#general judo
liaazhang · 5 months
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kellerybird · 10 months
Losing my mind of people making Sister Michael content and saying she does karate
She does judo
She states this in the show. Multiple times.
She does judo on Fridays and doesn't like to miss it
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forgechildofheph · 2 months
Is it possible to still like a character but dislike/feel iffy about their canon relationship/portrayal?
#Percabeth shippers pls dont come at me#I like annabeth ok#I just feel weird reading the books and how she's portayed at times#I dont want to be jumped#I just think they both need to grow more as people themselves before getting into a relationship#theyre kids who never had a chance being kids#and theres healthier ways to show affection and it was cute when I was younger but rereading the books now just fills me up with dread#i just think they both need therapy first#gods i feel like a sniper is aiming at my head#just to reiterate: I like Annabeth#but not Percabeth#I don't like any of the ships in general tbf#like the part where they talk about what Percy will do for college while in Tartarus#that one was sweet#judo flip and all the “punching” was unnecessary#And the canonically lowering his self esteem#and the healthy dose of fear in that one kane book i forgot the name of#and why can't the “punch” be a playful “nudge” instead?#Idk I just see myself in Annabeth a lot but when I see how she's portrayed w her actions I'm horrified#because it takes a lot of hurt to be gentle and ik Annabeth is a sweetheart at her core#Cerberus in book 1 Her dream to be w her family in book 2 so on and so forth#like shes strong and soft at the same time but why is the soft part not that shown? Thats part of her complexity#gods i love annabeth chase#but Percabeth????#There's a lot of good fandom written percabeth#but canon Percabeth????#I wish that sometimes her character was written about more instead of just being a generic stronk female lead#yeah i said it#she's more of a strong female romantic character than “Annabeth Chase” herself#better off as friends and I'll die on this hill
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bumblingbee1 · 8 months
Aight, so far, the martial arts that have piqued my interest the most are Muay Thai, Judo and Aikido. As I have tried out Muay Thai for a week and really enjoyed it, I am looking forward to checking out the latter two this year.
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ink-asunder · 6 months
Why is everyone calling Dirt a "Wendy redemption arc"? Like. She didn't ever do anything wrong??
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aiartworks360 · 9 months
Judo Cat Animation 🥋😼
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theinfinitedivides · 2 years
note to self do not try and watch BTS clips from SRK films at ungodly hours of the morning, your gay ass will regret it one way or another
#film: happy new year#local gay watches Bollywood.txt#this post is brought to you by me finding bloopers from Happy New Year yesterday on YouTube and having them on loop since#i cannot breathe#i open my mouth to take in oxygen and i do nothing but wheeze myself into oblivion#99.8% of the character breaks in these clips are caused by Abhishek B the rest are just cast shenanigans and SRK existing in general#part 1 and 2 of the blooper series are cursed tho istg#you have Shah Rukh about to judo kick a mf*cker (read: the cardboard bodyguard that fell down while he was passing#in one of the takes and everyone subsequently looking at him like he's lost a few braincells).#you have Shah Rukh almost spitting out his water in the first ten seconds of part 2 bc of Abhishek.#you have a very specific point in that video where for no reason whatsoever he leans in to tell Boman Irani something and just.#f*cking licks him from chin to cheekbone. Irani glitches for at least five seconds afterwards#as one is want to do after being licked by the Shah Rukh f*cking Khan.#Don flashbacks immediately show up. one of the other cast members is trying not to be the third wheel and is failing miserably#if we're honest he's more unhinged on set than on Twitter#channeling 'freedom is a thot' energy but so are you sir!!!#look here that is not very heterosexual of you#anyway i need this or else i'll talk about how the CBFC really heard everyone screaming about the saffron bikini#and decided that there was some weight to that and asked the Pathaan team to come back with edits to the songs#then again this is the same CBFC that just rescinded a certificate they gave to a Pakistani film for release in the country#and didn't give a reason as to why
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spideysatan · 2 months
the olympics games are actually really sad when you have a heart
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videoblogbyjacobo · 1 year
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In the remarkable TEDx talk titled "Vision Beyond Sight: Judo, Tech, and the Paralympic Dream," Caecilia Riedl takes the stage at TEDxLuxembourgCityED with an electrifying presence that immediately captivates her audience. With a blend of excitement and professionalism in her tone of voice, Riedl unveils an awe-inspiring story that transcends physical limitations. As she delves into her personal journey as a visually impaired judoka, Riedl seamlessly intertwines technology's transformative power within the world of adaptive sports. Her vivid descriptions transport us to the dojo, where we witness her unwavering determination and unparalleled resilience. Through cutting-edge advancements like haptic suits and virtual reality simulations, Riedl showcases how these innovations have revolutionized training techniques for athletes with disabilities. Every word spoken by Riedl resonates deeply within our souls as she recounts tales of triumph over adversity—her passion radiating through each syllable uttered on that stage at TEDxLuxembourgCityED. Watch video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qokenEyf_x0
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writers-potion · 4 months
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Writing Weapons (7): Unarmed Combat (Hand-to-Hand Fighting)
In a fight situation with no weapons, characters will stick with the kind of fighting they're familiar with: grappling or striking.
