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judgeanon · 6 years ago
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(art by geersart)
13 notes · View notes
angelofberlin2000 · 6 years ago
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Wake the fuck up, Instagram. We've got a puppy to pat. 🐶
239 notes · View notes
nikusenpai · 5 years ago
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This week I will be collaborating with various @TwitchCreative streamers to raise awareness to the recent Amazon Rainforest fire. Artwork can be anything inspired from the amazon itself, the wildlife, the restoration or anything related to the Amazon Streamers listed below will be advertising an official donation page not affiliated with themselves for those who would like to help restoration. https://www.amazonfrontlines.org/donate/brazil/ #SaveTheAmazon #AmazonFire Any and all artists & streamers are encouraged to take part! There will be a Group on DeviantArt where you can submit your Artwork to share after the event is over! Promotional Streamers taking part: Myself @syertse @pokurimio @geersart @eskimo_boi66 Twitter.com/momomischief https://www.instagram.com/p/B163eY2DS7L/?igshid=42ex3xez8w6u
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kvitravvn · 6 years ago
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by geersart
167 notes · View notes
artofreddit · 5 years ago
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Bad hair day, Me, Digital, 2020 posted by Reddit User: Geersart Visit artofreddit.com for more art #art
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supi-stuff · 5 years ago
0 notes
adamhhutchins · 6 years ago
The Crunchyroll Anime Awards are only on Twitch
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If there’s one thing Twitch loves almost as much as gaming, it’s anime. And also arguing about anime. That’s why we’re excited to announce that this year’s Crunchyroll Anime Awards are being exclusively streamed on Twitch. And this time, everyone is invited to co-stream the show with their communities.
The show airs live from San Francisco on Saturday, February 16 at 6pm PT. Tune in to see winners crowned in categories like Best Fight Scene, Best Director, Best Animation, Anime of the Year, and many more. You can even make predictions on who you think will win with the Crunchyroll Anime Awards 2019 Extension and rep your community on the leaderboard.
Co-Streaming the Show
The official broadcast will air on /crunchyroll, but many Twitch streamers will be co-streaming the awards and adding their commentary to the proceedings. If you haven’t tried co-streaming yet, it’s a great way to connect streamers and their communities around things they love besides what they normally stream. You can see a full list of streamers who have signed up to co-stream the Awards at the bottom of this post. And if you’re interested in having your channel listed below you can sign up here to be included on our next update.
If you want to learn more about how to co-stream, head on over to Twitch Creator Camp for more info.
Crunchyroll Anime Awards Extension
Knowing who wins each award is great, but correctly guessing who will win is even better. Especially when you can brag about it online. So don’t forget to try the Crunchyroll Anime Awards Extension when you watch the show. You can predict winners for every category and make sure whatever community you’re watching with gets represented on the leaderboard.
Crunchyroll is also offering a special prize for co-streamers who use the Extension. The co-streamers and their communities who guess correctly on each category during the Anime Awards will be entered to win up to 1,000 one-month Crunchyroll Premium memberships to be split among the voters.
