#gate result ece
simplegenius042 · 6 months
Late OCs as Horror Themes/Tropes, Ships as Tarot Cards, and 15 Lines or Less Tag
Tagged by @nightbloodbix @aceghosts @inafieldofdaisies @voidika @direwombat and @g0dspeeed
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @softtidesworld @strafethesesinners @strangefable @adelaidedrubman @wrathfulrook @corvosattano @cassietrn @derelictheretic @shellibisshe @florbelles @cloudofbutterflies92 @starsandskies @onehornedbeast @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @afarcryfrommymain @megraen @turbo-virgins @minilev @carlosoliveiraa @shallow-gravy @titiagls @thewanderer-000 @snake-in-the-garden @purplehairsecretlair @chazz-anova @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @skoll-sun-eater @yokobai @bitchofedensgate @deputyash @ec-10 @foofygoldfish @gaeadene @henbased @vampireninjabunnies-blog and @trashcatsnark
You can find the OCs as Horror Themes/Tropes quiz here and the Ships as Tarot Cards quiz here. One OC for the first quiz, Two Ships for the second quiz, and three OCs for five lines each for the 15. The results and lines are below the cut:
DISCORD, THE MAD KIN OF CARNAGE (A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore and the Unnamed Original Works Trilogy)
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Discord was a second-generation reality bender (or more commonly known as "Kin"), and one of the most devastatingly powerful as well. His very presence was capable of reverting anything and everything around him back to its basic essential form/s (until it became rusted, rotten, and/or dust and eventually nothing at all). Had technically been killed during the Extermination Purge War, however, Arcane Urias' Chapter of the Occult, a group of warlocks, liches and dark magic users that aimed to preserve ancient magic (regardless if it was forbidden or destructive) and bring back the Old Kin (which mostly consist of the extinct first, second and third generations, as well as some fourth) to rule over the Multiverse once again, had found a way to bring back Discord, in a universe where Earth had been ravaged by nuclear war. NOTE: This result kind of describes how Discord's second death more-or-less is like.
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While Nadi and John have this "loyally serving the other while yearning for each others love but beating around the bush due to bad timings and stuff and still caring and possessive of the other to an obsessively unhealthy degree"... I will have to say that Nadi's affection isn't John's only priority; Joseph and his family plus the project is John's focus and is probably what he would choose over Nadi. Nadi though views John as the person who gave her something to believe in again, to put her skill and faith in (especially after losing faith in the military and governments after the events of Call To Arms), so to her, Eden's Gate' faith is personified by John. But if either lose each one another, it will greatly impact the other's life.
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Ah yes, another main LGBTQ+ couple I made to add to my collection alongside Sonya and Jennifer. Haoyu (Non-Binary, 25) and Icarus (Male, 23) fit each other well. At first both thought the other was a jerk. However, both got to know each other, related about their experiences with distant, long-lost and/or found family (Haoyu with their father, mother and Monika plus the Literature Club, and Icarus with his parents, siblings, alters and the Dupain-Cheng Family), coming to terms with their personal lives (Haoyu with their ability to open portals and travel through reality breaches, and Icarus plus his alters with the ability to switch dimensions with this magic fungus dude named Hatter whom one of the alters had eaten inadvertently on a dare), as well as near-death experiences (Haoyu with the Ruins of the Midnight Rise, and Icarus with Evermond Scowlzka trying to dissect him and his alters to get Hatter) plus their encounters with Sir Enigma Malvolio (Haoyu is Malvolio's foil and therefore targeted as a rival, and Icarus, while never meeting Malvolio until much later, had seen the aftereffects of Malvolio putting the essence of the Court King into a close friend of his, Marinette Dupain-Cheng). They also manage to work through each other's flaws; Icarus was reserved and arrogant but self-sacrificing (hence the requirement for his alters, Hatsukami Hinode and Xavier Tulip), and Haoyu was bold and selfish yet unambitious. Icarus teaches Haoyu how to be driven, pointing them towards a goal beneficial to not only them, but everyone, while Haoyu taught Icarus how to listen and take care of himself more, as well as be open-minded. Wherever they end up after the fight with the Ruins of the Midnight Rise, know that they're both at least together.
Calvin Darling (The Perfect Storm saga)
"Ah, back in this shit again?" He grumbles, getting up.
"Haven't you learned by now? "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before the fall"," Calvin quoted, "Try to checkmate that, you pompous dick."
"I need a drink," Calvin pauses, reminding himself of another task, "But first I shall pray."
"Mario! I'm a cartoonist, not a mechanic."
"...I'm simultaneously impressed by how smart you can be but also disappointed in how stupid you are."
Rick Thompson (The Omniscience Rule saga and The Ender saga)
6. "I don't remember hunting down clowns to be part of the initiative...?" 7. "My dream came true Ma... I am IN a Musical." 8. "Ms Darling, if I may compliment outside of regulations, you're stunning beauty is increased tenfold by the stellar addition of grime and demons blood." 9. "I may be an agent, but I'm no where near professional." 10. "Ian Graveheart is the kind of man Pa described as the worst combination you can give a loaded weapon without safety on... legs and batshit insanity."
Urijah Calaghan (The UnTitled Stories (from The Omniscience Rule saga) and The UnTitled Ventures saga)
11. "You don't matter. Nothing matters. Nothing except this mission." 12. "How cruel are our lives where we must live out a path hostile to our treading feet as the unknown entities above and beyond mock and degrade us? And what fate awaits us then? Release? Freedom? Death? A second round for your soul to enter the world again and go right back into the cosmic mechanism that grinds us down again and again and again like a broken carousel? Or a decrepit record stuck spinning on the same tune? But that's only if you're lucky enough to die." 13. "My mission is to release us, painlessly and mercifully, from the one who holds onto us; the Hand at Fate's Table, one abhorrently callous and cruel enough to take pleasure in the suffering he puts us through." 14. "You must find this tiring. For a man to commit himself against an endless stream of challenges for what is ultimately a short speck of time in our universes must come at a great unnecessary cost to your body. Do you not wish to rest, Joaquin? Wouldn't it be best to live the final minutes of your life resting? Taking a moment to hold your family one last time before our Peace?" Urijah softly questioned. 15. "That doesn't matter," Urijah softly breathes out with a smile, hot air colliding against the cold breeze as the countdown reaches its conclusion.
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Tales of Symphonia Stray Thoughts #11: Meltokio Sewer/Sybak Again/Gaoracchia Forest
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-Zelos: ..."Well, in the end, we're of the same lot, really.
Genis: What do you mean?
Zelos: No one wanted us to be born."
There's so much to be said here. Despite having a hand in every faction, Zelos is clearly apathetic in whoever's the winning side so long as they serve his interests -- enough to even swallow his own prejudices. Cynicism born from four millennia-long theocracies will do that to you.
-Those knights at the gate are real bros.
-“I used these to sneak back home.”
...hmm, but Meltokio's a gated community. Where was he sneaking back from? I know we all use our headcanons to imaigne towns and inns populated across the landscape, but "sex clubs littered across Tethe'alla" is territory I'd rather not traverse.
-Colette stop casting judgement on those snakes. they're snakes. save that tp.
Also listen to those low-quality hissing effects HISSISHSISHSISSHSISHISS
-“…I guess so.” Isn’t a very Presea line.
-“Now I can do this and that without anyone finding out it’s me…”
Sexual harassment! Also another one of those weird vague, low-context lines they don't bother cleaning up for silent dialogue.
-man it sure is convenient how those spider webs keep popping up just in time to help solve the block puzzle huh gang
-sneaking into the mouse holes while you're tiny is a clever gimmick but uh
who's stuffing these weapons into tiny bags and shoving them into mouse holes
-That shot with the group's feet is good. Tales of Symphonia is hardly known for its chorography, but there's some good shots now and then.
-Any digs at Zelloyd aside, Zelos’s queer-coding is pretty, well, evident. You got the pink outfit, Masaya Onosaka's flamboyant performance in the JP version, annnnnd him randomly hugging Lloyd at random intervals (As seen here.)
Combined with all the women hungry for his status and good looks, and you got a classic recipe for repressed homosexuality. Not exactly a wonder that's Symphonia's most popular boy's love pairing.
-Regal’s theme is gooooooooood. Listen to that sax. Damn!
-Love how nonchalant Sebastian is about everything -- guy just doesn't give a fuq his master's wanted. Almost like that's not the first time. (Hmm...)
I channeled this quality for my Colloyd Week 2024 fic to fun results.
-Speaking of queer-coding, “bud” is good localization for “hunny.”
-"You’re pr-pr-pretty." is peak relatable. Poor Genis!
Well, then again, I guess most of us haven't tried to put the moves on victims of Exsphere parasitism.
-This is where the game does this weird habit of pointless gags/scenes with Colette, although her crickking her neck in her sleep's pretty funny.
-Man-made summon spirits…geez don’t tell me they ended with up eldritch FMA abominations lol. "Shee...na..."
-Geez, the half-elves're stuck down there too. There’s a door in the side of the lobby – at least they have beds there, right? Right? Racist bastards.
-“I thought Kuchinawa had talked to you about it, but I guess he didn’t.”
lol don’t tell me he tried to steal the freakin' EC
-Okay wait did he lock the gate at the bridge too lol that’s like the pettiest plan ever. “Yeah this’ll stop them!”
-“Are those decoration things Exspheres?”
how do these things even work. Are they like containers or something. namco pls
-Raine says the EC was a land vehicle but I dunno how that could be anything but a boat. Sheena and Zelos complain about it too but, I dunno, it looks like
-So do wing packs work like hoipoi capsules in Dragon Ball? At any rate, love the Sylvarant teen trio losing their minds over it. Such child-like innocence.
-I've mentioned before how the HD ports remove ellipses, but Presea's "...Professor?" here has the "professor" removed as opposed to said ellipses. Weird.
-The EC music is so purty. Trying to remember why I’d always get stuck here though since the port’s straight ahead LOL
-So you know those optional cutscenes where Kratos's travelling around Tethe'alla to find ingredients for the Eternal Ring? I know I've seen the Ozette one numerous times before, but while the script/descriptions for the others sound familiar, I'm not sure I ever watched them in-game? Hmm.
Anyway, uh, interesting they just had a broken machine from the Ancient War lying around the academy.
-“It seems monsters existed in the prehistoric era too”
yo then why’d you imply cruxis made them
The guy’s second line here references criminals – I could’ve found out more if I talked to him sooner. I'm dying for some lore here, man!
-“Was the warrant put out for you because you were using strange chemicals?”
-“Don’t misunderstand me. I’m talking about rune bottles.”
-“It’s not a mistake for humans, who are unable to use magic, to pursue magitechnology.”
This guy repeating history aside, they never explicitly mention magic works in the main story, do they? As in, the whole "Kratos and Zelos can only use magic thanks to Aionis" deal. You'd thiiiiiiiiiiiink that'd catch attention sooner.
“If we capture some of the monsters that have reappeared and force them to continuously use magic, we may be able to confirm the effects of pushing the limits of magic-usage”
-Zelos: "Hello, hunny."
Girl: “Hehe, here you go.” GIVES ME EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS.
...y'know, as fun as this gag is, I wonder if it's aged well, lol.
-The Gaoracchia Forest opens with...Colette apologizing for being too cheery. Um, okay.
