#gato is the best king
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If you didnt come to party [get the hell out of this club]
In which there's some links to old art - I've been getting a number of asks that are already technically answered so that's just what I'm gonna be doing if i can even remember what RAD they originally came from lol.
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ

Yes he can speak at least two demon languages (commons and a more specialised one).
Not really cos the ichor will eventually disappear if it's not in contact with Rire for a while lol. You ever wonder how someone could mysteriously drown whilst not being around anything they could have drowned in? Yeah.
I have drawn several such instances a long time ago. But it's not really Rire flirting with Ren it's more him being like...subtly condescending to Ren since Ren's submissive level is not very interesting to him |D
I...think you may have possibly mistaken me saying Rire might cry if he was in severe pain to mean that's the only time he could cry XD; To answer your q, yes Rire can cry from emotions - the point is he would choose not to (esp in public) as that would be a weakness.
🤔 You could probably get away with the same dress design but in black, tbh (if it was Lady Rire). Since the outfit design is 1930s/1940s based Rire's equivalent would be like...a 3 piece suit with a long overcoat/trench coat.
Got you covered bro [from a suit meme I did before]
Rire has a very long life span, but he's not immortal XD;
Tbh I don't really have thoughts about any of other peoples headcanons. Like I'm generally quite neutral towards headcanons because I primarily deal with the canon; the extent of my thoughts would be like "hm i wonder how they came up with that" lol.
This is actually in my FAQ :d but good of you to check for permission! If it's your own artwork then yes it is ok to make fanmerch of Rire. Similarly Gato allows fanmerch of her BTD and TPOF characs as long as it's your own art you are selling (and not like, our art/someone else's fanart that they didn't give permission to turn into merch).
It would be in Cain's best interest not to.
Cain is literally saying Olé Olé because i happened to be listening to this song at the time.
I can barely keep up with my ask box as myself let alone do it while pretending to be a charac lol, so no 😅 You can find a bunch of the most common qs in the FAQ pages though.
No and not really - though he is a bit more sensitive to light compared to a human as he has much better night vision than a human. He may also be able to see more colours than humans 🤔
There is technically no "stereotypical" demon in my 'verse, there's a bunch of different species each with their own looks/powers, so if he was another species then he'd have their physical characteristics. Rire's species is considered "plain" because outwardly they can pass more easily as a human than say; Izm's species (who have a really noticeable Glasgow smile-esque mouth as one of their physical features).
Yes he was born a demon...to his demon parents...|D;
He's the king of his sector and his sector is pretty well-to-do, I think you can draw your own conclusions from that lol.
Maybe, depends on what the human in question does with that.
Your second q has two answers depending on what context I answer them in, so I'll reply in the BTD context keeping in mind a charac like EP's Cain :d Basically yes Rire would be able to sense them like he does other demons. It's not a specific sense of "THIS CHARAC IS AN ANGEL" but more like "this charac is not human" and depending on what else he gets from it a "in your best interests to not engage".
Something big with long black fur and yellow eyes, maybe like a Norwegian Forest Cat or a Maine Coon.
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What do you think the btd/tpof characters would be in something like DnD?
I remember seeing a piece gato made of Sid as a barbarian and Farz as a ranger but I'm curious about the others
Ooh, I’ll have to look for that art.
Forgive me, I love fantasy, but I never had a group to play D&D with so I never got officially into it. I might not know enough for this to be accurate, but let���s do it for fun anyways! I’ll give it my best shot:
Ren- Ren is small and fast, with quick reflexes. He’s good at being silent and sneaking around. I think in this world he could be good at utilizing those skills to help the party. I have three options for him. Rogue: for stealthy things like stealing or spying. Ranger: because he can still utilize his reflexes/animal traits, while taking a more frontline position in the party. Or Druid: due to his beastkin nature (which stems from a connection with that species, generations before him) it just seems right. He could be any of those.
Strade- Fighter. I considered barbarian, but fighter tends to lean more towards weapons than magic, right? I think even in this world he’d love to find new “tools” to use as weapons. Except in the world of D&D, he can use violence more freely. What could go wrong?
Lawrence- Druid. He’d rather be in the woods than with a group of people. I feel like his connection with nature would slowly be overused somehow (maybe using too much darker magic?) and it would start to affect him like the river does in BTD.
Sano- He already has fire and shapeshifting magic. If not just his own species (a naga), I think he’d be a sorcerer.
Akira- Ranger. Has some fighting skills as well as magic, but mainly uses a signature long-range weapon like a bow. Stealthy and deadly. (Akira is a ‘world class’ sniper, with amazing aim. I felt like this fits.)
Rire- Rire is.. himself. As a demon king of such high standing, I feel like Rire would sooner be an entity that the party encounters and fights against rather than with.
Vincent- Barbarian. His anger issues (and the urge to fight that comes with his rage) play into that a lot. There’s also that little bit of respect for the other members (or pack mates, in his case) and the urge to protect them.
Farz (BTD version)- Honestly, I could see him as either a ranger or a fighter. BTD Farz focused more on his short temper and how he quickly resorts to throwing fists, so maybe fighter better suits that version of him.
Cain- My first thought would be the same as Rire. Maybe he could be something like a paladin? He is a fallen angel, but still an angel. I think that would still link his magic with the divine? Or maybe a Monk, but a rare and supernatural one. Maybe he’s just a fallen angel.
Derek- I’m kind of drawing a blank for Derek. He likes it when people are upset, and obviously likes to hurt others. Maybe a fighter or a rogue? If a rogue, he’d probably use his abilities mainly at the expense of others, just for him to laugh at.
Celia- Actually, I’m thinking rogue- but in a non traditional way. I think she’d use her skills and manipulation for underground scandals to make her some money, or to make her enemies suddenly go missing.
Mason- Barbarian. We know he has no problem killing hordes of people, but he does still respect nature and survival of the fittest.
Take that all with a grain of salt, I only know half of what I’m talking about XD
#0viraptor#0viraptor ao3#boyfriend to death#the price of flesh#boyfriendtodeath#ren hana#btd strade#lawrence oleander#derek goffard#tpof mason#tpof celia#btd cain#farz murphy#btd#asks#headcanons
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((It's August 10th, which means... it's Lemmy Day!!
Here are some facts about him:
• His full name is Lemster Koopa
• He is 15 years old like Roy
• His birthday is November 12th
• His sign is Scorpio and his birthstone is topaz
• He is the lightest of all as well as the shortest, which he likes and at the same time he doesn't, because nobody usually takes him seriously. In fact, they think that he is the youngest or that he is 6 years old.
