#geez i kinda expected it? knew the risk and all the
coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 2 months
Warning! English ain't my first language!
This is so I can just work on this information calmly. Writing helps me.
So you know that scourge angst that was requested? Yeah that's on break for a bit because of some recent troubling news.
Nothing serious just... I might have been used for fetish mining? That's the term, right? Eng ain't my mother tongue.
At least I can draw x better now.
But just saw a post and multiple others have also warned about this person doing it. Won't name names bc I'm a stupid coward and jeez I just thought they had a fun idea.
But you know what? At least it turned out cute and I got to practice my drawing skills. Fill a few sketchbook pages with doodles and all that.
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You and Me
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 2,649
Warnings: Angsttt, slight swearing, mentions of harassment and violence (all show-like, tho).
Summary: Jay and (y/n) were trying to navigate their secret workplace romance when an unexpected event agitates their feelings about it.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: No, I am not very sure of what exactly this is, sorry! I think it turned out kinda messy but, being honest, I just really wanted to write their interactions within that kind of angst! 
Anyways, I hope this isn’t too bad and I am very sorry about dropping this kind of imagine instead of something good enough to help us heal from the finales.  
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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It had been about 20 minutes since you finally convinced Kevin that you were okay and that he should go home when you heard someone knock on the door. You knew it was him. It had to be him. You needed it to be him. So you quickly moved to open, after checking the peephole. As soon as there was a hint of an opening, you felt Jay’s arms around you, his breath on your neck, and his voice cracking with concern.
"Oh my God, baby, I was so worried about you!" He sounded absolutely desperate, his arms enveloping you in just the way your own despair required him to.
"I know, I know... I just... I-" You tried to let out but couldn't continue because you'd started sobbing. Around Jay, it was inevitable for you to put your walls down. And, almost as soon as your tears started to fall, your boyfriend brought you even closer; holding you tightly by the waist with one arm, the other stroking your hair.
"Shh, it's gonna be okay, princess. You're okay now." He told you, but the truth was he wanted to cry as well. Not only had those past days been pure agony for him — a lonely agony —, but, also, because, even with you like that, you both knew that Jay wouldn't be able to keep a promise to stay the night if he got a call from work. Because no one knew that he needed to stay by your side. That you needed him there. Because no one knew how much all of that was hurting him, too. Because no one knew anything.
"I'm just- I just came so- so close this time, you know?" You tried to let him in on how you were feeling, pulling away a little so you could see his face better.
"I know." He replied, letting out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. "And it all happened so suddenly, I felt so stupid, powerless..." Jay confessed, as he remembered the operation that’d gotten you abducted, leaving the entire team with no clue on how it happened. 
But, for your boyfriend, it was pretty clear, though: the two of you were covering one side of the building and, afraid you might get upset with him for hovering, he didn’t have your back the way he should have. It was his fault that it all happened to you.
"Jay... That wasn't your fault, okay?” You stated firmly, as if you knew exactly what he was thinking. “None of us could've guessed that it would turn into something that, um, bad..." You said, not being able to stop the shiver that ran through your body, which made Jay go back to holding you close.
"Still, I should have done a better job at protecting you-" He started to mutter quietly in your hair, but you stopped him with a disapproving look.
"Stop, okay? Just stop! I'm a cop too, I have been a cop for about the same time that you have and I never needed or had a boyfriend protecting me in some special manner on the job!" He just stared at you, shock and hurt in his eyes.
"I know that, okay? I do know that." He told you quickly, as his hands went up from your sides, in a sign of surrender. "And I'm sorry if it came across as if I thought any differently. I'm sorry, baby. It's just that-" He paused for a moment, looking so hurt while sighing deeply, "It was really hard to not know what was going on with you, even after you went to the hospital... I mean they called Kevin to go stay with you in the hospital!" Another sigh, this time, an annoyed one. "And, seeing that, I guess that I just- I just wished that none of it had happened?"
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be saying this right now. I'm making this about me, when it's actually about you, geez." He reprehended himself while pinching the bridge of his nose.
"No, no! It's okay. Because this is about you, too. And I'm glad you're telling me how you feel." Hearing that, he just looked at you and wondered about how on Earth he had managed to snatch someone like you. "First things first: what happened to me wasn't your fault. I don’t say this often but: as great a partner as Kevin is, I love working by your side. And, I do it without any fear or concern because I know you'll have my back. One hundred percent." You assured him while giving his hand a gentle squeeze, "now, the second thing: you do know that they only called Kevin because he is my partner, right?"
"I, uh, I do know that," yet another sigh.
"Okay, Jay. I love you and I really need you right now. But, if you don't stop sighing and just say what you wanna say already, I will kick you out of here." At that, he couldn't help but to let out a soft chuckle. God, you loved his smile.
"I don't wanna upset you with this. Especially now. But, I guess, I just would have liked to be the one they called." Seeing the instant frown you made, he clarified: "Not as your partner. As your boyfriend."
You had to admit that, even though you knew going public with your relationship was something Jay thought a lot about, you weren't expecting him to say that at all. Not at that moment, at least. And, being the not-so-calm person you were, the conversation quickly took a turn.
"What the hell? I just got back from the worst moment of my life and you wanna use that- pry on that to pressure me into going public?" God, that was harsh. You knew as soon as the words left your mouth. You regretted it as soon as the words left your mouth. But you didn't dare to open it again, as you watched his face go from hurt to annoyance and then a hint of anger.
"You're kidding, right?" You didn't answer. "Please, tell me you're kidding?"
"Babe, I'm-"
"You're what? You're sorry? Because, man, that shit you just said? That hurt!" He stood there in silence for a moment before continuing: "do you have any idea of what these past days were like for me? You think I'm bringing this up now just because I wanna shout to everyone that you're my girlfriend? Claim you as mine or whatever bullshit reason you think I have for wanting to go public?” You still couldn’t say anything, so he went on, “well, it's not any of that. I'm talking about this because you were missing for two entire fucking days that felt like forever to me, but I couldn't tell anyone how I'd die if anything happened to you because, hey! I was respecting your wishes! I felt guilty about the operation and thought that the least I could do was keep my pain all to myself. Which is kinda funny because you're always telling me not to bottle up my emotions!" By then you were crying, just because you were too mad at yourself for making him feel like that, and he paused but only to take a breath: "But, you know that all of that wasn't even what hurt the most? The worst part was when I got a text from Burgess on the chat group saying that they'd found you and had taken you to Med, but that we could continue doing our surveillance on one of the offenders because Kev was already on the way there!" He shouted this time, which made you wince a little — even though he looked more hurt than angry, really. Running his hands through his hair, Jay completed: "and, now, that I'm finally able to be with you- to- to know for myself that you're okay! You suggest that I was-" He couldn't even finish the sentence, which showed even more just how distraught he truly was. "I guess I just- I just can't believe that you don't see that all I wanna do is be here. With you. Taking care of you. Which is all I wish I could’ve done at the hospital, too…"
"I know, Jay." You whispered with a weak voice. Unsure that he'd heard you, you tried it a bit louder: "I know, Jay. And, trust me, I am so sorry for what I said! I don't- I just… I just wish it didn't have to be this complicated…" You knew what that sounded like. And, God, you were terrified about it. How could not you find anything good enough to say?
"Maybe I shouldn't be saying this… Maybe I shouldn't be trying anymore…” Because it sure looks like you gave it up, he wanted to add, "but I- I need to at least ask. Why does it have to be so complicated?"
"Jay, babe-"
"No! Don't do that! Don't try and stall me with that soft tone! I just wanna know why!"
"You know why, Jay!"
"I don't! I really don't! Or have you forgotten that all you did so far was give me half-ass excuses about privacy and being shy?"
"Okay! You wanna know why?" You half-asked, half-barked at him, "it's because I am scared of what will happen! That's why! Throughout all of my career, I've had to prove myself, then I got this sort of arranged job at Intelligence which not only threw all of my hard work to hell but, also, never lets me rest because it never really feels like I'm a part of that so-called family you guys have! And Voight? Every single day I still feel like he's testing me! Giving me the silliest assignments and being overly mad whenever I get the lead on a case! But, somehow — as messed up as it may sound —, I don't wanna lose that job! I don't wanna risk going back to the unit I came from, where I was constantly harassed and intimidated!" You blurted it all out, only stopping to take a breath while Jay simply stood there looking completely shocked. "And you, Jay, as great as you are — and you're literally the best thing that's ever happened to me —, you can very easily put all of that at risk." Now it was your turn to sigh. You could only hope that you sounded as defeated as you felt: having to give up the guy who was probably the love of your life just to not go from one toxic work environment back to an even more toxic one. Your mouth tasted sour after that realization, which just made you remember how sweet Jay's always was.
"You never told me any of that." He muttered quietly, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"I know and I'm sorry. I just… Thought it would get better. Eventually."
"You know I could have helped, right?" He stated sadly, then adding with a shred of hope: "You know… Maybe I still can?"
"Jay… Let's just not make this harder. Please."
"Just hear me out for a second: you are a part of our family." At that you just scoffed and looked the other way, making him pull your chin to connect your eyes again. "You are. I said I was going crazy with you missing but they all were too, including Voight."
"Yeah, right."
"It's true! Why would I lie to you about this? He looked truly haunted and, if I'm being honest, I think he just hoped he wouldn't get too close to you, to keep his head on straight in case something like this ever happened." He gulped harshly before continuing, "in case something worse happened. I think he simply can't handle losing anyone else, (y/n/n)."
"Y- you really think that?" You asked him and, you'd be lying if you said that you didn't get just a little hopeful.
"I do, darling," he told you in a soft tone. "And I'm not making excuses for him here or anything, okay? I'm just tryna tell you that we can deal with Voight. We can deal with rumors. I swear I will fucking kill anyone who dares to even touch your name on that stupid department!"
"Jay!" You started to reprehend again, even though you knew that he was just trying to lighten the mood. "That is exactly the kind of stuff you can't even think about doing after we go public!" You told him while spatting his arm.
"Ouch! Wait a second, did you really just say after we go public?" The way his eyes twinkled at that moment was enough to get you to agree with anything he wanted, really.
"But, hey! Don't get all exci-" You couldn't finish your sentence as he had already swept you off your feet and started kissing you all over. It hurt a little, due to your bruises, but it's not like you actually gave a damn about it.
"Don't get excited? Lady, I'm already over the moon!" He told you with the biggest smile you’d ever seen.
“Oh, God. You look so damn cute right now!! I can’t believe that I-” You cut yourself off because your voice started to crack while a big amount of sorrowful tears rolled down your cheeks. Seeing you like that, once more, made Jay start panicking a little, scared that maybe you were backing down on your relationship again.
“Baby? What’s wrong? Talk to me, please, (y/n/n).” Hearing the confusion in his plead sort of brought you back to say:
“I- I just can’t believe that I said the things I said to you! I hurt you! I hurt you in the kind of way I was scared you were you gonna get hurt when it seemed like I was gonna-”
“Don’t you dare complete that sentence, okay?!?” He half-asked, half-begged you, letting on so much heartbreak, “first of all: nothing could have ever hurt me in the way you being gone did. No matter how hard you might have tried, you just wouldn’t be able to get there, girl.” He said more casually, shrugging his shoulders in a way that made you crack a small smile. “And, second: I don’t want you thinking about me, in any way, when you're out there in the field. You just can't, love."
"I know, but at that moment, I-"
"Look, princess, you need to promise me that you will try your best to never do that again, okay? Because if you do, if the people we chase see any weaknesses they'll take advantage of it. And, then... But I know it's hard. You're the first thing on my mind whenever something goes south too, but I just- I love you too much to face the idea of losing you! So you need to promise me that you will keep your head one hundred percent focused on whatever is at hand, please, babe!" He begged you with such urgency in his voice that new tears started rolling down your already marked face.
"Oh, Jay... I love you, too, okay? More than anything in the world! But you know that, when we're in that kinda moment, our minds sometimes just wonder..." Seeing his concerned expression, you decided to add: "However, if you promise me you'll try your best to focus on your work, in the same way, I'll promise it too." At that, he gave you a cheeky smile.
"Deal. Now let's get you in bed cause it's been a long couple of days, detective." He said, picking you up one more time and carrying you to your bedroom.
"Oh my God! Jay, put me down!!" You squealed out, though you didn't really want him to put you down, ever.
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Stuck Together
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Your coworker Seungcheol likes to sing at work, and every day it makes you fall for him more and more.
1.2K words
Most people thought it was a bit of a hassle to work with Choi Seungcheol.
Not because he wasn’t kind.
No, Choi Seungcheol was one of the kindest people that you worked with.
He was always so gentle with everyone. Greeting every employee and guest with an infectiously kind smile that spread wide from ear to ear. You didn’t think there had ever been a time when you hadn’t come in and had Sengcheol greet you loudly from across the restaurant with a hearty laugh and a wave.
You knew it was dangerous working with him quite honestly.
Hearing him laugh near you at the stupidest thing that Kwon Soonyoung just said andinding it so funny that he had to lean on Lee Jihoon just for support was always such a heartwarming event to watch. You adored how unashamed he was to tease Kim Mingyu when he messed up something. Most people were wary of him and Jeon Wonwoo- but Seungcheol had never been afraid to poke the bears.
And you couldn’t help the way that your heart leaped that time you accidentally walked in on Seungcheol comforting Chan after a particularly hard shift. The customers were all so cruel and hard to work with- and Chan had barely been able to keep up on his position.
So, when you walked in on Seungcheol’s hand on Chan’s shoulder, and his other hand on his own leg, peering up at Chan with kind eyes, you had almost fallen in love right there.
But ultimately, what had been the tipping point of your huge crush on Seungcheol had been the fact that he sang so often at work.
You thought he picked it up from Boo Seungkwan. It wasn’t necessarily common prior to Sengkwan’s hire for Seungcheol to outwardly sing in front of everyone. But one day Seungkwan heard him and joined in and the day ended in a karaoke session on shift.
It was cute- but most people thought it was annoying fast.
You enjoyed however hearing what was playing on the Sengcheol radio that day.
He had a beautiful voice that you could listen to for days and days on end without stopping.
“Don’t even know your heart,” he sang softly as he looked up at the screen before him, beginning to busy himself with work. You looked over at Seungcheol, wondering momentarily if he had somehow managed to hear your thoughts but you could tell by the fact he wasn’t looking at you that wasn’t actually so.
You sighed and looked back down at your own work.
“Baby please have mercy on me-”
“Seungcheol please,” Jeonghan interrupted. SEungcheol shot him a look.
“What don’t like the song?”
“You’re always singing,” Jeonghan replied back. “Geez, can you not sing for like... Two seconds?”
Seungcheol snickered, but your heart just sank knowing that meant Seungcheol wouldn’t sing again for at least an hour- probably the entire rest of the time Jeonghan was there.
Seungcheol was the kind of person that always thought about other people. Which meant when someone asked him not to do something or to do something, he almost always listened. He was close to pretty much all of the customers because of that.
How could anyone not love someone as kind as Sengcheol after all? He was your secret charm at work. Whenever things got hard and customers got angry- slide Seungcheol into the situation and they pretty much always left with smiles on their faces.
So sometimes, because you loved the mood boost being around Seungcheol got you, you joined in on his singing. Never loud enough for him to hear. Just quiet enough that you got that serotonin boost and could making it easily through the day.
“There’s nowehere we need to be, I’ma get to know you better,” Seungcheol sang softly. “Kinda hope we’re here forever.”
“There’s nobody on these streets,” You sang with him. He didn’t seem to notice as he sang the next line, so you decided to continue: Ain’t no other way that I can spend it.”
Still Seungcheol didn’t notice as he sang Jsutin Beiber’s part of the song, so you contined singing the song with him under your breath as you worked. Eventally you weren’t even listening to yourself as you two sang together.
“I lock the do-,” you sang.
“You are!”
You jumped at Seungcheol’s suddenly loud outburst- throwing your hands in the air.
“You’re singing Ariana’s part with me aren’t you?” He accused a large smile on his face. “I never took you as a singer! I can’t believe this is the first time you have ever sang with me before!”
You stared at Seungcheol, your face turning red the longer he spoke. You weren’t nearlly as outspoken and... Performative as Seungcheol was. You couldn’t stand the attention.
“No I wasn’t,” you laughed nervously, brushing your hair out of your face. “You must be hearing things.”
Seungcheol gave you a skeptical look and the way his nose and eyebrows scrunched made your heart leap. How could a guy like him be single?
“I know I wasn’t hearing things,” Seungcheol replied. He tried to catch your gaze but you quickly looked away, so he came up on the other side of you, his face suddenly in yours.
You jumped back but didn’t risk looking away from him this time.
“What?”  You whined. He smiled at you, a borderline crazy expression on his face as he stared at you. He reached forward- suddenly and without warning and took your face in his hands. Your eyes instantly widened at the contact.
“O-Oh,” you said in surprise. Seungcheol’s eyes narrowed at you, making himself appear much more suspicious of you then he had before. You didn’t think he had ever been this close to you before.
“Sing with me, songbird,” he mumbled. You couldn’t really find it in yourself to lie to him again.
“He knows,” you started, watching as Seungcheol’s lips spread into a bright smile. “Dirty secrets that I keep, does he know it’s kiillin me?”
You turned away from Seungcheol to return to work
“He knows, he knows.”
Falling into the harmonies with Seungcheol was easier than your actual job, and actually singing with him made your job more fun. You two spun around each other as you bagged food, and sang the song, going through one another’s parts like it was something you two did on the daily.
You had always thought that Seungcheol’s voice and your own complimented one another, but today was like a whole new revelation none the less.
“I know what you did last summer-” You two sang spinning out into the center of the room. This caught the attention of the lady who was in the window, with her phone out and a large smile on her lips.
“You two are adorable. The cutest little couple I’ve seen in a while.”
Your face flamed red once again and you frantically gestured towards the customer.
“Oh no I think-” “I always wonder what I did,” Seungcheol interrupted, pulling you into his side before you could keep going. “To get a person as wonderful as the one in my arms right now.”
The drop in his tone told you something that you hadn’t been expecting... He was speaking sincerely. Did he actually like you? It hadn’t initially seemed possible but looking at him now...
“I think that too... All the time. He’s just too good for me.”
Seungcheol laughed softly.
“Then I guess we have some talking to do after work today, because suddenly I can’t seem to let you go.”
“Just hold me close.”
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bloomyn · 4 years
you can be the cherry on top
Helloo! If its okay can I request prompts 16 and 27 from the random prompts with Ushijima where the reader introduces some spontaneity into his life, teaches him to take risks and go off a routined lifestyle like going for a drive at 2am to a convenience and like cheating a game at an arcade or something ? And he actually kinda enjoys the thrill of going out of his comfort zone and wants to get to know her more ! Thankyouu srry if it doesnt make sense😊
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x reader
tags: fluff, strangers to friends to lovers, breaking records ; fixing hearts, learning to live a little
warnings: none
tendou screeched.