Martial arts: judo, wrestling aikido, jiu jitsu, sambo, lucha libre, glima
Suitable for: entertaining fight scenes
Aim in lethal fight: chock or strangle
Words to use: grapple, wrestle, twist, pull, pin, roll, throw, toss, squeeze, press, chock, strangle
Holding the opponents down to the floor is called a "pin"
Martial arts: boxing, kick-boxing, karate, muay thai, capoeira, taekwondo
Suitable for: entertaining or gritty fights
Aim in lethal fight: blow to head
Words to use: strike, hit, box, kick, punch, chop, slap, kick, chop, hammer, pound
Mixing Martial Arts
Some martial arts combine grappling and striking techniques.
A skilled martial artist is probably an expert in eiher striking or grappling, but also has basic skills in the other.
Easier to stick with one group for one character - the hero's friends can complement each other if they have different martial art backgronds!
Investing a Fantasy Martial Art
Spiritual Elements connected to the general magic/religious system of your story world.
Mental Focus that allows the martial artist to amplify the effectiveness of attacks.
Small rituals, like bowing to the guru before and after every fight to obtain some kind of "blessing"
Restricted admission to pretigious martial arts academies
Specialist techniques that require combining physical action with spells, or a symbolic act that activates magic.
Exams: students must prove themselves through a series of tough (life threatening) tests to obtain access to the most important lessens of the practice.
Special garmetns
Secret codes between members
Winning Factors
Skill - the most important. A skilled fighter can take on someone who is much larger than them, but unskilled.
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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aroaceleovaldez · 3 months
I was reading a post about CoTG and I realized: Rick has seemingly started to write every character pairing with the exact same dynamic, and he's not good at writing that dynamic and it doesn't make sense for 90% of the characters he writes it for.
It's that very specific dynamic of one half of the pair who is almost aggressive to the other party - "teasing" them constantly/insulting them, affectionately punching/judo flipping/maiming/etc, seemingly almost always exasperated with the other - and said other party usually just accepts this treatment or blanketly views it fondly, and may generally be framed as more incompetent than their partner and a little bit of a doormat (particularly relating to being insulted/teased/etc by their partner).
We start seeing this dynamic in HoO with Percy and Annabeth, as a sort of semi-inconsistent twist on their rivals-to-friends-to-lovers dynamic from the first series. Then the dynamic pattern develops further with Leo and Calypso. Then Magnus and Alex. Then Nico and Will, particularly in TSATS. And now in CoTG, it's Percy and Annabeth again but even more in this direction.
I know people have talked about Nico and Will's relationship over the series rapidly being shoehorned into Percabeth Two™, and it's extremely apparent in TSATS that Rick's doing it on purpose (including directly quoting Percabeth scenes but minorly tweaking them to be Solangelo). But recognizing it as an overarching trend in Rick's later books honestly reminds me a lot of how Rick started trying to apply the "Percy Formula" so-to-speak to nearly every protagonist in HoO (and then try to replicate similar character archetypes with Magnus and Apollo's narrations - moreso Magnus in being jaded and sarcastic, very much trying to be first series Percy. He only sounds unique because Rick failed at making him Percy 2. Apollo is more akin to later-series Percy characterization of being goofy and incompetent. Apollo [and Zeus] even got retconned to give Apollo a more similar backstory to Percy's). Rick seems to have decided that he thinks the audience wants this specific dynamic but 10 times over, except he's not good at writing it the first time because it's a bastardization of the time he did a different thing okay.
