bloodedhearts · 8 hours
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🌕 The Selûnite & The Sharran 🌑
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bloodedhearts · 10 hours
"Oh, come here, I'll kiss you better." Astarion for Shadowheart (sarcastic)
Unprompted Ask | Always Accepting | @littlestvrs
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Shadowheart frowns at these words. Astarion is making fun of her, right ? He always seems to be making fun of her. He's so hard to read. Traveling with other people like this, people who have nothing to do with Shar... it makes her realize how much of the world she doesn't know.
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"Why would I do that ?" she asks, crossing her arms over her chest. "You better not try to bite me."
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bloodedhearts · 1 day
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Happy 1st anniversary to BG3 🎉
Here's some Shadowheart fanart I did in April 🖤
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bloodedhearts · 1 day
🐝  *  ―  𝑷𝑶𝑺𝑰𝑻𝑰𝑽𝑰𝑻𝒀 𝑻𝑹𝑨𝑰𝑵.  reblog this post and give the person you reblogged it from a small compliment in the tags.  just something sweet and simple that’ll hopefully bring a smile to their face.
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bloodedhearts · 2 days
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BALDUR'S GATE 3 — astarion ancunín (2/?)
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bloodedhearts · 2 days
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Shadowheart frowns at these words. Lady Shar's magic is real. It's comforting, always close to the cleric's heart. Why does he speak this way about her dark lady's magic ? "Magic is real. Lady Shar's magic is real." Shadowheart replies, doing her best to sound calm, even if this is exactly the kind of words that drive her mad. And maybe it's also because, deep down... she feels a bit of uneasiness here, too. But she won't admit it. She'll never admit it.
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he held back a scoff.  “it is magic,”   he answered flatly.   accursed,   hungry,  magical darkness.   nothing like the true dark of his home,  the darkness of the true absence of light buried beneath miles of rock and cavern.  she could call him insolent if she desired,  he did not care. “not exactly real.”   real darkness,  the darkness of the predator, the hunter    ...    it would just devour her,   wouldn't it?
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bloodedhearts · 3 days
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Happy 1st anniversary BG3 !! aka Best Game 3ver
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bloodedhearts · 4 days
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bloodedhearts · 4 days
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"If you don't try to bite me while I'm sleeping, I guess I don't mind you ebing a vampire," Shadowheart assures, letting a smirk cross her lips. After all, having a vampire ally could be useful, and they are still a bunch of weirdos, reunited because of that tadpole inside their head. Hopefully, they will get rid off it very soon.
@rubistella ❤'d !
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bloodedhearts · 5 days
"that's my girl" is one of the sweetest and cutest thing that i really want to hear, like yes i am. you're right say it again
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bloodedhearts · 5 days
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Astarion isn't sure of what to think, of course. But everything feels that Sinder killed that bard for no reason. The spawn truly can't judge someone for this, though. He brought so many people to death, bringing them to Cazador. He had no other choice, of course, but he did it, and it's only now that he's free that he has started to realize how messy it sounded. He refuses to say it out loud, though. He can't be vulnerable; he can't open himself to anyone. He refuses to.
Sinder's words make him frown, though. He thought his new ally would talk about their need of blood, not about... them being lost or confused. Astarion is surely not the right person to talk to. It's not that he doesn't want to listen. It's just that he truly doesn't know what to say.
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"You really don't know ? How... unfortunate." He scratches his neck, not even sure of what he should say next. "You said you have no memories of your past, right ?"
"I don't know..." they say cautiously, sitting alone in a self-imposed sequestering from the rest of the others. Sinder honestly hadn't expected anyone to follow him, but the warlock isn't surprised to find that Astarion was the one who did.
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Of course, Astarion could just be saying he isn't judging them, but Sinder couldn't be entirely sure. No one in the camp seems to even want to look his way, and certainly aren't shy about their own disgust or wariness of the tiefling.
"I really, really don't know. I must have? Last night is still mostly a blur... my hands, my blades... I saw the terror in her eyes... but I didn't want to. It wasn't me... it was... something within me..." Sinder is still trying to piece together whatever he can from last night, but it really doesn't make sense to his fractured mind. That familiar taste of bile bubbles up and he has to swallow hard to keep himself from losing his guts.
He hangs his head down, gripping the sides with his hands, letting his claw-like nails in his hair and scratch into his skull. "I don't know what's wrong with me..."
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bloodedhearts · 5 days
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I have an urge to start a new dark urge playthrough, but I need to control myself and finish the one I'm doing as Tav first because I'm almost done grdgd 😂
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bloodedhearts · 5 days
( @starbvund from Lae’zel to dealer’s choice of muse to reply. My surprises are gremlin behavior. ) Lae’zel was in the midst of cleaning. Not her sword. She had a ridiculously large phallic shaped object in her hand. The color was burn your eyeballs green. Where she got it from no one knows, but she had no shame in cleaning it out in the open. “You must have questions.”
