#genderbend silver
violetlunette · 10 months
For the sake of this Ficlet, Silver is a young woman, and Lilia's her befuddled father.
Twst Spoilers:
*One Line about Malleus' mommy
“Father! You’re back!” Lilia beamed at the sound of his little girl’s voice. 
He had been at NRC for a while now and decided to visit home for the holidays. The college was fun, but Lilia couldn’t wait to share his experiences with Silver.
“Yeah! I’m--”
Lilia’s bag slid from his shoulders as he froze mid-sentence as a young lady with aurora eyes bounded towards him. Lilia’s eyes blew open and his jaw dropped.
“S-Silver?” It certainly looked like his sweet little girl—or rather, she shared features he recalled her having. However, there were some features he didn’t remember her having, some—not so little girl things. Things that Lilia couldn’t ignore as they—stuck out.
Silver—oblivious to her father’s confusion—smiled brightly as she stopped before him, her skin pink and covered in sweat from training in the sun.
“I’m so glad to see you! Welcome home.” She pressed her hand over—no, between her--her--~~
“Father?” Lilia snapped back to reality, though his head spun like a spell disc being tossed in the air.
“Hm?! Oh. OH! Y-yes. Sorry about that. Just—surprised,” he admitted, running a hand over his neck. How long had he been gone? Were they there when he left? Was she hiding them?! When did his little girl get—get—those?!
Silver tilted her head to the side, her messy silver hair slipping from the messy braid.
“Surprised?” she repeated. Lilia waved his hand through the air, looking away.
“N--never mind,” he mumbled, face red. “Er, let’s--let’s go inside and talk, shall we?”
He ushered her inside, where Silver insisted Lilia sit while she made him some tea, as to her appeared feverish. Usually, Lilia would use his magic to make tea so they could converse but right now, he welcomed a moment to think. This was a difficult task as his mind was blown.
It seemed that during Lilia's absence, his daughter had grown—she developed—oh, where did those come from?! No. He knew where they came from. He grew up alongside Malenore, after all. (Though hers weren’t as large as Silver’s. And if Lilia was honest—he did not handle that development much better. [Though that was VERY different.])
He was thankful they didn’t bounce, at least. If they did, the old man would not be standing right now. (Not that he was, as Lilia was in a chair, but still.)
“Mr. Zigvolt gave us some new herbal flavored tea,” Silver explained as she set two cups down. Lilia tried not to notice how they hung as she leaned forward. “Would you like some melons?” Lilia physically jumped in his seat.
“What?!” Silver was taken aback by the reaction.
“Uh, melons?” she repeated. “The fruit?” Lilia deflated, though his face was still flustered.
“Oh. No, that’s okay, that’s fine.” Lilia sipped the tea, trying to calm himself and hide his face.
He was overreacting. Silver was a girl, and girls had those. It was nature. But it was too soon. Silver was just a little girl, barely fifteen, and now--
Silver’s shirt slipped, revealing a bra strap on her shoulder. Lilia sputtered in his tea.
“Father?! What’s wrong!”
“NOTHING!” the fae said too loudly. “Nothing at all! Just—wrong, tube, ya know? No, that’s okay. I can clean myself up.” He added as Silver stood to get a rag. He waved his hand, and the mess on his shirt was gone. The mess in his head, on the other hand...
‘A bra. She has a bra.’ A bra. His daughter had a bra. When did she get that?! Was it new? Did she always have one? Baul’s daughter took her shopping once in a while in the past. Was that one of the things they grabbed?
“Father? You seem distracted,” Silver noted with a frown as he subconsciously pushed her sleeve up. (Thank goodness.) “Is something wrong?” Lilia forced a laugh, which came out as a loud boom.
“Nope! Not at all!” He couldn’t ask. True, he was her father, but—well, he was her father! How the hell was he supposed to ask this stuff?! 
This was almost as bad as the time poor Silver had woken up with bloody sheets—actually, no. He was wrong. As shocking as this was, it was nothing compared to THAT day. (Baul’s daughter was still laughing at him for it.)