And Rick also seems aware of that too! Because he retconned Calypso and Leo at the end of TOA, probably because he realized how absolutely awful it was reading when they were written with that dynamic of Calypso just functionally hating Leo and constantly being aggressive towards him! The only time Rick's actually made the dynamic even semi-successful was with Magnus and Alex, because it actually fits within their characters, their dynamics with each other, and their environment. Alex beheading Magnus on the regular works out fine because there are no repercussions to that in Valhalla, Magnus will be fine, so it does genuinely come off as humorous. And Alex has been effectively established to be abrasive at times but have her genuine feelings shine through regularly, and that meshes well with Magnus' jaded-and-aloof-but-quietly-very-empathetic character. And Magnus has been established to, yes, not be great at combat, particularly compared to Alex. They are the only time that flavor of dynamic in that form was effective and cohesive.
Percabeth is no longer rivals-to-friends-to-lovers badasses on equal levels with shaky pasts who finally found some form of permanence with one another. Now it's super smart doting and affectionately aggressive girlfriend and her silly goofy 50%-of-the-time incompetent boyfriend who she judo flips/pushes off cliffs/etc - but affectionately~! Solangelo is trying to riff off of the early series "Poseidon & Athena are enemies" dynamic that Percabeth had but with Apollo & Hades being "opposites" but learning to accept each other, except it ends up with Will just coming off as a huge asshole and Nico being retconned to a complete doormat about it - when prior to that those characterizations would be completely contrary to their established characters (even just from TOA!). Calypso in HoO gets retconned from her PJO characterization to being snooty and aggressive, and Leo's false persona gets merged into his just normal personality except he just also becomes a doormat but more goofy than Nico with occasional haha-dark/depression-humor! Which Nico also got. Which was also a bastardized Percy trait that got redistributed.
It's exhausting. Rick write more than one relationship dynamic you can do it I promise
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fate-of-the-envious · 3 months
How is canon Annabeth abusive?
You want a list?
1. She constantly hits Percy. Kicking him in the shins, elbowing him in the ribs, punching him in the gut. Not to mention the judo flip scene. Also, this is never said to be done playfully whatsoever. And it's done constantly in EVERY book.
2. She always belittles and calls him stupid. Like his plans never work. Ha, they work more than hers! Also, the parallels of her calling him Seaweed Brain, when Gabe called him Brain Boy! Like how would you feel if you have a nickname constantly degrading your worst insecurities?! All the damn time! Not to mention Thalia, who Percy was the first person who helped her after she stopped being a tree, after spending the school year with Annabeth started calling Percy Kelp Head and viewing him as dumb. Annabeth who ignored Percy all this year, and was overall just selfish and mean when they met again.
3. Annabeth is so possessive of Percy. Even before they are dating (which doesn't make it any better when they are), Annabeth doesn't let Percy be friends with Rachel. Trying to drive a wedge between the two. And Percy, literally only has Grover and Annabeth for friends. He is so alone, he needs more friends! Oh, and then with Jason she interrupts the two of them chatting and trying to get along. Also, just how she doesn't like that Percy seems to like Camp Jupiter, like he can't seem to have his own differing plans from her.
4. Tartarus. Everything about that was so bad. Like in Tartarus, whom Percy fell down to FOR HER, Annabeth brings up Rachel because in her thoughts, she needs to keep her boyfriend on his toes. Like bitch! Then, we get to how she thinks Percy is so manipulative when he talks his way to get Bob to kill his brother. Like that isn't Annabeth's number 1 tactic. She's so fucking judgemental!
And then the scene with Akhlys in Tartarus. Where yes, Percy is being scary torturing this goddess who tried to poison them to death. But she just tried to kill them! He's saving their lives! And then, Annabeth makes Percy promise her to never use those powers again, because "Somethings aren't meant to be controlled." Like do you know how useful poison-bending could be to save lives? What difference does this make from using a sword to kill monsters when all of them are trying to kill and/or eat Demigods! Not to mention, if someone is poisoned, Percy could help heal them!
