dearweirdme · 1 year
I don’t know how you tkkrs can watch this Live, listen to all that was said and still think that taekook are a couple because of 5seconds of eye contact and clear awkwardness because they didn’t know what to talk about. You claim that jikookers ignore Jimin being a 3rd wheel? What is there to ignore when people not only watch actions but also listen to what is being said? We literally find out that Jimin and Jk came back from the concert together and were eating chicken together when Tae started his Live. Jikook were eating together while Tae was eating by himself. What a great boyfriend Tae has. Also, Jimin showed up instead after Tae asked for Jk and at some point, Tae didn’t even know if Jk was going to come there or not.
Y’all watched this Vlive and concluded that it had to be taekook and Jimin was 3rd wheeling because according to y’all Jk was trying not to look at Tae’s thighs and because of 5seconds of awkward eye contact between TK cuz of the dead silence but u closed your ears to everything that was said? How do y’all explain Jk coming back from the concert with Jimin and eating with him while his “boyfriend” ate alone? How do y’all explain Jimin mentioning that Jk visits his hotel room 3 times a day and even comes at 1:50am and Jk not denying it but going on to say he does that because he gets lonely by himself? How do y’all explain Tae mentioning that he went to Jimin’s room and thought it was Jk’s because Jk answered the door? How do y’all explain Jimin giving Jk the side eye when taekook spoke about doing a song together which he didn’t know about? Did u ask yourself why Jimin would give Jk that look? Only Jk and not Tae? (A song we now know was never in the making cuz taekook were bluffing, the same way Jk bluffed about Tae giving him an expensive present). How do y’all explain Jimin talking to Tae about him and Jk like they are a unit and saying “We haven’t showered yet?” If you were Tae would u sit there and watch your friend talking about “we haven’t showered yet” while referring to himself and your boyfriend? You sit here asking how jokers can watch the live an still ship taekook, well maybe because unlike y’all, Jokers actually pay attention not only to what they think they see but also everything that comes out of the members mouths.
Now ask yourselves why on earth Jk will feel the need to visit another man’s room 3 times a day and even at 1am when he should be cuddling his “boyfriend”? Then he goes on to say it’s cuz he is lonely by himself. Why should someone whose boyfriend is right there feel lonely enough to visit another man’s hotel room that many times a day and even at ungodly hours of the night? Didn’t u hear this or are u going to call them liars again or say Jimin just said that so TK are not obvious?
Did you ask yourselves why on earth Jk will be in another man’s hotel room so much that even his “boyfriend” thought the other man’s room was Jk’s? Or are u once again going to call Tae a liar? Cuz from this two things were clear. Jk was in Jimin’s room alot and Tae didn’t know his own boyfriend’s hotel room.
Did you ask yourself why on earth Jimin would be bold enough to tell Tae that he and Tae’s boyfriend haven’t showered yet? Talking about them two like they are a unit? How utterly disrespectful will that be to Tae? And why on earth would Tae put up with such disrespect?
Unless y’all want to call Jimin, Tae and Jk liars you cannot honestly sit here asking why Jikookers still ship Jikook after that Vlive when you also ignored everything that was said during that live cuz nothing that was said could make anyone think taekook are the couple. Nothing!
Also, what kind of horny freaks do you think taekook are who according to y’all can’t keep their eyes away from each other’s thighs? If tk have been together for as long as y’all claim don’t you think they’ll atleast be able to control themselves infront if the cameras? It’s funny how how y’all continue to read into things forgetting that so many factors could come into play which will explain why that Live was so awkward and why there was what you think was sexual tension with Taekook. Jk is a good friend to Tae and all the other members and at that particular time he paid attention to Tae who called him cuz he needed him. That is what friends do people it has absolutely nothing to do with Jk wanting Tae or vice versa. If Jk wanted Tae as much as y’all think he would’nt have been spending every waking moment in another man’s hotel room. If he wanted Tae, he wouldn’t leave his “boyfriend” alone at 1:50 am to go knock on another man’s hotel room door. If he wanted Tae, he won’t be doing Lives at 8am in the morning insisting to go to another man’s house and shower there, talking about it normally like it something they do all the time. If Jk wanted Tae, he wouldn’t have been hanging out on most nights with Jimin and even stopping Jimin from going to Join Tae’s Lives. If he wanted Tae, he wouldn’t do all the things he does with Jimin (which y’all ignore or find ways to explain away ) cuz that will be straight disrespectful towards Tae. Y’all don’t have the sense to look logically into your own delusions but u want to point fingers at other shippers? Lol. If you want to atleast sound logical, analyze the entire situation and not what suits ur narrative. Don’t pay attention to eye contact and what u think is tension between taekook while clearly ignoring all that was said in the same Live, well not unless ofcourse you think all Taekook and Jimin spend their time doing is lying to fans to “hide” Taekook’s relationship or not look too obvious cuz if u listened to all that they said during the live and even the way everything unfolded, there’s absolutely no way u’ll get out of there thinking Taekook is the couple cuz of eye contact lol.
