#gate decoration event service
hemant9012 · 1 year
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We offer our services for Outdoor party Planner, Outdoor Event, Wedding Luxury Party Event Service, Gate Decoration For Wedding Event Service, Gate Decoration Event Service, Party Event Service, Birthday Party Event Service for more information visit us at website: www.hemantluxuryevent.com.
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karaloza · 1 day
Legend of Zelda Theme Park - Entrance & Welcome Plaza (UPDATED)
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Guests arriving at the theme park pass underneath a broad arch decorated with classic LoZ characters and monsters in action poses and find themselves…nowhere special, just yet. The Welcome Plaza is a fairly simple place with only light theming, the better to let newcomers orient themselves before diving into the adventure. The features here are likewise basic and chosen to help people prep for the day ahead. On both sides of the entry gate, ambient speakers play a continuous loop of overworld and title themes from the games.
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(The cross-hatched area represents behind-the-scenes office space and other employee facilities, not accessible to the public.)
There aren’t really attractions in this area per se…the closest thing would be a number of life-sized character statues scattered around the area for people to take photos of and/or with. Each of the little Triforce symbols on the map marks the location of one of these statues, in an alcove with a scenic backdrop for the aesthetic, but those aren’t necessarily the only ones. Park employees with professional-grade cameras are stationed nearby and may offer to take high-quality photos, which will be available for purchase later in the day at the Pictobox Shop in Castle Town.
Services & Amenities
Map & Compass: An information counter where guests can pick up a park map, scan QR codes in order to download specialty apps and learn about them, check in for specific “sidequest” activities and events, and have general questions answered.
Item Check: Like Link, theme park tourists may wish to carry a large collection of items in order to be prepared for any and all circumstances that may occur during their adventure. Unlike Link, they don’t have a magic satchel that carries it all weightlessly. At Item Check (named after the similar service in Skyward Sword), you can rent a storage locker for the day to hang onto your excess gear. And speaking of rentals…
Ravio’s Rentals: Compact, lightweight strollers and wheelchairs can be rented here for a reasonable fee plus deposit. (The employee uniforms evoke Ravio’s distinctive purple robe and striped scarf.)
First Aid Station: Park nurses are on staff during operating hours to assist with minor injuries and ailments in a soothing environment with interior decor reminiscent of a Great Fairy Fountain.
5. A Hero’s Essentials: This basic shop sells bottled water, snacks, portable phone chargers, sunglasses, ponchos, souvenir tee-shirts and baseball caps, and other conventional merchandise that any tourist can find a use for.
6. Nintendo Store: The focus, obviously, is LoZ itself, but other Nintendo titles and merch can also be found here.
There are no permanent eateries in this area, but portable carts offering soda and packaged snacks can be found throughout the open space.
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Happy Birthday!! I hope it's been a great day!
What's your favorite VC birthday headcanon?
Thank you!!! It was quite a good day, the whole country threw a massive surprise party, with big parades of horses, and lots of street parties, just a shame about the weather. Even the king and queen showed up apparantly, which was very thoughtful of them. A few too many union jack decorations for my liking, which is weird because I didn't think I was known for being much of a nationalist, but it's the thought that counts :)
Terrible, awful jokes aside, have some birthday headcanons!
During the Night Island era, Armand went big on Daniel's birthdays. I'm talking huge, beautifully catered meals tailored to Daniel's tastes, themed parties across the island, firework displays for them to watch from the villa or from a private yacht out in the ocean, performers etc. And this is to say nothing of the absolute mountain of expensive gifts he gets Daniel. It's a multi-day affair, and Daniel honestly finds it kind of overwhelming but it makes Armand so happy to be able to shower this much attention and love onto him, and he's just grinning ear to ear watching Daniel take it all in, so Daniel lets it happen.
Later, after their reunion, they prefer to use Daniel's birthday as an excuse to get away, just the two of them, on a trip somewhere. They try and choose places that neither of them are that familiar with, or that have changed a lot since they've last been. They spend the time exploring, and trying new things, being a bit silly, and just having fun together. It's the closest either of them feel to their early years together.
Armand is still planning to throw the party to end all parties on Daniel's 100th birthday though.
Armand also still gets to plan and throw parties/celebrations for his loved ones, specifically for Sybelle and Benji. Each year he uses one of their birthdays to throw a huge party and invite everyone they know, and to bring as many people as possible to Trinity Gate. There are performers, and a lot of spectacle and it's all very showy and impressive. But he alternates this with a more personal celebration for one of them each year, with just their close family/friends, based around the interests of whoever the event is for.
Louis has promised to set Trinity Gate on fire if Armand ever plans a huge party like that for him, he has enough problems with Lestat trying to do things like that at court.
Armand makes sure he can always spend Louis birthday with him, whether that means just staying in and relaxing with him, or whether he manages to coax him out to go and see or do something they'll enjoy.
Armand also puts a lot of effort into Louis gifts, hunting down rare editions of his favourite books for example, or having custom pieces of furniture made for the library.
Oops, this ended up all being headcanons about how Armand celebrates his loved ones birthdays, but I think given how he shows his affection through acts of service and gift giving, I think he takes birthdays as the opportunity they are to lavish the people he cares about with love and affection. He also likes playing host and planning events in my mind, so it's a good opportunity for that.
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Vampire HCs (Louis/Armand, duh)
Although the bigger and grander holiday events are held at the château, Louis and Armand usually have their own "simple" Christmas at Trinity together before braving Lestat's court. Armand's better than he was in the 80s, but every few years he hyperfixates on the latest Christmas decorations and Louis is just there along for the ride.
Sometimes Armand gets into a bit of a subconsciously possessive/competitive mood if Lestat's around. Louis will subtlety assuage this by wearing the slut shirt Armand gave him (you know the one) or something of that nature. Louis might wear Lestat's wedding ring but the focus will be on his clothes Armand's lovingly picked out. (It works because Armand notices everything that Lestat doesn't).
