#garden talk
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audible-smiles · 11 months ago
When gardeners get a little too enthusiastic about "native plants good, invasive plants bad", they miss a crucial fact; very few plants have zero value to wildlife. An abandoned urban lot full of invasives still offers some options for shelter, habitat, and food...sure, the species who make best use of them are going to be the resilient generalists quickly adapting to urban life, but it's something. A barren parking lot offers pretty much nothing except human waste scraps.
So when you're managing an area with a large number of invasive plants, you have to keep in mind that in the short-term, you'll actually decrease the complexity of the ecosystem by removing plants. Obviously you're going to make up for it in the long-term with plants better-suited to your region, but some of those will take years to reach maturity. A lot of experienced native plant gardeners will recommend tackling a large space in sections so you don't turn your entire yard into an empty expanse of wood chip mulch all at once.
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tomorrowsgardennc · 4 months ago
🚨 GARDENING PSA: Mulch Alternative 🚨
ok, so it's that time of year where everyone on all the medias of socialing are saying leave the leaves, use leaves as mulch, and they are all ABSOLUTELY RIGHT DO NOT IGNORE THEM!!
but for those who either live in apartments or cookie-cutter homes where they tore down all the trees and then planted crape myrtles along the main road and nowhere else (iykyk), then there is a solution for y'all, too.
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get yo'self a paper shredder! or find someone that has one and steal their remnants. altho highly recommend at least you feeding the shredder yourself, be it yours or someone elses. just because a shredder can destroy it, doesn't mean it can be composted. CDs, for example. but also glossy or magazine paper CANNOT be used. either cardboard devoided of any tape or matte or office paper.
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i used some leaves for the strawberries i'm keeping outside in pots when i planted them about a week ago, but for the ones in the greenhouse i was too tired today to walk down the hill to the shed and grab the mower and mulch leaves so i just went into my craft room and shredded some things that are in my gigantic pile to be shredded and called it a day. i bought a shredder specifically for compost (soon to be chicken coop bedding) and i love it. i mean, the pile to shred is bigger than the shredder, but that's a me problem not a you problem. you need a mulch alternative. therefore i present to you, my friend, the shredder.
happy shredding!
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inventorswag · 2 months ago
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fennelcat · 6 months ago
I just finished building and planting the first garden bed I've ever built! My boyfriend helped a lot but he's down playing that and saying how impressed he is with it, hehe.
It was very tiring. Even just using the drill to put in the screws exhausted me, let alone getting all the soil to it (i'm tiny and weak and it's like a 5 by 8 foot bed). But it's done now after like 3 days of work fwoohh!
Planted it (from seeds) with broccoli, mustard greens, butter lettuce, and carrots. Now I can only hope everything sprouts and isn't killed off in an October heat wave, which is a thing here ;-; im also very uncertain about the carrots because the soil has some rocks and chunky woodchips that can mess up their root shape. But we'll seeeee
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thinksideways · 2 years ago
I love my garden so much but sometimes you go out of town for five days and return to an absolut horde of cucumbers and tomatoes that you have to deal with Immediately
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avengers-princess · 5 months ago
In June I got a whole bunch of Thanksgiving cactus cuttings to propagate. I started them in little Dixie cups of soil first to make sure the roots started well, then I grouped them up and potted them in three separate pots except for one of the tiniest props bc there just wasn’t any room for her. So I put her in her own tiny pot and have been watering them like I should. Well all of the props have put on at least two new segments (some of them have added like five to seven more!!!) except for Charlotte. Well when I was watering my bedroom plants today I gave Char her usual inspection and I found at least two if not three nubbins where new segments are going to grow 🎉🎉🎉 I’m so happy bc I was so worried she just wasn’t gonna grow and I’d be stuck with a two segment Thanksgiving cactus waiting for it to rot.
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chokrihizem · 8 months ago
🌱 Celery Seed Harvesting Made Easy! 🌱 
Harvesting celery seeds has never been easier with our step-by-step guide! In this video, you'll learn how to effectively gather, dry, and store these potent seeds. From cutting the seed heads to handling them with care, we cover all the essential techniques to ensure a successful harvest. Explore the aromatic world of celery seeds and unlock their numerous health benefits, including essential vitamins and minerals. This video is perfect for both experienced gardeners and beginners looking to expand their gardening skills and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Watch now and transform your gardening journey! 🌼
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borgevino · 1 year ago
the allergy i am seeing grow up around small talk in any form is troubling to me. do you know how to make friends with people in your physical environment? it typically starts with small talk. do you want to live in community? small talk. do you want to have the type of relationship with your neighbors where you can run over and borrow a battery for your smoke detector when it starts beeping at 10pm? small talk!! do you want leeway from your coworkers when you fuck up something small? you gotta be able to build a relationship and that's small talk, baybeee.
"but i don't need friends and i don't care about community!" okay, lone ranger, what about the people in your community who need you? "but i have social anxiety!" me too, bud! we simply must soldier on. making up lists of questions to ask people helps. and people are predisposed to be generous, i've found. even if you make some kind of mistake, what is this but the natural give and take of human interaction? nobody is perfect.
you were not put on this earth to live by yourself and then die. you need people and people need you. treat those around you with curiosity and generousness of spirit and you will gain so much goodwill in return.
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doomedyuri-69 · 5 days ago
why do kids cartoons always have the best most nuanced and layered plots and characters and adult cartoons are always just “fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck”
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vulto-cor-de-rosa · 4 months ago
"I wrote in my diary to never be horrible to Dream again, it's not worth it, because I didn't like when he was mad with me, it made me too sad" it's a quote I would expect from c!tommy during the Exile arc, not from Tommyinnit, the content creator, talking about how Dream, the content creator, treated him when he was 15/16
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audible-smiles · 11 months ago
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Common camas in full bloom in a meadow at Camassia Natural Area, a small refuge in the Willamette Valley which is privately owned and managed by The Nature Conservancy, but open to the public.
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inventorswag · 2 months ago
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yourangle-yuordevil · 13 days ago
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Serpent of temptation? More like serpent of missed occasions, serpent of denial, serpent of I-love-you-so-much-angel-but-I-can't-tell-you 🐍
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seagull-scribbles · 1 month ago
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An enchanting neighbourhood
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heckblade · 2 months ago
can’t stop watching this POV of the lou/murph wrestling match from gauntlet at the garden feat. brennan’s reaction
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chokrihizem · 9 months ago
How to Pinch Lemon Verbena for Maximum Growth 🌱🌱🌞 Transform your lemon verbena into a vibrant, bushy wonder with our pinching guide! Join us as we demonstrate how to encourage new growth and maximize your plant's potential. Perfect for both novice and seasoned gardeners! 🌿🌟👍 Like what you see? Don’t forget to like, comment, and share the gardening love! 🌷📲Discover the simple technique that will transform your lemon verbena into a full, branched beauty! In this video, we'll show you how to pinch your plant to encourage lateral growth and create a stunning, aromatic herb. 🌱 Learn the tips and tricks to keep your lemon verbena thriving all season long. 💚
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