#gender swap crowley
crowleyscleaninglady · 11 months
Details of my costume for anyone interested (I may be the only one but that’s okay)
Earrings that are little stars! And each has an A on it for Aziraphale because Crowley is a class A simp
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A little snake made from the eyeliner I used to use when I was in my emo phase
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Angel wings worn on the RING FINGER ;)
A snake
A skull
A dragon claw
A spider
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Contacts that scared a small child
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kotana-x · 1 year
gender-bender Spn
fem!Sam and fem!Dean
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fem!Castiel knits warm hats for the fem!Winchesters
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fem!Castiel and fem!Crowley
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fem!Crowley and fem!Gabriel
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weirdlynotspecific · 2 years
So I have a slight obsession with the ship
Sexy leather man who has been pining for so fucking long x quiet library tartan man with enough sass to tank a small cruise ship who keeps leather man in check
Am I talking about wolfstar? Am I talking about ineffable husbands? Literally any of my favorite ships? You'll never know...
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milandsk · 9 months
Ineffable Girlfriends | F!Aziraphale x F!Crowley | Ballet AU
(they're just teenage girls, happy ah fanfic because we're children of divorce, leave me alone)
⭑˚₊‧° ♢ 𓆩♡𓆪 ♢ °‧₊˚⭑
When Aziraphale walked into the studio there were already ballerinas from other private school. She couldn't help but notice how dark-themed their leotards were.
“Aziraphale! How nice of you to come.” her headmaster Gabriel said.
“Why wouldn't I?” she didn't really like him.
He just chuckled and pointed to a short person next to him.
“I want you to meet someone. This is Beelzebub, headmistress from the other school.”
The individual came closer and Azi shook their hand.
“It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s very nice to meet you too.”
Azi smiled politely. Gabriel and Beelzebub looked at each other with mysterious expressions.
“I think it's time to let the students know of our decisions.” said Gabriel. He clapped his hands getting everybody's attention.
“Come here guys! We got something to say.”
Blonde girl stood weirdly by Beelzebub's side while the other students mixed with each other, trying to get the closest to the headmasters. She noticed tall girl standing next to her. She raised her head to look at her. She had red hair tied into a messy ponytail. When she looked at her Azi shyly looked down at the floor.
“Together we made a decision for the two main roles of the Royal Opera House play to be distributed between the two schools. Which means the roles would be Aziraphale as the White Swan and Crowley as the Black Swan.
Crowley didn't find that surprising at all. She was the best and she deserved this role.
She has heard of Aziraphale before - the best ballerina at the Heaven’s Private School of Ballet.
The headmasters finished announcing the other roles.
“We’ll start the rehearsals in half an hour.”
After four hours of training Azi could feel her whole body becoming sore. The next few months are going to be amazing, won't they?
They only practiced scenes from the first act today so she didn't have the chance to rehearse with the other lead. There was a possibility they wouldn't meet each other at all at the rehearsals because Black Swan appears later on.
Blonde girl felt both anxiety and excitement in her chest. Over the last few years she became less and less interested in dancing. Her pressuring parents gave her the ultimatum - if she'll do good at ballet this last school year they will let her go study English Philology at the expensive university. Getting the leading role was already half of the success.
She walked out of the building, heading towards the metro station. Even though it was mid-October the night was so cold Azi regretted that she only wore a thin coat.
She put on her headphones and headed into the city.
The next day Crowley walked into the Heaven’s Private School of Ballet. She would much rather prefer if the rehearsals were in her school. Yesterday she just went in after her headmistress and she didn't think of remembering the way into the studio. She was relieved when she heard footsteps at the end of the hallway.
The girl had blonde - almost white - fluffy hair and was walking with her headphones on. She was that short ballerina from yesterday, Crowley finally realised.
“Hey” she shouted “lead girl!”
The girl took off her headphones and turned around confused. Crowley quickly walked up to her.
“Sorry, I don't know which way to go.”
“Oh!” Azi exclaimed “I can show you.”
Two of the girls began to walk. The headphones on Azi’s neck were still making a quiet noise.
“I love that song.”
“I said I love that song, ‘Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy’.” Crowley nodded at Azi’s headphones.
“Really? You know them?”
“Of course.”
Blonde girl smiled.
“I'm Azi by the way, I'm playing the-”
“-White Swan” Crowley finished. “Yeah, I know. I'm Crowley. I play the part of Black Swan.” She said carelessly with her hands in her pockets.
