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sugarratio1 · 3 months ago
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Night of the Exile
Day of Defeat
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30ahchaleh · 10 months ago
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Ganjifa & As-Nas
ـ ( گنجیفه ) و ( آس‌ناس ) از کهن ترین بازی با کارت است که پژوهشگران را به این نتیجه رسانده که خواستگاه بازی با کارت آنهم (به شکل امروزی) ایران است ـ
بدون شک بازی پوکر امروزی برگرفته از بازی آس‌ناس است به طوریکه محققین آس‌ناس را پدر بازی پوکر میدانن��
قدرت امتیازی کارت ها تداعی کننده همان اساس طبقاتی دوران پادشاهی کهن ایران است که برای این بازی تا به امروز مانده است و ترتیب آن از این قرار است
آس - پادشاه - ملکه (بی‌بی) - سرباز - ناس(مردم ، رعیت)
اگرچه در چین هم بازی با کارت بوده اما در کارت های آنها چهره و شخصیت موجود نبوده
در دوران کهن ایران ، جنس کارت ها و ارزش نقاشی های روی آن ، خرید این ادوات را برای عموم ناممکن میکرد به گونه ای که فقط میان بعضی ثروتمندان و بخصوص دربار پادشاهی این مدل بازی ، گاهن انجام میشد
بعدها به خاطر علاقه ی شاه عباس بزرگ ( پنجمین شاه صفوی ) به بازی گنجیفه و ساده تر شدن روند تولید کارتها ، این بازی رونق بهتری در ایران کسب کرد و از آن گمنامی میان عموم در ایران باستان در آمد
اما در دوران شاه عباس دوم ( هفتمین شاه صفوی ) این بازی را قمار تشخیص دادند و ممنوع اش کردند
سرنوشت این مدل از بازی در دوره های بعدی ایران با فراز و نشیب های فراوان روبرو شد ( یکی حرام و یکی حلال میکرد ) تا اینکه بالاخره برای مدت زمان زیادی در ایران منسوخ شد اما این بازی از ایران راه خود را اول در هند و بعد به سرتاسر دنیا باز کرد و بعد از سفری طولانی در زمان ، دوباره به ایران بازگشت البته با همان حلال و حرام های ملا ها اما اینبار با نام پوکر
یاد سفره واژه کمبوجیه ( نام پدر کوروش بزرگ ) افتادم که وقتی به ایران برگشت ، شده بود کامبیز 😂
نوشته زیر فقط ( گمانه زنی ) هست از اینجانب در مورد واژه آس که با در کنار هم قرار دادن این 5 بند میتوان تا حدود زیادی پاسخ برخی از سوال ها را در مورد این واژه یافت
آس - ace - as
1 ـ
در کارت های بازی آس‌ناس
با نگاه به نقاشی های کشیده شده روی کارت آس که هویت بشری ندارد و همگی دارند به نوعی مبارزگر یا مبارزه ای نمادین را به نمایش میگذارند ، بشود (واژه) آس را همان که در فرهنگ لغت معین چنین آمده ،
ـ [ دو سنگ گرد و مسطح بر هم نهاده که به وسیله آن غلات را آرد کنند. ] تعبیر کرد ـ
2 ـ
در بازی آس‌ناس ، آس ارزش بالاتری را نسبت به بقیه کارت ها دارد چراکه نشان دهنده ی آرمان و نماد آن کشور ( همان خالهای بازی ♠♣♥♦) و پادشاه و مردمش است که برایش (( مبارزه )) میکنند
ـ [تلاش دو سنگ روی هم برای محصول آرد] ـ
آرد آن محصول با ارزش اما خُرد
3 ـ
به آس‌ی که با آب کار میکند میگویم ( آسی‌آب > آسیاب )
و چون به اصطلاح از (( جنگ‌و نبرد )) این دو سنگ به روی هم محصولی بسیار خُرد نیز بدست میآید ، در ادبیات فارسی هم از آس به مفهوم خُرد نیز تعبیر میشود
چند مثال از هر دو کاربرد :
می و معشوق را بگزین به عالم
جز این دیگر همه رزق است و ریواس
چه خواهم برد از دنیا به آخر
دلی پر حسرت و یک جامه کرباس
رفیقا جام می بر یاد من خور
که زیر آسیای غم شدم آس
از : سنایی
کو کس که چو بوده گشت نابوده نشد
وز آسِ سپهر سرنگون سوده نشد
از : عطار
زمانه چو عاجز نوازی کند
به تند اژدها ، مور بازی کند
در این آسیا دانه بینی بسی
به نوبت در آس افکند هرکسی
از : نظامی گنجوی
‌4 ـ
Etymology :
The word "ace" comes from the Old French word as (from Latin 'as') meaning 'a unit', from the name of a small Roman coin.
