#gas station posting on main
multi-lefaiye · 2 years
to round off my gas station posting for the night. have some picrews of my six faves (i.e. the characters i care about the most). also with some headcanons to go with each!! under the cut b/c i feel bad about how long my rambles have been ASDFJKL;
friendly reminder, these are based on my interpretations of the characters, and you’re allowed to disagree with me! unless you’re a dick, in which case i know more than you.
picrew link: [link]
Jack Townsend - demi-biromantic asexual trans man (also polyamorous <3)
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[Image Description: A picrew of Jack Townsend from the Tales From the Gas Station series, shown from the shoulders up and looking to the right. Jack is a man with pale skin and medium-length, dark, somewhat messy hair. He has wide eyes with deep shadows under them, a small beard, and pierced ears. Jack is wearing an orange shirt under a grey jacket with a furry collar. Behind him are the bisexual and trans flags, with a white circle around his head and surrounded by white hearts. End ID.]
Jerry Pascal - the only word I can really think of to summarize him is queer tbh--he’s queer in his gender, in his orientation,,, everything.
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[Image Description: A picrew of Jerry Pascal from the Tales From the Gas Station series, shown from the shoulders up and looking to the right. Jerry is a man with pale, freckled skin and long, fluffy, pale blond hair. He has a smirk on his face and a small beard, and his ears have multiple gold piercings. Jerry is wearing a yellow t-shirt with a sun printed across it and a brown flannel. Behind him is the queer flag, along with a white circle and several white stars. End ID.]
Rosa Vasquez - biromantic asexual trans woman (unfortunately shown without the pink streaks in her hair :’( )
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[Image Description: A picrew of Rosa Vasquez from the Tales From the Gas Station series, shown from the shoulders up and looking to the right. Rosa is a dark-skinned woman with long, dark hair that hangs loosely around her shoulders. She has a wide smile on her face, and her eyes are closed. Her ears are pierced with pink, heart-shaped studs, and she wears a flower-patterned, yellow button-up and a black choker. Behind Rosa are the bi and trans flags, as well as a white circle around her head and several white hearts. End ID.]
Antonio “Tony” Vargas - grey-aromantic gay man (I do really like the idea of him being non-binary as well but I am still thinking about that) (also Vargas is my headcanon surname for him dw about it)
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[Image Description: A picrew of Antonio from the Tales From the Gas Station series, shown from the shoulders up and looking to the right. Antonio is a dark-skinned man with curly brown hair and a short beard, as well as bags under his eyes. He has a skeptical expression on his face and a notch in his right eyebrow, as well as multiple gold piercings in his ears. He’s wearing a yellow button-up shirt over a black undershirt, under a dark jacket with a furred collar. Behind him are the aromantic and mlm flags, as well as a white square around his head. End ID.]
Spencer Middleton - non-binary aroace mlm (I have a lot more thoughts about his orientation but I don’t want to turn this into a thesis paper)
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[Image Description: A picrew of Spencer Middleton from the Tales From the Gas Station series, shown from the shoulders up and looking to the right. Spencer is a pale-skinned man with long red hair and a short beard. He has a wide smirk on his face, showing his sharp teeth, and a splatter of blood across his face. His ears are pierced with red studs, and he wears a black suit with a red tie. Behind him are the aroace and mlm flags, as well as an abstract white design similar to a sun. End ID.]
Amelia O’Brien - non-binary demiromantic lesbian (I also have further thoughts about her orientation but again. Don’t wanna make this a big thesis paper.)
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[Image Description: A picrew of Amelia O’Brien from the Tales From the Gas Station series, shown from the shoulders up and looking to the right. Amelia is a dark-skinned woman with her black hair styled into cornrows and pulled up into a ponytail. She has a slightly perplexed, tired smile on her face and silver studs in her ears. She is wearing a black undershirt under an open, cream-colored shirt. Behind her are the sunset lesbian and demiromantic flags, as well as a white circle around her head. End ID.]
And as a bonus! A character that is just Headcanons for me! My girl Sabine <3
Sabine Lemoyne - pan-aroace non-binary woman (I have a lot of thoughts for Sabine but again. No thesis here. Also Lemoyne is my headcanon surname for her as well)
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[Image Description: A picrew of Sabine from the Tales From the Gas Station series, shown from the shoulders up and looking to the right. Sabine has tan, freckled skin and dark hair pulled back into a bun, as well as a wide smile on her blushing face. She has gold piercings in her ears, including heart-shaped studs, and she wears a black choker with a low-cut, black shirt under a red button-up. Behind her are the pan and aroace flags, as well as a white circle around her head and several white hearts. End ID.]
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ocpdzim · 2 years
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Here’s Vreeza with a big cabbage (it’s their pet frog’s favorite food)
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gravegroves · 27 days
Okay, little stream-of-consciousness-moment:
Billy, who's mind is like a steel trap, who isn't a scared little child, but a healthy, angry young adult. And the mindflayer doesn't even know what hit it. One second it's infiltrating grey matter, overtaking neural pathways and becoming one with this new vessel and the next second it's burning alive, it's crumbling and shrinking and screeching in agony as the human body does what is does best to foreign invaders: try to kill it.
I've always loved the posts on tumblr that explore how deeply weird humans would be to aliens. Our physiology, our mentality, when spoken of as animal traits they are all deeply disturbing. We're persistence predators. We're built to last. We can survive unimaginable horrors (and also die from the stupidest, most everyday things). Our main predator, is ourselves. A bite from a child can kill another human just from the bacteria alone if left untreated. Our bodies are designed to kill entities both within and without.
Humans are fucking terrifying.
So the mindflayer is so unprepared for an adult human who's been through too much shit already. Not just a tired little slip of a kid, but a healthy, entering-his-prime human and is eradicated with extreme prejudice by nothing more than a good immune system going into overdrive.
But it's too deeply imbeded, so the body again does what it can to protect itself, it encases it. Within the body, but separate. Calcified. Caged.
So here's Billy, who has a rather spotty memory of a car crash and feels like he has a head cold for a couple of days before he gets on with his life. Only weird shit keeps happening to him, now. Like that time he encounters a pack of dogs while out drinking by the quarry, except they look really fucked-up the closer they get, not like any dog Billy's ever seen before, and just as he's prepared for an attack from these things, they just walk up to him and sniff around a bit with their weird flower heads blooming and closing, but otherwise leaving him unharmed. And Billy's just this side of drunk where terrible ideas seem kinda brilliant and he tells the things to sit. And they do. Amazed, he tosses his beer bottle and tells them go fetch, and again, one does.
And then when it's time to go home Billy offhandedly tells them to get lost and they run off back into the woods, and when he wakes up in the morning it's easy to rationalise it away. Probably the beer had been rolling around in the car for too long and it went bad and fucked him up. Should just have thrown the whole sixpack out. Those were just regular dogs, for sure. Except the next day, when he's out behind the pool building trying to find a good spot to smoke, he steps onto soft soil or something and falls down into a weird ass tunnel and a bunch of those same monster dogs just appear out of nowhere and pile themselves on top of each other for him to be able to climb out. And a couple of days later when Neil smacks Billy around for being out late again, one of those dogs honest to God comes crashing through the living room window to shred Neil's leg up and leaves just as quickly at the first sign of panic from Billy.
And yeah okay, by this stage Billy's figuring out things are kinda fucky around Hawkins, and so it's just Billy having his own little side adventure in the background while the rest of the gang are running around Hawkins trying desperately to find the Mindflayer, not knowing that Billy unknowingly trapped it within himself and is just living his life, teaching these weirdly obedient alien dogs to do tricks because they keep helping him or seeking him out.
Anyway, upside down is doomed because their leader is literally trapped inside Billy and Billy is just teaching these dog-things to steal cigarettes from the gas station and volunteering for the closing shift at the pool because he can just get the dogs to bring the pool noodles back into the shed.
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
night walks masterlist
Updated: 3/10/24 (art)
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mood board by @milla-frenchy 🖤
This is an AU moreso than a series. Very little plot. Joel, an older neighbor you've been walking with late at night, asks you into his basement to sell him weed. Turns out he's a little obsessed with you. You find him irresistible, despite your initial efforts to stay away.
OVERALL WARNINGS: Non-outbreak AU, drug use, Dubcon, unsafe P in V, dirty talk, stalking
LATEST: Beach Walks
gif by @iamasaddie. see bottom of post for more art
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reader curated spotify playlist
NIGHT WALKS (2k) - ORIGINAL. Joel gets you in his basement and you fuck.
"Deleted Scene" - Joel reveals his breeding kink.
Night Walks 2 (1.9k) - When you don't come back for more, Joel takes matters into his own hands.
Night Walks 3 (1.4k) - Joel breaks in and has his way with you. (Darkest, can skip)
Liquor store run-in (350) - You run into Joel in public and he gropes you.
Night Walks 4: All dressed up (1.3k) - You run into Joel at a gas station and end up fucking him.
Restaurant drabble (400) - You run into Joel when you're out with your friends.
Night Walks 5: Harder (2.8k) - You get jealous. You hang out and can't get enough of him.
BLOW (2k) - You do a line of his dick then give him an amazing blow job and later he puts it in.
Night Walks 6: Morning After (900) - You wake up at Joel's and he's not ready for you to leave.
Night Walks 7: Soaked (3.5k) - You're still there and it's storming so you stay for a while.
Night Walks 8: Menace (4k) - You're set up on a date, but Joel reminds you why you want him.
Interludes: 4th of July (200?) - You go to the pool. POV: Neighbor (Ethyl).
Night Walks 9: Late Night Dip (2.3k) - You go to the pool and he dicks you down. Interlude: ✨Ethyl's house.
Beach walks - Prequel (3.8k) - Joel is acting shady and you hook up with someone else.
Beach Walks (7k) - Joel can't let you go. ✨surf shack lore
NSFW Alphabet - Various HCs in a standard format.
Pregnancy - How would he react to pregnancy?
If someone refused him - What would Joel do if someone flat-out refused him and really didn't want it?
Alt. timelines (AUs of AU)
PREQUEL: Night Gawks: Before Night Walks (450) -. Joel notices you as soon as you move into the neighborhood and jacks off.
FUTURE: Sleeping beauty (750) - You and Joel have a consensual non-con agreement. He breaks in, chloroforms you, ties you up.
FUTURE: Day walks (150) - You and Joel are out hiking and he's being irresponsible.
night caulks (100) - Joel being a rascal
ALT: Leopard print (4.5k)- ft. Tommy
(2003) Night Chalks (400) - Joel takes a liking to Sarah's engaged teacher and starts to seduce her.
Night Chalks 2 (380) - Joel gets her in the back seat of his car.
(2008) Night Talks (2.8k) - Joel gets Sarah's best friend high and takes her virginity.
(2018) Night Drives (1k) - You order a lyft after a girl's night out and end up in Joel's basement.
Misc: If you're desperate: Dr. Rock has NW roleplay (1st person)
Every inch
Every inch 2
Every inch 3
main joel miller masterlist
Art & Visuals
TRAILER (video) by @iamasaddie
POV Ring doorbell by @swedishscumfuck.
Joel on vacation w/ blurb.
Man cave/basement floor plan
Booty text by @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog and @missannwinchester
meet me in the moonlight by @iamasaddie
mood board by @milla-frenchy
gif by @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
Pumpkin mood board
beach walks collages by @lunitawrites
nw collage by @selfproclaimed-moviecritic
beach walks by @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
sleeping beauty by @milla-frenchy
✨night walks vibes by @xdaddysprincessxx
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frankenkyle19 · 8 months
The Twinkie Thief
Peter Maximoff x fan!reader smut
word count: 8.4k!!
warnings/description: Smut, handjobs, oral (male and fem receiving), Use of peter’s powers in bed, hair pulling, begging, Peter being a cocky brat, teasing. Reader hosts a college party and a certain speedster stops by trying to steal some twinkies… Enjoy!
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You’d been planning this party for months. Well- okay not months, maybe like… a few weeks, but in your defense it sure felt longer than that. It was your first time hosting a college party, despite being in your third year. You shared an apartment with three of your friends just off of campus. Having roommates wasn’t always great, but it made the rent cheap and that obviously made it well worth it. You were a broke college student and you definitely didn’t make enough money to rent your own apartment. It was a three level house. With a main floor, an upstairs, and a downstairs. The basement had been transformed into a little hangin’ cave where you were currently setting up the chips and drinks for the party, trying to distract yourself and keep your buzzing nerves at bay.
Doritos, pretzels, tortilla chips and salsa, various sodas and punch as well as alcohol sat on the table. Beer, vodka, all the cheap shit you could buy at the nearest gas station. It didn’t need to be good, college kids didn’t care for good alcohol, they just needed it to get them drunk. Especially at a party. 
You weren’t sure who all would come to the party and a bubble of anxiety slowly built up inside you. What if no one showed up? Currently you were home alone because your roommates were all out doing their own thing and would be coming home much later. That’s why you had decided to have the party, but now? What if some creepy pervert dude was the first to arrive and you were forced to hang out with him until the next person came? You tried your best to ignore the screaming in the back of your mind as you finished setting up, taking a handful of chips to eat as you made your way back up the stairs. 
The house was modern and sparsely decorated but still homey. You’d luckily put away anything valuable or breakable because god forbid something gets broken. 
As time went on you came to the realization that maybe this wasn’t the best idea… but it was too late to go back now. Surely it’d be fine. How bad could it be?
You finished the handful of chips right as the first knock of the night sounded through the house, causing you to jump a bit before making your way towards the door, just praying it wasn’t some creep. 
And luckily, it wasn’t. 
It was a group of three younger college girls, all smiling brightly the second the door was open. They didn’t say much to you as they scurried inside the house, out of the cold as they shivered a bit. They led themselves downstairs, talking amongst themselves and not really paying you any mind at all. Wow. Kinda rude. 
Soon the pace started picking up and in no time the basement was full of chatter and bodies as people laughed and drank, talking about the latest gossip. 
You’d long since abandoned your post at the door, figuring people would let themselves in, and they did exactly that. 
You had made your way downstairs, a drink in hand as you looked at the crowd. It was a good turnout, nearly every corner of the dimly lit room was occupied by groups of people talking about one thing or another, sipping from solo cups and snacking on mini pretzels and Doritos. The sight had you smiling. This was going exactly how you wanted it.
To be honest, you weren’t a super social person but one thing you did enjoy was people watching. So seeing all the different people here made for a fun activity. Hearing whispers of conversations, not able to make out much as other noises drowned out the words into a jumbled mess of sounds. You were planning on just sitting in a corner, sipping your drink for the rest of the night as you kept a close eye on the party goers, making sure they didn’t break anything. 
That’s how it went for a few hours. You sipped at your  drink, going in and out of the basement to get refills on chips and ice for the drinks every so often. Overall, it was a success. 
On one of these trips upstairs to get a break from the crowd and the noise, you caught the shadow of what appeared to be a man in your kitchen. Unease settled over you like a dark storm cloud as you crept closer to the kitchen, back up against the wall as you swallowed hard, heartbeat uneven and frantic.
You knew it was most likely someone from the party who had either gotten there late, or had snuck upstairs. Maybe he needed a break. Just like you. But the idea of a random man in your kitchen, which, keep in mind, was dark, made you uneasy. 
You crept to the entrance of the kitchen, hand moving slowly towards the light switch, ready to bolt back downstairs if you were in any danger. 
The man froze when you flicked the light on, bathing him in the yellow light. And that’s when you saw it..
It wasn’t some random creeper that had snuck into your kitchen and was waiting for everyone else to leave so he could like- kill you- 
It was a certain silver haired mutant superhero that you may or may not have had a small (huge) obsession with. 
Peter Maximoff… aka Quicksilver. 
Okay rewind- what in the fresh hell was Peter Maximoff doing in your kitchen? 
You both just stood still, staring at each other unblinking, each waiting for the other to say or do something. 
Peter had an armful of little, wrapped cake snacks that had been quite literally stolen from your pantry, giving you a shy, remorseful smile. 
“Uh… Hi-” Peter said, swallowing hard as he set the snacks on the counter with an embarrassing grin. 
You just blinked a few times, unable to think of any words. What does someone say in this situation? When a literal superhero was stealing snacks from your kitchen. Nothing in your life had ever prepared you for this..
“I- Hi?” You said, an eyebrow quirked as you took in the look of the man in front of you. Yup it really was him. Not just some creep dressed as him. He was the real deal. 
“You can uh- you can take anything you want… Mr. Maximoff” You said with a shy smile, playing with your hands as you tried to keep calm. 
Peter blinked in surprise. Oh. So you knew exactly who he was. Great. Of course you did. That made this even more embarrassing. A superhero sneaking into a party to steal some cake snacks? He would never live this down if anyone else found out.
“No I just- uh- was just- organizing… the pantry. It was a bit messy..” he said, trying to lie his way out of the situation. 
“Mhm. Yeah okay.” You put your hands on your hips, shaking your head. You didn’t believe that lie for one second and the thought of a silver haired speedster trying to get away with a lie despite being caught red (silver?) handed made you chuckle. 
“Okay okay ya got me- I’m a thief-“ he raised his hands over his head in surrender, sighing in defeat. The gig was up. 
You raised a brow, watching him curiously. He was so… Down to earth? You weren’t sure what you expected, but it wasn’t that. He didn’t act like a famous person… he just acted… Normal. Maybe you were a bit naive as to what someone like Peter should act like, but he was definitely much different than what you had imagined. In a good way of course.
And it didn’t help with your obsession with him. You almost wanted him to be rude or full of himself. It’d be easier to get over this little (big) obsession with him. But no. Of course he had to be perfect. 
“It’s okay- if you want one you can have it- really-“ you said, taking a few more steps into the kitchen, the background music from downstairs making the silence between the two of you seem not so awkward. 
Peter didn’t waste any time after that. He snatched a Twinkie off the counter and unwrapped it before shoving half of it into his mouth, some of the cream smearing on the sides of his mouth. If it was anyone else, it would be kinda gross, but because it was him, it was endearing. 
“So why exactly are you… Here?” You asked and Peter held up a finger to signal to let him finish chewing the snack cake before he began to explain.
“I heard about a party goin’ on here and thought hey, I’m sure there’s snacks. So I came. And I was right.” He shook the other half of the Twinkie that was in his hands before shoving it into his mouth, tossing the wrapper into the trash can and wiping off his fingers on his silver jacket. 
“Okay but the party is downstairs-“
“I didn’t think you’d mind if I just took a few.” He interrupted, already on his way to opening another hostess snack. 