Here’s the list of Twitch partners and affiliates who have indicated they’ll be streaming the show:
2HAWKSS * abrownbag * aiikab * aphroDJiac * aroebe * averagegamer * ayashuffles * behindyouhorror * blackoreanate * blessrng * blondie * candygrace * Catfu * ceydaen * chickenprism * chozoninpo * chunandrice * cmaccari * coastward * cojagamer * cooterz * cuddleofdeath * d3n7y * daisyflux * data_dave * duxativa * dyohb * emmywithlove * fightincowboy * floe * funkmastermp * geersart * girlhero * girlwithyellowspoon * gmart * goldensplit * grammar * grimghul * gronie7 * hoddang2 * iamthanh * iKasperr * imelissa * itskuupo * itswoofy * jagolewahar * jakeeyexe * jassy * jiso * jonahveil * kaoiji * kidarkness * kingbrisk2k * kingkoinz * kun0 * kw3nji * Lawler * liberto * littlevelma * lixy * lost_pause_ * luhback * m00sician * maquannas * maw3rick * mayogax * mekabear_ * melterv * mfaplay * mithrie * moritu_on * mrchowderclam * Munchnplay * myre * naal89 * naes * nanito * nikatine * nittmv * nuja * ofnao * otiozero * ozarutwitch * paulinhohmachado * pixelsontv * quuut3842 * raeyei * realmaddox * relliktheclown * rizeupgaming * ronclaude * rukifer * runwyld * rustynai1 * samgreenmedia * scf3 * seikachu * Sekapoko * seriousgaming * shenpai * shiabun * sirvenomik * skydieray * slapsticklogic * smirky * snugzmeow * soloman * spiderdjango * sukidingels * SuperJoe * supr3m3_85 * tacticalintern * tamyhro * thejohnburk * TheSleepyDwarf * thetravelinggamer * tietuesday * topgun * trihex * tyler3p * ueligium * umidah * Vaecon * valuxitax * vio * weshunthesun * whiskeyy * wolfdnc * workingchef * Wraithyn * xxshinobazuxx * yandreaya * yellowapple7 * yuuie * zerinagaming * zico39 * zigarot * zyka11
1kry * 1maddex1 * 1poseidon3 * 20xxrey * 2dxxloyal * 727_RoadRunna * abel_byrd * about40gudguy * acapulin2013 * ace_ofshadow * Ace_Wright * acebox * aced_us * adroppedbomb * advancedark * aeroshiva * AeroSMH * Afr0Tv * ag3n7_w1nd3x * agnamore * agreatbighug * aguabeuno * aguamyst * akaahri * akashi_mk2 * akilasltu * akkadiaan_ * ako1player * alantasdf * albi1985 * alexandra10122 * alihaiy1 * alkierek * alytreta * amaite * amatoryknight * ameliabaee * amelzeee * aminhavidaembits * amossy_ * anamoura * anarionkayto * anatorline * andyoclock * anearnestginger * angelicvoice7 * angrybananas * angryslugproductions * animevagabond * annatheoreomaster * anozirafire * ant_tony_ * antapt301 * anubisp * aokiihiroto * aphrooturtle * apoxa * aprilsamurai * ArcanaFGC * ardemo * ardinan * areja * arkaanaa * Arthurthe1234 * arunise * asapmattattack * ashtastic71 * asianpowwaaa1 * ataristars * atiyana83 * atticustrash * auroradrag0n * autobodymanftw * aweclarity * awesomw557 * aylinntv * aymiecakes * ayu_osaki * aziz_hammamethd * aznanimedude * azorion_tv * azumic_tv * b00700 * babenohaze * baby_bus * baesdart * baesuki * baguettemanntv * bakusanjrpg * BalticFlame * bamringo * Bankzey * barcdawg * bardeeno * barlarkay * barnz_live * baronsolace * basedmama * batchii * batsouls * BCGiant * beardlessdwarf2 * BeastBeardtv * beefshake * beefykrazo * beefytatersplays * beethappy * BekyCat * bellrngr * benbeatsgame * benny8westside * beradbeevan * bertybert * big_nickyg92 * bigboss117pr * bigdonskillz * biggerjohn * bignoobert * bigsam_12 * biohazard2481 * blackenedangel5 * blackghost8942 * blacklotus99 * blainethepaintv * blakethenerd * blasterrtv * Bloody_legacyx * blopmaw * blu3flam318 * bocc * bochieboi * bojedi * borimakto * BornFreeTwitch * bosslady089 * botrltv * boxst * bpcasts * br0xton * braiannalfonzo * brainstv * BrainToolShow * bramblelyon * braui93 * breadthabutter * breakingbao * breeniya * breezethruyou * brionacdragon * brittanyleigh * brokeman21 * Bruhsiah * brunohikikomori * bryceistubing * btsoda * buffgardengnome * BukanasRita * bullvight_ * bundif * bunmetal * burgertamagotchi * burkie4 * buttrknifeninjaa * byteknights * c0nnie1337 * cadamari * calghoat * calrntv * canaira * canal_do_alli * candyclipz * capitv0 * captainsrirachatv * captinrouge * catnaps * catpeachgg * cavalamanca * caviryan * cdtheprodigy_ * cegrillou * celestialvee * celionarduzzi * cfggames * cganzvielezahlen * ch4s3 * chaosteo_ * ChaoticAvacado * charmanerd * chattatv * cheetahboy3000 * ChelzBZD * cherrilive * chibimiharu * chibiramen * chiblet_thief * chierri * chitaum * chloraform * chocolatethundertv * choneyman * chorzo * christheredbeard * chromedome_tv * ChubbsBots * chun_rhee * Chunadian * cinder_ash * circusan1mal * cl2en1 * clawshi * cloudi_tv * cloudookami * cmalxhisoka * cmdtshepard_ * coach_nathaniel * cobrao1 * colimann * colmity * comfey * computerchick * conan_live * connoreatspants * corrosivebullet * cosmelk * costadinov * Coughberg * cpt_hook23 * cptfusselboesewicht * crawlersxgrave * creepsters * crimsoncloudxist * crzcow * csleeper * Cursesu * cutie_shiny * cy9n * cyber_ex * cypherag * da_lolinger * daantheman * daddysteve * dadohay * daemoniumhd * daffodizzy * daftdragon * dagurrOfficial * daisuki1990 * damnjacquie * dancm * Dank840 * dannykobe3 * dapperdarius * darajh * daramk * dark2naruto * DarkBlueCow * darkocesare * darkslayer669 * darlnlala * dascrazybunny * dashxmagnum * datavase * daviscd * DazPlay1337 * dbfig * dc1gg * Dcjuggernaut * dckles_squirrel * deadachek * deadpool175 * deadpoolxweapon * deadxh * deckie * deefayy * deloria * demonaura * dendak19 * denidefdef_vr * denisphantom * denizlov * der_yugo * desire376 * determinedsloth * deVdfeenix * dexva * diego0212yt * digitaleratwitch * digitalwelt_original * digivee * discharg * disillusiontv * ditschtv * dj_free * DJClicheDarkness * djgonzo_05 * Djmm01 * djskdms * djsoboro * dngi * dobbytheblkelf * doc2812 * Dodg3rr * dojoseven * doktorreed * domino_scarlett * donarkie * DonSavage_ * dontsweattt * doodledrifter * doomsd4ys * dopepopefps * douguras * draqonette * drewmega * dring0369 * drkursic * drmedikit * DuckyDaDragonTamer * duhfishygod * dunb4gaming * e_mazing_experience * earthtoraymond * eather123 * ebenyme * einfach_nivan * einyokai * elabuelokraken * electroniclogic * eltacoboii * emasu * emilypink * emperor_zk * enfrchy * epell1 * eradikatex * eric2472005 * ericbangi * EROOBIN * esarc * estefanyop * estroth72 * etechman100 * eujuuno * evert0nchaves * eviltaiga * evozakira * ewolfblue * exlasdesign * exoticpenguin_420 * ezak931 * ezbreezylive * fabuggy * faderjockey1 * fail_mast3r * fatwabbitx * faust4712 * fayttt * FEAR_EPIDEMIC * fearsometurtle * featherinne * felixsoum * femetalalkemist * feuermoke * filamsj * filipim * findus * FinReally * firepolice69 * firstoni * fizziberry * fkflaviuskings * fkoalla * flakegriffn * flavouredblazed * fleeury * flipernoob * floxiiik * Fluffy_Kiwi101 * flurbee * flyamzim * focusjosh10 * fooli * Foolishbloodhunter * fooyung_ * forcexds * forgottenkingrade * fracer1 * freshprince_910 * frispen * froobish * frostND * frostyfrog * frz_yellow * furk80 * g4ntz3rtv * gabidesu * GaiaLancer * gameevida * gamehero * gameknights * gamenadian * gamer_insano * gamesonee * gamingemblem * gardoth64 * gaurav2567 * gavilion * gels * generationgabe * genjig * gensoncm * GentlemanMaj * ggankdt * ghostlywight * GibinatorGaming * gillbawk * girlgunner7 * GlitchinHard * gmsth * gohan200009 * goldenstroketv * golemplay * gonqueoficial * goodcharles * gravefire * grayboy98 * greyscalez * grietalatinatv * grinsgames * GrubbyLoot * gryphthingy * gspa * gulume2611 * gunsmith_cat * gyoor_ * hanguk_sama * hanle121 * haru_tachibana * hatlebee * hautaiin * havokzthename * hawkward_trent * hazedbunni * hdgamingghostlp_live * hdh2082221 * Heartlessorbit * hecktik1 * heethartheterrible * hellveingaming * hends * henrysantz * henrysneaky * herodantv * heroplayer19 * hessentovape * HettyPatel * hevgirl * heyimfoxie * heyitsmebuddha * hi_im_rav * hi_swan * hikaron_ * hilderzera * hiltzy * hinamori * hipdrew * HiTWOMAN69 * HokageLo * HomerAladdin * honyakusha * horuzi * hotohori_z * humanascension * hunnam6657 * huntertehgamer * hupsaiya * HusbandoGoddess * husky777 * hydrafx * i_r_chibikawaii * i_switchz * iamjonnylaw * icemaker32 * ickyy * icysuccess * idragonslayer818 * idreamofskyy * ifritking * iHateFLAWLESS * ihzzay * illerona * illicit_nights * ilmariexplorer * ilyavalentine * im_kywolfie * im_topp3r * ImDidja * imrumi * imsquishyy * imthenaysayer * ImTofuuu * incrediblemae * indeedee * infinatehope * infinity_biscuit * InitiaNova * instantsmile * instatune * invertid0 * irishay * iseepur3ice * istriker95i * itsmeapollog * itsmeshiggy * itssongrider * itsthegio * itstheugglife * itzallphaa * itzmac14 * itzzkrispy * ixKyuubii * iyokuu * izzy1775 * j_c_x_ * j0rt * jaanpu * jaipastrouvedepseudos * jairoglyphics_ * JamesReign * japanfm * japonawa * jardagonex * jasbran * jastikamoon * javel4life * javii510 * jayflyt * jayfromsandiego * jayjp * jazzyfreetv * jdernz * jeanpat * jeffreypesos * jellyd0ts * jennjennlive * jessedstreams * jetlifepilot * jeylaaa * jfoxyj * jgriff100 * jhoonroose * jjh0308 * jjjonesjr33 * jjongs2001 * jocksandwich * joefreshest * jogiejoey * johnnyrockoff * johnportillo * johnsonem1900 * jomojg * josephjoestar316 * josh_and_egg_roll * josh_the_choke * joshkupka * JourneyMTL * jpblink * jprprice * jrpg_zachary * jtl1e * juanchopr * juanrtech * juis * Just_Baki * JustinoKouhai * justnobodyhere * k31k * kaavale * KaelShisho * kagijpn * kainico * kalito66 * kaluripoeg * kanachou * kanyetwittee * karateromi * katenzor * kattstrike * kayoto_play * kazper * kbkingsize * kd2367 * KeannieReeves * kedrihan_ * keithdapperkombo * kelvinouteiro * kelvinwan * kerucchis * kevbotbeepboop * kevinmcolon * khaosgg * khayautik * kiddo146 * kiddreftv * Kielix * kikaedark * killacalikenny * killadelphia * killadisme * killglance * killshotkitty * kindheartedfriend * king_weeb * kingdanteal * kingkorial09 * Kingpin6100 * kingwashii * KingzVizion * kite_tales * kitsunegamereviews * kitsuragi * kitty_sinn * kitzelmich * kiwiliciouz * Kjackice * klassykylie * klaydn * knightrider956 * knubonic * koka95 * kooblikon * kotonesoul * kraoki * kratoscheky * kraziikilla * kriticalhitslive * kronetm * kryptic_ninja_ * krystal_Oborin * kudss * kurojin * kuvirus * Kyuriosity * lachri * ladycamisama * ladykahrlie * ladykaylee * lameduckg * lancextreme * Lastingmadness * lasukma * lavidiki * lay_xe * lazztheman * ldiamondie * leapered69 * LEGENDVRY * legit_karnage * lemecaigri * leobeavs * leolins10 * letsklay * LevelOneUp * lewdylife * lghtnchasercws * liamnask * liberopr10 * lilbeannn * lilincat * lilvac * linkerz * lisajj_619 * lite_umbreon * literallyxsatan * littlecolt * littlemousevr * littleredlupa * lmdylan * lmsolo * locdupprod * loffter2 * lolinia * lolsmcfee * looping_wild_show_and_co * lord_skinner * lordac91 * lordlug * loudesporttv * lovelysweets * lovlyjade * lozernewb * lps_sycknation * lucidlzs * luckygvatv * Luckythevulpix * lucy_first * luigibros * lukeiswell * lukinhasdabig1 * lukpim * lumight * lunagore * lunattik15 * lunick * Lutzalec * lyndwurm * lyshamauricex3 * lz_phantomblade * mabasei * macaveli7113 * madvgmon * madysenpai * magnytewd * majestic_era * majinstephanie * majojolive * majorstinson * malrin_kr * manicslostcause * mansgamess * mapeli * maple_baddger * marcandre2894 * marcellusmenezes * mareeziscool * maria_kat * mariopertile * markanthonyaf * markeydeee * markhusd20 * marlinxmao * maroddity * martinhello * martyshack * maskedswan * master_of_chaos * masterpink_ * mastersamii * matlechat * mattalbum_ * mattbytheway * maveric408 * maverick8308 * max_einfallslos * maxou556 * mayrim_ * MDee14 * megilino * mekkanixx * melteoc * memorystack * meowko * meraktv * metalicat206 * metatropes * metrokenshin * mezzafgc * midogeek * mikeogame * mikkimarvel * miniblaze * mirageiw * mirronsenpai * miss_bm * miss_chezza * missdjm * misssnore * mistrbluesky * mitchdoosh * mkultrakill * mkyorim * mmkprospects * modtv1337 * mogeniord * monkeynico * montug * moodshrono * moodystreams * moonbutterfly * moonlight8 * Moontype * most2k * mostcreativename3 * motaxuni * mothxwings * motokogames * mouthywench * Mr__G35 * mr_sw33ts_419 * mrbuffgaming * mrdeathxc69 * mrkrypticvirus * mrkslu * mrwaffleszzzz * MrYettah * ms_gaming16 * msbamba * MsDirtyBird98 * msemvp * msmewmew * msrag3r * mstjones87 * mtg_lexicon * musashii974 * MusicOffbeatTV * mustachenerd * mw_king * mwpxnightsky * mysticalgamer79 * mysticblaster * MysticLeeeroy * mysticmousegaming * mzfrostbite * nacholibre94 * nadedaxx8 * nanaroman * nancyvandal * nanmeira * naraxas866 * naru_sensei * narujen * natoegamer * nattadash * nazastainor * ndpokhd * nebelfuss * nekochxan * nekusasuneko * nepnuts * nerdmitherz * nerdralls * neurofourier * nezodam * ngt_mystery * nguyennguyen * nightlyght * nightmare6620 * ninamiru * ninetailshin * ninjastep13 * ninjatoine * njaa * Njagos * noblegamingpr * noctblooo * noerukoneko * noixgames * noobjawon * nordous_ * nortron_ * notduck * nothingbutgamez * notryant * nova_lmg * noy203 * nsajose * nukehands * nurse_leira * nwandy_ * nyanyarebellion * nysttren * oafkad * odysseywow * offdutyninja * officialkyanto * og1narz * ogmegbeast * ohheyybree * ohnonotagain * ojjjuj * oldtimer_kyoshii * onepunchromi * onjiary * onoderian * oogler1 * oohmz * oolongdong * opdelusion * orlexor * oshstreams * Osscarr * ostrichcrap * otaku_prince1 * otakugaming_yt * ouluh * overkill2016 * p1_Gamer * paijemonstre * pandalotgaming * pandasmasherx * pandeezblack * panpoleon * papadarius * papastephane * pappamullins * paranoidmelon * parfays2 * PastorJebediah * patbaer * pato_galstark * patosh * patschi23 * paulwerkema * PCLife * peacee * pedrogas * pelityy * perfy * peterchozen1 * peticoff * petster12 * phantom_blad3 * phantomthagod * phenomemtv * phosphosu * phtevenjohnsonxx * piadasemgrraca * picketfencekaratechop * pinkpanda_elle * pinoychan * pintarider * pixel_yuu * pixiedusty43 * pl3xtv * planktontv * playmoo666 * plobh * pocketpenny * poisoncurls * pokemanicx * pokgiandmh * polt3rgeiist * potatoe_monkey * potatotaytay * potterplayz19 * powerslight * preheet * prettypoison105 * prince0fsayians * prinny84 * prinnyshow * Prismalin * project_near * projectronin * projectt__ * properplay13 * Proutnies * psyberius_1 * PuffnPlayTV * PunchAHPack * punksmiles * puphachi * purrsephonekitten * pvradigmshift * qcklassiktv * qentizy * qgzero * qsie * quackclube * qualnkvala * quandonestgeek * quqco * ra_skippyd * rafaelrods * rager_rager * ragingnoodle94 * rainbowchi * rainekun * rainywolves * Rakkotsunami * Randm_Hero_ * ranmyakujouten * rarikii * RaveNecro * rawstarr * rawswagga * rax_tv * rayapollo * raydensinn * raythesamurai * realjayden * realwezzy * reaper_r0se * rebral * reconisawesome * reddsonn * redj350z * redline2022 * rednurd * refernocarnage * relevant007 * remenai * reoatokey * requipstar * retro_madness * retrowolfe * REVERSIHIDE * rexmuffin666 * rgs_kingsane * ricarfoxxxx * rick_gomes01 * ricky_spanish21 * rickybbe * rilkar_tv * ringoplay * rishiswaz * rithloky * rivers_008 * rizzletv * rockarchyTV * rograrocks * roistuper * rokouz * rolf_666 * romeo_lestath * ronaldinhodolol * ronit * rosestream * rperez9832 * rpgmookie * RsdAngelonfire * rtvswagger * ruinedcombat * rundenirun * Runitblacktk * rusel2 * RuSyxx * rutzo * ryakishou * ryanamercy * Ryanlemos4 * rynchan * saemi_says * sagecast * saifoxyl * saikoyg * sailepro * sailorplasma * sakuraleilani * saltny * saltynebby * samgamebox * samoanj_ * santyemaya * sarah_loopz * sarapyon1228 * sarko * savageblack_ * savvysilky * saydaqui * sayneeee * Sayon_Osu * sayuriin * schrodingerj17 * scotch_mist * scottylazer * scruffy_man * seiyoshin * sekutsuu * SenranRose * senseisam * serobaki * serpentpower * Sh1nySho3s * shaddowki * shaderose127 * shadow_doyler * shadow_gam1ng * shadowblasta * shadowkurama * shadowroninn * shaeman111 * sharkization * shawnnortonart * shazamd24 * shenbrood * shinigami420 * shinji_ * shinlives * shiyriu_amigo * shoteitv * shoux11 * showtimedr * shredmir * SillyandStrange * simon923 * simply_cj * simplyje2ns * sinagast * sinxrealize * siraussieman * sixxtysixx * skibskeet * skit3l * sky7934 * skylisette * skypanda2 * skyterrane21 * Slake_GER * sleepingwithpandas * slip_shock * sliverr2012 * slpdirewolf * sly30 * SlyFoxC * smasharina * smith0123 * smollandkoala * sneedgaming * snowbodyhere * soapdodger_ * soda4sama * solid_snake1982 * solomitte * somethingvuong * sonicplaystv * sono_kidd * sonofguns_ * soochubsta * sorafr_ * soraoblivian * souchi * soujiro89 * Soulhealer95 * southtownpro * Sparkywrecks * spartanviper201 * speedknight * spider22monkey * spiderbandit * Spike306_tv * spinwhiz * spoileritsucs * spotrise * squattinggamer * squeamish_cactus * squiishymoon * ssozung * stane4m * star_x_ta * starglowy * starkstriderv2 * startingfrom0 * stealth1192 * stealthydirgaming * steampunkgears * steampunkphoenix * steelewolf * stephkatara * stevedel * stevenlei * stickmanrules5 * stolas_nova * straightouttatokyo * stranger26 * streamaq * streambutterfly * stxtw * stylezx_ * sugarbubblesgaming * sugoisamurai * suicidestarr * supergamegeek * supergamer2011 * Superhappyandgaming * susinagi * sweetmayushii * sweetteapaul * symphoniaTV * t0mcatg * t4yn * t8tumz * tacoyakigaming * tattoomann * taug323 * taw_pain * tawilliams_12 * taydarling * tayz_ssjg * teamdoubled * teamrico * teawithmandy * teekthegamer * tefabeba * tehbadcanadian * Templar224 * tenente_rojo_ * tenshisusanoo * tercla * terrian_jones12 * tevinbarksdale * texg4real * tgykofficial * th3_crane * Th3DyslexicBear * Thatkawaiiguy_ * thatkennyguygames * Thazuya * the_arena * the_novacore * the_over_pro_gamer * the_pengwin * the_skarm_ * theangryginger * theanimepandatwitch * theawkwardgamers * thebeardsage * thebigdadshow * thecataclysm_ * thecoplacetogo * thedecalcaptain * TheEpiicHuman * thefactions * thefamous * thefrogisdead * thegamergirls3 * thegaminginfluence * thegoldenfighter * theinoobproject * theinsanity * thejoyqc * thekidcage * themartonfi1228 * themeowz143 * thenavidude * thepeachcobbler_ * ThePeoplesPineapple * thereal_shogun * therealhilf * theretrogamerroom * thesamd * thetokezen * theweekendgamerjnutt12 * theweenyboyz * theyoungmoneysniper * thggames1 * thiagosannches * thickfillet * Thiefexe * thisisjorgo * thomquist * thor_man * tier1waifu * TiltedTrojan * timmytotems * tluv_ * toastttmalone * toastydawgz * tobi_stalker * toby2k * toffifel * tohka_aryani * tommuah * Tommythedwarfz * toxa_blackrock * transformersblackops * transientx * trevoni * tridern1335 * trintek_ * triplechintyler * troyfu7 * truepine * truevoltage * trystocks * tsukimara * tsukimeplays * ttvquk1ll3r * tuckertv * tuglow * turos_kensei * tv_modern * tw_arizonablack * twilitfall * twinsfireandice * twistersanches * twitchstormtv * txrich1 * tyzillion * uffebror * ultrarice * underwordking112 * UnevenPictures * unicorlol * uninterruptibleminds * unstoppablolive * uvsane * v0ltekze * vampireking * vapame * varial_reality * vasto7 * vattgh3rn * veloxusgaming * venum_tv_ * vieo * viinicky * vikingduckie * vinsonte * VintageGamerChic * viralrespawn * vixierose * vixle90 * vllthia * vulpeslive * wa_ll_e * WafticLIVE * walead_ * walleshow * wave_asakura * wavvy__x * waynesworldx3 * wazerbrazer * weeknighthero * weiward * WekizZ * wesnasty * whiiteemilk * whoolagan * whosjimianyway * wilddreamz * wilkszera * williefresco * winged_gear * wingman700 * winitallesports * wistawii * wolfborgg * wolfkiira * wrongo * wyanoqueen * wysocereal * xanohana * xbennjii * xcupcakemonsterx * xcurryfuryx * xdionyz * xeriail * xerxi_ * xFEARxFr0st * xiiisu * xingkazma * xjbunni * xjerryplays * xjonesylove * xKINGCITYx * xkoazuko * xmoonragex * xnakx * xresurr3ctedx * xsilver_devil * xxInvaderZim182x * xxl_otaku * xyamuchax * xyzmrsrampagezyx * xzelfie * yaboytwiz * yagyu88 * yankdawg24 * ycaverna * yellzworld * ymontv * yogithemaster * yokaiartist * yokaiplayz * yoker_nivek * yonkukaido * yooniebunnie * young_gucci_56 * youngvayu * youxisilverkin * yuikaichan * yyzzil * yzxlf * zabracus * zaddrs * zakac * zarkercompany * zboywonder * zeddiccus_ * zefiixtv * zepyrah * zertox80 * zickgametv * zidane_ * ziinichen * zocker_aka_maffay * ZoeBotNA * zombiebuttnugget * ztbgaming * zyrf1
The Crunchyroll Anime Awards are only on Twitch was originally published in Twitch Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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sycranet · 8 years ago
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Just a little fanart based on a tweet of GeersArt about his plan for the future. TL;DR : Getting jacked, getting a full sleve tatto made by Kim Jung Gi, go to Mars. Was fun to make, and like i said, gonna try to keep the comics artstyle.
