#gem is like. hm. that sure is Odd
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rosenbergamot · 1 year ago
Snail Grian?
ough.... snail grian. grian watch out theres something wrong w those snails!! no but literally the fact that in gem and grians most recent episodes we see that they FALL FROM SPACE ? if not space then at least The Sky but like.... they are from space. they are Not of this planet. like what alien creature is visiting hermitcraft and why does grian always become its favourite thing. i rotate him in my mind. he is experiencing The Horrors and nobody but gem has noticed. anyways snail grian...... he is nothing but a mere idea in my brain but u made me think about him some more so now i give u. this:
Gem hasn’t seen Grian in awhile. 
Ever since that day with that silly snail, he’s seemed to have just… disappeared. Fallen right off the map. The dock where he sat fishing is uncomfortably silent, nothing but a barrel full of fish and saddles to prove that someone was there. The lanterns reflect off the deep blue of the ocean when she looks out from the top of her lighthouse; from here she can see the entire shoreline, the way it stretches and yawns across the land. No sign of Grian anywhere.
The others haven’t been around in a bit. Everyone’s been busy, less talkative, nose to the grindstone and all that, and so nobody has noticed the suspicious absence of their fisherman. Nobody but her. 
No pesky snail has been eating her lighthouse recently. She sees trails of slime across the shore, where Grian usually paced in the day, but finds no evidence of anything happening near her build. It’s as if the snails had just… moved on-- as if they’d found something else they liked, some new objective, something different to satiate their growing hunger. 
What that could be, Gem doesn’t know. She’s been here for a while and nothing but the taste of a player’s carefully crafted build could satisfy them. Even then they never seemed to be satisfied! It was as if they lived only to ruin her day! Now that they’re mysteriously absent… well, she doesn’t know what to do with herself.
She pulls her hair back into a ponytail, her breath leaving her in a long sigh. As she makes her way upstairs, she takes a peek through her window to see if Grian had somehow mysteriously made it back. 
Just as she expected to see, that snail is at Grian’s fishing dock. The new one. The weird one. It’s bigger than the rest, with a red shell and a habit of crawling slowly up and down the dock and not doing much else. Sometimes she sits there and watches it, feeling a deep seated discomfort with the way it looks so lost. 
She wants to go help it. But she won’t risk it. She doesn’t want another snail to try and ruin her hard work.
The snail stops in its tracks suddenly, as if sensing she’s there watching it. It shifts to stare at her, unyielding in its gaze. She wishes she could talk to animals, because that snail is looking at her with such knowing that it makes her stomach twist. 
Finally, she can’t handle it anymore, and she turns to go back to her work, leaving the snail behind to do whatever snails do. It’s not like she can do anything for it.
God, she hopes Grian comes back soon… 
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megaderping · 8 months ago
A while ago, I made a post going into parts of the missable Sae Palace arc text messages, such as these:
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However, that post neglected to include a full transcript. I have since transcribed all of these texts, which occur on 10/30, 11/3, 11/7, and 11/11. You must not infiltrate Sae's Palace until after these dates in order to get these.
Transcripts below the cut! Crossposted to the P5 sub.
The first of these texts takes place on 10/30. You will miss this text if you infiltrate the Palace on the first available day.
Ryuji: Yo, Akechi.
Akechi: What is it?
Ryuji: You got any idea who the true culprit might be?
Futaba: Oh yeah! You said you saw a masked guy, right?
Haru: I wanted to ask about that too.
Futaba: Did you really see him? The masked guy's gotta be the true culprit, right?
Akechi: If this so-called true culprit is acting alone, then there can be no mistake about it.
Futaba: I see.
Yusuke: The next question is, who is that masked man?
Akechi: Unfortunately, I do not know that much.
Futaba: Ugh, you're useless.
Akechi: That is quite harsh.
Futaba: Aw, you're making me blush!
Ann: That wasn't a compliment...
Akechi: At this point, I have yet to even grasp any clues. But once this is dealt with, I will surely capture him. I promise you that.
We'll be counting on you.
Akechi: Perfect. Leave it to me. It may sound somewhat odd for me to say this, but I am an exceptional detective. I assure you, I will catch this culprit. Look forward to it.
Can you do it?
Akechi: Hm? Do you not trust me?
[The rest plays out the same as the other option.]
What's funny about this exchange is how the Thieves know Akechi's deal and are just playing along. It makes some of the reactions (especially from Haru and Futaba) read as comically passive aggressive. However, the more interesting texts start coming on 11/03, 11/07, and 11/11.
Starting with 11/03.
Ryuji: Goddamit. People're acting like we were the ones who killed 'em.
Yusuke: I have even heard them say we are assassins hired to deal with psychotic breakdown victims.
Ann: Ugh, that's obviously not what we're trying to do.
Akechi: This must be part of the plan to shift blame onto the Phantom Thieves. After all, the true culprit is the one killing the people on that ranking list.
This is unforgivable
Akechi: Indeed. I have no intentions of letting this slide.
This is total BS
Akechi: But that is the truth for the general public at the moment.
[Both lead to...]
Futaba: Man, this culprit guy really won't let up. I don't remember ever doing anything that'd make someone hate us THIS much.
Haru: He used my father as well...
Akechi: I cannot fathom what his motive may be... We will just have to capture and interrogate him.
Makoto: But before that, we need to change my sister's heart. That's our first step toward stopping him.
Akechi: I must agree. The true culprit will be caught, but before that we must deal with Sae-san. If ranking is being taken into consideration, perhaps I will be targeted too... Just kidding.
This tells us that Shido is deliberately having Akechi target high ranking targets on the PhanSite in order to terrify the public with abhorrent acts of violence, much like he did in April. It's a way to make people feel scared and more reliant on Shido to be the change that Japan needs. But if you secure the treasure as quickly as possible, you will miss this added information that really deepens how cruel he truly is by ordering hits just to paint a convenient narrative.
And this is definitely Shido's idea, because on 11/7 we get this gem...
Haru: Do you think the culprit could be someone at our school?
Yusuke: That seems somewhat sudden.
Haru: I mean, didn't they find a calling card in Principal Kobayakawa's office? I thought you had suggested that idea yourself, Yusuke.
Yusuke: That was just a generalization.
Haru: But if Mako-chan noticed what was going on with you guys, somebody else might have too.
Ann: So you think that "somebody else" is trying to frame us? What's gotten into you so suddenly?
Haru: Nothing has gotten into me. I just think there's a chance the culprit is related to Shujin...
You might be right. / There's no way.
[Both get the same response:]
Yusuke: What is all of this about? It's too soon to be jumping to conclusions like this.
Haru: Well, I was hoping to hear a professional opinion on the matter... What are your thoughts, Akechi-kun?
Akechi: The possibility is not zero, but it does seem a bit unlikely.
Haru: Why do you ask?
Akechi: A normal person would never do such a thing. They would have no reason to callously murder your principal.
Haru: And what if they weren't normal?
Akechi: Are you implying they kill for the sheer pleasure of it?
Haru: No, not like that. What I mean is, you need certain special abilities to navigate through that world, yes?
Akechi: Ah, so you're saying the culprit is a Persona-user.
Haru: Yes.
Akehci: I see... How perceptive. Truthfully, I was considering that possibility myself. But it is difficult to think they have ties to Shujin Academy.
Haru: Why?
Akechi: There would be no motive for them to carry out such a cruel plot. Clearly our culprit is acting behind the scenes to accomplish some grand objective. He likely has accomplices. It is even possible that he is being controlled by someone.
Makoto: Controlled? By whom?
Akechi: If I knew that, I do not think we would be in this much trouble.
Haru: I see... So even someone like you doesn't know, Akechi-kun.
Futaba: Looks like our genius detective's not so much of a genius after all.
Akechi: Haha, harsh as always. If there is one thing I know, it is that the culprit behind all of this is extremely shrewd. But don't worry. I will catch him, no matter what it takes.
I'm looking forward to that. / I wonder if you can do it.
Akechi: More importantly, we need to focus on changing Sae-san's heart for the time being. If we cannot do that, everything we have done will be for naught. We absolutely must succeed here.
There is so much to unpack here. By far, it's my favorite of these texts because of the light it sheds on Akechi's motivations and intentions. First, we have Haru pressing the subject. She clearly wants to squeeze answers out of Akechi. She's subtly putting him on the spot because she knows...
But Akechi lets slip that no, actually, he doesn't do this for pleasure. That actually, he is being controlled and that the true mastermind is someone shrewd that he intends to take down. Amidst all of Akechi's lies and platitudes during this part of the story, we see a crack in his perfectly prepared mask. In a way, this is the most honest we've seen Akechi outside of his Royal confidant and on 8/28 and 9/3. In a way, he's sharing little slivers of himself with the rest of the team (either begrudgingly or for reasons he doesn't fully understand) the way he already has with Joker.
And it actually explains a few things that happen later. Namely, the way he downplays the need to kill the other Phantom Thieves until after the election (keep in mind, he does intend to knock Shido down from his pedestal) as well as treating Morgana as "just a cat." Obviously, this doesn't absolve Akechi of his guilt, but it does make it clear that he isn't as remorseless as a lot of people believe, even if no amount of sunk cost fallacy is gonna undo the damage he's done.
Hell, when combined with his lamentation that he didn't meet Joker years ago in the engine room and his reaction to Morgana explaining changes of heart, these texts further solidify that his feelings toward both Joker and the Thieves are extremely complex and absurdly messy.
Plus we get Haru and Futaba both taking shots at him, which is fun and also extremely deserved. :p
Moving on, there's one final missable November text on 11/11. It goes as follows:
Akechi: So, about the investigation... It seems they have no evidence that can truly be called as such.
Ryuji: Well duh.
Akechi: However, it seems they have no intentions of changing their plans.
Ann: They're going to investigate at both Shujin Academy and Leblanc, right?
Akechi: Indeed.
Makoto: Hm. I can understand Shujin... But why Leblanc?
Akechi: The key is Wakaba Isshiki.
Futaba: Is it cause of my mom's research?
Akechi: Correct. Her study of cognitive psience is closely connected to this case. Of that, there can be no doubt.
Futaba: Then this guy's really the mastermind behind all of this?
Akechi: That would be the case. There can be no mistake... The one who erased cognitive psience from this world is surely the culprit behind everything.
Makoto: And getting rid of the research was the only way they could use its powers?
Akechi: How perceptive of you. Yes, that is the only logical conclusion. Both Sae-san and I were searching for clues about that research. But just as we were about to deepen our investigation, this commotion began. And to make things even more troublesome... There was only one person with strong connections to both Shujin Academy and Leblanc. And that person turned out to be the leader of the Phantom Thieves.
Yusuke: So the culprit had calculated all of this in advance?
Akechi: Heavens no. That would be impossible. This was a miracle created by the coinciding of multiple chance situations.
Ryuji: Dude, you hear that? He says you got miraculously bad luck. Don't that make you feel good?
I'm so lucky.
Ryuji: Y'know, shitty luck is still luck.
That's not funny.
Ryuji: C'mon, you gotta be able to laugh it off at this point.
Haru: Yes, your luck really is impressive.
Akechi: At any rate, that's the current state of things. And that's why we must obstruct the investigation at all costs.
Makoto: Yes, that's our intention.
Once again, we have Akechi laying it on thick that Shido is the one behind everything, as he was the one who ordered the hit on Wakaba, stole her research, and had his own research team develop it further. And keep in mind, Shido's own words, first on 11/21...
"Those who get in the way must be eliminated at times—that's the correct way to use the Metaverse."
And later, his Shadow states, "Moreover, it was thanks to me that Akechi was able to properly use his power to begin with."
So we know that even the idea of inducing mental shutdowns came from him, even if Akechi offered his Metaverse abilities as part of his stupid revenge plan.
What this shows is Akechi wants to hint that there is this bigger puppet master, even if he's going to betray the Thieves, and this is actually really consistent with his Royal confidant. In Rank 7, he uses a billiard games as a metaphor for the upcoming betrayal kill and gives Joker an out, even if he's much happier if you assert your rivalry instead. This makes his warnings about the connections to Wakaba carry a very similar feeling, and since these texts were in Vanilla, it's likely that the Royal confidant built on this foundation.
But then there's the fact that the Thieves are fully in the know that Akechi is going to betray them, so it recontextualizes all these texts where they are genuinely trying to squeeze as much info out of him as they can and likely having to restrain themselves hard (especially Futaba and Haru).
And all of this you will never see unless you delay the infiltration until 11/12. So, the next time you play Persona 5 Royal, it might be worthwhile to delay Sae's Palace to see these in-game! They're really cool and it's a shame they aren't scripted events.