Some of y’all clearly haven’t been in relationships and have very little life experiences and it shows in the way you view the world and people in it. For y’all Harry Styles concert was a huge moment and was very telling about Taekook cuz they held each other’s hands and leaned into each other while singing. “Such couple behaviour”! Sure! Because taekook are a couple who are out and about and can freely do pda so comfortably without worrying about being outed. Let’s also completely ignore Jk’s painfully shy personality and think that he wouldn’t at all feel a lil uneasy or uncomfortable leaning into his gay partner and holding hands while singing at a concert. Y’all are funny for real. You continue to look at TK with the same lenses you’ll look at a normal couple forgetting that there is absolutely nothing normal about two members of the biggest boy band in the world dating each other, hence u cannot expect normal couple behaviour from then in all settings.
While what convinces you about TK is how natural and comfortable their skinship and touches look and feel, that is what convinces me that there is now way they are a couple. You know why? In their circumstances expecting that level of comfort is extremely unrealistic. There should be panic, hesistance, uneasiness. A clear concience fears no accusations. Taekook can be as touchy feely with each other as they please and you wouldn’t sense any sort of discomfort or uneasiness because those two have nothing to hide. They do not overthink when they are touchy with each other or are glued to each other more than platonic friends should be because there simply is nothing to hide in their relationship.
You think Taekook are the couple because of how u see Taekook interact with each other even when Jimin is right there or when it’s just three of them. Well that is exactly what u should expect when 2 are dating and among 3 friends and they are a couple who are not out and about. The ones who are just friends will have smoother and closer looking interaction than the ones who are dating because they ones who are dating know they have something to hide so they’ll try to hard to be as no challant with each other (or atleast one of them would) so as not to give too much away. The friends who have nothing to hide can be as touchy feely with each other or as glued to each other as they like cuz they have no skeletons in their cupboards.
Did you ever ask yourselves why it only seems that Taekook were usually more glued to each other only in public or infront of the cameras while Jikook seemed to always be together when the cameras were not rolling? How many times has Tae gone Live and mentioned that Jikook were together at ungodly hours of the night? How many times has Hobi mentioned eating with Jikook or being with Jikook during his lives? How many times have the other members mentioned doing something with Jikook as a unit? How many times has even Jk himself in his Lives (B4 chapter two) mentioned either being with Jimin or eating with him or doing something with with him? Yet y’all ignore all these and want to point fingers at jokers for continuing to ship Jikook? Lol. Truth is, no one knows who the real couple is (if at all there is one) but y’all should stop acting like y’all don’t only pay attention to the narratives that suit u.
Anon, your lack of knowledge about Tae and Jk is shining through like nothing else. Come back when you’ve actually looked at tkk footage, or just general footage of BTS, because this is really showing that you have only ever looked at Jkk material and Jkk blogs. I don’t really even care if you start believing in Tae and Jk as a couple.. but even neutrals know that Tae and Jk have very obviously not been shown together much and think they are just awkward (also not true). Seriously, don’t talk about comparing ships when you only have one side of the story.
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ottarine · 5 months
*Hakuba calls Kaito:*
Kaito: *picks up* What is it Hakuba?
Hakuba: ....... *tap...tap tap*
Kaito: Hakuba.. I can't hear your voice
Hakuba: *tap...tap...tap tap*
Kaito: (Wait is it a .. morse code? but it doesn't sound like it)
*lowering his voice*
Hakuba can't you speak? are you in danger?
if yes, please tap 2 times
Hakuba: *hearing Kaito's voice from afar*
Kuroba WTF? I'm okay.. did you just pick lock my d-- WATSON?? OMG please stop messing with my phone!
Kaito: how can your chicken made a phone call to me!?
Hakuba: I left my phone with a screen on showing our conversation in discord. He probably stepped on the call button.
Kaito: Geeezz... If you miss me you can just call my directly. I can't believe your chicken did better than you.
Hakuba: *definitely blushing*
He's a falcon, Kuroba
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citadelsanchez · 2 years
If you'd like too, Rick with an s/o that collects cute things! Like they fawn over cute plush toys and threatens people that try to touch them without permission?
The cutest prompt! Sorry it's a bit short. This is also the first time I've put Rick in a real world setting but it felt fitting for this one. Hope you like!
(Also side note: 'bbs' plushes aren't real, I made em up lol)
"It's not funny, Rick." You glare at the elder man, your eyes glowing in a burning fury.
His cheeks puff as he starts to snicker before he turns his body away from you to shake with laughter without being seen.
"I CAN LITERALLY HEAR YOU LAUGHING" you say, giving up and stalking out of the kitchen you were both standing in and back to your shared bedroom. Well, technically, your bedroom but Rick might as well have lived there too.
"Boooo, y-you're no fun at all" you hear him say, trailing behind you slowly.
Earlier, you had walked into the Smith's living room to find the absolute horror of Rick dangling two of your BBS plushes in his hands in front of Morty and Summer, giving them exaggerated voices. "I'm M-Mrs. Lumpy Fuckins and my owner Y/N won't brush my hairrrr." This was met with laughter by Summer and an uncomfortable "geeezz" from Morty.