Next, because of how horrible Annabeth made Percy feel for using these powers he attempts suicide. After he gets out and faces Polybotes, who controls poison, he doesn't even try to save himself and says to Jason that he deserves to die by poison for what he did! He tried to kill himself! And Annabeth never talks to Percy about this again, and instead talks to Piper who thinks Percy needs to be restrained like he's some kind of monster when he was saving them! Percy is literally the most selfless and kind person out there. And Annabeth treats him like crap! She doesn't deserve him!
5. Percy isn't allowed to have bad thoughts on Luke. Luke, who's tried to kill him repeatedly since he was twelve! And in general, this ship is so toxic and codependent right now, it's in no way healthy.
Anyways sorry for my rant, but yeah Annabeth is abusive, and it's just so concerning how people possibly in elementary school are being exposed to this being a healthy relationship, where girlfriends can hit their boyfriends, and can stop them making friends with others, because they belong to them like some sort of object.
Yeah, I just relate to Percy so much, and I don't want him to deal with another Gabe.
Edit: Okay, for anyone who likes Annabeth or Percabeth, I don't care - you do you. You can like and dislike all the characters and ships you want, just as I can. So, if you disagree with what is said, that's fine, but don't expect me to change my stance when I have already pointed out several concerning behaviors. So, like good humans, we'll just have to agree to disagree and move on with our days.
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bangchansbackohmygod · 2 months
MTL for Dry Humping: SKZ Edition
Han: Nasty Boy. Freak in the sheets. Desperate slut. "Hannie, not when other people can see!" "Han, wait until the movie is over-" "JISUNG. GIVE ME TWO SECONDS TO GET OFF MY PANTS" He ain't listening, babygirl! He wants you bad and he wants you now, so unless you're gonna use a judo move to swing him over your shoulder, the first time the two of you orgasm per sexy time is dry humping without fail. He's still a nice boy so if you were ever actually upset he'd let you go without hesitation, but let's be honest, your complaints don't hold much weight when you start panting as soon as he starts grinding his hips against you.
Changbin: Post gym sex! Post gym sex! He's sweaty and he's full of adrenaline and he isn't gonna try and pull off his sticky gear when he can get some relief from your supple curves right now! You should start working out with him because otherwise he'll be coming home and getting sweat (and drool and ***) all over your cute pajamas. Bucks against you extra hard if you stroke his muscles and praise him for how hard he's been working. Worship all of him because he's going to be doing the same to you.
Lee Know: His favorite thing- withholding as much as he can while giving you just enough to make sure you fall over the edge. He wants to hear you whimper and cry about how much you want him to touch you, how much you want him inside you, while all he does is drag your hips up and down his lap. Coos sweet poison in your ear as he feels your dampness growing, his glittering eyes betraying none of the frenzy he feels underneath. The act itself doesn't do much for him, it just turns him on like nothing else to watch you shudder through a climax that he barely put in work to give you. He's mean and he's going to make sure you enjoy every second of it.
Jeongin: Cute little puppy boy, so embarrassed at how often he wants you. Like I’ve previously stated, I feel like his mind gets a bit fuzzy when he’s in the throes of passion. That sweet, fumbling, wonderful personal time that he wants to give his best for you in. Of course, when he trips on his way to the bed, pinning you down with his full weight and failing to unbutton your jeans, his plans to bring you to deliberate ecstasy with his fingers is traded for rutting against you like a beast without a thought. It’s how you like your baby best, eyes watery and cheeks red as he apologizes for taking what he wanted (which, of course, is what you wanted)
Felix: Our gentle jack-of-all-trades, he's much more dependent on your preferences and so he'll be doing this only upon request. When he does, he prefers to have you perched on his lap. His princess, all pretty in your lacy little negligee. He wants to be strong for you in a way that he doesn’t usually show. His forehead resting against yours as he softly talks you through it between his own low groans, his hands alternating between your thighs, hips, and waist as he finds the perfect pace. Kiss him slow and kiss him deep, in this moment he is completely and utterly yours.