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porcelain-feather · 2 months ago
It took years of searching to find what you were looking for. There were dozens of false starts and just as many dead ends, more than you honestly thought that you could endure. It turns out that you're fairly resilient when focused on the one thing that might promise to make a difference in your miserable life - and so it was that you found the Witch in a part of town that probably shouldn't exist. You've gone through this area many times without seeing those streets here, and even the most up to date local maps say that you should see Holly Lane a block away from Meadowbrook Street.
Where, then, did these additional roads come from?
It doesn't matter. You're looking for something supernatural, it makes sense that things would get weird quickly. A woman answered your knock with a curious look on her face, like a cat eyeing a particularly enticing mouse before pouncing. "How can I help you, miss? Are you sure you have the right place? Not many people come calling these days."
"I want to sell my soul. Don't care what you do with it so long as you don't kill me or torture me."
She blinked at the odd request. Normally she would name such a thing as a price for her services, not a service in and of itself. "…why? You know this is a permanent arrangement, yes? You aren't even naming a wish or item that you want to purchase."
You cast your eyes downward, unable to continue meet hers. "Because if I sell it to you, then at least someone will want it - want me. Might finally be 'useful' for a change instead of-"
She stops your words with a caress of your cheek, easing your head back up until her eyes find yours again. "A precious thing like you has no one that cares? No one that sees the gem beneath the grit the world leaves on you?"
Her smile speaks volumes in a language you don't understand. You only remember to breathe when she withdraws her hand from your cheek, drawing in a shuddering gasp that leaves you shaking to the very core. What just happened? What did she do to you?
"Come inside, dear. You'll keep your soul for now while I figure out how best to use a pretty thing like you. The world is quite blind if they don't see the good in you, but that's their loss. How about I make you a cup of tea while you get comfortable, hm?"
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sometimeslapine · 4 months ago
[If You Can't Craft Your Rituals At Home…]
(mentions of inflation, setup for a story to come...)
She stood on the sidewalk, spending an inordinate amount of time just… staring at it. It was one of those kinds of things acting under rules you'd only ever hear mentioned in hushed rumors, yet the ruleset it flew by was overplayed enough to land itself as a named trope. Almost by intent, it was bland and easy to miss. Knowing of its existence wasn't enough; you had to be fully determined, stubborn beyond reason in hunting it down again and again, else that first time you stumbled across it as a matter of some convenient plot device would also be the last. It wasn't here yesterday, and if what her own research into the matter told her, it wouldn't be here tomorrow.
On that note, it was set to close in just under thirty minutes. The mid-autumn season already saw the sun's departure a few hours earlier, and the cool breeze that filled its place scattered leaves in some scratchy protest to the otherwise silent city block. Most everyone had the good sense to retire for the night by now, but time still ticked forward. She'd have to either swallow her pride and head on in, or she'd be forced to wait another twenty-nine to thirty days for this odd curio shop to migrate back to the only recorded appearance within driving distance.
what a hassle. how a place like this kept in business was beyond her.
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The door brushed against a bell chime as it opened, completely giving away the girl's hopes of entering unnoticed. she braced herself for the eccentric greeting a place like this should command, but… no hello, no welcome, just the ticking of some distant mechanical clock and a cat furred jet-black lazing about atop the register counter. Practically devoid of life, otherwise.
Sure was one hell of a sight to take in though, glancing around. The "thrift shop" description she was given by an internet friend sharing rumors was about as spot on as one could get. Tiny handmade trinkets of metal and leather, small wrapped bags of floral odds and ends, various bottles of multicolored liquids, a mix of bound books both aged and new, rough stones and polished gems, incense and tealight candles, the list could go on and on…
It's… one thing to read up on the occult from a distance. There's still some wild stuff someone studied enough as her could pull off with knowledge alone, but without any proper conduits or ritual equipment to better focus that will, even the full extent of a decade's worth of magik practice at her disposal was little more than cheap parlor tricks in comparison to what she was hoping to achieve one day. The atmosphere in this place was practically crackling with the arcane potential she needed, and it set her thoughts ablaze. Just imagine all the fun stuff she'd pull off with tools like these…
a separate train of thought reminded her once again to focus. exciting as it was to window shop, she was here on a very specific and personal mission, and likely only had enough on her to cover the cost of executing one singular plan. she very literally could not afford to be distracted right now.
Oh. Huh. She'd been absentmindedly wandering up and down the cluttered aisles, idly coming to a stop at a side wall of woodwind instruments. This… isn't helpful to her. Couldn't hold a tune to save her life.
Man, this place was a labyrinth. If only she knew what she was actually looking for.
Well, she /knew/ what she wanted, at least on some level, but with this layout so chaotic, finding anything specific would be like searching for a needle in a haystack. Should she try and track down whoever ran the place?? Hell, how does someone even ask for help executing a stunt like what she had planned without sounding like a complete weirdo.
Hm. Well… worst case scenario, she could prooooobably cobble together the needed reagents for some rougher, more excessive passes at some kinda body modification spells and just let a good old-fashioned air compressor do the rest of the work. Something to increase her body's elasticity, maybe? It's not fully self-sustaining, but the novelty factor alone sounded hot, and that wonderful pressure sensation she always imagined tagging along whenever she pictured herself slowly filling with air, growing rounder, larger, hollow to the touch and taut as a drum, would all be felt tenfold when filtered through the lens of an imperfect homebrew mess of a-
god, she's letting her mind wander again. /focus/.
Still, she knew what she needed to make it work. It really could work. So… saffron. Not the grocery store variety, but true high-grade saffron as a starter, and a fair amount of it. That stuff was derived from… crocus sativus, she was fairly certain? Currently in-season, at least. Surely this place would carry properly cultivated strains of it. As for the where, she recalled spotting some organized floral arrangements over on a low aisle near the entrance, off to the left a tad somewhere… backtracking… and… ah, there's th-
As she reached out towards one of the vases to grab a handful of stalks, she immediately felt a pair of eyes on her back, freezing her in place. (Metaphorically, she'd clarify, but the sudden imposing presence left her feeling speechless.)
A glance back at the counter. Someone's behind there. A jet-black silhouette, standing tall and obscured in shadow. She wasn't alone after all. The figure watched her movements with careful intent. Where have they been hiding this whole time?? It's still dead quiet in here, how did she not hear them settle into place???
She waved weakly to the supposed shopkeep, as a gesture of good faith. Weight shifting to lean against the countertop, they waved back with one hand in a half-hearted acknowledgement, resting their head against the other palm in a lazy, almost uncaring fashion. Yet that piercing, distrusting gaze remained unchanged, fixed on her position. It was the only thing actually visible under the wide brim of that pointed hat, all other details of their figure lost to the hazy penumbra.
She suddenly felt very self conscious.
She wasn't trying to shoplift, if that was their concern…? Wasn't good karma. And, hell, trying to pull one over on a mage, /especially/ one that had to work in the Nightmare That Is Retail was the easiest way to land yourself with a nasty hex or two. Service industry workers do not fuck around when they know they can punch back without consequence.
Secondly, the whole reason she was here was to fulfill some nonsense inflation kink of hers. Surely it was obscure enough an interest that she could pass this purchase off as something else, but what if they saw through that lie??
hey. she should probably say something.
Oh. Right. Shit. She's been locked in a mute staring contest for at least 90 seconds now. This isn't doing anything to help her case. Shit, shit-
"…Still just browsing for now! I'll be up shortly to check out," with a showy wave holding up a bushel of crocuses. How she worked that statement out without a voice crack, she'll never know. The only reaction her announcement received from the opposite end of the shop was a raised eyebrow of… Disinterest? Amusement? God, they were so unreadable.
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She eventually made her way up to the counter, placing down a haul of the crocuses (croquoi? crocusen?? weird word), along with some fresh lavender, a pack of myrrh incense, a few gemstones, some smaller unrecognizable odds and ends, and a worn-down air-aspected elemental charm for good measure.
Now was as good an opportunity as ever to try to get a read on this shopkeep. Some details of a long robe broke through, some particularly tangled and chaotically-messy hairstyle going down to the waistline, but the fine details were… still conceptually hazy, at best. Even up close, their entire figure was marred in a heavy shadow, save the eyes. It was almost surreal how well-executed the fecharis look was pulled off; Some illusion spell had to've been at play.
"Just… this stuff today," she recited with the kind of perfectly-measured cadence one only gets by rehearsing a line a few too many times.
There wasn't an immediate response from the shopkeep though, and it almost looked like they were sizing up her own worth, just as they were the things she was trying to buy.
"Wait here."
…Well, that's ominous. They finally speak up, and it's little more than a two-word instruction. Hell, she didn't even have time to deliver the prepared excuse for this purchase. She watched the figure head through a door on the back wall, presumably leading to some stock room, before returning and placing down a bottle of some milky-white opaque substance on the counter.
"Wh… what…" she trailed off, confused.
"Sap from the ficus elastica. A toxic reagent akin to latex, so handle with care. If you're doing what I think you're doing, you'll need to make something far more potent than the amped-up self-care relaxant you're about to craft."
A bolt of lighting shot upwards through her body. She just got read like a book, negged in the process, and struck with a burning fluster she could feel flush across her face doing nothing to hide those facts.
"Trust me. In my experience, it works leagues better," they said, with an almost reassuring tone. There was the faintest hint of a genuine, caring smile across the face, before that detail got lost in the haze again. "Consider it on the house."
'/In my experience/'… are they implying- wh- that's- …holy shit?? they're just as much of a freak as she is???
"Uh, T-thank you!" she replied back with a mix of embarrassment and excitement. God, this shopkeep was suddenly the most fascinating person she'd ever met. She absolutely needed to make a return trip some day. She had so much she wanted to discuss. The kinds of stuff she could learn from someone like them…
★ ★ ★ ☾ ★
The total was calculated, approximately $80, or just shy of it. Cash exchanged hands over now much-more-confident small talk, a pair of ones and some coins returned as change. A light-hearted matching of "Do come again soon!" and "Don't worry, I plan on it," with a laugh.
As she approached the front door, she turned back to give a final wave to th- Ah. They were gone again, probably off tending to something else. Geez, never knew a shopkeep's life could be so busy. Hey, looks like the cat's back though, small fuzzy shadow once again stretched out and lazing atop the-
duh. she has some close friends who regularly pull that same stunt. should've been obvious.
Still… what an odd character. With a renewed spark of confidence in tonight's plans, she waved her goodbye to the creature watching over the shop and made the exit right as a clock started signaling the store's close with a chime.
Supplies now in hand, she absolutely could not wait to get home.
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calamitaswrath · 2 months ago
Lucia plays Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn: Chapter 10
So, we're already at the endgame of this first part. I think I mentioned it before, but on the one hand, I found it really interesting how in terms of both setup and general structure, this part really strongly mirrors the story of Path of Radiance - evil kingdom(/empire) invades, plucky small hero group fights against them and all odds, and they help the hidden, long-lost heir to the throne get into power. They even have a chapter where they attack a prison to bolster their ranks! But the fact that this is all just setup for the rest of the game really feels like it kind of hurts this new cast, who I feel were really rather rushed through their story without really being given the chance to be properly developed. But I'm getting ahead of myself here. . .
To leave that tangent somewhat relevant, though: Jarod really is no Ashnard, even if he is the final boss of this arc. I guess if you wanna read into this a bit deeper, you could say that this parallel wants to show that Ashnard and everything he did is just a petty squabble compared to what else is to come in this game?
. . .Huh, Izuka actually making a good point for once. Micaiah really has been getting far more renown from everything she has done, leaving Pelleas a bit on the wayside. Speaking of him - I'm still not quite sure what his deal is. Like, with him as a person. He recognized Micaiah being a branded, but what does that mean for him and did he even really recognize her?
Pelleas is even having some trouble with his speech like Elincia did in the last game. Parallels are strong in this one.
Base conversations! . . .God, I still feel bad for not really using Fiona. By all rights, she should be an important and strong character, but. . . yeah. And she's even giving me a Thani, when my current one's not even close to breaking yet. . .
Volug can talk?! . . .But only the ancient language, lol. But he's giving me money (or, well, a blue gem, but same thing) so that's neat.
You know, if nothing else, then I have to admire Jarod for sticking to what he believes in, and having a realistic outlook of his position. Dude's a shithead, but at least one who's honest in his own twisted way.
Ha, a proper coronation scene for Pelleas in-engine. That's neat. And if I see this correctly, then Almedha has an overworld model? Inch resting. . .