He was bold. Very bold. And pretty cocky too. A drastic change from how he was acting just a few minutes ago. All shy and apologetic. Was that just a hoax? A trick? 
“I mean- I don’t- but it’s not just every day when I get a superhero in my kitchen.” 
“So you rent this place? It’s pretty bangin’ I gotta say.”
“I have roommates. But they aren’t here right now.” Why did that sound so suggestive? Jesus Christ…
Peter nodded, looking around the kitchen and examining it now that the light was on, leaning against the marble counter.
“So this is your party then I take it?” He asked, eyebrow quirked as he turned back to face you. It was weird making eye contact with the speedster just because you never expected to actually be this close to him. 
“Mhm, my first college party actually..” you said a bit shyly. He was trying to keep up a conversation with you… but why? Did he actually care? Possibly?
“Well the first one I’ve hosted I mean- I’ve- I’ve been to lots of parties before-“ you paused “not like a lot a lot! I’m not like a crazy party person- I have…” you wanted to bang your head against the wall.
“I’ve gone to the normal amount of parties that a college person does.” You said, a blush dusting over your cheeks. Way to embarrass yourself in front of your crush. Your superhero crush at that…
“Coolio- and hey, between us, I don’t judge. I like party girls.” Peter winked. 
Your brain has just short circuited. Either you were delusional or the man was flirting with you. The way he winked? There was no way. 
You gawked at him for a moment before chuckling “yeah, hah… parties are pretty fun- you go to them often?” You asked curiously, trying to not be so fucking awkward.
“Eh, depends. When I’m free I usually just zoom in to steal some snacks- which was exactly what I was doing before you caught me.”
“Okay well the party snacks are downstairs. At the party.” You said, sarcasm dripping from your tone and it caused Peter to grin. He liked your attitude. Feisty. Just the way he liked his women. Not that he… No.. He totally wasn’t attracted to some random quicksilver fan.. Not at all. There had to be some sort of moral rule against that. 
Except… He was. He was totally and utterly attracted to you. 
Holy shit. He was truly and utterly fucked. Done for. Game is up, time to go- before he royally ruined this whole interaction.
But yet, he couldn’t get his mouth to just shut up. 
“Y’know what, I like ya. You’re down to earth, chill. Totally unfazed that I’m in yer kitchen right now.” 
You shook your head, looking up to meet his eye and trying not to get too lost in his sweet syrupy brown gaze. 
“Well I mean- I am- I’m just good at hiding it.” You admitted, tucking a bit of your hair behind your ear, an obvious thing you did when you were nervous.
Peter subtly, with his super speed, looked you over, trying not to make it too obvious that he was staring, but who wouldn’t? You were… Geesh words couldn’t even describe the way Peter felt when he saw you. His literal dream girl, and you were interested in him? At least wanting to talk to him… not like… romantically or anything crazy like that.
But you were. You were both acting pretty dumb at the moment, dancing around the sexual tension that literally anyone could cut with a knife. How did it happen that the two of you were so damn oblivious? It’s like the universe was holding up a big sign that said “Fuck Already!” And somehow the two of you were both blind.
Peter stretched his hands over his head, revealing a sliver of silver hairs that led under his waistband to-
No. You needed to get your mind out of the gutter. There was no way Quicksilver out of anyone was going to fuck you. No way. Not in a million years.
Peter zipped around the kitchen and for a moment you thought he’d left, until the breeze and silver settled and you saw him, now much closer than he was before.  
He was uncomfortably close, but you were… Okay with it. In fact you wanted him close to you. It had made your heartbeat speed up in your chest and your cheeks reden. 
You felt his breath on your neck and it made your hair stand on end, goosebumps erupting across your flesh as you turned to face him.
He was taller than you, but your faces were only several inches apart, the feeling of his breath hit you, the leftover smell of the Twinkie he’d devoured a few minutes ago hitting your nose.
You blinked a few times, unsure of what to do or what to say. I mean… What do you do in a situation like this? You’d never experienced it before and doubted you ever would again. 
Peter glanced down at you, unblinking as he watched you before he spoke up
“Want a drink?” He asked, swallowing hard as he gestured to the rest of the alcohol that you hadn’t brought down to the party yet.
The tension was getting impossibly thicker between the two of you, a heat seeming to fall off of Peter in thick waves, filling the air. It was addicting.
You nodded, still not speaking as you watched him zip back around the kitchen, barely able to make out his outline as bottles shifted and moved from their places.
He was so… Interesting and you wondered what it was like to be able to move that fast. Did he have full control over it? Did he sometimes go too fast? Had he ever hurt himself by speeding around the way he did? These were all questions you longed to be answered but were too shy to ask. 
A few more seconds of him zooming around the kitchen and he was next to you again, holding a drink in either hand. You weren’t really sure what was in it, but you trusted he hadn’t done anything suspicious. I mean he was a superhero- superheroes didn’t like- drug drinks… Right?
“Here, it’s a sex on the beach- or well, my attempt at one. You didn’t have all the ingredients so I had to substitute a few things.”
By a few things did he mean everything? You’d had plenty of these drinks before and none of them ever looked the way the drink he held out to you did. It looked (smelled) like the only ingredient the two drinks had in common was vodka.
Still, you took the glass from him and smiled, taking a sip. It wasn’t horrible, he hadn’t added a lot of alcohol so it was mostly a mixer, but still you’d had plenty worse before.
He sipped his own drink, watching you over the rim of the glass, waiting to see how you’d react.
“Decent.” You shrugged, taking another sip.
Peter laughed in disbelief “Just decent babe? Wow, I’m offended.” He placed a hand on his heart dramatically and shook his head.
You were about to laugh when it dawned on you what he’d called you just now. Babe. Uhm.. pause. What? Why had he called you that? Did he call everyone that? Surely he did… Don’t get your hopes up so quickly. He was just being friendly.
You ignore it, giving him a friendly smile before taking another sip of your drink. Maybe it’d be nice to get drunk but you’d surely make a fool of yourself. You were already well on the way to doing that.
“So- you were really just in the neighborhood and decided to stop by?” You asked, swirling the remaining drink around, watching it slosh inside the glass.
Peter set his drink down on the counter, leaning against it as he nodded “Yup, could tell it was a party from a mile off so I decided to see what was goin’ on. Glad I did, you’re good company.” He grinned.
“I was honestly having a pretty boring night before you got here.” You admitted, setting your own half finished drink down close to his before glancing back at him. You were beginning to let your guard down and it made Peter smile.
“Aw I'm flattered that I’m the reason you’re havin’ a good time now.” He grinned, full of himself and cocky as ever. 
You rolled your eyes playfully at him, shaking your head as you wrapped your arms around yourself, glancing around the kitchen.
“So uh- m’not usually like this but-“ He was blushing again… Quicksilver was blushing because of you? What was he trying to say that made his cheeks turn the color of ripe tomatoes?
“I’m catchin’ a vibe off ya. Y’know the whole fan thing- I just-“ He shook his head, bringing a hand down over his face, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he let out a sigh. Dammit Quickie, ruined it again from your big mouth.
At least… He thought he’d ruined it, and was so distracted by embarrassment that he hadn’t even noticed you’d stepped closer to him, standing right in front of him and staring up at him.
“Yeah, I’m sure I’m giving off that vibe-“ you took a deep breath and decided to continue, making a bolder choice of words. It was now or never.
“Not everyday you meet the person you dream about fucking every night.” You were only half teasing him, hoping you’d be able to play it off as a joke if it went the wrong way. 
Peter’s eyes were wide as he stared down at you and finally he made a good choice that night, leaning down to capture your lips with his own.
It took you several seconds to process but when you did, you nearly squealed with joy.
He tasted sweet like twinkies and just… Him. There was no other way to explain it really.
You kissed back for several seconds before pulling away to look up at him, eyes wide.
“Holy shit.” You whispered, glancing around the room once more to make sure no one had walked in on the two of you.
Peter, unbothered, leaned down to capture your lips once more, never wanting to stop kissing you. He deepened the kiss, a hand reaching out to rest on your shoulder as he pulled you closer, a quiet moan slipping from his lips which caused him to blush even further.
He pulled you closer to him, a bit of urgency in his movements as he panted against your lips, worked up from the slightest bit of kissing.
“Quicksilver- n-not here we can’t. There’s people downstairs-“ you said, a surprised gasp leaving your throat as he started to plant kisses to your neck, wrapping his arms around your waist to lock you in place.
“Tell ‘em to go. I need ya-“ he said, nipping ever so slightly at your collarbone as his hips connected with yours, his hard on brushing your leg.
“Okay okay okay slow down- is this really happening?” You asked, Peter never once stopping his assault on your neck, leaving marks that would surely result in bruises the next day.
“So fuckin’ real baby. I want it- if you do too-“ He added, his hands adventuring up the small of your back in an attempt to explore more of your body.
“Ya tellin’ me you don’t wanna clown around with yer favorite superhero?” He breathed against your neck, closing his eyes as he inhaled deeply, wanting to memorize this moment.
“I do! I do want to- very very badly I just-there’s so many people downstairs- I don’t know what to do about that.” You said, reveling in the way his hot breath fanned across your skin.
“I’ve got an idea-“ He mumbled “just tell ‘em the cops are coming and they gotta clear out. Easy peasy baby, then we got the whole place to ourselves.” He grinned against your skin, much too eager for this.
“You think that’ll work?”
“Worth a shot at least.” He shrugged, groaning as you pulled away from him to face the basement door, ready to barge down there and tell everyone to leave. You’d do whatever you needed to to get Peter alone. 
Peter, as impatient as he was, didn’t wait for you to handle it and instead zoomed downstairs in a blur and several moments later people were running up the stairs, drinks in hand, obviously caught up in the moment and not expecting the news that police were going to be there any second.
The last person up the stairs was Peter himself, grinning from ear to ear, obviously proud that his plan had worked and the two of you were now alone. The second the last guest had scurried out the door, the threat of police crashing the party more than enough to get their drunk asses moving, peter pulled you into a bruising kiss, arching his hips against yours to try and get any desperately needed friction on his aching cock confined in the fabric prison that was his pants and boxers. He’d never wanted to be naked more in his entire life. Okay- maybe he had- but right now he felt as if he hadn’t. 
Your tongues fought for dominance and you inevitably won, backing Peter up against the kitchen counter before sinking to your knees. You were not wasting a second. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and with just how fast Peter moved, you weren’t sure how long you’d realistically have him here for. How often did you get to meet your idol and fuck him? The thought made your head spin. Like holy shit? Holy fucking shit. 
“Woahhh mama-“ Peter ran a large hand over his face, his dark pupils blown so wide that his eyes were nearly black as he watched you, his brain still trying to grasp the situation in which he was in. A quicksilver fan getting on their knees in front of him? Holy shit, someone pinch him. There was just no way this was actually happening. Like in all the years of his life he had never experienced something like this. Despite what some may think, Peter didn’t get laid a lot. He either didn’t have the time, or didn’t have the charm. And he was sure that realistically, this could have some serious repercussions.. Having sex with a fan? There weren’t any laws against that, right? Right? Fuck it, he couldn’t find it in himself to care. Especially not with how eager you were.
You pulled his pants down to his knees, instantly scooting closer and mouthing over the cotton of his boxers, your tongue tracing the large length of him as he mewled above you pathetically. He was hot against you as you nuzzled your cheek against the length of him, a string of pre-cum leaked through his boxers and stained your cheek with a sticky, opaque fluid. 
“Holy shit- can’t believe this is actually happening to me right now-“ he mumbled, hands going behind him to  clutch the cold, marble counter his back was up against. Thank god for it. His legs were so shaky he was barely able to keep himself up and the embarrassing thing was you hadn’t even really done anything yet. Keep it together dude.
You pulled his boxers down in one quick motion, his cock springing to full attention now that it had been freed. He was hard as a rock, twitching and throbbing red, pre-cum spilling from the tip as it bobbed in the air, right in front of your face. Peter inhaled sharply at the cold air against his bare cock, but the second your warm hand wrapped around him? He was a goner. Total goner. Like thank the gods above? It felt sooo fucking good. Like… Too good.
“O-oh geez-“ He involuntarily jutted his hips into your touch, causing his cock to slide through the tight grip of your fingers with how slick it had become. 
You made eye contact with the speedster above you before leaning closer, licking over the head of his cock, collecting the pearl of pre-cum that had leaked from the slit, dripping down the side. 
He was salty and a bit bitter, but the sheer fact that you were getting to taste the Peter Maximoff’s cock made any disgust you may have initially had fly right out the damn window. 
Peter’s knees buckled the slightest bit, thighs quivering as he watched you with a kind of intensity and focus he didn’t even know he possessed. So he could focus. Just… only on things he really wanted to. Hah… As long as you didn’t tell any of the other X-men that. 
You continued your exploration of the speedy mutant's cock, pressing gentle feather light kisses to the head of his cock, which you soon learned was extremely sensitive.
“Mmm- please! Gentle! It’s so sensitive, baby!” He yelped, writhing in place as his knuckles turned white from how hard he was gripping the countertop.
You ignored his requests, wanting to see just how worked up you could get him, your tongue tracing around the bulbous head several times before dipping into the slit, causing Peter to wince in overstimulation. You took this as a sign to pull back a bit, instead taking the whole tip into your mouth, sucking on it like a lollipop, flattening your tongue on the underside as you hummed.
Peter spiraled even more. The way you looked up at him, batting your eyelashes innocently as you suckled on his cock? When was he going to wake up? Because there was just really no way that this was actually happening. It had to be a dream. 
“A-mmgh- shit-“ he groaned out, running a hand through his now damp with sweat silver hair, slicking it back in a way that was more attractive than you’d like to admit. 
You slowly took more of him into your mouth, inhaling through your nose so you didn’t choke, and soon enough you had fully engulfed him before pulling back, gagging a bit as the tip hit the back of your throat. A string of spit connected your lips to the head of his cock and Peter nearly came right then and there at the sight, hips subconsciously humping the air as he threw his head back, Adam's apple bobbing.
“God baby- this is so fucking unbelievably good- god damn-“ he panted, babbling words as his hips arched upwards in search of your mouth once more. You pulled back from him completely, watching as his throbbing red cock bobbed in the air between you two, desperate and aching for whatever you planned to do next.
Peter inhaled a deep breath, straightening up a bit as he got a better grip on the counter, some of his damp silver hair falling back over his forehead.
Coming back to stroke him with your hand, Peter’s hips jerked once more, biting his bottom lip between his teeth in an attempt to stay quiet, despite not needing to. It was just the two of you alone in the house. He could be as loud as he wanted.
“Really? That’s all ya got, speedy? Tiny little whimpers? C’mon I want to hear more.” You surprised yourself with your boldness, and it obviously surprised Peter too by the way that he nodded, letting his lip fall from between his teeth as a pleasured sigh left him. It was finally sinking in that this was really happening to him. He was getting head from a super mega quickie fan. And damn you were good at it. Too good. Or maybe Peter was just that desperate. It was honestly a little embarrassing but you obviously didn’t care so he didn’t either.
You stroked him with increasing speed, thumbing gently over the tip and collecting the pre-cum on the pad of your thumb before bringing it up to your lips and licking off the glossy liquid. Peter groaned, cursing under his breath at the sight below him, a hand coming to brush through your hair gently, giving him something to do to keep his hands busy.
“Can’t believe this is happening. I’m actually getting to do this to the Quicksilver-“ You shook your head, still in a state of disbelief 
“Y’can call me Peter y’know- please-“ He chuckled breathily, hand still gripping your hair as he tried to subconsciously pull your head closer to his length, a quiet mumbled plea coming from his red lips. Okay. Noted. Peter. 
“More- please? Feels so good, baby- feels so fucking great-“ He pleaded with you, giving you the cutest puppy dog eyes. You didn’t take him for a begger, but you were definitely not complaining. And of course who were you to deny him? He did so much good for the world, he’d literally helped save it multiple times, hadn’t he? He deserved this, plus, his taste was addicting. Manly and a bit salty in a way that had your pussy throbbing in your underwear. 
You took him into your mouth again, suckling on the tip before going further once more, suctioning your lips around his length, dragging your tongue on the underside of his cock, tracing the prominent vein that was found there. 
Peter tossed his head back once more, closing his eyes as he moaned, this time a bit louder than before. It made you smile around his cock.
You continued your exploration of his cock, bobbing your head up and down before focusing on the tip for a few moments and then repeating over and over and over-
Peter was growing increasingly worked up, chest heaving up and down heavily, cock beginning to twitch in your mouth as you gagged on him, tearing up as you inhaled through your nose.
“I’m close! F-fuck!” He groaned out, hips bucking farther into your mouth as he gripped your hair a bit tighter, causing you to let out a whine and choke even more around him, tears falling onto your cheeks, mascara smudging under your eyes as you swallowed around him.
That was all he needed to cum hard down your throat in heavy ropes of thick white, his hips jutting forward harshly, causing him to slide even further into your mouth and down your throat.
“Fuck! Shitttt!” He cursed, gasping as he shuddered, thighs shaking as he fought to keep himself up right. Damn. He hadn’t came that hard in… Well he couldn’t even remember when. But it had been a long time. Too long.
You pulled back, the biggest gag yet coming from you, the feeling of his cock so deep in your throat and his cum filling the back of your mouth causing you to retch. You held onto his thighs as you tried to catch your breath, wheezing heavily, head bowed as you attempted to swallow all his release. Dear god, he came a lot. Maybe it had something to do with his mutant powers, or maybe it was just the fact that he came a lot. Either way it amazed you.
Once Peter caught his own breath and calmed down enough to come back to his senses, he glanced down at you with a worried look, watching you attempt to catch your breath. 
“Shit- you okay? Sorry I- kinda lost control- I’m so sorry-“ he apologized, worried he’d ruined the whole moment by not being able to control his damn hips. A crimson flush covered his cheeks as he looked away, embarrassed. Great. His one chance to get laid had been ruined by his actions. Like everything else in his life.
“Peter-“ your voice was a bit hoarse as you swallowed hard, wiping the corners of your mouth as you stood up, dusting off your thighs as you cupped his cheek.
Peter’s attention was on you again in an instant, tilting his head ever so slightly into your palm. Peter was touch starved. Extremely so, but it was something he wouldn’t ever admit. Not that he really needed to, it was pretty obvious. 
“I’m okay. It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize. It was actually really fucking hot. Watching you lose control like that.” You blushed softly at your own words, giving him a shy smile despite being so bold in your previous actions.
Peter was quiet for several moments and if anyone walked in on the two of you right then, they’d see you standing in front of Peter, and Peter, pants down, leaning against the countertop as he stared at you longingly.
