#gavin wild kratts
The Crew with Gavin in Bass Class!
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shishkos · 8 months
Idk what is.. it . ... .
long time no see ig
Im sorry
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burntnoodls11 · 3 months
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idk where I was going with this I just wanted to draw gavin and martin xp
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cat-angel-936 · 4 months
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Me falta solo Jimmy del equipo, pero como no me siento con el animo de dibujar ahora mismo, lo dejaré para después
Ahor el porque esta Gavin aquí, muy fácil. Verán cuando es el desafío de los gimnasios los líderes se tienen que quedar en sus pueblos a la espera de que entrenadores lleguen lo que deja al equipo kratt en pare, ya que Chris y Martin son líderes del 4° y 5° gimnasio y Aviva es la profesora de la región así que nesesita de un entrenador que recolecte la información de los pokemon, y ya que en esta au Gavin esta en la edad de ser entrenador pokemon (14 años en esta región) Gavin se unió a los wild kratt de forma "oficial" ya era pero ahora ayudara con las investigaciones.
Tengo más o menos su equipo, y se unirán otros dos miembros del equipo kratt Kids, pero es el menso planeado de todos
También tanto Koki como Jimmy son asistentes de laboratorio aunque también siguen teniendo los mismos papeles que tienen en la serie (no se si me explico)
Por sierto, cuando termine a Jimmy Z mostrare los equipo de toda la tripulación kratt y luego les mostrare los villanos
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kaythefloppa · 1 month
I know that Wild Kratts is one of those shows where the main [human] characters don't age despite it still being a quasi-continuity driven show, but it does admittedly make me sad that the WK kids from the earlier seasons are now relegated to (presumably permanent) background cameos because of this.
#wild kratts#pbs kids#pbs kids go#gavin kratt#2d gavin kratt#2d martin kratt#2d chris kratt#wild kratts kids#This was a revelation that I've had since watching Our Blue and Green World#But most of the child actors have grown up within the 10+ years of them being on the show#so they'd probably be too old to reprise their roles#Gavin and Ronan haven't had speaking roles since Seasons 4-5#Not to mention IRL Ronan Kratt to my knowledge has made it pretty big with his soccer career#and probably wouldn't have the time to reprise his role because of this#That one kid from the Fireflies adventure we never saw again#Ellie (that one girl in the red shirt) hasn't had a speaking role since the bat episode#Ronan Kratt actually did come back to voice his character in S7 but it was obviously deeper than how he sounded in S4#And Nina (the girl from Central America) had 3 different VAs#I'm starting to think that part of the reason Seasons 4-7 gave us so many new kid characters#is because they knew that they wouldn't have the ones from S1-3 come back regularly with the actors growing up#Which on some level I do understand#Even if they can't age up the characters (because that would require completely new/upgraded models being made for a 2-year long season)#I think recasting the kids with similar-sounding actors would be nice#maybe it's just bc I miss Gavin and Ronan idk#But until further notice they're basically just ghosts. Again I didn't realize this until seeing their cameos in one of the recent episodes
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kaynai-sama · 1 year
Gavin is ready to beat the living sh*t out of a Zach-bot with that broom
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Fearless Kratt kid incoming.
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bejeweled-wahlberg · 11 months
I was watching the ending of LWYMMD and it made a bunch of sense with the characters I put in the messed up au btw violet belongs to: @jokerislandgirl32
Also cuss warning 😅😅😅
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rosey100 · 8 months
Kenny :You should be ashamed of yourself
Patricia :How could you do such a thing
Ellie :Hope you never get mad at me
Ronan :😐😟🥺
Ronan :WhY YaLl ScrEaMiNG aT Me
Kenny :😥
Patricia :🫢
Ellie :😬
Ronan :I was my damn business eating some fruit 🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓
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ranfordgallus · 3 months
Gavin, ronan, aiden, and nolan are the kratt brothers children canon said by the official wild kratts instagram IM FUCKING CRAZY IM GOING TO LOSE IT SO BAD CHAT
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Im crazy im going so crazy im sick im on my deathbed as we speak
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spacefinch · 7 months
Magic School Bus/Wild Kratts crossover masterpost
Basically, @daiohficblog and I have been coming up with lots of headcanons that cross over the shows.