Micaiah's getting a promotion from the rightful heir to the throne that she has been helping all this time. The parallels sure are paralleling here.
But ahhh, her Light Sage outfit is super cute and pretty!
Aaand I knew this was coming, but it's still sad to see - our farewells to Muarim, Tormod, Nailah, Rafiel, and last but absolutely not least, Vika. The interactions between Sothe and Tormod, though. . . man, I really do need to read up on whether or not those two had any supports in PoR. They have chemistry.
But yeah, Laguz racism is still a thing. No wonder there, considering that Gallia played a big role in Daein's defeat.
Hm. You know, between it being a thing that's intrinsic to who you are, but also something that you wouldn't be able to tell at a glance of somebody and being something that makes you fit in with neither Laguz nor Beorc - being a Branded really does work as a stand-in for being queer, no? Anyway, trans Micaiah headcanon I'd say.
Speaking of her, that branded sign is absolutely sick. Depending on how much I like her and the game overall, that might be worth an idea for a tatoo one day. . . idk, just throwing random thoughts out. Who knows if I ever really want that.
Also speaking of Micaiah - I have already been wondering about her heritage! I sadly did already get spoiled and heard that she is Sanaki's half-sister, but I know literally no context on that. Which parent does she share with Sanaki, and what kind of Laguz her Laguz parent was. . . I really have no idea.
MICAIAH INSISTING THAT SHE'LL VISIT VIKA IN THE DESERT!! I was fully prepared to have their base conversation being the only interaction the two of them have, but AHHH THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO SEE
Oh, Volug's staying with Micaiah and the others after all! That's nice.
lol @ Sothe getting pecked by Yune. These games are really not for people who do not like birds.
I didn't actually deploy the Black Knight on this chapter because I figured he'd just steal experience from units who need it more. But I'll also read up on the conversations that I missed on this map, because I am Curious™.
Oh, Jarod's conversation with the Black Knight is gold. "What inspired you to slooooowly clank your way up out of your grave?" - yeah that's just how armoured units are in this game. But also, Jarod actually wanting to avenge Alder's death. . .
Not much there in the other conversations with the Black Knight. Him talking about how Micaiah reminds him of someone. . . did he know her mother, by chance? Or. . . nah, that probably can't be, since Micaiah is apparently far older than she seems. Sanaki then?
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yxstxrdrxxm-a · 1 year ago
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POLL RESULT—! > "Sorry, I'll pass..."
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"I'm sorry, but... I'll pass."
YESTERDAY looked hesitant as they said those words, their eye drifting away from his. Clutching onto their belongings, they shifted their feet away from the stranger.
"I plan on heading back to my shop, anyways," they added, chuckling nervously. "Maybe another time?"
They couldn't tell if he was happy about being denied or not, but when they looked up to see his reaction, he still kept that smile on his face. If anything, he seems rather... Bemused.
"Hm... I'll hold your word to it, little orchid," he replied, nodding. "I'll head on out, then. I'm sure we can meet again."
[ AFFECTION ↑ 3+ ! ]
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Watching him leave, YESTERDAY relaxed and sighed audibly, this time turning around to continue walking. Returning was a lie, of course, but being able to speak to another person that knew their struggles was a nice change of pace.
It ironically made them feel better, too.
[ WILT ↓ 3- ! ]
As they walked down the path, they reached the park and went to the nearest bench, putting down their things before they sat down. There isn't a lot of people around this time, which was a relief, as they knew damn well that they weren't feeling up to anymore additional interactions.
Though, as they watched other people interact, they noticed a familiar individual walking while holding hands with a woman. She was a bit taller than him, her black hair billowing in the wind and the coat she wore hung loosely on her shoulders.
And the one she was with was the owner of the eatery, who seem to be quite exasperated over something, judging by how he was talking and gesturing to her with a sharp look in his eye.
... Huh.
It's a rare sight to actually see him go out. From what people told them, TINUVION only leaves the eatery when he needed to make a couple urgent runs to the department store, in an emergency, or for his spouse. And from the looks of things, the third was the case.
What's cute, though, is even when the two bonded like they were arguing over (quite possibly) the dumbest thing in the world, they were holding hands. And those hands both had rings, too— same design, but the gems were in different colors.
One of teal, and the other of purple.
What an adorable couple.
As the couple left the florist be, YESTERDAY focused their attention on the books and picked it up. They grabbed a few in the hopes they can get to some reading, lest they wind up forgetting and procrastinate on returning it.
Though, as they looked through the books they bought, they had realized too late that they had three new books that wasn't in their possession.
Quite a strange conundrum. When did they get these? Do they even recall getting these books before? And the titles were odd, since they had been faded from the cover... Or, some of it, anyway.
"Alter Ego, Rain Burst, and Velvety Susurration," they muttered, eyeing each of the covers. They looked nice, sure, but they damn well knew something is up.
Putting the books away, they grabbed the one they sought out to read first, this time to open it and start focusing on the contents.
It's only for the sake of learning, they thought to themselves. It's only that. Nothing else.
In the midst of it all, their mind wandered back to the three men they had met. Each of them were intriguing, but they didn't exactly knew whether to trust them or not from their behaviors alone.
The first customer they had while they worked, the redhead, was one of the few that was easy to satisfy. They recalled he had a business to open, but something about him made them a bit cautious. Perhaps it was due to his manners, or even his nature, but they felt that they have seen him before.
The blonde stranger was someone they still remember— ALBEDO was his name. Although he was nice, when they spoke to him back then, it felt like they were speaking in a void, with him only listening and not expressing much to respond. It was quite eerie, as they swore that his eyes looked a bit dead when they had a chance to look at him.
And the third... The stranger was charming, that's for sure, but he was definitely shady. YESTERDAY isn't stupid; they were at a vulnerable state, and he had the capabilities of pushing them to do what they don't want. It was a miracle he let them off, because his mere presence was making them panicked.
Though, they couldn't help but frown. Their judgement on these men were harsh— they were only strangers, after all. They are people, and they shouldn't have thought of them like these three were murderers in disguise. But as they red through the books they borrowed, their mind wandered to each of those interactions more and more.
It was almost ironic, with how they swore to the heavens that they would never resort to overthinking to the highest degree. That was in the past, but here they are, doing the same thing again.
Though, if there was one that they would probably have the most faith in without thinking that he'd actually hurt them...
This poll will receive answers until 8 PM (GMT+8). Keep in mind that the majority will win, so vote what you think is right.
Additionally, any poll after this with additional votes WILL be null when the results are out. Choose wisely, focus on the recent poll, and ignore the past.
FLAWED TAGLIST: (send an ask to be added for Flawed!) @beloved-blaiddyd ; @mixed-kester ; @mochinon-yah ; @fffiii ; @leftdestiny-posts ; @ambrosia-divine
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year ago
Clockwork heart pt34
Part 33 here
Nerevar: *looking down from his horse at Wyrm as the younger elf happily walks along side the horses with their newest companion* Wyrm youre going to get worn out. Riftens a full days travel from here.
Wyrm: *smiles up at him* I’ll be fine ata neht! I don’t want Lucien to be left behind.
Lucien: *the newest addition to the group after befriending Wyrm in the dead man’s drink* Oh it’s no trouble really! I can just- jog along side.
Inigo: no offence julien but you look like the sort to get winded tying your shoes.
Lucien: and you look like the sort to carry fleas. Indigo.
Inigo: hehehehehe~ I like you!
Lucien: the feelings much the same for me. But seriously my friend don’t- AWWW A PUPPY!!!
Wyrm: huh- *turns in time to see a large dog running directly for him, his entire body freezing in utter fear watching the strangely red eyed creature bound towards him* n-no-
Taliesin: *suddenly yanks Wyrm up by his robes and onto naomis saddle with him only for the dog to reach up putting his paws on the horse* DOWN! BAD DOG! GET AWAY FROM HI-
The dog: *ignores Taliesin and bites onto Wyrms boot tugging at it* you are just what I’ve been looking f-… Sotha Sil?
Taliesin: did… did this mutt just talk?
Kaidan: never focking mind that how does it know his name?!
Nerevar: *gets off his horse, hand on his blade as he stares down the hound* Hello, Barbas.
Barbas: … *slowly turns his head to face the Gahmerdohn and Hortator* Oh… Boy, you sure look different.
Wyrm: *simply faints, his crippling fear of dogs getting the better of him*
Taliesin: WYRM?!
Voryn: HLA KHES!? (Little gem)
*several hours later*
Wyrm: *staring at the pile of cheese he’d turned a vampire into as he reluctantly helps Barbas find his master* whew this things got all sorts of weird features- Noooo get away! *whimpers backing up against the icy wall of the cave as barbas approaches sniffing at him*
Barbas: *sniffs his robes and skin ignoring the wabbajack in the dunmers hands* So if you’re not sotha sil, then you’re his reincarnation? Huh he must’ve really been running low on power when he put you together.
Wyrm: I-I don’t know why he made m-me o-or why he made me like this n-now get back! I mean it! I-I’ll turn you into a chicken!
Barbas: Does this form really scare you that badly? Aren’t you supposed to be the dragonborn?
Wyrm: I-I can’t help my fear of- *goes quiet watching the daedra shift and warp his appearance before suddenly looming over him as a red eyed, antlered high elf* dogs-
Barbas: *leans down smirking* How can you defeat the dragons when you’re afraid of a little puppy do- GAHH-
Nerevar: *grabs him roughly by his ear yanking him back and holding his head close to his so only he can hear* I’m being lenient with you because your master and lady Mephala are still on good terms but know this now. I do not care what transpired between you and sotha sil, if you keep frightening Wyrm when he’s so generously agreed to help you. I will hand feed you to Boethia myself.
Barbas: *looking visibly intimidated and failing miserably at hiding it* okay okay I’m sorry! I’ll behave.
Nerevar: *lets him go* good.
Taliesin: *walks in followed by inigo & kaidan* all clear, the last of the vampires have been killed- who in oblivion are you?
Nerevar: Barbas.
Barbas: Nerevar?
Taliesin: Barbas?
Barbas: Taliesin?
Taliesin: Wyrm?
Wyrm: Taliesin-
Inigo: INIGO!
Kaidan: *face palms*
???: “Wyrm? What an odd name… hm. Fitting I suppose if the power I sense from him is what I think it is.”
Wyrm: *blinks and walks to taliesins side, gripping onto him nervously for a moment before following the voice into the main chamber, the others tailing close behind*
Voryn: *standing before a large statue of clavicus vile, staring up at him with an indifferent expression* You harbour no ill will to him then?…
Clavicus Vile: Why would I? He’s not Sotha Sil. And he helped me fulfil my followers last wish~
Voryn: he did? How?
Clavicus Vile: They begged me for a cure for their vampirism. And you came through and killed them all! I couldn’t have planned it better myself!
Wyrm: how awful…
Voryn: *looks up at the stairs leading down to him* Wyrm, to me. *holds out his hand reassuringly, showing no fear before the daedra*
Wyrm: *steps forward hesitating still despite voryns comforting presence*
Barbas: *walks by him patting his shoulder* don’t worry just let me handle this, you helped me, now I help you.
Wyrm: *looks up at him before looking back as Taliesin takes him around the waist, cooing softly to him to let him know it’s okay* teacup…
Taliesin: shhh, You’re safe, I’m here… *smiles reassuringly, masking the concern and uncertainty behind his eyes*
Wyrm: *shakily grips onto his robes and nods, walking down the ramp with him and standing beside voryn at the statue* u-um- hello? C-can you take your- friend? Back now please?
Clavicus Vile: Hmph! That insufferable pup?! No way! No deal-
Wyrm: p-please?
Nerevar: *steps forward to intervene* Wyrm you shouldnt say that it’ll sound like you’re beg-
Voryn: shhh. *looks back at nerevar then at wyrm with a reassuring smile*
Clavicus Vile: *silent for a moment, the air around his statue still for a brief second before suddenly shifting and warping into an explosion of fire and sparks as the stone gives way to the prince himself, staring down at them in all his glory* Hm… *reaches down slowly, offering his hand to the dunmer*
Wyrm: *climbs on without a hint of fear, ignoring how everyone steps forward with panic evident on their faces as the prince of wishes lifts him up to be eye level with him*
Clavicus Vile: After the court of bedlam incident, Id expected old sil to have transferred his hatred of the daedra into you. His caution at least but- you are a strange little thing aren’t you?…
Wyrm: you know about sotha sil? Can you tell me what he was like?
Clavicus Vile: *grins suddenly seeing a bargain to be made* Of course, but you have to do something for me in return~ just tell me your wish and I’ll make it happen.
