#garrett dutton
grande-caps · 2 years
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1883 - Season 1
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aerospectrum · 4 months
hey I LOVE your writing! Have you thought about writing more about Kayce and Jamie? I feel like they have such an unexplored dinamic on the show. Of all the family relationships theirs is the one with most love and understanding even though they are kinda distant. I also think about how close Jamei and Lee must have been, because they were the ones that really stayed at the ranch (well, Jamie left for college but came back). I have this headcanon that Lee was probably gay and that’s why he never got married. I imagine that he and Jamie would be kinda of confidents, you know?
AHHH that is so kind to say and means so much, thank you so much I am so happy you enjoy my writing I get so anxious somedays, thank you my dude! I know I'm gonna ramble so I'm going to save dash sanity and bring in the readmore!
I would love the opportunity to write more about Kayce and Jamie, I do write them on a few ao3 stories and I love getting to explore their relationship through those stories! I recently got the opportunity to start writing with a multi who writes Kayce and it has been so fun and so great! I love their interpretation and embodiment of him it feels so real and just good man, I have been itching to write with a Kayce for so long so it feels so satisfying and makes me happy. He just has such a cool dynamic for a character, I love it.
I think Jamie and Kayce have a unique bond where Kayce just doesn't give a fuck what the rest of the Dutton family thinks, to him, Jamie is family whether there's shared blood or not. There's that brotherly loyalty and there's this scene where Jamie breaks the glass in the kitchen and starts to scream that he hates John and Kayce catches him in this hug and just like wraps him up and cradles his head and I'm always so caught off-guard by how loving that gesture is. To see your older brother be so discarded and manipulated by the rest of the family for his whole life and then to catch him when he does break, it's so intimately heart-shattering!
The one thing I'd love to change about their relationship aside from the unexplored and unfair distance is this; I think when Jamie finds out it's Garrett behind everything that happens to the ranch and his family I feel like out of all of them he would've told Kayce and I know trauma fucks us all differently, but I think he would've broken down and been like "this was my fault kayce... my father did this to you- he tried to kill your wife and son and it's my fault and I don't know what that makes us... you and me, I don't know if that makes you want to kill me because-- I'm part him and always will be...i'm... i love you, but im sorry, I'm sorry I caused this." because I think if anything kayce would've reassured Jamie "No, you're not any of him at all you didn't cause this, you're my brother and I love you and I'll fix this for you." I hated that Jamie didn't tell Kayce what happened when he found out Garrett had orchestrated the attacks. because Kayce would've understood and he would've given Jamie the clarity and assurance that he wouldn't let John and Beth blame him for it. he would've fought to defend Jamie against them both.
i think I hate Taylor Sheridans force narrative that only blood makes someone family and that jamie being adopted makes him this automatic villain to the family who's innately evil just cuz of who his birth parent was. it's just shitty and spiteful writing imo, but also because personally i'm adopted and my birth dad ain't shit.. but i'm making something of myself even if my adoptive dad doesn't always see me how i wanna be seen as the middle son. I guess I've got some personal trauma of my own tied to these characters lol.
I love that interpretation you have of Lee and Jamie being closest since they both came back or stayed at the ranch, also I am fully here for that headcanon!! I love Lee so much and I'm angry with how they forgot about him after his death. I wanted so much more of him in the show he brought a clarity to the entire family and I miss him aaaahhh justice for the dutton siblings! But I agree I think him and Jamie would've been confidants in that. I love the scenes they had with the guys at the river and the bond they all shared. I loved that Jamie was just so excited to hang out with his brothers again and even him listening to Kayce and Lee argue he was just so happy to be there with them and we all deserved more of that lol.
I think Jamie and Lee shared a bond unlike the rest especially since Lee would've been old enough to know his mother wasn't pregnant and that they brought Jamie home to meet him... I think he would've been a big defender of Jamie growing up and made sure he had a voice in the world for sure. And Jamie knowing Lee was gay and that's why he hadn't married makes so much sense. Just the weight that comes from that in the way they all were raised and the mindsets that they grew up around just makes so much sense- I feel like it's the same for Jamie but beth makes so many harsh remarks about Jamie's sexuality all the time that I don't know if Jamie would've shared the full depth of himself with Lee just out of fear that Beth would overhear and use it against him. So I think he lives with that regret a bit after Lee's death as well. AAAAHHHH I want to write with a Lee so badly I neeeeed to. The dutton siblings have all intrinsically rewired my brain and mutated my dna, i fear there is no recovery lol.