• His short stature is due to the fact that he was born very prematurely, about three months early. In fact, he should have been born after Roy.
• Not only his height, but part of his development was diminished, such as the lack of fangs or his limbs being smaller than usual
• He has the ability to divert his eyes, as if he were a chameleon, as well as return them to normal at will
• His ponytail has not always been with him but since he turned 13 when he entered puberty and wanted to attract attention. Ironically, he ended up liking that ponytail and decided to keep it as his trademark.
• His favorite food is fruit salad and his favorite drink is freshly squeezed orange juice.
• His favorite sweets are all those that are multi-colored, like lollipops.
• His voice is usually very high-pitched, but he deepens it when he is upset or sad, similar to how a cat would do, in addition to curling up in a ball in a corner so that no one sees him.
• His favorite sport is the triple jump and pole vault.
• He has the best balance of all his brothers, in addition to being able to stand at great heights without being afraid.
• He greatly admires the acrobatics of the circus, wanting to imitate them. Many times Bowser was shocked to see him climbing the walls and ceiling lamps, and when he jumped off them, Bowser ran to catch him, but Lemmy landed on his feet as if he were doing a circus act. The poor king ended up dizzy and had a minor heart attack.
• He likes to balance on a ball made of rubber with six-pointed stars.
• His favorite number is six.
• He not only has good balance but also good stability, since he can stretch out and skate on the ice without slipping, and unlike Wendy, Lemmy can do it with his bare feet.
Happy day, Lemmy!!
Es 10 de Agosto, lo que significa que... es el día de Lemmy!!
Aquí unos datos sobre él:
Su nombre completo es Lemster Koopa
Tiene 15 años al igual que Roy
Su cumpleaños es el 12 de noviembre
Su signo es escorpio y su piedra natal es el topacio
Es el más ligero de todos así como también es el más bajito, cosa que le gusta y a la vez no, porque nadie lo suele tomar en serio. incluso, piensan que él es el menor o que tiene 6 años.
Su baja estatura se debe a que nació con mucha prematuridad, unos tres meses antes. De hecho tendría que haber nacido después que Roy.
No solo su altura, sino que parte de su desarrollo se mermó, como la falta de colmillos o que sus extremidades sean más pequeñas de lo habitual
Tiene la capacidad de desviar sus ojos, como si fuese un camaleón, así como regresarlos a la normalidad a voluntad
Su cola de caballo no ha estado siempre con él sino desde que cumplió 13 cuando entró en la pubertad y quiso llamar la atención. Irónicamente le terminó gustando esa coleta y decidió quedársela como su seña de identidad.
Su comida favorita es la ensalada de frutas y su bebida favorita es el zumo de naranja recién exprimido.
Sus dulces favoritos son todos aquellos que son multicolor, como las paletas o lolipops.
Su voz suele ser muy aguda, pero la engrosa cuando está molesto o triste, similar a cómo un gato lo haría, además de hacerse bolita en un rincón para que nadie lo vea.
Su deporte favorito es el triple salto y el salto con garrocha.
Tiene el mejor equilibrio de todos sus hermanos, además de poder estar a grandes alturas sin que le dé miedo.
Admira mucho las acrobacias del circo, queriendo imitarlos. Muchas veces Bowser se escandalizaba por verlo trepado por los muros y lámparas del techo, y cuando se lanzaba de ellos, Bowser corría a atraparlo, pero Lemmy caía de pie como si estuviese haciendo un numero de circo. El pobre rey terminaba mareado y con un microinfarto.
Le gusta balancearse sobre una pelota de hule con estrellas de seis puntas.
Su número favorito es el seis
No sólo tiene buen equilibrio sino buena estabilidad, ya que puede explayarse y patinar sobre el hielo sin resbalarse, y a diferencia de Wendy, Lemmy puede hacerlo con los pies descalzos.))
Feliz día, Lemmy!!
#my au#my art#Lemmy day#Lemmy Koopa#digital art#digital sketch#august 10th#casual clothing#headcanon#koopa week#koopalings
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any family traditions you love??? mine is that growing up, my family would make king’s cake for mardi gras. nowadays i simply make king’s cake with my neighbor (the one who made me jambalaya) and it’s just so fun :3
We used to make orelha de gato (cat ear??), which is this stuff right here:

My mom makes a chocolate + coconut cake every year on our family's birthdays (the best fucking cake EVER)
We also go to the beach every year since I was born, which I simply adore! Nothing much than that, honestly... at least I don't remember it xD
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It (1986) de Stephen King
Stephen King, uno de los pocos autores que me ha dejado sin dormir mas de una noche. Una mente pensante de historias de terror que en unos meses se convierten en libros Best Seller en todo el mundo. El es uno de mis autores favoritos, ese que me ha dejado sin dormir mas de una noche por leer algun libro suyo como El Resplandor (1977), Pet Sematary (1983) o Doctor Sueño (2013) entre muchos otros.
Pero ahora mismo no voy a centrarme ni en un libro con (a mi parecer) una de las peores adaptaciones cinematograficas jamas hechas (aunque solo por poner el nombre de Stanley Kubrick fue un exitazo), ni en la precuela de El Resplandor, ni en como narices reviven gatos que ha atropellado un padre entrando el coche al garaje… Hoy voy a centrarme en un globo rojo (casualmente, como el que tengo tatuado en la muñeca derecha) del que detras aparece un payaso bastante aterrador. Os presento a Pennywise, aunque todo el mundo lo conoce como el titulo del libro que tenemos entre las manos, It.