You stood at the doorway with your mouth agape in shock before Rick made eye contact and immediately dropped them onto the couch. You had turned on your heel and locked yourself in his room for a while, giving him the silent treatment even after he portaled inside and prodded you to talk to him, with still no apology in sight in true Rick fashion. And he was clearly still amused from his inability to take you seriously.
"You're no fun for mocking something I love" you scoff, plopping onto the bed and turning away from him once more.
"D-don't be a sourpuss, I was just showing them your interests a-a-and being comedic in the process," Rick says, almost sounding remorseful before reverting back into his righteousness. He sits on the bed now, holding your gaze with a frustrated facial expression.
"Oooh yeah, so funny when I've TOLD you not to touch any of them. I have them arranged the way I want and you can't even respect me enough to leave it be. Don't you remember when Summer wandered in here like two weeks ago on accident and picked up Benji and Phoenix and I yelled at her without realizing?"
"B-because those are the m-most rare ones you have?" He asked and you were slightly surprised that he remembered. It symbolizes that at least on some level, he actually listened to you.
"Yes" you respond weakly, still feeling embarrassed about the entire situation but unwavering on your annoyed outlook.
"O-okay, come with me" Rick belches out, pulling his portal gun out to shoot a green swirl and unexpectedly dragging your hand with him through it.
You go to cuss him but stop when you realize that you're in a strange setting. Very familiar to you but not anything you were expecting from the portal gun. You were surrounded by neon lights on red walls and people pushing carts in all directions.
"Rick... why are we in Target?"
He sighed. "You'll s-see, just follow me."
You furrowed your brows in confusion but didn't hesitate to walk behind him. You know that he hates being in stores- especially ones like Target where there's an excess of ignorant human beings and overstimulating lights and noises. You could practically feel his skin crawling. And you'd hold his hand in comfort but you know that he's not a fan of PDA from previous experiences of your attempts at affection with him around others.
He leads you into the toy section and down an aisle when you see it. Pompa, the newest lion BBS plush that came out a few days ago, which you weren't aware of and only had dealing with Rick's antics constantly to blame.
Rick picked one off of the shelf and petted its head. "It is, uh, kinda c-cute I guess," he says before placing it in your arms instead. "I-I shouldn't have fucked with your plushes earlier, s-so have this as your reward for dEALLing with me," Rick burps out, standing a little sheepishly.
You reach up to engulf him in a hug. "How'd you know about this being released?"
"Just you know, a-ads and shit," he murmured.
You smiled warmly at the gesture and the kind hearted deep down Rick you know. "Apology accepted."
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celenequinn · 6 months
S3:08 TBB Thoughts
Oh how I love "cool down" episodes. Juts a few things. -minor spoilers-
They gave Omega a new costume peice. Ah! So happy for her, she is a teenage girl finally able to concive a style for herself. She's been in unforms or living out a ship her whole life and she now has a home base. And other girls her age! (which i hope they show those sweethearts again). I just don't know how anyone could hate her.
Wrecker and Hunter in Louisiana. Like their own fan boats (ok who came up with skimmers with a pod-race engine on the back I love it). Complete with gators. Also the fact that Hunter is the impulsive one now speak volumes about his character journey.
Great fight scene. WISH THAT I COULD SEE IT! That whole thing was too damn dark lighting wise to see a damn thing. Geeezz
Also meditaion, SWs is always a fan of it.
Great episodes cant wait for the later half of the season.
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photozoi · 2 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Unauthorized kibble inspection...
Tumblr media
"Geeezz, I wuz only lookin'!"
Mr the Mung Bean comforts himself with a chew toy after being discovered with his head in the kibble bag.
Silken Windhound
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ireallydohateyou2 · 3 months
geeezz,... dan is Reallyyy on one this week
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4evernerdyy · 8 months
I haven't written in so long. Oh so long. Writing is how I release so much. So, here I am.
I want to write again, and I'm going to. But first, I'm going to trauma dump some situations from the past decade. My mind needs fully cleared and refreshed.
The last time I was on Tumblr, my husband's ex made one right after me. I had tweeted about what blogging site was everyone's favorite, and Kristen Rose directed me to Tumblr.
Everyone who has ever known me knows, I have always loved reading and writing. I read Great Expectations FOR FUN at the age of 16 one summer on my papaw's porch. All my life growing up, I wanted to be an editor or photographer, but my family pressured me to try the medical field.
HEAR ME WHEN I SAY- I didn't get on Tumblr just because my husband's ex use to have one and then made one when I did. Do you know what "narc" it is to assume everything is about YOU? Take a look at me and my life- I've always been a reader and a writer, but I guess one can hope they're that significant to someone. Ha.
One thing an ex should probably realize and get over is that a man probably has an interest in two women because they most likely have SOMETHING in common- especially style. Food for thought, aka a commonsense course to begin the meal. Geeezz.
But that's just it- blogging and using Tumblr became a warzone. Idc what the ex says- she was in competition. I would get anon posts all the time degrading me to no end. I actually still have the emails where she sent me messages on Tumblr as herself when we first got together. No ex that sent me messages telling me how she felt about me and "her man" getting together is going to tell me she was never jealous. No "woman" that has ever messaged me and said "you don't know him like I do" is going to tell me she didn't feel some type of way about me. WHATEVER. Commonsense.
