#gellert grindelwald rp
chemicalarospec · 2 months
Okay so. Having watched those X-Men movies I noticed that Magneto and Grindelwald (sorry for referencing JKR's IP) are REALLY similar characters; they're both extremists advocating for their minority group, going against a pacifist former lover close friend who together with they were the two most powerful fictional-minority-people, and of Germanic origin.
I began to tell my family about this realization at dinner, and my mom agreed, noting "they both betrayed and fought against their good friend, like Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek" 💀💀
me: "implying Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek are doomed yaoi??" my brother: "I don't think she picked up on the innuendos..."
(For those who don't know, Mao and Chiang graduated from the same military academy in the same year. (not friends.))
But my dad also did not realize that the shipability was core to the relationships of the two fictional characters and said, "No, I think it's a valid comparison, same thing as Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant." (I think my family may have misinterpreted some signs at Fort Tejon??? I found a National Park Service page that says they met ONCE before the Civil War. Perhaps my dad simply meant to reference that the soldiers stationed at Fort Tejon before the war split up and fought for both sides, and got confused since Lee was mentioned at Fort Tejon (he did not actually say Grant's name, my brother suggested it).)
So that was family dinner 💀 Mao Zedong X Chiang Kai-shek and Robert E. Lee X Ulysses Grant, I GUESS. 🤷
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magicblooms · 2 years
“How could you do this to me? To us?" @the-greater-good-1899
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I am not saying something, but I am saying something.
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Happy pride month, Hogwarts!! I will be hexing homophobes :)
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Albus was walking down the Rue Vieille du Temple, balancing a pile of books he had just purchased under one arm, a small bag of groceries in the other, while also trying to eat a sweet pastry he had just bought at the small cafe on the corner. Perhaps he should have taken a detour to the small park at the end of the street. Enjoyed his morning tea with a hot chocolate while taking in the sunshine and starting one of the books he had just purchased.
He was quite enjoying living here in Paris. He was still working with Nicolas, although he had also branched out and had started to research dragons on all things. Well, specifically, dragons blood and the different uses for them. He was hoping to complete a research paper once he had felt he had exhausted his search for the various uses for them but he wasn't quite there yet.
It was Sunday and he had taken the day for himself, slipping in between the Muggle and magical streets of the city. Most of the books had some from the Wizarding Book Store but he had enjoying some Muggle literature lately as well. The sweet pastry was from the Muggle cafe. The owners were always so sweet and were determined to set him up with their daughter. He always politely declined, knowing he couldn't begin to explain the complicated situation of not only his magical capabilities but also that he preferred the company of men. That was still frowned upon in non magical society, even here in Europe.
He sighed softly at the brief thought of Gellert lingered. He tried hard not to think about him too often, although it was almost impossible not to. They'd spoken to travelling here together, holding rallys here one day. It wasn't why he had moved here. He'd simply finally taken Nicolas up on the apprenticeship offer when Godrics Hollow became too stiffing to handle anymore. He hadn't seen Gellert since that night, when Gellert ran off and never returned. He'd heard whispers and rumours of the movement he was starting but Albus tried as hard as he could to ignore them. But it was getting harder as the rumours had increased in their frequency.
He had been so lost in thought, he collided with someone walking in the opposite direction. He just managed to save his pile of books from slipping from his grasp with only a slight hold of magic. He started to apologise profusely, looking up at the stranger he had incidentally assaulted before he almost dropped his books for a second time.
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"Did I know, in my heart of hearts what Gellert Grindelwald was? I think I did- But I closed my eyes."
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fangedmagick · 10 months
Dark Embrace and Diablerie (VtM Lore)
Grindelwald stole Aurelius from his happiness, away from his father; and taking him away back to Nurmengard Castle.
Waking up in his former room felt like everything before was a kind dream and he was back here, alone. But no. His Obscurus was gone, he was healed, and was just getting done with Hogwarts lessons.
Grindelwald looked down at the boy with frightening admiration mixed with disappointment. The last meeting was the boy had revealed the Qlin plot, and bought Newt and Albus some time with their plan.