-“Zelos, you are in the way of the pope.”
“Heh, I’ve known that since I was a kid.”
Hmm, how so? I demand to know the history here.
I could discuss Tales of Symphonia's enemy variety, but I know some of you are curious about this particular baddie following my Colloyd Week fic -- as it happens, I never had any particular affinity for them until recently when @frayed-symphony's illustration of all the Gaoracchia Forest monsters was reposted before Colloyd Week.
Somehow, my eyes fell upon the Boxer Iris with its big weepy eyeball and bulbous boppers and I just went, "...you know, that's a really fun enemy design. I gotta use that critter somehow." How that morphed into "non-verbal mugger", I dunno, but it became one of my favorite details. Now I feel kinda bad slicing it up.
Anyway, she's now living happily with Fred in one of those thorn bushes, I'm sure. They'll be back.
-Ugh I swear shining the light on those bushes drives me crazy. Y'all know what I'm talking about? why you gotta come at them from different direction
-Colette’s one-armed strength…is that how angelic senses work? Housework must be a breeze for her -- imagine her just lifting furniture around. There's a fic here!
-Ya’ll, have I ever mentioned how much I love the Recover/Resurrection sound. So heavenly. Mmm.
...Oh yeah, I didn't discuss any of the Presea and Regal stuff, huh? We'll get to that next time. Lots of ground to cover.
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arg-machine · 6 days
Comics at machine HQ
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Well, looking back at the posts on this blog, arg sees that it’s almost time for a new Comics at machine HQ post, since the most recent one was published nearly half-a-year ago! So here’s one this week!
As regular visitors to this blog know, arg has been tackling a crisis arising out of a family member’s passing and, with so many issues to be resolved, he hasn’t been able to read as many comics and/or graphic novels as he’d have liked to… As a result, this instalment of Comics at machine HQ has fewer titles than usual.
And yes, though not all the issues have been resolved, things are gradually returning to a new normal and this, as he explained in his previous post, may mean that arg will finally be able to get back to machine HQ work [provided no new hurdles/problems arise]...
Anyway, let’s move on now, to the comics/graphic novels that arg has enjoyed in the past few months…
Funnybooks! Here are the comics/graphic novels arg has read [and enjoyed!] in the last few months. All titles are arranged alphabetically, and related titles – or titles from related genres – are listed in the Also recommended sections. Keep in mind that a few of these titles are suitable for mature readers only.
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“In 1969, a feisty new comics magazine emerged to rival the popular horror magazines Creepy and Eerie: Web of Horror. Conceived by a plucky, independent publisher, Web of Horror showcased instant classics of horror and science fiction by such rising stars of comic art as Bernie Wrightson, Michael Kaluta, Bruce Jones, Ralph Reese, Frank Brunner, Roger Brand, and Wayne Howard, as well as seasoned veterans such as Syd Shores and Norman Nodel, illustrating stories written by Otto Binder, Nicola Cuti, and others.
Now, over 50 years later, Fantagraphics presents the complete Web of Horror in one expertly edited and designed volume. In addition to all three published issues, this collection includes over a dozen stories intended for subsequent issues that have been rarely or never-before published, several long thought to be lost and recently unearthed…” Pretty freaky!
Also recommended: Epitaphs from the Abyss, Tales of the Unnamed - The Blizzard, The Midnite Show, Brynmore and Destiny Gate.
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“Compelled to oblivion, driven to entropy, all life in our cosmos can only end in one place: COMPLETE ANNIHILATION! For the first time in 70 years, the limitless fury of EC Comics rages back to life to shred the very fabric of the universe itself and wrench bizarre tales of time and space into our dimensional plane!
Our guides across this double-sized, 40-page introduction to a cosmic maelstrom of strange extra-terrestrial entities, malevolent scientists, and terrifying technological catastrophes? Learn to fear the void with the irradiated imaginations of various acclaimed writers and artists.
The unpredictable return of EC Comics continues with the quantum comics event of the millennium! Galaxies will collapse. Space-time will be distorted. And your very will to exist, too, shall be broken… Just remember: it's all in the name of science!” A lot of fun, this one.
Also recommended: Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 44, Dandelion, Cyn, Crave, The Singularity and Hexagon Bridge.
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arg loooves ducks! Especially when they’re called Daffy or… Donald! And yes, that short-tempered, lovable waterfowl is now 90 years old!
“In honor of Donald Duck's 90th anniversary, join us in tracing his comics career from 1934 to the present!
Carl Barks' Lost in the Andes and Don Rosa's Return to Plain Awful take the Ducks to the legendary land of square eggs while Romano Scarpa's Legend of Donald Hood pits Donald against Scrooge in a feature-length Sherwood Forest spoof! Marco Rota's Life and Times of Donald Duck traces our hero from birth as a wild duck in a nest, while William Van Horn's The Black Moon finds outer-space peril threatening Duckburg!
From Daisy to Gladstone to Gyro and the Beagle Boys, the gang's all here for an unprecedented look at everybody's favorite duck!”
Also recommended: The Goon - Them That Dont Stay Dead, Groo - In the Wild, Marvel and The Heavy Bright.
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“Andrew Vachss' writing has been described as ‘red-hot and serious as a punctured lung’ (Playboy), hypnotically violent… made up of equal parts broken concrete block and razor wire’ (Chicago Sun-Times), and ‘short and choppy, like the ticking of a time bomb’ (Seattle Post-Intelligencer).
In this graphic novel, dozens of comics writers and artists bring to life an assortment of Vachss' trademark life-at-ground-zero stories. This edition of Hard Looks contains 15 entries from the first Dark Horse edition as well as "Half Breed," a never-before-published prose story by Vachss, with illustrations by Geofrey Darrow, creator of Shaolin Cowboy and conceptual designer for The Matrix trilogy of films. Darrow also provides a new cover illustration.”
Also recommended: Leone - Notes on Life, Pocket Full of Rain, Seoul Before Sunrise, The Really Complete Paradise Too, Memoirs of a Man in Pajamas and Monica.
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“An FBI agent from the cult crime beat and a woman with a past linked to the Satanic Panic are drawn into a terrifying hunt for an insane killer hiding in the shadows of the underworld. Can you ever escape your past, or are all your bad decisions just more ghosts to haunt you, wherever you go?
Houses Of the Unholy is a riveting horror thrill ride from bestselling creators Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips, the award-winning team behind Criminal, Reckless, Night Fever, and Where The Body Was.”
Also recommended: The Horror, Men of Wrath, FATCOP, Out of the Blue - The Complete Series, Ain’t No Grave, Lost Boy and Invisible Wounds.
…and now, it’s time for a machine HQ’s Retro Pick!
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“Sandman Mystery Theatre was an ongoing comic book series published by Vertigo Comics, the mature-readers imprint of DC Comics. It ran for 70 issues, one annual, and a cross-over special between 1993 and 1999 and retells the adventures of the Sandman, a vigilante whose main weapon is a gun that fires sleeping gas, originally created by DC in the Golden Age of Comic Books. In a similar vein to Batman, the Sandman possesses little to no superhuman powers, though he has minor precognitive abilities through his prophetic dreams, and relies on his detective skills and inventions.
In this film noir-like series by writers Matt Wagner and Steven T. Seagle, Wesley Dodds (the Sandman) and his girlfriend Dian Belmont (daughter of the District Attorney) encountered several, often grotesque, foes in multi-issue storylines…” Classic stuff!
That’s it for this new comics/graphic novels list, visit The Apocalypse Project on Mastodon, twitter/X and on tumblr, and don’t forget to check out the machinstagram too!
Header image features artwork from Weird Work and from Voices That Count - A Comics Anthology by Women.
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nimbuslearning · 1 year
PGCIL Recruitment 2023 | PGCIL Engineer Trainee Recruitment Through GATE 2023 | CE/EE/EC/CS #pgcil
Engineers Academy is a leading Educational institution based in Various Parts of India. Engineers Academy Provides Result Oriented Excellent Coaching for IES/ESE, GATE, SSC-JE , RRB-JE, AE/JE and PSUs by Experienced Erudite Faculty Members. 21 + Centers in Pan India like Delhi , Patna , Jaipur , Ranchi , Lucknow , Kanpur , Allahabad , Nagpur , Bhopal, Agra , Ajmer , Jodhpur , Kota etc.
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
Bnha dad scenarios: Child default names and background stories.
[Tw: mentions of abortion.]
Dabi's kid/Ayane Name meaning: Kanji (Aya) meaning "Color" and (Ne) meaning sound.
Don't need to tell you that his little Firefly wasn't exactly planned, in fact he was completely blindsided when he found his FWB (now common law wife) was pregnant, he ran away! but, not from her... He disappeared for a couple days then showed up a while later in disguise duffle-bag in hand telling her to hurry and start packing up whatever she can carry; cuz they were leaving! Dabi and your mom relocated to a very small town in the countryside where the population is very small.
(like you could fit the whole township into a Boeing 737 small, and your nearest neighbor was 15 minutes away....)
From there they opened and run a roadhouse bar/motel. Dabi didn't marry his Fairy just because she was pregnant, he caught the feelings a long time ago and had been planning to runaway with her way before Ayane was even a distant thought, her impending arrival just pushed his plans forward. Ayane looks like her mother but her [y/hc] hair has little red streaks and she has partial heterochromia in her eyes, they look like someone colored them cerulean, but remembered halfway through that they were supposed to be y/ec, she also has Dabi's cocky smirk.
Katsuki's kid/Haruka name meaning:  Distant blossom: Uses the Kanji "Haru" in the word "Distant"  combined with the kanji "Ka" in "blossom".
 Having kids was very distant thought in the back of Katsuki's mind not that he didn't want any, He just thought he wouldn't have any, so then his wife told him that they were having a baby. he was over the moon, he didn't care if it was boy or girl just so long as they were happy and healthy, however as soon as it was confirmed that the the baby in his wife's belly was a girl.
Katsuki went scorched-earth on any boys that went near his little girl and Haruka has him wrapped around her little finger. She's his spoiled princess. Haruka looks like a carbon copy of her mom, but has her dad's temperament and potty mouth, she has partial heterochromia both eyes they're half red-half [y/ec]. 
Shigaraki's kid/Kururi name meaning:  Black Emerald: "Ku" from the kanji "Black" and "Ruri" meaning "Emerald". (Ngl she was also named after Kurogiri)
 He was completely blindsided when he found out his queen was having his child, he didn't know what to do with it, he considered having it "taken care of" but his queen threatened to leave him if he ever suggested that again! he was huffy and pouty during the whole pregnancy.  
He was also very protective, usually lingering near by or stalking his wife when she was out and about being careful of in case any heroes or lesser NPCs messed with her, then when the baby was finally born... and he held her for the first time, it was like "Holy crap! I made this...!" and suddenly the world wasn't looking so bleak anymore... and now that his wife is gone (rip) Shigaraki's main focus (as aside villainy) was on his daughter and making the future bright for her.
Kururi though not touch starved she is a bit wary of physical affection, and very socially awkward often preferring to read and or play videogames over socializing with other humans, her only friend seems to be Ayane (their friendship is similar to Orin and April from Parks and rec), They hang out mainly because Shigaraki wanted her have some sense of normality that he was deprived as child. however due to her quirk's nature and the guilt she feels over her mother's death, she has a complex over her hands, she doesn't like it when people try holding them or touching them, often seen wearing gloves or keeping them in her pockets. 