On top of the messages I was receiving, she was also writing blogs about me or degrading me on Facebook with memes and statuses (all of which I still have) that she didn't want to come out and directly act upon, so she thus deceives the masses with passive aggressiveness that she can manipulate. Like, how are you going to write blogs about a man's dick, write blogs about his new woman and her "childhood life", write that a woman has STDs that ajax can't wipe off, write blog after blog about someone and then call yourself a victim? I just can't. She acted like she had the right to say and do whatever tf she wanted just because he "cheated on her with me". Which, back to common sense, he "cheated" but homegirl wasn't upset, mad, or jealous to have started any kind of her own shit? SURE.
She also tried to write blogs about what a whore she thought I was since she tried telling everyone we had an affair to make herself an even bigger victim. He didn't cheat on her with me, but I'm telling you what- ask me today if I'd care if he had. Most of the people that would be judging me for that probably has 3 kids, a husband, a boyfriend, an OnlyFans, AND a Sugar Daddy to boot. But, anyway, according to her, he cheated, and she felt nothing. She's above that, I reckon.
She calls herself a victim because I was exposing her lies and wasn't nice about it. She probably shouldn't have been writing blogs about me. That's how that works. Especially lying about me in her blog. Yeah, sis. I corrected you. Called you a few names while I did it. What of it? She's grown. She acted how she acted. She talks about Karma all the time and how people get what they deserve while complaining all the time. Maybe she got what was lined up for her... Maybe she should consider that. Maybe all of this she's such a "victim to" she brought upon herself but the narc can't admit it.
Cause see, she's so narcistic and full of herself, she admits to nothing. No hand in any of it. She's just a victim to me. She acts like she wasn't the reason I sat in a shower once crying for hours and self harming. But hey, she'll answer to that when she gets to the gates. She can lie and deny it all she wants, I would too. I wouldn't want to admit to myself I made someone do that.
For ten years now, she has been posting blogs, statuses, or memes to degrade me or get the public to join in. She doesn't get to decide if what she does hurts someone or not. I get to decide that for me. Despite what she tells herself and others, she has been one hell of an ugly human being to me. If she really wanted me to stop, all she had to do was stop herself. But she didn't. Still hasn't. She feeds off the attention she gets when she whines.
Like, you don't get to get in a comment section on Facebook and write that I was "caught" peeping in your windows stalking you when I was literally born with cataracts and think you're not getting a clapback? Who does that? Again, where is commonsense? AND IT'S A HEFTY LIE TO SPREAD ON SOMEONE for someone who considers herself an innocent victim. I can't see in anyone's windows, bitches. HAHAHA. Check my medical record. For years I wasn't even allowed to drive at night and literally only got enough right on my driver's eye exam to barely pass. WTF?!?! Like everyone who has known me since birth and been around me hasn't literally watched me stuggle my whole life. The only people who would even consider this would be people who don't know me. But that's the point- attack my rep as much as possible since I'm a business owner. Cause trying to say I threatened to rape her and trying to get me on the sex offenders list didn't work for her. (Her daddy might be sheriff, but I can afford a lawyer who filed conflict of interest ;) haha ) She's crying I tried to ruin her reputation and bring her down. You know, because I was so jealous my husband "cheated" on her with me, left her, sold his assets to do IVF with me after MARRYING me..... makes perfect sense. Yet, she is the one who tried to VICIOUSLY attack her ex's wife's reputation to the next level, not me. 1+1=2.
Cause that's just it, it is a LIE. Literally have the paperwork where she took me to court. Never once did she tell them I was peeping in her windows. She did try telling them that I drove by her place of work, stopped in the road revving my engine at her, and she had a panic attack so bad they called her an ambulance to the 911 center where she was a dispatcher. We were in court, the time to prove it, and she had no proof. No ambulance bill. No witnesses. No video coverage from the 911 center. Because I'd also be stupid enough to harass someone at a 911 center. Good gravy. HAHAHAHA.
Jealously is a literal basic emotion. Every human has felt it and still does. Why tf are people so stupid that they eat her Facebook posts up where she is like, "I have never been able to understand jealously. I am only ever nice to people." Yeah, that's what I'd say too. Haha.
And let's talk about that jealously- She claims I "copied her" in everything she does. I was listening to rock and punk music, reading books and writing, and dying my hair colors long before I knew she existed. As far as cars, my husband literally owned a white 06' Subaru STI from 2006-2022. He bought me one to match, a 15' Subaru WRX. Two weeks later she ordered one and told everyone I was copying her. Sis, we had HIS AND HERS. I had mine FIRST. Actually, I had TWO before she had ONE. Somone mad? My husband bought a 2016 grey Tacoma. Two weeks later she was on Facebook right next to one. The dealership was posting her new grey Tacoma buy. Literally have the timestamps to this day. Just ask me. I'd love to show you. Am I jealous of her house? A simple Google search will tell me she lives on a very small plot of land vs the 5 acers I live on. A simple Google search will tell me I paid $55,000 more for my home that has double the square footage of hers. Let's talk about the fact that through the ten years of all of this, she's also had an engagement ring she claimed was the same brand as mine, but her "Vera" was missing that blue stone.. ;) It looked just like mine, and definitely came AFTER mine since she got with the dude well after I was married. Then, when I got a new one to *not* match her, so did she. I got married in 2012 in a black wedding dress with colorful hair on a holiday. About a decade later, she got married in a black wedding dress with colorful hair on a holiday... Again, not only do I have pictures, but they're also timestamped. Actually, I'd love for anyone at all to slide up and ask me about all the things she did AFTER me that are timestamped. Cause, I'm just not buying that I was reading her blogs and watching her Pinterest and "beating her to it". HAHAHAHA. Sis, how did I beat you to a ring and black wedding dress if you weren't in a relationship when I got engaged and married a whole ass decade before you? INSANITY.
