#gave him a stupid little cape. because he's a stupid little cat
narikill · 9 days
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dancin roach gif weeee
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pearlywritings · 1 year
Courted by a... Hero?
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synopsis: Diluc has feelings for you, but is under the impression that you do not reciprocate - his courting attempts show as much. But he comes to find out, that you are at ease around his alter ago... 
It won’t hurt to try and court you as the Darknight Hero. Right?
pairing: Diluc x fem!reader
tw: fluff, pining, courting, seemingly unreciprocated feelings, Darknight Hero!Diluc
word count: 3k words
a/n: this was suggested by a lovely anon~
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Diluc Ragnvindr is enamored with you.
Diluc Ragnvindr thinks he is not that subtle about his affections. But it seems that he actually is, because otherwise the Master of the Dawn Winery does not understand how you manage to miss all the clues, all the longing gazes, all the small compliments and acts he does for you in attempts to hint that he'd like to court you.
Аpparently the longing in his eyes is lost in his regular stoic and a bit mournful expression, small compliments are so polite that it's not hard to mistake them for his gentlemanly antics, and his other actions are just a thread away from acts of service and help, which, given his сhivalry nature, do not stand out too.
Diluc doesn't get many opportunities to see you, since you do not visit the tavern often, but he tries so hard to make the meetings more numerous. An invitation to play cards at the Cat's Tail here and there, an insistence to walk you home, an offer to accompany you through the market as you go grocery shopping, always coming with an excuse of checking on the goods to tell Elzer later what purchases they should change for the Winery and its workers. Adelinde always smiles at him knowingly whenever some new dishes are added to his menu.
He is trying to show his affections to you, he really does, but he is too dense for that to come out exactly as he pictured it in his head. However, when you smile at him softly, accepting his offers, when you vent a little to him about a stupid coworker, when you stop at the Good Hunter to have supper with him - he thinks that the long process is worth it.
It's a great surprise, but the first time he gets an opportunity to hold you close is not a part of you dating him. No, your relationship is far from that, and his persona is hidden under the mask and a hooded cape, as he carries you bridal style. He is well aware of you staring up at him, but he can't make himself lower his gaze and meet with yours. He is just bringing you to a safe place after you twisted your ankle on a late evening run to catch a cat for your neighbor - a sweet old woman, whose pet seems to love escaping on an almost daily basis.
It's so hard to believe that he managed to be in the right place, at the right time, yet he chides himself for not arriving earlier - he could've caught you, preventing you from injuring yourself and falling. 
But it is such a quiet night… Maybe that's why he heard your painful yelp from two blocks away, rushing to help whoever got themselves in danger, and finding you sitting on the pavement and rubbing your leg.
"So… Mister Darknight Hero," he nearly groans at the name people gave him. He is intrigued by your lack of fear though, or at least worry, about some stranger picking you up and carrying you somewhere. The relaxed ring of arms wrapped around his neck only further proves it.
"Yes?" Diluc makes his voice gruff and low, still avoiding eye contact.
"Where are you taking me?" You sound curious, and the redhead can't help, but feel a bit aggravated - shouldn't you be concerned? Of course he is not taking you home - it'd be both creepy if a stranger knew your address and stupid, since your leg needs proper examination and treatment. Though still, you are so willingly accepting the masked man's help and entrust your fate in his arms fully, that it makes sarcasm evident in his words.
"On a late night date," he huffs with a slight roll of his eyes, letting his boldness out - something he can't allow himself to do often in the broad daylight as Diluc Ragnvindr.
"Oh really?" There is a hint of amusement in your tone, like you are enjoying his admission. "We've just met and you are bringing me on a date already? My, aren't you a forward man, Mister Hero. And where is this amazing place that's open so late? The tavern?"
"The hospital," Diluc does not realize it, but his cheeks are tinted pink, even if his voice remains inexpressive. However, he easily notices how relaxed you are in his hold, in his presence - even shooting teasing comments back at him and calling a date, well, a date. That's like more progress than he's had in the past month trying to court you.
Can it be… that he must change his approach? You, of course, can be attracted to completely different qualities in a man, and he should've taken it into consideration. Maybe this whole time he's been doing everything wrong.
Yet it’s too early to jump to conclusions, even if the winery owner slowly but surely grows desperate. To avoid false assumptions he decides to give it a proper thought tomorrow, after he visits you to check on your condition, bare of his alter ego.
As the morning comes and the sun gets brighter, Diluc is patiently waiting for the afternoon to see you. Half a day is enough for him to ‘receive the news’ about your condition however, but those several hours are excruciating. Are you well? Does your ankle hurt? Are you hungry? Maybe he should bring you food from Good Hunter… Are you thinking of him? Or…of tonight?
These thoughts are eating at his consciousness and when the midday eventually comes, the poor man looks exhausted. Lisa, whom he bumps into near the Alchemy stand, comments on it accordingly. Oh, but how fortunate it is, that she is the one to tell him about the events of last night and your current whereabouts.
“She looked ecstatic though,” the woman smiles, hands crossed and an intricate bell chiming on the tip of her large hat as she walks beside Diluc. “You should’ve seen that look on her face when she was telling me about the hero who saved her… Oh, but you will, won’t you? I am guessing you are going to pay her a visit.”
“You are correct,” the redhead nods, eyes trained on the today’s menu of the restaurant, as they get closer. “Right after I buy her some lunch.”
“A bouquet too, perhaps,” the smile turns teasing, emerald eyes glinting with knowledge. “I wonder when…” she pauses, but then decides against speaking what’s on her mind, shaking her head. “No matter. Good luck, Diluc.”
Luck? It’s such an abstract thing, something the wine tycoon doesn’t want in his life. If he needs something - he’d forge it with his own two hands, the ones that are currently occupied with a steaming meal and fresh flowers as he steps inside your chamber.
You are so lovely. Crimson eyes take in your resting form, basking in the sunlight from an open window. Warm rays kiss your cheeks and nose, falling right on the pages of a book he is sure Lisa has brought you. Tranquility suits you like the best of dresses and for a moment he gets lost in a scene before him, honored to be a part of it. 
That is until you lift your gaze and look at him and this time it’s your smile that makes the noble man go weak.
“Diluc! Hi,” your voice is so soft, bursting with excitement, which is also evident in how quickly you shut your book and put it away. This is a signal for the redhead to finally move closer and he eagerly takes this chance.
“I heard about what happened to you,” he offers you flowers and you gasp - a beautiful sound that touches the deepest strings of his soul. “I wanted to make you feel better. Also, I brought lunch.”
“Diluc…” There is appreciation in your tone, one, that strokes his ego. “You really didn’t have to, but I won’t decline the offer. Not to offend anyone,” you lower your voice, “but the food here is terrible.”
And he laughs. That’s a deep marvelous sound, that comes all the way from the confines of his chest, reserved for you only. Your giggles compliment it so perfectly, and when you hide behind the flowers, with only your eyes on display, shining and crinkling from joy - he falls in love even harder.
It almost feels like a date his nightly persona promised to take you on - flowers, delicious meal, his undivided attention… And even though it is not all that different from all the other times you spent together, this one feels far more special.
“So… You say you were saved by the Darknight Hero?” This question has been dancing on the tip of his tongue long before you even started to retell him the story of tonight. You nod vigorously, chewing on the most delicious chicken you’ve ever had.
“Mhm. And Archons, when I say this man is bold, he is bold.”
Your tone and the way your eyes just glinted… Can he assume you love such a character more? Should he…pursue you under the disguise of your savior?
He sure can try.
And try he does. Every night you would receive a masked visitor in your window. Every day Diluc would also come, to bring you fresh flowers, glorious meals and with hopes to know what you think of his other occupation. The Darknight Hero turned out to be charming. Diluc Ragnvindr is charming too, but it’s a different kind of charming - secure, understanding, reliable, loyal. While his alter-ego is mysterious, brooding, flirting and bold.
You seem to enjoy the latter. Why else would you wait for him, refusing to sleep, knowing that the Darknight Hero would come? Why would your eyes remain soft when gazing at an already not a stranger, yet not an acquaintance still? Why would you entertain his jokes and ask to tell you about what he does for Mondstadt? Watching him perch on the windowsill, chin resting on your fisted hands and purest interest written all over your face...
He was so right to ask the staff to move you to a different room with a bed close to the window. Doesn't matter he had to climb to the third floor, it's all in the name of love, however cheezy it sounds.
Only one question remains - how should he bring up the courting? Every normal woman would freak out if a man she barely knows (come on, even his face and voice are veiled) asked her out. Soon you'll be discharged, and climbing into your apartment's window is inappropriate too. The night strolls? No, he can't rob you of more sleep than he already selfishly does. But what should he do…
You seem to like it though, so there is absolutely no reason to complain.
You notice his silence. Curiosity replaces all other senses, just as it has been for all these nights you’ve spent with the man, and you cock your head to the left shoulder, observing, trying to guess what's behind the wall of his mind.
"What got you thinking so hard, Mr Hero?" At least you dropped using the whole title, which he is forever grateful for. "You look like someone who's trying to solve an extremely difficult case. Mind sharing? Maybe I can help."
Archons, you are so-so precious… and not completely wrong. He supposes, that since you’ve already started this conversation… He might just give it a shot. After all he is an entirely different man for you now, right? The straightforward one too.
Yet why is his heart thumping so wildly in his chest?
“I was… am wondering, if such a gorgeous woman, sitting in front of me right now, would let me court her.”
That’s it. The words are out, no turning back here. It feels surreal, true, but the male reassures himself that at least one issue is going to be out of his way, and whatever decision you’d make - he’d take it. Even if you angrily chase him out of the chamber.
However, it’s so hard to look you in the eyes - those pretty eyes that are filled with warmth and admiration, two things that are easy to turn into a freezing cold and disgust.
“You? As in the Darknight Hero?”
Here it is. Here is the implication that might as well as mean that whatever you two built during the few nighttime meetings is now ruined by a simple half-flirtatious suggestion.
All he can do is nod.
“I am sorry, Sir,” oh, the everlasting softness of your voice... Is that really how one delivers the rejection? “But there is already someone in my heart. I hope you will understand.”
Of course he does, no matter how painful it is. A delicate soul and a loving heart of yours can’t stay unoccupied, it would’ve been stupid to think so. Doesn’t matter the notion pierces his heart - he mustn’t take it close to it while wearing a mask.
“I apologize,” is all he can mutter, the voice suddenly slipping its usual gruffness, but no attention is spared to it.
“No need,” he is aware of the groan of the mattress as you shift, pulling your legs over the edge of the bed, and fully facing him now. “I am actually grateful for you being here to hear that. It’s been hard to keep it all in,“ this he understands even more. “Can I ask for a small favor?”
“Sure,” it’s the least he can do for making you uncomfortable.
“Can I whisper his name to you?”
The night is magical. There is no other explanation than its luring spell for why the man who’s just gotten rejected is sliding off the windowsill and moving closer to you to grant you your request. It’s also possible that your curiosity is contagious, but, Diluc does not dwell on it, he knows that the Darknight Hero wouldn’t.
Just as he doesn’t have time to react. A startled gasp is stuck in his throat, a hand shoots up, but it’s too late. Thick crimson bangs are spilling from under the pulled hood and ruby eyes widen in fright when the mask is pulled off of his face. He freezes in his bending position, staring at you in disbelief, fingers curled in a grasp not so far from his face. The face you know all too well. 
“Knew it,” you look content, twirling the beaked accessory between your fingers. Your smile is serene, and the image of a beautiful tranquility once again makes his heart skip a beat. What’s going on? Is this even real? Is there an option to let the ground swallow him whole? What do you mean ‘you knew’? Is it a good thing? Is it a bad thing? Is he screwed?
Archons, is your relationship screwed?
“Diluc,” it's his own name that shakes him back to reality. The blush creeps up his cheeks, mixing the blazing hues of embarrassment and shame.
You cock your head again, the smile getting wider.
“I promised the name of whom my heart belongs to, no? It’s Diluc. Diluc Ragnvindr. You.”
He swears he will faint right here and now. It must be a dream, it must be!
“You are thinking it’s a dream, aren’t you?” With a sigh you abandon the mask on the duvet, reaching out for his gloved hand, carefully tracing the back of it with the tips of your fingers. “Well, it’s not. And I am serious.”
“But-” He clears his throat, cursing the weakness in his knees at the barest of your touch. His mind is rushing, he can’t make logical conclusions, he can barely think with everything suddenly crashing and crumbling around him. So his heart takes over, bringing up his most sacred concern. “But I thought you were not interested in me.”
“Of course I am!” He flinches when the offense slips into your tone. “Of course I am, it’s just… you never asked me about dating. And I falsely assumed you are satisfied with what we already have.”
And he was. For the longest time, until it became obvious that he is not.
“When you saved me that evening I knew it was you. There is no mistake in the comforting warmth your body exudes, nor in the way you generally carry yourself. Also those strong hands… Can you name that many claymore users?”
You’ve known all this time?
“Forgive me for being selfish,” you chuckle sheepishly, unconsciously fiddling with his fingers, and Diluc finds it both cute and reassuring, calming even. “I kept you both during the day and at night for myself. I just wanted to know this side of you better. To know you better. And when you asked me under the disguise of the Darknight Hero… I just knew I wanted to hear that from the Diluc Ragnvindr.”
“In that case,” he lowers on his knee, clasping your hands in his and lying to himself that it’s not from how his body collapses with relief, clinging to you as if you’ll turn out to be just a piece of his desperate imagination, “I am selfish too. Because I was coming to you day and night with the exact same thoughts.”
“Does it make us a couple of selfish idiots, who clearly lack communication skills?” You giggle, and, Archons, what a splendid sound.
“I guess it does. Though I’d like the ‘couple’ part to become more real," giving your palms a squeeze, Diluc takes a deep breath, and with a new-found confidence makes his intentions clear. "Y/n L/n, will you go out with me?”
The redhead cannot keep in his own laughter when you tug on his hands to draw him closer, to throw your arms around his broad shoulders and bury you face in his hair, smiling ear to ear. Gingerly he places his own palms on the small of your back, dropping his forehead onto your shoulder, and releasing a shaky breath.
Together. You are officially together.
And he is going to take his time with you.
taglist: @axerrri
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deanoheartspie · 11 months
Something RED 6
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Pairings: Reader x Soldier Boy (Ben)
Warnings: None.
Summary: you knew soldier boy since you were young until the man had gotten tested he had become a whole different person. So when he comes back after Crimson and other supes send him away, it makes him angry
A/N: I love hearing your thoughts! So share what you think.
Edited?: no I'll edit all the mistakes tomorrow. 10/31
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Ben had sat at the picnic table devouring his sandwich like it was going to leave him. He had been acting a little weird, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it until he cleared his throat.
“You know, Blondie the rip-off version of me? I'm his dad”
A small laugh left your lips and you shook your head, “That's a great joke”
Ben on the other hand didn't laugh, not one bit for the first time he looked dead serious which made you gasp “How is that possible...?"
“I get called into Vogelbaum’s lab for an experiment, some stupid shit about genetics. I basically beat my meat into a cup.” he stated very short, he ran his hands through his brown hair and sighed.
“I'm in a tough spot here yeah?”
You awkwardly nod, it did make more sense for Homlanders issues now... You were in no position to tell Ben what to do and neither was Hughie or Butcher if they found out.
“Am I the only one that knows?” you ask wondering who knows already and who you'll have to deal with.
Ben nods “That stupid shit is really mine. He's got a goddamn cape for Christ's sakes” he cringes and shakes his head disprovingly, before downing the rest of the whiskey bottle when smuggled into the basket when you had announced that you both were going for a picnic.
It grew silent. There wasn't much else to talk about it, honestly? It felt kind of weird knowing this information but then again... You were curious to what path Ben would choose. The team or Homelander?
“You should lay off the drinking, I can't exactly carry you back the motel” you teased trying to lighten up the mood, “Also back to what your were saying, what's wrong with a cape? They are pretty cool unless you have a boring looking one”
Ben gave you a side glanced and looked at you in disgust. “Y/n. It's a goddamn cape. It's just stupid.” he mutters his point and you raised a brow.
“What the fuck is wrong him ay?” Butcher points to Ben who looks like he's conflicting all his life choices.
“Soldier boy you betta not be rethinking our agreement.” The bearded man kicked, Bens foot which nearly ended in a cat fight between the two.
“Butcher leave it alone im handling it.” you said sternly growing annoyed that she had to snap at these men like the we're children for gods sakes they are grown men!
“I talked to blondie on the phone today” Ben tells you before you left the room, stopping in your tracks and turning around.
“You what?!”
“I told him I was his father and all the bullshit.” he said waving around his blunt as he talked.
You were stunned. Annoyed but stunned. Did he know what homelander was like? Because shit like this was going to get them killed.
“Now I need to go tell Butcher this, stay here and I swear to god Ben don't touch anything” you were stressed and on your wits end at this rate. So much was happening and it was all going to fast.
“Butcher. We need to talk.”
Taglist: @hobby27 @kat-nee @globetrotter28 @tmb510 @beskarfilms @deans-spinster-witch @stoneyggirl2
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bitegore · 2 years
stuntikitties! individual bits and thinkythoughts under the cut :D
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Kittycat Drag Strip is about the fluffiest out of the entire batch of regular kitties, and he's very soft. He wants your attention and your love or else you HATE HIM FOREVER. How dare you leave the house. How dare you shut the bathroom door. If you try to pet any of the other kitties he will come over and bite your ankles. He's not even a good lap cat; he squirms too much. But he's very, very soft.
