#gdfgd 😂
bloodedhearts · 1 month
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"I'm just a humble traveler. Don't look at me this way, darling. You're hurting my feelings." Astarion is looking at Anabella with a playful smile. No, he doesn't care at all if she despises him. Anyway, she doesn't seem to like many people. He wonders how she'd react if she knew he was a vampire. Would it be worst or better ?
@roseire ❤'d !
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sacredflorist · 1 month
✏️ @ vincent
Send in ✏️ and I’ll use this (improved) incorrect quote generator featuring both our muses | Accepting | @nazorneku
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Aerith, to Vincent: Well, one of us has to be wrong and it’s not going to be me.
Vincent: Hey, Aerith? I need advice. Aerith: I’m pretty useless at giving advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment instead?
Aerith: Why do you think I don’t like you? I do. I would kill for you. Aerith: Ask me to kill for you. Vincent: ...First of all, calm down-
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ofengineers · 8 months
Headcanons + How Mid deals with vulnerability
Mid is very similar to Cid when it comes to dealing with her own vulnerability. She really hates showing emotions in front of other people. This is why she didn't want to go with the others at Cid's grave. Of course she wanted to go, but not with them. Speaking about Cid's death is always difficult for her, even five years later. She refuses to go to his grave with a group of people; she prefers to go alone. She could also accept to go with one person if she's fully comfortable with them, but accepting to show vulnerability in front of someone takes her a very, very high level of trust. It doesn't happen often.
It's not that she doesn't trust her friends, not at all. But Mid is used to keep that bright smile of hers on her face. She wants to be a ray of sunshine for everyone, and has a hard time accepting that being vulnerable won't make her less of a ray of sunshine.
So basically: if she can escape a situation that makes her feel vulnerable, she will do everything in her power to do it and will pretend everything is fine in front of the others. They can try to make her talk, but definitively not everyone will manage to make her fully open herself. But she feels strongly and a lot. She just keeps everything in her head, hoping it will stop, even if it doesn't.
I spoke more about sad feelings here, but it really goes for any vulnerable kind of emotions.
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fcrir · 6 months
      "Zack... why are you walking like this ?" / i couldn't help myself gdfgd 😂
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        ❛❛   proving                    a point                ❜❜        he huffs in reply,   finding it difficult to keep up with her pace,   when usually it was him that raced forward,   he'd fallen behind numerous times.   Perhaps he had taken Kunsel's challenge to a ridiculous extremity,   but he refuses to call himself a SOLDIER if he backed up on his word and yielded to an easy defeat.   The stinging in his legs had dulled to a tolerable state of numbness he knows he would feel the moment he stands up,   yet he persists to push past discomfort to prove the strengths of his resolve.        ❛❛   Kunsel dared me to it,   he's gonna owe me big after this.   But look,   I'm getting better at it !   ❜❜        he demonstrates with an easy jump over a pile scraps,   at least now he's closer to her level to look her deep in the eyes,   her hands now clasped within his own.        ❛❛   Well ?   You wanna join me ?   We'll split the award fifty-fifty.   ❜❜
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@sacredflorist // NO PAIN NO GAIN
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sacredflorist · 6 months
@obscureign said: "The pen is what you only deserved."
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"Now I'm mad. You're just a meanie! I'll ask Tseng for an umbrella and he will say yes!"
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ofengineers · 8 months
“I ought to just burn this whole thing down.”
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Mid blinks a few times when she enters the room. Oh no. What did he try to do ? It smells... She's not even sure she can tell what it smells like because she can already tell it's burned. She approaches Joshua, grabbing his arm and gently pressing it against her as she looks at these... cookies ? Well. They're black, and definitively not because of chocolate.
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She presses a kiss to his cheek before she lets a brief chuckle escape her mouth. "Burning everything won't make it better, my love!" she teases, offering him an encouraging smile. "But I'm here now, so let's make some cookies together ? I'll coach you! Or... would you like to look at how I'm making them first ? And later we could make more together ? It's up to you, Joshua! But I promise that my cookies are very, very good! You'll want to hide some inside your room!" Anyway, none of these options could be worst than his first attempt. That's the good side of it: it can only get better!
BG3 Companion Banter Starters | @reviresc
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sacredflorist · 5 months
Continued from x | @devilreno
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Aerith is used to meeting weird people, especially in the slums, but it's the first time someone wants to steal money from someone else. After all, people are really not that rich in the slums. But maybe that's why this guy wanted to steal. Or maybe he's just one of these usual goons. Aerith knows how to fight, thanks to her staff and her magic, but she's pretty sure she's not as scary as the Turks can be. Aerith has a soft spot for the Turks, but she knows how dangerous they can be. Maybe she should learn some fighting techniques from them.
"Thank you very much! You really scared him! I already knew you were badass but I'm impressed!" She lets a chuckle escape her mouth. "I guess I'll keep that bag with me and hope that person will come again." It would be unfair to keep the money, and someone is probably looking for it.
And then as Reno is about to leave again, she quickly reaches for his hand. Maybe she's being a bit dramatic now, but she doesn't care. She really just wants him around.
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"Yeah, exactly! What if I need to be protected again ?" she teases, letting a chuckle escape her mouth as she gently squeezes his hand before she lets go of him. "And... I'm sure it makes your job more interesting for you to have someone to talk to, mmh ? It's best for both of us if you stay!"
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