#gay circuit
de-deux · 7 months
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Rave / Circuit Ready 🥳
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welcometogrouchland · 2 months
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Extremely bad batgirls comic I made featuring Steph's sex life and Cass' ability to read everything but the room
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corpsentry · 2 months
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a glass sun 1/2
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hinamie · 4 months
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second years designs :D only have a few more characters left to do this has gone so quick ,,
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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catboyglover · 7 months
neil perry is stronger than me bc how on earth do you cope when your roommate is this pretty
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mydeadgaywizards · 8 months
i've been in the marauders fandom for so long i genuinely forget that james potter is canonically white💀
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junkirat · 2 months
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if you live in the colored states/territories, check out your local IGRA chapter! Visit the gay rodeo, or even volunteer, become a member, or compete! chances are your local chapter is dying for new attendees and members, and they're all super welcoming to newbies. even if youve never set foot in a rodeo, theres space for you and even events for beginners.
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wiregrrrl · 9 months
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self indulgent lesbianism
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alkcomics · 2 years
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Meet Jules Jourdain, aka Circuit Breaker 💚🌈✨ “Can a new hero channel the inexorable Still Force energy to fend off evil?” - Debuting in DC's Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate #1, out on Valentine's Day.
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thesecretw0rld-blog · 3 months
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A moment of sunshine at NYC Pride ☀️🏳️‍🌈
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ohmystarrynight · 3 months
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Smoochy kiss ur best friend in the straightest way possible no borax no glue
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britcision · 1 year
Okay so I’m well aware that this is probably my own fault, but a lot of people seem to have gotten the idea that Bruce is in any way important to this story
This is not a story about Batman
This is a story about the many and varied disaster gays he has trained to commit bigger and more epic disasters than any other gay in history
So let’s fix it and get back to the second most important thing in the story! Timker (and bonus Connor)
Field Trips Without Permission Slips part 1
Tucker was still firmly in his happy bubble, floating along after Tim Drake-Wayne even as they left the Bat Cave.
Connor, Kon, Superboy, he’d be there soon. Tucker wanted to make a good impression; this was Tim’s boyfriend, Tucker really wanted the guy to like him.
That way they could all be friends, and he wouldn’t worry if Tucker and Tim hung out, and talked tech, and maybe got to have a hackathon…
Because of course, even notorious ladies’ man Too Fine Foley would never make a move on a taken man. That’d just be low.
He was just trying to work out what to say when Tim got a buzz on his phone. The excitement dropped off the younger man’s face in an instant, his expression immediately shifting to worry and determination.
“Something’s come up,” he said tersely, and Tucker frowned, wondering if he was about to hear about a second rogue attack in almost as many days.
Gotham… Gotham was kinda exhausting. No offence, obviously, even he could feel the Curse lingering on the back of his tongue.
But trying to keep this city safe was like bailing a sinking boat with a sieve. No wonder they needed the best of the best.
“How can I help?” Was all he offered, trying to make himself look ready and eager.
Tim’s eyes widened as he looked up, like he was only just remembering that Tucker was actually even there at all. That yeah, he definitely could help.
Actually, it turned out he was their subject matter expert when Tim explained the problem.
“Superman just told B he can’t hear Jason’s heart anymore. I don’t suppose there’s a reason you’d know of?” He asked hopefully, and Tucker’s jaw clicked shut.
Because… yeah, he could guess exactly why Jason was now out of range of super hearing. But the bats weren’t cleared to know about Jason’s halfa nature yet, and Tucker was pretty sure Jason couldn’t transform.
It’d be a wild time for him to give it a first try if Superman was listening in. He’d have to warn Danny and Jason, though that might have to wait if they’d… gone… to the Ghost Zone.
And yeah, okay, Tucker maybe shoulda thought of that first, but in his defence Danny died on a regular basis and occasionally just to show off.
Shoulders sagging as he relaxed, Tucker blew out a long breath and grinned at Tim, relief making him lax. And yeah, sure, he didn’t know why they’d gone, but he could bullshit something if they asked.
“Oh, yeah actually… they’re probably in the Ghost Zone,” he explained with a slight shrug, because really? It wasn’t a big deal.
Some of the tension leached out of Tim’s shoulders with the presence of an immediate answer.
“The Ghost Zone? That’s the Infinite Realms, right?” Tim asked and Tucker nodded, sticking his hands in his pockets.
It was always nice to be the guy with all the answers, but having all the answers for someone like Tim Drake-Wayne? Yeah, that felt extra good.
“Yeah, same place. It’s mostly only the Ancients that call it the Infinite Realms, and Danny and Jason probably won’t bother them.”
Not unless Clockwork chose to make another visit, but that would be an Ancient going to bother Danny and Jason.
Tim nodded thoughtfully, making some quick notes on his phone.
“Any idea why, or how long they’ll be? Bruce has probably convinced himself Jason’s dead again by now,” he added dryly, sounding neither impressed nor concerned.
Well, maybe a little concerned. Tucker had kinda gotten the stage door tickets to Batman’s opinion of Danny.
Tucker shrugged again, thinking back quickly over what Jason had told him he’d told his family. He was gonna make himself a cheatsheet if (hope of hopes) hanging out with Tim became a regular thing.
Frostbite? Yeah, they probably mentioned Frostbite. No need to mention he was an Ancient, the yeti certainly never brought it up.