WARNING: This post is by no means organized.
How does everyone know each other?
First of all, Ms. Frizzle knows everyone. So of course she would know the Kratt brothers and the rest of the WK team (Aviva, Koki, and Jimmy).
The MSB kids are introduced to the Wild Kratts team during a whale-watching trip off the New England coast.
Phoebe's uncle, Dr. Cecil Byrd, is a traveling ornithologist from Australia and often bumps into the WK team.
Creature powers:
The kids all have their own creature power suits (which Aviva made them for Christmas one year).
Color schemes:
Phoebe: Red
D.A.: Violet (different from purple!!!)
Carlos: Dark blue
Tim: Cerulean
Ralphie: Green
Arnold: Yellow
Wanda: Pink
Keesha: Fuchsia/Magenta
Other hc's
Carlos and Mikey's sibling dynamic parallels Martin and Chris's dynamic. You have the older sibling who likes to goof off and the younger bro with slightly more brain cells.
First creature power the kids used:
Carlos and DA: Peregrine falcon
Ralphie, Arnold, and Phoebe: Red fox
Tim: Pine marten
Keesha: Rattlesnake
Wanda: Bullfrog
Phoebe and Ralphie are step-siblings in this universe. They also have the most pets:
Brandy (a grumpy old tortoiseshell cat). Dr. Tennelli (Ralphie's mom) adopted her before Ralphie was born. Former stray.
Joxter, a black-and-white tomcat. Brandy's son. Adventurous, but also lazy (rather like his namesake from the Moomin books). Good swimmer.
Renee and Megan: Two red foxes, rescued from a fur farm. Renee has the "normal" reddish-orange coat, and Megan is leucistic.
Jeanette: An old border collie (female). Another rescue.
Loretta: A black-and-white Newfoundland dog. 6 years old.
Charlie: a piebald ball python. (Not sure whether Charlie should be a boy or a girl.)
Fang: a male red-kneed tarantula belonging to Ralphie.
HC's continued (not in any particular order)
Carlos is very arachnophobic-- so he tries to avoid spiders at all costs. However, most other "scary" animals (sharks, crocodilians, snakes, bats, etc...) don't frighten him.
Martin and Chris have become somewhat of "elder sibling figures" for the kids.
Wanda is the water-lover of the MSB gang. She brings her snorkeling/scuba gear WHEREVER she goes.
Phoebe and Ralphie (AKA the Terese-Tennelli siblings) like to visit Ralphie's uncle Brian at the lake to go fishing. It's the same lake where the "Bass Class" fishing contest took place.
Uncle Brian (Dr. Tennelli's younger brother) is an expert fisherman.
In the fishing contest before the events of "Bass Class," Brian won first place in the local fishing contest, and Gavin came in third. Fortunately, Brian is a lot nicer about winning and losing than a certain cheater named Zach.
The WK kids of Frogwater Pond (Gavin, Ronan, Jenny, Katie, Aidan, and Nolan) are in this AU, and they know the MSB kids. (Since they know Phoebe and Ralphie, who come to their forest every summer).
Carlos has two younger siblings: Mikey (one year younger) and Maria (three years younger).
Mikey is a computer/tech prodigy, and as such, often helps Aviva with her inventions. He also makes his own inventions (for which Carlos is usually the test subject). He uses a wheelchair to get around.
Maria is the math expert of her siblings. She is also deaf and uses American Sign Language (ASL) to communicate.
Mikey might not be able to walk, but he's good at a lot of things: fishing, kayaking/canoeing, playing the piano, and more.