It (1986), es un libro bastante directo a mi parecer pero, incluso siendo tan directo en la trama no deja nada atrás ni deja cabos sin cerrar de la propia trama del libro aunque deja alguno abierto del universo de sus novelas (Porque supongo que sabéis que sus novelas están interconectadas…). También remarcar una cosa que Stephen King hace y le va como anillo al dedo a la novela, que básicamente son sus descripciones, Stephen King tiende a alargar sus descripciones de escenas, personas o de cualquier escenario para ponerte mas en ambiente y en contexto de donde estas en ese preciso instante. Esas descripciones son algunas veces bastante terroríficas o atemorizantes, ya que el es experto en acojonarte de vez en cuando para recordarte que estas en un libro de terror y con sangre de por medio. Cosa que provoca una pregunta dentro de mi: ¿Qué seria del libro de Carrie sin la sangre de cerdo, la burla y el fuego?, bueno, creo que eso lo trataré tarde o temprano en otro post…
Y aunque me toméis por loco y citéis esa cosa llamada capitulo el cual fue censurado por razones obvias, It es un libro que trata sobre la amistad, sobre cuidar a tus personas mas cercanas y procurar de que estén bien. Justamente hay un trozo de texto que lo deja bastante claro, y que dice así: "Tal vez —pensó— no existen los buenos y los malos amigos; tal vez sólo hay amigos, gente que nos apoya cuando sufrimos y que nos ayuda a no sentirnos tan solos. Tal vez siempre vale la pena sentir miedo por ellos, y esperanzas, y vivir por ellos. Tal vez también valga la pena morir por ellos, si así debe ser. No hay buenos amigos ni malos amigos, sólo personas con las que uno quiere estar, necesita estar; gente que ha construido su casa en nuestro corazón."
Y yo digo para acabar: "Tal vez no existen los libros buenos y malos, tal vez solo hay libros, libros que vale la pena leer; simplemente libros que han dejado una pagina en nuestro corazón."
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Social Cali of San Jose: Redefining Digital Marketing Success
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Gato Family
Puss in boots and the Bounding Hunter's secret
Credit to @pussinbootsandbountyhunter ...
I know it's past due the anniversary for this story due to the hard time I have been through. However, things went well for me though... There are two characters are belong to Starlight. While mine three charaters were just my thought that I probably had so much mind about them as Puss' sibling. But these aren't in her story. anyway let's begin...
I asked Starlight about Puss' parents to look like and well I did ask her permission. Either way, these two ocs belong to Starlight.
Puss' middle brother
During Bella's birth, Peter was named by his father.
Eyes color: aquarium blue
Fur color: brown mix with black stripe
His emotions were joy, fun, and laugher
Power: just strength, no power
Info: since after his father has run away from the bounding hunters and gone separate with his three brothers, three brothers with their baby brother got lost. Until when they met one stranger that turned out to be their mother's friend from the kingdom where her owner's royalty. They didn't know that their mother was a princess, so before they could travel all their way to the castle. They encountered a few bounding hunters that were after Zorro's family. They fought against them, but what they didn't notice their baby brother still in the basket and flew off. Peter and his three brothers were completely shocked and worried about their baby brother, Antonio. (Puss) . When years went by, Peter became prince with his two brothers. Peter has been socializing to other people which brings joy, fun, and parties. He joined with his brothers and mother's friend to find their lost brother.
Puss' older brother
After their mother's death, Zorro and his four sons went to each place to stay for the night.
Eyes color: aquarium blue
Fur color: ginger spots with white fur.
Emotion: beauty and intelligence
Power: just using his crystal shield.
Info: He remembers what his father looked like in his outlaw suit. Ever since he was a young kitty with his three brothers, he has been obsessed with fashion and beauty just like his own mother. No, not only women's clothing, but men's clothing. After their baby brother, Puss, got blown away, he and his brothers tried hard enough to get their youngest brother from the bounding hunters who attempted to kidnap Puss. They tried their best to get Puss; however, they didn't catch him. Years went by, he became a fashion designer while helping out his oldest brother and his mother's friend to find their lost brother. He even became a prince...
Puss' oldest and twin brother
Before his father's death, he was taught from him about how he could defend himself and protect his four brothers.
Eyes color: emerald eyes
Fur color: gray with black stripes almost like his father but like his mother.
Power: thunder and lightning
Emotion: anger, annoying, honest, overprotective, and caring (but doesn't show)
Info: Since his father's death, June became overprotective towards his three brothers before his twin brother got swept by the wind. He was growing more annoying but worried about his brothers. He still believes bounding hunters kidnapped Puss, but years went on, June became a prince before he was crowned to become the next king.
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Earlier in 2010, ESPN’s Bill Connelly named their most useful large school baseball groups ever. No. 1 on Connelly’s nationwide number ended up being De La Salle, circa 2001, an undefeated and prominent staff that showcased future NFL celebrity working right back Maurice Jones-Drew, today an associate at Concord college. Our baseball specialist Mike Lefkow, who has got used the local high-school scene for several years, recalls that period of De Los Angeles Salle baseball really. But that performedn’t end Lefkow from losing a bombshell in this week’s picks video clip. Lefkow ended up being inquired about Serra’s continuous ascent within the aftermath regarding the Padres’ 53-7 rout of Archbishop Riordan on Saturday, an outcome that enhanced the record of Northern California’s # 1 staff to 8-0. “They’re a great football team,” Lefkow stated. “In fact, they might be the best team in Bay Area high school history.” “You believe that,” I inquired. “Really?” Joseph Dycus included. “Well, you think about it, De La Salle has had some great teams, but I think football has progressed over the years and I am not sure any of those great De La Salle teams were better than this Serra team,” Lefkow stated. “If nutrition is better, if players are bigger and faster, all the top schools play each other, I think you can make an argument