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dedingscarletonlineshop · 4 years ago
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Kiss Liptint by Deding Scarlet Cosmetics Available Now! 👉10ml 👉water-based tint 👉with 4 shades 1. Bold Babe 2. Wild Ride/Wild Fire 3. Fire Inside 4. Rebirth ❤80 pesos each only❤ OPEN FOR RESELLERS👍👍👍 For more items, like and follow our social media accounts: Facebook www.facebook.com/dedingscarlet Instagram www.instagram.com/dedingscarletonlineshop Twitter www.twitter.com/dedingscarlet Tumblr www.tumblr.com/dedingscarletonlineshop Thank you and happy shopping!❤ #liptint #lipstick #lipgloss #lipshiner #mattelipstick #matteliptint #waterbasedliptint #geltint #powderyliptint (at Bacolod City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKeVPn-Lrlu/?igshid=1u6hpi0filauf
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rebliss-isabel · 5 years ago
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OMG !! What have I done !! Get this Brow Tattoo from Maybelline New York @maybelline #brow #beauty #athome #browtattoo #geltint #peeloff #makeup #eyes #beautyblogger #lifestyle #howto #bikinishell #fnl (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_CDuZPg42-/?igshid=5e3h69x7c83h
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roseylafleur · 8 years ago
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@pixibeauty GelTint & SilkGloss Lippie in PINK TINT & PRETTY GLOSS is perfect for an eveday quick pick-me up look.This is a a simple lip stain with gloss on top! #Yummylips ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ PRODUCT DETAILS LONG LASTING STAIN GLOSS KEEPS LIPS NOURISHED + HYDRATED ADDS A NATURAL BRILLANCE CRUELTY FREE ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ How To Apply Apply tint or gloss onto lips for a quick pick me up or layer first with the tint then top off with the gloss for added dimension ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #lipstain #pixi #pixibypetra #lippie #liptint #pixigeltint #geltint #pixisilkgloss #pixiglowtonicmurah ltintandsilgloss #shoprosey #ilayetabe #ROSEYLAFLEUR #blogger #blogging #youtube #lipstick #berrytintandsweetgloss #beachtintandfeshgloss #pinktintandprettygloss (at London, United Kingdom)
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thebbcreamgirl · 8 years ago
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Aaaaaa cutenesss overload! Can't wait to get these in the store!! Coming soon from Etude House - just in time for summer too! #Repost @etude_official (@get_repost) ・・・ . NEW Dear Darling Water Gel Tint Coming Soon . Sweet Colors Melt Into My Lips Like Ice Cream . 아이스크림처럼 달콤하고 시원하게 녹아드는 디어 달링 틴트 여름이야기 공개 D-7 . 아니, 이게 틴트라구~?👀 . 상큼달콤 아이스크림을 먹은 것처럼 🍉🍊 생기 팡팡 립으로 만들어주는 귀요미 젤 틴트! . 퐁당퐁당 수분 가득한💦 디어 달링 워터젤 틴트로 촉촉한 썸머립을 만들어보세요~❣️ . #에뛰드신상 #디어달링워터젤틴트 #젤틴트 #썸머립 #립틴트 #틴트추천 #NewArrival #DearDarlingWaterGelTint #EtudeTint #GelTint #SummerLip #LipTint #etude #etudehouse #SweetEtude #에뛰드 #에뛰드하우스 #에뛰드그램 #エチュードハウス
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drlabellaph-blog · 7 years ago
MERZY Gel Tint
Here’s a heads up for all those who ever dreamt of lips as sweet as candies: MERZY the first GEL TINT
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Enjoy a lip tint that lasts up to 8 hours and has a strong & high adherence! Feel gorgeous with MERZY’s 4 exciting shades perfect for a day-to-day basis or for special occasions!
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100% Authentic Korean product
Imported & Distributed by Seowha & BH Export & Import Inc.