“wakatoshi! you’re never going to beat the high score.”
olive - colored eyes narrowed, focusing on the screen in front of him. it was stupid game, nothing more than something he would’ve played as a child but it was the score board that ticked him off. 
1. ‘ur mom’
2. ushijima
3. ushijima
4. ushijima
5. miracle boy sa to ri!!!!
“wakatoshi let’s head back to the dorms. it’ll be fine, you can’t beat the high score so what.” 
the taller man scowled.
you’ve grown to hate the oak brown of the desk in front of you. the imitation wood has glared at you every second of everyday for the past three years and you might throw up if you have to look at them for another second. when you drop your forehead against the desk no one pays mind, you’re sure their all bored out of their minds too. it doesn’t help that the sickly gray walls of the classroom love to tease the tangerine sunlight that’s blocked by the thick window curtains. 
being a teenager is horrible. 
being a teenager stuck in a classroom with possibly the most boring people in the world is catastrophic. 
you could care less about modern japanese literature, you’re more worried about the sweat that’s pooling under your arms and the back of your thighs and..have they fixed the ac in your dorms yet?
outside of the window you could see a student jogging, it wasn’t surprising, he was always there. purple tracksuit, you had called him, always the same outfit at the same time, every single day.
how boring
“[l/n] please do not take my advice lightly, entrance exams are coming up and it is very important that-”
you nodded your head, “yes sensei i know, trust me, i’ll figure it out!”
your homeroom teacher sighed. “just, please. shiratorizawa wants to make sure that all our students succeed.”
plastering on a fake smile you started stepping backward slowly, “yep, mhm, i understand.”
“just go.”
“thank you bye bye!”
you rushed out of the hallway, passing through the classrooms and out of the gates of shiratorizawa academy. thankfully, the streets were pretty much empty save for the occasional student or cat making their way down the street. 
the arcade was visible for miles. blinding lights that lit up the block and the smell of sweaty seats that lingered for ages. 
 you waved a hello to the attendant and made your way to the back, searching for your high score (you couldn’t help it, seeing ‘ur mom’ on top the scoreboard was almost intoxicating), only to find a boy (man? maybe.) pounding harshly at the keys. you almost wanted laugh, watching this mountain of a man get so frustrated at what was no more than a child’s game. 
“you good there buddy?” you teased, making your way next to the boy. he only grunted in response, his fingers wrapping tighter around the consoles and eyes narrowing themselves, focusing solely on the screen in front of him. 
leaning against the side of the game you sighed, pretending to flick dirt out from your fingertips. 
“you know,” you drawled lazily, “ i have the high score.”
the boy froze, you could practically see his back stiffening at the sound of your words. a cold chill ran down your spine at the mere sight of his face (or more specifically the look on his face).
on the screen the “game over” flashed loudly, displaying the score board, and by the consecutive list of ‘ushijima’ underneath ‘ur mom’...
“oh, are you ushijima?”
he nodded stiffly. “you have the high score. how?”
you grinned cheekily, ignoring his obvious disbelief and disgruntlement, “wanna watch me play? i’ll blow your score out of the water. i promise.”
ushijima smirked, “show me.”
you started the game up, playing just as usual, you know; following the rules. behind you ushijima crossed his arms. you weren’t doing anything special, in fact he was pretty sure you were moving slower than him how could---
and with a quick flick of your fingers in an unknowable combination, the screen was cleared of the ‘bad guys’, and “NEW HIGH SCORE!’ bounced around on the screen. you licked your lips, whipping around to see his reaction and oh, it was so much better than you’d expected. 
“good game right?”
slowly, the taller man closed his eyes, “how?”
should you tell him the truth? you wondered. it’d be so much more fun if you lied instead; leaving him frustrated and flustered over your effortless ability to wreck his scores. 
“cheat code.” you breathed lazily, “it works for a lot of games actually, it’s really common.”
you almost rolled your eyes, “it’s just a game ushijima, don’t tell me you haven’t cheated at a game before?”
his silence spoke for him.
had this man had any fun ever? at all? even a little?
“come on ushi-kun, live a little why don’t you.”
your persistence was refreshing. maybe it was because he had only just met you and you had no idea who or what he was like that you would push him like this. he knew was blunt, there was no point in lying or drawing the truth out. but you seemed to be immune to that. 
so he held out his hand, asking for the coin.
“i can try to be more exciting.”
besides him you blew air out of your lips, “ i don’t want you to try and be more exciting, just like,” you paused, looking him up and down. “what do you do for fun?”
“and when you’re not playing volleyball...”
“i’m at school.”
you really had to think of different response besides groaning. begrudgingly you held out your hand.
“come on.” you huffed.
tentatively ushijima placed his hands in yours. “will i regret this?”
“i’d be insulted if you didn’t”
so you were breaking into your own school. well, it wasn’t exactly breaking, just sneaking into the closed volleyball gym. 
“it’s locked.”
rolling your eyes you shoved your hands around in your pockets, hoping that somehow you’d have a bobby pin, and voila! you smirked, whispering a ‘got it!’ before jamming it into the lock. 
“this would be a lot easier with a key.”
suppressing the fattest eye roll you could possibly think of you turned around, 
“obviously it-- oh.”
behind you ushijima held up a single bronze key, matching the same company as the one on the lock. oh.
“you play for the volleyball team?”
he nodded.
“wait you go to this school?”
this was not fun anymore. holy shit this was not fun.
a screech left your throat as you dodged another one of ushijimas serves. you thought volleyball was all fun and games, this was a nightmare. 
“i thought you wanted to play?” he quirked, tossing the ball up one more time.
“yeah, play. not die!”
you dove to the floor barely dodging the ball. on the other side of the net ushijima was smiling, laughing almost. 
at least one of you was having fun. 
“god ushijima do you enjoy torturing yourself?”
ushijima tossed a towel to you, while continuing to sip from his water bottle. 
grimacing, you wiped the sweat from your forehead onto the towel. 
‘geez, this guy hasn’t even broken a sweat’ 
“why volleyball?” you breathed softly.
“my father taught me how, he used to play for shiratorizawa.”
you nodded along, “that’s cool.”
an icky silence spread over the two of you as cooled of from your unintentional work out. you smiled to yourself, it was fun though, even if your bones seemed to be in danger. 
“something wrong?”
you blinked a couple times before looking up. had you accidentally made a face? (your mother had made it point to call you out whenever that ‘pinched look’ arrived) 
“no? what do you mean?”
this time you were frowning, but of course ushijima didn’t notice (or simply just didn’t care).
he set his water bottle down, “you look disappointed.”
scoffing you tossed the towel back to him. “i’m not.”
“i don’t believe you.”
this man. 
so you shrug. “ i don’t know, just feels like the day has so much potential and instead i’m going to end up laying by myself in a dorm where the ac doesn’t work.”
“it’s only 7:22.”
you sighed, “yeah but it’s too late to do anything and too early to go back to the dorms.”
in his mind ushijima had two options:
1. leave and maybe never talk to you again
2. stay and, not have any regrets about what you were going to do or if you were going to do anything because he wanted to be there, not to be with you, but to have fun, yeah to have fun, he needed to have more fun. 
“come with me.”
ideally ushijima would’ve whisked away in his new car and driven you into the sunset while listening to your ‘don’t cry just vibe’ playlist. 
unfortunately the two of you were broke third years who had no form of personal transportation and had to worry about missing volleyball practice the next morning. 
so you were on the train. 
“ushijima where are we even going.”
he hadn’t given you an answer for at least 15 minutes prior to asking so you jabbed a finger into his chest.
“answer me.”
peering down at your figure he nodded his head. “i can’t tell you.”
already you were starting to receive some stares from the others from the train so you dropped the subject. i mean you had been the one to tell him to live a little. god he didn’t even know your name! he wasn’t gonna kidnap you, no, but he could! especially with those serves--
“we’re here.”
“i only come here during school breaks but, i figured now might be an appropriate visit.”
the moon hung heavy over the dips and curves of the hills. the small lights flickered in and out, lanterns most likely, setting the scene. wonderful. 
“well.” you huffed, “aren’t we just full of surprises today.”
smiling at your words, ushijima motions upward.
“step there. you’ll have a better view.”
ah, so he was going to push you off the cliff and they would never find your body. that’s how this was going to go down. 
“just so you know ushi - kun, if any murderers coming running at us--” you take his hands, wiping a fake tear off your face, “i would die for you, i would sacrifice, my life so you could escape.”
“you just met me.” he deadpans.
stepping up on the rocks you extend your arms out. wind swept underneath them, the sounds of the hills working in tandem, your mind was gone, too absorbed in the view.  “i know.”
“does it still feel like a waste?” 
this time you shook your head, “here with you? absolutely not.”
two weeks later:
“you stole a car.”
those are the first words he speaks when he finally sees you again. after your little moment at the hills you’d disappeared for two weeks. he was starting question your existence. but here you, waiting for him at the front of the school swinging car keys between your fingers.”
“technically,” you start, “it’s my aunt’s and i’m just borrowing it.” 
you can’t describe the look he’s giving you. you can but, it wouldn’t accurately describe whatever he was feeling. “so are you getting in or what.”
“i have volleyball practice.”
you hold up the little bronze you’ve stored in your pocket. “not anymore you don’t”
-- he forgets to ask if you even have your license yet. (it’s fine, it’s you we’re talking about)
you don’t immediately start dating after that. it takes three more spontaneous tokyo roadtrips and six almost ushi - abductions for him to ask you out. and when he does, you beat him to the punch. 
“well.” you say, poking his chest a bit. “who else am i gonna drag to the arcade at 3 in the morning?”
(he says yes.)
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
when a deal backfires (Inuyasha)
When a deal backfires
Inuyasha was NOT a happy camper as him and Kagome waited in the room they had rented for the night. Of course ever since a curse had been laid on him that left him with ZERO bladder and bowel control he had rarely been a happy camper anyways so by this point she was used to him sulking like a toddler who didn't get his dessert. "I can't believe you went and worked this out behind my back." The pampered puppy growled for about the millionth time (OK, it was more like 50th but he was getting annoying!) "Inuyasha, at the risk of sounding like a broken record.. We both know that we need jewel shards right? that's the only way to give you back a degree of control? and we can't start chipping up how much of the jewel we've put together JUST for that." She Said, using the same tone of voice one would use with a slow child. "Well..Yeah. It would be nice to stop crapping myself..but..can't we just go beat up some random monster an-" He started, rising off of the soft bed with a bit of a struggle. Between the softness of the mattress and the thick bulky plastic diapers Kagome brought from the future (Along with a red onesie the half demon was currently wearing) It took more effort then he wanted to admit and he wasn't fully on his feet when she rolled her eyes and shoved him back onto the bed. "Look pup." She started, smirking and knowing how much he HATED his new nick name. "Face the facts, there's no way you can kick a jewel charged demons ass by yourself in this state. and if the others help they'll insist the shards join the others. you already know this. SO, Who do we know who might be willing to trade his shard, both of them that we need for this, in return for one night of fun." she asked, cupping Inuyasha's chin as he sat back up blushing. "Well? Come on, so me you're still a clever boy~" Inuyasha huffed and whined, he HATED it when she treated him like some dumb toddler, well mostly. but the part of him that liked it was being ignored. "Koga." He huffed and crossed his arms. "Still don't think you whoring yourself out to him is right though." "...Heh..Is THAT what you think the deal is? Oh Inuyasha, you realllly need to learn to pay attention. I've repeated myself HOW many times and you still think -I'M- the one he wants to play with?" She asked with a amused smirk. "...Well who else would...it..." Inuyasha trailed off and then blushed bright red as it dawned on him why Kagome had sent his clothes off to be cleaned when usually she kept the purse string tight. She had trapped him in the room unless he wanted everyone to see his baby outfit! "Ding ding ding! Winner winner chicken dinner." Kagome giggle and tapped a finger on the pups nose. "I'D RATHER KEEP FILLING MY PANTS WITH CRAP THEN BLOW THAT BASTARD!" Inuyasha yelled. "geez, say it a little louder, i don't think  everyone in the inn heard you.." She said wincing, and putting a finger to her ear. "And you WILL do this because I'm blowing though all of my savings keeping you in disposables. if you wanna keep pooping your pants fine...but we're switching to cloth diapers and YOUR washing them." "...You know there are times when I reallllly hate you?" Inuyasha asked.
Koga was all grins as he came into the inn and got Kagome's room number. he'd of course heard the rumors about how Inuyasha had gone from a bad ass to a smell one but he wasn't sure he believed it till Kagome had contracted him about a little deal. She'd of course offered herself up at first in trade for the shards but as tempting as that was (and it was VERY) there was one thing he loved the thought of more: Making that mutt suck his cock dry while he was in a shitty diaper. It would be the ultimate combination of fulfilling a old wet drink of his and putting the mutt in his place and heck, he was getting ready to settle down and stick around the cave anyways. Knocking on the door, Kagome opened it and smiled. "Koga, please come in, your date is ready for you." she said with a impish grin. Yeah, he wasn't stupid, He knew part of her wanted to see this just as much as him with what a royal pain the pup had been. "Why thank you Kagome." he said and strolled past her, look eyes on Inuyasha. the pup was standing in the corner, naked save for a pair of what looked like diapers but make out of some weird material and had a bunch of animals on them and they were around his ankles. the reason they were was clear as even in the weak lamp light of the room, The Half demon's cheeks were bright red and Inuyasha was fighting back sobs. "oh my, was SOMEBODY a bad boy?" Koga asked amused. "He tried to tell me that I couldn't watch, and even after I got him a jungle print rearz too." Kagome said in a mock pouty voice. "...A what with the what now?" Koga asked, rubbing the back of his head. "A expensive diaper from my time, but they hold a lot AND make him ever so cute." She explained. "Shame on you Inuyasha! She went and spoiled you and you can't return the favor?" Koga tsk'ed and wagged a finger. "I have half a mind to tan those cheeks myself!" "N-No please! I'll be good!" The pup yelped and then a spurt of pee came out of his less then impressive manhood soaking the corner. "Pfffffttt..Well Ok. I suppose..but that was your ONE mulligan. if you misbehave again it;s spanky spanky time." Koga said then added. "and you better pull up your diapies before you flood the room." "Yes sir." Inuyasha mewed, instinctively going beta in the state he was in and yanking his diaper up. "M-May I come out of the corner ow?" "Wow, one spanking and he's so polite. you should of been spanking him this whole time!" Koga noted. "and yes you may buddy." "oh, it doesn't last for more then a hour sadly." Kagome said going and taking a seat at a small table and wishing she'd brought her camera with her. 'I wonder what kinda money this would make in my time...ticking off a lot of fetish boxes here..' she mused.
Inuyasha hated how small and weak he felt, it was just what happened after a good sound spanking over Kagome's lap and he was just glad he hadn't had to address her yet cuz when he was THIS subby he called her mommy without thinking about it. He didn't have to ask what was expected of him as Koga took a baby bottle loaded with icky stink juice (Ok, that wasn't the name of it but it's what Inuyasha called it as it tasted as bad going down as it smelled coming out) and then sat on the bed and patted his lap. "Come here little guy, You look thirsty." Inuyasha went to open his mouth to warn Koga of what that baby bottle of YUCK was gonna do but realized the pervy bastard already know and accepted his fate, toddling over and sitting in the demon's lap. "Um.." Inuyasha started. "Yes?" Koga asked. "Mommy usually ha-" he started before being cut off "Oh, Mommy huh? Adorable!" Koga chuckled with Kagome joining in. "K-Kagome I mean!" Inuyasha yelped and his hands covered his mouth. "oh No. Mommy sounds much more fitting, and I'm sure Kagome doesn't mind..right?" Koga asked. "Pffftt..Not at all. but only if you make sure to call Koga daddy little guy." She called over. "Took the words right out of my mouth! Now, you were saying babykins?" Koga asked. "...Mommy Normally has me lay down and just put my head in her lap..Like..I dunno how this is gonna work...daddy." Inuyasha said, shutting his eyes tight as he said the D word and wishing he could block out the sound of Kagome laughing. "oh well, not to insult your mommy, she's clearly strong enough to paddle your behind after all, but I think i can handle cradling a silly little pup in a big boys body." Koga chuckled and then moved Inuyasha with ease into the feeding position. As much as Inuyasha didn't WANNA open his mouth, Kagome had done this with him more then once (though normally with honey sweeten milk as a reward) and his mouth opened up on it's on and then he took in the nipple and suckled greedily, even as he scrunched up his face. "Awww it's ok little guy, Daddy has something MUCH sweeter for you to suck on after this." Koga promised. "Fuck yeah." Kagome mewed. "Watch the potty mouth around the baby!" Koga scolded and frowned. "Eep! Uh..Yes sir." She mewed as Inuyasha giggled a little despite all the YUCK in his mouth.
Watching Inuyasha work the bottle was having a conflict of interest rise up in Koga in more then one way. First: Inuyasha's eager nursing and greediness was making Koga start to tent his loin cloth and he wasn't sure if he was gonna be able to let the little guy finish his bottle, let alone burp him and want for him to go uh-oh. Second: Inuyasha just looked so sweet and pure at the moment he wasn't sure if he could even bring himself to face fuck him anymore, though hell yeah he'd still play with the baby. Third: He was regretting the choice to let Kagome stay in the room already but knew she had a duty to make sure Kagome didn't hurt the baby (well beyond a spanking) Fourth: while he was of course going to hand over his shards, he wasn't sure if he was willing to hand over the cutie back to her when she clearly was going to keep being a mean mommy. All of this added up together made Koga sure of one thing,he'd gotten a crush on the dork without meaning to. 'Damn it!' Koga thought. 'I have to stop being such a sucker for cuties!' Inuyasha had closed his eyes again, clearly the gooey mixture in the bottle didn't taste all that good but Kagome had promised that it worked wonders on clearing Inuyasha out when he got all backed up. "Actually, it might work too well if your sense of smell is as strong as his. all he can do is whine 'stinky!'" after he loads his pampers." Kagome had said. well, ok..Koga's might of been even stronger but there was no way he was going to NOT see something that sounded THAT cute even if it stringed a few nose hairs. A deep rumbling fart from Inuyasha's backseat brought him back to the moment and Koga went to say something when the smell hit him. "Good god, what have you been feeding him!?" he asked, wrinkling his nose. if it hadn't of been for the fact he was holding the baby he would of pinched his nose shut! "Oh, mostly bean paste and the like, food fit for a baby. Shippo gets a kick out of spoon feeding him." Kagome said. "...Your kidding right?" Koga asked, raising a eyebrow. "Of course I am. he's still on his normal diet of ramen noodles and whatever he can hunt." she chuckled. "you should of seen the look on your face!" "you know, you're not funny."