Azi’s smile widened.
Over the next two months they occasionally talked and against the belief that two of the leads from two different schools would be rivals - they actually didn't mind each other at all. Azi didn't even realise when going to practice became something to look forward to. She didn't think of Crowley as her best friend or someone close to her but whenever she saw even a glimpse of her dancing for some reason she couldn't resist staring at her. She always wanted Crowley to start a conversation with her but when that happened she was being all nervous and sweaty. But then again when they didn't talk she was disappointed and wished to just spend some time with her? Azi thought that it was because she hated her but she genuinely liked her. She was confused.
It was evening when Crowley walked into the studio. It was the day off so no one was there and she could practice in peace. She put her bag on the floor and took off her coat. The air ventilation working was the only sound breaking the silence. After stretching she began to dance her parts in quietness.
“Hi.” She heard a voice say.
Redhead stopped her turns and looked startled in the voice’s direction. Aziraphale had her blonde waves loose. Crowley only now noticed how natural and pretty they looked.
“I assume you're also here to practice after hours.” remarked Azi since the girl didn't respond. That was really stupid thing to say and she felt a little embarrassed.
“Yeah.” answered Crowley while making intense eye contact.
The girls rehearsed and didn't look at each other - at least not when the other was looking.
“Shit” Azi muttered quietly after a while. Crowley glanced at her in the mirror. Blonde girl placed her hands on her hips and breathed deeply. For some reason Crowley couldn't ignore her. She pulled herself together.
“Do you need help?” Why did she ask that?
“Oh… if you don't mind.”
Crowley walked up to her. Only two of them in a room. Azi shyly looked down.
“Um- There's a turn… I- For some reason I can't do that.” she stuttered.
Crowley came closer and stood behind Azi facing the mirror.
When Azi started turning Crowley was touching her waist helping her turn. After she finished Azi's face lit up. She turned around.
“Oh my God, it worked-” Crowley was so close, Azi could feel her breath touch her skin. Air ventilation still humming. Crowley's hands still on Azi's waist.
Blonde girl looked at her waist just realising that. Other girl softened her grip, hands falling loosely to Azi's hipbones. Crowley scanned her face trying to see any sign of disagreement.
She looked into redhead’s eyes feeling her cheeks becoming pink. She gently cupped Crowley's face, losing herself in her green eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” asked Crowley.
“Please do.” she whispered.
Crowley closed the remaining distance between their faces. At first it was just the soft brush against Azi's lips. She wanted to kiss her again but she backed up.
“I'm sorry,” said blonde girl avoiding eye contact. “I have to go.”
With that said she quickly grabbed her bag and rushed out the door.
Crowley was left alone.
Azi couldn't sleep. She thought about this whole night. They were supposed to be friends, nothing more. And definitely not that.
She had to focus on the play, with everything at stake she couldn't afford to get distracted. It's a promise she made to herself.
Next day in the evening she went again to the studio. She told herself that it is to practice but secretly she hoped to see Crowley again.
In the hallway she already heard shuffling in the room. She stopped walking and took a deep breath. All of the sudden her mind had gone empty. She didn't know what to say - but most importantly - she didn't know what she wanted. The thought of Crowley’s hands on her waist made her chest heavy but in a good way.
She knew that it was just irrational distraction however she couldn't help the way she reacted to her.
Azi opened the door - there's no going back. When Crowley noticed her she stopped what she was doing. She didn't expect her. The redhead went for her bag wanting to leave.
“Don't go.” Azi stopped her.
Crowley stared at her, not saying anything.
“I'm sorry for yesterday.” she continued.
“You already said that.” replied Crowley “And you don't have to apologize.”
“I have to.” said Azi with a firm voice “I didn't mean to run out on you like that. I just… I guess I wasn't expecting that.”
Crowley nodded her head.
“But I enjoyed it. A lot.” Azi remarked shyly while the other girl came closer.
“I liked it too.”
They were just a few steps away from each other.
“I was scared that you would be a distraction to me, you know?” blonde girl said.
“I get that.” Crowley smirked “Aren't you scared anymore?”
Azi closed the remaining distance between them while looking up at her.
“I am.” she replied ”But I think you're a worth it distraction.”
Crowley smiled.
“Can I kiss you?” asked quietly Azi.