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levoidart · 6 years ago
Content creators that refer to themselves as "Influencers" in all their marketing but then claim zero responsibility for hateful or toxic communities they foster are either being disingenuous or naive. Your responsibility is right there in the job title.
— Darren Lim Geers (@GeersArt) March 29, 2019
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macghriogair-gaming · 6 years ago
— ⚔️ MacGhriogair ⚔️ (@_MacGhriogair_) February 7, 2019
via Twitter https://twitter.com/_MacGhriogair_
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officialbigbuckhunter · 8 years ago
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@geersart has the stance of a champ. #watch #learn . . . #repost @chasmarett #bigbuckhunter #bigbuckhd #bigbuckhunter #bigbuckhunterpro #bigbuckpro #videogames #videogamesallday #videogamer #arcadegames #arcade #instagamer #gamedesign #classicgame #classicgames #eugenejarvis #playgames #play #rawthrills #games #georgepetro http://ift.tt/2pQJSa2
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yourdailyteedotcom · 8 years ago
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Shirt of the day for May 16, 2017: Entire Multiverse Collection found at Once Upon a Tee from $24.99
"Oh geez, Rick!" groaned Morty just to be shot down by Rick with a "Shut up, Morty! Show me what you got and get schwifty." and so they started again.
Other discoveries for May 16, 2017:
Design by Humans: 1st Edition Geersart Design ($24) ==== Shirtpunch: 
Can I Have My Boat ($10) I Shoot With My Mind, I Kill With My Heart ($10) Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole Bundle ($12) The Wind Through The Keyhole ($10) ==== Teefury: 
Lunar Fruit ($12) Shadow Fate ($12) ==== Tee Villain: Baaannanananana ($11)
#rickandmorty #rick #morty #schwifty #adultswim #onceuponatee
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merrikstryfe · 8 years ago
Welp... @jade519 wins the best birthday gift award. I present my @RollPlay characters by @GeersArt. Absolutely stunning! pic.twitter.com/de0D7B3j2B
— djWHEAT (@djWHEAT) May 13, 2017
Awwww! I love them all so much!
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deweicheng · 8 years ago
New emote for the @twitch sub done by @GeersArt such a talented http://artistpic.twitter.com/nmxAOhAYst
New emote for the @twitch sub done by @GeersArt such a talented artist http://pic.twitter.com/nmxAOhAYst
New emote for the @twitch sub done by @GeersArt such a talented http://artistpic.twitter.com/nmxAOhAYst syndicated from http://ift.tt/2kLI7rn
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st3althse7en · 8 years ago
New emote for the @twitch sub done by @GeersArt such a talented artist http://pic.twitter.com/nmxAOhAYst
— Demetrious Johnson (@MightyMouseUFC) April 20, 2017
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loydlockleed-blog · 8 years ago
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Animation for bttv/cheer emote. First Version only shows normal rotation and the 2nd one simulates some leg movement. Credits again to GeersArt for the original artwork
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