#genderfluid Loki
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mary-laib · 7 hours ago
This post appear under my tags page every day and it makes me so happy every time I see it. This art makes my every day brighter.
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Breaking news: Tumblr user found dead after discovering that she can't marry lady Loki
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morgangalaxy43 · 8 days ago
Since Loki is genderfluid and most bisexual person ever all of his ships are queer by default
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catdiarie · 12 days ago
☥  ˖ִ ࣪ 🦇 lamentation. ⠀l. laufeyson & m. mobius . . .
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( ♱ ) … There's something about losing someone who isn't dead.
777 。。masterlist
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Loki’s face presses into the crook of Mobius’ neck. There’s the salt-sweet of sweat, the over-warm from his layered outfit. They can feel the press of Mobius’ hand against the back of their head. Loki’s fingers twitch against their legs. “You’re getting sick,” Mobius says. It’s the third time in thirty minutes. Loki opens their mouth enough to skim their teeth over Mobius’ neck.
“Gods don’t get sick,” they reply. 
“No.” Loki slides their hands under Mobius’s shirt. The skin there is warm too. “I’m not sick.”
Mobius exhales slowly. Loki can feel the barely-restrained frustration. Loki isn’t sick, they’re not. Gods don’t simply get sick.
“I think you are,” Mobius says softly. He runs his fingers through Loki’s hair, catching on the tangles. A shudder runs over Loki’s spine. Their skin prickles with goosebumps. 
Loki grumbles, but they don’t say anything. This is where they want to be: curled in Mobius’ lap within their TVA apartment, on the couch before the artificial fireplace. Not debating being sick, because they aren’t. Sickness is not something they can afford.
(Last time they were sick was centuries ago. Room deep in the bowels of the castle, poster bed shrouded in black. They���d been too weak to sit, even, head cupped in Thor’s rough palm as he raised a bowl of broth to their lips. 
Their head had ached too much. Candles had burned low, wax dripping hot into the gold-plated dishes. The room had smelled of orange and bergamot. The drapes had stayed shut for a month.
Thor had seldom left their side. When one tried to pull him away, he’d taken a vow to protect and nurse health back into Loki.
Loki had trembled beneath the soft, clumsy care of their brother.)
“Turn the lights off,” Loki says. “My head hurts.”
Mobius does, with the click of a remote’s button. Loki sinks down further into Mobius’ lap. Faint light shines in through the windows. There’s no true day/night in the TVA, only the human mind’s desperate need for routine. But there is light—glowing, artificial, round.
Loki presses their lips to the skin of Mobius’ neck. His pulse flutters and skips as a butterfly on the wind. Loki parts their lips, lets their tongue dart out. They hear a soft sigh fall from Mobius’ lips. Mobius’ hand slides down to Loki’s lower back, cradling the curve of their spine.
“I’ll take care of you,” Mobius whispers. His breath ghosts over Loki’s ear. 
He is kind enough to stay silent when Loki’s tears drip cool onto his skin.
Loki’s fever hits in the night. 
They come to wake slowly, twisting in the sheets. All they can feel is sweltering heat. A pained moan sounds and they twist and shove, trying to dislodge the blankets. Sweat sticks the fabric to their legs.
“Hey, hey.” Mobius’ hands, pressing against their arm and hip, holding them still. “Relax. Deep breath. What’s wrong?”
His eyes are cloudy with sleep. The shift of his mouth shows his concern. Loki whimpers, curling their legs to their chest.
“Hurts,” they force out, the word trailing on the back of a gasp. It’s almost childish, whining like a babe—though the last time they were sick, they had not yet crested into manhood. They know not how to be sick any other way.
The back of Mobius’ hand presses against Loki’s forehead. A rough pant falls from their lips. They lean into the pressure. Mobius is warm to their chills.
“You’ve got a fever, honey,” Mobius whispers. His hand slides away. Loki’s head tips forward to press their face into a pillow. Mobius’ hand lands on their shoulder.  “I’ll get you some water, see if we have any nausea medicine.”
The bed dips and rises as he climbs out of it. The door creaks open and shut. Loki curls into a ball and tells themself that this is okay.
(“You have to eat, Loki.” Thor’s voice, soft with concern. If Loki looks, they know they’ll see a frown on Thor's lips. 
“I’m not hungry.” Their own voice was weak, frail. It was barely more than a coarse whisper.