“Of course.”
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animatesbell · 9 months
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About my two ocs Asariel (Angie) and Naya'il (Nicole). The old Yuri couple
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ventique18 · 10 months
~ Malleus and his self-expression in the Japanese language ~
Just a few random things that Malleus enthusiasts might find interesting...
As we're probably aware of by now, the English version is not exactly a 1-1 translation of the Japanese version. This is unavoidable, as a lot of culture nuances just can't be faithfully expressed without having to explain them in detail like this. One of those is Malleus' way of talking. He's often presented in English as talking as if he woke up straight from the Victorian era; and while that's also true in Japanese as he talks somewhat formally, there's something about his self-expression that wasn't carried over in the English version: in that he speaks in a masculine way.
In Japanese, there are typically three ways that a person can express themselves through speech: feminine, gender-neutral, and masculine. There's also varying degrees of these three depending on "bluntness" or "softness"-- and when you think mega blunt, you can imagine Leona's way of speaking that's actually accurate to how he physically acts. The thing is, Malleus also practically talks like that; just removing some pronouns and particles that would come off as rude.
Basically, he talks in an assertive, masculine way while actively avoiding mansplaining superiority to his conversation partners, which Leona and a few others tend to do.
Another interesting thing to point out is what some of you might have noticed in the audio: his preference of using "Boku" as a personal pronoun. Boku is one of the pronouns used by masculine people. While "Ore", which Leona uses, is more masculine, it's not Malleus' preference as it comes off as a lot more aggressive while Boku is more polite. This is why Ore is also frequently used by most men (people can swap pronouns depending on the situation!) when they're in casual situations; because it gives off a message that they do not appreciate being submissive among peers. If you've noticed, Ace, angry Deuce, and most of the third years use Ore as their pronoun.
The last mentioned point is important, because you might question why doesn't Malleus use Ore as his pronoun when he's literally higher ranking/more important than anyone else in the school? Because it's more formal than Ore, and this is just my personal conjecture, but it gives off a mighty message that he doesn't even need words or pronouns to assert how naturally dominant he is.
But if he likes being formal that much, why doesn't he just use the very formal pronoun "Watashi", like the headmage Crowley? Because, going back to the very first point, Boku suggests masculinity while Watashi does not. He also actually doesn't structure his sentence in an overly formal way like the headmage because doing so would omit the air of masculinity which he rather prefers.
So yeah, that's just an interesting topic I thought some would be curious about. The first time I heard him, I also didn't expect he'd express himself in an assertive way because of the beautiful elegance he always carries with him. Actually, this makes me appreciate Twst more; because it doesn't really conform to societal norms--that yes, a man can wear makeup and heels and it's not anyone's business how he decides to express himself.
Some other non-Malleus notes: this topic is incredibly nuanced and vast. There's no hard rule for this and it really depends on the individual to mix and match depending on how they want to express themselves. For example, Furina as the Hydro Archon is feminine but uses Boku as her pronoun as a message that she is not to be looked down on by men. This is interesting to me, as rather than associating pronouns to gender like in English, Japanese pronouns can carry other messages depending on the person's intent. That's why we prefer to call it masculinity or femininity, as it really is more of a self-expression rather than gender identity. There are actually other more self-expression patterns outside masculine-feminine-neutral!
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Things I want for a season 16 we're totally gonna get (I have officially become delusional)
- An episode with Robert Pattinson as a hunter that kills nothing but vampires
-Jack accidentally taking them to the universe of a kids tv show
-A really fucking scary one because it's been a while
-Truth spell. Truth. Spell. Truth spell-
-Crowley coming back
-The Supernatural show being adapted to Broadway
-Christmas episode (WITH CAS THIS TIME)
-Body swap episode
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avocado-writing · 1 year
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notes: okay. this is the double ball gag fic. it also has crowley & aziraphale manifesting vaginas but still being male presenting bc nonbinary angels/demons can do what they want. everyone has sex very gender nonconformingly.
pairing: crowley x reader x aziraphale. Dom!Reader, Sub!Crowley/Aziraphale
words: 1.6k
rating: E, minors DNI (dom/sub; shibari; overstimulation; aftercare)
if you like my work here’s my kofi!
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Outside of Aziraphale’s bookshop London is busy. People walk with purpose and without care, bumping shoulders and swapping unpleasantries. Outside they’re human: crass, bitter, small. 