Phoebe and Carlos (the most avid birdwatchers of the MSB gang) have developed a "secret language" composed entirely of birdcalls. One key part of this language is that anyone using it has a birdcall that stands in for their name.
For instance, Phoebe's bird name is the eastern phoebe's song, while Carlos uses the northern cardinal's song for his name.
They also teach the birdcall language to Martin and Chris, who use the calls of the purple martin and pileated woodpecker, respectively. It does not go well.
Phoebe might seem harmless, but she isn't. She's been taking karate classes since she was little, and if you hurt any animals around her, RUN. In fact, she's rather like her avian namesake: small and unassuming, but a fighter through and through.
Wanda is even more of a fighter-- leading to the bird nerds in both crews comparing her to a kingbird.
The Ice Cream Run is a time-honored tradition of both the MSB gang and the Wild Kratts team. Some details:
The best Ice Cream Runs are at night. Everyone get in the car/bus/Tortuga and head for the ice cream store.
You do not want to interrupt the Ice Cream Run. Under ANY circumstances. (The WK villains learned this the hard way.)
Phoebe and Martin bond over the fact that they share their names with birds. (The eastern phoebe and purple martin, respectively.
Any time either of them sees one of those birds, they'll send each other a picture of said bird with the caption "this you?"
Wanda can pilot the Cheetah Racer and the Amphisub and the Buzz Bikes. She is not allowed in the Tortuga's cockpit.
Carlos can pilot most of the underwater vehicles (the Amphisub and the Manta sleds), but he always crashes the hoverbikes.
Mikey usually helps Koki with system maintenance of the Tortuga. (At least in the early days, when he's still learning how to make computer programs without any bugs.)
How each of the kids handles being captured by any of the WK villains:
Arnold: Carlos shows up and frees him. (The two of them are rock bros, and rock bros always have each others' backs.)
Carlos: Annoying them with horrible puns and messing with their tech.
DA: Smacks the villains with her books.
Keesha: Also resorts to punching.
Phoebe: Fury of the bird she's named after.
Ralphie: Smacks the villains with his baseball bat.
Tim: Escape artist.
Wanda: Crowbar to the face. (Nobody knows where she got the crowbar.)
Wanda has only been captured once. After that time, none of the villains dare to capture her again.
Pretty much all the MSB kids (Arnold included) will resort to violence or trickery if they're captured.
Carlos might be the goofball of the MSB gang, but he can switch into serious mode very quickly-- especially when one of his younger siblings or friends is in danger.
MSB kids from oldest to youngest: Carlos, D.A., Wanda, Tim, Keesha, Arnold, Ralphie, and Phoebe.
There is a 6-month age gap between Carlos (born in October) and Phoebe (born in April).
By contrast, the shortest age gap is between D.A. and Wanda, who were born one week apart in November.
Carlos's favorite creature power to use is peregrine falcon power-- to the point where he always keeps a falcon feather with him.
Tim is the climbing expert of the MSB gang. Wanda is the swimming expert.
Tim is also the only person in the "I Injured Myself Falling Out of a Tree" club (which comprises himself, Phoebe, Wanda, Carlos, and Chris) who has never broken a bone.
Every now and then, Carlos (dinosaur nerd) will contact the Tortuga to tell them he's seen a dinosaur. They know full well that he means birds.
Wanda rescues her pet bullfrog Bella from a shady pet store while Bella is still a tadpole.
As in the "Hopes Home" MSB episode, Bella escapes and goes off to live in the wild. However, Wanda can't help but worry about her.
HC that Bella escaped to Frogwater Pond, and the kids there keep an eye on her.
The "Gets Swamped" episode of MSB is also canon to this AU. After the events of that episode, the swamp Carlos helped save is made a nature preserve in his honor.
Carlos and Wanda are practically adopted twins, and they share a brain cell.
