#gender/sex swap
pannpann0 · 1 year
untitled xiaoyang fic #2, ~900 words, rated T
gender/sex swap au (barely), ranma 1/2 inspired (barely .) au where yy would have c cups. very silly
For all things considered, Yangyang thought he had kind of gotten the sweet end of the deal.
Bro’s trip to the countryside: cheap booze (sweet), cheaper weed (SWEET), beautiful scenery and the strengthening bond between him and the homie Guanheng (nice, or whatever), and Guanheng even let him drive his car the entire way over.
Then there was the whole falling into the cursed hot springs on a tour thing (it’s over).
But neither of them had drowned at least, so they shook it off well enough until back at the inn, where Yangyang took the shower first and discovered the cursed part of the whole thing.
“Okay, wait,” Guanheng stammered out, eyes covered very gentlemanly, actually. “Lemme go find out what I got then real quick.” And in the timespan between this and a mid-sized panda floundering out of the bathroom, Yangyang checked out his new “cursed” form in the mirror and came to the conclusion: Girl-him was kind of hot (we’re so back?).
His internal gloating only lasted until the end of the trip however. The two of them got back home to the city and Guanheng almost immediately flipped the whole turning-into-a-panda-with-cold-water thing into a lucrative at-home photo-op business while Yangyang got slapped with an ultimatum from his parents— reduced rent on an apartment, courtesy of them, on the following conditions:
1) 3.0 GPA at uni minimum.
2) Part-time job on top of that.
3) Dad’s old college roommate’s son’s gotta be his roommate now.
That’s how he got stuck living with Xiao Dejun, who, for someone who’s apparently stuck in the same boat as Yangyang with limited housing options outside of this, has acted like he’d rather die than ever have to interact with his new roomie beyond Venmo-ing his half of rent every end of the month.
Yet even then, it could be worse. Having something of a near-death experience on vacation opened Yangyang’s eyes to a new lease on life. He’s got to get his shit together. He’s pulled his GPA up already from library and study hall stints in-between his not one, but two part-time jobs: the guy taking Guanheng Panda’s pics for Instagram, and the girl passing out club promo flyers at the mall.
He even passed out a flier to Dejun today, to which Dejun turned up his nose and narrowed his eyes, pointedly away from Yangyang’s exposed cleavage. What a gentleman.
“Don’t do that again,” Dejun says in lieu of hey, or how are you even, when he gets back to the apartment later in the evening.
“God Dejun, you’re so— sex-negative or whatever,” Yangyang swings his legs up off the back of the couch, long as they are in guy-form too. He stifles back the giggle when Dejun pointedly looks away again and sits up-right for the lecture he’ll take in stride as penance. It is way too fun to fuck around with Dejun in this way. “See, I pay attention in Gender and Sexuality studies too.” Yangyang grins.
“I am not,” Dejun puffs out his chest— he’s very proud of the steady B he has in that class. “I just know you only approached me to mess around with me. Quit it.”
“I think you wouldn’t even be this bothered by it to begin with if you just gave in to the tension you have with her.” Yangyang shrugs.
“With you.”
“Me?” Yangyang gasps, a demure hand on his chest.
“That’s not— there’s no tension, and she is you—!” Yangyang reaches over with a pat on Dejun’s shoulder as a truce. No more messing with him tonight. Dejun’s red-face and sputtering still but he seems to accept it once he quiets down.
Dejun actually letting Yangyang touch him in any way at all has been a recent development, an improvement on things. It’s clearly not dependent on whatever form either, as Yangyang had once suspected. Dejun had just seemed so…put off by Yangyang essence entirely, from the get-go.
Yangyang can’t say it didn’t hurt his feelings a bit. He wasn’t too thrilled with the living arrangement thrust upon them three months ago either. But there had been something about Dejun anyway, that didn’t make Yangyang want to retreat into an introverted little corner, tail between his legs.
When Yangyang comes out of the shower a little later, back in boy-form, to a steaming bowl of stew left on the kitchen table, the feeling squeezes somewhere in his chest, just a little.
“Dejun, let’s play something together,” Yangyang calls out from the kitchen sink, washing up.
“Don’t get me wet— stop.” Dejun grumbles at Yangyang’s ever-widening grin, shaking out his shaggy wet hair. He hands him a Switch controller anyway. This is definitely the closest Yangyang gets to Dejun, at this point, a quivering little space between their shoulders as they play Mario Kart together now on the couch, occasionally.
It’s been weighing on Yangyang a bit lately, the physicality of that space. Guy or girl, Dejun’s eyes flick away. From annoyance at first, he knew. But now, from just barely catching dark eyes, framed with heavy lashes, skimming across damp skin, the flushed column of Yangyang’s neck?