She would literally write endless blogs about how I was obsessed with her and wanted to be her. She claimed in her blogs that my husband didn't love me, that he was abusive to me, and that he stalked her. Then, she claimed I stalked her too because he was so obsessed. Writing all that makes her so innocent, doesn't it? I wanted to be like the woman my husband supposedly cheated on?? I'm smarter than that. Nah, sis. I think you wanted to be more like the woman your ex cheated on you with, sweetie. Commonsense creeping up on us again...
Unfathomable that she claims she did nothing to hurt us or try to split our relationship/marriage up.
And honestly, I feel sorry for her. She has continuously written about my "childhood" and how I "grew up", so I assume she won't be mad at me for doing the same. Her mother is awful. Was awful to her. I know for a fact she compared her to me. It isn't really me she's mad at. It's her mom. But, her mom has her so codependent/narcissistically wrapped and warped that she can't escape her... So, I get blamed. She throws all her pain and suffering from her mother at me because she is too cowardly to face the real issue. I wish I could tell her I am sorry her momma told her I was better than her. I'm sure it was her messed up way of deterring her daughter from someone she didn't want her dating. Or so she says, says her mother and father never wanted her with Steven because he had drug addicts in his family and was oh so toxic.
And that's another story to all this- My husband and her had a massively toxic relationship. I still have all her blogs where she's written about him and her other ex from that time period. I have the Facebook comments she leaves under things where she now talks about how both her HS relationships were oh so toxic but none of them were bad people, they just weren't compatible. HAHA. Let's talk more commonsense again..
And here's something she might want to remember while posting she can't understand how people get online and try to "expose" and degrade others- she use to write online about Steven's poor sick mommy and how she couldn't take care of her home.. while she was with Steven. However, it is only everyone else in the wrong when they do things.
So, a person only knew toxic relationships and none of it was them. They just happened to find their self in these situations? No. I'm going to have to guess that if a relationship before Steven was toxic, then a relationship with him turned toxic as the result of a person not knowing much about relationships since they just kept repeating toxic ones that they could write attention blogs and posts about... We've all had to hear about how the man she's oh so happily married to now even abused her. We've had to hear all about the shadow work they've had to get to this paradise she pretends she's in now. BUTTTTT I'd say that's the part no one wants to talk about.
And still to this day the poor thing is like, "I AM A VICTIM OF TRACI ROBERTS BROWNING!!!!!" Literally to anyone that will listen. All this time later, crying over her ex from HS and his wife... Suppose to be happily married, moved on, and healed. But still posting.
And here is what I need everyone to understand- I don't regret what I did nor am I sorry for it nor do I feel shame about any of that. I know what has been said and done to me and what I've walked through. I have no regrets for not bowing down. I don't regret calling anyone names. I don't regret being mean through a world of pain I was suffering. Because there is so much more not discussed here. I've only discussed what was written or said about me, and even then I only wrote such a tiny fraction of it. I don't regret anyting because no one is sorry for my pain. My pain is DENIED. Have you ever had someone go to their profile and change every single picture caption to why they're better than you? It's not fun. If I said something back that hurt someone's feelings, oh well. Because still to this day she lies about having ever hurt me or causing me to harm myself.
Still to this day she makes posts.
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justanotherhkfan · 1 year
What other games do you like (besides HKIA, the best game ever)?
ohh geeezz um... wow i really have to think about this one because i just. don't play anything else really? guitar hero's okay but i only ever watch people play it really. two of my friends got in a really heated... ??? over it. not really sure what it was? like they were acting like some sort of divorced couple but i mean they were fine by the end? they broke a million points on it or something though and got called the f slur by the game which was kind of funny considering
ok moving on i also really like hello kitty cafe. i know it's still hello kitty but, like my username says, im a hello kitty fan so you'll have to bear with me. i just really like the aesthetic of the game and the simple gameplay. also pixie hollow was pretty good before it shut down. i used to have an animal jam account too but my dad made me delete it because he told me only gay people play that game and he had a bet to win or something. note to self to ask him and mom about that later
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dearweirdme · 1 year
"In regards to Jimin and Jk's edges, I was pointing out that Jk doesn't like being babied. He likes being cared for, but he does not much like the pointing out of him being the youngest."
the thing is though, jimin doesn't baby jungkook that much, in fact, they baby each other rather equally and there's an abundance of proof for this.