Wanda technically has two brothers, but she doesn't get along with them very well. She argues a lot with her older brother Henry (they both get on each others' nerves), and there isn't a lot she can do with her younger brother William.
Martin and Chris have substitute-taught Ms. Frizzle's class a few times. It ends up being just as chaotic (if not more so) than the days when the Friz is there.
This is all I have. Will post more headcanons if I think of more.
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cryptid-kratt-kid · 10 months
I know I'm not working on what I'm supposed to be working on rn (Dearest nsfw oneshot asker my deepest apologies I live in shame for I have failed you.) But the group therapy that's supposed to be helping me is making shit worse so CHILDREN OF THE WILD AU TIME!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!
Once Zach broke into the Tortuga while only the kids were there and when Chris came rushing back, to his surprise Beech and Birch had already beat the shit out of him whist Conifer was rummaging through Zach's wallet. Chris was proud and kinda scared at the same time.
Sometimes Chris' kids get to hang out with the wild kratt's kids! Despite their differences, Conifer is good friends with Gavin and Ronan.
Beech tried to fight a honey badger once because SHE wanted to be the toughest animal in Africa!
Martin loves being an uncle but MAN is it exhausting sometimes. Once Martin had all the kids in the back of the Creterra and Beech JUMPED OUT WHILE THEY WERE MOVING because she wanted a rematch with that honey badger.
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emowithafather · 1 year
[Betraying Blood/Placeholder Name]
Gourmand sang as he threw an arm into a blender, seeming quite calm, as if this was his regular day-to-day life.
Chris groaned, opening his eyes to find he was stuck to a wall, covered in sticky dough.
“Dude what.” he said blankly, staring at Gourmand.
Gourmand turned around with a terrifying grin. “You’re awake!”
Chris nodded slowly. “Yeah…? Was I supposed to have stayed sleeping?”
Gourmand shook his head. “No, not really. Anywho, what were you doing alone in that creepy old cottage?”
“I was kidnapped,” he mumbled. “What were you doing in there? I mean, you must have been there if you found me.”
Gourmand shrugged. “I was looking for ingredients.”
“The only edible things in there were corpses.” Chris scoffed. “Unless I’m an ‘ingredient?’”
“Not yet, you aren’t.” Gourmand chuckled. “But if I run out, I do have you on standby.”
Chris sighed. “Okay, well, what’re you gonna do with me in the meantime?”
“Not sure yet.” he responded, pouring what was in the blender into a pan.
Chris stared silently at Gourmand and everything he did, breathing heavily.
“What do you want?” Gourmand huffed as he turned back around.
“Hungry.” Chris answered.
“Well, you can’t-”
Gourmand stared at Chris for a moment before sighing. “Fine, have something I made earlier.” he groaned as he tossed Chris something small, something that looked somewhat like a crepe, but was clearly meaty.
Chris ate it with no hesitation, though right after he did so, he froze up.
Gourmand stared. “What?”
“It’s really good.” Chris muttered. “I didn’t know you could actually cook.”
Gourmand chuckled, clearly not offended. “Legally, I can’t, but thank you.”
Chris tilted his head in confusion and concern. “Legally? What do you mean, legally?”
“My chef license was revoked. You, uh, know this. Don’t you?”
Chris shrugged. “Probably, I dunno. I don’t remember much from when I was a Wild Kratt for some reason”.
“You’re not a WIld Kratt anymore?” Gourmand asked, confused.
“I don’t think so. I don’t really remember anything.” Chris mumbled.
Gourmand shook his head and sighed. “Do you remember who I am?”
“Gourmand.” Chris answered.
“Yes, but who am I to you?” Gourmand asked.
“I have no idea. Some chef?” Chris muttered.
Gourmand stared at Chris blankly before sighing and continuing to cook.
Chris yawned and laid his head against the wall. “Can I go to sleep?”
“Sure, I don’t mind-” Gourmand started, only to find Chris already asleep.
