gametainmentnet · 1 year
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thegoodevil · 1 year
🎥 Die Übertragung vom gamescom congress Panel "Spillover Effekte von Games und Games Tech in anderen Industrien" mit Linda lässt sich jetzt gemütlich auf Youtube nachholen!
Weitere Panel-Gäste waren: Michael Kellner, Lars Janssen & Iris Plöger.
👉 Zur Aufzeichnung: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYUygsVxt9g
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gamersfrido · 11 months
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My gamescom cosplay last year
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lordsthegames · 1 year
Lords of the Fallen at Gamescom 2023: Dual-Realm Vibes and Epic Combat Action!
Lords of the Fallen, like, totally slayed in the Gamescom 2022 trailer, especially when you peep how Elden Ring and Nioh did, you know? It's all about those spooky vibes, man. This time around, it's way more hardcore and darker than the OG 2014 version. Amping up the horror factor is gonna make Lords of the Fallen pop big time compared to its genre buddies.
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Lords of the Fallen at Gamescom 2023 is gonna be lit! And speaking of excitement, don't forget to check out the gaming deals and offers when you're at the event, maybe even have a chance to grab some awesome PS4 games! You gotta check out the Lords of the Fallen theater for a sneak peek of a fresh, never-seen-before game zone. The presentation is gonna drop some serious knowledge on the dual-realm vibes and give you the lowdown on all the epic melee, ranged, and magic combat action!
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Lords of the Fallen gave off major Dark Souls vibes from the get-go, no cap. The spots I checked out were a maze of connected hallways, and you could pop open shortcuts to speed up those repeat runs, which was clutch. The baddies had that medieval undead swag going on – hella spooky, fam. Rockin' a sword in one hand, a shield in the other, and that trusty dodge-roll in my arsenal, I was feeling like a true OG Souls player. And while embracing that Souls-like experience, you might want to consider where to buy PS4 games to further immerse yourself in epic adventures.
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Discovering the Umbral Realm and Unique Combat Dynamics
Lords of the Fallen introduced me to some basic enemy groups, which were like your typical cannon fodder, ya know? They had these super long attack windups that were great for practicing my combat timing. But as I kept going, I started noticing what sets Lords of the Fallen apart, and trust me, these differences are a big deal. So, I started my epic journey in Axiom, the land of the living, but guess what? There's a whole other realm called the Umbral Realm, where my character ends up when they bite the dust. I could take a peek into Umbral by waving around this special lantern thingy, or use it to open a small portal between the two worlds and hop into the spooky dark side.
Lords of the Fallen: Umbral is, like, a way edgier and trippier take on Axiom, but, like, you gotta know the key distinctions. So, there was this moment when I was in Axiom, right? There was this total roadblock, and that's when I busted out the Umbral Lantern. When I raised that lantern high, it like transported me into the Umbral Realm. In that vibe, the lantern spilled the tea, showing me a reality where the door was, like, totally MIA, and I could just breeze through. But when I lowered the lantern, it locked me in, and there was no turning back, fam.
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Umbral Realm, Second Chances, and Checkpoints
Lords of the Fallen, like, it's not just all about having a blast and solving those brain-teasers, you know? The Umbral Realm is like your backup life, but it's pretty sketchy because if you bite the dust here, it's game over for real, like, no respawns, dude. To bounce back from the Umbral Realm, you gotta scout for a checkpoint, which can be, like, a Vestige or a chill Flower Bed where they planted a Vestige seed. These spots recharge your health and healing stuff, let you level up, and bring those baddies you whooped back into the action. It's all about that second chance.
Lords of the Fallen, like, it's not all rainbows and unicorns, you feel me? So, after some seriously slick moves and epic beatdowns, Otto bit the dust and just crashed hard. My victory high was, like, super short-lived, though. Out of nowhere, that same goblin-like dude from the opening cutscene rolls in on a dragon, like, what even? His health bar pops up, calling him "The Lightreaper," and he's all about being the "early-game boss whose only job is to make you eat dirt." I was left there, totally helpless and shaking, like, whoa.