A friend of mine pointed out he could be a rare male dilute calico, which I think he'd like. Assigned rare coat color at "that would give your ego a boost, wouldn't it" XD
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Dead End is the least fluffy and the sleekest out of all of them, but he's also the most well-groomed so his fur lays flat because he said so and he will die if it doesn't. He does not want to be touched, because don't you dare fuck up his fur. He spends an abnormal amount of time grooming himself on the daily.
By virtue of being the specialest boy on the planet (read: colorblind-ish) brown and maroon are the same to me even if they aren't to you. This is how I picked the colors for him. He's sort of a desaturated marooney color with stripes because I thought those marbled looking stripes were cool.
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Wildrider is one of those cats who desperately wants into every single thing and loves problems. He will climb your curtains and he can jump ten feet in the air. He knows what (some) handles are and how to use them exclusively because he loves mischief. Will run by and steal chicken nuggets directly out of your hands and eat them. He is a horrible chaos goblin and he never gets the fuck out of sillymode and he is having so much fun. Good luck. At least he's fluffy, and affectionate when he's not biting your fingers because it's funny that you make noise.
When I did my (robot) Stunticon redesigns (that i also havent posted anywhere) I made Dead End and Wildrider sort of like the brighter and darker versions of each other. I made some attempt to make Wildrider look like if Dead End, the first one I drew, were fluffier and brighter colored... and then I went "wait, but wildrider is my stupid little punk baby and i like that he's red and black" and gave him some sort of little dark cape marking. I have no idea if that's a thing that happens to real cats, where they get like dark back/topline, but i think it works for him. Also he looks like a little tiger and I think that's cute. H
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Breakdown is one of those cats that like desperately needs to be taken to a vet and prescribed kitty anti-anxiety meds. However it is also the only reason you haven't lost him yet because this is also the smartest fucking cat ever. He understands how every single kind of doorknob and every kind of lock works and he is probably capable of turning on the TV himself. If it weren't for the fact that he's terrified of Outside he would've just gone outside one day and come back later and you would be none the wiser unless you locked the door and he freaked out on your porch. He used to get into the cabinets and take food out to share with the other kitties but you put child locks on them and thought that was good because you didn't see it happen again until one day you tried to pull a plastic bag out from under the sink or something and found him napping inside the bag of treats. He will vanish for multiple days on end if strangers ring the doorbell and avoids mirrors like the plague.
full disclosure, i based his patterns off a friend's cat because I wanted him to be the most cute. But largely the thought process was something like "He has an orange face and little orange details but mostly he's blue so he should mostly be blue". Not very complicated. His little collar has a heart decal because i couldnt come up with anything else and I'd given Dead End a skull, so I wanted to give him a shape too. I gave up on that when I drew Drag Strip.
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Motormaster is like a good forty pounds of cat and enormously fluffy. The only reason he's not a terrible chewed up tom with like one ear missing and scars everywhere is because you keep him indoors and he is not smart enough to figure out how to open the back door. (He did run out straight through the screen door one summer until you stopped having a screen though. He tried it with a glass door later. This did not work so well.) He has fur so deep you could lose your hand in it and a collar that is in fact lost in it. I had the most trouble transferring his design to kittycat because he's like. purple. But I think this worked out.
All five of them come from the same litter because I said so and I wanted them to look similar. That's why their stripes are basically the same, and why they all have such similar little white bits. Dead End and Drag Strip get visors on account of I Said So. They're all bonded to each other but they also all fight constantly and they are all just a little bit too clever for your own good. If you have the stunticats you cannot have nice things, this is just how it works.
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wordgirlexploration · 7 months
i finally got the whole blog set up and fancified to my liking :3
now that that’s out of the way, hi, i’m ale, and design is my passion. i drew all of our refs for Exploration, and now i’d like to divulge some details about why we designed characters the way we did!
i’ll be going in lineup order, so feel free to pull those bad boys up and follow along :]
Cpt. Huggyface
at Raven’s request, we have made him look more like a creature. we really wanted him to look like no Earthling monkey, so that it was less obvious compared to Bob, the other monkey in Fair City.
we’ve removed his shirt. Huggy can change color at will, and blue is his most iconic color, so we decided to just. make him blue. 
his lightning bolt insignia is also blue. this is because it isn’t actually an insignia, it’s a scar. it’s grown over with fur now, but the color changing is still a little off in that area.
we gave him an aviator's helmet because he is one. it was a lot more interesting than his original.
his antenna curves slightly because i thought it looked stupid sticking straight up.
another note on his antenna: it's not part of his helmet, it's his actual antenna.
we have her a ponytail for her ease of flying and fighting people. keeps it from getting in her face.
one little flyaway on her ponytail is star-shaped - because stars are WordGirl’s shape :]
we also gave her a star-shaped mask to make it easier for her to conceal her identity.
the neck of her cape is now a little turtleneck, it keeps her warm in those high altitudes.
her gloves and boots are based off how they look in the comics. also i like drawing defined shoes :]
WordGirl has blue eyeshines because she has a nictitating membrane, like a cat. also, her eyes are star-shaped because those are her shape.
her sclera are slightly yellowish, due to her powers. her eyes are also more of a dark red for the same reason.
you can't see them, but she has little fangs. adds to her alienness.
Becky has two upward flyaways on her head. this is because she has a bee motif (spelling bee), and those are the antenna
her headband has a small gold thing at the end, because it doubles as the headband for her helmet.
also has star-shaped eyes, but hers are slightly smaller, and less obviously noticeable.
has a bee necklace, because of her bee motif.
the pleated skirt was an accident i drew before looking at a reference. but i drew those pleats, so i had to keep them.
we gave her skirt pockets, because pockets are a nice thing for skirts to have!
we kinked her and Wordgirl's hair. she deserves curly hair with volume <3
he has stupid hair. one of his cowlicks looked very awkward, so i decided to make it reminiscent of his robits antennae.
he has sectoral heterochromia - we agree that Tobey has heterochromia, but we agree slightly stronger that his eyes are blue.
his knees are a little scuffed up. i picture he's fallen off the robits a few times and scraped em.
his socks are lowered slightly. he's older now, so we thought his socks should be more reasonable.
Steven Boxleitner + Two-Brains + Squeaky
Steven's ref is chocked full of references to his fate as Two-Brains.
first is the tail-like flyaway on the back of his head. it's inspired by a comic character, and is meant to be reminiscent of a mouse tail.
the same goes for Two-Brains's two brain, it's shaped like a mouse to resemble Squeaky, and the flyaway of the hair tuft under it is meant to be her tail.
i noticed that Squeaky actually has a little bit of a snaggletooth, so i gave that, along with the normal mouse chompers, to Two-Brains.
his bowtie resembles mouse ears
on Steven, his lab coat sleeves are actually tucked into his long gloves. on Two-Brains, they are cut off.
Steven wears a button-up shirt tucked into his pants. Two-Brains wears a t-shirt.
Two-Brains belt is falling out, because Squeaky does not care for clothes and TB must put them on as fast as possible.
inspired by the same comic character as before, the tail of his labcoat is also meant to resemble the tail of a mouse.
Steven has dressy shoes, with spat-like coloring that matches with Becky's. Two-Brains has sneakers that are inspired by a lot of furry art i see where their toes are out - TB does not have his toes out, but the lines are meant to resemble paws.
Squeaky does not let TB tie his laces.
Squeaky herself resembles a dumbo rat, despite being a mouse. Her not looking like the ideal mouse is what lead to her being on sale.
Two-Brains has little chin whiskers, because mice have So Darn many. that's also what his little zigzag flyaway is meant to resemble.
Chuck's lettuce is a bit more leafy and his eyes are dots to add to his innocent, cuteness factor.
Raven told me he has pickles, so i drew a little pickle on him.
Chuck has freckles that resemble the crumb of white bread. or he has a crumb that resembles freckles.
he has a turtleneck, we didn't think his ma would want him to go out without a sweater.
we couldn't figure out his shoes - so we decided to make them rainboots that look like green olives.
we gave him blue eyes because it's good contrast.
i gave him a little face bandage because i thought it would be funny if he cut himself shaving.
i gave him a little chest hair. you can probably guess why :,]
gave him generic loafers based on a line where he mentioned his shoes not having laces.
Lil' Mittens
gave him mittens <3
he now has a little red collar with a bell, because i think once Butcher lost him once, he had to make sure he never lost him again. his collar is red because it's the meatiest color.
The Whammer
we once came across a furry wordgirl au, and started to think about what the other characters would be. obviously, we decided that Whammer was a bull. we decided to take that idea and run with it, and make him a cute little cowboy.
he has cow ears. Raven pitched the idea, and initially i put them on his helmet, and then where human ears would go. Raven eventually had to kick me and tell me to put them were cow ears would go. Raven was right.
i think cow eartags are really cute, so i had to give him one.
initially, i gave Whammer an anti-nursing tag on his nose. Raven thought it was too much and told me to make it a nose ring. you know, like a BULL.
i get nervous when a character design uses too many colors, and everyone agreed that Whammer's outfit was really ugly. so we decided to make it purple and orange, like his mask, to make those "his" colors.
Invisi-Bill is a neat little creature, and ever since i started drawing him, i decided to give him elf ears for no real reason than to make him more creaturelike.
in A Questionable Pair, it's shown Invisi-Bill has his ears pierced. i look advantage of his long ears and gave him an earring with a chain.
he has I cufflinks because he's Invisi-Bill! yay!
he has a tooth gap because he is my favorite and i have a tooth gap :]
he has 2-tone wingtip shoes because he is my favorite i like 2-tone wingtip shoes :]
Big Left Hand Guy
blhg has slightly darker skin, because i think he's related to the stout, tan-skinned bank guard.
i gave him a cane based on a mention in the fanfic BLHG's Big Dilemma by DandyMaximilian. helps him not stand knocked over slightly.
he has one gay earring, based on the designs of rootbeertime. i just put it on the right ear. i think it's funny he would do that.
Ms Question
has yellow sclera, because that's the color her eyes were when she first got her powers.
i've seen at least two fanarts of her with question mark earrings, and i think it's really, really cute.
we thought that her little black wrist braces were silly. we decided to full-on give her black gloves.
Raven really loved the little gold trim of WordGirl's boots in the comics, and wanted to give this lady also with red boots the same touch.
The Coach
none of us really care for The Coach, so he is basically the same as canon. except for his cuffs!!! i had to fix his cuffs!! they were the wrong color!!!
Kid Math
when we decided to give Becky a bee motif, we also decided that Kid Math should also have a bug. we decided on making him a termite, because Hexagon is a math-based society, and architecture is pretty mathy.
we replaced his cape with wings. it adds to his alien nature. additionally, winged termites are young creatures who are sent out to scout for new territory. Kid Math is young, and it relates slightly to our arc for him.
he has hexagon-shaped eyes to contrast WordGirl's star-shaped ones. 
he has compound eyes like a fly, and orangey sclera, to add to his buginess and alienness.
he has little fangs.
Mr. Big
mostly the same as canon, but i upped his bunnyness and fancied his shoes.
his tie is now striped to resemble his mind control beams.
i thought the little kerchief in his pocket looked ugly, so i replaced it with a itty bitty squishy bunny.
he also has bunny cufflinks :]
The Squishy Bunnies, i guess
i just made them cute. i couldn't bring myself to draw their canon designs
basically the same as canon, but bunnyed her up a little. we thought it would be funny if Mr. Big had no dress code, aside from "one bunny item", so we gave her a bunny hairclip and bunny earrings.
her choker is black now because we didn't think the purple really needed to be there
Granny May
made her hair more curly, because she is a black woman.
made her pearls slightly more yellow, because they're old.
her pearl necklace has a little diamond shape on it as a button to turn into her metal suit.
made the band on her dress green and a bow, because we thought it was cute and old ladyish :]
gave her a cane, because she's a little older than she used to be. also, it's a new weapon against WordGirl
Colonel Mustard
gave him some hair back. mostly because i thought his exposed cheek was ugly, and figured i'd give him the paws back while i was at it.
Victoria Best
we thought it would be fun if she wasn't really blonde.
i lowered her pigtails and made her ties bows, because she's a little older now, and the bows were cuter.
at the request of Robin, she now has freckles to resemble her brother.
we gave her slightly pinkish nudey eyeshadow, because we felt like she would be the type to wear it.
her eyes are inspired by ocular albinism, her eyes are blue, but in certain lights, become red, like when her eyes glow.
her skirt is pleats now, like Becky.
we gave her mary janes, because they're kinda like Becky's silly shoes, but Better.
Lady Redundant Woman
we made her slightly paler, to resemble a blank piece of printer paper.
made her eyes CMY, like a printer.
her downward-facing eyelashes are meant to resemble ink dripping from her eyes.
canonically she has lips, but none of us thought the pink suited her. so we gave her a cute black upper lip, like ink.
we pinked her suit slightly to moreso resemble the magenta of a printer.
i made her belt a floppy disk. i just thought it'd be funny.
we gave her boots a white trim, because Raven thought her boots were white.
Maria, Charlie, Meatball
basically unchanged from canon
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onecinder · 1 year
Hero Guide by Genos
Disclaimer: The information written here is as determined by the fanboy Genos in his personal diary ahem, training diary, and is therefore incredibly biased.)
Caped Baldy Saitama
Full Name: Saitama
Hero rank: A-Class, Rank 39 (those moron HA executives aren’t quite there yet, but we are getting closer. I believe Sensei is applicable for a hero name change now… I must have a word with the board.)
Age: 25
Race: Human (God?)
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 70kg
Residence: Formerly City Z, abandoned apartment (with me!!!) Currently City A Hero Apartments (next to me!!!!!) HATE MAIL WILL IMMEDIATELY BE INCINERATED. USE ADDRESS FOR FANMAIL ONLY.
A pillar of justice, the most incredible hero, the strongest man in the world, the wisest master. After extensive tests and observations, Saitama-sensei (who prefers to be called by his real name with no honourifics; I would never call him by his hero name, but how can I disrespect my master by not addressing him properly?) is revealed to be completely flesh and bone. Upon our first meeting, he has revealed that he does not use parts like me. At the time, I took his explanation as bullshit untrue, but I have since then readjusted my impression of him. Sensei is a very honest man… he can also pick out the lies of others, but that, unfortunately, hasn’t done him much good. Even he himself cannot explain the secret to his inconceivable strength—perhaps it was purely indomitable willpower. His goal is to fight a worthy opponent and live comfortably. He states he became a hero ‘for fun’; however, he seems to have forgotten his original motive, which I believe to be helping people. I think Sensei isn’t enjoying being a hero, because he hasn’t met an opponent remotely on par with his power… and I burden him with my discipleship… so, there must be something else tying him to being a hero. Apart from profit. He is a humble man, I I will explain further in the next section.
Personal Life
Personality: Sensei displays a remarkable calmness no matter the situation, able to remain clear-headed—is this the key to success? I have much to learn from him in that aspect. He is also laid-back and… lazy at times. He does not seem to display a high level of intelligence and remains ignorant of worldly affairs, however, such awareness and intelligence is not needed from a man of his prowess. I do not think he is stupid, only… apathetic. Sensei is kind, just, wise, straightforward and genuine. He has displayed knowledge of the truth on multiple occasions and cares more for the wellbeing of others than his own—a true hero. He cannot sacrifice his physicality, but he can sacrifice the things he cares about to save others—such as his public image. Examples of his is when he gave credit to the heroes fighting the Deep Sea King and gave his hero suit to a child who had his clothes stolen at a hero costume contest. Sensei is truly a selfless man. He is also very humble. He does not accept rewards (once when he defeated monster at a police station and gave them credit, second when he saved a kidnapped child and refused their money as a reward, thrice when he) He also lives minimally, being resourceful and making do of what he has—he is an easily satisfied man, finding joy in simple things such as eating udon or hot pot with me his acquaintances.
I also feel like Saitama-sensei sees right through me sometimes. When his eyes do not look like a dead fish’s, they are deep and it’s as if colour seeps back into them and he sees when i am lying to myself. He is omniscient, omnipotent. I see his face everywhere, in the clouds, on the white shine of my dinner plate, on the ceiling of Dr. Kuseno’s laboratory when I lie on the operation table… whenever he arrives at a scene, he brings hope.
Sometimes I cannot help but believe he is God.
But I know that isn’t true. Not when he is so gentle to animals but cats run away from him, not when he hums a happy little tune when ‘90s songs comes on the radio, not when he nudges me aside while I do the dishes and helps me…
However, he is forgetful, especially of names, but I do not blame him, for his mental state should not be burdened further than his current decrepitude. It must be lonely for him; on dreary days I can see his shoulders weighing…
I hope I can alleviate some of his burden, or at least take some on my shoulders too. Let me help you, Sensei, please.
Background: Sensei has not told me much about his past, save for snippets which I treasure dearly and store with care in multiple hard-drives in addition to my brain. I do know he struggled as a child and young adult in school and in employment, but persisted despite his acts of justice being scorned and thrown back in his face. I admire him greatly for this—no matter how much the tide beats him down, he always stands back up. It is no wonder he became the man he is today.
He has no family that I know of, but perhaps he is simply estranged from them. Despite him wanting to be a hero for a long time, the moment he decided to leap for his dream was when he fought a nameless low-level crab monster, which was a formidable foe at the time. He saved a butt-chinned brat from it and decided to pursue his dream to be a hero when the Hero Association hadn’t even been created.
