cecexwrites · 7 months
Wasting Time with Rabbits Mini Moodboards pt 1
Galston Legume
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Cedrick Facilier
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Quinn Queen
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pakalolo-mermaid · 5 months
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Maui kine💥🤙🏽
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toestalucia · 8 months
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filed under things i think r funny they canonly say
more event lines but these...
Lauphit: I could see everyone's enthusiasm for comedy… Really made an impression on me. Farrah: Ahaha… I guess at the end of the day, we're just a fun-loving crew—captain included.
Seruel: Well, since you'll be representing our crew, it wouldn't do us any good if you looked slovenly on stage.
Lauphit: Captain's pretty funny too! I don't get how someone with such an innocent-lookin' face can have such a sharp tongue!
in general 1) taking that one seasonal login (white days??) and going 'what if we made an entire comedy event' is so funny 2) juri rly was an excellent choice seeing how competitive & justice-oriented & passionate he is (when he yells at renvauro) #notbiased 3) zehek being there solely to be the dude who laughs at Everything lord (loved it) 4) if the new juri doesnt have new seasonal lines ill cry 5) yknow with the latest 4kishi event where lanceys mom recognizes captain...and the new years lanvane line where they bring captain to their home-village...and now with them mentioning the galston unit halloween tradition that juri talks about in a halloween line too...... i love that 6) when galston spoke about juris dad and mom buuuHHUUUUUUUUUU juri has 3 dads club 7) farrahT____T my favorite besties of all time
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dirt2neat · 9 months
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thenewdemocratus · 1 year
Brookings Institution: William Galston: The American People to its Leaders: Ground Troops Against ISIS & a Stronger National Defense
Source:Brookings Institution I think its pretty clear about what we’ve learned in the last thirteen-years or so in our Middle East adventures. That if you try to defend and govern a country that won’t do that for themselves, then they’ll expect you to stay indefinitely especially if you’re also putting up the bills. And the answer to that is don’t fight other people’s wars for them. This is what…
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Pippa Galston
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Name: Pippa Galston Nickname: Pip, Gal Love Interest: Diner Crew Appearance: Blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin. Pippa describes herself as ‘hug-shaped’. Pippa’s clothing is always bright, even her cooking outfits.  Height: 5′7 History: Pippa grew up with her parents locally, learning to cook when she’s in high-school and learning to take care of herself in the same time. Pippa can’t help being friendly, but she admits she’s afraid that her natural kindness makes her easy to manipulate.
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neutrandrogyne · 1 year
stummy achey breaky owiee
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mariacallous · 18 days
Presidential debates have impact when they address questions and concerns about the candidates that are top of mind for voters. As the crucial presidential debate began, in a race that was statistically dead even, both candidates had work to do.
Kamala Harris faced three key challenges. First, 37% to 42% of voters in some swing states knew virtually nothing about her except that she serves as Joe Biden’s vice president. Filling in this gap, or at least beginning to, was job one. From the very first minutes of the debate, it was clear that she knew she had to define herself and that she did—as a child of the middle class who, in contrast to Trump, was not given $400 million to start a business. In addition, she repeatedly came back to her experience as a prosecutor.
Second, Harris has shifted her position on many important issues—health care (Medicare for All), climate change (fracking), and immigration (decriminalizing border crossings), among others—since she ran for the nomination in 2020. This left people wondering, what kind of Democrat is she—a classic California progressive or the next generation of the Clinton, Obama, and Biden-style center-left? She had to persuade voters that the new version of Kamala Harris is the one they will get if she is elected.
Here her performance was more mixed. She explained her shift on fracking but didn’t give as clean and crisp an answer as she could have on other issues where Trump has accused her of flip-flopping. However, she defended the Biden administration and her participation in the bipartisan immigration legislation that Trump killed, she let the audience know that both she and Tim Walz are gun owners who have no intention of taking away people’s guns, and she pushed back against the charge that she was weak on crime by emphasizing her experience and record as a prosecutor who put criminals behind bars.    
Third, as is the case with every candidate who hasn’t previously occupied the presidency, Harris had to convince swing voters that she has what it takes to serve effectively as the nation’s chief executive and commander-in-chief. Simply put, they needed to be able to see her as big enough to be president, a barrier that some previous candidates, such as Michael Dukakis in 1988, failed to cross.
Harris passed this test easily. She never got flustered, she made her points concisely and quickly, and she spoke with confidence about traditionally “male” issues like war, defense, crime, and foreign policy.
What did Trump have to do in this debate? Two things.
