customs in the records of Hellenistic and Roman era ethnography.
Scythian mythology (Herodotus)
Celtic polytheism (Posidonius)
Paleo-Balkan mythology
Germanic polytheism (Tacitus)
Slavic polytheism (Procopius)
Mythology of the Turkic and Mongolian peoples
In the case of Circumpolar religion (Shamanism in Siberia, Finnic mythology), traditional African religions, native American religions and Pacific religions, the prehistoric era mostly ends only with the Early Modern period and European colonialism. These traditions were often only first recorded in the context of Christianization.
For these reasons, the interpretations and understanding of the Iron Age cult in Europe has to rely primarily on archaeological material.
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malevolent-moon · 7 years
In tumblr it has come to my attention that there are really few posts (I didn’t see any tbh) about central asian mythological creatures and when I was showing it a friend here she suggested that I should make a post about it so here we go! Before I start I want to say that my native language is not English so I may fuck up and gonna try to keep as simple as possible (for my own sake)
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This is Tulpar, probably one of the most known one as It’s also in state emblems of Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Bashkortostan. It’s a winged horse created by Sky-God to help the heroes. It’s in single color and these are either white or black. It’ is mentioned in Manas Epic that if someone sees wings of Tulpar they will get lost.
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This is Markut, It’s a giant eagle in Turkic Altai and Mongoloian mythology, it protects shamans and guides them while their spirits are rising to the sky up to third-fold of seven-fold sky.
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This is Huma, a mythical bird, exhausted by burning itself and reborn from its ashes. It is narrated that it leaves the heaven and flies very high at seven-fold skies wandering around the constellation constituting the zodiac. Even it is told that it goes up to Sky-God. It can fly continuously without landing down so it is said in some sources that it doesn’t have any feet. It is believed that it brings happiness and luck to whom it lands on.
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Hello this is Semruk, giant double headed eagle, the symbol of power and strength. It means reign over the East and the West. It is an icon moved from central Asia to the world during Turkic and Mongoloian migrations and conquests. It has copper claws. The right wing covers the Sun and the left covers the Moon. It symbolizes the duality in universe such as darkness and brightness.
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Oh god where to start with this. These are Abra and Yutpa. Two giant snakes that lives in underworld great sea called Tengiz.These creatures names are always mentioned together. They kind of look like crocodiles with two fins at the end of their tail. They are bright shiny copper eyed, crimson handed, green calfed and white chested. They are incredibly huge and put fear on hearts of those who see them. They protect Palace of Erlik (God of Death in Turkich and Mongolian mythology) and known as servants of him. In some texts it says they are scary creatures that live in Toybadım underworld river rather than the underworld sea. They can swallow a whole elephant in one gulp. In some texts the 4 creatures of underworld are mentioned together rather than two as “ Ker Abra, Ker Yutpa, Ker Arat ve Ker Doydu “ sometimes its thought that these four are same creatures. In Altai Shamanism shaman’s dress have design of these creatures.
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sungodded · 2 months
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Independent Koyash, God of the sun, from Turkic Mythology with influence from his appearance and background from Marvel comics and personal headcanons. OC, AU, multi-muse && crossover friendly. Mun + muse 21+
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ladyzerodark · 2 years
So I’m not sure how I’m going to go about it, like with comics or fics, or whatever but the basic premise is this:
Tripitaka has gone missing from the Mountain of the Buddhas and Sun Wukong and the crew have to find him. The last known location was in the Connecticut area, so they head there (followed by an angel, who act as, guides for beings that go to other pantheon territory).  They end up causing an issue for the Power of Darkness who was in the meeting with a group of demons.  After clearing that up, they join forces to try to find Tripitaka. Tripitaka himself, is looking for a way to get into the Akashic records because he wants to help Ilyth'La, a creation of Nyarlhotep and Cthulhu, go against her creators and keep them from being resurrected, permanently sealing them. Multiple different Gods, Goddesses, Angels and Demons show up to either help or hinder the group on their journey.
Honestly, it started out as a simple concept then kinda went out of control and I’m STILL adding mythologies in (figuring how to add in Tezscatlipoca as of today). I want to be fair about adding in mythologies that aren’t touched much in media because they are just as cool as the more talked about ones.
Like I have ideas for shitposts and gag comics (Bluey has given me SO many ideas) so I will be doing those kinds of things when I can/have the energy.
There’s also a separate storyline I have for the Six Eared Macaque, who was revived and “gifted“ to Asena the Wolf (of Turkic lore) by Erlik Khan as an apology for the death of her eldest child. I’m not sure what to call this arc because it’s not TECHNICALLY redemption, more like “Six actually having good influences in his life“ because whoever his influences were in his life before... oh boy. What a mess.  I’m also using it as an excuse to essentially develop a character for him that is not centered around him pretending to be Sun Wukong. (I go as far as having Asena give him a new name, so would he be more of an OC at that point? I don’t know)
I’ll post more about it in a bit, I’m getting excited and that jumbles my thoughts.
