#general kanki
serfuzzypushover · 6 months
Hell9, I’m a Kanki ficti9nal intr9ject; if that wasn’t a6undantly clear fr9m the way I type. I just want t9 tell y9u that I enj9y y9ur art. The fact that y9u draw me and Karkat with d9u6le h9rns amuses me. In a g99d way. It’s visually interesting. They seem like w9uld 6e an ann9yance. N9t that the size 9f 9ne’s h9rns says anything a69ut them, I just imagine putting 9n an especially h9ley shirt with h9rns s9 textured isn’t a pleasant experience.
In general, I am enthralled with y9ur art. The attenti9n t9 detail y9u have is awe inspiring. Have a g99d day, friend.
thank u so much kanks!!
i actually think of the lil crab clawws as more like ears rather than horns! (tho i imagine they're made of the same material) they can movve slightly as wwell so i think it wouldnt be any harder than puttin on clothes wwith medium sized horns haha
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saki-693 · 7 days
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Drafts of Kanki & Shio from Kingdom by Yasuhisa Hara.
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I do love them. I do love how they had genuinely tender, loving and healthy relationship. They connected deeply even after Shio was perished. Kanki's feelings for her were intensely strong, like, he can build pile of bodies for her (literally), but also they were very...pure🥺
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By the way, somehow I have an image that Kanki'd like to keep his top off😂
Kingdom story sets up in ancient China based on historical facts, the era always had war and strong feudalism, but no social welfare and human rights, not even concept of them. Obviously, Kanki & Shio were living cruelly tough world. They were kids with no protector and social status when they were lovers.
Young Kanki was dying on mountain path, he said he had nowhere to go. Shio was, ex-servant who trafficked and abused, but escaped from there, founded a clan with kids with similar situations to help each other, and protect younger children. Shio & her clan members build small and peaceful village. Kanki was saved by them, then Shio, her clan and their village became "homeplace" to him. Kanki also saved her from messed up adult-bandits by killing them, when they came to her village, not only they killed and hurt her clan members, but also tried to assault her. He told Shio and her clan members it is NOT RIGHT that they were being mistreated - those kids had to "get used to" being abused to live, because they were powerless - later, he devised a way of defending themselves.
Kanki & Shio had each other's back, they were understanding each other very well, including their suffering. They shared similar spirits, both of them had tender hearts with caring and sympathy for others, also they had abilities to take action. Kanki especially had empathy for the pain of others. The mistreatments Shio & her clan members suffered under absurd feudalism world full of people who ignored those innocent kids, were the root of his rage.
However, his "humane" spirit was the element why he became "inhumane".
According to Shio's clan member, Kanki changed after Shio was perished. She was butchered by the order of a castle-town lord as an example to Kanki, because he was conspicuous in the lord's area. The reason, the way of her gruesome death were just condensation of absurdity and cruelty of feudalism society, which is thing Kanki was angry about. After the incident, he left his beloved's clan, and started building his own bandit-clan. After years of growing, it became as big as army. Then, he attacked the castle-town of the lord, beheaded all of humans inside the castle by his own hands as the vengeance of his beloved. However, even after this successful revenge, he was never convinced of Shio's cruel murder. That drove him into the dark path of intense rage and never-ending vengeance against the world.
Later Kanki became a general of Qin country, because of his strength in battles. He never lose since he was a bandit leader. Eventually, he even became one of the Great General of Qin, which is a top member of the army. General Kanki was well know for his strength, but also notorious for his cruelty. He had no hesitation to kill not only enemies, but also surrendered soldiers and general citizens. He's willing to use inhumane tactics to win, committed massacres in some battles. Even the king of Qin* got angry at his actions. (*Qin king is the one who ordered invasion war, and he was mad at Kanki because he slaughtered too many "surrendered" soldiers. But of course, killing tens of thousands of them "in battle" is considered as great victory......🤔 Kingdom story tells how messed up war is, very well). However, Kanki didn't do that for Qin and the king. He never had loyalty to them, even said he does not care if the country is dying. He had no great cause. He had no ambition. An executive of Kanki-clan said "We had nothing before, but we obtained many things now" - I'm pretty sure Kanki got nearly everything compared to young age. Property, fame, social status, some authority etc. - "But why is Kanki still so thirsty?" was the line the executive said after that.
Kanki's motivation was always rage. Intense rage against the world that mistreated and butchered his beloved and loved ones. That never changed.
His army, most of Kanki-clan members were also definitely not peaceful people, some members said they have no military discipline, loyalty, and even betrayals happened often 'cause they're group of bandits.
Surprisingly, despite his cruelty and the nature of his army, the story shows Kanki was not a type of leader who bound his men with fear and violence. Many clan members, especially executives, purely adored him. They considered they were saved from terrible life by Kanki, because they've enjoyed living since they met him. Some executive members said Kanki is family to them. The story even showed genuinely funny moments between them, and Kanki-clan actually had "silly" type of members. For Kanki, at first he just build his clan for vengeance of Shio, but in the end, the members became family for him too. He actually wanted to take his "rootless wonderers" family along to homeplace, after he was convinced of everything, after he made world pay the price of mistreatments Shio & her clan members suffered, and of course, Shio's gruesome death. However...those aren't going to happen while he's alive, because, who can be "convinced" when your beloved one had been murdered?
The battle of Hika was the first battle Kanki lost, which means his last battle. He lost a large number of his army, and was almost driven to the point of certain defeat. He never gave up fighting and winning until the very end, but also he showed unexpected side this time. Despite he's been a general willing to sacrifice his own troops to win, he let the protagonists & some of his clan members escape by using himself as the decoy. He even ordered one of an executive to stay alive, to organise remaining Kanki-clan soldiers after his death to prevent them from living terrible life again.
Shio's gruesome death sent Kanki down the dark path. However, at the same time, he did not lost her completely. Kanki held Shio as the last light in the depth of his spirit. This is the reason why Kanki-clan members adored him, and they could be family in the pure sense. We can see the light in his spirit clearly through his last fight.
In the death, Kanki & Shio could finally reunite. There's no words like "we finally meet again" between them. They were talking like there's no time and distance gap, they had conversations just like they had been together all the time. She led him and his family(died Kanki-clan executives) to their homeplace, a peaceful village she and her clan members build, a place they called "sanctuary".
Okay. I do love them. I do love their relationship, and I do love the truth that Shio gave "home" to Kanki when she was alive, but also gave "family" even after she's gone. I do love how Kanki held his beloved as the last light in the depth of his spirit. I really love how character like Kanki, a coldblooded warlord, just wanted to live with beloved one & loved ones in homeplace without being them mistreated. In addition, Kanki was actually did not despair of the world completely. He couldn't, because he met Shio, loved her, and kept holing her as the light. That's why he was staying in intense rage, not despairing and emptiness.
