#galra commander!keith au
discordiansamba · 9 months
Krolia: As you know, the Galra take adoptive familial bonds very seriously.
Shiro: I have heard this, yes.
Krolia: Now, it would not matter as much if you were not also Galra now. However, since you are, and since you have claimed Keith as your brother, that now makes me your mother.
Shiro: ...I am still wrapping my head around that idea, but I guess that tracks with everything I've learned?
Krolia: Excellent. Which is why you are also grounded Shiro.
(Adam is trying very hard not to laugh in the background. Keith is not even trying to hide it, even though he is also extremely grounded.)
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graphx · 9 months
(link to my page here :D) https://archiveofourown.org/users/GraphX
Basically a rundown of the plot I have planned so far! I will be writing and posting in order on AO3!
But there are some specific scenes I wanted to write because I don't have the patience or time to write everything in order(I'll be posting them here under the Hiraeth AU tag) THIS ENTIRE THING IS GEN BTW!!!
(n.) a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for lost places of your past
• Allura from another reality goes quintessence crazy after defeating Haggar at the cost of the lives of the other Paladins
• She goes from universe to universe trying to gather enough quintessence to bring back her reality that she accidentally tore apart but only gets worse and worse the more quintessence she is exposed to
• In the current universe she experiments with quintessence and accidentally kills her parents along with Zarkon and Honerva. Villian!Allura turns the blame to the Galra, causing the Allura of this universe to wage war on them as the only successor to the Altean throne.
• Lotor tries to convince Allura that her other self is lying to her but she doesn't believe it, leaving Lotor to flee from the Galran commanders trying to kill him to gain the throne(he goes into hiding before organizing a resistance after meeting the other generals)
• Villian!Allura is concerned that the Paladins of this universe will try to stop her so she destroys Earth
• However prior to the Altean invasion the Kerberos mission took place with Sam and his crew consisting of Matt, Adam and Shiro(who are all 16/17 for plot reasons they were interns or something IT MAKES SENSE DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!!!)
• Sam, Matt and Shiro are kidnapped and sent to the arenas while Adam manages to steal a ship to get back to Earth, only to find it destroyed
• The Galran Empire remnants (who were already planning on attacking Earth and communicating with Sanda(who sent Sam away on Kerberos because she thought he would get in the way of her failed "negotiations" and hoped he was kidnapped) fight with the Alteans, leaving Earth in the crossfire
• The Blade of Marmora attempt a relief effort and get one billion people off Earth before it explodes, finding Adam and establishing a planet they can live on before leaving them to their own devices
• In this AU all the Paladins are kids when Earth got destroyed (around 6 to 8) and Keith's dad dies during the evacuation helping defend the transports from Alteans but Kolivan saw that Keith's dad had a Marmoran knife(that he didn't give to Keith at 8 years old)
• Kolivan takes in Keith as a Blade agent since he has no human to provide for him but he keeps his identity as a human secret from the rest of the Blades to ensure none of them snitch since the Alteans have offered a lot for humans
• Kolivan knows the knife was Krolia's but doesn't tell her since she already jeopardized the Blade of Marmora once by leaving for Earth and without the temptation of her son she won't leave again
• Keith(as you can expect) did not have a very happy childhood growing up in an organization of trained killer assassin ninjas which resulted in more ~trauma~
• On one of his missions he is captured by Galra and put in the areans with Champion!Shiro and Keith meets another human for the first time who shows him kindness and starts to question if the Blades are right
• Keith escapes from the Arena with the Blades but convinces Ulaz to go back for Shiro and he meets up with Adam in the human colony
• On another mission Keith runs into Lance, Hunk and Pidge who are searching for a supposed superweapon in an attempt to defend themselves from Alteans and Galrans that prevent them from leaving their hiding spot at the edge of the universe
• he thinks to himself "wow these guys are annoying and weird I sure do hope I never see them again" before the Blades immediately order him to find the superweapon to keep it out of human, Altean and Galran hands because they are unreliable
• Krolia helps track down information it and Keith notices that whenever she is bored she recites star charts (kinda like his dad used to do) and the constellations look eerily familar
• Keith gets hurt, Krolia finds out his identity and takes him to the human colony so he doesn't have to stay in the abusive Blade environment anymore
• When she tries to get Keith to colony they are tracked by Alteans and Krolia manages to trick the Alteans and Keith crash lands on the surface only to see the ship leaving
• now that all the paladins are in one place they protect the colony after going on a couple of missions to find the lions while Keith tries to track down the very elusive Blade of Marmora
Theres more to it than that, BUT that's all for now!
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aro-paladin-pidge · 2 years
Some vague guidelines for the lore changes I’ve made to my No/Yes Blue AUs (yeah I’m calling them that, I can’t find better names ok)
Voltron is definitely older than it is in canon. I really hated that there were only two generations of paladins and Voltron still had this giant legend as the ‘defenders of the universe’. So Alfor didn’t create the Lions, some super-ancient alien species did or smth
Speaking of the Lions, I really want to redesign them-they’re supposed to be the guardian spirits of the elements and beings of pure quintessence, right? (I’m only like 70% sure about that last one, but I think it’s canon) But they just look like robot lions?? No cool glowy quintessence or elements or anything. I think the red Lion should have like a mane of fire or something.
Also I feel like the Black Paladin shouldn’t always be the leader. Each of the paladins could have been (and we actually saw this for Allura, Keith, and Hunk) good leaders, depending on the circumstances. This also allows for Keith to become a leader and Shiro to take a different position as a commander, without the stupid Lion-swap plotline. I’m sorry, but I hated it. So, depending on who was acting as Voltron’s leader/battlefield commander, any of the Lions/paladins could’ve been the head.