T: (02)373-5862
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puckerupbeauty · 7 years ago
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Repost from @orchidsandpeonies using @RepostRegramApp - Morning favourites with the luxurious @glasshousef* Casablanca Candle, a @ctilburymakeup palette and @shiseido Synchroskin Gel Tint❤️ #charlottetilbury #charlottetilburymakeup #shiseido #synchroskin #geltint #glasshouse #glasshousefragrances #casablanca #candles #fragrance #foundation #facepalette #beautyjunkie #makeupaddict #orchids #freshflowers
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brillarebeautydepot-blog · 7 years ago
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Finally! New Shade is here! 😍👇💄 Get #heavilytinted with our newest, deepest shade to vamp up your pout! Be the first to grab the hottest lip product in town! #SeoulSkin #JinjuWhite #Geltint #KissandBlush #brillarebeautydepot #brillarebeautyofficial #liptint #lipandcheek
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momibonsai · 5 years ago
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Geltint lang safat na😍 Taste like candy😜 mas magdugay pa sa emu lips keysa sa emung uyab n mubiya human og kiss😜 #PINKGLAMBEAUTYSECRETS https://www.instagram.com/p/B8qPu8mhjpz/?igshid=1f5b74kdwojlh
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annamarieschwager22995 · 6 years ago
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GelTint & SilkGloss http://bit.ly/2IMyanb
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sawanyrose-blog · 6 years ago
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Pɪxɪ @pixibeauty Diese tollen Produkte habe ich gestern bei @tkmaxx ergattert und bin verliebt! Ich liebe Pixi, fand bis jetzt alle Produkte toll, die ich je benutzt habe. Ich erzähle euch nach der Uni noch näheres dazu in meiner Story ♥️ Im Set sind: - 1x Liquid Illuminator - 1x Highlighter/Blush Duo - 1x Lip Topper Dann sind 3 Augen Stifte dabei und ein wunderschöner Lipgloss mit Topper, ein Duo Lipgloss! 😍 #augenmakeup #kajal #pixi #pixibeauty #set #tkmaxx #makeup #love #schminke #liebe #blume #lipgloss #lipstrobe #gloss #lippenstift #lip #eye #highlighter #blush #liquidhighlighter #schminken #geltint #makeupparty #schminksammlung #sawanyrose #deko (Unbezahlte Werbung durch Markenerkennung) (hier: Munich, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt5vCI1gn9r/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mj8hzuhvq8by
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lookgoodformula · 8 years ago
Pixi GelTint & SilkGloss: Lovin’ These Lush, Low-Key Lip Combos
I love ya, matte lips. I really do, but, like in most long-term relationships, sometimes absence makes the heart grow fonder, so…we gotta take a break. Just for a bit. Because when it’s hella hot out like it’s been here lately, matte lips just don’t seem right. But glosses and lip tints, like the Pixi GelTint & SlickGloss combos ($12 each), which are both, do.
Maybe it’s because hot weather puts me a minimal makeup mood, or maybe it’s because of these natural-looking colors. All I know is that on brows/mascara/gel blush/gloss days, I love these doe-foot duos.
There’s a lightly tinted liquid lip tint on one end and a sheer, non-sticky gloss with a smooth, lightweight formula on the other. You can wear the tint or the gloss by themselves, or you can layer the gloss on top of the tint, which is what I usually do. They smell and taste faintly of yummy mint tea, and all three duos are new to Pixi’s permanent line.
I hate when liquid lip tints don’t apply evenly and leave empty patches on my pucker. It’s a pain in the booty (patchiness is the devil’s work!), but Pixi’s lip tints (when I top them with gloss) apply evenly.
Continue reading "Pixi GelTint & SilkGloss: Lovin’ These Lush, Low-Key Lip Combos" on Makeup and Beauty Blog.
from Makeup and Beauty Blog | Makeup Reviews, Swatches and How-To Makeup http://ift.tt/2uchHCI via IFTTT
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tasyafar-blog1 · 7 years ago
REVIEW: Maybelline Tattoobrow Geltint
Hallo hai semuanya, setelah sekian lama gak nulis akhirnya ada juga yang perlu di tulis. Kali ini aku bakal bahas mengenai dunia per-alisan yang sekarang sangat amat penting bagi perempuan (yang gak punya alis wkwk).
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Product yang akan aku bahas ini adalah Maybelline Tattoobrow Geltint merupakan salah satu eye product terbaru dari Maybelline.
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Packaging :
Tattobrow ini di bungkus oleh box yang elegan karena warnanya hitam dan coklat. Tapi sayang boxnya ini agak susah dibuka, jadinya penyok-penyok. lalu di box juga tertera cara penggunaannya jadi kalian gabakal kebingungan.
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Selanjutnya packaging dari tattobrow ini lebih elegan lagi dari boxnya, karena bagian badannya matte sedangkan bagian tutupnya seperti metalik (ya gatau deh pokonya seperti itu kaya besi tapi bukan). Ukurannya juga handy banget gak terlalu kecil atau terlalu besar. Untuk aplikatornya seperti sewajarnya product gel pasti aplikatornya berupa brush.