Unprompted Ask | Always Accepting | @starbvund
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When Astarion notices what Lae'zel is actually cleaning, he can't help himself. He approaches her, a playful smile on his lips. He doubts the githyanki could find him funny; he even doubts she could smile at all. But he just can't stay silent at the sight of this phallic shaped object. She's cleaning it in front of everyone. Maybe she really doesn't know about privacy.
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"Questions ? No, darling. You enjoy yourself all the way you want." He laughs, keeping his smile on his lips. "Actually... maybe I do have one question." He pauses for a short moment, trying to be mysterious. "Are you trying to get someone's attention with this ? It surely seems like you are."
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bloodedhearts · 6 days
𝑺𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑵 𝑫𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑳𝒀 𝑺𝑰𝑵𝑺. - bold what applies, italicize what sometimes applies, strike through for never applies.
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LUST. desire for connection. pursuit of pleasure. emotional intelligence. obsessive. lovesick. one-night stands. seductive encounter. flirtatious conversation. erotic party. seductive attire. revealing clothing. passionate gaze. provocative makeup. sensual expressions. suggestive gestures. flirtatious smiles. lingerie. love letters. perfumes. provocative behaviour. love poems. erotic art.
GLUTTONY. indulgence in experiences. savouring moments. hospitality. generosity. hedonism. culinary expertise. wine-tasting. excessive snacking. overloaded plates. excessive portions. bloated stomachs. messy eating. greasy fingers. full tables. indulgent spreads. overflowing cups. satisfied expressions. wine bottles. just can't get enough. fast food wrappers.
ENVY. motivation. competitive spirit. strategic planning. observational skills. bitter rivalry. contest. envious gossip. resentment-filled argument. social media jealousy. furrowed brows. clenched jaws. side-eye looks. pursed lips. tense posture. whispering behind backs. crossed arms. gossip magazines. keeping up with the joneses. the grass is always greener. feeling inadequate.
GREED. resourcefulness. entrepreneurial spirit. negotiation. materialistic. aggressive investment. lavish spending spree. resource-hoarding. get-rich-quick schemes. auction-bidding war. property acquisition. piles of money. overflowing wallets. luxury items. locked safes. penny-pinching. rare collectibles. selfishness. unwillingness to share.
SLOTH. calmness. stress management. nonchalance. relaxation techniques. lethargic. apathetic. inactive. lazy weekend. binge-watching marathon. neglected chores. skipped workout. long nap. lounging on the couch. missed deadlines. unkempt appearance. messy hair. pajamas. blankets. slippers. procrastination station. self-care routines.
PRIDE. confidence. self-assurance. self-respect. dignity. public speaking. self-promotion. arrogant. conceited. egotistical. self-important. vain. boastful speech. puffed chest. raised chin. smug smiles. spotlight. tooting your own horn. showing off. refusing to admit mistakes. feeling entitled. personal branding. leadership development.
WRATH. assertiveness. decisiveness. strength. intensity. boundary setting. courage. indignant. heated arguments. road rage incident. physical altercation. angry outburst. clenched fists. glaring eyes. tense muscles. raised voices. reddened faces. aggressive gestures. stormy demeanour. intense frowns. destructive actions. broken objects. punching bag. out for blood. fists. simmering anger.
Tagged by: @littlestvrs, thank youuu 🥰 Tagging: @silvertiefling @lunarrepel @lolthswrath @galefcrce & YOU ;D
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bloodedhearts · 6 days
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bloodedhearts · 7 days
“Don’t forget to love her. The little girl you used to be. Perhaps She lies within you. Untucked. Sleeping peacefully.”
— “Nurture.” By Kiana Llanos (via arabarabarab)
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bloodedhearts · 7 days
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Shadowheart is nervous. Maybe Lady Shar will test her here. What if this is the place she could finally become the dark justicar she has always wanted to be. She hopes so, somehow. Her entire life has revolved around the dark lady. It would only be natural to fully join her.
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"I... I don't know," she admits, after she has taken a moment to listen to Rakatak's words. "I feel... I feel that these lands are calling me, somehow. Lady Shar's temple... It must be nearby."
"Is that what it is?" The paladin makes a noise at the back of her throat, partway between understanding and revulsion. "It sticks to me like tar. I can practically feel it eating away at me..."
Despite that, she's as straight-backed as ever. Rakatak has never been one to bemoan the situation, even when things have been... a touch dire. "I shudder to imagine what would make going to these lengths necessary. Territory controlled not through strength of arms, but through... exclusion. What strategic benefit is there?"
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