ـ علم اشتقاق لغات : ـ
از کلمه فرانسوی قدیم
as ( as از لاتین )
به معنای (یک واحد) گرفته شده است
که از نام یک سکه کوچک رومی گرفته شده است
این سکه اصطلاح خرد ترین سکه ی رایج در روم بوده
5 ـ
معانی کم کاربرد واژه
در انگلیسی که (ذره کوچک) یا (ذره) یا (نقطه) است
حال شاید خودتان بتوانید نتیجه بگیرید چرا اصلا واژه آس در بازی با کارت موجود است و چرا بعدها به مرور به آن یک یا تک هم میگویند که خردترین است ( در میان اعداد ) اما با این‌حال چرا ارزش بالاتری از شاه دارد
و چرا امروزه در زبان انگلیسی برخلاف ریشه اش که برگرفته از یک سکه ناچیز در روم بوده مفهوم ( خیلی عالی ) یا ( ممتاز ) را میرساند
ایران باستان ← روم باستان ← فرانسه قدیم ← انگلیسی
الان وقت این است که کمی باهم از فلسفه بازی پوکر یا همان آس‌ناس خودمان بگوییم
1 ـ
در بازی پوکر درست است که در خارج از بازی ، هر ورق یک ارزش ذاتی دارد ، اما در داخل بازی است که ارزش واقعی آنها نمایان و مشخص میشود ، چه بسا یک برگ دو کنار دو بهتر از آس در کنار شاه است
درست مثل زندگی
2 ـ
نباختن روحیه و قوای جسمی یک اصل حیاتی در این بازی میباشد آنکه دست خوب دارد همیشه برنده نیست و بلعکس
درست مثل زندگی
3 ـ
اینکه چه وقت از یک دست بازی خارج شویم خود تضمین کننده دوباره بازی کردن دست های بیشتر است آنها که خیلی زود یا خیلی دیر خارج میشوند این روند را کوتاه میکنند و افسوس بعد آن دیگر فایده ای ندارد
درست مثل زندگی
4 ـ
میتوان تا آخرین لحظه امیدوار بود که یک برگ شاخص دست بازنده ای را تبدیل به یک دست برنده کند و بلعکس
درست مثل زندگی
5 ـ
حسرت در این بازی زمانی شکل میگیرد که
شما با آخرین حریف روبرو میشوید و قبل از رو شدن دست ها ادامه نمیدهید و از آن دست بازی خارج میشوید
اینجاست که هرگز نخواهید دانست به موقعه خارج شدید یا بی موقعه
فکر کردن به راه نرفته حسرت آور است
درست مثل زندگی
6 ـ
دست تان نه بد است نه عالی
اما سرمایه زیادی را تا اینجا در وسط گذاشته اید که برایتان خارج شدن از آن دست بازی را سخت میکند
حریف هم آخرین شرط را بر کل سرمایه تان بسته است و منتظر جواب شماست
اگر ادامه دهید و بازنده شوید همه چیز تان را از دست میدهید
اما اگر ادامه دهید و برنده شوید همه چیز را بدست آورده اید
تصمیم هولناک ، رسیدن به چنین دوراهی‌ست
درست مثل زندگی
7 ـ
ـ برگرفته شده از فیلم : ـ
The Cincinnati Kid 1965
انجام یک حرکت اشتباه اما در یک زمان درست میتواند برایتان پیروزی به ارمغان آورد
و انجام یک حرکت درست اما در یک زمان اشتباه میتواند فاجعه بار باشد
درست مثل زندگی
8 ـ
شانس و مهارت هر دو موثرند در پیروزی نهایی ما ،
حتی آن هنگام که شانس مقدس برایتان ظهور کرده و به خیالتان مهارت دیگر حرفی برای گفتن ندارد ، این مهارت شما در کنترل بازیست که میتواند پیروزی دلچسب تر و پر بار تری را برایتان به ارمغال آورد
درست مثل زندگی
9 ـ
شانس و مهارت شما ، فقط یک طرف کفه ی ترازو ی برد و باخت در بازی پوکر است چراکه شانس و مهارت دیگران نیز در سرنوشت شما دخیل خواهد بود . پوکر یک بازی جمعی‌ست
درست مثل زندگی
10 ـ
بلوف ها مشروع ‌اند و تقلب ها نامشروع ، از اولی ارجمندی حاصل میشود و از دومی فرومایگی ، یکی هنر میخواهد و آن دیگری رذل‌ـی
درست مثل زندگی
11 ـ
میتوان از سرگرمی بودن بازی پوکر به عنوان وجه معنوی پوکر آگاه بود اما تا مادامی که مادیات وارد آن نشود شما نمیتوانید بگویید در یک بازی پوکر حضور داشتین
در بازی پوکر با هر دو ی اینها سروکار داریم
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12 ـ
تعادل بین سرگرمی و مادیات است که بازی پوکر را لذت بخش و مفید میکند
درست مثل زندگی
13 ـ
روی هر میز با هرکسی که بازی میکنی ، حد تعیین کن ، وگرنه اونا که چَب‌شون پُر هست ، چَپه‌ات میکنن
درست مثل زندگی
14 ـ
پوکر ، بازی شیر یا خط نیست که یک سرش برد و سر دیگرش باخت باشد ، در پوکر طیفی از دست های مساوی هم وجود دارد (خالها♠♣♥♦هم ارزش‌اند)
درست مثل زندگی
15 ـ
( یک معنا از چند معنای این انیمیشن )
گاهی باخت نتیجه اشتباه نیست بلکه برآیند بلوف ورق هاست ، وبلعکس
درست مثل زندگی
16 ـ
دو آس در یک پاراگراف :
اینکه در بازی پوکر راز زنده ماندن در این است که چه چیز را دور بیاندازیم و چه چیز را نگه داریم فقط معطوف به برگ های یک دست بازی نمیشود بلکه برای برد ها و باخت هایمان نیز صدق میکند که باید بدانیم از آنها نیز چه چیزی را نگه داریم و چه چیزی را دور بیاندازیم برای بازی ��ای بعدی
درست مثل زندگی
🤔 فعلا چیزی به ذهنم نمیرسه 😅
هرکی چیزی به فکرش رسید بنویسه 🤓
یک تعبیر دوپهلو و البته زیرکانه از شاعر در این شعر توجه من را به خودش جلب کرد و آن زمانی هست که میگوید:
[ و بهترین چیزی که میتوانی به آن امیدوار باشی این است که در خواب بمیری ]