"So if Hyungs (especially those close in age like Jimin) started to baby him, he did not like that. He must've been fickle at times about it I think."
that's exactly how their dynamic is, jk used to treat jimin like they're same age ever since they met, and jimin called him out tons of times on his lack of honorifics but always in a joking matter, never seriously enough for them to clash. jungkook still talks in banmal to jimin today and jimin finds no issue with it.
"Jimin likes being the older brother though, so I feel that clashed at times in the beginning. The rainy day situation to me points to a clashing in that area."
the rainy day fight happened because jimin tried to tell jungkook (and taehyung) to be better for their hyungs, to have a better attitude, which is something jk lacked in at the time, hence why the fight happened. jk himself admitted that he had a terrible attitude and his ego was hurt because he didn't like getting called out by jimin (who jk doesn't treat like a hyung like the rest) so he lashed out on him forgetting that jimin is older than him, so jimin got mad at him and left. and jk reflected on his actions, swallowed his pride because he cared more about jimin than his own hurt ego, apologized because he didn't wanna lose jimin.
"I think Tae and Jk had less of that, because Tae is less hung up on the hyung situation. Even though Jk might've not wanted to drop honorifics at first.. I feel their relationship started to level out sooner than Jimin and Jk's relationship."
taehyung and jungkook never clash because neither of them care enough to challenge the hierarchy in their dynamic. ever since debut they got along quick because they're the two youngest and they have similar personalities, hence the "we always get scolded together but we never fight", for them to fight their needs to be an emotional depth to their dynamic in the first place. taehyung tried to get jk to drop honorifics with him to make him more comfortable—during the period when they drifted apart—and feel closer to taehyung, but jk refused because he wanted to maintain the hierarchy in their dynamic, which makes you think why he didn't try to challenge it (if taekook are dating) like he did with jimin, who's the same age as taehyung and is supposedly just his hyung like the rest of them? jk fought for his right to drop honorifics with jimin (not in a literal sense cause jimin never really found an issue with it until jk started being rude to him) because he wanted to be jimin's equal in their relationship, that's why he gets to 'scold' him, etc. stuff that he wouldn't get to do if jimin's hyung card had any real weight to it. as opposed to him refusing to be perceived as taehyung's equal so he refused to drop honorifics with him even though taehyung asked him to. he wants taehyung to keep his hyung status. which taehyung actually uses sometimes to make jungkook do stuff for him, like cooking him breakfast (ITS2) or join him on IG live though jk was hesitant, just because "taehyung hyung will take full responsibility". it's evident that taehyung still treats jungkook as a dongsaeng.
not to mention, jungkook and taehyung have nothing to fight about because their bond possibly has no emotional depth or complexity, at least not to the extent tkkrs think they have. "taekook never fight" is not something to brag about because a couple is bound to fight, a couple will always clash about things, especially in the earliest stages of their relationship when they're still figuring out things. taekook hit it off right from the beginning with no issues whatsoever and neither of them tried to challenge the age hierarchy because their bond is a normal hyung-dongsaeng relationship. while jikook had to figure out how to get along with jk—the younger one—insisting to drop honorifics and challenging jimin—his hyung—to treat him as an equal, something partners with an age gap (even though jikook don't have a big age gap, it's just how hierarchy works in korea) would do to have a leveled out relationship with an equal power dynamic.
Hi anon!
Wow, this made me figure something out. You think the moments where Jimin is being a good Hyung are actually romantic moments between him and Jk. This literally hit me because of your ask. It makes so much sense, because the only one Jimin is a proper Hyung to is Jk. I think he also acts like Hyung to Tae a lot, but ofcourse those moments are being seen as friends caring for each other (which it also is) and not as Hyung/dongsaeng situation. So there’s no other member we see Jimin act as Hyung with and therefore we cannot actually compare. And without comparison, it is easy for you to say.. he only acts like this with Jk.. which is partly true… but not because it’s romantic, but because Jimin has no-one else to be hyung to.
Omg, you are really showing lack of knowledge here anon, basically about everything you talk about. What is it with the war-like situation you describe, ‘challenging’ ‘fighting to be equals’. You don’t fight to become equal, you just become equals because that is what your connection is like. Despite the age difference and the social standards and customs that comes with, Tae and Jk became equals naturally, because it felt that way. It is one thing to use age appropriate language, but the feelings of respect and equality are not dependent on language. Feelings come from within, and ignore boundaries set by language. It is for instance perfectly possible to adres someone with the proper words, and yet feel no respect at all for that person. Age is not a prerequisite for respect even though we are taught to be respectful to our elders. Feeling equal has nothing to do with age sett boundaries, it has to do with recognizing same values and feelings in the other. Everyone clings to the story of Jk refusing to drop honorifics with Tae in the beginning, but it is very clear (and shows in the ITS conversation) that that was only early on.
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Jk even specified that it applied to both Tae and Jimin. He saw them both as Hyungs early on. And I think, we are talking about really early on here.