“Uh- anyway I can return the favor?” He asked, large hands coming to hold your hips, a subtle buzz seeming to come from his body. Specifically from his hands. It made you shiver, your already wet panties seeming to soak even more at his words that were dripping with lust. You were much too curious about those hands of his and what they could do. Especially with that power…
You pulled him into a kiss, practically jumping on him as he pulled you up, your legs wrapping around his waist as you made out with the silver haired man. Honestly, if someone came up to you and told you this was how this night was going to end, you wouldn’t believe it. Not one bit, but the fact that it was actually happening? That this wasn’t a dream? You were fucking around with someone you were quite honestly obsessed with? It made your head spin.
He stumbled down the hall, kicking his feet out of his pants and boxers as he held onto you tightly, his blunt nails digging into the meat of your ass as he brought you to your bedroom. You weren’t sure how exactly he knew which one was yours, and chalked it up to him snooping around when he first got here. His superspeed made things like that easy. 
He practically tossed you onto the bed, kissing any inch of your exposed skin before he pulled your shirt off, laughing a bit as it briefly got stuck around your neck before it was thrown… Somewhere. It’s location wasn’t important right now when you had Peter right in front of you.
Peter’s eyes zoned into the way your breasts bounced with each laugh of yours, looking so totally perfect in the black bra you were wearing.
“Sorry- obviously didn’t think this was gonna happen tonight so it’s not special or anything-“ you said, speaking about the bra.
Peter scoffed at your words, shaking his head in disbelief “you kidding? Have you seen yourself? God you’re a masterpiece. Really-“ His hands came up to cup your breasts in each palm over your bra and you mewled lightly at the contact.
“Peterrr'' you groaned, wriggling around underneath him. Your words seemed to snap him out of his boob induced trance and he refocused once more. Eye on the prize, Peter. The prize just so being the beautiful mound between your legs. Well, Peter didn’t really know that it was beautiful since you were still wearing pants, but he could just tell. Maybe another, more secret super power he had? Or just common sense.
Peter, ever the speedster sped your jeans down your legs and off your body before you could even blink, settling comfortably between your thighs before tossing his own shirt off. Finally, Peter was fully naked and you were pretty close to being so as well.
“So uh I won’t say I’m like.. A master or anything but I’d like to return the favor. Like I said.” Peter's eyes were dark as he slid further down the bed before he was face to face with your sopping wet panties. 
He brushed the pads of his fingers against the wet fabric, shocked that he’d had that effect on you. Holy shit, you were this wet for him? 
The second he touched you, you closed your eyes, tossing your head back. You weren’t sure if you just really needed to be laid, or if it was the fact that it was Peter Maximoff barely touching you that got you going. Either way, you were desperate and didn’t plan on waiting much longer. 
“Please don’t tease-“ You breathed out, already out of breath as you watched him, begging for him to just do something already! This was torture! Why was he going so slow! 
Peter sensed your need and decided it’d be rude to tease. Especially considering how generous you’d been with the blowjob in the kitchen. Something he certainly wouldn’t be forgetting anytime soon. He pulled your panties to the side, nearly drooling at the sight of your pussy right in front of him. 
He licked his lips, swallowing his excess drool as he hooked his fingers under the waistband of the small black panties and pulling them slowly down your legs.
Your breathing increased exponentially when he tossed them off your legs and spread your thighs wider to give him better access to you.
Blushing in embarrassment, you weren’t able to meet Peter’s eye. This was really happening? You were about to be eaten out by The Quicksilver-
That was mind blowing to you, just like the rest of the night had been. You’d have to host more college parties in the future if this is what you got in return.
A subtle buzzing had started on your thighs, slowly creeping closer to your core and you soon realized it was Peter’s fingertips, buzzing gently as they crept closer and closer to where you needed him most.
You opened your mouth to beg again but any words you had died in your throat as his nose brushed against your clit, causing a sharp burst of pleasure to run up your spine. 
“Ahhhh Quicksilver- Peter-“ you quickly corrected yourself, remembering he had said you could call him that. That he in fact wanted you to. 
Peter grinned at your response to the slightest touch, brushing his nose across your folds again before blowing a cold burst of air over your core that caused you to shiver. 
“Stop!” You suddenly shouted, a pout set on your lips “stop teasing me! Please! I didn’t do this to you! This isn’t fair!”
“Who ever said anything about me playing fair, baby? I mean me? Fair? Those two words should never be used in the same sentence.”
This cocky side of Peter was hot, but you also found it hot that the hunger in his eyes never once subsided, a hint of desperation hiding behind his bratty, full of himself demeanor. 
He did eventually decide that maybe he was being too mean with his teasing and finally let his lips brush against your clit, his tongue flicking across the hardened bud before sucking it into his mouth gently, humming the whole time.
Your body seized in pleasure, trying not to crush him between your thighs as he played with you to his heart's content. 
He began to finally eat you out the way he should have all along, messy and fast, making sure to give extra attention to your puffy clit.
Your back was arched and your eyes were closed, head thrown back against your pillows. Your chest heaved heavily with each brush of his tongue against your core, a pleasure building up in your belly so fast that despite him only being at it for a few minutes, you were already embarrassingly close. 
And that sense of being close was only amplified when Peter, cocky sex god he was, brought the pad of his thumb to your clit, rubbing gentle circles around it before he began to vibrate that thumb, a dull buzzing sound filling your ears.
You had barely any time to warn him of your impending release before your toes were curling and your thighs tightened around his silver head of hair, locking him in tightly. 
Peter smirked against you, letting you ride through your orgasm before pulling away from you, his lips shimmering with your release.
He quickly licked them clean, grinning from ear to ear as he crawled over you, pulling you into a kiss.
You panted against his lips before finally kissing back, taking a fist full of his hair and yanking ever so slightly. Not enough to hurt him by any means.
You didn’t expect the reaction that followed. Peter whimpered, leaning into the touch as he bucked his hips against you ever so slightly, his hard on brushing the plush of your thighs.
You grinned against his lips, nipping at his bottom lip gently, running your hands through his hair a bit more.
He pulled away just a bit to meet your eye, his own blown wide, a sheen of sweat covering his forehead as he swallowed hard.
“You got like- y’know- a condom?” He asked, a blush covering his cheeks. Sweet boy. Still shy even after everything the two of you had done so far.
“Like I mean-“ he continued, blabbering on, “My pull out game is pretty good- I’m fast-“ he laughed at his choice of words. Of course he was fast, that was his whole thing.
“But it’d be nice just in case- to not have to worry about it, y’know? Just bask in the moment. Plus it’d be pretty hot to cum inside. Even with a condom.” He shivered at the thought, cock twitching and oh so ready to be inside of you.
You laughed softly and reached over into your bedside drawer, rifling around for a few seconds before you found what you were looking for, pulling your hand back and showing off the shiny package to Peter.
He went to grab it from you but you pulled it away, shaking your head “can I put it on?” You asked, looking him over.
Peter seemingly got even more shy at that, blushing harder as he nodded “yeah- yeah course ya can, mhm that’s fine that’s-“ You cut him off with a kiss, cupping his cheek gently.
“You don’t do this often do you?” You asked, running the pad of your thumb across his cheek, hot to the touch from how hard he was blushing. 
He shook his head in embarrassment. God, Quicksilver himself didn’t get around, despite how much he wanted it. It just… Didn't happen. Nothing he could do about it really. It wasn’t for lack of trying, so when you seemed so eager, he was more than ready to get down with you.
You ripped the condom out of its wrapper with your teeth and Peter thought it was the hottest thing ever, eyes wide as he watched you, completely mesmerized. There was just something about you that seemed to draw him in.
You carefully wrapped a hand around his cock, stroking him slowly as he let his hips gently buck into the feeling, burying his face in your shoulder.
You continued like that for a few moments, enjoying the way Peter’s body shivered against your own and how his moans and whines got increasingly more desperate.
You brought the condom to the tip of his cock and slowly rolled it down, making sure it was on correctly before giving him a few more firm strokes.
Peter groaned against you, pulling from your neck to look you over. You’d never expected that this could be so gentle, especially with someone you really didn’t know.
“You can put it in, baby.” You whispered, wondering if that’s what he was waiting for. Confirmation. Proof that you actually did really want this as much as he did. You definitely did.
He swallowed thickly, heartbeat fluttering heavy in his chest as he positioned himself at your entrance, letting the head of his cock slide against your slit a few times, causing the both of you to moan softly. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist, urging him to go further, unable to wait anymore. The idea of him inside you made your breath catch in your throat. The Quicksilver was about to be inside of you. Peter. 
Peter Peter Peter was all you could think. This whole time you’d been obsessed with the superhero aspect of the man without really thinking that just him himself could be perfect. 
He locked eyes with you as his tip breached your hole, and after that he sunk in easily thanks to your slick. He didn’t stop till he was balls deep inside of you, his lips inches from your own as he panted, adjusting to the warm tight feeling of your walls squeezing around him. 
Peter groaned against your skin, hands clenched in the sheets at your sides, trying to steady himself as he let you adjust to his size.
He was big and it was a bit uncomfortable at first but the stretch was more than welcome and you found yourself trying to pull him deeper, needing more than what he was giving you in the moment. 
“Peter please-“ you choked out “Need more- I’m ready- please-“
“I’m gonna rock your world, babe.” Was all he said before he thrust into you, finding a nice rhythm that was fast, but not so fast that you couldn’t physically handle it.
You were glad now that the party had ended and the two of you were alone so you could be as loud as you wanted. You took full advantage of that, moaning and clawing at the speedsters back, most definitely leaving marks as his hips slammed against yours.
The drag of his cock inside your thick plush walls had to be one of the best things you’d felt in a long time. He was pretty shy at first you’d have to admit, but he definitely knew what he was doing. 
“Peterrr- fuck-“ you gasped, holding onto his shoulders for dear life as he pounded you into the mattress, knocking the air from your lungs with each thrust inside of you.
He went so deep you swore you felt him in your stomach and a pleasurable ache began to form in your groin, bubbling into a tingling pleasure that spread through your veins. You knew that feeling all too well. You were close. Already.
You didn’t want it to end so soon though and tried to fight it off. In a desperate attempt at distracting yourself, you pulled Peter into another kiss, nipping his bottom lip which caused him to moan against your mouth, his hips beginning to lose their rhythm.
“My god baby- can’t do that to me- gonna make me lose it-“ He chuckled breathlessly, trying to regain control of himself.
Realizing that he was close too, you smirked, squeezing around him purposely, causing his jaw to drop and the hottest little whines to leave his lips. 
“Don’t want this to end- so soon-“ He complained, body begging to buzz with built up energy that was ready to burst.
“Who said it had to end?” You questioned, smirking up at him as you placed one of your hands in his silver hair and pulled on it a bit. Peter let his head fall back, adam's apple bobbing in his throat as he swallowed hard.
“Y-yeah? Think you can handle another round?” He asked with a smirk, but was obviously trying to cover up how desperate he was.
You didn’t respond with words, too far gone and basically mindless on his cock at this point as he fucked you within an inch of your life.
You felt the tight band in your stomach snap, euphoric release flooding your system as you clenched around him, a loud moan leaving your parted lips as Peter kissed you, resulting in the two of you really just breathing into the others mouth, too caught up in the moment to focus.
Peter was right behind you, a few more thrusts had him tipping over the edge, stilling inside you and stuffing the condom with his white hot release.
The two of you stayed like that for a few moments, attempting to catch your breath as Peter leaned over you, muscles flexing as he gripped the blanket before he pulled out of you, taking off the condom and tossing it onto the floor, which you’d yell at him for later. Once you came to your senses.
Peter wrapped you up in his arms, holding you to his chest as your breathing slowly returned to normal. You felt so safe in his arms. It really was a nice feeling and you hoped it’d last. 
The two of you fell asleep like that, too tired to have another round that night. You woke up in the morning a bit sore and when you reached for Peter, he was already long gone. You should have expected that.
Sitting up, a bit of disappointment filling you, you saw a quickly scribbled note on a piece of paper that lay on your bedside table. It read: 
I had a righteous time with you last night baby. Had to leave earlier than I wanted to, but I obviously know where you live and intend on stopping by again soon. For twinkies of course…
and other things if y’know what I mean- Quickie 
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budbuddnbuddy · 8 days
5 weird things that you’ve eaten in the Devildom.
A/n: i thought about what foods MC might’ve eaten in the Devildom since I don’t really see it on here going into depth for any other reason than smut. (no hate to those who do, I enjoy it too)
Warnings this post includes: Freaky demon food, demon body parts , MC pulls a William Buckland ( look up what he did to a king of France), spiders with muscles, just a bunch of dumb weird shit, Mc also wears a suit, in Diavolos section, nothing super romantic happens but you can think of it as both,
5# Devil Spider Crab Sushi Roll
When Leviathan heard that you liked sushi he immediately got all giddy and excited. He was the first one out of all his brothers to try it and the first one to introduce it to the rest of them.
“Really? Leviathan being the one to introduce people to new things?” You smiled as he blushed and looked away from you, the idea of it was so rare that you couldn’t help but be an asshole about it.
“Hey! I’m a shut in not a gatekeeper! Now are you gonna try it or not?!” He practically shoved the wooden chopsticks into your chest and you took a minute to glance down at the odd looking sushi that was still trapped in it’s container.
It was wrapped in the same way regular sushi would be wrapped. Rice,seaweed, more rice. It was just the main ingredient that made you hesitant.
3 gigantic spiders legs poking out through the middle of all 7 pieces of sushi.
If Levi hadn’t told you that those were spider legs you probably would’ve thought they were crab legs that’s how red they were,but that was just the meat of the Devil Spider Crab, the fact that they were big enough to muscle and bone in their legs made you want to almost throw up.
Using your chopsticks you pluck one of the sticky pieces of sushi out of the container and raise it to your face. Sniff sniff. “Doesn’t smell like anything weird…” That’s always a good sign right? You almost place the sushi in your mouth until-
You tilted your head as Levi set down small bowl of bubbling hot blue sauce. Sniff Sniff. It had a strong sweet smell, but you don’t remember seeing anything similar to this in the store where you guys bought the sushi in…
“uhh….this kind of Sushi can be kinda dry….s-s-so I made some dipping sauce for you!!! I didn’t even have to alter it because all the ingredients are totally human friendly!” You couldn’t help but smile at Leviathan’s thoughtful. He really went out of his way to make sure everything could be enjoyed safely huh?
Taking up your chopsticks with the piece of sushi in its clutches you dunk it in the still bubbling sweet blue sauce, blow on it in an attempt to cool it off, before giving up and just shoving the entire thing in your mouth.
Leviathan watches it all with intensity, watching as you crunch of the legs of the spider, shoving the legs that poke out into your mouth before swallowing it all.
“S-so….what do you think?”
Placing a finger to your chin and staring at the floor with a hardened gaze while attempting to put the flavors together.
“Hmm…..tastes like honey barbecue chicken.”
Not really the reaction he was looking for but hey, at least you liked the sauce!
4# Hellfire Zombie Body Ramen LIMITED EDITION FLAVOR
“Holly shit! MC! Come check this out!” It was about two in the morning. You and Mammon were at a gas station a few blocks down from the HOL. It was an obviously a bad idea to be out so late on a school night but honestly when did you ever go through with your refusals to Mammon anyway?
You shuffle over to where Mammon was excitedly pointing at, a flavor of his favorite brand of ramen came into view, one that you never seen before…
“Is that a new flavor? I’ve never seen that in the grocery store we go to…” You squint your eyes at the green packaging. ‘Hellfire Zombie Body Ramen: LIMITED EDITION!!! SPICE: XXXX’ There was even a picture of a Zombie on the front.
“Thought they stopped sellin’ these but the gas station has been loaded wit em all this time! Ain’t that right Belial?”
The Demon cashier slowly blinked as you glanced down at his name tag, sure enough it said “Belial.”
“…yes.” Man if there was one thing that the Devildom and the human world had in common it would probably be their retail workers hate for their jobs.
After about twenty ish minutes, the two of you snuck your way into the kitchen to prepare for your midnight snack. Once it was finished, you had a styrofoam cup filled with the ramen that you had recently bought.
“Tada! Enjoy!” You take a look at the ramen for the first time. The noodles were a dark bloody red to represent intestines, a few specks of brain and some teeth were scattered around in the broth, finally when you poked the noodles around to inspect some more you saw a big yellow eyeball hidden in the noodles, something that you promptly handed over to Mammon’s cup.
“Hmm…” After some poking prodding, you finally take your fork and twist it around some of the noodles. Raising the steaming red strings of intestines to your nose to give it a sniff. Sniff sniff….ugh gross and smells slightly….burnt?
Whatever, you thought while deciding to just bite the bullet and take a chomp full of the zombie ramen…before spitting it back into the cup again.
COUGH COUGH HACK! “Oi! D-don’t go dying on me!” Mammon practically teleports to your side and rubs your back as you cough up a storm.
Cough! “…It’s-“ hack! cough! “burnt AND sour!” Pushing away the cup, you grab the glass of water Mammon offers to you with a guilty, shameful look in his face.
“…I might’ve been on my phone for a little too long while those were in the microwave….heh” HE PUT THEM BOTH IN AT THE SAME TIME? “a-and it was super rotten flesh flavor! S-so the sour part ain’t my fault!”
Mammon then grabs his cup and takes a fork full before taking a big bite out of his own ramen….before spitting it back into the cup as well…
“Eugh…that DOES taste like ass…”
You and Satan stared down in awe at the plate that was set in front of you by your waitress.
“Your ‘Super Cute Kitty Mew Mew Pudding’ with extra ‘Cute Kitty Kitty Mew Mew sugar drizzle’….Lord Satan and….human master.” The waitress then grumbled about putting in her two week notice as more cats started surrounding your table.
“…It’s perfect”
“A grace to this realm…”
“How could something ever be this glorious…?”
The two of you are, of course, talking about the giant massive portion of wiggling cat shaped pudding. It had everything on the head of a cat, two giantic ears, 8 whiskers, a big triangle nose and two adorable big eyes-
and it was alive.
The two of you spent hours cooing and gushing over the Kitty pudding. Feeding it mapple syrup and sugar packs while one of the chefs goes on a tirade about how he’s ’Sick of his job.’ and ‘refuses to make another damn cat pudding for grown ass people.’ Oh yeah that’s right, about a good 70% of the people surrounding you had their own cute cat pudding and were happily munching away at it.
But not you and Satan no no no.
…Well, at least not yet. You had to get attached first!
