#garak showed up in back to back eps
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rogueyami · 2 years ago
Need to rewatch the garashir eps...my crops are dry and I miss them...
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vaguely-concerned · 11 months ago
Visual Language Things in Improbable Cause/The Die Is Cast that are driving me INSANE
the stuff they do with light and shadow in these episodes is just. someone went 'I know artists who use subtlety and they're all cowards' and they were so right for that
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are you telling me... that this man is caught between light and dark in this moment and hasn't yet decided which side his soul is going to come down on in the end. hm. interesting. (especially cool that when the shadows of his face are lit up in the runabout at the end, that's when you see the damage underneath. he's partially made that choice and he's illuminated, but not by a comforting light yet, those are danger colours. odo and garak bonding on a day trip to hell; the episode)
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I think this shot is ultimately my touchpoint for the visual language set up in this episode -- julian bashir standing there in 'wherever you have to go, come home to this afterwards' light as garak walks into the shadows (and towards tain). where does the light in his life come from currently? we may have a clue before us folks
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(This one is literally just because his expression here makes my chest feel weird and aching. oof. I feel like this is one of the rare times he lets himself be really openly soft because he must know there's a decent chance he's not coming back)
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aaaand what's the very first thing that greets him once he 'returns to the light' so to speak? :) little bit of a moral and emotional horror show in the middle there admittedly but thanks to odo he did come home and no one like. died or anything. well. many many people died but that honestly wasn't his fault or responsibility. we'll call it a victory
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some really cool odo shots too in this ep. I love you constable this was so fucking extra for no reason
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fun little detail: when the defiant starts shaking upon taking fire, Julian immediately puts his hand on Garak's shoulder -- the same way and on the same side as Garak did to Tain minutes before, when Odo had to fucking. knock him out to make him let go. (again: odo I love you. a direct and decisive thinker above all)
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thegeminisage · 7 months ago
star trek update time. monday we watched ds9's "in purgatory's shadow" (ohio edition), "by inferno's light" (ohio edition), and "doctor bashir, i presume" (ohio edition), which did blow my tits clean off, and then last night we watched voy's "unity" and "darkling" (south carolina editions, sadly).
in purgatory's shadow (ds9) (ohio edition):
kira and odo's little moment at the beginning of this episode 🥺 he was soooo embarrassed to be caught attempting to try and learn how to snag a spouse but she didn't judge even a little. girl, break up with your stupid ass boyfriend. odo is right here
i really loved bashir pointing the phaser at garak when he figured garak was lying. i was like oh damn he knows him so well and i love when this twink has had enough and becomes a little evil BUT THEN IT LITERALLY WASN'T HIM! what an incredible plot twist. we literally had to pause the episode and work out the timelines to see how long we had been living with changeling bashir. it was sooo good and i wasn't expecting it at all. mwah
jadzia and worf are so good. her personality being settled into like, comic relief makes for such a good match to his whole straight man aura. obviously she taunts him with his klingon operas. please.
also lol "at the first sign of betrayal i will kill him" <3
i do NOT like whatever they are doing with garak and ziyal. first of all, he's gay. secondly, she is like at LEAST 20 years younger than him. i want to trust them but after jake dating all those older women i am so suspicious
the backpedaling they're doing on fun and friendly former facist dukat is insane. not to say i'm not enjoying it. also, i like when he threatened kira and she was like "pffft whatever" like what a blow to his fucking ego. get his ass
VERY cool to see martok again - totally unexpected
our last wonderful surprise of this ep was tain being garak's DAD- it makes so much sense and puts so much into perspective, and, hi, JULIAN WAS IN THE ROOM DURING THIS. garak could have asked him to leave and he would have. garak could have told tain he was there. but he didn't, because he wanted the moral support, and because he wanted julian to know something true about him. AUUUGHGHGH
like, we haven't had NEARLY enough garashir since s2, but this was SUCH a good moment, even though it feels like they're trying to backpedal on that too. what a series of plot twists for this ep 10/10
by inferno's light (ds9) (ohio edition):
dukat's betrayal here i like vaguely saw coming, but jesus christ lol. he is back to FULL villain status...such a change from his little fireworks show for sisko and jake
garak's claustrophobia <3 absolutely loooved this especially since julian had to go in and get him. bangs tankard on table MORE GARASHIR! there literally has NOT been enough. i would love to know more about tzenketh but i know they will never ever tell us but wow <3
i am SO tired of seeing worf lose fights this episode was fucking great. not only did he not lose any fights except under an extremely unfair circumstances he totally kicked ass even while injured. FINALLY. even that jem'hadar guy was like i can kill him but i can't defeat him so i give up. SOOOO true finally let's respect my boy worf. why don't you bitches call him a pussy NOW
anyway, the little moment worf and garak had at the end of this episode...mwah. put them on the fuck chart
extremely excited to see gowran in this episode. he and his freaky eyes are so special to me
"this station was built by cardassia" "that's funny i thought it was built by bajoran slave labor" I LOVE WHEN SISKO IS FUN AND FERAL.
also i know the circumstances were extenuating but i cannot BELIEVE julian just fucking murdered that jem'hadar <3
watching little fake julian run around was so distressing...i kept yelling when he came on screen because nobody KNEWWWW he even fooled US! what a cool twist, again
overall these two episodes were incredibly good even though the strong action-y episodes are usually not ds9's forte. absolutely baller content for everyone except ziyal. i will at least take comfort in the fact that garak looked very uncomfortable to be hugged
doctor bashir, i presume (ds9) (ohio edition):
i'm mad garak wasn't in it. AUGHGHGH
okay, my main beef with this one was pacing...i thought they resolved the problem extremely quickly after the cat was out of the bag, and it's because they spent so much time on the doctor and leeta and rom. which would have been a GREAT b-plot for any other episode, i LOVE leeta and rom and i was cheering for him the whole time, but even though the EMH (sorta) cameo was very welcome, i do not welcome it at the expense of time taken from one of the most pivotal episodes for julian bashir probably in this whole series, especially when i have the sneaking suspicion that it won't be brought up again
and i did LIKE the resolution of this episode, his parents paying for what they'd done, but it didn't feel like he got to sit with it for long enough, and it certainly felt like we skipped over a few pivotal moments - the scene where he found out his best friend knows could have been EXTREMELY meaty. is he afraid of judgement? is he angry? is he worried miles will be angry? etc. but we just kind of breezed right on by it. like, i loved the way miles sat and let him get it out of his system in a fun inverse of julian talking him down from suicide but we could have had SOOO much more
anyway side from that i love. I LOVE. holy shit
like, i can't even talk about the episode itself, just this entire concept. like, they did essentially kill their kid. they made him the way he is, a new kid, and then hated him for the way he is. SPOCK CORE. and then to find that out as a teenager...