Since Louis and Armand are both prone to depressive episodes, each has become an expert at picking up cues when the other is starting to head down that path again. Louis makes an effort to keep Armand engaged and curious about the world; Armand indulges Louis his melancholic moods up to a point before he intervenes with permission (a serene dreamscape illusion can be quite comforting).
There's plenty of common ground when it comes to films, art, museums, etc., and so date night activities are fairly easy for them.
Bonus: They have been lingerie shopping more than once (for Louis, not Armand).
god where do i even start i love these so much sdgfahcdvajhg
Armand deserves to hyperfixate over christmas decorations tbh and i am here to tell you that Louis is always a gentleman and very graciously offers his services to hang them in all the tall places Armand can't reach (yes, Armand could easily grab a step stool but then he wouldn't be able to appreciate the glimpse of Louis' stomach when his shirt comes untucked as he's stretching). Also, Armand is SO delighted when polaroids come back in fashion I can tell you right now there's a shoebox with a dozen photos of Louis in ugly holiday sweaters, tangled in string lights.
Also can I just say I love how one of this fandom's ~headcanon categories~ is how the vamps all deal with their various depressive episodes LMAO. I love that though, especially the idea of Louis trusting Armand enough to let him mind gift him. It's never something he outright asks for (he's too goddamn prideful for his own good), but after thinking himself into a corner, sometimes he has to like metaphorically unclench his mind and let Armand take the wheel for a second.
Also YES I can confirm there is a second shoebox somewhere at trinity gate with plenty of polaroids of Louis that are for Armand's eyes only :)
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savitayadav · 1 year
5 Must-Visit Places in Lucknow for a Fun-Filled Trip with Friends
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Lucknow is a great place to go with your friends if you want to go somewhere fun and full of history. This city in northern India is known for its gorgeous buildings, tasty food, and lively culture. Here are ten places you can take advantage of on your trip.
Bara Imambara
BaraImambara is one of Lucknow's most famous sites, and everyone who visits the city should go there. In the 18th century, Nawab Asaf-ud-Daula built this grand building known for its unique construction and intricate design. Inside, a maze of hallways and passageways leads to the central hall, which is said to be one of the biggest vaulted halls in the world. Remember to check out the Bhool Bhulaiya, a building that looks like a maze and will test your sense of direction.
Chota Imambara
Chota Imambara, also called Hussainabad Imambara, is another famous place in Lucknow that you should see. Nawab Muhammad Ali Shah made this beautiful building in the 1800s. It is known for its beautiful construction and intricate design. You'll find chandeliers, mirrors, and other decorations that add to the place's grandeur. Remember to look at the beautiful grounds outside, which are great for a stroll with friends.
Rumi Darwaza
Rumi Darwaza is one of the most well-known places in Lucknow, and everyone who visits the city should go there. In the 18th century, Nawab Asaf-ud-Daula built this impressive gateway. He based it on the entrance to the old city of Constantinople. The gate is more than 60 feet tall and has many carvings and designs. People can climb to the top of the entrance to get a great view of the city, or they can just look at it from the ground.
Hazratganj Market
Hazratganj Market is a popular place to shop in Lucknow, and anyone who wants to do some retail therapy should go there. Many shops in the market sell everything from traditional arts and textiles to modern clothes and accessories. There are also a lot of street food vendors and places where people can eat delicious local food. The market comes alive in the evening, making it a great place to hang out with friends and enjoy Lucknow's lively environment.
Ambedkar Memorial Park
Ambedkar Memorial Park is a must-see in Lucknow. It is a tribute to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, a social reformer who helped write the Indian Constitution. There is a prominent figure of Dr. Ambedkar in the park and a museum about his life and work. Visitors can also enjoy the beautiful gardens and water features and the many cultural events and shows that take place here. The park is a great place to spend a relaxed afternoon with friends and learn about Indian history and culture.
Visit us:- Taxi service in Lucknow
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ren-c-leyn · 2 years
The Shared Dream
 Hello, hello~! Hope you folks are all enjoying the anniversary event so far ^^
This is the 5th anniversary special post celebration The Shackles of Time’s 1 year anniversary. This piece is a little different than the rest. It’s a short snippet that takes place somewhere between the First Quest arc and the Guild Master’s Meeting arc. Provided I don’t forget, I’ll be adding it to the chapter masterlist. (I didn’t want to ruin the surprise by adding it before the celebration.)
 This piece is inspired by @hyba​‘s favorite part of the world building, the guild system.
 It is a little over 700 words long, so the shortest chapter I’ve done to date.
 As far as content warnings go, there really aren’t any. No violence, no swearing, nothing of the sort. It mentions some of the characters that passed before the story started, but it doesn’t really talk about their deaths or anything.
 Overall, just a nostalgic little piece about what The Time Keeper finds when they finally decide to clean out their desk.
 And with that, happy reading~!
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  When was the last time these drawers had been sorted through? Weeks? Months? Mostly likely years, if she was being honest with herself.
 The Time Keeper let out a long sigh, dragging out more and more pages from the depths of their desk. She shuffled through them, sorting them into various piles. So much clutter, so much history, so much she had forgotten she even had. Though, they brought the memories rushing back.
 Notices of changes in the guild regulations from the Honored Council’s division of Guild Management and Commerce, requests for assistance researching various magic projects or opinions on translations of various ancient texts from the ancestors’ lost cities, supplies requests from Emlyn, the cooks, and the alchemists; Bramble’s questions about how certain quests should be ranked, and correspondence with other guild masters filled at least a third of the deep drawer all on their own.
 Mind numbing reminders of the pressures her exploits and position has put on her shoulders. But beneath the layers of bureaucracy and business, The Time Keeper began to find small treasures.