First of all, he had to come across as someone who is not mean and angry, obsessed with the past and prone to conspiracy theorizing. His campaign aides have urged him to fight Kamala on the issues. Yet, on the stump, Trump can’t seem to stick to the script. He reads the policy portions of his speeches with an obvious lack of enthusiasm and returns often to complaining about alleged ballot fraud in 2020, insulting Harris, and unearthing conspiracy theories that make little sense.
Trump began the debate with the advice from his advisors ringing in his head. His first answer on the economy took aim at the Biden record, one of the issues on which he has held a consistent lead throughout the campaign. But as time went on, his debate performance took the same course as the Trump rallies. He turned nearly every question into an answer about the threats from illegal immigration. Like the economy, this has been a good issue for him, but he did begin to sound like a Johnny One Note on the topic, and it is not clear that this issue is as powerful in swing states like Pennsylvania as it is in border or more Republican states.
Also, as the debate wore on, Trump simply could not stay away from weird stuff. He insisted that Democrats favored killing babies after they were born and allowing abortion in the ninth month. And he repeated a story about immigrants in Springfield, Ohio killing and eating people’s cats and dogs. One of the moderators, David Muir, had to step in to point out that reporters had called Springfield city officials who had investigated the story and found it simply wasn’t true.
The second thing Trump needed to do was differentiate himself from the most extreme stances of his party—many of which are described by his former aides in Project 2025. As he has done in the past, he distanced himself from this document during the debate, claiming “I have nothing to do with Project 2025. I haven’t even read it.” 
Although there are many questionable policies being considered by Trump and the right wing of the Republican Party, such as slapping huge tariffs on U.S. imports and deporting millions of immigrants—by far the most dangerous one for him politically is abortion. On that issue, his answer was, as it has always been, that everything is okay because now the states are deciding it. Not surprisingly, Harris’ attack on abortion was exceptionally strong. She pointed out the many states that have passed highly restrictive abortion policies and, in some cases, have criminalized the behavior of doctors who are providing reproductive services. Abortion rights is the single most helpful issue for the Democrats in 2024.
Republican strategists keep hoping the abortion issue can be buried, but recent steps by Trump allies in Florida and Texas have kept it alive. In the debate, Trump tried to distance himself from the extremes, arguing that he would approve of abortions for rape and incest and even going so far as to say the Florida six-week ban is too short. Nonetheless, the coalition he leads isn’t happy with his nods to moderation, and it is likely many Americans will continue to believe that he would sign a national abortion ban if a Republican Congress sent it to his desk.
In conclusion, there are three kinds of presidential debates. The first is when one candidate lands a knockout blow against the other, as Ronald Reagan did with Jimmy Carter in 1980. The second is when the debate does little if anything to change the flow of the race; the Clinton/Dole debates in 1996 are a good example. The third, intermediate outcome occurs when a debate yields an advantage to one candidate without ending the other’s chance to win, as happened when Mitt Romney bested President Obama in their first debate in 2012.
The first (and perhaps only) debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris falls into this last category. After a month-long Harris surge that erased the advantage Trump had developed over President Biden, the race had stabilized during the past two weeks. This debate seems likely to put new wind in Harris’ sails. Whether it will be enough to propel her to victory in the Electoral College remains to be seen. But her campaign and supporters leave the debate with renewed energy and hope. By contrast, the Trump campaign must reckon with the likelihood that their candidate’s performance pleased his base without rallying many new supporters to his side.
Throughout the race, Trump has enjoyed a solid lead on the question of strong leadership. While he may still hold an advantage, most Americans who watched the debate probably saw in Kamala Harris an adversary who held her ground, went on the attack whenever possible, and refused to be intimidated. This matters.
On the face of it, the Trump campaign has an incentive to seek a rematch. If it does, the Harris campaign will probably insist on rules more to its liking. If not, this debate will stand as the last high-profile event before the November 5 election and as the race devolves into trench warfare—a battle of communications and organization in the states that will decide the outcome.
Finally—in the minutes after the debate closed—the galactically famous singer Taylor Swift announced she would be voting for Kamala Harris. In today’s world, this may be worth as much or even more than Harris’ solid debate performance.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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It was every medieval Knight's ambition to go on a Crusade, they saw it as a sense of duty. Robert the Bruce was no different, nor his faithful friend James Douglas, Lord of Douglas. The Bruce had been excommunicated barring him from taking the "pilgrimage" Sir James and he were rather busy as well, there was the matter of a war with England.
The English called Sir James "The Black Douglas" , the man was so frightening a wee verse has survived through the centuries that mothers used to whisper to their children when trying to get them to sleep.
Hush Ye, Hush Ye Do not fret you, The Black Douglas, Will not get you.
