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milky-rozen · 2 months ago
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I'm sorry, Geb, Rules are rules 🙌🏽
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axtssmnfr · 6 months ago
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Been drawing a lot lately but here are some older sketches of Nut, Mother of Stars, and Geb, Lord of Snakes, may They live forever and ever ☥
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buriedpentacles · 8 months ago
How it feels to worship Mother Nature
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Saw someone else do this with their deities so wanted to give it a go!
Might try writing something about my experiences and feelings of devotion as well - anybody else worship or work with an earth goddess? I'd love to hear about it!! 💚🪲🌱
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zolimarts · 8 months ago
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(Real) Day 5| Hapi, the god of the flooding of the Nile +extra; Anuket and Geb
That old Drawtober list bc I want continue it.
💧more of my art
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heavenascensiiondio · 7 months ago
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Drawn for the Libeccio JJBA Summer Big Bang 2024 as a companion piece for @schadenfredde's fic, "In Another World."
“You are the first man I wish I could have seen the face of.” “Maybe we could have been fighting for the same side. Never know." An alternate timeline where a teenage delinquent visiting Egypt on holiday encounters a blind thief. [Link.]
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dwellerinthelibrary · 1 year ago
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Nut-and-Geb scene from the side of the inner coffin of Gaoetsesjni, aka Gautsoshen, at the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden. It dates to the Third Intermediate Period.
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herosplatling-replica · 7 months ago
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it's week of rarepairs in RDL....... pass the polidega!!!!!
bonus image
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godsofhumanity · 1 year ago
[as kids] Geb, to Set: Apologize to Osiris. Now. Set: Sorry I called you stupid. I thought you already knew.
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akhret · 3 months ago
Offering Prayer to Geb
Geb, God of Earth, Lord of Life. I offer you my praise. My thanks are given for sheltering us, for allowing us to walk upon you. I give my offering of [libation, sharing a treat with him, leaving berries out for wildlife, watering the flowers, treating people with kindness] in your honor. Praise be to Geb! The father of the great ones!
-Raet / Akhret
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saul-tortellini · 2 years ago
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yoga-onion · 2 years ago
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Legends and myths about trees
Legendary tree deities (14)
Nut – Goddess of the sky & tree in Egyptian mythology
Nut the sky goddess was the most common tree goddess.  
A goddess, part woman, part tree on a 21st Dynasty cartonnage. This is a tree goddess. Usually the goddess is Nut or more rarely Hathor or Isis. The tree was usually the sycamore fig (though the word for sycamore, nht, was used as the general word for ‘tree’). Often the goddess is showing pouring out refreshing liquid into the hands of the deceased while their ba (in the form of a bird with human head) stands close by or flutters in the branches.
In ancient Egyptian mythology, Nut (pronounced “newt”) is the goddess of the sky and heavens. She was the daughter of Shu, god of the air, and his wife Tefnut, goddess of moisture and rainfall. Her brother and husband is Geb, god of the earth. It was believed that Geb's laughter created earthquakes and that he allowed crops to grow. When they were embracing, their father Shu forcibly pulled them apart and heaven and earth were separated. This myth is one of the most famous in Egyptian mythology, and the image of Shu standing over the lying Geb and supporting Nut is well known.
Nut became pregnant with five children and Ra, god of the sun, forbade her from giving birth during the official calendar year. The ancient Egyptian calendar consisted of only 360 days in a year, had 12 months of 30 days and 24 hours within those days. She asked for help from Thoth, god of the moon, scriptures, sciences, messenger and recorder of the deities, master of knowledge, and patron of scribes. It has been said that Thoth was secretly in love with Nut and didn’t hesitate when she asked for his assistance.
Thoth was able to play dice with the moon and granted Nut five extra calendar days in order for her to give birth to the five children: Osiris (god of the underworld), Isis (goddess of healing, magic), Seth (god of war, storms), Nephthys (goddess of the night, mourning), and Horus the Elder, the falcon-headed god. These children were not welcomed and were considered intruders in the divine community.