Kururi looks like her mom but has a little mole under her chin and has heterochromia her left eye is red while her right [y/ec] and her [y/hc] hair has a single blueish-white streak in it.
Hawks-Keigo's kid/ Griffin or Finny: as in Griffin the mythical creature.
Keigo and his late wife chose that name because of their respective quirks, His wife had some feline traits cat eyes, and cat ears, it was kind of joke between their two names [Cheshire cat and a Hawk] then they first met, Keigo wasn't really interested in his wife at first, but that didn't stop her! so Keigo said if she could get Endeavor to laugh he'll take her on a date!
So she goes up to Endeavor and says "What happens when a hawk mates with a cat?..." The current number 1 looked at her bemused. "The English call it a Griffin, but I call it a cawk!" Hawks winced It was soo cringy, obscene and made no sense!... But it worked! Endeavor's lips twitched and he snorted! before breaking out in low chuckles, the rest is history.
Though his avian traits seemed to have overrode his wife's feline traits, I.e. {Finny has little red wings on her head instead of cat ears, and Keigo eye brows, However everything else is from his wife. the reality slip quirk {y/hc} hair and {y/eye} etc.
Kirishima's kid/Akara: Name meaning "Red Lightning" {Aka} meaning Red and [Ra] from the word Rai meaning lightning.
Eijirou and his wife thought they were having a boy so Akara's name was originally going to be Akahito "the red warrior" so when the baby that came out was obviously a girl, he and his wife panicked and couldn't figure out or agree on a new name, until Mina suggest a holding raffle everyone wrote a name down and put it in a hat. and the first name they pulled will be their daughter's name, they pulled out Denki's choice and settled on it and considering Akara's quirk: Hard-charge. it fits pretty well. 
(She can harden her skin like her dad. however, with every hit she takes, she can absorb kinetic energy from it, the energy turns into electricity which she can use to deliver powerful electric discharge attacks.) 
Her mom is Denki's cousin by the way... Her mom's Quirk is called Static pinch, she can store small amounts of static electricity and release tiny zaps from her thumb index and middle finger, if she gets close enough to an enemy she use the stored energy in her body like a taser via "Vulcan nerve pinch".
  Akara looks like her mother but has her dad's sharp teeth.
Shoto's kid/Koyuki name meaning "Little snow" kanji [Ko] meaning little and [Yuki] meaning snow.
Much like Katsuki children were a very touchy and distant subject for him, He was was always scared that he'll end up just like his father, he was adamant on having no kids, so when his wife announced that she was pregnant and keeping it, Shoto had a panic attack and ran off  for a couple days, until she calls Dabi who tracked him down and talked some sense into him...
(after punching him in the face for ditching his pregnant wife.) The his older brother pretty much told Shoto he's letting Enji win running off like that, and reminds him that they're both Endeavor's sons, but they are not their father, and will never be their father, they're better than him... and with that Dabi send his younger brother back his worried wife, Shoto apologizes and is working to prove he's not like his father. 
He keeps his daughter away from her grandfather who keeps badgering Shoto for another grandchild as he doesn't see Koyuki's quirk (Frost-breath) taking her anywhere in the future, Shoto has more or less politely told his father to go and pound sand.... as it was very difficult for Shoto's wife to conceive children and her pregnancy and birth was very stressful and traumatic for them, Koyuki was born prematurely and his wife had to stay in the hospital with a severe case of the flu.
Koyuki like  Shoto has bi-color hair on the left it's red and on the right it's [y/hc] she has her mom [y/ec] eyes she’s very happy and but timid child and often seen clinging to one of her parent's legs when stranger approaches, though she get's a bit more confident with time.
Izuku's kid/ Hinamori Name meaning: "sunshine forest" combines the kanji [Hina] for sunshine and the kanji [Mori] for Forest.
Not a surprise when he the number 1 hero's wife started showing a baby-bump a year and a half after their wedding, however what came as a surprise was how protective Izuku became when Reporters and his more eccentric fans didn't know how to keep their boundaries, they would not stop staring at his wife's boobs and trying to touch her belly, Izuku would block their view or slap their hands away and repeat. "Your not my mother or her (Relative.) Don't touch my wife..." he'd discharge his quirk a bit showing that he wasn't kidding around... 
The attention seem to blow over once Hinamori was born mainly due to Izuku buying a house in a gated community so the press couldn't get in so easily and bother the new family, Hinamori looks like her mom but she her y/hc hair is wild like Izuku's and she has his freckles, she likes reading and is often found in Izuku's study reading his old hero observation books. and has actually been working on some of her own, as Izuku has found her little dinosaur notebook with observations on Haruka, Koyuki and Akara. 
Denki's kid: Raika name meaning: Lightning flower uses the kanji [Rai] for lightning and the kanji [Ka] from flower. 
Raika wasn't exactly planned... See Denki and his little lady were on vacation see? there was this music festival in Niagara-falls, and well...He and his wife had few too many and well details are bit blurred, but... Raika may or may not have been conceived in a handicap stall, but if she ever were to ask everyone's been told to say it was after Denki recued his wife from a villain holding her hostage and Raika was the end result of his reward, luckily she doesn't seem really interested in knowing her parents sexual history.
So there's a good chance shell never know! Raika has her dad's quirk, her hair is y/hc with a yellow/black lighting bolt streaked into it and her y/ec eyes flash yellow when using her quirk. 
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ms-demeanor · 5 years
After reading your "ultra-long postivity post", now I have kind of a weird feeling because i relate a lot to pretty much everything you said, but i ended up approaching the "not everyone can x" from the opposite side, being the "gifted kid" teachers used to hold everyone to unrealistic standards (that i knew most couldnt achieve in the given timeframes), and now i get frustrated when i dont develop skills immediately, because i have done it before and feel like i should be able to and aaaaaaaaaa
Funny story: when I was a kid my parents had both my sister and I tested for learning and developmental disabilities. This testing included IQ testing.
It identified that we were both “gifted” kids* and that I’m dyslexic.
It totally missed my ADHD, though!
The problem with that is that my parents. Hm.
Okay my parents both grew up in very poor families. VERY poor. And they both wanted to go to college and knew the only way that they could was through scholarships. So they became debaters. They met at a tournament in high school.
Debaters are weird. You need an efficient working memory and strong recall and the ability to think quickly on your feet. Being witty and kind of an asshole are also good traits for debaters. Basically you’ve either gotta be really fuck-off smart to be a competitive debater or you’ve gotta at least *seem* really fuck-off smart.
And my parents were champion debaters at a national level. The Whittier College debate trophy has my mom’s name written directly under Richard goddamn Nixon. My dad was on the USC debate team and competed against Harvard and won. Not only that but he ended up coaching debate for USC and Cal Tech.
So as kids who grew up in extremely poor families and were able to go to college and get middle-class jobs and buy a house because of intellectual ability my parents placed A LOT of importance on intellectual ability.
So that IQ score became a large part of my life.
First we attacked the dyslexia. The approach was basically teaching me a bunch of sight words because sounding out phonics doesn’t work when the letters get screwed up. And because I was *gifted* we did a lot of really BIG sight words.
It took about six months to get me up to speed from “memorizing the pages of a story to match the pictures because I couldn’t read along in class” to “the first book I read on my own was The Hobbit.” I guess that counted as “cured” because that was the last time I got any kind of educational assistance.
At that time I was at a gifted school, a really tiny private school that was also an after-school daycare where we did full-day classes and then did gymnastics and swim from 3-6pm. I also was there over the summer because my parents worked.
So going from “tiny private school where the teacher has you stand up in class to read your failing grade in front of everyone so that she could shame you into performing better” to “fine public school in a suburb wealthy enough to have arts programs” was a major, major change. They did an aptitude test because I was transferring in from a different district and there was much discussion about whether or not to move me directly from the second to the sixth grade.
The district refused, thank fuck.
The public elementary school didn’t *have* a gifted program so it took very little time for me to become the Certified Weird Kid. My third grade teacher had me read aloud to our class for twenty minutes a day. I taught the class the multiplication table.
When it got to be time to go to the junior high school my mom went to a meeting for the school’s gifted kids program. APPARENTLY one of the kid’s dad’s basically said “I don’t understand why you’re wasting school funds on field trips for the stupid kids, the school should spend more of its resources on kids who have a chance of actually meaning something to the world” and my mom decided that while being gifted was important it was less important than making sure I wasn’t exposed to assholes of that caliber on a regular basis.
(thanks mom, I actually do really appreciate that reprieve)
Several teachers pushed me into advanced classes - my math teacher insisted that I take the advanced algebra classes in the seventh and eighth grade.
The GATE kids *WERE* assholes and were extra bonus special assholes to me because math was the only advanced class that I was in. (At my junior high school you had to pick your elective based on what level of classes you were in - to take the GATE classes you HAD to take a music elective; if you took art, drama, shop, or home ec you couldn’t take the smart kid classes. The algebra class was a new, separate addition to the program so *some* of the kids in the “electives for dropouts” program could take algebra. Schools are really fucked up, guys, in case you didn’t know schools are really fucked up and that was BEFORE No Child Left Behind).
I got a C in that algebra class and sat in my room for literally an hour screaming at myself for being such a selfish, distracted idiot that I let myself read my books instead of studying harder for the class. (clearly very healthy, normal twelve-year-old behavior)
When it was time to go to high school my teachers made a united plea to the district to transfer me into honors/IB/AP classes.
The kids in the honors/IB/AP classes continued to be kind of awful to me. I got extremely depressed and basically started doing the lazy-but-brilliant thing of completely ignoring homework or in-class work but performing spectacularly well on tests or essays in the classes that I wasn’t catastrophically failing
I was the only person at the school who got a perfect score on the vocab part of my SAT. I was the only honors kid who hadn’t been in SAT prep classes. There was only one other kid who graduated with the same number of units as I had, we’d outstripped the valedictorian and salutatorian but three classes each. I only applied to one college - I got accepted for painting but my interviewer urged me to move to the writing program and I got accepted for that too.
My financial aid didn’t come through and my dad wasn’t willing to cosign for loans on “an art program at a trade school.”
I got accepted to Pratt Institute on their Writing for Publication track which included an internship with the New York Times for third-year students in the program.
At that point I had a Columbia Scholastic Press award for my work on my high school yearbook.
Let me tell you, the community college that I went to and spent five years variously failing and succeeding at had a fucking *killer* newspaper and magazine when I was there. The local community newspaper that hired me when I was 21 was also much better designed and edited than it had any right to be for the three years I worked there (getting paid a whole eight dollars an hour and sometimes working 20 hours straight to get it in to the printer on time).
When I transferred to the state school I got perfect grades and worked full time and won every contest offered by the school’s English Honors society (which I couldn’t join because I was a transfer student and hadn’t done honors classes my freshman and sophomore years). I started a literary magazine with some friends when I graduated; we published four full issues online before it fell apart.
You know what’s also funny?
Even the food-service job I had to pay my way though the community college I felt terrible about attending was a skills test. I was a barista, so of course for a while I was a competitive barista.