وقتی در سطرهای بالاتر شعر ، صحبت از راز زنده ماندن ( بُردن و نباختن ) میکند
این را در کنار این باور بگذارید که
عموم مردم چنین باور دارند که اگر کسی در خواب بمیرد ، درد جان دادن که موجب ترس از مردن میشود را متوجه نمیشود گویی مرگ رخ نداده بلکه انتقال یک خواب به خوابی ابدی‌ست آنهم به آرامی
اینستکه هر آنچه که ناخوشایند است اگر در خواب رخ دهد و ما از خواب بودن آن آگاه شویم از بار ناخوشایند آن چنان کاسته میشود که انگار رخ نداده
پس اگر مرگ اجتناب ناپذیر است بهتر است در خواب باشد تا متوجه آن نشویم
حال با توجه به این موضوعات
قمارباز ( مردن در خواب ) را بهترین چیز برای امید بستن به آن پیشنهاد میدهد البته با همان تعبیر دو پهلو در هر دو بازی ، یکی پوکر و دیگری زندگی
کنایه ای عامیانه از به وقوع نپیوستن چیزی وقتی میگویم : خوابش را ببینی که چنین شود
البته جدا از این شعر که چیز ناخوشایندی را حواله به خواب میدهد
گاه چنان بعضی خوشی ها قحط میشود که خواب دیدنش غنیمت میشود
Chris De Burgh : Spanish Train
ایده ای با محوریت پوکر آنهم در قطاری که مرموزانه در حال حرکت است ( استعاره ای از جریان زندگی ) تا آنجا که من میدانم اولین بار توسط (کریس دی برگ) در آهنگی به نام قطار اسپانیایی که در تاریخ نوامبر 1975 منتشر شد ، قبل از این ترانه آمده بود
جناب شلیتز به گفته خودش شعر قمار باز را در اوت 1976 زمانی که 23 سال داشت و چندی از مرگ پدرش نمیگذشت نوشت که البته دو سال هم طول میکشد تا در آلبوم موفق راجرز برای عموم منتشر شود
چرا قمارباز نصیحتش میکرد وقتی پشت میزبازی نشسته پولش را شمارش نکنه ؟
تعبیری از سخن فوتبالی ها که میگویند : تا داور سوت پایان را نزده گل ها را شمارش نکن
اینو بذار در کنار اینکه
کاسب ها هم میگن تا چک نقد نشده عدد روش پول نشده
خلاصه آنکه پول روی میز پوکر یه وعده‌ست ، بازی که تموم شد معلوم میشه چقدرش مُحَقق شده ، بنابراین هی با شمارش اون خودت را خوشحال و ناراحت نکن اینجوری فقط حواس و روان ت را از تنظیم خارج میکنی
پس آنچه در جریان بازی روی میز هست در ��صل مال تو نیست ( تا مادامی که بازی ادامه داره ) که بخوای روش حساب باز کنی ، کل بازی ( معملات ) که تموم شد ، وقت هست که بفهمی چی به دست آوردی و چی از دست دادی
درست مثل زندگی
قصدم ساخت یک موزیک ویدیو نبود که تصاویر و موسیقی روایتگر هم باشند چیزی که معمولا ساخته میشود و خودم هم تجربه ساخت آنرا داشته ام
اینبار میخواستم ( تصویر ) ، داستان مستقل خودش را بگوید و ( صدا ) هم همینطور اما به هم ربط داشته باشند به طوریکه انیمیشن ، گذشته ی جریان اتفاق افتاده در آهنگ را نشان دهد و آهنگ هم در خود ، آگاهی از آینده ای داشته باشد که در زمان حال ، برای مخاطب روایت میکند
تا اینچنین بتوانیم این جریان موازیِ گذشته حال آینده ی (یک قصه) را در ( یک قاب ) تجربه کنیم
*️⃣ END - پایان *️⃣
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baebeylik · 23 days ago
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A Woman with Seven Documents, Number Seven of the Barat (Document) Suit, Playing Card from a Mughal Ganjifa Set. India, 19th Century CE.
Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
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theindiandonut · 2 years ago
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Ganjifa, a Persian card game that has been popular in the Indian subcontinent since the sixteenth century, is notable for its hand-painted playing cards. The name Ganjifa likely derives from the Persian word ganj, meaning treasure or money. The game has several variations across West, Central and South Asia.
The oldest surviving reference to Ganjifa in India was made in the early fifteenth century by the historian Ibn Taghribirdi, who wrote that a Mamluk sultan gambled with kanjifa (a medieval Arabic name for Ganjifa) as a young man.
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darker-than-darkstorm · 7 months ago
Against The Dark Yogi (by Tab Creations) uses a standard 54-deck of cards including Jokers instead of dice. In addition to using the values on the cards, the suits each corresponded two of the eight stats (one mental, one physical), and if the stat matched the suit, you draw again. If the second card's suit also matched the stat, then you add the two cards together; if the second one didn't match, you took the higher valued card. An optional rule has the suit also affecting the damage of attacks.