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Lords of the Fallen, you see, is all about embracing the fact that biting the dust is just part of the game, no biggie. So, I quickly respawned and got back to my epic quest. I ventured deeper into a blazing castle, and I started messing around with the sweet tricks of the Umbral Lantern, you know, just trying out some of its cool moves. One of them, the Soul Flay skill, was a game-changer. It allowed me to snatch the soul right out of my foes, freezing them in their tracks for a hot minute while I dished out some serious damage. This came in super handy when I faced off against this beefy warrior dude swinging around a massive two-handed sword. I metaphorically tore him apart, which not only gave me a chance to patch myself up but also stored up all that damage in his soul. Once his soul and body were back together, it only took one hit to unleash all that stored-up hurt. And if you're wondering, that badass move could be recharged by siphoning energy from certain spots in the Umbral realm, so it was worth using against the tough customers.
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The intro cutscene was, like, lit, and then she came at me swinging. At first, I was holding my own pretty well, you know, giving it my all. But then out of nowhere, she grew these wings, brought down a hail of arrows from the heavens, and summoned two, like, holographic versions of herself. It was insane, and she wrecked me the first time around. But I didn't give up, you feel me? On round two, I was, like, in the zone, and that rush of adrenaline and endorphins kicked in. That's the stuff that makes these games so damn satisfying as you make progress.
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Finally, the One and the Only GamesCom 2023 Interview series are here. In Today's Episode, I will go over with you for interviews from 2 of the most iconic Gaming Industries professionals, and see how their Interview Q&A is able to help with our prep on interview.
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whanklee · 1 year
Az új Phantom Liberty c. kiegészítő alapjaiban változtatja meg az eddigi játékot.
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zody77-blog · 1 year
Payday 3 Features Ice-T has a rival heist game
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As Payday 3 approaches, a rival heist game emerges from GTFO developer 10 Chambers and former Payday 2 leaders Ulf Andersson and Simon Viklund. Payday 3 is shaping up to be another terrific heist game in the series' mould, but there's a new opponent on the horizon - and it's an inside job. PCGamesN talked with former Payday and Payday 2 developers Ulf Andersson and Simon Viklund at Gamescom 2023 about the next co-op game they're working on with their new firm, GTFO developer 10 Chambers Collective. Payday: The Heist and Payday 2 were both developed by Andersson and Viklund, with Andersson serving as main designer and Viklund serving as composer. They're currently serving as game director and narrative director on a new project that hopes to build on what they accomplished with the Payday series while expanding on areas where the game is inherently constrained. "I don't want to s**t on them; I want them to succeed." For us, it's more of a prelude to the following game." After 10 years after the release of Payday 2, Andersson's views and objectives have shifted. Making the tempo more intriguing is one aspect of this. "Payday builds up and just stays on that high note," he says, noting that it was difficult to slow down once things got going.