“Dude, you’re actually doing me such a solid right now.” Yangyang jumps a little, just to let them jiggle, just a little. There’s certain things shifting between them lately in their small little apartment, he knows, but. Old habits die hard, what can he say? “They check the trashcans to see if I’ve been dumping these things out.”
“Shut up,” Dejun responds, red-faced, taking the flyer anyway.
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sunstormrecs · 2 years
ship Han Jisung | Han/Seo Changbin
tags Alternate Universe - Gender Changes, Gender or Sex Swap, Canon Compliant, Lesbian Sex, Oral Sex, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Pining, Unresolved Romantic Tension
summary   Bleary with eyes crusted half-shut with sleep, Changbin struggles to sit up amidst tangled blankets and says, “what, what’s wrong with Hannie?”
Chan goes silent, and his face gets very pale.
“Oh, God, not you, too!”
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
I was reminded of a Thing from the reblogs on the Mermay 03 Prompt
Very similar vibes. But with platonic omegaverse, and dragons. Gotham? Already cursed to hell and back. But then another curse was formed via the museum bringing in this strange statue. That of course got stolen because solid crystal and gold. Then got broken, split in half. And oop. New Curse.
Now before I get into the curse, lemme explain the omegaverse side of things. Everyone is born a secondary gender labeled Alpha, Omega, or Beta. There's also medical conditions where one is neither, usually a mix of genetic and hormonal issues. Gotham however, is Weird. They have no set scent according to Outsiders. Really? They can shift and switch (Yes there's a large LGTBQ percentage in the population) at will. It can take months for someone new to the city, but those that have been there for a few generations can do it in hours. For those like the Waynes or other founders who have been there since the beginning of the city? Minutes. It's more than a little unnerving to Outsiders who are used to things staying the same.
But that curse (or blessing as others call it) mixed with the new dragon one. See, they can all change into draconic form, and do their best to keep that secret. But they also have different forms depending on the secondary sex they are at that time.
@f4nd0m-fun & @golden-buddle idk if u'd be interested in this but-
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thepersonperson · 1 month
MAAAAN THESE SUKUNA ANALYSES... THEY'RE SO GOOD... I've always related to him super hard just on first readings as a trans disabled person who is an ambulatory wheelchair user. I'm incredibly violent and confrontational, too. If I could just fuckin kill the people who dehumanize me constantly, I mean... that kind of power is tempting! The way you read him is so satisfying to my brain, and it definitely makes sense in the text as well. Overall I'm just really happy to see somebody managing to put into words what I subconsciously grasped the first time I watched and read JJK. I was literally internally like "omg omg omg they put it into words!! omg!!!" the entire time I've been reading these posts. I can't wait to see what other analysis posts you've made and if there's other stuff for fandoms I enjoy. Thanks a lot for what you do! People like me appreciate it so much.
Oh thank goodnesss you feel this way. Everytime I post always I think of this image.
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Thank you for confirming I'm still at secret esoteric knowledge.
Sukuna is very cathartic for me as a character in that way too. He basically gets to act out where I would restrain myself.
It’s funny that you mention you’re trans. At the risk of tipping the scale to mental illness, I think Sukuna is a very gender character. I find his refusal to introduce himself very relatable. He just kind of lets everyone call him whatever. The only time he ever identifies himself is when not doing so could put in his life in danger.
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That’s it. “I’m the Fallen/Disgraced One”. I don’t believe he ever refers to himself as a man either. He just uses a masculine speaking style.
I also like how he doesn’t seem to care about being associated with feminine things. The marketing leans into this for some reason, pairing him up with Hello Kitty, which I think is great.
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He projects this “I’m too strong to care about gender” aura I’m obsessed with. It might stem from his dehumanization as well. Both himself and other people are not really sure if he’s a curse or a human, so why on earth would he outwardly identify as man? It's not like curses have genders to begin with.
But the moment anyone tries to concretely observe him, like Mahito or Yuji touching his soul, he flips out. That really captures the vibe of “acknowledge my existence, but do not perceive me.” And if you find that relatable you should read Umineko.
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Sukuna is on the border of everything, so he reads like an allegory for multiple minority groups all at once.
He’s masculine in his presentation, but isn’t considered human enough to be called a man. That’s very trans of him.
He’s extremely ablebodied at a glance, but his abnormal features make normal day to day life a constant battle. That’s very invisibly disabled of him.
He may be Japanese by blood, but he’s deemed a monster and pushed out from society for not meeting certain physical features. That’s very biracial of him.