Kagome had to disagree there, but kept her mouth shut. while they had been busy she'd slipped in a pair of nose plugs and would of offered a set to Koga but he was turning out to be a real wet blanket. 'Maybe when he's suffering enough he'll go back to making this hawt.' She thought and watched as Inuyasha started his pre poopie ass blaster attack. poot after rancid poot escaped the big babies back side as he finished his ba-ba and then OMG.. As Koga wiped the babies mouth and moved to burp him Inuyasha mewed. "I'm sowwy I'm so stinky daddy." And the hell of it was, he honestly DID look like he was sorry. not his fake saying it with a smirk that she got. She wasn't sure if she should find that adorable or a piss off since she had been the one changing his shitty ass all this time. "it's Ok buddy. you're just a little pup who can't help it." Koga said and then had Inuyasha's head over a shoulder and was patting and rubbing his back. Inuyasha mewed and then let out a massive belch that made Kagome jump out of her seat and landed painfully on her ass and the jolt knocked her nose plugs out. As the full stink of the room filled her nose she whimpered and put her hands to her nose then got up and dashed out of the room quickly crying out a "I'll leave you guys alone later bye!" she stumbled in a blind panic to get to fresh air and didn't stop till she was outside and huffing the fresh country air.. or at least that was the plan till she got a lung full skunk scent. "...Fuck it, still better then in there."
Finding the nose plugs and cleaning off Kagome's and spotting the extra pair and getting them in Inuyasha's nose and his, Daddy and baby where able to enjoy each others company much easier now and Inuyasha found that if he didn't have to SMELL it, he liked the feeling of a squishy loaded diaper, triple so since Daddy had giving him a stinky horsey ride in his lap that MIGHT of made the big baby make a different mess in the front of his diaper. Likewise before he he got a diaper change Inuyasha returned the favor as best he could with his mouth (he was unskilled but Koga assured him that he would get lots of practice.) That was because before Kagome came back Koga made a command decision for Inuyasha and carried the now clean little guy in just his onesie out of the inn and took his diaper bag with him. He left three things for Kagome in the room: a note explaining that he had altered they're deal and was keeping Inuyasha to be HIS little boy, and advised her NOT to come looking for him. As promised both of his jewel shards, and a extra one he'd earned recently before showing up, to show he could be fair and Inuyasha's stinky diaper. Needless to say she was less then thrilled to have lost her boyfriend (even if she had been cucking him) though getting three of the shards was a major score. She totally could of done without having to come back into the room reeking of skunk and getting hit with the stink of the poopie diaper and while waiting for the twin stinks to fade off of her, wondered just how she was gonna explain this out to the others.
Inuyasha for his part was quickly accepted into the pack and was everyone's little brother, beloved for the most part save for when he had a stinky diaper.
The end
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marshunter06 · 4 years
Just Another Bad Boy
As promised @elskamo I decided to give scourtney a try since the one time I mentioned them was not kind to Scott at all... disclaimer, I have only seen All Stars so idk anything else about his characterization. Also this is un betaed and I literally just wrote it so there’s your warning for that too (it’s p short)
Bad boys with a heart of gold, especially one that’s only soft for their other half is definitely not the guy for Courtney. Not again at least. She’s failed once well… a few dozen times with Duncan already, there's no way she’s going to fall for it again. It’s tempting to give Scott a chance, when he looks at her as if she was responsible for the sun to rise every day, and his clumsiness as he tries to impress her. He pays attention to her, observing little details to be filed away ready to repeat when she lingers by the campfire alone. They were doomed from the start, hadn’t she learned her lesson about dating a fellow contestant? The heart wants what it wants, maybe this is another mistake waiting to happen, either way she doesn’t care.
She should have cared, she was so focused on winning, she neglected the one person who looked past her flaws and accepted her anyways. She feels so disgusted with herself for believing this time would be different, now she’s left alone again. There’s no fixing their short lived relationship, no use in hoping time would turn back and remind her to stop being so selfish. The sound of a knock on her door snaps her out of her thoughts, it’s been nearly a week since she left the show again, this time for good. She doesn’t bother checking to see who would be at the door, might be the package she’s been waiting to be delivered, though it’s only been a few hours… Too late, the door was already opened and her first reaction was to cry, the second was to sneeze.
“Courtney! Hey! Um… I brought you flowers! Oh no, you’re crying and you’re backing away… oh geez, I’m sorry! I forgot you were allergic! I’ll get rid of them!”
He immediately chucks the offending gift away, but now he doesn’t know what to do. He panicked and impulsively decided to drive down here to ask for a fresh start, he knew he couldn’t come empty handed, so he figured flowers were the best bet but now he realizes his mistake. Now she’ll never forgive him.
“I’m really sorry Courtney! I just… I was trying to do something nice and maybe you would… this is all going wrong… look I… I’m not that great with words, but… I was kinda hoping you would want to give us another shot…?”
This was not expected at all, she thought he would’ve been glad to get rid of her and move on with his life, but here he is asking for them to try again. She can’t help the doubt that crept into her mind, what did he have to gain from this? Sure she must deserve it, but so soon? She takes in a deep breath and wipes away the tears now that her eyes have stopped itching.
“Why are you really here Scott?”
“Huh? I told you already. I’m here for you.”
“Be-because! I… I really like you Courtney… and I’m still hoping you like me too.”
She’s always been ready to respond and fire back with whatever life’s thrown at her, but this time she was at a loss for words. How is he even real? He’s willing to put up with her again just because he likes her? Not even love, they’re nowhere near that point, yet he still wants to stay. She’s looking for any sign of deceit, but all she sees is his sincerity. The way he’s nervously shifting around, searching her face for any clues she’ll reciprocate his feelings, anticipating and patiently waiting for her answer. All she ever wanted was for someone to stay and tell her that her mistakes do not define her. His presence here, though he didn’t say those exact words aloud, speaks volumes. He’s here, and he wants to be here, no one is forcing him— this is his choice and he’s choosing her.
“I have to admit… I’m a little scared but… I like you too.”
His smile sends her heart soaring then he literally picks her up and spins her around as if they were in a cheesy romance movie. His excitement at her admission could not be contained, they have a real chance at making this work, how could he not be happy. Maybe he’s just another bad boy, but something tells her he’s worth the risk.
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elyvorg · 4 years
Wandersong character rambles 2 of 3: Miriam
Wandersong is so incredibly good that I need to get all my Thoughts about it off my chest by writing a series of rambles analysing its three most important characters. There will be spoilers, obviously. Plus, this’ll probably be kind of hard to follow anyway for people who haven’t played the game. Go play Wandersong! You won’t regret it.
1 of 3: Kiwi (the bard)
3 of 3: Audrey
Inferiority issues
I kinda covered some of Miriam’s inferiority issues already in my previous ramble about Kiwi: specifically, how she begins to get somewhere with this and feel less inferior and more inspired to try her best when she sees that Kiwi isn’t perfect and is actually a bit like her too in this regard. But what I didn’t talk about there was why she feels that way in the first place, because this was clearly never just about Kiwi outclassing her on this particular adventure. Kiwi’s presence may have brought that out of her more (at first), but this was always a deeper, underlying problem Miriam had in general.
There’s almost certainly a specific reason that can be pointed to as to why this is, and just like with Kiwi, it’s about her parents.
Miriam’s parents left her with her grandma before she could remember, and Saphy used to tell her they’d come back for her one day, except they never did. Miriam admits that even though it’s kind of ridiculous, she used to sort of hope that if she made herself into someone heroic and famous, her parents would realise what a mistake they made leaving her and come back. Which, though she doesn’t put this part into words, ultimately boils down to the fact that she feels (or, at least, felt) like her parents abandoned her because she wasn’t good enough in the first place.
This is obviously irrational – geez, she was a baby when they left her, her parents couldn’t possibly have known how “good” or not she’d grow up to be. This clearly has nothing to do with the kind of person Miriam ever was and is really just about her parents being people who didn’t want to raise a kid. Miriam herself has even figured out by now that this is irrational of her – but it seems like she wasn’t aware of that when she was younger. Growing up with that looming over her entire sense of worth as a person is going to leave a psychological mark, no matter how irrational she knows it is now.
(Saphy kind of made a big mistake by telling Miriam at first that her parents would come back for her sometime. That just resulted in Miriam feeling like she was doing something wrong every day they didn’t. There’s no way Saphy would have done that on purpose, though; she must have believed, to begin with, that Miriam’s parents (which included Saphy’s own kid!) really were going to come back… until it became very clear that, oh dear, no, they weren’t.)
Because of all this, Miriam is just constantly assuming she’s not good enough at all times, even when it makes no rational kind of sense to think that the problem could be with her, or that anyone else would be thinking that. She even expects to be judged and looked down on by Saphy and Kiwi, the two people who most obviously would never do that to her.
When she’s heading back home at the end of Act 5, Miriam says Saphy would never be disappointed in her, and then corrects herself to “she’d never show it”. Despite how consistently supportive Saphy always tries to be to her, Miriam is so insecure that part of her imagines her grandma is judging her and thinking less of her and is just too nice to say it. Nooo, Miriam.
And when Miriam plays the Act 5 Overseer song the first time, she’s all insecure and assuming Kiwi will judge her skills and think she sucks because they’re a proper musician, unlike her. This is Kiwi, who’s barely capable of thinking a bad thing about anyone, but somehow Miriam expects she’d be an exception to this. Plus, her playing actually sounds lovely and isn’t bad at all! But when it doesn’t work, she immediately assumes it’s because she played it badly, rather than that the song was simply never going to work in that form in the first place. (This is delightfully similar to how the Overseer song in Act 4 fails the first time and Kiwi takes it to be their fault rather than realising there must be another factor at play.)
At least Miriam does show a little progress in this area as their adventure continues. When she broke Kiwi out of the Rulle jail and told them afterwards that she was pretty awesome and heroic, I felt kinda bad for her. Kiwi is the one person who would have agreed that it was awesome of her and made her feel good about herself! …except that they were unconscious the whole time and never got to see her heroics.
Still, this doesn’t seem to bother Miriam too much, and she was capable of admitting in the first place that she did an awesome thing. Seems like she’s coming to realise by this point that she actually is pretty good at bailing Kiwi out of tight spots right when they need it most. She’s an important part of this saving-the-world partnership!
Getting mad about it
Until Miriam starts making progress and feeling perhaps a little bit less inferior, though, her main method of coping with these sorts of feelings appears to be to not-very-healthily turn them into anger on the surface.
Towards the beginning, her jealousy of Kiwi outclassing her in the hero department can get pretty overtly bitter at times. And then in Xiatian, Miriam spends a lot of it being super mad about Audrey showing them up and making them look useless at every turn. (She can probably let herself be more extreme with her anger in this instance because Audrey is not on her side; it’s just natural to be angry at an enemy, right?) She gets perhaps a liiittle too gleeful about the possibility of only-semi-accidentally poisoning Audrey, too.
Along similar lines to this, Miriam also has a bit of a tendency to turn to violence as the first option when solving problems, even when Kiwi keeps trying to suggest a more peaceful approach. It says a lot about her compared to Audrey that she does defer to Kiwi and let them try diplomacy when they bring it up, despite this making her feel yet again like Kiwi’s better than her – but it’s still notable that violence is usually Miriam’s go-to solution to begin with.
During one of the conversations with her in Mohabumi, Miriam mentions that her specialisation in magic is blowing stuff up. When Kiwi is shocked at how violent that is, Miriam protests that that’s just what her magic does. Apparently she didn’t actually choose this specialisation. Another witch in Mohabumi explains that all witches have individual differences in their powers and that nobody really knows why – but I’m willing to bet that Miriam’s particularly explodey powers are a manifestation of all of her suppressed emotional frustration at herself and her place in the world.
This might be why she finds dancing to be so helpful! She’s finally found some physical outlet for everything she’s stressed about and bottling up, a way that she can let it out through action rather than words, but without being violent and risking anyone getting hurt.
Towards the end of the story, especially after the dancing and the self-reflection (more on that in a moment), most of Miriam’s angry outbursts get directed towards herself instead. This still isn’t healthy yet, but it is something of an improvement in that she’s starting to realise what her actual problems are, even if she’s then bitterly beating herself up for them. She also keeps using her anger to mask the more vulnerable emotions that she’s finding it very scary to admit to, because being angry feels familiar and is easier than openly showing how scared she is. Without that, she might not have been able to admit to so much of her vulnerability in the first place.
I like to think that, post-ending, having come to like herself a lot more and make progress on all of her issues and having a best friend in Kiwi, Miriam’s speciality in magic shifts and becomes something less destructive and more creative. It would be a lovely sign of her growth!
(…Though, knowing Miriam, that’d first manifest in her suddenly not being as good at blowing stuff up as she’s supposed to be and not understanding why and feeling like a failure again, nooo, Miriam. At least Kiwi and her grandma would be there for her to encourage her to try new things and discover what else she’s good at.)
Being an outsider
Once Miriam stops feeling quite so bitterly jealous of Kiwi and the two of them begin to feel like a proper team, things stop being so much about her trying to prove herself. Her arc shifts into being more about her self-discovery and reflection on her place in the world.
This is especially because of the places they head next, of course. Experiencing Rulle’s prejudice against witches must have reminded Miriam that being a witch is seen as weird and different and possibly bad. This is something she’d probably always felt at least a little bit while living as one of only two witches in Delphi, but being in Rulle would have brought those feelings right to the surface.
Then they head to Chaandesh, where witches come from, where she should fit in…  but even before she gets there, she seems to be subconsciously expecting to not belong. On the boat on the way there, she talks about how she knew this place existed but that it never even crossed her mind to visit, describing it as “like a special club, that I wasn’t invited to”. Sure enough, the witches of Mohabumi have all these complicated uses for magic and lives built around it in a way that’s nothing like what she’s used to, and it just feels alien to her.
This feeds into her inferiority issues, too; being different from what witches apparently “should” be like just makes her feel messed-up and broken. While struggling with her new broom, she laments that to the locals she must look like “the failure witch who can’t even do basic witch things”. (Yet it’s incredibly impressive that she can get the crappy tourist broom to fly at all, and she gets it working passably well before much longer – again, she’s beating herself up completely undeservedly when she’s actually doing great.)
During one of the conversations in Mohabumi, Miriam comments that she likes to think Saphy grew up here, even though she has no proof, just because it makes her happy to assume that. This kind of thing is pretty much what she does the whole time she’s in the city to combat how unfamiliar it all is: cling to the few things there that are familiar to her. She enjoys the music at the Crater only because the band’s from Delphi like her; she also mentions at one point that the only candy from here she likes is one that reminds her of her grandma’s cooking back home.
In that conversation at the Crater, she laments that she hoped she’d learn something about herself by being here, implying that she feels she actually didn’t. But the thing is, she did. She learned just how important her grandma is to her, and that their little house in the forest outside of Delphi – that’s her home, whether it’s where witches are supposed to belong or not. It just took being taken away from all that into somewhere new and strange for her to realise it.
She starts missing her home even as early as Act 3; if you talk to her during the coffee night on the pirate ship, she’ll mention having never been so far from home before and reluctantly admit that she’s feeling homesick. There’s also some very hard-to-find dialogue shortly after her broom breaks in which she admits that it was her grandma’s broom, that Saphy told her it’d be hers one day when she was old enough, and that the day that happened was probably the happiest day of her life. Aww, Miriam! No wonder she’s so upset at losing it. It must have felt like a piece of home, and of her grandma, still with her even in all these strange lands – except now even that’s gone, too.
Kiwi tells Miriam on their way out of Chaandesh that you don’t necessarily need to fit in anywhere to be happy. Which, though she can’t quite put it into those words just yet, is basically also what Miriam herself learned back there – that she’s happiest at home with her grandma where she can be herself, never mind worrying about if she “fits in” with everyone around her.
Of course, the other thing that lets being an outsider not sting so bad is having a friend there with you. Kiwi, the precious bean that they are, understands this straight away; during some of Miriam’s dialogue in Mohabumi as she’s feeling like she doesn’t belong, they try to reassure her with, “you have me!”
But Miriam’s response is just, “That’s nice.” It’s still a little difficult for her to openly admit just how much Kiwi’s company has been helping her, isn’t it.
Friendship is scary (but worth it!)
The final focus of Miriam’s character arc, of course, is these difficulties she has with friendship. This is partly influenced by the outsider issues making it harder for her to feel a connection to anyone in the first place, and partly her grumpiness born from her inferiority issues making it rarer for anybody else to want to get close to her.
But Miriam was probably kind of glad that her general grumpy attitude made people stay away from her (and might even have cultivated it on purpose for this reason) – because her bigger issue is that she’s simply afraid of getting close to people. Doing that might mean she’ll have to open up about her emotions and worries and problems, which is scary; it’s much easier to just hide everything she feels beneath that bitter angry shell forever.
As she confesses to Kiwi after the fact, Miriam’s decision to go home at the end of Act 5 was never really because she was too injured to go on. She was just scared of how close she was getting to them, and of how much talking about her feelings she’d been doing lately, and she wanted to run away from it all. It’s almost certainly no coincidence that this came shortly after the first time Miriam openly admitted that she considered Kiwi a friend.
I also think that this does have something to do with Miriam being hit by Audrey’s lightning, though. Not exactly in the sense of her being physically injured, but rather in terms of how that affected her emotionally and dug at those issues she has with intimacy. Though she was in too much pain to move, Miriam was still conscious the entire time Kiwi was carrying her down the hill. She was even still capable of speaking, barely – but she didn’t voice any kind of thanks to Kiwi for helping her out, as if she didn’t want to do so.
Being not just emotionally but very physically vulnerable and so literally relying on Kiwi for support like that had to have felt terrifying for her. She must have been so afraid of having to handle more of that kind of thing if she continued to go with them to that dangerous mountain. Miriam flinches initially at Kiwi’s goodbye hug probably not only because she’s physically injured and ouch, but also because oh god more emotional intimacy help what do???
…But then she can’t help but relax into the hug anyway, because she really does need it, even as she’s trying to cover it up by calling Kiwi’s concern for her “gross”. And also because, despite how scary it is, of course she cares about Kiwi and worries about them and is going to miss them. Most of her dialogue for the rest of this scene is all worrying about Kiwi being alone on the mountain and not wanting them to get hurt and mmsghsdgh they’re FRIENDS.
(Can we also talk about how great it is that Miriam has this major personal conflict based around her fear of emotional intimacy, and it’s presented as entirely platonic? Emotional intimacy with another person is not inherently romantic, and fear of it is a fun thing to explore in characters that doesn’t deserve to be restricted to only romantic plots. I love that this game’s writer understands this!)