 Adorable love notes from Wyndulin, complete with some dried flowers he brought back from some of his quests. The report of Glenn and Zephyr’s first mission, complete with drafts of Wyndulin’s hand written apologies for the inconvenience the small fire that resulted had caused her and the guild. Copies of Riya’s research notes on The Shadowed Gates was near the bottom, complete with the beautifully sketched diagrams of their local Gate. Drusilla’s several page advice on how to properly maintain some of the more fickle plants in their greenhouse. Some of her own research notes had gotten mixed in as well.
 At the very bottom of the drawer was a piece of creamy parchment that gave her pause. It had been a long time since she had seen this. Carefully, she slid it out of the drawer. The magic tingled through her fingertips as she touched it, but it did not deter her from treating this particular document with reverence. The silver leafing in the decorative boarder shined in the various metallic lights that floated around her office.
 The Time Keeper’s speckled eyes slid over the words, though she already knew it by heart.
 Guild license issued 15th of Greencrown in the 208th year of the Starrend Era in the name of the Honored Council’s Division of Guild Management and Commerce for: The Dawn Isle Guild.
Licensed under: Adventures’ Guild
Founders: Wyndulin Snowsorrow, Soul Mistdown, Riya Softmourn, Cassandra Mosswhisper, Yvain Mosswhisper, Nor Ambermane, and Kierian Stonekeep.
First Guildmaster: The Time Keeper
Guild Location: Beneath the Dawn Isle island, between Lady Fair Lake and Grasscairn village.
 With this license, we hereby acknowledge the founding of The Dawn Isle guild and grant members under its banner the right to provide services within the domain of the Honored Council for payment under section 5 of the ‘Sellsword and Adventuring’ guidelines, as set by the Division of Guild Management and Commerce.
 We congratulate you on the founding of your guild, and pray to the Goddess Fortune that your members find prosperity and we pray to the God Mercy that your roads are gentle.
Signed, Sixth Seat of the Honored Council,
~ Lord Ardred Heartblood
 The Timekeeper’s fingers glided over the names written in dark ink.
 Soul, Yvain, Kierian, and Nor... They had started this guild together, they had shared the same dream once a long time ago. A home for a family made up of friends. A safe place to rest at the end of a harrowing journey, a beacon of hope on a long road, a gathering place for misfits and kind hearts.
 The dream was realized, but they weren’t around to see it.
 With a soft sigh, she set the parchment aside.
 Perhaps... Perhaps they could frame it and hang it up in the guildhall somewhere? In one of the common rooms would be a good place for it. The missing faces would always hurt, but she didn’t wish them to be forgotten. In the very least, the ones whom were living their shared dream should know the names of the ones who founded this place they called home. The ones whom helped her build this hall one log at a time.
 She’d have to talk to Wyn about it later.
Shackles of Time taglist - @perasperaadastrawriting​ @queerlilchinchin​ @dragon-swords-prophecies​ @catinthesun2​ and @talesfromaurea​
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Dreaming of a Royal Wedding in Indore? Here's What You Need to Know
Indore, the heart of Madhya Pradesh, is steeped in rich history and cultural grandeur. It's no surprise that many couples dream of a royal wedding celebration in this vibrant city. If you're one of them, Ranka Tent Supplier is here to help you turn your dream into reality!
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Setting the Stage for Royalty
We at Ranka Tent Supplier, one of the leading Luxuries Tent Manufacturers and Suppliers in Indore, understand the importance of creating a majestic ambiance for your special day. Our exquisite tents provide a canvas for you to weave your royal wedding dreams. Imagine exchanging vows under a luxurious shamiana, adorned with intricate details and shimmering chandeliers.
The Perfect Royal Touch
Best Royal Wedding Furniture Set: We offer a stunning selection of royal wedding furniture sets, designed to transport your guests to a bygone era. From regal chairs to ornate sofas, each piece is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, adding a touch of opulence to your celebration.
Theme Decoration Ideas: Let us create a fairytale setting with our expertise in theme decoration. We can transform your venue into a majestic fort, a whimsical palace garden, or anything your heart desires. Our team will work closely with you to understand your vision and bring it to life.
Pink and White Wedding Gate: Make a grand entrance with a stunning Pink and White Wedding Gate. This classic colour combination exudes elegance and embodies the royal spirit. We offer a variety of gate designs, each one crafted to make a lasting impression.
Beyond the Décor
Our services extend beyond just tents and décor. We can assist you with every aspect of your royal wedding, from logistics and vendor management to ensuring a seamless flow of events.
Turn your Royal Dreams into Reality
Contact Ranka Tent Supplier today and let us be a part of your most special day. We will work tirelessly to create a royal wedding decoration experience that you and your guests will cherish forever.
Don't just dream it, live it! Let's make your Indore wedding a royal affair to remember.
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templesofindia108 · 4 days
Puri - 6
|| Om Namo Narayanaya ||
This post covers the wonderful stories related to the world-famous Rath Yatra. This is a long post, so an index of contents will be provided. 1. Story behind Rath Yatra 2. Details about the chariots 3. Events that take place on the big day 4. Other interesting facts
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Story behind the Rath Yatra
Let's begin with the story behind the Rath Yatra. About 5000 years ago, Lord Krishna appeared on Earth in the last part of Dwapara Yuga. We all know that he spent his childhood in Vrindavan and left for Mathura and later Dwaraka. The Gopis along with Yashoda and Nanda anxiously awaited their beloved Krishna's return.
A few decades later, the Pandavas called Krishna for the Mahabharata war that was to take place in Kurukshetra. Krishna and Balarama agreed and proceeded in chariots to Mathura and Vrindavan. The same is celebrated during Rath Yatra because Jagannath is none other than Lord Krishna himself. Thus, Ratha Yatra is a joyful occasion of Lord Krishna's return to Vrindavan, the land of pure love and devotion.