Lilia sighed as he leaned forward, head in his hands, as Silver went to grab him some water. He was being silly. Lilis knew it was just a body part. He knew that. Malenore had them, as did every female he met. And it wasn’t like they “bothered” him. In fact, he rarely noticed them. (Really.) It just bothered him that Silver had them. They were a symbol that his little girl was growing, and that thought—they came too soon. This was too fast for Lilia.
‘Nature doesn’t wait, though.’ And just as flowers bloomed, so was his daughter. And as her father, he shouldn’t be mourning the fact his Silver rose wasn’t a blossom any more. Instead, he should be proud that she was becoming a beautiful woman.
‘It’s going to be difficult to keep boys from buzzing--’ Lilia turned white as paper. ‘Oh, fiddlesticks!’
It was hard enough keeping them away before, but now the symbols of his daughter’s blossoming were going to attract those fiends like hornets. Well, if they thought they were going to try anything with HIS daughter--
“Father! You’ve been acting weird ever since you came back! Are you sure you’re---”
“I’m great!” Lilia proclaimed loudly. “In fact, I have some things to teach you! Right now.” Silver’s wide aurora eyes blinked in startled shock.
“Huh? Train? We’re going to train? But you just got back--”
“No time to waste! Come on, I’m going teach you how to break someone’s wood.”
“Eh? You mean we’re going to chop wood? Now?” Lilia laughed.
“No, no not that kind of wood—But while we’re at it, go grab the wood chapter from the shed. I’m going to teach you an interesting trick.”
Lol, poor Lilia! 700 years old, and he gets completely thrown off by his daughter's "growth" and has no idea what to do. Anyway, I wanted to write a little ficlet with a baffled Lilia and a female Silver, so here we are.
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majubengel · 2 months
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One Piece genderbend au where stupid girls are in love with the local goth
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077gasoot · 1 month
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heavy metal lover!
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I just imagine fem!Silver trying to chop her hair off Mulan style so she can attend NRC with Lilia and Malleus then cut to next scene where Lilia is giving her a proper haircut cuz the cut ended up too choppy and uneven.
[Referencing this post!]
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OKAY, LET’S BE HONEST WITH OURSELVES HERE… Would Lilia giving anyone a haircut really make it look better than it was before 😭 (Lilia canonically cuts his own hair, Silver’s, AND sometimes Malleus’s, according to Malleus dialogue from Glorious Masquerade. And… well, look at how their hair looks… especially Lilia’s!!)
Fun fact, the cutting of one’s hair is actually not historically accurate! The west associates long hair with femininity and short hair with masculinity, but in the period of time in which Mulan takes place, both Chinese men and women wore their hair long. This is because there was a Confucian belief that one’s body was a gift from the parents and that gift should not be damaged. (TWST of course takes place in the modern era and in a non-China adjacent part of their world, so I doubt this logic would also apply.)
It doesn’t seem like people at NRC are bothered too much by long hair? At the very least, I don’t think having long hair would be any more conspicuous or female-presenting than a male student with long hair. (I mean, look at Leona, Jamil, Vil, Idia, and even Malleus himself www) Maybe fem!Silver could just waltz in with hair as long as the Dawn Knight and no one would be the wiser 😂
For a physically capable warrior… I imagine it’s more practically to have short hair?? So perhaps Silver could cut it? Or at least tie it up into a bun to minimize the chance of snagging. It’s still neat to imagine fem!Silver cutting her hair with a sword though… The imagery is just so cool!
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flipppyflopp · 1 year
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“Don’t worry, I’m on my way!” ⚔️✨
Where is Silver heading off to in such a rush? Did something happen to Princess Malleus…or perhaps her dear mother, Lilia? Is it another Overblot at NRC? This was just a random doodle idea that came to my mind and refused to leave so I went ahead and drew it 🤪 I have some ideas for follow up pieces, but I don’t know if y’all would be interested. It’s always nice to draw fem! TWST so if y’all would like to see more, let me know down below.
I’m working on Inner Child Azul piece and I also have some ideas for Basketball Trio as well as fem! Housewarden sleepover, so look forward to that! ✨
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souslesetoilesavectoi · 6 months
April Fool's Genderswap (NRC Edition)
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(And yes, Male!Yuuri does indeed still wear a skirt.)
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Bonus Yuuri because why not?