In his bed, it was warm and instinctively he wrapped the covers around himself. Unable to find his wand. He prepared for his death, given he had between the darkest and powerful wizard of the age.
Instead gentle hands touched him, making him shy away. His room was just as he left it, almost untouched. Not a speck of dust.
"You no longer have your Obscurus, Credence? Dumbledore's work?"
He pried and the boy couldn't help but be afraid. And refused to give information, "I dislike muggles, but there are some good ones, like Mr. Jacob. Surely you can see that..." He was shushed and like before, much to his inner hate, obeyed and was silenced.
"No need for that now." Grindelwald's voice was alluring however, and he couldn't fight the urge to listen. Not knowing he was being spelled by a more vampiric power, Awe. "You're quite a beautiful person, Credence. You know I had thought for long nights how to kill you for betraying me, betraying your brothers and sisters, the Wizarding World."
Aurelius couldn't correct his name, he could only listen, even as his fear returned. He was almost scarily okay with dying here. The older wizard continued,
"I have not embraced for a long time. But I also couldn't find a more fitting punishment for you."
"Embraced, sir?" Aurelius finally asked, genuinely curious.
"As much as I want to take you all the way to your soul, eternity sounds more fitting a punishment." Grindelwald had no care for some vampiric laws, and he was bent on destroying this pathetic Masquerade and revealing the Wizarding World all at once. Not many know of the Masquerade.. and honestly, he doubts Credence will last a week without being either killed or worse. He was okay with that...
For now he brushed the boy's long hair away, showing the neck that pumped with life that was not mixed with the Obscurus' poison. It was almost funny given that may have been the only thing that spared Credence from this.
And he let his fangs show, press against the neck, and bite down. It was a pinch, than both felt euphoric. Grindelwald drank down the delicious blood he so craved and Credence was lost in the kiss, feeling as much pleasure from being fed on as the one that was feeding.
The young Dumbledore almost heard his dear phoenix mourn in song. Their bond severing as his heart struggled to beat against the loss of blood. He was laying in his bed, to weak to stay in his position and whispers, "please... Grindelwald.." He didn't know what he was asking. But didn't finish as he lay in his bed, Grindelwald draining him nearly dry. Barely alive.
And he bit into his own wrist without delay to admire his dying victim. And fed Credence his own vitae.
But he was not kind to his childer, no, this was a punishment. Not a blessing and he was going to stain what bit was left of the boy's humanity.
He woke up in his bed, not cold anymore. But there was so much hunger, he was so hungry. He looked for anything to eat. Brown eyes frantic.
And there he spotted the prize. Or what his hunger crazed mind could see as a prize. He could smell the blood in the other's veins. And didn't question about the wooden stake in the older man's chest. Or the fact that this was a person he was staring at like the other was his only salvation.
He went after the torpor traitor LaSombra, and bit into him like a natural vampire, blood pulled without savoring it. He drank and drank, even as there was no more left, and he began to taste a more delicious dark flavor, not knowing it was the vampire's very soul as he consumed it all and fell back.
He felt so satisfied, so full, so good... until he wasn't.
Death finally caught up with him and he underwent the pains and burning of his body dying, and getting rid of what no longer suits him.
The feeding sealed his fate.
And when he woke again, he took some remains of his room stuff, finding his wand was left on the table, and fled into the night. Fleeing the castle, refusing to look back out of fear Grindelwald or the Acolytes he was knew were after him.
The elder Tremere thought his little childe would not last the week. He lasted over ninety years and still is alive. Though he hides desperately who his maker was and that he committed diablerie which gained him some LaSombra power that reminds him of his Obscurus, having to learn the Masquerade on his own, territory, laws, how own power.
He survives his nights in New York, sometimes travelling to Scotland or London to visit his old homes. Preferring solitude over a coterie.
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delirium-inspired · 1 year
Pick your Enchanter.