Chan: He may like to tease, but he likes giving you what you want even more. You're so good to him, and he just wants to reward that goodness, yeah? So it’s not like he doesn’t enjoy…*ahem* holding himself against you, he just has trouble keeping himself from doing more. That whine you make when you can feel his excitement against your thigh, it just makes him want to dip his fingers inside you as a taste of what’s to come. Or to hook your legs over his shoulders so he can literally taste the nectar flowing out of you. He’s not an impatient man, but for you? Anything short of ravishing you is a waste of his time.
Seungmin: With a mix of a lower libido and a general air that he's used to the finer things, I just feel like it'd be rare for him. He likes his privacy and he likes getting his way, so despite his age he isn't gonna act like some horny teenager when it comes to sex. When it's time, it's time, and while he won't be mean about it like Minho, he won't budge an inch on getting you both your full satisfaction. Funnily enough, the only times he'll offer it up is when you least expect it. He thinks it's funny to catch you off your guard, pressing you against an alleyway wall and asking if you want to get off on his thigh now or not get off that way for the rest of the year.
Hyunjin: What's that you say? Hyunjin can't possibly be the least? What about his signature elegant laziness in his dance style? What about the Red Lights MV? Surely he's kinky enough for this?! Well guess what, you're wrong! I consulted the cards and they told me he'd absolutely never dry hump you because he's too much of a brat. He's not gonna settle for your shorts when he could be buried in your tight hot wetness. He's gonna throw a very pretty tantrum if you grind on him for more than thirty seconds without moving to undress. He's poetry in motion, all limbs and lips and sensuality- what makes you think he's gonna waste his lovemaking time on anything other than direct contact?
(Anyway hi kids I'm back from the dead have a post I love you all)
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amica-aenigmata-naboo · 5 months
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Mizu x Y/N - drabble - 1.1K WC
Warnings: prostitution, attempted SA (not too detailed just implied), Mizu being sexy, he/him pronouns for Mizu
You had never met someone with eyes like yours. You wore glasses every day, the world appearing dark and dim because of them. You worked for Madame Kaji; being left on a brothel's doorstep as an infant. She saved you from the cold and raised you. She couldn’t stand to watch you be a prostitute, you were practically her own. So she made you useful in other ways. Fetching things for her, cooking, cleaning, always making sure the girls had whatever they needed. You also managed to learn quite a bit of judo. A necessity as you got older, mens wandering eyes and rough hands attempting to take you more often than you would like to admit. Today was no different, you had gathered all the groceries you had been sent to get. You prepared soup for you and Madame Kaji before she had to go and tend to the clients. You only really got to see her in brief moments like these. 
“Good evening mama.” you smiled sweetly at her as you set her bowl in front of her before giving her cheek a delicate kiss. 
She smiled at you before she started eating, “I want you to be careful today.” she said.
“I’m always careful.” you shrugged.
“No, I mean it.” she said as she forcefully set her spoon down. “We have dangerous company.”
You nodded, not wanting to further vex her. You both ate in silence, content with the atmosphere. You both stood, you going to clean.  Madame Kaji’s hand grabbed your wrist before you could make your swift exit. She pulled you back to her before she tucked your hair behind your ears. She slipped your glasses off, you squinted as you adjusted to the light. 
“Rain child,” she said as she kissed your cheek, “how beautiful you are.” 
You smiled and leaned into her touch. Nobody but her and the other prostitutes knew of your eyes. Everyone in the village assumed you were blind, not caring much in general about some whore mongers bastard child. Even Boss Hamata didn’t want you. You preferred it that way; better to be simple and plain than to attract every twisted glance that held nothing but malcontent. She left the small room. As you cleaned you couldn’t help but wonder what company she spoke of. To be fair, most of the usuals were harmless. But there will always be those who enjoy the pain of others. 
You made your way down the hall; watching Ise shrug her Kimono back on as she walked out of one of the many rooms. She gave you a small smile before walking into the parlor to fetch her next client. You shuffled into the room, starting to clean it before one of the girls needed it. Straightening the table, refilling the sake, wiping the sweat and regret off the floor mats. You knew none of the girls liked this work. But you looked at all of them like sisters, you felt their pain and sorrow. You often snuck them sweets Madame Kaji bought for you two to share. Life could always be a little sweeter, even in a small regard. You were almost finished cleaning when you heard what sounded like someone stumbling into the room. You turned and saw a man. Not a regular, tall and stocky. He swayed slightly, alcohol reeking from him. You bowed as you stepped back, putting space between you.