(Alternate rules for mughal ganjifa cards — which have eight suits and no jokers — are also explained. The Campaign Options book has options for using dice, but it's more complicated than just "roll a d10" due to simulating the various suit-based options and trying to approximate the same probability spread, to the extent that you really might as well use the cards if you have some)
I'm not sure how the other Saga Machine games work, I haven't read any of them other than AtDY (and the character I created for that game went unused since the game master dropped out before we started).
Edit: Grabbed the Quickstart documents for a few other Saga Machine games (Shadows over Sol, Dime Adventures, and Age of Ambition) to see the basics, and they also use cards in much the same way AtDY does.
Ultimately an RPG that uses playing cards as a randomizer but doesn't actually utilize the cards for. You know. The things that cards can do. Is just using them as a fancy, weirdly shaped die.
A few things that cards can do that dice can't:
You know that dice superstition that people have about how if they roll enough low numbers they're bound to get a high one? That sort of actually works with cards provided cards aren't immediately returned to the deck and the deck reshuffled. Because there's a limited number of each "roll," good or bad.
You can hold them in your hand. It's basically like pre-rolling a bunch of numbers and then getting to spend those numbers as they become relevant. Maybe you only get to draw more cards by playing all your cards, meaning that if you don't conserve your good cards your character's luck is eventually bound to run out.
You can make poker hands with them. Added to the previous point, maybe you will be forced to play a worse hand and have your character flub a non-critical roll because you're hoping for that better hand that'll turn the tide.
There's suits as an added bit of information that can be utilized for some mechanics. Maybe matching suit with an action type results in an extra benefit?
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herbouquettheorist · 5 months ago
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To become a Penkraft Certified Teacher® for Ethnic Art forms, you have to undergo Penkraft Teachers' Training for these art forms – it is an approx. 15-hours-each training conducted as a mix of recorded and online live 1-to-1 sessions with a Penkraft Master Trainer® and each can be completed in a week’s time.
You can choose (one or more) from:-
Pen Mandala | Dot Mandala | Madhubani Painting | Warli Painting | Kalamkari Painting | Pichwai Painting | Cheriyal Painting | Gond Art | Kalighat Art | Lippan Art | Pattachitra Art | Kerala Mural Art | Tanjore Painting | Meenakari Painting | Lippan Art Advanced | Phad Painting | Pen Mandala Advanced | Ganjifa Card Art | Dot Mandala Advanced | Santhal painting | Kantha Painting
1. Once you complete the training and become a Penkraft Certified Teacher®, Penkraft helps you start & run your own home-based classes in those subjects.
2. You can start teaching online to students already registered on Penkraft’s portal & teach offline to students at your home / class.
3. Penkraft DOES NOT charge any royalty.
4. Penkraft books & kits can be bought on Penkraft's website at discounted prices.
5. Penkraft regularly conducts free refresher training for all Penkraft Certified Teachers - you can avail this as per your convenience. 6. Penkraft has a retail portal for selling gift items such as decorated phone cases, decorated tea coasters, decorated coffee mugs, for selling small artifacts and knick-knacks in bulk as return gifts; and for selling customized artworks of our teachers to a global audience - as a member of the Penkraft family, you can register on this portal and sell your creations! And all this WITHOUT paying Penkraft any commission! What's more, Penkraft advertises your products to the relevant audience at zero cost to you!
The fee for this Online Penkraft Teachers' Training is INR 5,000/- per art form (inclusive of the cost of all tools and material needed for the course which we courier to your registered address once you subscribe for the course).
To register for this training, to watch the demo course video, or for further details, please click on:- https://online.penkraft.in/TeachersTraining/EthnicArtforms
Or, you can contact Abhilasha on +91 73040 44597. Or you can inbox us your number for a call back.
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taurean1 · 7 months ago
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Channapatna Geometric Patterns
Channapatna, known for its traditional wooden toys, has inspired a unique set of motifs in khadi sarees. The geometric patterns from Channapatna are characterized by vibrant colors and bold shapes, such as stripes and diamonds. These motifs add a lively and contemporary flair to BUY TISSUE WOVEN SAREE while paying homage to the region’s craftsmanship. The geometric designs are not only eye-catching but also provide a modern twist to traditional wear.
3. Koppal Embroidery
Koppal is celebrated for its traditional embroidery techniques, and its influence is evident in Karnataka khadi sarees. Koppal embroidery often features intricate floral patterns, paisleys, and geometric designs meticulously worked along the borders and pallu of the BUY TISSUE WOVEN SAREE. This embroidery adds a layer of texture and detail, highlighting the skill and artistry of Koppal’s weavers. The Koppal embroidery transforms simple khadi sarees into pieces of art, perfect for special occasions.
4. Bidri Work Motifs
Bidri work, a traditional metalcraft from Karnataka, influences khadi saree designs with its unique motifs. Bidri motifs include detailed patterns resembling floral designs and geometric shapes. These motifs are often subtly integrated into the saree’s design, adding a sophisticated touch that reflects the elegance of Bidri metalcraft. The integration of Bidri motifs offers a distinctive and refined aesthetic to khadi sarees.
5. Sagara Geometric Designs
The coastal region of Sagara inspires several geometric patterns seen in Karnataka khadi sarees. These motifs include checks, stripes, and diamond shapes, symbolizing the natural forms found in the coastal landscape. The Sagara geometric designs infuse BUY TISSUE WOVEN SAREE with a sense of freshness and modernity, while still celebrating the region’s natural beauty. These patterns are ideal for those who appreciate a minimalist yet elegant design.