Lot less aliens. I hate hate HATE how there’s a few billion different species and they all look the exact same and there’s no exploration of any of their cultures in the slightest. They go to a new planet every episode, meet a new species that looks like humans but slightly to the left, they join the coalition, and then they’re never mentioned again. I want there to be a couple of species, like the Galra, Olkari, and the Balmerans spread out on various planets across the universe, so we actually have room to explore their cultures and histories.
This one’s not really a problem with VLD but I like it so I’m putting it here: The Altean Colony arc we get in canon is scrapped. Instead, there’s a small colony of surviving Alteans on Arus who’ve protected the Castle for millennia, since it doesn’t seem like the Castle can be opened without a Lion. We get Romelle earlier, and Allura and Coran don’t think they’re the last Alteans.
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lilflowerpot · 2 years
This is probably not the direction you're going towards, bc you do stress the importance of Team Voltron IS A Family (occassional disfunctionality included), but sometimes some of them just act one way, or get goaded by Lotor to act that way, and it almost feels like the Keitor will be an "us against the world" deal with the rest of the team as the world too. That too would be interesting (if unhealthy) (dw I know this is not the fic for that)
That is indeed not my objective, but I 1000% agree that the keitor dynamic could very easily lend itself to that sort of narrative, and it would be........................ delicious.
Not to sound like a broken record but...... one of my keitor month prompts...... was a 'Keith gets captured by Zarkon at the end of s01' au where Zarkon has this like,, very unhinged and entirely unhealthy fixation with Keith due to not only learning that he's a galra hybrid, but also immediately latching on to his striking similarities to the first red paladin; so the Emperor oscillates between speaking to Keith-as-Alfor and Keith-as-Lotor, conflating their identities and timeline... It's a mess tbh, and I'm really capitalising on Zarkon's quintessence-fueled-madness like he is Unstable™
So the lion switcheroo happens a series earlier, but with Keith instead of Shiro (Lance still takes Red, and Allura Blue) and ofc this gets fed back to Keith as proof of how easily replaceable he is⁠—they risked everything to save the altean princess despite her not piloting a lion, but you? The galra paladin? They don't even care enough to try⁠—until ultimately Zarkon is felled at the end of s02.
Enter Lotor.
So upon arriving in central command to serve as emperor pro-tem, Lotor discovers that the former red paladin is a POW and also..... like him? And thanks to Zarkon's ramblings Keith knows a little about Lotor, but he still wasn't prepared to be faced with the reality of the prince because by this point he truly does believe everyone⁠—even Shiro⁠—to have abandoned him (and can he really blame them when he argued for leaving Allura when their positions were reversed?) so to be newly faced with Zarkon's son who treats him with kindness and dignity and camaraderie without condemnation for his heritage-
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seraphimfawn-fallen · 11 months
Helping Love - Character Database on Lance Altea | VLD - Omegaverse AU
SeraphimFawn-fallen Character Database/ Voltron Team - Universe.
Warnings: Abuse, Neglect, Kidnapping Mentions, Dark topics, Rape and body breakage, Mentions of Drugs, Dehydration and Mentions of Lack of eating, Mpreg.
Lance Altea - Male - Omega - Mother - Paladin, Prince, Heart of Voltron. Database Info on Lance: Lance is the youngest child and only son to King Alfor of Planet Altea and the only sibling to Allura of Altea, Lance was kidnapped as a child by a Galra commander named Yjok and was taken to a not known planet called Earth, there for 10,000 years Lance went through much torture and abuse after he was taken from his family as a 5 year old child. His supposed brother named Luis had raped him when he was 14 years old making him produce two children, they are 5 months apart, one boy and one girl that Luis then lied to his wife that they were from a surrogate while Lance was just a toy to him. Being an Omega gave him the ability to create children with his own body however, Luis had taken advantage of his heat twice and later had given birth too his first two children.
Lance, because of how he was raised from 5 years old, is short for his age at a standing 5'4, while other males are higher in height varying from 5'7 to near 6'3. Because of not being allowed to eat his growth became stunted and he did not grow much even with the small amounts of food he would eat just to prevent his cheek bones to show through his skin. His is also extremely skittish, doesn't like loud noises and flinches when someone comes into contact with him, this is the effects of PTSD he obtained as a child that followed him into his teens. Gradually his bad habits went under once he was surrounded by caring people but ultimately fell back into bad habits when he was once again kidnapped by Prince Lotor of the Galra Empire and raped once more and fell back into his old habits.
Lance considers 3 females his sisters, his biological sister Allura, his mother figure sister Veronica McClain and his last sister being Rachel McClain. He has four children, his first two being because of Luis and his last being because of Lotor, his youngest daughter was from his mate who is an Alpha, despite his bad past with Alphas, he doesn't consider Keith in that list of his bad past. He has one child that is by consent while his other three weren't by consent, but he still loves all his kids equally.
His mate is Keith, and he somehow resurrected his dead sister, Veronica from being fatally stabbed and then reunited with her in space due to both of their surprises. Lance achieved his dream of being among the stars but in reality, he just returned back to the feeling he had before he was kidnapped by Yjok.
Lance has a few scars that are the results of burns, his back was burned a bit from the explosion he prevented Coran from getting hurt but was injured in the process. His right arm at the top of his bicep, was burned by a blow torch and the same to his left thigh. He also has a few breakages, but he makes sure he doesn't overwork himself to the point he causes another breaking in his bones. He also hates being babied, Veronica used to do when he was little, and she came home from one of her many jobs and ended up finding him injured everytime.
His kids rank from oldest to youngest: Sylvio is his oldest son, Nadia and Mela are the middle children and Cole is his youngest son, however there was a time difference between Cole and Mela. At 7 months old, Mela was the oldest of Cole but because of the three year time difference, Cole who is the youngest became the second middle child and Mela the youngest.