Details about the chariots
The chariots are placed in a wide open area in front of the East gate. They are made of wood and covered with long pieces of cloth. They are demolished after the Rath Yatra and rebuilt every year. The wooden logs after demolition are used to make souvenirs for tourists.
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Jagannath's chariot is known as Nandighosh. It is 45 ft tall. It is decorated with red and yellow cloth. The chariot has 16 wheels. The wooden horses are white in colour.
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Baladeva's chariot is known as Taladhwaja. It is 43 ft tall. It is decorated with red and green cloth. The chariot has 14 wheels. The wooden horses are black in colour.
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Subhadra's chariot is known as Darpadalana. It is 42 ft tall. It is decorated with red and black cloth. The chariot has 12 wheels. The wooden horses are brown in colour.
Events that take place during Rath Yatra
As I mentioned in the previous post, Puri is the only place where the Moolavars (main deities) are taken out of the temple. The festivities begin at mid-morning. The procession of the main deities from the main temple to the chariots begins at around 10 AM. It is a feast for the eyes to see the slow, rhythmic movement of the deities. This procession is known as Pahandi in Oriya.
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During Pahandi, the deities are decorated with large crowns. They are made by local artisans using 100% natural materials such as bamboo, flowers and leaves. Firstly, Madan Mohan (Utsava Vigraha) is taken out, followed by Sudarshana Chakra, Subhadra, Baladeva and finally Jagannath. Madan Mohan is placed in Jagannath's chariot and Sudarshana is placed in Subhadra's chariot. Then, HH Sri Shankaracharya Swami of Puri comes and pays respects to the Lord. The deities are decorated with special flower garlands.
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Next, an important spectacle of the day is the arrival of HH the King of Puri. He offers Arati to the Lord and waves a fan made of peacock feathers to ward off the heat. Then, he takes a broomstick with a golden handle and sweeps the chariots and streets. This is a mark of humility and service to the Lord. There is an interesting story behind this that we will definitely cover soon.
After these rituals, four wooden horses are attached to each chariot and then begins the majestic pulling of the chariots. Lakhs of devotees, not minding the scorching heat, pull the chariots using long, thick jute ropes. First, Balarama's chariot moves starting at around 2 pm. Drums, cymbals and musical instruments are played that adds to the spirit of the festival. Subhadra Devi's chariot moves next.
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Next comes the rigorous challenge of pulling Jagannath's chariot. In Telugu, there is an epithet "Mondi Jaggudu" which literally means "stubborn God". It takes enormous effort and time to move his chariot. The priests sing Oriya folk songs known as 'Dahuka Boli' named after Krishna's charioteer Dahuka. Then Nandighosh moves much to the delight of the devotees. The people pull the chariot enthusiastically chanting 'Jai Jagannath'. It is believed that a mere glimpse of Jagannath on his chariot can destroy lifetimes of sins.
Bhakta Salabega's Samadhi (Located on the main road that leads to the temple)
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After a while, Nandighosh stops for a few minutes at the Samadhi (tomb) of Salabega. He was an Oriya saint who was born in a Muslim family in the late 17th century. Though he was prevented from entering the temple, that did not prevent him from longing to see his beloved Lord. Once, during the annual chariot festival, Jagannath's chariot suddenly stopped in front of his house. No matter how strong anyone tried to pull it, it refused to move. Only after Salabega having Darshan and being satisfied, the chariot started moving again. To commemorate this incident, Jagannath stops in front of his devotee's tomb.
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Thus the chariots reach Gundicha temple by late evening after which they are taken in a procession into the temple. The Lord stays there for nine days. This is symbolic of Krishna enjoying his childhood pastimes in Vrindavan. Meanwhile, the Mother of the Universe Lakshmi Devi anxiously awaits her husband's return. We will continue in the next post.
Interesting facts
We all might know the English word 'juggernaut' which is used to refer to anything mighty, powerful and at times destructive. It is interesting to know that this word came from the Sanskrit 'Jagannath'. Apparently the English were fascinated with the grand chariot procession in Puri.
Rath Yatra is the only opportunity for foreigners and non-Hindu devotees to see Jagannath.
We must be grateful to Srila Prabhupada for making Rath Yatra a global festival by taking Jagannath to the streets of New York, London, Silicon Valley etc. Almost every branch of ISKCON worldwide hosts Rath Yatra in the same manner as done in Puri.
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|| Jai Jagannath ||
|| Om Namo Narayanaya ||
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naked1 · 1 month
Discovering the Perfect Wedding Venues in the Area
Planning a wedding is a journey filled with excitement and numerous decisions, with choosing the perfect venue being one of the most significant. If you're in the San Francisco area, you're in luck, as it offers a plethora of stunning options. Whether you're looking for a private party venue, a private event venue, or a more specific private event space in San Francisco, this guide will help you navigate your options.
Private Party Venue
For those seeking an intimate setting for their wedding, a private party venue might be the ideal choice. These venues offer a more exclusive experience, ensuring that your special day remains personal and memorable. Many private party venues in the San Francisco area are equipped to handle various sizes of gatherings, from small, cozy ceremonies to larger, more extravagant celebrations.
Private Event Venue
If you have a larger guest list or are looking for a space that can accommodate various wedding activities, a private event venue could be the perfect solution. These venues often offer more amenities, such as catering services, event planning assistance, and versatile spaces that can be tailored to your specific needs. In San Francisco, many private event venues boast beautiful settings, from elegant ballrooms to picturesque outdoor spaces.
Private Event Space San Francisco
For those specifically seeking a venue within the vibrant city of San Francisco, there are numerous private event spaces that cater to weddings. From historic landmarks to modern lofts with breathtaking views of the Bay, San Francisco's diverse range of venues ensures that every couple can find the perfect backdrop for their wedding. Consider iconic locations like the Golden Gate Club or the more contemporary spaces in SOMA, each offering unique charm and character.
