#garnet fanfiction
archivehub · 5 months
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I haven't seen anyone post the new, official SU poster over here, so here it is! It was spotted in Vancouver at a talk Rebecca and Ian were doing!
[Image source here!]
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maybegays-blog · 6 months
Hi! Could you maybe do garnet x gem reader 🙂
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Garnet x Gem Reader headcanons
Warnings: Short :(
Garnet's trust in you runs deep, a testament to the unwavering bond you share. She relies on your judgment and intuition, valuing your input and perspective in all matters, knowing that together, you make a formidable team.
Despite her never-ending trust in you, she is quite protective of you. Garnet's protectiveness stems from a place of deep love and devotion(so zont worry abt scary stuff :D)
She uses her powers to watch over you like a guardian angel, ready to step in and shield you from harm at a moment's notice. (It honestly doesn’t matter if your capable of protecting yourself, she’ll still protective either way)
Despite her stoic exterior, Garnet isn't afraid to show her vulnerability around you. In moments of doubt or insecurity, she leans on your support, trusting you to lift her up with your unwavering love and understanding.
Garnet respects your autonomy and independence, understanding that you are your own person with your own thoughts and feelings. While she is protective of you, she also trusts you to make your own decisions and carve out your own path in life, standing by your side every step of the way. (What a gentlewoman)
Training sessions with her>>>>
Garnet's training regimen with you is intense yet rewarding. She pushes you to your limits, guiding you through rigorous exercises that test your strength, agility, and combat skills.
She also tailors each training session to your unique strengths and weaknesses.
She challenges you to push past your limits while also providing guidance and support every step of the way, ensuring that you reach your full potential.
Even if it’s challenging, the rewards she grants are so worth it 🤭
When doubts creep in, Garnet is there to offer gentle reassurance (and attack whoever hurt you), reminding you of your worth and inner strength. Her words are like a soothing balm for your soul, easing your fears and insecurities, and filling you with a renewed sense of confidence and determination.
Such a sweetheart overall 🙏🙏
Blog shit
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minijenn · 16 days
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Story Summary: What would happen if the Crystal Gems had settled down in a place other than Beach City, a little backwoods town just west of weird…? What if, upon coming to Gravity Falls for the summer, Dipper and Mabel were to befriend Steven and Connie? What kind of magical, mysterious adventures would they have? And, how would they fare against the combined threats of merciless Homeworld Gems and a certain triangular demon?
Find out what happens when Magic and Mystery meet in Universe Falls...
Chapter Summary: The Crystal Gems happen upon a tiny little town just west of weird… Oregon, 1843 Somewhere in the stars, there was a place they once called home.  None of them had seen it in centuries–one of them had never even seen it at all. None of them had any desire to see it either. Why would they want to when they want to, when everything they had fought so hard to save was right here on Earth?  No, as far as the Crystal Gems were concerned, they were exactly where they needed to be. For thousands of years, they’d wandered this strange, yet special planet together. They’d worked tirelessly to protect the humans who inhabited it from the echoes of the danger they first brought here. And though there were only four where there used to be many, they’d still stuck together through it all.  Even now as they headed into the unknown all over again. Click the link to read more; all comments are appreciated!
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novantinuum · 2 months
Fandom: Steven Universe Rating: Teen Audiences Words: 4.2K~ Summary: Connie clenches her fists at her sides, envisioning a world where she still feels the safe, comforting weight of Rose’s sword strapped upon her back. But instead, it’s the Crystal Gems’ darkest, most forlorn hour... and she’s absolutely useless to them. Is there anything she can do to aid them in this struggle, anything at all? (Or: the beach fight in Reunited, but from Connie's POV.)
Woo, cleared another long-held WIP out of my drafts! I've always been very interested in what the beach fight was like beyond Steven's little mindscape adventure- and also, given her sword breaking, I thought Connie had a lot of potential mental angst to explore in that moment- thus this fic was born.
I highly recommend you read this one on AO3, it has some special formatting I cannot replicate on tumblr.
It’s not that she hasn’t seen a sentient Gem poof before, but there’s something about the raw brutality by which Peridot’s form is torn asunder by Yellow's energy bolts that makes Connie feel outright sick to her stomach. She’s unable to bite back an alarmed yelp as she watches that green, triangular gemstone plummet into the sand, wholly inert.
(Ever the bold knight, Pearl strides in front of her and Lion, brandishing her spear in a wide-sweeping defensive stance.)
“Stop!!” Steven hollers, so loud and with such frenzied intensity that his voice breaks midway through the vowel. He darts forward to address the two Homeworld matriarchs directly, straying away from the safety of the rest of the group… away from the Crystal Gems, away from his dad, and away from her.
Her heart’s re-enacting a high tempo concerto in the confines of her chest, sweat beading at her brow as her mind grasps to understand what exactly he plans to achieve by pleading mercy from the two most powerful Gems they’ve ever faced while at such a strategic disadvantage. Peridot’s down, the house is wrecked, her sword’s been shattered, and worst of all, every last offensive effort they made against Blue alone only managed to knock her to her knees. Love him as she may… what impossible kindness is capable of standing against such ruthless might as this?
“Don’t do this!” he stubbornly continues anyways, and throws his hands in gesture towards his chest. “Listen to me— I’m the one you’re missing! I’m Pink Diamond!”
The militant monarch’s eyes narrow into thin, loathing slits the moment this claim (carrying almost unbelievable consequence, but true nonetheless) passes through his lips into stark reality.
“You…!” she seethes.
Yellow Diamond breaks into a terrifyingly swift sprint towards their party before any of the other Gems can shift even a finger to react.
Steven’s name urgently explodes from between Garnet’s lips, as if her split-second warning (much less a warning coming from someone who’s standing by the splintered wreckage of the house a good thirty feet away from him) would make any difference at all, as if any force in this universe— magical shield or not— could stop such a tremendous, terrifying presence from enacting her merciless judgement once it’s set in motion towards her mark.
The diamond’s foot plummets down upon the nigh-defenseless boy with the sheer unrepentant force of a freight train slipping off the rails.
Connie screams.
A boundless eternity passes within the depths of her soul, nestled in that vulnerable space between heartbeats. She watches the dust settle as she leaps off Lion's back, watches that cruel matriarch lift her heel from the massive crater she’s conceived. Still holding her breath as if a mere, misplaced huff of air could permanently shift the course of time in some brand new terrifying way, she locates Steven lying motionless in the sand. His suit jacket is scuffed and dirtied, and one of his arms is contorted in what— from her years of soaking up ambient anatomical knowledge through her mother’s stories about work— appears to be a wholly unnatural alignment.
(One of the Gems— she’s so distraught at this point that her mind is unable to process who— shouts his name, voice laced with an unfettered urgency. As expected, there’s no response.)
And then, with zero warning whatsoever, the waking world around her explodes into chaos.
Garnet bares her gauntlets against Yellow Diamond without even a second thought, shouting with a primal ferocity Connie’s never seen from her before. Pearl and Amethyst and all the rest of the Crystal Gems boldly follow her charge, weaving together their attacks in flawless devotion until practically operating as a single-minded organism. All in all, there’s simply too much happening to reliably follow. Spears, whips, and hammers clash against their towering foes to no success. And how could they? Compared to these diamonds, they’re nothing but fleas scurrying across the shore. They’re outmatched, fighting a battle that’s cursed to be lost. In the end, even the full splendor of the ocean’s might at Lapis’s beck and call fails to land a satisfying blow. Blinking back confused tears, she clenches her fists at her sides— harboring anger at herself (for ruining her weapon, stupid, stupid, stupid), at Steven (why on Earth did he voluntarily put himself in danger by trying to reason with them?), heck, at this whole damn galaxy— and envisions a world where she still feels the safe, comforting weight of Rose’s sword strapped upon her back.
But instead, it’s the Crystal Gems’ darkest, most forlorn hour... and she’s absolutely useless to them.
A strong palm lands on her shoulder, gentle yet urgent in its hold. With great reluctance, she pries her gaze away from the chaos of battle in the distance, the skin around her eyes dampened and puffy.
“Connie, w-we should go,” Mr. Universe says, his voice wavering with barely-contained grief. He glances beyond her for just a second, and she’s almost certain he’s looking at his son, his body crumpled in a broken heap in the sand at the heart of the battlefield. “I can’t let another one of you kids get hurt on my watch.”
He’s already reaching forward to grab her by the arm— too panicked by now to think about such fundamental things like politeness or personal space— when she makes her bold decision.