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"If you're starting in stealth and you get discovered, it just stays full-on combat, basically, all the way through until you either fail the heist, or you succeed," Viklund says. In comparison, 10 Chambers' GTFO has a considerably more stop-start structure, with spurts of action punctuating the more silent, tense stealth periods. "It's an exhausting game to play in that way, but we learned a lot from accomplishing our goals." So the new game is doing something similar, but in a slightly different way, for a somewhat different demographic." The emphasis remains on a "hardcore cooperative" experience, but the team hopes to create something that is simpler to get into than the more aggressive GTFO while still "gradually getting you to that point where you're constantly challenging yourself." This unnamed heist game will support "at least four players," according to Andersson, but the developer also aims to accommodate anyone who wish to play alone. 10 Chambers, on the other hand, avoids the typical class-based arrangement. "It sort of limits your expression or planning." Rather, the team wishes to provide something more adaptable that does not bind you indefinitely. "It's even more difficult when you have to choose a class at the start of the game - you don't know s**t about it, you don't know what's what, and it gets worse with time, these permanent decisions." You pour your energy into that role, and suddenly it's practically all s**t for you." Viklund points out that this extends beyond gameplay to aesthetic character modification. The new game focuses on "late stage capitalism," according to Viklund. "We have a bit of that classic corporate structure - it lends itself to that flexibility of 'who's the enemy and who's not?'" says Andersson. He cites techno-thriller films and shows like Black Mirror, raising the question of who you're working for in any particular circumstance. "We're going back to the idea of reinventing what a heist can be," Viklund continues. "You're a criminal doing criminal things, but then you're sort of a criminal within that by doing something that your client hasn't asked you to do, for yourself." The game has been in production for around three years, according to the couple, with the concept stretching back much farther, but the completion of GTFO allows the entire team to shift over to concentrate on this new project. They are, however, resolute about not providing any release dates for the time being, emphasising that their self-funding model allows them to wait until the game is "good enough." While he emphasizes that nothing has been released yet, Andersson says the team loves the early access strategy and the openness that allows users to test things while the development team analyses. "Is the game playing the way we want it to be playing - rather than saying, 'what do they like, should we pander to them?' it's more like, are they having the experience we want them to have?" With the commercialization debate in Payday raging, we inquire about the team's plans for future post-release expenditures. "With monetization, hopefully comes quality and content," Andersson says, adding that "because you're making money, you can make more s**t." Instead of simply saying, 'Let's monetize hats,' it's more about painting yourself into a position where you have to manufacture wonderful stuff to sell more." That doesn't rule out the possibility of wearing a hat! "We may do some if people want hats, but in general, we want it to be about the quality of the experience." So, absolutely, it will be monetized." The particular details of how this will be accomplished are unknown, but the pair emphasizes the importance of "no pay to win" and "no gambling" as key to their worldview. So, how does the squad plan to win over Payday fans? Andersson questions whether it is indeed the team's objective. "We keep producing the games we want to develop, and we like making them. Hopefully, that will appeal to people." To that demographic, he did remark, "If you're into Payday, it's the same dudes - so you'll probably like components of that." "There will be Payday 3 players who look at our game and think, 'I wish Payday 3 had these things,' and then there will be some who wish our game had some of those Payday 3 things," Viklund adds. Andersson says, "We're just working on making a good game - everything else is a multiplier." We'll have more on 10 Chambers' upcoming appearance, including the ultimate name for their project, as soon as it's confirmed. In the meanwhile, browse the finest FPS games available right now, or frighten yourself stupid with the GTFO VR mod if you like. Read the full article
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gonagaiworld · 1 year
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The 7th Guest VR è in arrivo il 19 ottobre L'accattivante trailer della storia promette un'esperienza VR di altissimo livello. Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/the-7th-guest-vr-e-in-arrivo-il-19-ottobre/?feed_id=394875&_unique_id=64e75234a3d50 #Gamescom2023 #PlayStationVR2 #The7thGuestVR
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nerdsworld · 1 year
XBOX ➡️ Gamescom 🎮
In this generation role playing game set among the stars and create any character you want and explore with unparalleled freedom as you embark on an epic journey to answer humanity's greatest mystery.
Coming from the award winning creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4.
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Gamescom Show Floor Starfield
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Check out the questions participants had to answer for round one.🎮
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XBox Representatives 🎮
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silver978 · 1 year
I will be present at Gamescom 2023 on the 25th of August as visitor: it's my first time at this event, can't wait for it!
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gametainmentnet · 1 year
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zoomtecnologico · 1 year
Xbox confirma participación en Gamescom 2023
Xbox ha compartido, a través de blog oficial, nuevos detalles sobre los títulos de videojuegos que veremos en Gamescom 2023. Para Gamescom 2023, que se desarrollará en Colonia, Alemania, Xbox contará con un stand de primer nivel además de “nuevos y emocionantes” títulos que llegarán a consolas Xbox, PC y Xbox Game Pass. “En el show floor, tendremos presentaciones exclusivas de Starfield, Forza…
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pinkyjulien · 1 year
I'm a Tekken hoe, always been a Tekken hoe 😩✋ ngl
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thatskynews · 1 year
Here's a preview of what's to come to Sky after gamescom2023! 🏄
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