Saitama-sensei then proceeded to train for three years straight, so hard that he went bald. He also suffered suffocating isolation on his path to power. His training regimen consisted of regular muscle training, which makes me more inclined to believe how he paved his way to power was through sheer willpower and determination. Truly incredible… but, I keep circling back to one of his invaluable quotes: “Human beings are great because we have the power to change ourselves.”
I wonder then, I am not entirely human anymore, so would I still be able to catch up to him…? Was all this for naught? Am I wasting his precious time? Will I never defeat the Mad Cyborg?
No. When I was facing the giant meteor about to fall on our town, old man Bang gave me a piece of advice: “You’re too young to be worrying sbout consequences. Sometimes it’s best to just muddle your way through.”
I don’t usually take that old man’s advice, but that’s what Sensei does, isn’t it? Besides, Sensei also said, “Instead of being stuck on the past, keep moving forward.”
If I keep pushing, I will eventually catch up to him. I have to. Then he won’t be alone anymore.
I am going off-track. More about his past (I must ask him more about it later): coincidentally, the Hero Association was established shortly after Sensei began training… and the child he saved bore a remarkable resemblance to the founder of the HA, Agoni… could it be…?
Hero activity
Saitama-sensei usual hero activities consists of fighting obliterating monsters (any level, even God level and above. I have complete faith in him.) and saving civilians; but he seems to not worry too much about collateral damage, only that no one has died. A rare instance I can think of him actively going out of his way to prevent collateral damage was in his fight with Tatsumaki, whom he later complained got all the credit for defeating nonexistent monsters (MORON EXECUTIVES!!)
Fighting style: Saitama-sensei does not fight. He exterminates, eliminating all his enemies with one punch if he does not give them a chance at all. His fighting style as I have observed so far is static; however, upon witnessing the future of a different timeline via my core, I now understand. It is not that his growth is static.
He has been growing this whole time.
I also… had never seen him so serious as he was when fighting against Garou. Was it because of me? Did I almost cause him to destroy planets?
Despite him being the strongest man in the universe, that was the first time I was afraid of him.
His punches are direct, powerful and efficient. If he is feeling kind and patient (and not missing a bargain sale) he will give his adversaries a chance before he eliminates them with a Serious Punch or, to (sic) ‘spice things up a bit’, his Consecutive Normal Punches.
• Killer Move, Serious Series: Serious Punch
When Sensei is in Serious Mode and punches the enemy. This singular punch will almost always end the foe before or on contact; otherwise, it will end the foe shortly. Death is inescapable.
I have experienced his Serious Punch (I nickname it the Death Punch) first-hand. It was enough to blast a hole through a plateau, and more. He had been holding back even then… because, as I understand now but naively didn’t at the time, he would have definitely killed me if he hadn’t held back. In fact, he probably would have destroyed Earth.
I wonder frequently how those strong hands could be so gentle when flicking my forehead.
• Consecutive Normal Punches
When Sensei delivers a series of punches (he looks so dashing cool intimidating when he is in Serious Mode!! I couldn’t help but develop a move of my own after his!) that are weaker in power than his Serious Punch. This is an effective combo move that finishes off the enemy, though I’m unsure if Saitama-sensei actually designed it for that purpose.
• Killer Move, Serious Series: Serious Sideways Jumps
A unique, unexpected technique that was used to defeat that pervert Speed o’ Shit Sound Sonic. The shockwaves alone are enough to throw enemies to the curb without outright killing them. It is effective for dazing enemies and disarming them.
• Killer Move, Serious Series: Serious Sneeze
A move used only once against Garou, Sensei performed it in Serious Mode and sneezed part of the surface of Jupiter off. This sneeze is purely force and is relatively uncontrollable (in terms of power level and timing) except for the direction it is aimed, which can be generally adjusted.
• Killer Move, Serious Series: Serious Table Flip
Clutching my core with one hand (I did not know Sensei would value it so much; even though it had no practical use anymore, I suppose it had sentimental value. There is a trembling feeling in my chest that I cannot name) and performing this move with the other, it was also used only once against Garou when he ripped the surface of Io apart by digging his hand into the ground and flipping it upward. Shards of the shattered surface scattered into space, providing an effective cover and obstacle respectively for Sensei’s attacks and Garou’s defence.
I have analysed Saitama-sensei’s fight in space a multitude of times, and have gained valuable insight from it. Insight on power, yes, but also on Sensei himself… I think I understand him better now. I will not leave him.
Here’s Genos’s section written by Saitama
Alternatively, on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56358436/chapters/149442301
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
Can I request RE8 women (Lady D 、Donna...etc,you can pick who you want to write!)be protected by a human who wear full Knight's armor,use sword and sheild to fight,and they think that knight is a man.
But one day, that knight take off the helmet,and they are wrong,the knight is a woman.👩 ⚔
Sorry if I misspelled something, English is not my first language.
Broken Truth (Sharpening my sword): Hm, Dimitrescu or Donna... Dimitrescu or Donna... Hm... Why not both? Let the words weave together!
[Mother Miranda's Chapel - During A Lord Meeting]
"Thus, it would be better if you all were to... Alcina!" The Raven Winged Woman yelled out all of a sudden, causing the regal woman to jolt in her seat and almost drop her cigarette.
"Huh?! What?! Yes, Mother Miranda?" She asked as she looked at the woman in the golden mask.
"In case you forgot where you are - we are in the middle of a meeting and you are allowing your mind to wander instead of remaining focused. Care to explain why you are so distracted?" Miranda asked as she folded her arms with a glare under her mask.
"Please, forgive me, Mother Miranda - I was still...trying to analyze something that happened yesterday. You see - a few of the village's man-things decided to attack my castle." Alcina began.
"What's new about that? You report an attack on your castle once every two to three weeks; what makes this one so different that it's distracting you from the meeting?" Miranda asked.
"Well, Mother Miranda - It wasn't the event itself but the person who came out of nowhere and slaughtered all of the opposers." Alcina said with a slight blush on her face.
"Person? What person?" Miranda asked.
"Well... A Knight."
[Flashback - The Day Before - Attack On Castle Dimitrescu]
Once again - the reckless males of the village gathered again to attack the residents of the grand castle that overshadowed their home, but there were more of them than last time. The full moon shined over the castle, lighting the area around the - there were at least 50 or 60 humans there; armed with farming equipment or small handguns. Alcina and her Daughters were standing before the grand door of their castle - claws and sickles ready - the first man who held a pitchfork made a dash for the eldest daughter but before he could even get close to her, the silhouette of a caped figure shrouded the light of the moon before the figure came crashing down in the middle; acting as a bridge between The Dimitrescus and the Opposers.
The figure rose to their feet and the light of the moon made their features known to all. They were tall - at least 7 feet tall - dressed in a black metal armor that bore wolves on the shoulders and in the chest plate, the eyes of the wolves had rubies for eyes; even the helmet was in the likeness of a wolf and the back of the legs had a tail made of fur - was it real or did the wearer hunt down a beast and take its tail as a trophy. By their side, the pommel of the sword shined in the moonlight and even that was a wolf.
"Who the hell are you?!" The man said.
"Silence, you waste of flesh and blood." A deep voice came from the helmet, making the man flinch - a male was in that suit? That would explain the height. "You dare rally drunken minds to harm your masters? You have no honor and thus no worth, therefore..." His hand came over his side and wrapped around the handle of the sword before slowly pulling it out of its case, "You have no lost your privilege of life for even having the thought of harming House Dimitrescu!" He howled as he darted at the crowd of men with the speed of a beast on the hunt.
With a single swing of his sword - the first 10 men were killed. Alcina and her daughters watched in awe as this armored man slaughtered men who harm on the Dimitrescu Family. With another slash of the massive blade, 8 more were killed. He kept at it until the last man - the one who poisoned all the others to fight a losing battle; he was shivering and dropped his weapon as the tall man walked over to him, his armor and sword dripping with the blood of his lackeys.
"You are the orchestrator of this madness - the one who weaved chaos and delusion into the hearts and minds of these men." He growled as he raised the bloody blade over his head. "It is your fault that wives have become widows, children grow without parental guidance, and fathers...bury their sons; let that weigh on your mind...as you face your creator for judgment." The sword came crashing down upon the man - slicing him right down the middle.
"That...THAT WAS AWESOME!!" The excited cry of the youngest Dimitrescu Daughter as she buzzed over to the knight and began asking him questions: Where did he come from? Where he learned to fight like that? Where he got his sword and armor? If he could teach her how to fight? The Armored Man just stared at her.
"Daniela, that's enough." Alcina said as she cleared her throat and walked over to her daughter and savior, "I thank you for your but assistance but my daughters and I could have handled them." Alcina said.
"A Lady of your stature doesn't need to sully herself with dirt - it's not worth your time or the time of your daughters. Your time is precious and should be wasted with trivial matters such as this." He said before turning on his heel and jumped so high that he was once again cast in the moon's shadow before he fell in the forest somewhere, leaving the daughters and Lady of the castle just standing there...with a light blush on the lady's face.
[End of Flashback]
"HA HA HA HA HA! Lady Super-Sized Bitch has a crush! Oh, this is so rich!" Heisenberg laughed to the point he almost fell out of his seat.
"Silence, you stupid man-thing! You're just mad that he is more of a man than you will ever be!" Alcina roared at her brother who was going to shout back when...
"Hold on, ya talking that a tall dude - black armor with wolves all over it?" Angie asked from Donna's Lap; Alcina looked at her confused.
"Yes, that's my knight." She said.
The doll burst out laughing.
"Your Knight?! That's Donna's Knight! He saved her just last week!" Angie smiled.
"WHAT?!" Alcina yelled - jealousy clear in her voice.
"Yeah - it was late one night; we were looking for a plant that grew on the edge of the valley wall when..."
[Flashback - The Valley of Mist]
"AHHH!" The Dollmaker cried out as the rock under her feet broke away and she began to fall down into the misty darkness of the valley she called her home - tears in her eyes, reaching for the growing moon in the sky that seemed to get smaller and smaller with each second. She closed her eye, waiting for the sudden impact that would end her life of misery when she felt another force - an arm secured itself around her waist and she was pressed a cold chest, she kept her eye closed until she came to a stop and slowly opened them when she came face-to-face with a metal face in a wolf snarl.
"Are you alright, my lady? That would have been quite an unpleasant fall." The deep voice spoke from the metal wolf's locked jaws - Donna's eyes widened at the shining [E/C] eyes that looked back at her from the holes in the helmet.
"I...I am alright." Donna's voice came in a whisper.
"That is good to hear. Now, let's get you back to your companion." The Wolfish Knight said as he looked up and lunged himself up the wall with one clawed hand while holding Donna with the other, refusing to let her go. The moment they reached the top, Angie ran up to them.
"Donna! Are you alright?" She yelled.
"Worry not, Little Angel; your mother is safe, I was not going to let anything happen to her." The Knight said.
"Who are you?" Angie asked.
"I have no name, Little One." The Knight said as he held his hand out to Angie, "Now, take my hand and I'll get both of you back home, it gets rather dangerous around her at this time of night." He said.
Angie looked at the black clawed gauntlet for a moment before she took it and was pulled into an embrace and sat in her mother's lap before the knight rose to his full height and carried the woman bridal style before jumping into the trees - leaping through them like a Forest Cat - before falling to the ground in front of Beneviento Manor and sat them both on their feet. The knight gave them a nod before turning away and leaping away once again - gone from their sight.
[End of Flashback]
"Well...Just because she knew him first doesn't mean that she can have him." Alcina said.
"And what makes you think you deserve him? He saved us first and Donna even saw his eyes; you didn't have a decent conversation with them." Angie said.
"He is my knight and I shall not let anyone take him from me, not even my little sister." Alcina growled at Angie.
"Hey, you can't claim him for yourself if he doesn't want you!" Donna said as she rose from her seat.
"And what makes you think he wants you, little dollmaker?" Alcina smirked.
"I don't know what he wants but if he were here, I would as him!"
Oh, fate - how you be a lady.
The Window above Mother Miranda's head caved inward and two figures came crashing into the stone floor of Mother Miranda's Chapel - the first being one of Karl's Massive Lycans - The Varcolac - and...
He was holding the beast by its head as it tried to sink its teeth into his armor. The Varcolac's hand lashed out and knocked the knight into one of the stone walls - making a large hole in it.
"My Knight!" Both Alcina and Donna yelled out before glaring at each other, "Your Knight?!"
A flash of black bolted out of the hole and metal arms wrapped around the beast's neck before twisting - snapping its neck. The Knight dropped the dead creature and exhaled before the wolf face he wore began cracking and broke away: revealing [H/L] [H/C] hair, [E/C] eyes, [S/C] skin with a scar across the face and...
A feminine face?!
The knight looked up at Miranda and the other lords before bowing in apology. "Forgive me for this interrupting, this beast attacked my home and I had to put it down." She said. Alcina was quick and was at the knight's side with her hand on the knight's shoulder.
"It's quite alright, cavalerul meu (My Knight). You had to do what needed to be done to keep your lady safe. If you wish, I can bring you to Castle Dimitrescu for a meal and a safe place to recover; it's the least I can do, Darling." Alcina blushed at her words while the woman in armor just looked at her in confusion before she was pulled away from Alcina.
"Hey, Tall One! It's been a while! Thanks for saving us from that thing. Sorry about your mask, Donna and I can get it fixed for you and you can stay with us while it gets fixed." Angie said while Donna smiled.
"Excuse me?!" Alcina said as she marched up to her little sister, the knight moving back. "I was the one who invited my knight to stay at Castle Dimitrescu while she heals, you can't roach on my bonding time with my future partner!" Alcina yelled at the veiled woman.
"And who said she wants you, Alcina?! Didn't you see if was uncomfortable with the way you were touching her?! It's clear she doesn't want you!" Donna yelled back.
"She does! Don't you, cavalerul meu?!" Alcina turned to the knight...only to find her gone. "What?!" She looked around, "Where did she go?!"
"She jumped back out that window while you two were arguing. Looks like she doesn't want either one of you." Karl smirked.
"SHUT UP, KARL!!!" Donna/Alcina/ and Angie yelled at him.
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realcube · 4 years
The Maid Café || Saiki K x Reader
summary: nendou and kaidou keep pestering saiki to visit their favourite maid café but he shuts them down every time. however, after a bit of prying they manage to convince him to give the place a try and while they are there, you just so happen to be on shift. 
Tumblr media
tw// cussing, maid café, (she/her) reader
“non italicised text” = somebody besides Saiki speaking
“italicised text” = Saiki telepathically communicating
‘italised text’ = Saiki’s thought
‘Of course Nendou and Kaidou would be into maid cafés of all things — not cat cafés, not internet cafés — it just had to be maid cafés.’  
Saiki’s internal monologue began as Kaidou continued gushing on about the cute lady he met at the café a few days ago as an argument to why Saiki should join them next time they go. Not to say Saiki wasn’t listening as he felt extremely sorry for whatever lady had to tolerate Kaidou’s advances and his prayer went out to her but besides that, he really couldn’t care less about the maids or the café. 
Until, his attention was involuntarily aroused at the vocalisation of his name from Nendou, “Saiki’s definitely in for Friday, I’m pretty sure I sold him when I told him that the sandwiches there are almost as good as the ramen we usually get.”
‘No, you didn’t. I won’t be coming to join you on Friday. I’d much rather stay--’ 
Somehow Kaidou managed to cut off Saiki’s internal monologue with his annoying voice, “Don’t be silly, Nendou. You’re not going to win Saiki over with such a ridiculous comparison, one that he clearly doesn’t care about.” 
‘Am I delusional? Is this a hallucination? Or did Kaidou just say something logical and based in reality?’
Kaidou’s aura immediately changed to dark and sinister as a mischievous smirk crossed his face, the background squawks of the crows suddenly became much louder for some unknown reason. “Instead, you must locate your opponent's weak point before you can recognise the crucially important moment to exploit it. The process takes patience but it is one I have learned from my many years rebelling against Dark Reunion. Now, young Nendou, watch and learn.” He finished with a dramatic flip of his school jacket which was slung over his shoulders as a cape.
‘What was all that about?’
Saiki wondered before Kaidou turned to him, much less brooding than he was a few seconds ago, and said casually, “Your loss if you don’t come, Saiki — you’ll be the one missing out on some of the best desserts in our whole town — not to mention the coffee jelly.”
‘How do I always end up losing to these people? I am a psychic for god’s sake!’
Saiki mentally cursed himself out as he stood shamefully in front of the maid café, wearing a carefully curated outfit — including his germanium ring  — created especially to hide his identity from anyone from his school that might pass by the café and spot him in there through the window or something. Honestly, he wouldn’t be caught dead in a maid café, or so he thought.
However, all the reviews he read along with both Nendou and Kaidou’s thoughts helped him conclude that this place’s coffee jelly and general dessert selection is nothing to sneeze at. In fact, his favourite Tumblr blog - DeadlyDesserts11037 - visited the place and gave it a 5 star review, recommending everybody who happens to pass by the town to definitely check the place out. After that, he was sold.
Saiki looked over at his friends and couldn’t help but facepalm in response to their bright red, thrilled expressions. “Good grief, please don’t tell me you are both that excited over ladies in maid outfits.” As you might’ve guessed, Saiki didn’t really understand the concept of a ‘maid café’, so he simply assumed the male obsession with maids had something to do with the objectification of women hence he obviously did not want to take part.
“Saiki, you’re seriously just built different if this doesn’t touch your soul.” They both brushed the pink-haired boy’s comment off, completely mesmerised by the sight of a particularly pretty maid-lady walking by the window — probably on her way to serve a table — carrying a notepad in one hand and a plate with a scrumptious-looking coffee jelly on top. 