That’s only if you’re being damning though. They’re also wonderful, bright, and marvellous. Something you’ve not quite reconciled within yourself. You’ve lived longer than any of them, so you’re not exactly a human, but neither are you like your lovers: able to change your body with just a thought and a click. Sometimes you wish you had what Aziraphale and Crowley had. Other times, you resign yourself to what you are, and be glad they can make up the other pieces. 
The tea brews, and you think about the first time you saw both of them with vulvas. 
For Crowley, it was quite soon after the three of you found each other again. Aziraphale was off on business and, given that you were still in the honeymoon decade, you and Crowley couldn’t keep your hands off of each other. You had him in bed, pulling off his doublet and hose, unwrapping him like a present that was still a surprise even when you knew what the contents were. 
Only that time it was a surprise, because instead of a cock between his legs, you found a willing and wet cunt. 
“Oh?” Crowley had asked, then seemed to remember and looked down. “Oh, yes. I felt like it today. Is that a problem?”
“Never,” you’d said, and slipped your fingers inside of him. 
Aziraphale changed himself around in that manner less than Crowley did. He was a creature of habit and more importantly a creature of comfort, if he was happy in how he looked it wasn’t often he’d alter it. But you remember, in seventeen-fifty, the day he — she — had walked down the stairs in her rococo dress with its risqué neckline, gorgeous blonde hair in tight curls around her heart-shaped face. She had taken your breath away. 
“Aziraphale, you’re beautiful.”
She lit up like the sun on a clear day. 
That night you’d both taken her to bed and found her pretty pussy in her fair nest of hairs. She’d cried out as Crowley sheathed himself inside her, and afterwards as you covered her opening with your mouth to taste what Crowley had left. 
Yes. You’d learned not to expect anything when it came to getting them into bed. But, usually, when you propose an idea to them, they’re more than happy to indulge in it. Especially when you use that voice. That voice which promises they’re going to be shaking messes by the time you’re done with them. 
Your timer beeps and you jump. Half an hour. It’s probably been long enough. You take the tray of tea and head upstairs. 
They’re in the bedroom, exactly where you left them, which is good - it means they didn’t try to miracle out of their bindings. Which you told them, if they did, they’d be in trouble for. And not the fun kind of trouble either, with the whipped cream. 
The bench only comes out on special occasions but you’ve had it for years. Leather, very easily wiped clean. Which is good especially for where you’ve got them at the moment. 
What a pretty scene: they’re strapped to it, both of them, bodies pressed uncomfortably close together. There are three things preventing them from moving apart. One: the way you’ve bound their ankles and hands behind them to the bench effectively sealing them in place with the shibari rope; two: the fact the nipple clamps you’ve put on them are threaded together and to pull only leads to tugging; and three: the fact you’ve got them strapped to either side of a double ball gag. 
As they hear you enter the room their eyes turn to you desperately. You take a moment to sear the filthy picture into your mind. Two of them trapped in a faux kiss, spit escaping their mouths and dripping down between them. And, between their legs, you can hear the humming of the hitachi wands you rigged to press mercilessly into both their clits. 
Half an hour they’ve been here for. You’ve tried this before in the early noughties back when they both had cocks. They’d both tapped out though (and you let them, you weren’t heartless). It was just too sensitive. A cunt, though? That can take a pounding and keep on going. 
Yes. Half an hour. You’ve left them for half an hour with no other instructions than “keep track of how many times the other one comes.”
You’d whipped Crowley’s glasses off first, though, just to make sure he didn’t try to hide anything. And that makes him look more naked than the fact he doesn’t have a shred of clothing on. You put down the tea and approach them. You can hear the harmony of their laboured breathing; inhalations they don’t need to take but do so anyway to calm themselves through the overstimulation. Crowley’s let loose a couple of tears but Aziraphale is a mess, pink and flushed, crying hard, hair stuck slick to his forehead. You tenderly wipe it free for him. 
“Aziraphale, you’re beautiful,” you whisper. Even strung out on pleasure and with his mouth stopped by rubber Crowley manages a harrumph. You roll your eyes affectionately. 
“Yes, you are too, big boy.”
You pull back and cross your arms, switching back to business. 
“Alright. One at a time I’m going to ask you to blink how many times you saw the other one come. You first, Crowley.”
Crowley looks you dead in the eyes and blinks five times. You make a mental note and turn to your angel. 