“No! I can’t leave yet!” she proclaims, brushing his hand away. “There’s still something I can do. And it may be stupid, and dangerous, b-but…” Connie wipes away a sudden wave of tears, matching eyes with her best friend’s dad. She flashes a watery smile. “It’s what he’d do for me, yeah?”
His expression surges with palpable dread as she turns her attention towards the fierce skirmish raging behind them.
“Wait… w-what—?”
She takes off running before he can even finish his question. In any other situation she might feel guilty for spurning his protective instincts— for leaving him in the dust, altogether anguished in his terror, shouting her name with an urgency that downright seizes at her pounding heart, begging her to not throw herself into the chaos of the field— but there’s no time to waste, not here, not ever, not when Steven’s very life may depend on the actions she takes now.
She has to pull him away from all this fighting before he gets crushed in the fray… or worse.
“Someone— cover me!” she cries out, nearing the front lines. Her foot collides with something hard and cold. She gasps, her glance snapping down in an instant. It’s a stray can of soda, unopened, something one of the party guests must’ve dropped while evacuating.
“I see you,” Garnet says, landing in a deep crouch near her. (It would not surprise her at all if the Gem already anticipated what she plans to do, seeing it as the most likely possibility amid a churning sea of choices.) She bares her gauntlets once more, and circles around. “Stay close, and be quick!”
“Connie!” she hears Mr. Universe wail from the sidelines.
She ignores him, though— she has to, least she let the final embers of her resolve be snuffed out by the sheer weight of her fear— and pushes her fragile human form through the thickets of this otherworldly battle anyways, following Garnet’s lead. ‘Cacophony’ is the only word she can think of that truly fits the harrowing scene ahead. There’s no more strategy in her friends’ strikes, no more clever battle formations… only their desperate, desperate defense against the wretched beings who created them. The Crystal Gems who are still standing thankfully seem to be holding their own… but just barely. Pearl’s losing momentum with each slice and slash of her spear, Amethyst and Lapis look like they’re halfway to abandoning all hope, poor Lion is tuckering out after such repetitive use of his concussive roars, and Bismuth’s filled with so much despairing fury towards their opponents (for the harm they’ve caused to this planet… for the harm they’ve just caused to Steven—!) that her footwork has grown rushed and sloppy. In the few seconds Connie’s watching her, the rainbow-haired Gem is almost hit by a direct bolt from Yellow Diamond twice.
Her chest seizes tight with dawning dread. This entire operation is falling apart. They don’t have much time left, do they? She must recover Steven, and fast!
Garnet keeps a watchful eye for any incoming projectiles as Connie skids to a screeching halt next to her friend’s comatose body lying limp in the sand. (And oh, has she never been more thankful to not see blood.) Okay. Okay. Here he is. Now all she’s gotta do is… ferry him to a safe distance. Steeling her core in preparation, she squats down and tries to leverage herself to scoop him right up. Her legs, though… in the midst of her terror, her legs are simply too wobbly to bear his mass, and after one valiant but failed attempt she’s scared she’ll hurt herself (or him!) trying again. Which means… she’ll just have to drag him.
“Sorry—!” she says with a faint hiss of regret as she grasps both of his arms by the wrist and starts to pull him across the battle-swept sands. Sure enough to her suspicions, one of his shoulders definitely doesn’t feel like it’s aligned in its socket right, and she worries that yanking him along like this will only serve to further exacerbate it. Still, what other choice does she have?
What choices do any of them have, all tangled up within the fallout of this thousand year war?
As Connie drags Steven off the battlefield towards his house, Garnet circles around the perimeter a few more times, ever-diligent in her role as lookout. She’s grateful for her help. Truly so. It allows her to focus her energy on protecting her best friend instead of constantly having to keep an eye out for stray attacks from the Diamonds. And boy, oh boy— she digs her heels into the sand, spent muscles all but screaming for her to rest, to drop her load and continue on alone— will her body need every last drop of energy she’s got. That’s why relief surges through her heart with all the ferocity of a tidal wave when Mr. Universe’s frantic voice comes into range once again. Because it means she’s here. She’s succeeded. She’s pulled him all the way to his father, halfway off the field.
The exhaustion hits immediately. Huffing for a lungful of air, she drops the half-Gem’s arms to the ground and collapses to her knees. For an extended moment, the unwanted melody of warfare rings through her ears like canon fire. She can’t move. She can’t even breathe properly. She can swear her friend’s dad is trying to say something to her— can feel his hesitant touch brushing against her shoulder in what barely counts as a whisper— but she can’t even manage to distinguish a single word. Her eyes brim with fresh tears, every last sensory input overloaded. It’s all too loud. It’s all too damn heavy. It’s all too—
“Connie,” Garnet slices through the static with astute authority.
She snaps her head up, her eyes flitting between the Crystal Gem leader (currently kneeling at her side) and a still panicking Mr. Universe (clutching his unconscious son’s hand). Her breath settles, slowly but surely. Her fingers twitch, tracing shallow patterns in the sand. The ringing lessens.
“Thank you,” the Gem continues, pushing herself back to her full height. The long skirt of her wedding outfit flares behind her as she glances back towards the chaos of the battle. “For protecting him where I couldn’t. Now stay back, and keep watch. If they poof all of us, promise me you’ll evacuate the beach.”
“I-I… of course,” Connie says, her gaze still wet with terror and barely contained grief. “But y-you… you don’t really think you’ll—?”
Lose, is the word she can’t bring herself to say. Surely you don’t think you’ll lose?
The Gem warrior gives a sharp, almost defeated exhale before grinding her fists within the tempered hard-light of her gauntlets and leaping right back into the fray.
Connie cries out after her, suddenly stricken with a churning feeling of dread (what grim futures did Garnet just witness?) as she scrambles to her feet, arms outstretched towards a self-appointed destiny she can no longer reach. A strangled sob wrests control of her body. If she still had her weapon they wouldn’t be asking her to stay at the sidelines. She’s nothing to them anymore, is she? She’s nothing without that sword. If she closes her eyes she swears she can still feel it… can still feel the perfectly countered weight of its thorn etched handle within her grip… but with it shattered, she’s completely useless out here. Feeble. Organic.
“Connie,” her friend’s dad pleads for her attention, his tone warbling with all the wavering emotion of an out of tune guitar. “Connie, please! She’s right. You know she’s right. We have to get off the beach! There’s literally nothing we can do against Gems as powerful as that, we’re just humans.”
Slowly, the last of his words reverberating within her mind, her eyes widen.
“But he’s not,” she breathes, turning her head towards her friend’s still body on the ground.
“W-what are you—?”
She grasps his hand within her own like it’s their final lifeline, gently tracing her thumb along the back of his knuckles. If anyone could swerve the dangerous wake of this conflict into something better, it’s Steven. He’s certainly managed the impossible before.
“Steven!” she calls, her brows threading together in the wake of her thunderous desperation. “Come on, please wake up!”
Hot, messy tears threatening to cloud the edges of her vision, she lets go of his hand. Glances back towards the battlefield. The remaining Crystal Gems aren’t faring well in their war right now. Pearl and Amethyst appear exhausted enough to collapse at any moment, and the Diamonds have pushed the other three to the very extremes of their defensive capabilities. If they have any chance left of winning this encounter, it’s gonna require a miracle of encouragement.
“Come on, Steven,” she calls again, voice dripping with the burden of her pending despair. “We need you.”
No response, yet again.
Her breath ripples through her chest. He… oh stars, is he not healing? From what he’s described in the past about his healing powers, she’s surprised he hasn’t leapt back to his feet with newly restored vigor already. She leans forward, pressing her ear to his chest to listen for a heartbeat.
A harsh shriek ringing from across the sands interrupts her investigation, however— and Connie spins her gaze around just in time to watch Yellow Diamond strike down Lapis Lazuli with a fierce bolt of destabilizing energy right to her chest.
She swallows, already sensing their options eroding away at the wrathful whim of the tides.
Time is truly of the essence here, and much like an hourglass theirs is mighty limited in this state.
Connie stands to her feet once more. With him showing zero signs of pending consciousness, it’s growing harder and harder to ignore Mr. Universe’s intensifying plea for her to leave the battlefield.
“Wake up, please!” she cries, a pitiful final appeal before her inevitable shame-filled retreat.
Her lips screw shut amid her sheer heartbreak, fists clenching at her sides as she silently gapes at her friend’s pale, expressionless face.
We’re supposed to be in this together, remember?