Also hey, if you know any other mythologies I should add in please: give me the knowledge or good references so I can be thorough.
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hasansonsuzceliktas · 5 years
Gods and Goddesses in Turkish Mythology: Part II
In my last article, I talked about some major Gods and Goddesses in Turkish mythology. This time, I want to talk about Oghuz Khan (also known as Oghuz Khagan) and his family. Oghuz Khan is a legendary, semi-mythological khan of the Turkic peoples. Some Turkic cultures use this legend to describe their ethnic origins and the political clan system used by the Turkmen, Ottomans, and other Oghuz Turks. Various versions of the narrative have been preserved in many different manuscripts and published in numerous languages, as listed below in the references. The narrative is often entitled Oghuznama, the narrative of the Oghuz. The Oghuznama is a very long and interesting story, so I am not going to go into too much detail. Instead, I want to focus on his two wives and six sons. Oghuz Khan According to the legend, Oghuz was born in Central Asia as a son of Kara Khan, the leader of the Turkic peoples. His mother was Ay Han. He could talk as soon as he was born, and he refused his mother's milk in favor of kimiz (fermented horse milk) and meat. He grew unnaturally fast and became a young adult in just forty days. Oghuz later killed the great dragon Kiyant with a bronze lance and cut off its head with a steel sword. After Oghuz killed Kiyant, he became a hero. He formed a special warrior band from the forty sons of the forty Turkic Beys (lords or chiefs), thus bringing the clans together. Oghuz later learned about his father’s plan to kill him out of jealousy, so Oghuz instead killed his father and became khan. After Oghuz became the khan, he went to the steppes alone to praise and pray to Tengri, the Turkic god I explained in the first article. While praying, he saw a circle of light descend from the sky with an unnaturally beautiful girl standing within it. Oghuz fell in love with the girl and married her. (This girl symbolizes the weather and air in legend, and she is sometimes called Goksel.) They later had three sons, whom he named Güneş (Sun), Ay (Moon), and Yıldız (Star), all in Turkish. Later, Oghuz went hunting and saw another mesmerizing girl inside a tree. (This girl symbolizes the earth and water in the legend, and she is sometimes called Yersel.) He married her as well, and they had three more sons named Gök (Sky), Dağ (Mountain), and Deniz (Sea). These six sons all had four sons themselves, and according to the legend, these 24 sons make up the Turkic clans. There are both gods and goddesses in Turkic mythology, but Oguz Khan’s sons are not seen as gods but rather accepted as holy beings.
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The Three Sons Born from Goksel (Also Called Bozoklar) Gun Han (Day Khan) symbolizes the importance of the Sun to the Turkic peoples. His symbol is the common buzzard, which he uses to hunt other birds. He has a golden tent. Indeed, he is usually symbolized by the color gold, which is also the color of sunlight. According to the old Turkic beliefs, the Sun was always welcome, while the night was believed to be unlucky. They believed that the night fought the day and that the red sky at sunset was the blood of the Sun. Before he died, Oguz Khan left Gun Han in charge. Yildiz Han (Star Khan) symbolizes the night stars. Stars were also very important to the Turkic peoples, as they would navigate using the stars. For this reason, Yildiz Han was seen as a pathfinder and navigator. It’s believed that his symbol was Bonelli’s eagle. Ay Han (Moon Khan) was Oguz Khan’s last son from his wife Goksel, and he is symbolized by the harpy eagle. The Moon was important for providing light at night. The Three Sons Born from Yersel (Also Called Ucoklar) Gok Han (Sky Khan) symbolizes the great vastness of the Turkish homeland. His symbol is the peregrine falcon, and he is associated with the color blue. The vastness of the sky was very important to the old Turkic peoples. Dag Han (Mountain Khan): In the old Turkic tribes, some mountains were believed to be sacred. Mountains were perceived as mighty and big, so Dag Han symbolizes the Turkish state’s greatness. In Turkish mythology, three mountains were especially important. These were the Golden Mountain in the sky, the Iron Mountain on the ground, and the Copper Mountain under the ground. Coincidentally, Dag Han’s symbol are three birds. Deniz Han (Sea Khan) symbolizes the Turkish fleet’s strength and force. His symbol is the goshawk, which has a bluish color, symbolizing the sea. Read the full article
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thewitcheslibrary · 6 months
Kök Tengri - Mythology and information
In Old Turkic, Tengri signifies God or Sky. Tengri, also known as Gök God or Kök Tengri, is the ultimate spirit of the sky, according to Tengricism. The Orkhon Inscriptions, where Tengri is the earliest deciphered term, give early proof of the significance of this notion.