So about 30 minutes before closing, you can Satan scooped up a massive ear of the kitty pudding and tap the ends of your spoons together.
“Cheers to cat cafes?” He smiled as you smiled warmly right back at him, glad that you approved of his new use of human lingo.
“To cat cafes!”
The pudding itself wasnt particularly all that special, but it wasn’t about the taste it was about the effect. Once you chewed the pudding into little bits the kitty just multiplied into even more tiny kitties, now your mouth was filled with meowing tiny kittens!
“This is heaven…”
Quietly standing on the lunch line you watch as the goblin women in front of you, green skin, red lipstick, with a cigarette in her mouth, scoop up a large amount of dark purple slop and raise it up towards you slightly.
“Move ova ya tray.” She says bluntly in a deep raspy voice probably due to all the smoking she’s done. You do as you are told, shakily holding out your tray as she plopped the mush of dark purple slop right down in the biggest section of your tray.
“T-thank you ma’am…” Her face lights up for a second after you give your gratitude, before she slams down another big portion of purple bullshit on your tray again…mostly likely a reaction from your manners. Seems like the staff here aren’t exactly used to that…
You take a seat next to Beelzebub after paying for your food, by the looks of it he was on his 7th tray, staring intensely at it.
Munch Munch Chew “You gonna-“ gulp “finish that?” Guess the uncertainty on your face was too obvious.
“The lunch lady on line 9 gave me extra…I’m not sure if i should eat it but I don’t wanna be rude…” You continue to stare at your plate while looking back at the goblin lady who was still serving a very long line of hungry RAD students.
“You mean Ms.Pruin?” Beel questions as he slides over his next plate. “She’s the best cook in RAD, her food is really good. You should give it a try.”
You look over at the goblin lady, now Ms.Pruin, once again, still working tirelessly serving hungry students but every now and then glancing over at your direction with a hopeful look in her eye.
Well…if Beel says it’s the best, it’s gotta at least be somewhat okay, right. With that you take your spoon and scoop up a portion of the purple slop and stick it right into your mouth.
Munch munch munch
You brace yourself for a wave of overwhelming foreign flavors, something nasty, something that would numb your tongue right out your mouth, something-
“Wait…there’s no flavor!” You stared at your spoon in confusion before taking some more bites out of the slop. Nothing.
“Really? Let me see.” Beel takes your spoon from you and pops a large portion into his mouth, munching on it carefully before swallowing it all down before putting a finger to his chin…then his face lights up.
“The original recipe has an ingredient that’s deadly to humans, angels, and even some demons. She must have taken it out and given you a modified version of the dish.”
You smiled wildly to yourself before gobbling up the rest of your tasteless lunch with glee and from that day, you made sure to always get your lunch from Line 9.
1# Demon Heart.
You sat from across Diavolo at the table outside in the large gazebo in the middle of the pond. Glistening clear water so still surrounds the two of you. Schools of fish circling around you constantly, the trees droop down and sway with the wind, flowers of all different colors are scattered all around the two of you. Just the two of you.
You unconditionally straightened your tie as Diavolo stares at you, elbows set down right on the edge of the edge, resting his chin on the back of his hands, staring. Deeply and lovingly.
“I cannot express enough to you enough how happy I am that you accepted my invitation.” You sigh, glad that he was the one to break the tense silence.
“No problem Lord Diavolo, I mean I don’t think anyone would turn down the opportunity to come to a place like this. It’s gorgeous.” You look around some more, taking in all the details as you were sure that you wouldn’t be coming back here anytime soon.
“I’m sure after that long day at RAD as well as that car ride, that you must be starving yes?” You nodded, Diavolo has asked you not to eat lunch after you agreed to his invite.
“I’m glad. I have a surprise for you.” As soon as he said that, Barbatos as well as some other staff members of the Demon Kings Castle, two hidden dishes are set in front of you both. His is revealed while yours stays in front of you. Some fancy looking meat and strange looking vegetables on the side, drizzled over the meat was bright blue sauce.
“The food looks amazing.” It looked like something you’d see in a five Michelin star restaurant, the fact that he got to eat things like that every single day whenever he wanted was a concept that you were still struggling to comprehend, even after all the time you’ve known him.
“Yours is something much grander. I promise.” With those words, he moves over your plates and take your hands into his own. Looking at you with full sincerity.
“MC…by now you know of my dream for all three realms, peace, equality, and prosperity for all.” You watch as frowns in shame after he spoke.
“However…give our past with eating humans in various ways, myself included,I feel as if that it would be right to set things even. An eye for an eye.”
You squint at him, what was he saying? Did he mean what you really think he means? There’s….there’s no way he actually….
Before you could even form another thought the your dinner plate was revealed, and you could stop your head from looking down.
A big, brownish, reddish, demon heart laid in the middle of your plate, right in front of you, cleaned and prepared for your consumption.
He was literally letting you eat his heart to atone for his past.
“You don’t have to eat it, I would never force you to do something. However do know that I have more where that came from, I’m sure it’ll grow back eventually.” While you only really heard bits and pieces of that due to the fact that you were still in shock, you got the message.
“….MC?” Finally you relaxed your shoulders and calmed down, before a smile came on your face as you looked at Diavolo.
“I’ve eaten many strange things before in this world. But I’ve never eaten the heart of a future demon king before.”
And before he could get another world in, you sliced up the heart and gobbled it all up, bite by bite by bite. It tasted like human world meat….which kind, you weren’t exactly sure,more like all of them at once but you were sure about one thing.
“How does it taste?”
You grin widely.
“Tastes like home.”
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softpascalito · 1 month
I To Dig a Grave I Chapter 2 I
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Summary: Twenty-one years after the outbreak, you come to Wyoming looking for something and end up in Jackson after a stranger saves your life.
But he doesn't stay a stranger.
Turns out Joel Miller is looking for something too. It feels like a fresh start. But when bad luck seems to follow you, Joel is the only one to turn to, forcing both of you to confront your feelings about your pasts- and each other.
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader Rating: Explicit / MDNI Word count: 7k+ Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Age Difference, Smut, Explicit Content, Grief/Mourning, Mental Health Issues, Canon-Typical Violence, Chose not to use Archive Warnings, Tags to be added
AO3 LINK // Series Masterlist // Playlist
notes: i can't tell you all how i excited i am to get this fic going! thank you for the lovely comments on the first chapter, i promise there is a lot of cool stuff to come!
this fic will deal with heavy topics. please note that it doesn't use archive warnings and tags will be added as we go in order to avoid spoilers. each chapter will have detailed warnings in the end notes on ao3.
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Chapter 2 - The Patrol
‘Someone has to leave first. This is a very old story. There is no other version of this story.’  - Richard Silken, The Worm King’s Lullaby
There is a thin sheet of ice covering the streams that are heading downwards. It crunches under the hooves of their horses that dutifully carry them up the hill and past the gas station. Joel is glad that it's Tommy next to him. He's more tense than he's felt in ages, a gnawing feeling in his stomach that has little to do with the skipped breakfast and a lot with the worry that is etched into the frown between his brows. He wouldn't want anyone to see him like this, much less try and calm him down, something he knows is a lost battle.
“They might be fine, Joel,” his younger brother says gently, just loud enough for him to hear. Tommy thinks there will be no response until one comes, a little too late for it to not be premeditated.
“She talked about leaving, sometimes. They would be stupid enough to run off-”
“And leave Jackson?” Tommy raises a brow. “Maria said their house looked normal, all their things still in place. They wouldn't be stupid enough to leave all that behind.”
Joel doesn't want to hear it. He knows, better than anyone. Knows that you wouldn't just leave, not without saying goodbye to the children you'd come to care about so much. Would you leave him without a goodbye?
He almost hopes you would. Because if you didn't leave willingly, what was the alternative? It would've been nearly impossible for someone to take you from inside Jackson with no one noticing. But he can't shake the feeling that something is off.
It’s Tommy who has to keep reminding him to ride slow, to keep an eye on the ground for possible tracks. Joel just wants to go, to spur Old Beardy on until they're galloping up the hill, despite not knowing where it is he needs to go. He just wants to find you. Preferably in one piece, happy and healthy. 
He would’ve missed it.
The small footprints leading off the road and onto a smaller path, one that's twisting through pines and further into the woods. 
Tommy nods. “Pretty sure ‘tis the one that leads to the hunting cabin.”
It only takes a few minutes for them to be sure. The wooden cabin is hidden away behind a few trees, difficult to spot if you don't know where to look. It doesn't really serve any purpose, at least not anymore. The roof at the back caved in years ago, allowing rain and plants alike to enter the dimly lit room. It’s less than five miles from the gate of Jackson, tucked away from the main road.
He can’t help but think that this would be the perfect place to run off to. Or to hide a body.
Joel is off his horse in a second, not even bothering to tie the stallion's halter to the wooden posts in front of the cabin. Without thinking, he tugs his revolver out of his waistband, using his foot to nudge the door open.
He smells it before his eyes even have a chance to adjust to the dim light. The unmistakable stench of blood. And mixed with it, creating an odor that immediately makes him sick to his stomach, the smell of gunpowder in the air.
The sun has been slowly rising while you’ve been flipping through the pages, trying to find the volumes you’re looking for. The library of Jackson, though rather small, has been frequented more and more, especially in the winter months when the weather doesn’t always allow activities outside and people resort to what they’ve always known: Books.
The entire place is supposed to be relocated soon, to a small store on main street. But compared to the greenhouses needing repairs and the stables being expanded, books don't seem to be a priority for most of the townsfolk.
“Books can’t feed us or keep us safe,” Maria pointed out when you brought the slow progress up to her. You politely disagree. You feel like you could live off books for the rest of your life.
Still, packing up everything means the old place, a shed tucked away behind the church, is currently a mess. Sagging bookshelves, a leaky roof and too many books for too little space means chaos. One that only few bother to navigate in its current state. You among them.
It was the crack of dawn when you slipped out of the house, deciding to let Lane sleep in while you walked through the still empty streets to the far end of the town, hoping to get the library work out of the way before the first lesson of the day.
Maria is the one that finds you, making your head peek up from between two shelves with a frown. “You changed your mind on those books?”
She gives a small laugh, one that sounds oddly like relief. Then her face becomes stern again, the look she carries much more often. “You two have some explaining to do, do you realize that?”
Now it's your turn to frown. “We two?” She pauses at that, looking around the small room. But there is no one here but you and her and the characters bleeding from the pages.
“Is Lane not with you?”
You shake your head, turning your attention back to the book in your hands. “She has the 8AM class today.” 
“She's not there,” Maria curtly responds. You can tell she's trying to keep her voice steady but there is a hint of anxiety regardless. 
“Then she overslept again,” you half guess-half ask, closing the book again.
“She's not at home either.”
An odd feeling crawls over your body. You can't remember what was in your hands a moment ago, but the question is forgotten in an instant. Maria carefully watches as you step out from between the shelves, her tone still gentle. “I've sent Tommy and Joel out to search. We thought you two snuck out.”
You feel numb as you shake your head. “No, I- I didn't see her this morning. I thought she was still asleep.” You rack your brain for the memories of this morning, of last night, of the last week even. But nothing comes to mind, nothing out of the ordinary.
“I was out late last night, finishing up some paperwork,” you mutter, more to yourself than the woman in front of you, retracing your steps in your mind. “Lane got home before me, I had dinner, we talked about blueberries-”
“Blueberries?” Maria asks, her hand already back on the doorknob. She seems restless and it's that fleeting detail that worries you more than anything. Maria stays in control. Always. 
“Yeah, we- It doesn't matter. I don't know where she is,” you finish lamely, getting up and joining her at the door. But she hasn't moved yet.
“You should stay at home. I'm sure she'll show up again soon and if she comes back to your place, someone should be there.” You nod but your mind is already drifting again. Lane’s been doing fine, good. So have you, really. Maria gently reaches for your shoulder, steering you out of the shed and towards the church, down the street that leads to the center of Jackson. 
You're passing the small graveyard that's protected by brick walls, the stones already withered, pale in contrast to the dark metal fence running along on top. The gate is ajar, but you barely pay it any attention as the information settles in your brain. It takes a few seconds for it to reach your mouth and leave your lips.
“She went out a few times.” 
“Out?” Maria enquires, raising an eyebrow as her attention shifts back to you.
“I thought she'd met someone. Cat and her were pretty close and I figured-” You give a small shrug. It's more than uncomfortable, suddenly, and absurd, that you're discussing Lane's private life so openly, with Maria of all people.
“Don't tell her I said that,” you add quickly. 
Maria nods as you reach the end of the brick wall. “I won't. I'll get back to the city hall and see if there’s any news yet. You go home.”
Your head nods as if on its own accord. Maria has already turned her back towards you when you pipe up. “Maria?” 
She pauses, her back straightening a bit. “Yes?”
“You don't think anything happened to Lane, do you?” 
The older woman shakes her head softly. “No. I'm sure she's fine. Now get home. Maybe she's already there.”
And she hurries off, leaving you at the corner of the street with a trembling body and a heavy feeling in your stomach. For a fleeting moment, you allow your thoughts to wander past the point you've been dreading to consider. What if something has happened? If Lane did sneak out, maybe with Cat, maybe alone, and got into some sort of situation? What if she's hurt?
The sky has turned from pink to a light blue, only a few clouds piling around the mountains on the horizon. You glance down at your hands, shaking ever so slightly. You decide to blame it on the cold. The cold that may be getting to your head as well. Because after a few moments, you turn on your heels, heading for the stables. It's only a few rows of houses until the large wooden wall looms in front of you, blocking out the little sunlight you could get in the morning. The wall that protects you from what lies beyond. Infected and Raiders and maybe, you think, as you slip into the stables, maybe answers.
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if you enjoyed the chapter, please consider reblogging/sharing and commenting, every single notif on this fic makes my heart swell with love <3
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venus-haze · 10 months
Night Shift (Bo Sinclair x Reader)
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Summary: Your car’s totaled after driving over god knows what on those dark country backroads. A handsome mechanic named Bo works the night shift. You can’t believe your bad luck.
Note: Woman reader, but no other descriptors are used. This is inspired by the deleted intro scene to House of Wax, except with Bo rather than Vincent. Do not interact if you’re under 18 or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Extremely dubious (non) consent. Threats, transactional sex acts, spit, degradation, rough oral (m. receiving), implied kidnapping. Do not interact if you’re under 18.
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Hour nine of driving. You were feeling fine, really. At least, you would be once you found a place to park for the night. Worth it to save money on another motel. The coffee from the last gas station you stopped at was long gone. The radio dial couldn’t go any higher. You tried to stay awake and alert by singing along to the staticky radio. 
“Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are—“ POP! “What the fuck?”
The pop sounded more like an explosion the second time around. Your iron grip on the wheel was in vain as your car swerved across the road. The speed limit sign took out your passenger side mirror, a metallic scraping sound accompanying the impact. Switching your foot from the gas to the brake, the scent of burnt rubber overwhelmed you. Finally, your car screeched to a stop, but your heart still raced.
Your hand shook as you put your car in park. Turned on your hazards. Stared blankly at the blinking headlights on the pitch black road. You hadn’t dozed off at the wheel. No way. 
A dull pain pulsed through your chest, and you brought your hand to it. The seatbelt had locked, digging into your sternum as it kept you from any further damage besides the cut in your skin that began dripping blood. Not deep enough to need stitches, at least. You unbuckled the seatbelt, opening the door to stumble out of the car. 
Both of your driver’s side tires had popped. The front passenger tire deflated from skidding on the uneven asphalt. You looked at the section of the road you’d just driven over. Country backroads were riddled with potholes. That could’ve been the culprit. Hard to see so late at night, even with your headlights.
You grabbed your phone from your pocket and flipped it open. No signal. Calling 911 only resulted in a dead dial-tone. At least you tried. Two options left. Stick around and hope someone would drive by and be able to offer help or walk back to the main road. In the hour or so you’d been driving, you’d only seen an old pickup truck drive in the opposite direction. The whole point of going this way was to avoid other drivers and get to your destination that much quicker. Walking back to the main road sounded torturous. There was nothing for miles, and it’d probably be daylight by the time you reached a sign of civilization. If you could even walk for that long. Either way, you were fucked.
Giving in to your defeatism, you walked around to the passenger side of the car. Your duffle bag had flown to the floor, not that you were too worried. It mostly had clothes, along with a few toiletries. When you opened it, however, you found your small shampoo bottle had opened, coating your belongings in soap, including the book you’d brought along in case you needed to pass the time somewhere. 
“Worst night of my fucking life,” you muttered to yourself.
Not bothering to close the door behind you, you sat on the hood of your car and waited. 
And waited. 
And waited. 
You checked your phone’s clock just as it was about to die. A little after two in the morning. Half an hour and nothing. Just you and the sound of crickets. The occasional howl in the night. Rustling in the trees and bushes. You had turned off your headlights to save the car’s battery. There was no reason for anyone to know you were there, hidden under the cover of darkness.
“Hey, you alright?” a disembodied voice asked.
You blinked, bleary-eyed and squinting at the bright lights that assaulted your vision. Throwing an arm up to shield your eyes, you sat up, your back aching. 
“Thought you were dead or something,” the man said, motioning to the bloodstain on your shirt.
“I think I fell asleep,” you mumbled, before jolting awake. You were talking to someone. Someone with a car. “My car got wrecked from the–I don’t know exactly, potholes I guess. I’ve been waiting here for hours.”
“Happens a lot out here. The DOT don’t keep up these roads much. Boss has us drive around some nights just to check,” the man said, throwing a thumb in the direction of the truck behind him. A tow truck. You nearly cried in relief.
He offered you his hand, helping you off the hood of your car, keeping you steady as you got your footing on the road beneath you. Your legs felt sore too. As your eyes adjusted to the odd lighting, you tried to get a better look at your hero. His face was obscured by shadows.
“Mind headin’ over to the truck with me? I just gotta get a look at your license,” he said.
You nodded, following him to the tow truck as you pulled your wallet from your purse. He stood in front of the headlights. He glanced over your license, and you allowed curiosity to get the better of you, looking at his face better. He had a cigarette tucked behind his ear, nestled next to the cap he had on, dark curls peeking out from beneath it. His work shirt had a name patch sewn into it. Bo. If that was even his real name.
“Checks out to me,” he said, handing you your license back before your mind could begin racing too much. 
“Thank you so much, Bo.”
He pulled the cigarette from behind his ear, placing it between his lips. You watched as he lit it with a lighter he fished out from his pockets. “Just give me a few minutes, and I’ll get your car hooked up.”
