#geah s2 spoilers
guy-eggs-and-sam · 2 years
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Watching episode 5 rn amd had a thought
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demico-art · 2 years
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One of the things I loved about Green Eggs and Ham S02, is how Guy is trying to be a good step dad, it’s not for show, or to win over Michellee as was the case in S01. It’s genuine now. Also, I really enjoy their family dynamics. It’s just a new dad and husband trying to provide for his family. There are no over the top declarations of love, no unnecessary heroics, just adults adulting. And it’s cute how EB is more comfortable with him <3
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ebenezerboozoo · 2 years
Haha OUCH! Man I was reaally hoping I’d like green eggs and ham season 2, I waited how long? Like two years? But I really can’t say I did like it.
Sure there were some really good parts! I really enjoyed E.B and Looka but aside from that it just? Didn’t captivate my attention the way season 1 did.
Season 2 is a whole different feel to Season 1 if that makes sense, and I’m sure some people adored that I know some people did, but it’s just not my thing.
Disappointed but that’s not gonna get me down, so what if I didn’t like season 2 right? I can always just rewatch season 1 again if I ever want to! :)
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rolanslide · 2 years
Okay normally I don't like love at first sight teen romance where they've known each other for like maximum a week but Looka/EB sparks joy. I don't know how to explain it
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thekatfuzz · 2 years
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Green Eggs and Ham season 2 spoilers without context
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milo-igidk · 2 years
So I was thinking about this scene
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And I thought, since E.B's upset with him, and he doesn't like Pam, Sam must've been the one to braid up Guy
And that's really cute
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molesamole · 2 years
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SO I took this screenshot of Sam from the sneak peak and edited the wedding ring Michelle and Guy have into him! Only reason he doesn’t have it in the actual show is because he forgot it at home (/j I wish it was true)
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pr1ncemax · 2 years
okay yes spn queer baited you
but did they queer bait u the way that green eggs and ham queer baited ?
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turned into: 
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A little mini GEAH theory:
I was just rewatching the new Green eggs and ham trailer and I have to say that EB's mom, Michelee looks kinda....rounder in that shot when she was talking to Guy? Like she seemed kinda...pregnant??
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She even says to him on the phone, "Are you sure you're ready for this papa?"
Well one can assume she's talking about Guy taking care of EB since she's with him and Sam on the adventure but it's best to assume that there's been some sort of time gap between the end of S1 and the epilogue where we set up the events for S2 and this one shot shows Guy wearing some sort of ring when he was hugging her,
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Soooo, yeah man they hooked up real quick and now Guy is becoming a family man with a adventurous kid and possibly another one on the way.
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baiddaid · 2 years
it would of been cool if Looka was a spy. Like every spy we see in season two we KNOW is a spy. It would of been neat if he was just pulling a persona to get intel for his father. Kind of like the shock of Sam being a conman in season one
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GEaH S2 fixed a problem I had with S1
As much as I enjoyed S1, I wasn’t a big fan of the Michellee and EB subplot compared to the main Sam and Guy plot. It wasn’t terrible, it just wasn’t that interesting and didn’t really connect that much to the main storyline; it felt like it was only there to give Guy a female partner since they were afraid to make him and Sam gay.
But in Season 2? They find a BRILLIANT way to tie Michellee and EB into the Butter Battle plot. 
The idea of EB forming a relationship with a boy that her stepdad disapproves of sounds really cliched on paper, right? Well, I LOVED the relationship between EB and Looka. I loved how they learned about Yook and Zook culture from each other, I loved the way they dramatically reveal to each other how they butter bread, and I love how Looka is an important factor in ending the butter war. The Butter Battle Book is one of my favorite Dr. Seuss books, and I love seeing its dramatic elements being explored in a deep and compelling way with the help of Looka. 
Also Sam finds Looka just as hot as EB does, which pretty much confirms he’s LGBT. 
Also, since a big part of Season 2 is Sam reuniting with his mother and her learning to reconnect to her long lost son, it makes sense that Sam’s briefcase buddy learning to be a parent himself would be an equally important subplot, even if it was weird how fast Michellee’s pregnancy was. I love the parallels between the I-Am’s and the Am-I’s, and how Guy and Michellee taught Pam a few lessons on parenting and vice versa.
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guy-eggs-and-sam · 2 years
Im? Kinda disappointed with this season. It wasnt necessarily anti climatic but it was extrenely predictable and even the big huge plot twist they were going for just didn't make any sense to me.