Wyrm: okay.
Nerevar: Wyrm don’t!!
Voryn: *now showing visible concern* little scrib hold on a moment-
Wyrm: I wish to know why I was made.
Clavicus Vile: *smirks thinking he’s got him where he wants him* of course~ just let me- *reaches his other hand up to touch his head, to see into his mind and grasp his soul and find the tethers that made him. Only to be met with an agony only paralleled by that of umbra as the force of the clockwork god pushes him back out, nearly splitting him in two a second time* UGHHHH!!! *staggers back, dropping wyrm as he grabs his head in pain*
Wyrm: *screams and flails in a panic as he plummets to the ground*
Taliesin: *dives and catches him, shielding his fall with his body as he hits the ground with a thud* Oof! Ughh- *sighs holding wyrm tight* shhh I’ve got you-
Taliesin: *gets up holding Wyrm tight* Watch your tongue!! Don’t you dare insult him you horrid beast!
Clavicus Vile: Him? *pauses realising he thinks he’s talking about wyrm* no not him… Sotha Sil, he- stopped me?… but how?
Barbas: Master?
Clavicus Vile: *looks at him perplexed, the two seemingly sharing a conversation only they can hear* … *turns his gaze back to Wyrm* I- can’t grant you your wish. Perhaps there’s something else you might want?…
Wyrm: *feeling unsettled at the princes bewildered expression* c-can you make me bigger? Stronger?… I’m supposed to be the dragonborn but… Im useless on my own…
Nerevar: Wy-wyrm I don’t think that’s a good idea-
Voryn: *gently takes nerevars hand, his concern giving way to intrigue and confusion* shhh, I don’t think… I don’t think he can actually do anything to him.
Clavicus Vile: *no longer appearing confident or cocky with his powers, now just a mix of confusion and mild fear as he tries again* Okay- let’s see if this will work-
Wyrm: *gently pushes away from taliesins arms and stands pretty, waiting for the prince to work his magic*
Clavicus Vile: *holds his hand over him, suddenly surrounding Wyrm in a sphere of energy, his magic pulling at his body, his skin, his bones, his muscles, trying to make him bigger, to grow, to change in any way he can, only to release him as he ultimately fails, leaving him there staring at the unchanged mer, horrified at how untouchable he is* I… I don’t know what he made you with or how but- I-I don’t even think Boethia could change you!
Wyrm: *standing there looking crestfallen, simply just drops down to the floor and hugs his knees to his chest* okay… can you take your friend back now at least?…
Clavicus Vile: *visibly rattled trying to figure out just what exactly Wyrm is, why he feels so familiar in a way beyond just that of the clockwork god* y-Yeah, b-barbas come here.
Barbas: *smiles looking up at him then at Wyrm* Thank you, don’t worry I won’t let you leave here empty handed! *hurries to his masters side, both of them turning into stone statues once more as he reaches him, only now the mask once in Viles hand, now seated in front of Wyrm*
Wyrm: *picks the mask up quietly* thank you…
Clavicus Vile: I don’t know how it’s possible, I’ve never encountered a mortal like you, but I can’t help you change yourself… If you ever need a wish though involving, anything else, you have my boon. It’s the least I can do seeing as you’ve restored me back to my full power! You forget what that’s like when you’ve been stuck in a cave for 3 years!!
Voryn: *opens his third eye scanning the statue as silence fills the space once again* they’re gone.
Taliesin: *leans down gently helping Wyrm up to his feet* are you okay?…
Wyrm: *staring at the mask* … I don’t know anymore…
Lucien: …Okay so I knew things were already beyond interesting given who you guys are- *gestures to the whole group* But he just crippled a daedric prince by doing nothing and you’re all just- not freaking out over it?!
Inigo: oh yes it’s quite normal for us at this point.
Caryalind: my first day with this group I travelled through the sewers beneath solitude to find it had been merged with the shivering isles all because Wyrm went sleep walking after a sword and a chunk of amber that we handed over to the captain of sheogoraths guard.
Taliesin: I met him after he absorbed the soul of lorkhan and our second day together he imploded a dragon just by looking at it.
Kaidan: he nearly levelled all of winterhold and almost murdered a bunch of psijic monks.
Inigo: he shares sugar cookies and gossip with a floating mass of energy called the augur of Dunlain.
Nerevar: he’s the reincarnation of sotha sil, at least, we think he is, we’re not sure anymore.
Voryn: He is and he isn’t. He witnessed the birth of creation and achieved chim in his own right.
Lucien: And you were just going to keep this hidden from me?! I have so many questions!
Wyrm: so do I… and no answers to show for them… *sighs hiding his face in taliesins robes* how am I going to defeat alduin?… what if Esbern can’t help?…
Taliesin: … *picks him up holding him close as he rests his head on his shoulder* shhh, you will, we’ll find a way. If he’s of no help then I’ll do everything I can to find you your answers… *kisses his cheek softly* I promise…
*that evening*
Wyrm: *sitting in his and taliesins tent, braiding his hair as he stares at the pages of his book, watching the patterns swirl* what are you hiding from me?… why am I not allowed to know?… *scowls* this is my life, why do you keep trying to ruin it?… *blinks watching as a monarch butterfly suddenly lands on the page, flitting its wings open and closed slowly, revealing a different colour each time* … *looks down to the wabbajack & sword of jyggalag by his bed roll* …You want… to talk to me?… *looks back at the butterfly*
The butterfly: *flits it’s wings and flies up, landing on his forehead, knocking him out cold with a feathery touch*
Taliesin: *peers into the tent to see no butterfly, only Wyrm sleeping. Seemingly haven fallen asleep trying to read his book* oh love… *picks up the book and stares at it for a moment before scowling as he closes it and tosses it aside* Blasted thing… *huffs and leans down pressing his lips to Wyrms forehead* sleep tight love… I’ll try my best to help you… even if it’s not enough… *sighs and climbs back out of the tent to join the others in keeping watch. All of them unaware of the two masked groups, eyeing both them, and each other up from beyond the treeline*
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george228732 · 2 years ago
Fylass in Wonderland -Prologue- The Club Brooch
Fylass woke up in their room, as always, with the sunlight coming out of the window making the room lit, and the sweet smell of cinnamon is still there surrounding the house. It’s a pleasant home after all, it can be eerie to think that a kid lives here on their own, but Fylass likes it that way. 
"...Another day for me. Let’s see what I can have for breakfast today." Fylass got up from bed, took away their pajamas, and wore their normal clothes as always. Opened the door of their room, and went downstairs to go to the kitchen. "Hm… I could make scrambled eggs, I think, or maybe something fancier, haha." They said jokingly as they opened the fridge to see what they could make for today.
Minutes later, Fylass was eating breakfast, thinking on what they could do for today, maybe watering the flowers, or maybe writing or drawing something, or maybe even going to visit Dolly, like they promised to do so one day, until they heard someone knocking gently on the door. "Hey, Fylass!" They recognized that voice, it was Archie’s. Fylass stopped eating and went towards the door and opened it with ease. "Hey there, Archie." The Waddle Dee was there, with a backpack on his back. They said as they hugged their couple "How are you today?" 
"Oh! I am pretty well! And pretty excited as well." Archie said. "Hm? What is it? Is it about your school, or something?"
"...Technically! Look at this!" Archie said as they pulled out a little box and a book with a green cover. Fylass could see the words of the cover. "Artifacts of Wonders". It seems that it was the title of the book. "Oh? What is that?" They said pointing at the box that came along with the book. 
"Look!" Archie said as they took out the cover of the box, to reveal a jewel of the shape of a club. It was white, with golden frames around the gem, and it resembled a brooch. "Wowie, it looks nice!" Fylass said with curiosity. 
"I know right! Me and my partners found this at one archeology session near Floraria! And, well… I wanted you to take care of it." Archie said. "Uh… Sure? Why me though?" 
"Because I trust you! Besides, I will be off the planet for a week or so, due to my expeditions with my family and stuff, and I am not sure if this could be safe at my home, so, I want you to have it while I am gone!" Archie said.
"Oh! Sure, I can take care of it, my home is pretty calm and such!" Fylass said gently. "You’re the best, Fyl! I knew I could count on you." Archie said as he kissed Fylass on the cheek. "Here, take the box, and this book too! If you want to read more and such! I’ll be back in a week or so, I promise!" He said as they left their home, waving goodbye. Fylass smiled, and closed the door.
"Ah… Well, I may just read this book now that it is here, at least I have something to do, thanks Archie, haha…" Fylass said as they sat on a couch and started reading the book.
Fylass spent hours reading it, the book contained a lot of information about artifacts and important historical events in many planets, until Fylass centered their attention towards one page specifically. A page titled "Brooch of Wonders" with the one brooch of the shape of a club Fylass had on the side, still on a box.
"From unknown origin, the Brooch of Wonders has the capacity of sending the user into a wonderful dream, filled to the brim with adventure, and interesting characters, and it’s rumored that your wildest dreams could come true." The page contained those words.
Fylass’ curiosity peaked, and took the brooch on their hand. "...Is this true? Could this be true?" Fylass wondered if something like that could be true, even though Fylass has encountered weirder things. So, Fylass decides to wear the brooch to see if something happens.
…Minutes pass, and nothing. "...Huh. Guess it wasn’t real…" Fylass just ignored the fact, and kept reading the book Archie handed to them, but something was odd. As Fylass was reading the pages of the book, they felt more tired, and, soon enough, Fylass slept on the couch dropping the book on the floor.
Fylass woke up, the sun still bright as always, and nothing felt odd. "Eurgh… I fell asleep? Silly me…" The penguin got up, placed the book on a nearby table, and decided to get out of the house to start their routine of gardening as always, they got their watering can, gloves, gardening shears, and went outside. 
The area was nice, with the soft breeze around, and the blue sky making the area more sweet and dandy. Fylass stepped further into the lands of spring breeze, until…
"Oh gosh, what do I do?! I am late! The Queen will kill me at this point!" A voice said in the distance. Fylass immediately turned to see where was the voice coming from, only to see one of their friends, the mute Dark Matter, Wisp, near a vast forest that Fylass didn’t remember being there. 
"...Wisp? Wasn’t he mute…?" Fylass thought, and besides that, the Dark Matter looked odd, with rabbit ears, red clothing, and a pocket watch on it. Wisp looked nervous, and immediately went inside the forest. Fylass was confused, and decided to go after Wisp to see what was happening. The penguin ran as fast as they could, and started chasing Wisp towards the dark forest.
Running after him was tiresome, and oddly enough, Fylass could see another individual running along Wisp, another being of Dark Matter, they were round, with white and black spots around them, an umbrella on one of their hands, and a bowtie, Singularity was their name, it seems. Fylass could hear them arguing, Wisp being much more emotional in his words, showing stress, and Singularity being much more neutral, with that monotone speech resembling that of robots, or scientists. Fylass was even more confused than before, and that confusion didn’t ease either when they saw both Dark Matters enter a crevice on a tree.
Who knows if it was out of curiosity, confusion, or a secret third thing they had in mind, but Fylass decided to squeeze in on the crevice, to try and reach them, still with the shears in hand, trying not to hurt themself with them. There was a moment where Fylass stopped feeling the ground below them, and sure enough, they fell into a hole, big enough for someone to enter surely, but small enough for Fylass to not be able to use their wings. They screamed for help, but those screams felt more and more distant, as Fylass fell into this seemingly endless hole, along with their shears.
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naivds · 2 months ago
(Gamma 2)
“ Hm? Odd, I could’ve sworn I picked up on some suspicious readings, here… Maybe my scanner’s acting up? “
The blue caped android would state, looking over the surrounding area in search of anything that looked off. Dr. Hedo informed him that something bizarre was happening in these parts, but so far, nothing seems out of the ordinary…
Was he late? That would not be very superhero-like of him to be late to a scene. Being fashionably late is one thing, but that’s just-
Oh…hey, his scanner picked up on life! And it looks to be…a civilian?
“ Uh, hey! No need to worry you or anything, but, I don’t think it’s exactly safe for you to be here, right now. Not sure what it is, but something definitely feels weird, in this place. “
Of course, no matter what it was, so long as it threatened the peace of the innocent, he’d handle it swiftly and stylishly. That’s what a super hero does, after all!