I disappointed my parents a lot. I heard a lot of “we know you’re better than this.” I got told I was too smart to be screwing up this bad. I mentioned it a couple weeks ago but my results from that IQ test got compared to my sister’s and that was the justification for holding me to a higher standard. “You’re measurably brilliant, why aren’t you acting like it?”
Here lies the corpse of a gifted kid. Look on my works ye might and despair.
I am the perfect picture of a twice exceptional gifted kid and the reason I wrote all of this out is to tell you one thing:
“Gifted Kid” is a label that someone applied to you, it has nothing to do with who and what you ARE.
It’s very, very unfair that the adults in your life used you that way. I have an exceptionally terrible memory of being singled out as the only one who passed the first test in my IB World History class; “Why is Alli the only one of all of you who is writing at grade level? You’re supposed to be the smartest kids in the school, why did you all fail?”
That’s awful for the kids around you, that’s awful for you. It doesn’t do anybody any favors if people around you are being informed that you’re setting the curve they’ll be judged against. And it really, really doesn’t do YOU any favors because it doesn’t take long *at all* for your brain to learn that that’s all you’re good for. If you aren’t the best at a thing then what’s the point, you HAVE to be best because they already SAID you were best and if you aren’t then all these other people hate you for setting a standard that even you can’t keep up with.
You end up competing with past versions of yourself and focusing on those things that make the grownups in your life praise you because the grownups in your life has praised you in such a way that it’s turned all the other kids against you.
You know who bullied the fuck out of me? The kids I taught the times tables to, the kids I read to for half an hour a day.
Those kids were MEAN to me but the teacher who told me to read Boxcar Kids to the class after lunch everyday was NICE and she told me not to worry, they were just jealous and I should be proud of my gifts.
“Anon did this in three minutes. What’s taking the rest of you so long?” - what a terrible weight to put on a child. You’re right. Not everyone can do everything.
Fucking hell.
Adults what the everloving shit is wrong with us? Please don’t treat kids like that.
But here’s the other thing:
If there’s any time in your life that it’s easy to acquire skills with no apparent effort it’s when you’re a child surrounded by a support system that is engaged in making sure that you can acquire those skills.
It took three adults, two dictionaries, and several hours a day to teach me enough sight-words to throw me into “look at baby genius*” territory but from my perspective as a little kid I was just reading cool stories.
I spent four hours a day in the yearbook room and ditched and failed other classes so that I could work on the yearbook. I collected hundreds of magazines to get an eye for layout. But from my perspective as a teenager it was a fun activity that I did with the closest thing I had to friends.
I’m sure that there are some skills that you had a natural aptitude for, some things that came naturally. But I’m also sure that you didn’t learn those skills with no effort, it’s just that now as an adult with a life and other shit going on it takes more effort to learn to do things.
In all likelihood you weren’t a savant who did everything perfectly the first time you tried. It just seems that way because even really smart kids don’t know when they’re bad at things and are mostly being compared against other kids (with the few rare exceptions of music prodigies or math prodigies or those kids who end up in science grad programs at 12 and boy howdy do I think there’s a whole other can of worms when it comes to the way child prodigies* interact with the world).
You wanna know what probably saved my life in the last few years?
That “anti-capitalist love notes” tumblr post.
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You are worth more than your productivity.
You are worth more than your productivity.
You are worth more than your productivity.
I was actually kind of offended the first time I saw that post on my dash. “No I’m not,” I thought. “You’re only worth what you can do, everyone knows that. People care about what you do for them.”
And why the hell would I think anything else? That’s what I’d learned for pretty much my whole life.
It took me a really long time to understand that I was wrong. I matter outside of what I can do for people or how well I perform. I matter more than being able to perfectly recite poetry from memory or do calculations on command or sit down at a piano and play a piece I’ve never played by sight-reading it.
And you matter outside of that too. You’re more than your performance, you’re better than being gifted. There are people who love you for the way you make them laugh and how you listen to their stories and for the simple joy of your presence.
It’s nice to be clever, it’s handy in a lot of situations even if it does come with a lot of baggage for some people.
But god damn, it’s important to be kind.
* Personally I have issues with the way that society constructs the concepts of giftedness, genius, and prodigies. There are a lot of “gifted” kids who were the kids who scored in the top 5% of their class in school but there are also gifted kids who were doing high-level math or reading novels as toddlers; there are prodigies who showed an aptitude for music young and who were then schooled in that instrument to the exclusion of all other activities (and I bet there are a fair number of kids who might be considered prodigies if they were trained to play flute for nine hours a day and didn’t have friends but thankfully we don’t *do* that to very many people - side note, ask me my opinion about olympic athletes some time). Words like “genius” and “gifted” are very nearly meaningless and almost *never* accurately reflect skills proficiency or long-term success or are reflected in income or respect. People think that geniuses are hypercompetent robots with their shit together but literally every adult I know with a genius-level IQ is some variety or other of total fucking tire fire.
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medicalmary · 3 years
Does CBD affect your Gut health?
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Don't you hate it when you have to be careful on a dinner date or friends outing about the food you eat? It is difficult to enjoy life without the support of your health. The first step to a healthy body is a healthy stomach. We must keep our body fit and in shape so that we can continue to experience new things and push the boundaries a little every day. 
So, how do we do that? What is the one step we must take to move in the direction of a healthy life? Well, the answer lies in your gut. Yes, the gut feeling we famously call it is more than just intuition. Some even call the gut our second brain. 
Intrigued, as to what's so special about our gut? Well, scroll on. 
Gut Health
All the nutrition we need can come from our food itself if we have a healthy digestive system. It is because our digestive systems are often weak due to attacks from external elements that we become reliant on supplements in their artificial form.
Our gut forms the first line of defense to our body. The gut or the gastrointestinal tract comprises your entire digestive system including the mouth, stomach, pancreas, esophagus, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, colon, and rectum. This list of organs should tell you that all functions related to sustenance happen here. Our intestinal tract has a lining that protects our body from all external threats such as toxins and pests by preventing entry into our bloodstream. The gut also has trillions and trillions of microbes with the good bacteria we need and the bad bacteria that the tract has stopped from coming into our brain. The balance is crucial to ensure gut health. 
Our gut is closely linked to our brain and releases serotonin - a chemical that makes you feel good by giving the all-clear sign to your brain. 
If your gut is not in top health, it can lead to toxins being released in your body through conditions like the leaky gut syndrome or cause issues in the overall digestive system itself. 
Gut, in short, is the mainline of defense for our body and it keeps us healthy, sane, and happy. 
CBD and Gut Health
So, you know now that gut health is the key to overall fitness and health. But, what can you do to make sure that your entire gastrointestinal system stays in top shape always? Well, there are many diets prescribed to protect your gut from external attacks and also ensure its equilibrium state. But, if you are looking for a simple and universal solution to keep your gate in the prime state, you can choose to go the CBD way.
What researchers have recently discovered is that the CBD action in our body takes place in an internal function called the endocannabinoid system or the ECS. This endocannabinoid system is largely responsible for many neurological, psychological, and physical functions in our body. The ECS contains CB1 and CB2 receptors that are similar to the pain receptors of our body. They carry healing signals across the body to maybe reduce pain, reduce stress, and also act on joint-related pains. 
What is new fascinating information is that some of these receptors are also found in the gut. When you take CBD products, the CBD molecules meet the CB1 and CB2 receptors and perform healing actions improving gut health. They also regulate the presence of good and bad bacteria for a healthy gut function.
CBD is found to be effective against leaky gut syndrome, reducing the symptoms of gut issues like colitis, and strengthening the immune system when your gut gets a little weak. 
Things to remember while taking CBD for gut health 
The ways of CBD and its amazing healing prowess towards the human body and brain has been a revelation for many. However, for the first time CBD users it is good to be cautious and take the CBD doses as prescribed by your physician only. While CBD produces some great results for gut health, for immediate medical issues, please consult a doctor before beginning any treatment. 
For some specific gut-issues, full-spectrum CBD products have far-reaching results than CBD isolates due to the presence of additional cannabinoids that improve the healing action of CBD.
Order our Gut Health Capsules today at MedicalMaryPartners.com. Use Coupon Code for 20% OFF Our Gut Health and All our Amazing CBD Products! 
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uozlulu · 4 years
@sestet asked to see the mall earthquake scenes I scrapped from the first draft of that TodoBaku soulmate AU fic. So I’m going to post them under the cut with additional commentary for context.
Please keep in mind everything below the cut comes from a first draft so it’s sloppy and rough because I don’t go back and rewrite/tweak/edit until after the whole first draft is done. 
BnHA/MHA manga spoilers may apply
In context, this fic is a 110,000+ fic that starts when the soulmate connection manifests and so far extends well into third year (and will probably finish a while after graduation). 
The soulmate connection is an ability to sense your soulmate’s emotional state at all times. If your emotions are identical then the soulbond, called the resonance, will vibrate and increase your ability to use your quirk. In romantic situations there’s a hum more than a vibration, which does not increase your quirk. 
These scenes take place in third year. At this point in the story, Todoroki’s been rebelling by wearing a ring for a long while, Bakugou and Todoroki have been dating for a few months or so. Bakugou’s mentor right now is Miruko and Todoroki’s mentor right now is Gang Orca. Todoroki also spent some time in second year having Present Mic as a mentor during some Council shenanigans. Bakugou, Todoroki, and Yaoyorozu are the Big Three. Midoriya ran off to deal with AFO and dropped out of high school on his eighteenth birthday. Todoroki told Endeavor his plans to be an underground hero in a dramatic hospital room confrontation, and Bakugou’s been on a trajectory to mature in such a way by the end of the fic he’s not as King Explosion Murder as he was as a first year. That way all three of them have the dream they started out with on day one changed by the end of the fic. Best Jeanist also turned into a nomu at one point and was declared dead later. Bakugou, Todoroki, and Yaoyorozu have been helping keep an eye on Eri, who wasn’t really prepared for Midoriya to just disappear, but has been coping with it since. Also, Natsuo is with the League of Villains after Dabi kidnapped him to save him from Council shenanigans the previous fall or so. Dabi died almost a year ago. The Todoroki siblings know Dabi was Touya. Not sure how much of that will be relevant to these sections but I figured they were some high points that might get referenced briefly or eluded to. 
This first version of the mall earthquake scenario is set just before Christmas in the story and about two months after Bakugou and Todoroki had their quirks swapped for about  a week. Bakugou’s POV will begin (though I’m probably going to keep this bottle rocket Bakugou section for the final draft in some form) and the POV will change every time you see a ~
Midterms ended and third years gained more privileges. They would be pro heroes in only a few months and needed the freedom to go to interviews and find housing. Their first licensing exam opportunity was in January, but the selection process started in lieu of licensing. Some people who proved themselves in the field but had an off day might work in offices until they passed the next available exam. Other agencies would not guarantee a position if a candidate did not receive their lisence accordingly.
This Sunday it was Bakugou’s turn to watch Eri after lunch. Yaoyorozu and Todoroki were out and Miriio was too busy studying for exams to come this week, but promised to visit more often after exams.
Eri rushed up to Bakugou and took his hand gently. “Can we make bottle rockets? Please?”
Bakugou blinked and then grinned. “Yeah.”