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Things changed after that. And all of them got closer and with closeness and trust and knowledge about each other also came more informal use of language. I know Jikookers make a huge thing out of Jk talking banmal with Jimin, but when you go to neutral sources on how members communicate, all of them say the same thing: the younger ones (Tae, Jk, and Jimin) speak more informally to each other and all of them drop honorifics at times. It is not something Jk only does with Jimin, Jk is known to be the one who drops honorifics most often, with anyone. During BTS run mini field day he dropped the Hyung with Jin. During Yoongi’s show he clearly yelled ‘Yoongi’ several times. Now you could say it was for show, but still.. that should count for more because the insult would have been bigger. Compare it to Jk saying ‘Seo-joon hyung’ at the Dream premiere. Members are just that close that they know dropping honorifics at times (at the right times) won’t cause a problem.
Out of the three of them, Jimin is clearly the hyung. Always taking care of both Tae and Jk, always the more responsible one. I think you take those moments of Jimin acting like Hyung as romantic moments between Jimin and Jk.. and they are not. Jimin taking care of Tae is not that different from Jimin taking care of Jk.
that's exactly how their dynamic is, jk used to treat jimin like they're same age ever since they met, and jimin called him out tons of times on his lack of honorifics but always in a joking matter, never seriously enough for them to clash. jungkook still talks in banmal to jimin today and jimin finds no issue with it.
Yes, that is Jimin’s way of being a Hyung. Jimin is kind, he will not act harshly.. but he does call it out. And yes, I do think Jk started to treat both Jimin and Tae like they were the same age. They all became very close and with closeness comes more informal ways of interacting.
the rainy day fight happened because jimin tried to tell jungkook (and taehyung) to be better for their hyungs, to have a better attitude, which is something jk lacked in at the time, hence why the fight happened. jk himself admitted that he had a terrible attitude and his ego was hurt because he didn't like getting called out by jimin (who jk doesn't treat like a hyung like the rest) so he lashed out on him forgetting that jimin is older than him, so jimin got mad at him and left. and jk reflected on his actions, swallowed his pride because he cared more about jimin than his own hurt ego, apologized because he didn't wanna lose jimin.
“He lashed out on him forgetting that Jimin is older than him, so Jimin got mad at him and left”… exactly! This is similar to Tae and Jin’s argument, where Jimin also pointed out the ‘same goes for Jk’.
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It’s not about caring more about jimin than his own hurt ego (but that also is hopefully correct) it’s about Jk knowing he was in the wrong for lashing out at a Hyung.
Jimin is not the stereotypical serious scolding Hyung type, none of the members are. But he is Hyung and acted like it towards Tae and Jk. Less so these days ofcourse, since they are all matured and it truly is more equal between all of them.
Your lack of knowledge about Tae and Jk is astonishing really. I mean, I’ve had plenty of Jkkrs who can at least admit that Tae and Jk are close. That Tae helped Jk get out of his shell (hello, deep emotional connection) that Tae is a source of comfort for Jk and that Jk feels ar ease with him. You have clearly not looked at our side of the story, or you wouldn’t have made these statements. If you’re going to argue your case with me, you should at least know what you are talking about. You say there have been no arguments between Tae and Jk when there is clear footage of them having issues. You can find it easily, yet you are locked in your Jikook bubble and you’ve probably not ever looked at what Tkkrs believe. So please come back when you have, because right now you sound very… uneducated in BTS.
You make love sound like a war-zone anon. Fighting for equality, challenging hierarchy, that is not how it goes. You fall in love all those things don’t matter, because people with differences in age fall in love all the time.. and they do not struggle for equality and hierarchy because of age gaps between them. What kind of messed up situation is that?
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gruvu · 4 years
I will not be taking anymore commissioned for a bit due to remarkably getting a externship for my college which I have to put in 240 hrs (unpaid btw) by August 21st. I wish to simply focus on that. 
Those people I have arttrades with, do not fret I will finish my part for you. I just won’t be taking anymore arttrades either! Thank you for understanding and.. God help my soul
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citadelsanchez · 2 years
Hii. I took a pause from requests and wrote up a lil something that was inspired by me playing horror games. So, I now present a (gn) one shot with your bf Rick where you taunt him into playing Outlast to test his fear level. Also slightly seggsy material in the end?!? 👀
"AHHHH," you cried out in fear, dropping your controller on the floor for probably the 30th time tonight.
You were playing Outlast in honor of Halloween season but weren't sure how many more scares your heart could take. Especially at 10 pm with the lights off. Your blood pressure was through the roof.
You were seated on the Smith's couch, waiting for your blue haired stud of a boyfriend to finish up his project in the garage so you two could spend time together. You were thankful that Beth, Jerry, and Summer all had rooms that were far away enough to not hear your panicked wails.
"W-whatcha doing there, Y/N?" You hear a feeble voice call and turn to see Rick's grandson Morty, who you were close with, walk in and observe your frightened state.
"Just uh, playing some Outlast. I wish I could say those were someone else's screams," you mumble. He sits on the opposite end of the couch and watches in silence as you try and progress to the next objective in the game, tip toeing around the asylum while the hairs on your entire body stood up on edge.