like, you know he had to google "does being genetically enhanced make me a bad person" and then of course what google spits out is "did you know about khan noonien singh and would you like to?" and he was like Oh No
like, he went into MEDICINE. and i know he had other reasons and all but he went into MEDICINE because that's the most harmless you can possibly be. he's using all his ill-gotten brainpower to HEAL PEOPLE because his first reaction was to not want to be khan...2! you can enhance genetics but just like o'brien said that can't grow compassion, which is what makes julian who he is
anyway, i will continue to think about dr bashir for a very long time and he definitely just rose a couple of notches in my character ranking
unity (voy):
i actually liked this one a lot. i love borg eps and i'm fascinated by a post-borg life lived by these people
that said, this lady gave off SUCH evil vibes that even after the truth was revealed and she and chakotay fucked i kept waiting for her to stab him in the back. which only kind of happened i guess
also, :( that chakotay is out here running around on janeway. SAD
i did love the borg meld scene though. it was incredibly scary. and i was TWIRLING MY HAIR when he got possessed or whatever the fuck
it was also so fun that he spent half of this episode dazed and stumbling around because of his little head injury. excellent material overall
oh yeah and i KNEW that corpse was gonna wake back up. i think it's so terrifying that when you're borg, even if you die, you aren't done. you can be revived because nothing kills you, not even the vacuum of space. that is easily the most horrifying part of it all
i also really liked chakotay and janeway's moment at the end. like, she was distrustful the entire time and he was too trusting, as he tends to sometimes be, and then at the end she was like aw but they weren't so bad and he was like [thousand yard stare of guy who has fucked 2! women who later betrayed him and has now been radicalized against the borg]
like i'm not saying it wasn't 99% consensual with riley or seska but i AM saying that he was hopped up on the borg meld when he fucked riley and later riley was willing to use chakotay's body for her own means when push came to shove and i'm saying that seska knew full well the whole time it was happening that it was under completely false pretenses and she stole his dna without his consent to make a baby he also didn't consent to, even if it turned out she fucked up and got that kaxon baby instead. like, chakotay better be careful or he's gonna start fitting into captain kirk's niche
darkling (voy):
this one fucking sucked so bad
like, sure, yes, emh evil now. does he have to keep creepy-touching all the women
also, WHAT? we get ONE LINE about kes and neelix breaking up and he's not even IN this episode? why did they even break them up??? just because they wrre planning on having her leave soon????? absolutely baffling
i don't think evil emh was very compelling...i am glad he got to act or whatever, but i didn't even get the usual "battle of the selves" that we often wind up with when we do these kind of tropes. it was just...a malfunction, and eventually it was corrected
also, what a BAFFLING b-plot. if you measure each of kes's years (except the first, i suppose) as a decade in human beings, we can assume she's in her thirties now, so she just...breaks up with her boyfriend to smooch the hot alien guy she met a few days ago and then maybe wants to run off with him? in her THIRTIES?
i DID like the EMH quoting the oath at the end, but without any sort of battle of the selves or real emotional investment in what he did when he was evil, it feels kind of wasted on this episode. it's a fine concept, but the execution falls soooo flat
NEXT TIME: voy's "rise" and "favorite son."
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writergeekrhw · 2 years ago
You'd mentioned a few asks back that your favorite Dresden ep to write was "Things That Go Bump" -- it's one of my favorites to re-watch! How hard are bottle episodes to write? What sort of considerations do you have to make for pacing, dialogue, etc, that you don't need to consider nearly as much for a more standard format?
I enjoy writing bottle shows, but they do create a bit of a challenge.
One big one is how to transition between scenes. On DS9, that wasn't too challenging, because we had so many standing sets, but on THE DRESDEN FILES episode, which was completely contained in Harry's shop/loft/lab, it was more difficult, especially because as the episode progressed, the darkness swallowed more and more of the set.
One trick for transitioning between scenes without actually moving locations is what's known as a "French scene." This is when the location stays the same, but the characters in it change. Every time someone enters or exits, that's a new "scene," because the change in characters changes the dynamics. I used that a lot in "Things That Go Bump," but the classic example of this is the stateroom scene in the Marx Brothers' movie "Monkey Business." We used this trick a few times. Check out Kira's "These are my friends" scene in "The Circle."
Dialogue is very important in most bottle shows. The challenge here is to vary up the emotions and types of interactions from scene to scene so things don't get repetitive. See for example DS9's "The Wire" and how each Garak story hits a different emotional chord.
It helps to have a mystery to solve. In "The Wire," it's "What's the real story of Garak?" In "Bump," it's "What's causing the Darkness?"
It's also important to use rising stakes. Moving from set to set in most shows gives the feeling of forward plot momentum, but you can't do that in a bottle show. So it's best to have clear stakes that get more dire as time goes on. Garak's deterioration in "The Wire" or the closing darkness in "Bump" are examples of this.
Hope that answers your question!
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eggsploded · 1 year ago
oh baby this posts gonna be long
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
HS: aradia and sollux. aradia is my favorite forever as my patron troll and sollux is just fun to draw because whys he look like that
ST: all the cardassians in general. garak is the best, im honestly more fascinated with andrew robinson himself and his dedication to the character. also damar who doesnt get much presence until later seasons and gets crushed by actually giving a fuck about his position. i took a shot of kanar (maple syrup) for his honor and it was agony.
dukat is excluded from this because he managed to curse the show into buffering on his face everytime i watched.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
HS: probably the beta kids before playing sburb. theyre all just little kids and best friends forever and it makes me tear up- in pesterquest dave literally talks about jade like shes his girlfriend that goes to a different school. all the kids were more than eager to see eachother in person and it sucks that it happened under the circumstances of.. homestuck
i dont have cuteness aggression for them theyve been through enough :-(
ST: in TNG's the enemy geordi helps out this genuinely pitiful romulan dude thats shaking like a chihuahua and i felt so much for that guy i wish he came back
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
HS: i think people are finally past portraying kanaya as a nothingburger, it was kind of funny 10 years ago that people were falling into her flimsy veil of Perceived Normalcy, like she doesnt regularly bite her friends and wasnt unforgivably delulu about vriska when they were moirails.
truly underrated might be the felt? their designs tickle me
ST: damar? maybe hes got more content now idk. honorable mentions are: keiko obrien, worfs parents (my favorite tng ep), hugh, the cardassian scientists that hit on obrien that one time, lwaxana troi and keevan.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
HS: any of signless' crew. like. we got shafted so hard with the dancestors its crazy. in my wildest dreams psiioniic didnt get utterly crushed by the vast glub and somehow escaped at the ripe age of 2000 sweeps and is now overgrown and too old and ancient for his own good, squatting in solluxs hive. we didnt get much content about how signless did his recruiting- did he just do speeches and demonstrations? did he fuck nasty? i know for sure it wasnt the cringe dialogue they strapped kankri with. same goes for dolorosas life before she raised signless, she should be at the club.
