#geah season 2 spoilers
ebenezerboozoo · 2 years
Haha OUCH! Man I was reaally hoping I’d like green eggs and ham season 2, I waited how long? Like two years? But I really can’t say I did like it.
Sure there were some really good parts! I really enjoyed E.B and Looka but aside from that it just? Didn’t captivate my attention the way season 1 did.
Season 2 is a whole different feel to Season 1 if that makes sense, and I’m sure some people adored that I know some people did, but it’s just not my thing.
Disappointed but that’s not gonna get me down, so what if I didn’t like season 2 right? I can always just rewatch season 1 again if I ever want to! :)
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aronair · 2 years
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An idiot
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thekatfuzz · 2 years
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Green Eggs and Ham season 2 spoilers without context
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tomfowlery · 3 years
The trailer for Netflix's Green Eggs and Ham Season 2, coming April 8, is out now!
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THIS BABY.......
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(I'm just gonna say this IS Sam and Guy's baby since the majority of the fandom ships the two boys anyway sjyhgrfsjdyrf)
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milo-igidk · 2 years
So I was thinking about this scene
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And I thought, since E.B's upset with him, and he doesn't like Pam, Sam must've been the one to braid up Guy
And that's really cute
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emiemi345 · 2 years
Green Eggs and Ham Season 1: Traveling with a funny animal and trying new things along the way!
Green Eggs and Ham Season 2: Political tension and racist propaganda
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molesamole · 2 years
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SO I took this screenshot of Sam from the sneak peak and edited the wedding ring Michelle and Guy have into him! Only reason he doesn’t have it in the actual show is because he forgot it at home (/j I wish it was true)
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pr1ncemax · 2 years
okay yes spn queer baited you
but did they queer bait u the way that green eggs and ham queer baited ?
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turned into: 
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tubbiegordito · 2 years
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Some E.B x Looka sketchs <3 REALLY LOVE THEM!!! 
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softiesamuel · 2 years
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Just more of Sam’s found fam supporting him
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dumbduckfan · 2 years
👖Dating (an idiot) Philip Trousers headcanons👖
A/n: Yeah I'm doing this...
Gonna do Pam-I-am next 😳 Btw, the reader is GN
Warning: Suggestive content
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- Oh boy.
- Too confident.
- Narcissistic.
- Narcissistic as hell.
- Don't be surprised with a thousand questions per minute saying "How's my hair?" or "Isn't my suit wrinkled?" And a lot more.
- He literally won't leave the house without making sure everything he wears looks phenomenal.
- He's a complete idiot, so you are a thinking person in this relationship.
- He's still a handsome idiot.
- With this man, there is no way that wherever you go you will not be fashionable.
- "Bye Phil, I'm leaving for a mission!"
"Not dressed like that you aren't (y/n)!"
* Literally 1 hour later *
"Yes Bitch slay!"
- Of course, he realizes that you have a need to wear other, more average clothes, and he will not judge.
- Nah, of course he will judge.
- It seems to me that despite the demanding work of a spy, Philip can find a lot of free time, which means that you don't have to wait for weeks to see him.
- Sometimes he is extremely flirty on missions, which usually leads to the need to take him to some private place (And u know). Even though work obliges, but whatever Philip wants, Philip gets. Even if the mission has to wait.
- Of course, he doesn't care how you cover the marks on your neck later. The only thing that worries him is the condition of his hairstyle or clothes.
- But be careful, sometimes when you flirt back he may not get it and the whole atmosphere goes to hell.
- Okay, hear me out. He doesn't like ANYONE but himself touching his hair. But there are exceptions when he wants you to get your fingers tangled in his lush hairstyle.
- Kisses... they just are. Usually, instead of short ones, he prefers long and passionate ones.
- *ahem* Make out sessions *ahem*
- Not a huggy type. It's just not his thing.
- But he won't hesitate to rest his arm on your hip or shoulder.
- In fact, he often has his hand on your hip.
- Kissing your hands all the time. ALL THE TIME.
- You know, you're his darling. You are his man/woman. He has to show that he is a gentleman.
- His best line: 'You're almost as handsome/ pretty as I am.'