Sorry this go super long and had no end in sight, but I love these kinds of questions and ideas and back and forth headcanon talks, it's my favorite thing thank you so much for sending this in and sharing your thoughts on the guys too, this was so awesome! thank you!
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lawhurt · 3 months
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full name.   james 'jamie' michael dutton (born james michael randall)
nicknames / aliases.   jamie.
height.   6' 0''.
age.   36 - 45 depending on the timeline.
zodiac.   taurus
spoken languages.   english.
hair colour.   brown / salt &. pepper grey
eye colour.   very blue.
skin tone.   white? not too pale, i suppose. darker in the summer.
body type.  thin, slight build, soft belly
dominant hand.   right.
posture.   very good while working or in public. slumpy &. defeated depending on mood.
scars.    various burn scars from brandings on his hands, &. arms. some various scars from beth stabbing him with forks or scissors.
tattoos.   none.
birthmarks.   none, a few moles on his back but nothing crazy
most noticeable features.   his overlapping front teeth, his striking blue eyes.
place of birth.   bozeman, montana, usa.
siblings.  no birth siblings by his biological parents. he has two brothers, lee (deceased), and kayce dutton. he also has a sister, beth dutton. as we know.
parents.   john &. evelyn dutton (adoptive) phyllis &. garrett randall (biological)
occupation.  montana state attorney general, formerly a prosecuting attorney, his father's (&. family's) personal lawyer / council. he's also had a brief turn as livestock commissioner before his promotion, &. former chief council of his father's ranch, aka the yellowstone dutton ranch.
current residence(s).   a home in helena, montana, prev. the yellowstone dutton ranch. depending on the tl.
close friends.   .... no close friends. lots of political ones.
relationship status.   single.
criminal record.  none, but not for lack of criminal offenses.
vices.   jealousy, self deprecation, self pity, among other things. the need for validation &. approval. . . . whiskey. lol.
sexual orientation.   closeted bisexual with some internalized homophobia but only against himself -- it's only bad to him bc he feels like he's proving beth right &. she's prone to insult him about 'being gay'.
preferred sexual role.   submissive. complete service top when with a woman, but still more a servicing role / more of a sub lean.
libido.   normal, probably less than a typical man / not high priority, but healthy.
turn-ons.   redhead / brunette, smart, confident, strong willed, dominant, independent, spontaneous, nice legs.
turn-offs.   lawyers (sometimes, can just be a red-flag), immature, 'city girls', sometimes younger girls (like early twenties), hipster types, unrefined.
love language.   he shows love through acts of service, primarily. he likes to be shown love by words of affirmation, primarily.
relationship tendencies.  he's never had a serious relationship to the point where he's developed any, canonically, however, he's been very prone to do things to gain his lover's favor, is easily manipulated in some cases, (though i have my theories with sarah) . . . but again very prone to acts of service to show devotion.
hobbies to pass time.   he doesn't have a lot of hobbies. not a lot of time. he enjoys(ed) working on the ranch, but doesn't get the chance a lot. before he liked fishing, fly fishing, riding. crosswords, while he's at work.
mental illnesses.   ptsd, imposter syndrome.
self-confidence level. in his job? 1000%. in his family / personal life? none.
tagged by: @foxtaeil tagging: @hollowvictory / getslashed , @petrosy4n, @dut0n, @cultfic (lee), @markedwrath.
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embermc · 2 years
“Jamie is John’s son” “Jamie is actually Garrett’s son” WRONG. Jamie Dutton is my son
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I now write for the following along with the rest of my fandoms!
