#gangstar boi
virgothozul · 2 days
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I don’t talk nearly enough about part5 and Mista. He’s my comfy dummy, bless this lil silly man. (wdym we’re talking about a mafia dude who does t0rtur3 and mur43r for a living)
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coralcatsea · 6 months
Canon Universe Compilation:
-Magical Strike
-Another Colour/2ptalia
-Fairy Tales
-Hetalia Fantasia
-Nanja Town/Cat Boy
Note: By "canon" I simply mean something that has shown up in official art. Also, I'm using "universe" somewhat loosely here.
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risquefanfics457 · 9 months
Hi! If your requests are still open, would you be able to write Giorno x Shy!Fem!Reader where they’re childhood friends and Giorno gained feelings for reader over the years and wants to confess but doesn’t know how? Maybe reader feels the same way and wants to confess too?
Thanks!! :D
Did I spend 2 hours writing this because I got hyperfocused? Yes. Worth it? Yes.
Giorno and the reader are both 15 at the start and 18-19 by the end. ENJOY!
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You knew that voice. It had Giorno all over it. Giorno and you had become friends when he moved next to you when your were both 4. He’d changed his name to Giorno, and you respected that, only his mom and step-dad called him Haruno, as he was known in Japan.
“Gio Gio?” You stepped out on the porch of the cafe you worked at, “What is-?” You stopped. Standing in front of you was Haruno Shiobana or Giorno Giovanna as he liked to be called but… blonde.
“Santa merda! Gio Gio, you’re blonde!”
“I know!” He threw his hands in front of him, “I woke up this way!”
You looked at him, gathering all the details you could. He was still the same boy. Same jade eyes, “What happened?”
“I woke up this way!” He waved his arms about, “Can we talk about this?” He pointed to his newly golden locks. It practically glowed in the sun, “Uh, I have a 15 minute break soon.” You stuttered.
“Okay, I’ll be here.” He wrung his hands and leaned awkwardly against the lamp post.
“Or you could come inside.” “I don’t have any cash on me.”
You chuckled, “I can still get you a water, on the house.”
He nodded, “Alright.”
You waved him in, “It’s not like anybody will recognise you anyway.”
“You did.” He said quietly
You blushed silently, “Be with you in a few.”
“So you woke up, and now you’re just blonde?”
“Yeah! Like my dad.” He whispers
“Whoa, you never talk about your dad.” You are even mor eintrigued now. Giorno had a peculiar picture in his wallet that he said was his biological father. The man in the picture was build strong and almost scarily so. But the defining trait Giorno knew was from that man was the star shaped birthmark on his upper shoulder. 
“I mean, I didn’t think this is what puberty did.” You teased, “What colour do you think my hair will turn?”
“Pink?” He laughed, “No, that a ridiculous colour.”
“Yeah, nobody in their right mind would have pink hair.” You laughed together.
“What would you even do if you met a dude with pink hair?”
“How should I know?” He laughed, “I’ve never seen one, and I doubt I ever will.”
“Well, you could grow it out.” You said
“I could, we could style it like those old magazines we used to read as kids.”
“I can see you in a braid.” You grin
“We’ll see.”
“Ehi! Y/N, back to work, I see you going 2 minutes over your break!”
“Gotta go.” You stand up, but Giorno stood as well, “Me as well, goodbye, Y/N.” He customarily kissed you on both cheeks, something you’d taught him a long time ago. Watching him leave, you went back to taking orders as you wished that you’d had the nerve to teach him a new kind of kiss.
A few weeks later, he stopped in again, “Amiga!”
“Hey, got money for an actual coffee this time?” You called down the stairs
“I do, but that’s not the point.” He climbed the cafe stairs to meet you, “I’ve figured it out.”
Him suddenly so close with that piercing gaze had you pull away, flushed pink. “What?” 
“I figured it out. The drug trade, everything.”
You looked quizzically at him, “You mean the mafia?”
He nodded, “I’m going to join them.”
You blinked. Wow, you’d lost it. Who knew serving 17 macchiatos in an hour would finally push your brain past its breaking pointt?
“Sorry, you lost me. What’s the plan?” You wiped down a table
“I’m going to become a gangstar.” 
You nodded, “See, I keep hearing you saying you want to join the mafia.” You shake your head.
“I did say that.” He tries to meet your eyes, “All the drug problems, the law being run by criminals, it can be solved, I can solve it.”
You couldn’t believe what you heard, “You’re 15.”
“I know. I need all the time I can get, I have to start early.” 
You put the cloth and spray down, “Tell me you’re kidding me.” You kept your voice low, you didn’t like catching attention of others.
“No, I’m finally going to do something about all this.” He took your hands in his and you noticed him stutter, “W-we grew up surrounded by people influenced by drugs, isn’t it time to do something about it?”
His change in demeanor prompted you to break out into a red blush. He wasn’t usually so… forward. It was different. You automatically sank back into your shell as red as a crab as other people stared. “Giorno, this is insane. You can’t join the mafia, it’s an early death sentence.”
“I get that, but things are different now.”
“But why you?” 
“Because kids like you and I deserved to have good childhoods.”
That struck a nerve, “Giorno, I want to talk about this more, but I need to stay focused on my job right now, I’m sorry. I’ll call you when I get home, okay?”
He took a deep breath and stepped away, ”Okay. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“It’s alright, I’m just worried about you. I care, okay?”
“I know.” He smiles earnestly, “I love that about you.”
Before you had a chance to reply or even register what he said, he was gone.
You called him that afternoon. Nothing. You called him again later that night. Nothing. You called him the next morning. Same results. Life went on, agonizingly slow. A week went by. 
You should have just told him when you had the chance.
A month. 2 months. 4… 8… a year. You gave up after 3 years…
“Andrea, I need you to calm down. The report doesn’t have to be done until noon tomorrow. You have a full day and 3 hours to draft and finish it.” You spoke on the phone to a colleague. “Yes, I’ll be in on tomorrow… no, you don’t need me to proofread it, you’re an adult, you can scan your own emails for typos.” 