they’re the best team in Bay Area history.” Lefkow later on included, “I would say if this Serra team played that (2001) De La Salle team, I’d be tempted to pick this Serra team and that’s not taking any respect away from De La Salle.” For just what it's really worth, calpreps.com gets the capacity to anticipate hypothetical matchups. Dycus keyed in 2001 DLS vs. 2023 Serra. The pc states Serra wins, 42-14. “I don’t think Serra would beat that De La Salle team 42-14,” Lefkow stated, laughing. “I don’t care if Tom Brady was quarterbacking, they would not beat De La Salle 42-14.” Back toward right here and from now on, we choose 16 even more games in few days 10, including Los Gatos at Wilcox, Acalanes at Las Lomas and Pittsburg at Liberty. Lefkow and I also each moved 12-4 a week ago. Dycus ended up being 10-6. My lead-in the growing season standings continues to be eight games over Lefkow and it has widened to 19 over Dycus. If you need simply the forecasts, hold scrolling. Also, when you yourself haven’t currently, please subscribe here for electronic accessibility all season long. Your efforts keep united states going. Enjoy the video clip. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJ7othCaxXY[/embed] WEEK 10 PICKS Thursday Del Mar (5-3) at Gunderson (4-4), 7:15 p.m. Sabedra: Del Mar Dycus: Del Mar Lefkow: Del Mar Capuchino (7-1) at Aragon (7-1), 7 p.m. Sabedra: Aragon Dycus: Capuchino Lefkow: Aragon Friday Miramonte (6-1) at Campolindo (5-2-1), 7 p.m. Sabedra: Campolindo Dycus: Campolindo Lefkow: Campolindo Clayton Valley (4-4) at Ca (5-3), 7 p.m. Sabedra: Ca Dycus: Ca Lefkow: Ca Bishop O’Dowd (5-3) at James Logan (4-4), 7 p.m. Sabedra: James Logan Dycus: James Logan Lefkow: James Logan Lincoln (3-5) at Santa Teresa (3-5), 7:15 p.m. Sabedra: Santa Teresa Dycus: Santa Teresa Lefkow: Santa Teresa Branham (6-2) at Silver Creek (6-2), 7:15 p.m. Sabedra: Branham Dycus: Branham Lefkow: Branham Hillsdale (7-1) at King’s Academy (4-3), 7 p.m. Sabedra: Hillsdale Dycus: Hillsdale Lefkow: The King’s Academy San Mateo (4-4) at Sequoia (3-5), 7 p.m. Sabedra: San Mateo Dycus: Sequoia Lefkow: Sequoia Fremont-Sunnyvale (6-2) at Carlmont (2-6), 7 p.m. Sabedra: Fremont-Sunnyvale Dycus: Fremont-Sunnyvale Lefkow: Fremont-Sunnyvale Woodside (6-2) at Los Altos (4-4), 7 p.m. Sabedra: Woodside Dycus: Woodside Lefkow: Woodside Mitty (5-3) at St. Ignatius (5-3), 7 p.m. Sabedra: Mitty Dycus: St. Ignatius Lefkow: St. Ignatius Pittsburg (8-0) at Liberty (6-2), 7 p.m. Sabedra: Pittsburg Dycus: Liberty Lefkow: Pittsburg Riordan (6-2) at St. Francis (5-3), 7 p.m. Sabedra: St. Francis Dycus: St. Francis Lefkow: St. Francis Acalanes (5-3) at Las Lomas (8-0), 7 p.m.
Sabedra: Acalanes Dycus: Acalanes Lefkow: Acalanes Los Gatos (6-2) at Wilcox (6-2), 7 p.m. Sabedra: Wilcox Dycus: Los Gatos Lefkow: Wilcox WEEK 9 RESULTS Las Lomas 45, Campolindo 42 Sabedra: Campolindo (L) Dycus: Campolindo (L) Lefkow: Campolindo (L) Clayton Valley 39, Monte Vista 35 Sabedra: Clayton Valley (W) Dycus: Monte Vista (L) Lefkow: Clayton Valley (W) San Ramon Valley 14, Ca 0 Sabedra: San Ramon Valley (W) Dycus: San Ramon Valley (W) Lefkow: Ca (L) Amador Valley 48, Granada 0 Sabedra: Amador Valley (W) Dycus: Amador Valley (W) Lefkow: Amador Valley (W) Livermore 45, Dublin 34 Sabedra: Dublin (L) Dycus: Dublin (L) Lefkow: Dublin (L) Logan 41, Tennyson 6 Sabedra: Logan (W) Dycus: Logan (W) Lefkow: Logan (W) Castlemont 31, Oakland 7 Sabedra: Castlemont (W) Dycus: Oakland (L) Lefkow: Castlemont (W) Leigh 23, Overfelt 14 Sabedra: Leigh (W) Dycus: Leigh (W) Lefkow: Leigh (W) Half Moon Bay 44, Homestead 35 Sabedra: Homestead (L) Dycus: half-moon Bay (W) Lefkow: half-moon Bay (W) Menlo class 34, King’s Academy 21 Sabedra: Menlo (W) Dycus: Menlo (W) Lefkow: Menlo (W) San Mateo 30, Milpitas 27 Sabedra: Milpitas (L) Dycus: Milpitas (L) Lefkow: Milpitas (L) Mitty 19, Bellarmine 0 Sabedra: Mitty (W) Dycus: Mitty (W) Lefkow: Mitty (W) St. Francis 24, Valley Christian 14 Sabedra: St. Francis (W) Dycus: St. Francis (W) Lefkow: St. Francis (W) Berkeley 42, Hayward 41, OT Sabedra: Berkeley (W) Dycus: Hayward (L) Lefkow: Berkeley (W) Wilcox 28, Sacred Heart Prep 21 Sabedra: Wilcox (W) Dycus: Wilcox (W) Lefkow: Wilcox (W) Serra 53, Riordan 7 Sabedra: Serra (W) Dycus: Serra (W) Lefkow: Serra (W) WEEK 9 STANDINGS Sabedra: 12-4 Lefkow: 12-4 Dycus: 10-6 SEASON STANDINGS Sabedra: 103-40 Lefkow: 95-48 Dycus: 84-59 #Bay #region #Information #Group #high #school #football #predictions #Week
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Dream Destination: Baguio City
Baguio City is located in west-central Luzon, Philippines. After the United States occupied the Philippines in 1898, Governor William Howard Taft and other officials proposed the pleasant site nestled in pine-clad hills. The idea was adopted by the Filipinos, and Baguio became the country’s foremost resort, with numerous hotels, cottages, and summer homes and with excellent air, and road. Baguio sustained considerable damage from an earthquake that struck central Luzon on July 16, 1990. Inc. city, 1909. Pop. (2000) 252,386; (2010) 318,676. Baguio City is known as the summer capital of the Philippines Our Lady of Atonement is a Catholic church in Baguio and is considered to be one of the most built buildings in the city. The food, the panagbenga flower festival, anIgorotot tribe that just some of their local traditions and culture.
Here are the six most known Baguio city ordinances, The silent night ordinance, in Baguio, is essential to keep your noise levels down between 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. King of the Road Ordinance you won't have to worry about playing patintero with motorists because in Baguio it requires all motorists to south 5 seconds before pedestrian lanes or slows down. Anti distracted walking ordinance this prohibits. So make sure to put your phone away when walking around the village. The first come first serve ordinance, ensures furnace and service delivery and avoids overcrowding and public spaces anti-smoking ordinance protects health and safety anti-littering ordinance if you are planning a trip to BBaguiodon't forget to put your trash bag what are the six ordinances and Baguio city that you must know if you're about talk the transportation in Baguio there transportation is different in other places they have regular jeepneys, E-Jeepneys regular taxi and grab taxi but they don't have tricycle, their jeepneys mostly just asking 10 to 15 pesos per person and remember to say when you reach your destination and their e-jeepneys are electrically powered the regular taxis much pricey to in comparison to jeepneys, while the grab taxi can pick you up to your specific location and drop you off at a specific location.