Saiki followed their gaze, his breath hitching at the sight. He was speechless; no sarcastic comment, no running commentary, nothing. Just..woah! If he had known that the girls that work at this place were so gorgeous and the food looked so delicious, he would’ve came a long time ago.
He wasn’t even sure which one he wanted more; the girl or the jelly. In a way, one wasn’t complete without the other because the coffee jelly which she held high next to her head brought out her (E/C) eyes while her shapely figure highlighted the defined curves of the jelly. Drool was quick to start forming at the corners of his lips but he was even quicker to wipe it away; he was starving.
“We’re going in.”
To Saiki’s dismay, it was not the stunning (H/C)-haired girl who he had caught a glimpse of through the glass that ushered them to their table. Rather, it was a slightly less gorgeous maid-lady who had long, bright purple hair which was clearly a wig. 
Fortunately for him, after she left Kadiou, Nendou and himself to take their seats, she rushed off saying that someone will come take their orders whenever they are ready.
Even with his psychic abilities, there wasn’t much he could think of to alter fate so the pretty coffee-jelly lady would end up serving their table, and besides that, he was way too caught up in gawking at all the mouth-watering desserts they had pictured on the menu. 
Simply glancing over the menu brought a stupid grin to his face, he wanted to try every delectable treat presented in front of him. However, he knew he must exhibit restraint, which was fairly simple as he knew deep down there was only one thing on the menu that he was truly after. You guessed it  — coffee jelly.
Usually, he couldn’t care less about what his friends comrades were going to order but in this case, he was tempted to try convince both Kaidou and Nendou to order something he liked so he could take a bite of whatever they were having, “What are you two going to order?”
Yet again though, he was ignored as Nendou and Kaidou were both too busy checking out other types of snacks to care about the ones on the menu. 
Then, a movement out of the corner of his eyes caught his attention so his head jolted from the menu to his new target, the beautiful girl he had saw through the window earlier. Previously, she was holding a coffee jelly but now she was basically empty handed, until she approached the table and pulled out a notepad and pen, “May I take your orders?” She asked in the most calming, melodious voice Saiki had ever heard, the sounds that left her mouth were nothing short of angelic. Which made sense since her serving their table must’ve been god’s gift to Saiki for all his hard work.
Chills, Saiki got literal chills before he mused, “A coffee jelly, and two brownies for the pair of clowns.” His blood ran cold; curse his smooth sarcastic comments! Most of the time, he was able to filter himself but due to the nerves that arose while talking to you, he probably shouldn’t be surprised that he had a little slip of the tongue. But now, you probably think he is a bitch that insults people on the regular; which he is, but not usually aloud! Plus, he couldn’t even tell what you were thinking due to his germanium ring and your distant expression, awful combo!
While he was in the middle of feeling bad for himself and considering teleporting away home, a miracle happened, you burst out laughing. And somehow, your laughter was even more silvery than your voice. 
Saiki had zoned-out from pure shock for a moment before coming back to reality, noticing that you had started jotting down something in your notepad, a sweet smile still lingering on your face despite the fact you had stopped laughing. “Alright, so one coffee jelly and two brownies. Anything else?” You asked, glancing back and forth between the three equally unique and strange men sitting at the table. 
“That’ll be all, thank you.” Saiki telepathically communicated as he usually did, considering actually using his mouth to speak for a change so he didn’t seem weird but in all honesty, he couldn’t be bothered. In any other situation, he would’ve gotten a drink of water or perhaps hot cocoa but right now he was way too afraid of making another error in his speech to request something else. 
Silently, he extended his arm to hand you the menu he was given when he entered the café, along with the ones Kaidou and Nendou were given too. His actions single-handedly shooting down your plan of leaning across the table to ‘take the menus’ but in reality it is just a subtle way of showing-off how nice your torso looked in this maid outfit, a trick you learned from your supervisor. 
You nodded, closing over your notepad and making your way over to the kitchen, being sure to swing your hips just a little bit extra to impress the pink-haired megane at the table you just took an order from. You mentally cursed your stupid brain though for always crushing on guys/gals who don’t seem the least bit interested in you. In this case, the guy’s attention was divided between his star-struck friends and the desserts on the menu, rather than you which was an unusual sight in a maid café considering that most people would only come to ogle at the waitresses. 
“So, Saiki.” Kaidou finally landed back into reality after a large chunk of the waitresses roaming around were now in the kitchen which he didn’t have viewing access to, “What did you order us?”
‘So, he was fully aware that the waitress came to take his order, he just chose to ignore her and left me to order his food. What a child, it must be a side-effect of his eighth grade syndrome.’
Saiki couldn’t help but sigh, “I ordered you both brownies.”
Kaidou stuck out his bottom lip to form a pout as he crossed his arm over his chest like a toddler, “I hate brownies.” He muttered to himself, realising that if he wanted something done right, he’d have to do it himself.
An amused smirk tugged at Saiki’s lips but he resisted the urge to laugh, ‘I know.’ He thought, his masterplan to eat more food without looking greedy falling into place. “Oh well, more for me then.”
Suddenly, Nendou spun his head around to abruptly join the conversation, “Hey guys, did you see the hottie that was serving our table?” He inquired with starry eyes, as if he was a kid in a candy store.
Saiki nodded, ‘Obviously I did, you moron. I was the one who ordered the food for goodness’ sake!’
Kaidou shook his head, his eyes lighting up as he leaned in close to Nendou, “Nope! I was busy looking at the other girls, but tell us!” 
Nendou chuckled at Kaidou’s enthusiastic reaction before glancing to the side, outstretching his arm and pointing at the waitress that was now approaching the table with the food in her hands. “There she is!”
‘Don’t point at her, you idiot!’ Saiki mentally insulted his friend but instinctively followed the guidance of the tip of his finger until his eyes landed on your shapely figure — accentuated by the nature of the maid outfit  — slowly heading toward his table, holding the coffee jelly and the plate of brownies in the same graceful way you did when he saw you through the window. 
The gleam of your gorgeous hair, the movement of your luscious lashes, the gentle bounce of your upper body, how your perfectly manicured nails clutched the base of the jelly glass; everything about what he was seeing made him believe that if/when he were to die, this would be his ideal first sight as he passed through the gates of heaven. 
Before he knew it, you had reached the table and placed his jelly down on the table, gently nudging it towards him, “One coffee jelly for the cute boy with antennas.” You mused, making Saiki’s heart flutter in a way he was unfamiliar with. Then, you placed the brownies in front of Kaidou and Nednou who sat opposite from Saiki, “And two brownies for the clowns.” 
If it wasn’t for the fact the pair of clowns were too busy leching over you in your maid outfit, they’d probably be curious as to your choice of words but luckily for both you and Saiki, they were way to entranced by your visible bra strap to care about the little nickname.
Saiki felt a light blush creep onto his face, which only got worse as you discretely sent him a playful wink before turning on your heels to stroll back to the kitchen, “If you need anything else, just give me a wave.” 
All of them hummed agreement in unison until the waitress was out of sight, giving Saiki a moment to process the events that had just went down. Not only did you refer to him as ‘the cute boy with antennas’ but you also winked at him, if that wasn’t a clear sign you were interested, what was? However, Saiki still had his doubts since this was a maid café after all, perhaps you were just trained to do that with all your customers.
Luckily, the had the foresight to slip off his germanium ring to read your mind and that helped him come to the conclusion that you were either interested in him or you were just very competitive as the whole time you were serving the table your thoughts were along the lines of;
‘I’ll adjust my skirt- Ha! You looked! Try resist falling for me now, you hot lil’ megane! Your heart is mine and I know it! See, I’ll fidget with my corset too-- just make a move already, pinkie!’
Although he didn’t appreciate being called ‘pinkie’, he had no right to judge what was going on in your brain. All he could do is be thankful that you didn’t say that aloud.
You sighed as you noticed the pink-haired boy and his little posy exit the establishment without so much as a goodbye, or even a wave! 
It was disappointing as you had already mentally planned your future with this guy and he had the audacity to do the real life equivalent of leaving you on read. But oh well, it would be approximately a week until you developed a crush on a random customer that lasts for around 30 minutes and for the time being, you can focus on doing your job.
You glumly shuffled over to their table to gather their plates to be washed, then a piece of colourful paper attached to the empty jelly glass caught your eye. As you held up the glass to inspect it further, you realised that it was a sticky note with a message written on it in black ink and neat, cursive handwriting. It read:
‘Dearest waitress,
Thank you for the excellent service, we (myself) tipped accordingly.’
You hadn’t finished reading yet but you were curious as to what he meant by that, and apparently you service must’ve been exceptional as the writer had left a whole ¥2000 tip. That’s a huge addition to the demonia fund.  
Followed by this charming little message was an extra tip for you; the writer’s phone number! Meaning that this little sticky note was something you had to protect with your life..so you shoved it in your bra for safe-keeping. 
But not before taking a moment to giggle with delight at who the note was signed by, 
‘Sincerely, the hot lil’ megane (aka Kusuo Saiki)’ 
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l0vegl0wsinthedark · 4 years
Holding Hands
Just dipping my toe into the "faking a relationship for a holiday party" trope. (And blame @shealwaysreads for this cause she was like do it and so I did it.)
This is unbeta’d. Please be gentle with me.
Draco waited. The silence that had fallen a couple of minutes ago was still loud. The fire in the hearth kept spitting threateningly instead of just crackling quietly and sweetly like it should. The fairy lights around the tree twinkled gently, slowly, throwing golden patterns over Potter's skin, his dark hair.
They were sat across from each other in front of the hearth, Draco in his armchair upholstered in silver-grey velvet, and Potter in the plushy green armchair he had conjured when he'd arrived. Their drinks were sitting on the spindly-legged table between them.
Potter looked very politely confused, a tiny smile on his face, a thin line between his brows. He was leaning forward, elbows resting on his knees, his long, strong fingers clasped together neatly, his full attention focused on Draco. He looked...like he was waiting for Draco to finish speaking, to...explain.
Draco licked his lips and tilted his head a bit. "Erm...?"
Potter's smile widened a bit. "Yes?" he said eagerly. Draco blinked and shook his head imperceptibly. Potter's confusion deepened. "I'm...waiting for you to...you know--" he waved his hand vaguely and then grinned, "--laugh," he finally said, a tad lamely.
Draco frowned. "What's funny?"
Potter's mouth fell open on a stupid gape. "I mean... I thought..." He pushed his glasses up his nose and then scratched the back of his neck. "So, what was it you were saying? What are you asking me?"
"Did you not hear me, or are you feigning stupidity?" Draco asked coldly.
Potter frowned, bristling a bit. "I heard you, Draco, and I feel like you're taking the mickey."
"I'm doing no such thing. I explained my predicament and asked you a simple yes or no question. Would you be so kind as to grace me with an answer?"
Potter shook his head irritably. "Stop talking like that!"
"Like what?"
"Like... Like a fucking ponce. That's how you used to speak to me." Draco just looked at him. "Can you just be normal, please?" Potter snapped.
Draco spread his hands out. "I am being normal."
"Uh huh." Potter was still frowning. "So, you're saying--" He broke off and shifted in his seat, straightening up. "So, you're saying..." Trailing off, he just sat there looking like a fucking idiot. "What are you saying?" he finally asked.
Draco picked up his brandy and took a sip before leaning back in his chair and crossing his legs, lifting his chin high. "Fine. I will ask you again. Since you're a bloody troglodyte, apparently." He had to gather the will and courage all over again to repeat himself. "Will you accompany me to my parents' Christmas party as my boyf- partner? Meaning, they'll think you're my partner. We’ll just have to pretend."
"You...said something before that earlier."
"Oh. Yes. Well, when my mother asked me if you and I are lovers, after she read that article about us in the Prophet, I simply said yes." He'd managed to say it without displaying any emotion the first time. Now, however, Draco could feel heat rising up his neck and face.
Potter was looking particularly stupid as he stared with his mouth open. "Your parents think we're dating?" Draco nodded. "And they want to...meet me?"
Draco brushed imaginary lint off his trousers. "If you consent."
Potter leaned back, slumping in his chair, knees spreading, his arms hanging over the sides of the chair. He blew out a long breath with a whooshing sound, his lips very pink as they formed an 'o'. Then, rather abruptly, he chuckled, rubbing his face and making his glasses jump onto his forehead.
"Which bit did you find amusing?" asked Draco with feigned politeness.
"The whole thing."
"Draco," Potter said on a laugh, "can you stop talking like that, please? It's fucking hilarious right now. Especially because that's not how one talks to their 'lover'."
Draco knew he was probably purple in the face by now. It was embarrassing. He ought to have told Potter right after he'd confirmed the rumours to his parents. They'd have laughed about it, and then asking him to go to this fucking party now wouldn't be such a fucking task.
Because they're friends. Close friends even. And Potter was probably going to say yes. He never denied Draco anything. He was always indulging Draco; taking care of Draco. Siding with Draco when that fucking Weasel ragged him. Always promoting Draco's label in his interviews, endorsing his little boutique. Trusting Draco enough let him dress him for important events even though Draco knew Potter had the most basic, unadventurous sense of fashion.
Draco wanted to roll his eyes. Potter was the softest, most indulgent person and he was probably going to say yes. But that didn't make any of this any easier. Because obviously Potter thought it was funny that the two of them might be lovers. He found this whole thing really amusing.
There was a thin strain of hurt somewhere in Draco's chest but he ignored it.
"So how long before you say yes like we both know you're going to?" Draco drawled.
Potter grinned widely. "What am I going to be wearing?"
The Manor was an absolute wonder to behold. Draco was sure even Hogwarts was never this heavily decorated for the holidays. Fairy lights, glittering icicles, ice sculptures, wreaths, ostentatiously decorated Christmas trees, more lights - the whole house, inside and out, was dripping in red, green, gold and white.
Potter stared around in silence, his expression very serious. He was dutifully holding Draco's hand (just like a lover might) and was taking in the sight of the gigantic ballroom they were in, guests milling about sipping golden champagne from crystal flutes, house-elves trotting around between people's knees holding up trays of hors d'oeuvres; the four gigantic, glittering Christmas trees in each corner of the room, the ice sculpture of a delicately carved fairy, her wings spread, in the centre of the room, sparkling fairy dust falling from her hand and disappearing mid-air.
To Draco this was just about normal, if a tad bit overdone (for the enjoyment of the guest of honour he'd brought along with him, he supposed), but he still blushed in embarrassment when he looked around with Potter's eyes; he was probably convinced now that his parents were pretentious or something. Feeling a bit timid, he glanced sideways at Potter.
He was looking very, very handsome tonight. He had on robes of deep, royal violet - dark enough to nearly pass off as black - with intricate gold embroidery that Draco had spent hours working on himself. He'd let Draco clip a matching cape, embroidered and lined along the hem with fur, onto his shoulders with matching brooches that glittered under the light of what had to be at least a thousand candles hovering above them. He'd made a decent attempt at taming his hair - not a successful attempt, but Draco gave him credit for trying anyway. He'd switched his usual clunky glasses out for the vision correcting spells that Draco knew he hated but it meant his eyes were shining so bright and green that it made Draco's stomach clench a bit with something he’d always staunchly ignored.
Then, his parents spotted them. Lucius was in black as usual - the material expensive, but still black - and Narcissa looked decades younger than she was in robes of pale lavender and silver. Draco smiled as she beamed at them, gliding over alongside her husband.
"Darling." She feathered her lips over Draco's cheek. "Fashionably late, I see. And fashionably dressed," she added, turning to Potter and holding out her hand, her smile small but her eyes warm.
Potter bent over her hand and brushed his lips over the back of her hand briefly - just like Draco had instructed him to - before straightening up and smiling politely. "Thank you for inviting me to your wonderful party, Mrs. Malfoy."
"You are very welcome - literally. And please call me Narcissa."
Lucius had watched and listened in silence, his hands clasped behind his back, his serious gaze fixed on Potter. When Narcissa stepped back, he slowly extended a hand to Potter.
Draco held his breath. They hadn't discussed this. He had no idea how Potter was about to behave with his father but he knew he wouldn't blame him for anything he said or did. Potter was a much better man than his father. This was fact.
But Potter simply shook hands with Lucius and nodded. Draco felt his shoulders relax.
They mingled. Draco had to repeatedly 'introduce' Potter to people as though they all didn't already know who he was, who his fucking parents were. It was laughable. But this was a stupid fucking formal Pureblood soirée and Draco still had his manners. What surprised him was how well-mannered Potter was being.
Potter was also being very loyal to his role as Draco's partner.
"He was such a little terror as a child, bless his heart," said some old crone, patting Draco's cheek with one wrinkled hand. Draco wanted to hiss at her like a cat.
"Aren't we all, at that age?" Potter said calmly, smiling.
"Oh, you're very dedicated to him, I see" she simpered. "Such a pleasure to see. You hardly ever find this in you youngsters these days."
"He doesn't give me much reason not to be dedicated to him."
Potter was still holding his hand.
"Draco doesn't tell us anything about how the two of you put your rather unhappy history aside in order to accept your...softer feelings for each other." Narcissa looked like she'd been bursting to ask Potter this all evening; she'd finally gotten a chance now that she was done making the obligatory rounds amongst her guests.
Potter looked at him, and Draco, his face hot, returned his gaze, trying to apologise wordlessly. But Potter just grinned.
"Well, I don't know about him but," Potter smiled down at Narcissa, looking handsome and charming and, well, fuck, "it was just a natural, automatic thing for me, really. The more I got to know the real Draco Malfoy the deeper I fell in love with him."