Eri already had all the materials. She even decorated the popsicle stick stabilizers with glue and glitter. “I watched a show on TV about it,” she said, “and I want to figure out how to do it.” She pointed to lines on the bottles. “I measured water and marked them for the vinegar. We need to make packets of baking soda.”
They took the equipment to the Home Ec room. Eri carefully measured out baking soda into paper towels and Bakugou helped her tie them at the ends. They attached the sticks to each bottle with more glue. Each rocket represented a different ratio of baking soda and vinegar. Each bottle also marked different amounts of vinegar.
Kirishima paused at the door. “Hey guys. That looks interesting.”
Eri explained the plan to Kirishima and soon all of them headed out to an empty part of campus with the rockets.
“You get to pour the vinegar but I’m doing the baking soda,” Bakugou said. He was not going to be responsible for Eri taking a bottle to the face or any other preventable mishap.
“But –” Eri stared up at him e a long moment. Neither of them looked away. Bakugou’s face remained firm. “Okay,” she agreed.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to do it?” Kirishima asked Bakugou.
“You just want to be the one to launch it.”
“So do you.” Kirishima snorted.
Bakugou rolled his eyes. “Alright. One bottle at a time.”
Eri put a funnel into the first bottle and carefully poured vinegar until it reached the line. She handed it to Bakugou along with the corresponding baking soda packet.
Bakugou stepped away, placed the packet inside and set the bottle down. He headed back over to Eri and Kirishima just in time for the vinegar to soak through the paper towel enough to create the reaction and send the rocket popping up into the air.
Eri wrote the results in her notebook and soon they prepped the second rocket. It shot up higher and then arced before zooming off haphazardly to the side.
Eri finished pouring vinegar into the third bottle and sealed the vinegar jug.
“What do you think will happen this time?” Kirishima asked.
“I think this one will go even higher,” Eri said. She smiled and handed the bottle to Bakugou. She turned to Kirishima for the last baking soda packet and then stared up at him.
Bakugou followed her gaze. Kirishima froze in place. His eyes scanned the horizon.
“Earthquake,” Kirishima said. He knelt on the ground. “Get down!”
Bakugou did so and Eri mirrored their positions. Her gaze shifted in the direction Kirishima stared. Soon Bakugou heard the rumbling growing steadily louder. The ground seemed to roll underneath them as it vibrated. Fire erupted as a gasline bursta few blocks away. The ground kept moving. Kirishima moved so his body protected Bakugou and Eri’s heads from debris. It lasted seconds but it felt much longer. The quake began to ebb the sound traveled into the distance. Sirens rang throughout the city.
Kirishima stood up and helped Eri to her feet. Bakugou stood up and brushed the dirt from his hands.
“Let’s pick our shit up and get it inside. We’re going to find Yagi.” Bakugou grabbed the unused bottle. When teachers and students were expected to assist local heroes, Yagi always took care of Eri.
Eri nodded. She picked up one of the straw bottles. Kirishima got the other. Bakugou grabbed the vinegar jug. Bakugou’s phone buzzed.
<b>Yagi:</b> I am at the teachers’ office. You can leave Eri with me. I’m sure Nezu will ask you to assist soon.
Both Bakugou and Kirishima’s phones buzzed simultaneously.
<b>Nezu:</b> Hello, students. Due to the powerful quake in our area, we have permission to assist locally if you have your license. If your mentor requests your assistance elsewhere, you have permission to assist them. Those without licenses, await teacher instruction. To those off campus, be alert and aware. Be safe! Plus Utra!
After dropping Eri off with Yagi, Bakugou and Kirishima raced to the dorms to suit up. Some of their schoolmates were already heading to the school gates. Bakugou forewent his gauntlets since major explosions could be more detrimental than helpful in this situation. He hit the gates at the same time as Kirishima, Jirou, Uraraka, and Shouji. All of them moved as a unit into the city.
It was Todoroki’s first time in a mall that had nothing to do with work. There was so much to take in, so many things to look at. There was anything any type of quirk might need here and even things unrelated to quirks like books, music, and other forms of media.
Yaoyorozu adjusted the strap of her purse. “Sorry about asking you out here, but our time at the thrift shop was kind of fun and I didn’t want to invite someone who might accidentally invite Kyouka. I know Christmas is more than a month away but you never know when they might need our help again.”
Todoroki nodded. “I need to think about Christmas too.” As far as he knew, none of his family observed Christmas. Everything he knew about it he learned from pop culture and his classmates. Everyone who dated someone always made a point to get their partner something nice. When Yaoyorozu mentioned getting something for Jirou, it did not take long for Todoroki to want to get something for Bakugou too.
Yaoyorozu looked at him with a smile and said, “I guess we just dive in and see what happens.” She bounced excitedly on her heels. “Let’s go.”
They tried music, but Jirou had such a broad taste and so much music neither of them could be sure what she did and did not own. They tried books, but they did not seem the right fit and Todoroki found his mind wandering. Quirk themed gifts seemed too personal. There were a lot of stores that seemed too cheap. After a while they bought crepes and settled down on a bench in the middle of the mall. Todoroki nibbled at the strawberry filling. He did not really focus on anyone or anything, but sometimes his eyes swept the crowd or checked the exits.
“Earthquake!” someone shouted from far away in the mall. “I can smell it!”
Before Todoroki could fully consider how someone could smell an earthquake, it began to jostle the mall. Todoroki and Yaoyorozu got under the bench. Displays toppled. Glass shattered. The lights flickered. The ground kept shaking along with their bones. It seemed to last forever and then it moved on and away from the mall.
Yaoyorozu rolled out from under the bench. “Excuse me,” she said and then ate what was left of her crepe still in her hands in three large bites.
Todoroki’s ate what was left of his crepe and put its wrapper in his pocket. His eyes scanned the immediate area. One of the shops emergency gates fell during the quake. Everyone he could see appeared dazed but uninjured. He looked at Yaoyorozu.
They headed towards the sound of the glass. Their phones buzzed but they could answer later. Shards of glass began appearing on the floor, crunching under their boots. Three of the safety panels used to keep people falling from the floor above dislodged in the quake, the glass bursting across the concourse for meters. Todoroki sent out an emergency code like he might if he was working for his internship.
“Please remain where you are,” someone said over the intercom. “Heroes will be with you shortly.”
“We should move them before the aftershock, shouldn’t we?” Yaoyorozu asked quietly.
“Is that safe?” Todoroki looked at her.
Yaoyorozu’s eyebrows drew together. “Is it safer to let them go through the aftershock in glass fragments?”
Todoroki was not sure. He scanned the area. They were the only people able to help. “I can see if a store will let us transfer them inside.”
“I’ll make a stretcher,” Yaoyorozu removed her coat and tied it around her waist. She pulled her shirt up so it exposed her mid-drift. “It might take a bit. I’m going to make it folded and then unfold it.”
“That’s fine.” What were their other options? Todoroki sent out an emergency code as he would if it was during internship hours.
A nearby clothing store willingly started moving racks so they would have room to put the injured. Yaoyorozu’s stretcher helped speed up the process. Those that got caught in the glass tried to take shelter in kiosks and under benches. Winter clothing helped prevent many injuries but there were some with multiple fragments embedded in their skin. There was no ideal way to move anyone without causing pain. Todoroki carried those less injured and helped those that could walk. Yaoyorozu used the stretcher to transport the worst injuries. They brought the last of the injured to the store just in time for the first aftershock.
The mall shook even more than it did the first time. People cried out in pain. More glass fell in other parts of the mall. There was nothing they could do until the shaking subsided.
It was dark. The moon set not long ago. The aftershocks at first grew more intense before gradually diminishing. Now they were barely noticeable. Bakugou stared at another him, just as tall, wearing the same exact clothes. He was several evacuations into the earthquakes now. They were finding people who did not make it out of buildings in time more than survivors. He almost could not process this.
“Bingo!” Camie held up a finger. Her pro-hero costume was not much different than her high school hero costume except she no longer wore the hat. “We have a problem nearby, and I heard you shouting, so I told my boss I could bring one explodey boi to help us.” She looked at Shouji, Jirou, Tokoyami, and Kirishima. “Actually all of you can come too.” Her gaze returned to Shouji, “If that’s up top with you, Sensei.”
“I’m also a student,” Shouji said. “We can assist anyone who needs help, so it’s okay anyway.”
Almost everyone who worked for the same agency as Camie had quirks that lent well to infiltration and not so well to search, rescue, and recovery. Hero and civilian disaster crews continued to work together. The aftershocks grew weaker. The body count began to rise. Bakugou and Kirishima helped move debris as they helped search for those still alive. A family huddled together did not move and no longer breathed. Under them was another family barely alive.
Kirishima’s jaw remained firm. His eyes reflected the streetlights coming on as the sun set. Bakugou looked away and kept working. Uraraka vomited nearby and offered a quiet, “Sorry,” before turning to lifting debris with her quirk. Shouji and Jirou worked together, Jirou listening intently so they could track sounds of potential survivors and target their efforts accordingly. Camie worked wherever she could lend a hand. The night grew colder. They kept working.
Bakugou stepped away from the wreckage. His breath condensed in the air. Something waved in his immediate vision.
“Noms?” Camie asked, twirling a protein bar in her fingers.
Bakugou grabbed the protein bar. It was the only savory and palatable flavor the brand made. “Yeah.”
Camie opened a matcha flavored protein bar for herself. She slowly shifted her weight from one leg to the other, resting as best she could. Flurries settled onto her hair. She let her breath cloud in the air on purpose.
Bakugou ate slowly. He let his chin hide from the wind in the collar of his coat.
“I want to work together again,” Camie said, “as a team.”
“Infiltration isn’t my thing,” Bakugou said.
“I know, but I’m a subcontractor. I work with everybody.” She put her trash in her pouch.
Bakugou’s phone buzzed.
<b>Nezu:</b> Hello students! Curfew is still in effect. Remember to communicate and bring proof if you are late. Plus Ultra!
Bakugou looked at the time on his phone. He frowned. He still had the energy to keep going, to keep helping. Four more months and no one would be able to stop him.
The mall remained standing. There were bigger problems and needs across the city. A vacuum hero appeared to help with the glass. Paramedics were slow to arrive. With each larger quake, more glass fell. Everyone took to the stores for shelter. Even then there were still injuries. The food court caught fire three times. Eventually the aftershocks were almost unnoticeable. The glass was gone and everyone could go home. Stores began cleaning up their messes. Todoroki and Yaoyorozu offered to help rearrange the clothing store and clean up the blood, but the manager and employees had it under control.
When Todoroki and Yaoyorozu exited the mall, their phones buzzed with Nezu’s curfew reminder. Snow flurries spit out of the sky at random. Todoroki let his fire quirk circulate to keep his left side from becoming too cold. They passed by people rebuilding tracks, working to fill sinkholes, and pulling survivors and corpses from buildings. There were still so many things to do, so many ways to help. Todoroki looked at his phone. He had several messages directed at the agency in general for help from various points throughout the city. His news alerts were filled with shots of the damage and everyone helping the major sites.
“I’m glad we were there to help,” Yaoyorozu said, looking at her own phone. “I know there were bigger crises but how many other smaller ones got ignored or put off accidentally?” She lowered her voice so only Todoroki could hear even though they were alone on the street, “How many villains get created that way?”
Todoroki put his hands in his pocket. “Now you sound like Midoriya.”