Are you planning to visit Baguio City well, of course, you'll need to book your accommodations first, whether you are looking for IG-worthy accommodations or one that can fit a family of 13, Baguio City has your concern. These are the Baguio hotel accommodations. Started with, Holiday Inn Baguio City Centre, GT Lodge Design Hotel, The Manor by Camp John Hay, The Forest Lodge by Camp John Hay Hay, Grand Sierra Pine Hotel, Kamiseta Hotel, etc. And if you're looking for a budget meal, well Grumpy Joe is the perfect place to eat, their chicken, spaghetti, fries, and pizza is only 140 pesos. If you want a heavy meal and you are on a tight budget consider this place. In Baguio, they have many choices of souvenirs, the famous Baguio souvenir fruit has long been associated with Baguio city because of its proximity to Benguet province, however, a seasonal fruit that is abundant and cheap from November to March. yet there are other Baguio pasalubong that you can buy, start with Ube Jam, the product has been a best seller ever since. Strawberry Jam, there are different types and brands of Jams and preserves, but the most popular brand of jam is Good Shepherd Convent. They also have Sundot Kulangot, Lengua De Gato, Peanut Brittle, Choco flakes honey fruit wines, fresh vegetables, and handcrafted.

Baguio has always been one of the top destinations in the Philippines because of its chilly temperature, pine-dominated landscapes, and overall romantic atmosphere. whether you are a regular or a first-timer. Here are the best things to do and places to visit in Baguio City. The top tourist spots and activities in Baguio City are Miracle Hill and Eco Park, a so-called Japan in Baguio both boasting a combination of local and Japan-inspired attractions. Another destination is the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, first named after the Bamboo forest of Kyoto's temple district. The Igorot Stone Kingdom is Baguio's newest attraction the park showcases both modern and traditional Igorot culture as well as the values of the Cordillera region, Jam Awan village nicknamed Garden in the Sky was commissioned by the channel foundation in 1998 to create a model village showcasing BenCab museum in the town of Tuba it is a private museum and managed by the artist and himself, Benedicto Reyes Cabrera, a Philippine National Artist for visual Arts. Aside from promoting the arts, it also aims to highlight environmental conversation and cultural preservation of the Cordillera's heritage. These are just some of the best places to visit and explore in Baguio City, the "Summer capital of the Philippines" and lending the nickname "City of Pines", visiting Baguio is one of the most memorable for you.

Cabansi timons (2022) How To Get Around Town:Modes of Transportation in baguio City
philippine cities (2019) PMA Baguio - Philippines Military Academy
Virtual tourist (2017) Local traditions and culture in Baguio city-culture
Dei felicia (2021) 13 Baguio Accommodation that'll convince You To Prive up North For The Weekend
Dunuan ceizl formilieza (2023) 10 Best Baguio pasalubong and Souvenir Items to Bring Back Home
Cabansi Timons (2022) Living in the City of pineo:6 Must-known Baguio City Ordinance
Vawter justin (2015) Baguio City on Tight Budget:Where to eat
The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica (2023) Baguio Philippines
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From Whispers To Screams -Session#97 // Living in the Sixties 3

Thursdays 11:00am-1pm EST bombshellradio.com #classic rock #pop #British Invasion #soul Repeats Fridays 3am EST 1 Et pourtant - Charles Aznavour 2 Anyone Who Had A Heart - Dionne Warwick 3 I Only Want To Be With You - Dusty Springfield 4 Brenda Lee - Chuck Berry 5 Tell me what you see - The Beatles 6 Off The Hook - The Rolling Stones 7 Doo Wah Diddy diddy - Manfred Mann 8 Rag Doll - The Four Seasons 9 Roadrunner - The Animals 10 Glad all over - The Dave Clark Five 11 Hang on sloopy - McCoys 12 Nit de llampecs - Los Relampagos 13 Tobacco Road - The Blues Magoos 14 Cadillac - The Kinks 15 Tu serás mi baby - Los Gatos Negros 16 Pide - Marisol 17 No tengo edad (para amarte) - Gigliola Cinquetti 18 Whispering - April Stevens & Nino Tempo 19 I Want That Boy - The Chantelles 20 Tell Him - The Exciters 21 Chapel Of Love - Darlene Love 22 (The best part of) Breakin' up - The Ronettes 23 My Back Pages - Bob Dylan 24 Ring Of Fire - Johnny Cash 25 Spanish Harlem Incident - The Byrds 26 I'm A King Bee - The Rolling Stones 27 Walking the dog - The Sonics 28 I ain't no miracle worker - The Brogges 29 You Shouldn't Be Sad - The Kinks 30 Liar, Liar - The Castaways 31 Evil Hearted You - The Yardbirds 32 Gonna Make You - The Troggs 33 The Little Black Egg - The Nightcrawlers 34 Count Me In - Gary Lewis & The Playboys 35 There's A Place - The Beatles 36 Don't Make Me Over - Dionne Warwick 37 When You Walk in the Room - Jackie DeShannon 38 La Premier Bonheur Du Jour - Françoise Hardy 39 Anda Jaleo - Marisol 40 C.C. Rider / Got My Mojo Working - Johnny Rivers 41 Cathy's Clown - The Everly Brothers 42 En un mercado Persa - Los Sonor 43 Hava Nagila - Dick Dale and his Del-Tones 44 Suki Sa Suki Sa Suki Sa - Nana Kinomi & Leo Beats 45 La moto - Los Bravos 46 Rosalyn - The Pretty Things Read the full article
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Dominators of the Battleground: The World's Best Squad in Free Fire
Garena Free Fire, one of the most popular battle royale games in the world, has given rise to numerous formidable squads and players. In this high-stakes, fast-paced game, teamwork and synergy are often the keys to success. As a testament to this, a few exceptional squads have risen to the top, showcasing their unparalleled skills, strategy, and dominance in the virtual battleground. In this article, we'll delve into the world of Free Fire and discover some of the best squads that have earned their place as world-beaters.

'Total Gaming' - The Indian Sensation:
Led by Ajjubhai, Total Gaming is one of the most celebrated Free Fire squads in the world. Ajjubhai's strategic prowess and the team's synchronization have catapulted them to the top of the leaderboards. Their consistent presence in top-tier tournaments and YouTube streams has made them icons within the Free Fire community.