6. Gadwal Borders
Gadwal, another prominent weaving town in Karnataka, is known for its traditional saree borders. The borders of Gadwal sarees often feature motifs inspired by local flora and fauna, intricately embellished with zari work or embroidery. These borders add a luxurious touch to khadi sarees, reflecting the opulence and intricacy of Gadwal’s weaving traditions. The Gadwal borders enhance the visual appeal of khadi sarees, making them stand out.
7. Karnataka Folk Art Inspirations
Karnataka’s rich folk art traditions also influence BUY TISSUE WOVEN SAREE. Traditional art forms such as Lambani embroidery, Kavad art, and Ganjifa card designs inspire vibrant and intricate patterns found on khadi sarees. These motifs often depict figures, animals, and symbolic elements, bringing a splash of cultural heritage to each saree. The folk art-inspired motifs add a vibrant and dynamic element to khadi sarees.
Karnataka khadi sarees are a treasure trove of traditional motifs, each reflecting the rich cultural heritage and artistic traditions of the region. From the regal Mysore silk motifs to the lively Channapatna patterns, and the intricate Koppal embroidery, every design tells a unique story. Whether you’re drawn to the geometric elegance of Sagara designs or the luxurious Gadwal borders, Karnataka’s khadi sarees offer a perfect blend of tradition and modernity. Embrace the beauty and craftsmanship of these sarees and celebrate the timeless elegance of Karnataka’s weaving heritage.
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thegreenersideofit · 9 months ago
All things Mysore
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Mysore (now officially: Mysuru) finds a mention on every page of the history of India. It’s located in the southern state of Karnataka. It is called as The Heritage City, the City of Palaces, the Cultural capital of Karnataka or even the sandalwood city of India. Mysore’s past is so profound; it actually defines its present. One cannot just casually talk about the history because the referencing overlaps ONE ERA TO ANOTHER. Inexhaustible material is available to understand the essence of Mysore city.
The Mysore pak, Mysore masala dosa and many more things with the word Mysore as a mnemonic should remind us non- Mysoreans of the royal connection that we are dealing with. These south Indian delicacies found their way out of their hometown due to the efforts of chain hotel owners who introduced them in their menu and then right into the heart of every other state. The Mysore silk production flourished during the reign of Tipu Sultan and it has come a long way since then. In fact, Karnataka Silk Industries Corporation has received the GI certificate for Mysore silk. Only sarees woven in Karnataka will be Mysore Silk sarees, thus patenting it. GI tag has also been received for Mysore Paintings, Mysore beetel leaf, Mysore Sandalwood oil, Mysore Sandal soap, Mysore Agarbatti , Mysore Mallige,Mysore Rosewood Inlays and Ganjifa cards.
Mysore is the seat of Maharajas, having been ruled by the Wadiyar(Wodeyar) dynasty since 1399. It is believed that a curse was cast on the Wodeyar family by Alamelamma  – the widow of King Tirumalaraja ”May Talakad turn into (a barren expanse of) sand, may Malangi turn into a whirlpool, may the Rajas of Mysore not have children (for all time to come)” The Wodeyars never had a natural legal heir. It emerged that no natural heir to the throne born to a king (adopted or otherwise) could beget children, whereas one who became king by virtue of adoption or other indirect inheritance was blessed with a legal heir. That brings us to the 27th and current custodian of the royal house of mysore – Yaduveer Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wodeyar. Yaduveer was 22 years old, when he was adopted by Pramoda Devi Wadiyar, following the death of her husband Srikantadatta Narasimharaja Wadiyar.
The tales of the royal family are plenty. A visit to Mysore palace is a must for every Indian. The pride felt when standing in front of the Palace validates the pages of history and makes you a part of it.
I have travelled the Ooty- Bangalore – Mysore- Coorg circuit with my family. Yes, I know, but I still cannot bring myself to call Coorg as Madikeri. Our stay in Mysore city was a very memorable one. The Mysore palace was the highlight of the trip. The palace is managed by the Government of Karnataka. The Royal Family currently resides here in a part of it. The entire palace is not open to tourists. One can visit the Museum that is within the Palace. The encapsulating Light and sound show towards the evening (except Sunday) portrays the history and tradition of the Wodeyars in a visual manner. There are in all 7 palaces in Mysore. The main being the Ambavilas palace or the Mysore Palace. This was day 1 @Mysore and we unwound at our hotel after our visit to Mysore Palace. We had just landed here from Bangalore in the morning and we needed to start early the next day.
Our itinerary read Chamundeshwari Temple. It is at a distance of 10 kms from Mysuru. Chamundi or Durga is the slayer of demon. Goddess Chamundeshwari is the deity of the royal kings of Mysore from time immemorable. The temple is located atop the Chamundi hills. The view of Mysore city from here is breathtaking. The temple architecture is a sight to behold. Usually, Friday is the most visited day to take the blessings of the deity. One can wait in the queue for the darshan or there is a paid darshan too. We took the paid one as the queue would run into an hour and we, as tourists, were eager to move on to the next highlight of our star city. 
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After taking the blessing of the powerful Goddess, we left for Chamarajendran zoo also called as Mysuru zoo. It is spread over several acres of land. It’s very well maintained with all kinds of animals – hyenas, leopards, black bucks, magpies, several kinds of parrots. Basically, many species of birds, monkeys, wild animals and all species of deer. It has excellent litter control methods which are taken care of at the very entrance of zoo. The entry fees are quite reasonable too. The zoo is highly maintained. The zoo management is also in process of building a huge library/database area. There is also a small/ immaterial canteen. There are cream stalls located at several corners to help you take a break. Minimum 3 hours are required to cover the entire zoo. Rest depends on your ability to move up faster. I loved every bit of this zoo which was at par with international zoo standards. 