“Go on now, your turn.”
Through the tears Aziraphale gives you seven blinks. Your eyebrows raise. 
“Incredible. You must be sore, Crowley.”
Crowley makes a little noise in the back of his throat. You reach down between Aziraphale’s legs and turn off the vibrator. He chokes against the gag in relief, sucking in a deep, calming breath through his nose. Crowley looks hopeful but you make no move to do the same for him. 
Carefully you remove the ball from their mouths, undo the clamps. You listen to them both groan and stretch their jaws to get the feeling back. You undo some of Aziraphale’s ropes to allow him a little more slack and comfort, but most importantly so that he’s able to lie backwards. 
They’re messes. Spit soaks their chest having dripped down from the gag, forcibly smeared between them due to their proximity. You turn to Crowley. 
“Alright now, darling. Clean him up.”
He looks confused, dazed, all of his attention still on his cunt. He wiggles his hands only to find them still trapped. You reach out and open his mouth for him, pressing your thumb between his lips. 
“With your tongue, darling. Go on. Be a good boy, and I’ll turn it off.”
“Fuck,” Crowley manages, before reaching over to Aziraphale. You watch him work him over, licking him clean from the mixture of sweat and spit, enjoying the way the angel’s eyes roll back in his head at the feeling of his husband’s tongue. When you believe Crowley has done a thorough enough job you manoeuvre Aziraphale down even further, supporting him as he lies on his back and spreads his legs. His pussy is a puffy pink and glistening with come. You nod the demon towards it. 
“Little more, Crowley.”
He finds just enough room in his binds to lean forward and press his mouth to Aziraphale’s entrance, his tongue licking careful stripes over the angel’s lips. Aziraphale cries out as his poor cunt is once again wracked with pleasure, and you undo his ropes to allow for him to slip one hand free and bury it in your clothes for support. His chest hitches beautiful, back a gorgeous arch. 
You hold him, gripping him through it, until Crowley is done. 
“You’re so good for me,” you whisper to him, sliding your finger into his red locks and pulling his head back gently to face you. His eyes are wide and exhausted, but full of satisfaction as you finally turn his hitachi off. You kiss him, long and slow, touching your tongue against his and tasting Aziraphale off his lips.
Finally done, finally spent, you begin to dismantle the set-up. Yes, they could miracle themselves free, but that takes away from the intimacy of it. The care. They collapse in your arms as you undo the ropes and you help them over to the bed, massaging the feeling back into their limbs. All the while you pepper them with kisses and praises both, telling them how well they did, how good they are. 
“Tea or water?” you ask them both. The unanimous response is ‘tea’, so you bring it over to them from your tray. As they drink it down — well, what you’ve made them do is thirsty work — you head into the en-suite and grab a wet flannel. They nuzzle into each other as you begin to wipe them down, clear the sweat and stickiness from their bodies. When you reach between Crowley’s legs he hisses and you stop. 
“I'm sorry darling. But was it good?”
He nods enthusiastically, pressing his face into the soft space between Aziraphale’s neck and shoulder. 
Later, you’ll run them a bath, take your time washing them down with the nice body soak. You’ll discuss the whole scene and hear with enthusiasm that it’s something they’d like to do again; Crowley’s pretty sure he can last longer next time. You’ll take them downstairs and make dinner and collapse into a cuddly pile on the sofa, watching that show you all like from the eighties. 
But for now you let them rest, sitting at the head of the bed to stroke their hair, and being there if they need anything in the world. 
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aziraphales-library · 5 months
Hey! I'm not looking for a particular fic and maybe somebody's already asked this, but could you point me the way to kidfics where Crowley is the birthing parent? Idk if I'm just unlucky or bad at searching but it seems like almost all the 'one of them gives birth' fics have Aziraphale as the birth parent...
Hello! We do have a #pregnant crowley tag, so take a look at that. Here are some more fics to add to the collection...
Angel Baby by ARealPip (T)
Crowley is pregnant, and a group of doctors and nurses struggle valiantly to handle the gender-fluid inhuman patient who has suddenly shown up in their offices. Aziraphale does his very best to help put them at their ease. But it all goes a bit strange.