Pam wasn't actually going after Sam after all? But, why would she be assigned to kill sam in the first place? And why would sam need to be dead? Especially within a short manner of time.
And the main duo? They barely get any screen time together and when they do, theyre fighting because guy doesnt trust pam. Idk the story feels like they rushed to make it and it wasnt very satisfying to me
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night-fighter-x · 2 years
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Ok Netflix; GEAH was cute and all but how much (more) would it have costed to make them more doglike and give them all floofy tails hmmmm? 😑🤔😆
(Lol just kidding I understand that that probably would have killed their budget 😅👌🏽)
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Thought it would be fun to compile the age stages Pam, Sam, Philip and Bo went through in “You Only Mom Twice”. Sorry if I missed something.
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rolanslide · 2 years
GEAH Second Serving in summary
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hayleysstark · 2 years
Have you seen Green Eggs and Ham: The Second Serving yet? Would love to hear your thoughts on it, as I felt it was a bit of a mixed bag.
Funny you should ask, because I actually did get a chance to see the whole thing last weekend - which I didn't think I would! I thought for sure it would have to go on the back burner, since I volunteered to help a friend with their work on Saturday and had some guests over on Sunday, but apparently the human spirit surmounts all obstacles. The heart will always find a way LMAO
And "mixed bag" is exactly the way I would describe the new season, so kudos to you for hitting the nail on the head like that. I don't think I can truthfully say it was a bad season, because it really wasn't, but I also can't say it was a good one, either. It's just very firmly middle-of-the-road for me, and I think I'll just break down what I liked versus what I didn't, so I don't feel like I'm just opting out of giving you a final answer.
~ spoilers under the cut! ~
Pam-I-Am. Okay, this lady was just a total serve, and I loved pretty much everything about her. I'll talk a little more about her in the Negatives section, as I really dislike the direction (or lack of direction) to her character, but as her own person, I thought she was a fantastic addition to the cast, and I would love to see more of her.
Guy / Michellee. Okay, so I... did not like these two in the first season, mostly because I felt like the writers didn't really know what to do with them and their relationship, which left a lot of their interactions feeling stale and redundant - not to mention, Green Eggs and Ham is all about averting expectations at every possible opportunity, and this ship seemed the perfect way to sidestep the stereotypical romantic subplot for a powerful and impactful arc about knowing when to walk away from a relationship that isn't good for you, or isn’t working out for you - so I’ll admit that I’d braced myself for more of those repetitive, circular arguments we got in S1. But their relationship turned out to be a lot better than I expected, and now that they’re not being forced to follow the exact same beats throughout every single interaction with each other, their dynamic was much more interesting and fun! Love the casual domesticity they got going on.
EB / Looka. I’ll admit, I definitely had some reservations about these two when I saw the trailer and realized where it was headed - come on, guys, does the little girl really need a romantic storyline?? seriously?? she’s not even in sixth grade yet, for god’s sake - but it worked pretty well, didn’t disrespect her character too bad, and fit within the parameters of the narrative, so it gets a pass from me.
Looka. The running joke about his “soulful eyes” literally made the inclusion of his romantic arc with EB absolutely worth it. Also love that this kid regularly hangs out in forbidden places, does lots of casual breaking and entering, and tries his best to be cool and tough and edgy but also secretly has a room full of stuffed toys. Love that for him. 
Philip Trousers. I don’t have anything particularly profound or eloquent to say about this man. I just love him a lot. I would pay Netflix good money to make an entire spin-off series about this guy and his increasingly wacky spy adventures with his sworn nemesis, Pam-I-Am.
EB & Guy. Okay, but that whole scene where he patiently and lovingly makes her a plate of spaghetti, complete with a side salad, while chewing her out for sneaking off with Looka?? That’s exactly the kind of relationship I wanted for them in S1, and the sheer amount of dopamine that scene set off in me.... unparalleled. There were a few moments in their arc that hit a sour note with me, and I’ve definitely got some complaints about the way their relationship was handled (or... not handled, more accurately) throughout the season, but 99% of the time, I was totally along for the ride.
Michellee. The pregnancy arc did raise a lot of questions I did not particularly want to think about in regards to the Guy / Michellee relationship, but it was a great way to keep Michellee’s character relevant in S2, and it tied in nicely with the theme of motherhood - and, by extension, parenthood - that was so prevalent in this installment.
