#geld money
enocozy · 4 months
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HMDL, das Musik unsere Miete deckt🤲🏼
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coochiequeens · 1 year
Germany WTF?
By Genevieve Gluck September 23, 2023
A woman in Germany has been warned by a court after comparing a transgender organization’s recently-adopted mascot and a symbol known to be used by pedophiles. Rona Duwe, a women’s rights campaigner, has received an order from the Higher Regional Court in Cologne barring her from further comparisons.
The initial complaint, lodged against Duwe in March, referred to a series of comments she had made online criticizing the distinct pink and blue butterfly being utilized as a mascot by a board member of the German Society for Transidentity and Intersexuality (DGTI – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transidentität und Intersexualität).
The butterfly, which has been named Fiely, is a mascot of the northern German trans self-help group Fielappers – a low-German word translating to “butterflies.” Trans-identified male DGTI board member Julia Steenken has appeared holding the butterfly in public situations, and, according to Duwe, the mascot has been present in photos taken at several court proceedings, at meetings of the national parliament or Bundestag, in medical clinics, at events with families, and with the police.
The butterfly mascot was designed by Andrea Fleßner, a trans-identified male involved in the founding of Fielappers. Fleßner also has a close working relationship with DGTI.
Fiely is often seen posed amongst other childlike-toys on its dedicated Facebook page.
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The butterfly symbol utilized by Fielappers [L], and a list of pedophilic symbols identified by the FBI [R].
See rest of article
By Genevieve Gluck September 25, 2023
The city of Berlin has prompted outrage from locals after offering a graphic picture book on prostitution to children via its official website. The book, titled Rosie Needs Money (Rosi sucht Geld), is advertised as a resource for youth aged 6 to 12 years old.
According to Equal Opportunities Officer Kerstin Drobick, the book is a “helpful tool” for explaining prostitution to children of families residing in a red-light district of Berlin, located in Kurfürstenkiez, known as Kurfürstenstraße.
“In the years in which the Tiergarten Süd and Schöneberger Norden neighborhood management offices dealt with the issue of street prostitution and also had many conversations with residents, this was one of the topics: What do I say to the child? The Tiergarten Süd district management has faced this courageously,” Dobrick says in her defense of the book.
“An order was placed for a children’s book that tried to explain to the children what was happening there. Interestingly, extensive research has shown that educational books for children aged 10 and over avoid this explanation.”
Drobick also explains that the book on prostitution, which features graphic illustrations, was created “with primary school children and other people [in mind].”
See rest of acticle
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sezginer35 · 5 months
Birgün kendini yanlız his edersen bilesin seni unutmayan birisi var hep aklındasın......😂🤣☕☕
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alexalblondo · 8 months
du, broke: Wie Betty mit dem Geld entkommen ist, ist eine Plothole. Der Zoll hätte sie aufhalten müssen, weil man nicht so viel Geld im Gepäck mitführen kann. Leo und Adam hätten den Flieger stoppen können. Saarbrücken fliegt nur Länder mir Auslieferungsabkommen an.
ich, Pseudointellektuelle: Adam hat aktiv die Entscheidung getroffen Betty mit dem Geld entkommen zu lassen. Hat im Auto noch eine alte Schulfreund:In beim Zoll angerufen, damit die Betty nicht stoppen. Weil wenn die das Geld entgegennehmen ist das ein Beweismittel und dann muss Betty aussagen wo das herkommt. Und dann muss Leo aussagen woher er das hat. Und dann muss Adam angeben woher er das hat. Was jetzt nicht so gut für Leos Karriere ist. Oder Adams. (Aber va Leos.) Und überhaupt und außerdem supported Adam jetzt eigentlich nicht Mord oder so (also von einem moralischen Standpunkt aus) und Betty ist das vielleicht bissi falsch angegangen, aaaaaber jetzt mal so zwischen Missbrauchsopfer, wer ist Adam, dass er Betty vorschreibt, wie sie ihr Kind und sich selbst schützt? Also jetzt mal ehrlich? Und ka, wenn die zwei halt auch ein neues Leben anfangen wollen, dann ist es doch gut, wenn die Startkapital haben? Dann war das Geld von seinem Altem halt auch mal gut für was? Jetzt so unter ihnen. Und eigentlich sind Adam und Leo eh selbst schuld, weil sie Betty unterschätzt haben, aaaaalso 💁… Achso, und Leo unterstützt Adam da eh auch. Hashtag who needs therapy. Hashtag do it for the plot.