'Squad 99' - The Brazilian Powerhouse:
Brazil is home to some of the most talented Free Fire players, and Squad 99 is a testament to that fact. Comprising superstars like El Gato, Sheviii2k, and Japa, Squad 99 consistently tops the charts in tournaments, showcasing their incredible teamwork and individual skills. Their aggressive gameplay style and precise coordination make them a force to be reckoned with.
'B2K' - The Global Phenomenon:
B2K, or 'Born2Kill,' is an internationally renowned Free Fire squad hailing from India. With notable players like Badge 99 and AS Gaming, they have conquered various Free Fire tournaments, gaining recognition and a devoted fan base worldwide. Their calculated strategies and impeccable communication make them a dominant force in the game.
'Vincenzo' - The Thai Titans:
Vincenzo, also known as 'FFVincenzo,' is a Thai Free Fire squad that has set numerous records and impressed fans with their precision and teamwork. They are known for their aggressive gameplay and quick decision-making, earning them a spot among the best squads in the world.
'LOUD' - The Brazilian Juggernauts:
LOUD is a Brazilian Free Fire squad that has consistently maintained its dominance. With star players like Nobru, Cerol, and others, LOUD has a massive fan following and a string of victories in prestigious tournaments. Their synergy and ability to adapt to different in-game scenarios make them a top-tier squad.
'Fluxo' - The Brazilian Kings of Strategy:
Fluxo, another Brazilian squad, has garnered attention for their strategic prowess. Led by Nobru and Cerol, this squad has demonstrated their expertise in outmaneuvering opponents through well-thought-out tactics, making them one of the best in the world.
'Booyah' - The Indonesian Contenders:
Booyah is a prominent Indonesian Free Fire squad known for their exceptional individual skills and dynamic teamwork. They have consistently performed well in regional and international competitions, earning respect from fans and fellow players.
These squads are a testament to the incredible talent and passion within the Free Fire community. Each of them has earned their place at the top through dedication, countless hours of practice, and a deep understanding of the game's mechanics. As Free Fire continues to evolve and grow as an esports phenomenon, these squads will undoubtedly remain at the forefront, setting new standards for excellence in the virtual battleground. Their stories inspire aspiring players and serve as a testament to the exciting possibilities within the world of competitive gaming.
For More Info :-
world best squad in free fire
Free Fire Unban News
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The Theme of Tad 3
Possible Spoiler alert if you haven't seen this movie.
So After watching Tad 3 again I was looking for the theme of this movie. The objective was the Emerald Tablet itself but what is the overall theme of the story?
The theme Tad 3 is “Recognition” and the cause and effect of what happens when you don't give the person the recognition they earned some will come out of it for the better or come out for the worse which is portrayed in 4 characters the Pharaoh's sorcerer, Victoria Moon, Ra Amon Ah and Tad.
Sorcerer Hermes
He created the Emerald Tablet but the Pharaoh did not give him the recognition he deserved and in the process plotted to use the tablet Pharaoh but it ended badly for the sorcerer.
Victoria Moon
Once an archaeologist but when she started studying the supernatural stuff that people stopped taking her seriously. Her ambition was to find an Emerald Tablet and to get recognition, unfortunately the tablet or rather a piece of it corrupted her mind into doing what it wanted.
Ra Amon Ah ( Ramona to her friends)
Once a pharaoh who only rained for three days because her cousin killed her in her sleep with a scorpion she was brought back to life 5 centuries latter by a goat herder who just happened by her film and uttered an incantation that would bring our go life.
Years later then a French archeologist discover her and left her lock up in the Louvre for her own safety.
Now in current day when she found out Tad is archeologist she sees this as her opportunity to get the fame and recognition that was denied her in the past, but later she discovers trough Tad’s hardship in this adventure that they have something in common and she learns there's more to life than getting fame and recognition and being lock in a case in a museum.
Now she wants to travel the world and have adventures with her new friends.
Tad Jones (Thaddeus Jones, Tadeo Jones, Tad Stones)
From the first and second movie we see Tad go through a lot and grow as a character. Now in this third movie he’s got an even deeper character development.
Tad wants to be recognized as an archaeologist by others but the trio of archaeologists in Tad 3 don't take him seriously they see him as a mere apprentice and consider him a danger to archaeology due to his accident-prone nature.
While his past adventures with discovering Paititi and finding King Midas collar was amazing finds, he’s unable to tell anyone of it because he and Sara agreed it’s best to to keep it a secret.
So Tad is pretty much back to square one trying to prove himself.
When he found that sarcophagus he thought that would get him the recognition he desires and everyone will see him as an true archaeologist but the trio takes the credit for it.
Tad is now more determined to get the recognition for his discovery that was taken from him leads to a series of events one of which is how he treated Mummy and the consequences of it.
At the third act Tad has a realization this and how it affects those around him (Particularly Mummy), You could say Tad was undergoing an epiphany at that moment when Mummy said that he's the greatest archaeologists in the world.
Mummy has said this two times throughout the film but Tad paid it no mind up until the thirds act when it has more weight.
Tad sees what's more important then what he originally wanted, and as a result he came out better for it and got his own archaeology team.

This is what drawn me to Tad more as a character cuz I can relate to his plight even though I'm not an archaeologist I'm more of an artist.
This third movie is just too good and the fact that I managed to discover this theme and they managed to pull off pull it off with 4 characters that represents those themes and the consequences of it makes this movie so good.
And good luck to Enrique Gato on Tad 4!
#tad the lost explorer 3#Victoria moon#Ra Amon Ah#Tadeo Jones#Tad the Lost Explorer and the Emerald Tablet#theme analysys#OMG! I wrote this!#mummy (tadeo jones)#spoiler
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Day 13: All the characters and their (plus) information
This information was possible to obtain thanks to the web page La Higuera:
Main Characters
Tadeo Jones
He is a bit tired of being told that the archaeologist's main tools are patience and brushes. He didn't need brushes to find the lost city of Paititi or the tomb of King Midas and he doesn't take well that his companions continue to look at him like a novice. So it's time to launch into a new adventure!
Is Tadeo's best friend. He is a dog who loves his cookies and playing with bones from archaeological remains. He is a free spirit and nothing commands him respect... but he is an endearing pooch.
Sara Lavroff
Is a born leader. As a brilliant archaeologist and intrepid adventurer, she knows that trusting the team is vital and that's why she wants Tadeo with her, even if it means she has to save her partner from more than one pinch. She deserves a movie for so much dedication and patience!