Gourmand sighed heavily and proceeded to cook.
Meanwhile, Aviva worked tirelessly to locate Chris, Martin, anybody. For some reason, she couldn’t even get the location of the kids. Must suck to be unable to find anybody you care for, except for the few who don’t seem to care about you.
“Aviva?” Koki mumbled, peeking her head out of a doorway. “Why aren’t you asleep? It’s practically midnight.”
“It’s only ten o clock. Not late enough for Jimmy to sleep, so it isn’t enough for me.”
Koki tilted her head in confusion. “What do you mean, not late enough for Jimmy to-”
Jimmy was still somehow screaming, though it was muffled and weak, his face shoved into a pillow.
“I don’t think he should’ve been able to keep screaming this long.” Koki muttered, concerned.
“You’re right, he shouldn't have. But somehow, he is. Anyways, that’s not relevant to this.” Aviva grumbled, still trying to get a signal.
Suddenly, a notification popped up. One of the Kratt Kids was calling!
Aviva hurriedly opened the video to see Gavin and Aiden. 
“Aviva?” Gavin mumbled, clearly quite tired. “Where’s Martin?”
“And Chris?” Aiden chirped.
“Oh, they’re, uh- Not here right now. What happened? Why can’t I get anyone’s signals?”
Gavin and Aiden glanced at each other. “Who knows? I mean, our wifi’s been pretty sucky recently, but we thought it was just like, the connection, not a worldwide glitch.” Gavin muttered.
Aiden nodded in agreement, staring blankly at the screen.
Aviva sighed. “Okay, well, tell me if you see anything out of the ordinary, or either of the Kratt brothers.”
Gavin nodded and hung up as Aviva stared at the screen, exhausted.
Aviva stumbled to a chair and collapsed. “I think I’ll just take a quick nap.” she mumbled before falling into a deep slumber.
Remember Jimmy screaming?
Yeah, Martin did too.
Martin watched out the window as Zach flew to the place they had last heard the screams.
“Do we have to do this?” Zach mumbled. “I mean, we don’t need him, and we didn’t have to fly. He wasn’t-”
“Do believe, me Zachary, you have my respect, but I’d appreciate it if you stopped questioning my decisions.”
“Right.” Zach mumbled, landing less than a mile away from the Tortuga. “Um, but what if the Wild Ratts- Kratts- find us?”
“Then we’ll get rid of them. And they need to change that, I don’t want my last name to be associated with them.”
“Get rid of them?” Zach questioned.
“Yes. It’s not that hard. You’ve tried to kill us before, right? Why should this be any different?”
Zach stared at Martin for a moment. “Yeah, but that’s in the past, and-”
“Don’t think I forgot about all those times you tried to kill me and my brother, Zachary. I don’t forget things like this.”
“Oh.” Zach muttered. “Sorry.”
“You’re forgiven, for now. Anywho, let’s…investigate the screaming.”
Zach nodded and followed Martin out of the plane, coming to the realization that he and Martin were both wearing dark cloaks, though only Martin had his hood over his head.
“What is he doing?” he asked himself before continuing to follow Martin through the forest.
Koki sat silently at the computer, Aviva was sleeping, and Jimmy was screaming quietly.
“What am I going to do with you two?” she sighed, unaware of a cloaked figure jumping through the window.
“I never liked her. Or any of them, to be honest.” Martin growled, helping Zach through the window.
“I honestly do not believe that. You seemed pretty fond of Jimmy-” Zach began before Martin pulled his hood over his face.
“Shut up and put your hood on. We don’t want them knowing who we are yet. And don’t talk unless I tell you to.” Martin hissed, pulling out a bowie knife from one of his pockets.
Martin jumped down from the ledge, landing silently and getting back up swiftly.
Zach climbed down with Martin’s help, knowing he’d faceplant if he attempted to jump.
Koki was still unaware of the two, as the lights were turned off and she could barely see.