“Thirty bucks right?” you asked, digging through your purse for the fee listed on the side of the tow truck. Two crumpled twenty dollar bills were outstretched in your hand for him to take. 
“Hold on now, night shift is double.”
“I can give you my credit card.”
“Cash only.”
“Well, this is all I have.”
He grinned, taking a drag from his cigarette. “You got a lot more that I’m interested in.”
Didn’t even hide the way his eyes raked over your body. It was pitch black out apart from the tow truck’s headlights. How much of you could he even see? You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat. 
You scoffed. “I-I don’t—“
“‘Less you wanna rough out the rest of the night on your own. Not sure when the next car’s gonna come through here.”
Your lower lip quivered at the predicament you found yourself in. Whatever. He’d probably make you blow him and be done with it. Hopefully never have to recount the humiliating situation to another soul. 
“What do you want me to do?” you asked.
“Get on your knees.”
You hesitated.
“Ain’t got all night.”
With a shaky breath, you knelt in front of him, eye level with his crotch. The cracked, uneven road wasn’t kind to your knees, but Bo didn’t care. He flicked his cigarette aside, grabbing your face with his rough hand. 
“Lucky I found you,” he said, his gaze burning your skin. “Lotta people wouldn’t be as nice as me if they found a pretty little thing like you alone out here.”
You tensed when he began undoing his belt buckle. “I changed my mind. I’ll wait here for someone else.”
He chuckled. “Too late for that, girl. No refunds.”
That was all it took to keep you there. Trapped. Your gaze kept fruitlessly looking for some sign of help from the road behind him. He seemed to know that no one else would come, smug as he palmed at his crotch before unzipping his jeans.
“Let me see you open that pretty mouth ‘a yours nice and wide for me,” he said.
You opened your mouth, presenting your tongue to him and trying to look at anything but the cocky expression on his face. He spit in your mouth, and you nearly gagged at the taste. Tobacco and beer. Stale. Bitter. You held his spit on your tongue until he said—
You did, trying to ignore the feeling of his saliva sliding down your throat.
“Attagirl,” he praised, giving you a patronizing pat on the cheek before prying open your mouth again with his fingers.
Your knees were on fire, and he hadn’t even shoved his cock in your mouth yet. You watched as he pulled it free from his underwear, already half-hard and intimidatingly big and veiny, twitching as if eager to break you. He gave it a few strokes, precum dripping from the head as he positioned it in front of your mouth.
“Give it a kiss.”
As soon as you pressed your lips to the tip of his cock, cold and chaste, you knew that wouldn’t be the end of it. 
“C’mon now, like you mean it,” he chided. “Get a lil’ tongue in there.”
You could hardly see his shadowy grin, but it was clear from his voice he was getting off on your humiliation. Pervert. You shuddered to think of the other women who’d been in your place as you made out with his cock, your lips wrapping around the head, tongue flicking at his leaking slit before pressing sloppy, open-mouthed kisses along his shaft. His scent was strong, a sweaty musk that threatened to overwhelm your senses as he pushed your face against his hardening length.
“Shit girl,” he groaned, “you’re a natural whore.”
Suddenly, you felt a painful tug on your scalp, your yelp muffled by his cock forced down your throat, gagging as you tried to breathe. Your vision blurred with tears at his force, ears ringing as you could swear you heard him laughing at your struggle. 
There was nothing you could do but take it, choking out sobs around his cock as he fucked your throat, hips thrusting with a punishing brutality that almost made you wish you’d driven into a tree instead. His cock filled your mouth, giving you little reprieve from him. Your throat burned at the relentless friction, head pounded from the lack of air.
“You’re gonna let me cum in your mouth, ain’t ya?”
You realized when his dark blue eyes pierced yours that he wanted an answer. Humiliated, your ‘yes’ was hardly intelligible with his cock in your mouth. To your shock, he slapped you.
“You ain’t gonna let me do shit,” he taunted through gritted teeth. “You’re gonna swallow it all, slut.”
Tears rolled freely down your cheeks as he pushed the limits of how much of him you could take, your throat constricting around his throbbing cock in panic and bringing him over the edge. He thrust hard when he came, nearly knocking you over if not for his hand firmly buried in your hair. His warm, bitter cum pumped in your mouth, down your throat, though you knew some of it spilled out from your lips despite your best efforts to swallow it all.
When he finally pulled his cock from your mouth, you took a painfully deep breath that burned the back of your throat. He reached down, a sinister gleam in his eye when you flinched. His thumb collected the cum from the corners of your lips, bringing it to your mouth. You sucked it clean, hoping you could silently communicate how much you hated him. He returned your death glare with amusement.
He pulled his thumb from your mouth, inspecting it with a grin. “Good girl.”
You winced as you pushed yourself to your feet, drool and cum dripping from your puffy lips, knees split open and bleeding, grit and asphalt deep in the fresh wounds. You could hardly stand, leaning against the side of the tow truck, watching in disgust as he tucked his cock back in his pants and adjusted his cap.
“Alright, I’m a man of my word. Take a seat in the truck,” Bo said, the faintest hint of a smirk on his face. “I’ll get your car hooked up, bring you back to the garage. Might be there a while.”
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Wsg wsg, I was hoping for a Professor Chaos x reader x Mysterion, or a Vic Chaos x reader x (p.c.) Kenny
Either works as long as you’re comfortable, and if you’re not that’s totally okay!
Tyty xo
Professor Chaos x femReader x Mysterion
⚠️NSFW WARNING⚠️ please be aware! i cannot control who interacts with my posts so use your best judgement and proceed at your own risk. people have been jumping into the SP fandom complaining about age and friendly reminder that ALL of my works are aged up to 18-20s.
You hadn’t been in South Park all that long. You moved for some peace and quiet away from the big city, however South Park may have just been the worst choice.
Regardless, you were still enjoying your time, attending your classes and working part time. You’d made a few friends so far, however you’d had no luck in the dating scene. Most of the boys your age were too loud or too conservative or just plain not your type. Turns out, it wouldn’t be too much longer until you’d get your fill of love.
Finishing work, you’d gotten changed at home before heading out to the gas station for snacks and drinks. It was your usual routine, which considering it was about 11pm, probably wasn’t the smartest idea. Who knew who was watching you every night?
You headed home, tote bag slung over your shoulder. You went down the main street before turning down a side street. It was still well-lit, however the alleys criss-crossing your path that ran behind businesses were didn’t have such good visibility. Hence why you didn’t quite see the figure on the corner until you passed it.
“Hi, sweetheart.” You tensed and tried to decide whether to stop or keep moving. This falter gave him time to catch up and walk alongside you, “Pretty gal like you shouldn’t be out so late. What’re ya doin’ runnin around in the dark?” When you met his eyes, you noticed the distinct eye of your classmate Leopold. Clouded grey with a deep scar running over the center. However, your usually shy, reserved classmate was dressed… strangely. His face was partly covered in a silver crown… or helm? Was that the word? And a thick aqua jacket and slacks.
“Just… uhhh. Getting my groceries.” You stuttered slightly, not used to the domineering personality he seemed to have now.
“Well now, that’s not the best idea. Isn’t it a bit too late to be makin a grocery run?”
“I guess so, but I work too late to be going earlier.” You’d finally stopped under a streetlamp to speak more politely. You hadn’t really noticed how tall he was before, nor the lean muscles that showed through his clothes. It was definitely making you blush despite the alarm bells ringing in your head.
As he began to speak again, he was interrupted by another figure that lithely landed between the both of you, seemingly out of nowhere.
“Good evening, Chaos. Luring pretty girls astray again?” The cloaked man spoke in a low husky voice that you couldn’t quite place.
“Get outta my face.” Butters growled, stepping forward to confront the new person. This could be your opportunity to escape, but the intrigue kept you rooted in place.
“Do you need an escort home? I’m Mysterion.” He turned to you and offered a charming grin and an arm, “You don’t want to be hanging around a villain like Professor Chaos.”
Your mouth opened slightly, unsure how to cope with two very gorgeous men arguing over you.
“Mysterion, let’s speak in private a moment? Now?” Professor Chaos spoke through gritted teeth.
“Just a moment, princess.” Mysterion shot you a wink before following Butters a few feet away. You didn’t catch much but ‘share’, ‘be fair’ and your name. They stood for a moment in silence, seeming to reach an agreement about… something.
You weren’t exactly sure how you’d been sweet talked into following them, under the impression of some sort of date happening. This was possibly the strangest thing that had ever happened to you but you were missing the hijinks of living in a busy city. And maybe you were kind of attracted to both of them and the loneliness of being a new place had weakened your resolve.
As with everywhere in South Park, it wasn’t too far a walk, however before you could know where you were going, they stopped abruptly.
“So, sweetheart. I gotta ask you a favor.” Mysterion spoke softly, tracing your arm gently, “We can’t exactly have you knowing where either of us work. So… if I can cover your eyes?” He presented a beanie with a sheepish grin. This was a one-way street to get kidnapped but again, your brain was slowly being turned to mush by the attention of these two. Your mind screamed at you to stop and run but you found yourself nodding and allowing Mysterion to pull the beanie down over your eyes. One of them picked you up and began walking. You turned two corners but that was all you could take notice of before you heard a lock click and the wind was no longer brushing your skin. Down a flight of stairs, then another, before you were set down and could see again. Surprisingly, it was a simple kitchen. Mysterion was already helping himself to coffee, asking if you wanted one. You nodded and dropped your bag. Chaos was tracing shapes on your bare arm and it made you shiver as you took the mug from Mysterion. What the hell was happening and why were you ok with it.
They asked you lots of questions about yourself, slowly moving into flirty territory as you went along. Your speech was becoming more and more stuttered as they leaned in, seemingly entranced by your hesitant answers. Mysterion got up, giving Chaos a strange, subtle signal you clearly weren’t meant to notice. He left, mentioning he was looking for something. Chaos made strong eye contact with you and you blushed, looking away, not before becoming aware of the smirk growing on his face. Before you could react he was next to you, tilting your face to meet his. Your lips dropped open slightly in shock as he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. He was gentle, but still strong. You melted into his touch after a few seconds and as soon as you submitted to the situation, he pulled you out of your seat and against his body, one hand still resting on your jaw and the other gripping your waist. Your hands rested on his chest and he slowly became more aggressive with his kisses, beginning to bite at your lower lip, demanding you open wider. When you did, his tongue slid in, entangling itself with yours. You tried to suppress the moan rising in your chest but as his hand slid down to squeeze your ass, it just slipped out. The sound was met with a growl from him and he tightly pressed your hips into him. His hips bucked slightly against your stomach and it sent butterflies all over your body. He pulled away, a string of saliva still connecting your lips. He grinned, something mischievous glowing in his eyes. He pulled off your shirt and you tensed at the cold that hit you.
Pressing kisses from your jaw down to your chest, he ran his thumbs teasingly softly over your bra, slowing as they met your nipples. You hissed at the sensation and he licked your collarbone before biting into the soft spot where your neck met your shoulder. You cried out, eliciting another growl from your classmate.
Suddenly, a pair of hands gripped your hips from behind and pulled your ass to meet something hard. The other side of your neck was attacked in the same manner of licking, kissing and biting. You were getting wetter by the minute, pinned between the two most gorgeous boys you’d ever seen.
You felt your bra unclip from behind and fall to the ground. Mysterion’s hands gently gripped your breasts and teased your nipples excruciatingly gently. Chaos knelt down in front of you, kissing and licking down your abdomen as he ran his hands up and under your skirt to play with your underwear and squeeze your ass.
“Such a pretty gal. So soft and submissive for us.” He licked his lips and you whined. You felt a laugh against your neck as Mysterion seemed to get even more intense with his hands on your chest. Your whining cut off into a gasping moan as Chaos ran his thumb over your clothed clit.
“She’s so wet already. What a good girl.” He chuckled and slowly dragged his thumb from your slit to your clit over and over again. Meanwhile, Mysterion gripped your neck and pulled your head backwards to rest on his shoulder.
“Best idea you’ve had in a while, Professor Chaos. She’s a gem. Aren’t you just so pretty?” He pressed a soft kiss to your cheek and flattened his hand against your stomach, pulling you flush against his body. You tried your best to restrain the sounds begging to be released. It couldn’t last for long.
“No one can hear you, princess. You should really make those pretty sounds for us if you want us to keep going.” Mysterion’s husky voice really just did something to you that you couldn’t explain. You weren't going to have a choice as Chaos tore off your panties and hitched up your skirt to slide his tongue into you. A strangled, breathy moan escaped you and spurred him on and he continued to lick and suck your dripping core. Your mews and whines continued, slowly rising in volume. Mysterion tilted your face sideways to meet his eyes.
"Look at me, sweetheart." He growled lowly and used your ass to grind his erection into. This really just began to undo you and as you struggled to maintain eye contact, you could feel your climax knotting in your belly. They seemed to notice your heightened state and released you from their grips. Chaos standing up and carefully removing his clothes. As Mysterion let you go to copy him, you almost slid to the ground, not expecting the sudden lack of stimulation. You caught yourself and found yourself stepping back to lean against the table and let your eyes wander over their bodies. They both had lean muscles that were easy to see but not over the top. And they were both tall and... big. Too big for you, you worried. But you were willing to try. Mysterion kept his mask on while Chaos took his helm off. You could see Mysterion's golden blonde hair though as he approached you and pulled you into him. Your legs were jelly and your body was putty in his hands.
He kissed you roughly and rolled his hips against yours to grind his dripping cock against your stomach. You tangled your hands in his hair and pushed yourself against him as tightly as you could. A dark chuckle bubbled from his lips as he felt your wetness against him.
"Use your words, baby. Consent is key." He smirked against your lips.
"Please, what?"
"Please, fuck me."
"Yes ma'am." He grinned and slid his cock into you painfully slowly. He lifted your leg to rest on his waist and he began thrusting, pulling whines and cries from your mouth. As his pace picked up, his hand gripped your leg so hard you were sure there would be perfect fingerprint bruises tomorrow. The low moans that poured from him only made you wetter and closer to your climax.
He suddenly slowed down and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips before calling out for Chaos.
"You wanna finish her off?" He shot you a smirk as you groaned in displeasure due to the sudden stop.
"Course I do. Can't let ya have all the fun." Professor Chaos took his place, eyes roaming your body in the dirtiest way possible. He took the slick from your pussy to wet his cock. You wondered how he was coping with the evidently painful erection. "You ready, darlin'?" You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him roughly, practically begging him with that kiss. He started hard and fast, lips still locked with yours as his hips snapped against yours in a subtly unsteady rhythm. His moans were more like growls as he held the nape of your neck, watching your face contort in pleasure. He used his other hand to rub his thumb over your clit. It was hard but not too fast. Just enough pressure and speed to make the knot begin to tighten quicker than before.
"I'm close, I'm close." You breathed out, digging your fingernails into his shoulders, panting as you shook with pleasure and anticipation.
"Good girl. Cum for me." He gripped your jaw and studied your face as you cried out and allowed your climax to wash over you, "Goddamn." He choked out, feeling your pussy tighten and spasm around his cock. His thumb continued relentlessly on your clit throughout your orgasm until you finally went limp. He pulled out and lowered you gently to the floor.
"I think I have an idea." Mysterion appeared beside his comrade and offered you a sly smirk. His hand pumped over his dick, watching you attempt to catch your breath. He seemed to be enjoying your fucked out appearance almost as much as fucking you. Chaos caught on quickly but kept his pace slower. You had your own idea, however, and pushed yourself up to take Mysterion's cock in your mouth and pushed your head down until the tip of his cock pressed against the soft spot in the back of your throat. You looked up at him with the sweetest eyes you'd ever given anyone and continued to keep your cheeks hollowed and bob your head in the quickest pace you could manage.
"Fuck, princess. So pretty and willing." He bit his lip and he bucked his hips in time with your pace until he began to falter. You could feel him twitching in your mouth and you pressed yourself further until your nose brushed his pelvis. You could hear him moaning and grunting in a strangled sort of way. You felt hot ropes drip down your throat and you swallowed quickly, multiple times as the squeezing of your throat seemed to draw out every single drop. When you pulled away, you licked your lips, surprised at just how much cum had been emptied into your mouth. He knelt down quickly to kiss you and lick the saliva from your lips. Fuck, that might've been the hottest thing that had ever happened to you.
Once Mysterion had released you, you turned your gaze upon Professor Chaos, who was definitely struggling to keep it together. That was definitely the sexiest thing he'd ever seen.
"Your turn." You shuffled on your knees to kitten lick the tip of his cock. He groaned lowly and you happily took him in your mouth, flattening your tongue against the underside of his dick and similarly sliding him all the way to the back of your throat, taking a slower pace to recover from the abuse your throat had already endured. He gripped your hair and rolled his hips slowly, taking in the view with pleasure. You offered him the same sweet gaze and he seemed to blush. Just a bit. You picked up your pace and he matched it until you were at the fastest pace you could take and you felt him getting closer and closer. Again, you applied the same trick of pressing forward to take him to the hilt and his hips jerked, finally releasing sticky, hot ropes down your throat.
"Goddamn. Shit." He stuttered out, his voice softening to its normal tone as he held your head where it was until he finished. As soon as he pulled out, he pulled you up by your arms and roughly kissed you, tasting himself in your mouth. His tongue seemed to reach all the way down your sensitive throat and you moaned softly against him.
"That was the best thing a gal has ever done to me." He admitted as he pulled out of the kiss.
"I tried." You whispered, smiling softly. Mysterion was already there with towels and you let them clean you up. Those moments afterwards you really saw the softer parts of them as they made sure you were ok and got you water.
After you'd managed to all get dressed again, it didn't take long for a soft makeout session to start, you trying to split your attention equally between the two boys. Mysterion got an evil smile at one point and pulled Chaos in for a hot and heavy kiss. You were taken aback but definitely not complaining. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end and it seemed to end all too quickly.
"We ought to take you home, doll." Chaos ran his thumb over your swollen lips and motioned with his head to Mysterion, who scooped you up. Professor Chaos picked up your bag and they began to walk out, carrying you along with them.
"Aren't you supposed to blindfold me or something." You asked.
"Now, we can't be doing that every single time." Mysterion winked and you blushed, definitely not expecting that answer.
"So, we'll be doing this again?" You asked, almost in a whisper.
"If that's what ya want, darlin'." Chaos replied. You nodded and hid your face in Mysterion's shoulder until you finally arrived home.
You offered your phone to them, indicating they should put their numbers in. Once they'd finished, you shyly kissed each of them.
"I hope I don't have to wait too long." You smiled sweetly.