A knock came from the front door. “Andrea, take a breather and write when you’re ready.” You hang up. Why your co-workers who were 5 years your senior needed you to spellcheck was beyond you. The knock came again, whoever it was, they were impatient. You checked the glass and caught a glimpse of blonde, and your heart skipped a beat. You calmed yourself and opened the door. It wasn’t him. Of course it wasn’t. A man in a green suit was standing in the doorway, “Buongiorno signora.” 
That name. He had to say buongiorno. Of course giorno was a regular word, but it followed you everywhere, and you felt your heart flop sadly every single time you heard it. 
“What can I do for you?” You cross your arms.
“My name is Pannacota Fugo, my boss wishes to speak to you privately.”
You nod, “Okay, I’m guessing you’re from a law firm or something?”
“No, signora. I am from Passione.”
Despite the decrease in crime regarding the mafia, the word stung, it was the mafia group Giorno mentioned. God, if they were looking for Giorno… but they couldn’t even ask you, you had no idea where he went either.
“What about it?”
“You may know him.”
“I don’t know anybody from the mafia, I make it my business to stay clear of their business.” You go to close the door.
“I’d reconsider. The boss says he knows you personally. I’m here to take you to see him.”
You steeled your nerves, “I said no.”
It was a skill you were working on, you’d become better at not being so shy.
“Right. Well, Giorno sends his regards then.” Fugo says and goes to leave
“Giorno?” Your heart almost jumps out of your chest, “Giorno Giovanna?”
Fugo nodded.
“I’ll get my things.”
You pulled up the a house. It was lavish, even on the outside. 
“He’s inside.” Fugo holds the car door open for you. 
In just some clothes you’d thrown on, you climbed the steps to the house. You stopped at the door. Fugo followed you and nodded to some guards who opened the door.
“Where is he?” You asked the blonde man.
“On the left.”
You rounded a corner and on a chair in a large room was a man.
Your face flushed at the sound of his voice.
“Please, leave us.” The blonde man stood. He was just as handsome as he was before, but now, toned and his blonde hair was long and braided down his back. He wore all black. You stared dumbfounded at him.
“It was hard to find you, you changed jobs.” He chuckled. That laugh made a old shiver run down your back, one you’d thought you’d lost.
You stepped back and tripped over a chair behind you. Without missing a beat, he caught you. But that didn’t make sense, he was on the other side of the room. But something caught you. You caught your balance and eased yourself up, still in shock, “You’re… here.”
He nodded with a hint of pink on his cheeks, “Yeah, I’ve been here for a few years now.”
“You… you never came back.” Your face heated up.
“I’ve been getting a handle on crime before I brought you to me. I didn’t… I didn’t want you to be a target.”
“But you could have called.” 
“I’m always being watched, Amiga. Nothing was going to be a secret these past years.”
“You’re still calling me amiga.” You said.
“Well, I thought maybe we were still friends.” He sighed hopefully
“I, I don’t even know what to think. I… I hated you. I hated that you said nothing and left. But I missed you, and I still do…” You held your head in your hands, trying to name all these emotions running through you.
“I loved you.” You finished.
He looked wistfully at you, “Me too.” 
“Well, w-what now?”
“Well, it’s up to you. We can start over, or we can just, let this go. I’ll let you go back to how you’ve been.”
There was a long pause,
“I… I want to be near you, but this can’t have just… not happened. I think-”
“So we should start over?” He nodded
“Not from the beginning.” You got closer and touched his face, “I still know you, at least I think I do. I might not, but I want to.”
He leaned into your touch.
“I still know this face.” You brushed your thumb over his cheek. You chuckled, “To be honest, I dreamed of this face.”
“Really?” He chuckled pleasently, a sound that made the butterflies in your stomach flutter
“I face I wished I’d kissed.”
“You’ve kissed my face plenty of times. You’re the one who taught me to do it.” He smirked. A vine snuck around your wrist and a flower appeared in your palm.
“Then the face I wished I kissed in more than one way.” You leaned in. You pressed your lips to his left cheek, and then the right, and as the sun made the rose coloured curtains behind you project a pattern of pink on his face, you sealed the confession with a gentle kiss on his soft lips. His hand curled around your face and tucked your hair behind your ear, “I wish you showed me this was to kiss earlier too, Amiga.” He smiled.
“Yeah, if this is how it’s going to be from now on, I’m going to need to be something more than amiga.” 
His response was quick and sauve, “Then this is the greeting kiss you should expect from now on, cara mia.”
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elisabeth515 · 7 months
An incomplete list of nicknames I’ve given/coined for Napoleonic marshals
Ney: ginger babey, marshal bae, THE babey
He was the original, so all subsequent “babeys” are in one way or another reminded me of him (also one could not be affiliated with English-speaking countries unless he’s a minority in said countries (eg. George Washington Carver))
Lannes: ladder lord
Murat: dummy thicc™️, Jojo, curly god
Moncey: goodest boi
Massena: ravioli lord
Augereau: gangstar
Macdonald: MacMarshal, macbabey (seldom)
Soult: bread man, cookie lord
Bessières: marshal cupcake, cupcake lord
Berthier: administrative cyborg
Kellermann: windmill man
Lefebvre: grandpa
Davout: Savage edge lord
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This is as far as I remembered since it’s been YEARS since I was active in the Napoleonic community on tumblr, here’s a cupcake lord for you guys
Also special thanks to my mutual @histoireettralala for reminding me some of the nicknames
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thejojosanctuary · 1 year
heyy! hope you guys are having a wonderful day 💕 i was wondering if i could have headcanons of giorno, bruno, abbacchio, fugo, mista and narancia reacting to the gn! reader (who’s the boys’ crush) feeling down about never having been in a relationship, like not even one? ‘cause they hear about some of their friends either already being in relationships or talking to other people could potentially become their (s/o) if all goes well, and all of that makes the reader feel like maybe they’re undeserving of love? (just started getting emotional about the fact that i’ve been single my whole life and i haven’t found a guy i liked, despite me never being bothered about being single ahaha 🥲) tysm!!