A  DESERTED  BUILDING : a  haven  to  the  witch  residing ,  the  root  of  all  chaos  &.  despair  spreading throughout  to  lure  their  new  victims .  Shards  of  glass  laid  spread ,  gleaming  from  the  cracks  of  light  cascading from  the  open  windows  as  Madoka  steps  in  from  an  open  entrance .  Her  soul gem ,  a  pink  cotton  candy colored  warms  the  frigid  air  with  it's  warm   &.  bright  color ,  guiding  her  through  the  barren  halls  of  the  building . following  the  trail  of  magic  leading  to  her  as  she  follows  into  the  mouth  of  it's  labryinth ,  greeted  by  the  various intiricate  colorful  imagery ,  only  the  horrors  that  entails  of  what  falls  here ,  the  sheer  monstrosity &.  despair  that spreads  to  create  disasters  that  end  in  tragedy - something  like  many  of  her  are  tasked  to  do ,  something she  must  end  quickly   before  it's  too  late .  Carefully  she  treads  through  the  labryinth , her  soul gem  warmly  in the  palm  of  her  hand  glowing  within  the  twists  &.  mazes  of  the  labryinth ,  guiding  her  to  the  heart  of  the  witch's domain  without  using  any  magic  to  disturb  it .  So  when  she  hears  a  voice  that  calls  out  to  her  in  her  tracks within  the  labryinth ,  Madoka  is  startled  by  it ,  her  soft  colored  poppy  red  eyes  widen ,  head  turning  as  she clutches  her  soul gem  to  her  beating  chest . " Um ,  how  did  you  end  up  here ? "   She  nervously  pipes  up  a  question , trying  to  find  herself  back  from  the  sudden  ongoer  here ,  surely  he've  musted  been  lured  in  without coming  to  a  realization  until  it  was  too  late . "  Yeah , you're right . It isn't safe for the both of us here . . . but . . "   She  hesitates ,   weighing  on  either  telling  the  truth or  offering  a  white  lite  that could  dismiss  any  further  suspcions . "  But  I  can  tell  you  I   have  it  under  controlled  here , you can  say  it's  my  job  here . I  can  help  you  find  a  way  out  back  to  safety . " 
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tellmewhatyouc · 1 year ago
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Fandom: NU: Carnival Characters: Blade + Rei Rating: T Words: 500 @winterbreakadvent Creation Challenge 8: leather / charcoal / raven
read on ao3 or below 👇
The e-droid’s anatomy was far more complex than Rei could have ever imagined. While he was familiar with some Saian technology, he’d never seen anything quite as intricate as Blade. Adamantite-powered lanterns were a far cry from something so… alive.
Huey had asked Rei to make some sense of the thing, and he couldn’t refuse such a fascinating opportunity. A new sketchbook was in order to cover all his findings, notes and diagrams detailing each and every part of the machine.
Blade didn't mind joining Rei at his house, lying on the floor beside a pile of books… but he did have questions.
“Why are you removing my clothing?”
Rei glanced at Blade’s face— blank, emotionless— before he tugged his shirt off the rest of the way. “I’m gathering information,” he said. “The Grand Sorcerer wants to learn more about you.”
“Why?” Blade asked, reclining on the floor once again. He had… nipples. What an odd detail.
“So that you can help us,” Rei answered, “And we can help you.”
That was enough explanation for Blade. He let Rei pry open his chest cavity and pore over his delicate mechanical innards. Rei was hesitant to tinker with anything until he understood how it worked, but until then, he could observe.
Blade’s core— his main power source— was the most fascinating part of him. The gem displayed on the front of his chest was merely a segment of a much larger part that powered a network of cogs and pistons throughout the body. Rei picked up one of his best charcoal pencils, sharpened to a fine point, and sketched out the general shape of the mechanism.
While Rei worked, Blade stared at him. Rei didn’t have to look up to know that; he could feel it. Blade spent a lot of time staring, silently observing, as Rei himself did. But it felt a bit different from an e-droid… almost an uncanny valley effect. His eyes were bright, brighter than any living thing Rei had ever seen, and his skin was flawless in a way no organic assassin’s would realistically be.
Perhaps it would be more unsettling if Blade posed any real threat, but for one reason or another, he had yet to harm any of them. Not even when Rei brushed a hand against the side of his core, and Blade’s body moved in a way that resembled a shiver.
“How does that feel?” Rei asked, looking into Blade’s eyes— Blade was still staring.
The e-droid’s lips twitched into a slight frown. “I… don’t know.”
Rei jotted down a few notes; the core was sensitive to touch, but he wasn’t sure why or to what degree. A built-in defense mechanism, or a reaction to Huey’s essence? He was eager to find out, but now wasn’t the time for experiments. He had to establish a baseline to check his results against later.
And his brain was already running a mile a minute with ideas.
For the time being, he treated Blade’s body like a museum: look, don’t touch. Study and observe. Sketch whatever he could see clearly without moving things around. That way, he could construct as many theories and experiments as he wanted to, even after he closed Blade up again.
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Winter Break Advent Masterlist
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dolorousvale · 10 months ago
She trailed slightly behind him to the storage room after thanking the receptionist, taking the chance to try and get herself together. The pity she caught on Thomas's expression had her telling herself off for being so affected by Rafayel's little challenge. She's better than that.
Once inside the storage room, she The mess was an interesting contrast to the pristine gallery space outside, and Dolasach felt a brief urge to ask if she could be left alone to simply sift through everything for any hidden gems.
Her eyes landed on the paintings, lingering on each one after the other. While it was easier to tell hat some of them were clear forgeries in person, the fact that she still wasn't 100% sure gnawed at her.
I should know better.
"Hm?" She turned to Thomas, having been too in her own head to immediately respond. "Oh, well--you don't have to apologize for him. I got myself into this even though I knew he's... Like this. And I normally don't mind his odd assignments. This one just struck a nerve."
She sighed. As she neared the paintings, she reached into her satchel to pull out a tablet, more than prepared to take down all the notes she could need. To start, she began taking pictures of each painting at different angles, doing her best to capture the brushwork and differences in pigment, and even how the varnish shone in the light.
If Rafayel wants an analysis, he's getting an analysis.
She tried to not mind Thomas's presence too much. Ideally, she'd ask him to leave, but she had a feeling that she'd need him around later for questions. Questions she'd rather not ask, but just in case...
At least his presence grew less discomforting once he started flattering her. While she knew what he was doing... The conversation was nice, and it helped keep her mind off of her frustration.
"Pfft--if this makes me a saint, then you must be a god at this point," she joked, pausing her work briefly to glance back at him. "You've been dealing with him for years by now, right? What's your secret?"
❦ a reintroduction to shape and color
closed starter | @thomasicism
Perhaps Dolasach should’ve known better when she agreed to be play bodyguard for a rather… eccentric personality.
She wasn’t a stranger to world-renowned artist Rafayel’s odd quirks, or to his occasional apathy towards coming off as unreasonable. Whispers of those facets of his personality made rounds among her circles in university and never failed to be mentioned in his interviews—artists are stereotyped as strange and anti-social for a reason. Even in her brief encounters with him prior to the arrangement, she could already tell that he wasn’t an exception to the trope.
So why then, she asked herself, did I agree to be his bodyguard?
The answer echoed in her mind in the form of a coral stone and a dark blue envelope. She sighed and kept walking along the city sidewalk, paying little mind to the passing cars or passersby.
Almost as if in mockery, today’s weather brought a slight drizzle, too. The soft pitter-patter of the rain making contact with Dolasach’s umbrella did little to soothe her mood.
Nearing her destination, Flux Arts, she pulled out her phone and reviewed her conversation with her employer from last night.
Noisy Oarfish: im still saddened by the fact that my own bodyguard cant identify my work at a glance. if word gets out and youre called “incompetent,” ill be devastated
Noisy Oarfish: you need to improve your artistic sensitivity
Noisy Oarfish: tell you what. ill leave those forgeries at flux with the original and you need to tell me which one is the real one
Noisy Oarfish: but not only do you have to pick the correct painting, i need you to analyze. no point in this if you just get it right by guessing or asking thomas
Noisy Oarfish: think you can get it done by friday?
Me: Fine.
Something about the whole situation sparked such a deep annoyance in Dolasach that had her determined to get the assignment done as soon as possible. Rereading the messages rekindled that flame, and she felt all the more eager to get started as soon as she entered Flux Arts.
Thomas better be here.
The sudden shift from noisy city sidewalk to quiet white cube gallery made her feel a little too aware of how upset she was. After taking a moment to try and collect herself, she approached the receptionist.
“Excuse me.” Her tone was calm and even. “Is Thomas around? I’m here to run an errand for Rafayel.”
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bananasofthorns · 3 years ago
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
This is stupid, Joel decides. It’s about the fifth time in less than three days that he’s gone to say something to Etho only to realize that, for obvious reasons, Etho isn’t there.
He’s not sure why he’s so affected by Double Life when the previous games didn’t really get to him at all. Then again, he never really had a solid alliance those times. And he definitely didn’t have a soulmate. But still. He was perfectly happy to move on with his life as if nothing monumental had happened, thank you very much.
Even so, he is sometimes capable of not ignoring his problems and realizing when he’s being ridiculous, and this is one of those times. Seriously, he was perfectly fine without Etho before this. Gods - is that a thing he can say, still? If he, technically, is a god?
That’s a question for another time, he decides. The point is that he was fine without Etho before, and so he should definitely be fine without him now, even if it’s only been a few days. Maybe if he actually talks to Etho he’ll be better at adjusting, or whatever. Coping. Does he need to cope? 
He flicks up his comm interface and opens his contacts, only to pause. He doesn’t have Etho’s contact; it was automatically programmed into his comm during Double Life, but contact information doesn’t transfer between worlds unless he purposefully saves it, and he didn’t exactly think he’d be missing Etho like some— some abandoned puppy, or something, while Double Life was going on. So much for that plan. Maybe he can get Grian or Scar or someone to give him Etho’s contact next time they see each other during MCC.
He frowns. That seems too— personal, somehow? Too close to home? For some reason, he feels like it would be weird to ask any of the Hermits who were in Double Life for Etho’s contact. Like they’ll know too much, or something. But who else can he ask? He doesn’t really talk to any of the other Hermits unless they’re on a world together, and—
Oh, he’s an idiot. He literally traded with Gem, like, yesterday. How did he forget that?
“Goodness gracious,” he mutters under his breath.
He’s about to jump off the island and fly over before remembering that he should maybe check to see if she’s even home, just so that he doesn’t look like an idiot by showing up only to realize she’s halfway across the world or something.
Smallishbeans whispered to GeminiTay: Gem Smallishbeans whispered to GeminiTay: are you home?
Luckily, it doesn’t take her very long to respond, so he isn’t left standing on the edge of his island like an idiot.
GeminiTay whispered to Smallishbeans: yeah what’s up
Smallishbeans whispered to GeminiTay: can I come by real quick?
GeminiTay whispered to Smallishbeans: sure! I’m just doing some building
Smallishbeans whispered to GeminiTay: be right there
It doesn’t take him long to make the flight. Gem is waiting for him when he lands; she greets him with a bright smile and a wave that he returns, though his is somewhat awkward because the last time he was here he was giving her bees to prevent some sort of international dispute. Luckily, she doesn’t seem to hold that against him.
“Hey, Joel! What’s up?”
Joel clears his throat. Gem barely reaches up to his waist right now, since he’s 11 feet tall and all that, and something about the height difference feels like it’s offending her more than he’s ever felt like he’s offended any other empire. He sits down cross-legged just off the path. Gem laughs.
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“Yeah, but I feel weird, otherwise. Anyway, I have...kind of an odd question...? For you?”
“Hit me.” She pauses. “Not literally. What’s your question?”
“Do you happen to have Etho’s contact?”
To her credit, she barely pauses. “Hm. I can check, but I don’t think I ever saved it to my communicator, sorry. You could go ask False, maybe? She’s known him a lot longer than I have.”
Damn. “No, that’s fine. Uh, would you mind passing on a message, though? Next time you’re on Hermitcraft.”
“Sure! What do you want me to say? We can write it down or something, that would make it a lot easier, because then I wouldn’t have to remember it or anything.” She hesitates, watching Joel with a scrutinizing look in her eye that he’s not sure he likes. “And I won’t look at it, if you don’t want me to.”
He makes a face. “It’s not gonna be anything bad.”
“I know! But, like— privacy’s important, you know, Joel. I respect that.”
He chuckles. “Thanks, Gem.”
Somehow, he always forgets how genuinely nice she is. Maybe it’s because he’s intimidated by her.
Not that he’s scared. He’s not scared of anything. But he will admit that Gem, at times, can be very intimidating.
“I’ll write something down,” he decides. “Uh, do you happen to have a piece of paper I could borrow? I haven’t got any on me.”
“Of course! Somewhere. Follow me, we’ll find some.”