Gears of war
Anya Stroud
Marcus Fenix
Samantha Byrne
Augustus Cole
Elizabeth Carmine
Dom Santiago
Alexandra Brand
JD Fenix
Sofia Hendrik
Anthony Carmine
Alicia Valera
New/Current Oscar Isaac charaters
Abel Morales
Jonathan Levy
Jose Ramos Horta
Peter Malkin
Nick Wasicsko
Michael Perry
Nathan Bateman
Santiago "Pope" Garcia
Poe Dameron
Steven Grant
William Tell
Llewyn Davis
Mikael Boghosian
Duke Leto Atreides
Marc Specter
Kane Double
New/Current Pedro Pascal Characters
Joel Miller
Pero Tovar
Dave York
Marcus Pike
Pietro Alvarez
Nathan Landry
Mandalorian/Din Djarin
Javi Gutierrez
Frankie Morales
Marcus Moreno
Jack "Whiskey" Daniels
Dieter Bravo
Zach Wellington
New/Current Garrett Hedlund Characters
Luther Fox
Don Billingsley
Murtagh Morzansson
Beau Hutton
Mike Burden
Johnny Five
Perry Montroy
Dean Moriarty
Jack Mercer
Mitch Keller
Benny Miller
Rami Malek Characters
Elliot Alderson
Jim Baxter
Louis Dega
Merriell "Snafu" Shelton
New/Current Yellowstone characters
Kacey Dutton
John Dutton
Jamie Dutton
Jimmy Hurdstram
Colby Mayfield
Teonna Rainwater
Monica Long Dutton
Rip Wheeler
Beth Dutton
Neil Tenet
Mia Toretto
Joey Coalter
Pierre Dulaine
Bobby Hicks
Kimberly Hart
Lorenzo Do Lamberti
Trini Kwan
David Abbott
Tory Nichols
Luigi Mario
Anna Morales
Miguel Diaz
Princess daisy
Peter Joshua
Lin Mi Sheng
Dash McMahon
Evelyn O'connell
Leonhard Seppala
Polly Shelby
Hector Villanueva
Tris Prior
John Kelly
Laurel Pride
Scott Barringer
Elsa Dutton
Matt Flamhaff
Jessie Eden
Baker Dill
Julianne Potter
Perry MacKendrick
Celine Naville
Eli Moskowitz
Laura Burney/Sara Waters
Rick O'connell
Gail Perkins
Sean Anderson
Ares (John Wick)
Tobias "Four" Eaton
Robert Lewis
Mason "Mace" Brown
Sam Munroe
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dameronscopilot · 2 years
Is there a new character you're loving this month? Like, I'm loving 6 new characters 🤣 And are there some characters in your list you don't want to write about anymore?
I finally started watching Peacemaker after putting it off for a while, and I love Adrian Chase far too much already.
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And Spencer Dutton continues to take up more square footage in my brain with each new episode of 1923.
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I don’t think anybody that I’ve written about in recent months is getting the boot from my writing list, but as always my main focus will be Oscar and Garrett characters with others sprinkled in throughout 😂
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filmniller · 2 years
1883 (miniserie i 10 dele)
5 ud af 5 ulyksalige prærie-odysseer.
Dette er forhistorien til tv-serien "Yellowstone", men den kan sagtens ses uden kendskab til efterfølgeren. Det er efter min mening Taylor Sheridans fineste værk til dato, og det siger ikke så lidt.
Elsa Dutton (Isabel May) og hendes familie er brudt op fra Tennessee og nu på langfart mod det frugtbare Oregon. Elsas far, James (Tim McGraw) aftaler i Texas at følges med Shea Brennan (Sam Elliott) og Thomas (LaMonica Garrett), der leder en gruppe tyske pionerer, som også søger et bedre liv, men er naivt uvidende om de ufattelige farer, der venter dem i vildmarken.
Jeg kender kun Tim McGraw som sanger, men han viser sig også at være en fremragende skuespiller, og det samme er hans kone, sangeren Faith Hill, som også spiller hans hustru i serien. Den ubestridte stjerne er dog Isabel May, gennem hvis øjne historien fortælles. Sam Elliott med den dybe stemme og det kraftige overskæg portrætterer igen den arketypiske cowboy, og der er cameos fra Rita Wilson og Billy Bob Thornton (samt Tom Hanks, som godt nok kun er på skærmen i et par minutter).
Det er en historie med slanger, uvejr, dysenteri, indianere og fredløse banditter, og den har vi set mange gange før, men kun sjældent i denne kvalitet. Serien er efter min mening den bedste tv-western siden "Lonesome Dove". Den vil snart blive efterfulgt af "1923" med Harrison Ford og Helen Mirren, og den ser vi frem til.
