ftwpositiviity · 2 years
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ANONYMOUS SAID; this oc is honestly one of my favorites. i follow them on every single account that i own and their storylines are honestly the best. seeing them on my dashboard makes me extremely happy and i can't wait to write more with them. they clearly deserve all the love and positivity sent their way.
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deciphertheriddler · 2 years
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The opposition never plays fair... Follow @frstwomn and make your own conclusions!
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splinterdsoularc · 2 years
@frstwomn​​ liked for a starter
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“It’s just a trip to the mall. Do I really need six agents?” The teen figures meeting her crush at the mall was the best option, but she didn’t think the presence of the agents would smooth anything over.
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merveiilles · 2 years
⋆˚  ✧. ┊┊ @frstwomn liked!
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. ❝𝓘 didn't peg you for a 'hang out at the bar' kinda person.❞ Slade commented as he lowered the brown glass bottle from his lips and set it on the counter in front of himself. ❝Thought you'd be too busy or didn't want to expose yourself.❞
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silentmagiamoved · 2 years
starter for @frstwomn
Why? Why was it always him? His gaze passed a glance to the guard nearby before returning to watch the hawk that perched at the window. God he hated how they just stood there.
 It had been over a year now since he’d awoken in that shambling state. A memory that he so wished he could forget from the past forcing its way rapidly into the present. He sought out his aunt first. He didn’t want to. He thought she could help him, save him, but it was his uncle that found him first, and it was at that moment a part of him knew that after more than forty years the immortal Vincent Montgomery finally had to die. – just not without a fight!
He hated it. He hated the way the did it. The move, the paperwork. His immortal kin would not raise him. They tried to give him options. A thirteen year old boy could not live alone. However, Vincent was unfortunately stubborn. He fought them, but he couldn’t beat them. It really fucking sucked. Then once everything was finalised they just simply left with his new “family”. At last washing their hands of the last of their sibling’s nuisance brood. He knew they’d still be watching.
The boy struggled to adapt. Time had passed yet left him sitting somewhere down the road. He had a poor attitude. He refused most of the time to engage let alone talk with anyone. He shied away from any sort of physical touch, he also had a habit of running away. Within a week of his first placement Vincent was found on a bike to another town. He was never violent though, well to anything living at least. Furniture was another story, and technology, well he already loved to take it apart, modify it, like cars, he liked them too, but he was at least smart enough to do anything too stupid. Unfortunately for most Vincent was too difficult to get along with. It didn’t really bother him much. No one would ever get to know him, who he was, the life he’d already lived. He was really just biding his time…
Well he had been until he ended up here… whatever this hell was.
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          It had been... several months? Maybe. Since the apocalypse had started. Her trip to america had started with disney world. Something fun. But that had very quickly ended with her dad being eaten alive in the middle of an overcrowded theme park. And now she was just trying to survive, wandering across a country that she wasn’t all that familiar with. She’d heard rumors. Rumours that gave her hope. Rumours that she strove to prove correct.
          The president of the United States was trying to rebuild America. To Tess, it sounded true and almost inevitable. She was the president. She could do anything, right? Even if it took time. Tess just had to find her and maybe things could be easier.
          Hope. Over many points over her adventure, it hadn’t felt all that hopeful and other times, the old world felt like it was just around the corner. Weeks on the road were grueling and days where she finally found a town were relieving. But people were selfish and scary. It always ended badly. But that hope always came back. The president wasn’t scary, right?
          Somehow after months of hard detective work and walking, she was close. Each time she heard about the president, she grew closer. The next state over, the same state, just a few towns over. Finally... finally just a few miles away. The young girl ran those last few miles, despite how weak she was from malnutrition and dehydration and how often she stumbled.
          When she finally caught the first sight of what she thought could be them, she was grabbed. In her excitement, she hadn’t really been paying as much attention as she should have been and surprisingly strong, rotting hands grabbed at her and shoved her down, pulling a scream out of her.
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ofthestcrs · 2 years
@frstwomn gets a starter because yolo
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The princess had been found in the woods outside the unfamiliar kingdom covered in dirt from her escapades and close to dehydration. She'd been taken into the castle where she was fed and bathed. The kindness she was shown was unfamiliar to her and she felt ... suspicious but also grateful. She might have been dead by now if not for the knights who had found her. After a much-needed rest, she'd been requested to meet the queen in her garden and Leia felt she was obligated to do as such, cautiously walking into the garden.
"Your majesty." Leia greeted the older woman with a curtsy, "You requested I come to see you here?"
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fyrewalks · 2 years
"Ma'am," she says, voice shakey as she stands. "Mrs - Madam President." Jemma manages to correct herself, blush rising to her cheeks as she smooths out her borrowed skirt anxiously. Borrowed, because her lab clothes wouldn't have been appropriate and this meeting, at least on her end, had been unplanned and unexpected. She's making do the best she can, clusmy tongue and all.