(scroll down for Muses description)
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Tristan Laurent Beaumont - the Vampire Artist
Elizabeth Báthory - the sadistic Vampiress
Rebecca Schade - the Hexenbiest Wessen (witch-like creature)
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Dorian Gray - The Picture of Dorian Gray
Gellert Grindelwald - Wizarding World
Homelander - The Boys
Bucky Barnes - MCU
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#1: This is a side blog, I follow back from my main: the-raven-dhampir
#2: I'm not my Muses. Please read several times and it sink in! DM me anytime, Mun friendship is strongly encouraged!
#3: Both Mun and Muse must be 21+. Please, take this seriously. 
#4: Open to NON Mutuals.
#5: Multi-para/novels strongly preferred. You don't need to match my lenght, but if you leave all the plotting to me, I lose interest very fast.
#6: I'm not an English native speaker and I may be slow with replies. This is a hobby for me.
#7: Let your fantasy run free!
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Tristan Laurent Beaumont
Face claim: Emerson Barrett
Species: Vampire (formerly human)
Age: 158 (born 1865) - Looks in his 20s
Occupation: Artist and Leader of a community of Eternals with the name LeRoy
Sexuality: Panromantic, Homosexual
Born with very peculiar aesthetic and creative skills, Tristan thrived during the era of France's cultural and artistic climate called La Belle Époque as a very appreciated visual artist, musician and poetry writer. He gets turned against his wish at the age of 26 by one of his models.
Struggling to accept his new condition and still missing his human form meant to decay and ultimately die, Tristan kept chasing after any form of art to feed his sad soul and gained a discrete success as an artist also in the modern world; as he gathered around him a growing but exclusive elite community of Vampires who were artists during their mortal life.
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Elizabeth Báthory
Face claim: Lady Gaga
Species: Vampiress (formerly human)
Age: 400+ (born 1560) - Looks in her 30s
Occupation: historian and model (both as a time-passing activity) - owns several night and strip clubs all around the world.
Sexuality: Bisexual, women leaning
Born as a Hungarian noblewoman from the family of Báthory, who owned land in the Kingdom of Hungary, she made it into the history books for being the first and probably most famous female serial killer after she tortured and killed hundreds of girls and women.
Turned at a young age, the stories of the countess bathing in her virgin victims' blood were all but legends. Upon leaving Hungary when it was time for her to officially "die" as a mortal, she exploited her family wealth to create a small economic empire, ensuring her a luxury lifestyle, never quitting the old sinful and sick enjoyments.
Sadistic pleasure was and is the very only motive for Lisbeth's crimes.
¦¦ Inspired by the Hungarian Countess Erzsébet Báthory
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Rebecca Schade
Face claim: Margot Robbie
Species: Hexenbiest Wessen (Witch-like creature)
Age: 32
Occupation: Lawyer
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Rebecca Schade is a witch-like creature called a Hexenbiest, which appears to have rotting flesh in Wesen form, but is strikingly attractive in human form. As all like her, she excels at concocting potions having various compulsive, emotive, or deadly effects and possess various supernatural abilities such as telekinesis.
She was born this way from Wessen parents who taught her to use her abilities at best to hide in human society and succeed as a brilliant lawyer. She made a very fast career exploiting her appearance and, whenever necessary, her supernatural abilities.
For her magical powers to be effective, she need to unleash the Hexenbiest and turn into a hideous creature.
Main traits: determined, ambitious, charming, selfish, possessive, social climber
¦¦ Inspired by Adalind Schade from the show Grimm.
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Dorian Gray
Face claim: Ben Barnes
Age: 133 (born 1890) - Looks 20 years old.
Sexuality: Pansexual, man leaning
Upon having a portrait of him painted by a friend and newly understanding that his beauty will fade, Dorian expresses the desire to sell his soul, to ensure that the picture, rather than he, will age and fade. The wish is granted: his portrait ages and visually records every one of Dorian's sins. Meanwhile, believing to be invulnerable to death, Dorian indulges in every pleasure and virtually every sin, studying its effect upon him. He firmly believes that beauty and sensual fulfillment are the only things worth pursuing in life.