Back in apocalyptic-Langtree, after confessing to the real reason she left, Miriam insists in her self-hatred that this means she left for “no good reason”. But really, this was just as good a reason as if it had been about her being injured. She needed to leave because of the struggles she was going through – just emotional rather than physical ones. That’s still important, too! It’s not her fault that she finds this kind of thing hard. In no way was she callously leaving Kiwi to go risk their life on a mountain just because she didn’t care.
Really, Miriam probably needed this time out to reflect on things. It let her realise that, actually, she would rather face up to all that scary intimate emotional stuff than leave Kiwi to tackle such dangerous ordeals alone. No matter how frightening it is, getting to be there for her best friend when they might need her is absolutely worth it. Her growing friendship with Kiwi and selfless desire to help them gave her the courage to finally face up to all these icky feely feelings of hers that she’d just been hiding from this whole time. They are friends.
Seeing Miriam join in with the Wandersong – and not just begrudgingly singing along, but really putting her whole heart into it – is a wonderful sign of how much she’s grown. The Miriam at the beginning of the story would never have done that. She’s become a lot more willing to openly express herself, to express emotions that aren’t just bitterness and anger, even in ways that aren’t specifically about her friendship with Kiwi, and it’s lovely.
Similarly, during the credits, Miriam’s default face has changed into something not quite so grumpy-looking. She’s still not exactly smiling, but she’s no longer so angry at everything because of her issues with herself, nor is she putting up such a prickly protective shell to push others away.
In the very last scene of the credits, Kiwi thanks Miriam for saving the world with them, much like you’d expect them to – saving the world and being a hero was what they most wanted out of this adventure, and they couldn’t have done it without her help. But then Miriam answers it with, simply, “Thanks for being my friend.” She knows that, in the end, that’s been the most important part of all of this for her, even more so than getting to save the world.
Saphy is good
Another thing I really loved in the end credits was learning that the real reason Saphy sent Miriam on a quest to save the world, and told Kiwi to go with her, is simply because she wanted her granddaughter to make a friend before the world ended. She wasn’t even expecting Miriam to succeed and save the world – not because she didn’t believe in her, but because she just didn’t really think it was likely to be possible at all. But that’s okay! More important than that is that her granddaughter doesn’t die lonely and friendless as the world ends. She always knew that this was what mattered most.
And of course Saphy couldn’t just tell Miriam that she wanted her to go and make a friend. Miriam would have been all “psh, that’s dumb” and flatly refused to try (because really she’s terrified of getting close to someone and opening up about her insecurities and there’s no way she’d have ever made herself do that on purpose). So Saphy had to lie to her and tell her it was about saving the world in order for her to go on the quest at all.
…Which, unfortunately, led to Miriam thinking that that was what her grandmother expected of her. And so she ended up thinking that she was a failure and not good enough for even her grandma, both when Saphy suddenly recruits some random singing dope who’s apparently better at this than her, and then when Miriam comes home near the end having not quite saved the world. Which is kind of heartbreaking, but I don’t know what else Saphy could really have done to avoid it. At least Miriam knows by the end that her grandma isn’t and never was disappointed in her at all.
Saphy’s “I like this one” when meeting Kiwi and deciding they should travel with Miriam is so very good. It’s not about Kiwi having the ability to save the world (even though it turns out they actually do), but about Kiwi being the exact kind of wholesome ray of sunshine that Miriam needed to gradually coax her to open up and trust them and consider them a friend. Saphy could see that about them right away. She knew exactly what she was doing when she told the two of them to travel together.
(Can Saphy also adopt Kiwi, please? As I discussed a lot in their post, they really need a decent parent figure in their life.)
(…I say that, but let’s be real, she practically already has. Kiwi is the friend that her precious granddaughter finally managed to make; of course Saphy would want to make sure they felt like basically one of the family.)
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violetnotez · 5 years
One Dance |2|
Kaminari x Dancer! Reader
Anon: Hello! ^v^ I just found your blog and I really like your writing! Would you mind doing a part two to the One Dance one-shot with Kaminari? I thought that one was really cute. >v< Thank you!
Omg anon I’m so sorry this took so long to write but I hope you enjoy! You may need to read Part 1 to understand the intial plot, but it may be readable without viewing it (????)
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2000+
Warnings: maybe some mild cussing?
Summary: After you finally finish your video for a dance scholarship, Kaminari takes you out to ask you to be his-but he gets sidetracked when a group of friends want to butt in
Part 1
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You and Kaminari had been practicing tirelessly for weeks now, teaching him each step, each turn, each musical note needed to make your vision come to life.
Kami was surprisingly a very good dance partner-he learned decently quick, had good musically, and was always optimistic. He had you laughing the whole time, whether it be him taking a ridiculous tumble or him just tickling your side when you two became closer during the dance. He always knew how to make you smile.
Denki was your best friend, and as much as you told yourself your feelings for him were only that of a love for a friend, you knew it was more.
And Kaminari felt the same way.
“You think it’s good enough to send in?” You asked nervously, you teeth mindlessly gnawing on your bottom lip.
“Of course it is y/n, we look sick!” He said excitedly, a blush creeping on his cheeks. He couldn’t help but feel a rush of heat whenever you bite your lips-it was something he loved and he couldn’t help but stare at you whenever you did it.
You huffed, your slightly damp locks clinging to the back of your neck.
“I don’t know...I just feel like I look kinda dumb...like look at that spin I didn’t even point my toes all the way-“
Kaminari jumped up, interjecting you. He could never understand why you doubted yourself so much-in his eyes, you were simply amazing and absolutely perfectly imperfect to him. From the way you smiled, to your laugh, to even when you rolled your eyes at him when he was being annoying-he couldn’t get enough of you.
“Y/n-you look great. Seriously-you look freaking stunning! Don’t be worried about it, just post it!”
You looked down, your head spinning from Denki calling you “stunning”- it made your insides feel warm and ticklish, but did he really mean it? Maybe he was just being nice…..
“I don’t know….one more run-I just don’t feel good about it-“
Kaminari has heard enough of your insecurities, deciding to reach across your lap and yank your laptop away from you.
“Hey what are you-“ you cried, your stomach doing somersaults as Kaminari laid across your lap. his fingers working quickly to send in the video, his stomach lying on top of your criss-crossed legs.
“Got it-Ta-da!” He beamed at the screen, the white confirmation page making his honey yellow eyes strikingly bright.
Fear filled your stomach as you realized you couldn’t take back what Kaminari just didn-you knew you had to send in the video-it was due at 12am, and it was already inching towards 11 pm. But your anxiety stilled caused you to want to wait, to take a few more takes, to practice a little more….. you knew if it weren’t for Denki, you probably ever send in the video.
“Kami!” You yelled in mock anger, “Why'd you have to go and do that!”
Kaminari rolled off your stomach, crouching next to you. He was confused-were you really mad at him? He didn’t mean to make you upset-he just saw how amazingly talented you were. He wanted you to win this scholarship, so you could pursue your dreams: he just wanted you to be happy.
He crouched, searching your face with so much intent you were having trouble keeping your angry facade.
“What’s the matter? We had to send it at some point.”
“I know, it’s just-I wanted it to be perfect. I really need this money, Kami.”
“I know...and you are gonna get that money! Just you wait, you’ll be getting that ‘Congratulations’ email before you know it,” he gave you a playful wink,your breath hitching from it.
His face broke from his playful demeanor, worry crawling through.
“You're not mad at me though, right?”
You sighed, wracking a hand through your hair before you flashed him a small smile.
“I could never stay mad at you Kami.”
“Good!” He grinned, your smile making his heart pace. “Cause I wanted to take you somewhere.”
You cocked your head, confusion riddled in your brows. “Somewhere? Where did you have in mind?”
Kaminari shrugged nonchalantly, trying to hide the massive amount of panic flooding his body.
“Just to grab a bite-how about some ice cream?”
You smiled, nerves flooding your body. You knew you shouldn’t be nervous around him, he was your best friend after all. But every time you two hanged out, it made you feel as if you were on a first date-except you weren’t, and it made you slightly saddened that it wasn’t. But he was your best friend, and you didn’t want to ruin that-you couldn’t lose him.
“Sure! Why not?” You grinned, Denki handing you his hand to help you get up. He pulled you up with that surprising amount of strength he had-all that hero training had given him a lot of control and power in his body, something you admired as well as secretly fawned over.
His hand was warm and calloused against yours, Denki praying to god you weren’t feeling how sweaty he was. He was extremely nervous-because you had no idea what he was planning.
After spending every day after school working on this scholarship with you, he had realized he couldn’t hide his feelings for you anymore-every time you touched him, even if it was just a light brush on his skin, made him feel like he was short circuiting. Everytime you smiled at him it made his head race, and everytime he got to hold you made his heart soar. He couldn’t bear the idea of you being with anyone but him-it would crush him if you were someone else and he didn’t even at least try to win you over. He knew the consequences of him revealing his true feelings-he could lose you as his best friend-but he was ready to risk that. He was ready to risk it all just for the chance to call you his.
“You ready for the best night of your life??” He chuckled cheerfully, trying to be as cheery as possible.
You laughed, loving the infectious way Kaminari could be so happy and bright, your cheeks warm as he still held firmly onto your hand.
“Let me get my stuff-and we’ll get this ‘Best Night’ going,” you smiled, sadly letting go of his hand so you could grab your wallet and quickly freshen up from dancing.
Kaminari sighed, missing your smaller hand in his-but if this night went how he hoped it would, it would be more common. He had been planning this night for weeks-he had wanted to take you out somewhere nice sooner, to ask you if you’d be his, but you were so worried over your dance routine that he didn’t want to bombard you with his emotions. It was never in Kaminari’s nature to be patient, but for you, he made an exception and did his best to keep in his emotions. He was practically exploding at this point, annoying all of Baku Squad now with all his questions-like where to take you, what to do, how to drop the question. Mina has been the most supportive, helping to plan the whole stunt while Sero and Kirishima added in their own ideas. But now Mina would exasperatedly tell him to just “trust his instincts”, Bakugo grumbling how much of an idiot he was.
But how was supposed to “trust his instincts”- half the time his “instincts” got him in trouble or hurt. He shoved his hands into his joggers, willing his racing heart to go at a steadier best.. He had to calm down-if he didn’t this night would never go well.
“ice cream?” You asked, looking at the outside of the vintage red building. “Isn’t this a little fancy for late night food?”
“Where’s you expect us to go,” he laughed nervously, “Taco Bell?”
You shrugged, a little confused-Kaminari was the biggest foodie for fast food-anything with a sodium content that could inflate you like a balloon was all he ever ate. So him actually wanting to go eat somewhere relatively nice was a shock to you.
“Well, kinda yeah…”
You stepped inside, a cool blast of chilly air freezing your still hot skin. The inside was just like an old school ice cream parlor-dainty 50s music played, the fluorescent lights making the black and white tiles of the floor gleam like bright stars. The walls were adorned with memorabilia from many years ago, making it feel like you stepped back in time.
“Oh my god Kaminari,” you gasped, “where did you even find this place?? It’s adorable!”
He beamed like a happy puppy who did his first trick correctly-he had a hunch you would like the place after scrounging the web for hours for an interesting place to take you, but was so worried you wouldn’t like it at all.
“Cmon babe, I knew you well enough!” He joked, his cheeks red-he always called you babe, it was a simple and innocent pet name he had for you, but now with his intentions to make your relationship more intimate it was almost crossing a line.
Your cheeks were red too, that bittersweet word making your spine tingle. You loved it when he called you ‘babe’, but you didn’t expect him to like you back like you did-it reminded you that someday he’d be calling someone else that, and it stung. You brushed it off, trying not to pay attention to the resounding thumping in your chest.
You walked in, your face in awe by the adorable beauty of the parlor, Kaminari staring at you dreamily. You looked so cute when you were completely in shock-oh crap, you just smiled at him-he felt his head spin from that small gesture-Geez you’d be the end of him.
“What do you think you’re gonna get Kami?” You asked, his face in a daze.
“Huh?” He shook his head, his long locks shimmering in the lights. “Oh-uh-I don’t know! Everything looks really good…”
He stuffed his hand in his pockets, looking around the store. He could care less what he ate-he just needed to find the perfect place to sit...somewhere secluded but not so far away that you got creeped out being that alone with him..:he didn’t want you thinking he was taking you on a date prematurely. He continued to look around, until his eyes fell upon a group of very strangely dressed teens.
He cranes his head to get a better look at them.
They looked kinda familiar…
His heart jumped painfully-all of them were wearing black hoodies, the girl with painfully noticeable pink skin wearing sunglasses, two of the boys wearing fake mustaches, and the other one was pouting like a certain hothead he knew-
“You gotta be kidding me.”
He anxiously looked around, hoping against hope his group of friends didn’t bring anybody else-to his relief everyone else he saw were complete strangers. Then he turned to you, and to his relief, you were still looking at the menu and debating what to buy.
“Hey,um , I gotta go use the bathroom-“ he said hastily, “Ill be back before you know it!”
“Hm?” You hummed, “Okay Kami-“
You turned around, and were met with an empty space next to you-he had seemingly disappeared.
As you were trying to figure out how the living hell Kaminari had left so quickly, he was dodging other customers in the building, making a beeline to his friends, who were enjoying little bowls of slightly melted ice cream.
“What the hell are all doing here?!” He asked accusingly, placing both his hands on the wooden table.
“Omg hey Kami!” Mina greeted, ignoring the look of annoyance on his face. “You’re kinda late-you said you were gonna take y/n here at 10:30, it’s already been like an hour!”
“Wait- you’ve been waiting here?! Why?!”
Sero grinned at his friend.
“You looked pretty nervous when you were talking about asking y/n out earlier, so we decided to come to support you-“
“And make sure you don’t screw it up!” Mina interjected loudly, popping a red cherry off of Bakugo’s sundae into her mouth.
Kaminari shook his head, his mind racing-this was not good, not good at all. They were going to make this so much worse-you were going to see them, they would accidentally let it slip that he was trying to ask you out on a date-the possibilities were endless of how this could end disasterdly.
“Dude, Kami-chill our alittle, you're gonna scare y/n if you're sweating so much,” Kirishima said softly, noting the terror glossing Kaminaris eyes.
“Well, if a certain group of friends weren’t sabotaging a certain very special night for me, I would t be sweating so much in the first place!” He yelled accusingly, gaining a shocked look from his friends.
Kaminari sighed, wracking a hand through his golden locks, willing himself to calm down.
“Look guys, I appreciate the gesture, but I can handle this, just-“
Mina slammed her hand down gently, standing up at eye level with Kaminari.
“No! I am one of y/n’s closest friend and one of your only gal friends,” she stated, “you two are meant for each other and I know it! So I am not going to sit here knowing there is a slight chance your chaotic ass is going to screw this up!”
Mina gave a stern look to Kami, his eyes going wide.
“I think what Mina is trying to say is she just wants to look out for you-we all do!” Kirishima grinned nervously, taking Mina shoulder gently, setting her back in her seat.
“Just Don’t fucking mess this up,” Bakugo grunted in a sulk. “I could care less if you get with her-I just don’t want to hear your whining after she says no because you screwed up.”
“Aww look Bakugo actually cares!” Sero laughed, gaining a death glare from Bakugo himself.
Kirishima turned to Kaminari, flashing him a toothy grin.
“You're gonna do great man-just be kind to her, respect her boundaries, and you should be good to go!”
Mina smiles devilishly, lowering her red heart shaped glasses slightly.
“I have been shipping you two since day one, so I am going to sit my pretty pink self and make sure I get a front row seat to give you emotional support-as well as take some cute pics!”
Kaminari grinned weakly-his friends could be a pain but he knew deep down they meant well.
“Go get her tiger!” She squealed, earning a hush from Sero as Kaminari went back to you, 10 times more nervous than before.
The rest of the night surprisingly went smoother than he thought-he had paid for you guys food (something you had tried to stop him to do, but he had stuffed his credit card into the chip reader before you could). You then found a place to sit, Kaminari breathing a sigh of relief when you didn’t even notice the group of embarrassingly annoying teens that were eyeing your every move. Kirishima threw him a thumbs up, the mustache still glued to his face as Kaminari gave him a tiny grin. He had made sure you sat on the side of the booth where your back would face away from his friends, his eyes focusing between your smiling face and the smug looks Bakusquad was throwing him.
You two talked about everything and anything- from school to your own futures to hobbies to really anything that came to your minds. Kaminari started to relax slightly, acting silly and laughing constantly as he usually was around you. He loved seeing your face light up when you got excited, or how your sweet laugh just burst out of you with ease. If dating you would feel this good, he would never want anyone else. Everything was still normal, and you didn’t suspect a thing-or at least he didn’t think you suspected anything. You two had just finished your ice creams, still in the middle of a conversation but ready to leave. Kaminari’s heart quickened, his nerves resurfacing as his phone suddenly buzzed.
Bakugo: Hey dunce face hurry it up I should be sleeping by now
Sero: Ahhahah Bakugo past his bedtime?
Bakugo: shut up Soy Sauce before I burn that look off ur face!
Kirishima: Alright lets calm down a little
Sero: Yeah once he gets his bottle before bedtime
Mina: Stop it! So when are you asking the question?
Kaminari: I dont know just give me a sec
Mina: well hurry it up it’s getting late and I think it’s getting to Bakugo’s head
That’s when he heard Bakugo begin to start yelling, his eyes wide with fear as the ash blonde’s hood feel off as he aggressively yelled at his friends. All of Baku Squad immediately piled on top of him, forcing him to sit down, which only made him angrier.
To Kaminaris horror, you had heard the ruckus too, turning around to see what was going on.
Before you could fully look, he grabbed your hand, desperate to keep you from seeing his chaotic friends.
“Y/n wait-“
Your heart raced instantly, feeling his hand in yours. It was warm, calloused yet soft at the same time-it felt perfect against your own, and you relished the slight buzz of electricity coming from it.
Kaminari noticrd the shock on your face, wondering why until he realized he was holding your hand, heat rising to his cheeks.
It was now or never at this point.
He sighed, realizing now was the best time to tell you.
“Y/n-I-Ive liked you for a long time. Like-a lot-more than just a friend. I tried to ignore it, but-it just seems impossible. Your the only girl I can think about, and-I-Just-I was hoping, if it was alright with you, if I could make you mine...and ask you out on a date?”
You stared at him in complete disbelief, your eyes wide. How was this even happening? He had feelings for you-was this a dream?
Kaminari took your silence the wrong way, beginning to ramble.