Draco felt his eyes widen a bit. He wanted to look at Potter to figure him out, to try and discern just how much he was bullshitting. He wanted to read Potter because Potter was supremely easy to read. The man wore his heart on his sleeve. Draco could always tell, just from one glance, the kind of mood Potter was in.
Trying to appear casual, like Potter hadn't said anything that made Draco's breath catch, Draco looked sideways at him. Potter was smiling, his eyes honest and soft and crinkled at the corners. He was nodding along to something Narcissa was saying.
And he was still holding Draco's hand.
"Very well done," Draco muttered, once his mother had wandered away into the crowd.
Potter smiled and squeezed his hand. "You said you'd give me a tour of the gardens," he said. Draco nodded and led him out.
They strolled in a leisurely manner. It was snowing but there were charms in place which meant that the snow never actually touched them, instead disappearing about a foot over their heads. The gardens were decorated too, lights twinkling everywhere, lighting up the paths.
"This must've been a great place to grow up," Potter eventually said.
They turned the corner and in the distance was the turret-shaped gazebo, hung with white-gold lights. Narcissa, when the weather permitted, loved to paint in the gazebo. Draco smiled.
"It was." Then, guiltily, "I mean... I don't mean to brag or any--"
Potter laughed. It was a low, deep, familiar sound that made Draco break out in gooseflesh.
"Draco," he said gently. "You don't have to feel guilty every time you talk to me about your childhood."
Draco lifted one shoulder in a shrug. "'m not guilty," he mumbled.
"No? You're still that insufferable, obnoxious little shit you were in school?"
Draco actually felt his face fall. He turned to Potter, unbothered about sounding vulnerable. "That's what you thought of me?"
Potter laughed. "Can you blame me? Do you remember you back at school?"
Draco slumped a little. "I suppose." They were nearly at the gazebo now. Together, they turned onto the path that led to the steps leading into it. Then, "That's...not what you think of me now, is it?"
"Draco," Potter's voice was gentle, yet teasing, "Everyone thinks you're a prat. You have to know this."
"Yes, but you?" They climbed the two steps and walked into the gazebo.
"I think you're a prat too." They were still holding hands. "But you're my prat."
Draco turned to look at him but Potter, with a sharp yank, was pulling Draco to himself. With a soft 'oof', Draco hit Potter's chest. Now they were holding both hands.
He quickly pulled himself together although Potter could probably feel his heart galloping in his chest. "Am I, now?"
"Isn't that what we've just spent the last hour and a half proving to people?"
"Well," Draco said slowly, "I was under the impression that it was an act."
"Well," Potter said quietly. "I'd rather it...be real."
They were standing pressed together in the centre of the gazebo, fairy lights surrounding them, Potter's green, green eyes reflecting them as he stared intensely at Draco. He looked like he was challenging Draco, like he was daring Draco to laugh in his face and carelessly brush aside what he'd said. Because that's what Draco Malfoy would do when Harry Potter declared something like that, right? He'd stomp on Harry Potter's proffered heart and revel in it.
Draco couldn't even imagine doing something like that. Especially not when Potter was holding his hands and smelt so good and looked at him like he was promising him so, so many things.
"You were very convincing tonight," said Draco.
"It was really easy," said Potter.
"You held my hand throughout."
"I wasn't about to give up the chance I had."
"Thank you for coming with me tonight."
"I wasn't about to give up the chance I had."
"Shouldn't you be calling me Harry if we're together?"
"Would you like that?"
"I would love that, Draco."
"You've called me Draco for years now."
"I have."
Draco looked down at the lines of gold thread on Harry's chest, gleaming against the violet silk. "I think I'd like to call you Harry," he admitted.
When his gaze lifted back to Harry's, he was smiling at Draco. Then he looked up above them.
"Mistletoe," Harry said simply.
Draco's ears were ringing as though he'd been struck.
"Oh," he said, his voice quavering.
Harry just smiled again, and slowly let his head drop forward so that their foreheads touched. Then he brought his mouth up to Draco's brow and kissed it.
"Oh," repeated Draco.
They were just gazing at one another now.
Damn it, thought Draco as he broke first and kissed Harry full on the mouth.
They were still holding hands.
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jessekellywould · 3 years
i love your blog so much. i'm looking for racetrack higgins headcannons? their time and modern day? please? xx
I-oh wow thanks! Thank you so much!
And for those headcanons you asked for: (BTW I have this wip where Race is Robin (as in Batman and Robin) so a couple of these stem from that.)
-Canon Era:
The Delancey brothers and Race owe each other life-saving favors. (Race: I saved your half-sister one time and now you feel the need to try and save my life. Ya know what? How bout you just don’t beat up Crutchie instead, yeah?)
Race and Jojo were selling buddies once upon a time.
Race has a cop buddy by the name of Marco Hawkes (who is also Italian). Hawkes has decently high rankings at his police precinct so he usually keeps an ear out for Race so he doesn’t end up back in a Refuge like place.
(Going by Livesies canon) Race met Denton after the strike and now they hang out sometimes. Tea and biscuits, sniffing out the latest story, Denton helping Hawkes bail Race and Albert out of jail, etc.
Sort of a pyromaniac, he more likes watching things burn than actually starting fires.
Convinced Finch to use berries in his sling-shot once so when he shot someone the mushed berry would look like blood
Darcy's sister, Jean Templeton Reid (she’s a real person, I looked her up) has a crush on him
Race is pretty friendly and has a lot of non-newsies friends 
-Modern Era:
Race knows lots of languages, fully he knows English (that’s a given), Italian (cause he’s Italian), Spanish and French (cause they're also neo-latin languages), German (IDK he just does), Mandarin (cause it’s the second most common language in the world), Russian (cause it weirds people out), and Arabic (Cause he’s Robin and wants to show off to the league of assassins)  Irish. He’s working on Polish because Elmer speaks it.
He also knows ASL.
Throws cards at people that are annoying him or that he just doesn’t like
Would watch movies in the splits just because he can do that.
Went trick-or-treating and then gave his candy out to all the homeless kids he could find
When the Newsies goes skating they’ll push Crutchie around in a chair and when Race pushes him they speed around the rink much to fast
Learned guitar
Has a little scar on his upper lip from where a stray cat scratched him.
-Could be in either or both:
Will participate in rooftop parkour and Davey is like “Stop! You’re gonna slip and fall and end up breaking your neck!”
Race is pro-capes, other newsies might be like “No capes!” or “Capes are stupid”, but Race won’t listen to them and loves capes especially if they have hoods.
If he hears a good insult he’ll steal it and save it for later.
Randomly pokes the other newsies in the stomach
His dad was in the mob/mafia.
Race is stupidly protective, he doesn’t show it often but he is. 
Well that's all I've got for Racetrack headcanons, before it dives into Race as Robin headcanons. These are mostly just Race. I didn't really wanna do any with relationship ties. I could but whatever.
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pandoraimperatrix · 3 years
Cockblocked by Batman’s son
BatCat | Humour/Romance | 1,4k
The fucker was on her for a while, and as much as their cat and bat game was fun, it was beginning to get in the middle of her business. There was this tiny small Brazilian island with her name on it, and unfortunately it was hard to steal whole islands than jewellery, so, of course, to steal some of the latter to get her island. She was calling it her retirement plan.
She was so close to her goal 12 million goal, only 10k to go, the job had been a god send, a rich collector had just acquired an Edwardian aquamarine and diamond brooch that have been on her client’s list for ages, thank goodness it was not her style at all, so she wouldn’t be tempted. It was easy enough, the security system was not what she expected from her research, but it had been fun to crack it, it was good to be surprised sometimes, she thought, kept her on her toes.
Her prize was already safely inside her bag, and Selina was ready to leave, when he appeared dark and broody, cape flowing behind him like a vampire on a silent era movie.
“Put it back.”
“Oh for Bastet’s sake!”
She ran, he went after her, and to be fair she was having fun taunting him, but there was something odd about that night, usually he gave her a little more of work, he seemed to be lagging. She even looked behind a few times to see if he was still following her, because there was nights in which would just leave to take care of an actual life threating crime. Selina thought that was the case and stopped to look, as much as the danger of him actually catching her and taking her prize back was not null, it almost felt like a let down when he’d just leave like that without a proper goodbye. He had no manners! Have no one taught him how to treat a lady?
Not that she was one.
She turned away and head back small rooftop apartment on East End, she had just entered her home, and pulled the cowl off her head when she felt a massive weight smash against her back throwing her on the floor. Fear struck her even harder, had the celling just fallen? She screamed for her cats to find safety before she managed to wiggle her body around enough to get an idea of the situation.
“What the actual fuck!”
The celling was intact and what was currently pressing her to the floor was the wall of meat known as the Batman.
“Put… it back.”
And then his eyes closed. She had never been close enough to notice before, but they were blue.
Read on AO3
It was embarrassing. She was tied up to a bomb. Heist gone wrong, well, it was good that he appeared since it was his fault that there was a heist at all. After leaving her flat while she napped after playing his personal Florence Nightingale all night, he repaid her by stealing her brooch!
Can you believe it?
The ingratitude?
The disrespect?
It was entirely his fault that she was obligated to break into that stupid warehouse to steal her new mark – an art deco diamond bracelet with an asscher cut, totally her style, she was already planning how to get it back, for free, of course. It was not her fault that the intel that got forgot to inform her that it was the same warehouse that had been used by Don Malone to hide drugs. And that when she broke in the place was no empty and Malone’s goons thought she was working for Falcone. Of course, no one believed her when she told them that she didn’t have anything to do with that.
You know, that’s why Selina had no trouble lying, because the truth hardly matters when someone wants to fuck you up, they will just do it for good measure, for fun, because sometimes you bloody deserve it for being the fool that nursed the fucking Batman back to health and were robbed by him.
But then, just as was she was about to accept that was how she’d meet her maker, a little leprechaun fell from the roof and said in a squeaky voice that she’d be okay.
“Geez, freaks are getting younger every day!”
Until Batman appeared and started defusing the bomb she thought she had already died and was having a very weird afterlife.
“He’s not a freak.”
“Oh… he’s with you!”
Maybe she was having a very weird afterlife. But why the hell her afterlife included the fucking Batman?
“He’s my… hmm… son.”
Wait, that was too weird for an afterlife.
“Your son? And his mother is okay with that? Jesus, isn’t he afraid of falling down?”
The boy had limbed a rope hanging from the roof and was hanging upside down by his pixie booted feet.
“He doesn’t have a mother,” Batman muttered as he still worked on her bomb, well, not hers. She owned no bombs, your honour. He was awfully talkative that night, that Batman. “Robin, behave!”
Oh my god, he was the leprechaun’s father! The information was just too good and at the same time she had no idea of what to do with it. It was the kind of prize she’d keep for herself.
“I’m behaving!” the high pitched boyish voice shouted back, but he did a flip and landed on the floor. She could say she was impressed. How old was that kid? Less than ten, she’d bet.
“Poor kitten, is she…”
“She died” he said so devoid of feeling that she raised an eyebrow. Of course Batman tended to be stoic, but, that was cold even for him.
“I’m sorry for your lost” she tried lamely.
He sighed. Batman actually sighed. What the hell was happening?
“I didn’t know her. He’s adopted.”
That night was one shocking revelation after another, wasn’t it?
“So… There isn’t a Mrs. Batman, then?”
What kind of lame line was that? Urgh. But was he… Nah. She was imagining it. He had not, in fact, sniffed her neck.
Of course, she couldn’t see, he was behind her, and although she could see Robin at the entrance very well because the light coming from outside reflected his little yellow cape as he amused himself by doing what looked like very dangerous acrobatics, where she was sitting, tied to a chair that was chained to a bomb, was completely dark. She could only hope he was really some sort of vampiric meta that could see in the dark otherwise letting him disarm the bomb was not the best of her decisions.
“It’s done.”
He released her. Selina rotated her wrists and stood up, relieved.
“Robin, let’s go!”
She watched as the boy let out a happy yelp and ran ahead, they could use that one as a limitless energy source and end climate change.
“Wait” she said walking around the chair to meet him in the dark “let me say thank you first, you just saved my life.”
“There’s no n-“
He couldn’t end the sentence when Selina blindly pressed her lips against his.
She meant to be a small playful peck, but Batman’s gloved hand slid to the small of her back, pulling her close and before she could think clearly about what she was doing, her arms were around his neck, hoisting her body up to fix their huge height difference issue. He parted her lips and slid his hot tongue against the roof of her mouth, the hard pointy part of his mask that protected his nose biting into her cheek.
“Ewww,” they broke the kiss to look at Robin’s small face wrinkled with disgust, but still remained in each other’s arms for a moment. And then, slowly, they turned their faces back forward.
Selina swallowed down, she still could taste him. And he was not letting her go, she had to be the one to pull her arms back, her hells touching the floor again.
She never thought she’d ever see Batman acting awkward but there was no other word to describe the way he grunted and stepped back before nodding to her and left, taking his little killjoy with him.
She stood there for a while.
She almost died.
She kissed the Batman.
Was cockblocked by Batman’s son.
Batman’s son??
What the fuck!
The rain made the power go out and I was looking through my WIPs. I really don’t remember writing this story lmao. But now It is finished and you can read it!
Please tell me what you think of it.
Kisses, see ya.
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Qrowin Week 2021: 6/21-Childhood Friends AU
Two little snowbirds sitting in a row
 They met in the garden at one of her father’s lavish parties. She’d gone outside because little girls didn’t like being told to sit still and not talk nor do anything fun, so she decided she didn’t care if the dress daddy bought her got messy, she’d go outside and spend time in the hedge maze.
They’d gotten it installed, in the shape of the Schnee family crest no less, because the Marigolds had one in the shape of their family crest and daddy could be silly about when people had things he didn’t.
The white roses that grew from the foliage walls, fragrant and delicate, were always calming to her, especially on a cool and cloudless night like this when the moonlight was at its brightest.
For Winter, to get lost in its lush corridors and marble statuary, it’s hidden gardens and fountains would be enough to get the annoyance of her father’s party out of her mind.
Most of that went out of her head when she found a grungy boy in a cape stuffing his face with what looked like a rabbit.
He stared at her, like an animal in a vehicle’s headlights, bits of his meal hanging from his mouth.
He couldn’t be older than her, gaunt with gunsmoke-colored hair stuck up at odd angles and eyes like carbuncles.
The clothes he wore were grubby and layered and obviously used long before he’d begun wearing them, especially that tattered cape.
For a moment, neither spoke, merely staring at one another in the moonlight.
Finally, Winter broke the silence.
“That’s disgusting.”
The boy dropped the rabbit from his mouth.
“Sorry if I’m not fancy enough for you, Miss Uppity.”
Winter felt her cheeks heat with indignation.
“How dare you!”
The boy threw back his head and laughed, a sound that reminded Winter of a pair of birds she’d once heard fighting in the yard.
“Is that all it takes to get under that pale skin!” he laughed, a sound which soon died in his throat when his stomach made a loud groan.
Winter huffed as he reached for the dead rabbit.
“Wait here and don’t touch that,” she said, turning on her heel.
She returned with two plates piled high with hors d'oeuvres.
“I didn’t know what you liked,” she said, handing him one, “so I got you one of everything.”
The boy said nothing, just shoveling food into his mouth in a way that probably promoted choking.
“You’re welcome,” Winter said, sitting down and spearing a piece of salmon on a toothpick to eat.
The boy coughed, pounding his chest.
“You shouldn’t eat so fast,” Winter said, “you’ll get sick.”
“Well, some of us don’t know when our next meal is gonna be,” he said.
His words brought back to Winter the memory of her father sending her to bed with no supper when he found she’d invited a faunus over to play, with threats of no breakfast if she didn’t break it off with the girl tomorrow.
“You might be surprised,” Winter said.
The boy said something through a mouthful of hummace.
“What was that?” Winter asked.
The boy swallowed.
“I’m Qrow,” he said.
Winter smiled.
“I’m Winter.”
One named Winter
She saw him on days when it wasn’t raining or snowing after that. The family he lived with (his “Tribe” as he called them) were camped out in the woods behind their house, the ones nobody would let daddy cut down.
At night, he told her, they danced and played instruments and drank until the early hours of the morning.
Winter never really cared for people who drank (her mother’s growing dependence on liquor was a factor in this) but Qrow never really showed up smelling like wine, so she supposed associating with him was no trouble.
It was also refreshing that he never stood on ceremony.
He never rolled his eyes at her when she spoke of wanting to learn fencing or told her how things were supposed to be when she complained about how someone (usually daddy) was being unfair.
He also taught her new games that were much more fun than anything that the boys and girls daddy introduced her knew.
Kick the can, stickball, and he played hide and seek and tag with her. And he’d tell her all about the places he’d been. Mistral, Vacuo, Menagerie, his tribe had traveled all over Remnant.
And while he could be crass, she still remembered seeing the way he rescued a baby bird from a stray cat and returning it to its nest with the tenderest care.
Or how when she complained of how her father was so bossy and so dumb, that he listened. Didn’t judge, didn’t criticize, just listen.
And sometimes, it was enough to know that they’d meet once a week, at night, in the hedge maze.
One named Qrow
She wasn’t what he expected.
Sure, she told him annoying things like “don’t slouch, eat slower, no burping, don’t pull up the flowers—no! I don’t need them, put them back!”
But she never called him weak. She never said he should practice more like his sister did.
Winter gave him food, and listened to his stories and ideas, and never asked if he wanted to fight. Sometimes, they would even just sit together.