Thank you so much hun I'm doing okay~! I hope that you're having an amazing day yourself ♡ it was super interesting to consider how each of the gang would react and I hope I did this justice~!
Gotta put it under a read more cause I got carried away lmao
♡ The sound of you sighing catches Giorno’s attention as you rejoin the gang shortly after excusing yourself to take a phone call, slumping into your chair a little harsher than intended and accidentally booting Mista under the table. That nets you a complaint and a nudge back from the gun-wielding stand user though Giorno can tell you’re barely paying attention as you try to go back to stirring your fork around your food, eyes unfocused as though your mind is miles away from the current moment. Few things slip past Giorno when it comes to you; it’s clear that there’s something weighing on you, and it doesn’t take much to put two and two together that it has something to do with whoever you were just speaking to.
♡ However, Giorno knows that you’re not going to talk about it surrounded by the rest of the gang so he acts accordingly. You’re still picking half heartedly at your dish when he shifts in his chair, leans just enough towards you that you can hear him over the heated food related debate brewing between the others, and asks if you want to come with him to get some fresh air. Smiles when you all but jump at the opportunity, out the nearest door grateful for the excuse to get out of the place for a second.
♡ He doesn’t press the issue at first, giving you a chance to lean against the nearest surface and let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, It’s only when he can see you’ve calmed down a little that he broaches the subject, coming to join you at your side watching you worry your bottom lip as you consider opening up about it. But this is Giorno, he’s never given you a reason not to trust him, and with those blue eyes already studying you it doesn’t take much to start talking. 
♡ He listens to your worries about never being in a relationship, brought up once again by a comment from a friend talking about their latest love life. All it had taken was an innocent comment that you were missing out and suddenly it’s all you can think about. It’s a horrible feeling - you shouldn’t feel like you’re missing out but you do. You want to have the love that they have; the happy looks and the giddiness just thinking about your other half, and the little moments that make giving love and being loved in return worth it. Do you even deserve to have that? 
♡ You don’t mean for that last part to slip but it does. Suddenly there’s a hand resting over yours and you freeze, not even realizing that you’d started pacing until Giorno’s now in front of you, his hand giving a comforting squeeze. 
♡ Giorno’s not going to rush things and outright confess to you, not right now. If he did then he’s sure that you’d assume it was only out of pity and ruin all of the hard work that he’s been putting into gauging how you feel about others - specifically him. And now that he knows that you’re interested in relationships it’s a clear sign for the gangstar that he needs to be bolder in pursuing you romantically. Whether you’ve just never noticed his attempts to gain your affection or have merely brushed it off, believing all of the stolen moments together to be platonic thanks to your unlovable mindset this proves he’s done a poor job at showing you just how worthy of love you are.
♡ Right now you don’t need a confession, you need comfort, and Giorno’s hand never leaves yours as he assures you that you being unlovable couldn’t be further from the truth. Love has no timeline, and there’s nothing wrong with living your life and enjoying what the world has to offer while you wait for the person that’s deserving of you to give you everything you could possibly need. May or may not be talking about himself here, as he’s already thinking of ways to win you over as he rubs a thumb over your knuckles, offering to get you something to eat (since your original meal is probably cold by now) once you’re ready to head back inside.
♡ You’re beginning to regret joining your friend a little for this excursion. Sure, it’s fun to have the chance to get out with some friends, and you’re not exactly the only one they dragged along for the night. But that doesn’t stop the pit that’s forming in your stomach watching everyone gradually being whisked away, either splitting with their significant others to spend time together or chatting it up with anyone bold enough to shoot their shot on the frankly gorgeous members of your friend group. And yet you’re still here, idly messing with your phone screen as you read over the latest message from said friend showing off the date they just scored and telling you not to wait up. 
♡ There’s no hiding how you’re feeling around the Capo. Even without the whole taste of a liar incident Giorno mentioned once Bruno’s got a good read on people. It’s a trait he’s always had and cultivated over the years, so he’d have to be blind to miss how your grip tightens on your phone and you bite the inside of your cheek trying hard to fight off the uncomfortable feeling you’re fighting to ignore.
♡ Not wanting to startle you, Bruno places a hand on your back and politely clears his throat as he joins you in your little corner of the room, resting his other arm against the railing watching your head snap up to look at him. You’re quick to fill him in, showing him the message before taking a look at the lovey dovey image sent along with it and sighing out a “Man, why can’t I have something like that?”
♡ That gives Bruno pause. It doesn’t take a genius to know what you’re talking about, but he’s surprised to hear that you’re interested in something like that. There’s a small hopeful spark in his chest hearing that you want a relationship, given that he’s been interested in you for quite some time, but then Bruno sees the way your expression falls. 
♡ “Guess I’m cursed to be single forever, huh?” 
♡ You mean for it to come out as a joke but Bruno doesn’t miss the somber tone that you try to hide behind a dry chuckle. Things don’t really stay a secret when you’re constantly around the gang, and briefly Bruno recalls the time you lunged for Mista a few weeks ago when, upon hearing you’d never had a relationship - not even a casual thing, had the mature reaction of parroting it back to you loud enough to turn the heads of half the people on the street. It’s clear that it bothered you then, but you seem so convinced that a relationship is out of your reach that even if you want it that no one out there could love you. Of course he knows better than anyone that this isn’t the case.
♡ He doesn’t want his personal feelings to get in the way of comforting you - you’re opening up a part of yourself that you hate to let others see to him and he knows better than to take advantage of that. Even so, something at the back of his mind yearns to say something, to do something that would prove without a shadow of a doubt that you are loved and worthy of love. For now he’ll keep those thoughts at bay.