“I’ve been thinking about it. I know I shouldn’t.” Yaoyorozu sighed.
“Why shouldn’t we?” Todoroki looked up at the sky as flurries turned into a thin snow shower. “Shouldn’t our job also be villain prevention?”
Yaoyorozu did not answer immediately. “I’m not sure if I’d go so far as to work with them.” She looked over at Todoroki. “What about…?” she paused mid-sentence. “No. I probably shouldn’t ask.”
“I don’t know yet. I’ve got other things to handle first.” Although if Midoriya or Natsuo appeared and needed his help, it would not be a hard choice to help them.
Iida, Tokoyami, Ashido, and Asui joined them as they neared UA. Todoroki offered Asui his left arm. She sleepily croaked and latched onto the warmth. By the time they hit the gates, there was a steady stream of students from multiple years and various disciplines.
Todoroki barely had his dorm slippers on when a flash of red zoomed towards them. Eri hugged Yaoyorozu tight. Yaoyorozu hugged her back just as tight. “I’m home,” Yaoyorozu said.
“Welcome home,” Eri returned. She let go of Yaoyorozu and looked at the other students. “Not everyone came back.”
“They’re coming,” Asui said. She rested her hand on Eri’s head. “I’ll clean up and we can wait for the others together.”
Eri nodded. She retreated deeper into the room where Yagi stood next to one of the tables. It looked like they were playing cards.
Todoroki took to the stairs with the others. He glanced back over his shoulder at Eri and Yagi. Eri watched the doorway, her cards in a fan. Todoroki turned his attention forwards. He knew everyone was capable of doing the job, surviving, and returning. He had not questioned it once. He felt Eri’s worry at the back of his brain. He tried to ignore it.
The ground opened up and swallowed them whole. Uraraka slapped Bakugou and Jirou hard in the arms, causing them to float. Shouji spread his wings. Uraraka clamped her hands over her mouth. They all took to the air and watched a sinkhole open up along the road leading to UA. Sirens echoed throughout the city. The sky was completely dark. From this height, they could see stragglers returning to campus and crews working various sites. Buildings around the sinkhole cracked and distorted. None of them had lights on inside, but that might just indicate a power outage more than vacancy.
“I sent security a message,” Shouji said. “They know what happened.”
“I’ve activated an emergency code,” Jirou said.
Bakugou and Uraraka landed on the north side and Shouji and Jirou landed on the south side of the sink hole.
Uraraka fell to her knees and vomited along the side of the road. Bakugou’s eyes swept the houses again. There were no lights or signs of movement at the windows. She cleaned out her mouth with some water and then walked over to him.
“I bet we wait at least half an hour,” Uraraka said.
“Probably.” Bakugou let off a series of sparks.
Snow continued to fall at a steady light pace.
“Reminds me of summer training,” Uraraka said.
Bakugou’s gaze shifted to her. Her eyebrows drew together and she stared at one of the dark houses nearby. “Where were you?”
“The east side,” Uraraka said.  She almost bristled at the memory. She took a deep breath and shook her head to clear it. “I’d like to think it doesn’t go on here.”
“It’s why they’re one of the top ten safest places in Japan. Probably true for all of them.” Bakugou shook the snow from his hair.
Uraraka opened her mouth and then closed it. “Someone’s coming.”
Bakugou followed her gaze. Sure enough a group of construction heroes were heading their way, hopping from roof to roof as they traveled. Once they arrived and took over the scene, the students continued to UA.
When they arrived at the dorm almost everyone was in the common room. Bakugou had only seconds to react before Eri hugged him tight. He frowned and put a hand on her head. Eri slowly let him go.
“Welcome home. We were worried,” she said.
Were they? Bakugou glanced past her at the other students. They were busy making a hotpot for all to share. His gaze returned to Eri. She greeted everyone and then went back to helping make the hotpot. Bakugou’s teeth grit together. Midoriya just had to take off months ago. Bakugou didn’t want to think about it right now. He headed upstairs to clean up and make sure the hotpot was not turning into a disaster.
So, I scrapped the above version because I realized it would work better after New Years. Wasn’t completely sure where to use it so I chose Valentines Day to shake things up since it’ll be the third Valentines Day in the fic. 
Again, this is third year. Bakugou’s the first POV. 
Rain fell against the overhang splashing down to the concrete below. A sea of umbrellas entered and exited the mall. Bakugou watched his breath rise into the air as Todoroki scanned the posters. They should have looked at what movies were in theaters before leaving UA.
“What about this one?” Bakugou gestured to a poster with three adventurers running away from a propeller plane wheeling towards them engulfed in flames.
“Isn’t it supposed to be a romantic movie?” Todoroki asked.
“Probably.” Bakugou scanned the posters. Valentines Day was on a Sunday this year. Todoroki suggested catching a movie after they finished lunch.
“What about this one?” Todoroki asked. The poster had several couples on it with a slime monster rising up in the background in an ominous heart shape.
For a brief moment Bakugou felt the burning suffocation of slime invading his airways. He swallowed and scanned the posters again. “What if we hit up the arcade?”
The arcade had many different types of games and gaming modes. Several people already crowded into the room, gathering around the games as they played by themselves and with friends. As Bakugou and Todoroki walked up, a group of students vacated one of the dance games.
“I’m going to kick your ass,” Bakugou said.
“We’ll see,” Todoroki said.
The game was both simple and hard. Each time they stepped on the board, it lit up with multi colored footprints and sparkles. The split screen directed them how to step, allowing for as much freedom of movement and flair as two people on the platform could allow. The song was fast and the beat easily hit each step. When the game finished, Bakugou put his arms up in the air, ready to claim victory.
It was a tie. The same score. The same “Excellent! 
Fuck that.
“Again!” he said at the same time Todoroki said, “Again,” in a firm but quieter tone.
They tied again. Bakugou won. Todoroki won. More ties. Were they about to sink all of their tokens into this stupid game? Definitely. The resonance vibrated. The dance beat pounded. The game flashed and glowed. People gathered around to film their dance off. Bakugou ignored them. He was going to win unquestionably.
Suddenly his feet slipped out from under him, throwing him towards Todoroki, knocking them to the platform. The ground continued to shake, growing and growing, rattling bone, teeth, and flesh. Bakugou rolled so he could protect Todoroki’s head with his body. He found his jacket nearby and put it over them. The ground kept shaking. Glass shattering echoed from the concourse. Children cried nearby. Games toppled. The power flickered and went out. Slowly the room stopped shaking, the building stopped singing. Everything was still. Everything was dark.
Bakugou let go of Todoroki and sat up, making sure to angle his jacket so any debris slid off. One by one cellphones illuminated. There was a chime not from the speakers but maybe some kind of projection quirk. 
“Please remain where you are. Help is on its way. Sorry for the inconvenience.”
“Are you okay?” Todoroki asked.
“Yeah.” Bakugou barely registered his phone buzzing multiple times in his pocket.
The generator kicked in and the power returned. Bakugou and Todoroki got to their feet and immediately headed towards the overturned games that pinned people to the ground. Bakugou wiped his face and then wiped his hands on his clothes.  
“I’m Shouto, this is Ground Zero,” Todoroki said.
“We’re going to move these things, so some of you have to move,” Bakugou added. “Now.”
Customers that could move cleared sections of the floor. Bakugou and Todoroki lifted fallen games off people and placed them where they would not fall on top of anyone else. Bakugou went to check how the rest of the arcade faired while Todoroki did what basic first aid he could to help the injured.
“Get down Ground Zero!” someone shouted.
Bakugou knelt just in time for the aftershock to begin. He grit his teeth and then consciously relaxed his jaw when the vibration grew too great. The power flickered but remained on this time. The games remained against the wall this time. When the quake subsided, Bakugou continued his assessment.
The aftershocks kept coming. The power went off and came back on repeatedly. The customers resituated themselves into safer positions. The voice kept reminding everyone to stay where they were, promised help would be on its way. So far there was still only Todoroki and Bakugou in the arcade. Once he treated everyone injured, Todoroki reported the situation to Gang Orca’s agency.
<b>Todoroki:</b> At the central mall arcade, second floor. Injuries and damage. No sign of other heroes nearby.
Todoroki enabled a paramedic alert. The agency responded with automated messages confirming it received both messages and would handle them accordingly. If the mall was this damaged, other buildings would be too. Who knew who might respond. All the hero agencies would need to coordinate and handle whatever was in front of them.
“Can we go?” someone asked.
There was a chime and the voice repeated the stay where you are message.
“No,” Todoroki said.
“Thanks Captain Obvious.”
“You’re welcome.” Todoroki headed towards the front of the arcade.
Bakugou met him within sight of the main entrance. “The professional heroes already here are assessing the situation,” he said. “They’re going to start evacuation.”
Todoroki gazed out at the rest of the mall. Glass particles spread everywhere, many panels from balconies on other floors coming lose and smashing in the quakes. Some lights were also gone and several displays were in disarray. Yaoyorozu and Jirou stood at the mouth of one of the shops on the third floor making a similar assessment.
Jirou looked at him and then gave one thumbs up and one thumbs sideways. Todoroki returned it. Their situations were probably similar with some injured but nobody so serious it was life and death.
There were enough rescue and recovery heroes to go through the floors and assess the situation. Medical emergencies left first, uninjured left second, and the injured and their companions left last. Some were taken to the hospital and others were patched up and advised to see their doctors if their injuries worsened. Each aftershock was weaker than the last and the gaps between aftershocks grew longer. That did not mean their work was over.
By the time Todoroki and Bakugou left the mall, it was dark. Sirens echoed through the city. Various helicopters and flying quirks flew through the air with purpose.
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Coming from Ways to Tricks About Genuine Estate Investing
When money won’t be every thing to most of the people, if an individual use it well plus know how to create investments it can assist you. If you consider you don’t have the particular right understanding of investing, make use of these tips to get going. This kind of information will help an individual learn everything regarding investing for a unit at The M Wing Tai, a new launch condo developed by Wing Tai Holdings Limited.
Notice if there are all the stores and schools that you’re going to need around the actual estate that you are thinking regarding getting for your household. A person want to maneuver to an area exactly where you’re not near everywhere you need to go to. That would cost you a whole lot in traveling expenses, consequently keep that in brain when you move anyplace.
Never invest too many money at the start as this kind of can cause a whole lot of problems down typically the road. Overextending yourself can result in problems with your personal savings plans and prevent a person from buying great qualities in the near prospect. Develop the appropriate budget in addition to follow it into a first tee.
If you are searching to buy a rent house coming from a seller, ask to view his Schedule E taxes form. That particular file will honestly tell a person what kind of cashflow you can expect through the property involved. Crunching the numbers lets you know almost all you need to realize about whether or not really to acquire.
If you would like to make money along with real estate, invest instantly. Procrastination is a large mistake in the true estate market. The much longer you stay on typically the sidelines is the extra time you will be missing away with people seizing typically the initiative.
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If you’re capable to hold onto attributes for a time, consider advantage of properties throughout heavily foreclosed upon places. Such neighborhoods tend to be able to recover in the prospect, so if you may buy in the bottom you have to make some cash throughout the future. You need to understand that it might be a new while before you happen to be able to get virtually any money back.