ST: background vulcans. especially in TNG when they just stopped giving a fuck about them, thank god tuvok exists or i wouldve had no incentive at all to actually watch part of VOY.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
HS: equius. its really a special day when a character cant be quantified with a simple archetype like the rest of the trolls. theres something so deeply strange and wrong with him that its captivating, i chalk it up to being the horse guy in a insect body.
hussie also just like, had it out for him at day one. gamzee got beaten to a pulp narratively but equius didnt even get a chance. its sad, and im more interested in what he couldve been rather than someone like eridan or meenah.
ST: kai winn. shes literally an alien white woman and its fantastic. she did her role so good that the poor actress got hatemail, and her insidiousness is just so well done. the final season of ds9 isnt that good but it was fun to see her go off the rails with dukat.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
HS: what do i look like? hussie? in truth when it comes to being a flop i like seeing kanaya flounder. shes weird guys. she is so fucking weird and she doesnt really know because her friends are Weirder. we dont always need her to slay, atleast in my book.
ST: riker. no further notes
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
HS: jake. if he has a deeper character i havent noticed because my eyes glaze over trying to read through this dialogue. he feels like a leftover shitpost character hussie couldnt fit on the dancestors. i havent reread act 6 yet, but i remember such a large chunk being some strange love triangle-square surrounding jake and i did Not Give a Fuck, and salt in the wound was dirk and janes friendship being so fantastic but overshadowed by jakes unceasing sex appeal cursing them.
ST: obrien because it was be a standard episode plot for him, i think hed come out fine
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 10 months ago
for the 'bored fanfic writer' ask game
25, 27, 29
Thanks for sending these questions! :) (Link to the ask game)
29) Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic.
Found this paragraph floating in isolation at the bottom of the doc for a random Sloanshir idea that never really got going. But this random paragraph definitely slaps:
He rolled over and stared at the armchair by the porthole. Empty, but for the pall cast on it by a memory. It was funny how many years of pleasant memories—how many books from Garak he’d read while curled up there, how many lovers in his lap—had been overshadowed by a single interaction. But getting rid of the chair, or even moving it elsewhere, would have meant giving Sloan the power to destroy any part of his life simply by touching it.
25) Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing?
Haha yeah... T_T Usually I'm fine if I know the fic is gonna work out okay (or if I can at least picture a happier potential post-fic future), but if I know that the ending of the fic or projected future is also a big bummer then I run a very high risk of upsetting myself so much that I don't finish the fic lollll.
So, I don't actually upset myself at all while writing horrible creepy sloanshir hurt/no comfort or whatever, because even if the comfort's not in the scope of the fic, I so strongly believe in Garashir ending up together in any given scenario that I just extrapolate in my mind that it'll be fine eventually. XD
The only real problem comes in when I attempt to write Garashir bad endings (for the ship or for either person involved). Like... I REALLY wanted to finish writing my wip about the events of "The Quickening" making Julian slowly go full mad scientist once he's back on the station, but writing it made me too sad because it was important to the concept that it needed to have a devastatingly tragic ending. T_T
27) Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
Literally every single fic I've ever written. XD But that's not a helpful answer lol.
I always feel extra nervous posting rarepair fics. With Garashir, there are TONS of canon interactions to model their behavior after, and I've also read soooo much fic about them, which means I have a very good understanding of their dynamic at various points in the timeline of canon, and I know what characterization choices work for me and what doesn't. With Siskarak, there are not that many eps that show the two of them interacting so there's more extrapolation involved in figuring out their dynamic and how to translate that into a sexual relationship, and in terms of fic I have written a solid chunk of what's even out there so I usually put tons of pressure on myself to make sure it's good. And not only good, but like, meshes well with canon and actually follows from what we know about the characters, because I want people to understand how I got from point A to point B.
In addition to that, the longer the fic (or the longer I've spent on the fic), the more nervous I feel when I post. More words, more potential to write something unclear or OOC. XD More time spent, more critical I am of it by the time I post it, because I feel like it should be better than it is given the amount of effort spent. In all honesty drabbles (100 word fics) or other very short ficlets (anything <1000 words) don't make me all that nervous to post anymore, purely due to the time spent writing being so low, which is why I've been posting so many short fics lately lmaooo. If I can bang something out all at once and post without thinking, that's ideal, because then I agonize over it waaaay less beforehand and I don't feel bad if it doesn't get many readers. XD
Posting explicit fics also always makes me a lil nervous, due to the potential embarrassment of what if I've gotten something so wrong that it takes the reader out of the steaminess of the moment.
All that said, my "Second Skin" Siskarak fic, you're a criminal as long as you're mine, recently made me very nervous to post, because it's rarepair smut and it's the second longest thing I've written all year, haha. (Everyone PLEASE go tell me I did a good job, I worked so hard on it.)