Birthday Party Ideas and Baby Shower Decorations
In addition to weddings, many of these venues are also perfect for other celebrations, such as birthday parties and baby showers. If you're brainstorming birthday party ideas, these versatile spaces can provide the perfect setting for a memorable event. Furthermore, they often come equipped with decor options or partnerships with local vendors who can help bring your vision to life, including stunning baby shower decorations that can make your celebration even more special.
Choosing the right wedding venue is crucial in creating the perfect atmosphere for your big day. Whether you're looking for a private party venue, a private event venue, or a private event space in San Francisco, there's a wealth of options available. Additionally, these venues can be transformed for other events, offering endless possibilities for birthday parties and baby showers. With a bit of research and planning, you're sure to find the ideal venue that matches your style and needs, ensuring a magical and unforgettable wedding day.
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vampiretimes · 1 month
The Road to Vallaki: Part 3 - Guys This Place Has Toys
As the party approached the high walls and imposing gates of Vallaki, they were stopped by guards who questioned them about their origins and business in Vallaki. They seemed largely concerned about whether they had any connection to "the devil." Hettie explained that she was not created by the devil, but by a witch from the woods. This did not win the guards over, and they seemed hesitant to open the gates. Ireena used her position as part of a quasi-noble family to get them inside. The party also learned that the refugees who had fled from the village of Barovia were not being let in, and had mostly camped outside the walls near the lake gate.
Upon entering Vallaki their erstwhile companion Clue flew away, joining a trio of ravens as they flew past. The streets were entirely occupied by humans, that non-humans in Barovia were exceedingly rare. The mood of Vallaki seemed more upbeat and optimistic than the dreariness of the village Barovia, with several people smiling as they passed.
One person who introduced herself as Imelda was willing to give directions when asked, directing them to the Blue Water Inn as a place to stay while in town, and helpfully showing them a notice board upon which were written the laws of Vallaki. In addition to the basic laws one would expect in any city, the party noticed the following:
It is illegal to speak or write the devil's name within the walls of Vallaki.
All able citizens may be called on to assist with preparations or cleanup for Vallaki's festivals. They will be notified in advance if their help is expected.
Attendance at festivals is mandatory for all, citizens and residents alike.
The gates close at dusk and open at dawn. If you are caught outside when the gates close, you will not be allowed back in.
The spreading of "dissent, despair or doubt" within Vallaki's walls is considered criminal behavior and will be treated as such.
It also noted that silver was a material very important for the protection of Vallaki's citizens. Citizens and residents alike were strongly encouraged to bring any silver coins or jewelry to the guardhouse, to be exchanged for gold or copper of equal value.
The notice board also contained an old crumpled flyer advertising the Wolf's Head Festival. Several similar flyers were on the ground, being swept up along with some decorations and, indeed, old fly-covered wolf's heads on pikes were also being taken down. It seems the party had just missed the Wolf's Head Festival, though as they would soon learn, festivals in Vallaki are regular events. The notice board also contained other pieces of town business: the schedule of services for the local church, something about a book club, someone selling a broken loom, someone looking for a babysitter, an ad for dream pastries, ("made with the light and love of dreams,") and four separate advertisements for something called "Blinsky's Toy Shop."
After a brief stop outside the walls to see after the Barovian refugees, Ireena went to the burgomaster’s manor hoping to advocate for her people. Tomas gave her a feather and cast Enhance Ability on her, hopefully giving her an edge in conversation.
Meanwhile, the others decided to take a look at the stores. Their first stop was Blinsky's Toys, a shop that had not been getting much business lately. They met Gadof Blinsky, who dressed in a jester's costume and was very excited to have customers. The store was filled with whimsically morbid toys such as a doll with interchangeable heads, a transforming werewolf toy, a bag of marbles designed to look like eyeballs, and a puppet of Strahd Von Zarovich. Hettie bought herself several toys, as well as a wind up skull-shaped music box for Arabelle. Tomas and Granny noticed a small, unassuming dull sitting on a shelf behind the counter that bore an uncanny resemblance to Ireena.
They bought supplies from the general store, cleared out the discount shelf at the apothecary. While visiting Yonvich and Sons,(the local print shop) they overheard a conversation between the titular sons complaining about the Baron’s order of decorations for the upcoming Festival of the Blazing Sun, expressing concern about not being able to make enough purple ink in time. Looking for an opportunity to help (and make money) the party volunteered to go to Lake Zarovich and bring back some of the mollusks that the printers needed in order to make purple ink.
While there, Tomas bought a memoir written by one of the members of the city guard, Granny bought a book of prayers to the Morninglord and Mother Night, and Hettie bought a book of fairy tales.
The party found the Vistani camp in some degree of distress. When they asked about Arabelle, they were directed to two men who were arguing, one of whom was Arabelle's father Luvash. Luvash was growing more and more angry with a man named Arrigal who had apparently been watching her when she wandered off and went missing.
Carver spotted a few small footprints leading out into the woods, giving them a starting point for tracking her. Hettie noticed a shack on the lake that looked suspiciously like a place where a hag might live, and immediately suspected a connection to the missing child.
They knocked on the door, and a seemingly human woman answered, introducing herself as Jenny Greenteeth. Though she claimed ignorance as to Arabelle's whereabouts, Hettie was still suspicious and asked some probing questions. It did not take long for Jenny to reveal that yes, she was in fact a creature much like Hettie's mother, and familiar with Mad Myrtle Bonebrier. She pulled back her hair and revealed that the skin behind it was dry and cracked, the result of a curse that seemed to be Myrtle's handiwork. It seemed that while she was dying, Mad Myrtle had cursed every hag in Barovia, hoping that she might get the one that had cursed her.
Hettie noticed a cloth covered form on a table inside the shack, and remained suspicious that Jenny might be hiding the missing child. She tried to force her way in, but Jenny stopped her, picking her up with strong arms. She held her in the air and pointed out it was rude to enter someone's house without asking to come in and waiting for the answer.