“You don’t have to If you don’t want to-I get it we can just continue to be friends and you can forget all about me saying anything about-“
“Kami, I would love to go on a date with you...I’ve actually felt the same for a really long time,” you blushed, your fingers brushing his skin.
“You have?!” Now it was his to be in shock, his skin turning a tomato red as he yelled in surprise.
You giggled at his outburst, reaching for his hand again as you jumped out of the booth.
“Wanna start heading out?”
“Uh-uh sure!” He stammered, nervous again to grab your hand but loving how it felt in his own.
As you two began to leave, you were stopped by none other than Bakusquad themselves.
“Oh hey guys!” You waved, your hands still interlocked with Denki’s.
“Hey girlie!” Mina ran over giving you a quick hug, taking note of your rosy cheeks and intertwined hands.
“Whoa-so you two are a thing now-would have never guessed that!'' She said over enthusiastically, sending a wink to Kaminari.
“I’m so happy for you guys!” Kirishima yelled happily. “And I’m really glad it all worked out!”
You looked at Kaminari, his cheeks growing redder-did they know something about all this?
“Uh-what that’s supposed to-“
“Welp it was great talking to you guys!” Kamianri yelled out quickly , “but I think it’s time for us to head out, so-we’ll see you tomorrow!”
Kaminari rushes you out, the snickers of Baku Squad getting quieter as he took you out the door.
Even if he was embarrassed by his friends, he couldn’t get over the fact that you had said “yes”, and he just couldn’t stop smiling by that.
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Boyfriends and Swear Jars
A/N: IT’S 11:40 pm BUT I SWORE I WOULD FINISH THIS AND I DID so applaud me. also no beta. we die like men
pairing: intruality! because i love my boys
warnings: sympathetic remus, roman being kinda a shitty brother but a protective best friend, kissing, implied homophobia, mention of hickeys, but its funny, swearing and kinda sex jokes thanks to Remus. its probably OOC tbh because I’ve never really written Remus so y’all. I tried okay
wc: 1.2 k
summary: Remus really loves Patton, and Patton really loves Remus. Roman somehow got it all wrong.
Remus Kingsley meant trouble. Everyone knew that.
Most of all, Patton A. Moore. And somehow, that didn’t stop him from admiring the troublemaking classmate.
He was risk-taking, bold, and so, so cool. Not that Patton would ever admit it. Or that he liked his constant swearing and risque’ jokes he so often said.
But there was something, something Patton could not distinguish from the rest of him, that made the Kingsley twin so interesting. Perhaps it was the thrill he got with their little meetings their respective friends would never know about. Hopefully.
That afternoon was indeed one of those meetings, back at Remus’s house. Very big, very fancy, very beautiful house. According to Remus, who was always a very trustworthy source of information, they would have a few hours alone to study, free from, in Remus’s words, “Prince-stuck-up-his-ass looking over our shit.” It had earned Patton a few dollars in the imaginative swear jar, that was really just the back pocket of his pants.
It was quite counterproductive though since Remus would steal them back anyway by kissing him.
Now, they were on the bed, Remus’s head posed on Patton’s thighs as he listened to the freckled man explain Romeo & Juliet’s main themes for at least the fourth time, but Remus simply could not understand why the two would keep their love secret.
“But why? Why not just say it? Then they could run away together!” He huffed, crossing his arms. Patton smiled at him, carding his fingers through the messy black hair. He noted the silver streak, that he was pretty sure had been re-done recently.
“It’s like us, they didn’t want others to know.” Remus turned onto his stomach, propping his chin up on his hand.
“But we do it cause of assholes,” Remus grinned. “And because it's funny to see Roman so clueless.”
Patton’s face scrunched up. “Your brother isn’t that clueless.”
“You wanna bet?” Remus sat up, leaning into Patton and giving him a quick kiss. He pulled back only slightly, his smile growing wider and turning into a smirk. “You know, homework’s far too boring,” he placed his hand on Patton’s hip, who was blushing crimson. “We could be doing something much more interesting.”
“Um, cuddling?” Patton asked, a nervous smile on his face. Gosh, he hoped he wasn’t as red as he felt. He expected Remus to make some joke about it, perhaps tease him a bit.
Instead, Remus moved so he sat comfortably at his side, slipping his leather jacket-clad arm around his waist, rolling his eyes. “And you say I’m the one with the head in the gutter.” He leaned in and placed a quick kiss behind Patton’s ear, then nestled his head on his shoulder.”I meant kissing, not anything else, babe.” Patton’s mouth formed a silent ‘oh’. “But it’s okay if you’d rather-”
He was interrupted by Patton’s lips on his, soft and lovely as ever. Slowly, he started kissing back, and it was nice. Warm, soft.
That was everything Remus wasn’t. But it was exactly what Patton was, and Remus liked him, and his patience and he liked his kisses, and his blushing face, and his laugh, and his freckles, and just everything about him.
And so he kissed back.
They stayed like that for a while, Patton basically in his lap and lips locked. It was nice, as it always was with Patton.
And Patton? He was so relieved when he realized what Remus had meant. He just… wasn’t ready for anything more than kissing, and knowing Remus liked to go quick in relationships made him feel like he was being unfair to him, sometimes. But the other always made sure to make him comfortable and respect his boundaries, and he was so, so grateful for that.
He did like when their kisses got slightly more… fun, per se.
And that was what had been happening, with Patton pushing Remus’s jacket off his shoulders, and it would’ve been even more fun if it hadn’t been for the front door of the house opening with a creak.
Remus flailed while hastily pushing Patton off of him, his eyes wide in surprise. “Shit-” He jumped off the bed, looking around for an easy hiding spot, eventually settling on the closet.
How ironic.
Patton looked at him incredulously. “What-Remus! This is your house! Why would you hide?” Remus’s eyes darted from him to the door repeatedly. 
“Look whichever member of my family it is, and I’m gonna guess my dumbass of a brother, they like you a lot more than they like me. Just-” He yelped hitting his head on the closet door. Patton flinched in sympathy. “Say you were here for a project or some shit, m’kay?”
Patton nodded, and with one last smile, Remus disappeared into the closet, just in time for the bedroom door to burst open. A seemingly angry Roman walked into the room, but his expression quickly changed to confusion as he was met only with Patton waving awkwardly at him.
“Uh, Patton?” Roman asked. “What are you doing here- oh whatever I need to find my brother- or actually,” He walked up to him, placed his hand on his arm, and turned serious for once. “I need to talk to you.”
Patton put on a cheery smile. “‘Bout what?”
Roman sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I know my brother- Remus is bullying you.”
“I-what?” Roman gave him a sympathetic look.
“I know it’s hard to admit, but it’s obvious,” Patton looked at him in confusion, wondering what exactly Roman had done at soccer practice to have come to such a conclusion. Roman rolled his eyes. “C’mon, whenever he’s near you get super nervous and he’s always trying to get you alone. Not to mention all those bruises on your neck!-” Patton put his face in his hands, trying to mask his blushing. Roman started panicking. “Oh-oh Patton! Sorry! I didn’t want to make you cry- geez I’m sorry uh-”
Patton shook his head. Jesus Christ, this can’t get worse, can it? “I- no Roman, those bruises-” He flopped back onto the bed. “Ugh, I can’t believe this is happening.”
Roman raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, this isn’t a very normal reaction to someone saying you’re getting bullied.”
“No, Roman, I’m not getting bullied, that’s the problem. Those bruises are just-”
“Hickeys!” Roman turned to see Remus’s head sticking out of the closet, surprise on his face.
“Remus what-” Roman shook his head in disbelief. “What are you doing in the closet?”
“The question is what you are doing in my bed with my boyfriend, dear brother!” Remus laughed, watching as Roman’s mouth fell open in surprise and Patton blushed even harder than before.
“Boy-boyfriend? What- Remus are you dating my best friend?” Roman stood up, crossing his arms. Remus shrugged, grinning.
“Maybe.” Remus got out of the closet, walking over and picking up his previously discarded jacket, and bent down to kiss Patton on the cheek. “I think I’ve gotta go now, babe,”
“Bro I’m giving you 30 seconds of a pre-start, then I’m runnin’.”
“Remus you are so fuckin dead,” Patton said, looking him in the eyes. Remus shrugged again, an easy grin on his lips, heading for the window.
“I’ll see you later,” He turned back at him, right before jumping out. ”Also: Swear! You owe me a dollar.”
Patton shook his head and laughed as Remus disappeared out the window, Roman not far behind. But, before following his brother, Roman turned back at him.
He narrowed his eyes. “We’re gonna talk about this later, okay?”
Patton shrugged. “Sure, I’m not sure what there is to discuss but okay.”
But Roman was out the window before he could hear his reply.
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juju-on-that-yeet · 4 years
Whumptober 2020 Day 9: For The Greater Good Prompt: "Run!”
Summary: Yandere is about to lose a fight when he's saved by an unlikely rescuer, who can't help but look at a little differently afterwards.
Warnings: Violence, someone almost gets shot
Read on AO3 (Full Whumptober 2020 series)
When Yadereplier first started the fight, he thought it was only with a couple people. But before he knew it, he found himself outnumbered, and he’s now trying desperately to keep up with the battle.
“Kuso, kuso, kuso,” Yandere mutters as he darts among the combatants, slashing wildly and dodging blows. There must be a dozen people here, all coming at Yandere with their own weapons. Most have knives, some have bats. Yandere hasn’t taken any serious blows, but he’s been grazed many times, and his muscles are starting to burn with exhaustion. Really, the only way this could be any worse is if one of the men had a–
“Come on,” Yandere groans, freezing in place. The click of the gun came from directly behind him, unnoticed until now.
The other combatants start to laugh, backing away from Yandere and giving the gunman room. Most of the men are injured, quite a few seriously so, but Yandere doesn’t know how hurt the gunman is. He can’t keep track of who’s who, and he isn’t sure if he should risk looking over his shoulder. If the gunman is badly hurt, Yandere might be able to disarm him or at least dodge a few bullets. But if not, Yandere could be shot at point blank. It’s not good odds.
“I think we’re about done with this song and dance, what do you think, fellas?” asks the gunman.
The other men cheer and laugh even more, some of them shouting for the gunman to shoot already. Yandere’s heartbeat kicks up. How is he gonna get out of this one?? Can he risk trying to run away or will that just get him shot sooner? He feels the end of the gun press into the back of his head, and knows he’s run out of time to decide.
There’s no more preamble before the gun goes off.
Burning pain streaks across Yandere’s head, and his ears ring. He collapses, but not completely. He catches himself, supporting himself on his elbows, as sounds of a scuffle filter in from behind him. Yandere realizes that he isn’t dead right after the second gunshot sounds, but this one goes wide and doesn’t come close to Yandere. He sits up, feels where his head hurts. It’s a powder burn on the side of his head, but no blood, and no bullet. The men around him aren’t laughing anymore, they’re shouting and rushing angrily towards the scuffle behind Yandere. He finally turns to look, and his eyes go wide.
“Giniro-san??” Yandere asks, mouth agape.
It’s Silver Shepherd, throwing the dazed, clearly beaten gunman into a cluster of men running for him, knocking them all down. Silver isn’t gentle and kindly like he is in Ego Inc., or meek and nervous like he is around Dark or Wilford. Instead, he stands tall, fists ready to keep fighting, brows turned down to glare and mouth set in a frown. When Yandere says his name, he looks sharply to him.
“Get out of here, I’ll handle this!” Silver tells him.
“But–” Yandere starts.
Silver’s fist flies over Yandere’s head to punch a combatant.
“Run!!” Silver yells, “Right now!”
His voice is strong and authoritative, and after the night he’s had, Yandere’s in no position to protest. He gets up and runs away for home. He hears a set of footsteps following him, but within moments hears the creator of said footsteps shouting in pain and hitting the ground with a thud. Yandere doesn’t look back, and keeps running until he’s gotten back home.
Once he bursts through Ego Inc.’s doors, the night’s events catch up with him. His legs feel like jelly, and all the glancing blows he took are throbbing in unison, including the powder burn hidden under his hair. He manages to get himself to the clinic without collapsing, but he must look as exhausted as he feels, because Dr. Iplier is quick to help him onto an examination table.
“What on earth happened, kiddo??” Dr. Iplier asks, getting antiseptic to wipe Yandere’s cuts with. “You look like you’ve fought an army.”
“I kinda have,” Yandere admits. He hisses at the sharp pain of the first dab of antiseptic before continuing. “There were like a dozen people, but Dad, this one guy was gonna shoot me! And at the last second, Giniro-san came out of nowhere and pushed him away! There’s a burn on my head here from it!” Yandere touches the burn to show Dr. Iplier where it is.
“Woah, slow down,” Dr. Iplier tells him, “Let me see…” He sets down the antiseptic wipes to put his fingers where Yandere’s were, pushing hair out of the way to see the skin. “That certainly is a powder burn,” Dr. Iplier murmurs, “You said Silver showed up?”
“Yeah!” Yandere says, nodding emphatically, “He started fighting those guys and told me to run! Oh geez, is he gonna be okay? Maybe I should go back, or get Chrome to go–”
“Yan, don’t worry about Silver,” Dr. Iplier soothes, putting an ointment on Yandere’s powder burn, “He can handle himself just fine.” He smiles faintly. “You’ve never really seen him in action, huh?”
“No…” Yandere admits. He vaguely remembers the time he’d gotten kidnapped while turned into a baby, and how Silver was the one to rescue him and bring him home. But that had only been a few guys, and from what Yandere can remember, it wasn’t much of a fight.
“Silver’s a lot tougher than you light think,” Dr. Iplier says, putting bandaids over Yandere’s cuts, “He’s survived a lot, and he’s every bit as determined and fearless as you are.”
“I didn’t know,” Yandere mumbles.
“You wouldn’t be the only one,” Dr. Iplier sighs, “Most of the egos don’t see Silver as being that tough. He’s too humble to try and make sure people know how strong he is. And, well, he’s nearly as old as I am. He’s old enough to know better.”
“Oh,” Yandere says.
He’s still thinking about Dr. Iplier’s after he’s left the clinic and gone to bed. The Silver he saw defending him is so different from the Silver he’s known. Not that he’s known him that well; he and Silver aren’t friends. Yet Silver threw himself at a dozen violent people, including a gunman, to save Yandere. Maybe it’s because Silver’s the hero type, and he’d do the same for anyone, but Yandere can’t help but feel strangely nice about it. Nice to know that Silver would go so out of his way for him. Well, it’s a bit more than going out of his way. Even after Dr. Iplier’s reassurances, Yandere’s still worried about Silver. He knows Silver doesn’t like to kill people, but those people clearly have no such qualms. He’s too tired to rejoin the fray, but he ends up getting out of bed and walking down to the lobby to wait.
Yandere’s waited there for a good twenty minutes before he starts to feel equal parts concerned for Silver and silly for coming down here in the first place. He’s still tired and now his feet are cold, and he’s only dressed in pajamas and only carrying his phone to get the time. For all he knows, Silver got home while Yandere was still in bed and this wait is pointless. At the same time, Yandere wants to keep waiting, wants to make sure Silver comes back. He decides that he’ll give it ten more minutes, then he’ll go to the second floor and see if Silver’s in his room. If not…he’ll think about that when it happens.
Eight minutes later, the lobby doors finally open, and Silver stumbles in. He looks worse than Yandere did, but he’s still standing. Yandere rushes up to him, and Silver blinks in surprise to see him.
“Oh, Yandere,” he says, “What are you doing down here?” He eyes Yandere’s pajamas and bandaged cuts. “Shouldn’t you be in bed?”
“Um,” Yandere starts. He isn’t sure what to say. ‘I was worried you were gonna get killed so I waited here for you for half an hour’ sounds ridiculous, but it’s the truth.
“Well,” Silver says, grinning lightly, “If you’re here, mind helping me get to the clinic? I’m too tired to fly, or do much of anything, honestly.”
“Sure,” Yandere mumbles, stepping next to Silver to support him. Silver puts an arm around Yandere’s shoulders, and the pair walk to the elevator.
The elevator ride is silent. Yandere isn’t sure what to say. Even with Silver as beat up as he is, Yandere can’t help but look at him differently. Silver doesn’t seem to mind the silence, though he is the one to break it when the doors open.
“How about you head back up to your room?” Silver asks. “I can make the walk to the clinic, and I bet Dr. Iplier wouldn’t be too happy to see you still up.” He steps out of the elevator with a smile. “Thanks, Yandere, and goodnight.”
“Wait!” Yandere cries, reaching out to stop the elevator doors from closing. Silver looks at him, a little startled. “Just…” Yandere says, “Thank you for saving me. That was close.”
Silver smiles again, warmer and softer. It’s the look that Yandere’s more used to seeing on his face, the only look he knew before tonight.
“Of course, Yandere,” Silver replies, “It’s my job to save people, and besides, you’re my family.”
That was not the answer Yandere was expecting. Him and Silver? Family? Yandere’s heard other egos jokingly refer to them all as one big happy family, and Yandere’s even done it himself a few times. While there’s a few egos he considers his family, the majority of the egos are either casual friends or acquaintances. To think of them all as an amicable unit is idealistic and a little naive…but it’s disarmingly sweet. And Yandere has always been someone who worries about people hating him or finding him burdensome. Hearing that someone he’s barely spoken to considers him family strikes a chord inside him.
Yandere turns beet red, unable to say anything in reply to Silver as the elevator doors close. They don’t close fast enough to obscure Yandere’s red face, though, and he hears Silver chuckle before the elevator continues up.
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forehead-enthusiast · 5 years
For Those Dealing With Broken Hearts
Pairing: Jisung x Reader
Genre: Some angst, fluff
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: Life sucks. You got cheated on, dumped, and when you get to this DNYL Club, there’s only one other person, this Jisung guy, who you barely know. At least you know he’s heartbroken too, right?
A/N: It has been so so so long since I’ve written a fic!! I really hope you guys like it, and thank you for taking the time to read it!!
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When the announcement first blared over the speakers, you thought it was a prank. Don’t Need Your Love Club? What a joke. You scoffed at the idea of a club for broken hearts, finished drying your eyes, and reconsidered. It hadn’t been a great day romance-wise. You’d caught your now ex-boyfriend groping some cheerleader behind the bleachers, and somehow you were still the one who got dumped out of that relationship. Insult after insult. You debated whether some stupid prank club could make your day any worse, and concluded it couldn’t. With red eyes and a backpack slung over your shoulder, you strode out of the classroom and towards whatever awaited you.
You stood before the door, unsure of whether you should knock or not. You put your ear next to the door to see if you could hear anyone behind it, but were startled by a loud swish of the door opening. Someone on the other side had pulled it open, and you nearly fell into them. Your eyes dragged their way up from the surprisingly tall stranger’s chest to his face, and vaguely recognized it.