“You must keep your strength up,” Thor insists. “You’re too thin.”
Loki cannot find it in them to reply. Thor turns their head with a careful hand. A lantern burns at the bedside table. He holds a spoon to Loki’s lips.
“Eat,” he says.
Loki does.)
The light from the hallway outlines Mobius in gold when he returns. He stands for a moment in the doorway, head tilted to the side. He is wondering about the tears on Loki’s cheeks. He thinks they are from pain. He would not be right, but he would not be wrong either.
“I brought some water and plain toast, if you feel like eating anything,” Mobius says. He keeps his voice soft. Loki swallows. It burns. 
The bed is enveloped in shadows, the hall light spilling across the floor past its foot.
Plain toast to mean topped with only butter, Loki finds, rather than cinnamon and honey. Mobius sets the plate on the bedside table and holds the cup of water out. The glass is cold against Loki’s hands. Mobius sits on the edge of the bed.
The silence of the room is suffocating. Loki drinks from the glass to pour noise into the air. Their stomach roils with nausea. 
Mobius hand raises. He brushes a stray tear from Loki’s cheek. 
“What’s wrong?”
The last time I was sick I thought I would die. 
My brother held my hand and told me he’d follow me to Valhalla and drag me back. I told him I wasn’t going there. 
He said he’d follow me anyways.
He lit the fire in my room and brushed my hair. He put flowers in the vases at my window sills. I confessed every terrible thing I ever did. He told me he was sorry.
I don’t know how to love you. I have never had a friend before.
“I’m tired,” Loki murmurs. They set the water aside. Their hands shake.
Mobius shifts over until their sides press together. Loki rests their head on his shoulder. 
It’s heavy, all that they carry. Loki will never see their brother again. They wonder if his hair is still braided with a lock of theirs. He’d have gotten it from their gold-plated brush that was a gift from Mother. He would have sat at Loki’s vanity and tangled their hair together slowly. 
Thor always had clumsy hands. He never did excel at fine work.
Loki wonders if he cried.
“Go to sleep,” Mobius says. “Maybe you’ll feel better in the morning.”
They curl into the blankets together. Loki takes hours to fall asleep. Mobius stays awake with them the entire time.
When their eyes close, and their mind quiets, they dream of a bright banquet with overeager Thor spoiling himself with mead and Mobius’ hand clutched in theirs.
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taw-k · 22 days ago
If you draw fem Loki shorter you're a coward
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raghhhhhyperfixations · 1 month ago
‘I’m genderfluid.’ /Chucky cheese ref
The avengers think Thor has a sister. (And it’s not hela)
Tony’s distracted and half asleep after a mission fixing a bug in his suit that had stuttered his repulsers blasting time:
Thor: And so, like a true asgardian warrior! I threw that frost giant into the bifrost to go back to the icy lands it calls home!
Tony: Uh huh and everyone celebrated after am i right? Tony’s voice slightly sits on sarcasm.
Thor: Only my sister called my efforts a waste!
Thor’s laugh boomed out before he walked away, leaving Tony sat there eyebrows furrowed trying to recall if Thor had a sister.
Because they knew about Loki but was Tony just that tired he heard ‘she?’ instead of he or had he just forgotten Thor’s sister all together?
Tony: Thor wait?! Thor? What sister? What sisster?
The second time this happened was during the routine training session.
Clint: You need to fix these bots Tony or i don’t know, make them a harder fight? Look at my victory streak.
Steve: Again, this is not a competition but a training exercise, focus on each other and fight as a team.
Tony: Great going Barton, you set the popsicle stand off.
Steve: Tony i-
Thor meanwhile had been watching Natasha fight for a good few minutes before adding his praise in for her: Well done Widow! Your fighting style reminds me of my sister in her younger days, alas, she can still throw a mean hook.
And again, Tony is once confused.
Steve: i wait- Sister?
Thor takes a moment and recalls if his brother is feeling more masculine or feminine as of late, so he corrects himself: My apologies captain, i meant he.
Tony: Loki…right and you have a sister too?
Clint and Natasha shared a look.
Thor: Yes! sometimes.
And more confusion.
Steve’s initial reaction: ???
Tony deciding he was not dealing with this at eleven PM.
And then the reaction when they find out.
Steve: Can we meet your sister?
Thor: ? You have many times Captain.
Steve: What.