For the lunch breaks, we loved eating at a small joint run by the Mylari family. Its location is in a small lane, but the food is 5 star quality. The food business is probably passed over from generations to generations. This is quite inevitable in the taste of the dosas they serve. The lip smacking, finger licking dosas last on your taste buds long after you have eaten it. We MYLARIED every day we were at Mysore.
Last on the itinerary was the Brindavan Gardens. It is built on several acres of land.  And has a unique blend of many types of flower plants, ferns, shrubs and show plants…It’s a huge garden interspersed with different types of fountains. People of all age groups visit here and enjoy a beautiful evening with their loved ones. As we sat on the grass in the garden, we felt happy breathing the Mysore air without a hair of worry. At 7 pm, tourists eagerly await the dancing fountain show. To reach this part of Brindavan gardens, one can either walk up the huge stretch or take a ferry at Rs. 50 per person. We walked it up to see the show but took the ferry while returning.
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We ended our Mysore trip with this, though there is much more which needs a tourist’s attention. We would be heading towards Coorg. Another super exciting journey…
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sugarratio1 · 1 year ago
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Ganjifa New Outfit
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rocksmith804 · 1 year ago
Insider Tips for Crafting Unforgettable Memories in Sawantwadi's Homestays and the Regal Sawantwadi Palace Homestay
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Embarking on a homestay adventure in Sawantwadi unveils a world of cultural richness, historical grandeur, and natural splendor. To ensure your stay is nothing short of extraordinary, this guide provides insider tips for crafting memorable moments in both Sawantwadi's homestays and the regal Homestay in Sawantwadi Palace.
Personalized Experiences Through Local Connections:
Seek out personalized experiences by tapping into the local connections offered by your hosts. Homestays often provide unique opportunities to connect with locals, whether it's through guided tours, traditional workshops, or sharing a meal. Establishing these connections allows you to gain deeper insights into Sawantwadi's culture and heritage.
Off-Beat Explorations Beyond Tourist Trails:
Venture off the beaten path and explore Sawantwadi's hidden gems. Beyond the well-known attractions, your hosts can guide you to lesser-explored sites, such as local markets, undiscovered viewpoints, or quaint villages, providing a more authentic and off-beat experience.
Seasonal Sensations:
Pay attention to the seasons when planning your homestay in Sawantwadi. Each season brings its own charm, from the lush greenery of the monsoons to the vibrant festivities during cultural celebrations. Aligning your stay with a specific season allows you to immerse yourself in the unique flavors and colors of Sawantwadi.
Immerse in Artisanal Workshops:
Sawantwadi is renowned for its traditional art and craft forms, including lacquerware and Ganjifa cards. Elevate your homestay experience by participating in artisanal workshops. Many hosts, proud artisans themselves, are keen to share their skills, allowing you to create your own piece of Sawantwadi's artistic legacy.
Capture the Magic Through Photography:
Sawantwadi's scenic landscapes and architectural marvels provide a perfect canvas for photography enthusiasts. Don't forget to pack your camera and capture the magic of your homestay experience. From the regal interiors of the Sawantwadi Palace to the vibrant markets, every corner has a story waiting to be told through your lens.
Savor Local Flavors Through Culinary Experiences:
Delight your taste buds by indulging in culinary experiences offered by your homestay hosts. Request cooking sessions to learn the intricacies of local recipes, or savor a private dining experience where your host shares the stories behind each dish. This insider tip ensures you leave Sawantwadi with not just memories but also a taste of its rich culinary heritage.
Attend Local Events and Festivals:
Check the local events calendar before planning your homestay to coincide with Sawantwadi's vibrant festivals. Attending events like the Konkan Fruit Festival or the Shimga Festival allows you to witness the town's exuberance and cultural fervor, creating lasting memories of your time in Sawantwadi.
Pack Comfortably for the Sahyadri Weather:
Sawantwadi's weather, influenced by the Sahyadri mountain range, can be diverse. Pack accordingly, ensuring you are prepared for both sunny days and cool evenings. Comfortable clothing and sturdy footwear are essentials for exploring the natural wonders around Sawantwadi.
Engage in Sustainable Tourism Practices:
Contribute positively to the local community and environment by engaging in sustainable tourism practices. Support local businesses, opt for eco-friendly activities, and be mindful of your impact. Choosing a homestay in Sawantwadi inherently supports sustainable tourism, as it directly benefits the local community.
Relax and Unwind in Tranquil Ambiance:
Take advantage of the tranquil ambiance offered by Sawantwadi's homestays. Use this opportunity to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life, allowing yourself to relax and immerse in the natural beauty surrounding your accommodation. Whether it's enjoying a cup of local chai in the garden or practicing yoga with a scenic backdrop, relish the peaceful moments that a homestay in Sawantwadi provides.
Crafting unforgettable memories during your homestay in Sawantwadi is a journey of discovery, connection, and appreciation for the town's unique offerings. By embracing these insider tips, you'll not only experience the warmth of Sawantwadi's hospitality but also create a personalized narrative that goes beyond the ordinary. Whether you choose a homestay nestled amidst nature or the regal Sawantwadi Palace Homestay, these tips ensure that your stay becomes a cherished chapter in your travel adventures.