This Miraculous Child (Of Ours) by blackeyedblonde (E)
“Well?” Crowley asks, wretchedly pulling his sunglasses from his face. “Why isn’t your angelic juju doing me one better and nipping whatever this is in the arse?” The fact that Aziraphale has paled some himself and reached up to clutch at the front of his dressing gown doesn’t seem to bode well. “You—you’re with child, Crowley,” he says, just like that, in the messy parlor of this once-scourged effing bookshop in Soho where Crowley thought he’d lost the one thing he ever really cared about, the car be damned, since they unraveled into existence and millennia began.
More to Love by Sodium_Azide (E)
It's a new world, and the beginning of a new era. Crowley has never been happier in his long life, but, (ain't there always a but) he has his angel, he has his freedom, he has his Bentley and the whole world to explore, but he still wants more. Unexpectedly, he gets it. (an ineffable family fic)
The Way We're Made by dsaun (E)
After the almost-apocalypse, Crowley and Aziraphale attempt to settle back into their old routines. What they don't know is that their meddling in the great plan has piqued the creator's curiosity and she has other ideas. A drunken evening causes ineffable consequences and turns everything upside down.
beyond the river jordan by blackeyedblonde (E)
“I think it’s time we try and do the thing,” is what Crowley says, when the words finally wing up out of him one morning. “Do what, dear?” Aziraphale asks as he takes a scrubbing brush to the skillet they’d made eggs in. Behind them, Dove is smearing oatmeal and a bit of scramble around her highchair tray, blabbing good-naturedly in her little singsong voice while morning sunlight slants in just enough to make her strawberry hair shine like rose gold. “You know,” Crowley grunts, drying an antique porcelain plate with a particular furor that makes it consider breaking, though it wouldn’t dare so much as chip with the angel in the room. “Uh. Try again—for a baby. But swapped ‘round a bit so I do all the cooking.” Aziraphale calmly keeps up with his washing, though a little smile plays around his mouth and then gradually grows a bit wider. “Ah,” he says all too knowingly, which makes Crowley’s stomach lurch. “I’d been wondering when you’d feel ready to bring that up again.”
The Birds and the Bees for Ineffable Idiots by DarkAngel2891 (T)
Crowley doesn't know how reproduction works. Aziraphale is at a loss for words. Whatever the two where expecting it wasn't this. God ships Crowley and Aziraphale.
- Mod D
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spnficrecfest · 3 months
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detailed schedule and themes
here you’ll find more info about the prompts. these are open to interpretation — if you’re not sure if something fits the theme, add it anyway!
most days have two options to choose from. you are not restricted to only one prompt on those days. feel free to rec something for both, or combine them!
i added suggestions for some prompts in case you're having trouble thinking of anything in particular, but of course you can always put everything in one post/list (for example, all your beloved AU fics instead of focusing on one specific kind)
august 1 — specific era or season
suggestions: pre-series, soulless!sam, heaven fic, dean's time in hell, late seasons, dean’s time in purgatory, demon blood era, god!castiel
august 4 — kinks or whump
kink suggestions: car or public sex, bondage, lactation, scent kink, the gentle holding of hands, a/b/o, biting, phone sex, pregnancy, size kink, first time, wing fic, cross-dressing, marking, dub-con, voyeurism, wounds
august 7 — short fics or long fics
short fics: anything with less than 3k words long fics: anything with more than 50k words (don’t get too hung up on the suggested word count; if a fic you really love and want to include has 3.5k words or only 49k, just throw it in there as well.)
august 10 — AUs and crossovers
suggestions: space/future, demon!dean, merpeople, non-hunting au, always-a-different-gender, cowboys, unrelated au, end!verse, serial killers, canon divergence, age swaps
august 13 — poly ships or rarepairs
for the purposes of this fest, i define “rarepairs” as anything besides sam/dean and dean/cas. suggestions: sam/dean/cas, jess/sam, anna/ruby, dean/john, claire/jack, sam/lucifer, dean/benny/cas, crowley/bobby, jody/donna, azazel/john, dean/omc, meg/castiel
august 16 — case fics
august 19 — tropes or outsider pov
tropes suggestions: fluff, bed-sharing, curtain fic, fake dating, mistaken for dating, (love) curse, fuck or die, enemies to lovers, amnesia, first time in a long time, death fic, holidays, time loops, dark fic, accidental baby acquisition, huddling for warmth, sick fic, hurt/comfort
august 22 — G/T-rated and gen fics
gen suggestions: character studies, religion, trauma, found family, humor/crack, platonic relationships
august 25 — vintage fics or recent fics
vintage fics: anything published before season 6 (mid-2010) recent fics: anything published since 2022 (feel free to define both of these terms differently, this is only a suggestion.)