Thor: Yes, I believe she threw your shield back at you one time.
Clint: Hold up, hold up, do you mean Loki?
Thor: yes?
Clint: like, Guy, Loki?
Thor: sometimes Loki is my brother, sometimes my sister but still my sibling.
Tony who’s sat in a corner cackles out because he finally got it (Natasha knew and had eventually figured it out she just wanted them to flounder around a bit more)
Clint: We are so stupid.
Thor: I am confused.
Steve: You and me bud, you and me.
Tony cackles harder at the thought of someone giving steve an updated ‘talk.’
Natasha: You all are idiots.
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ghostly-lee · 1 month ago
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I tried something new. At least I can check off "no lineart" from my new year's resolutions 👍🏼
Used two different references, and I had no idea where I'm going with this from the beginning to the end
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steggy-likes-juice-boxes · 4 months ago
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Gosh I just love her so much.
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slygodsgf · 4 months ago
can we have more genderfluid loki rep. please? she's a handsome boy and he's the prettiest boy all at once! it doesn't get any better than that.
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kindnessemitsagoldenlight · 4 months ago
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hayanwulf · 4 months ago
i NEED more of vampire stephen and blood donor loki
Click here to read the first part of StrangeFrost Vamp!Stephen
I apologize to those readers who read my stuff only for M/M lmao, I’ve always viewed Loki as genderfluid and it has a heavy influence on the way I write them in a relationship.
Stephen ignored the call, buried nose-deep in his book.
“Oh just, put that away, will you?”
No, he couldn’t. He had been a vampire for nearly a week now, and there was still no solution in sight. None of the standard spells worked for him, because he had apparently been turned by a ‘pure blood’. So he had to find a solution, and soon.
He refused to live as a monster that needed to hurt other beings in order to survive.
Suddenly the book was snatched away from his hold. Stephen blinked dumbly, looking up at Loki’s retreating back.
“Loki, give it back. I need to find a reversal spell.”
Loki dropped the book on the other corner of the table with a thud, turning to face him. “What you need is some respite. You’ve been hiding in here for days. Let us go out, have some fresh air, as your Midgardians say.”
Stephen turned to look at the window.
The sun was high in the sky, and warm sunlight was streaming in through the open gap. The heat it brought in didn’t hurt Stephen, he had modified the Sanctum’s wards for his own safety the moment he had felt vitalized enough for it.
Stephen longed for the sun, though. He missed the warm, comforting feel of Fall sunlight on his skin.
He sighed tiredly, turning back to Loki. “You want me to step out in the sun?” He asked dryly.
Loki scoffed. “What do you take me for? I might thoroughly enjoy causing you a little mischief, but I’m not that callous. No. I had a much discrete place in mind.” With that, Loki held out a hand for him.
Stephen once glanced at the hand, then at the book that lay on the far corner of his table.
Well. It wasn’t like he was ever going to find the solution today itself.
He stood up and took Loki’s hand.
That familiar feel of Loki’s seiðr wrapped all around his body and he freely gave himself up to it. For a very brief moment, he was engulfed by a void, a state where his body existed everywhere and nowhere. It was an odd feeling, being teleported through Loki’s magic. It would certainly feel jarring for any non-magic person. Stephen, however, always found comfort in it.
When he could feel his physical form again, the landscape had changed.
They stood in the middle of a vast, snowy desert.
The night sky overhead was alive with swirling ribbons of colors, a hundred different shades of greens, purples, and blues, dancing across the heavens in graceful waves. The constellations of a million stars seemed almost dim in comparison as the auroras shimmered and twisted, casting a soft, almost magical glow on the snow.
As a sorcerer, Stephen had been to worlds unknown, had witnessed spectacles unseen.
Yet, it was the comparatively simplistic beauty of Aurora Australis that had him thoroughly enchanted.
I suppose there’s no place like home, he mused as he walked a slow circle, taking in the view of the entire South Pole sky.
A shimmer of actual magic at the corner of his eyes caught his attention, and he glanced down to find greenish-gold sparks of magic coming to life around Loki.
“I watched this Midgardian movie the other day,” Loki said conversationally as his green magic poured down to the snow, spreading all around under their feet, as though inspecting the snow. Gently probing it, forming a connection with it.
“You watched a movie?” Stephen asked with a raised eyebrow. “What happened to ‘you Midgardian’s methods of entertainment are all dull and inferior’?”