Lance is the heart of Voltron and managed to unlock something no paladin had ever even hoped to achieve, he can feel all of the lions and the lions can feel him. They have a connection like no other, it's different from pilot to lion, it's more soul focused. If he could so much as think about it, he can see through a lions eyes and call to the lions if he much as wished.
Because he was kidnapped, Allura was forced to accept the title of next ruler of Altea but she didn't want that, she was fine with being just a princess while supporting her brother to the best of her abilities however once he recovered his memories after going to Oriande, Allura and their advisor worked a full Quintant (Day) to change everything back to the way it was before Yjok had gotten his hands on him.
Lance considers team Voltron, a certain amount of rebels (Including Matt and Veronica) and a certain amount of Blades his family.
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mckinlily · 2 years
Voltron post-s2 AU
Voltron fix-it in year of our lord two thousand twenty three? More likely than you think! Or rather, if I were writing Voltron after season 2, here’s what I’d do:
First of all Shiro doesn’t die. There also isn’t a clone arc because I could never figure out a path that totally satisfied me but that’s a me issue. Shiro does disappear at the end of season 2, but he gets sent to an alternate reality like in this post. Short form is that reality’s Takashi Shirogane was the Blue Paladin and died died ten years age. The alternate!paladins (inclusive of alt!Allura who is the Blue Paladin) are much older than their canon counterparts and low-key having a crisis about this baby version of their long-dead teammate suddenly dropped into their mist. Especially when they realize how traumatized and young he is—and utterly lacking in self worth. These older paladins cannot stand letting another Takashi Shirogane get himself killed and will do anything to ensure that doesn’t happen.
(Just so long as everyone’s conflicting trauma doesn't get in the way)
But while Shiro’s stuck in reality universe getting a crash course on self worth and YES you matter, don’t you dare freaking die (and also getting some helpful Voltron tips from much more experienced paladins) back in our OG reality…
The canon team is struggling.
They’re trying. But Shiro is GONE, and no one knows what happened to him. The remaining paladins are four teenagers who were thrown into a war without warning, have essentially been on the run ever since, and now just lost the only remaining source of stability they had. They’re scared, overwhelmed, and fighting like cats and dogs. Allura’s trying to lead them, but the hole that Shiro left is gaping and almost too painful to touch. It doesn’t help that Allura feels the personal loss keenly but believes to be an effective leader she has to put on a strong face. This causes certain paladins (Keith, it’s obviously Keith) to be furious with her, thinking she doesn’t care, and everything deteriorates from there.
In addition to the interpersonal issues, the Black Lion is offline. It won’t turn on—not for Keith, not for Allura, not for anyone. And they’ve all tried in desperation, but it won’t even flicker. As long as the Black Lion is unresponsive, they try everything they can think of, but they can’t find a single hint of a clue of what happened to Shiro or where he might be. And still, the Black Lion does nothing. So in addition to the terror and uncertainty in missing Shiro, they are now down a Lion and completely unable to form Voltron.
Not good. Especially not good because while Zarkon is down (though for how long, they don’t know), there are still plenty of Galra commanders who are ready and gunning for blood. Vengeance is swift and the paladins are only escaping by the skin of their teeth. The stress is putting even more pressure on the already flaring tensions and tempers in the wake of Shiro’s absence, and Team Voltron is in serious danger, both from the outside and within.
Then Lotor shows up.
Now this Lotor doesn’t have his generals, and it’s not entirely clear where he came from. He says he’s here to help. And he just so happens to have Altean heritage, which obviously interests and intrigues Allura. (He just oh so conveniently forgets to mention the tiny little fact that Zarkon is his father.) Allura, who is alone and desperately aching for support without Shiro, obviously jumps at the opportunity to connect with another Altean. 
The paladins are less charmed. Hunk is immediately suspicious. Lance is jealous of his apparent interest to Allura. Pidge is barely speaking to her teammates these days. She doesn’t give a shit about some random purple guy. Keith hates him immediately. Then again, Keith seems to hate everyone since Shiro has disappeared, so maybe that doesn’t mean anything. 
And look, Allura isn’t stupid. She knows she should be cautious. And she is. But she also desperately needs a friend, and Lotor steps up while the other paladins have been failing her. 
Obviously, they can’t hide the massive Dead Black Lion issue for long, and Lotor is very interested. But he keeps it cool. He talks Allura into letting him try. The other paladins are deeply unhappy about it but not too worried because obviously it’s not going to work, right?
Expect then the Black Lion lights up.
It’s only for a moment and then the Black Lion goes dark again. But it’s the most reaction anyone has been able to get out the Lion. 
And they’re desperate.
Keith is BEYOND offended at the mere idea of anyone other than Shiro being the Black Paladin and nearly splits from the team over it. It’s only Lance going after him and, in a surprising show of maturity, overcoming his jealousy and practically begging Keith to stay that keeps him from vanishing completely. He’s still furious though. Hunk is beyond anxious, and even Pidge, who has been trying to check out from all emotion and people up until now, is becoming suspicious and anxious. 
But Allura… Look, she’s the sole leader right now. She sometimes feels like she’s the only one who still cares about saving the universe from the Galra anymore. But she also is very aware that she is now solely responsible for the remaining young paladins. If she owes Shiro anything in his absence, isn’t it to protect the team he gave his life for?
And to do that…they need Voltron. 
So when Lotor confesses to her that he had felt the Black Lion but suspects the Black Lion was damaged in the last fight against Zarkon, she listens. Lotor has access to some rare surviving records of Altean alchemy. He says he has a spell that, combined with Allura’s connection to the Lions, could fix the Black Lion. He says if Allura helps him strengthen his connection to the Black Lion, he’ll help them fight the Galra.
And Allura… it’s not that she doesn’t want Shiro back, of course she’d rather have Shiro! She can’t trust Lotor like she knew she could trust Shiro (even if he is Altean), and the other paladins clearly don’t like him. But she’s all alone. She has to keep Shiro’s team alive for him. They NEED Voltron.