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turnipotentiary · 4 years ago
don't know if i feel like laughing or crying at the fact that a Lot of gay star trek pairings are canon and would be acknowledged as canon if not for heteronormativity. like vulcans kiss with their hands right this is a well known fact spock lets kirk kiss him i mean. vulcans are generally not all that tactile because they're touch telepaths but he lets kirk grab him clap him on the shoulder hug him every time.
why is q so obsessed with picard? why is q always saying mon capitaine, my captain, mine, would you like to play a game? leaning forward real close to him and whispering, risking the entire ship just to hear picard say i need you, q, i need you because he loves him and he has a convoluted way of showing it but he loves him. "she's found a vulnerability in you… a vulnerability I've been looking for years. If I had known sooner, I would have appeared as a female." a vulnerability i've been looking for for years. how would their relationship be viewed if one of them were female? how would all of this be received, how would audiences react if one of them were female and the producers consistently denied their relationship had any sort of romantic sides?
garak, a cardassian, is used to argument signaling romantic interest. he picks fights with julian, baits him into snapping back, meets up with him once a week just to argue. it's a date you guys. an argument could be made that julian doesn't know but garashir, at least one-sidedly, is canon. it's CANON y'all i feel like screaming sometimes because it's like am i missing something?? is there something that would make this straight? kirk is t'hy'la. kirk is, to spock, literally a new word they made up to mean some sort of brother/friend/lover/soulmate mix. it's ambiguous and it can be romantic and add that with the fact that what they have fits the definition of love given in Metamorphosis and their CANON kisses and the many parallels their stories have to traditionally romantic stories especially in the movies and even in-universe with kirk's female love interests and "you? [you belong] at his side, as if you've always been there and always will" and what do you get? canon k/s. you get garak opening up to bashir and andy robinson having explicitly said he played garak as VERY interested in bashir, at least in his first ep, and their own parallels to romantic tropes and the trust bashir puts in him and "i forgive you, for whatever it is you've done" and "stop staring at her!" "she's the only cardassian woman on the station she's bound to attract some attention" "not yours!" and bashir going to cardassia to save him and the dominion knowing that garak dying could break julian and q and picard lying in bed together shirtless asking do you regret anything? and where do we go from here? i have a lot of thoughts about this. the logical next step for julian bashir and elim garak is to give them a relationship after the events of The Wire, when garak breaks apart because living on this station is torture for me, doctor and i have nothing to look forward to but having lunch with you and i can't believe i enjoyed it and every time i think i'm going to wrap this up the post gets longer. the list gets longer, and longer, and longer and the show has ended! these are from years ago, decades ago, and yet the list just keeps getting longer. . . this isn't some delusion of mine if it is please tell me. if there's some way this can be read as utterly platonic, if there's something i'm completely misinterpreting feel free to let me know because i'm kind of going crazy here these are canon! literally they kiss, they flirt, they act like romance protagonists and for what. if one of them was female then what? how would things have been different simply because the relationship is suddenly heterosexual? take a moment to imagine a moment. one from the things I've mentioned above, maybe, or perhaps you have your own moments you find subtextually romantic. now switch out one of the characters' gender so that it's now a man and a woman. now what do you see? what becomes clearer even though nothing has changed except that it's no longer gay? why is holding hands swoon-worthy with an m/f relationship and just guys being dudes in an m/m? why is it different when it's not straight?
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gulducock · 2 years ago
CAN. i hear your thoughts on the ds9 ep. bcuz you have been talking for months about how the utter disregard for ds9 in nutrek AND ALSO as someone who is a genuine lwd fan YIPEE AND JUMPA FOR JOY!!!
OKAY. this is hard okay this is difficult. this is a difficult time for all of us. what i can say immediately is that it was nice to see ds9 again... it was nice to see quark voiced by armin shimerman giving his all and kira returning still as the colonel of the station voiced by nana visitor and they didnt try to pull anyone else back in just those that were interested its nice to see again. it is an acknowledgment of ds9 and that is nice to see *smile* now i dont want to be bitter and look a gift horse in the mouth because like yah im happy they did this but the problem with lower decks is that before all else its a comedy cartoon and idk if it has the leverage to carry off on the insane shit from ds9 yknow. what i want from nutrek on ds9 is just like i dont know. wrap up all the loose ends. we still have noooo fucking idea what happened after ds9 to the dominion to cardassia to the federation, klingon empire, ferenginar, the aftermath of the war on all the occupied beta quadrant planets. sisko garak odo n their respective legacies or whatever. like thats a lot of fucking shit that happened that was never ever wrapped up and it is still unmentioned besides quark off-handed mention of the war to get the karemma out of his bar. i thought the sideplots in this ep were very boring as well i like mariner and jennifers relationship theyre cute and an epic win but that was uninteresting and tendi and rutherfords thing was like ok whatever. theyre reeeaaaally riding on quark and kiras appearance here but you know what? i like how much they held off on the nostalgia bait like thats really it. and obviously rutherford has his whole thing but thats like a bit a funy joke. they dont mention any other ds9 chars or things that happened its very much just we're just doing business on ds9! because at this point ds9 isnt some big important place anymore its just another station with some history. i think they were respectful in my eyes idk they were good about it it was still very much a lwd episode just on ds9 no easter eggs no nothing. and as bitter as i am about all of ds9's loose ends i think its for the better they left it all unmentioned because simply i dont think lwd is the series to cover all that because it isnt a serious show nonetheless do we even know if any of this is Canon. and its hard because i think lwd is the best show out right now so its hard to say i want any other show like discovery or pic.picmkcmjhv to decide what happened after ds9 ended. but yknow we take what we get
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chacusha · 4 years ago
DS9 Companion live-blogging (1/?)
I’m already loving this. From 1x01 "Emissary" to 1x11 "The Nagus":
There are little maps of parts of Bajor.
Having emotions over Ben and Jake’s relationship being the core of the show: “[Brandon] Tartikoff had mentioned the possibility of the new show being a kind of Rifleman in space — the concept being that if Star Trek was originally conceived of as a Wagon Train to the stars, then the new show would be The Rifleman, a man and his son living together in a frontier town.”
Loving all these details about how they did the lighting for a Cardassian space station.
They discuss how they changed the Trill look from what was established in TNG. I forgot about that! The TNG Trills looked different! Now I’m headcanoning there are different Trill races with slightly different appearances. (They said they based the new Trill look on the empath bride character in “The Perfect Mate” played by Famke Janssen who they wanted to cast as Jadzia.)
This is cute:
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I’m already appreciating the notes about how Shimerman and Auberjonois’s existing chemistry/rapport influenced the Quark-Odo dynamic.
Also lmao at the writers addressing the continuity error/retcon regarding the circumstances under which Curzon Dax died (in the pilot, he is conscious when the symbiont is being transferred to Jadzia, but later (in “Let He Who Is Without Sin…”) it’s said he died while having sex (more like, the sex eventually caused his death but he had time to go back to Trill for surgery, the writer clarifies).