- Okay, okay... he won't make you do anything, but I'm 100% sure that he would be more than willing to invite you to a bath together.
- Wine (or some fancy drinks), atmosphere, that's all he needs.
- Showing you off strangely often. I mean, he'll still talk about his looks, but he's proud to have you anyway.
- You calling him handsome is absolute music to his ears. Especially when you are alone.
- He's used to being called Phil by you. When you use Philip you are either angry or... in the mood.
- A fancy and exclusive restaurant is the best place for him to take you on a date.
- I have a feeling that he has a lot of complexes which he masks with self-compliments.
- You are kind of his mental support. Not that anything is wrong with his health, but even someone like him needs to talk sometimes.
- Maybe not often, but he can be delightfully clumsy.
- He's so ducking iconic so he can't be changed.
- When you talk to him, you must be clear and direct. Try to avoid metaphors.
"It will be a piece of cake"
"What cake?"
"So... no cake?"
- Due to his character, quarrels between you happen.
- He won't admit that easily if he did something wrong.
- In the end he'll say a short 'I'm sorry', of course violating his pride.
- He doesn't like to see when you're sad.
- I don't think he's particularly good at comforting, but he'll try for sure.
- In the early stages of a relationship, it will
be very awkward. Only with time does he come to it more confidently.
- She usually does it with a soft smile. He sees no reason why he should have a sad expression, for him that could only make it worse.
- He calls you by your name most of the time. He also uses 'Sugar' sometimes.
- Quietly judging people is the best you can do together. Standing to the side and mocking quietly won't hurt either.
- "Oh my, have you seen that dress?"
"At this point, I wish I could unsee it"
- Try to wake this man up I dare u.
- Either he just ignores you or he'll ask for a little moment.
- There's also a chance he'll pull you under the covers next to him, and you'll spend the next hour cuddling up to him.
- Showing off to you. Usually it doesn't lead to anything good.
- You literally have a notebook where you write down how many times you saved each other's ass.
- When there's a moment when he doesn't act selfish, enjoy it.
- Now watch your private spy in action. He loves to receive praise.
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pinwheelwhirl · 2 years
green eggs and ham s2 spoilers
i really enjoyed this season! which kind of surprised me because sam and guy have... so little interaction?? which was the best part of the first season?? but sam and his mom were so fun and guy and e.b. were SO GOOD so it worked for me
i don't love guy/michellee in general but i thought it was cute here. (how much time passed between season 1 and 2 that they got married anyway??) i think it worked for me because it's not actually a big focal point? like they focused way harder on guy & e.b.'s relationship and michellee is barely in the season at all, which sucks because i LIKE michellee but hmm.
i LOVE guy fully embracing e.b. as his kid, that was adorable. e.b. & looka?? were so cute?? i did NOT expect to like those two going into it but i was wrong, i liked them a lot!! looka's a lil sweetheart, i don't really care for his design but he's a fun guy
sam and pam. all of that was just so good. i don't even know what to say about it, it was just hhhhhh. chef's kiss.
i just feel a lil sad that sam & guy were separated for pretty much the whole season. but i loved seeing guy be so protective of sam, trying to protect him from getting his feelings hurt. good stuff right there
gluntz. my beloved. she's adorable and i would die for her. how dare she only get cameos in two episodes. the world needs more gluntz.
but it was a great season!! i enjoyed it a lot!
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A little mini GEAH theory:
I was just rewatching the new Green eggs and ham trailer and I have to say that EB's mom, Michelee looks kinda....rounder in that shot when she was talking to Guy? Like she seemed kinda...pregnant??
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She even says to him on the phone, "Are you sure you're ready for this papa?"
Well one can assume she's talking about Guy taking care of EB since she's with him and Sam on the adventure but it's best to assume that there's been some sort of time gap between the end of S1 and the epilogue where we set up the events for S2 and this one shot shows Guy wearing some sort of ring when he was hugging her,
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Soooo, yeah man they hooked up real quick and now Guy is becoming a family man with a adventurous kid and possibly another one on the way.
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samuel-am-i · 2 years
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Thought it would be fun to compile the age stages Pam, Sam, Philip and Bo went through in “You Only Mom Twice”. Sorry if I missed something.
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