august 28 — episode codas or formats
specific episode suggestions: mystery spot, about a boy, free to be you and me, it's a terrible life, lebanon, the end, red meat, what is and what should never be, despair, sex and violence, hello cruel world
format suggestions: chat fic, 5+1 things, epistolaries, poetry, screenplays, anything unique and special you’ve come across
august 31 — all time favorites or free space
the grand finale: the crème de la crème. the stuff you want everyone and their mother to read. or: all the fics that didn’t fit into any of the other sections!
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thekats · 1 year
You know what? I have a new pet peeve: the common way fem!husbands are represented in fanart and fanfiction.
We've seen Crowley femme presenting multiple times and he was always portrayed by David. Yet most times I see either (or both) of them femme in fanworks, they're completely body-swapped. Now I would find this less troubling (and, as a genderfluid/nonbinary person, offensive) if the body-swapping was NOT ONLY femme presenting. It's kinda taking the whole sexless/genderless part out of the thing which a) makes no sense for the canon, and b) sets liberation movements (including ...80s? Feminism?? I'm bad with numbers and history) back.
Don't get me wrong, I love a good boobie on my entities (entitties, am I right?), but make them masc as well! Make their "default" bodies femme as well! Stop telling everyone and your mum that body dictates gender, dictates presentation.
It's all "Crowley has all the gender" until you put him in a dress, call him 'her' and change his anatomy.
It's all "Aziraphale has none" until you put him in a styled bob, call him 'her' and change his anatomy.
The pronouns is another thing. I've seen it on tiktok and in fics. Yes, any and all pronouns for them are fine by me for either of them (though they do seem to prefer he/him?), and Martel knows I call them 'they' and 'she' often, but whenever they're portrayed as femme presenting, it's only ever 'she'.
Please, please, please stop reverting this beautiful occult ethereal process back to this "has boobs, is woms" western nonsense...
Get the patriarchy out of your head and let's all enjoy the beautiful beauty of two beings in love... who are bound by neither form nor function nor (human) social concept.
Male is not the default. Masc is not the default. Female and feminine are not "other".
Thanks for coming to my bachelor's thesis.
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crowleyscleaninglady · 11 months
In which Crowley did not get an extremely alcoholic breakfast at the Ritz but a shark attack drink at the local beach bar
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kotana-x · 9 months
fem! Cas, Dean and Crowley aaand... teen!AU yeap
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Crowley: Come on, did they code "fight" as "tea party"? And that's why you decided to take "Bird's Milk" and "Milch Mädchen" with you? I respect your choice, sweet tooth, but for the "lethal dose" of sugar, you could only take Cassie~ Dean: I just hope they crack your icing~ "Bird's Milk" and "Milch Mädchen" these are cakes that contain condensed milk.
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errantemilia · 11 months
Good Omens Fandom and Body-Type Representation (1/3): Lady Crowley
The Good Omens fandom is on fire after the release of Season 2 (we need to cope, yes). There is a lot to say, but let me focus on the visual representation of Aziraphale and Crowley as women. It has always been done, gender swap is a sort of internet rule, but in this case it's canon: in Season 1, during Warlock's childhood, Crowley is a woman; and Neil Gaiman himself revealed that among the flashbacks planned as possible for Season 2, there was "a 1960s American one with Crowley and Aziraphale female presenting." The fandom has gone wild, and the fan art of ineffable wives has multiplied.
So, let's talk about Crowley as a woman – I’ll call her Lady Crowley.
She. Is. Glorious. When artists draw Lady Crowley, they depict her as confident, bold, and beautiful, while retaining Crowley's physical features. Now, I'd like to draw attention to my own physical features. I have a hooked nose, a sharp jawline, I'm very tall and very thin, without curves. In short, I'm very David Tennant-ish (it even happened a couple of times that I was told I looked cartoonish). Rarely in my life have I seen myself as beautiful. Even more rarely have I seen women like me in cultural products who weren't the comic relief, or the villains. Certainly not the primary romantic interest of the story.