"Definitely not." Mysterion elbowed Chaos and chuckled.
"But who are you, Mysterion?" He laughed a bit and lifted his mask just enough for you to see and quickly slid it back on again.
"Kenny?" You were definitely shocked. You'd never really interacted with him before and you weren't complaining that he was the secret superhero.
"See you around, sweetheart. Give us a call if you're ever in any trouble." He winked and pulled you in for a last kiss before hopping out your window.
"Well, see ya, darlin'. You ever need anyone taken care of, you know who to ask." He kissed both of your cheeks before pressing a particularly sweet one to your lips and followed Mysterion.
Definitely not what you were expecting when you moved to the small town of South Park.
i hope it was what you wanted! i was struggling a bit cause ive never really posted any smut that ive written so i really hope it was good 😭.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
I am home now from Family Gathering and I am going to make that everyone else's problem
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alienssstufff · 1 year
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A very intensely written Life Series au by ME!
All general updates questions and lore can be found in the #last life apocalypse au tag! This post in particular will act as a masterlist regarding the timeline, worldbuilding and lore of the au. I wish to (hopefully) keep updating this post as more characters and arcs are revealed. 
IMPORTANT YOU VISIT THIS LINK FIRST BEFORE ENTERING (It’s pretty): > Last Life Apocalypse AU Intro (Talks about the mechanics)
Now without further ado - lets begin:
TIMELINE (Summarised)
The timeline of the AU is defined by two major arcs:
The past PROLOGUE 3RD LIFE that is the childhood of majority of the cast (location: their childhood town)
LAST LIFE PRESENT day that takes place in the woods (the main event - when the Apocalypse starts)
These are arcs that involve most if not all of the cast members from their respective seasons.
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[BETWEEN ARCS] Between these arcs occur smaller events - big to some but not on a scale to affect everyone. This is the transition period after the cast graduate from Middle School and go their separate ways before reuniting (by fate) in the Last Life Woods. Events that happen in the between arcs take inspiration from the CC’s other respective series beyond the Life Series.
Some current inspirations: Evo SMP, Hermitcraft (various seasons), Scar’s TCD series, Bdubs’ SOTF. More about their involvement as updates progress.
[SCU SPIN-OFF] Consider this as an epilogue describing the state of the planet decades after the main cast has died. Not considered a ‘major arc’ as it is not focused on the main cast but exists solely for worldbuilding purposes (because I like it :] ).
Setting of Last Life takes place in the woods, think of American national parks or camping grounds on a road trip, or the Walking Dead (the telltale game not the show)
CLIMATE: Generic American woodlands climate but with a less generic winter weather. As the situations for the player’s get more dire, so does the environment around with forecasts for an oncoming snow blizzard from Magic Mountain as the world fades to white.
It is also during this time of year and climate where a creature known as the Wither is rumoured to roam the lands. It is a cryptid that unlike most woodland creatures, the Wither wakes from hibernation only during the Winter when it is cold enough and feasts on a very specific carnivorous diet. In reality this is known as the Patient 0 of the Bogeydisease, born and mutated within the labs of the Research Facility, leading to the downfall desolation of what is now known as the Abandoned Observatory.
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SOUTHLANDS (Camp Southlands) - Were once a popular camping hotspot before the apocalypse. The people who survived there were once camp counselors (Grian, Impulse, Mambo, Martyn, Jimmy). The grounds acted as both a family resort and a summer camp for kids  where they are divided into one of the five factions supervised by each counselor: -MARTYN Counsellor of Athletics and house of the GREEN CATS -IMPULSE Counsellor of Cooking and house of the YELLOW SUN BEARS -JIMMY Counsellor of Safety and house of the BLUE DOGS (formerly blue canaries) -MUMBO Counsellor of Crafts (shop) and house of the BLACK MOTHS -GRIAN Counsellor of (shenanigans) Arts and house of the RED BIRDS
FAIRY FORT (Fairy Fort Reserve FFR) - A geographically enclosed area dedicated to protecting the land and the endangered animals that are shelter there. Ownership of the Fairy Fort was passed along the generations of Lizzie’s family tree. The people who survived there are park rangers with Lizzie as their lead. They have current beef with the Southlanders as there are many things they disagree with and compete against.
ICE FORT (Shade-E-E’s Gas) - As it’s located near the center of the map, the ethubs ‘Ice Fort’ is one of the only ounces of urban infrastructure out in the woods. Upon arrival of the Apocalypse, it is a fortified Shade-E-E’s gas station barricaded by the only employees Bdubs and Etho (the manager). It once acted as a pitstop to drivers and travelers alike and is the only place in the woods that has a working cellphone tower and final connection to the outside world dubbed as ��Etho’s Tree”.
TEAM BEST HIDEOUT / ROCKTAPUS (Abandoned Observatory/Research Centre) - An abandoned observatory squatted on by Skizz that doubled as a bunker that was originally built in preparation for a nuclear fallout. Upstairs the observatory contains secret government documents regarding information about the Bogeydisease and the Wither cryptid - Indecipherable to all except for Tango who understands them. Downstairs the bunker’s monitors are linked to several surveillance cameras in the woods.
GASLIGHT GIRLBOSS GATEKEEP (Scottage Club) - A retreat saved for the rich and elite. While the Scottage Club has its HQ here, holiday properties of its patrons are scattered all across the map (the secret green lives hideouts).
MAGIC MOUNTAIN - Kept off limits just for how dangerous the place is, no one ever goes there. Rumor has it the mountain has magic capabilities that can drive a man insane. The last human sightings near Magic Mountain were two lone hikers who by arrogance wished to conquer and come back surviving the woodland’s most treacherous point. And while they were never seen again, they say if you look very closely with a spyglass, you can catch glimpses of a small, broken up hut at the top.
THE NETHER (NETHERLANDS not-the-country): The NETHER is the closest town over from the Last Life woodlands and is home to facilities such as a Fortress Dept Store and a camping & fishing shop known as The Bastion. While hypothetically the cast could escape the woodlands to live in the Nether, it is because of the high value resources that can be found in these stores that attract both surviving scavengers and zombies alike - making the town very dangerous to defend.
The ‘nether portals’ in this au are the vehicles each team has on them to travel between locations. The Nether may be the closest town there is, but even walking there on foot is extremely dangerous - especially considering the apocalypse and the harsh elements.
For legal reasons, I dropped biology in highschool as soon as I could - I do not know shit about diseases and how people develop medicine. This is a fictional disease. TLDR; I am talking out of my ass.
[Origins of the Bogeydisease and the L.I.F.E antidotes pending (secret!)]
Transfer of the disease in its early stages of evolution could only be transferred if bacteria had direct contact with the host’s bloodstream. At best (?) in small amounts the host would experience a fever and shivering. At worst the host would feel extreme fatigue, most likely dying of starvation/dehydration due to it being unaware of their hunger (and fatigue - the disease manipulates the brain into thinking the host is not fatigued). 
Nature of the disease (well.. virus) as it continues is designed to adapt with the changing environment. While most samples were not able to survive its effects, some victims of the Wither’s bite would survive and exhibit a second stage of the disease’s effects. If the host were to survive the initial stages of the disease, once the disease has fully adapted to the body of its host it would evolve in order to prolong its survival. This is evident by physical alterations of the host’s appearance.
Not just physical changes but behavioural as well. The host would act more akin to serving its natural instincts, more inclined to the hunt and the tendency to keep itself alive. 
People who are in the second stages and beyond of contracting the Bogeydisease are considered Red Lives. It is possible to cure Red Lives out of the Bogeydisease as long as the disease has not evolved to its later stages. WHEN a person is cured using a L.I.F.E antidote they may experience side-effects [explained in the INTRO]. In some instances, ex-hosts may retain some of the traits afflicted when they were Bogey.
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Later stages of disease evolution. The disease and its hosts show strong similarities to how rabies can be passed between hosts. And based on how a host reacts to the disease, hosts of the disease are classified into two types:
Host is overwhelmed by the effects of the disease and dies early. If the body and surrounding scene are left untreated, the disease will continue to live on in the decomposing body and grow a special fungus that feeds off the remains. The fungus and its disease reproduces by its spores which allow the disease to not only infect the environment around but also proves the possibility in contracting an airborne variant of the disease.
Host grows accustomed to the effects of the disease exhibiting the aforementioned loss of higher brain functions above (incapable of reason and rational thought). Movements grow erratic, constantly moving as a means of maintaining fixed body temperature. For colder climates the diet of hosts relies on feasting on warm bodies. Failure to do so will induce drowsiness in the host, placing them in a slumber in order to regain energy and try again. Hosts also show signs of excessive salivation and occasional bleeding. Direct exposure to any of the host’s bodily fluids is another method in contracting the disease.
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sebsxphia · 1 year
ptolemaea. | the blood of christ.
preacher!rhett abbott x reader.
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→ description: rhett suggests a solution that could soothe your cramps from your period.
→ word count: 2K.
→ c/w: heavy and dark religious themes, p in v, sex, mentions of periods, reader is on their period, fingering, kissing, swearing, corruption and innocence kink and daddy kink.
→ a/n: this part of ‘ptolemaea. | the verses.’ but it can be read alone! it came to light after i made this post here. my main masterlist can be read here! 💌
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previous chapter | next chapter
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Rhett opened the front door of your Motel room with a creak to see your frame curled up on the bed. Your arms were wrapped tightly around yourself and you let out a muffled groan into the duvet, your body withering.
“You okay, sweet lamb?” He came round the side of the bed and you felt the weight of the mattress dip as he sat beside you, feeling his hand running soothingly up and down your arm.
“M’ on my period. Came just as you left.” You mumbled in defeat into the duvet. Your body was too exhausted to even lift your neck to look at him. Rhett cooed softly as your body shuddered again. Another cramp hit you and an even louder, more frustrated groan, sunk deep into the mattress.
Rhett offered what he could to help, but the cruel reality was that you didn’t have anything with you right now expect pads and tampons. You were in the middle of no where and the local gas station was an hours drive away. He ran his hand over the swell of your ass in your curled position and rested it on your bare thigh. He dipped his fingers ever so slightly in between where they pressed together and he squeezed gently.
“Let your Preacher help you.” Rhett offered, and you finally brought your head up to look at him, with your eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. Doubtless of your expression, he continued. “Sex can help the pain you’re sufferin’ from.”
You sat up against the headboard with your knees tucked tightly into your chest.
“B— but, Rhett, I’m on my period.” You blinked at him. You were wildly unsure as to what he could possibly be suggesting here that would make this work. “There’ll be blood ‘nd stuff. It’ll get messy.” Your fingers played with each other as they rested on your knees, with you awkwardly avoiding eye contact for such a lewd topic of conversation.
“And? Why do you think we drink wine each communion? To bathe in the blood of Christ.”
You hummed in response to Rhett’s profound words and cocked your head to the side. You would never question your Preacher’s words. He had the word of God and he was always, right.
Rhett slinked his hand down to cup your covered cunt. His gaze softened momentarily. “And, I wan’ help soothe your aching womb.” He applied a deep pressure to your clit with the heel of his palm and a soft, barely audible, moan escaped your lips, your eyes fluttering shut. There was no denying that the momentary pleasure jolted through you and calmed the torrent of pain residing in your lower stomach.
You weighed out your options. The only doubt in your mind being that you had never touched yourself on your period, let alone had sex. You were simply told by your Mother that you couldn’t.
Rhett noticed the doubt registering behind your eyes and he pushed down again, firmly to your clit, and another, now louder moan, slipped passed your lips.
“Feels s’ good, Rhett.”
“It would honour me and the Lord if I got to bathe in the blood of Christ, through my pretty little cunt.”
You wasted no time in pressing your lips to Rhett’s and let him keenly rub the heel of his palm against your now aching, clit. Through the thick pad and material of your underwear, it provided a pressure, yet none at all at the same time. It was painfully dizzying. Your clothes were both shed in a flurry, your lips barely pulling apart from each other, only to gulp down air. Rhett pinched lightly at your nipples, knowing how sensitive they would be. It only heightened your ever growing arousal and you let out a breathy moan.
“Need you, Rhett, please.”
His large and calloused hands skimmed down to the hem of your underwear and paused.
“Hold on,” He mutterd against your lip, lightly biting down on your bottom lip as he parted. You whined out at the loss of touch from your Preacher and he chuckled quietly. “Patience, sweet thing. Let me take care of you.” Rhett disappeared to the bathroom and came back with two towels in hand.
“They’ll stain, Rhett!”
Your protests fell on silent ears and Rhett could only respond with a small smirk, pinching at the corners of his mouth.
“I’ll cover it. Don’t worry.”
No doubt with the money he stole from the Church.
He laid them out and you shuffled on top of them. You let your head fall to the scratchy Motel pillow and Rhett covered your body with his, hovering above you. His hands resumed their previous ministrations of cup and tweaking at your breasts with his mouth attached back to yours. His tongue dipped inside to run along your bottom lip and taste you, letting a groan get caught between you both at how sweet you were for him. You felt his hand trail down the soft flesh over your stomach and pull around the hem of your underwear.
“Y’ sure you want to do this, my sweet lamb? We can stop now, or ‘nytime.”
“M’ sure, Rhett. Need you s’ bad.”
“Needy, sweet thing.” Rhett mused back at you with featherlight kisses trailed over your jawline.
He sat back on his haunches and you noticed the prominent outline of his cock straining against his black underwear. You whined again at the loss of Rhett, but he wanted to do this properly. He came to understand how vulnerable this had you feeling. You were his responsibility since he took you out West and he wanted to treat you with the love and care that you deserved. Why, Rhett believed that God took extra time when creating you, and he should treat you as such. As though you were made of precious porcelain.
He peeled back your underwear inch by inch. The flow of cool air from the rattling air conditioning unit hit your bare cunt and it clenched around nothing, shortly followed by heat rising in your cheeks at the sudden embarrassment of Rhett seeing your pad in this state. He continued to hook your underwear off your legs with not a flash of grimace across his face. He was completely neutral as he peeled off your pad and threw it in the bin. His heavy gaze came back to you and he let out a guttural groan.
“Oh, darlin’. Fuck—”
His index finger gently traced around your lips before pressing to your sensitive bundle of nerves. You cried out at his final touch, no longer obstructed and you bucked your hips to follow him.
“—you’ve never looked more beautiful for me, my sweet lamb.”
You didn’t think your cheeks could get a darker shade of red at this point.
“You have nothin’ to hide. It’s me ‘nd you here. The Lord isn’t privy to such a beautiful sight.”
You tugged down on Rhett’s shoulders to pull him into another heated kiss. His sweet praises, mixed with the driving force of hormones flowing through you, went straight to your head and you couldn’t hold on any longer. Rhett made quick work of removing his boxers and giving his cock a few fistfuls before you felt his tip catch against your clit, earning another needy moan from yourself.
“May I, angel?”
“Pleas’, Daddy.” You mewled out in desperation, shifting your hips to try and catch his tip on your aching bundle again.
At the call of that name in particular and how your voice strained with desperation, Rhett understood how much you craved this. It was a name only ushered by yourself in moments of intensity. When your body craved nothing but his pin point accurate touch. When nothing could soothe the gnawing aches and pains in your body but him. Rhett was the medicine for your ailment.
He held back for not a moment longer and sunk into you. Your lips parted and a cry tore from your throat at feeling the stretch of his cock fill you up in a way you could never adjust to. Your walls were warm around him, warmer than he’d felt before. They hugged and drew him in closer with the crook of your heel digging into his back.
“Baby, baby, baby…” Rhett groaned with his head falling into the crook of your neck and inhaling your familiar scent. The feeling was all encompassing and all knowing to you both. “S’ fuckin’ tight, little lamb.”
“Daddy!” You whined. “Pleas’, move.”
At your instruction, Rhett swiftly moved his hips to meet yours, before pulling nearly all the way out. There was no need for the usual ferocious pacing of his hips. With every drawn out thrust, you squeezed at him tight and he knew he wouldn’t hold on for much longer. His tip ran over the sweet spot buried deep inside of you and with each thrust, you felt your cramps simmer away to nearly nothing. Your clit was throbbing by this point. It was desperate to feel some sort of friction, and once Rhett had developed a steady pace, his thumb pressed down. A string of pleasurable groans left your lips and in unison, Rhett responded with a quiet whimper. He could feel with each swipe of his thumb how your body was reacting to him. The heels of your feet dug in deeper to his flesh, to lock his hips in place with every thrust. Your fingertips were making outlines of crescent shapes on his toned shoulders.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop, pleas’, Daddy. M’ so close.”
“Me too, sweet lamb— oh, fuck.” A drawn out moan was swallowed whole as Rhett pressed his lips to yours, heat radiating off you both and eliciting the first beads of sweat. With your cramps now almost fully dissolved, all you could feel growing was your ever impending orgasm. It was the precision work of Rhett’s thumb rubbing calculated circles over your clit and his cock hitting you so deep, that each time it jolted a spark alight in your lower stomach and you felt yourself crashing closer.
“Yesyesyes—” Your thighs squeezed around Rhett tightly and your back arched off the towels to push yourself impossibly closer to Rhett as he worked you through the wave of your orgasm that overtook your body whole. Your walls were squeezing him so tight and milking him dry for all that he had, that he wasn’t far behind. He came with a shudder of his body and an elongated groan into your shoulder, followed by your name.
“That’s it, good girl. Shit, you did ‘s good for me.”
Your foreheads were stuck together with the glistening slick of sweat. Rhett pressed flurries of kisses along your jaw and underneath your earlobe, gently encouraging you as you caught your breath back. You grimaced when he eventually pulled his softening cock out. You could feel the string of multiple bodily fluids fall from your cunt, but Rhett shushed you softly and told you to wait there. He came back with a damp washcloth, lukewarm in temperature as to not enrage your cunt any further. He cleaned you up gently, stuck a new pad on a clean pair of underwear and dressed you in his tattered religious Youth Camp t-shirt.
More of Rhett’s praiseful kisses were placed to your forehead as you rested in his arms before he spoke up. “Y’ want food? Shower? Watch somethin’?” The beat up television in the corner of the Motel room hadn’t looked appealing at first, but there was something about mindless television to match with the relief your body currently felt, that didn’t seem too bad.
Something was eventually playing on the television, but you couldn’t remember what. The quiet hum of the television static, Rhett’s rhythmic breathing under your ear and the gentle swipe of his fingertips over your arms was lulling you. The agitating throb of your cramps were gone and your body felt as though it was sinking deep into the mattress. Your eyes were falling shut, but quickly blinking back to life as to continue to fixate on the screen.