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stocksdemo · 2 years
Talking tom and friends season 4 episode 1
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The kids who inherited it are putting it up for sale, and Jamie talks over the pros and cons of the purchase with his birth dad, Garrett (Will Patton). (You’ve got that right, John.) John doesn’t mince words and confirms they’re going to kill everyone left in the militia.Īnd speaking of Jamie (Wes Bentley), our least favorite Dutton is out on a ranch listening to a realtor try and sell him the place, complete with cattle, pens, furniture, etc. If he doesn’t issue them, then they’ll know where he stands.
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John tells Kayce to ask Jamie for the warrants to take down the ones that remain.
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Kayce believes it was the white supremacist militia and John wonders how many of them are still alive. No, Kayce’s sure Jamie is still seeking his dad’s approval in his own twisted way. Plus, Jamie only leased the land for the airport because he was trying to keep the ranch together. Kayce doesn’t think anyone would work for Jamie. They banter good-naturedly about their wounds and Kayce says, “If you die on the way home I’ll bury you next to Lee and then I’ll sit on your grave and I’ll tell you I told you so.”Īfter a few lighthearted moments, John changes the mood by revealing Beth thinks Jamie’s behind the attack. Kayce starts to strip to join his dad for a soak, unwilling to let him ride home alone. John won’t back down when Kayce tries to get him to behave and declares if he dies on the ride back that’s just the way it goes. Kayce can’t help but smile as John points out the doctors also said he wasn’t supposed to drive but never mentioned riding a horse. Kayce follows him into the woods and finds John soaking in a hot spring, and John claims he’s just following his doctor’s orders. Kayce ( Luke Grimes) spots him riding off and is shocked, wondering if his dad’s trying to die. Paramount Network’s Yellowstone season four episode two finds John ( Kevin Costner) taking chances with his recovery by saddling up and going for a ride, alone. Kevin Costner in ‘Yellowstone’ season 4 episode 2 (Photo Courtesy of Paramount Network’s Social Media)
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Rutland's Alta Vista Farm hosting three-day Juicefest musical extravaganza
Rutland’s Alta Vista Farm hosting three-day Juicefest musical extravaganza
RUTLAND — Milk Room Brewing Co. is gearing up for a three-day musical extravaganza the weekend of Oct. 14 through 16 aptly named Juicefest in honor of headliner G. Love and The Juice. Milk Room Brewing Sales Manager Melissa LeBlanc, left, and G Love, aka Garrett Dutton, at one of his past performances at Alta Vista Farm. (COURTESY MELISSA LEBLANC) While this is the first official music festival…
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pear-pies · 3 years
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Garrett Dutton (G.Love) of G.Love & Special Sauce / photo by Mitch Ikeda
Rockin’ On Magazine - February, 1996    
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jeffcbliss · 4 years
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G. Love & Special Sauce - Harlow’s; Sacramento, CA (3-18-17). @glove
Photo: Jeff Bliss
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aerospectrum · 3 months
edit: this was initially 3 short paras and then i lost control. random thoughts/character analysis of homelander under the cut; feel free to add your own thoughts or opinions if you see fit. these are just my own personal thoughts and opinions here I speak for nobody but myself 🫡🩵🔥 here is some listening music if you read along disclaimer: this is an rp related analysis so i talk about some shipping stuff too
one of the big reasons I like homelander and jamie together so much is because of the similarities i see between them both and I think think that makes their ship dynamic a bit more than just 2d for myself.
homelander/ john was created and forced into the spotlight from birth; he always has to be “on” for everyone and in the show it’s played out so well and lets the audience into this unspoken/unprocessed trauma that literally goes deeper than his childhood. I think of the scene where he looks in the file box and see's that they've even bagged his blanket up and call it a “prop”. It's like all he’s ever been to vought and the world is a prop. They have the control to send Homelander into a simultaneous spiral of self doubt and untamable rage: it gets them views, it reminds Homelander of his "place" it reminds him that he is a lab experiment, that everything special about him came from a fucking test tube and there's nothing he can do to change that. and when he starts to break free from their own little world of control and mind games it upsets them (but it forces them to recognize that he's nearly unstoppable and he can and will fight back when backed into the corner and they better watch their fucking backs). Homelander has his flaws, as does any good character and I think that's what I like about him.