So, at night, behind the other’s backs, she preforms the ritual with Lotor. 
And it works. 
Lotor is now the Black Paladin. No, it’s not ideal, and there other paladins are deeply unhappy, but all the Lions functional. It’s the best option they have available. 
… Right?
(to be continued)
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bladedalchemistreplica · 10 months
Just alfor and Kolivan's logs of anything that relates to them((at least anything key or hc, so not just art and other! --below i added other asks related to other muses
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Alfor Headcanon___Alfor has a tendency to become chaoticlly organized
Alfor Headcanon___Alfor is daring, before mellowing out when Allura was born, he was one to have one set of eyes on him at all times.
Hey, so...this probably isn't for here but what WOULD be the reality where alfor isn't with melendor? Do they have good terms? How exists? Also is alliura there or she get snapped? [[AU related]
Wait- is alfor always gonna have a kit? In all or most threads? [to mun]
《《《▪︎▪︎▪︎☆ Pizza bagels
Alfor is an extremely skilled swordsman
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Antok and ____
Kolivan Headcanon___Has a strong tendency to ignore or forget his own needs
_______{{||The blade's leader practices [[Kolivn mention
[[CHARACTER FLAWS__[[Alfor [[Kolivan
[[SLEEPING HABITS__[[Alfor, [[Kolivan
[[MUSE GREETINGS__[[Alfor [[Kolivan
CUTBELOW___Various headcanon/Asks/e.t.c
[[Not every ask is here but most of the important/longer ones here!
Have a Protection Squad: Which muse(s) seem the most sheltered and/or naive? Are there other characters who look out for them? Is so, who are they?
❣️ - What are their love languages? 💓 - What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection? 💖 - How and how often do they try to impress their partner(s)? How and how often do their partner(s) impress them? For anyone muse needs your attention and love~
So have you tried earth candy yet
Is your muse difficult to ship with? [mun directed
Care to give us any silly things?
Psst mun, can you bestow us HCs aside from Alfor and Kolvian???
Okay, which muse would enjoy peppermint, and who would think it takes like medicine/toothpaste?
🥃 - Alcohol! The stronger, the better, or do they have a low tolerance for those types of things? Do they drink alcohol by itself, or do they commonly have it with a meal?
Valentine's Day is coming? Are there any plans for dates, romantic or platonic?
Hey Olia- are you and Ozar orphaned? You seem to be since you and him call te-osh mama or something like data
The shoebox's first mentions [ghost-thread related]
Kova is stronger than a Mlade of Mormoa. Kova is more the top kitty.
Matt, did you teach Phantasma about furries? Or did she find out that herself?
Fluffy boi___Tavo's first ask
So question, if I have a laser point and turn it on, who would chase the light? And this includes if those lions do it too.
Thace, how much do you adore alfor? I think you might be spoiling alfor in the future@
Freedom guys! What's the options on the galra? Do you hte them, want them to die? They took a lot from ye.
How many tall ladies? (Regris)
Why do you have scars on your arms?
Alfor you sure you won't wanna go back? I mean you kinda have someone or commanders kiddo on the way
So how are you going to tell Thace about the kitt? Like after you get the courage to meet him?
So how many kits do you get?
How are you going to raise the baby? Also fluffy Kova
Juniberry... It's a flower... I thought it was a fruit. I feel bamboozled
Wow. Alfor gets a nice new wardrobe... while Thace only gets jammies.
You know, Halo forms are cool. I wonder what they can and can't do with it. Could they eat and digest? Could they use their original strength in such a tiny body?
Alfor, you've done a lot of harm for thousands of years. Ya know that right?
So...Alfor, what entertainment do you have with the galra? Or what have you had with entertainment with the galra? I mean they gotta have something since Zarkon's an emperor and that.
[[[experiences__Alfor's time with the empire's fleets
Alfor, what happens when sendak comes back? Will he try and take tavo or just bring you back since your kinda zarkons trophy
Tavo is gonna be sendaks spitting imagine when he grows up. Sucks.
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goofbcll · 11 months
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Putting this au in my wishlist:
Dark Paladins au:
Summary: The paladins are captured and are forced to work for the Galra. They're all alive.
Hunk: (My muse): Hunk is the diplomat of the group and a major softy. He doesn't cause too much trouble unless The Galra pick out a planet they want quintessence from. That's when he causes issues for the team. Keith has to gently sternly tell him that he doesnt do what they say. They're all dead and the Earth too.
Pidge: CAUSES some of the problems going on and gets punished by Sendak a lot. She still serves as the technician of the group. But Hunk has to be like, "Pidge stop it." and they also have Pidge's dad so that's another way to control them.
Lance: Used to be the talkative type but then a incident with Keith happened and then he stops talking. Lance sasses Sendak in a Lance way and Sendak forced Keith to punish him.
Keith: "The Commander or Kogane" is what the rest call him instead of Shiro due to a serious of bad things he did. He "kills" Matt Holt. He did not, but the rest dont know yet. Also the Galra call him Commander because they albeit--reluctantly acknowledge his Galran roots. Also blew up Matt's rebel base but did let the rebels escape somewhere else.
Shiro: Is the official leader of Voltron because they acknowledge him as such and Shiro is the one still keeping Keith together despite what's happening. Also still calls him Keith. Though, he doesnt believe the fact that Keith killed Matt. Still think there is something more to it.
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chibi-pix · 4 years
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Cover is done!  And I’ve got some chapters already written. I’ll try to get the first uploaded soon. But until then, we’ve got this. Whew! This was fun to work on.
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discordiansamba · 9 months
but also: Shiro hitting his head on every single doorway back on Earth because he is a giant now, and he has forgotten how small everything on Earth is.