She even taught him how to read; starting with big letters scratched in the dirt with a stick, before lending him books that they could read together.
Mr. Bruin is a Shoe-in was the first he read all by himself. And he was so happy when she let him keep it afterwards.
And she never told him to stop being so dumb, like his sister did.
And sometimes, it was enough to know that they’d meet once a week, at night, in the hedge maze.
Fly away, Winter!
Their shouts bring the servants running. All they saw was Winter on her knees, face in her hands as she wept piteously.
If only they’d come a few minutes earlier, then they could have seen the argument in all it’s glory. Voices rough from the volume and occasionally cracking, tears streaming down their faces, they weren’t that little boy and girl anymore.
He’d grown lanky and lean, she taller and with longer hair.
But they didn’t care right then.
She’d told him she was joining the military.
He said his tribe would be moving and asked if she wanted to join them instead of some stupid army.
She said it was a noble profession.
He said only for assholes.
She defended her position.
He reiterated his opinion.
She shouted at him, asking why couldn’t he be happy for her.
He shouted at her what would be wrong with going with him.
She said something about duty.
He told her to shut up, that he didn’t want to hear duty again in his whole life.
She told him that if he was going to act like a filthy little boy, then he could go off and sulk like one.
He said he wished he’d never met her and hoped she enjoyed killing people.
Arguments like that, they learned, ended with no winners.
Fly away, Qrow!
 That was the end of the time Qrow considered himself happy. Life seemed to plan for him a long drawn out death, bracketed with disappointments and tragedy’s.
The death of friends.
The death of family.
The horrors of war.
Secrets and betrayal.
And the drink
So, so much to drink.
It didn’t fix anything. It didn’t make him feel more human. But it kept the nightmares at bay. It kept him as a predictable disappointment rather than an out-of-the-blue-never-seen-that-kind-of-train-wreck-before disappointment.
But the worst part of the drink, thought, was that no matter how many shots he took, no matter how many chasers. Black liquor, brown liquor, red wine, white wine, it didn’t matter. Melancholy brought back visions of that girl from that time he had been happy.
Come back, Winter!
First impressions had never come easy to Qrow. So really, it should be no surprise that impression number 15 the horrible sequel nobody wanted or needed.
But really, denying common sense by chucking an empty whisky bottle at James Ironwood’s head was not only pointless, it was utterly puerile. He was drunk. He was upset that his latest search for intel on Salem had turned up next to nothing, he was itching for a fight and if that pompous wannabe hero wanted to take it up with him, that was fine.
Except he hadn’t expected the woman by his side to turn out to be someone familiar. Someone he hadn’t seen since he was a dumb, romantic, fifteen-year-old kid.
Someone whose reappearance upset his stomach enough that he emptied it onto the general’s uniform and shoes. With enough force to make his eyes water.
The woman in the Atlesian uniform said she would take care of him and asked another girl, another white haired girl, where their room was.
As they walked towards Beacon, he thought he heard her say “Qrow Branwen, what has the world done to you?”
Come back, Qrow!
Qrow awoke to a cold rag on his forehead.
“Lie still,” she said, “I think you got a hold of some rockgut.”
“More like rockgut got a hold of me.”
Qrow’s attempt at humor was met with a scowl.
“Gee, you got frosty.”
“And you became an alcoholic,” she said, wringing out the cloth into a nearby basin.
Qrow looked away from her and to the wall, as if a better retort than her’s existed there.
“It eases the pain,” he said.
“No it doesn’t,” Winter said. She threw the rag into the basin, causing the water to splash.
“Qrow, my mother is an alcoholic. It doesn’t fix anything! It just makes you want more of what’s essentially fermented grass!”
“You don’t think I know that!” Qrow snapped. Tears pricked at his eyes and his heart sank when he saw the hurt in her eyes from his tone, something he hadn’t seen there since their last meeting.
“There are nights when no matter how much I drink, I still can’t forget the loss of all the people around me and how--”
He paused and swallowed.
“How everyone is just one day going to leave me!”
Tears were starting to fall as all the regrets he’d kept at bay with drink and fighting and everythng else he could find came rushing back into him and coiling around his lungs.
“I’m bad luck, Winter,” he said, “I lost my sister, my tribe, I lost the people I care about, and every day, it’s missions, missions, and missions to find an enemy I don’t even know exists.”
His shoulders were shaking and he remembered his sister, back when they were little, telling him how ‘boys don’t cry.’
God, Winter must think he’s so pathetic.
Instead, she took him by the shoulders and gently brought him into her embrace.
“It’s alright,” she said, “just let it out. Get it all out.”
Not knowing what else to do, Qrow gripped the back of her uniform and sobbed into her shoulder, years’ worth of pain and loneliness deep inside him rising to the surface and finally escaping. And the pressure went with it.
At some point, they ended up lying together on the bed (wait, were they in a bunk bed?), still in each other’s arms.
“We all have regrets,” Winter said, “things we said. Things we wish we could take back.”
Her hand tightens on his shirt and his hand closes around it.
“But, if you really want to know, if I could do it over...”
Please say it, he wanted to think, but every time he had thoughts like that, life saw fit to swat him down again.
“I would go with you. Even if after the first day, I went back home, I think I would go with you.”
Qrow felt his heart swell and suddenly, he didn’t feel so sick anymore.
“And... if you wanted to start over... I would like that too.”
“I still have Mr. Bruin,” Qrow said.
He didn’t know why he said that. She never asked about the book, never said “Qrow, what kind of literature do you normally read?”
Whatever the reason, Winter looked up at him, shocked.
“Still? I thought you would’ve thrown that away.”
Qrow looked down at her, eyes glassy.
“I tried a few times. But I just couldn’t get rid of something that reminded me of you. It’s missing the page where Mr. Bruin loses his boot, but I tried to keep it safe.”
Winter’s hand rises to his cheek and Qrow leans into it, the human contact easing the hole in his soul he’s tried to fill with booze.
“I’m sorry I didn’t turn out as someone you could be proud of.”
“The fact that you kept that book tells me everything I need to know.”
Later that night, Winter’s sister and Qrow’s niece would get the shock of their lives when they enetered their room and saw the two of them sleeping on Weiss’s bed together.
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elareine · 4 years
Reverse robins idea. Jason doesnt become a Robin. The bats dont even find him before the cat herself. Selena is still on and off with Bruce at this point. Damian as noticed the little kitten running around and decides the kitten need a more responsible adult than his father and the cat. Cue thugs being terrified of the shadow that follows the little kitten around.
Thank you for this adorable prompt <3 Sorry it took me so long to finish. 
“Uh. Dami? What’re you doing?”
Those were—a lot of throwing knives. Like, actual knives, not Bat-themed at all.
Damian didn’t look up. “Sharpening my weapons.”
They looked plenty sharp to Dick, but Damian was a fussy old maid like his father. Their father. He was still getting used to that one.
“You’re supposed to be in Metropolis,” Dick pointed out.
Damian scowled. Dick didn’t take it personally. He liked his oldest brother. Dami glared a lot and yelled at Bruce when he was mean, and he never told Dick that he should stop seeking revenge for what happened to his parents. “Change of plans.”
“Can I come?”
“You’re heading out with Father tonight,” Damian pointed out. “And anyway, no.”
“What’re you doing? Is it a date?” Full disclosure: Dick wasn’t entirely sure what a ‘date’ was. He just knew that everyone blushed when he asked the question and that Bruce, according to Alfred, never got any.
Damian, however, just shook his head. “No. It’s a mission.”
Dick tilted his head to the side. “I don’t believe you.”
“That does not matter. It is the truth either way.”
Bullshit. Damian was sharpening his weapons, okay, but there was no mission for him in Gotham tonight. Bruce had told Dick so when he mentioned that all that would be happening tonight was a Catwoman heist, so he would pick Dick up after.  
(Dick had a sneaking suspicion that for Bruce, ‘heist’ and ‘date’ meant the same thing.)
Nooo, Damian was up to something. Something important—or embarrassing—enough that he would lie to his cute little brother about it.
Just wait until he told Babs about this! She was always going on about “Steph did this” and “Cass did that,” and now, finally, Dick had a juicy mystery to distract her. Hehe. This was going to be fun.
Selina would never understand Bats. If you’d asked her twenty years ago if she could see Bruce adopting a gaggle of orphans, she’d have laughed but agreed—if the kids were all alone in the world or in a situation that reminded Bruce of his own.
Like, the first kid—okay. That was his son. From the daughter of an immortal cult leader, Selina later found. Weird enough. Then the second just showed up because… the city needed him? And he was right? And then another assassin kid, this time a daughter.  
Really, only Dick fitted the pattern she’s envisioned for Bruce. Which was ironic, because, by that time, she’d taken in her own boy (the first after two Catgirls), who fit the pattern much better.
Of course, their child-rearing methods showed some marked differences. Selina thought it was for the better, really. Jay needed to be trusted, given responsibility, to determine his own fate. She let him run his own missions, treated him as an almost-equal when they went out together, didn’t comment on how he sometimes didn’t seem focused on the target so much as on the corrupt people owning it. Jay was thriving.
When his shadow showed up, Selina had expected him to be angry, the way he was whenever B mentioned a concept like ‘bedtime’ or Selina tried to protect him. But he’d lit up like there was nothing more comforting than a six-foot-four shadow following you around, glaring at criminals and innocents alike.
Selina, in her heart of hearts, did not like Damian. She didn’t fault him for his flaws, but it was hard to like someone who called you a harlot under his breath a million times.
Jay, though, adored him. Like, hung-onto-his-few-words, begged-to-buy-a-sword adored him. They even went out on patrol together sometimes. So Selina… let them. Taught Jay more restraining holds and knock-out moves than she had the others because he was a gifted thief already, but that was clearly not all that would be on his path.
And, hey. Usually, she and Bruce had to put their… thing on hold when they were responsible for pre-teens. If these ones took care of themselves, she wasn’t going to complain.
“Dames,” Jon greeted him cheerfully, “what’re you up to? Gonna join me tonight?”
“I can’t.”
At twenty-seven, Jon was way too old to pout. He still did. “Aww, why not? Important mission?”
“Not precisely.” There was shuffling on the other end of the line. “I… Catwoman is planning a two-person heist tonight. Batman has intentions of preventing it.”
Jon instantly forgave him. He looooved seeing this side of his partner. Damian rarely let himself be openly soft about anyone but his family, pets, and team, and even that was kept incredibly guarded.
(He often considered that Damian would have benefited from being a younger sibling. Being the first to come live with Bruce had been a steep learning curve for the man. Too steep.)
Didn’t mean Jon wouldn’t tease Damian about it. “So two adults are not supervision enough for the kid?”
“You know it isn’t,” Damian growled. “Father and that woman might do a passable job separately, but not together.”  
“What, are they fucking again?”
Jon laughed. “C’mon, you caught them often enough to know it’s happening.”
“I’m not listening.” Damian immediately proved himself a liar by adding: “This is a dangerous area. They should know better.”
“Good thing you’re there, then.”
“I am sorry, though.” Damian’s voice softened. Jon once again marveled at how far he’d come. The teenager he’d befriended back then would never have such a thing. “Rain check?”
“I could join you, instead,” he offered, just to hear Damian sputter: “What—no! Your colors are visible a mile away!”
“Awww, don’t be like that!”
He decided then and there to keep an ear out for the kid when Damian wasn’t there. Just in case Jason wanted to sneak away to find his birth mother in a foreign country or some other stupid dramatic Gotham shit.
After hearing what had happened to Damian years ago, Jon had already made it his mission to protect the Robins, whether they wanted it or not. There wouldn’t be any more dead ones on his watch. It wouldn’t hurt to add a kitten to the list.
Jason had it handled. Really, he had. One of the goons had just taken a bit longer to go down, that was all. The knife had been totally unnecessary.
It took him another three minutes to do anything about that—two of the security guards were still standing, and they were pissed. Jason pushed one down the hallway, choked the other, and then clocked the first so hard he went down.
Then he turned around and searched for the darkest shadow. “I had that.”
Nothing moved.
“…it was a pretty good throw.” Maybe Jason should rethink his stance on throwing sharp shit at people, after all. He still maintained that a gun would be cleaner and more straightforward. Maybe Selina (and Damian) were right though about the value of silence. Their fight hadn’t alerted anyone.
At that, the thrower finally emerged from the shadows, cape dramatically outlining his figure. Jason rolled his eyes. What was it with Bats and dramatic costumes? Selina had made him swear that no matter how much he hung out with them, he wouldn’t ever wear one of the stupid things, and that was one promise that had been very easy to give.
“I have an observational task at the Bowery in two hours and could benefit from a second pair of eyes,” Damian said stiffly. “And your knowledge of the area, of course.”
Oh, awesome. Jason loved working in his old neighborhood. Made him feel useful, like he was doing something. “Can it wait an hour? Only, I’m kinda busy here, in case you didn’t notice.”
“Of course.” Was that a smile under the mask? “I will be waiting.”
Jason gave him a thumbs-up, though he made sure to call: “Don’t barge in again!” while running off. Selina would be waiting.
Jason had had a mother. Still had, really, death didn’t change that. Selina had told him she didn’t want to replace her, which was good cause she couldn’t. As for fathers—Nah. Jason had had enough of those for a lifetime; thank you, Bruce, you can fuck off.
But a big brother? That was new.
He liked it.
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Fanfic trope! Alex/reggie, alex kiss reggie after he says something kinda dumb but very very sweet? Thks!
Thank you for the prompt! I know this isn’t exactly what you were thinking but this little idea popped up into mind and nagged me until it was written. I hope you enjoy!
Hot Dog Engine, Alex/Reggie
Tags: Fluff, College AU, blink and you miss it angst, some pining
Alex’s problem was all Luke’s fault. 
Not that he had done it intentionally. But ever since Luke and Jullie started dating he had been absent from their hangouts, leaving Alex and Reggie to hang out. Alone. 
At first it had been awkward, both of them not sure how to act with each other outside the usual dynamic of their group, but that soon passed. Overall, it wasn’t that different than when it was the three of them. 
Without Luke there to distract both of them, Alex was paying complete attention to Reggie and noticing things that he would have otherwise missed. Like how Reggie had a habit of eating his skittles in color order, and that he had a habit of bouncing a little when he was really excited about something. How his eyes scrunched and his voice got a little higher pitched when he was being defensive. 
At some point Alex realized that he noticed these because he was staring. Staring at Reggie’s fingers, at his mouth while he ate. Staring over at Reggie whenever they were practicing or looking to him first whenever anybody had good news. Staring as he started another argument with him just so he could see his eyes scrunch that way again.
Didn’t take a genius to figure out what that meant.
He wasn’t sure when it had happened, but one second he was just a guy hanging out with one of his best friends and the next he was a guy who was hopelessly crushing on a sweet, oblivious idiot. Alex tried to ignore the part of him that was completely unsurprised.
It wouldn’t have been a problem, but Reggie was everywhere. At some point, Reggie had decided that bothering Alex was his favorite pastime and since then had started seeking out Alex whenever he was bored, always having something he was excited to talk to somebody about. So Alex had to just sit there with his best friend and pretend that he didn’t want to kiss him all the time. It got really hard  That Reggie flirting with every single girl who looked at him didn’t bother him. That it didn’t especially bother him when Reggie flirted with Flynn right in front of him at a party one Friday night.
That it was definitely not the reason he was sulking in the studio, trying to finish the reading assignment that was due Monday.
“Hey Alex,” a voice called out from the other side of the room. Alex glanced up to see Reggie lounging in the doorway. His signature leather jacket must have been too hot for the weather because he was just wearing a pair of slightly baggy jeans and a slightly too small t-shirt with his usual flannel around his waist. 
Alex looked back down at his book without replying, ignoring the way his heart skipped a beat at Reggie’s lazy smile. 
“Aleeeeex,” Reggie whined when he realized Alex wasn’t gonna answer him. “Entertain me I’m bored.” 
Alex chose not to acknowledge him again, turning the page instead. He heard Reggie huff in annoyance at being ignored and Alex repressed a grin of amusement. He was sulking for a reason dammit! He was so distracted with not paying attention to Reggie that he didn’t notice the sound of him walking over until it was too late.
“Oof!” Alex let out a quiet noise of surprise at the sudden weight in his lap. He looked down to see Reggie smiling up at him with an impish grin. 
“Hey,” Reggie winked.
“Can I help you?” Alex asked in mock annoyance.
“Yeah, hang out with me. I’m bored.” 
Alex rolled his eyes and looked back down at his book. “Go bother Luke.” 
“Luke’s with Julie for their six months,” Reggie waved his hand dismissively. 
“How disappointing for you,” Alex said dryly.
“I wanna hang out with you more anyways,” Reggie’s impish smile turned bashful at that. How he managed to look bashful while draped across Alex like a cat was beyond him. 
Even though Reggie had said it many times before, a warm feeling blossomed in Alex’s chest and he couldn’t help the small smile he felt stretch across his face. He hid his face in his book as he felt the warmth spread to his cheeks. Reggie shifted so only his head was in Alex’s lap instead of his whole body. They sat in silence for a moment, Alex pretending to read and that he didn’t notice Reggie’s expectant gaze.
Alex finally broke the silence. “Even if I wanted to hang out, I gotta finish this book by tonight so I have time for practice later.” He hoped that would be enough of an excuse to get Reggie to go away. “I have an exam tomorrow, and I’m not about to give Professor Covington a reason to fail me.”