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anihashuiyou · 1 year ago
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從小到大必玩的桌遊撲克牌 桌遊撲克牌是一種經典的紙牌遊戲,通常由一副52張撲克牌組成,玩家可以通過各種規則和玩法進行競技或休閒娛樂。
追溯撲克牌歷史背景 撲克牌的歷史可以追溯到數百年前,盡管確切的起源不太清楚,但有幾個關於它起源的主要理論。
點我看更多 桌遊撲克牌uno玩法介紹!為何推出多年仍然火遍全球?
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keonilim6 · 2 years ago
Black Ops 4: 메이저토토사이트’s Mysterious Backstory
The table layout is also different, and is called a double-end-dealer table.This omission increase the house edge by 0.43%.With a cost of 1x ante, the player may, if dealer doesn't qualify, exchange one card (always the highest one) from the dealers hand to make the dealer to qualify. Player hand will push (no ante will be paid) if the dealer still doesn't qualify after this. French Rouen vintage on the left, Spanish Toledo brand on the right. It is thus easily adoptable in embedded systems.
Tens or Better is a variation of 6/5 Jacks or Better.Native American games are typically offered for only one or two sessions a day, and are often played for higher stakes than charity games in order to draw players from distant places. If we add the joker to the count, it becomes 365, thereby representing the number of days in a year. If two or more Players have major jackpot wins during the same hand, the winners share the jackpot. The following jackpot bonuses are additional to the winning bet payouts.
This 48-card deck was adopted by the Japanese for the same purpose.The differences of other extensively influential factors could be further studied. The peasant class is represented by sticks (clubs) In effect it is not a complete deck, but there are cards of three packs of the same style.Various Ganjifa cards from Dashavatara set, with ten suits depicting the ten Avatars of the god Vishnu.
Without this knowledge there is no way to win on the long term.Poker author David Sklansky claims to have invented Caribbean Stud Poker in 1982. At the time he called the game simply ‘Casino Poker’ and the game contained two substantive differences; the dealer played 2 of their 5 cards face up and there was no Jackpot progressive bet.Once the dealer has chosen the hand in which he or she will hold the cards, the dealer shall use that hand whenever holding the cards during that round of play.The cards held by the dealer shall at all times be kept in front of the dealer and over the table inventory container. The results of these innovations were bringing quality playing cards to the market, in large quantities at affordable prices. By the 1870s, De La Rue was selling 100,000 decks a year to the London market alone, which gives you an idea of how many were in circulation.
After recording the number of balls the player won and the number of the machine they used, the staff member will then give the player a voucher or card with the number of balls stored in it.The pioneers of the Las Vegas casino industry weren't all male mobsters: the first legal casino license was issued to a woman named Mayme Stocker in 1920 for the Northern Club.Any hand consisting of a pair outscores a non-pair, regardless of the pip counts. (Pairs are often thought of as being worth 12 points each.) The wagers are made in cash, never in chips, and are usually thrown down onto the ground or floor by the players.
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If a player's front hand beats the dealer's front hand, and the player's rear hand beats the dealer's rear hand, then that player wins the bet.Want to immerse yourself in the game of blackjack even further? Start off with these three essential blackjack movies.Alan Hirsch, founder of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, studied the impact of certain scents on gamblers, discerning that a pleasant albeit unidentifiable odor released by Las Vegas slot machines generated about 50% more in daily revenue. He suggested that the scent acted as an aphrodisiac, causing a more aggressive form of gambling. The story caught on, however, and soon people throughout Europe were craving sandwiches.
Vote up the most surprising facts about the fast-paced world of casinos and gambling.The Moncton, New Brunswick-based Spielo has been heavily involved in the VLT market; it was acquired in 2004 by GTECH Corporation, which was in turn acquired by Lottomatica of Italy, which then acquired and merged with IGT in 2015.You then play the new hand as you would normally and now have two chances to beat the dealer. In U-Pick 'Em bingo and other variants of bingo, players are issued three 25 number cards which contain all 75 numbers that may be drawn.
A variation often seen is "3-4-5X Odds", where the maximum allowed odds bet depends on the point: three times if the point is 4 or 10; four times on points of 5 or 9; or five times on points of 6 or 8. This rule simplifies the calculation of winnings: a maximum pass odds bet on a 3–4–5× table will always be paid at six times the pass line bet regardless of the point.This means that he has to count cards.메이저토토사이트 One aspect of casino gambling that’s especially appealing to players is the fact that the majority of games are very straightforward. Video blackjack was one of the best online games with generous odds, but live online blackjack has surpassed it.
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herbouquettheorist · 5 months ago
#Penkraft#OnlineArtCourses are all structured, module-based, certified, 20-hours courses.
The fee for each Penkraft Online Art course is INR 1499/-. Material needed for each course is supplied FREE of cost and delivered to your address!
You can choose from:- Pen Mandala | Dot Mandala | Madhubani Painting | Warli Painting| Gond Art | Lippan Art | Kalamkari Painting | Kalighat Art | Tanjore Painting | Meenakari Art | Lippan Art Advanced | Phad Painting | Phad Painting Advanced | Dot Mandala Advanced | Ganjifa Card Art | Santhal painting | Kantha Painting
To know more about the course, to watch the demo course video, and to subscribe to the course, please click - https://online.penkraft.in/OnlineCourse/EthnicArtforms
Or, you can contact us on +91 7304044598. Or you can inbox us your number for a callback
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heracliteanfire · 2 years ago
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One of a set of 115 circular Dasavatari Ganjifa playing cards in various colours painted red on the reverse. This card depicts ten conch shells on a black background. Buddha suit.