These complex elements of Kanki & Shio's story are, the reason why I love them, but also, the reason why I can't stop crying for them. That's really distressing that Kanki's "inhuman" actions came from rage, and it came from his "humane" spirits and love. His cruelty tells more than anything else that how much pain and rage he was feeling since Shio had been murdered, which is how deep his feeling for his beloved were. He knew the pain and suffering of having beloved one taken away from you better than anyone else, and yet, he committed massacre, again and again. His actions are just creating heavy chain of grudge and vengeance (and actually, Kingdom story shows that in great way). But I think, he may understood what he was doing exactly, because he never defended or justified his actions, not even said "I do it for you", he only said "I'm just angry on by own". Another interesting thing is, Kanki was the one who said " 'Invasion war for peace' is just big genocide and big plunder, that never ever can unite people's hearts" to the protagonists and the king of Qin. He saw the world too well since he was a kid - that never changed even after Shio was perished. Those elements make me think, Kanki also may be aware or unconsciously feel nothing can convince him about the beloved's murder, and vengeance journey leads him nowhere. I imagine the existence of Shio was way bigger to Kanki than we think. Not only she saved his life, gave love, family and homeplace to him, I think she also was the light and hope of cruel world, literally. As I mentioned at the beginning, Kingdom story sets in strong feudalism society with no social welfare and human rights. The lords who mistreated and butchered Shio and her clan members were not charged with any crimes. Parents can sell their children without being convicted. Orphaned children had to become servant, or starve to death. General people either turned a blind eye to mistreated vulnerable, or accepted those things 'cause they were all too common. In such world, Shio and her clan members genuinely helped each other, and protected younger kids. They didn't turn blind eye to more vulnerable children despite they also had been though horrible times. They really had tender, sweet hearts. It's just...it is just not right that people with kind hearts suffering the most at the hands of cruel people, because of social structures, power relationships or other messed up reasons (I understand it's fictional story, but also I feel the themes and story of Kingdom has universality that translates into reality). I do not defend what Kanki did, but I can empathies his anger.
The beauty of Kanki & Shio's story is, they were connected deeply beyond death. I really love how Kanki kept holding her as the light of his spirit, and Shio led him to their homeplace. Kanki and his clan members may need to go to Hell, but I hope Kanki & Shio can spend tender, peaceful time together after their death😭
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drogba-prospect · 7 months
12 Shades of ISTP | MBTI & The Zodiac | astroligion.com
The Scorpio ISTP is likely to be a bit intense, passionate and very private. They probably have lots of secrets and they don’t make a habit of disclosing their business with other people. They may appear mysterious to others and this probably adds to their appeal. The ISTP Scorpio is probably highly introverted but they may exude a type of quiet strength that draws people to them. The ‘strong silent type’ is what they exemplify but beneath their penetrating gaze lay powerful emotions that they likely sublimate into creative endeavors. They have a strong sense of self and want to feel in control over their own destiny. They can be a little forceful and they are probably into BDSM and like to bring all kinds of kanky gadgets into the mix. The character Christian Grey from the book ‘Fifty Shades of Grey” is probably a good example of a Scorpio ISTP.
The ISTP Sagittarius is likely to be an especially adventuresome soul who is very open to new experience. ISTPs in general can be very blunt and uncouth and this perhaps goes doubly for the ISTP Sagittarius. They are opinionated but of good cheer with a humorous side. While they may not necessarily be Ivy league academics, this type of ISTP may nonetheless indulge in a good deal of reading and research of their own. They may be a bit more interested in debate on a number of topics including politics and philosophy. The ISTP Sagittarius may also be a nature nut who loves experiencing the great outdoors.
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hananochikai · 8 years
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omg he came because he thought it was going to be a date with the two of them alone:XD
i’m going to ship kankiXyotanwa second to shinXkyoukai i guess.
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dear-indies · 4 years
If it’s not too much, would you mind suggesting some faceclaims of color that could be in a modern punk/alternative band? Thank you so so much :)
ARROWS / angryarrows (1990) African-American - non-binary - he/they.
Alok Vaid-Menon (1991) Indian - gender-nonconforming, non-binary transfeminine - they.
Quintessa Swindell (1997) Black / White - non-binary - he/they. 
Chella Man (1998) Hongkonger, Jewish - deaf - trans genderqueer - he/him.
Ariela Barer (1998) 75% Ashkenazi Jewish 25% Mexican - non-binary - she/they.
Sivan Alyra Rose (1999) Chiricahua Apache, Afro Puerto Rican - genderfluid - she/her they/them - pansexual.
Ian Alexander (2001) Vietnamese / White - he/him - enby boy - queer.
Azis (1978) Romani - non-binary - gay.
Nat Ćmiel / Yeule (1997) Chinese-Singaporean - non-binary - she/they.
Grove / theyisgrove (?) Black British - genderqueer - they/them - queer.
Freema Agyeman (1979) Ghanaian / Iranian - Sense8.
Dichen Lachman (1982) Tibetan / German - Supergirl.
Nyla Rose (1982) Oneida / African-American - trans.
Roberta Colindrez (1986) Mexican - queer. 
Maika Harper (1986) Inuit.
Jurnee Smollett-Bell (1986) African-American, possibly other / Ashkenazi Jewish - Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey.
Samira Wiley (1987) African-American - lesbian.
Kat Blaque (1990) African-American - trans.
Anh Wisle (1991) Vietnamese. 
Zazie Beetz (1991) African-American / German. 
Kanya Sesser (1992) Thai - born without legs. 
Slick Woods (1993) African-American - bisexual.
Park Gyu-young (1993) Korean - Sweet Home. 
Kawennahere Devery Jacobs (1993) Mohawk - not straight but otherwise unlabelled.
Linnea Berthelsen (1993) Indian - Stranger Things.
Khadijha Red Thunder (1994) Cree, African-American, Spanish - After.
Lyrica Okano (1994) Japanese - The Runaways.
Sasha Lane (1995) African-American, Māori, English, Scottish, Sorbian, French, Cornish, distant German, Italian, Belgian Flemish, Russian, and Northern Irish - lesbian.
Adeline Rudolph (1995) Korean / German - Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.
Mei Pang (1996) Malaysian-Chinese.
Brianna Hildebrand (1996) Mexican / German, English, Irish - not straight, chosen not to label herself otherwise! 
Tati Gabrielle (1996) Korean / African-American - Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.
Andy Blossom (1998) Chinese. 
Anna Lambe (2000) Inuit - bisexual - Trinkets. 
Ayumi Roux (2001) Japanese / French. 
Aaron Philip (2001) Afro-Antiguan - has cerebral palsy - trans.
Minni Jo (?) English, Puerto Rican - NCIS. 
Buffy Sainte-Marie (1941) Cree.
Jada Pinkett-Smith (1971) African-American / African-/Creole-Barbadian, African-/Creole-Jamaican.
Natasha Khan (1979) Pakistani / English.
Ebony Bones (1982) Afro-Jamaican. 
Riz Ahmed (1982) Muhajir Pakistani - Sound of Metal.
Fefe Dobson (1985) Afro-Jamaican / Unspecified First Nations, Irish, English, Dutch, Scottish.
Janelle Monáe (1985) African-American - bisexual and pansexual. 
Juliana Huxtable (1987) African-American - trans.
FKA twigs (1988) African-Jamaican / English, Spanish.
Rina Sawayama (1990) Japanese. 
Sho Madjozi (1992) Tsonga / European.
Sky Ferreira (1992) Portuguese Brazilian / Ashkenazi Jewish, Cheyenne, Ojibwe, Chippewa Cree, Scottish, French, English, Irish.
Nikki Gould (1995) Mi'kmaq, White.
Kehlani (1995) African-American, French, Blackfoot, Cherokee, Spanish, Mexican, Filipino, Scottish, English, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, and Welsh, as well as distant Cornish, Irish, Choctaw - lesbian and polyamorous.
Asami Zdrenka (1995) Japanese / English, Danish, Irish.
Jasmine Sokko (1996) Singaporean.
Rico Nasty (1997) African-American / Puerto Rican.
Nakamoto Suzuka (1997) Japanese.
Kiana Ledé (1997) African-American, Swedish, Mexican, Cherokee.
Willow Smith (1998) 75% African-American 25% African-Creole-Barbadian and African-Creole-Jamaican - bisexual and polyamorous. 
Kikuchi Moa (1999) Japanese. 
