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elisabeth515 · 1 year ago
An incomplete list of nicknames I’ve given/coined for Napoleonic marshals
Ney: ginger babey, marshal bae, THE babey
He was the original, so all subsequent “babeys” are in one way or another reminded me of him (also one could not be affiliated with English-speaking countries unless he’s a minority in said countries (eg. George Washington Carver))
Lannes: ladder lord
Murat: dummy thicc™️, Jojo, curly god
Moncey: goodest boi
Massena: ravioli lord
Augereau: gangstar
Macdonald: MacMarshal, macbabey (seldom)
Soult: bread man, cookie lord
Bessières: marshal cupcake, cupcake lord
Berthier: administrative cyborg
Kellermann: windmill man
Lefebvre: grandpa
Davout: Savage edge lord
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This is as far as I remembered since it’s been YEARS since I was active in the Napoleonic community on tumblr, here’s a cupcake lord for you guys
Also special thanks to my mutual @histoireettralala for reminding me some of the nicknames
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elisabeth515 · 4 years ago
So as @histoireettralala had asked, I shall add some headcanons for more marshals UwU
Gouvion Saint-Cyr is full on theatre mode; he’s going to perform in a nursing home this Christmas. Oh yes, he offers drawing classes in community centres as well. Everyone is just astonished at this side of le Hibou🦉
Meanwhile, you can see a MacDonald having a great family dinner with his kids. He is having a very wholesome Christmas, despite all the quarantine and stuff. By the way, he is in need of a mother for his children
Bernadotte, too weak to stand with the cold in Sweden, decided to be a burrito and watch Christmas movies with his best bro Magnus Brahe. ((Gosh, he really just left Désirée on her own to take care of their little Oscar-
Masséna, seeing the prices of the stuff goes down, decided to have a massive shopping trip for Christmas. He even made a bet with Augereau on this.
As for Augereau, he decided to give away the gifts he “looted” to the Grand Armée. Well, a gangstar needs to be generous OwO
What about some older marshals like Lebfevre? Well, he has been having a lot of wholesome moments with his wife and they volunteered to knit scarfs for the people in need.
Well, it should not be surprising that Poniatowski has been attending Murat and Caroline’s glittery parties in Christmas.
Alright, that’s all I can think of, have a happy holiday!
Modern AU!Marshalate - Christmas headcanons.
Some random ideas:
Ney secretly loves the hideous Christmas sweater Aglaé once gave him as a gag gift (what - it’s comfy!).
Lannes pays random, unannounced visits to his friends on Christmas, dutifully followed by his kids, all of them wearing Santa hats.
Murat and Caroline have the most awesome, glittery parties you can imagine.
Never ask anything of Soult the two weeks before Christmas. Soult isn’t available. He’s BAKING. He’s baking for the whole Grande Armée. It’s never enough.
Berthier somehow always gets burdened with organizing things for Napoleon at the last moment.
Bessières probably volunteers in homeless shelters. Where he often ends up finding Larrey.
Please send me your thoughts and headcanons! <33
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elisabeth515 · 4 years ago
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@aminoscribbles look at our precious babeys))
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elisabeth515 · 4 years ago
A not-so-comprehensive-yet-hopefully-helps reading list on Marshal MacDonald
FYI, I’m just a casual reader who is interested in the marshals, particularly Ney and MacDonald because they are my babeys. Hopefully this short reading list can help you to learn more about my MacBabey🥺
Also my French level is not enough for reading books so I am going to just put English resources here.
1. For starters, I would recommend you to watch part 4 of the Napoleon’s Marshals series by Epic History TV. This is the part where MacDonald is in it.
On a side note, this is a very nice documentary series for those who have just gotten into our ever-expanding Napoleonic marshalate fandom. Ever since its existence, I feel myself being freed from reading a huge pile of potted biographies in English, which will most likely give you very, very, very similar content on every marshal’s lives. This would be the one English resource that I will definitely recommend to beginners from now on.
2. “The French MacDonald: The 1825 Travel Diary of Jacques Étienne Joseph Alexandre MacDonald”: this is a very nice book on MacDonald’s Journey around Scotland in 1825, also featuring some stuff on his life. If you wanted to read some biography-like stuff you can have a go with it. Here’s the review of this book on Napoleon Series which I would recommend to read together.
Well somehow I’m thinking of recreating his route when we are all allowed to travel around again-
There’s like a ton of academic reviews on this book (at least from what I got from abusing the University of Sheffield library system) but like the review I linked is probably the best one—also get the reprint edition of this book, the author linked the review at the preface.
3. If you fancied for a biography solely on his life, look up the paper by Ricky Parrish (title: “The Military and Diplomatic Career of Jacques Étienne MacDonald”). It covers mainly from his early life to 1814.
He did his research in Paris and has quite an extensive list of resources used in his paper. Sad that he only did a short section on his life after the Napoleonic wars, which was, in my opinion, pretty much intriguing as his life during the Napoleonic wars.
4. Last but not least, if you want to know a bit more about what his mind is like, go read his recollections (“Recollections of Marshal MacDonald”) which you can easily find on archive.org, Google books, etc.