And then…
Connie’s eyes blow wide, her entire body shuddering as she senses a familiar presence dance along the very fringes of her mind like stray raindrops splashing against her cheeks on a late spring day— a wholly recognized sensation, but not an overwhelming one. She gasps. The presence carries with it an instant aura of comfort and affection, as well as a hundred billion panicked questions like ‘what happened’ and ‘where am I’ and by golly, it’s the exact same subtle presence she’s aware of at the very periphery of their mind whenever she’s fused with him as Stevonnie.
“Huh? Steven?”
Her heart’s practically rattling within her rib cage as she feels that ghostly presence flutter within her thoughts once again, speaking in his voice, calling out to her by name.
“Connie, it’s me!”
Holy stars. It’s him. It’s actually him.
She doesn’t know how, but it is.
Her brows shoot up within her lingering confusion. Even though she’s well aware that this is a Gem thing, she’s unable to fully fight off the impulse to search around as if some conscious, flesh-and-blood Steven were somehow standing right next to her, whispering directly in her ear. “Wha- Where are you? How are you do—?”
“I’m not sure, but… I think it’s a classic psychic ghost type situation.”
“Ah, of course!” she exclaims, peering down at his motionless form. She’s heard all sorts of madcap tales about his astral projection powers— about how he used them to speak to Lapis through his dreams when she was stuck fighting for control of Malachite under a mile of ocean, or to drive the body of one of the watermelons he brought to life, or to make mental contact with the Cluster like he did not too long ago— thus it makes sense for this new mode of communication to be some sort of natural extension of that. “So, what’s the plan?”
“The Diamonds won’t listen to me out there, but… maybe I can get through to them here. They’ve gotta know Pink Diamond wasn’t shattered.”
There’s a brief, meek pause before he makes his final request.
“Please protect my body while I’m gone.”
“Got it! Good luck out there, Steven.”
His active presence fades from her mind like the setting sun over the cloudy horizon, taking that comforting aura right along with it. Connie’s form all but deflates as she exhales, her shoulders curling inwards as she wraps her arms around her torso and tries her best to keep whatever remains of her brave facade from cracking in two. Mr. Universe gawks at her, his attention clearly piqued by her conversational mention of his son.
“Wh—” his countenance is pale and streaked with fresh, messy tears, swirling with a conflicting mixture of grief and last-ditch hope— “h-how were you talking to—?”
“He’s okay,” she blurts out, her own voice quavering at the edges as the reassuring realities of this fact wash over her like a cleansing shower on a muggy summer’s day, a blissful salve to her previous strife. “I promise you, he’s okay. He… I think he’s trying to make contact with the Diamonds, like he did with the Cluster.”
His father closes his eyes for a moment and inhales deep and strong, steeling his nerves as he basks in the reassurance of this news. Then, rolling his shoulder back and standing at the ready: “Well, what can we do to help, then?”
“Keep him safe while he tries to work his magic, I guess. Listen, we gotta pull him further back so he’s out of striking distance.”
He issues her a swift nod. “Leave it to me.”
And after all her struggles she must admit she’s kinda jealous at the sheer ease at which he scoops Steven up in his arms, but, well… fair is fair. He’s clearly had fourteen years of practice on that front. The two of them turn tail and run towards what remains of the house, barricading themselves against the foot of the stairs. Connie doesn’t take a full breath until they’re out of range of the worst of it. She helps Mr. Universe set her friend down in the sand, and now that she’s calmed down a little, sets her attention to giving him a full once-over. And thank the stars, his chest is visibly rising and falling now.
Biting down upon her bottom lip amidst her rippling anxieties— sorry, Steven, this has to be checked— she reaches to untuck his dress shirt. A true miracle after the ruthless velocity of the hit he took, his gem is unblemished. No cracks at all, not even a tiny chip. So that means he should be fine, yes? His body’s just conserving energy to heal from the impact? It’s hard to pin down any precise points of improvement, but she swears a little bit more color has returned to his cheeks these past few minutes.
She also swears that the rest of the remaining Crystal Gems must have had a psychic encounter with Steven too, because there’s a tangible surge of renewed vigor that’s taken the front lines by storm. Garnet throws her punches a hair harder. Pearl swings her trident with just a tinge more finesse. Amethyst and Bismuth aren’t holding back their strikes in lieu of focusing on self defense quite as much. Not only that, but the Diamonds almost seem more distracted now, more vulnerable to their coordinated group attacks. (Is this Steven’s doing, she wonders? Has he found a way to weaken them from within whatever weird psychic mindscape his untethered spirit is drifting within?)
But no matter the underlying reason, the evidence surging to life upon this beach is undeniable: slowly but surely, despite every flagrant disadvantage they hold, the tides of this struggle are turning towards their favor.
“I think he’s doing it,” she marvels to Steven’s equally as mystified father, the pair crouched right next to the boy. “I don’t know how, but somehow he’s wearing them dow—”
And then she’s blinded.
Stripped of all coherent thought or word or rhyme.
Helpless of anything beyond peering through narrowed slits with her flattened palm shielding her view as the entire beach is engulfed with a pulse of magnificent pink light.
But no, no… it’s far more than just light. Her encounters with fusion can tell her that much.
It’s a song. A symphony. An entire story told in oscillating waves of light and sound that her organic body isn’t remotely equipped to process the fullest gamut of.
Sucking in a shaky bout of air, Connie tilts her sight to her periphery to follow the light to its source. And in her joy, her heart nearly skips a beat at what she finds. His body may still lie comatose upon these course sands, healing from an impact that surely would’ve killed a less stubborn soul, but Steven’s gem is glowing as bright as a miniature sun. Any lingering signs of injury heal in an instant as this potent aura radiates from his core.
Clear on the other side of the battlefield, the Diamonds are drawn to their knees in awe of this power. Blue falls into hysterics, sobbing an ocean’s worth of tears into her hands… and Yellow— uncharacteristically still and silent— seems so shell shocked by the revelation that she can’t summon even a word of doubt in retaliation.
When Steven’s bold display of might finally fades, there’s zero quarrel on who this struggle’s victors are. Their attackers make no moves to re-engage, and the Crystal Gems remaining sprint across the shore to help each other to their feet. She… stars, she can hardly believe it. They won. Even with half of their company down for the count— two poofed, Steven unconscious, and her shamefully stripped of her sword— they managed the impossible: they held the line against two of Homeworld’s most ruthless matriarchs and survived.
Of course, their battle isn’t quite over. Steven has yet to wake up.
Greg hollers out for Garnet and the others, alerting the lot to their position. They waste no time in hurrying towards the house to congregate around them. All the while, she clutches his hand within a vice tight grasp, running her thumb along the back of his palm, hoping… begging… no, yearning for him to be okay. He has to be okay— right?
“Show her to me,” Blue demands, her tone soaked in stalled grief as she hovers over them with all the lingering dread of a bad omen. “I must see her gem with my own eyes.”
“Bismuth,” Garnet warns as the Gem in question moves to shield him with her body. “Let them through.”
Her eyes flare with abject turmoil. “B-but how can you be sure any of this is—”
“Let them through,” she repeats, propping a gemstone laden hand upon her shoulder. “The battle is over. They have no desire to hurt him now.” Then, directed at her specifically: “And give him space, he’s about to wake up.”
Connie swallows hard— a part of her unwilling to let him out of her immediate care given the daunting uncertainty of these circumstances— but then again, Garnet’s not the kind of Gem to knowingly lead them astray. Despite her own tumultuous feelings on the matter, if she says they’re safe, then they’re safe. After all, they won. She won. Despite every last insidious variable working against her— a broken sword, spine-tingling terror, her lack of strength— she served her purpose. She, a mere human, proved her worth on this battlefield of Gems. Drawing in a deep breath of air, she drops her friend’s hand and pulls back with the others.
Sure enough, he’s starting to come back to them, his chest rising and falling with greater frequency and his features scrunching inwards on his face.
Steven’s eyes flutter open, his whole body jolting as he drinks in the unlikely picture of the scene before him… family, friends, and enemies alike clustered together upon the beach they were fighting upon just mere minutes ago… all gawking at him in slack jawed wonder.
“It’s you…!” Blue Diamond breathes in sheer disbelief. “Pink!”
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sincerely-astra · 5 months
Hiii <3
can i request Garnet with a s/o who uses ASL? like they can hear it's just their first/home language lol
☁️Garnet x reader who uses ASL☁️
As someone learning ASL, this request got me so excited! :)
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Garnet first met you in a party supply store, Garnet getting party decorations for Steven's birthday party.