Jannine Weigel (2000) Thai / German.
Amy Love / Nova Twins (?) Black British.
Georgia South / Nova Twins (?) Black British.
Kayla Phillips / Bleed The Pigs (?) African-American.
Audrey Campbell / Pleasure Venom (?) African-American.
Gabriella “Guitar Gabby” Logan (?) African-American. 
Shikhee D’iordna (?) Bangladeshi. 
Edith Johnson / Meet Me @ the Altar (?) African-American.
Ada Juarez / Meet Me @ the Altar (?) Salvadorian, Dominican - lesbian.
Téa Campbell / Meet Me @ the Altar (?) African-American - lesbian.
Danny Trejo (1944) Mexican.
Zahn McClarnon (1966) Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux, Sihasapa Lakota Sioux, Polish, Irish, French, German, English.
Marcus LaVoi (1968) Ojibwe.
Naveen Andrews (1969) Malayali Indian.
Clayton Cardenas (1985) Mexican, Filipino.
Richard Cabral (1984) Mexican.
Arjun Gupta (1986) Indian.
Rüzgar Erkoçlar (1986) Turkish - trans.
Eugene Lee Yang (1986) Korean - gay.
Andrew Koji (1987) Japanese / British.
Julio Torres (1987) Mexican - esp his role in Los Espookys.
Chai Hansen (1989) Thai / Unspecified Australian.
Xavier de Guzman (1988) Filipino. 
David Castañeda (1989) Mexican.
Kiowa Gordon (1990) Hualapai, English, Scottish, Danish, Manx.
Adonis Bosso (1990) Ivorian.
Harvey Guillen (1990) Mexican - queer.
Jade Hassouné (1991) Lebanese - unsure of sexuality but not straight.
Jake Choi (1992) Korean.
Ryan Potter (1995) Japanese / Ashkenazi Jewish, Swedish, English, German.
Justice Smith (1995) African-American / Italian, French-Canadian - queer - Generation.
Aria Shahghasemi (1996) Iranian.
Luka Sabbat (1997) Afro-Haitian, Irish, English, German.
Nico Hiraga (1997) Japanese / German, English, Scottish, Dutch.
Doug Wimbish (1956) African-American.
Vernon Reid (1958) African-American.
Ice-T (1958) Louisiana Creole [African, French] / African-American.
D. H. Peligro (1959) African-American.
Ernie C (1959) African-American.
Will Calhoun (1964) African-American. 
Corey Glover (1964) African-American.
Lenny Kravitz (1964) Afro-Bahamian, African-American / Ashkenazi Jewish.
Benji Webbe (1967) Afro-Jamaican. 
Serj Tankian (1967) Armenian.
Arnel Pineda (1967) Filipino. 
Derrick Green (1971) African-American. 
Lajon Witherspoon (1972) African-American.
Miyavi (1981) Japanese / Korean-Japanese. 
Tosin Abasi (1983) Nigerian.
Matt Heafy (1986) Japanese / Irish, German.
Jason Aalon Butler (1986) African-American / Scottish.
Kanki Tomoya (1987) Japanese.
Yamashita Tōru (1988) Japanese.
Moriuchi Takahiro (1988) Japanese.
Kohama Ryōta (1989) Japanese.
Marz23 / Lin Zhirong (1991) Taiwanese.
Moses Sumney (1991) Ghanaian - aromatic.
Roshon Fegan (1991) African-American / Filipino. 
Choi Myung-Hwan / Mokyo / Thurxday (1991) Korean.
Scarlxrd (1994) Jamaican, Ghanaian / Jamaican, White.
Remington Leith (1994) Unspecified Indigenous Brazilian, White.
Denzel Curry (1995) Afro-Bahamian.
Do Han-se (1997) Korean.
KennyHoopla (1997) African-American. 
GARZI (1997) African-American.
Jaden Smith (1998) 75% African-American 25% African-Creole-Barbadian and African-Creole-Jamaican.
ZillaKami (1998) African-American.
Iann Dior (1999) Afro-Puerto Rican.
Poorstacy (1999) African-American.
Yoon Jin-young / Ash Island (1999) Korean.
Trippie Redd (1999) Irish, Unspecified Native American, African-American.
Danny Denial (?) African-American.
CX KiDTRONiK (?) African-American. 
Jaxon Rose (?) Black New Zealander.
theOGM (?) African-American. 
Some musicians have acting roles but they’re under the musician category to show they have musician / music related resources! 
I’d also suggest this post for more alternative musicians of colour! 
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taka-oneokrock · 4 years
Meet Tomoya!
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Name Tomoya Kanki
Birthday June 27, 1987
Height 168cm (5'6”)
Place of Birth Hyōgo Prefecture (Japan)
Location Tokyo
Sexual Orientation Straight
Relationship Status Taken (Shidoni)
Relationship Status 2nd verse Single
Children Main verse Tomoaki and Yuuma
Zodiac Cancer / Hare
Nationality Japanese
Occupations Musician
Band ONE OK ROCK (Drums)
Tomoya was born and raised in the countryside with lots of friends and lots of nature surrounding him. He always loved the read mangas and daydream a lot about having some adventures outside of his hometown. When he became a teenager he discovered his love for music and started playing the drums. Later he joined a band, but since things didn’t go well for them he decided to take a different path. Since his passion for music was burning strongly inside of him he became a teacher, sharing his technique for playing the drums. And for a while he was happy with his life, till the wish to be a part of band again became stronger.
Over some friends in his school he heard about a young band in Tokyo that was looking for a new drummer and he decided to take this opportunity. Tomoya called their leader and then traveled into the big city to show the band what he got. Once he arrived in Tokyo he was in awe since it was his first time there. They audition went well for him and he happily agreed to help them out for the time being. After that he went out to celebrate with them, finding out that living in the city was far more expensive than living in the countryside.
During the time he worked with the band they started to become friends and after a little while he was asked to join them officially. He said yes and over the years the band felt like a second family to him. And even though he is the oldest of them he can be just as childish as his bandmates. Taka and Toru are often bullying him, but he learned to live with it, knowing they appreciate him. He still loves reading mangas and other books if he feels the need to be by himself, away from the loud and busy life.
Tomoya loves to keep himself fit and trains several times a week and also playing golf whenever he gets the chance. Food is one of his passions, ramen being his favourite food. He always is cheerful and his happy smile is loved by the fans. He never was afraid to show his weird side, having his own clothing style since the beginning. The drummer always stays true to himself and he is the sunshine in the circle of his friends. He is always ready and willing to give his best and chase after his dreams. He will always do his best for the band and try to pay back their fans for their support by giving them a great show to remember.
Sometimes he can be a bit shy especially if he is with someone he likes. But he quickly warms up to people and he is fun to be around. If he hasn’t a phase in which he needs peace and quiet he is always open for some action. Tomoya loves playing games and can get really competitive, being especially good in sports games. He is an overall cutie which you should really get to know.
About 2nd verse
About two years ago Tomoya met a girl named Kaori. They got along pretty well and about three months of knowing each other they started dating. At the beginning of 2017 his girlfriend was telling him she was pregant with their first child.
They were both really excited excited and on the 5th November 2017 little Tomoaki came into this world. It was love at first sight for Tomoya and Kaori seemed happy as well.
Three months after their son was born Tomoya asked Kaori to marry him, but she declined. She had fallen in love with another man. They broke up and she followed her new boyfriend to America to live with him there.
It was decided that baby tomato would stay with his dad since Kaori was already having a second child. Tomoya is lucky that his friends and family support him. And should his son ever ask about his mom he would give her her number.