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Kebetulan aku dapet shade light brown, agak dek-dekan juga pas mau pake karena takut keterangan. Oh iyah, isi productnya ini 5ml lumayan banyak kok bisa buat berpuluh kali pake. Pas pertama di aplikasiin itu aku bingung apakah harus tebel atau tipis, takutnya kalo tebel nanti tattoonya ketebelan tapi kalo tipis malah gak adaan. Jadilah aku memutuskan untuk menebalkan dari tengah sampai ujung alis dan bagian depannya tipis-tipis aja. Setelah menunggu sekitar 15-20 menit aku mulai ngeletek tattoonya, dan jeng jeng jenggg hasilnya bagus banget banget banget!! gak ketebelan atau ketipisan, pas aja gitu dan natural sekali. Yang terpenting warnanya ternyata gak seterang yang aku bayangkan, malah mirip banget sama warna rambut alis aku.
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Setelah aku test ketahanannya, tattobrow ini bisa tahan 2-3 hari. Karena, di hari ke-4 warnanya mulai terang seperti coklat kemerahan. Itu aku seperti biasa pake facial wash ke seluruh wajah, tapi pas pake remover makeup aku lewat bagian alisnya. Mungkin supaya makin awet pas cuci muka jangan di gosok juga kali ya hehe.
Maybelline tattobrow geltint ini harganya IDR 199k di Sociolla, kemarin aku liat sudah ada di guardian (anaknya cinta guardian sekali ya sist). Worth to try buat orang-orang males ngalis tapi butuh ngalis karena alisnya botak.
Rate: 9/10 So, that’s all my review and I hope y’all having great reading time dan mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan. See you in my next review!!
With love Tasya.
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roseylafleur · 8 years ago
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@pixibeauty GelTint & SilkGloss Lippie in BeachTint & FRESHGLOSS is perfect for an eveday quick pick-me up look.This is a a simple lip stain with gloss on top! #Yummylips ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ PRODUCT DETAILS LONG LASTING STAIN GLOSS KEEPS LIPS NOURISHED + HYDRATED ADDS A NATURAL BRILLANCE CRUELTY FREE ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ How To Apply Apply tint or gloss onto lips for a quick pick me up or layer first with the tint then top off with the gloss for added dimension ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #lipstain #pixi #pixibypetra #lippie #liptint #pixigeltint #geltint #pixisilkgloss #pixiglowtonicmurah ltintandsilgloss #shoprosey #ilayetabe #ROSEYLAFLEUR #blogger #blogging #youtube #lipstick #berrytintandsweetgloss #beachtintandfeshgloss #pinktintandprettygloss (at London, United Kingdom)
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southeastbymidwest · 8 years ago
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I'm loving these @pixibeauty Sheer Beauty Products. The Sheer Cheek Gels give a nice flush to the cheek and last a long time while the GelTint & SilkGlosses do the same thing but with a pretty gloss topper. What I also love is that the GelTint & SilkGlosses can be worn separately as well as together so it's like you're getting three lip products in one! For swatches and my full review check out the blog post and YouTube video via the clickable link in my bio. #pixi #pixibeauty #pixibypetra #crueltyfree #blush #liptint #prsample #youtube #youtuber #beauty #bblogger #bbloggers #beautyblog #beautyblogger #beautybloggers #beautyproducts #cosmetics #mua #makeupartist #makeup #cosmetology #cosmetologist #cosmetologylife #cosmetologistlife #beautyyoutuber
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makyajkelebegiblog · 8 years ago
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Capcanlı renkleriyle Pixi GelTint&Silkgloss'lar ile Sheer Cheek Jeller yaz makyajı için harika bir alternatif olacak gibi görünüyor. İlk fırsatta deneyimleyip blogda yazıyor olacağım.💕 @pixibeauty . . . #pixi #pixibeauty #lipgloss #liptint #makeuproom
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accordingtokeke · 8 years ago
Pixi Beauty Spring Must Haves!
Pixi Beauty Spring Must Haves!
Spring is finally here! What a great way to celebrate a new season then to buy new beauty products for Spring! Pixi Beauty have some new arrivals that is perfect for spring! I have partnered up with Pixi Beauty to show off some amazing products!
Here are some Pixi Beauty Spring Must Haves!
  GelTint & SilkGloss
This one of the new arrivals from Pixi Beauty. This GelTint & SilkGloss is…
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