Rhett took a look down at you fighting to stay awake and he pressed a tender kiss to your forehead. He tucked a stray strand of your hair away from your face and behind your ear.
“Sleep, little lamb. I’ll be here when y’ wake up, we can shower then. Jus’, rest.” Rhett’s voice was low, with his Southern drawl making a heavier appearance. It was the final push you needed to be completely pulled under.
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taglist: @beachbabey @tallrock35 @currentlybradshaw @unmistakablyunknown @iloveprettyboysblog @wkndwlff @flames-thebitch
tagging those who were interested: @lewmagoo @peachystenbrough @sugarcoated-lame @sylviebell @fridamoss @canarysposts @ouralcohol @hangmanapologist @withahappyrefrain @roostersrooster
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whatitshouldvebeen · 4 months
‘m so sad bc I think I missed the Johnny slaughter wave here on tumblr 😞 it ended before I could even begin to write for him 😪 my husband fr
I blame GUN media for handling their game terribly. When they stopped cross play they lost tens of thousands of players and never recovered (+ the hackers never stopped, ofc). Their game maps are basically puzzles that — once solved — become very repetitive.
Couple that with poorly handled expansions + patches including:
Releasing Black Nancy at the same time as one of the most anticipated killers of all time (Chucky) was released in their similar-genre competition Dead by Daylight.
Nerfing the killers too harshly like how they massacred our boy Johnny until picking him would make other killers leave the lobby to not be hindered by his dead weight. Sissy and Cook have also received similar nerfs, and Leatherface's revving sprint was stealth nerfed as well.
Ignoring things that made the game experience painful to play. For example, the car on the gas station that the survivors could just crouch in forever took something like 8 months for them to block. As someone who's worked on game environments, adding an invisible block would take about thirty seconds. And how grandpa would screw everyone over waking up, that was only recently fixed. Oh, and stunlocking the family forever with doors, that was fun...
And let's not forget GUN's rudeness toward their fans such as:
Responding to shipper's posts by vehemently denying that their ship would ever be canon.
Being sassy about people asking for alternatives to having to play leatherface every game by removing the requirement but not adding any new or fun ways to fulfill the leatherface role (sledgehammer Johnny? Mallet Leatherface?) + leaving barracades up with no way to destroy them.
Insinuating those of us asking for shirtless Johnny were being thirsty hoes for asking (and we were), making us have to fight for him to be shirtless, then being rude toward the people who then asked for thirst skins for Julie/Connie/etc. Most of their player base comes from dead by daylight, we are all thirsty and no one should be shamed for asking for skins they would like to look at.
Let's not forget the extremely overpriced Nicotero Leatherface skin that both had broken audio on release and who's chainsaw is significantly quieter giving a very real advantage to playing him. Also, covering half the main screen with an ad for it was very desperate IMO.
Lastly, the killers to victims ratio is outrageous, something like 1 killer to every 25 victims. Yet they keep making playing killer worse and worse (cough, like by adding Danny who's skill is still broken af, cough)
All these factors combined spelled certain doom for poor ole Johnny. While some people like myself are still loyalists, the fact of the matter is, GUN killed their boy. In a perfect world, Johnny would be added into a TCM movie to revitalize interest in him. But I think the game has no hope.
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roanniom · 2 years
Listen I'm using voice to text on my way home from work because I had a thought and I immediately said oh my God I have to send you an ask so I'm thinking comfortably mid-20s post high school. Eddie who has taken over running the local record store You walk in and Joan jett's. I Love Rock and roll comes on to the old rock radio station that he plays in the background because at this point the song is about 10 years old and you think that he's walked into the back room or there's nobody else in there and so you start singing it out loud. He walks out of the back room to you, singing the chorus of that song almost at full volume and immediately he's falling in love with you.
Please do with that thought what you will. Love you 💕💕
Claire. Light of my life. Fellow fantasizer of my fantasies.
This. Is. Brilliant. I can see it now.
The Record of You
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader  
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: NSFW, unprotected PIV sex
You don't think anything of the fact that nobody seems to be in the shop. The old owner Mr. Jenkins has been ancient since you were a child, often leaving the shop unattended for long stretches of time. Fully trusting the citizens of Hawkins to not rob him blind while he ate a tuna sandwich with his dog Jitters in the upstairs portion that served as his apartment.
You haven't been in town for a while so you don't know that Eddie Munson has taken over management of Hawkins' singular record store. You haven't seen him since he finally managed to finish high school and ended the night of graduation celebrating with his older friends Steve, Robin, and Nancy out at the bar at the end of main street (the younger kids who always seemed to follow him around like little lambs obviously couldn’t join in on that phase of the festivities). He had insisted on buying you a drink when he saw you - his smile wide and fueled by joy and PBR - and you ended up hanging out with him and his friends until the wee hours of the night. 
His arms had remained respectfully, if not familiarly, around your shoulders at first. But as time went on and the drinks continued to flow, his arms found themselves wound around your waist. His hands found your hips. Your thighs. Your ass as he stepped behind you at the bar to call out “whatever the good lady wants, she gets!”
One thing led to another and you ended up in the back of his van as the dawn cracked, hazy and bruising in the sky. Both still fully clothed, Eddie had kissed you and kissed you until you were breathless and giggly. He sat you in his lap and ran his hands up and down your spine, pulling you down against him to feel how much you were affecting him. 
But then the sun came up. And you told him the thing you weren’t telling him. About the flight you had to New York in just a few hours. The job you had lined up at a company larger than any Hawkins brick and mortar could ever fathom. You’d watched his face fall, but then his smile returned, even more blinding than before, as he congratulated you and wished you the best. 
When you’d climbed out of his van, you’d urged yourself not to look back over your shoulder. Eddie was just a guy you’d grown up with. You’d never been particularly close - hellos in the halls at school that turned into waves at the grocery store and small talk at the gas station. But on this night you’d tasted him. Felt his hands on you. If you looked back you’d see the dimples you’d never noticed until a few hours prior. See the frizzy hair whose texture you now knew. And it would make it harder to walk away. 
So you didn’t look back.
And you haven’t seen Eddie since.
So you have no idea he's in the back room stacking boxes of tapes and records when you walk into the record store and start perusing all these years later. The song that’s playing in the background comes to an end, leaving the customary beat of scratchy silence before the all too familiar opening notes of Joan Jett’s “I Love Rock and Roll” starts blaring from the speakers.
You laugh a little to yourself. This was your absolute favorite song in high school, and you’d yelled along to it religiously any time it had come on, in any circumstance. 
As the first verse begins to play out, you try to resist, but it’s a lost cause. You start out just mumbling along to the lyrics. But before you know it you’re singing along at top volume as you thumb through records. 
You don’t notice Eddie walk out of the back room, almost dropping an armful of records when he recognizes who’s singing in his store. 
You get all the way to the end of the song without noticing his presence. In fact, by the end you’re even dancing around a bit. Eddie’s put down the records by this point, leaning against the check out counter with a massive grin on his face, enjoying the show. It isn’t until the song ends and the sound of clapping makes you whirl around that you realize you’re not alone. 
“Forgive the intrusion, princess. Where can I pay for my ticket? Because a concert like that sure ain’t free.”
You spend an hour catching up with him. Hearing all about what he’s been doing and telling him everything that’s happened - good and bad - with your big time job. When you mention that big city living just wasn’t for you and that you’re here planning on moving back to Hawkins full time, you wonder if you’re imagining the glint of satisfaction in his eye. 
After you’ve been speaking for a while he insists on closing up shop and making you dinner. You try to resist, telling him you can’t cut into his hours of operation, but he’s already flipping the sign on the door to say closed and grabbing your hand to drag you up the steps, ranting about how the Hawkins Welcome Committee would fine him if they found out he had a chance to welcome back a resident and didn’t take it. 
Since taking over for Mr. Jenkins, Eddie’s been able to move out of his uncle’s trailer and into the upstairs apartment. Your heart swells taking in the ratty but homey decor that just feels so utterly Eddie. You’d always felt like Eddie Munson deserved better than the shitty circumstances life had thrown at him. You’re pleased to find that life seems to have taken a turn for the better. 
Eddie doesn’t have much in his sparse kitchen, but he whips up a respectable pot of pasta which he serves on mismatched plates. 
“I don’t have any wine or any of the shit that a classy lady like yourself would enjoy, unfortunately.” In spite of the humor in his words, he does seem genuinely disappointed that he can’t offer you anything nicer than one of the dozen PBRs he has in the fridge or a mug full of some shitty whiskey left over in his cupboard. 
You happily accept the PBR, clinking it against his can when he raises it, laughing at the watery taste as it goes down. You haven’t laughed this much in a long time. You haven’t felt this warm and full and good in a long time. 
Soon the sun has set outside the windows and you both have migrated into the living area. He’s on the couch next to his record player, loading up record after record. You’re on the floor next to him, reclining back against the seat cushions and listening as he rants about his current favorite bands. He’s always been so passionate. So fiery. It’s what you’ve always enjoyed about him from afar. That part of him has remained the same. So has his long hair and his worn out tee - though he’s switched out his customary Hellfire shirt for a Metallica one these days - and you can’t help but settle into the comfort of his constancy. His consistency. 
His rings sparkle in the dim lighting of his apartment as he gesticulates wildly and his smile is wide as he continues explaining all about the modern state of metal. After a while it all gets to be too much. A lump is forming in your throat. A tension in your muscles. You hoist yourself up to join him on the couch and wait a beat, watching him hesitate and stop speaking at your sudden change of position. 
“Eddie,” you breathe. Not really saying anything other than his name. Then you launch yourself at him. You fist your hands in his shirt and pull him to you, mashing your lips against his. His mouth tastes of stale beer but you’ve never loved a taste more in your life. 
For a second he doesn’t seem to know what to do with his hands. In fact, he doesn’t even return the kiss for a few heartbeats, so surprised he is by your sudden attention. But then he’s kissing you back, and his arms are winding around your waist. His hands find your hips, your thighs, your ass. 
When his tongue enters your mouth you moan, completely uninhibited. Full volume, just like when you were singing in the record store earlier. You’re past the point in your life where you silence yourself and your reactions. You’ve lived a lot of life in these last few years and you deserve to enjoy things without being limited by doubt and self-censorship. 
You rock against him, because you’ve climbed into his lap at this point, and suddenly you’re right back where you were in his van all those years ago. 
And Eddie must be on this same internal time traveling journey because when you break away from him, panting, to paint kisses on his throat, he gasps out a question. 
“Do you ever - think of that night. In my van?”
“I do,” you say into his skin. You hadn’t fixated on it. Hadn’t lost sleep pining over him. You’d been off and on to a different life at the time. But you’d be lying, or at least lying by omission if you didn’t tell him the true extent. “Sometimes I still get myself off to the thought of it.”
You’re ripped from his throat so suddenly you swear you get whiplash. 
“You...get yourself...”
“Off. Yes,” you confirm, smiling as you realize how flustered he’s getting. 
“Jesus Christ,” he groans out, surging forward and capturing your lips again. His hands wander with less hesitation now. He’s gripping and groping and it feels great. He feels solid and whole beneath you and around you and you want...
“More,” you breathe into his open mouth. 
“Want to finish what we started, princess?” He asks, holding your chin to look into your eyes. You nod feverishly. Glad to see he’s no longer flustered. He’s got a smile on his face and his hands are pulling at your clothes. 
Your jeans and top are discarded swiftly, leaving you in nothing but a bra and panties. Onces you’ve helped Eddie divest himself of everything but his black boxers, you climb back into his lap, resuming your previous motion of grinding down into him.
This is exactly what you were doing last time, but this time there are far fewer layers between you. You can feel the stiffness of his member no longer stifled but his jeans, rubbing at the apex of your thighs in the most delicious way. 
“You feel so good,” you practically whimper, rolling your hips to find the friction you need. Eddie guides you with his hands at your waist, helping you find a rhythm that has you both shuddering. 
“I’m not even inside you yet, baby,” he chuckles. You look him dead in the eye. 
“What are you waiting for?” Your smirk is challenging. You’re trying to rile him up. And it works. 
“You know now that you mention it...” he quips, and suddenly you’re being lifted and turned around. He bends you over the arm of the sofa, pushing your knees apart to widen your stance, your ass in the air. “I guess I’m not waiting for anything.”
“Eddie!” you chide with a laugh. His hands grab at the rounded curves of your ass with a light slap and he pulls you back against his pelvis as he shuffles up behind you. He rubs his clothed cock back and forth against your fabric-covered pussy and you moan, shifting your hips down to try and get him to hit your clit.
“Impatient?” He sounds amused and you pout. 
“I think I’ve been more than patient up till now,” you argue. 
“I know, baby, I know.” You feel him peel your underwear off of you and you shuffle your knees to aid him in removing the garment all together. You hiss out a gasp when you suddenly feel his cock, uncovered and warm against you, pushing at your pussy. Now it is his turn to hiss. “Are you always this beautifully wet or are you just happy to see me?”
“You’re an idiot, Eddie Munson,” you say with a laugh, rolling your eyes. Your eyes cross mid-roll, however, when suddenly he’s pushing into you. You keen forward. “Oh fuckohfuckohfuck.”
“Thought you were done being patient,” he teases, though his own words are strained. 
“Don’t make me - oh god! Wait so long next time!” you gasp. Eddie hears the promise inherent in those words but tries not to focus too much on it, lest he lose his cool immediately. He goes to work thrusting into you evenly, learning the way your body reacts. The things that make you pitch forward. The touches that have you biting the side of your fist to keep from screaming. Eventually that gets on his nerves. 
“Don’t hold it in. Wanna hear you, princess,” he says, hauling you up so that you’re both up on your knees, his chest to your back. 
“Well, I wanna see you,” you respond. You expect Eddie to throw you around again, but instead he eases out and turns you carefully, gently. He sits back against the couch cushions with his feet planted on the ground, pulling you into his lap. Right now you’re back in that very familiar position, with you grinding into his lap just as you had done earlier tonight - just as you had done that night in his van. 
But this time he lifts you up and brings you back down on his cock. Your hands come to fist in his hair and you cry out at the delicious stretch. 
“Thaaat’s it,” he encourages, dropping kisses on your neck, the hollow at the base of your throat, your collar bone. “Let me hear you, baby.”
“Eddie. Oh my - oh fuck.”
“You sound so pretty. Almost as pretty as you did putting Joan Jett to shame in the store earlier,” he chuckles. You let out a shaky laugh and try to bury your face in his neck but he doesn’t let you. “No more hiding, babygirl.”
As you get closer and closer to climax, you start to lose strength in your thighs and it becomes harder to lift yourself up and down on his cock. Eddie seems to notice this and he takes a firm hold on the underside of your ass and begins bouncing you up and down on him. The momentum, coupled with his upward thrusts, have you moaning all over again.
“Holy - oh fuck Eddie. Right there don’t slow down,” you whine, even as you know you’re so spent that your muscles can’t contribute much to the exertion for which you are begging. Eddie doesn’t seem to mind. In fact he seems like he’s on cloud nine taking in your bouncing breasts and your fucked out expression. 
“Right there, baby? Yeah?”
“Hold onto me, princess. I’ve got you,” he says through gritted teeth and do hold onto him. You grasp at his flexing arm and thread your fingers through his hair, tugging as the ripple of your orgasm heats your belly. 
When you cum, you recognize in a distant part of your brain that the record Eddie had put on earlier is still playing. The music adds ambience to the moment but you can’t quite make it out. It’s simply background for the music of your gasps and moans and chorus of “Eddie!”s.
And as Eddie cums and adds his own guttural groans and cries of your name to the din, you realize that there’s no other song you’d rather hear play on repeat. 
Tiny tag list of some people who have publicly reacted to my Eddie thirsting: @millenialcatlady @theoncrayjoy @cowboy-kylo @addiiscryingrn @sacklerscumrag @shesthegirlnextdoor1 @ginnylupin
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nerdieforpedro · 4 months
Weekend Update 03/10/2024
Made it another week Nerdie.
That I did. I believe today is Sunday. Too much time in this chair. I think I slept in it before. Too many times.
Nerdie, don't you have a bed?
I do, I don't always make it there. I've usually zoned out and nodded off, the wake up when my neck hurts. 👀 I'm not always writing either, just thinking sometimes.
Couldn't you think in bed Nerdie?
I could, but I don't. That sounds like a good idea. My ideas aren't always great. But I did have a few this week.
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My March Spring Prompts continue. I was able to do ten of them without repeating a character! 🤗 This upcoming week we'll see some Pedro peeps come back. Key words: gas station sushi, angst, oil and bath. Remember this is Nerdie 😎, it could be any and everything, but my prompts are mature and not explicit. I do write about some heavy subjects, fluff, a few giggles, and have some innuendos, but my main masterlist is 78% smut so just go there.
The WIP I’d been mentioning for the last few weeks or months (could be either) is finished and posted : Diddle your Dieter to Disco. My first Dieter smut actually which is hilarious at least to me. 🤣 The rest of his Masterlist is fairly fluffy. I would check the warnings on it, I put a lot in it. 👀
Part Two of my series The Lake Between Us is up. Make sure to read the warnings. Ezra introduction has a lot going on. It's an AU so he has both arms but that doesn't mean I didn't torture him other ways. 👀 I do love that ya'll love the taglist name "Taste-testers of Ezra's gumbo." 😆
I finally wrote the follow up to He told me his name called She made me feel. I think I enjoy mentally torturing Pedro characters at this point. Poor Din is so anxious and touch-starved. As always with Din = HANDS. A Nerdie staple. This is The Way.
Now for everyone's favorite (and mine): Fic recommendations!!! (Yes I did type and do a little yell, fanfics are serious. Pfft.) 😄
Confetti by @secretelephanttattoo (Marcus Pike x f reader) The Quiet Moments Collection
Adrift with you by @morallyinept (Frankie Morales x Jude OFC) The Prologue “I’m behind”’😭
A Real Man by @pedroshotwifey (Frankie Morales x female plus size reader) my request - stay self indulgent everyone! 🥰
Tick by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin (Frankie Morales x wife reader) The Mistress of Angst!
A Bronx Tale: Part Deux - A Chicago Tale by @justabovewater20 (SydCarmy)
Love’s a weed:  just ripe by @tinytinymenace (Frankie Morales x ofc - Ruby) Fruits are essential.