Loki rolled his eyes. “Fine. I did not wish to watch it. But the Spider Child looked like he would have wept if I were to refuse him.”
Well, Peter’s puppy eyes had that kind of effect on pretty much any living being. So Stephen was going to allow that excuse.
Loki continued. “There was a queen, of ice. She made a palace with nothing but her own ability.”
Ah, Frozen. Of course, Stephen thought, as he watched the green shimmer of magic disappear into the snow, binding itself with the ice.
“I believe I can do it better than her,” Loki declared with a smirk.
Stephen hummed, eyes challenging as they stared at the Asgardian. “Be my guest.”
Loki took a step closer to Stephen, and as she did, she changed into her female form. Her robes changed from her usual battle-ready Asgardian garbs, into something a lot more suited for a princess in some royal ball. It wasn’t quite similar to Elsa’s, but was regal in its own right, with the touch of a fashion style that was undeniably Loki. It was a beautiful emerald green. A long, deep green cloak grew out from Loki’s shoulders as she took another step towards Stephen.
She took another step, slamming it down on the snow authoritatively, and her magic flared to life beneath their feet. Stephen watched in awe as a hexagonal platform formed under them and rose, six pillars around their platform rising higher to form a beautiful enclosure. He could smell Loki’s magic in the air as the ice shifted and transformed into beautiful crystals, forming a palace around the two of them. It was a parody of Elsa’s palace in Let it Go, though not identical, and had the influence of an architecture that was positively Asgardian.
“So, whose did you like more?” Loki’s voice drew Stephen’s attention, and it was only then that he realized that the structure’s formation had long since finished, and he was still marveling at all the details and the beauty of ice around him. He turned to her, and found her gazing at him with a satisfied smirk.
He huffed. “That smirk in your face tells me you already know the answer.”
She tilted her head, a perfect picture of oblivious. “Do I?”
The large icy doors to the balcony were open behind the goddess, beautiful lights of aurora visible from Stephen’s spot. The way it painted the backdrop behind a Loki who looked every bit the graceful Princess that she was, Stephen didn’t think he could take his eyes off of her even if he tried to.
“This is beautiful, Loki.”
You’re beautiful, he didn’t say, even though he really wanted to.
The bloodlust inside him slowly began to nudge his way up, reminding him what he had become now, reminding him that he might never have a human life ever again.
Even if he refused to acknowledge that.
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unityrain24 · 5 months ago
my loki sim :3
she is my best friend and my wife so i needed to sim her. i've posted her before though. but what you have not seen? my jotun loki sim...
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morgangalaxy43 · 11 days ago
Loki was great show but it should’ve been like Agatha All Along in terms of overt queerness and huge spectacle
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catdiarie · 18 days ago
☥  ˖ִ ࣪ 🦇 boiling point. ⠀l. laufeyson & m. mobius . . .
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( ♱ ) … Frost Giants and the desert don’t mix well.
777 。。masterlist
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Curls of dry desert heat sink into Loki’s skin as she walks across planes of sand. That’s all there is for miles—rough, pale sand.
“This is meant to be an apocalypse?” Loki says with a scowl. “There’s nothing but sand!”
“Patience, Loki,” Mobius chimes in. Loki turns around to glare at him. The look goes woefully unnoticed as Mobius taps away on his TemPad. It’s not often they go out alone, namely because Mobius’ status as an analyst doesn’t allow for it, but this was a lead Mobius felt didn’t warrant a team.
“What are we going to find out here? More sand? Norns above, there’s nothing else to see!” Loki crosses her arms petulantly, trying to ignore the pulsing ache starting up around her nose and eyes.
A little lizard scurries by, legs paddling in the sand. It perches itself up on a rock, which is perhaps the only other thing this place has to offer.
“See?” Mobius says. He looks up at Loki with a soft grin. “There’s other things than sand.”
Loki turns away with a scowl. Her legs have started to tremble. She swallows thickly, switching her weight to one side in an effort to shake her legs out one at a time. It only worsens, and her knees buckle, dropping her into a crouch with a pained whimper.
“You alright?” Mobius calls. He’s wandered away, towards the rock the infernal lizard has perched itself upon. It strikes a memory of Asgard, the long hours after noon, the peak heat of the day, where Loki would stretch out in her mother’s gardens, sunning herself like that little lizard. The mild temperatures of Asgard allowed for such a thing, warming her blood.