♡ The hand on your back begins rubbing small circles and Bruno’s expression softens when you unconsciously lean into the touch. There’s a gentle sincerity to his voice when he tells you that there are many people who would tell you otherwise, who are out in the world all the poorer for not having been blessed by your love and affections. Had it come from anyone else you would have called their bluff immediately and ended the conversation there and then, but Bruno has a way with words. You can tell that these are words from the heart, though you don’t catch the emotion behind his words when he says that anyone who ends up with your love would be truly blessed.
♡ Bruno doesn’t press the matter any further than that but it seems to have done the trick. The bashful smile directed at him as you thank him for being so kind is one that he locks firmly into the back of his mind for later; for now he can be content just to ease your fears, even troubled by the twist in his chest from words better left unsaid.
♡ Running into a friend while they’re on a date at the gang’s residential haunt wasn’t what you’d mentally prepared yourself for that day. Sure, you’d mentioned how great the food there was a couple times in the past, but you hadn’t actually expected to run into them and their partner here. Abbacchio gives you an unimpressed scowl watching you sink into your chair trying to minimize your presence but it’s already too late - the familiar squeal of your name is the only warning you get before there’s arms looped over your shoulders and you friend tries to somehow hug you out of your chair 
♡ Abba’s not fussed on watching you catch up with your friend, so he turns his focus elsewhere instead of wasting his time eavesdropping. It just so happens that he looks up right as your friend’s trying to coax you over to their table, dead set on introducing you to their partner that he sees the discomfort flit over your face. Your gaze drops to him for but a second, a silent plea for some help before you realize this is Abbacchio and you’re probably going to have to cave and just go along with your friend.
♡ And yet a grip on your wrist pulls you right back into your chair, not tight enough to hurt, but enough to turn your attention to Abbacchio who’s giving them a firm stare as he spits out “We’re busy; another time.” Your friend is quick to return back to their date at that point, citing to hang out with you later though you notice the way they speed up as they walk away from Abba’s disapproving gaze. 
♡ He pays little attention to the thanks you give him, making a noncommittal noise and acting like whatever he’s doing is far more important than watching you, but of course Abba can’t mind his own business when it comes to you. There’s no need to even tell him what you're feeling right now - he knows that look on your face well enough to know you’re conflicted and it isn’t hard to guess what about. He’d also been there at your little outburst at Mista the other week (and he may or may not have tilted his chair back to give you a boost to lunge for the hat wearing gangster at the time.) Since then he’s seen the frustration that mounts on your face each and every time someone comes to you about the latest relationship drama, like you want to be happy for these people, but a part of you envies what they have. 
♡ Abbacchio thinks about how stupid it is that your working yourself up thinking that you’re somehow unlovable and undeserving - it’s not the end of the world that someone hasn’t swept you off of your feet and proven that you’re loved and adored. And yet the thought of anyone else doing that leaves Abbacchio with a sour taste. You’re a good person, he doesn’t actively hate having you around, and he’d have to be blind not to notice that you’re annoyingly attractive - to Abbacchio it’s got nothing to do with you and everything to do with everyone else not being brave enough to give you what you deserve. The irony isn’t lost on Abbacchio; even still struggling to put into words exactly how he’s feeling for you he knows he likes you, but he’s not about to waste your time with a confession from a man who believes he’s barely a shred of the person he once was. A person who, in another life, on a different path, could have gladly been what you wanted all along.
♡ Won’t actively broach the topic, however when you ask yourself if anyone will ever like you like that watching the couple laughing and enjoying one another's company Abba butts in, telling you that’s not something you need to worry about before he can stop the words from coming out. It comes off a bit sharp but thankfully you don’t seem to take it the wrong way, and the smile he’s able to coax out of you as you once again thank him for the ego boost has his heart twist just enough to be uncomfortable. Uncomfortable, but not unwelcome.
♡ “Hey, Fugo…do you think I’ll ever have that?”
♡ Fugo has no idea what you’re talking about as he looks up from what he was doing to see what you’re looking at. Following your line of sight he finds a couple cuddling up close as they walk together, oblivious to the world around them as they link arms and talk about something he can’t make out but can only assume it’s something sappy from the giddy tone in their voices. The face he makes seeing the openly unabashed PDA would have made you laugh if your eyes weren’t glued to the couple before you, an uncomfortable feeling making itself heavy in your chest. 
♡ It takes him a second to realize that’s who you’re talking about and scoffs before he realizes what he’s saying. “I didn’t know you were interested in that kind of thing.” 
♡ “Why wouldn’t I be?” you shoot back, and Fugo pauses at the sharp, defensive tone that your voice takes. Glancing at you out of the corner of his eye he’s shocked to see that not only do you look frustrated, you actually look hurt, and he realizes that he’s walked into a mess again. He doesn’t mean for it to come out like it did - an attempt to gauge if you were actually interested in a relationship backfiring spectacularly as you misunderstand his words as only solidifying that romance and you just don’t mix. That reality couldn’t be further from the truth, and he wants to kick himself for causing you to assume otherwise.
♡ He’ll struggle to admit it, but Fugo understands what you’re feeling better than he’d like to think. He’s had a couple of people that seemed interested in him, a few that were bold enough to call him cute or handsome, but the abrasive side of his personality when he’s upset puts up a barrier between them in the end. That’s his biggest concern when it comes to you too. You’ve seen him angry, seen the spats between him and the other younger members of Bruno’s gang, and every time that it’s happened all Fugo worries about is that he’s ruining how you see him; that eventually you’ll get fed up of it to and chalk him off as unlovable.
♡ So to know that you’re going through it too? Convinced that love is off of the table for you makes him want to take you by the shoulders and shake some sense into you telling you all the reasons why you’re so, so wrong that no one loves you - especially because he’s so down bad it’s ridiculous. If he were maybe Mista or Narancia he probably would have done exactly that, but thankfully Fugo has enough tact to use his words, especially when you go to leave and he hears you say “Maybe you’re right - shouldn’t worry about something I’ll never have.” 