He is Sara's winged companion, a parrot who does not speak, but who knows very well what he says. He only has a couple of flaws, he has a very short temper and a bad habit of stealing Ryu's fajitas. Nobody is perfect!
Inseparable from Tadeo since the first film, he discovers the advantages of the Internet, telecommuting and compulsive online shopping...But what he enjoys the most is having adventures with his bro!
The head of a crocodile, the body of a lion, and the butt of a hippopotamus... with wings! Although he is like a puppy, he is the typical creature of the Egyptian underworld that breathes fire from his mouth and loves to play with people's heads. So... be careful, it bites!
Beljeff / Jefzoni
Two extremes that are joined... by an Egyptian curse by exchanging their bodies when they sneeze. A symbiosis that can fool a pharaoh.
Pollo (Chicken)
Mummy and Jean Paul's new best friend... his whistling voice gives him away.
Ra Amon Ah (Ramona?)
She claims to be a pharaoh, but we haven't found any trace of her in any dynasty. She says that her name is written with pauses, but between so many pauses she forgot about being a pharaoh. She thinks she is better than Mummy, but the only difference they have is the quality of their bandages. Beware she is loose-tongued and easy on the whip!
"Cool" Archaeologists
Three archaeologists -Bryan, Ryu and Ann- who are so perfect they're a little creepy. So impeccable and meticulous that they prefer to appear on the covers of "National Petrographic" to start cleaning brushes. That's what they have Tadeo for, right?
Victoria Moon
Sara's former university classmate, she left archeology to dedicate herself to exploring the mysteries of the afterlife... and back here. A mix between Esperanza Gracia and Iker Jiménez (famous real-life spanish TV hosts), the "cool" archaeologists make fun of her calling her "Freaktoria", but she has been much closer than them to revealing hidden secrets. Coincidence? I do not think so!
He is the head of the "cool" archaeologists. He prefers a led flashlight to the fire of a torch, study to audacity, thinking to doing. That's why he has a mania for Tadeo... also because of the damage Tadeo has caused in his excavation. Who said it was going to be easy!
Mexican police, serious and effective. She is one of Mummy's seven followers on social media. She is the only one with a bit of sanity in this whole story, she knows where the Louvre is and more than one secret martial arts key.
The classic American law enforcement officer who thinks he has everything under control, but mistakes his badge for his bowling alley card. He thinks that the Louvre is in Rome, that everything is a conspiracy and, furthermore, he is obsessed with giving Tadeo the key to sleep. And it is that he weighs more his weapon than his brain.
Hermes and the Emerald Tablet
A lot of sarcophagus and little mummy, and although it looks like the most seedy mummy in the world, don't see how it messes them up. Small but bully, when he gets angry he unleashes a plague, a curse, or whatever. This is for an adventure movie!
Mrs. Wollfstrom
The classic neighbor who has social control of the stairs to the letter. A gossip manual. She does not miss who enters, nor who leaves. And she doesn't like the lack of seriousness in the neighborhood... "that they are receiving boxes at all hours", "that they make a lot of noise", "that the TV is very loud", "that the apartment smells like death", etc.
Jean Paul
The man destined to make history, to win every race, to return France to a prestigious place in the world of cycling... until a bathtub took him away!
My opinion of each character (in order)
Tadeo - You need to study man, I know you discovered many thing but that isn't a free pass to who knows what years of studying archeology.
Jeff - Is he going to play with bones in Mexico? Well, a trailer shows that yes, but I hope the mean trio don't know that.
Sara - Thinks trusting the team is important? Hmmm, I wonder what she would think at Tad damaging his relationship with Mummy.
Belzoni - So he is the one to steal Ryu's fajitas? Good for him! Also does that mean he is called Bernand in french?
Mummy - Compulsive online shopping? THAT EXPLAINS ALL THOSE BOXES and the extravagant things inside them and the credit card part! Is that Tad's card? I don't think he has one of his own. Oh boy...
Ammyt - Acts like a puppy, awww. Breathes fire? So cool, but yikes! This power reminds me of the ones a special category of mummies had in an old Tadeo Jones videogame (I think they were egyptian mummies who looked like Mummy... only that they had red clothes) a question here... Is that a power of the Ammyt or one of Mummy's powers?
Beljeff / Jefzoni - They manage to fool Ramona thinking they are one of her gods right? At least for a moment.
Pollo - What a cute name! It reminds me of Pataclaun. Mummy's new best friend? Could it be that Mummy is slowly realizing Tad doesn't want him around and that's why he is changing him with a rubber chicken? That's so sad, but also hilarous because... is a rubber chicken. Its squeak gives it away? Does this mean him doing sounds is a good or bad sign?
Ra Amon Ah - Of course nobody can find her in Egyptian history, she only was queen for three days! She doesn't remember being a pharaoh so well? Must be the time she was "alive" messing with her memory. It could have happened to Mummy. Speaking about him, does that mean they have more in common than what we thought? Bandages aside, I think they both could have been royalty in their empires. Wonder what the last warning means.
"Cool" Archaeologists - More like "Mean & Mighty" archeologists, even though I can't deny they have the studies and knowledge to be cool. I had creepy vibes since I saw the three of them, could be because they are entitled and bullies.
Victoria Moon - She is into exploring what the afterlife has to give? Oh, she is SO GOING TO LOVE the living mummies, Mummy especially, since both are eccentric and welcoming. Noooo, the bullies call her "Freaktoria" that's so mean! She doesn't deserve that. Bet she is going to meet them in Egypt and them mocking her (again) will make her an easy victim to the Emerald Tablet. I wonder how Sara will react at seeing her former friend being bullied by those three, even if she is part of the reason Tad is wanted in many countries.
Ryu (Ryan) - Yeah, yes... he is really mean BUT those reasons of why he is wary of Tad are totally valid and accurate not to mention the fact that, as the head of the archeologists, he will be the principal culprit of whatever mess Tad could do if he accepts him in his group. Yeah, can't blame the guy, but don't be a bully.
Ramirez - Best character so far, you go Lupe! One of Mummy's seven followers? So she is the new follower Mummy was talking about in the sewers! Also, seven followers? I thought Mummy was a hit on the internet. Maybe he is just starting his account, but calling him an influencer with less than 10 followers is exagerated. Maybe he will get better. Martial arts? Tad, Mummy and Pickles, better watch out. She has the power.