Main traits: narcissistic, enthralled by hedonism, selfish, reckless, careless. Lives for himself only.
¦¦ Canon divergent from "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde
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Gellert Grindelwald
Face claim: Mads Mikkelsen
Sexuality: homosexual
Gellert Grindelwald is considered to be amongst the most powerful and notorious wizards of all time. A student at Durmstrang, he was expelled for twisted, dark experiments. His life is dedicated to the search of the Deathly Hallows and to lead a Wizarding revolution and create a new wizard-led order that would dominate Muggles. He owns the Elder Wand after stealing it.
Main skills: advanced use of Magic (also wandless), Seer, healer, necromancer.
Main traits: highly idealistic, talented, charismatic, ruthlessness, with a ferocious temper.
¦¦ Books and movies based - possibly canon divergent
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Bucky Barnes
James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes is brought back from supposed death as the brainwashed assassin cyborg called Winter Soldier (Зимний Солдат) by Hydra. His memories and personality are later restored, leading him to become a dark hero in search of redemption.
Main skills: being injected with the Infinity Formula, he has increased natural vitality and physical traits (general strength, resiliency to injury, speed, stamina, and agility). Master of hand-to-hand combat and martial arts, as well as being skilled in the use of military weapons and blades.
Main traits: loyal, brave, honest to a fault, headstrong. Due to his past, tends to become pessimistic, confused, and feel lost.
¦¦ MCU-based only. NO comic influence.
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Homelander is a Supe who serves as the extremely powerful leader of The Seven—a group of corrupt and hedonistic superheroes funded by Vought-American.
Beneath his public image as a noble and altruistic hero, he is an egotistical and sadistic narcissist. His powers and sense of entitlement have led him to exhibit extreme megalomania, causing him to commit crimes against innocent people, including acts of rape and mass murder, out of the idea that he can do anything he wants because of who he is.
Homelander's powers include heat vision, super strength, durability, flight, super hearing. He also ages more slowly than a normal human.
“There isn't a weapon on Earth that they haven't thrown at him. They've all failed.”
Main traits: megalomaniac, narcissist, unstable, depression-oriented.
¦¦ Based on the Character from the Amazon TV series The Boys. Generally Canon. NO comic influence.
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I'm 30+, Cis-Woman, from Europe.
I love writing and I’m also a visual artist, which basically means I have a lot of fun with Photoshop. Most (or even all) of the simple edits you see here will be done by me.
I'm a very easy-going and open-minded person. Feel free to drop a message anytime, both for role playing and not! Everyone welcome, as long as you're not a jerk!
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bossiegifs · 11 months
MADS MIKKELSEN GIF PACK ♛ In the source link you can find 113 gifs [268x151] of Mads Mikkelsen as Gellert Grindelwald in Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2022). All of these gifs were made from scratch by me for rp purposes. Please, do NOT claim as your own, repost or add them to your gif hunts. You can edit them as gif icons or in crackships, but please give me some form of credit if you post it. If you found these useful, please REBLOG! Enjoy!
trigger warning: violence, alcohol.
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findroleplay · 1 year
👀Hello I ( 25, she/they pronouns) am searching for some new rp-partners for different fandoms. I'll only do CC/CC, preferably m/m,depending on tje fandom, but every kind of other dynamic is fine, and normally write between 2-5 paragraphs. Englisch is not my native language, so if that's something that bothers you, may don't interact.
I have many fandoms and ships I'd like to explore, but if you don't find one that you would like to write, feel free to hmu and maybe we'll do it anyway. I'm also open for any kinds of canon divergence/AUs. As I'm down to write dead dove themes I would prefer my partners to be 21+.
Fandoms I'm in and ships I want to write are not in particular order, the character I would prefer to write is bold. If there's no bold character, I'll be ok with either of them.