♡ “Hey, I didn’t mean it like that!”
♡ Fugo’s apology is sincere, and at least stops you from walking away believing he genuinely didn’t mean to insinuate anything bad. He makes a point to tell you that he just didn’t know where you stood on wanting relationships - it’s not a conversation topic you shared willingly and was surprised . There’s a pause for a second before he adds that he does think you’ll have a love like that some day; waiting for the right person to come along doesn’t mean that you’ll never find love, and he thinks that you’ll find someone who makes you happy one day.
♡ He knows that you’d aren’t entirely convinced; you’ve been dealing with these thoughts popping up unwarranted for longer than he knows. But he plays it calm, pretending not to notice the glossy look in your eye and the sniffle you mask with a cough as you thank him. It’s enough to get you to stay, rejoining him back at the railing with a playful jab at his arm for being so sweet as you settle shoulder to shoulder and look down at the crowds once again.
♡ You’re nursing a drink at Libeccio’s as you pour your heart out to the first person unlucky enough to be at the usual table. Mista has no idea what’s going on listening to you talk about how all of your friends were in committed relationships or going out on dates, but you sound like you need a shoulder to complain on and he’s more than willing to be the guy you lean on till you’ve got it out of your system.
♡ It doesn’t click until he catches you grumbling about how you can’t help but feel a little jealous seeing everyone getting into relationships - is it so bad to just want a date when you’ve never even been asked out? Now THAT ends up getting his attention, and he almost chokes on his own drink slamming the glass down onto the tablecloth louder than necessary as he thumps a hand over his throat with a shout. 
♡ That gets him a simmering glare as you look at him over the rim of your glass, the sour expression hidden behind a hard swig before you slam your own cup down. “Mista, I swear to god if you make a joke about this I-” He’s quick to cut you off, apologizing before you decide to throw the rest of your drink at him or something. He’s surprised mostly because Mista always assumed that you just weren’t looking to be in a relationship right now, and though you’ve talked about love lives before it’s always been light hearted. How could he believe that you’d never been in a relationship before? He’s always thought you were too hot not to have been snatched up by someone and now he’s hearing that you haven’t??? The hell, is everyone blind or something???
♡ Mista’s always had a bit of a casual approach to love and liking someone. If you’re looking for it then that’s fine, and if you’re not that’s fine too! - it’s not really a rush and more of a case of if it happens it happens. Then again it’s not something he’s ever really stressed over, Mista takes things as they come and tries not to work himself up over the small things. If he likes someone he’s pretty open about just telling them - at least he thought he was until he fell head over heels for you and has been making himself look like a fool for ages just trying to show off and somehow impress you into liking him back without ever actually telling you that he likes you.
♡ He’s got no hesitation telling you outright that people are losing out not trying to shoot their shot on someone like you, and the earlier comment about being blind makes the tenseness fade from your shoulders a little bit. You don’t look like you’re gonna lunge for him anymore, but he can tell you don’t fully believe him when he says that. Mista’s firm in telling you not to sweat about the whole relationship thing - when the time comes you’re gonna end up finding someone who’ll be tripping over themselves just to have a chance to make you happy. So enjoy the life you have while you’ve got it! Focus on what’s making you happy right now till someone comes along to really send you swooning.
♡ Makes a not-so-subtle joke about that person being closer than you think, but you guys have joked about this before so you assume he’s just pulling your leg and you none too gently nudge his leg under the table with a huff about knocking it off. Despite that it’s at least got a small smile back on your face again, which to him is about a big of a win he’s going to get as he reaches for his glass again, swirling the drink around as he tries to think of the best way to win you over. After all, he did promise to send you swooning, right? 
♡ Narancia at first doesn’t get why you’re acting so down in the dumps as he watches you listen to your friend gush over the phone. Something about their partner and how they’re so excited for a date and making plans with you to help them pick out something cute yadda yadda yadda. Honestly he’s only half paying attention to whatever’s going on at the other end, more focused on plucking things off of the meal you’re sharing and moving your favorite pieces to your side of the plate for when you’re off of the phone - he’s considerate with these kinda things, y’know?
♡ At some point the phone call comes to an end, and Narancia gives you a soft nudge and pushes the meal closer to you so that you can enjoy your fill too, but whatever’s just happened has clearly tanked the happy carefree mood you were in before. You stare at the plate but don’t even move to pick up your fork, and when Narancia ducks his head to get a better look at your face you’re frowning. Had he done something wrong? Maybe he’d gotten the food mixed up and you didn’t actually like it - though he swore you’d mentioned just the other day how much you’d like this kind of stuff…
♡ Nearly jumps in his seat when your head drops into your hands, letting out a frustrated noise before throwing your head up and blurting what you’re thinking. “Why are relationships so hard?!” …okay, so it wasn’t the food. He’s not sure what to say to the sudden outburst, but thankfully you keep speaking, spilling your guts about how you’re starting to feel so lost; that you’re missing out on something wonderful because you haven’t even had a date, let alone a committed relationship. Is this how it was always going to feel? Like you were just some undateable figure no one even batted an eye at romantically???
♡ “Bullshit. Who wouldn’t wanna date you?”
♡ Narancia means every word of that statement, and yet hearing it put so bluntly leaves you literally speechless, whatever you were about to say next dying in your throat as you shoot up in your chair not quite believing what you just heard. Honestly, like Mista he doesn’t see the big deal - you’re feeling bad about it when you shouldn’t be, and he means it when he says who wouldn’t want to date you - of course he’s at the top of that list though so maybe he’s biased. 