She turns and bounces down the path deeper into Dawn. Joel follows.
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jihyuncompass · 3 years ago
A Little More Interesting
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Welcome to Kinktober 2021! While this is my first time participating I’m very exited to give you some treats and spice to add to your Starbucks drink and Halloween candy. Now. Without any further ado, welcome to the first fic of the month. 
Kinktober 2021. Week One 
Marius x MC
Word Count: 4.3k 
NSFW. Only read if 18+
Tags Below the Cut 
Warnings/Tags: Collaring, Vaginal Fingering, Public/Semi-Public, Toys
“I have a couple things for you,” Marius said after pulling into a parking spot. You glanced up from your phone, Marius’s eyes were on you. A glint in his eye that made it clear that he had something on his mind. Setting your phone aside, your attention went to him. Noticing your attention on him he smiled then reached for the bag in the backseat. 
He handed the bag over to you, dropping it into your lap. After giving him another odd look you reached back into the bag to find it’s contents. 
Marius’s gaze was locked on you as you pulled out what looked to be a jewelry box, too big for a ring but probably about the size of a necklace. Holding the box in your hand your gaze went back to Marius. His brow was arched, like he was waiting to see your reaction. Feeling around the box you started to pull up on the top. 
“Wait.” Marius said, his hand resting on the top of the box. “Before you open it.” Your hands stopped, eyes returning to him. “We talked about this not too long ago, but if you don’t want it. You don’t have to accept it.” 
His words only grew your curiosity, opening the jewelry box. Inside lay what a t first looked like a typical necklace. A simple silver chain with a ring in the center. Within the ring, a small purple gem. Simple, yet elegant. The realization didn’t hit until you lifted the piece out of the box, noticing the clasp on the end. Two small rings connected by what looked to be a small lock.
“You don’t have to wear it.” Marius said. Any previous show of confidence had fallen away. “If you don’t want to or you feel you’re not ready.” 
Holding it in your hands you considered it, knowing Marius it was likely custom made. Designed for you specifically by him. You could just imagine Marius, choosing the details on the silver chain, picking the perfect gem to match the color of his eyes. The lock on the clasp, small but by looks of it rather strong. 
“You have the key for it?” You asked him. Seemingly stunned by your sudden question Marius nodded quickly but took an extra second to find his voice. 
“I do.” Marius reached under his shirt, pulling out a similar silver chain to the one in your hand. At the end, a small silver key. 
You didn’t require much more time to consider it. Taking another moment to admire it, you handed it to Marius. Who was watching you intently. 
“You’re sure you’re okay with this?” He asked. 
“Yes.” You said, putting on a smile to show your honesty. “I trust you Marius, and I want this.” 
Marius took the key around his neck and quickly unlocked the tiny lock at the clasp. Adjusting in the seat you let your back face him. Moments later his hands put the subtle collar around your neck. Closing your eyes you focused in on the feeling of the lock clicking closed. The light but present pressure where the collar rested against your neck. Marius’s hands rested on your shoulders. Urging you to turn. 
“Well?” You asked him after you turned. At first he went speechless, ears turning red and voice lost. Then after a moment, when he’d been able to fully take you in, his expression shifted. His eyes narrowed and darkend, his lips pulled into a smirk. Playful yet mischievous. 
His fingers trailed from your shoulder to your neck, his fingers running over the silver chain. Leaning close to whisper. “It’s perfect.” His hand stopped at your jawline, pulling you into a kiss, his warm lips taking your’s, sending a warm feeling down into your abdomen. Breaking away from the kiss he leaned in, whispering against the shell of your ear. “It’s also the perfect reminder. That you’re mine.” 
“I am yours.” You whispered back, holding his face in your hands. “Always will be.” 
Marius smiled, his gaze full of warmth and adoration as he looked at you. Letting himself watch you for a moment longer he pulled away just the slightest bit. 
“There’s one more thing in the bag.” He said, motioning to the bag still resting in your lap. Letting your hands drop from his face you reached in for the second item, a larger box than the last one. 
Your mouth parted in a brief shock. Your face instantly flushed bright red. 
“These events are always so boring.” Marius said. “I thought this might make it a little more interesting.” 
Interesting was one word for it you thought as you held the box for a remote controlled vibrator. You’d seen these online and in other things but never in person, you turned the box over in your hands. The flush on your face was growing worse by the moment. 
“Well?” Marius asked. 
“You really think this is a good idea?” You questioned. 
Marius smirked. “Thought it could make the night a little more interesting, that’s all.” Marius winked, looking away from him you looked at the box in your hand. The idea seemed outrageous, it wasn’t appropriate and it could cause trouble for the both of you. 
But also, you couldn’t ignore the heat growing in your lower abdomen, and the excitement sparking through your nerves. Considering the box you pulled out the device, thumb brushing over the soft silicone outside. 
Marius leaned in, the smirk briefly disappearing from his face. “We don’t have to.” Glancing between Marius and the toy you weighed your options. 
“We can use our safe word?” You asked. 
“Of course.” Marius responded in complete seriousness. “Still paintbrush, right?” You nodded. 
Taking a breath of courage you fully removed the toy from its packaging, turning it around in your hand to get a feel for it. “Did you happen to bring any lube with you?” 
“Dammit.” Marius cursed. “I knew I forgot something.” He ran a hand through his carefully styled hair, messing up some of the strands. He hastily glanced around the car, hoping maybe he could find something suitable. 
“It’s okay.” You said, stopping his frantic search. “I can just do it the traditional way.” 
“Traditional way?” Marius asked. Before you answered you’d set the toy on the console, your hand reaching between your legs, pushing aside your clothes to get where you wanted to be. “Oh.” Marius said. “That way.” 
You smirked to yourself as your finger ran against your slit, already growing wet from just your thoughts alone. Your finger circled your clit, forcing you to take a sharp breath in, your finger rubbed on the sensitive nub quickly growing swollen by the sensation. 
As your fingers moved downwards, towards your core already beginning to ache you felt Marius’s eyes on you. Throwing him a glance you happily took in his flustered face while he watched you, 
“What’s that look for?” You cooed. “Do you want to help?” 
He cleared his throat, then nodded. Trying to keep his cool as he shifted his position. You pulled your own hand away as his hand traveled down your thigh to your core. Leaning back in the seat you readjusted your hips to get a better angle for him. 
Your eyes slipped closed as his fingers ran over your slit, collecting the wetness as he moved. Biting your lip you attempted to savor the feeling as he started down towards your entrance. Careful to use the fingers without a copious amount of rings he let one finger slip in, then a second not long after. 
Marius wasted no time, his fingers already pumping in and out of you as his thumb made quick circles around your clit. You didn’t hesitate to let moans fall past your lips, each sound only making Marius go faster. 
“Marius-” You said, forcing the name past your lips. 
“Hm?” Marius answered. 
“I think-” You paused to let another wave of pleasure pass. “I think I’m ready for it.” Marius slowed his hand, letting you reach for the toy you left on the console. 
He took the toy from you, using his other hand to angle it while his other hand pulled out of you. Using the remaining arousal coating his fingers to smear it on the tip. He looked back to your face, checking your expression. 
You nodded at him, giving him the confirmation he needed for him to push the toy past your folds and inside you. Swallowing thickly you groaned from the pleasant stretch, taking some moments to adjust to the new feeling. 
“How’s that?” Marius asked, hand resting on your upper thigh. 
“It’s good.” You readjusted your clothing, sitting up straight. Heavily aware of the toy now fully inside you as you sat in the seat of the car. Looking in the mirror you fixed your hair and straightened out your clothes. 
Marius put the vibrator box back into the bag, tossing it back into the backseat. Straightening himself out as you did. The two of you took a moment to collect yourselves before exchanging a glance. 
“Ready to go in?” Marius asked. 
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” 
Tonight’s event wasn’t anything special. Especially not in comparison to some of the other events you’d attended with Marius in the past. As always the drinks were overflowing and the food while of good quality not bountiful in quantity. Following your partner you made the rounds to the copious amounts of well dressed business associates Marius knew. 
“Oh my that’s such a beautiful choker you’re wearing.” One woman said to you, motioning to the accessory on your neck. In the corner of your eye you noticed how Marius smirked to you. “Where’d you get it?” 
You were about to speak when Marius spoke first. “It’s custom made.” He explained, focused on the woman speaking you missed Marius’s hand slipping into his pocket. 
“Well it’s absolutely beautiful.” She said to you, then turned to Marius. “I must get the name of your jeweler.” 
The sudden jolt of the toy nearly made you gasp, clearing your throat to avoid making any other sounds. Inside you the toy vibrated aggressively against your walls. Shooting Marius a look, you  cleared your throat again. 
“I’m sorry I think I need a drink.” You apologized. “Please excuse me.” Stepping away from the conversation you bit your lip, the vibrations grew slowly in intensity as you walked towards one of the servers carrying a tray of glasses of wine. 
While you walked back towards Marius the vibrations slowed to a stop. Marius’s hand leaving his pocket to shake someone’s hand. Breathing a sigh of relief you rejoined him, although the mischievous glint in his eye remained. 
“Doing okay? You look a little red.” Marius teased after the others had walked away. Pressing your lips into a thin line you ignored him, even as he took your hand in his, and his other hand slipped back into his pocket. 
You braced yourself, waiting for him to start the vibrator again. However he just winked at you, leading you towards another small gathering of people. Putting on his business smile as he approached. 
These conversations were usually nothing you found particularly interesting, this one included. You listened as Marius talked about business with one of the older men. Discussing PAX’s latest ventures and asking about one another’s families. You sipped at your wine while they spoke. Usually being just the littlest bit tipsy during times like this made the small talk bearable to get through. 
“And what about you?” The man Marius had been speaking to asked you. “What do you do for work?” 
“Oh I’m-” Your sentence was cut off by the return of the vibrations. You collected yourself after a moment, pushing through the increasing setting of the toy. 
“Are you feeling alright?” The man asked. “You look a bit overheated.” 
“I’m fine. Thank you.” You said, digging your nails into your hand to keep your composure. “It’s a bit warm. That’s all.”
 You carried on with your conversation, fighting the pleasure very quickly spreading through your boy as you talked. Marius was enjoying this, that you could easily tell. His expression showed how obviously he was undressing you with his eyes, and between the toy inside you and the pressure of the collar around your neck you were starting to find it difficult to keep your composure. 
The night continued this way, with Marius routinely turning the toy on and off as he pleased. With each cycle of it making it harder and harder for you to keep control of yourself. You already could tell your face was red, your knees getting shaky from how he’d started to get you close before turning it off again. 
After a while you’d convinced Marius to sit down with you at one of the tables in the venue. Marius held your hand as you watched others flutter around one another in conversation. All the same typical business chatter, what everyone was doing, new business plans or partnerships, maybe a mention of a spouse or children. 
“Do you want more to drink?” Marius asked, motioning to one of the servers. “I could get you another glass.” 
You shook your head, you’d already drunk enough to be pleasantly buzzed, but considering your current state and the way Marius was still looking at you, getting any more intoxicated would probably be a bad move. 
“I didn’t expect to see you both here.” A voice said from beside you. Turning your head, your mouth fell open as Artem walked up to the two of you. 
“Oh hey.” Marius said. His tone gave away a slight annoyance. “I didn’t expect to see you here.” 
“I had a client invite me along. Figured I’d accept the offer.” Artem said. He smiled at you softly. “It’s good to see you. I hope you’re enjoying yourself?” 
You matched his smile. “I am. Are you?” You asked. Artem pulled up a chair to sit next to you, your eyes on him instead of Marius you didn’t think much about the way he was looking at the two of you. 
“I’m usually not one for events like this, but it’s been pretty nice so far.” Artem said, nursing a glass of wine in his hand. You nodded thoughtfully. 
“I’m not really a huge fan of these either. The food and drinks definitely make up for it though.” You said. 
“Based on what I’ve had here, I think I’m inclined to agree with you.” 
You were about to speak further when your voice was caught in your throat. Marius had
turned the toy on again. This time at a higher speed than he had ever set before. Pressing your lips together in a fine line you attempted to breathe through the waves of pleasure pulsing through your body. If you looked uncomfortable at least Artem didn’t seem to notice as he carried on with the conversation. 
“How long are you both planning on staying?” Artem asked, sipping on his wine. 
“I’m not sure.” You said, crossing your legs to try and keep the intensity controlled the best you can. “How long are you staying?” 
“Not for long I hope.” Artem said. “I have some work I want to work on tonight.” You nodded, your nails digging into your knee as Marius turned up the vibrations again. Biting your cheek as you fought back the sounds you wanted to make, keeping yourself as still as possible so your knees didn’t shake. 