Hettie asked if she could come in, and Jenny told her no. When Jenny put her down she forced her way in again. When Jenny irritably picked Hettie up a second time and asked what she was doing, Hettie pointed out that Jenny had told her that she needed to wait for the answer before going in, she hadn't said the answer needed to be yes. Jenny got an annoyed look on her face and said that Hettie had a point. A quick glance around Jenny's shack revealed no missing child, however.
Jenny told Hettie that her mother must have raised her well, as she was the most ill-mannered young lady she had ever met. But if it was true that Mad Myrtle Bonebrier had cursed every single hag in Barovia, then she suspected Hettie was in enough trouble without Jenny needing to do her any harm. With that, the party left to look for Arabelle elsewhere.
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developerwith1 · 2 months
Top 10 Reasons to Choose Iron Storage for Your Storage Needs
When it comes to storing your valuables, choosing the right facility is like picking a new home for your precious possessions. You want somewhere safe, accessible, and reliable—somewhere just like Ironstorage. But why should Iron Storage be your go-to option? Here are the top 10 reasons why Iron Storage stands out as the premier choice for safeguarding everything from your seasonal decor to your business documents.
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Unmatched Security
When you store your items, you want peace of mind, right? At Iron Storage, security is our top priority. Our facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art surveillance systems, gated access, and personalized security codes. It's like having a Fort Knox for your personal or business belongings!
A Variety of Unit Sizes
Whether you're looking to store a few boxes or an entire house's worth of furniture, we have the right unit size to fit your needs. From compact 5x5 units to expansive 10x30 spaces, Iron Storage offers a range of sizes that are sure to accommodate any requirement.
Climate-Controlled Options
Worried about the heat, cold, or humidity damaging your sensitive items? Our climate-controlled units maintain stable temperatures and humidity levels, perfect for storing everything from wooden furniture to electronics and artworks.
24/7 Accessibility
Need to grab your ski gear at midnight or drop off inventory early in the morning? No problem. Iron Storage offers 24/7 access to your storage unit, ensuring that you can get to your belongings whenever it's most convenient for you.
Top-Notch Customer Service
Our friendly, knowledgeable staff are always ready to help you—from choosing the right unit size to answering any questions you might have. At Iron Storage, we pride ourselves on providing customer service that's as dependable as our storage solutions.
Convenient Locations
With multiple locations across the region, you're never far from an Iron Storage facility. Each site is selected for easy accessibility and safety, making your trips to and from the storage unit as hassle-free as possible.
Competitive Pricing
We offer transparent pricing with no hidden fees. Our rates are competitive, providing you with affordable storage options without compromising on quality or security.
Advanced Technology
Booking a storage unit is as easy as clicking a button with our online reservation system. Plus, our state-of-the-art security tech ensures that managing your storage needs is both simple and secure.
Flexible Terms
At Iron Storage, we understand that life can be unpredictable. That's why we offer flexible lease terms to fit your schedule, whether you need short-term storage during a move or long-term solutions for business inventory.
Dedicated Business Solutions
For our business clients, Iron Storage offers specialized services like inventory space, document archiving, and even office space. We're more than just storage; we're an extension of your business.
Community Involvement
We believe in giving back to the communities we serve. Iron Storage is actively involved in local events and charities, reinforcing our commitment to the areas where our customers live and work.
Positive Customer Reviews
Don’t just take our word for it—our customers love us! We're proud of our high customer satisfaction rates and glowing reviews, which reflect our commitment to excellence in storage services.
Eco-Friendly Practices
Iron Storage is committed to sustainability. Our eco-friendly initiatives include using solar energy, providing electronic billing, and employing other green practices to minimize our environmental footprint.
Choosing the right storage solution can be daunting, but Iron Storage makes it easy. With top-notch security, a wide range of unit sizes, climate-controlled options, and excellent customer service, Iron Storage is the best choice for your storage needs. Ready to secure a spot for your belongings? Contact Iron Storage today and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your items are in good hands.
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realestate234 · 2 months
Prestige Bellanza | Premium Property In Mulund West, Mumbai
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Prestige Bellanza is a residential property located in Mulund West, Mumba. It is a luxurious surroundings neighborhood that exudes embrace and style. This beautiful new building is right in the middle of the busy city and is the perfect mix of modern design and comfort. Each room in this project is a peaceful haven thanks to its carefully thought-out design.
The large rooms are decorated with high-quality fixtures and finishes, making life there truly luxurious.
Location Advantage
The USP of Prestige Projects in Mulund lies in its strategic project amidst the serene environment of Yogi Hills, a hidden gem in Mulund West. Bordering the majestic Sanjay Gandhi National Park, citizens are treated to breathtaking views and a tranquil environment that could be a rarity in bustling towns like Mumbai.
Conveniently located on LBS Road, it ensures seamless connectivity to the rest of the city. This strategic place allows residents to enjoy the fine of each world – the peace of nature and the accessibility of urban facilities.
Proximity to Landmarks
It is located near numerous essential landmarks, making it an ideal desire for households and people alike. Residents have smooth entry to amenities consisting of a Gymkhana, hospitals, Kalidas Stadium, NES International School, R Mall, and Yogi Hills. This proximity to colleges, healthcare facilities, entertainment avenues, department shops, and markets adds to the benefit and pleasant of life for residents.
Moreover, Prestige Bellanza is in proximity to Mulund railway station, proposed metro strains, and strains ensure trouble-unfastened commuting for citizens, saving precious time and making tours greater efficient.
Enhanced Connectivity
The fundamental expressways surrounding this project further enhance connectivity for residents. These consist of Mumbai Airoli Road, LBDS Marg, Eastern Express Highway (EEH), Ghodbunder-Mankhurd Link Road (GMLR), and Jogeshwari-Vikhroli Link Road (JVLR). Whether traveling inside Mumbai or beyond, residents gain from the smooth right of entry to those arterial roads, decreasing tour time and enhancing convenience.