Second Chances part 2 by @pedroscurls (Marcus Pike x fem reader) Such a cute series 💕
Cigarettes After Sex by @immarocketman (Awesome artist I follow. 💜)
Promise by @criticallyacclaimedstranger (Ezra - dragon x fem reader) The only Pedro character that can pull off being a dragon. 🐉
Please Mister Please by @grogusmum (Joel Miller x fem reader) The fluff 🥹💕
Unconventional Location by @winniethewife (Abel Morales x fem reader)
Personal Shopper by @huntingingoodwill (Dieter Bravo x reader)
Enjoy the Silence by @strang3lov3 (Joel Miller x fem reader)
Spicy Ask #68 by @kewwrites (Din Djarin x reader) Say it with me: HANDS 🙌🏼!!!!
Reminder by @criticallyacclaimedstranger (Tim Rockford x fem reader) Sometimes good things happen in Tim’s office.
Forever Starts With You Masterlist (Frankie Morales x chubby fem reader) @criticallyacclaimedstranger I loved all three parts I read 🥰🥰 (A Good Start, A Strong Finish and A New Beginning). It looks like there more to their story so much more reading for me. ❤️
some good friend by @covetyou (Tim Rockford x fem reader) TIM DESERVED THIS ❤️ That is all.
Sanctuary by @thefrogdalorian (Din Djarin x GN reader) Din fluff forever. 🤗
We got your back chapter 1 by @softpascalito (Javier Peña x fem reader)
The Sweetest Melody by @noisynaia (Din Djarin x afab reader)
Rise by @sp00kymulderr (Joel Miller x afab reader) ALL THE FEELS 😭
Falling for you by @fhatbhabie (Joel Miller x plus size reader) Part One - The drama!
Just look at You by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin (Poe Dameron x fem reader) The Poe Dameron smut we deserve. 🍆
Chapter 3 - Here’s a health to the company… and one to my Boss… by @inept-the-magnificent (Tim Rockford x ofc Jane Nebbie) I just think about this series and I start giggling. Sunshine Nebbie and grump Tim - he is a super grump. But he is also me. 🤣
To the Flame chapter 6.5 by @pedroshotwifey (Dark Javier Peña x fem reader) So sweet out of context.
To the Flame chapter 9 by @pedroshotwifey (Dark Javier Peña x fem reader) The slow decent begins...we're just at the start of the ride. 😈
Between the Sheets by @saturn-rings-writes (William Tell x fem reader) Reminded me of an Isley Brothers song. I feel like we're headed toward that song. Please with this direction.
Hiccup by @morallyinept (Javier Gutierrez x fem reader) A whimpering Javi G. What an evening. 😘
A New Home by @charethcutestory02 (Frankie Morales x Benny Miller) Budding feelings. 🤗
Special shout out to Ms. Payday - Le Poet and lover of da words: @maggiemayhemnj They seek her out, have brunches and nightcaps. It's what all writers long for. She checked in on me along with @megamindsecretlair @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @magpiepills @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin and @lady-bess
I've been not as active - mainly due to work, school, and the insomnia. But still writing. 😄 priorities. lol
New appreciation for Javier Pena. well not new, re-newed. Maybe am working on a few things. None are good, none are final. Still need polishing. Also need to give Javi G's outline another look. I might...👀 have a chapter for him this week. I hope. @goodwithcheese was pleased with this. @undercoverpena was Luke-warm. I think she thought I was taking something, but if Javi P has shown us anything, sharing is caring. 😘
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Stay well, sleep in your bed (unless you're planning not to) and be hydrated,
Love Nerdie 💕
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erideights · 1 month
With my 6th sense. (3)
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Pairing: Hunter x fem! jedi reader
Rating: SFW
Wordcount: 3K
Chapters: (1) (2) (4)* (5)* (*not posted yet)
Warnings and tags: extremely light swearing from frat boy Hunter (because no one can tell me he didn't before he became all soft in TBB), canon-typical slight violence, tension between characters, maybe plot convenience (but let's be real, who doesn't add it?? The Clone Wars was just it all the time)
Summary: Another day, another suicide mission for the squad. This time commanded by a jedi general Hunter doesn't seem to really get along with.
A/N: I've been struggling a bit with making Hunter so distrustful, thinking it was maybe out of character, and then I rewatched episodes 1,2,3,4 of The Clone Wars season 7 where they are introduced, and actually saw how suspicious he was of Echo at first. So yeah, it's pretty accurate and I love it. Enjoy!
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Blurred streaks of light turn into distant stars as the Bad Batch’s shuttle, the Havoc Marauder -she still wonders who chose that name but will wait some more to ask- drops out of hyperspace, Serenno now looming ahead. Tech worked thoroughly to disguise their shuttle as a Separatist cargo vessel during their long trip, modifying all their scanner parameters, and now they are moments away from testing his handiwork and to see if the general's creative idea is a stroke of genius or a suicidal move.
Hunter’s mind is a swirl of doubts, tension painfully pulling from his muscles while seated in the copilot seat. Usually, when he’s the one that proposes the reckless strategies, he doesn’t worry so much about the outcome. Maybe because if everything goes wrong, he would blame himself, but this time he wouldn’t have that privilege. He glances at his General as his thoughts wander to her, far too relaxed given the circumstances. That playful smirk tugging at her lips and how calm she seems to be does little to ease his nerves. In fact, it infuriates him more. Her confidence is both reassuring and unnerving at the same time.
“Alright, everyone, get ready,” Tech instructs, his hands flying over the controls. “We’re approaching the Separatist control station.”
And as on cue, the mechanical voice of a battle droid echoes through the cockpit. “State your designation and cargo,” it demands.
Tech adjusts his goggles and leans in, voice steady and authoritative. “Shuttle TR-77, carrying supplies for the main base on Serenno. Transmitting clearance codes now.”
Hunter’s jaw tightens as silence falls over them. Oh, he really doesn’t trust this plan. What if they see through the ruse? What would happen if a damn droid decides to take a peek through the front of the ship?
The jedi, sensing his unease filling the room like toxic gas in a locked closet, leans closer to his seat, calmly resting her arm against it. “What’s the matter, sarge? Don’t trust Tech’s hacking skills?”
Before Hunter can respond, his lip twitching in what she would say is close to a snarl, Tech beats him to it. “Actually, based on the statistical data and previous successful infiltrations, there is a 97.6% chance this will hold up. The algorithms I use to—”
“Tech,” Hunter interrupts, keeping his eyes on the screen, “focus.”
“Roger roger, TR-77, you may approach and land,” the droids finally confirm.
Hunter exhales slowly, thinking he is subtle enough, but he isn’t. “See? Told you it would work,” she says with a playful grin, chuckling lowly.
Wrecker, on the other hand, slumps back in his seat, clearly disappointed. “I wanted some action.”
“Just wait,” Crosshair says dryly, biting into his toothpick. “Things always blow up eventually.”
Everyone’s getting ready by the time the cargo ship descends smoothly through Serenno’s atmosphere, the planet’s thick cloud cover parting to reveal a dense, sprawling forest below on its way to the main base. Tech’s hands move deftly over the controls, detaching and guiding the shuttle to a discreet landing spot near the edge of the forest. The ship lands with a soft thud, -smooth in comparison to the disaster the sergeant pulled off hours before-, and blends seamlessly into the surrounding greenery.
Hunter’s gaze sweeps over the calm landscape before he turns to his team. “Alright, lads,” Hunter calls them, drawing everyone's attention to him, his tone commanding while reluctantly checking everything is in place with his new outfit. “Let’s get this started. Crosshair, you stay here near the Marauder. If things go south, we’ll need a quick escape. General, you’re with me on the front. We’ll scout ahead and ensure the lab is clear once we find it. Tech, you’re with Wrecker.”
So, he’s the one giving orders now, huh? (Y/N) raises an eyebrow and rolls her eyes at how bluntly he ignores her rank and command, her authority to be the one to give the orders there, but keeps her thoughts to herself because, in the end, he knows best how his squad works. Hunter’s need to assert control could be a problem, though. “Want to keep an eye on me, sergeant? Afraid I might steal your thunder?”
Hunter’s expression remains hard to read, he could be annoyed or incredibly calm at the same time. He steals a quick glance at her, though. “I just want to make sure everything goes smoothly.”
She nods, pressing her lips in a cocky frown. “Sure thing.”
And so, with their roles established, the group splits up. Hunter and (Y/N) are the first to go into the forest with Tech and Wrecker close behind, the air thick with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves. The canopy above is dense, allowing only slivers of sunlight to pierce through, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor.
Hunter’s enhanced senses stay on high alert at all times. Every rustle of leaves, every snap of a twig, the humidity in the air around them, and the wet earth underfoot, he hears it all, smells it all. He crouches low, his improvised, ‘’undercover’’ helmet under his left arm, examining the ground where faint tracks of heavy machinery have disturbed the soil, he guesses, a month ago. “This way,” he huskily murmurs.
The jedi just watches him work, intrigued by his meticulous nature. She relents her steps at some point, letting Tech and Wrecker reach her and then, she leans softly to the first. “Remind me what he… does, exactly.” She inquires kindly, raising an eyebrow in the direction of the squad leader.
The clone, who was just checking his datapad until now, looks at her and then at Hunter, nodding in understanding. “He’s just tracking. Hunter’s abilities are actually extraordinary. All his senses are heightened to a level and precision that are almost superhuman. He can track a target through environments that would be impossible for others, or feel electromagnetic fields around him.”
Amused and finding that genuinely interesting, a small smile tugging at her lips. “Does he, now?” That’s the closest thing to a… physical, weaker version of the Force. More or less. “That’s impressive.”
“Indeed,” Tech continues, more than happy to talk to whoever was ready to listen to him. “The Kaminoans designed him with an acute awareness that allows him to detect even the faintest traces of a trail. But it’s not just physical; his brain processes these sensory inputs at an accelerated rate, making him an unparalleled tracker.”
And from there, she assumes correctly, comes his name. Originality might not be their strong suit, but it… suits him and that inherent masculinity that seems to ooze out of every pore of his skin. And she must admit, she has heard much worse.
The Jedi nods, now in deep thought, her eyes lingering on Hunter’s back as he leads them through the dense forest. He moves with the precision of a well-oiled machine, every step calculated to avoid detection. Though, she highly doubts there’s anything to worry about there in the open; according to their -Tech’s- calculations, security, both outside and inside, should be minimal. After all, they are deep in Separatist territory, only someone desperate or straight-up (borderline) suicidal would even think to try to infiltrate.
With ease and guided by their human map -better than calling him loth-wolf- the team gets deeper into the forest, the mechanical sounds of the hidden laboratory under their feet growing louder and more annoying inside the sergeant’s ears. And then he stops, raising a hand, signaling them to halt. ‘’This is it.’’
In front of them, in a small clearing surrounded by younger trees than what they’ve seen before, stands a stone structure no more than 3 meters high, covered in fallen leaves and vines. A good way to make it pass slightly more "unnoticed". Judging by the way there is absolutely nothing behind it, it is easy to assume it is an elevator.
Tech approaches the concealed entrance, his fingers dancing over his datapad. “Definitely the place. I’ll start bypassing the security.”
Hunter turns to her, his gaze steady. “Stay sharp. We don’t know what’s inside.’’
“Werll, in that case maybe we should find another way in first and make sure it’s clear,” she suggests, her eyes scanning the ground, her feet taking her from one side of the lab entrance to the other. She starts kicking at the large piles of dry leaves accumulated, without success the first three or four times.
The hell is she doing? Hunter frowns, curious, arms crossed and senses alert, but he doesn’t seem to hear or feel anything nearby besides the lab. ‘’What do you suggest, General?’’
“Ventilation ducts,” moving a few meters away, in the direction of one of the few thick trees she spots around, she bites her lower lip, focusing on finding them and proving her point. ‘’An underground base must have ventilation ducts to the surface, right? We both could sneak in and wait for them inside.’’
Once in front of the large, tall, and open roots of the tree, she takes a closer look, squatting on the ground. Inside them there only seem to be dead leaves and some mushrooms, but a blinking light, very small but red, proves her right.
She scoffs ‘cause in the end, the Separatists and the Republic are not so different; there are very similar shelters on Naboo with the same technique to cover their ventilation ducts and secret doors to escape. “Found them.”
That was really clever. Smart. And there’s a part of him that’s surprised of not having thought about it himself. So as Hunter approaches from behind, taking a look over the Jedi, he nods to himself, pleased and annoyed in equal parts. Though he wouldn’t admit it. Nor let it show. He is too proud to give her any kind of credit, but… he likes her style. 
He just finds her perky personality annoying.
She looks back over her shoulder, her lips curling into a playful smile as soon as she catches a glimpse of approval in his eyes. Her head tilting in a gesture that invites him to go with her. “Shall we, sarge?”
Her feet land softly and silently on the pristine metallic floor of the base, Hunter behind her with a subtle, deaf thud. Their movements are silent and precise, not daring to pronounce a single word until they verify it's all clear. Both start walking around in sync, searching for the elevator door to let the others in. The interior is a stark contrast to the forest outside—sterile, metallic, and illuminated by cold, fluorescent lights. The walls are clean, with a couple of terminals next to each door. The air is filled with a faint hum of electricity and the occasional beep of automated systems in the distance or mouse droids. It is a place of cold efficiency and clinical precision, a far cry from the natural chaos of the forest above.
Under his helmet, Hunter’s eyes scan the corridors, picking up every detail around them. The sterile smell of the lab, the faint whir of machinery, the subtle vibrations of the floor—all of it loud inside his brain. "Clear," he whispers, his voice barely audible.
(Y/N) nods and sends a quick message through her comm to give the green light to Tech and Wrecker still outside, closing her eyes for a moment, breathing deeply. She might not have his cool enhanced, superhuman senses, but she has an extra one, her 6th one, that’s not warning her at all of any possible threats at this precise moment.
The other two clones don’t take long to reach them, with Tech immediately moving towards the first terminal he spots. His fingers fly over his data-pad, connecting to the system. "I’m in. Closing the cameras on loop and downloading the map of the lab now," he says, eyes focused on the screen. The personification of efficiency right there.
Looking at him from the corner of her eye, she would swear Hunter seems to relax for just a moment thanks to the lack of activity around them, his eyes fixed on the end of the open corridor, his mind racing even if his body doesn’t show it. "Find the communication center. That’s our primary target."
Tech nods, his eyes darting back and forth. "Got it. This way."
Moving through the labyrinthine corridors of the lab, passing closed rooms filled with half-constructed droids partially visible from outside, workbenches cluttered with tools, and scientists’ notes scribbled on boards, they find no more than a couple of scientists working in the distance, too distracted to notice them. As they pass another set of closed doors, though, Wrecker can’t resist peeking through a small window. "Looks like more droids in there," he mutters mostly to himself. "Probably more trouble waiting for us."
Let’s hope not.
Giving him a playful look, nudging at his arm, the jedi pushes him softly. "Keep moving, Wrecker. We’ll do some sightseeing next time."
"There won’t be a next time," Hunter grumpily corrects her, incapable of shaking off the feeling of being watched, even though he knows and feels there's no one doing so, and it’s just his paranoia. And she cannot help but glance at him again, over the black mask covering half of her face, his tension so strong she swears she can taste it through the Force. "Relax, sergeant. I thought your team enjoyed risky missions."
But the sergeant keeps walking, his eyes jumping to her for a second, shaking his head lightly. "We do, but I would rather fight a male yalbec than be balls deep into separatist territory."
"Fair enough."
And to keep being fair with his concerns, she must admit, it’s somehow unnerving not finding anything or anyone through the corridors. Almost too convenient, even if they already count with a minimum to nonexistent level of security.
Then they reach the communication center and Tech connects right away to another terminal in the middle of a control panel in the center of the room. And as he works, Hunter’s unease grows. Every second feels like an eternity inside that hell of a place, and he would love nothing more than giving Wrecker thumbs up to blow it all, and then he hears it. Something moving, or better said: a lot of things moving. In their direction. Slowly.
"Wait—" but it’s too late, the moment Tech connected his data-pad to the control panel, his actions triggered a silent alarm that woke up some droids. "We are about to get company," Hunter hisses in a low tone, pulling out his vibroblade.
Wrecker’s face lights up with anticipation. "Finally, some action!"
"Technically, it’s just a small guard squad checking for a false alarm. If we hide..." Tech starts talking fast, already searching for solutions to the problem.
"We can’t hide him," The General interrupts to point at Wrecker, noting matter-of-factly as she peeks out the hallway to check where the droids will arrive right after. "Have you blocked external communications?"
"Since we entered," he assures her with a small nod.
"Good. Let’s take care of these droids quietly and get out of here," Hunter orders, to which everyone nods without exception. Wrecker more reluctantly; he wanted a good fight.
‘’And remember—’’ squinting her eyes, she first glances at the sergeant, then at the biggest clone; so the one she trusts the least, basically, he enjoys maybe too much the idea of destroying everything. ‘’If we see the droid we came looking for, don't touch the motherboard. We need to bring the control unit intact to Coruscant.’’
A couple of mechanical voices give away the arrival of a squadron of battle droids within minutes, an experimental one for the way it doesn’t seem fully finished, sleek and deadly, keeping its distance in the back, silent, observing. Its design is already more advanced than the classical ones, with a menacing, insect-like appearance.
With a hiss, the regular battle droids open the doors and not even a second later, Wrecker smashes the head of one of them without mercy or having taken a real look at it. Hunter stabs another, as (Y/N)'s lightsaber cuts the third in half. Their big boy, true to form, engages the last one with sheer brute force, enjoying every second from the moment he lifts it into the air until he slams it against a wall. 
That was dramatic, poor droid.
"Is that all you got?" Wrecker taunts, grinning from ear to ear.
But unbeknownst to them, the experimental droid that kept its distance analyzed the situation from afar and seeing one of the intruders connected to the terminal, it bypasses the others, faster than the group can predict, and zeroes in on Tech. It lunges, pinning him to the wall by his neck, its mechanical fingers tightening. Tech's eyes widen in shock, his hands scrambling to pry the droid's grip from his throat.
And from here… everything happens just. so. fast.
Hunter doesn’t hesitate, vibroblade in hand, he plunges the blade into the droid’s motherboard in the back of its head, stabbing strong and deep.
"Hunter, wait! That’s the one we n—" The jedi scream comes too late. She didn’t think she would have needed to scream at all. But there she is.
The droid sparks and falls limp, and an ear-splitting alarm blares to life. Red lights flash throughout the lab, bathing everything in a crimson glow. The sound of the alarm echoes through the corridors, a harbinger of the chaos to come.
Silence falls over them as Hunter pulls back, his movements fluid, but his eyes wide with realization as soon as he processes (Y/N)’s warning. This cannot be happening. "Kriff—"
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