“His obsession with failing you is kinda weird, huh?” Reggie mused. “Maybe he’s trying to fail cause he wants you to stay with him another year.” Reggie nudged Alex to look at him, eyebrows waggling. “Maybe Professor Covington has a crush on you.”
Alex shuddered and the other boy started shaking with laughter at his own joke. “Please no.”
“If you don’t want to do it you could always drop out and start a company with me.”
“Don’t you think that would be impractical?” Alex replied in a teasing tone. 
Reggie scoffed.  “Course not. I got the whole thing planned out”
“Okay,” Alex laughed, lowering his book, “then what does our company do?”
“Uh…” Reggie reached a hand up to scratch his nose pensively.
“Let me get this straight,” Alex said. He restrained himself from adding ‘which I am not.’ “You want me, a broke college student, to drop out of college with you, another broke college student, to start a company which you have no plan for?”
“Hold on,” Reggie said defensively, sitting up so he and Alex were face to face. “I totally have a plan.” 
Alex’s mouth went dry as Reggie put his face so close to his own, his field of vision narrowing to dark green eyes and lips stretched into a crooked grin. All he would have to do to close the gap would be to lean forward just a couple inches—
“Prove it,” Alex teased, mentally chasing the thoughts from his head as he gently pushed Reggie further away. He had gotten good at ignoring those kinds of thoughts the past couple months.
Reggie stood with exaggerated showmanship. “Well, I am so glad that you asked.” He grabbed the flannel from his waist, tied it around his neck like a really crappy cape, and struck a dramatic pose. “Are you ready for this awesome?” He asked with mock seriousness.
Dork, Alex thought to himself. “By all means Reginald. Blow me away.” Reggie opened his mouth and Alex just knew he was going to hear the biggest load of bullshit ever.
“Well, my slightly taller friend, have you ever been walking down the street and realized that if you didn’t get a hotdog in the next ten minutes you would die?’”
“Have you been looking for an easy way to get meals while on a long car trip that doesn't involve stopping at a restaurant?”
“Still no.”
“Have you ever wondered if you were getting the most out of your vehicle?”
“I don’t have a car Reg,” Alex reminded him. Where was he going with this?
“Well,” Reggie drove forward undeterred, “have I got news for you. Now introducing…” Reggie paused his theatrics to look over at Alex expectantly, “little help?” Alex rolled his eyes and began to give a drumroll with his feet. “Now introducing… the hot dog engine!” 
Alex snorted. “The what?”
“The hot dog engine!” Reggie said excitedly. “On the outside, a regular car. But when you pop open the hood, BAM!” Reggie loudly clapped his hands together, “a hot dog cooker right next to your engine, powered by the same battery!”
Alex started laughing at that. “Reggie, that is so dangerous. You could get oil or battery acid on the hot dogs which would kill you.”
Reggie gasped in offense, “where is your sense of adventure?”
“Must have lost it when I lived past the ripe old age of 18,” Alex said back dryly.
Reggie huffed before readapting his dramatic businessman persona. “Well not to worry, I have plenty more where that came from.”
“Oh goodness please no,” Alex said in mock horror.
“Leashes for fish,” Reggie shot out.
“Crocs that smell like pumpkin spice.”
“Who’s purposely gonna smell them?”
“Pet rocks.”
“Already done.”
“Umbrellas for your shoes,”
“What’s with you and feet?”
Reggie choked on a laugh and stared at him for a moment. Alex was definitely amused by this whole conversation, but if Reggie kept staring at him and saying stupid things that made him laugh they were gonna have a problem. He needed to shut Reggie up somehow.
His friend opened his mouth to suggest his next ridiculous idea, “what about an air cannon that blows out candles for you—hmph!”
The tiny ‘hmph’ of surprise was because Alex had figured how to shut him up, by launching himself across the room and pressing their lips together.
Oh god, Alex thought to himself the moment he realized he was kissing him. He pulled away, stepping back to look at Reggie who was staring at him wide-eyed, frozen in shock. Oh crap, oh god. What did I do? He’s gonna freak out he's gonna hate me he’s gonna—
“Well that just gave me a great idea,” Reggie cut through Alex’s train of thoughts.
“R-Reggie I’m so sorry,” Alex quickly stammered out his apology. 
“Alex—” Reggie tried to speak.
“I shouldn’t have just kissed you like that. I know you and Flynn just started having a thing and that you don’t like me that way—”
“ALEX,” Reggie said more forcefully. Alex stopped his rambling and stared up at his friend anxiously. Reggie took a deep breath, “my idea was that you could just bring your boyfriend to lecture to show Professor Covington you aren’t interested in him.”
That didn’t make sense, “who’s my boyfriend?”
“Well me, if you stop freaking out long enough to kiss me again.” Reggie’s face turned bright red as he processed what he said. “I-I mean if you want to. You don’t gotta um…” 
Alex felt the wide smile on his own face as he processed what Reggie was saying. He reached out and interlocked their fingers together. “Can I kiss you again Reggie?”
“Yeah, that’d be nice.”
The second kiss was so much better than the first. The soft press of Reggie’s lips against his own made the butterflies he had been trying to digest for months fly around his chest for free. The hand that wasn’t holding Reggie’s moved up to cup the back of his head.
Eventually, Reggie pulled away, his breath was a little quicker than before and his cheeks were flushed. Alex felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest with anxiety and excitement. 
“I should probably tell you that I’ve been wanting to do that for a while,” Reggie laughed.
“Oh,” Alex felt the tips of his ears burn. “Yeah. Uh, yeah. I mean, me too.” 
The answering smile from the boy in front of him was blinding. “Oh nice, does that mean I can be your boyfriend and make Professor Covington jealous?”
“You do know professor Covington just hates me cause he hates everyone right?”
“Alex,” Reggie huffed in annoyance, “you’re ruining the moment.”
Alex rolled his eyes. “Yes, you can be my boyfriend.”
Leaning in for their third kiss was Reggie’s response to that statement, and it was even better than the second.
Then the fourth which was better than the third. Then the fifth that was better than the sixth and so on until they both eventually lost count.
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holdmyowos · 3 years
(Mature) A Taste of the Night Switch Eren Yeager x reader TW: oral (reader receiving), unprotected sex, fingering, foul languageSwitch deprived virgin Eren x gender neutral reader (Mature Content) Guys I found this playlist it is very underrated. If you like Eren, check it out. https://youtu.be/zZ-LmC5_OjI Eren Yeager. Your hero. It wasn’t his fault he was a titan, but everyone treated him as a monster, even though he had shown his loyalty time and time again, serving the scouts. They kept him in a dungeon. It looked normal enough, but perhaps it was slightly titan proof. They feared him, but trapping him wasn’t going to make him more likely to help their cause. No doubt if he wanted to, he would easily have destroyed the place by turning into a titan. “You can’t be too careful,” people said, whenever talking about him. Some, the religious, crossed themselves in his presence or when talking about him. This imprisonment isn’t careful, it's stupidity. You always thought that. Eren was treated like an animal, only let out of his cage when they needed him for something, which, most of the time, was for fighting, and the other part was interrogation. He never had any leisure time, only staring at the walls of his cell, thinking of who knows what. You were often the person sent down to give him his meals, or supervise during baths, though you didn’t look at him. There were always one or two guards, too, staring him down as if he would do something any minute. He could, but you knew he wouldn’t. Just because a king has the power to kill innocent people, if they are a good ruler, they’ll try not to. When you gave him his food, which you were often told to do, since you were one of the few people not terrified by his existence. You always slipped notes in from his friends with the napkins, sometimes writing on the undersides yourself, telling him to bear it, keep up the good effort, what a great person he was. If he ever actually got to read any of it, you didn’t know, considering how the guards always watched. He always slipped them under his pillow case before the sentries could see the writing. Perhaps he pretended to sleep while actually reading them. After working for the scouts, being kind, everyone trusted you. This was his one night of release, where he could leave the cell and do anything he wanted. As a ‘gift’, they let him out for 8 hours. Something others would take for granted, thinking nothing of it. Night, not day. It made people much less likely to notice him. You were told to secretly guard him, report back if he did anything suspicious. You wouldn’t tell on him, no way, no matter what he did, but if they were giving you permission to go follow him on his one day to keep secrets, you were going to see what he was up to. The sun was down, and the sky was dark. You gave the signal. The guard unlocked the gate, and Eren stretched, and slowly walked out of the door, as if a house cat, seeing the door open for the first time, the possibility of the outdoors calling. From there, cautious, he set a fast pace of walking away. You followed him out of the barracks, and he seemed to have a place in mind of where he was going. You almost lost him a couple times, a combination of his fast walking and you trying to be stealthy. You had borrowed a plain scout cape with a hood on it, concealing you. You saw him duck into a bar, and you stopped your feet, disappointed, but not entirely surprised. Wasn’t he 19? Could he even drink? You shook your head. If you were in his situation, wouldn’t the first thing you’d do is go and get drunk? You walked in cautiously, if they hadn’t stopped him, they wouldn’t stop you. Everyone stopped to stare at you, and you looked around. Eren wasn’t there. How did he give you the slip? You turned back around, headed out, and bumped into someone. They were so close, they must have been an inch or two behind you as you were walking in. “Boo.” He said. You looked up, and it was Eren. He flipped your hood, revealing who you were. He pressed you against the gray stone wall as a couple walked into the
bar, their faces in shadows. He took his hand off your mouth, instead grabbed your hand, and pulled you with him. He started walking, slower this time, allowing you to easily keep up. “I knew they’d send someone after me. Pointless to try to hide. ” Instead of being angry, he replied, “I suppose I can’t put it past you for following orders. Well then, be my guest. Follow me all night. I’d much rather have you than another guard. Who knows, maybe we can do something fun.” He put an earbud in the ear opposite from you. Where did he possibly get that? What was it attached to? Was he communicating with someone? You realized that you had stopped walking, and he was looking back at you, gently pulling on your arm. “Come on, I don’t have all day,” he complained. You apologized, and kept up. You heard some loud music, the beat dropping hard, it was blaring, but quiet to you. You looked around, and saw nothing. It sounded far off. You realized that it must have been coming from his earbud. “You’re going to lose your hearing, like that,” you muttered quietly. “Maybe,” he hummed. “But I heal so quickly, I doubt it.” You walked a bit, and he stopped in front of a house. He opened it, and stepped aside for you to enter. Was this his? It was small, and looked like it had been recently cleaned, but no one lived here, since the place wasn’t decorated at all, and the only furniture was a dresser, a lamp, and a bed. There wasn’t even a fridge or television. He shut the door and locked it. Should that be a red flag? He pulls open the dresser, and you try and peer in, but he pushes you away. He takes a bottle of something, probably wine, out, and lays it on the top of the dresser. “You can have some, if you want. It doesn’t work on me, as much as I wish it did. You take the bottle in your hands, turning it over. Maybe later. “Come on, hurry up. We don’t have very much time. I only have a night off.” He pauses, his shirt halfway off. What is he doing? You can see his nipples. You look away, blush flooding your cheeks. You had just wanted to talk, but if he wanted to do this instead, could you say no? You had never thought of him in a sexual way, but now that you looked, probably the only thing he could do in that cell was exercise, push ups and sit-ups. It showed on his body. His dark hair was messy and long, no one had bothered to help him with it. It wasn’t too bad, though. Under his eyes, lines showing that he had recently been in titan form. Every second, they faded a little bit more. In a couple hours, they’d be gone. His eyes were halfway closed, and you could tell he was thinking bad thoughts. He sighed, a breathy, needy sound. The noise made its way down to your core, and you were sure your cheeks were flaming. He sat you down on the bed. “You were the only one that was kind to me, this whole time I'd been there. Even my friends can't visit me. Please, let me return the favor. If not, I’ll just take matters into my own hands.” His hand traveled up your leg, but you flinched away from him. His eyes hardened, disappointed. “Fine, be like that. But if you don’t want me, then have the decency to act like it. Yes or no, I’m still having a good time tonight.” You looked down at his crotch, if he was this horny, then, how long had he been planning this? Did he know you liked him that much? You felt your underwear was no longer dry. “No, don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself later. I just want to taste you. Eat you. Please, let me. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to resist grabbing your wrist and keeping you in the cell with me. But I couldn't do that. It’d put you in danger, since you would be with me. It has to be a secret. You are my candle in the darkness.” On his knees, he has fully taken off his shirt, and you can’t help but stare. He grabs your hips. “Please, I need you.” You cracked. “Of course, I’d do anything for you. I’m just surprised you’d want to please me instead of yourself.” The words slipped out of your mouth. “Don’t think so lowly of me.” He growled. “I recently. Turned 19. A whole year being
legal, and I wasn’t able to do anything that whole damn time. I was so desperate for someone.” He slid down your bottoms and gently took off your underwear. He thrust a finger in your hole and you cried out. "S-sorry. I… haven't done this before." You guided his fingers, and he had you feeling good in no time. He seemed so desperate to learn, to make you feel better. You could feel that you were close. He must have seen something on your face that gave it away, or perhaps it was the way you squeezed around his fingers when they slid out. He placed his mouth between your thighs, and you felt his hot breath hit you. He was staring, a starved man waiting for the prayer to be over, to finally be allowed a meal. You held the back of his head and pushed him towards you. He didn't hesitate, he stuck out his tongue and went at it like a pro. You couldn't help the noises that came out of your mouth. Even better, he really seemed to be genuinely enjoying it too. When you came, he gulped it down. He stayed there, at your knees, staring up at you, as if wanting more. "Want to… actually… do it?" You put the offer out there. "If you really want. Are you sure? I might not be able to help myself-“ you cut him off. “Yes, please, I want you. You’re my idol, Eren. You don't know how much you mean to me.” He pushed you into the bed and suffocated you with his kisses. You had never dreamed you’d end up like this with such an amazing person. He let out a couple of loud huffs as you sat on his lap, slowly taking him in. “Damn, I’m already- fuck, I don’t think we should do this. I might spend my whole night like this uhf.” His words were stopped as you rocked gently on him. “I’m warning you, if you don’t get off right now, I’m going to do something that’s your fault.” You just kept doing it, enjoying him underneath you. He was probably a virgin, never having the chance of doing stuff before. However, he was obviously well educated. “Go ahead, I don’t mind.” He brought his face up to your ear, and you felt his body rubbing against you. He huffed in your ear, and slowly fell still under you, and let out a shameless moan in your ear as he released, trembling. He clutched you tight, knocking your breath out, and gently lessening his pressure on you until he was hugging you gently. “That was so fast. I wasn’t expecting that. I have all night. I wonder how many times you can make me do that. I've never felt like that before, never done that, but you felt so good. I need more, baby.” Your hands were all over each other, grabbing, needy. Knowing you might not be allowed again, perhaps ever. Every second you were together, you got wetter, everything he did, sexy. He would never have a supervised bath that you weren’t staring at ever again. He spent most of the night shoving you into the mattress, fucking you from all the positions you wanted to try. In total, he made you cum four times, and he did at least twice that many. You were drained, but happy, when the sun rose, and he walked back into the barracks. You followed about five minutes later. “So, how was he?” Your supervisor whispered to you later in the day, after allowing you time to rest. “He didn’t do anything I wouldn’t approve of, sir.” You answered truthfully. “Well, I’ll be damned. Who knew? Perhaps we should give him more free time after all.” #erenxreader
legal, and I wasn’t able to do anything that whole damn time. I was so desperate for someone.” He slid down your bottoms and gently took off your underwear. He thrust a finger in your hole and you cried out. "S-sorry. I… haven't done this before." You guided his fingers, and he had you feeling good in no time. He seemed so desperate to learn, to make you feel better. You could feel that you were close. He must have seen something on your face that gave it away, or perhaps it was the way you squeezed around his fingers when they slid out. He placed his mouth between your thighs, and you felt his hot breath hit you. He was staring, a starved man waiting for the prayer to be over, to finally be allowed a meal. You held the back of his head and pushed him towards you. He didn't hesitate, he stuck out his tongue and went at it like a pro. You couldn't help the noises that came out of your mouth. Even better, he really seemed to be genuinely enjoying it too. When you came, he gulped it down. He stayed there, at your knees, staring up at you, as if wanting more. "Want to… actually… do it?" You put the offer out there. "If you really want. Are you sure? I might not be able to help myself-“ you cut him off. “Yes, please, I want you. You’re my idol, Eren. You don't know how much you mean to me.” He pushed you into the bed and suffocated you with his kisses. You had never dreamed you’d end up like this with such an amazing person. He let out a couple of loud huffs as you sat on his lap, slowly taking him in. “Damn, I’m already- fuck, I don’t think we should do this. I might spend my whole night like this uhf.” His words were stopped as you rocked gently on him. “I’m warning you, if you don’t get off right now, I’m going to do something that’s your fault.” You just kept doing it, enjoying him underneath you. He was probably a virgin, never having the chance of doing stuff before. However, he was obviously well educated. “Go ahead, I don’t mind.” He brought his face up to your ear, and you felt his body rubbing against you. He huffed in your ear, and slowly fell still under you, and let out a shameless moan in your ear as he released, trembling. He clutched you tight, knocking your breath out, and gently lessening his pressure on you until he was hugging you gently. “That was so fast. I wasn’t expecting that. I have all night. I wonder how many times you can make me do that. I've never felt like that before, never done that, but you felt so good. I need more, baby.” Your hands were all over each other, grabbing, needy. Knowing you might not be allowed again, perhaps ever. Every second you were together, you got wetter, everything he did, sexy. He would never have a supervised bath that you weren’t staring at ever again. He spent most of the night shoving you into the mattress, fucking you from all the positions you wanted to try. In total, he made you cum four times, and he did at least twice that many. You were drained, but happy, when the sun rose, and he walked back into the barracks. You followed about five minutes later. “So, how was he?” Your supervisor whispered to you later in the day, after allowing you time to rest. “He didn’t do anything I wouldn’t approve of, sir.” You answered truthfully. “Well, I’ll be damned. Who knew? Perhaps we should give him more free time after all.” #erenxreader#erenyeager
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satsuki2406 · 4 years
Dear Aomi Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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"I've seen you in a dream before, you are the warm and bright presence that embraced me on Cape Kamui a long time ago on a June afternoon."