♡ Would honestly see this as a clear chance to shoot his shot and would almost immediately ask you out. He likes you, so why would he wait when he can make you happy right now and finally score a date with you! You almost shoot him down straight away thinking that he’s making a joke of the situation or just doing it to somehow cheer you up out of pity. The thought of the latter makes you feel somehow worse, and Narancia needs to scramble over himself to cut you off before you really start believing those thoughts - he’s not lying when he says he likes you, you’ve gotta trust him!
♡ If you seriously don’t believe him then he’s just gotta prove it to you - just give him one chance at a date and he’ll set his heart on showing you that he really means it. 
♡ Definitely the most direct about it, the other guys need to take notes lmao
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omegaremix · 1 month
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Omega Radio for August 1, 2016; #118.
G.L.O.S.S. “Trans Day Of Revenge”
Cult Ritual “Hunger Pains”
Thee Oops “Christian Gay”
Drug Church “Riding The Bus To Schenectady”
Housewives “Larceny”
Leatherface “Razor Blades And Aspirin”
Kegcharge “Dying For Who?”
Grump “Faзades”, “Culture In Decline”
Nomeansno “Angel And Devil”
Drunkdriver “Quality Of My Life”
Downtown Boys “ No Pity For Boredom”
Breach “Hell Is My Witness”
Adamantium “Within A Dream”
Bishops Green “We Got Nothing”
Deathcharge “See Through Their Lies”, “Pathetic Sheep”
Cell Block “Fuck What Nietzsche Said”
Combat Knife “Unending Sionic Warfare”
Degreaser “Shit On The Fire”
Dry Heaves “What’s Happening”
Rumores 2014 demo
Harry Pussy “For Emil” (live)
Jewish Uprising “Fingers Crossed”
Las Sangronas Y El Cabron “En La Casa Solidaria Del Sur”
Leather Daddy “Head”
Male Nurses “s/t”
On The Brink “Lock Stock & Rock ‘N Roll”
Pachinko “Adonis Of Denver”
Contrast Attitude “No Hope In There”, “Turn Around Again”
Clocked Out “One Hundred & Eighty Seven Reasons”
Rotting Out “Born”
Rixe “Infatigables”
Dawn Of Humans “Pinned Out Pts. 1 & 2”, “Mangled Puzzle”
Scars “Adultery”
Shallow Sanction “Revulsion”
Spits, The “Don’t Shoot”
No Fucker “Another…”, “Peace…They Hate The Very Word”
Total Abuse “You Don’t Fucking Care”
Vaaska “Policia Policia”
Yum-Yuckers “Premeditated Sincerity”
Les Rallizes Denudes “Midnight Gangstar 11/03/1975” (live)
Bonus d.i.y. punk, noise, and d-beat.
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
What will dating be like? Feat. My favorite characters
I’m reflecting on my taste in men and I feel like my chance of survival is pretty limited, so here are some takes. Tell me some of your favorite characters and tell me how likely you will survive a date with them!
Bleach: Sosuke Aizen
Dating him was part of his plan!
Which means you aren’t really important to him in terms of being a partner (unless he wants one??). If he is looking to not be single no more then you will be cared for (literally he will give you the world)
He would take you nowhere. You two walk around either in the barren Hueco Mundo or you have to try introducing him to Starbucks. Wherever you take him though he will gaslight you into paying 💀
5/10 you might survive but the chances are limited :/
HxH: Chrollo Lucilfer
How are you dating him? If you are a Meteorite then you’re gonna have a great date. If you aren’t, then might as well say goodbye to either your life or some other important thing like a whole clan 😭
He would take you to an amazing restaurant only to gaslight you into paying 💀
If you end up convincing him you like the Meteor City life then you guys go to a junkyard to find old videotapes
6/10 he’s not going to kill you unless you are against him in some way
JJBA: Bruno Buccellati
Omg he would treat you well no matter what
He will take you wherever you want and will listen to whatever you have to say. Literally a saint 😭
Unless you’re secretly in the drug business then arrivederci my guy
12/10 gangstar mom
Twst: Malleus Draconia
As normal as he would be compared to the mass murderers known as Aizen and Chrollo, he’s still quirky 💀
Will take you for walks but you will walk through forests, cemeteries, abandoned castles, a local grocery store, literally anywhere
Sebek will follow you around because he doesn’t like you getting all of the attention (or because he thinks you’re super cool for being close to Malleus) or you’re followed by Lilia (he wants to see his baby boy have a nice date)
8/10 will treat you well!
Kny: Muzan Kibutsuji
Hee hee
You’re not surviving my guy he would gaslight you into thinking he likes you and then will kill you off right after making you pay for the date
You’re a demon? Can’t say his name so you gotta make up a nickname. He’s super picky so don’t go with “sweetie”
4/10 can’t moonwalk
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glapplebloom · 2 years
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My Top 10 songs I heard this year (not released this year)
Our contenders...