“You’re a… pretty one.” he hiccuped out as he shut the door behind him.
Your heart started racing, nothing good happens behind closed doors here. He stomped over to you harshly dragging you to the ground. He tried to pin you but you kicked him in the shoulder, sending him back. You scrambled up, almost reaching the door when he pulled you by the edge of your kimono. You fell to the ground, stomach against the floor. He held you down with one hand while the other pulled up your skirts. You sobbed and let out one shriek before he shoved your face into the floor, breaking your glasses in half. Your muffled sobs were all that remained. You heard the door fly open and saw a flash of red splatter the walls, a few drops dotting your face. You froze, shock finally settling in as you realize what almost happened to you. Foreign hands rolled you over deftly, you heard their distant voice and saw them through your tunnel vision. 
“Are you ok?” he asked, blue eyes meeting yours. 
He leaned over top of you, arms on either side of your head. You both gawked at each other until you heard running down the hallway. Madame Kaji and a few other prostitutes rushed in. The scowl on your mothers face horrified you. She shoved the blue eyed stranger off you before raising her hand to strike him.
“How dare you touch them!” she shouted. 
You caught her wrist right before she could make impact, “No mama! It wasn’t him.” you rushed out. 
You looked towards the corpse in the opposite corner which was cut in half. You felt the mystery man's hands gently close your kimono which you hadn’t realized fell open. You blushed at his kindness, his respect. Madame Kaji helped you up, a slight shake in your legs from the fear of it all. She walked you to your room but not before you saw which room the blue eyed man entered. As you waited you couldn’t help but think of his eyes, his gentle yet rough hands. Your mind wandered, wanting to know how his lips felt. You shook your head as you made your way to his room, slipping inside silently. 
The samurai’s eyes immediately found yours, yet he remained silent.
“May I sit?” you asked softly.
He nodded. 
“I wanted to thank you…” you said, “I also wanted… to see…” your thoughts tapered out, embarrassed of what you truly wanted to ask. “Your eyes.”
He held a look you couldn’t place an emotion to, “Sit.” is all he said.
You sat closer than he expected, faces inches apart. You knew this position was unbecoming but you didn’t seem to care. You had only ever seen one other person with different eyes, Yuko the prostitute with green eyes and golden hair. But these were blue, just like yours. You admired them looking at the beautiful samurai overall after a while and not just his eyes. 
Your hand came up to gently cradle his face. You moved on instinct, giving him a chaste kiss before leaning back, “Thank you…”
“Mizu.” he answered after a moment, lips buzzing from the brief yet sweet kiss. 
“Thank you Mizu.” you said before bowing and swiftly exiting the room. 
Your heart raced, and little did you know, so did Mizu’s.
Naboo's Note:
Hello! My first Blue Eyed Samurai post! YAYYYYYY! It's been a long time coming given my obsession with the show but better late than never! Thank you for all the likes and comments, super motivating! XOXOXOXOXOXOX
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sharksandjays · 11 months
I think something that Dragons Rising is doing so so well is making the ninja cooler.
I know that sounds weird. But listen. The ninja aren't the main characters anymore! Wanna know who the main characters are? Arin and Sora. Two 15 year olds. Two kids, one of which was raised learning about the ninja and how cool they are.
And the thing is, they are cool! But in the older seasons, the ones focused on the ninja themselves, we focus on the flaws (because the whole point of their seasons are character development.) We don't see them as cool as they are because the narration is from their point of view. Everything that they do is just day-to-day stuff. And, honestly, we get desensitized to all the things we'd normally think is cool because to them its normal!
I think my first epiphany of this was back in season 2 i think when Jay, who is generally perceived to be the weakest of the ninja, easily judo flips Darreth like its nothing, and we know that guy isn't the lightest of people. I saw that and went "huh." because if it wasn't him interacting with a normal citizen i wouldnt think anything of it. If it was him sparring with lloyd or something id be like "yeah whatever ninja do that." but it wasnt until i saw it from outside the ninja's perspective that it really made me think wow these kids are cool.