If an individual are getting a true estate partner to make investments with, think about exactly what a non resource personal loan would cost. This can safeguard you in the celebration the one else flakes out or your partnership goes bad. These regulations allow you to help to make serious money without possessing to worry about dangers.
Learn as much while you can before generating a investment. There happen to be a ton of publications available on real real estate investing. Plus there are usually many online (and offline) communities out there in which smaller property investors discuss their best practices. A lot more you learn, the much better chance that you simply won’t help make any critical errors.
Penrose condo can be the costly matter. This may just be an expenses of your time right now to learn what a person need to know. An individual can also learn by your own personal mistakes, but gowns the hard way in order to do it. It’s important that you just take the moment to learn all that will you are able to so that a person won’t make mistakes.
Understand that you will want in order to hang onto some associated with your better investment properties in order to insure continued income since you age. Real-estate purchases are an excellent off-set against inflation during old age. Additionally, long term title brings about very positive fairness gains. The sale regarding well maintained properties of which you have held for years can also bring throughout necessary funds in typically the event of emergency.
An individual might predict how rapidly a property will offer, but that isn’t often accurate on a regular basis. Know this particular when you consider the risk when you get a piece of house. Are you planning in order to pay cash or go after financing options? Is typically the rate of interest an individual will pay laid out there clearly? Many times, it is best to rent a real estate than try to offer it.
Bring a service provider with you when an individual have a look at a potential purchase property. A contractor can easily give you an thought of any necessary fixes, as well as typically the cost to do individuals repairs. This assists you to be able to decide on what type of offer to help to make, should you decide to be able to buy.
Tend not to rush directly into things although the idea involving earning lots of cash right out of typically the gate is attractive. Instead of rushing into something blindly, take baby steps and soon you are ready for the additional challenging investments. Thus, an individual can keep your economical reserves in place plus maintain comfort even within uncertain markets.
Create a staff for your real house investing. For the majority of single loan companies, you usually just needs the lawyer, Realtor, lender, in addition to accountant. Do your exploration before adding anyone in order to your team. If you possibly could, attempt getting referrals from nearby real estate investment groupings. They might help you determine out how to create a reliable team involving qualified professionals.
Always realize the risks you are coping with. Usually, the increased the danger, the bigger the particular potential payoff will probably be. Nevertheless along with that the upper chances also comes a greater potential for not making virtually any money whatsoever. So evaluate the risk level and even make sure it is usually in your safe place.
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You are now prepared to start employing this data to invest your funds wisely. Everyone has various goals, but just on the subject of everyone would like in order to be good with funds. Retirement is important, as financial security. Do whatever you can to make that happen!
Readmore: Evia & Gamuda to launch Ola EC Anchorvale / Sengkang in 2020!
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icse10thresult-blog · 8 years
*7 Gate 2017 Result by Name Wise with Marks – www.gate.iisc.ernet.in
New Post has been published on https://result2017.org/gate-2017-result-by-name-wise.html
*7 Gate 2017 Result by Name Wise with Marks – www.gate.iisc.ernet.in
GATE 2017 by Name Wise with Ranks Marks: Being the most competitive examination in the country, the results of the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering will be available on our site along with all the related details. The GATE is the top most competitive examination in our country when it comes to the number of candidates appearing for the exam every year. For the year 2017, the Notification for the GATE exam was out in the month of September and was available for the candidates to submit the online applications till 08th October 2015. Through our site, we have been producing all the details up to date to facilitate our readers with the latest information. We have also provided all the direct links to download the admit cards, detailed syllabus for all the subjects, and the previous year’s question papers to give clarity on the paper pattern. The GATE 2017 examination was already scheduled to be conducted between 30th January and 07th February 2017. All the candidate who has appeared for the examination have been searching for the date for the release of the exam results. With an intention to help you out, we will be providing all the information related to the GATE 2017 Examination Result along with the direct download links for instant access to the results in just a single click.
GATE 2017 Results with Ranks/Marks:
Gate 2017 Result by Name Wise
The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is one of the public competitive examinations that are the common idea for all those students across the country who want to pursue their Master’s Degree in Technology. It is the best choice because besides being the All India Entrance Examination, it gives the students a golden opportunity of studying in the India’s prestigious and top most universities. There will be a particular notification released for the examination every year which all the interested and the eligible students should individually submit the applications, unlike graduation courses. The students will be shortlisted based on the merit, and there will be no further counseling held for the candidates.
Gate 2017 Result by Name Wise
The examination of GATE is conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science and all the seven Indian Institute of Technology (GATE). Which is conducted on behalf of the Indian National Coordination Board which is GATE, the Department of Higher Education along with the Ministry of Human Resources of India. The examination of GATE was started in the year 1984 with an intention to encourage the young talent by giving them Admissions in the Post-Graduate Engineering courses from the country’s most prestigious Universities and on the other hand to help the candidates get the entry level engineering Jobs by screening the GATE exam score. The examination will be held in about 660 centers from around the country. For the year 2015, a huge number of 8,04,463 candidates have appeared for the exam.
For the year 2017, the GATE notification was released in the month of September, and the online registration process was carried on between 01st September and 08th October 2015. The examination for this year can be applied for all the 23 categories of specializations which are mentioned below. The authorities have planned the schedule for the examination well beforehand and gave the candidates proper time to apply for the examination from all the categories. The admit cards were released for the candidates to download from 17th of December 2015 till the date of the examination. There are a few lakhs of students who appeared for the examination this year from around the country for which the results are to be released soon on 19th of March 2017.
GATE 2017 Level of Toughness:
The GATE examination is considered as the toughest exam out of all the competitive examinations which are conducted around the country. That is one of the reasons why it is considered to be the most intelligent analysis. It is conducted on the engineering basics that the students study during the graduation. As there are more than 20 categories of specializations mentioned with almost 30 subjects from each category, it is considered to be the tough task to master the syllabus from all the given subjects. The act of learning the art of managing the three hours test and qualifying in the exam itself gives the examination a certain level of toughness. Each year, around 15% of the candidates who appear for the examination qualify for the next process of selection. Out of all the shortlisted candidates, highest merit students get admissions for M. Tech and M. E. courses in the Indian Institute of Technology and the Indian Institute of Science.
GATE 2017 Examination Result/ Download Score Card:
For the year 2017, all such candidates who have applied for the GATE 2017 examination Recruitment and appeared for the examination in the months of January and February 2017 can access the results from our site as we will be producing the direct links to access the exam results as soon as they are declared as released.
Name of the Examination: Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)
Course offered: Post Graduate in Engineering.
Categories of Courses:
Aerospace Engineering
Agricultural Engineering
Instrumentation Engineering
Architecture and Planning
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Mining Engineering
Metallurgical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Production and Industrial Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Computer Science and Information Technology
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Textile Engineering and Fiber Science
Life Sciences
Geology and Geophysics
Electrical Engineering
Engineering Sciences
Ecology and Evolution
Official website: www.gate.iisc.ernet.in
GATE 2017 Exam dates: 30th January to 07th February 2017
Examination Results: Yet to release
Steps to download the GATE 2017 results:
Enter the official website link that is given here. Click Here
Under the Alerts section in the homepage check for the GATE 2017 results and click on it.
Enter Students own registration number along with the password.
Your examination result will be displayed on the screen whether qualified or disqualified.
Scorecard for the exam will be announced later.
Click on the direct link provided below to access the results instantly.
Click Here: Download GATE 2017 Examination Result Yet to release.
As of now, we will be updating the Results for the GATE 2017 examination. Keep visiting this site for all those latest information on the Central and State Related Government Jobs and education
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abhibediskar · 3 years
The mark of quality CE Marking
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The latest possible moment gate changes, dropped flights and long queues at security can make air travel disappointing. Notwithstanding these anxieties, various regular pamphlets have taken up an expensive side interest - gathering visa stamps. Pined for objections incorporate the Republic of San Marino, Antarctica, and Tristan da Cunha, which has a stamp looking like an island and a bird. 
Why the present discussion about identification stamps? Since for manufacturers hoping to send out i.e export items, a CE Marking is viewed as the "passport" that permits organizations to get access enough to the European Union and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) market. 
The quality image was set up in 1985 to animate the free flow of merchandise in the European Community and is a compulsory lawful similarity prerequisite for imported items. CE represents Conformité Européene, signifying "European Conformity" in French. Today, European Union traditions authorities are inclined to seize or return non-EU items that don't bear a CE Marking. 
The compulsory marking affirms that an item follows the health and safety requirements point by point in European legislation (otherwise called EU Directives). Without the Marking, imports can be held at the port of passage or exposed to substantial fines. A maker's agenda for a CE Marking similarity appraisal program incorporates: 
• Knowledge of the order and principles that apply to your item or equipment 
• Hazard investigation and security survey agenda 
• Technical record 
• Testing and outsider reports 
• Completion of a Declaration of Conformity 
• Application of the CE Marking and other required markings 
For machines, somewhere around three directives apply – the Machinery Directive, the Low Voltage Directive, and the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive. Various norms can apply within the same directive depending on the equipment’s intended use. Equipment specifications and a machine's working climate can trigger extra Directives. 
The three essential classifications for Safety Standards incorporate Type A, fundamental safety prerequisites; Type B, security prospects utilized for a group of items; and Type C, detailed safety necessities for a specific item or group of items. 
A Declaration of Conformity is a statement a manufacturer signs to affirm its equipment agrees with all material EU Directives and Safety Standards. A Technical File is an affirmation that a machine meets all prerequisites. The record is upheld by documentation, for example, drawings, schematics, hazard appraisals, outsider reports, test results, activity and upkeep manuals, and a duplicate of the Conformity Declaration. 
Directives may incorporate Product Safety (2001/95/EC) and Product Liability (85/374/EEC). Directives can refer to machinery, low voltage, electromagnetic similarity, personal protection equipment, medical devices, and pressure equipment. For organizations looking to export commodities to Europe or present new items, the CE Marking Certification is a crucial part. 
The CE Marking gives the manufacturer simple admittance to the European commercial center and guarantees that there is only one bunch of laws and guidelines directing the plan, production, and labeling of equipment. The CE Marking additionally makes trade more practical. 
The pursuit for the CE Marking Certification isn't in every case simple. New item orders can surpass current public laws and guidelines. Expenses can be added on if a producer needs to alter a current plan or production line to keep trading to the European market. Additional expenses can likewise be brought about assuming a producer needs to get an item Certificate of Registration for CE Marking and conceivable required testing certification. 
For an organization focused on quality and client care, it's an easy decision to acquire CE Marking Certification for your items or equipment to get them exported to the European Nations. 