Nobody’s Fault from Devil Artemis
Cocktails for Two by Spike Jones and City Slickers
Sylveon Trolls Mega Evolutions - THE MUSICAL by Courtney
Surface Pressure by Jessica Darrow
Blasting Off Again! A Team Rocket Song by Random Encounters
Crushing Thirties by the Chalkeaters
Sad but True/American Badass Mashup from the WWE
Gangstar Torture Dance from Jojo Bizarre Adventure
Miseria Cantare by AFI
Baldi’s Basic Song (You’re Mine) by DAGames
King Julien Vs King Louie from Freshy Kanal
Are You in Love or Just an Asshole from Human Resources
REAL MAN! (asdfmovie skateboarding cow song) by TomSka
The Duck Song Vs Untitled Goose Game by Eddie’s Rap Channel
"We Didn't Start the Bizarre" (A JoJo Song Parody by: Riverdude)
Let the Past Die (Star Wars Song) by RoyishGoodLooks
As If It’s Your Last by Blackpink
BOY: God of War Battle Rap from Mashed
My Butt Has a Fever from Bob’s Burgers
NOT ON THE SIDELINES from Street Fighter 6
Me Trying to Play Fighting Games from Rich Jammer
It’s Just An by bb-panzu
Eff this Job by Your Favorite Martian
Panic in the Sky from TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge
Rumor Has it by Adele
Bailey’s Birthday Party from Hamster & Gretel
Endless Love from Pop Team Epic
Monster Party from My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale
Hug Me (Feat. @JuKayVid & @Chi-chi ) 【 Come and Learn with Pibby FAN SONG】by Jakeneutron
SLASHSTREET BOYS - "Love to Die" by The Merkins
Caramelldansen Fusion Collab by SilvaGunner
Nxde by (G)I-Dle
The King of Villains/When I said I was evil by Voltaire
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Honorable Mention - Rumor Has it by Adele
Death Battle had a lot of fights this season and a lot of great songs. Princess of Pride, Diabolical Invincible Me, Fallen Gods, this was a great year for Death Battle music. And that’s not including the commissioned ones. But starting this year, I am going to disqualify any songs that are Death Battle related so I can have non-Vs songs on this list. Which is why this is an honorable mention. Because it isn’t a Death Battle Related song. Rumor Has it by Adele with Apocalypse smashing Black Adam’s face to the beat was hilarious and I wanted to bring that up.
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#10 - Eff this Job by Your Favorite Martian
This year saw the return of Your Favorite Martian. While they have put out some good songs, I don’t think they’re as good as their old work. With one exception: Eff this Job. I can see this song being part of their original releases and being just as fun to listen to then as it is now. So if I could recommend a song from their newest releases, this is the one I am going to highly recommend. 
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#9 - Gangstar Torture Dance from Jojo Bizarre Adventure
I’ve seen the memes. I’ve seen the references. But I never saw the original source. And now that I have, I love it! I really need to sit down and watch Jojo one of these days. 
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#8 - Nobody’s Fault from Devil Artemis
The first new song I heard this year, released right when I was about to break up Akuma and Lita in my comics. It perfectly captures the reason why I broke them up. While this is a cover, I heard the original and honestly wasn’t a fan of it compared to the Kermit Version. So this was my #1 for a while…
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#7 - Caramelldansen Fusion Collab by SilvaGunner
Talk about a song that is packed with Nostalgia. Classic Internet Meme Song, mashed up with the likes of Weird Al, Sonic, Phoenix Wright and other musical styles. Listening to this is like a big shot of nostalgia to the ears.
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#6 - It’s Just An by bb-panzu
If I have to criticize Komi Can’t Communicate for one thing, it’s that I’m not hooked on the theme songs. Luckily for me the Friday Night Funkin’ community brought this out. This mod I think perfectly captures the series. And honestly I do love how the song goes from Komi using pencil scratches to do her beeps and boops until later in the song.
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#5 - "We Didn't Start the Bizarre" (A JoJo Song Parody) by Riverdude
Of the ever growing reasons for me to watch Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, possibly the best We Didn’t Start the Fire Parody using the first five parts of Jojo. It perfectly captures the feeling of the original song while bringing up so much about Jojo that I know thanks to Osmosis. If you ever feel like you need a recap, I think this could help.
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#4 - Crushing Thirties by the Chalkeaters
2022 has to be Sonic’s best years in recent times. Sonic’s Second Movie is one of the highest grossing Video Game based Movies, IDW Series are getting critical acclaims, Sonic Frontiers brings fresh life to the games, getting so much support it was a contender for Fan Favorites beating even God of War, and the new Netflix Series got a lot of praise. And with this, these people got the lead singer of Crush 40 to sing a Crush 40 style song about Sonic’s 30th Anniversary. Granted, it is tongue and cheek but man, the lyrics have so many references to past Sonic’s songs it’s hard to not love. There’s another song they released that’s more… Questionable. I’ll leave it at that.
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#3 - Monster Party from My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale
Pipp Petals is my favorite pony of this new generation. One of the reasons is she’s a horror fan and this song is a great showing of that. It’s also pretty catchy and for me possibly the best song of the series so far. This includes the actual show and the movie. So here’s hoping she continues to prove to be my favorite of G5.
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#2 - Hug Me (Feat. @JuKayVid & @Chi-chi ) 【 Come and Learn with Pibby FAN SONG】by Jakeneutron
Waiting for this show to actually come out is definitely a pain. Luckily fan content exists to hold us off and this one is one of the best. Really captures the feeling of Pibby what she was before and after this Darkness invasion. If the show is as good as this music video, it will be a hit.
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#1 - REAL MAN! (asdfmovie skateboarding cow song) by TomSka
The Skateboarding Cow as a joke. It was fine. But man, this song I think is one of the best to come out from the creators of Asdfmovie Series. The song really makes you really support this Real Man’s goal from being a Cow to a Skateboarding Champion. It also explains he was framed for the murders by that farmer. And honestly, it really is a great song for this year. Something I wish I had more of: determination to achieve your goals. And hopefully with the goals I have for next year, I can prove I am a real man as well.
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yami-the-outcast · 2 years
I have too many ocs, so here's another one.
I swear, there's only a few more! Probably...
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This sweet little boy is Enzo! No matter the au, he is tiny naga. This is what I do, nothings too weird.
He's *tiny*. Itty bitty baby boy. Also venomous, his bite carries a fairly potent toxin that causes paralyzation. Kinda puts you onto a pseudo-sleep paralysis set up?
Anywho, he was being kept as a "pet" or rather, kept by some not-good people who were using his venom to make a new kind of drug. Up until a certain drug-hating set of gangstars busted into his would-be owners hideout.
He is a good boy for the most part, though he *will* eat any stray hairties and other small trinkets he finds. Enzo's stand is called Hollywood Undead, with its special ability being "Another Way Out" where the chains sprout tiny barbs that emit a toxin similar to his own venom.
He is a smol bby and I have wrote and doodled some stuff with him that I will share later.