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notpulpcovers · 1 month
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herrinjassiii · 1 year
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Mein kleines Sklavenschwänzchen brav am tropfen 💦 😈
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hellsfryingpan · 8 months
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krimiqueer · 8 months
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My humble contribution to the trending of Spatort with, as usual, some Google Translate shenanigans.
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anukkuna · 8 months
Boris, next Episode: B**** better have my money...!
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keineahnung-ichhalt · 8 months
can't wait to watch spatort with my family on sunday and having to pretend that I'm totally uninvested
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herrinsmarti · 10 months
Guten Morgen Subby🌞
Wie startest du am besten in den Tag? Genau - mit Zahlungen an mich 🔥
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Quick question: Wenn ihr frisch ausgelernte Fachkraft wärt, würdet ihr euch mit 13,80 abspeisen lassen? Bedingung ist ich würde in nem Jahr Filialleitung machen, aber tbh da gibt es auch nicht viel mehr Geld (5% des Gehaltes als Zulage)
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atalantethewaldfee · 5 months
Hello Tumblr that mostly uses English as it's main language of communication.
Today I want to show you my favourite German Children-entertainment!
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The Kiddinx Universe! (i still hear the giggle that came with this Logo)
The 'Kiddinx Universe' is a (sometimes used) (personall) term for the Universe' in wich Storys from three series play out.
The series in Question are:
Benjamin Blümchen
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Bibi Blocksberg
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Bibi und Tina
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The stories mostly play out either in the fictional City 'Neustadt'
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This is the blazon of Neustadt. It sais 'Urbs Nova' because that was it's founding name. (Founder:'Bruno der Borstige')
I also found a map of Neustadt:
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The River is called the 'Triller', the nearest citys are 'Altstadt' and 'Glücksstadt' ('Neustadt' - 'New City'/ 'Altstadt' - 'Old City'/'Glücksstadt' - 'Luck City')
Neustadt is also the home to Bibi Blocksberg (Protagonist of Bibi Blocksberg ) and Benjamin Blümchen (Protagonist of Benjamin Blümchen).
Tina Martin (One of two Protagonists (the other is Bibi Blocksberg) of Bibi und Tina) lives in the 'Martinshof' (a Farm owned by her Family, Being named 'Farm of the Martins').
The Martinshof lays in an unnamed county owned by Falco of Falkenstein.
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The Martinshof
As the title of Bibi und Tina implies it Stars Tina Martin and Bibi Blocksberg.
And even tho Bibi and Benjamin Blümchen have some (very few) stories connecting them, I'm pretty Sure that Tina and Benjamin never interacted.
But let's move on to the Charkters.
Let's start with Benjamin Blümchen
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Yes, Benjamin is the elephant. To be more precise, Benjamin is a talking elephant living in the zoo of Neustadt. He is nice, helpful and likes all sweet things, especially sugar cubes.
Benjamins best Friend is Otto
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This is Otto. A Boy that is somewhere between 9 and 11 years old and Benjamins best friend. Why has the elephant a last name but Otto doesn't? No one knows.
Next: The owner of the zoo
Herr Tierlieb (Translation: Mr. Animalnice / Cares for animals)
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Herr Tierlieb owns the zoo(If that means that he also owns Benjamin never geht's established. Maybe Benjamin just lives in the zoo to Help, maybe they bought him). He is very nice and Cares about all the animals.
Sadly Herr Tierlieb (And in Connection the zoo) has very little to no money. The Zoo makes Most of it's Money throught donations that Benjamin and Otto get (getting Money for the Zoo ist Most of their adventures) and tourism of Benjamin.
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neilona · 3 months
Verdiene heute noch PayPal Guthaben
Sofortauszahlung bereits ab 3 Euro!
Melde dich jetzt über den folgenden Link https://attapoll.app/join/ijqqv an, um dir sofort 0, 40 € Startguthaben zu sichern. Mit Atta Poll kannst du schnell und einfach Geld verdienen, indem du an Umfragen teilnimmst. Und das Beste? Verdiene zusätzlich über das Referal - Programm & baue dir so ein passives Einkommen auf! Um dir direkt 0,40 € Startguthaben zu sichern, nutze diesen Link, um dir die App runterzuladen: https://attapoll.app/join/ijqqv
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ijsthee · 7 months
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going insane
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herrinjassiii · 1 year
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Schönes Wochenende meine kleinen Sklaven Schweinchen 😉🐷💸😈
Welches kleine Pay Pig will meinen Wochenend-Einkauf (100€) übernehmen, Zahlung per Paypal meld dich privat bei mir für mehr Infos! 😈
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