Tengri, the great sky god, is the most revered Turkish divinity. While the majority of Turkish history has been polytheistic, Tengriism has existed as a monotheistic religion for millennia. Tengri, also known as Kök Tengri or Gok Tengri, is the first primordial deity and creator god. We don't know what he looks like, but he's all-powerful and fair. Later beliefs of the deity, no likely inspired by more contemporary philosophies, saw him as the force of good in opposition to Erlik's evil.
Tengri was the Göktürks' national god, also known as the "god of Turks" (Türük Tängrisi). Tengri's mandate established the Göktürk khans' authority. These monarchs were widely considered as Tengri's sons, representing him on Earth. Tengrikut, kutluġ, and kutalmysh were titles given to monarchs who were believed to have gained kut, a spiritual energy provided by Tengri.
Prior to foreign intrusions, the Turkic idea of tengri was viewed as the heaven or the will that controlled the heavens, most likely a force. This resulted in the notion of a personal being. Initially, when Turkic people took over other religions, the term tengri became the name of a (personal) deity or "higher being"
Engri was the primary deity worshipped by the ruling elite of Central Asian steppe peoples from the sixth to ninth centuries (Turkic peoples, Mongols, and Hungarians). It lost significance when the Uighuric kagans declared Manichaeism the state religion in the eighth century. The Huns and early Bulgars spread Tengri religion over Eastern Europe.
Engri is thought to be the supreme god who created everything. In addition to the heavenly deity, they had smaller divinities (Alps) who served Tengri's objectives. Gök Tanrı was the father of the sun (Koyash) and moon (Ay Tanrı), also known as Umay, Erlik, and occasionally Ülgen.
Tengri was the most important deity in the Turkic pantheon, in charge of the celestial realm. Tengri is said to be related to the Indo-European sky deity *Dyeus, and the organisation of the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European religion is closer to that of the early Turks than to the religion of any Near Eastern or Mediterranean nation. In Christian Turkish, Tengri refers to Jesus' father, who is known as "Tengri Oghli" (Son of God) and "Mshikha Tengri" (Messiah God). Tengri is likened to both Allah and Khuda. Apart from foreign religious influences, as far as is known today, the original Turkish understanding of Tengri was "heaven" or a spirit governing in heaven. This spirit was most likely conceived as a power, similar to "mana" in contemporary ethnology.
The most important current evidence of Tengri worship is contained in the Old Turkic Orkhon inscriptions from the early eighth century. These inscriptions, written in the so-called Orkhon script, provide information about the Turks' legendary beginnings. The inscription dedicated to Kul Tigin includes the following paragraphs (in the translation supplied by the Language Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan): "When the blue sky [Tengri] above and the brown earth below were created, between them a human being was created." My forefathers, Bumin Kagan and Istemi Kagan, ruled over humanity. They controlled the people according to Turkish rules, led them, and prevailed" (face 1, line 1); "Tengri causes death. The Old Turkic phrase "Öd Teŋri yasar kisi oγlu qop ölgeli törürmis" (face 2, line 9) and "You passed away (lit.: 'went flying') until Tengri gives you life again" (face 2, line 14) refer to the creation of humans with the intention of death. The ancient Turkic people believed that Khagans ruled by Tengri's will, as stated in the Orkhon inscriptions: "I, Tengri-like and Tengri-born Turk Bilge Kaghan, succeeded to the throne at this time" (Old Turkic: Teŋiriteg Teŋiride bolmuš Türük Bilge Qaγan bü ödüke olurtum).
Tengri, according to one Turkic story, is a clean, white goose who always hovers over an unending stretch of water, representing time. Ak Ana ("White Mother") screams out to him "Create" beneath the ocean. To alleviate his loneliness, Tengri produces Er Kishi, who is not as pure or white as Tengri, and together they build the universe. Er Kishi transforms into a demonic figure who attempts to deceive and entice others into its darkness. Tengri adopts the name Tengri Ülgen and withdraws into Heaven, where he attempts to guide humans through sacred animals he sends among them. The Ak Tengris inhabit the fifth level of Heaven. Shaman priests who want to achieve Tengri Ülgen never get beyond this stage, where they communicate their aspirations to the divine guides. Returns to Earth or to the human level occur on a goose-shaped vehicle.
What he's associated with/his symbols-
 the sun, the moon, the top of yurts, the wolf, and the deer. The wolf and the deer are the common ancestors of most of the populations that participate in the Tengri religion.
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sungodded · 2 months
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Independent Koyash, God of the sun, from Turkic Mythology with influence from his portrayal and background in Marvel comics and personal headcanons. OC, AU, multi-muse && crossover friendly. Mun + muse 21+
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