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lulitan2 · 1 year
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rozengrotto · 2 years
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Diasomnia Girls
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gloriousbouquetlove · 6 months
No sería tierno pensar que sí Silver fuera hijo biológico de Lilia, este tendría la costumbre de dormir boca abajo colgado en un árbol, costumbre que heredó gracias a sus genes fae murciélago.
Es una escena tierna para sus padres, pero nunca se separan de él por miedo a que caiga, y sí por alguna razón no pueden estar junto a el, los familiares de Lilia siempre están para cuidar del pequeño murciélago albino.
It would not be cute to think that if Silver were Lilia's biological son, he would have the habit of sleeping face down hanging from a tree, a habit that he inherited thanks to his fae bat genes.
It is a tender scene for his parents, but they never separate from him for fear of him falling, and if for some reason they cannot be with him, Lilia's relatives are always there to take care of the little albino bat.
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violetlunette · 3 months
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EDIT: Extra alt
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Inspired by the Lost in a Book with Stitch Event I drew my FemSilver with Lilia. (Variations of her coming at a another time.) I like this as it looks like Lilia is trying to cover Silver without making it obvious.
Here's a stand alone of Silver in her swim suit.
The flowers are from a free-resource sight called freepix.
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verathena14 · 27 days
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k3llywolfarts · 8 months
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Sia the hedgehog
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luluchankrl · 3 months
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These women will have no mercy in bringing you down 😼
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alexxiskei · 1 year
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Silver's genderbend is one of the "nothing changed" kind
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Hey Raven, i wanted to ask: Do you think if Silver was born as a girl that Lilia would have raised him differently? Basically, i wonder how Lilia would raise a girl.
What do you think..?
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I really don't think Lilia would have raised a daughter any differently than a son. Starting out as a parent, Lilia had a hard time grasping the needs of a human child and how they differ from that of a fae child. For example, he wouldn't worry when infant Silver slipped out of his cradle (expecting Silver to come back on his own) and presently still tends to babies by feeding them milk not in a nippled bottle but from a regular cup. His primary concern, then, would mainly be on learning these nuances between human and fae rather than being concerned with male or female (the former being a far greater distinction than the latter).
Lilia and Silver's lifestyle would be the same, regardless of what Silver's sex is. He (or she) would still be in a position where they have to deal with a father that is messy and cannot cook well, which puts Silver in a situation where they have to grow up quickly to take care of Lilia and himself (when Lilia is away on his travels). This would probably result in a very similar personality forming for fem!Silver--someone who is diligent, reserved, and devoted to Lilia. I'm certain that Lilia would also still train Silver as a knight. I don't see him as the type of person who would perceive women as weak or helpless, nor do I see him discouraging a woman from being able to fight. After all, he knows and is close with two extremely powerful women (Meleanor and Maleficia) who could easily strike HIM down if they wanted to. Lilia laughs at the suggestion that his princess is a damsel in distress and is quick to correct others by informing them that maybe their princesses are like that, but his is not. Sure, that comes down to the Draconia blood making Meleanor powerful beyond the average mage--but what reason would Lilia have to deny Silver the same opportunity to gain the strength to protect others, just as Meleanor and Maleficia have for their own family and people? The fear of potentially losing Silver? But isn't it more dangerous to not let Silver have a fighting chance at all? That’s what I think, at least.
Finally, when it comes to things like "looking feminine" or "looking masculine", Lilia himself has always toed that line. In fact, he usually has the most feminine or flamboyant looks of Diasomnia. The most immediate example I can think of is his dorm uniform in which he proudly wears an oversized coat to give the appearance of being small and cute, and having tons of ruffles and a skirt-like flare to his pants. Lilia also often confidently brags about how "cute" he is and takes great pride in that cuteness. I'd imagine that he encourages Silver to dress how he likes, sex or gender be damned, so long as Silver feels his best. And Silver, being Silver, would probably just dress as usual Silver does, in something serious and practical rather than something "stylish".
I feel like the only thing that would really change is Silver not being able to attend NRC. (Well... unless it's a situation where fem!Silver attends anyway but is passing as a guy because of how androgenous she is.)
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quenaoxw · 22 days
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Girls ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )
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