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fullyrealisedlegend · 8 years
Galra Commander!Keith AU
So I got thinking about this because of the large amount of Galra Keith art, especially ones where he’s in the uniform of Zarkon’s armies. So, take this AU idea:
(holy shit this got really really long??? put a huge chunk under the cut!!!)
Keith is half human half Galra - he hangs around in his Galra form 98% of the time
Keith is his human name - he has a Galran name as well, but he likes his human one
He’s generally smaller than most of the other Galra, with definitely more human-like features, but he’s fast and an incredibly skilled fighter so he’s proven his work and commanded a level of respect
Despite the respect, he’s still not really liked much by the other Galra
Especially the other Commanders because he’s young and not even pureblood and they’re expected to treat him like an equal???
He’s proven his loyalty to Zarkon, though, and his talent, so nobody reeeaally questions it
Keith doesn’t remember his parents, all he knows is that he’s part human - he has really vague feelings of memory of being held and playing with them, but that’s about it
He also doesn’t know what happened to them - it’s likely they were killed (unknown who by - probably zarkon) but he was very young and was picked up by other Galra after that
He doesn’t remember Earth either, but knows he lived there at one point
He’s very curious about Earth and Humans and will sneakily learn all he can about them - loves finding random shops that sell Earth things, even if he doesn’t know what most of them do
Anyway, he comes across the Paladins
Chances are basically everything else happened roughly the same and they just don’t have a Red Paladin as yet? Which means their attacks are super sneaky and stuff because they can’t form Voltron
I’m thinking something goes wrong and Lance gets captured by the Galra
He’s put under Keith’s command for detaining and interrogation and whatever - Keith’s army probably captured him in the first place, who knows
But here is a HUMAN on Keith’s ship!
Keith is obviously fascinated and really super curious
So he kind of interrogates Lance, but it’s mostly him sitting in front of Lance asking him all sorts of weird questions about Earth - oddly obscure questions that make no real sense (think how Mr. Weasley asks questions about Muggles)
The questions are like “I bought a disk that is apparently called Crash Bandicoot. What is a bandicoot? how do I use the disk? what does it do?”
Lance is, of course, incredibly angry and first, expecting to be tortured and all this and so is then really really wary thinking that Keith is trying to get info to attack Earth but literally none of it is of strategic value
also “what kind of Galra name is Keith????”
But Lance relaxes slowly and Keith provides him with a few more comforts and his soldiers don’t question because they fear and respect him and ‘surely he knows what he’s doing??’
And then Keith visits Lance one day to find him beat up and finds out that some of his soldiers tortured him to amuse themselves and wtv and he fusses over Lance and is so worried and suddenly NO ONE EXCEPT ME IS ALLOWED NEAR THE PRISONER GOT IT???
And basically Keith doesn’t really notice he’s caught Feelingstm 
Lance starts to catch on but is a good person and doesn’t want to like... abuse this power? and also he may or may not have feelings for keith too....
Eventually Keith admits that he has a human background and just really wants to know about that part of him and Lance is the first human he’s actually met
He shows Lance his human form (Lance: oh no he’s hot he was already hot)
So Lance is like: look, you’re not a bad guy. I know many humans who would welcome you. Come to our side. Let me go. Help us instead. You deserve love and family not this army bullshit.
And Keith is nervous and wary because Lance could be tricking him and he’s kind of got a good thing going here with being commander and all, but he’s lonely af and really wants to know - not to mention he realises to gain trust he must give trust, and he’s nothing if not impulsive so OKAY
Plus he wants to go with Lance
So he takes Lance and jumps on an escape pod or wtv and they start heading back to the Castle
Something definitely goes wrong - there’s a druid on his ship that takes control and decides to take him and the Blue Paladin out
Keith gets captured in order for Lance to go free and gets taken to another ship
dun dun duuuuun - THE RED LION IS ON THAT SHIP
Red Kitty likes this Keith person
Meanwhile Lance is safe back at the Castle but is fighting with everything he has to go back and rescue Keith - which is shut down by Allura because Galratm
Lance is also impulsive and a shit so he just jumps in Blue and is like “see ya, be back soon” - and Pidge & Hunk are like “....better go back him up, bye!” while Allura fumes and Shiro just shrugs and follows them
So they find the right ship and realise that not only is the Red Lion also there, but there’s a commotion going on inside
Turns out Red called out to Keith and he escaped and is trying to get to the lion
So they go in and probably Pidge stumbles across Keith first but he refuses to fight her and she realises what’s going on so she tries to get him out (for Lance) but he needs to find Red! so he runs off again
It’s communicated that he’s headed for the Red Lion - Allura is probably heaps nervous that he’s gonna steal it or something, but Lance is gonna meet him there and cover him - which he does
Except Keith gets hurt trying to protect Lance again so Red just picks them both up like ‘seriously guys??’ and flies out to the Castle (Blue follows behind happily)
While Keith is in the healing pod there’s a huge amount of arguing, mostly between Lance and Allura, cuz she still doesn’t trust him - everyone else is basically won over at this point
Then he comes out and like, clings on to Lance and looks so scared and tiny, crying on him and cowering from Allura and worried about Lance because Keith baby has been through an emotional rollercoaster and is not his usual tough, killer self, alright? also he nearly died
And Allura eventually caves, especially since Red has decided this is Her Paladin and she will have no one else
Anyway, from there it’s klance developing, along with everyone else learning him, and Allura learning to trust him, and Keith butting heads with Zarkon and the Galra because he’s a traitor to his people
But honestly, Team Voltron feels so much more like the family he never had and he can’t bear to let them down and he’s so much more loyal to them than he ever was to Zarkon
Also he probably learns that his galra parent (mum?) was part of the resistance and so Zarkon killed them and so then it’s personal
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aro-paladin-pidge · 2 years
So, yesterday (I think) I posted about some vague ideas I had for what might have happened if the Galra had found Blue pre-canon, right? So I just had an absolute brainwave last night, and now this is a full-fledged au.