You were trying your best to communicate with the cashier, trying to return an item you had accidentally bought the day prior, but no matter what you did the cashier was still left utterly confused.
Nonetheless, you continued trying to communicate with them even over their growing frustrations. They kept asking for you to, "Just tell me what you want!" Refusing to look at any note you wrote to them.
The tension kept rising as the cashier was about to kick you out, thankfully though, Garnet was there just in time to stop a potential fight.
She stopped the cashier mid sentence and turned to you, calmly asking, "What excatly do you need?" Then quickly taking the note you handed to her, reading it, and turning back to the cashier.
"They are looking to return this item."
And after one frustrated grumble later, you managed to get your money back! ...In store credit-
A win is a win you suppose.
Garnet led you out of the store, having bought her supplies while the cashier processed the return.
The automatic doors closed behind you two, and you turned to face Garnet, signing, "Thank you!" And although Garnet didn't understand what the sign meant, she replied with a, "No problem." Before walking off to the temple.
After that, you hadn't seen eachother for a while. Garnet had missions, and you had life to deal with.
Garnet being busy didn't stop her from thinking about you though, infact, your interactions intrigued her. Of course, she's met deaf and hard of hearing people before, but something about you stuck out to her...
Maybe, it's because she thought you were cute.
When she came to this revelation, she thought it was as good as a time if any to learn ASL.
' It's an important skill. ' She tried to rationalize, just a tad in denial.
When you guys met again, this time at the Big Donut, you can only imagine your suprise when you asked Garnet about her day in ASL, and she signed back-
You were rightfully ecstatic!
Only a few people in Beach City knew ASL, so it was nice to actually be able to communicate with someone else. Not to mention, Garnet was a fast learner too!
You rapidly signed back to Garnet, asking when she learnt ASL and if there was anything like sign language for gems.
Garnet and you grew expectionally close in one afternoon.
From then on, you would visit the temple to hang out with Garnet. This, of course, meant you met the other gems, Steven, and eventually Connie, you all got along well though.
Steven and Amethyst love to go on adventures with you, Pearl enjoys having you help out around the temple, and Connie is actually learning ASL from you.
You make sure to reserve some time with Garnet too amid the shenanigans.
As Garnet grew closer to you, it was getting harder and harder to deny her feelings for you. The inner Ruby and Sapphire in her were urging for Garnet to confess to you, in the most cheesy ways possible...
Garnet knew how she'd confess to you, and she didn't even need future vision for it.
Garnet invited you to go on patrol with her during the evening, which was really just strolling on the beach.
And as the sun set hit the tide, the temple back in the distance, Garnet turned to you and signed, "I love you." A simple gesture, but something she really hope you would love.
How could you say no to that???
You guys were now officially dating, And Garnet is absolutely in love. Ruby and Sapphire are not helping, as they urge her to hurry up and get a ring-
Garnet loves to get you any kind of ASL related thing she can find, shirts, mugs, pins, bumper stickers, all of it.
She also teaches the Crystal Gems (minus Pearl) ASL so they can communicate easier with you.
It was while you were dating that you told Garnet why you use ASL and it's cultural significance to you, which she is extremely supportive of. It really doesn't matter if you can or can't hear, she loves you for you.
And if you want to open up about your voice and actually speaking, then she's more than happy to help you. Definitely makes sure you are completely comfortable with it and makes sure you won't push yourself too hard, she doesn't want you to feel forced to do anything.
The first time Garnet heard your voice her jaw dropped, her thought process was literally, ' How can someone be so perfect? '
Loves your voice, 10/10, would 100% listen to it again, only if you want to though.
It really doesn't matter how often she uses her future vision, you always leave her breathless.
God help any bullies that try and mess with you, Garnet is not having it. She might seem calm, cool, and collected, but inside, she is seething.
How can they bully someone for such an arbitrary thing like using another language??
Personal bodyguard Garnet❤️💙
Now, when Garnet unfuses and you get to meet Sapphire and Ruby, you best believe they are all over you.
Ruby is determined to learn ASL from you and no one else!
Sapphire is just giddy to meet the person Garnet loves so much. She would also love to learn ASL too though.
Ruby and Sapphire would practice with eachother and go on dates while only communicating in ASL-
Garnet would also love to meet your family if you'd let her, being able to see your family and culture is definitely on her bucket list.
Sorry that this is so long, I just love Garnet-
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Fandom: Steven Universe
Character: Pearl
Sample Size: 4,260 stories
Source: AO3
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 2 months
Drafts for my next fanfic: Couple’s Therapy
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I thought of doing a Connverse/Benlie fic for a while and am a bit more confident with my writing skills than I was then. I don’t have all the ideas down but I do have some of the character dynamics figured out. Basically what happens is Steven visits Bellwood with Connie while on his road trip, post Future, and they end up having to help Ben and Julie sort out some of their issues.
Connverse does remind me a bit of a healthier and better written Benlie which is why I picked them. Both shows take a lot of inspiration from anime like Sailor Moon and Evangelion with Ben and Steven being the male version of Usagi Tsukino with a bit of Shinji Ikari thrown in. Both also get hate from their fandoms and are seen as “bland” for being a heterosexual white boy while ignoring the nuances of the character. People in both fandoms make Julie or Connie into toxic girlfriends usually to prop up another ship like Stevinel or Bwen which is gross or Brooken/Bevin. Nothing against slash but there’s no need to trash the female characters to prop up gay ships. There may also be some racism from Bwen/Stevinel fans with Ben/Steven’s love interests being POC.
My interpretation of Ben and Steven’s dynamic is sort of a middle ground between them being bros and @theangrycomet’s headcanon that they can’t stand each other. Ben’s attitude reminds Steven a bit of pre development Lars and Kevin (SU’s Kevin, not Kevin Levin). Both envy each other and think the other has it easy. Steven envies Ben’s relatively normal upbringing and his ability to remove his powers if he wished. Ben is irked by Steven not having to deal with people like Will Harangue and him having far less responsibilities post CYM.
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They do eventually connect over some of their shared experiences, mainly the gem and Highbreed wars. Hearing about Steven befriending and healing Lapis and Peridot may remind Ben a bit of Reinrassig. Ben opens up a little about wanting fame because he’s always been in the shadow of Gwen and wanted to feel special reminding Steven of his issues with Rose/Pink. Ben’s love of aliens like Feedback because they make him feel strong and guilt over the loss bring back memories of Amethyst’s insecurities for Steven and Ben’s need to act strong as the leader to the point he pulls 4 all nighters reminds Steven of Garnet’s struggles as well as his own in episodes like ‘The Test’.
I think Connie and Julie would have an easier time getting along. Both being good at school and fond of activities like tennis, although Connie has no plans for it as a career. Connie’s political ambitions and need to prep for college early do remind Julie a bit of Gwen which worries her on whether Connie has issues with perfectionism. Priyanka is still a better parent than Natalie btw. Julie is shown to be very competitive and headstrong which concerns Connie. Remember how she demanded a rematch when Ben used Brainstorm to win a round of mini golf. Both of them have some trauma that’s often ignored and are quick to respond violently in a panic attack. Connie at least had Garnet to help her practice mindfulness which she may try to share with Julie who was neglected by the other characters and the writers.
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Both can relate to feeling undervalued. Steven forgetting that they were meant to be a team when he sacrificed himself to Homeworld and not caring about how it hurt Connie. Ben not caring about Ship and insisting she stay home in ‘Pet Project’ or his treatment of her in ‘Duped’ and ‘The Flamekeeper’s Circle’. Julie being dismissed as just the “girlfriend of Ben Tennyson” in the latter episode does bring back memories of Pearl telling Connie she means nothing and is just supposed to be a knight for Steven. Both can also relate to saving their partners in their darkest moments. Connie helping monster Steven in ‘I am My Monster’ and Julie stopping Ben from abusing the power of Ascalon in ‘The Ultimate Enemy’.
I do have some other ideas down such as Ben and Steven unintentionally swapping jackets like Ben and Rex did in Heroes United or a race between the Dondai and DX Mark 10 which will boost Ben’s ego much to everyone’s annoyance. It will stay mostly canon to the shows with the stuff I don’t like in Omniverse getting cut, sort of like Ben 10 Guardians. The US in SU has different states than Ben 10 which is mostly the same as the real world. I do not hate Kai, Ester, Kevin or Rook btw or those who prefer them with Ben, I just prefer Benlie even if the writing went downhill. Nor do I hate OV or its fans, I just prefer UAF. Writing this post, I also realized that Ester and Spinel have similar powers which is just a coincidence but funny. I wanted to write this for a while but never got the time or motivation to do so until now.