Likes: Reading Manga, food, sports, fooling around, making music, hanging out with friends, smoking, vaping
Hates: Things to be discovered.
[[Disc: This blog is 18+ and an RP blog. I claim no affiliation with Tomoya nor with One Ok Rock. All pictures contained herein are not mine.| このブログはただのロールプレーブログです。実在のTomoyaではありません。ご理解ありがとうございます。]]
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ao3feed-todoroki · 4 years
What's Better Left Unsaid
What's Better Left Unsaid by Squooshytaje
Words: 556, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Takami Keigo | Hawks
Relationships: Takami Keigo | Hawks & Todoroki Enji | Endeavor
Additional Tags: Enji finds out about higher ups, somewhat spoilers for people who only watch the anime, more feelings than anything, endhawks that isnt romance??? coming from kanky???
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23914597
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celimunoz33 · 5 years
Cute Turkish Nicknames for Guys
These cute nicknames for guys are generally used by their lady friends or by their family. Here are some good examples of these cute Turkish nicknames for boys:
Canavar (JUN-A-WAR) – It means “monster” in the dictionary. However, it is used in the sense of superior quality.
Cankuş (JUN-KUSH) – He is the very close friend that shares his/her everything.
Cano (JUN-O) – He is the one who is considered as a very sincere friend.
Cengaver (JENG-A-WHERE) – Its dictionary meaning is warrior, whereas it represents a very active person as a nickname.
Cesur yürek (JE-SOUR YEU-WRECK) – Braveheart
Çapkın (CHUP-KIN) – Casanova
Efem (EPHEM) – My daredevil boy
Ejder (EDGE- DEER) – Dragon
Fırtına (FIR-THE-NAH) – Its dictionary meaning is “storm,” but it’s used positively to explain a very effective
Gece kuşu (GE-JAE KOUSHU) – Night owl
Herkül (HARE-KEULE) – Hercules in Turkish. It is used to express an amazing physical strength.
Issız Adam (IZ-SIZ UH-DUM) – The man with no owner. It is used for the men who frequently change girlfriends but has no commitment for any of them.
Kanki (CUN-KEE) – Bestie, bosom buddy
Kaptan (CUP-THUN) – The captain. It is generally used for the men who possess a leader status in any environment.
Kara oğlan (CAR-UH OH-LAN) – Used for the guys that have darker skin color.
Koca bebek (CO-JUH BABE-ACHE) – Used for the adult guys who behave like children on certain occasions.
Kötü çocuk (KEU-TUE CHO-JUKE) – Bad boy
Kral (KRUHL) – The king
Kuzu (CUE-ZOO) – Its dictionary meaning is lamb, and it is used for calm people.
Lord (LORD) – Rich man
Maço (MACHO) – Macho man
Malkoçoğlu (MAL-KOCH-OH-LOU) – A brave warrior from the Ottoman History and was portrayed in the Turkish movies in the 70s, 80s, and It is still used to express brave guys or the guys that have that daredevil appearance.
Minik (ME-NICK) – In the dictionary, it means small. However, it is ironically used for the huge guys such as Hightower of the Police Academy movie.
Panpa (PAN-PA) – Bestie
Paşam (PASHUM) – Pasha was a high ranked official in the Ottoman Empire, and this means my Pasha.
Pilot (PEE-LOT) – Extremely drunk.
Prens (PRANCE) – The best guy of the manager or the teacher.
Rambo (RAMBO) – Very strong man
Reis (RAY-IS) – The leader.
Sert çocuk (SAERT CHO-JUKE) – The tough boy
Sırık (SI-RIIK) – It means the beanpole in the dictionary and used for very tall people.
Sünger (SUEN-GAIRE) – The person that drinks too much and keeps the liquid like a sponge.
Süpermen (SUPERMAN) – The best guy around.
Şaban (SHA-BUN) – This is the name of a movie character, who was famous for decades in Turkey, and this word is used to express a silly person.
Şampiyon (SHAMPION) – It means champion and fathers like to call their sons like this sometimes.
Şeytan (SHEI-TAN) – Satan
Tarzan (TARZAN) – It is the same Tarzan as in English, and is used for the people who do not wear anything to protect themselves during the cold days.
Tembel teneke (TAM-BELL TENEKKE) – Extremely lazy
Yakışıklı (YAKKA-SHAKH-LY) – Handsome
Zeus (ZEUS) – A very authoritative and furious boss or leader
Funny Turkish Nicknames for Guys
If you find out the secrets of the Turkish guys’ nicknaming each other, you will also fully understand the relationships among these guys. Here are only some of the examples of a million types of funny nicknames that Turkish guys use for each other.
Angut (UN-GOOT) – It is s kind of bird (ruddy shelduck), but it has the meaning of hammer-headed.
Armut (AR-MUTE) – Its dictionary meaning is pear, but it is used to nickname losers.
Ayıcık (UH-YEA-JUKE) – It means a small bear, used for a fat or huge
Azman (UZ-MANN) – Monstrous, overgrown.
Baba (BUH-BUH) – Means father, used for good hearted guys.
Balta (BUL-TAH) – This means an axe and this word is used for the people who pester
Baykuş (BUY-KUSH) – This word means owl, and it is used for people who do not sleep at nights.
Bukalemun (BOU-KHA-LEE-MOON) – Chameleon
Camış (JUM-ISH) – Water buffalo
Coni (JOHNNY) – It is used for the guys having an American lifestyle
Çakal (CHUCK-AL) – Jackal
Çakır (CHUCKAR) – It means greyish blue and this word is used for the guys who have colored eyes.
Dana (DUH-NUH) – Calf, cow
Dingil (DIN-GILL) – It means the axle of the car and is used for the guys who don’t have balance in their behaviors.
Fil yavrusu (FILL YUV-RUE-SUE) – The baby elephant. It is used for extremely fat
Hırbo, Hırt (HIR-BO /HIRRED) –) – Boorish, stupid.
İblis (E-BLIS) – Evil.
İnek (E-NECK) – Cow, it is used for nerds.
Kalas (KHA-LASSE) – Timber, it is used for indelicate guys.
Kelek (KHE-LECK) – Immature.
Kereste (KHE-REST-E) – Timber, again used for indelicate or non-skilled guys.
Kılıbık (KHA-LA-BAKK) – Wife-ridden husband
Kobra (COBRA) – The cobra snake, it is used for sneaky and effective people
Kova (CHO-WA) – It means bucket and is used for guys who are incredibly unsuccessful at sports, especially the goalkeepers.
Köse (KEU-SAE) – Beardless
Matkap (MUT-CUP) – It means the drill machine and is used for Casanovas.
Maymun (MY-MOON) – Monkey
Mezarcı (MEH-ZUR-JY) – It means gravedigger and used for extremely opportunist people.
Montofon (MONE-TOPHON) – A kind of cow, again used for nerds.
Optik (OPTIC) – The guy who wears glasses.
Öküz (EU-KUSE) – It is a commonly used word especially by ladies for the rude guys.
Pala (PUH-LUH) – The guy who has a huge mustache
Pislik (PISS-LICK) – Creepy, bastard
Sayko (PSYCHO) – Used for the psychopathic guys
Şopar (SHO-PARR) – Used for the guys who like dancing a lot
Şuursuz (SHOER-SUZE) – Unconscious, blind guy.
Tahta (TUHTUH) – Wooden, used for non-skilled guys
Tavuk (THA-VUKE) – Chicken, it is used for early sleeping guys.
Tilki (THILKY) – It means fox and used for sneaky guys
Tirbuşon (TEAR-BOUCHONE) – It is corkscrew, and this is used as a funny calling style between close friends.