Shinohara (Y/N) is a normal girl who had everything she could ask for, a loving family, a beautiful home, friends, and a fluffy cat. For a long time, she gave her life and happiness for granted, never imagining that she'll face one of the worst and crueler facades of society so closely, destroying what once was a happy, harmonious and normal family. One day, in hopes to recover what they lost, the Shinohara family took one of the more difficult decisions of their lives; leave behind their home back in Hokkaido and travel hundreds of miles south until Musutafu, the place that could grant them a solution and help close the yet fresh wound and scare away the ghosts of the past. Hardheaded, passionate, and ambitious (Y/N) is forced to confront the incarnated face of the superhuman society that she hated the most; Bakugou Katsuki.
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PAIRING: (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
GENRE/WARNINGS: Romance, Fluff, Angst, Dark Themes, My poor attempt of humor, Strong language (Courtesy of King Lord Explosion Murder God *********💥), Manga Spoilers.
STATUS: On going
Chapter 1: School is a Great Place to Make Enemies
Chapter 2: My Stupid Classmate, The Angry Dandelion
Chapter 3: In Conclusion, This Day Was...
Chapter 4: Welcome to the Neighborhood 
Masterlist \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
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It's really been a while since I updated this story, I really thought it was a couple of months ago, I’ve been very busy lately and just kept pushing writing for later, and later transformed into 8 months! I had to admit that I also had a huge block with this story, but recently I got a lot of inspiration and energy, chapter 6 is almost ready but editing needs to be done after all. Hopefully this would be a good one! There’s more details coming in future chapters and also new characters! I got a thing for OCs recently, I feel they add more personality to the story!
5: Aldera Chronicles
‘Just a good day’ That was what you prayed, asked for last night, and what you tried to repeat to yourself to keep calm and serene while you looked desperately for your earphones. As soon as you did, you connected them to your phone and searched for the loudest song you kept in your collection.
“Oi! I’m talking to you dumbface!”  
The loudest one of all.
After the whole ‘neighbors fiasco’ you got stuck with Bakugou on your way to school, both of your mothers insisted that you should go to school together at least today, so you could ‘amend your differences and get closer’ you almost gag at the suggestion, but your mom looked so ecstatic about the idea of you making new friends, after all she hasn’t looked that excited in a while, so you could not find yourself saying no to her.
Although you ‘accepted’, that didn’t mean that you will stay with him all the way to school, right now you were still in their field of vision, so if you left him behind, they will notice. You were just waiting for the perfect moment, as soon as you made it to the end of the street and turned to the left, you will take that as a cue to hop on your bike and leave him behind eating your dust.
“What a shity morning, stuck with this idiot. That friking hag threaten me to change the wifi password if I didn’t come and to top it off, she had the fucking nerve to take my phone, fan-fucking-tastic…” Bakugou was right in front of you grumbling angrily and throwing profanities left and right. His anger was more than evident; he was more hunched over than normal; his hands were way deeper in his pockets to the point you thought he could rip them open and his feet were stomping on the ground with such intensity that you could almost feel it vibrate under your own.
Despite the fact that you could not see his face, you could bet your (F/C) post-its that there was an extra deep scowl and curled pouty lips ‘decorating’ his face right now. You tried to distract yourself with your phone and avoid Bakugou as much as possible, it was bad enough to spend more time with him than you already did in school, not to mention that unwanted encounters may become commonplace being next-door neighbors.
You sighted dejected at the thought, you really were kind of excited about moving to a new city, Musutafu was way bigger than Sapporo was, with bigger malls, parks, shops, restaurants and more fun things to do. But sadly for you, Bakugou manage to crush your hopes and expectations as soon as he opened his mouth, hell, even by existing actually.
Your attention was snaped back to reality when the sound of cars passing by and other students came to you. You got on your bike again, getting in front of Bakugou so you could reach the avenue faster, “Oi! Don’t go in ahead of me dumbshit!” You ignored him as he yelled at you, his words more and more inaudible as you got farther.
After a few minutes you had lost him completely, he probably went the opposite direction to the bus stop or the train station, Aldera was close, but not enough to go walking, you did it there in twenty five minutes with your bike if you took your time, fifteen if you were in a rush, you made sure to verify how long it would take you to get there the days prior that you had to actually go back to school.
You decided to relax and enjoy the view of the city and listen to your favorite songs like the day before. Luckily the Tatooine Station was open, safe and working at its fullest.
“Not a single villain in sight, phew, how good that they managed to clear the area otherwise I would have had to…” Suddenly memories of your crossing trough Dump Beach™ came to you, that was an experience you were so willing to don’t repeat ever again. “I wonder who else from my school had to make a detour like me yesterday, or if someone was involved in the incident… those ladies said it was a middle schooler, but it’s quite ambiguous data to make any conclusive statements, there are hundreds of middle schools in Musutafu and the commercial district is in the center, so it could be anyone.”
You stopped in front of a crosswalk, waiting for the light to change. ‘I’ll ask Midoriya if he knows something else, he probably passed by or something’. You had to admit that you were kind of excited about the idea of befriending the green head, even with his nervous, anxious, jumpy and shy personality he gave you a kind and sweet vibe. His insecurity gave away his true nature; his clumsiness, the nervousness, overanalyze everything, the mutter, for some they could be annoying but you found it rather and oddly fascinating, it made him feel real, genuine and honest.
‘He’s almost like…’
The chirping sound of the traffic light snapped you out of your rampant thoughts announcing that the light had finally turned green. You started off with your bike along the rest of the pedestrians and continued on your way to the school.
The rest of the way to Aldera passed without any hitch, you left your bike locked and took your stuff to walk to the shoe lockers like yesterday, just a few feet ahead you distinguish a very familiar mop of green curly hair. He seemed slightly hunched and deep in thought, probably way too deep in thought to the point that you could see a colorful smeared aura surrounding him and the word mutter coming out of his mouth. And you were not the only one, as you could see the people around walking away, with slightly perturbed expression on their faces. You just took it as a cue to let your presence being known.
“Good morning Midoriya!” You hopped by his side and greeted him enthusiastically. The poor thing almost had a heart attack and jumped out of his own skin as you just scared the shit out of him. He released a muffled scream and seem to calm down a tiny bit to immediately turn the shade of a tomato and babble a greeting.
“G-G-G-G-G-Good mo-morning Shinohara-san! You-You-You caught me by su-surprise.” He squeaked as he covered his face with his arms and his eyes moved erratically to look everywhere but you.
“Did I scare you? I’m sorry! I guess I let myself go a little bit.” You trailed, resting a palm against your nape.
“Oh nonono! Please don’t apologize! Y-Y-You were been courteous after all. He whispered breathlessly at the end fidgeting his fingers nervously. “I…nobody ever greets me or says good morning, I didn't expect it and that's why I got a little nervous. T-That’s all, so don’t worry.” His little confession shocked you for a moment, it was really depressing to be honest but it motivated you at the same time.
You beamed confidently at him, “Well Midoriya, I recommend that you get used to it then, because I intend to greet and say goodbye to you every day without fail from now on.”
He looked up at you with a surprised and somewhat puzzled expression, his fingers started to twitch nervously, his countenance became even redder if that was even possible.
“B-B-B-B-B-But Shi-Shinohara-san-!”
“Shush, shush, shush! I am not going to put it up for discussion this is how it’ll be from now on and it's over.” You placed your hands on your hips, a slight scowl adorning your face to accentuate your mock annoyance. “Besides, who will run away from Bakugou with me after I tell him how much of an asshole he is for the umpteenth time in a row?”
You relaxed your demeanor again, offering him a goofy smile, so he could notice that you weren't even mad to begin with. The poor greenette thought for a smidgen that he made you angry and that worried him profusely. But one glance at you told him that you were being sincere, he was scared that you could be trying to play a prank just to make fun of him as it has already happened to him so many times. that alien feeling of relief and tranquility invaded his chest, apparently the chance encounter he had with his childhood hero had been a good omen and brought him more good things that he could imagine.
His eyes teared up with hope and a squiggly smile adorned his face, he dried his tears with his gakuran sleeve and clenched his fists excitedly.
“So, what do you think?” you asked eagerly.
“I look forward for it!”
“Did you see what happened yesterday at the commercial district? It seemed pretty rough” You commented to Midoriya absentmindedly while you took your uwabaki from your locker. He visibly flinched as he heard your question almost dropping his shoes in the process.
“Ye-Yeah, they said that the pro heroes could hardly put up a fight because of the villain’s quirk.”
“Right? Hopefully All Might was nearby, otherwise who knows what would have happen. I wonder if the hostage is ok, I didn’t watch the news last night so I’m not pretty sure what exactly happened. Do you know how it was?
He flinched again and turned his head to you rigidly as you raised an eyebrow at his sudden odd behavior.
“I do-don’t know a lot but I read that everything was ok afterwards, the hostage walked out with just a couple of scratches, so there’s nothing to be concerned about Shinohara-san, it’s pretty nice of you to worry so much, especially since the hostage…” Midoriya looked down and tapped his trembling indexes together; he wanted to tell you something, but didn’t know how.
“Come on Midoriya, you already told me the hostage is ok, what can be so bad that you are hesitant to tell me?” You inquired him softly.
“Is nothing bad per se, well, you’ll see the hostage…” He paused and looked in all directions to check if anybody was listening. Ok, weird. He got a little closer to you and cupped his mouth with his left hand.
“The pe-person captured yesterday was-”
Your little hush-hush conversation was interrupted when the metallic sound of a locker being abruptly opened echoed in the sudden silent space. Your ears located the unexpected noise behind you and instinctively you turned to see what had caused such a ruckus.
A couple of lockers from you, a really angry and really frustrated Bakugou appeared right in front of your eyes. You observed how out of the blue everything and everybody seemed to freeze in time, and all eyes were on him. The atmosphere turned tense, every person there watched attentively his every movement, talking with just a glance, some people were whispering among themselves no even taking their eyes off him.
‘What the hell is happening?’
He took his uwabaki and slammed them on the floor, removed his shoes and buried them unceremoniously in the locker, slamming the door shut. He grumbled, trying fruitlessly to put his uwabaki, cursing that he couldn't put them on as smoothly as he would’ve liked. He suddenly stopped his movements, acknowledging the unwanted attention he was receiving.
“The hell are you looking at you fucking losers?! Why don’t you mind your own damn business, huh?!”
His voice echoed with fury at the school entrance, despite their obvious fear, nobody moved an inch, all the eyes glued on him. He finished to put on his shoes and stomped further inside. At the corner of his eye he noticed your presence and immediately stared at you, he seemed even more infuriated than before, this clearly soured his mood even further, if that was even possible.
You returned it with one of your own, as intense or more as his, the attention seemed to turn your way as your little staring contest became longer, Midoriya nervously looked between you and him, probably waiting for another showdown to break out, just like yesterday. Everybody’s breath hitched by the minute, but you didn’t back down, your (E/C) eyes met the fiery inferno of his crimson ones, after a couple more seconds he just tsked and stomped away with his hands buried way deep in his pockets.
After he left, the clock started ticking again, everyone took a breath of relief, averted their eyes from his retracting back and continued their lives like always. Midoriya’s shoulders relaxed significantly at the time that his soul slowly returned to his body. When you noticed him more calmed and focused, decided to address the elephant in the room.
“What. The. Heck. Just. Happened?” You whispered bewildered. “Who peed on his cereal? If this is something usual here, I’ll be more than glad to take my bike and go all the way back to Sapporo.” You crossed your arms over your chest and stared irritated at his retracting back.
“Well, now that Captain McTantrum™ left, what was that you wanted to tell me about yesterday’s incident?” You asked relaxing your demeanor to something more gentle and friendly. Midoriya flinched slightly and his poise appear suddenly uneasy.
“Um, well, the person-the-the person th-th-that got trapped by the mud villain, tha-tha-that person…” Midoriya tried over and over but it was useless, he couldn’t complete a single sentence without stumbling over his own words. Noticing that using his words would be useless, he looked at you in the eyes to then wander his gaze, pointing to something behind him. You started at him completely lost while he kept repeating the same cycle of looking at you and then looking away, urging you to get what he was trying to say, not moving his head once, like he was unsure to look back.
You exanimated what was at his back; just a couple of students walking to their respective classrooms, friends greeting each other, and Bakugou turning to the right at the end of the corridor to go upstairs-
‘Wait, Bakugou?’
Then it hit you, the awkward silence when he arrived, the unwanted starring, the murmuring, his more than usual foul mood, the outburst, Midoriya’s reluctance to tell you, he probably though he would get into trouble with him if it reached his ears that stupid Deku was talking shit of him to thief bitch. Everything made sense now. You broke out of your trance and looked at Midoriya “Was Bakugou?-” He eagerly nodded his head, satisfied that you finally understood him.
“Oh, I see…”
With the issue clarified and only five minutes left before the class started you two proceeded to go upstairs as well. Midoriya and you made small talk with some intervals of comfortable silence here and there, soon enough you both reached your classroom, people chatting lively when you opened the door. Midoriya walked in just behind you as you made it to your designated seats.
‘If I’m not wrong, Math is our first class of the day’ your mind wandered to other school related topics while you seated at your desk, just as you did the bell ringed and your teacher entered the classroom and started his lesson of the day.
Midday finally came, which mean it was finally lunch time, you invited Midoriya beforehand to eat with you, he timidly accepted, after a lot of nervous quacking but you could tell he seem excited about the idea. As soon as the bell that announced the so waited lunch break ringed, you proceeded to pack your books and stationery into your bag and take out your bento when your desk was crowded by what it looked like to be all the girls in your class. One of them, a girl with short brown hair and blue eyes was the first to approach you.
“Hey Shinohara! Do you want to have lunch with us? We didn’t actually have the chance to talk yesterday and we thought it would be nice to know you better.” She spoke.
“Yuki-chan is right! Is refreshing to have another girl in the class after almost three years since we are very few, with you we are eight now!” Said another one of them visibly thrilled.
“You looked so cool yesterday when you confronted Bakugou!”
“I think nobody has managed to do that and live after it, or actually do it”
“So awesome!”
They gave you a really kind and chill vibe, chatting and praising you animatedly. Although they seemed to really enjoy Bakugou’s antics against your green head classmate, well, nobody's perfect, noted. You can’t judge the book by its cover, but when you looked at them, it’s impossible to not think about…
The offer is almost irresistible.
“That sounds lovely! But Midoriya and I agreed to have lunch together today, so I’m afraid we’ll have to leave it to another time.” You almost cringed at how cutesy and honeyed your voice sounded but they seemed to buy it, until their expressions made a 180. Their faces were shocked and almost offended at the thought of you putting him over their proposal. It was a ‘are you for real?’ reaction over all. You kept smiling at them to emphasize that you were serious, when the girl that talked first tried to dissuade you.
“B-But why don’t you eat with us today and leave your lunch with him for tomorrow? I’m sure Midoriya won’t have a problem, right?” She turned and looked at him just as the rest of the girls did after she, Midoriya flinched nervously holding his bento at the unexpected attention he was receiving.  
“Eh…! I…! Well… Um…”
“You see! He’s ok with it!”
‘He hasn’t even said a thing!’ You thought trying to conceal your disbelief. ‘Let’s put all the beef on the grill then’
“Oh, I got an idea!” You chimed. “Midoriya! Why don’t you join us for lunch too? That way nobody eats alone and we get to know better! It’s a win-win plan! What do you think?” You were not dumb, although it was true you can’t judge anybody by a simple glance, you had a somewhat firm idea of why they were so eager to mingle with you, so you just did what you thought it was necessary to make sure it was not that, and what a better way than with your nerve-wreck of a friend.
‘What a better way to know someone’s character than by the way they treat others?’  
The poor guy looked like he was about to have a seizure and your classmates were not any better; they looked at you even more astonished than before, and you could swear that they started to sweat. Suddenly they look to be hesitant, even the more insistent one. They looked at you, at each other and then at Midoriya.
“I-I think you are right, it wasn’t very nice to insist after you already had plans with…Midoriya, I guess we can leave it for another day.” The others seem to agree, a bit crestfallen but relieved nonetheless.
‘I knew it…’
They shortly left after that; you kept your friendly smile until they finally disappeared behind the door, when they were out of your view completely you let your smile fall and collected your lunch from your desk. You marched to the door, but stopped midway when you noticed that certain someone was still standing lost in his own world, mumbling nonsense as usual.
“Midoriya” You called him, he seemed to have got out of his trance and looked at you eyewided, confused and bewildered.
“Are you coming or what?” You said smiling.
He stared at you genuinely surprised, but he swiftly shook his head and walked towards you.
“A-Are we going to eat outside?” he asked curiously.
“I mean, it’s a beautiful day the temperature is perfect and this would actually be the first time ever that I had the chance to be outside in early April without freezing my butt. Do you have any place in mind?”
“No, I-I always eat by myself, so I prefer to stay in the classroom” He answered somewhat ashamed.
“Its ok, I know the perfect place.”
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