Like he's a total asshole, a real dick who doesn't force himself to filter his shitty opinions or comments regardless of who it affects. We see that with the way he just freely lets people know that humans are toys that are there to be broken. That has got to be something that was hardwired into him as a kid anytime he made a mistake playing with another human and forgot his threshold is not at all the same as a humans. When he'd cry and feel remorse and empathy for those in pain; I think Vought cut that out of him, shamed him and made him feel less than for caring for those "less than him" and so of course he's grown to see himself as better than, to see humans as replaceable, expendable- useless toys that can be remade for his needs and desires. But I think there's a part of him still in there buried beneath all the darkness that wants human connection, wants worth and belonging. There's tons of scenes that prove this to me-- this man craves physical intimacy in the form of gentle touch and kind words, he was just abandoned so often that his depravity and douchebag external behaviors have become his security blanket.
In him embracing who they created him to be, suddenly he’s evil and malicious and needs to be killed. they created a “monster” and then got mad that it did exactly what they trained it to do. (For clarity homie is not a monster to me) he’s been abandoned by everyone and everything that makes a person “human” he was punished for his shortcomings, let down by everyone who should’ve done more and done better. And then they blame him for how he turned out and try to kill him at every single opportunity. He’s only out of control because there’s been no stability or security for him from anyone, anywhere, ever. It feels like fear is a big component or driving factor in how Homelander rationalizes his actions. 
So why do I see such similarities and enjoy the concept of shipping Homelander wiht Jamie Dutton from Yellowstone? Thanks for asking lmao. I'll jump right in. With Jamie Dutton we already know his birth dad was an abusive drunk who created a drug fueled addict out of his mother. John Dutton has no trouble telling Garrett to his face that Garrett punished his wife for becoming what he created her to be and then in a drug/alcohol fueled rage killed his mother when he found jamie had gotten ahold of her drugs-- he also passively states that if Jamie wants to allow Garrett to undo everything John made him to be then it was fair game and to go ahead. No decent parent views their child as a project they solely created- like some science project slapped together on the weekends. John Dutton for the record also has a savior complex though because he likes to play the part of a saint while being one of the most abusive fathers out there to all of his children, we just see it played out the most on screen with Jamie,
Garrett killing his wife gets him thrown in prison and Jamie is adopted out of obligation by none other than the states biggest name, John dutton, and john raises this kid to know that he’s not real family- he’s not loved or respected by him or the rest of his family. The proof of this is Beth yelling at her father to tell her that he ever cared about or loved Jamie the way he did her, Kayce, or Lee. So if the other children picked up on this fact I'm gonna be hard-pressed to believe Jamie didn't himself. And yet Jamie is expected to live up to and beyond the expectations and standards of John Dutton or suffer the consequences-- of which he's suffered a multitude of times already.
All Jamie wants is to be loved and to belong-- He has no sense of identity because that's how John raised him up. He was nothing but a means to an end, a tool and one that John spends his entire childhood berating in front of his siblings and everyone else watching. He disparages Jamie's accomplishments and character to anyone within listening distance constantly. Jamie was a good cowboy-- Rip has mentioned this a few times that Jamie was really good at what he did as a cowboy before John applied sneakily under the table to Ivy League College Harvard on the completely opposite side of the states and pushed Jamie as far away from the ranch as he legally could. He asks Jamie directly what he wants to be when he grows up and Jamie says, I wanna be like you dad, I wanna make you proud and run the Yellowstone like you and John laughs in his face and says the only way you'll be like me a protect the ranch is if you leave and do everything I tell you to do down to a T- don't stray, don't fuck up, do what I say and then you'll have a shot at being me. He lies through his teeth to this kid because he can't have someone who isn't blood in the line of inheritance.