The portrayal of Lady Crowley expands the concept of "feminine beauty." Not only it reiterates a figure of a woman unconventionally or atypically beautiful – and the more you see her, the more you'll be inclined to represent women like her – but it surrounds her with coolness. It's the imaginary that feeds itself.
Sure, it's a small slice of imaginary. However, maybe the next time a tall, thin, big-nosed teenage girl gazes herself in the mirror, she won’t think, "I'm ugly, I look like a Scottish man," but rather, "I look like Lady Crowley, I'm awesome!”. For me, this would already be enough.
For the post about Aziraphale, aka Mrs Fell, see here.
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knifeforkspooncup · 4 months
You asked and you shall receive...
Here's a weird ask for you: if you could body swap with Aziraphale or Crowley for the day, which would you choose?
Hmmmm that's an excellent question. I'm gonna say Crowley just bc I have Aziraphale's body type already/live like a soft emotionakly repressed hermit librarian who likes desserts irl and wanna experience The Walk first hand in those tiny skinny jeans, and also driving at lightspeed in the Bentley would be very fun. Oh oh and all the outfits. Can I be Crowley as bildad or Globe Theatre Crowley? OR NANNY ASHTORETH. That's peak Gender to me. But that was a hard choice bc I am unhinged for Aziraphale and his rotund, fluffy, bitchy ass.
What about you?
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fairyspheres · 11 months
i have a lot of thoughts that have been collating for the last three months about crowley and aziraphale and i'm going to foist them upon everyone now.
this is probably an unpopular opinion, but i'm personally of the thought that of the two of them, crowley is the one out of a/c who is ace/demi leaning, and that he's the one more... i don't know, wary about touch.
there is no argument that crowley loves aziraphale. he does, utterly and completely and stupidly. (so very, very stupidly.) but i also think, much as he might vehemently argue about it, that crowley is more about the romance side of things. he watches richard curtis films. he takes aziraphale to the ritz (and other restaurants) for lunch. he saves aziraphale's books over the alcohol during the bombing just because. he drives aziraphale around in his beloved bentley (and let's him drive it to edinburgh!). he miracles hamlet to be a success as 'his treat'. he takes him to a graveyard so they can laugh at a statue of gabriel together. acts of service and all that.
even his kiss looked as though he had seen it in a romantic film, like that's what he thought you do in desperation. (not that i'm complaining lmao.)
aziraphale, in series two, shows his love through a lot of physical touch and looks. obviously he has the romantic side as well - he turned himself into a sidhe and abducted all of whickber street so he and his beloved could dance together, even giving away one of his books to do so - but he touched crowley a lot this series. the pub chest trail was very. well. and the looks. how many times have we caught him either looking crowley up and down or outright leering at him? there's a reason why i keep saying 'rip crowley when aziraphale gets his hands on him again' because goddamn. the whole 'there must be... something... i can do for you?' in 1941.
aziraphale shows his love through kidnapping an entire street of humans so he can dance with crowley and openly thirsting and starving for crowley ('please, do it again, right now'). but he also does things he knows crowley likes. he lets crowley rescue him, despite being more than capable enough of getting himself out of his own messes, because 'it makes him so happy'. i think he threw the ball for crowley because he knew that crowley likes romance, even if he'll never admit it. he knows what crowley likes ('you like waiting inside!').
looking at the physical touches, i don't think crowley is ever the first to initiate a touch between them, other than the kiss of desperation and the handshake on stage in 1941 (which was for public appearances and was so brief it barely counts). in their private moments, he lets aziraphale come to him. he holds out his hand to aziraphale in the bookshop in the 1941 flashback, but aziraphale is the one to close the distance. when they're swapping back to the actual forms post-heaven and hell trickery, crowley holds out his hand yet again, but aziraphale is the one to take it.
i think, the next time they kiss, aziraphale will have to be the one to bridge the distance between them because i think crowley will be wary of doing so again. and i do not think aziraphale's kiss will be as chaste as crowley's was.
this got away from me a bit, but my (original) point is that a/c doesn't need both of them to be full of lust (as i've seen in a, frankly, exhausting amount of fics) for it to be a fulfilling, love-filled relationship. aziraphale obviously has enough lust for the both of them, and crowley has all the genders. balance. or something.
(and once more, ace/ace-leaning people don't necessarily not experience sexual attraction. for a lot of people on the ace spectrum, it's about finding a person with whom they have a meaningful emotional connection, and aziraphale is that to crowley.)
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