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伝説の樹木の神々 (14)
ヌート〜 エジプト神話に登場する天空と木の女神
第21王朝のカルトナージュに描かれた、女神のような、女性のような、樹木のような。これは木の女神である。女神は通常ヌート、まれにハトホルやイシスである。木は通常、スズカケノキ (エジプトイチジク) である (ただし、スズカケノキの単語 ‘nht’ は「木」の一般的な単語として使用されていた)。多くの場合、女神が故人の手に清涼な液体を注ぎ、その傍らにバー (人間��頭を持つ鳥) が立っているか、枝の中で羽ばたいている様子が描かれている。
トトは月とサイコロで勝負し、ヌートに5人の子供を産ませるために5日余分に暦日を与えることができた。その子供達がオシリス (冥界の神)、イシス (癒しと魔術の女神)、セス (戦争、嵐の神)、ネフティス (夜、哀悼の女神)、そして鷹の首をもつ長老ホルスである。しかし、これらの子どもたちは歓迎されず、神々の共同体への侵入者とみなされた。
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milky-rozen · 3 months ago
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I guess it was about time I gave Geb a proper makeover and a better artwork. Nothing extreme, just a few adjustments here and there, and a better Nemes. of course! What do you think of it?
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beatsforbrothels · 10 months ago
Earl Sweatshirt & The Alchemist - Geb
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zeusgow · 2 months ago
Sometimes i wish some pagan religions could come back. I feel like humans had way more respect for nature and the earth back when we had gods associated with the aspects of nature.
Ever since people became the center of all things, people think they can just use all the resources of the planet without a care in the world.
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sejoganofervo · 11 months ago
Acordar ao seu lado é como ser abraçado pela manhã pela própria felicidade. É despertar com um sorriso pronto nos lábios, sabendo que ao meu lado está alguém que enche seu coração de ternura e amor. Cada olhar trocado ao acordar é uma promessa de um dia cheio de carinho e cumplicidade, onde cada momento se torna mais especial simplesmente por estarmos juntos. É sentir o calor do afeto irradiando de cada gesto, cada toque, cada palavra sussurrada ao pé do ouvido. É o começo de um novo dia iluminado pela presença da pessoa que faz meu mundo mais completo.
- G.S
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ketrin1607 · 3 months ago
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I'm already pretty tired of the character Geb😅 Now I'm happy with his physique and his look, but here's the jaw… It should be heavy to emphasize his severity, but because of the beard and such a jaw shape, instead of an Egyptian, he looks more like a Chechen😬 Is not what I wanted. If I can't find another jaw shape that suits me, then I think this will be the final version. I need to come up with at least some concept that suits me, given the added influence of Geb on Seth in the script.
Geb will need more for some episodes and scenes than I originally planned, for example, for flashbacks to reveal the past Seth. So his previous design was no good at all. Outwardly, he should be a match for a powerful opponent Set. However, according to the original myth, the less powerful Horus was somehow able to win against Seth, but this will be at the expense of his other qualities, which Seth will not have.
According to the idea, Seth will take away by force, or rather in a fair fight, from Geb the power over the main city of Egypt, which will explain how the ambitious Geb voluntarily gave up power and how Seth ended up there. However, this fight is more likely to be needed to complete Seth's psychological confrontation with his father, Geb, than really to explain who and how came to power.
In the case of Geb, a small concept with ambrosia was invented. It is Geb, as the first of the gods of the "flora" (Osiris will be next), who will grow a plant whose fruits will cancel aging. This will work for both gods and humans-it will explain how Lilith was able to live with demons for so many centuries. By the way, it is because of these fruits that demons will penetrate into Eden after being exiled. No one wants to grow old, and the creator of the exiles certainly did not take care that they owned the seeds of these fruits. In the original Egyptian myth, there is no ambrosia, the gods aged, for a very long time, but they still aged. At the oldest of the gods, Ra, with old age, the skin began to turn into silver, bones into gold, and hair into lapis lazuli.
In my concept of history, it is problematic to implement this. I still can't decide whether to come up with a scientific or at least some evolutionary explanation for the powers of gods/angels and their longevity, or leave it as an assumption without explanation - a myth. But then one of the additions to the plot - the pairing of the divine - disappears, because in fact the gods will be omnipotent. In addition, due to the omnipotence of the characters, there will be no framework for their abilities, without these boundaries, although they will be more consistent with the myth, it will be very difficult to explain why they did so and not otherwise. If you start asking logical questions in the myth itself, the conditions of the world and the set characters of the characters will already collapse.
I'll take Milton's "Paradise Lost" as an example. According to his setting, angels, like Lucifer, could take on any shape. After his exile, Lucifer somehow inexplicably changed in appearance and his light darkened. Despite the poetic description of Lucifer's train of thought after his exile by the author, I will sum up the essence of his words - he whined that no one would recognize him as a glorified seraphim, since he was disfigured in appearance. Reading it, I wanted to say: "Man, you can take on your former appearance whenever you want!"🤦‍♀️ That's why I made angels in my setting almost like people, the only difference is in longevity, artificial "creation" and the presence of elemental force. The rest of the needs are the same.
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