This is so cute too 😭
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Nana on changing Kira’s hair from the pilot: “That was my doing,” admits Nana Visitor. “I pushed for it. I just didn’t feel that Major Kira would style her hair every day. She wouldn’t care! I wanted a hairstyle that looked like she just woke up in the morning looking like that.” She’s so right.
Love these notes on Garak’s character too: Co-producer Peter Allan Fields: “We needed a Cardassian who didn’t act like one, so I finally put him in a tailor shop, and nobody hit me so we kept him there.” (A throwback to The Man From U.N.C.L.E.) Director Winrich Kolbe: “He’s not what you expect of a Cardassian. They’re the Prussians of the universe, always ‘kill, kill, kill.’ And then there’s Garak, a little bit on the effeminate side, totally different from what you expect of a Cardassian” while retaining the stiffness of Cardassians. Andrew Robinson: “I could actually visualize the guy; he’s all subtext. If a smart guy like Garak says that he’s ‘plain and simple,’ you realize that he’s not plain and not simple. […] And his eyes and the tone of his voice say something different than the words he’s speaking.”
Shimerman on Quark’s personality, plus notes on the Quodo dynamic:
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Reading this reminds me of how odd the early episodes of DS9 feel compared to the later ones, because the early ones rely heavily on TNG connections like a crutch which they later discard once DS9 finds its own footing. “Emissary” uses Picard/Locutus and events mentioned in TNG as character backstory, not to mention O’Brien and his existing relationships on the Enterprise. “Past Prologue” features the Klingon sisters; “Captive Pursuit” features a Prime Directive plot typical of a TNG episode; “Q-less” features Q and Vash as guest stars (it’s nice to get a followup on this story but it definitely hits different when these characters aren’t interacting with Picard); “Dax” is mostly its own thing but also fits a familiar trial drama plot that are familiar from TOS and TNG. It reminds me of Sandman and the odd DC cameos it has at the beginning that get more phased out into easter eggs as the comic gains confidence.
Interesting notes on the tender exes relationship between Enina Tandro and Jadzia in “Dax” that precursors “Rejoined” / builds on the general way of using Trills in Star Trek to sneak in gay relationships:
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Apparently “The Nagus” is The Godfather in space. I did not realize this at all. They even mentioned there is a scene in that ep that is an homage to that film and I was like, “What?? Which one??” It totally went over my head.
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 9 months ago
For me (and I'm really just going to be speaking about my own personal preferences throughout this post), it's about the characters, and it's about the way that staying in one place means we get to delve more into the complexities of interacting with other alien cultures and the balancing act of maintaining diplomatic relations with all of them when everyone's goals are a little bit at odds with each other.
Interesting characters and character dynamics
The TOS and TNG crews have an excellent cast of characters as well, but their relationships with each other feel more static, the main crew are already close before the start of the show. This truly isn't a criticism, it's just a difference. On DS9, it's a brand new situation for all of these characters, so the characters' relationships with each other and their relationships to the situation change over the course of the show. The main cast has to learn to trust each other and become friends and work together. I enjoyed watching that a lot.
There are also a few character dynamics that I personally just find really interesting. I'm really enamored with the friendship and sexual tension between Garak and Bashir, the rivalry (and sexual tension) between Odo and Quark, the adorable father-son relationship between Sisko and Jake, the complicated working relationship/friendship between Kira and Sisko that is affected by Sisko being a (very reluctant) religious figure in her religion, etc.
Staying in one place doesn't make it feel less exploratory
So, first of all, the station is right next to an unexplored-by-Starfleet part of space and they do explore that. Second of all, there's constantly new aliens coming through the area who stop at the station, and there's constantly random space anomalies causing problems. So it never really mattered to me that the station wasn't moving around, there are still plenty of planets-of-the-week and space-anomalies-of-the-week, etc.
Another thing I'll say is that on really episodic planet-of-the-week type Star Trek shows, you can get great stories about strange alien cultures, but the scope is still limited to what you can fit into one episode, and whatever problem there is is usually resolved neatly by the end of the ep. Sometimes there are recurring characters or recurring alien species but that's not the norm. The strength of DS9 is that we revisit the same sets of alien cultures throughout the series, building upon previous details or showing a different perspective on a previously examined issue. As a result the main group of alien cultures on DS9 end up feeling less like monoliths than ones that we only see once on a planet-of-the-week episode, because over the course of the series we see different people from those cultures with very different opinions and roles.
Pseudo-serialization is fun and allows for more mess
DS9 is still pretty episodic but is def more serialized than TNG. Sometimes the events of one episode have consequences downstream. There's also more multi-part episodes. It needs to be watched in order a lot more so than treks like TOS/TNG/VOY because the current political climate in that corner of the quadrant often has some bearing on the plot of the episode, and, like I said above, the character dynamics also tend to change over time. The balance between episodic and serialized that DS9 has is, like, perfect to me personally, and I found it very bingeable. (The amount of serialization/bingeability def could be a reason why it had a renaissance once it was on streaming services.)
I also just like that sometimes things don't get wrapped up neatly with a bow in DS9. Sometimes there is no good solution, or the compromise has a cost, or the consequences of a decision come back to bite them later. I feel like this wouldn't be as interesting/satisfying with shows that didn't dwell as much on the consequences of previous episodes and the current state of affairs. (Which isn't to say that DS9 ALWAYS dwells on the consequences. A lot of the time it's just like "wouldn't it be fucked up if..." and then it moves on, haha!)
In conclusion: I just like it, idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's truly valid if you don't like DS9, but I really think the only way you're gonna figure out for sure whether you like it or not is by watching a little bit of it to see. The first episode, Emissary, is a very strong episode!
Anyway, I hope this has given you something to consider on why people like DS9, or at least why I do! :) I adore TNG, too, for the record! For all that I've been highlighting the differences between DS9 and TNG here (and I focused on comparisons to TNG throughout because that's the one you mentioned you were watching in your post), I really think these two shows are much more similar than they are different. I also don't think the differences I'm pointing out mean that one show is better or worse than the other! There are also drawbacks to everything I mentioned too (for instance, the character development that gets added over the course of DS9 isn't always an IMPROVEMENT for all characters - like, the later seasons did Bashir so dirty lmfao), but I focused on the reasons to like it since that's the part you're finding hard to imagine. XD
I also didn't get into here why it might be relatively popular on tumblr (and MUCH less popular everywhere else lol), but I think that mostly comes down to tumblr being where a lot of the queer shipping side of fandom hangs out (Garashir is a very big ship in the DS9 fandom). Maybe someone else wants to speculate about that, but I've run out of steam.