Toprağım (TOP-RUAMM) – When one uses this word for another guy, it means that they are from the same hometown.
Tosun (THO-SUNE) – Bullock, it is used for fattish guys.
Totoş (THO-TOSH) – This is used for the guys with feminine attitude.
Uyuz (UE-USE) – Used for very slow and lazy guys.
Varyemez (WAR-YEAH-MAZZ) – The guys that are rich but never spend their money.
Yılan (YEA-LAN) – Snake.
Yumoş (U-MOSH) – This is again used for the guys with feminine attitude.
Zırtapoz (ZHIR-TOP-OZ) – Crazy
Zırto (ZHIR-TO) – Shortly crazy
Turkish Nicknames for Boyfriend
A Turkish girl would call her boyfriend in a lovely tone with thousands of beautiful words. Here are some excellent examples of nicknames for a Turkish boyfriend:
Aşk böceğim (ASHK BOE-JAME) – It means my love bug.
Aşkım (ASH-KIM) – My love.
Bebetom (BABE-E-TOM) – My baby.
Boğam (BO-UHM) – My bull.
Böceğim (BOE-JAME) – My beetle, my bug.
Canım (JOHN-UHM) – My sweetheart.
Canımın içi (JOHN-UHM-AN EACHEE) – Deep inside my heart.
Canımın ötesi (JOHN-UHM-AN EU-TESSEE) – Deeper inside my heart.
Can özüm (JOHN-EUSUME) – The essence of my life.
Ciğerim (JEER-EM) – My dearest.
Çağlayanım (CHU-LAYAN-UHM) – My waterfall.
Çikolatam (CHICCO-LATTE-UHM) – My chocolate.
Diğer yarım (DEE-ERR YUHR-UHM) – My other half.
Erkeğim (ERR-KEE-EEM) – My man.
Eşek (ASH-EKK) – It means donkey, but it is used positively as a sweet naming by the girls.
Fedaim (PHE-DAIM) – My Bodyguard.
Fırtınam (FIHR-THE-NUM) – My storm.
Gökkuşağım (GEUKH-KUSH-AH-UHM) – My rainbow.
Gökyüzüm (GEUKH-YUEZ-UHM) – My sky.
Güneşim (GUE-NESH-EM) – My sun.
Hayatım (HI-UTTAM) – My life.
Kalbimin sesi (KUHL-BEEM-IN SASSY) – The voice of my heart.
Kıymetlim (KUY-MATE-LEEM) – My precious.
Kralım (KRUHL-UHM) – My king
Kuşum (KUSH-UHM) – My bird.
Maymunum (MY-MOON-UHM) – My monkey.
Mabedim (MUH-BAD-EM) – My shrine.
Nefesim (NAEPHESSEM) – My breath.
Ömrüm (EUM-REUM) – My life.
Prensim (PRANCE-EM) – My prince.
Sebebim (SAE-BABE-EM) – My reason.
Serseri aşığım (SAER-SERRY ASHA-UHM) – My crazy lover.
Serserim (SAER-SERRYM) – My crazy man.
Sevdam (SAVE-DAMME) – My love.
Süpermenim (SUPERMAN-EM) – My Superman.
Sütlü çikolatam (SUET-LUE CHICCO-LATTE-UHM) – My milk chocolate.
Talihim (THALEE-HIM) – My luck.
Tatlışko (THAT-LEESH-CO) – The sweet thing.
Tosbağam (TOSS-BUHM) – My turtle.
Tosunum (THO-SUNE-UHM) – My fat thing.
Uğur böceğim (OU-URE BOE-JAME) – My ladybug (While “ladybug” is lady in English, Uğur is a male name in Turkish and has a masculine meaning).
Yakışıklım (YAKKA-SHAKH-LYM) – My handsome.
Yiğidim (YHE-EAT-EM) – My brave man.
Cute Turkish Nicknames for Girls
The nicknaming stuff has recently been widely used by the girls in Turkey as well. However, the nicknames specific to the girls are unfortunately limited. This is because Turkish ladies are not as harsh to each other as Turkish men do.
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thesunlounge · 5 years
Reviews 294: 雲の向こう 2丁目 (Kumo No Muko Ni Chome)
Last year, Jazzy Couscous put out a truly remarkable collection of ambient music and synth-pop from Japan titled 雲の向こう (Kumo No Muko), which, to put it simply, ranks among my favorite compilations ever released. The 2xLP set was a sincere gift to all of us interested in the revival of the gentler new age and balearic strands of Japanese music and Jazzy Couscous founder Alixkun poured his heart and soul into the project, spending a decade collecting and compiling obscurities and then graciously sharing them with the world. But it came at a cost and in a detailed interview over at Ban Ban Ton Ton, Alixkun describes the nightmarish undertaking of licensing songs from the stringent, unflinching, and bureaucratic major labels within Japan that still own much of this music. It was no doubt a painful process full of dead ends, wasted time, and sacrifices of vision, with entire record labels being completely unwilling to negotiate, which in turn drastically reduces the pool of available selections and leads to entire reformulations of track selections (something that plagued Spencer Doran’s and Light in the Attic’s expansive Kankyō Ongaku as well, leading to, for instance, the very notable absence of Midori Takada).
Despite the soul-sucking difficulty involved in putting such a compilation together, we are all very fortunate that Alixkun had enough energy and resolve to release yet another transcendental collection of Japanese rarities, this time carrying the title 雲の向こう 2丁目 (Kumo No Muko Ni Chome). The 2xLP set is billed again as a “journey into the ambient + synth-pop sounds of 80’s Japan,” and while this description is certainly fitting, just like the first volume, ambient and synth-pop are only part of the story, for across these twelve tracks, we are treated to colorful musical paradises awash in balearic romance, new age splendor, Laurel Canyon psychedelia, seaside jazz spirituality, exotic tribal ritualism, post-classical enchantment, outsider glam rock strangeness, and pastoral prog folk. And amazingly, there’s almost no overlap with the first volume, as Alixkun pulls in a new host of artists to further realize his magical world of Japanese ambiance and childhood imagination. And like last time, those vibes are helped along by a breathtaking layout from Lucy Harris, who here seems interested in how the fantasy creations from her 雲の向こう (Kumo No Muko) artwork interact with the mundanities of modern city life.
雲の向こう 2丁目: Journey Into the Ambient + Synth-Pop Sounds of 80’s Japan (Jazzy Couscous, 2019) We open with “12 No Garnet” by Miwako Saito, with breezy acoustic riffs and sounds evoking alien slide guitars lilting alongside echoing snare drums and tambourines. Saito’s spellbinding vocals drift like a lullaby above the blissful dream folk sway, mostly lovelorn and soft, while occasionally ascending into radiant highs…as if a youthful angel is soaring upon pounding rhythms and psychedelic hazes. We rush into some sort of ecstatic chorus at certain moments, with acoustic guitars tracking the vocals alongside bleary string orchestrations and during a triumphant climax, fragile singing intertwines with bombast passages wherein symphonic drums smash through shimmering diamond synthesis. And before it all ends, an electric piano emerges from the void, playing gentle renditions of the previously ecstatic melodies…like a closed-eye remembrance of what once was. The lone holdover from the first 雲の向こう volume is Yoshio Suzuki, who appears this time with “Touch of Rain” (from 1986’s Touch of Rain). A contrabass thumps beneath guitar arpeggiations and e-pianos sparkle amidst chime strands while ocean fantasy sequences ascend toward the clouds. Elsewhere, we move into sections of ambient prog, with every instrument locking together and moving through breathtaking runs and lush romantic themes. Giant chords crash down before dispersing into silence, after which the double bass solos beneath gentle guitar atmospherics, with the marriage of exploratory fusion and exotic ambiance reminding me of Motohiko Hamase. From faraway, the song appears breezy and simple, yet closer inspection reveals a prog micro-verse proceeding within a new age paradise, one dominated by dazzling progressions, stop-on-a-dime transitions, and interwoven melodic complexity.