“Have we met?”
The stranger’s eyes widened at the sight of you. “Uh… yeah. We had physics together last year. I’m Jisung.”
“Ah, right,” You flushed, feeling guilty for not remembering him. “Of course. Hey, Jisung.”
“Hey, y/n.”
He knew your name already. You cursed yourself for spending all of last year pining for the idiot who dumped you today. He was a waste of time you knew you’d waste more time getting over, and you wondered how many other people you ignored because of your infatuation. You realized Jisung was holding the door open, and hastened inside and plopped your bag on the table.
“So… are you here for the club too?” He called from behind you.
“Yeah.” Having admitted it out loud, you were suddenly uncomfortable at the idea of others knowing about your awful relationship, and the even worse way it ended. It was humiliating. You avoided his eyes, and fiddled with the zipper on your bag. Tears threatened to fall again, and you stared at the ground, hoping they wouldn’t escape and expose how truly heartbroken you were. You saw out of the corner of your eye that he had turned away, and quickly shoved your sleeves into your eyes to sop up the sadness.
“Um, well, I don’t know if anyone else is… coming.”
“Yeah, there’s just a note from the organizer, I guess. It’s over there.”
You spotted the small sticky note stuck to the table before you and walked over to read it aloud.
“‘Welcome to the DNYL Club, a community for people to mend their hearts together. The fact that you’re here means you’ve acknowledged you need one another to heal. You all understand what everyone else has been through.’ That’s it? That’s all we get? What even…”
“Yeah. Not a great club.”
Silence followed his acute observation, and you wondered if you should just leave. The club was basically a joke after all, or at least it seemed that way. You expected it, but somehow you were still disappointed. All you wanted was to feel okay again. Some part of you hoped this club was going to help you do that. You despised yourself for getting your hopes up, and despised even more the fact that your watering eyes had returned with a vengeance. You hurried to grab your bag and leave before you broke down in front of this almost-stranger.
“Are you okay?”
The simple question made you turn towards the boy who asked it, and as you did, burning tears began to slide down your cheeks. All it took were a few words of compassion, or even just common decency, to push you over the edge. He panicked at the sight, rushing over to you with hesitant hands hovering over you, wondering what to do. You smeared the tears across your face with the backs of your hands, unable to speak. Jisung placed a hand cautiously on your shoulder, as you tried and failed to stop the tears from flowing. You gave in and let yourself sob with the boy doing his best to comfort you until you eventually began to calm down.
“I-I’m sorry. For making you cry.”
“No! No, it’s not your fault,” You sniffed, “I’m sorry. It’s just been… A rough day.” As if that wasn’t the understatement of the year.
Jisung awkwardly gave you a pat as you did your best to dry off your cheeks. “Do you,” he hesitated. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No, I- thank you, but I just. Can’t right now.”
“…Then what about tomorrow?”
And thus, the second meeting of the two person DNYL Club was arranged.
After your classes ended the following day, you went to the same room and waited alone. You wondered if he’d even show up, and cringed remembering the meltdown you’d had in front of him. Some random classmate of yours watched you get all smudged and snotty. You buried your face in your arms, horrified by your own lack of composure.
“Y/n! Are you alright?”
You flipped your head up to see a very concerned boy leaning over you. Upon seeing that you weren’t crying, he let out a sigh of relief. You attempted to smooth out your hair and appear like a normal, emotionally balanced human, and hoped your puffy eyes didn’t blow your cover. The same awkward silence from yesterday reemerged from whatever void it came from, and hung on your shoulders.
“…He cheated on me.”
Jisung blinked at the sudden confession, and scratched behind his ears. He sat down and waited for you to continue as you took a few deep breaths.
“He wasn’t my first crush, but he was my first boyfriend. The first…” You paused, smiling emptily. “The first one who said yes when I asked. I guess that’s why I liked him so much.” All you needed was that scrap of affection for you to devote yourself entirely to someone who, you knew now, couldn’t care less about you.
“I really liked him.”
“…I’m sorry.”
Despite whatever reason caused your attachment, it was strong nonetheless. Knowing he was a piece of shit didn’t make you forget about him just like that- it just made you hate yourself more for making such a fool of yourself for him. If he was worthless, what did that make you? Something worth yet less? Or just someone stupid enough to worship a shred of trash? You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything else, or else risk breaking down again, so Jisung just sat by your side until it was time to leave campus.
You decided to meet up again.
And again.
And again. The DNYL Club, as underpopulated as it was, was thriving. You’d meet up with Jisung, open up to him like you’d never done with anyone before, and he’d listen. He didn’t often say much, but somehow he always managed to make his empathy known. His careful pats and infrequent murmurs offered more comfort than anyone or anything else. He was your mysterious solace that was too kind to be your therapist, but too intimately known to be considered a friend. You couldn’t have shared this with one of your other friends. He was just different.
Over time, you got more comfortable talking about your ex, and all that’d you’d done to try and win his affections. You were able to laugh about it, although your chest still tightened at your memories. Jisung mirrored this change, smiling and laughing more, in the same awkward way he did everything else. You looked over at him in the empty classroom, and were suddenly ashamed.
Your serious tone caught his attention. “What?”
“Why are you here? All this time I’ve whined about my heartbreak, but you came here because of someone too. God, I can’t believe I’ve never asked, I’m so sorry, that’s just… awful of me.”
“Ah,” he said, turning away from you, “it’s not… a very interesting story.”
“Geez, I hope you weren’t listening to mine for the drama of it all. C’mon, I’m here for you. Tell me.”
Jisung sighed with resignation. “There was a girl that I… liked. We didn’t date. I just liked her. She was sort of, uh, sunny. I really liked her smile.” A smile of his own crossed his face, albeit a sorrowful one. “Unfortunately, the smile I liked most was always directed at other people.”
“Was she blind or something?”
He chuckled. “Nah, I just couldn’t seem to grab her attention. Kinda frustrating. I mean, I probably should’ve made more of an effort, or… I dunno. She liked plenty of people she barely knew, but maybe I was stupid for hoping one day it’d be me. One day, I just had to,” he swallowed, “I just had to give up. See the situation for what it was.“
Your heart ached at his bitter expression, and you reassured him, “If she didn’t see how great you are, that’s on her. I think you’re wonderful.” He didn’t respond, and you were desperate to return to your lighthearted laughter you’d interrupted a few minutes prior. You were irritated that someone had made him so forlorn. He’d grown important to you, and you felt the need to defend him against anyone who would make him feel unworthy.
“She’s an idiot. You’re probably way out of her league.” You couldn’t control your tongue, and spat, “Who even is she? What’s her name?”
Jisung turned away again. “You don’t know her.”
“That doesn’t matter! I just… Ugh, I’m so mad. Just tell me her name! It’s not like they’re off limits.” You’d told Jisung your ex’s name weeks ago, just to make trash-talking him easier.
“No, it’s not like that’d change anything.”
“Jisung, just tell me. You- Don’t you trust me?”
“Then tell me! I already told you mine, it’s fair!”
“I don’t want to tell you!” He snapped, more agitated than you’d ever seen him. He strode away from you, and you followed him. You were taken aback by his tone, and your indignation at the nameless girl shifted into fear.
“Jisung, why won’t you tell me? What did I do?”
“Nothing, can’t you just drop this already!?”
“I don’t know why you can’t just tell me! Jisung!” It wasn’t about the name for you anymore, you just needed to know he trusted you with it at this point. You walked in front of him, and demanded, “Jisung, tell me who she is!”
His chest rose and fell with heavy breaths.
“IT’S- It’s you, it’s,” his voice caught in his throat, “it’s always been you. Always.”
He grabbed his backpack off the floor where he’d left it, and rushed out from the room, leaving you to be stunned frozen where you stood, in a mist of confusion and guilt.
Jisung hadn’t returned to the classroom. Not that you’d know- you hadn’t gone back either. The sadness you felt at what you’d done to him for God knows how long weighed on you far heavier than the sadness of being dumped.
He had known your name.
He knew the name of the girl that broke his heart.
He had listened to you, week after week, complain about one of the jerks he’d watched you fall for.
You put your head on your desk and buried it in your arms, and felt the guilt press down on you like a vice. There you were, spouting bullshit about how wonderful he was and how you’d have to be stupid and blind to not notice him, and all the while he had to be thinking you were the biggest hypocrite. You couldn’t get the way he looked when he confessed out of your mind. How frustrated, how distraught, how heartbroken. It always circled back to heartbroken with you two.
You couldn’t bring yourself to face him. You didn’t know what you’d say to him. You were a coward. You didn’t understand why he liked you. You couldn’t really… believe that he liked you. As hypocritical as you had been, you’d been honest in what you’d said to him. He was a wonderful guy, you’d meant it. You hadn’t known him long, but it wasn’t hard to see he was caring and kind, and really funny when he wanted to be, despite his quiet and sweet disposition. Your heart ached even more, thinking about how sympathetic he was to you despite your obliviousness to his feelings.
It was difficult for you to fathom why someone that great would like you. You felt your arms grow warm, and realized the glow of your cheeks atop them was the culprit. You cursed yourself for feeling happy at a time like this, but the flush persisted. Thoughts of Jisung’s smile, and his touch on your shoulder, and his quiet voice circled around in your mind, ignoring your pleas for them to leave you to mope in peace.
It was obnoxious, feeling so overjoyed when all you wanted was to wallow in guilt and misery. But Jisung liked you. He liked you enough to be heartbroken when you didn’t like him back.
You sat up suddenly.
You pressed your hand against your chest to feel your racing heartbeat, and made up your mind.
Finding Jisung wasn’t as hard as you worried it’d be. You had walked to the familiar classroom, without much hope, only to run into him in the hallway before it. You opened your mouth to say something, anything, but couldn’t find the words. Instead, you gently tugged on his arm to lead him into the classroom. He allowed you to pull him, just as silent as you were, and walked in after you. He waited, patient as always, for you to collect yourself and turn to face him.
“Thank you for listening to me. And… thank you for liking me.”
At that, he looked away from you, and prepared for his heart to be broken once more.
“You, well, you know this by now, but for me, it hasn’t always been you.”
“Y/n, I already know, it’s oka-”
“I’m not done yet. It hasn’t always been you, but,” you gulped, “it’s you now. And I know it hasn’t been you for very long, but I’m very confident that it’s you. For me. For good. I don’t know… why you like… or liked me, or how much, but I promise that I will like you more than that. I like you. I love you.”
Jisung had turned back and been looking at you during your stuttered speech with an unreadable expression, and you just wanted to cry, but you made yourself keep talking.
“I just wanted you to, um, know how I felt about you. I understand if you don’t like me anymore. I came prepared to have my heart broken back, so I won’t blame you at all if you…”
Jisung slowly walked towards you, his arm slipping from your grasp and the hand attached to it gently resting on your arm. He stopped just a bit in front of you, and used his other hand to pinch his cheek, hard. He winced in pain, and you saw his eyes glaze over with tears.
“Jisung!? Are you okay?”
He flicked a tear from his eye and his shoulders began to quake, and you realized he was laughing.
“I’m so much better than okay.”
He looked at the hand he’d placed on your arm, then met your eyes.
“Can I hug you?”
You blushed, but nodded. Gingerly, he wrapped his arms around you, as if you were a dream that would shatter if clutched too tightly.
“Um, I still like you. More than ever, actually, so, uh, good luck liking me more.”
You beamed up at him, ready for the challenge, only to see a bright red strawberry in his place.
“Jisung? You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just. Wow. This smile, your smile, is just even better than the one I… Uh, the one I fell for.” He blushed even more forcing those words out, and you couldn’t believe it took you this long to notice someone this endearing.
“We should probably change the club name.”
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krizaland · 5 years
Could I have zim with a irken s/o that came to stay with him rather than on the massive. Thank you!
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E/C- Eye color
F/C- Favorite color
H/C-Hair color
H/S- Hair Style
The Tallest were beyond flabbergasted when you requested to join Zim on his mission.
“You do realize he’s not actually on a mission right?” Red asked as he scratched his head.
“Yeah! We were just lying to get rid of him!” Purple added as he shoved a handful of donuts into his mouth.
“Oh! Of course I knew about that, My Tallest! I am simply volunteering to...keep Zim occupied! Yes! I am volunteering to make sure Zim stays away and never returns!” You lied.
Red and Purple exchanged confused looks for a moment.
“Well...If you really insist...I guess I don’t  really see an issue here.” Red mused.
Purple nearly choked on his donuts.
“Wait! Are we really gonna send Y/N to Zim?! Y/N! You gotta think about this! You’re literally sacrificing your dignity here!” 
“It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make, My Tallest.” You insisted.
“Wow! That’s so...Stupid!” Purple shook his head and resumed eating.
“Very well! If you really want to join Zim on his mission, then you are welcome to do so! Just make sure he never comes back. Got it?” Red bent down a bit and pointed at you.
“Affirmative, My Tallest!” You announced with a salute.
And with that, Your F/C eyes lit up as you set a course for Urth.
Meanwhile, Zim found himself missing you.
He sighed as he plopped down in his lab. He couldn’t focus on any of his evil plans today. All he could think about was you.
Zim knew he should’ve expected this. After all, he was an Invader and you were an Elite Soldier. It was inevitable that he would have to leave you behind.
Still, Zim would always try to keep in touch with you through video calls.
However, for some reason you haven’t picked up in weeks! Zim begun to fear the worst as tears begun to stream down his cheeks.
The sound of his computer bellowing, woke Zim from his thoughts.
“An Irken ship? Oh no! The Tallest must of sent someone to replace me! Computer! Get me in contact with that ship! I need to make sure they know who this planet TRULY belongs to!” Zim commanded.
“Contacting ship..CONTACTING SHIP!!” The Computer roared as the monitor crackled to life.
Suddenly, all of Zim’s rage flew out the window when he saw who answered his call.
“Zim! Hey! Sorry for not responding! I was busy trying to convince the Tallest to let me stay with you!” You explained.
“Wait? You’re gonna stay with me? But I thought you were sent to help battle the Resisty!” Zim squeaked.
“Yeah...Well...Let’s just say things didn’t work out too well. I’ll explain in a bit! I’m just about to land. Y/N, out!” You explained as you cut the call.
“Y/N is coming to stay with me?! I can’t believe it! I’m finally going to be able to spend time with them! Computer! Clean up the base! We can’t have Y/N seeing all of this FILTH!” Zim squealed as he hopped out of his chair.
“I don’t want to!” The Computer whined.
Zim let out a groan and dragged his hand down his face.
“GIR! Minimoose!”
 GIR crashed into the lab, followed by Minimoose.
“YES, MY MASTER?!” “ GIR’s eyes turned red as he gave a salute.
“Neyah?” Minimoose squeaked.
“Y/N is coming to stay with us! So I need you two to clean up the base! And hurry! They could be here any second now!” Zim ordered as he shoved some cleaning supplies into their faces.
“Y/N?! Isn’t that your special frieeend?!” GIR giggled as his eyes returned to their usual cheerful blue color.
“Yes, GIR. NOW GET CLEANING! This place needs to be spotless! SPOTLESS!” Zim screeched.
“Neyah!” Minimoose cheered as they joined GIR.
Within a few moments, the base looked somewhat better than it did before.
“I’m gonna make Y/N some WAFFLES!” GIR giggled as he ran off to the kitchen.
The sound of your ship landing sent Zim into a panic.
“THEY’RE HERE! QUICKLY! EVERYONE! ACT NATURAL!” Zim shrieked as he rushed to the door.
The moment you walked up to the door, Zim threw it open and pulled you inside.
Zim slammed the door behind him and checked to make sure no one had followed you inside.
“Phew! Heeey, Y/N. How’s it going?” Zim purred as he tried to act casual.
“Well, I’m doing a lot better now that I get to see you again.” You giggled as you pulled Zim into a hug.
Zim quickly returned the hug and clung to you for dear life.
“Oh sweet, Y/N. Oh how I’ve missed you.” Zim’s voice quivered as he let out a few alien chirps.
“I missed you too.” You let out a few chirps of your own as you kissed the top of Zim’s head.
You reunion was cut short by GIR charging in with an enormous plate of waffles.
“GIR! CAN’T YOU SEE WE’RE IN THE MIDDLE OF AN EMOTIONAL REUNION?!” Zim roared as he continued to cling to you.
“Actually, I am kinda hungry.” You admitted as you rubbed the back of your head.
“Fine. Vey well. We shall try some of your waffles, GIR.” Zim groaned as he reluctantly peeled himself off of you.
“YAY!!!” GIR squealed as he dragged you both to the kitchen area.
“These are pretty good.” You mused as you took another bite.
“Yeah. Good work, GIR. It looks like your cooking skills have finally improved.” Zim admitted as he continued to eat.
“I guess now’s a good time to tell you the real reason why I was so unresponsive for these past few weeks.” You put down your knife and fork for a moment.
“I’ll get some more!” GIR sang as he ran off to get more waffles.
“You see, Zim. Went I went to battle the Resisty, I had been severely injured. My injuries were so bad I had to be sent to the infirmary for weeks. I was just recently released from the infirmary but my body is still recovering. So unfortunately, I’m no longer able to fight in any more battles until my body is fully healed.” You sighed as you hung your head.
Zim nearly choked on his waffles.
“WHAT?! THOSE FILTHY RESISTY MONSTERS HURT MY Y/N?!” Zim felt his blood boil as he spoke.
“Well, that’s kinda what happens when you go into battle. You get hurt. However, the Tallest were initially going to put me on guard duty but I convinced them to let me stay with you!” You explained as you looked up at Zim.
“Wait! Really? You would give up on being a royal guard just for me?” Zim’s eyes widened in shock.
“Of course! Zim, I love you! Besides, I had a feeling you were probably worried about me!” You giggled.
“I love you too, Y/N! Now I can keep you safe from any more FILTHY RESISITY SCUM!” Zim announced.
You couldn’t help but laugh at Zim’s over the top nature.
“You haven’t changed a bit, Zim.”
Ever since then, living with Zim was much more laid back than living as a solider!
You didn’t have to spend your days worrying that someone would try to kill you in your sleep or listening to Red and Purple whine.
You could hang out with your boyfriend and help destroy a planet! That was a lot more fun than being a guard in your opinion!
Zim wanted to spend every second with you. So he insisted you came to Skool with him.
You were bored so you agreed
Zim took the liberty of whipping up a matching crappy disguise for you. You had E/C contacts and a H/C H/S wig.
You thought you looked ridiculous but Zim insisted you looked perfect.
When you walked into skool no one batted an eyelash. 
No one except Dib of course.
“Great. Now there’s two of him!” Dib groaned as he buried his face in his hands.
Zim snickered at Dib’s reaction but insisted on keeping you close to him at all times.