The Douglas must have hated the English with a passion, his father Sir William Douglas, known as "le Hardi" or "the bold" had been one of the few nobles who openly supported Sir William Wallace, he died a prisoner of Longshanks in The Tower of London around 1298, the young James had been sent to France for safety during the early years of the Wars of Independence, and was educated in Paris, it was where he met William Lamberton, Bishop of St. Andrews, who took him as a squire. He returned to Scotland with Lamberton. His lands had been seized and awarded to Robert Clifford. Lamberton presented him at the occupying English court to petition for the return of his land shortly after the capture of Stirling Castle in 1304, but when Edward I of England heard whose son he was he grew angry and Douglas was forced to depart.
James seems to have went about his business after this not causing any problems of note until The Bruce took up arms against the English in 1306, it is clear that he had been starting to feel somewhat disgruntled about his lack of inheritance and, after Bruce’s return from exile a year later, the nineteen-year old joined the Scottish camp. Not long afterward, on Palm Sunday, he launched a swift and brutal attack on his castle of Douglas (held at this point by Lord Clifford) reportedly seizing the castle while the defenders were at church and shutting the garrison up in the cellar to burn to death. After Bruce’s victory at Loudon later that year, despite Douglas momentarily getting cold feet and attempting peace negotiations, he became active in the region that his descendants would draw their main strength from- the Borders. And so it was that he fought with Bruce right through the campaign to free Scotland from Edwards tyranny. Fast forward to 1330 and it is said Sir James was called to the bedside of King Robert as he lay dying he asked his loyal friend to remove his heart after death, place it in a casket, and take them on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and bury his heart in the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. Sir James took Bruce’s heart, embalmed it then put it in a casket which he wore round his neck, and set off on the crusade to the Holy Land with a party of 25, made up of knights and noblemen, among them Sir William de Keith of Galston, Sir Robert Logan of Restalrig and his brother Sir John, Sir William de St Clair and his brother John de St Clair of Rosslyn ,Sir Alan Cathcart and Sir Symon Loccard of Lee. Having been granted a promise of safe conduct from Edward III of England, the party sailed from North Berwick and made for Luys in Flanders in the spring of 1330 remaining there for 12 days and attracting more followers from all over Europe. Their intention was to then sail to Cape Finnestere in the North West of Spain to visit Santiago de Campostella which had been ordained as a holy town by Pope Alexander lll following the discovery of the remains of the Apostle James. A pilgrimage to Santiago captured the imagination of Christian Europe on an unprecedented scale as it was the 3rd holiest site in Christendom and at the height of its popularity in the 11th and 12th century attracted over half a million pilgrims each year. However, before they could set off for Santiago word reached them that the King of Castile and Leon, Alphonso Xl , in his efforts to drive the Moors out of Granada had laid siege to the Castillo de las Estrellas(Castle of the Stars)at Teba which was occupied by the Saracen Army of Mohammed lV,Sultan of Granada. Douglas sent word that they were prepared to join forces with Alphonso and sailed immediately to help, making landfall at Seville and marching the short distance to Teba. Alphonso having heard tales of Douglas’s bravery and leadership skills gave him the right flank of the Castilian Army. On the morning of the August 25th the Saracen army had assembled below the Castillo de las Estrellas under the command of Osmyn. The Castilian trumpets sounded and Douglas, thinking it was a general advance, led his troops forward.
The Scottish contingent charged the Saracens and, although not fully supported by the rest of the army, managed to hold them, finally the Moors, unable to withstand the furious onslaught,fled.
Douglas, as was his custom, followed them until finding himself deserted, turned his horse with the intention of joining the main body.
Just then he observed Sir William St Clair surrounded by a body of Moors who had suddenly rallied. With the few knights who attended him Douglas turned hastily to attempt a rescue.
He soon found himself surrounded and, making one last charge shouting the words “A Bruce A Bruce”, took the casket containing the heart from around his neck and hurled into the enemies’ path shouting “Now go in front, as you desired and Ill follow you or die”. Douglas and a party of his followers were all slain but they had diverted enough of the enemy forces away from the main thrust to enable the Castilian army to overrun the remainder and capture the Castle.
It has been speculated that the Moors lack of knowledge of European heraldry had a part to play in the death of Douglas.
Noblemen on both sides were valued as hostages, but because Douglas did not display the red cross on his tabard that distinguished English knights, but instead had the 3 stars of the Douglas family on his harness and shield, the Moors did not recognize his status or they would probably have spared his life.