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gtamobile · 4 months
Mobile Games Like GTA: Bringing the Open-World Vibes to Your Phone
Alright, so we all know the Grand Theft Auto (GTA) series is the GOAT when it comes to open-world gaming. With its massive maps and epic stories, GTA 5 has us hooked, and we can't wait for GTA 6. But here's the deal: you can't play these bad boys on your phone. Don't worry, though—we've got you covered with some killer mobile games that bring those GTA vibes right to your pocket. Let's dive into the best GTA-style games for Android and iOS!
Gangstar Vegas – Android & iOS
Gangstar Vegas Gameplay Made by Gameloft, Gangstar Vegas gives you that huge urban playground just like GTA. You can go on missions, participate in crazy shooting challenges, and even street race. The game is packed with weapons and vehicles that you can upgrade as you go. Plus, the graphics are seriously impressive for a mobile game.
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Payback 2 – Android & iOS
Payback 2 Gameplay Payback 2 mixes it up with tank battles, high-speed helicopter races, and everything in between. Its massive world and diverse missions will totally remind you of GTA's wild gameplay.
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MadOut2 BigCityOnline – Android & iOS
MadOut2 BigCityOnline This game is basically a mini-GTA with a huge city to explore and tons of freedom in how you complete missions. You can even play with up to 100 people on one map, giving you that epic multiplayer experience like GTA Online.
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Grand Action Simulator – Android
Grand Action Simulator Step into a detailed urban jungle where crime and action are the name of the game. You can roam the city, get into shootouts with the cops, and steal cars. It's all about high-adrenaline survival, and it nails that GTA feel. (Heads up, this one's only on Android.)
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Go To Town 5 – Android & iOS
Go To Town 5 This game lets you explore a lively city with all kinds of vehicles, from sports cars to scooters. It’s got the urban exploration you love from GTA, even if it's less focused on crime.
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There are tons of games that try to capture the magic of GTA, but nothing can fully replace GTA 5 or the upcoming GTA 6. Keep an eye on our Discord channel for updates on the latest games—we’ve got an active community sharing all the latest and greatest.
So, if you’re looking to get your open-world fix on mobile, these games are where it’s at. Happy gaming! 🎮🌆
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₊˚⑅⋆ welcome to the madhouse⋆⑅˚₊
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( This is a jjba part 5-centric agere ask blog for all your asking and agere needs! DNI anti agere and LGBTQ+phobic/Transphobic, this ain’t your place.)
Hello and welcome to the padded/agere part 5 askblog that is ask-the-soggy-gangstars! This blog is all about team bucciarati and their adventures in age regression.
Other characters (from part 5) may appear if you ask because on this blog we’re versatile like that.
all mod posts will begin with a //.
text colours! :
Bruno is blue, Mista is red, Fugo is green , Narancia is orange, Leone is purple and Giorno is pink. There are only like 6 colours so Trish is bold pink. (Idk man)
Also, you don’t necessarily have to send agere related asks, we do regular asks too, just specify if you want to make a normal ask ^^ askbox status: OPEN!! I AM FINDING TIME TO ANSWER ASKS!! IT WILL HAPPEN I PROMISE!!!!!!!
#asks / #answered : all answered asks
#soggy gangstars : all posts featuring team bucciarati, including answered asks
#jjba agere : all agere related posts featuring jjba characters
#non agere : all answered asks/posts that aren’t related to agere
#ooc : any posts that are out of character/ not in character/ typed by me seriously
Anyways, I hope you enjoy your time on this blog and have a nice day! ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚꒰ა ★ ໒꒱˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
my team bucciarati headcanons for maximum asking convenience and enjoyment under the cut:
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The Caregivers:
Bruno Bucciarati, He/Him, Main caregiver of the gang. I think he doesn’t know what he’s doing half the time. He’s just naturally great at caregiving
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Giorno Giovanna, He/They, first time caregiving. Not sure exactly what to do but Bruno shows him the ropes and he pretty good at it.
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The Flips:
Trish Una, She/They/It, Little leaning. Wants to help out Bruno and Giorno as a CG but she needs little time too, she’s a decent CG too.
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Guido Mista, He/Him, Caregiver leaning. Doesn’t really have a littlespace, he stays padded for convenience and no one says anything. Is Fugo’s main CG.
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Leone Abbacchio, She/They (let me have my transfem abba truth), No leaning. Only goes littlespace if Bruno is her CG. But aside from that they’re the second best CG next to Bruno who is first
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The Littles:
Fugo Pannacotta, He/They, perpetually embarrassed little. He gets so embarrassed about being little and in diapers it’s not even funny. Like being called ‘Panna’ when he’s in littlespace (or at any time really)
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Narancia Ghirga, He/They/Them, so baby. They’re so baby it’s unreal. Innocent and mischievous and will cause chaos forever. baby boy
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(Agere headcanons for other part 5 characters can be asked for on the spot!)
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elisabeth515 · 4 years
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Art evolution over 2020
Thanks to our love towards the marshals we have created this humble fandom on tumblr and I have been drawing the marshals since.
And I guess my style just changed dramatically over months comparing to when I first drew Ney in January lol (To be honest, me getting into the marshals was all because an accident of agreeing to attend a witchcraft bootcamp in September 2019 😂😂😂)
As you also see, my style of cupcake lord has changed from the classic laser eye in May to the star eye holy boi in December (actually I did not draw much this month, just mainly keeping on deadlines and busy looking for things to entertain myself this Christmas since I’m stuck in Sheffield :p).
Another particular thing that I love to draw are long-haired men like Bessières, Desaix, Larrey and Augereau—just love drawing flowing floofy hair in general🥺 (even though drawing Murat’s hair was a pain because I will never master at this ;-;)
November illustration is me and Ney :3
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mamse4 · 5 years
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narancia best boi
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Every time I hear Giorno’s Theme I cry
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candyredmuses · 5 years
@ Airam "So.. What was your ol' man like?"
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