He couldn’t risk having the Dib-Stink try to expose you too!
However, that wasn’t enough to stop Dib.
You sat next to Zim and sniffed at the questionable ‘food’ on your tray.
“Don’t eat this disgusting filth! It’ll make you sick! Trust me! I know all too well. ALL TOO WELL!!” Zim’s voice quivered with disgust.
Before you could respond, you sensed someone trying to sneak up behind you.
You didn’t even turn around as you grabbed Dib and flipped him onto the table.
Dib fell face first into your ‘food’.
“Didn’t anyone ever teach you not to sneak up on people?” You huffed as you shot Dib a glare.
Dib groaned as he slowly got up.
“What just happened?” Dib moaned as he held his big sore head.
“HA! Serves you right, Dib-stink! Nobody messes with the Irken Elite!” Zim cackled as he watched Dib try to collect himself.
Dib shook away the pain and bits of ‘food’.
“Don’t think you’re safe just because you have a new body guard, Zim! I’ll expose the both of you!” Dib snapped as he hopped off the table.
“I’d like to see you try, you big headed freak!” You countered.
“Oh you two will be so sorry once your bodies end up on autopsy tables!” Dib growled as he slithered back to his table.
“Geez. Does he always do stuff like that?” You grumbled.
“Yep. He tries to expose me at least once a day.” Zim explained casually.
“What a loser.”
You and Zim spent the rest of your time on Urth, scheming, cuddling, and trolling Dib. Every now and then, the Tallest would try to get you to return to your guard duties but you always declined.
You knew you were exactly where you belonged.
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Fireworks and Fairytale Endings
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A/N: Back at it again! I had a really fun time last week writing for this, so I’m back with another piece! Fun fact, this actually is only about half of what I wrote because I went a little off track, and got kinda into writing the whole scene. I’m taking it though~ :p
Word Count: 827
CW: Mentions of injuries
Kaz leaned over, nudging his shoulder against Marcus’. “So…”
“So.” Marcus parroted back, not wavering in the slightest. That bothered Kaz more than anything. Marcus had always played into Kaz’s shenanigans, no matter how ridiculous he claimed they were. It was one of the reason he-
The fact that Marcus didn’t want to give him the time of day, now? That was proof more than anything that something was wrong.
“Come on, Marcus! You’ve barely said a word to me all night, much less looked me in the eyes!” Kaz nudged his shoulder again, harder this time. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, alright?” He caught Marcus glancing over at him, before his face set back into the stoic mask he had been wearing around him all night. “Leave it alone.”
Leave it alone? Yeah, fuck that.
Kaz stopped walking and grabbed Marcus’ arm, forcing him to stop walking as well. (And if he looked too much into the fact that even now, Marcus was never fully able to walk away and ignore him? No one had to know.)
“No! There’s clearly something bothering you!” 
He watched as Marcus’ gaze flitted over the crowds of people behind him, still steadfastly ignoring him. “What, are you still hung up on me saving your life or something?”
That got Marcus’ attention. Kaz watched as his brows furrowed and his mouth twitched into a small frown. Oh, so that’s what it was. Of course, he still didn’t know why Marcus was so upset about that, but he could work with it.
For a moment, Kaz almost thought that Marcus wasn’t even going to answer him. He seemed far too busy trying to stare into Kaz’s soul. But then, “You know what? Yeah, I am.”
“Great! Fantastic! Why?” Kaz placed his hands on Marcus’ shoulders, shaking him lightly as he spoke. His words were, apparently, not what Marcus was expecting to hear, and he watched as the other boy’s face moved through a series of emotions before eventually settling on a glare that almost seemed more tired than it did angry.
“Why?” Kaz resisted the urge to make a sarcastic comment, biting on the inside of his cheek as he looked up at Marcus and nodded. This appeared to only piss Marcus off more. “Oh geez, I don’t know. What reason could I possibly have to be upset about you doing something stupid and risking your life?”
“‘Doing something stupid’?” Okay, now Kaz was a little pissed off as well. Him risking his life saved Marcus’, and now he had the gall to stand there and reprimand him for it? “Dude! Me doing something stupid saved your ass!”
“Yeah, and it could have cost you yours!”
“Maybe, but that’s always the risk, isn’t it-”
“Shut up!” Marcus cut him off, and the two of them stared at each other in sudden, shocked silence. It was about then that Kaz realized with a sudden clarity that Marcus wasn’t angry with him, he was just upset. 
“Not with you.” Marcus stepped back, away from Kaz, and ducked his head.  “If I lost you, I don’t know what I would have done. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Kaz.”
Kaz didn’t know what to say. This seemed far too much like everything he had hoped for ever since he ran into Marcus in the park that one day. Everything he never thought he’d be able to have. “Oh?”
Marcus scoffed, looking up. (And now Kaz could see the tears in his eyes, and he couldn’t hear much over the sound of his heart pounding.)
 “Yeah, oh. My life was meaningless before all of this, and then I met you and-”
Marcus (finally) looked back at Kaz, giving him a small smile and a bitter huff of laughter. “I just can’t lose you, alright?”
Kaz exhaled (Had he been breathing during that whole speech? He couldn’t remember.) and nodded, barely aware of the tears gathering in his own eyes as he stepped towards Marcus. Like always, they met halfway, and he wanted to say something, anything. He didn’t, though.
Instead, Marcus carefully wiped the tears away, not moving away after. Marcus leaned down and pressed his forehead against Kaz’s and-
(Oh god, this was really happening, wasn’t it? They were really going to kiss.)
“Maybe stick to saving the people who save people.”
Kaz barely had the chance to huff out a laugh before lips were pressed against his own and he was-
He was in love.
It really was everything that the fairytales made it out to be. Fireworks and all.
Kaz pulled away from the kiss, looking up towards the sky in time to see it turn into a brilliant light show of colors. He smiled, helpless with the amount of pure joy he felt. He heard Marcus huff out a quiet laugh his hands still warm against his cheeks, and somehow he knew that everything was going to turn out fine.
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bilgisticallykosher · 4 years
Selfishness vs. Selfishness Redux
Pre-episode thoughts. I don't think they're going to address the dark side Everybody-already-knew-that thing right away. I'm still thinking Deceit's gonna be Virgil, but I'm also not so certain that's going to wind up going down. Because there's a lot of other stuff to get into. We know from the first Asides that stuff between Virgil and Patton is growing, and simmering. It's coming, and while that's in the future, there's probably going to be more build-up here. Is it that Patton knew about Virgil's past? Is it something else entirely? This is going to be a two hour episode, geez. 
Also, I can't believe he's actually going to the wedding. Idk. All those people saying he got the date wrong, though? First of all, Logan is in charge of the schedule, he'd never let that happen, how dare? And also, I always double check dates and invitations for stuff. I really doubt Virgil wouldn't have looked at the invitation and checked the information again. Watch me be totally wrong now. 
I don't know who I think the cloaked figure is. Could be Deceit ("like a freaking Scooby Doo villain"), could be Thomas himself. Probably not Organization XIII, but I'm not completely eliminating the option, let me have this. 
Things I'd like, but am 99% certain won't happen; Deceit's name (which I'm both hoping and expecting to not start with D), a new side, Remus and Deceit interacting on camera, or really Remus at all. Except for that green score of BOOBS, I maintain that's Remus's contribution. 
First impression of the thumbnail. You vs. Yourself???? Oh my gosh. Ohhhh, I'm freaking out. Patton looks so apprehensive, and I don't know if that's on general, or because of Roman or in response to Roman, because Roman looks so annoyed at Patton! He's so angry oh my gosh. I mentioned I wasn't ready, right? Okay. Okay. So their sprites are different styles, which is cool. Patton's looks risk-based stroll around town type of RPG, Roman's looks fighting style. 
The options for the character select???? Oh my gosh, that's. Hi, Remus. Anyway, uh, I don't know what this means, but there's three character options on top and- DARK SIDES ARE SEPARATE FROM LIGHT SIDES! Oh gosh, I was thinking maybe it was something to do with specifically Logan. Ooh, Deceit's in his lawyer outfit, nice touch.  THERE'S AN EXTRA BLANK PLAYER OPTION. I don't know if that means he'll be revealed this episode, or just that he exists. I mean, we just had Deceit's logo, Remus's reveal and name reveal… here goes.
IT STARTS WITH THE VIDEO GAME??? THIS IS THE INTRO????? THE WEDDING??????!!!!!!! Oh hey word crush. Oh hey, it's the couple! Starting to think this is a dream or fantasy, btw. Also, Lee and Mary Lee sound like...Esteban and Valerie? Maybe? Idk. Omg, Life is pain. 
This is awkward, beautiful. Pfft, hence the marriage. Photographer is great, no idea who he or the emcee are. Ooh. Crushed. 
INTRO??? EXCUSE ME??? Oh was SvS originally on 3/31? Yeah, good, play a review like all of us haven't been obsessing over what happened last time. "APRIL 13" I'm just going thi pause forever now. Oh this is going to be the angry walk in that was previewed in the bloopers, I can tell. Oh no. OH NO! And it is at night and he seriously freaking actually went to the wedding????
Oh my gosh he's so angry. Ohhh, Patton rethinking his phrasing, nice. You should never→I'm surprised that you etc. Oh Roman! Oh, maybe we should… not review. Oh boy. 
Oh there's Patton's avatar. In then guitar hero thing. Oh, Thomas is associated with the color white, confirmed??? I like how they did the notes there. So much detail. The talk sprites are great, but the expressions on the dancing sprites are worth paying attention to. Okay, Patton's still very, um, defensive, I guess is the word? Thomas is angry and bereft and confused and full of doubt, and Roman's heavily on the confused side (ha) about him aligning with Deceit. This is why he stole his hat. Great animation work, everyone, that was fantastic, artists! 
"Why didn't I just talk to them before the wedding?" THOMAS. Also, because Deceit specifically prevented Logan from being too close to the courtroom scene by benching him and not asking him what his idea of a compromise was. "I brought that up," well, you did, but Deceit kinda made it seem like you were suggesting lying to them, so you got shut down. Sorry, Ro. Listen, I love Deceit, but the boy's a manipulator. 
We learn to predict the future!!! Roman, no. Woah, Patton's just being completely dismissive. I mean he's been through some hard times the last few episodes, minus LNTAO, but damn. Oh. Roman's very much defending Patton. This forebodes very badly. This is going to explode terribly. Oh no. 
Okay, so, the thing with the feral cats. Is Roman okay? Did someone do this to him? More importantly, did he do this to me? Also, on a serious note, I'm super shocked Deceit hasn't come in yet, because he (and Thomas, and arguably Patton) is obviously regretting going to the wedding. I mean, Virgil's not coming in right away because of the reveal at the end of DWIT, but- hey where's Logan?! Logan and Deceit should both totally be here! *gasp* Except in the one on one episodes (Heart vs. Mind, My Negative Thinking, Logince; the argument) it's always primarily been the two sides that are featured with the others either not there or off-screen or making small cameos. But Deceit was and is an important part of this decision past, present, and going forward! 
Oooh, I like the Lee and Mary Lee backstory. Hm. Patton does bring good points, but. I still agree with- oh, Thomas just solidly saying no made me snort. Okay, so speaking of the coin bleeping, why the video games? I know there's more to come with it, how do they come into play? Oh okay metaphor. 
That was clearly not the good ending, Roman. Bringing up Is Thomas A Good Person again. OOH xylophone, is he a-comin'? Oh he's directly blaming Patton. Wow, Roman. 
A BAGEL?! Oh, game sssssssstore. Really? Frogger, Pat? 16 graphics. Oh there's the hotdogs. OH and there's the cloaked guy! Smashing our theories. That does not seem like Sondheim. 
The puns, oh my gosh, brilliant. Getting to the meat of them here. Gosh these graphics are fantastic. 6AM dull. 
Oh. Hm. Technically, he does not have to give him the 'dog. The building tension is fascinating. 
HI, LOGAN! Patton looking real uncomfortable at "regret." I mean, they all know they regret it now, right? Roman making fun of behoove, that's so funny, I have no idea why. Seriously, whoever's doing the art, I'm dying at Logan's expressions. Woah good thing viewers have the pause button. I'm all for not buying X-mas decorations. I'm doing my part, goyim. 
I'm counting "it's not like Kingdom Hearts" in lieu of that having been Organization XIII. Oh boy, Patton. Right thing vs. Feeling good vs. Feeling good about doing the right thing. This is falling apart. Patton's noise. 
BOOBS omg Deceit is Bowser. I love that painting in the background! Scutes! Time went from limited to being lost to poorly spent to wasted! I'm standing by the purple being Virgil. Fyi, in Judaism, doing a good thing for the wrong reasons doesn't matter, because you're still doing the good thing, even if it's just for the reward. There's a thing about it with Avraham and a King.
Roman's getting close to breaking. Reptilian rapscallian guy. And who's to say he can't be doing it for the reward and to help people? 
"... an individual's happiness and the amount of selfless acts…" that should be number, not amount, Logan! Can't judge good deeds only by how good you feel when you do them. 
Okay, here we go. How do we know what's Right? Killing and stealing is illegal everywhere, yes, Thomas, what are you doing, Thomas???
Oh my gosh, not the trolley problem. They're referring to Deceit as Denial and Roman as Passion! Oh gosh, that looks like Joan, Talyn, Dot, Valerie, and Terrence, and Leo by himself, maybe? Oh geez, I jolted. Logan index carding for trolley problem. 
Unus Annus is right, the trolley problem is stupid. Oh my gosh, Logan's giant wall of text physically pushing Patton back, I spit all over my screen. Skip All. 
Roman's… blaming himself? Oh!!! Are we getting Roman's insecure arc???!!! This is a complex issue, and Patton's having a hard time backing down, and everyone's feeling bad.
Scared?! I hear music! NO. Why is he scared, oh my gosh?????? That's not a tired metaphor. Oh! I've heard of hypoxia! It was hypothesized (and disproven) to be the reason for a specific Bermuda Triangle incident. 
Good point, Logan. Regarding theory and in the moment instincts. Remus mention with intrusive thoughts! Shocked that Logan is arguing for leisure time. Logan's self satisfied smirk at the self-sacrifice. GLITCHY! Oh he's a frog. Lilypadton. 
Oh my gosh I'm getting so stressed. Yes, thank you, Logan for the scream. I… don't. The conscientious comment. No, it's not. This seems… Deceit-y. IT IS! SHARP SIDE OH MY GOSH! Oh, he didn't rise up, he popped out in the freaking dialogue box, NO, FRICK IT WAS RIGHT THERE! And the Nietzsche and the specific examples that he used!!! I'm so angry! I DIDN'T THINK HE'D TAKE LOGAN'S PLACE AGAIN! I MISSED THE SIGNS! 
Hey guys, look, it's Deceit. Bull… frog. Lord of the lies. Oh! 8-bit Deceit theme. Okay, the first thing Deceit said about him not doing it on purpose was nice, but yeah, those words striking him is accurate. Yeesh, harsh. 
Is Patton eating his own words? Oh, uh, is anyone going to acknowledge he hit Thomas? Is that telling of the situation instead of just being a funny background event? 
The crick in Thomas's neck is so funny. SNAKES ON THE PLANE!!! ...Hm. Happy that he brought that up. Oh my gosh, Deceit's spluttering, he's like so bad at things sometimes, I love it. 
Logan! No, don’t do that, everybody appreciates you! Double curse? Pffffft, Logan. Deceit…definitely smiling at Logan's logic. Deceit is interesting here. Oh wow, yikes. He's really fascinating here. Legitimately complimentary? Oh, no, kind of not, maybe. Roman looks distressed.
"...Trees?" Roman's super pumped up. Good for him! Ha, his imitation. Deceit looking confused? Patton looking all sorts of things, I really think that Deceit is being genuine here- NAME?! I'D THIS HAPPENING? Why is he stripping? His, no, what does his glove have to do with his name? 
………. Janice? Did he say Jenus or Janice. It sounded like Janice. Deceit. No. Oh, burn, Roman. Damn, he almost got me. His name is not Janice. No. It's not. Don't even. Deceit was being so straight(ha)forward for the past couple of minutes. Awww, Roman. Insecurity addressing time? Wait, why is Deceit nodding at the hero thing? His lip is trembling, his voice is cracking and oh no! Roman just sank out.
Don't call him Janice, that's not his name. Oh he's being genuine again. Patton's talking about himself. WAIT WHAT. He had a five second cameo, omg. 
Yeah, those are the easier questions. No, Deceit, bad Deceit. Man, his facial expressions in this episode. Fractionally fiendish fibber. Oh, I like the reasons for Deceit being a part of him! That's… cute? Oddly cute, maybe. So, freaking how far in the future is the Asides? 
Stop calling him Janice, that's not his name. Oh, Deceit and Thomas bonding. That snort, oh my gosh. Oh, serious Deceit again! That reaction to "you're right" is oddly similar to that fake laugh at the end of Embarrassing Phases. 
………. Virgil's not here yet. His reveal isn't being addressed. Accepting Deceit. That's why he's so pissed at Patton in Asides. The next episode proper they're going to reveal that Deceit's accepted, more or less, and Patton was a big part of that, hugely changing his mind, that's why he's so pissed at him!!!
April 30th? Oh is this Lee and Mary Lee? I was wrong on the voices. Door-yelling! Hm. I mean. It's nice that they're acknowledging him, but I really don't think that sways the situation one way or another. Cute more background, and Thomas being awkward. They. This could have been instead of the wedding. Kingdom Hearts again! 
Oh hi, Patton and Deceit. He seems annoyed at the situation. Patton and Deceit bonding. Hi again, Leslie. Wild. 
This video really didn't go at all how I thought it would. Roman was barely miffed at Patton. Oh man, this was intense. I. Oh man. I need to process a lot. But I think we're on the right path, here. Janice is not his name!
Okay, I went on tumblr and two seconds in, I saw Janus, which I looked up and that makes way more sense. Another, more condensed post to follow. And several thousand reblogs.
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 21
Last time Papa Elric dropped by, Ed pulled an Igor, and the Elric Brothers set out to punch Truth in the face. Onwards!