Here, there is nothing but the oppressive heat.
Loki swallows. “Fine.”
Mobius looks at her oddly, a quick little pinch of his mouth and a flick of the eyes over Loki. He doesn’t comment though, and reaches out to drag a finger down the lizard’s back. He must realize that they’re not going to find anything in a bare desert at the end of the world.
Loki watches, silent, as her eyes ache with the heat, until she can’t stand to keep them open anymore. She tucks her head to her knees, overly aware of the trembling of her heart as it lurches through its beats in her chest.
“...oki? You alright, honey?” Mobius’ hand, gentle, on her shoulder.
“I’m okay,” Loki forces out, past the crackling of her tongue. “Just…can we go back now?”
Mobius opens a time door, and Loki manages to stumble onto her feet long enough to get through. No matter that she collapses again on the other side, knees digging into the carpet of Mobius’ living room floor.
Mobius’ hands brush Loki’s neck. It takes her a second to realize that Mobius is pulling her hair back into a ponytail. A trembling laugh pushes through Loki’s lips. She feels Mobius secure the hair with the tie he always wears around his wrist. It never occurred to her before that he wore it in case she needed it.
“I’ll get you some water,” Mobius says. “Lay down. Take it easy for a second.”
Loki, shivering with laces of hot pain going up and down her body, can do nothing but comply. She settles onto her side on the floor, facing the walkway to the kitchen. She watches Mobius pause to turn the thermostat down with a few clicks. A weak smile graces her lips. Ever-perceptive Mobius. He’s attuned to Loki, the one person Loki could never perceive.
Loki closes her eyes and tries to ignore the spinning of her head.
“You’re burning up, Lokes,” Mobius murmurs. Loki prises her eyes open exhaustedly. When had Mobius returned? He presses the back of his hand to her forehead. “We have to get your temperature down.”
Loki moans in pain. Mobius makes her sit up—more gentle coaxing than force—and instructs her to take slow sips of the ice water he hands her.
“I’ll run you a cool bath,” Mobius says. Loki is too exhausted to even blink in response.
Hours, minutes, mere seconds—time passes before Loki is being lifted into a bridal carry headed towards the bathroom. She clutches weakly at Mobius’ shirt, head lolling against his chest.
Loki sits, half-lucid, on the closed toilet while Mobius carefully pulls her clothes off. He runs soothing hands over each new bit of skin revealed. His hands are icy, something Loki imagines couldn’t have felt very good for him to do. He doesn’t say anything, though, as he helps Loki stand so he can pull off her pants and underwear.
Loki lets out a breathless giggle. Mobius‘ pale skin is a shocking difference to her blue. She wonders what color skin their kids would have, if it would be some odd, in-between mix.
She wonders if Mobius would ever want to do that, have kids. Maybe he wouldn’t even want to kiss her. Loki’s brow creases in distress as Mobius helps her into the tub.
All her thoughts dissolve as she sinks into the water. A soft sigh of relief escapes her lips. Realistically, the water can’t be any colder than room temperature. It feels good anyways, fighting off the spiky heat in her body. She sinks down further, submerging herself from toes to neck. Bless the TVA and their large tubs.
”Better?” Mobius asks. He sits on the closed toilet. Loki smiles at him, sweet with a tinge of pain.
”better,” Loki murmurs back.Maybe it doesn’t matter so much, whether or not Mobius wants to kiss her. He wants to help her, take care of her, and that’s enough.
For now, that’s more than enough.
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crochetandloki · 6 months ago
I think that the newer Loki fandom needs to let Loki be the charotic, mischievous, lying god that they are. Let them be "bad"! It's okay!
That's who they are! They don't need to be fixed!
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ryebread-x · 6 months ago
Nokken! Sigyn’s Loki variant
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Here's Nokken! Sigyn's Loki. I leaned more into a kind of a goth nature like cottage core aesthetic for them. I also gave him white hair because I feel like there are not a lot of depictions/designs of Loki with white hair!
Other than that, she's pretty much the same Loki from the myths. Who isn't easily fooled or charmed by Sigyn's tactics. But they are rather charmed by her trickery ,cunning personality, and beautiful music. Leading to the two of them falling in love.
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lexycxndy · 6 months ago
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(accidentally made Loki huge oops-)
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