Worldbuilding & continuity. Lately, there’s been a real big trend of a sequel / second installment in a franchise that just completely retcons everything already established in the original (Trolls World Tour, i am looking disrespectfully) but the writers just built the S2 plot off the S1 plot instead of ignoring or rewriting huge chunks for the sake of the storyline. And the expansion of the universe was excellently executed, with a big dose of that Dr. Seuss whimsy.
Yookia & Zookia. Look, if I had a nickel for every goddamn time there’s a big bloody war between two factions with rampant misinformation on both sides only for the conflict to be miraculously avoided right at the end because it turns out the two factions aren’t so different after all and can actually get along... I’d be writing this from my villa in France with a glass of $1200 wine. It’s not necessarily a bad plot, it’s just that it’s been done to death, and frankly, I expected much more originality and creativity from this series.
Anticlimactic arcs. The writers did an amazing job with the tension between all the characters, particularly in the later episodes, and that sense of mounting pressure just steadily builds and builds and builds throughout the season... and then it just fizzles out like a wet firework at the end. It was like they really wanted to take risks with S2 - they really wanted to push the characters to their limits and force them to make tough decisions and confront inner demons and tackle the problems in their interpersonal relationships, but they got scared at the last second and called it quits, leaving the viewer unsatisfied and annoyed. They had all the right building blocks to make this just as meaningful and impactful and memorable as the first season - so why didn’t they?
Sam & Guy. Even if you don’t ship them in a romantic sense, we’re all here for the Sam / Guy shenanigans above all else. While their scenes were definitely one of the high points of S2 and they had the same impeccable chemistry every time they were on-screen together, their characters spent the majority of the season on opposite sides of the world, and I don’t think that was the smartest decision from a strictly narrative standpoint. The Sam & Guy dynamic was a big draw for a lot of the fans, and to separate them so completely, and for so much of the season, was a pretty bad idea on the part of the writers.
Aimlessness. Similar to the disappointingly anticlimactic conclusion to all the tension discussed above, but this pertains directly to Sam’s arc with his mother instead of a generalized complaint about the whole season - in the earlier episodes, Sam struggles to reconnect with his mother and form a real relationship with her while she clearly just wants to get him out of her hair. And that was a brilliantly executed storyline - you can really empathize with Sam and his desperation to bond with the mother who abandoned him, his devastation as he slowly realizes that she truly doesn’t want anything to do with him, and his determination to prove to her (or maybe just to himself) that he’s someone worth loving. But the conflict between Sam and his mother, which should have been constant and unrelenting throughout the whole season, just isn’t played up enough - we should have been asking ourselves does she love her son? does she not? will she stick around when this is over? will she leave again? is she being genuine when she expresses her affection for Sam, or is she just playing along and feeding all his fantasies so he’ll shut up and be grateful for what he’s got? but the problem is that we weren’t, because the writers never let the tension build long enough for us to wonder. There wasn’t enough time for our doubts to fester - there wasn’t enough time for Sam’s doubts to fester, for his chronic abandonment issues to come into play. Seriously, that scene at the sleepover when Guy is just hounding Sam with all those questions about what he’s going to do and where he’s going to go when the mission is over and Pam doesn’t want him anymore? That’s the kind of shit we should have been getting all season long, and we didn’t, and there’s just no excuse for that except flat-out bad writing that simply couldn’t commit to its own storyline.
Sam’s mother. While I totally adored Pam-I-Am as a character, separate from her relationship with Sam, and I would absolutely love to see more of her... I don’t think she should have been Sam’s mom. I don’t think Sam should have ever met his mom. I just don’t. I think it was a terrible mistake and an exhausting cliché, and I’m incredibly disappointed that the writers went that route with his character - Sam’s defining trait in S1 is his loneliness, his isolation, his desperate longing for connection and contact with others, and his consistent inability to get it. He���s just so needy and clingy that it scares everyone away - he’s so terrified of being abandoned like his mother abandoned him that he sticks to the people he loves like glue, and in doing so, he suffocates them. It’s only when he learns to step back and let go that he can grow up and grow past the pain of his mother’s abandonment - and meeting his mother in S2 forced him to take a gigantic step backward in his arc, and it took all the poignant lessons in S1 about building your own family and knowing when to let a loved one go and just... ripped them all to pieces. It was the worst possible road Sam’s character could have taken, and the fact that the writers did this is incredibly upsetting.
All in all, I don’t think Green Eggs and Ham needed a second season. I think where we left Guy and Sam at the end of S1 - eating the titular dish in a diner together - was absolutely perfect, and didn’t need any add-ons. But the second season exists, and it is what it is, and it’s... not all that good. But it’s not all that bad, either.
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