Before even looking at the artist behind “Mizu Iro No Kagami,” I knew it had to be Ayuo Takahashi, for this piece forms an incredibly close kinship with the artist’s “Nagareru” appearing on Kankyō Ongaku. As in that track, piano chords crash like gently waves against shore, with cosmic atmospherics and oceanic ethers flowing in the background…possibly sourced from smeared out woodwind loops. But whereas “Nagareru” features the radiant voice of Koharu Kisaragi, here in “Mizu Iro No Kagami.” we are treated to heart-wrenching violin themes, all cloudscape explorations and orchestral winter ethereality. Incandescing pools of sound lap around ivory chord explorations as the violin backs off, letting the keys sparkle and shine amidst a lustrous soundbath wherein fluttering woodwind hazes evoke some whirlpool of deep blue. And elsewhere, the violin climbs towards the heavens…screaming with ecstatic energy as the piano breaks from from the chord spells and alights on classically-kissed lullaby adventures. Guitars strum through phase shifters in Toru Hatano’s “Kanki,” generating vibes of lackadaisical stoner magic and Lauren Canyon dream psychedelia. Anthemic fuzz solos soar over head, sometimes executing elven dances across the fretboard while at other times screaming towards the stars. The phaserwaves splashing off the six-string riffs are so thick and immersive as to bathe the mix in an interstellar glow and as string synthesizers fade in from the void, they carry with them epic 70s prog orchestrations. And beneath these layers of symphonic mesmerism, the pot-soaked blues jam continues undeterred, with touchstones including the rustic psych-folk of Morrison Kincannon and the hippie spacerock explorations of post-Barrett and pre-Darkside Pink Floyd.
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I can’t enough of the work of Akira Ito, whether it’s the prog psychedelics of Far East Family Band or his expansive discography as a vibratory and new age healer. In “Essence of Beauty,” which comes from Ito’s remarkable 1986 album Marine Flowers (Science Fantasy), a crashing wave introduces exotic sequencing while mallet instruments cycle and crazed oscillations arc through the sky. Bursts of squelching acid bass fade into nothingness, dub chords ring out, and crystalline leads moving through drunken solos while electro-kicks stomp through starscape jungles of tribal tom tom ritualism, reminding me of the interplanetary folk of Craig Leon and the magical dub experimentalism of 7FO. A hallucinogenic synth lead weaves Japanese traditional music into an interstellar exploration while insectoid rhythm fx fire on the beat and as everything slowly recedes, the crashing waves return to wash the mind clean. “Flower Moon” comes from the sole Osamu Mizukami album The Waltz for Fireworks, and sees gemstone sonics locking into shining arps over low slung drum exotics, with touches of bossa nova and samba merging while swooning strings and Mizukami’s woodwinds sing songs of the spring. Piano’s drift between chord riffs and solo explorations while bongos and congas flit across the spectrum, leading to a balearic swing awash in fantasy romance, all island breeze chill-out rhythmics meeting beachside fusion jamming. Saxophone melodies awash in touches of cinematic jazz snake amidst glowing orchestrations while layered pianos solo together and at certain moments, the mix backs down into hollow bass plucks and glittering sequences. It’s a perfect end credit theme fro some noir kissed anime…as bombastic as it gaseous…hitting with power but also liable to disperse on a warm sea breeze.
In Tomoko Yasumo’s “Sur la terra” mechanized toms, tambourines, and claps accompany a flubby bass groove as waves of choral synthesis and fantasy electro-flutters flow beneath gaseous brass, with everything strongly evoking the tropical energies of Wally Badarou. Yasuno’s conversational hypnotics move through a seaside synth pop dreamworld until idiophonic patterns replace the voice, with drums now awash in jazz energy and bass synths dancing through sensual fusion motions as e-pianos add touches of jungle bop exotica. Elsewhere, the whispered conversations return, now proceeding over a jam so radiant and harmonious it practically carries the spirit towards the heavens. And nearing the end, we enter another passage of jazz fusion exotica, with trumpets scatting on sunbeams and pianos glowing with soul energy before classical Hollywood strings bathe the spirit in melancholia. Sitars drone over world percussion in Masanori Sasaji’s “Rune,” yet instead of progressing into psychedelic ethno-folk, the track swims towards lands of twilight mystery, with crystalline synth leads ascending on starbeams and sunset orchestrations awash in vibes of cinematic noir. Sometimes the mix backs down into soft piano seascapes and passages of ambient jazz while at other times, finger rolling hand percussion and buzzing sitars underly mermaid choirs, aqueous organs, and abstracted synth explorations that sound as if whale songs are merging with tones of glass. And so it goes for the rest of the track, as passages dominated by romantic piano explorations, sunset orchestrations, and joyous hand drumming alternate with shadowy landscapes wherein crystal-toned melodies, cloudform atmospherics, and jazz chords support waterfall ivory runs while congas and bongos bop over a kick drum pulse.
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Shi-Shonen’s “Harvest (Long Size)” features a drumkit storming through outerspace phasers, with psaltery jangling and keyboards screaming. A drugged out bassline enters while snotty glam vocals shout over top and during moments where the singing drops away, daydream electronics whoosh over stomping rhythms. The vibe changes at some point, moving into a balearic glide wherein the bass slips and slides, jazz drums pound, vibrato guitars drop delirium waves, and a blaring brass section pushes the vibe towards some big band stoner jam out. Later, we flash into dream ambiance, with gorgeous strings and wavering guitars floating through an aqueous cosmos. And from this meditative soundbath, Shi-Shonen lurch again into weirdo glam funk, with the whiny vocals and thumping basslines now accompanied by crazed horn themes while tack-pianos move through some futurescape saloon swoon. Curiously, following this mutant fusion freak out, we are transported to some forgotten port town, where a lonely soul weaves accordion sea shanties. Plonky e-pianos and chiming glitter begin Flat Face’s “Hibi No Awa” as a feminine voice coos through emotive soul whispers. Basslines pound and rainbow hued synth leads climb through ambient prog patterns until eventually, a drifting rhythm enters, with claps and tambourines supporting a springtide dance of virtual woodwinds. Synthesizers are trailed by golden light and backing singers join the mix, helping the layered vocals soar through candy-colored motions as the spirit is transported to some exotic pop paradise. Later, after backing down into crystalline leads and piano minimalism, the drums, voice, and flute lilt back in as bulbous basslines float the soul, layered keys solo joyously, and ecstasy angels sing wordless songs of romance.