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DOOM writing prompt 03 Birthday
Writing prompts from my Doom Server. Tied into my story Garnets
Is this a spoiler? not really, I don't think so anyways.
3: "Lily decides to celebrate John's birthday"
It was so… weird to see John sleeping. Let alone that he could and did sleep for a good week at a time at least. 
Then again, considering everything he had gone through that day with both the Icon of Sin and the Mother of Pearl both… yeah. He could sleep for a week at a time, for however long John needed to heal. 
In between the check ups that is.
Lily pulled herself onto the big bed, kicking her legs a bit, not trying to wake up the quiet lump just yet. She had a few things set down beside her, turning the old rum bottle around in her hands, watching the shifting warm glowing fluid inside. She set it down and leaned back until her shoulders and head rested on the semi-soft belly. Just taking a moment as she fiddled with a box in her pocket. Once just taking a moment to relax did Lily get up, crawling over to flop beside John’s shoulder.
Staring intently, Lily gave into the temptation to lightly tap at the bigger scarring over his left cheek bone. Careful to not irritate the newer wide scar on his cheek. “John?”
The big demigod was still, quiet, peaceful in his almost coma-like sleep. Lily moved to be safely out of the way mostly, taking the box out to set aside and grinned. She tapped his left shoulder next, then dared to poke his neck, and jawline before speaking up again. 
“Dad?” Lily said in a soft voice, “Wake up please?”
The demigod stirred, taking a deeper breath and sighed before he twitched. A green eye cracked open. 
“Can you wake up for a bit?” Lily asked, laying down at the angle as she watched her guardian finally start to wake up. He gave a low growl and grunt as he rolled to his left, but looked over at her. A large hand reached up and patted Lily’s head, making her smile. “Hi.”
Lily reached over to poke John on the scarring over the bridge of his nose, pulsing a bit of her wraith gift as he seemed about to go back asleep. “Don’t do that. Upppies times. I got some stuff for you, and you need to let Vega know you’re not dieing.”
There was a deep snort, John making a face at the cool tingle of energy. He sat up though, slow for him and yawned widely sitting on the side of the bed. John reached over and shamelessly grabbed and hauled the girl over into his lap. Lily just managed to grab a small box, starting to protest but just grinned as she was cuddled against. 
“You big softie.” Lily smiled, and once she was no longer being squished spoke up, “Got you something big guy.”
“Mm?” John tilted his head, the small sound he made was almost as rough if not rougher than when they first met. 
“No one knows, and Vega said you don’t remember,” Lily paused and held up the box, “So…since it's the new year and all. All that stuff about new beginnings… happy birthday?” 
John blinked slowly, it took him a full ten seconds to grasp what was said. When he did, he smiled, expression shifting to something fond. Lifting a hand to take the box, waiting to be sure Lily was settled in his lap. He opened the box, surprised to see a newly forged… ring. Same metal by the feel of it as his arm blade, the argenta made hull alloy for the ships. John held up the ring, tilting it in the moonlight that came in through the window. 
“It has garnets inlaid.” Lily smiled as his right arm was wrapping back around her. “The January birthstone. Like mine in December is turquoise. They came out a little more pink, but… do you like it?”
John smiled down at his human, stooping to press his head against Lily’s own. Not quite able to hum right then or make much more sound anymore then what he just did. Letting the young woman put the ring on his pinky, the only spot it would fit.
He laid back down and rolled over, dragging Lily with him as she yipped.
“Ack! No! Wait, you’re supposed to drink the energy- John! Daaaaaaaaad…! Be healthy and drink the sentinel energy!”
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fantasychica37 · 2 months
“Oh, Lapis!” Greg called out, waving to the blue Gem sitting on a beach chair in front of the beach house and looking at her phone, as he came around the cliff. “Did you see Pearl get back from – wait, what happened to the roof?”
“Oh,” said Lapis, looking up, “Peridot and Amethyst were talking about Steven’s Diamond powers, and Peri wanted to test a hypothesis.”
“About whether Steven was strong enough to destroy his roof?”
“Oh, no. We all know he is already,” said Lapis matter-of-factly. “Peri’s been working on a way to free Pearls from their programming, and she’s been looking for a test subject for weeks.”
“Wait, she didn’t ask Pearl Pearl, did she? Pearl’s been free for thousands of years, right? I’ve never seen her take orders from any–” He stopped mid-sentence as the realization hit (cut off his words as he had seen Pearl do many times since Steven surrendered himself to Homeworld).
“Yup,” said Lapis. “Apparently Peridot in her genius had the idea of asking Steven to test whether Pink Diamond’s authority transferred to his gem, thus making Pearl a suitable test subject.”
“Yeesh,” said Greg. “Hold on, if there are two person shaped holes in the… did Pearl throw my son through the roof? Did Steven actually go along with this?”
“Oh, no, of course not,” said Lapis. “Peridot and I were over to visit when she brought this up to Steven and Amethyst, and Pearl came in right as Amethyst was suggesting possible – experiments.” She rolled her eyes. “Something about making Pearl recite an – egg man announcement?”
Greg stared.
“And as for me,” said Lapis, turning her attention back to her phone, “I’m just enjoying the show. And filming.”
“What sh—”
They were interrupted by Peridot running down the beach, screaming, Amethyst beside her, both being chased by Pearl, spear in hand, who was being chased by a very frantic Steven yelling, “Pearl please stop! I would never make you do that!”
Lapis waved to Peridot.
“LAZULI GET DOWN HERE AND HELP!” screeched Peridot.
“Gee, I’m sorry, P, we weren’t going to actually do it!” yelled Amethyst over her shoulder.
Garnet strolled up with a, “Sorry, I was busy,” and crossed her arms to watch as Pearl yelled after the fleeing duo, “AMETHYST YOU ARE A BITCH-ASS MOTHERFUCKER! YOU SHAPESHIFTED INTO MY FUCKING WIFE!”
“Is she gonna recite the whole thing?” Greg whispered to Garnet.
Garnet adjusted her visor. “‘I'm shapeshifting into White Diamond and pissing on the moon.’”
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steven1123x · 6 months
Slipped Away
It’s Steven’s birthday and Greg is thinking about his mom. But, that won’t get in the way of their fun day out in Delaware.
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He missed her… He missed everything about her… Her smile, her laugh, her curiosity about Earth. Everything….
He misses his girlfriend dearly.
Greg Universe sighed, and checked his phone — It was August 15, Steven’s Birthday. Greg looked up at the ceiling of the wooden beach house. He looked at his phone, his wallpaper was of him and Steven with the Crystal Gems. Greg sighed again, he opened his phone went to his camera roll, and found a file titled “Rose.” Greg’s finger hovered on the screen, He pressed it and then saw videos and pictures from his VHS tapes that he and Rose recorded together.
Greg saw his favorite one. That was the day that She was going to have a baby with him. When his girlfriend told him that she and Steven couldn’t both exist, he was devastated. He wanted to be with her for the rest of his life. He wanted to grow old with her — well, she couldn’t age because her body was just an illusion. Greg didn’t understand Gem stuff, and he probably never will but….
He knew that he missed her a lot. But, at least he has Steven. He smiled as he sat up, the man looked up at his loft bedroom, the half-gem was sleeping peacefully in bed. Steven was kind enough to have him stay over the night for his birthday tomorrow. Steven, Amethyst, Connie, Lapis, Paradot, and himself were all going to go to the arcade together.
Greg saw a video, he read the top of the screen that said August 2, 2000 9:42 PM. He clicked on it and started to watch it.
“Hey, you wanna dance?” Greg asked her. Rose smiled and walked towards him. Rose was nine months with Steven. And they were trying to spend as much time as possible.
Greg smiled as he set the camera up on a tripod. He walked over to her, wearing his Jordans that he got at a thrift shop. Rose had a pair of Jordans too, but the Nike Swoosh was hot pink — just like her hair color, and the rest of the shoe was white. They danced to the music of ‘Your Beautiful’ by ‘James Blunt’
Greg and Rose both kissed after the song ended. Greg put his phone on the charger and tried to get to sleep.
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“Hello, people of YouTube!” Steven Quartz Universe said, smiling, it was eight in the morning in Beach City, and his laptop was playing Sonic The Hedgehog 4 music. He dressed in shorts, walked to his dresser, and picked out a shirt, he picked out a white Metelacia T-shirt, slipped it over his head adjusted it. He clenched the fabric softly where his gem was placed and smiled, he ran down the stairs with his camera and got started on breakfast.