Safety and Security
The safety and protection of residents are paramount in this project. The gated community is equipped with superior safety systems, together with CCTV surveillance, 24/7 protection employees, and controlled right of entry to factors, making sure of a steady and peaceful residing environment for all citizens and their families.
Luxurious Living Spaces
It offers a range of luxury homes designed to cater to the diverse desires and possibilities of residents in Prestige Bellanza Mulund West. From spacious apartments to opulent penthouses, each residence is made with perfect attention to detail and present-day services that raise the living enjoyment.
The interiors boast premium finishes, elegant designs, and ample herbal mild, growing a welcoming environment that citizens can name home. Whether enjoyable in the luxury of their residing spaces or playing the amazing perspectives from their balconies, residents it enjoy luxury at its greatest.
Amenities Galore
Life at this property is enriched with a bunch of services that cater to each component of current living. It has a well-equipped health club, swimming pool, landscaped gardens, children are play regions, and a clubhouse where residents can unwind, socialize, and rejuvenate.
Additionally, the network areas at Prestige Bellanza Mulund West Mumbai are designed to foster an experience of network and camaraderie among citizens. Whether hosting gatherings, celebrating unique events, or projecting leisure activities, citizens have get right of entry to a vibrant and pleasurable lifestyle within the confines of their highly-priced living house.
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gordon-powell · 2 months
Maximizing Your Adventure: The Benefits of Genshin Impact Top Ups
As any video game enthusiast knows, upgrading your gaming experience often requires spending real-world money on in-game purchases. For fans of the popular free-to-play game Genshin Impact, one great option is topping up Genesis Crystals—the premium currency used to acquire everything from new characters to battle passes.
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What Are the Benefits of Topping Up Genesis Crystals in Genshin Impact?
Here are some of the key advantages:
Obtain powerful new characters and weapons
Immediately unlock Battle Pass rewards
Replenish resin to keep playing longer
Refresh daily commission chances
Purchase skins, furniture, and other cosmetics
Unlock Exciting New Characters and Gear
One of the biggest incentives for topping up Genesis Crystals is gaining immediate access to Genshin Impact’s ever-expanding roster of playable characters. Instead of relying solely on the luck of the draw from the game’s gacha wish system, you can use paid currency to directly acquire fan favorites like Raiden Shogun, Sangonomiya Kokomi, and more.
You can also spend Genesis Crystals on the game’s weapon banner to pick up powerful 5-star armaments that will give your characters an edge in battle. Weapons like Engulfing Lightning and Everlasting Moonglow are difficult to obtain otherwise.
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Get More from the Battle Pass
Topping up paid currency allows you to immediately unlock rewards from Genshin Impact’s Battle Pass. This premium track awards everything from ascension materials and Mora to unique weapons like Deathmatch when you reach certain Battle Pass levels.
Rather than slowly accumulating experience to gain Battle Pass levels over time, Genesis Crystals let you rapidly acquire all of that valuable loot. This can save you hours of grinding!
Replenish Resin for More Daily Play
Genshin Impact uses a resin system that limits the number of domain challenges, elite boss battles, and ley line blossom challenges that players can complete each day. Most gameplay progression is gated behind spending resin to claim rewards from these events.
Topping up Genesis Crystals allows you to replenish your resin when it gets depleted. This means you can keep playing rather than getting blocked by resin limits. You can farm more ascension and talent level-up materials, defeat more bosses, and earn greater sums of Mora in a single day.
Refresh Daily Commissions
Using Genesis Crystals also lets you refresh the daily commissions that you receive from the Adventurers' Guild. Completing these quests is the main way to obtain adventure experience and primogems outside of events and one-time challenges.
By refreshing your commissions, you can take on more than the standard four per day. That nets you additional rewards to save up for future wishes!
Obtain Cosmetics and Furnishings
Lastly, Genesis Crystals provide access to a wide range of cosmetic outfits, furniture, and other decorative items to show off your style. From stylish skins like “Wings of Poetic Melodies” Jean to furnishings like the new Guili Plains series, there are always new cosmetics being added to spend paid currency on.
These don’t offer any in-game advantages, but they let you customize the look and feel of your world and characters.
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How to Top Up Genesis Crystals Safely
When looking to purchase Genesis Crystals, LootBar provides a secure and convenient online top-up service. With competitive bundle pricing, fast delivery, and 24/7 customer support, you can quickly acquire paid currency and unlock all of the aforementioned benefits.
LootBar utilizes account top-up methods and payment partners to ensure every order is safe and reliable. You’ll receive your Genesis Crystals instantly after completing checkout.
“1st time buying here and extremely pleased. Even if I only save $1 every Welkin, I still get 1 free at the end of the year with the savings. Wish I knew about this before spending over $200 in-game!” – U1070835721
Check out LootBar’s selection of Genshin Impact top-up offers and take your Teyvat adventures to new heights!