At Central, Roy is not happy. Aw, come on dude. Riza thought you were dead, and it did kinda look like you were for a while. Don’t be so harsh on her. Havoc’s not letting Roy get away with that when he “abandoned his post”, Roy’s still in bad enough shape he can’t even yell at his subordinate properly. Riza just ignores Roy whining about wanting a private room with a hot nurse (stay strong, Riza) and argues that it’s easier to protect the wounded man-children in a single room. Which raises a good question: if they’re in such bad shape after Gluttony/Lust, why haven’t the Goths tried to finish the job? In the Underground Gear Room, Envy’s asking the same question to Bradley/Wrath, screaming about they should pay for killing Lust. Wrath just says that they can use Roy, but not if he’s dead. Right, he was a candidate… for “the portal” that Envy just mentioned? Hmmm. In any case, Wrath tells Envy to back off- [Wrath]: “Father wants me to handle him.” *camera pans over Papa Elric* Ok, is this the show “revealing” that Father and Papa Elric are the same person? I mean, beard! So, what’s the Blond Trio up to? [Al]: “What if my body’s started to rot?” Ah, back to the idea that Al’s body is in the Gate. That’s a good question - after all this time, is it being held in stasis or somehow protected from decay? Cue image-spot of Zombie Alphonse. Funny and disturbing. Ed’s back to hypothesising now, thinking that when they both worked on the Human Transmutation their spirits might have gotten “mixed up”. So… Ed’s been handling the biological components for Al’s body as well? Like Winry says, that’s a bit far fetched… but a comparative lack of nutrients would work as an explanation for why Ed’s vertically challenged. And Al does note that Ed sleeps a lot. Then again, he’s a teenage guy. In any case, that explanation will work for now, and give Ed an excuse in his never-ending argument with Winry against drinking milk. Pfft. Episode 21 - “Advance of the Fool” Back at the hospital, Fuery’s showing the Elric Brothers to Roy and Havoc’s room to pay their respects, and Fuery’s dropping off a present. Which turns out to be a map Riza uses to try and find that huge sigil they found in the white room. And whadya know, the Presidential Estate is in the radius! Now they’ve cottoned on to Bradley’s possible connection to the Goths (dudes, you have no idea), and can recognize how “odd” it is that Bradley killed Greed and his minions before they could be questioned. In any case, Command has definitely been infiltrated by the Goths at the very least, so they’ve gotta be careful. Roy… is pleased with this development. Here’s a guy who dreams of being the Fuhrer, and now he can achieve that goal and take down bad guys at the same time! I’m predicting that even if he gets that far, though, he’s gonna run screaming at the amount of paperwork. For now, it’s time for the Mustang Crew to work themselves ragged- [Havoc]: “Uhhhh, yeah, about that, Colonel?... I think you’re gonna haveta’ count me out. Your work requires legs… and I can’t feel mine.” No! Havoc… damn it buddy, you deserved better. Well, at least Roy’s able to walk, he’s taking some time in the waiting room to read (Riza standing vigilant and totally not reading over his shoulder, she swears) when a scruffy guy in a wrinkled suit plops down beside him. Oh hey, it’s the doc that chewed him out for Ross! [Doc]: “I got a sinking feeling when I heard you were the person that scorched that thing. Are you plotting something?” [Roy]: “You suspect a plot but you still ID’ed the “thing” as Maria Ross. Three cheers for old war buddies, huh?”
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THANK you. Geez, I kept going on and on about the dental records and how Doc fit into all this, easy enough to ID someone when you’ve got the coroner in on the scheme. Not a happy accomplice though, he warns Roy that if he keeps pushing this someone’s gonna get hurt. Thanks for the warning, buddy. Bit late, though. Havoc’s having a smoke and talking about how his family owns a grocery store. At least he can take calls. Wait, hold on, Automail is totally a thing in this setting. Why not cyborg-Havoc? Ah. Automail still needs living nerves. Breda… is not very supportive? What the Leto, dude?! Wait wait wait, Breda’s passing on a note to Roy… ah. Doctor Marcoh with his vial of Philosopher’s Stone. Sorry guys, but last we saw he had a run-in with Lust. Don’t bother looking for him. Alright, what’s The Mighty Armstrong up to now?... Running into Brosh, and having a mental freakout over Ross saying to tell nobody that she’s still alive. Aw, hope Brosh gets to know that his partner’s still kicking at some point. For now, though, too much of a risk to spread the news, and Armstrong’s surprised by a paper Brosh hands off. An urgent bulletin for all State Alchemists? That night Ed and Al are prowling the streets, looking for a way down to the basement. The building they used the first time “totally doesn’t have one, we swear” even when the entrance was clearly Transmuted shut. What they do have is the comments about how they were sacrifice potential, determining that they’re looking for Alchemists who opened the Gate. So that’d be the two of them, Teacher… wait, hold on. They’ve said that Roy could work as a sacrifice before. Does that mean that he’s opened the Gate as well? Gotta set that idea aside for now, Brosh is running up to pass the bulletin to the Elric Brothers… and sounds panicked, saying they have to go back to their hotel room right now and he will escort them if needed. What’s going on? Oooh crap. Scar’s back in Central. Targeting State Alchemists, identifiable with his facial scar and tattoo on his right arm. Here we go. Hold up, they actually went back to the hotel? Huh, I was expecting Ed to just go tearing off after the guy who killed Winry’s parents. But actually, he goes back to tell Al about what he learned in Xerxes about the Rockbell medics, admit that he’s not certain, and confirm that neither of them plan on reopening the wound by telling Winry. Still, Ed plans to confront Scar once again, to find out if he did it. And another reason? Hold up, don’t tell me- [Ed]: “We’re gonna lure out the Homunculi.” NO. Are we actually gonna get Scar to join the good guys?!
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(looked up Teeth-Clenched Teamwork, found the perfect picture) Ok, theory time! It hasn’t been absolutely confirmed that Scar killed the Rockbells’, just a guy with a tattooed arm. And Scar’s said that his own tattoo was left/given by his brother. So maybe it was Scar’s brother that killed them, then he ended up dying and Scar adopted the tattoo in memory of him? Setting that delicious opportunity aside for now, Ed’s gambling that with the Homunculi needing them alive for the sacrifice, they’ll step in to protect them if it looks like some Ishvalan that they failed to kill before looks like he’s gonna eliminate them. It’s one thing when it’s just one Potential Sacrifice, but it’s less likely they’ll just let half to two-thirds of their candidates get wiped out. [Ed]: “Well it’s much better than doing nothing!” [Al]: “Oh really? Because Scar literally tore us apart the last time.” Come on Al, this is Brotherhood. You two get shredded and dismantled every other episode. And you’ve got your mechanic a room over! You’ll be fine. Man, Al’s shredding Ed’s plan, arguing that even if they’ve gotten “stronger in the past few months” that if a Goth does show up how are they supposed to catch someone who’s super strong and pretty much can’t die- [Ling]: “Can’t die?! Was that hyperbole?”
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...nO. You fools! You knew the Xing contingent were bumming around the place, why didn’t you lock the window?! Argh argh argh. Don’t let Ling in on this! I’m assuming Roy’s already explained how Lust was built around a Philosopher’s Stone to you two, and like rational ethical people you’ve already discounted human sacrificial Alchemy as a means to restore your bodies. But Ling here doesn’t have your scruples, he’s been vocally supportive of Soul Armor and now you’re letting him in on the Goths?! This cannot end well. Bleeeeeh ok whatever, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, you’ve got the Prince and one of his ninjas on your side. And he totally promises not to run off with them (oh, there are so many ways that can be construed) because he owes them. Cue the bill for room service, and a very unhappy Ed defenestrating them. Cue a very unhappy Winry bursting in and yelling at them to shut up, she’s trying to sleep for an early morning… wait, she’s leaving?! Don’t go mechanic, we need you for the inevitable damage from fighting Scar/the Goths!... ok, does Winry use that wrench as a teddy bear, keep it inside her pillow, what? Hey Breda, how’s your pointless mission going? A ransacked room? No sign of the doc? Huh, I was actually expecting confirmation that he was dead, but there’s no body/gravestone. Damn it, we’re back to Havoc, finishing up a meeting with his mom and a Veteran’s Council officer. He’s out, and doesn’t take kindly to Roy’s “misplaced” pity. [Havoc]: “Forget about me… move on already! You don’t have time to worry about me! You need to think about the promise you made to General Hughes instead of pitying me! … Just let me get on with my life. I beg you.” [Roy]: “Alright. You’re cut loose.” Leto damn it. Havoc deserved better than thi- [Roy]: “I’ll leave you behind so you can catch up. I’ve gotta keep moving… but I’ll see you at the top.”
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[Uplifting Music] As Roy leaves the room. Havoc sits back in shock as Riza talks about how Roy refuses to abandon others. Havoc says that Roy will never make it like that being so soft, that the country’s gonna chew him up. But Riza thinks maybe that’s what the country needs, a “fool” like that. Outside, Roy’s still in pain, but all too ready to change his hospital clothes for his uniform. Time to get back to to work. In the streets of Central-
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Ok, what the heck happened to the artwork? We’ve got a shopkeeper complaining about his wrecked stand when Ed suddenly shows up all sparkles to fix everything… oh, I get it! May was traveling with Scar, so if he’s in Central, then she is too! Wait, no! Come on, that was just Ed going “Nyah nyah, I’m a State Alchemist” to try and draw out Scar? Boo, I want May to come back. Roy’s just showed up after reports of Ed being so theatrical, tells them to get in. Then get out when he has to share his seat with Al. Sorry little guy, maybe we can borrow The Mighty Armstrong’s car for these clandestine meetings? Doctor Marcoh’s confirmed missing, presumed abducted by the Goths. Also, about Scar being back? Roy is not happy to hear that Ed’s theatrics are meant to draw out Scar. Ed, you are in no position to mock Roy about being “scared of big, bad Scar”, although yeah maybe Roy could look into waterproof gloves next time? Speaking of, the Ishvalan’s here! Riza, don’t shoot, let’s talk this nope never mind Scar’s attacking. Ed charges and Al earthbends up a wall between them and the brawl, explaining Ed’s plan to draw out the Goths using Scar. As for the cops showing up? Well, Al assigns that to Roy. Onwards with the fisticuffs! Double Elric Attack as Al joins the fray, major props to Scar for not just holding out but advancing against two TC-free Alchemists! Roy and Riza head off to Fuery’s place to do their part, Ling and his ninja watch from the rooftops for any sign of the Goths. More earthbending as Al waves off some mooks from shooting Scar and Ed wonders where the heck the Goths are. Well at least Roy’s having fun playing with radios, sending conflicting reports on where Scar is. Don’t you frown Riza, come on and have some fun. Central’s in a tizzy over all the false calls for help… but Bradley’s on the move, ignoring everything as he gathers Gluttony to face the Ishvalan. Ling and Company pick up on the Goths and head out. Ed, your backup just split, stop acting as bait and end the fight! Yeesh that was close, but yay Ed just proved he can cancel out Scar’s Facegrab O’ Doom. And the process tear his sleeve and expose the tattoo… Gluttony’s chargi-
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Denied! Lan Fan just knocked him into a building, and confirmed that she can sense and track his presence. No running from this battle, either Gluttony takes them down or he’s done for. But he’s not alone… [Bradley]: “So, you’re able to detect his presence, are you? *draws sword* Well that’s quite the nuisance. Let’s take care of it.” Holy Leto Ling doesn’t look goofy anymore, he just got an art upgrade as he yells at Lan Fan to run but Bradley’s already up the pipes and attacking her mask is shattered- Aaaand that’s where we end. RUDE. Hey, and Fan’s still out in the desert guiding Ross, so instead of all three Xing’s ganging up on Bradley it’s Ling and Lan Fan vs two Goths. The intro lied to me!
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sparklyricee · 4 years
Episode 2b: Mariposa and Meteora
   At the Diaz’s house, Marco and Tom were in the living room on the couch. They were in charge of babysitting the two baby girls crawling around in their playpen. Marco’s parents went away for the day to go shopping for a friend's wedding. Marco didn’t want to be alone while doing this, so Tom volunteered to help. Meteora was just there so her and Mariposa could play, as usual. 
 The two boys made sure they didn’t try to get out or get too crazy with making a mess. The two girls were playing with their rattles, Meteora was biting hers and Mariposa was slinging hers around. 
“Ya know, I don’t think I’ve ever babysat before, Marco.” Tom said looking at Marco, who was texting his mom. 
“ Oh really? It’s not too bad once you get the hang of the schedule. The feeding, changing diapers, naptime, playtime stuff, all just comes naturally after 6 months of helping my parents out.” Marco explained.
“Wow, uh, this oughta be fun.” Tom joked nervously.
Marco noticed that Tom looked a little worried, “Hey man, I know it sounds like a lot but I promise, it’s gonna be a breeze. Plus I can teach you a few things about taking care of them if we do this again.” He said.
Of course Marco knows what he’s doing, it is his sister after all, plus Meteora. Tom has watched Meteora a few times when Eclipsa had to step out of the room for a few minutes, but that was it. He’s only seen Mariposa twice counting right now, he thought the two were so cute and full of energy.
 He was a bit nervous about how this was all going to go down. He likes kids, he always thought about wanting kids when he got older, but would this change his mind? Was he going to do something wrong and mess up the whole thing? Tom started to think about the what if’s and made him even more nervous, but why? Marco was here with him. He said he would help him out, since this was all new to him. 
Tom looked down at Meteora, and then at Marco, “I can hold her right?” He asked.
“Yeah you can try, she may not let you.” Marco replied.
Tom scooted himself over to Meteora and slowly reached over towards her. Before Tom notices, she turns his way and lifts her arms. He was surprised, he didn’t think she would let him pick her up so easily. Tom picked her up and placed her on his lap, as he held her, she continued to gnaw on her rattle.
“Ah congratulations, you won her trust.” Marco laughed.
“I didn’t know it would be so easy.” Tom said.
Immediately after that, Meteora whipped her head around towards Marco and hissed at him.
Marco was startled, but at this point he wasn’t surprised.
A few minutes passed and Meteora wanted down to play with her spikey ball. Tom did so and placed her down in the direction of the ball. He looked up and saw Marco playing with his sister, he was trying to see how long she would stand, only for her to last a few seconds. Mariposa let out a giggle, which made Marco laugh as well.
Tom admired Marco being so good to his baby sister, his laugh was so genuine. Tom hasn’t heard him laugh like that in a while.  
“Alright! It’s 2 o’clock, which means it’s lunch time for the girls!” Marco said, cleaning up their toys.
“Oh, okay.. nice!” Tom said awkwardly as he went to help Marco. Tom looked up and watched Marco struggle to take the toy away from Meteora, with her teeth dug in the stuffed fish.
“This is gonna end badly.” Tom thought. He really wanted to help Marco, but he didn’t want to risk getting bitten, knowing how painful it is by monster teeth, even at her age.
“Agh, don’t worry about me, I got this. Can you get out their baby food from the purple bag on the counter?” Marco said, still trying to fight with the baby. 
Tom got up and went to the kitchen where the bag was, this was obviously Eclipsa’s bag, it had little holes and Meteora might’ve chewed on it. He zipped the bag open and grabbed the little jar of mysterious looking dark pink food, it almost looked like a smoothie, which was making him hungry.  
Suddenly out of nowhere, Marco screams.
“Yup, definitely saw that coming.” Tom mumbled. 
He also saw a little grey spoon at the bottom of the bag, he grabbed that too, and put it on the counter. Suddenly Marco walked in the kitchen with Tom, scratches on his hands and one on his face. 
Marco sighed heavily, “Man.. finally that’s over.” He said, Marco walks to the fridge where Mariposa’s food is and grabs the applesauce. 
“Dude, Meteora’s food looks like a smoothie kinda.” Tom joked. 
“A watered down raspberry smoothie.” Marco replied.
Tom was definitely not expecting that response, He stared at Marco for a few seconds and blinked a few times. Did he really eat her baby food before?
Marco places the applesauce on the counter. “Don’t look at me like that, it’s not like you haven’t done that before.” Marco said.
Was he serious?
“I haven’t, actually.” Tom replied.
“Hmm, I was really hungry okay? And it only a few bites.” He said, trying to explain himself.
“That’s probably why she doesn’t like you.” Tom thought. 
“Ya know, I would be mad too if you ate my food without telling me.” Tom said, crossing his arms.
“Tom, she’s a baby!” Marco said.
“And??” Tom responded.
Marco groaned, “ Can we move on from this? We gotta get the girls their food.”  He said.
Marco’s not liking this confrontation.
“Okay, fine.” Tom said. 
The boys go back into the living room where the girls were left, and just so happens, they were not there, nowhere to be found in the living room.
“What! Already?” Marco exclaims, grabbing the sides of his head. 
“It’s literally only been two minutes!” Tom said. 
Marco walks over to the couch and looks around the room again in panic. Tom follows behind him, putting his hand on his face. “Geez, two minutes too long I guess.” He said.
Marco turns around with fear in his eyes, “ This is ridiculous! How could’ve they already disappeared?” 
“Where would they even go?” Tom responded.
As soon as he asked that, a crashing sound came from upstairs. 
Marco’s jaw dropped, “How did they even get up there so quickly?” he said, running towards the stairs.
Tom was worried about this whole thing as Marco was, but was he as surprised? No. Those two together are almost invincible, Eclipsa has told many bizzare stories about her babysitting Mariposa and Meteora. 
The boys ran upstairs, they stopped to listen if they could hear where they could be. The sound of cooing and babbling from the second door on the left, Marco’s room, the door was wide open.
“Ugh! Of course they would be in my room!” Marco said, rushing towards the door.
Marco stops in front of the room, jaw dropped, his room was a disaster. Clothes were flooding the floors, his bedding was wadded up, papers were all over the place. He was speechless, all he could do was look around. How can two babies make this much of a mess? How did they even get into his room?
Tom followed behind, “Did you find them- ohh my god” He stopped to scan the room as well. 
“Yeah, you can say that.” Marco responded.
Marco tries his best to make a pathway so he could at least walk through the mess. He saw a pile of clothes move a bit, like someone was underneath it.  He grabbed a handful of clothes and pulled it away from the pile, Meteora was underneath it, holding a dark purple spoon. 
“Wait, that’s it?” Marco exclaimed, attempting to pick Meteora up. She immediately grows at him and pulls back.
“What’s it?” Tom asked, picking Mariposa up from another pile of clothes. 
Marco turns to Tom, “I guess she wanted this particular spoon that badly” He laughed.
Tom recognized that spoon, he also remembers Eclipsa saying that particular spoon was her favorite.
“Uh Marco? Didn’t Eclipsa say that Meteora wouldn’t eat anything without that spoon?” He said pointing to it.
“Uh yeah, now I do.” Marco responded. 
“Then why is it in your room?” Tom asked.
Marco froze for a moment, he looked at the spoon and back at Tom. “ I guess I must’ve put it in my bag instead of hers.” He said. 
“Marco this isn’t looking good for you.” Tom said.
“It was an accident I swear!” Marco said, once again, trying to explain himself.
It humored Tom that Marco was getting so defensive over this, he knew Marco had no intentions to seek revenge on a baby. 
“Also Tom, maybe you should come get Meteora, since ya know, she likes you more.” Marco said.
“Fair enough.”
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