Not only does John force Jamie to become the thing he hates most as a way to dangle the hope Jamie has of being loved in front of him, he vocally regrets and despises Jamie for it. Jamie operates out of abandonment a lot and begrudgingly becomes the best lawyer he can be- so much that he becomes the states attorney but only after John has spent full energy humiliating and punishing Jamie for daring to want more than what John will ever give him. Repeatedly, John yanks the respect and love right out of Jamie's reach anyway and every time. he ostracizes Jamie while demanding he not embarrass the Dutton family or name. When Jamie finally has enough and attempts having a backbone of his own John not only beats him up and has him disowned but agrees with his daughter that Jamie is his greatest failure in life and biggest disappointment.
They not only convince jamie not to kill himself but then they spend all their energy telling him he's a coward and weak minded and weakhearted and should kill himself it escalates to them saying that they will kill him. They created him to be the protector of their heritage; lineage, inheritance- everything he wasn't allowed to be a part of and when he's become what they forced him to be they still hate him and want him killed. 
Jamie breaks a window after his sister and father corner him in the kitchen. He screams that he’s given everything to this family and why isn’t it good enough and that he hates John. Later on his sister backs him into a corner- forces him to kill his birth father who surprisingly is the only one who genuinely loves Jamie and tells him to never let the Duttons convince him he's a bad man just because he's different from them. Then she threatens him with rape, prison, taking and hurting his child and finally with murdering him. But the narrative still wants you to believe that Jamie is the villain because he isn't a blood Dutton. They abuse this character over the span of 5 seasons and call his reactionary actions to the perpetual abuse wrong and abusive---why do they want me to view the victim of abuse as the victim-- that's fucked. Jamie operates a lot out of fear too and people think that it makes him spineless but it doesn’t. When you’ve been forced back in a corner all your life by pitchforks and fire eventually the fear breaks and you lash out in desperation. But they use that against him and consider him a villain for it. 
Jamie's storyline reminds me so much of Homelander asking Ryan “why am i not good enough for you?” Because his entire life he’s been forced into this worldview that he’s nothing more than a show animal or a puppet for the world to play with. Like Homelander laments; he does what people want they hate him... he doesn’t do what people want they hate him. He tries and he tries and he tries and it’s never good enough. But nobody ever stops to think he was raised from birth to be the way he is. There was no security for him, no warmth or care, no humanity nor humility for him to learn and grow from. Maybe he sees the way he could’ve been in Ryan and it opens up a wound in him like “but why couldn’t i have had a mother or father who loved me, who wanted me? Why did it always have to be “smile at the camera and do a trick?” Homelander was forced into to the dance monkey dance schtick and Jamie was forced to become the outlet of his families disgust and hatred. Therefore at the first signs of feeling anything other than fear, malice, self preservation, or disappointment they're incapable of accepting honest gestures of love from the people around them because it could all be a joke, it could be all for show and just a ruse- they could let their guards down and learn to love and be loved only for it all to be yanked away and the bright lights shined down on them in a display of "hahaha you idiot it was all fake!"
No matter what either of them do it’s never good enough and they both strike me as the carriers of the worst type of trauma from abuse and neglect, I just love my damaged me so deeply. Annnnyway that’s all. I mean there’s more but that’s all for rn because this is very long winded and I don’t want to be annoying lmao. 
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float-me-now · 2 years
Did I really just hear John Dutton tell Garrett that he raised Jamie with "love and respect" I literally burst out laughing at this, the man's a comedian I can't-
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embermc · 2 years
Wes Bentley saying that the situation with the reporter was a result of all of Jamie’s pent-up frustration and emotion finally boiling over in an explosive display, and then now saying that season 5 Jamie hasn’t yet even allowed himself to process all of his baggage relating to what happened to Garrett and that it’s going to hit him hard when he finally does - Jamie Dutton stop deeply repressing and compartmentalizing all of your trauma and get therapy challenge fr
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geekcavepodcast · 3 years
1883 Trailer
Paramount has released a trailer for Yellowstone prequel series 1883.  1883 follows the Dutton family’s “journey west through the Great Plains toward the last bastion of untamed America.” (Paramount Plus)
1883 hails from Taylor Sheridan. The series stars Sam Elliott, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Isabel May, Billy Bob Thornton, and LaMonica Garrett.
1883 hits Paramount+ on December 19, 2021.
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leigh553 · 3 years
If Jamie is going to kill a father, I think he should kill both of them cuz fuck John Dutton. He probably won’t kill either though.
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