“Y-yeah.” You agreed, voice cracking. “Especially with that case we just got.” You said, having to force yourself to say every word while the intense pressure in your abdomen grew bigger and bigger, heart beating faster, and face getting more hot by the word. “I did look at the case files earlier but-” You took a breath to catch yourself. “I didn’t get a chance to spend much time with it.” 
Artem set his wine glass on the table. “If you’d like we could meet and go over the details of the case. There is a lot to keep track of.” 
“Oh that would be great-” The sudden increase in the speed of the toy made you stop, covering your face with your hand. Feigning a coughing fit to distract from how your whole body was shaking and how it was becoming impossible to keep yourself together anymore. You were getting so close, so close so- 
“Do you need something to drink?” Artem asked, leaning close to try and see your face, you coughed harder to keep your face hidden, nodding frantically. 
Just as Artem stepped away to find something for you to drink you shot Marius a look, he was smirking clearly proud of himself and the mess he was making you. 
“Awful coughing fit you’re having there.” Marius teased. 
You squeezed his thigh. “Paintbrush.” You said. Within a second the toy was off, and Marius took his hand out of his pocket. His smirk disappeared, replaced with concern. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, moving closer. 
You nodded after a second. Marius rubbing your back. “It was just too much right now.” You whispered. Marius nodded, understanding. “Thank you for stopping.” 
“Of course.” Marius said. Artem returned, a glass of water in his hand. Quickly handing it off to you. After several long sips you set the glass down, giving yourself time to collect yourself. 
“Better?” Artem asked, concern written all over his face. 
“Yes, much better.” You answered, sitting up straight. “Thank you.” You sipped at the water, feeling the flush in your face going down. Marius’s hand remained on the small of your back, his thumb rubbing small circles. 
After finishing the glass Artem brought you glanced back at Marius. He’d been watching the rest of the party but quickly turned back towards you. 
“Are you wanting to go?” Marius asked you, voice low and soft. 
“I think so.” You said, finally gaining your strength back. “Besides, we have something to do.” You smirked at him, his face completely changing as he realized what you were thinking. 
“Oh that’s right.” He said. “We did have something to do.” 
You both rose from your seats, even with the toy off your legs were still shaking, your whole body struggling to keep upright. “I’m sorry to leave just after running into you.” You said to Artem. 
“It’s alright, I’ll probably leave soon myself.” Artem stood to match you both. “Get home safe. Both of you.” 
After saying a proper goodbye, you both hurried out of the venue. Holding tight to Marius’s hand as you hurried back to the parking lot. 
The second Marius’s car came into view you headed straight for the backseat, hastily opening the door and pulling Marius inside with you. 
“What-” You cut Marius off by kissing him. Pushing him against the seats as you moved to straddle his hips. His hands went immediately to rest on your hips, pulling you closer, Your hands held his jaw. Forcing him to stay close. 
You only pulled away when you needed to breathe, Marius staring at you a bit stunned. 
“You’re eager.” He said, finding his voice. You frowned, leaning in close. 
“And who’s fault is that?” You shot back, kissing him again. Your lips moved against his, pulling him in further and deeper. Marius’s hands moved downwards until he was holding your ass, digging his fingers in as you groaned. 
Breaking away from his lips you moved to press kisses along his jawline and his neck. Seeking that sweet spot you knew he liked you to pay attention to. As you did so your hands moved to his waist, searching for his pocket where he kept his phone. 
“Mmn..” Marius moaned as you found the sweet spot, although not unaware of your hand as if reached into his pocket. “Whatcha looking for babe?” He asked, pulling your head away from his neck. 
“You know what I’m looking for Marius.” You went back to reaching into his pocket until Marius’s hand around your wrist stopped you. His mischievous look returned, sending a twinge of excitement straight to your core.  
“You want more?” He whispered into your ear. 
“Yes.” Marius’s fingers traveled towards your neck, fingers brushing against the collar still locked tightly around your neck. “Please Marius.” You asked. 
Marius hummed, pulling his phone from his pocket. “I’ll turn it on. But.” He started. “We’re doing this my way.” 
Before you could even answer Marius pulled you off of him, readjusting so his back was against the car door, legs laying across the seats. 
“Come here baby.” Marius said, leading for you to lay with your back against his front. You gave him a strange look over your shoulder while you laid against him. His arm around your waist to keep you in place. 
You watched as Marius opened the app he’d been using before. Waiting not-so patiently as he slowly started to turn it back up again. 
A loud sigh of relief escaped you as the vibrator started, watching as Marius slowly turned it up. 
“Faster.” You whispered. “Please make it go faster.” Marius shook his head as pressed a kiss to your temple. Savoring every moment as you whined against him.  “Marius, please.” 
After another long agonizing moment Marius obliged, turning up the intensity just the smallest amount. Enough for the sensations to be pleasant, but not enough to satisfy you. You needed more than that. 
“You’re so pretty like this.” Marius said. “All bothered and begging.” The hand around your waist moved up, cupping your breast. You groaned, head falling back against his shoulder. Closing your eyes you press your legs together, hoping to maybe get more sensation than the cruelly low setting Marius had the toy at. 
Marius used the hand with his phone to part your legs. “Let’s not do that, remember I’m the one in charge right now.” You whined, your eyes squeezed shut, you were going to go crazy like this. 
“Please turn it up more. Please.” You begged. “Please.” 
Marius considered you for a moment, your face was getting flushed already, you looked so perfect like this, like putty in his hands. If he really wanted to he could keep you like this for hours, but you also looked so beautiful, and he struggled to refuse you. 
He turned up the speed, leaving you gasping. It was high enough now that you couldn’t stop the moans from leaving your lips. Your hips ground down against Marius below you, seeking something, anything more to make you feel good. Behind you Marius groaned, turning up the toy even higher without another thought. 
“Marius oh god-” You cried out. “It’s- ugh-” The waves of pleasure were getting more intense, rising in pressure as you felt it start to swell in your abdomen. You weren’t going to last, you were so close. Just a little bit more is all you would need. 
“Are you close?” Marius asked. 
“Y-yes!” You said, your hand gripping his wrist so tightly you thought you might break it. “Please I’m so close I’m-” 
You cried out loudly as Marius turned down the vibrator, returning to a setting just barely enough to feel. 
“Why?” You asked. “Marius-” 
“You’re mine right?” He said. His hand moved from your breast to your neck, fingers tracing the bottom of your collar. 
“Marius.” You looked at him over your shoulder. He stared into your eyes, he looked like he was seeking something in you. Something that you’d only seen when he needed your reassurance. “Of course I’m yours. I’m only yours.” 
“Good.”He whispered. Marius kissed you, pulling you closer against him. With your eyes closed you were hardly focused on anything as with his one hand Marius turned the vibrator up again. You gasped into the kiss, pulling away a moment later to moan and looking back at his phone. Slowly he was turning it up, approaching the level it’d been at during the party. The point where you hadn’t been able to keep yourself collected anymore. 
Now you didn’t hesitate to moan. You couldn’t even care if people could hear you outside this car, right now you just needed to feel good. That’s it. 
Your eyes closed as you focused on the feeling, the white hot pressure that was at its breaking point inside you. Just a little more, just another moment, just another-
One last boost in the speed was all it took. You screamed in pure pleasure as your back arched, your entire body tensing as the pleasure exploded inside you. Your body shook, eyes shut and voice going hoarse from how loudly you’d cried. 
Marius turned the vibrator off a final time as you slumped against him, chest heaving as you caught your breath. A layer of sweat coating your skin, as your hands shook. Your eyes stayed closed, even while Marius pulled aside your clothes to remove the toy, covered in your slick. He smiled at the sight. Your eyes opened just enough to see it, before shutting again. 
Setting the toy aside Marius wrapped his arms around you, kissing your neck and jaw. “You did so good, baby. I love you.” Marius whispered. You smiled, too exhausted to say anything. 
You laid there like that for a long while, Marius pressing kisses wherever he could reach, your eyes closed while you gathered your strength again. 
“Let’s go home.” You said. “I think you deserve a little something tonight too.” 
Marius smiled. “Are you sure? I bet you’re exhausted.” 
“I’m sure.” You said, sitting up fully. Marius sat up with you, looking at you with those adoring eyes you were completely obsessed with. 
Marius’s hand brushed against the collar on your neck. “Do you want to keep this on? I can take it off if you want?” 
You shook your head. Taking his hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it. “No, I like it. I want to keep it on.” 
Happily, Marius accepted your answer. Helping you out of the back and into the passenger seat. Ready to go home for the rest of the night. 
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adelior · 4 years ago
Name: Unconditionally
Author: R. Adelio
Genre: Romance, Minecraft, Comedy, Fluff
Main Lead: Technoblade, Dreamwastaken, DreamXD
Female Lead: Reader
Chapter: 2
Special Addition: Tchnomaid
Letters: 7,463
Tags: Kissing, Deep Kisses, Fluff
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You felt Niki wrap her arms around you, including Tommy and Tubbo. Fundy stood by the entrance with Eret leaning against the wall. "We thought you'd never come back" Niki admitted, tears pouring out of her eyes. "What do you mean? Did something happen?" Tommy pushed himself away from the embrace and looked at Wil, giving him a slight nod.
"Dream has taken away our traveling rights to the Nether. We only found out not too long ago, and when Niki told me you went to get spider eyes from the piglin market I was scared you were going to get trapped in there forever."
"And this is all because I trespassed their fucking territory?!" You questioned, clenching your fists. "Well," Fundy started, stroking his fingers through his hair. "Dream has always been seen as someone strict and demanding. I'm not surprised he's doing this. If we want to gain his trust back we need to go contact... him." He elaborated, making sure to exaggerate the last word.
"Him?" You, Tommy, and Tubbo asked in unison, confused on what Fundy meant. "Men who are on neither side, with odd genetics." Wilbur pinched the bridge of his nose, seeming disappointed that they'd have to go that far as to contact these 'Men'
"Oh!" Tommy perked up, instantly standing. "You mean Techno and Phil?! I haven't fucking seen them in ages! I wonder how they're doing" Eret cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention. "This might just be a rumor but I heard that they are no longer staying in the inn. They moved to a cold tundra where barely anyone inhabits"
"Tundra... We'll have to look more into it." Wilbur shrugged his jacket off, gently wrapping it around you. You looked into his eyes, you could see a mix of emotions, but you weren't too sure on what they were. "Everyone, except for [Name], get ready. We're going to be visiting an old friend."
"Wait a second, why can't I come-" You stood up, only to be stopped by Wilbur himself. "[Name], you still need to finish brewing the potions. Besides you don't know the vicinity well better than we do, you've only been here for a year and a hal-"
"But I don't want to feel useless Wil, please let me come with you I'll do anythi-" The brunette lifted his hand, causing you to stop in place as the rest of the group walked out of the nether portal room. Tubbo looked back, giving you a compassionate smile before following everybody else. "It's best if you stay here. That's an order as your Leader."
"Wh.." You stood there, completely in shock. Never have you experienced Wilbur giving you orders that you were against, especially because it made the both of you seem distant. "I'm sorry." Was all he said before walking away.
The rest of the day was spent alone in your office, lazily brewing the potions that you were ordered to finish. You understood why he made that decision, you knew better than to question his motives. But even so, leaving you alone in this empty house was suffocating.
You darted your gaze over to his leather jacket, the one he gently placed on your shoulders. It was enough to make your heart skip a beat. 'No, I shouldn't' Shaking your head, you put the ingredients away and placed the finished potion bottles into the chest.
Deciding that you should spend the rest of your day exploring the facility, you shrugged your sweater on and turned to follow a path that led to a cave once you left the building. Something that has been catching your attention ever since you arrived. You've never really explored this route, nor did you question anybody about it.
"Do not enter.." You mumbled as you softly swiped your hand over the carvings of the wooden sign. "Shit, then this is probably dangerous." Stepping back, you were about to turn around but you hear a faint voice coming from deep inside the cave, urging you to go further in.
"Come here, human." The voice singsonged, it was comforting yet deep, a voice that sounded similar to the one that Clay had. You looked back as a soft breeze escaped the entrance of the cavern. Usually, when facing obscure and suspicious areas such as this one, you tend to stir away, not wanting to cause any trouble.
But this is different, the voice is so soothing to the point your legs moved on their own. Panic surged through your veins, unable to stop yourself from going deeper into the cave. It was dark, you couldn't see anything but a singular light at the end of the tunnel.