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mandi-cakes · 3 months
Headcanon meme~ Put a symbol (or several) and a character/characters in my ask box, and I’ll give you a headcanon. ~~~~~~ For this I'm going to choose my comfort Baldur's Gate 3 tav, Lore. In addition to this headcanon dive, let me preface it with some lore on Lore, to give a little context. ((sorry, but sometimes I have to be extra with my OCs who are very detailed in their backstory))
Lore (birth name, Glynnis Abernathy) is a tiefling abjuration wizard, and a knowledge domain cleric (patron goddess, Mystra). Before, and after the events of BG3 (this is character history I worked on well before the release of the game and decided to integrate it into the storyline), Lore works as an archivist in a library/archive/magical shop that specializes in the care of magical books, books on magic/history of magic, etc., as well as the crafting of grimoires and other items wizards and other spellcasters require (very much like Sorcerous Sundries, but on a smaller scale). This little shop is in an unnamed locale somewhere in Faerun--possibly along the Swordcoast, I haven't decided, but definitely not in Baldur's Gate or Waterdeep. As a side hustle to her work as an archivist, she offers services to record the tales of adventurers, not unlike a bard but without the theatrics and embellishment, for historical purposes. And sometimes, she will travel with adventures to record their adventures as they happen, at times doing so for free if the adventure is grand enough. Hence why her chosen name as a tiefling is 'Lore'. Lore has a home just outside that unnamed town, and here she returns post BG3 adventure--with Astarion in tow, and Halsin spiritually as he is off doing his own necessary work elsewhere. Both she considers her husbands. Astarion lives with Lore full time, and to accommodate his needs, she adopts a more crepuscular/night owl leaning lifestyle. This way, they can spend time together, since Asty can't be out in the daylight. And should they want to do so, Lore will create the illusion of a sunny day for them to enjoy. Lore, like Gale, is not the tidiest person with all her wizardly things, and always has a mess of papers everywhere, which irks Astarion a bit. He doesn't fuss or try to change anything, though. Instead he tidies up Lore's organized chaos where it is; stacks the blank sheets of paper, scrolls, and tomes for transcribing on her desk and work tables; stores the quills in their respective bases, makes sure the inkwells are filled and sealed so they don't dry out. Brings Lore a snack in case she forgot to eat. Just the sassiest little vampire househusband. And he takes it upon himself, with Lore's permission and tastes in mind, to freshen up the homestead. New bedding, curtains, decorative pillows, etc. Together they reorganize Lore's bookshelves so she has more space for her writing. This is all just the main part of the house, though. With Halsin in mind, knowing he'll come for extended visits when Lore and Astarion aren't periodically traveling to see him, Lore and Astarion build him an outdoor sanctuary in their back garden, with a large open air gazebo/cabin combo attached to the main house. Very druidy, lots of plants and flowers, and with large enough space so he can do bear stuff. Very much something Halsin would approve of. All three can either sleep inside the main house, or they can sleep in Halsin's breezy backyard druid hut, surrounded by nature.
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Ranka Tent Suppliers: Premier Tent and Elegant Event Decoration and Tent Dealer in India Services in Indore.
Ranka Tent Suppliers offers comprehensive Haldi and Mehndi ceremony decoration services, including elegant ideas for brides and grooms. As top tent manufacturers and suppliers in Indore, we provide stunning wedding flower stage decorations and pink and white wedding gates. Trust us for exceptional event solutions and & Tent Dealers in India.
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suvitathakur3 · 4 months
Hotel Shanti Palace New Delhi Int'L Airport with Ayurveda Wellness
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In the bustling area located in Mahipalpur, Shanti Palace offers tranquil retreat in the bustling energy of Delhi. This is everything you should be aware of about this lovely hotel:
Located within close proximity to and within close proximity of the Indira Gandhi Airport Shanti Palace Mahipalpur provides ease for those who are arriving or departing from Delhi. The location is strategic and offers an easy access to the major areas of business, shopping centres and tourist spots within the city.
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The hotel has an array of spacious rooms and suites that are that are designed to meet the demands of modern-day travellers. Each room is elegantly decorated and comes with the necessary amenities to ensure a relaxing stay such as luxurious bed linens, high-speed internet as well as a large workstation.
Shanti Palace Mahipalpur provides a variety of amenities to improve the experience of guests. They include a multi-cuisine dining room offering delicious dishes cooked by expert chefs, a chic lounge bar where guests are able to relax with a refreshing beverage and a fitness centre for those who want to be active during their stay.
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Events and Meetings 
The hotel has a range of event and meeting space that make it an ideal option for business travelers who want to host seminars, conferences as well as social occasions. With the latest technology and expert event management solutions, Shanti Palace ensures that every event will be a hit.
With a commitment to offer individual service, the team in Shanti Palace Mahipalpur strives to ensure that every guest's stay is unforgettable. When you require help with your travel arrangements, restaurant reservations or even sightseeing tours The friendly and helpful staff is there to assist.
Close-By Attractions
Delhi is home to an abundance of historical and cultural sites such as those of the Qutub Minar, India Gate and the Red Fort. The central location of the Shanti Palace Mahipalpur allows guests to visit these sites in their own time.
No matter if you're travelling to Delhi to work or for pleasure, Shanti Palace Mahipalpur offers the perfect blend of convenience, comfort and warm hospitality. Enjoy the warmth and ambiance of this charming hotel on your next trip to Delhi.
Get Access Now: Click Here
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Here are some of the reviews for Shanti Palace Mahipalpur:
"My recent stay at Shanti Palace Mahipalpur was fantastic. The hotel's location near the airport was incredibly convenient for my early morning flight. The room was spacious, clean, and well-appointed with modern amenities. The staff were friendly and attentive, always willing to assist with any requests. I particularly enjoyed the delicious breakfast spread at the hotel's restaurant. Overall, a wonderful experience and I would definitely stay here again."
"I had a pleasant stay at Shanti Palace Mahipalpur during my business trip to Delhi. The hotel's proximity to the airport made it a convenient choice for me. The room was comfortable and quiet, allowing me to get a good night's sleep after a long day of meetings. The staff were professional and accommodating, ensuring that all my needs were met. I also appreciated the complimentary airport shuttle service provided by the hotel. I would recommend Shanti Palace Mahipalpur to fellow travelers."
"Shanti Palace Mahipalpur exceeded my expectations in every way. The hotel's facilities were excellent, and the rooms were clean and spacious. The staff were courteous and went out of their way to make me feel welcome. I especially enjoyed the rooftop restaurant, which offered stunning views of the city along with delicious food. The hotel's location near the airport was also a big plus for me. Overall, I had a fantastic experience and would highly recommend this hotel to anyone visiting Delhi."
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