Tony Stark/Peter Parker
Tony Stark/Loki
Tony Stark/Steve Rogers
Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Peter Parker/Wade Wilson
Steve Rogers/Bucky
Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts:
Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Harry Potter/Cedric Diggory
Regulus Black/Barty Crouch Jr.
Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald
Dean Winchester/Castiel
Sam Winchester/Gabriel
Sam Winchester/Luzifer
Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham
Doctor Who (2005):
Ten/Jack Harkness
Nine/Jack Harkness
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Myrcoft Holmes/Gregory Lestrade
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Game of Thrones:
Sansa Stark/Sandor Clegane
Sansa Stark/Petyr Baelish
Renly Baratheon/Loras Tyrell
Arya Stark/Gendry
Star Wars
Luke Skywalker/Han Solo
Luke Skywalker/Din Djarin
Din Djarin/Cobb Vanth
Obi Wan Kenobi/Commander Cody
Helluva Boss
Stolas Goetia/Blitzo
Interact with this post, and I'll come back at you!:)
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theamericanxwitch · 3 months
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//hello! I know this is a long shot but I have been absolutely dying for an active fantastic beasts community! I roleplay over on instagram but I need more people within the fantastic beasta community!
Here is what I'm looking for ;
An active Percival Graves
Active Leta Lestrange
Active Theseus or Newt that won't mind a ship
An active Gellert Grindelwald-
Alright alright. I'm basically looking for anyone that still rps fantastic beasts! Although she can be transfered to any era!
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rpdiscord · 10 months
Marauders Era AU RP
Magical Purity is a server using Marauder Era characters in an AU time setting and storyline.
While it has been some time since Gellert Grindelwald preached his message it still lives within the hearts and minds of many pureblood families.
Now, a young pureblood girl, June Bones has been killed by muggles. The incident stirs that old sentiment anew these families and the young generation of students at Hogwarts find themselves trapped in a school full of tension and a possible cult.
18+ with NSFW elements.
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magicblooms · 1 year
Magic Blooms Only In Rare Souls
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"With you or without you, I will burn down their world and build a new one."
Gellert Grindelwald RP
Fantastic Beasts & Harry Potter Based RP
Literate. 21+. Adult Themes
DM First to Plot. Canon Characters Only
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Current Dream RP List
Grindeldore RP What happens when Albus loses the duel with Gellert in the 1940s. Harrydore RP Any time travel or alternative universe involving these two Riddledore RP Anything relating to these two, especially set in the 1930s and 1940s, amidst the war with Grindelwald. Cursed Child RP An AU relating to this would be amazing. I just read the script again and would love to dive into this world. Dark! Albus AU Any muses wanting to write with a dark Albus in an AU.
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rp-tea-and-magic · 1 year
Welcome on my side account for roleplay !
Main account : https://portfolio-tea-and-magic.tumblr.com/ I like to write various kind of stories, from bright & wholesome to dark & taboo. I only RP with adults (18+), even for SFW RPs.
I like to explore various forms of RP and collaborative writing; from writing a fanfiction together, to organizing big roleplay games with many people.
I do not tolerate harassment toward real people, especially not over fiction. I support creators and their right to create freely.
Current interests :
• Harry Potter : I'm fascinated by Severus Snape, especially in the marauders era. I'm also very fond of Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald !
• Dungeons & Dragons / Baldur's Gate III : I love illithids/mind flayers, githyankis & githzerais !
- Currents RPs, games & events that I organize : If you have another idea/suggestion, contact me ! :D
• [ The Overseers of the Mysteries ] A RP-game in the marauders era, with mysteries to solve !
• RP with Severus Snape (marauders era) : send him in another place/time/dimension
• RP with Severus Snape (marauders era) : catch him stealing ingredients
• Yalghahoon's experiment : escape from an illithid (or seduce it !) .
• [ The Mind library ] A RP-game in the world of Baldur's Gate 3, with a lot of emphasis on illithids. The adventuring party is full already ! Closed for now.
Let's write something bewitching together !
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domuslux · 4 years
゚・ ☆  Muse list updated 
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because I have no self restrain at all.
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