"Good girl.." The masculine voice praised, your cheeks warmed, eyes tightly shut. You refused to see what was beyond you, feeling the presence of something much more superior than yourself. "What is the matter? Are you afraid of me?" It questioned, causing you to vigorously shake your head.
The being chuckled, crouching to your level until his face was close to yours. "I've never seen a beautiful human such as yourself before." He brushed a singular finger over your closed eyelids, only tempting you to open them. "What the hell are you..-" You asked, gulping as you feel its hand travel towards your neck.
You couldn't move, you were unable to lift a single hand. And even if you did you don't think you'd have the courage to hit whatever was in front of you. "It is futile for you to know who I am, human."
The both of you stayed in silence for a few seconds, until you feel the warmth of someone pressing their lips against yours. You quickly opened your eyes, only to be met with a dazzling emerald gaze. "What are y-" Once your lips parted, he deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue into your mouth where your muscles danced.
"Sleep my gem," You heard his voice in your head, "We will meet again soon." Darkness, the next second you saw nothing but the void. "This is simply a see you next time gift." He whispered against your mouth, a smirk breaking out.
Your body jolted forward, causing you to wake up from your slumber. You quickly looked around, scanning your surroundings, it was your bedroom. "What the hell, was that all just a dream?" The realization hit you when you blinked the tiredness away. 'I JUST MADE OUT WITH SOME RANDOM MAN IN MY DREAM-'
You slouched forward, pounding your fist against the bed. 'WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME-' The more you think about how the kiss made you feel the more your face burned. "UGHHHHHHHHHHH" Throwing one of your pillows towards the door, you didn't expect Wilbur to show up, the cushion hitting his face.
"Oh shit-"
Wil stared at you in confusion, pillow in hand. "Is something wrong?" He asked, walking to where you sat on your bed. "No, don't worry about it" You lied, darting your eyes anywhere but the man who you crushed on. The feeling of guilt surging through you as you recalled the 'dream'
"It doesn't look like it." He sighed, sitting at the end of your bed. "[Name], did something happen when we were gone?"
"HM?" You snapped your head towards him, causing the brunette to jump a bit. "Oh nothing at all, hahaaahhah" Awkwardly laughing, you forced out a cough. "Why do you ask-"
"Well... When we arrived you were passed out in your office. You seemed drained so I carried you here. It's been 19 minutes."
"Oh, I was just tired there's no need to worry!" Sitting there with a dumbfounded expression, the image of the man you kissed in your dream flashed in your head. 'Why am I so shameless..-' You silently cursed yourself for imagining it once more, a random man out of all things. Despite your reassuring words, Wil looked at you as if he had something on his mind.
"If you say so."
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ec: @quacobs (instagram)
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ask-the-identity-5-senses · 5 months ago
Ah to daydream, something Therese was painfully guilty of. Something she couldn't seem to stop doing. The people around her, the world she lives in. It always seemed that the princess was elsewhere in her own mind, even allowing it to spill out to others whenever she spoke.
"Oh dear. Don't get me started on food." Her clutch on the tin only tightened. Her eyes trailing down to the thoughtful gift as Ivy's voice seemed to enter her ears but not entirely register in her brain. "Hm. I'll have to keep an eye out for whoever prepares the meals then!" If only for a minute, there was a nervousness that was hinted by her words. "Miss Lovett, her baking is.. Something else. Just be cautious when eating it. Who knows what she put in it."
Who knows what was in food anymore? Therese came to know that well. If only to enhance her dreams her to suck her painfully back into reality. She actually found herself leaning towards bitter and sour foods rather than the predictable cakes and sugary biscuits that were commonly associated with princesses. Nothing could win her over faster than a lovely lemon pie.
Therese sighed merely at the thought of being partnered with Lux again. If the Baron was so cruel as to force the sun's blinding light to reflect of a dark Moon's shadow, it wouldn't be long before the other residents knew about how quick they were to argue.
Therese didn't know much about the man other than he didn't bother presenting himself as a kind person. Which was.. Oddly refreshing. But, his insistence on being correct on his beliefs, his arguments regarding her origin and the fact he simply was a miserable thing made it certainly very difficult to work with him. The Royale was only as fond as him as he was of her. Despite her efforts of reaching out, she always got cut by his sharp tongue.
He was not a very agreeable and tolerable person, and Therese was... Well-... Annoying.
"Miss Blythe? Oh she's a jeweller, best of her kind she tells me." Therese actually hadn't asked too much about Bonnie's life... Other than being of Blythe Jewelling... Bonnie didn't say too much about her history. Not that Therese needed it to make an judgement of one's character! The past was in the past, as her favorite book once said.
'Truly, one may not do as nobly one's self, but in the striving one is better'
"Quite. Whenever I find her, she's always touching up her hair... Or adjusting her clothes. High standards for herself no doubt." Which wasn't odd, not at all to Therese who often brushed her hair more times than she liked. But Bonnie's obsession with a lack of wrinkles, or perfect curls.. Or even an absence of creases seemed exhausting.
Not even Therese cared for her looks that much, and she was 'royalty'!
"Honestly, from what I know of her now. You too may get along a little better than we already do! She's adorned with such pretty gems across her neck and wrists and fingers... Perhaps you two could work together in some kind of collaboration!" Ah yes, the ever optimistic girl had found yet another way to drag Ivy into this ragtag team of sensory-overstimulated misfits.
"I'll be sure to, Miss Nettle. You as well! I've yet to fully understand my way around the manor so if I ever do end up getting lost, I'll be certain to wander my way to you for some much needed and appreciated assistance!!"
The faint clicking of heeled boots echo down the manor halls as a survivor carrying a small cookie tin approaches Therese. "Good afternoon! I don't believe I've gotten the chance to formally make your aqquatiance yet." She paused, eyeing the extravagant detailing on the other's gown. A silent confirmation to her of sorts. "Are you perhaps one of the manor's newer residents?"
-ξ(❁) ⊕) ξ
(( @manor-tea-time AAAAA you have so many cool skrunkles!! I hope its chill for me to throw Ivy at your gal -w-
Therese who hadn't expected a visitor was momentarily gazing out of a window, only noticing the other woman once she spoke up. Her eyes lit up at the opportunity to converse, something that she hadn't really gotten the chance to do yet.
She clasped her gloved hands together, holding them close to her chest as she nodded.
"Yes! I am one of the new residents of Oletus." She cleared her throat, hoping she didn't appear too excited or forward. That would be the fastest way to embarrass herself in front of a new acquaintance.
Out of instinct, she did a small curtsy.
"My name is Therese, Therese Beatrice Bernadotte. My apologies for not introducing myself sooner to you and other residents, I have been quite busy getting situated..." She smiled, before folding her arms politely over her body and clasping her hands together once again.
"And you are?"
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A bit of an odd request (if it’s okay), but I really wanna see Jimmy and Fwip make amends. They both seemed pretty shaken after the whole dragon fiasco, so I thought maybe they’d be too exhausted to keep feuding? Jimmy got his cod head back and Fwip’s pretty guilty about the end trap. I dunno, I just wanna see these two be friends again. :((
Jimmy and fWhip need to reconcile now pls and thank u
Jimmy stares at the giant red tendril sticking out of his farmland. He may not know exactly what it’s meant to be but its colour and aura make it obvious that it is a more extreme form of the corruption that’s been plaguing his empire. Now that Xornoth is nearing their full power, the corruption is getting much worse.
“Hey,” comes a familiar voice from behind him.
Jimmy doesn’t even turn around. “I’m busy.”
“I know.” fWhip hesitates. “I just think we need to talk.”
“I don’t have anything to say to you,” Jimmy responds. “I’m tired of fighting you.”
“So am I, Jimmy.”
After a moment, Jimmy turns to face his old foe. “What?”
“I’m not here to fight or argue or steal anything from you,” fWhip explains. “Quite the opposite, actually. I just think we might want to talk about what happened in the End.”
Shaking his head, Jimmy turns away. “I don’t want to talk about that.”
“You should, cuz you’re just as culpable in the dragon’s death as I am.”
“Excuse me?!” Jimmy whirls back round to face fWhip in shock. “You lured me to the End using something extremely precious to me as bait, and now you blame me for wanting to get back home?!”
“There was another way,” says fWhip. “You could’ve jumped in the void.”
“And lost everything?” Jimmy scoffs. “That wasn’t an option, fWhip.”
fWhip’s eyes flash briefly. “Oh yeah you’re right. Losing your items is definitely in no way preferable to an ancient demon coming into his full power, ready to unleash an eternal winter on thousands of innocent people.”
Forcing down the bubbling anger rising up inside him, Jimmy places his hand on the hilt of his sword. “Get out of my empire, fWhip.”
“No.” Jimmy steps forward, forcing fWhip to step back. “You don’t get to come here and throw my failures in my face. Not after everything you did.”
fWhip holds his stare for a moment before he has to look away. “You’re right.”
Jimmy has to pause for a moment to digest what fWhip just said. “What?”
“I was so wrapped up in my power trip and winning our stupid feud that I was blind to what Sausage was doing right under my nose. You, Pixl, Joel, and Lizzie wouldn’t have been anywhere near the End if it wasn’t for me and my obsession with one-upping you. I shouldn’t have gone that far.” He inhales deeply, steadying himself. “Jimmy, I’m sorry.”
fWhip can only endure the ensuing silence for about ten seconds before he has to break it. “I’ll… I’ll just go.”
As he turns, Jimmy speaks. “fWhip.”
fWhip glances back at Jimmy, who is staring down at the ground with hollow eyes. “Sausage really did want the demon to be unleashed all along, didn’t he?”
“I-.” fWhip clears his throat. “It seems like it, yeah.”
“So then he was just using his alliance with you and Gem to get what he wanted.”
fWhip averts his gaze to the ground. “It seems so.”
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?” fWhip asks.
“That,” says Jimmy sympathetically. “I guess you must be feeling pretty guilty too now.”
“I can’t even begin to describe how horrible it feels to know that I played a massive part in bringing an eternal winter down on my empire and the empires of the people I care about.”
“Weren’t you putting down end crystals to try and heal the dragon as we were killing it, though?”
“But it didn’t work, did it?” fWhip doesn’t wait for an answer. “Too little too late, Jimmy. Now the corruption is spreading and the eternal winter is on its way, and no amount of “you tried to save the dragon” is going to change that. There’s no hope left.”
Just as fWhip says that, he feels the urge to confide in Jimmy about the one hope they DO have left: the dragon egg that Gem is taking care of. But after a moment, he decides against it. It’s not that he doesn’t trust Jimmy; it’s simply that the fewer people who know about the dragon egg, the safer it will be.
“No hope left,” repeats Jimmy dejectedly. “What are we supposed to do, then? Just give up?”
When he gets no answer, Jimmy looks up and finds fWhip staring down at the ground, his eyes glazed over.
“fWhip?” Jimmy prompts.
fWhip blinks himself back to the present. “Hm?”
“Are we supposed to just give up and let the demon take control of our world?”
“No,” fWhip replies immediately. “No way.”
“Then how do we fight it?”
“I guess… the first step is to heal any unnecessary rifts.”
Jimmy scrutinises fWhip’s face for any sign of insincerity. “You mean… us?”
fWhip nods.
“Oh.” Jimmy hesitates, starting to rub the back of his neck. “Well… I’m sorry for letting our rivalry get that far. And I accept your apology in return.”
“Apology?” repeats fWhip.
“You apologised earlier and I didn’t respond. I accept your apology now.”
“Oh!” fWhip’s expression clears. “Oh, good. Th- Thanks.”
Jimmy frowns. “Are you okay, fWhip? You seem… out of it.”
“I’ll be fine,” fWhip replies quickly. “Jimmy, I’m really glad we’ve had a chance to talk and settle our differences. If you need any kind of help with your empire or anything else, you can come to me.”
“Thanks.” Jimmy gives a smile. “Same to you, fWhip.”
“Much appreciated. See you later.”
As fWhip walks away, he accidentally moves too close to one of the red tendrils sticking out of the ground and winces at the sudden stab of pain in his neck. After making sure Jimmy isn’t watching, fWhip pulls down the collar of his shirt and checks. The red marks sneaking over his shoulder and up towards his neck are pulsating. The corruption in Jimmy’s empire must have triggered this.
After a moment, fWhip readjusts his shirt and takes off into the air with his elytra. The pain starts to die down as he gets further away from the corruption, but he knows it will flare up again when he gets back to his own empire. But there’s no way he’ll tell anyone about this.
If this is the burden given to him for his hand in the dragon’s death, fWhip will bear it alone.
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