“Okay… Let’s see—“
“STEVEN!” Amethyst screamed in his ear making the boy jump a few feet in the air. Literally.
“Ah, Amethyst!” he yelled. Amethyst laughed as she saw the half-gem boy float down to the ground.
“Happy Birthday, dude!” She said. Steven smiled and hugged his friend. “You excited for today?”
Steven nodded.
Amythest saw the camera recording. “Ohh! your vlogging for YouTube!”
“Yeah! It’s a birthday vlog thingy,” he said as he continued cooking his eggs. he put them on a plate and ate them.
Just then, the screen door opened. It was Connie, Steven’s best friend. Steven ran up and hugged her. “Happy Birthday, Steven!” Connie said.
“Thanks, Connie!” he said happily. “Hey, where’s Pearl and Garnet?” she asked.
“I don’t know.” Then, he got a video call on his laptop, the music lowered as his MacBook Pro started showing an icon. Steven ran up the stairs, sat on his bed, and picked up his laptop, he saw that it said ‘Paradot’ He smiled as he clicked the green Accept button.
“Hey, Paridot, Lapis. What’s up?”
“Happy Birthday Steven!” Both Lapis and Paradot said.
Steven smiled. “Thank you,” he said.
“Hey, I’ll see you at the party.”
“Okay! we're having it at the arcade right?” Lapis asked the boy.
Steven nodded. Then she hung up after exchanging goodbyes. Steven walked downstairs and got a text from his dad.
Grab a pair of shoes, Schtu-ball.
Steven sent a thumbs up emoji and went upstairs grabbed his white and red Jordan’s and tied them with a pair of socks. He went downstairs, Connie was sitting in the kitchen with Amythest, talking. Greg walked in.
“Happy Birthday, Schtu-ball!” he said, Steven ran up to him and hugged him. “Thanks, Dad!” Greg smiled picked him up and spun him around. Steven laughed as he was being spun.
“You kids ready to go?”
“Yeah!” the three of them said.
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Steven was in the front seat of his father’s mid-1970s Dodge Tradesman, Amethyst and Connie both sat in the back then they got going. Greg put it on his iTunes and then picked out a song called 'Lonely Day' by 'System Of A Down.'
"Such a lonely day, and it's mine
The most loneliest day of my life
Such a lonely day should be banned
It's a day that I can't stand"
Greg and Steven sang the lyrics to the song, Steven opened the window and put his hand out, the smell of the sand and the salty beach air hit his nose as they drove.
"The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life
Such a lonely day shouldn't exist
It's a day that I'll never miss
Such a lonely day, and it's mine
The most loneliest day of my life"
Steven turned to his father, he was curious why they didn’t go to the arcade like they planned to.
"And if you go, I wanna go with you
And if you die, I wanna die with you
Take your hand and walk away"
The solo kicked in, they listened to it. Then someone broke the silence. “Yo, G. Why aren’t we going to the arcade?” Amethyst asked. Connie looked at the back of the driver’s seat. Greg smiled and said nothing, Steven was wondering that too.
“Daaaad! Why aren’t we going to the arcade?”
“You’ll see soon enough, Steven. It’s a surprise.” Seven nodded, stars still in his eyes as he sat there. Can’t help to contain his excitement for this trip.
"The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life
Such a lonely day, and it's mine
It's a day that I'm glad I survived"
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They've made it to the Bowling Alley located in Pike Washington Delaware–Pleasant Hill Lanes was their party destination. Steven had birthday parties here since he started growing up at eight years old.
“Dad! Where bowling?!” Greg smiled and ruffled his fluffy hair. Steven smiled and stepped out of the van. He got a text from Pearl that their table was ready. Steven smiled as he saw the place.
The half-gem boy's eyes sparkled as he saw a spacious bowling alley with a large open area and various seating options. There are multiple rows of bowling lanes, some of which are lined with green pins. A total of six bowling lanes can be seen in the scene, each one having its own set of pins and bowling balls.
The room is filled with various furniture pieces such as chairs, couches, and tables. In addition to the bowling lanes, there are two couches placed at different locations within the space. One couch is situated closer to the left side of the room, while another is located near the right side. There are also several dining tables scattered throughout the area, offering a comfortable setting for guests to relax and enjoy their time.
“Where are Pearl and Garnet?” Connie asked.
“Pearl texted me that she was at lanes one and two,” Greg said. Steven ran to lane one to see the pale-skinned gem setting up. “Pearl!” Steven said, running towards her.
“Hello! Steven! Happy Birthday!” Pearl said, hugging him. “I can’t believe that you're fourteen!” Steven smiled and looked around, there were balloons, plates, and chairs decorated with a Transformers and Sonic The Hedgehog theme.
“Everything looks great, Pearl!” Greg said. She gave them a thumbs up.
“Who’s coming?”
“Sadie, Lars, Sour Cream, Onion, Kiki, and Buck,” she said, reading the names off her clipboard.
“Ugh, you look like a high school teacher holding that, dude.” Amethyst rolled her eyes at her.
“What?! you do!”
“Hey, has anyone seen Garnet?”
“I asked her to get some food for the party,” Pearl told the man. Greg nodded
Steven looked at the arcade. “Amethyst, wanna play at the arcade?”
“Okay! Yo, Greg, can you give us some cash!” She asked, Greg nodded, pulled out his Batman wallet, and handed them twenty dollars.
“AWESOME!” Both Amythest and Steven both said, both Gem and Half-Gem ran to the arcade.
Then, Greg saw Garnet walk in holding veggie platters in her hands. “Hey, Garnet. What’s up?” Greg asked. Connie stood there, Greg noticed this. “Connie, you okay?”
“What? Yeah! I’m fine I’m going to play with Steven and Amythest.” she said, walking off.
Greg, Pearl, and Garnet were setting up. Garnet was opening up plates and napkins, Pearl opened up the veggie platter, she tried not to gag and cringe in disgust from the sight of food, and thinking about people eating it. Greg stared at her.
“Pearl, you alright?”
“Yeah yeah! I’m fine! just the sight of food makes me…..” she couldn’t finish that sentence.
Geeze… she’s so dramatic. Greg thought to himself, as he looked at his phone, Steven’s cake was ready to get picked up. He was going to a special bakery in Delaware to retrieve it.
Greg grabbed the keys to his van and he walked out of the building. He unlocked his van sat inside and turned it on, the engine hummed to life as he drove to the bakery.
He was at the bakery, A woman walked out with his cake. “Here you go, Mr. Universe.” Greg smiled as he paid for it. He grabbed the box and went back to his van.
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He drove back to Pleasant Hill Lanes and went inside. Steven, Connie, and Amythest were still playing in the arcade, Sadie was now there with Lars, Sour Cream, Onion, Buck, Kiki, Lapis, and Paradot.
“Hey Mr. U! Where’s Steven?” Buck Dewey asked the older man, who was holding the box.
“Oh, he’s in the arcade, let me text him,” he said, putting the cake down pulling out his iPhone 5s from his pocket, and texting him. The blue iMessage bubble pops up. Steven read it and typed back. OK, I’ll be there now. he texted.
The half Gem ran with Amythest following behind him. “Hi guys!” he said cheerfully.
“Hey, Steven!” Sadie waved. Lars stood there, and Sadie elbowed him in the stomach. “Ow! What was that for?”
“Tell Steven Happy Birthday!”
Lars grumbled. “Happy Birthday, Steven…”
“Aren’t you like…. Ten?” he asked.
“He’s fifteen, Lars!” Sadie hissed.
“Okay, jeez! so-rry!” he said, Sadie smiled and handed a gift bag to Greg. “Thanks, guys,” he said, putting Lars' gift bag on the table as well. The young Gem Hydrid smiled at them, Sadie smiled and ruffled his hair. “Happy Birthday, little dude!”
“Happy Birthday, Steven! Paradot and I got you a gift,” she said, handing him the bag.
“Thanks, guys.” he smiled
Lars sighed and tried to smile. “Happy Birthday, Steven.” he sighed, wondering why he was here. And why did Sadie force him to go, he wasn’t friends with a… Tenth grader — or, fifth grader, in Lars’ opinion.
Then, Kiki, Buck, Sour Cream, and his little brother Onion walked in. Lars was about to scream when he saw The Cool Kids here.
“H-Hey guys, what are you doing at this lame kids' party?” Lars asked. Sadie glared at him.
Sour Cream stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked at Steven. “Hey, Steven asked us to come, he’s pretty awesome. Give him a chance.”