Ok genuine question here? I’m not trying to be rude or anything. I come into this as a Star Trek fan in general, but what is with this websites love of deep space nine?
I never watched it because from my point of view, they don’t do anything? They’re not traveling or exploring? They just sit there cuz they’re a space station. So i don’t get how there can be a story here.
I’m begging someone to enlighten me. I’m still working my way thru next gen so I’m not there yet anyway, but I never planned on picking it up. But people seem to like it? And I am curious as to why.
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kiranxrys · 4 years ago
cami’s dumb life below the cut bc i can
it’s only been 24 hours and i am SO sick of eating only ice-cream because of my stupid wisdom teeth removal 😭 but that’s besides the point. i’m still in quite a bit of discomfort (the right side of my mouth has gone from being completely numb to constant pain because i think i must have chewed on it really badly while i couldn’t feel it, oops). i’ve basically just given up on school for this week, which i’m sure will come back to haunt me later. oh well. 
i’m working on two fics right now - my qcard big bang fic and my halloween horror bang fc (garak focused, garashir bc my soul needs it) and i think that’s all i’m going to manage to post in terms of fic in october. with school going back and exams to worry about, i don’t think i’ll have time for anything else. i’m also alpha reading a friend’s original novel for them, so that’s another thing to deal with at the moment on top of schoolwork.
at this exact moment i’m most active on tiktok where i post nbc hannibal stuff, so if you like the show, have tiktok and don’t mind seeing my dumb face you can find me on there @/hannibalsleatherjacket. 
the ds9 ep i’m currently on is the one with the fancy latin name, julian’s 2nd section 31 episode. i don’t why i only got to see the first half of it but i’ll get back on that when i can. hannibal’s kind of taken over from my ds9 obsession over the past week so it’s hard to switch back, you know. 
hope you enjoyed that little life update. in the meantime i need to go take my antibiotics 🙃
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nannyfeline · 5 years ago
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Essential (to me) Episodes (+Garak)
I’m starting a rewatch of Deep Space Nine, but I’ve already seen it all the way through three times, so this time I’m focusing on just the “essential” episodes (plus the Garak-heavy ones).
This is a consolidated list of the episodes I’m watching so I don’t have to keep cross-referencing six other lists whenever I go to choose the next episode to watch. I’m putting this here for me to use, feel free to use it as a guide if you like or ignore it completely. 
Season 1
Episodes 1 and 2 – Emissary: The first episode.
Episode 3 – Past Prologue: Bajoran terrorists are a thing. Garak is introduced. He makes a pass at Bashir.
Episode 13 – Battle Lines: Space pope goes to space.
Episode 19 – Duet: Cardassians and Bajorans (but not Garak).
Episode 20 – In the Hands of Prophets: Nurse Ratched is Vedek Winn and she bad.
Season 2
Episodes 1, 2, and 3: The show becomes reasonably good. There’s an attempted coup on Bajor, and the station is “abandoned.” 
Episode 5 – Cardassians: Sets up some Cardassian background and has lots of Garak. Also Bashir.
Episode 7 – Rules of Acquisition: I mean, I guess. The Dominion gets mentioned, so sure, whatever.
Episode 14 – Whispers: O’Brien thinks everyone has been replaced by pod people.
Episode 18 – Profit and Loss: Quark, Cardassians, and Garak.
Episodes 20 and 21 – The Maquis: Yeah, sure. It sets them up. They’re important in other series.
Episode 22 – The Wire: GARAK! AND BASHIR!
Episode 26 – The Jem’Hadar: They’re important.
Season 3
Episodes 1 and 2 – The Search: Dominion stuff. Eddington is introduced.
Episode 3 – The House of Quark: Quark and a Klingon get married.
Episode 5 – Second Skin: Cardassians gaslight Kira.
Episode 7 – Civil Defense: Those old Cardassian safety measures on Terok Nor sure are tricky.
Episode 9 – Defiant: Riker and the Maquis. Or is it???
Episodes 11 and 12 – Past Tense: Sisko, Dax, and Bashir are transported back in time to approximately right now (2024, actually), and things are basically fucked but honestly not that different than real life in 2020. (In 1995, it seemed like we would never get to this point. 25 years later, and boy were we wrong. This one is important for understanding some memes, but it honestly may be depressing and triggering here in the summer of 2020.)
Episode 15 – Destiny: Sisko being the Emissary and also talking to Cardassians.
Episode 16 – Prophet Motive: This may be my imagination, but it looks like there could be foreshadowing for “Doctor Bashir, I Presume.” I don’t know, I haven’t rewatched it, yet. I honestly doubt they were thinking that far ahead. I’ll update after I’ve seen it.
Episode 18 – Distant Voices: Bashir is under telepathic attack. Reddit says it’s a good Garak ep.
Episodes 20 and 21 – Improbable Cause and The Die is Cast: Snap, Garak is doing some shady shit. It’s a tough watch if you want to keep Garak in the good guy column. Cardassians attack the Dominion.
Episode 22 – Explorers: Could be more “Doctor Bashir, I Presume” foreshadowing, but probably not. I’ll see.
Episode 26 – The Adversary: Founder infiltrates the Defiant.
Season 4
Episodes 1 and 2 – The Way of the Warrior: Klingons go to war and Worf joins the cast.
Episode 4 – Hippocratic Oath: Bashir’s such a grown up now! Love it! Making big boy choices wrt the Jem’Hadar.
Episode 5 – Indiscretion: Okay, sure, I mean, if you’ve never seen the show, I guess this one is important. It introduces Ziyal. She’s a terrible character, but whatever.
Episode 7 – Starship Down: Fighting the Dominion.
Episode 8 – Little Green Men: THIS IS THE BEST EPISODE! Quark, Rom, and Nog are transported back to 1947 Roswell, New Mexico, and this is the episode that makes me also sort of ship Quark/Odo.
Episode 10 – Our Man Bashir: Bashir and Garak are playing a 1960s James Bond holonovel and have to save the crew when a transporter accident causes their patterns to become integrated with the program. It’s dumb and fun.
Episodes 11 and 12 – Homefront and Paradise Lost: Starfleet violating civil rights a bit to root out Changelings.
Episode 14 – Return to Grace: Cardassians gonna Cardass, I guess.