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dol-dee · 5 months
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theres so much to unpack here gfdfgd First of all I didn't know Sydney just went commando now?? Girl I didnt even ask you to do this, youre just out there rawdogging it??? Second of all, this is the first time Kylar is there. Just the absolute weirdest dynamic that Sydneys Ex-best friend/maybe childhood crush is watching this bc of her current partner
not to mention the lowkey cuckoldry and then Leightons there ofc..
(I already know this scene but I've never had Kylar there)
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wat-the-cur · 23 days
There are a lot of fics that portray Jay as having previously been homeless, and/or and addict, and/or a sex worker, and Bob having taken him in. Maybe, because he seems like he would be more likely to end up in these situations, when the implications of his childhood are considered. These are often compelling reads, but I would be really curious to see a fic where the reverse was true, and it had been Bob in that position, and Jay had taken him in, instead.
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melancholiaenthroned · 5 months
im so sorry ppl who followed me for first lady hayward btw 😭😭😭 im still working on it i promiseee i just dont want to add more til the season ends and i do a full relisten where i can take notes for some stuff. and also um. im writing more war and peace fic
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captainhitokiri · 6 months
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illicithurricane · 19 days
I am here to say what I want, not to argue with your sick propaganda.
Anti-woke, pro-life, zero jabs. Proud Millennial. Ravenclaw. #IStandwithJKRowling I'm a WOMAN: an adult female human being, XX chromosomes. You can call me "pick me" if you want but I am already "picked" so... Trying to be a good wife for my Chinese man since 2014. Born and raised in Italy so stfu I dont subscribe to 'Murican madness -but also TRUMP2024!-. Racist cause the third-worlders are disgusting and are actively destroying my beautiful Italy and k!ll!ng my countrymen so I want them all deported: legal or illegal doesn't matter anymore. - Only 2 genders cause "gender" is a synonym of sex so if there are only MALE and FEMALE, there are only 2 genders. - "Non-binary" is not real, no matter how big your delusions are. - Facts dont care about your mental illnesses. - Respect is earned, not given. - GenZ/GenA are the weakest, most ignorant, useless generations. - Modern feminists are lazy nazih0es. - Without men (especially white men) we wouldnt have civilization. - Life begins at conception. - Abortion is murder and should be allowed only for REAL r4pe and inc3st cases which are not even the 1% of abortion cases. - NO mandatory jabs. - Womanhood is not a cosplay. - Keep MALES out of all FEMALES spaces. - Groomes/QUEERz: leave kids alone! - The trans"genders" need to GTFO off existence. - Dumb people who cry "cultural appropriation" are the first to appropriate (and destroy) RICHER cultures. - USA is not the greatest country. - Boycott ALL black-washing and race/gender swapping. - Third-World savages MUST ALL BE DEPORTED.
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9-93 · 1 year
Guys! I just had to share this on here, Byeonduck retweeted fanart of Seungho and Nakyum as the opposite sex and i’m obsessed!!
Click the link for a better viewing 🫶
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sunstormrecs · 2 years
ship Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know
tags Gender or Sex Swap, Female Han Jisung | Han, Female Lee Minho | Lee Know, Vaginal Fingering, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot 
summary Having a crush on your best friend is difficult. It’s stupid, too, and everyone knows that, but Jisu is good at being stupid.
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saiainopresai-v3 · 2 years
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after school (your love is blinding me)
click for quality!
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qourmet · 2 years
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This is the prettiest lz I’ve drawn to-date
I know an 🥚 when I see one, sir
In reference to @/floreswrites’ A Home (Not a Prison)
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okaeylah · 8 months
“Flash-banged,” he raged. “I got flash-banged in real life. Ha-ha, very funny!” The next time he got his hands on Shu or Luca, he would shake them so hard their teeth would rattle, and they’d be unable to talk it out. Some prank– glitter in a letter! When he got up, it was to a shocked Ike, as if a deer in headlights, mouth agape. A fly could’ve flown inside. “Don't tell me– it's got in my hair?” (Dear reader, if it was merely glitter, this story wouldn't be here.)
Rating: E
tags: Established Relationship, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, PWP, Gender or Sex Swap, Female Vox Akuma, D/S Undertones
Summary: Vox gets turned into a girl for twenty-four hours. He's really disappointed as he's just reunited with his boyfriend – how can they do without a night of passion? Ike merely sees it as another way to spice up the bedroom.
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
i just realized that if i get awl for steam, i could try seeing if it's possible to free my kids from het-locked romances. 👀✨️
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lunarrscribbles · 1 year
ship based on bender x claire from the breakfast club
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