“They’re probably going to see Danny’s doctor. Check Jason’s ecto contamination, see how Danny’s doing away from his haunt; that’s Amity Park,” he added as Tim’s brows furrowed momentarily. “Technically halfas don’t need need one, but Danny claimed it so we dunno what leaving will do to him.”
Which made it sound way more dramatic than it actually was; even full ghosts could leave their haunt if they wanted to. Not all of them even kept haunts in the Zone.
They’d asked last year, before Danny finally took the plunge (and yeah maybe coming out of puberty was why he’d waited a couple extra years - not that he’d gotten the promised Fenton Growth Spurt).
Frostbite had just asked if they even knew where Ember’s haunt was.
News to Tucker and the gang that she’d even had one, with how much she wanted to go on tour.
Danny’s haunt would always be his place of power, but with the power Danny wielded? He never needed it anymore. Tucker was pretty sure that when he actually became king the whole Ghost Zone was gonna be Danny’s haunt.
Not cuz anyone had explicitly said so. Just interpreting a lot of the flowery bullshit around Pariah. And no one had told him no yet either.
Tim just nodded, typing a moment more before sending off a quick reply to Bruce.
He did feel a little bad tattling on Danny and Jason like that. If they’d wanted anyone to know where they were going, they coulda just said.
But they also probably hadn’t known Superman would be listening, or notice Jason’s heart disappearing. Really Tucker was doing everyone a favour; making sure no one came back to Batman in a panic attack.
He just hoped Jason would see it the same way.
And then the single hottest person Tucker had ever seen in his entire life popped his head around the door, perfectly windswept black curls pushed back with one hand.
A smile of perfectly white, perfectly even teeth flashed as gorgeous blue eyes like the heart of the ocean landed on him and Tim.
On Tim.
Tim was smiling back even before the other entered the room.
Tim’s boyfriend.
Tucker raised Ida to cover his face without even thinking, cheeks burning and really really really hoping neither white boy knew enough about dark skin to tell.
Tim’s brother Duke was Black too.
Tucker was going to fucking die.
He could not go weak kneed at just the sight of Tim’s boyfriend!
He was only vaguely aware when the walking Adonis spoke, striding quickly into the room.
“Hey, any reason I should be worried that Jason and Danny just disappeared from Gotham’s airspace?”
Ancients even his voice was perfect, rich and smooth like dark chocolate, with just a little bass that made Tucker’s heart flutter. If that voice said his name Tucker was going to fucking die.
Tucker strangled most of the whimper in his throat because he was a fucking adult goddamn it. Jumped and almost smacked himself in the face when Tim called his name from right next to him.
Like he’d said it a couple times already.
And the World’s Hottest Man was looking at him too, the absolute cutest worried little frown marring his perfect brows, and oh ancients just the littlest pout on soft, full lips…
Yeah, no, someone get the headstone, Tucker would just bury himself out back.
Note: I’m genuinely still turning over which name our dear Superboy Prime is going by as his regular name, since it’s… about 1000% going to depend on his relationship with Clark
I cannot fucking imagine anyone but Clark gave Kon El his Kryptonian name. Just. No fucking way. (Kara could but then we’re back to Too Many Characters and tbh she has more tact than that)
So their relationship has to be good enough that Clark offered this very personal piece of himself, and Connor’s accepted it
But Connor is the name his first friends gave him
And his civilian name, so it’s not like he can whole hog the switch
Atm the Bats call him Kon in uniform as the world’s shittiest cover but we’re getting his POV next chapter and I need to know what he calls himself, so… poll!
Tag List: @welcometosasakiworld @kyrianclawraith @someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones @starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost @akikkobara a @rainbowbunny0159 @littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife e @serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf @anime-hipster-the-amazing @undead-essence @skitscratched @blackroserelina @snoodly-boop @trickerdi @mayoota-blog @xysidhe @idkmrpianoman @little-apricot-the-writer writer @chaoticmistake e @the-legal-shipper r @bun-fish @aroranorth-west t  @demon-cat-goes-woof @perfectwastelandcreation @onyxlightdragon on @larks-and-katydids @peachesandcreamfemboy @jesus-camp-the-sequel @may-rbi @mothman-the-mothman87 @viyatrix @stargirl1331 1 @idfk-man10 @thedepressedrobin @skulld3mort-1fan n @rootsmudge @ravenshadow17 7 @cankoking @phantom-dc @mentalcarebear @magic-pincushion @redamancyardor @lyra689 @itsparadoxlacuna @alcorbearson @asphyxia778 @why-must-i-be-like-this @tkiesai @greenpyrowolf @frivolous-pastel @honeysuckletook  
For anyone wondering, the reason the tag list looks like it’s having seizures is my phone has decided that letting me scroll around is far too convenient and it’s just going to randomly jump around if I try and move the cursor
You cannot tag a bitch on tumblr mobile without scrolling to the end of their name and selecting them on the search
If you are not at the end it will autocomplete what’s left and thus *gestures vaguely* happy WIP Wednesday
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xylophone888 · 4 months
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please ignore that the last one is grindr messages :praying_hands_emoji:
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nukacourier · 27 days
no-op hairy trans man arcade gannon save me...........save me no-op hairy arcade gannon...........
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peter: there are 20 letters in the alphabet, right?
miguel, already done with this conversation: nope, there's 26.
peter: ah, i must have forgotten u, r, a, q, t.
miguel: that's cute, but you're still missing one.
peter: you'll get the d later ;).
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thestormlightnetwork · 2 months
stanford pines stop refering to bill cipher as your muse challenge (LEVEL IMPOSSIBLE)
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