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bharathshan · 3 years
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Cannabinoids Receptors in Liver: Diet and Physiopathology
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Authored by Miguel Llanos
The Endocannabinoid system (SEC), located in the central nervous system and several peripheral tissues, is an important modulator of many metabolic functions. This system, is composed by cannabinoid receptors type 1 and 2 (CB1R; CB2R), their endogenous ligands, known as Endocannabinoids, and the enzymes involved in their synthesis and degradation. It has been suggested that a hyperactivated SEC originates metabolic disruptions in several tissues, resulting in typical manifestations of the metabolic syndrome. Liver steatosis due to consumption of a high fat diet is a pathophysiological condition associated to a perturbed SEC. In this condition, it has been shown an increased expression of CB1R and/or higher endocannabinoid levels in hepatic cells, which may exert an autocrine/paracrine stimulation of CB1R and CB2R. Activation of CB1R stimulate the expression of several hepatocyte lipogenic factors, leading to increased de novo fatty acids synthesis and as a consequence, abnormal accumulation of triglycerides. In addition, CB1R activity is necessary for development of insulin and leptin resistance. A role for CB2R in hepatic function is still controversial, because on one side, its stimulation has an interesting protective effect on liver injury, while on the other, may worsen the development of hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance in experimental models of diet-induced obesity. In this minireview, we discuss a suggested sequential interaction of CB1R and CB2R, linking development of steatosis and insulin resistance, associated to a mechanism resulting in a deteriorated function of phosphorylated proteins involved in insulin signaling, due to tyrosine nitration of those proteins.
Keywords: Endocannabinoids; Cannabinoids receptors; Insulin resistance; Steatosis; Hepatic lipogenesis; Protein nitration
The endocannabinoid system: general and historical features
Cannabis Sativa has been used for its psychoactive and medicinal properties for millennia. However, knowledge into its mechanism of action has only emerged the last decades. It was first demonstrated that brain had specific binding sites for Δ9-tetrahidrocannabinol (Δ9-THC; the psychoactive compound of cannabis) named type 1-cannabinoid receptors (CB1R) and then cloned [1,2]. Discovery of CB1R, stimulated research to find its endogenous ligand (s). Arachidonoylethanolamide (Anandamide, AEA) a compound discovered and isolated from porcine brain was able to specifically bind CB1R and had a Δ9-THC-like behavior in selected bioassays [3]. This important finding led to the endocannabinoids (ECs) research era, with extensive research activity during the last 25 years. Subsequently, type 2 cannabinoid receptors (CB2R) were then cloned [4,5], and other lipid molecule, 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), was proposed to be its physiological agonist [6]. At present, some others molecules are considered ECs such as Homo-y-linoleylethanolamide and docosatetraenoylethanolamide, but most of research in this area has been carried out with AEA or its synthetic agonists, and 2-AG. At present, AEA is considered the ligand for CB1R and less selective for CB2R, while 2-AG binds with almost same affinity to CB1R and CB2R [7]. Anandamide and 2-AG derive from membrane phospholipids and are biosynthesized through different pathways [8,9]. Enzymes able to hydrolyze AEA (fatty acid amido hydrolase, FAAH) and 2-AG (monoacylglicerol lipase, MAGL) are becoming very important by their ability to modulate availability of endocannabinoids to exert their endocrine/paracrine actions [10]. Type 1 and 2 cannabinoid/endocannabinoid receptors are G-protein coupled receptors sensitive to pertussis toxin (Gi/o). Classical signaling mechanisms involve modulation of cAMP levels, intracellular free calcium concentration by internal ion mobilization or calcium channels gating regulation, and nitric oxide production [11-15]. Type 1 CBR were first described in brain; subsequently, they have been reported to be present in several peripheral tissues such as pancreas, adipose tissue, gastro-intestinal tract, muscle, heart, thyroid, liver etc., where they are involved in several metabolic actions [16]. The type 2 CBR mainly present in immune and hematopoietic cells have been described more recently in brain (as heteromers together with CB1R), pancreas and liver [14,17-19]. All the molecules previously described constitute the Endocannabinoid System (ECS).
Our review will be focused now in the liver ECS, which has been recently recognized to have pleiotropic functions under physiological and pathological conditions [20,21]. It is well documented now that up regulation of CB1R and elevated AEA levels in liver play an important role in the development of fatty liver associated with ethanol intake, high-fat diet, and obesity [22,23]. Although CB2R up regulation also appears to contribute to fatty liver [24], this finding needs more research to clarify whether CB2R up regulation is a cause or consequence of hepatic steatosis. In our opinion CB2R up regulation is a consequence of a primary CB1R overactivity leading to steatosis as a first signal of liver dysfunction. Thus, exacerbated steatosis should be the alarm signal to up-regulate CB2R, a fact that may be important for hepatoprotection, as previously suggested by Lotersztajn et al. [20]. However, consequences derived from long lasting CB2R over expression and activity deserve further research to have a clear picture of its effects on liver physiology and pathophysiology.
CB1R and CB2R in liver, from steatosis to insulin resistance?
Last ten years, studies have been focused to examine the liver and its molecular machinery as a target for metabolic actions of the endocannabinoid system. Hepatocytes express CB1R; these activated receptors stimulate expression of the lipogenesis transcription factor named Steroid Regulatory Element Binding Protein 1c (SREBP-1c) and its targets enzymes Acetyl Coenzyme A carboxilase-1 (ACC1) and Fatty Acid Synthase (FAS) leading to de novo fatty acid synthesis [22]. There is no liver lipogenic response in CB1R-/- mice and SR141716A-treated (antagonist/inverse agonist of CB1R) native mice show decreased hepatic de novo fatty acids synthesis [22]. In addition, a high fat diet contribute to elevate hepatic AEA levels, increase CB1R expression, and as a result, a CB1R-mediated increase in de novo fatty acids synthesis and triglycerides accumulation in hepatocytes [22]. It is important to mention that elevated hepatic AEA levels and subsequent CB1R overactivation is also a consequence of depressed AEA degradation due to decreased FAAH activity and a sustained synthesis rate. Interestingly, we have demonstrated that nociceptive stress during lactation leads to a decreased protein amount and activity of FAAH in adult mice liver concomitant to accumulation of triglycerides [25,26]. Results reported in a liver- specific CB1R knockout mouse (LCB1R-/-), clearly demonstrated that hepatic CB1R are required for development of diet induced hepatic steatosis, dyslipidemia, and insulin and leptin resistance in mice [27]. Furthermore, high fat diet (HFD)-induced elevation of plasma insulin and leptin concentrations with simultaneous hyperglycemia found in native mice, were greatly attenuated in LCB1R-/- mice. More interestingly, deletion of hepatic CB1R led to dissociate obesity from insulin and leptin resistance due to a HFD [27]. The question how hepatic CB1R activation could help to develop a permissive effect in insulin resistance development?, has been an interesting issue to face with different scientific approaches. Previous reports have demonstrated that activation of hepatic CB1R suppresses insulin-induced phosphorylation of Akt-2, increased expression of serine/threonine phosphatases Phlpp1 [28] and specific ceramides species, which are involved in HFD-associated hepatic insulin resistance. More recently, the involvement of CB1R in insulin resistance has been associated to the increased activity of the forkhead box O1 (FoxO1) [29].
The other crucial endocannabinoid/cannabinoid receptor with important implications in liver physiology is the CB2R. It has been reported that CB2R, which are normally undetectable in the liver, are strongly induced by steatosis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [30]. In these conditions, they are mainly found in hepatocytes and cholangiocytes, while in cirrhosis they are found in hepatocytes, cholangiocytes, stellate cells and myofibroblasts. Type 2 CBR are also important in Kupffer cells during embryogenesis [23]. In cirrhotic rats, the CB2R agonist JWH-133 improves regenerative response to acute liver injury and decreases fibrosis [31]. Type 2 CBR activity may also have beneficial effects on liver injury due to CCl4-induced hepatitis promoting liver regeneration via a mechanism on hepatocytes originating from myofibroblasts [32,33]. All these antecedents indicate that activation of CB2R by its agonist(s) could play an important role in a paracrine mechanism leading to liver regeneration in cases of liver injury. In this sense, the finding that CB2R are induced by steatosis with a primary function to protect the liver is important but may have future physiological consequences for this tissue. Molecular mechanisms associated to CB2R-mediated liver physiology/pathophysiology may constitute an important issue to develop future research in this area.
Conclusions and perspectives
Even if a slight level of hepatic steatosis becomes chronic, a chronic overactivity of CB2R may be displayed and together with protective effects, a late consequence on liver physiology may arise, such as a state of hepatic insulin resistance. In this regard, it has been reported that CB2R potentiates insulin resistance associated to obesity in a murine obesity model [24]. Thus, in addition to CB2R effects on fat inflammation, presence of CB2R in other insulin sensitive tissues such as skeletal muscle and liver, may also contribute to systemic insulin resistance. In this case, treatments with CB2R antagonists may become a therapeutic contribution to manage obesity and its long term associated metabolic perturbations. In rats, however, the selective CB2R agonist JWH-133 recuperate glucose tolerance, while the compound AM630, a CB2R-antagonist, had opposite effects [34]. Further studies in other animal models, are needed to solve this discrepancy.
Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) has been identified as the key molecule able to mediate beneficial effects of CB2R in liver [32]. Thus, CB2R knockout mice (CB2R-/-) show decreased induction of hepatic iNOS when challenged with CCl4, and iNOS- /- mice have increased hepatocyte apoptosis when exposed to CCl4 [35]. Interplay of CB2R and nitric oxides synthases has been also demonstrated in remote neurodegeneration due to oxidative and nitrative stress [36]. Although iNOS activity was shown to be beneficial to liver function, a previous report has demonstrated that liver insulin resistance is associated to an increased induction of the hepatic iNOS [37]. This effect was obtained after lipid infusion to wild type mice. Conversely, iNOS-/- mice were protected from hepatic and peripheral insulin resistance when challenged with the lipid infusion. Hepatic insulin resistance was due to tyrosine nitration of insulin signaling molecules instead of optimum extent of tyrosine phosphorylation. Thus, lipid infusion induced tyrosine nitration of insulin receptor p subunit (IRP), insulin receptor substrate (IRS-1, IRS-2) and Akt in wild type mice but not in iNOS-/- mice. Tyrosine nitration of proteins is due to peroxynitrite (ONOO-) action, a compound formed by the quick reaction of nitric oxide (NO) with superoxide radicals (O2-). Although the role of ONOO- in protein tyrosine nitration is still debated, is not less true that it is recognized as the most efficient mechanism for nitrating proteins under biological conditions [38]. It is important to remember that NO overproduction due to induction of iNOS occurring in one type of hepatic cell may exert paracrine actions in other type of hepatic cells, included hepatocytes, due to NO ability to diffuse throughout the whole tissue.
Being increased induction of hepatic iNOS a crucial player in hepatic insulin resistance, an elegant study of Shinozaki et al. [39] has generated a liver-specific iNOS transgenic mice (L-iNOS-Tg), showing that its increased expression is sufficient to cause hepatic insulin resistance. In this case, insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of signaling proteins such as IRS-1 and Akt was diminished in liver but not in skeletal muscle. In this way, it was demonstrated that selective expression of iNOS in liver plays a key role in inducing insulin resistance. Interestingly, L-iNOS-Tg mice also showed mild elevated levels of circulating glucose and insulin, together with peripheral insulin resistance. Under these circumstances, we propose a sequential link involving CB1R-mediated triglycerides accumulation, leading to over expression and activity of CB2R, then, a long lasting induction of iNOS expression and activity and as a result elevated levels of NO available to form ONOO-. Hepatic insulin resistance should be a consequence of abnormally levels of protein phosphorylation and function, through a mechanism involving tyrosine nitration of proteins involved in insulin signaling. This topic is matter of present investigation in our laboratory.
This work received financial support from Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia de Chile (FONDECYT) Grant N° 1130106 to MLl.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interests
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