A little while ago, I made this post about how bad the character motivations in Voltron were (long story short, only 1 of the 5 paladins’ motivations worked for the plot) and I’ve been contemplating ways the show writers could’ve fixed this (for Lance and Hunk in particular) for quite a while and yesterday’s post fixes goddamn everything.
So, the empire gets the Blue Lion. For plausibility’s sake, I’m going to stretch the date on this way back to ~200 years pre-canon, let’s say after World War 3 (yes World War 3 canonically happened at some point, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it line from Season 7), which could possibly be around the 2100s (no concrete dates are given, so I’m just going off what feels right). The Galra conquer Earth, have Blue for long enough that Haggar/the Druids figure out some way to measure a person’s quintessence for similarities with the Blue Lion, and this quintessence-testing process goes into effect across the universe as the Galra attempt to find a blue paladin.
Eventually, Lance is born, and when he’s 13-14 years old (my best guess for when the Garrison would start taking students, based on real-life military academies and the Season 7 Keith flashbacks) he enrolls in the Garrison, (A Galra-controlled military school in this au) and as part of his physical for entry, they take some of his quintessence, as has been standard policy for the last few decades. They run some tests on it, compare it to Blue’s, and it’s similar enough that he could be a paladin.
So, based on what Allura says in s1e1 about the Lions choosing their paladins based on personality + how Red makes Keith prove himself before choosing him, despite their assumedly compatible quintessence, it’s clear that the lions choose based on two factors: similar quintessence (which seems like the minimum requirement, they HAVE to have similar enough quintessence to make a bond possible) and personality (personal criteria, aka why they choose someone to be a paladin. If the criteria are initially met, but then the paladin changes, like with Zarkon, a Lion can revoke their bond in favor of a better suited paladin. This shit is fascinating, imma write a post on it at some point) but, all this to say that the Galra would probably take Lance to wherever they’re keeping Blue, probably in that giant Central Command ship.
Blue obviously chooses Lance as her paladin, so the Galra basically kidnap him and force him to like, fly Blue for them. Lance is a decent person, so he doesn’t want to, but since the Galra control Earth in this au, they use his family as leverage to force him to. So, for the ~3 years until canon, Lance is a paladin/prisoner of the Galra, so he gets experience as a paladin, actual information about the modern Empire, and a motivation to fight them!
On earth, things would proceed mostly as they do in canon. I’d imagine Keith would know about his Galra heritage and probably have spent some time with the Blade/his mom, but she probably would lose track of him after his dad dies, so he’d still end up with Shiro, as in canon.
Shiro would be a Galra soldier in this au, a talented graduate of the Garrison that maybe has some doubts about the Galra’s mission. He’s assigned to fly a research mission to Kerberos with some scientists (including Matt and Sam, but not just them) and while he’s there, the team comes across something they’re not supposed to, like an Altean ruin or something, idk, this part’s not completely ironed out. So the team disappears, Kerberos mission is scrapped and chalked up to pilot error, and Shiro is sent to the Gladiator pits where he learns the truth about the empire.
Pidge enlists in the Garrison late, as a communications cadet, in order to spy on the Galra and figure out what happened to their family. I’d imagine that they pretty quickly figure out just how bad the empire is after their family goes mission, so they’re a bit of an anti-imperial activist.
Hunk stays mostly the same because he’s already an excellent character that deserved so much better. He and Pidge are placed on the same team with like, James or someone as their pilot. Since James is a jerk, Hunk bonds with Pidge over their shared nerdiness, and when Pidge eventually tells him about how evil the Galra really are, he decides to work with Pidge to find their family and maybe to fight the empire.
When canon hits, the Blade has the same motivation as they do in the show-to get Blue out of the Galra’s hands. Ulaz finds Lance, and eventually convinces him to defect from the empire, promising that the Blade will get his family out of harm’s way. He stages Shiro’s escape as a cover for Lance’s defection, and implants the coordinates for the Blade’s base in Shiro’s hand, telling them to input those coordinates once they’re sure the Galra can’t track them. They both escape on the Blue Lion, but Lance doesn’t really trust these people he’s met, like, twice, so they decide to go back to earth to make sure that his family is actually safe.
On earth, things go bad, because the Blue Lion is 1. Extremely noticeable and distinctive 2. Widely known as the most powerful ship in the Galra arsenal and 3. Was just involved in a major prison breakout. Yikes. Shiro and Lance are ambushed by Galra soldiers the instant they hit ground, resulting in a very big, public battle.
Keith, who is not a weird desert hermit, as Blue is no longer calling out to him and keeping him in the middle of nowhere, sees it on, like, the news or smth, immediately recognizes Shiro, and, just like in canon, rushes in to rescue him. Pidge and Hunk, back at the Garrison, realize that that’s Shiro, who disappeared with Pidge’s family a year ago. They rush out to find him, and all of the paladins meet up in Cuba, right in time for another big battle where they learn how to work together. They manage to defeat the Galra, but more reinforcements are coming, so they decide to get the hell out of dodge and get to the Blade headquarters.
Unfortunately, the Galra send a giant fleet after them, resulting in a huge, destructive battle, and Blue is forced to flee through a wormhole, sending them to, surprise surprise, Arus. Cue the rest of the series, but with paladins who have actual motivation to form Voltron and fight the Galra, characters who have worked together before, and someone who knows how to fly the Lions.
I do have another version of this au, which I think is way more interesting, both plotwise and characterwise, but it would dramatically upend the status quo of the story, change pretty much everything about the power scaling and overall stakes of the series, so I’m not sure about it. I’ll outline it briefly here.