Episode 22 – For the Cause: Garak and Ziyal become friends.
Episode 23 – To the Death: Sisko and the Dominion work together for a common goal. And we get WEYOUN!
Episode 25 – Body Parts: Quark thinks he’s going to die, so he starts selling off his body parts. Reddit says it’s a good Garak ep, though.
Episode 26 – Broken Link: Odo needs the Founders, uh-oh.
Season 5
Episode 1 – Apocalypse Rising: Whoops, there’s a Klingon Changeling, now.
Episode 6 – Trials and Tribble-ations: Set during TOS “The Trouble with Tribbles.”
Episode 8 – Things Past: Several of the kids, including Garak, are astral projecting to the Cardassian occupation.
Episode 9 – The Ascent: I don’t know, Odo and Quark are hanging out, I guess?
Episode 13 – For the Uniform: Eddington is back.
Episodes 14 and 15 – In Purgatory’s Shadow and By Inferno’s Light: The Dominion’s a’comin’.
Episode 16 – Doctor Bashir, I Presume: Julian’s secret’s out. (My favorite Bashir/O’Brien interaction is in this episode.)
Episode 24 – Empok Nor: O’Brien, Nog, and Garak are scavenging on Empok Nor, sister station of Terok Nor. Spoopy.
Episode 25 – In the Cards: A dumb Jake/Nog fetch quest episode, but Kai Winn meets Weyoun, so… 🤷‍♂️
Episode 26 – Call to Arms: Okay, there’s definitely a war on now.
Season 6
Episode 1 – A Time to Stand: They a’fightin’.
Episode 2 – Rocks and Shoals: Hey, look, the kids are stranded with some Jem’Hadar.
Episode 4 – Behind the Lines: Occupied DS9.
Episodes 5 and 6: Favor the Bold and Sacrifice of Angels: Retaking DS9.
Episode 11 – Waltz: Now Sisko and Dukat are stranded.
Episode 18 – Inquisition: Bashir is accused of being a spy, because why not. Section 31 is introduced.
Episode 19 – In the Pale Moonlight: Lol Sisko is a fascist. Garak helps.
Episode 26 – Tears of the Prophets: The Federation goes on offense.
Season 7
Episode 1 – Image in the Sand: Things just keep going, you know?
Episode 2 – Shadows and Symbols: I’m going to give this one a miss, personally, but it introduces Ezri.
Episode 3 – Afterimage: Poor Garak.
Episode 6 – Treachery, Faith, and the Great River: Weyouns Weyouning.
Episode 8 – The Siege of AR-558: Fightin’.
Episode 9 – Covenant: Dukat is bonkers.
Episode 16 – Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges: Bashir and Section 31.
Episodes 17 through 19: Probably should watch these. Beginning of the end.
Episodes 20 through 24: Getting there.
Episodes 25 and 26 – What You Leave Behind: The finale.
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infiniteeight8 · 5 years ago
I’ve been wanting fannish interaction lately, so here I am, ready to give returning to Tumblr a shot. I’m also considering a Twitter presence, but I’m still debating that.
I pruned my friends list down to basically nothing years ago and I’ve just pruned it again, but I’m looking for folks to chat with now, so please drop in and say hi, if you would like!
Most active current fandoms:
Deep Space Nine (Garak/Bashir) I am rewatching the series. I’m almost done season one. I watched it when it originally aired, but back then I quit around season three. It’s been so long that I don’t remember anything even about the eps I have seen, so I’m enjoying it like it’s a new show.
Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf) This is listed by pairing rather than by show title for a reason. I tried to watch the show and couldn’t even get through one episode. But I absolutely adore Steter fic and have even written a handful so far.
Not active but always loved fandoms:
Babylon 5 (especially Marcus/Neroon) I love the show, but it’s always the pairings that capture me the most. Marcus/Neroon fans might be familiar with a fic I wrote under a previous pseud: Patterns (written as CrimsonQuills/Nix)
Mission Impossible (William Brandt/Alan Hunley) If you want to earn my eternal gratitude, write a get together fic for these two. There are only 23 works on the tag. 7 are mine, 3 were gifts for me, and 6 are in Chinese (two of those are definitely translations of my work, one probably is, I’m not sure about the others). You can see why I’d be enthused for more. :D
Tron (Original 1982 flavor) I am an enormous fan of the original Tron. It is my favorite movie of all time. (I am not a fan of Tron: Legacy. I am happy that other folks loved it, but I am not one of them.) I love Tron regardless of shipping potential, but I wouldn’t turn down a Flynn/RAM fic if one appeared.
Past active fandoms that I remember fondly: Too many to name. I have been in a lot of fandoms. Don’t be surprised if one pops up every now and then. :)
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asgardian--angels · 4 years ago
god the last of ds9 i watched was the season 5 finale and first two eps of s6 and that block was so emotionally intense i was just like, LETS TAKE A BREATHER and now it’s been nearly a week whoops
im afraid to go back to it now because i get the distinct sense that the parts i love most about the show are disappearing and while i enjoy the dominion plotline and its angst and nuance, i’m not looking forward to julian and garak drifting apart and more forced het relationships and the ziyal mess (i almost threw up in my mouth a liiiitle bit when she kissed garak) and julian’s changed personality post-augment reveal and all the fun being taken out of dukat’s character and uggggggghhhh i need someone to tell me that there are at least some good things coming up so i don’t get disenchanted or overwhelmed with the last couple of seasons here
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fezsoup · 5 years ago
So I was tagged in this top 10 characters thing by @voyagers-resident-catholic​ thanks! This was fun to do :) 
1.) My No.1 fav character of all time has got to be everyone’s fav worm Jadzia Dax like... how can you not absolutely fall in love with this crazy ancient one. I would legit watch a whole spin of show dedicated to the various Dax hosts and their mishaps over the years hahah. I just love her boldness and wildness and her simultaneous wisdom and calm. 
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2.) Close second to all time fav characters, and also my favourite star trek captain ... Benjamin Sisko!! He is literally the most wholesome captain I mean, MAN the action, the passion, he takes no shit from anyone! Omnipotent alien tries to cause havoc?!?! He punches them in the face, never to be seen again! Far beyond the stars was objectively one of the best eps in trek history 
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3) SPOCK. No explanation necessary.
