Sydney V. Wrabbit
116 posts
I'll probably know what I'm doing soon he/him
Last active 2 hours ago
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saturn7162 · 16 days ago
Do you need some facial expressions references? 😭😔😝🙄😐😁😗😫😬🥺😠
I have an Expressions Pack!
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You can now get a $0+ preview in my Ko-fi that has 25 expressions from three different angles.
Or you can grab the full 399 image pack with 133 expressions for $12USD
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saturn7162 · 16 days ago
for all the artists out there, here are my favorite resources i use to learn!
The Complete Famous Artist Course
Art Books and Resources
Art, Anatomy, and Color Books
PDF Files of Art Books
Internet Archive
My YouTube Playlist of Tutorials
How to Draw Facial Features
Drawing and Art Advice
Drawing Lessons
Art Fundamentals
Anatomy of the Human Body
2D Animation
Perspective Drawing
Pinterest Board for Poses
Another Pinterest Board for Poses
Pinterest Boards for References
Reference Angle
Line of Action
Human Anatomy
Animal Photo References
Humanae - Angélica Dass
Fine Art - Jimmy Nelson
Character Design References
CDR's Twitter Account
iamagco's Twitter Account
taco1704's Twitter Account
takuya_kakikata's Twitter Account
EtheringtonBro's Twitter Account
Color Wheel
Color Palette Cinema
Free Images and Pictures
Free Stock Photos
Screen Musings
William Nguyen Light Reference Tool
SketchFab - 3D Skeleton Model
Animation References - sakugabooru
Animation References - Bodies in Motion
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saturn7162 · 21 days ago
I think eating that chocolate was a really bad idea 😬
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saturn7162 · 22 days ago
Yeah, so, it turns out Spades is really fun to draw
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saturn7162 · 1 month ago
I need Arceus to grab me by the face and throw me into ancient Paldea NOW.
I NEED to know what went down there
I NEED to experience it
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saturn7162 · 1 month ago
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day 6: flora / fauna get yourself a "man" who is a high class gem whos supposed to command fleets of spaceships but chose earth instead
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saturn7162 · 1 month ago
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Onyx likes to finger paint
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saturn7162 · 2 months ago
A lot of things will probably change abt his design. His horns, his patterns, the fact he doesn't have a shirt, his gem, because I just NEEDED a drawing of him to write off of (and I will never show my OLD old old Onyx design)
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Don't worry if you don't like it, it'll probably change at least 5 million times
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saturn7162 · 2 months ago
It's all concept art though, I still haven't decided on how I want him to look 😭
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There's more btw
This is like a third of it
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saturn7162 · 3 months ago
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saturn7162 · 3 months ago
More cats! Yippee!! I might give them stories, I might just throw them into the endless void of my memory that should've been taken to a vet 3 million years ago
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saturn7162 · 3 months ago
Hilda OC's dad fights monster to protect holds, Johanna, and my oc.
Stupid little blue haired adventurer cartoon has its claws stuck into me.... Violence under the cut
Milo’s father, Saxon, stood in front of them with an angry scowl on his face. His stance was open, his claws unsheathed, his lips curled back in an ugly snarl. He growled, a deep warning sound to get the beast to leave. The monster leaned forward, growling angry as well. Saxon met its gaze with double fervor, set on protecting his son, Hilda, and Johanna. The monster tried moving in from the side, but was met with a nasty swipe from Saxon’s claws, leaving five gashes on the side of its face. The monster howled in pain, backing up a bit before turning back to him.
Saxon panted, his face dirtied with mud and sweat and blood as his golden eyes pierced into the monster’s red ones. It opened its mouth and tried attacking him, but Saxon ducked and sunk his claws into its chin. The monster screamed and reeled back, lifting Saxon high off the ground. He snarled and opened his jaw as wide as it could go before sinking his sharp teeth into its chin as he began to slide down, trying to get as much damage in as he possibly could.
The monster smacked its chin into the ground, slamming Saxon into the ground. But Saxon held on, scratching at its throat with his foot-claws. The monster flung its head up, throwing Saxon into the air. Saxon grabbed onto one of its horns and propelled himself down, digging his foot-claws into its eyes as he grasped onto the horns closer to its face to keep himself steady. The monster screeched in pain as blood spurted from its eyes, coating Saxon’s foot-paws and spraying blood across the area as it shook its head, trying desperately to shake Saxon off, but it didn’t work.
Saxon scratched at its face, splattering blood across the ground with every powerful swipe. The scene was gory, and Johanna tried to cover both Milo’s and Hilda’s eyes at once, but the damage was done. Hilda and Milo cowered in Johanna’s sides as Saxon fought, trying to rid their minds of the images of Saxon getting tossed around and beaten every time the beast would slam its head forward.
The next time it slammed his body into the dirt, he grasped around for something, his fingers eventually curling around a sharp branch that fell from a tree. He gripped it tightly, holding it in both hands and digging his foot-claws into its lips, trying to hold himself steady. He jabbed the sharp end of the branch and pierced the top of the beast’s head over and over, smashing through its fur and skin and muscle as blood gushed from the wound. It finally managed to shake him off and throw him to the dirt. The branch flew from his hands and into the woods.
Saxon dove forward as the monster snapped its jaws at him. Saxon dug his claws into its throat, earning a watery gurgle as blood rushed to its mouth. Saxon lunged forward and bit its throat as well, grunting as blood gushed into his mouth and spilled down his lips and chin.
The monster stumbled, the blood loss clearly getting to it. Saxon kept going, tearing new gashes into its flesh as it roared and tried to throw him off. Saxon tore at its flesh, wincing at the rush of its blood that continued to spill onto him, coating his fur in a crimson red. Saxon reached up, digging his claws into its eyeball, tearing chunks out of the organ as he tried to haul himself up.
Finally, the beast fell forward and crashed onto the ground. It tried to get up, but Saxon kept it down by kicking his legs and slashing at its throat with his foot-claws as he tried to wriggle out from under it. He managed to slip out, his bottom half almost coated entirely in its blood. It tried to swipe at him with its out paw but missed terribly as it was blinded by Saxon’s attacks.
Saxon grabbed a nearby rock, the adrenaline pumping through his veins made him feel like a body builder, and smashed it repeatedly into the spot where he jabbed the branch. Blood splashed onto his hands and face with every smash, but he didn’t stop until the beast lay still beneath him.
He released the stone and stumbled off the beast, falling backwards onto his butt as he panted harshly, trying to suck in as much air as possible as he felt fatigue mixed with his many injuries clawing up his body. He groaned in pain as he felt the sudden sting of his wounds, flopping backwards into the dirt and passing out almost instantly. The children still huddled into Johanna’s sides, their eyes clenched and their bodies curled into little balls of fear. Johanna looked at the unconscious body of Saxon, wincing at the obscene amount of blood that washed over the grass and stone of where he fought.
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saturn7162 · 3 months ago
Wait why are you right
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My headcanon face claim for Cyllene is Ivan Petkov
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saturn7162 · 4 months ago
Chewing on this to get my mind off this god awful election
FUCK this art is SO GOOD
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I hope we can have an ending like this. Cheesy setting and all.
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saturn7162 · 4 months ago
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The VERY next person I see is getting mauled, the rest will just perish instantly
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saturn7162 · 4 months ago
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My excitement is uncontainable
Unable to be contained
3 people have perished from being in my presence alone
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saturn7162 · 4 months ago
Gnawing and chewing and eating and chomping
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hope's peak uniform hcs for my casual au :) it was nice to pick inktober up after like 5 years of not doing it (didnt draw kiibo bc i don't think he would change at all)
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