“Barcarolle” by Hiroko Kokubu is ambient jazz transcendence, beginning with hand drums tapping out whispers and piano chords shimmering before giving over to flowing ivory cascades. The hand drums recede as the keys dance through sunshine meadows, with cymbals swelling radiantly and a contrabass walking on air...the result a sort of a dopamine infused bebop float aglow in gaseous new age beauty. The hand drums occasionally re-enter to bash wildly beneath cloudform romanticisms and the pianos melt over the mix with glowing starlight and pastoral fantasias in a way reminding me of McCoy Tyner, all powerful chord progressions crashing towards the sky and breezy soul leads relaxing the mind. And as the track progresses, a trap kit drummer increasingly erupts into gentle explosions, evoking abstracted jazz tribalisms and adding layers of dissonance via bowed cymbals. 雲の向こう 2丁目 ends with Mio Fou’s “Picasso No Ao” and a lonely guitar tracing out water melancholy. Pianos fade in from silence to join the ambient meanderings while hovering swells of atmospheric mystery hover in the background…electronically sourced but sounding like a choir singing from the depths of the sea. Sometimes piano and guitar lock together and dance through themes of childlike wonderment while elsewhere, Hirono Mio’s vaporous voice replaces the guitar with wordless sing song fantasias. Then comes Hirobumi Suzuki, his voice replacing Mio’s starlight croon while martial snares build in the distance…the whole thing somehow reminding me of Explosions in the Sky, only as if backing a dreamy city pop duo. Feedback melodies waver like reflected moonlight and near the end, ecstatic chamber strings careen over the mix, with viols screaming like Warren Ellis amidst a paradise of pop ambiance.
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(images from my personal copy, provided by the label and SHINE MUSIC PR)
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midlstrit · 6 years
Tagged by @seth-suffers and thus peer-pressured into doing this with Ryota (bnha oc) here we go oh boy
Name: Ryota Kanki
Nickname: Ry
Age: 17 (generally)
Species: Human
Morality: Chaotic Good (emphasis on the chaotic part)
Religion: None
Sins: Greed/gluttony/sloth/list/pride/envy/wrath
Virtues:  chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
Known Languages: Japanese
Build:  scrawny/bony/slender/fit/athletic/curvy/herculean/pudgy/plus size/average
Height: 5′8 (I think. What’s the slightly above average height for a 17 y/o?)
Scars/Birthmarks: Large scar across his chest and other smaller ones from fights.
Abilities/Powers: Quirk allows him to control shadows (think Pride from FMAB)
Food: Anything fast food
Pizza Topping: Pepperoni
Color: Purple
Music Genre: Panic! at the Disco/anything rebellious
Movie Genre: Action/Adventure
Curse Word: Sh!t
Scents: The air after a fresh snowfall, lavender (anything else “soft”)
Fun Stuff:
Often finds himself climbing rooftops just to see the cool view.
Doesn’t understand social interaction or people in general
Sleeps Everywhere™
I tag no one because HHHHHHHH I don’t want to bother anyone and I dont know who would be up for doing this so the rest of you have fun dfghjkl
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imaginastys · 6 years
I’ve been meaning to do this for a year pretty much but it’s time to close the blog. Life has gotten too busy and I’ve lost the creativity/ muse to continue.
Thank you guys so much for requesting and reading and being so nice. I am extremely grateful for the love and support. I’m going on to medical school finally and will have no life. I wish you all well and I hope you guys also catch your dreams. Love live my Kanky lovers!
If y’all want to follow my personal it’s @lebanasty. I’ll probably never log back in here. <3
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truthsolved-a · 7 years
gently gives you my url too ??!
Send Me A URL and I’ll Respond With My Opinions…  ( selectively accepting )
My favorite muse(s) of theirs and why: KAITO KAITO KAITO Yes, I love your Kaito muse, he is amazing and I love him.  Of course, I love Kanky’s muses in general, but I just love-love their Kaito.
My favorite interaction/thread of theirs: anything with @haruumaki and @maskslain!  Frankly, all of the interactions and threads are A+, but I just love this stuff. . .
My thoughts on their unique characterization/interpretation of their muse(s): Kanky puts so much thought into their muses, it’s unbelievable.  I love plotting with them and seeing how their muses react to various verses and AUs!
My thoughts on their writing style as a whole: I would die for Kanky’s writing?  Hell I would die for Kanky period, but everytime I read their writing, or write with them myself, I just cry because it’s so good???
Situation(s)/Plot(s) I’d love to see their muse(s) in: What haven’t we plotted about yet?. . .I’m looking forward to our plot in the post-simulation verse!
Someone else I love seeing them interact with: Chiso’s Kaede, at @ultimatepianobaka!
Anything else I want to say about their roleplaying: Teach me your ways, ole wise one!
If We Know Each Other
What I Think Are Their Best Qualities: Their enthusiasm towards your muses and meeting new people, Kanky is super friendly and gets along with pretty much everyone!
What I Think Are Their Strengths: Their friendly personality, as said above, and also their passion for their muses!
A Memorable OOC Interaction Of Ours: Bee Pizza.
Why Others Should RP With Them: Because Kanky is one of the best Kaito RPers out there?  And their Kaito is so full of depth??
How Others Should Approach Them: Just dive into their IMs/DMs with a plot?  Of course, Kanky does have their daily activities like work, but they are very enthusiastic about writing and plotting!
Other Roleplayers I’d Recommend To Them: I would recommend anyone in our little friend group ;)
Anything else I want to say about them: I would die for Kanky
If We Have/Plan To Interact Together
A plot I’d like to write with them: Out of our plots so far, I am looking forward to the soulmate prompt stuff we have on Discord :)
A muse I want to introduce to them: Tenko!
A ship/broship I’d like to propose to them: Hm, not necessarily with any of my muses, but Kaito x Rantarou ship/broship?  Hella!
A thread with them I’m excited about: the single dads au we have!  Let these tired parents bond!
Anything else I want to say: I LOVE YOU
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luminaryway · 7 years
gently sets my url down...
my opinion on;
character in general: Amami is such a strange character for me. When I first started playing the game, I couldn’t stand him. It’s got a lot to do with how much of Komaeda he reminds me of, probably. But he’s slowly beginning to grow on me, especially after I’ve done some reading on him! I really like his laid back nature even though he’s got a quite of a “get it done” attitude. He is a very good egg. how they play them: I love the way you play him!!! I love how you write too, wow. I have absolutely adored your blog for as long as I’ve been following you and honestly???? absolutely quality content right here. the mun: I don’t actually know you at all aside from the few times we’ve talked and or appeared in each other’s inbox to yell positivity at each other. I really wanna be friends with you and chat with you and build plots with you! I think you’re great and we have quite a few mutual friends!
do i;
follow them: I do!rp with them: I think we have like one thread deep down in my drafts! want to rp with them: YESship their character with mine: Nope. Not at this moment.
what is my;
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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unspecifiedtalent · 7 years
☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you?
Hmm...Honestly, it’s pretty hard to piss me off. I’m a really laid back person despite how much I scream. Although I’d say petty shit like anon hate??? like I’ll still block you. Come and tell me your problems with me to my face. Don’t hide behind a keyboard. Either we’ll resolve it, or we’ll both decide it’s best to part ways. I don’t have time for people who don’t like me and don’t want to talk about it. Luckily enough, though, I haven’t had anyone dislike me as far as I know of. Or at least they haven’t told me. 
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
OHHH MAN HERE WE GO. Hi my name is Kanky and I have BAD EYES. Sure, I use small fonts, sometimes I really edit icons and make okay themes, but I don’t get all fucked up over aesthetics. I’m a minimalist to begin with, and all of this ridiculous shit where people have it in their bios or rules that their blogs are best viewed through mobile??? like how do you expect people to want to play with you if they can’t navigate through what you’re trying to show them or even read what anything you’re writing says. Maybe it’s just because I have to wear glasses and suffer from migraines in general that makes me hate all of that??? But yeah. That’s only one thing, though. 
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taka-oneokrock · 4 years
Meet Tomoya!