Basically, the Galra Empire has to have some pretty great propaganda, right? I mean, they’re an incredibly oppressive, authoritarian empire that has had absolute control over the universe for 10,000 years, there’s no way that happened without excellent propaganda. So, what if Lance, who is 13 years old and signs up to be a Galra soldier at the Garrison in this au, is actually convinced by the Galra that he’s doing something good by serving the Galra? Idk how Shiro would get out of the gladiator rings here-maybe the Blade instigates a prisoner revolt, and Ulaz recognizes Shiro as the guy who’s most likely to survive, and gives him the coordinates bc of that-but he gets back to earth, finds Keith, Pidge, Hunk, and maybe even Adam, and they get to the blade headquarters, find the Red Lion, and get to Arus from there. This would make Lance a kind of villain for the first few seasons, and make the paladins unable to form Voltron, which I think would be fascinating, but would kinda necessitate an entire rewrite. This is where the ‘No Blue AU’ name came from, since the other one does have Blue in it. Maybe I’ll call that one ‘Yes Blue AU’.
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lilflowerpot · 3 years
Thief/Bounty Hunter!Keith who manages to successfully rob Prince Lotor of something exceptionally valuable. And Lotor, well, he KNOWS that he should be insulted and mad about this - and he is - but mostly he's just ... very impressed (and possibly a little smitten).
Okay so I'm saying this takes place in a futuristic fantasy setting not unlike vld's canon, but in a universe where Zarkon never went evil: so we're talking Lotor & Allura growing up as close family friends, maybe even as the people's favourite fairytale romance because what could be more poetic than the children of Emperor Zarkon & King Alfor ending up together? And because of this (not pressure from their families, but their subjects) they were childhood sweethearts for a time, because it did make a certain sort of sense but instead,,, they fizzled out. They still adore one another, anyone could see that, but as they grew older they both realised that there was simply no deeper chemistry there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Of course, they'd never explicitly announced their relationship to the people (because they were children!! it was puppy love at its finest!!) so in that same vein, they'd never felt the need to explicitly announce that they're not together either.
Enter Keith.
In this au, the Blade of Marmora are a Robin Hood -esque group who steal from the rich and give to the needy. Now, while Zarkon tries his best to be a just and fair leader to his people, the Empire is vast and there are those who work under his command *cough*Sendak*cough* who aren't nearly so fair-minded as their Emperor, but are //very good// at quashing so much as a whisper of any such misdeeds. Keith is a righteous little bean with a strong sense of justice, who aims to both reveal Sendak's true colours (if only he can gather enough evidence) while making a point of being a particular thorn in the Commander's side the entire damn time. So when there's a fancy ball in honour of the Voltron Alliance, and Sendak manages to wrangle himself an invitation... Keith -ever the commander's personal poltergeist- follows.
His aim is to learn how deeply entrenched the Imperial family are with the Empire's rotten underground, and maybe humiliate Sendak on the side (as a treat to himself). His aim is not to be caught sneaking around by the galra prince who, far from calling the guards, seems content to... flirt with him? Keith certain it's a trick or a trap or- or something, because that smile is far too good to be true and everyone knows the prince has been deeply enamoured with the altean princess since childhood and-
Unless that's it.
Perhaps it's not the Emperor at all, but his son who's in Sendak's pocket, or perhaps even the other way around? Perhaps princess Allura is a means to an end, or perhaps she's in on it too, perhaps the Voltron Alliance is set to crumble from the inside out, perhaps perhaps perhaps-
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shinyorangemushroom · 3 years
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Finally decided to color this older artwork. AU of Galra Keith and silver fox Shiro with some alternative style.
Maybe Shiro grew tired of retirement and decide to go back to space. Keith had been spending so much time with the Blade and with other Galra that he’d began to physically show attributes. Kolivan and Krolia were beyond proud of him, but also both knew he was lonely. He’d spent so much time off planet after Shiro’s wedding they’d easily understood Keith was battling with unrequited feelings. It wasn’t until Lance conned everyone into a space vacation together that Shiro saw how much Keith had grown like Krolia in the years he’d missed. In turn Keith had been floored seeing the new adornments to Shiro’s body. It was like falling in love all over again. And to his utter surprise Shiro was not married anymore. He was out of retirement and back to commanding Atlas and missing Keith more than ever. Their first of many kisses came on the training room floor, tired out by sparring and quiet revelations.
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sage-nebula · 3 years
how about lotor trolling kolivan lol?
Okay, so I'm pretty sure the idea for this one originated between @severalbakuras and I, but I can't remember exactly what spawned it. Like we were shitposting (as much as one can shitpost in a conversation lol), but I don't remember exactly how we got around to this idea. But essentially, this takes place in my Dual Blades AU wherein Lotor joined the Blade of Marmora after season four, and grows closer to Keith (much to Kolivan's dismay). SB and I came up with the idea that as much history as there is in the Galra Empire, there are probably stories about the different generals and commanders and other prominent figureheads in the war. Couple that with the fact that several of the Galra are hundreds (thousands?? it's been a long time I can't remember) of years old, and stories can turn into rumors, which can then turn into . . .
“Is it true that you and Commander Sendak were lovers?”
The tick the word ‘lovers’ left Prince Lotor’s mouth, Keith choked on the pechaya juice he had been drinking. The drink spilled down the front of his Marmora uniform as he hacked and coughed, gasping even as he tried to wipe the spilled juice off his mouth with his sleeve to hide what had happened. Kolivan watched Keith struggle to regain control of his breathing for a tick before he fixed Prince Lotor with a flat stare and said, “If he dies from this, I am holding you responsible.”
Prince Lotor did not break eye contact, but he did reach over to pat Keith on the back a few times. “Well?”
“'Well,' what?”
“I know you heard my question the first time,” Prince Lotor said, but before Kolivan could refute or counter, repeated, “Is it true that you and Commander Sendak are former lovers?”