“Ugh, whatever…” he said, crossing his arms.
Steven walked up to the counter to get bowling shoes. He grabbed his shoes and put them on, he strapped the velcro to his shoes and then stood up. Sadie grabbed some bowling balls for them. Steven put everyone’s names on the screen.
“Hey, Pearl aren’t you playing with us?” Steven asked, putting his name on the board. “I am fine, Steven. Plus, I’m not wearing those… Disgusting bowing shoes. Everyone puts their feet in those.” she cringed. Amethyst rolled her eyes as She put on her bowling shoes, then she walked up to the screen to put her, Garnet’s Lapis’ and Paradot’s names in.
“Alright, we're all set, Sadie you're up first,” Steven told his friend. Sadie picked up her ball and rolled it down the lane. Steven looked as the pins crashed. Steven saw that she got a strike.
“Nice job, Sadie!” Steven said. Encouraging her. Sadie smiled and sat down, Lars went next.
Picking up his bowling ball after sticking his fingers into the three holes, he rolled it down the lane. His ball went to the side.
“Why?!” Lars said he got another chance, he got it but it was two pins. “You gotta be kidding me! Steven, did you rig this game?!” Lars asked picking the boy up by the shirt.
“Lars! put him down!” Sour Cream said,
“Put him down, dude!” Kiki told him, glaring at the taller boy. Lars sighed and put him down. “Sorry, Steven,” Kiki said. Steven smiled. “That’s alright! I know he was just kidding around!” the Half Gem said as he went next, Steven picked up his bowling ball and threw it, his friends cheered as he got a strike.
“Way to go, Steven!” Kiki said from the other lane, Steven blushed and walked over to his friends, Buck was up now. Kiki, Onion, Amethyst, and Garnet were on the other lane.
Kiki saw Garnet go. She got a strike as well. “Nice, Garnet!” Kiki said. They played two rounds before they had lunch.
Greg returned with pizzas in his hands, Steven grabbed a slice. So as his friends and Amethyst. He grabbed a slice and sat next to his son.
Amethyst smiled and put a hand on Steven’s shoulder. Steven’s friends all sat and talked, except Lars.
“This is awesome!” Paradot exclaimed as she saw her name up on the screen, Lapis and Paradot took two turns each while all of them were eating. Once they were done, Garnet pulled out the cake and she opened it, The fusion removed it from the box and Steven stared at it in awe with stars in his eyes.
The birthday cake is a very unique and creative design, with a green and white fondant cake as the main base. The cake features a large, multi-layered cake decorated with various characters from the Sonic The Hedgehog video game series, including Sonic, Shadow, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy Rose. The characters were placed around the edges of the cake, giving it a whimsical and playful appearance.
Additionally, there are several smaller cakes placed throughout the arrangement, each one decorated with a different character. A small cupcake is also visible towards the bottom left corner of the cake. The cake stands on a dining table, surrounded by various items such as cups, bowls, and plastic bottles, creating a fun and festive atmosphere for the birthday celebration.
In the middle, in yellow fondant, it said ‘HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY STEVEN’ Amythest had to get pushed out of the way by Pearl. “Amethyst! down! we have to sing Steven Happy Birthday!”
“Oh, right…” Amythest said. Greg pulled out his iPhone and pressed record.
“Happy birthday to you!”
“Happy birthday to you!”
“Happy Birthday Dear, Steven!”
“Happy birthday to you!”
“Happy Birthday, my handsome half-gem .” Pearl said hugging him and kissing his cheek.
“Ahhh! Gem coodies!” Steven rubbed his cheek trying to get Pearl’s spit off. Amethyst laughed.
“MY HANDSOME HALF GEM!” Amythest laughed even harder. Lars also laughed, Steven blushed and leaned onto his chair. Garnet put a comforting hand on his shoulder. Steven looked at her, he smiled, and Garnet rubbed his hair. Steven blew out the candles and everyone cheered.
“Let’s eat some cake!” Amethyst said. Greg smiled and cut a piece for Steven, everyone got some, except for Pearl and Garnet. Steven ate his cake, everyone was having a good time. Greg saw the pictures taken on his phone, he walked to Steven.
“Pearl, can you take a picture of me and Steven?” Greg asked. Pearl took his phone from her and took a picture of both of them, then. Everyone got into the picture and an employee took the group photo of them.
Steven’s family.
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Notes: If you like it, I appreciate your reviews and support, this is my first SU fanfiction! I don't know if I did well at all actually.
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bloodyshadow1 · 2 months
this might be a longshot since the series has been over for five years now, but I'm looking for a steven universe fanfic.
It's a pearlnet fanfic. human au where Pearl and garnet are dating. I think they're college kids or something. Garnet comes home drunk because she got nervous wanting to ask Pearl something which turns out to be nude modeling. When Garnet is sober Pearl agrees to do so
Overall I remember it being a sweet story and I can't find it since it's been so long. It would have been on fanfiction.net or archive of our own since those were the two sites I used when Steven universe was on going. If you can help me I would be most appreciated
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caityelizabethjoy · 3 months
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@ff9week2024 Day 6 - July 6th - Summer || Relationships || Voyage
A thief, a mute princess, and the blank pages of a leather journal. In-game aboard the Blue Narciss.
I’m sorry for posting a third time today - all three prompts were just too good!
Here’s a little fic I wrote that fits into the ‘Voyage’ theme - exploring Zidane and Dagger’s growing relationship as they voyaged across the sea to Kuja’s lair.
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tobi-draws · 2 months
I might not do anything with this idea, but it sounds like a lot of fun.
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garnetsandroses · 5 months
come read my medieval au fic!
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chapter one is here! written for @magireco-minibang so please check the collection of fics and art out too <3
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novantinuum · 4 months
Fandom: Steven Universe Rating: Teen Audiences Words: 2.0K~ Summary: His family’s not present the third time he runs away… they never see the creature he becomes. Early corruption AU.
This chapter fought me the entire way because it's nothing but a nonstop action sequence, but oh well XD
It's done now! Enjoy.
Chapter 20: An Undesired Truth
“All right,” Garnet calls, summoning her gauntlets with a snappy pivot of her wrists. “This is it, Gems. Stay together, and stick to the plan.”
Defensive and strategic maneuvers only, they all agreed. No attacking to poof, unless the luster of one’s very gem depends on it. This restriction will raise the potential danger of this mission tenfold, but there’s no suitable alternative at play here. After all— given Amethyst’s disturbing yet convincing theory about its identity— they simply can’t risk harming the creature.
“On your ready—!”
The trio squares up, brandishing their weapons in preparation for whatever upsetting scene is about to rear its monstrous head over those trees. But before she can so much as utter the command to advance, the corrupted Gem’s whole upper body rises above the foliage. Her mouth falls ajar. She’s altogether paralyzed in its sight. Its mournful eyes bore into her own, inky black with glistening pink irises. A singular tear escapes her futile attempt at emotional stasis, slipping out from under her visor and dampening her cheek.
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Those eyes… she ruminates, her fists clenching with unrestrained anguish within the security of her gauntlets. That face, it’s—
Quick as a sheet of lightning, three separate visions surge to full color within her consciousness, spiderwebbing their way across the geometric planes of her gems and permeating through every single branching route of her hard-light form.
The first is a vital realization— of what is, never mind all their biased notions.
Another is a premonition— of what could be, should she make the wrong decision in this place.
And the last is a promise— a solemn vow to herself… to every last member of her family. An opportunity to act. To be brave.
Garnet closes her third eye.
For the first time in weeks, she knows exactly what she needs to do.
“Let’s go! Go!” she beckons to her teammates with a wave of her gauntleted hand, sensing the need to slice through their paralyzing distress.
Amethyst and Pearl both nod, their horrified expressions hardening into a diligent focus. Good. It’s iron-willed attitude like this that is sure to be their saving grace today.
And thus, with a wide, inciting slash of Amethyst’s whip against the corruption’s pink scaled legs, the encounter begins.
Stick to the plan, her own voice echoes tauntingly, now fully aware of the blunt danger she’s about to put both herself and her teammates in.
Task one: Seize the Gem’s attention. Lure them towards an open section of the beach.
Of all the stages of their scheme, this one is by far the simplest. It never took much more than encroaching upon a corrupted Gem’s territory to antagonize any of the others, and on surface, the creature the three of them face here today responds to their goading attacks no differently. The Gem thrashes their way across the sands in an almost indignant frenzy, flailing their arms and tail towards them as if vying to swat all of them right into the ocean’s wake. Amethyst leaps out of striking range of that barbed tail just in the nick of time, but alas Pearl is not so lucky. She lets loose a sharp yelp as the barest edge of this limb slams against her side, launching her all the way back to the jungle’s edge.