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Name Tomoya Kanki
Birthday June 27, 1987
Height 168cm (5'6”)
Place of Birth Hyōgo Prefecture (Japan)
Location Tokyo
Sexual Orientation Straight
Relationship Status Taken (Shidoni)
Relationship Status 2nd verse Single
Children Main verse Tomoaki and Yuuma
Zodiac Cancer / Hare
Nationality Japanese
Occupations Musician
Band ONE OK ROCK (Drums)
Tomoya was born and raised in the countryside with lots of friends and lots of nature surrounding him. He always loved the read mangas and daydream a lot about having some adventures outside of his hometown. When he became a teenager he discovered his love for music and started playing the drums. Later he joined a band, but since things didn’t go well for them he decided to take a different path. Since his passion for music was burning strongly inside of him he became a teacher, sharing his technique for playing the drums. And for a while he was happy with his life, till the wish to be a part of band again became stronger.
Over some friends in his school he heard about a young band in Tokyo that was looking for a new drummer and he decided to take this opportunity. Tomoya called their leader and then traveled into the big city to show the band what he got. Once he arrived in Tokyo he was in awe since it was his first time there. They audition went well for him and he happily agreed to help them out for the time being. After that he went out to celebrate with them, finding out that living in the city was far more expensive than living in the countryside.
During the time he worked with the band they started to become friends and after a little while he was asked to join them officially. He said yes and over the years the band felt like a second family to him. And even though he is the oldest of them he can be just as childish as his bandmates. Taka and Toru are often bullying him, but he learned to live with it, knowing they appreciate him. He still loves reading mangas and other books if he feels the need to be by himself, away from the loud and busy life.
Tomoya loves to keep himself fit and trains several times a week and also playing golf whenever he gets the chance. Food is one of his passions, ramen being his favourite food. He always is cheerful and his happy smile is loved by the fans. He never was afraid to show his weird side, having his own clothing style since the beginning. The drummer always stays true to himself and he is the sunshine in the circle of his friends. He is always ready and willing to give his best and chase after his dreams. He will always do his best for the band and try to pay back their fans for their support by giving them a great show to remember.
Sometimes he can be a bit shy especially if he is with someone he likes. But he quickly warms up to people and he is fun to be around. If he hasn’t a phase in which he needs peace and quiet he is always open for some action. Tomoya loves playing games and can get really competitive, being especially good in sports games. He is an overall cutie which you should really get to know.
About 2nd verse
About two years ago Tomoya met a girl named Kaori. They got along pretty well and about three months of knowing each other they started dating. At the beginning of 2017 his girlfriend was telling him she was pregant with their first child.
They were both really excited excited and on the 5th November 2017 little Tomoaki came into this world. It was love at first sight for Tomoya and Kaori seemed happy as well.
Three months after their son was born Tomoya asked Kaori to marry him, but she declined. She had fallen in love with another man. They broke up and she followed her new boyfriend to America to live with him there.
It was decided that baby tomato would stay with his dad since Kaori was already having a second child. Tomoya is lucky that his friends and family support him. And should his son ever ask about his mom he would give her her number.
Likes: Reading Manga, food, sports, fooling around, making music, hanging out with friends, smoking, vaping
Hates: Things to be discovered.
[[Disc: This blog is 18+ and an RP blog. I claim no affiliation with Tomoya nor with One Ok Rock. All pictures contained herein are not mine.| このブログはただのロールプレーブログです。実在のTomoyaではありません。ご理解ありがとうございます。]]
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sparda3g · 5 years
Kingdom Chapter 629 Review
Have you ever wonder how the scene would look like if the protagonist were to die before the series’ end? This is perhaps the closest you can get. It’s uncertain how the series would really end, but if it leads to sadness, then this is a sneak preview. Houken is gone, but at what cost.
Riboku has escaped to Gyou, now that his trump card has been defeated. It wouldn’t be long now before he confronts Kanki; that should be interesting. It doesn’t mean Ousen would let him free; eventually, Riboku would have to deal with two top men. No doubt, he is in the worst position, but maybe he can somehow make it balance.
Ousen orders Denrimi, who like to do hand gestures, to send men to chase after Riboku. This should be a certain victory for them. However, the problem arise when Mouten and others realize Hi Shin Unit isn’t moving, even when they were closest to the target. You know it’s serious when Ousen orders Denrimi to send someone to check immediately. Usually, he tend to let the side to work itself out, but this is severe enough to not ignore. From here on out, the rest of the chapter is pure dreary, sorrowful, and heartbreaking.
It’s pretty morbid to look at the silent page with everyone breaking down into tears while Ten stares at the sight that practically took her life away. The reactions from every member feels real; each portrays their character well and when it comes to breaking it, it’s tear-jerking. If this isn’t the best example of strong men can cry, then I don’t know what is. Once the captain falls, the unit falls. It’s depressing to say the least.
Bihei is carrying Shin’s body, desperately to wake him up. This is painful; it’s like losing a brother all over again. Denei is in full denial mode; will not give in the thought of captain’s demise. The most morbid moment is when the body drop and everyone can see the face. It’s downright disturbing. It can make a fan feel unsettling with the close-up shot, and this is manga. Don’t need to be bloody to feel this way. It speaks heavily when En throws up at the sight. That’s the reaction when someone sees a dead man, and that’s what Shin is: a dead man.
Denei still doesn’t buy it. One of the part that hits me is Suugen. He examines the body, only to receive nothing but negative results. He practically tell everyone to accept the fate, but even he can’t hold back his tears. I don’t recall if we ever see him crying. Like Snow White Disney film with Grumpy’s tears, this hits me hard. Strong man can cry.
The scene shifts to outside perspective view with Akakin notices Shin has fallen. Although some men couldn’t believe the unit is frozen in state, he knows how they function. The ship can’t move without its captain. Nothing they can do, so they just move on to Riboku’s head. As for new cadets, they are far away from the sight, but what they heard left them in pain. Could you imagine if Shousa was alive to see this moment? I can’t say I’m glad he’s not around. For all we know, they’re chatting in the afterlife. It’s just tragic.
Hairou makes his way to see Shin, squeeze his way to join in the wake. Denei is still not giving up; sadly, he finally comes to acceptance. The big man breaking into tears is another part that hits me hard. Let’s be honest, it’s easier to say we accept death when the time comes, but when the time does come, we may end up reacting otherwise. In short, I can’t blame him at all. Sosui even break into tears and this was the guy who didn’t cry for Shousa. Everyone else is either in state of shock or in tears.
The last part that hits me and probably the hardest is Ten. Keep in mind, she has been with Shin since the very beginning. They fought through hell and live. Every step is one step closer for Shin to become The Great General. That dream was close to become a reality, and this is how it end.
What I find it emotional is how Ten speaks for everyone. They too went through hell and live to this day. Some were unfortunate to lose their lives. But if there’s one thing that cannot break is loyalty. Everyone loved their captain; all they wanted is to see him fulfill his destiny. That can’t happen anymore. Ten cries heavily and everyone follows. It doesn’t help that she holds feelings for him, so that’s more than enough to lose the will to move. Multiple panels have men crying; still finding it hard to believe it myself. I know something will happen, but this scene has me weakened.
In the midst of tear-jerking, Kyou Kai approaches to Ten, asking her to move aside. The chapter ends with a determined face; implying she has a plan to wake Shin up. I don’t know what the idea is, but I hope it’s not life-exchanging ploy. I know Shin wouldn’t stay down, but I wonder what Hara-sensei has in mind with this scenario. Surely, it will have consequences to bring him back to life.
This was a depressing chapter. If the series’ ending end with happiness, then this is the closest you can get to witness the tragic fate. Regardless, this was hard-hitting. The raw emotions struck me; so many tears were shed, including those who hardly if not ever does. The ending leave room for many possibilities, whatever Kyou Kai has in mind. Let’s hope it’s not a life for a life. We can’t afford to lose any character anymore.
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