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4.) A detour from trek now, in fourth place is Malcolm Reynolds.  I woulda loved to have had several seasons of character development and slow reveal of his backstory but alas twas not be  😭😭😭😭  
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5.) Back to trek at no. 5 with Julian Bashir! Honestly I loved his character development arc throughout the series. Something DS9 did really well was show him learning and growing from this naive bby doc fresh out of med school ready to tackle his ‘frontier’ to this amazing well rounded man who managed to hold on to his passion for helping people despite there being a literal war on. My all time favourite scenes julian include ‘you’ve never had to wake your self up from a bad dream??’ and his face when worf and jadzia and then quark (QuArK?!?!) and Grillka come into sick bay for the same reasons hehehe. Oh and of course bursting into ops to tell everyone that he’s JUST MET A SPYYYYYYYY hahahahh
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6.) Hoshi Sato! Again another character where I wanted more development and back story pllzzzz. Like why wasn’t there more eps about a character who literally got kicked out of starfleet cause she broke a SO’s arm when he confronted her about A FLOATING POKER GAME she was running!!! She is literally a child prodigy and can speak a billion languages WE DESERVED MORE HOSHI!! 
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7.) Now I couldn’t mention Julian and not also mention Cardassia’s favourite exile Mr Plain and Simple Garak.  I mean what’s not to love, the chaos energy of pretending to not to be involved in any espionage despite knowing basically all the high up Cardassians personally. Having various skills dubiously acquired through tailoring or gardening e.g. mr I learnt klingon by doing alterations like ?!?! Idk how to express the sheer audacity of this lizard man like he knows everyone knows and yet goes through the trouble of blowing up his own shop just so Odo will investigate something. like can I just ask the chief of security NO i must put on a major pyrotechnics display its the ONLY WAY 
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8.)  Coming in at number 8 is Kathryn Janeway! I absolutely love her for sticking to her principles even if it meant stranding her whole crew in the Delta quadrant.  I loved how much she took care of her crew and the relationships between her and all the other characters <3 She was one hell of a captain for sure. Oh and also abso loved all of her hair styles omg from perf bun captain to sexy battle ruffled locks omg every single one of them was a Look
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9.) Leslie Knope. I somehow related so hard to her and simultaneously found her so aspiration. I loved how much she loved her friends but also how off the rails she could get when obsessed with something 
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10.) And lastly my girl Sophie Hatter, chaos granny, magical genius and hat maker extraordinaire! I just loved howl’s moving castle both the book and the gibli film (tho the book more, cause grad student howl is such a vibe)
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Ok don’t feel like you have to do this but I shall tag a few peeps 
@itsatreklife​ @captaincrusher​ @jane-ways​ and @ideational-star-trek​
and also anyone else who wants to :) 
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croc-odette · 5 years ago
here are collected ds9 thoughts so far
looooooove that sisko invites everyone over for dinner nights where he cooks family recipes. like what the fuck that’s so sweet?
i think ‘the visitor’ really chewed me up because it’s so clear that sisko only wants jake to be happy and understands him and jake just loves his dad too much to really understand that fully. when jake is like 80 years old and sisko shows up and says ‘jake’ really softly like he’s still a kid and then just smiles watching him sleep a little bit more before waking him up... like oh man
okay also unexpected father/son relationship i love: rom and nog? like it was really intense when nog was like ‘i KNOW my dad is intelligent and capable but he just never had the right chance and i don’t want that for myself’ and then for rom to be soooo proud of him like to buy him a starfleet uniform and present him to everyone at the bar...... like that’s so cute what the fuck
hating quark and loving quark is really like the swinging pendulum of emotion
i love when the ferengi’s very accurately dunk on human history... like ‘they irradiated their own planet?’ quark is like ‘why would i trust any of you when for some reason i’m informed about pre-warp earth history’ and? he’s right
oh god another thing in the visitor episode... seeing it from jake’s POV was so great bc we only got small glimpses of how everyone else felt and i think that was more powerful... like to see dax comforting jake but to also know she is like overwhelmed just by the way she’s staring off in the distance. KIRA GIVING A EULOGY. i was mad at the writer girl because i was like bitch how are you not fully breaking down right now like FEEL AN EMOTION
kira trying to comfort sisko and realizing they’re work friends but not FRIEND friends and apologizing for pushing the emissary thing on him and then at the end of the episode he invites her to baseball and she’s SO happy
i’m not super strongly attached to odo but every time someone’s mean to odo i’m like ‘hey back off. stop’. him and garak not having any kind of relationship except annoying each other and then garak is still really desperately trying to protect him from the obsidian order without seeming desperate was???? really touching and unexpected? and odo reaching out to be breakfast friends
‘our man bashir’ and garak is like ‘THIS is what you do instead of hang out with me??????’
julian idealizing and fantasizing about being james bond/hypermasculine and implications that he likes passive women is so funny because he’s not like that at all... in a good way... julian you’re a very gentle natural healer with unlimited empathy for everyone and you get pegged, embrace that
that scene where quark opens the orb case and the nagus’s head is inside glowing and like laughing.... was SO outrageous and funny to me like i can’t stop thinking about the visual and wallace shawn just going ‘AHHHHHHH!’
THE GAY WORM EPISODE... seeing jadzia dax almost in tears and like really vulnerable when she’s usually confident was so much. and she’s only really like that with sisko and sometimes your uncle figure is a 27 year old woman who is sometimes also like your bi daughter. i was really grateful that it was clear jadzia loved her and not just ‘my past man self loved your past woman self’ like as individuals they were really going through it
ZIYAAAAALLLLL i know what happens to her and i hate it (dead and kisses garak??????? nightmare) but i love her... i love disney princess cardassian, in my heart of hearts i’m already in denial and she’s alive and in love with jake’s dreamy impractical poet ass and it’s very inconvenient for sisko but he really likes her and approves
jadzia always getting dragged on klingon quests and being like ‘haha yeah i love it!’ and then later being like ‘hm. this isn’t going well’. worf is such a fucking hallway monitor????? 
i think that merchant that quark got stranded with in that one ep in season 4 and they bonded was like... quark left that experience and was like ‘well my nephew is leaving for college... there’s probably a war soon... i guess i’ll just??? EXPLORE THE IDEA I’M BI?’ and is just having that on the backburner in all the following eps like i GET THAT VIBE
realized i like miles so much because he sounds like sam gamgee
truly unbelievable that a bajoran woman loved gul dukat but okay writers you’re the same people who want me to believe that garak is straight so like i guess i can’t say i expect anything from you
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