Garnet’s fists clench tighter within her spiked gauntlets as she skirts around the creature— now wholly distracted by her teammates’ whip and spear— from behind, setting herself up for the beginning of phase two. Can’t look, don’t look, she reminds herself, energy thrumming like a burning neutron star at her core. It wasn’t a critical strike. Pearl can more than handle herself in a fight. And anyways, she can’t let herself get distracted by the grim reminder of all the what-ifs she still can’t see, no, not for a second. She’s their captain. She steers their ship. A miracle in and of itself, she tugged the threads of this precise sequence of events out from a tapestry woven from untold millions of futures, and now all that’s left to do is ensure it won’t fray at the ends as she puts it into action— no matter the consequences.
Stick to the plan, she repeats within her mind again. Not the plan that was discussed on the ship— not anymore— but the plan she saw.
Once Pearl and Amethyst have cornered the corrupted Gem on a large enough swath of beach, she summons the first piece of Bismuth and Peridot’s handiwork from her gem, a potent energy core they cobbled together from some old scrapped ship tech fastened to a large spike that’s sturdy enough to anchor it into the dampened sand.
Task two: While the others keep the corrupted Gem distracted, lay out all six barrier axis crystals in an equidistant circle.
She stakes crystal number one as deep as she can muster and rapidly moves on to the second.
The third.
The fourth.
It’s at this stage, however, where wrangling the gargantuan beast becomes a good deal more complicated.
As she sprints towards the fifth insertion point, she senses one of the corrupted Gem’s limbs swinging towards her faster than a Roaming Eye surging into FTL travel. Out of sheer bodily habit she moves to dodge, but then—
With a mighty yell, Pearl fires off two energy bolts from her spear. They collide against a nearby palm tree, splintering the wood of its trunk and felling it atop their bright pink opponent, knocking their already disproportionate form precariously off balance. The spiked tail never reaches her.
Good, she thinks, breath heavy. Just as predicted. That’s one step closer to the path she envisioned for them all.
But now…
Garnet summons the second to last barrier axis crystal.
“Amethyst!” she barks, perhaps a bit more forceful than she intended within the heat of this encounter. “Keep the corrupted Gem within the circle! Pearl, from here on out, cover Amethyst, not me! Do not let those hands touch her!”
Pearl’s eyes flash with distress as she spins her glance to her, the motion ever so swift. “B-but what about—?”
“I’ll be fine, just watch each other’s backs, we’re almost there—“
She stakes the fifth crystal into place.
Only one left.
Their opponent slams their hind legs into the sand as they attempt a sweeping swat at Amethyst, just barely missing one of the previously placed crystals. And oh stars, these six are all Bismuth and Peridot had time to make, if he smashes one of them—
Stick to the plan, she once again reminds herself, sprinting across the beach towards the sixth insertion point, to where she’ll finally complete her circle. With Pearl covering, Amethyst will pull through in the end. She has to.
Task three.
(The Gem rears back, the horns atop their head and the crystalline spikes jutting out from their joints beginning to emit a dull glow of warning.)
In many ways, given the soul of what’s at stake, this task— while not anything she has conscious control over, merely the desperate want of a damned Gem— is the most vital of all of them:
Whatever happens, don’t get cracked.
She clenches her jaw taut as she manifests that final barrier axis crystal within her grasp, every last one of her senses tinging with expectation… the innermost facets of her gems already knowing what’s coming, already feeling what’s coming—
“Garnet, look out!”
But she doesn’t dodge. Doesn’t back down. Doesn’t deviate from the plan, from her promise. Because if she fails in her mission here… if she delays the activation of this barrier any longer… if she places her own wellbeing over Steven’s… then this lost, confused Gem will successfully push past their defenses to escape into the ocean’s murky unknown, and they’ll have lost him forever.
“I’m so, so sorry,” she chokes out to this poor, tortured creature, a singular tear rolling down her cheek as she secures the final device in the sands and uses her last millisecond of borrowed time to flick on the barrier’s power-up switch.
The corrupted Gem roars, emitting an explosive shockwave of energy powerful enough to hurl her through the air as straight as a dart, straight across this island’s tree-lined shore, straight into—
Pearl is helpless to do anything but watch as Ruby and Sapphire’s gemstones drop into the sand beneath that distant palm tree, Garnet’s form poofed on impact after being slammed against its trunk at terrifying force.
“Garnet!” she cries once more, her form outright stuttering with panic.
She scrambles back to her feet, brandishing her spear as she spins to face the monster that just singlehandedly poofed one of her dearest friends like it was child’s play. Stars above—! Amethyst and her are ridiculously lucky that its sonic attack wasn’t pointed their way, otherwise there’s a good chance they too would have suffered the same fate.
But there’s no time to think.
No time to fuss and fluster.
There’s barely any time to even process the loss of her fallen teammate as the corrupted Gem rears around to point those intimidatingly dark orbs their way, hungry for release… hungry for freedom.  
“Hey!” Amethyst bellows from across the sands. “Keep lively, that barrier’s gotta power up for thirty seconds ‘fore it goes up, remember? We gotta keep this guy from escaping!”
Shaking away the scattered remnants of her hysteria, Pearl tightens her grip on her spear.
“Right,” she nods, leaping right back into action.
“I’ll try ta’ tie ‘em down, you keep ‘em dancing with your spear bolts!”
And so— two against one— that’s exactly what they set out to do.
She darts around the barrier’s perimeter, shooting a myriad of energy bolts around the corruption’s feet to keep it in the center as Amethyst swings up upon its back with her whip and tries to lasso it by the horns. The monster roars, clamorous and anguished. It throws its head about like a dog shedding water, knocking the quartz clear off her perch. Pearl pivots sharp on her heels as she watches Amethyst slam into the ground, the ceaseless waves of hard-light coursing through her system jittering in instinctive sympathy at the sheer ferocity of this impact. But it’s not enough to poof her, thank the stars. It’s not enough to kill what stubborn fighting spirit they both have left.
…it might’ve succeeded in distracting them, though.
Pearl gasps as she notices what’s coming, closing in on her partner with all the pinpoint finesse of a seasoned warrior.
“AMETHYST—!” she hollers, surging to action.
Mere seconds before the corrupted Gem can knock the quartz across the beach with one of its powerful, muscular arms, she readies her weapon in hand and prepares to take her shot. It’s not what Garnet would’ve wanted, but she can’t see any other choice.
With a mighty yell, Pearl hurls her spear straight at the Gem’s mouth, the point ricocheting off one of its razor sharp teeth.
The impact is jarring enough to throw its balance entirely askew.
Amethyst scrambles to her feet unharmed and rushes to join her, which would’ve served as a shining victory if it weren’t for the troubling little sight that greets them next. That monster emits a pitiable whine as it staggers around the clearing… an unmistakable line of vivid red blood dripping from the crease of its gums where its tooth had been knocked crooked. With a glittering burst of dauntingly familiar pink magic (oh, no… please, no—!), the pulp of its gaping maw stitches itself back together.
An electric hum radiates in her periphery as she stands there trembling, all but locked in place at the horrid reality of what she’s just done. She barely registers Amethyst’s harried call for attention. Barely registers the white hot surge of energy whipping up around her as the other Gem spins her whip around the corruption’s legs at sonic speed. It’s not until Amethyst outright tackles her out of the fray and the semi-spherical barrier surges to life behind them that the cruel flow of time finally catches up.
Pearl shudders, fingers scouring deep trenches in the dampened sand. She turns her head, bracing her mind and spirit for the punishing truth she’s about to gaze upon.
The creature collapses upon its side within the enclosure, breathing ragged after such a ceaseless display of ferocity and strength.
Almost entirely enshrouded from view within an endless sea of scales, the pentagonal facets of Steven’s diamond shimmers at the very center of his belly.
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not-so-superheroine · 4 months
i got the next chapter up!
...Garnet loved herself. And Pearl did not. Pearl was programmed to find her worth in others. To accept subservience. Of course she wanted to feel what Garnet did. But, in her efforts, did Pearl have to take it from her? Garnet still loved herself. She was still made of a loving relationship. Loving partners who were grieving. Who had been disrupted. Who had briefly been torn apart in a way she hadn’t experienced before. By the stars, Garnet loved who she was before these violations of body, mind and trust, more than who she was now.
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