Pickles - Mister Picols, your typical gringo everyone! He is just as I imagined. I wouldn't blame him for being confused about mixing France with Italy, I also had that mistake... AT FIVE YEARS OLD. What's your excuse man? You're from the FBI (or CIA, can't remember) Now I'm pretty sure he will confuse Mummy for an Aztec Mummy or a guy dressed as a mummy... and then try to shoot him. As Childish Gambino said... This is America and Pickles is the proof of that. Doesn't mean he won't be a lovable character. I will laugh at his scenes but, poor agent Ramirez.
Hermes - Little guy with a short fuse, is he alive? Is he mad at Tad & Mummy? But man... they released you! I guess he woke up and choose violence via curses.
Mrs. Wollfstrom - I guess something get pass her, as Mummy can demostrate. She is the kind of old woman that here in Latinoamerica we will say at her many complains "Cállese/cálmese señora!"
Jean Paul - Poor man. How is he going to explain to his people that a bathtub stole his dreams of victory? And why is he Pollo's new friend? Little theory, maybe when Mummy loses Pollo at the end of the film, it goes flying and hits Jean Paul in the face, as a screenshot shows a bike race in Egypt. Man didn't need to meet Hermes to be cursed. RIP
#tadeo jones#tadeo jones 3#tadeo jones meta#tad the lost explorer#tad the lost explorer 3#tad stones#sara lavroff#victoria moon#mummy (tadeo jones)#ramona (tadeo jones)#Ra-Amon-Ah#belzoni (tadeo jones)#jeff (tadeo jones)#jeffzoni#beljeff#tadeo jones ammit#agent pickles#sam pickles#agent ramirez#guadalupe ramirez#tadeo jones ryan#tadeo jones pollo#tadeo jones hermes#tadeo jones jean paul#tadeo jones theory#tad 3 countdown
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psst Josuke o Giorno para el coso de personajes 👀 o Ralsei (?
Josuke uwu
First impression
Lo amo. Rey nunca cambies ya sos perfecto.
Impression now
I love him your honor, he deserves the world. Best jojo in my heart.
Favorite moment
Cuando a pesar de que Hayato le decía que estaba muerto y lo deje el insistía en llevar a Okuyasu con ellos...
Idea for a story
!!!que conozca a Holly!!! y a Suzie Q. Yo se que lo amarían, y no creo que ninguna de ellas tenga ningún rencor contra Josuke o Tomoko. Le mandan siempre regalos y el las acompaña de shopping a fundirle la tarjeta a Joseph.
Joseph enseñandole Hamon a él y Shizuka y contándoles historias de sus tiempos en BT/SDC. Bonding time plz se que Joseph sería un re padre con ambos.
Siendo una figura de hermano mayor para Hayato y apoyarlo en lo que necesite porque ese pibe necesita a alguien.
Favorite relationship
Okuyasu. No necesito dar explicaciones.
Unpopular opinion
No creo que Josuke se vuelva un policía en el futuro, aun si estuviera inspirado en su abuelo o lo que sea. Puede seguir protegiendo Morioh sin tener que basar su vida en eso. Además queda bien piola como diseñador de moda, yo se que se agarraría a piñas con Rohan al respecto.
Favorite headcanon
BiAce nb Josuke <3
Giogio turuturututuru goldenwind
First impression
Uh. Ta bastante tranquilito para ser hijo de Dio. Porfavor no vuelvas a hacer lo de la oreja -100/10.
Impression now
Robemos 100 autos para que no noten que nos robamos uno, king ur mind. King of wasted potential, just vibing in the background which i can respect.
Favorite moment
Jaja si yo te llevo las cosas al hotel no te preocupes *se afana la valija de koichi*
Idea for a story
Las aventuras de giogio en disney world con fugo trish mista y sheila e. "Creo que teniamos algo que hacer aca en florida" "si te olvidaste seguro no es importante" *jolyne screaming in the background*
Iba a decir algo con los otros hermanos pero no se me ocurre nada xd
Unpopular opinion
No creo que vaya a heredar vampirismo en el futuro, ninguno de los hermanos lo tenía y sería...extraño ah. Tampoco creo que se vuelva Dio 2, heredará algunas excentricidades pero seguro se parece más a Jonathan.
Favorite relationship
Fugo, no i wont elaborate. o Trish. Son más los paralelismos/character foils que otra cosa.
Favorite headcanon
No puedo elegir asi que tené 4:
Holly y Suzie Q insistieron en conocerlo el segundo que se enteraron de su existencia y desde entonces el moriría por ellas, lo invitan siempre a cualquier cosa. Denle cariño al pibe plz. Es el favorito de Jolyne.
No le interesa la moda pero se viste según lo que le compra Trish o le diseña Josuke y por eso se viste super extravagante.
Jardinería como hobby, pero intentando no usar su stand. Tiene la oficina llena de plantas y le regala cosas de la huerta a los demás.
Animales como pajaros o gatos se le acercan y se quedan pululando cerca por GER así que a veces tiene una reunion con una paloma en el pelo, pero el nunca dice nada al respecto asi que nadie comenta nada porque que le vas a decir al Don???
Wawsei my beloved
First impression
Riverperson?? No, parece un tío cosa. Si le pasa algo lloro, i will protect him with my life.
Impression now
Podés dejar de ser sospechoso por cinco segundos??? Igual lo tkm. Si lo apretás hace ruido de squeaky toy y seguro susie lo puede mover como el gif del hurón. Porfavor dejá de morirte sos el único healer que tengo.
Favorite moment
El momento no importa lo que importa es cuando pone esa cara re mal dibujada en el primer cap. Eso o cuando se pone a hablar de sus inseguridades en el bote.
Idea for a story
No se me ocurre nada.
Unpopular opinion
Es sus pero no creo que sea malo, aunque tampoco creo que sea realmente parte de la leyenda, el se metió ahi para figurar y no estar solo.
Favorite relationship
Susie, they r so important to me. Gracias ch2 por mi vida.
Favorite headcanon
Que es la personificación de la vincha con cuernitos de Kris/lo que Kris quería ser y por eso conoce distintos lugares del mundo real. Realmente quiere lo que cree es mejor para elle.
Ah y lo único que sabe cocinar son tortas.
#para ser q giogio no esta ni cerca de ser mi jojo favorito tengo varios hc xd#ask game#no soy buena para hacer historias y varias de las cosas q mencione ya tienen fics but they r so good#josuke my beloved <3 gracias por preguntar por el. siento q me estoy olvidando de banda de cosas igual
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