And thats exactly what dragons rising is doing. Arin is the main character. Our narrative point of view is coming from his eyes. We focus less on the ninja's flaws and more on what makes them awesome. We are looking at them through an inexperienced, child based, point of view. When seeing Lloyd do fancy sword maneuvers would have been normal because pshaw everyone does that is now really cool because wow you dont see that every day.
Dragons Rising allows us to go huh. These are ninjas that have been training and fighting for more than 10 years together. They are really freaking COOL for that.
So Arin, i'm behind you kid. I get your ninja fandom too.
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ohnococo · 10 months
JJK MMA Fighter AU Headcanons
[Headcanons for Toji, Geto, Gojo, and Sukuna as MMA Fighters]
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MMA fighter Toji Fushiguro, who keeps everyone on his training team shocked when he consistently makes weight because he eats whatever he wants until about a month before weigh ins. When he’s fighting he’s always lean and cut as hell despite said “fuck it” diet.
MMA fighter Toji is a light heavyweight, he could choose to fight as a heavyweight if he wanted, but he’d be at the lower end of the weight class and if he bulked up any more it would affect his flexibility.
MMA fighter Toji is a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and holds the record for fastest submission. Absolute master of sneaky submissions, to the point that opponents will try to avoid being taken down by him at all costs. Suits him, if he doesn’t win by submission he’ll win by points alone because they’re too afraid to get in his (long) reach. He hates boring fights though, so expect lots of taunting in these cases.
MMA fighter Toji’s early fight record is a bit spotty, but once he hits his prime a few years in his record is nearly flawless. Except for one fight that gets brought up a lot more than he would like where he was knocked out cold. 
MMA fighter Toji comes from a fighting family, a boxing family specifically, but absolutely does not associate himself with them. When he was young and talked more shit he asked a few of them to fight him, but they either blew him off or refused to have an MMA match - it was boxing only or nothing. 
MMA fighter Toji gets his chance to fight someone from the Zen’in family eventually, and decides he won’t take them to the ground at all - he’ll box them. He wins by knockout in the second round. 
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MMA fighter Suguru Geto is a middleweight. He sticks to his wheelhouse and you won’t find him moving weight classes or suddenly trying any flashy moves.
MMA fighter Geto whose background was initially in Judo, and early on he made the smart choice to supplement it with Brazilian jiu-jitsu. That paired with his strength and stamina make him a dangerous combo and he’s known for getting almost anyone down for a little ground and pound until he earns himself a stoppage win. 
MMA fighter Geto doesn’t have to make weight, he just stays at weight. Thanks to this he’s a frequent late call-in when other fighters have had to back out at the last minute. His diet is clean and measured and he has to be on rest for a good while to really indulge. He just prefers being a clean eater. 
MMA fighter Geto can get in his head sometimes about his opponents though, particularly if they’re known to be slippery on the ground and hard to get a favourable position against. His losses tend to be a result of hanging back too much and letting it go to judges' decision - in which case it’ll be his lack of striking that gets him. At his best, though? He’s fearsome and will hold a title at some point in his career.
MMA fighter Geto is neither a trash talker, nor a show off, so he doesn’t get quite as much press as other fighters. Some of his fans theorise that he’d have much more title shots and bigger fights if he were to play up his personality for viewers, but even more fans like and respect that he’s himself and is a purist in his fighting. He gets the job done, without bells and whistles.
MMA fighter Geto has excellent sportsmanship. Even if he’s a clear winner he doesn’t ever downplay his opponent’s skills or talk badly about them. Always taps gloves before a fight, and the second the person taps or the ref waves his arms to stop, he’s letting go and checking on his opponent. This behaviour earns him lots of respect and lots of friends among his peers. It’s beneficial in the end because lots of other fighters enjoy training with him, and Suguru is particularly good at incorporating new things he picks up seamlessly into his existing skill set.
MMA fighter Suguru Geto who, of his generation of big names, is most expected to become a trainer upon retirement. He’s always helpful to even the most inexperienced fighters during training, and generally has really great insights on fighting. 