Martin slowly walked behind Koki, raising his knife. Zach gasped quietly, though not quiet enough for Koki to not hear.
“Who-” Koki started before Martin drove the knife through her back. Koki gasped in pain before going completely unconscious.
Zach stepped back, bumping into a wall. “Martin, you didn’t tell me about this. We weren’t- You weren’t- This wasn’t supposed to happen.” he whispered, panicking.
Martin rolled his eyes and dragged Koki over to Zach. “Don’t let anybody take her.”
He then turned to Jimmy. “Covered in blankets and pillows.” Martin said. “Perfect.”
He started to strike as a gunshot resonated through the room.
Martin turned to see Aviva, now awake and armed.
With a gun.
A real one.
Martin readied his knife, charging at Aviva as she began shooting at him.
“What. Is. WRONG WITH YOU?” she screamed, grabbing Martin’s arm and he came close. She threw him to the ground and put the gun to his head. Zach started to move forward, but Aviva only began to pull the trigger.
“Don’t move, Zach.” Martin growled. “She won’t just shoot me.”
Aviva simply agreed with Martin, just barely letting go of the trigger.
Zach said nothing, terrified of what would happen next, until remembering Koki.
He picked her up, though struggled to keep her in his arms, and ran out of the Tortuga.
“Koki!” Aviva gasped. She turned back to Martin. Should she stay with him or go to retrieve Koki?
She began to tear up, clearly upset by the situation. “Why are you doing this?” she sobbed. “What did we do to you that made you leave?”
Martin chuckled. “Dunno. Maybe I was just bored.”
“There has to be something going on. Is Zach bribing you? Is he threatening you or Chris? Is he-”
She stared at Martin’s necklace. A black necklace with small white spots scattered throughout the metal, and a few red jewels embedded within. Red.
“Or does he have you under some sort of spell? Maybe hypnosis?” she mumbled, mesmerized by the beauty of the necklace.
“Close.” Martin hissed, suddenly jabbing his knife into Aviva’s leg.
Aviva shrieked, falling back. Martin got to his feet and began to run out of the Tortuga.
“Don’t worry, Avocado, we’ll be back.” Martin said with a sinister smirk as he left.
Chap 5, Pt 1/?
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bonniebeanie · 3 years
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Gavin is underrated to the point it’s a crime
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cat-angel-936 · 2 months
*Es Halloween y los niños grandes de los wild kratt kids se hacercan a los hermanos preocupados*
Gavin: hermano kratt hicimos algo muy malo
Martin: lastimaron un animal?
Aidan: no!
Martín: imvocaron un fantasma
Kate: si!
Martin: pero el animal está bien, no?
Los niños: aja...
Martin: a bueno *se relaja*
Chris: mh...*lo mira serio*
*It's Halloween and the big boys of the wild kratt kids are making their siblings worried*
Gavin: brother kratt we did something very bad
Martin: Did they hurt an animal?
Aidan: No!
Martín: they summoned a ghost
Kate: Yes!
Martin: but the animal is fine, right?
The children: aha...
Martin: well *relaxes*
Chris: mh...*looks at him seriously*
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jokerislandgirl32 · 2 years
Wild Kratts Expressions Commentary…
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Zach: Inexplicable Terror
Gavin and Ronan: Mutual Sympathy
Chris: “Serves You Right, Bitch.”
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kaynai-sama · 2 years
I have to confess...and you're gonna hate me.
I was thinking, I've already made the team suffer, let's choose someone else.
Who did I thout about?
The Kratts kids (?) Especially Gavin. (?)
I know I KNOW, He's too young, but if it makes you feel better, he's an adult in that AU
Don't hate me pls
Look, the Kratts kids that appear are just the ones who I remember, none of them dies (I guess) They get barely hurt and of course, they have amazing tricks to survive.
So... everything clear?
I guess it is, I'm the hell out of here
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