"Y-you got it, you can hide i-in that locker," Morty whispers, careful not to break your tense position. You bite on your bottom lip as your heart thuds faster realizing you missed the locker in the game and kept running away from the monster that was chasing you.
"Boo." A voice pops out at the side of your face and you let out a bloodcurdling scream and put your hands over your face, the controller thudding to the ground loudly as it flew out of your hands.
You hear the laughter of none other than your one and only asshole lover, Rick. He's pointing at your now livid face and holding his stomach.
"O-oh man, Y/N that was fuckin-fucking perfect."
"Geeezz Rick, you didn't have to scare Y/N like that. W-w-what if they had an actual heart attack or s-something?" Morty says.
"Well unlike him, I could actually survive one so I guess he uses me as a torture subject," you snap, crossing your arms and glaring at his tall frame beside you.
Rick rolls his eyes. "Wh-whatever biitch. Anyway, now we can go have aloOONE time," he responds, lifting his flask to drink before extending his hand.
You shake your head. "Since I know that I can't warrant an apology out of you unless you were responsible for my actual death, I have a better idea."
He raises a brow at you and his lips curl into a frown. "Please do go on," he said in a flat tone.
"You're going to play it." You state nonchalantly.
"Why not?" You say with a mocking tone as you lean forward, "Are you scared?"
He still stares unblinkingly at you. "No, I've wiped my ass with scarier real monsters than in your s-stupid game."
"Then what's the harm, old man? Just a few minutes is all I'm asking. Or daring."
"Y-yeah come on Rick, you-you won't even be able to play it" Morty chimes in.
Rick pinches the bridge of his nose and groans, sitting down beside you. You hold out the controller, eyes twinkling with excitement as he snatches it from you. With Rick being vehemently stubborn in every way, it was somewhat rare that he gives in to your wishes like this.
"W-whatever will make you two sh-shut the fuck up quicker" he says, eyes adjusting to the screen.
You begin explaining how to play. "So, to hold the camcorder up and turn on nig-"
"I've heard of the game, I think I can figure it out" he interrupts and you put your hands up.
"Alright. Excuse me."
All three of you have your eyes glued to the TV as Rick navigates the character through different rooms. You glance over to see his tongue slightly out in concentration, which you'd have taken a picture of, but didn't want to ruin the moment. Morty has his hands over his face in anticipation.
Rick found the keycard for the next room and walked the character in as the music spiked in suspense. You realize that he hasn't said a single word since taking over, which was an indication that he was already on edge.
The screen went even darker as the new objective popped up on the screen.
Exit through the showers.
Rick leaned forward a bit, as the character walked through the darkness of the showers with his night vision camera.
A sinister, burly man suddenly appeared out of the shadows as the character was walking and began fast walking towards him.
The sound of the controller thumb sticks swerving to change direction was heard as Rick quickly led his character the other way.
Rick let out a nervous "uhh.." as another burly man appeared from the other direction as the player now realizes they're trapped and must find a quick escape.
The character starts running frantically for a couple of seconds before ultimately being jump scared and snatched up by one of the men.
"FUCKKKK" Rick exclaims, jumping back. He can't hide the anxiety as his chest heaves up and down.
The room was silent for a second before you started cackling. "Look at your dumb lil scared face, Sanchez. Wiped your ass with scarier monsters huh?"
Morty joins in on your laughter. "W-wow Rick, not such a tough guy anymore."
Rick turns to you fuming, staring into your eyes menacingly for a few seconds before whipping his portal gun out. He shoots a portal onto the floor underneath your seat on the couch and pushes you into it.
You have no time to react as you fall through, landing on a soft surface which you realize is Rick's bed.
The room is pitch black but you sense his presence still, before you hear the sound of his belt snapping off along with another mystery metal clanking.
You let out a small gasp and clutch a pillow to your chest. You were no stranger to what Rick justified as a suitable punishment for your taunting behavior. You feel a mix of arousal and shame build in your body.
"We'll see who keeps the dumb lil scared face." He snarls into your ear before pushing you backwards on the bed.
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gojosattoru · 3 years
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Yeeeeeeeaaaahh new theeeeeme!!! XDD It’s been a long time since i changed my theme so here it isssss to welcome our Kimetsu no Yaiba cuties new season!!! yeeeeeesssssssss!!! (i was doing this theme and i got hungry! like look at those donuts and croissants?? yuuuuuum!!) I’m so pumped for the new season gooosh seriously it will be so so sooo good!! I miss them!! (even tho we had the movie recently I still miss them hahah XD). I’ve made a Christmas Kimetsu no Yaiba too but I think it’s still too early to post XD So it will be in the end of November :D Hope you guys enjoy it and hope you all are doing well!! <3333 *hugs* love you!!
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caiusthecat · 4 years
hey, your ocs seem really cool and i can't wait to know more abt them! good luck!
Awww that's so sweet!!😭😭 Thank you so much for your kind words! Holy shit that really makes my day!
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emptywires · 6 years
Why am I still alive?
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Do i have to explain?
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swingingcrab · 2 years
Is it normal to have THIS MANY intrusive thoughts
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lukelibrary · 6 years
uhhhhhhh I have a crush on someone and it’s terrible.
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