Yeah, his memoirs is just basically about all his exploits (and pretty much it’s agreed that Napoleonic memoirs are a kind of trash to read—with “Memoirs of a Contemporary” and Laure Junot’s memoirs being the very quintessential ones) but you can find that iconic line “let’s be friends henceforth” there :3
Welp, it’s a short reading list but hopefully it helps!
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elisabeth515 · 4 years ago
Here’s my list of marshals that I never expected to like so much:
Bernadotte. I just like bullying him alright lol
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This evil mushroom deserves to be bullied appreciated although as a marshal, he did not really do much to the empire. But somehow, to an extent we (as being stuck in the Anglosphere) have overlooked quite a lot of his achievements—like popularising edible mushrooms in Sweden, also him being a good administrator. Surely, he is to be eclipsed by other more famous Swedish monarchs like King Queen Christina, Karl XII (aka. Carolus Rex) and Gustav II Adolph (aka. Gustavs Adolphus), but still a very interesting figure to Scandinavian history.
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Let’s talk about the Gangstar a bit, shall we? Honestly, he just shown up unexpectedly one day. Like, he’s just so much like a gangsta that makes Giorno’s Theme super suitable for him (except Giorno doesn’t loot). I found him a very cool person with that “bad boy” personality and not going to lie here, he is underrated in our very humble Napoleonic marshalate fandom.
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If Augereau is here, Masséna’s gonna be here as well. I really never expected to like him so much, like, he’s so much like your unruly little brother who messes around—pretty much ngl. There were a lot of things that made him an interesting, such as his upbringings and a certain hunting misadventure with Napoleon. Also he’s the ravioli lord so yeah
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By the way it’s going to be his birthday soon OwO
Speaking of MacDonald, I think he is in the “underrated af” category like Gouvion Saint-Cyr and Grouchy. He was one interesting guy to talk about, such as his Scottish roots, also having some “what-ifs” like Saint-Cyr. Our MacMarshal was pretty much in disgrace because he stood up for General Moreau and this somehow has weaken his ability as a field commander. But still, he had some really cool things like how he barely escaped from the very river that drowned fellow marshal Poniatowski.
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This is DavoutKitty, our favourite marshal kitty who was savage af
The last boi on my list is not anyone else but our “Iron Marshal” Louis-Nicolas Davout. He’s a bit edgy but he deserves so much love from our fandom, not just because he was recognised as one of the best French commanders in the Napoleonic Wars, also how #savage he is.
Thanks for your ask!
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elisabeth515 · 4 years ago
Since the last post I posted a certain MacMarshal with flower crown and heart background, I guess why not I make more for this squishy Scottish babey on his birthday OwO
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I am so not sorry sarcastic boi
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elisabeth515 · 5 years ago
If Napoleonic Figures were cats - part 2
MacDonald (Scottish bois must be Scottish folds)
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Mortier (Mortier is the tallest marshal of the Empire and therefore he shall be a Maine coon)
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Caulaincourt (CaulainKitty is a precious boi therefore he deserves 2 pics)
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elisabeth515 · 4 years ago
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I made a thing-
@ami46 you always wanted to add flowers on a picture of Marshal MacDonald, don’t you?
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elisabeth515 · 4 years ago
On Marshal MacDonald
“MacDonald was certainly a physical survivor; for thirty years he had escaped the slaughter of countless battlefields, from Russia to Spain, from Holland to Italy. He was also, undoubtedly, a political survivor, for he had pursued his career through many coups d’état, intrigues and revolutions, and under regimes of every hour and shade, from the monarchy of Louis XVI to that of Charles X, from the radical republicanism of the Terror to the Imperial absolutism of Napoléon. More important, he had done so without compromising his name, honour and reputation.”
Source: “The French MacDonald: Journey of a Marshal of Napoléon in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland” by Jean-Didier Hache
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elisabeth515 · 4 years ago
Midnight thoughts
Is it just me who wants to squish a certain marshal MacDonald’s face?
I mean, like-
He looks so soft and squishy🥺😭
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Ngl he actually looks like a Scottish fold
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elisabeth515 · 4 years ago
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I’m going to start a roadtrip project of reconstructing marshal MacDonald’s 1825 grand tour OwO
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elisabeth515 · 4 years ago
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Late night art post #3
Welp, so you guys somehow kinda noticed that I almost never drew MacDonald even though I’ve expressed my great affection to this very admirable man. Well, I can’t sleep so I drew him, hoping myself can dream of roaming around the highlands just like I did last Christmas ;-;
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elisabeth515 · 5 years ago
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I’ve made a second lot
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elisabeth515 · 4 years ago
MacMarshal duck
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MacMarshal duck
Source: https://scrooge-mcduck.fandom.com/wiki/Étienne-Jacques-Joseph-Alexandre_MacDonald
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elisabeth515 · 4 years ago
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Source: “The French MacDonald: Journey of a Marshal of Napoléon in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland in 1825” by Jean-Didier Hache
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elisabeth515 · 5 years ago
Sketch dump
Because I have no life
1. Me trying to draw Marshal MacDonald
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2. Drawing Murat in 1am
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3. Ravioli lord in Jojo style
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4. Our dangerous cupcake lord
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5. Dollar store Caesar
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Bonus: some more bois
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