Douglas’s body was recovered from the battlefield along with the casket, his bones, the flesh boiled off them, were taken back to Scotland by Sir William Keith of Galston in Ayrshire (who had missed the battle because of a broken arm), and deposited at St Bride's Church. The Heart of The Bruce was given to Regent Moray, who interred it under the high altar of Melrose Abbey. The pics are one of Strathleven Artizans dressed as Sir James and the Memorial to Douglas at Teba.
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blitzy-blitzwing · 8 months
oh geez I hope they find a way to remove the galstone as painless as possible I had kidneystones and know those are absolutely awefull Hope galstones are less painful
I hope so, too. I don’t like pain. 🥺🥺
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cecexwrites · 6 months
👗 + Gal, first scene?
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It's what she wears when she loots the market
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metalmaul · 3 months
You 🤝 me
Abnormal galstones
Instead of lots of galstones i had two big (acorn sized!!!) galstones and my galbladder was possibly starting to necrotize when the surgeons removed it (it was gray)
that sounds TERRIBLE acorn sized oh my god... those fuckers hurt like all hell though god i never want my body to make another rock in my life i hope you never have to deal with more body rocks either they are Evil
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mr-walkingrainbow · 1 year
Little details I noticed in the Owl house Finale epilogue sequence (Spoilers ahead!)
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not Dana terrace adding her fucking signature in the show 😭😭😭😭❤️. Like she’s legitimately giving Luz and Award.
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BRO ITS THE SAME COVEN KID! Like it’s so freaking symbolic and full circle that this was the kid shown and used as an Example when Eda was explaining how Sigils seal away all your other magic. And that now he’s the one being used as an example for removing the sigils once and for all. It’s so fucking full circle and I love it
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Notes by Lilith :
bottom right : Glyph exhibit.
(Omg a glyph exhibit is so cool)
Top right : Space for student exhibits? Must ask bump!
(No but not Lilith like asking bump questions like their besties. It gives such headmaster vibes even tho that’s technically eda. A little nod to the OG Lilith where she was the headmaster of the school)
Top Middle : Note to self : Must write to flora to show off 🥴
(Yesss chbedjsj our Lilly is still wants to prove Flora wrong.)
Top right : Hall of titan reasearch
(that would be so cool considering the huge ass plot holes surrounding the Titans and why Kings dad didn’t just come back to the boiling isles like Luz did 💀)
bottom middle : Hooty is the curator.
I can’t read the bottom right? Something about discovering something with Maya? Who’s maya? Liliths Palisman official name perhaps? Idk
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Not to mention I’m 99% sure I saw those antler skeleton thing on the front of the portal door cabin.
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RAINES PALISMAN FINALLY!!!! Omg it looks to be the head of their violin they’ve had all these years! Also harpy Lilith being hot 🥵 AND SCARS RAINE YES
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Eda framed the photo of her and Lilith as kids!!! And omg the photo of her Luz, King and Hooty in all of those sweaters 😭😭❤️
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to the right : OMG A GIGANTIC PHOTO OF RAINE! And then a cute image of Luz and Amity! Wonder who that area must belong to 😏
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Guys that is literally Steve on the left. Steve on the left is wearing a crop top, CROP TOP STEVE CONFIRMED
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Wow 💀 they managed to give the Bat queens kids glow ups not not the BAtTs ??? Amber literally was a little kid she should be older by now. And come on Raine isn’t even wearing their old outfit so the uniforms don’t make sense. So confused how they were left out here
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for Luz’s Quince they made a Azura cake where the inside is the Bi flag 🩷💜💙
That’s all for now guys! Anyways, uh, Stan Raeda for Clear skin and Epilogue Lilith is the hottest thing to live
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come-along-pond · 1 year
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Galston Legume moodboard as a part of OC Creator Bingo 2023
↳ for @cecexwrites
taglist: @witchofinterest​ @veetlegeuse @arrthurpendragon @sentineljedi @stanshollaand @foxesandmagic @edshopper @eddiemunscns @carmens-garden @dancingsunflowers-ocs @raith-way @ginevrastilinski @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @cecexwrites @bravelittleflower
Send an ask/message if you wish to be added or removed!
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The one, the only, Miss Galston Legume, Who would wanna be friends with her?
The Girl!!! I love her okay
Definitely my Bimbette kiddo specially if we go with that Gaston plot line but either way
Penny Pan/Hook
Sammi Smee
Gothel kiddo once I name her
My Madam MIm boy
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Also possibly a Bill Sikes kiddo if I figure out what I wanna do with that idea
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Go on a hike
This one I’ve actually also completed by accident, but Iman, Jordy and I hiked from Hornsby to Galston Gorge today which was lots of fun and super cute :)
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