"The director sends his apologies." This time her voice is smoother around the edges. "He'd still like this meeting to proceed with me in his place if you don't mind. As SHIELD's Sci-Tech advisor," she explains, "I have the necessary clearance and he's read me in on the incident." Granted that had been fourty minutes ago, hardly any lead time, but the circumstances being what they were, Jemma's just thankful she's been read in at all. Any bit of prep was better than standing in front of the president like a deer in front of headlights.
"Where would you like to me begin?" This she can do - she can explain the science, break down the problem. Navigating SHIELD's role in response without the director's presence intimidates her, but they're not there yet. @frstwomn
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draculatm · 2 years
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"I'm pleased you were able to take the time out of your busy schedule to meet with me. It's been some time since I've spoken with a leader of a country directly. Most prefer Zoom or through third party's for some reason. I don't know why. Perhaps my reputation precedes me."
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wolfvirago · 2 years
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2022 is coming to an end! Is there anything you want to tell the mun before the year ends? [belated but accepting]
@frstwomn said: I hope you know how much I love your blog and your presence on my dash. I hope you have a good new year 🥰
@somnium-led said: 2022's coming to an end! ⬩ RYN ik I've said this over and over but thank you for your incredible writing and OC! Robin's all-around strength as a character is inspiring; I adore that, in spite of the tragedy and loneliness of her world, she still finds space to be tender & friendly & /compassionate/ all while bearing the heaviness of loved ones leaving her 😭 I can't wait to see more of your work, both art and writing, and to RP with you in 2023. I hope the new year treats you kindly :> 💕💕 2022's coming to an end! ⬩ side note: i luv luv luv ur shibe reactions and icons. they always get a chuckle out of me :'>
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;; you guys are so sweet. I am glad my OC makes a good presence on your dash! I wouldn't want to make your dash scary or something if that wasn't the case asdfgf
Happy New Year to both of ya!
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ftwpositiviity · 2 years
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ANONYMOUS SAID;  There is one person that I really do adore and I really love seeing on my dash and that’s @frstwomn.  I love the idea of a woman president.  I think everyone should follow them and definitely have the amazing experience of writing against a woman president.
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cardiomyapathy · 2 years
“ You are absolutely ruining my life right now ... madam president. ” he licks his icecream cone and offers @frstwomn​ a lick as well. then he offers one of her security staff a lick for good measure. “ do you know how many hoops I had to jump through just so I could take you out on a much needed ICECREAM date? at least two. ”
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sialiia · 2 years
• . ° .┊┊ @frstwomn liked!
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. "𝓘 really don't know how you could walk around a building like the white house and not get lost... I'd need like...a map or something just to find my bedroom or whatever."
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whcwashe · 2 years
@frstwomn​ || starter call 
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             “S - sorry, uh ... If they’d told me we were going to the white house, I’d have worn ... something nicer.” There’s an awkward pause as she clears her throat, still unclear on how she’d even gotten here in the first place. She should’ve expected it, on some level. You tell someone you can predict disasters, and then prove it, and suddenly it’s all ‘national security’ and ‘risk assessments’. “They just told me to get in the car, so -- I did, even though that’s .... historically a bad idea.” 
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forgedterror · 2 years
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  “Effective immediately, the Decepticons are taking a claim to the Earth and all it’s territories. Questions? Concerns?”
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mrscoultxr · 2 years
||Starter for @frstwomn​
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    She’d not been on the other side of the window for more than a few minutes when she got her first glimpse at how strange and new this world was. Mrs. Coulter prided herself on being able to adapt to her surroundings almost immediately, and this would be no exception of course, yet… well, she simply couldn’t help but be taken aback by the headlines she saw in the news as she walked briskly by a vendor station on the street. At once, Mrs. Coulter had to catch her breath and steel her nerves, eyes narrowing upon the black font before her.
    A woman president. Well then, thought Mrs. Coulter to herself, best not to mention this one to the Consistorial Court. She read on further down the page. There would be an address this afternoon, in this very area. Lovely, she could get a glimpse of this new world in action herself. In the far off edges of her mind, she could feel her daemon’s caution, and though she could not see him with her eyes, she could tell which direction he was hiding so as not to draw attention to the pair. It was as she was departing the newsstand and passing by the local coffee shop that she abruptly collided with several men in black suits. She recognized them immediately for what they were, and with a twinkle in her eye and a thrill in her bones, she took the liberty of making her fall into a show, landing heavily against some of the men. At the same time, the golden monkey darted through the alley, up a tree, and tucked himself into the leaves to get a glimpse of the woman that might be inside.
    “Oh dear, you must excuse me gentlemen. I had been looking elsewhere. My sincere apologies,” Mrs. Coulter replied, smoothing her dress out before her and looking at each of the men with a contrite smile. Now, she had to be careful, and not alarm them too greatly –if they truly were a security force, then the wrong move could lead to an entirely new adventure: prison break. A tug at her consciousness brought her attention to focus once more. Had the golden monkey spotted the president? “Are you here for the address this afternoon?”
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