MMA fighter Geto always gets dragged out to at least one place to celebrate after a win. His training partner Satoru Gojo insists on it. Though he doesn’t stay out late and will always end the night icing his muscles and drinking loads of water to recover.
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MMA fighter Satoru Gojo is the poster boy for his company. He has sponsorships galore. He’s handsome, interviews well, keeps his nose clean as far as the public is concerned, and is an amazing fighter.
MMA fighter Gojo’s talent was noticed early, so he’s been in some kind of combat sport competitively since he was a kid. Judo, taekwondo, anything he could try he’s done for at least a summer. He later refocused on primarily Muay Thai and kickboxing.
MMA fighter Gojo is a lightweight in his early career, but as he gets older and bulks up a little Gojo moves up into the welterweight class where he really shines. He has an incredible reach thanks to his long limbs, which poses problems for anyone against him. 
MMA fighter Gojo is an all rounder - dangerous standing and dangerous on the ground, but if an opponent is strong enough they can carve out some points by holding him down so he doesn’t have the chance to get momentum on those powerful kicks. 
MMA fighter Gojo can eat whatever he wants and not put on weight, he never seems sluggish after his big meals or sugary treats either and no one understands how. He just seems to eat whatever he wants without consequence, although as he gets into his late 20s his manager and trainers are always on his ass about eating better. He listens… sometimes.
MMA fighter Gojo will taunt and tease loads before and during fights, but really does have good sportsmanship. He always taps gloves at the beginning of a match, compliments his opponent and hugs or pats them on the back post-match, and you won’t find him breaking rules. Say he mis-judges a punch and hits someone on the back of the head or his foot slips during a thigh kick and he gets them in the groin, he’ll feel genuinely bad and allow them all the time the referee can for recovery before the match resumes. 
MMA fighter Gojo parties hard after a match. Not necessarily drinking, but he’s going out on the town, dancing, being his happy loud self, eating all the things his trainers begged him not to in the lead up to weigh-ins. Even though his manager initially worried he would make a fool of himself, it actually only helps his image. Many fans will come across him in a bar or club after a match and get pictures with him. He’s just friendly and takes the time, even if he’s trying to unwind. 
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MMA fighter Ryomen Sukuna whose only losses are disqualifications for times he got too carried away - if that even counts. No one has ever beaten him outright. Despite this he has some of the gnarliest cauliflower ear you’ve ever seen.
MMA fighter Sukuna who got kicked out of his first MMA company for poor conduct. 
MMA fighter Sukuna is a heavyweight that specialises in boxing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - the latter gives a lot of his opponents trouble because at this weight class they’re expecting a glorified boxing/kick boxing match and don’t know what’s coming once they’re on the ground.
MMA fighter Sukuna always has some viewers debating on whether he’s a fraud for how, despite winning, he’s always down on points in his scorecard. It’s only because he likes eating punches from opponents if only to show them that he can shake them off like nothing, and he gets his own points deducted for rule breaking. Punches to the back of the head, kneeing downed opponents, but he only does these things once in a match to avoid disqualification nowadays. The points don’t matter to him anyway, he finishes the fight when he feels like it.
MMA fighter Sukuna secured a spot on title cards from a young age, thanks to his impressive frame and even more impressive taunting in the press leading up to fights. 
MMA fighter Sukuna once dropped down two weight classes just to fuck up someone he doesn’t like on record. People count him out for the physical strain dropping so much muscle would have on anyone else, but this isn’t just anyone else, it’s Ryomen Sukuna.
MMA fighter Sukuna who, as he ages, has to teach new up and comers a lesson again and again. The more someone talks about him being past his prime, the harder they’ll fall. Though he’ll still talk non-stop about how early MMA was better, when you could fight anyone of any weight class and there weren’t so many rules around how to safely beat someone. 
MMA fighter Sukuna who, after yet another win, celebrates by drinking and feasting and fucking. Just pure hedonism. He’s had a few belligerent moments, and a few encounters of getting a little too hot and heavy in the corner of a club, but he’s just too popular as a sort of “heel” in the MMA world that organisers make any press around more illegal activities disappear. 
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