(via playing card - Horniman Museum and Gardens)
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ganjifa · 6 years ago
A Most Fortuitous Discovery
Scholars have long speculated that a version of the playing cards we know today may have originated in China and travelled Westwards with the Mongol invasions. Along the way it is surmised that such games were adapted to suit the cultures into which they were introduced. It is known that such card games reached Iran, Mamluk Egypt and Syria at the start of the 14th Century. The Venetians, in turn, learned of cards via the saracens and took the games to Europe. Such is the basic history of the transmission of the game to the Western World. During this journey the game of cards took a left turn into India.
Rudolf von Leyden (1908-1983) suggested that the ganjifa cards may have been brought to India by the first Mughals from their ancestral homeland in Inner Asia. When English Ambassador Edward Terry, author of "A Voyage to East-India" visited in the first quarter of the seventeenth century, he saw ganjifa cards often. Modern ganjifa is usually round but rectangular cards were more common during the 18th-century and from records Persian cards were always rectangular. The circular shape of ganjifa was perhaps therefore an Indian innovation.
In December 2018 I chanced upon a small, hand-painted box at a car boot sale in West London and was able to buy it for £4. Measuring 100mm long by 60mm high and 50mm deep I really had no idea what might be inside - I just liked the box. The colourful abstract design within the cross hatching resembles a poppy but might be related to motifs involved in the suits of the contents.
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When I later opened the box I found what looked like a long circular tube resembling a thick piece of dowelling covered in fine green powder - mould in fact. On closer inspection I could see that congealed column comprised of a great number of discs that were stuck together. I spent much of that morning gently separating them and cleaning them with soft brushes.
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Eventually I was able to establish that what I had were 92 distinct hand-painted discs about 45mm in diameter, plainly painted verso and forming eight families of a dozen. Clearly some sort of game. I had never heard of ganjifa and have little to no knowledge of card games and their variants beyond that gleaned from occasional play. Half an hour of internet research on my phone established that what I had acquired was a near complete and striking example of a Mughal Ganjifa pack in reasonable condition. I was captivated and intrigued.
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The cards looked very old and I itched to discover more. Exactly how old were they? Where in India had they been made? What could I find out about this displaced cultural artefact, this strange exotic game, which had found its way into my hand by such serendipitous means
At the same time I began musing on what an incredible survivor any pack of used cards has to be to endure. Think about it: constantly handled, bent, torn, folded, tossed about, rubbed against one another, doubtless used in proximity to food and drink.... Totally ephemeral.
My first strategy was to see if I could find anything similar via Google image searches and hope that more might be known about decks with similar appearances. Might it even be possible to find identical decks by the same hand? 
Eventually I found what I was looking for in two separate museums: the first one was displayed on a blog connected to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford:
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Strikingly similar exhibits within the collections identified as Mughal Ganjifa from Rajasthan dating to the 1790s. The second example was in the Fournier de Naipes Museum in Spain where even the box was the same colour and the card themselves, brighter and in better condition could easily have come from the same workshop!
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I am not a Spanish speaker so I opted to contact an authority cited on the blog associated with the Ashmolean via email. I won’t name them here as I did not seek any agreement to publish their opinion, but based on the images I provided, it was confirmed that the “set is probably 19th century, and from Rajasthan.” That’s good enough for me. I note also that several auction houses dealing with Eastern art have sold very similar ganjifa sets for four figure sums. But what of my set, what am I to do with it? Perhaps I should continue by describing the game and displaying some more of the cards.
As has been noted above, the set I acquired is sadly four cards short (the phrase not playing with a full deck springs to mind!) It is exceedingly rare to find a full deck for reasons already stated and many individual or small groups of cards appear for sale all the time for surprisingly large sums. Each deck would have originally comprised 96 cards with 8 suits of 12 cards each. Each suit was based on an aspect of life within the Mughal court and there were four ‘strong suits’ and four ‘weak’ suits. The ‘strong’ suits (Bishbar) were Taj (Crowns or flowers), Safed (Silver Coins), Shamsher (Swords) and Ghulam (Servants). The ‘weak’ (Kambar) suits were Chang (Harps), Surkh (Gold Coins), Barat (Bill of Exchange) and Qimash (Packaged Merchandise). These Mughal suits are variously described elsewhere as slightly different things and within other forms of ganjifa the iconography can be completely different. Within each suit we have ‘pip’ cards from 1 to 10 and two ‘court’ cards: a Wazir (or Minister) and finally the Mir (or Shah). The Wazir is depicted as mounted on a horse depending upon the suit, in the Ghulam suit he rides an elephant, in the Surkh a tiger and in the Chang a camel. The Mir is depicted seated on a canopied throne flanked by servants or bodyguards. The obverse of all the cards is the same: a simple red field inscribed with a gold circle.
Here is the Mir of Taj indicated by the red and green ‘flower’ at the ten o’clock position:
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Next we have the Wazir of Taj riding a horse, again with the suit symbol at the ten o’clock position:
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Continuing with the court cards we have the Mir of Safed with the chinha for the suit at the ten o’clock position. Note that the background colours are different to aid player identification:
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Next we see the Wazir of Safed riding a blue horse with red livery:
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▪Playing cards (Ganjifa).
Date: ca. 1900
Culture: Indian
Medium: Pigments and gold paint on wood, pigments and lacquer on paper.
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