“W-What,” Keith rasped, as his choking fit finally subsided. He shrugged Prince Lotor’s hand off his back, and fixed Kolivan with a wide-eyed stare that suggested he had never seen Kolivan prior to that moment. That look was all Kolivan needed to know that, as much as part of him was tempted to not dignify Prince Lotor with a response, he needed to shut down this nonsense sooner rather than later.
“No,” Kolivan said flatly.
Keith appeared to have not heard him. “You and Sendak?”
“Did Antok know?”
“Antok knew about my history with Commander Sendak, but he also knew that it was not romantic in nature,” Kolivan ground out, but paused as the ramifications of what Keith had said clicked in his mind. He narrowed his eyes. “How did you know to ask about Antok?”
“Torvik told me,” Keith said, and then—perhaps realizing that Torvik could perhaps find herself in trouble for her gossiping—cast his eyes about the room and added casually, “I think. Not sure, though. Might’ve been someone else.”
“I highly doubt that,” Kolivan said dryly. The corners of Keith’s lips twitched.
“Who is Antok?” Prince Lotor asked, and he leaned forward a bit, curious. Kolivan opened his mouth to change the subject and deny Prince Lotor the information that he would no doubt somehow use to his advantage, but before he could, Keith beat him to the punch in responding.
“He was one of us—a member of the Blade,” Keith said. “He died a few months ago. Haggar killed him.”
“Oh.” Before, Prince Lotor’s eyes had been alight in mirth as he perpetuated the nonsense he had stirred up. But the light in them dimmed now, his expression falling in what Kolivan thought might have been the sincerest frown he had seen from him yet. Prince Lotor looked back to meet Kolivan’s eyes, and inclined his head. “I am deeply sorry for your loss, Kolivan. The witch has a tendency to take the best and brightest from us.”
Kolivan inclined his head in turn. “Yes. She does.”
They sat in silence for only a few ticks before Prince Lotor said, “That aside . . . on the matter of your affair with Commander Sendak—”
“There was no affair between myself and Commander Sendak,” Kolivan snapped. Once again Keith was staring at him with wide eyes, though every now and then his eyes darted to Prince Lotor. No doubt if Kolivan didn’t answer the questions Prince Lotor had planted in his mind, Prince Lotor himself would. Damn it all to the ancients.
“That is not what the stories say,” Prince Lotor said, a devilish smirk once again unfurling on his lips, “and I assure you there are quite a lot of them. Historic accounts and dramas aside, the story of your relationship with Commander Sendak is one that has captured the imaginations of many across the galaxy. One of my former generals, Ezor, used to partake in no small amount of fiction featuring the two of you. If I’m not mistaken, she even wrote a popular one herself.”
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bladedalchemistreplica · 11 months
Rp whishlist for cyber ghost scout
Well here we come and here we go!!!
RP Wishlist for the Cyber ghosty!
((In pinpoints to keep myself from going offtrack to much ^^""
For the main thread
Regris ends up being seperated from the group and Kolivan (With delta and alfor) goes after to save the youngest blade. This leads them to a planet that was thought to have been destroyed during the Galra empire's destruction in that corner of the universe.
Ozar is given some new limbs by the alteans and has to as well face the judgement of Flow's family unit (maybe not ghosty for his sake) once they all reunite.
((Fluff and if it happens)) On Olkarion the group settles in and helps flow move into her new space, Romelle choosing to stay back and help her with daily tasks and handling the upcoming situation with the baby. As well as helping those just arriving to the refuge settling in.
((Crack/Fluff) The giant lions reflect their paladin's moods and state, so when Keith falls ill the bots may have to step up and ensure the Red/black lion doesn't end up destroying anything or one as he recovers, as well as possibly babysit the oversized lionesses and keep her on olkarion while Keith is MIA.
Axca enters the scene after finding the energy signal that matches the bots, entering and infiltrating Olkarion, she ends up stuck in the middle of helping Romelle and Flow, before ending up in the hands of a grubby Phantasmas and her giant crab. ((Crack-Obviously)
((Angst)) Alfor isn't feeling well and some faces come back from the grave which tests the waters of the cloned maned trust and honesty among both blades, fighters, and the bots.
((Crack)) The bots get sick and the freedom fighters (And keith) have to watch over them until they get better for their sake of sanity. Including attempting to feed the cursed creature of unicron
((Cybertronians)) Somehow they ended up on Cybertron, and now they want to go home...but cannot, due to the fact they are now...attractions inside a space zoo.
((fluff)) A mission to find supplies for their next operation leads the group into a rather peaceful, if not stressful, mission into the depths of what civilians enjoy and call---A mall.
Colored tails ((MERMAID AU)) __The fight against the Galra has led the underwater cities and kingdoms into pure chaos, the land dwellers none the wiser to the upcoming threat of the empire's reign and search for a tool; one of which can both summon creatures which can be controlled to the users will, and as well control the waters way of movement and expendenture.
We can be heroes ((superhero au)) The Red Paladin keith is one of the first to arrive at the sight of a crashed ship, upon entering he enoughters the bodies of gigantic humanoid robotic beings, to which he is now debating on either aiding to escape before the government arrives, or keeping down until they arrive to take care of them.
Can we start over? ((Pre-voltron)) King Alfor comes across an incredible sight; one of which holds the inspiration for how he will deal with a comet which had just landed on Daibazzals planet.
Vrepid Sa ((Galra reign AU)) With Votlron now in the Galra's grasp, it is now known to be feared and obeyed, but that may change when a group of humanoid robotic beings appear overnight, sparking a change in a galra commander eyes.
A preservation of life ((Altean empire AU)) The bots end up in a universe in which the alteans took charge, taken in by then once seen as a nonthreat, they are given the option of aiding them or becoming part of the empire themselves. Going out and being shown around Altea by their guide named Axca, a lowly Half-breed of galra and altean, who ends up giving her aid in getting them out of there before things turn for the worst.
((haha- just a few ideas...I hope i did these right. Forgive me if i have not!
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