#gallifreyan history
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How bad did things even get during the Time War anyway?
How bad was the Time War?
The Last Great Time War was a complete breakdown of cause and effect, logic, and everything that made the universe vaguely comprehensible. It lasted 400 years linearly, but in reality, it was an eternal, ever-shifting conflict fought across countless time periods and alternate timelines. By the time it ended (sort of), even the concept of victory had stopped making sense.
🌀 The War Broke Time Itself
⏳ Time was rewritten constantly. Battles weren't just fought in space—they were fought across entire timelines. Victory could be erased retroactively, and some battles lasted for centuries in one version of history, seconds in another, and never even started in a third.
🧬 Entire species were unmade, then remade, then unmade again. Some were wiped out so thoroughly that no one even remembered they had ever existed. The Daleks seeded themselves throughout different epochs to ensure their survival in multiple timelines.
📖 History itself became a battlefield. Some battles ended before they began, and some never ended at all. Some were fought, won, and then rewritten so that the losers always won instead.
🧠 Conceptual warfare existed. Imagine an army that only exists if enough people believe in it. Imagine ideas being used as weapons, timelines unravelling into paradox knots, and reality breaking under strain.
💀 Millions were killed and brought back to life every second. Time Lords and Daleks alike resurrected their own forces on an industrial scale—a never-ending cycle of death and rebirth, ensuring the war never ran out of soldiers.
💀 Unthinkable Casualties
🔥 Planets were burned from time. Not just destroyed—erased. No ruins, no survivors, no memory they had ever existed.
🌌 Entire galaxies were reduced to cinders. Some were aged into dust in seconds. Others were trapped in permanent time loops, reliving the same devastation forever. Some were sealed in paradox bubbles, their populations stuck in an infinite moment of destruction.
👥 Whole civilisations were conscripted, wiped out, or worse. The Time Lords and Daleks weren't the only players—countless other species were caught in the crossfire. Some were recruited without their knowledge, and entire populations were twisted into warriors who never knew they had fought.
🚀 Refugees couldn't run. Because the war wasn't just happening everywhere; it was happening everywhen. Some tried to escape into the past, only to find it had already been rewritten. Others fled into the future, only to arrive at their own extinction.
🌠 Species were erased just to remove them as a strategic variable. The people of Ysalus were completely wiped from history, while others were forcibly rewritten into weapons of war.
🔬 The Weapons Were Insane
💀 The Time Lords built weapons that erased you from history before you were even born. Some of them removed individuals so thoroughly that even the concept of them ceased to exist.
🌪️The Daleks created time winds that could strip you down to raw possibility. They could reduce a being to nothing but potential energy, scattering them across history as stray thoughts and fragmented echoes.
🛡️ There were living weapons that thought and felt, cities that consumed invaders, and paradox bombs that collapsed entire timelines. Some planets developed sentience mid-battle and chose to self-destruct rather than be conquered.
👁️ The Nightmare Child, the Army of Meanwhiles and Neverweres, the Could-Have-Been King…
🧩 The Time Lords created battle TARDISes that were piloted by soldiers who could be resurrected indefinitely. The War Council threw entire fleets of Time Lords into battle, knowing they could die, be revived, and die again.
👑 And the Time Lords Became Morally Dubious
⚖️ Gallifrey abandoned every principle it stood for. The Laws of Time? Gone. Ethics? Forgotten. Anything was permitted in the name of survival.
🎭 The High Council became so desperate that they tried to destroy all of reality just to win. In the end, the only way they saw to "defeat" the Daleks was to end the entire universe.
☠️ The Time Lords nearly became as bad as the Daleks. Some would say they were worse.
👑 Rassilon returned, and his idea of victory was ending the entire universe. He saw Gallifrey's survival as the only thing that mattered. If everything else had to burn, so be it.
🧩 Entire divisions of Time Lords went rogue, forming resistance movements against their own leaders. The War Master, the Barber-Surgeon, and Morbius all saw the war as an opportunity to further their own agendas.
🏫 So ...
It wasn't just a war. It was the apocalypse, written and rewritten over and over again, until the only solution left was to burn it all down. And even that didn't quite work.
💬|⚔️⌛How did the Time War start?: The complicated origins of the Time War.
💬|⚔️🔒How does the Time War time lock work?: The extent of the time lock and its current status.
📺|⚔️🪖The Could’ve Been King with his army of … etc.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any orange text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →📢Announcements |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts → Features: ⭐Guest Posts | 🍜Chomp Chomp with Myishu →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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heimeldat · 1 year ago
I was doing really well not starting any new fics. Ah, well... apparently I'm now writing a story from the perspectives of the Other and Tecteun, trying to flesh out my headcanon where the Timeless Child is an eldritch Dark Times monstrosity that Tecteun captures and forces into humanoid form. Problem: (not really a problem at all) I have to reread Time's Crucible before I can figure out all the details.
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truebluewhocanoe · 1 year ago
Fuck it, Genesis of the Sontarans, I want to see when the Sontarans became a clone race, and what their pre-cloning society was like
Enough with Earth historical episodes. I want other planets historical episodes, especially Gallifrey.
For example, the Doctor being there when the Pythia casts The Curse of Pythia or meeting young Rassilon and Omega. Lots to explore here.
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lerios · 2 months ago
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the-worms-in-your-bones · 1 year ago
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paul mcgann eats a rat .mp3 in circular gallifreyan
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innocet · 11 months ago
I don’t think they have even the concept of fiction on gallifrey. I think all narrative is history to them
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corallapis · 1 year ago
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rearranging-deck-chairs · 1 year ago
only good thing abt the vous situation is that it lets me experience tecteun calling 13 the child that im 100% convinced she actually would bc shes the only one who uses tu for her
#what language do you think theyre actually speaking#bc like on top of all the other um disconcerting stuff abt the whole situation on that spaceship for 13#iamgine walking into that tree room and refinding that woman there and then she starts talking to you in like. this ancient gallifreyan#like old high gallifreyan hours#a language you only kinda learnt at school a couple millennia ago#im a big believer of the doctor and the master speaking gallifreyan when theyre alone i have fun with that in fic#(i dont think they speak entirely the same native language i think gallifryan is a diglossia but not the point)#but neither of them Speak old high like thats a dead language#i think 13 would drop into gallifreyan after opening in english#'hello im the doctor' in you know good old sheffield english#and then tecteun responds with 'i know' but in like....fucking latin#latin is probably not the best analogy but i dont know the history of english#old english i gues but we dont really learn that in school#anyway imagine how disconcerting#and i imagine she'd switch to gallifreyan sure but like. her modern mountain gallifreyan from lungbarrow right?#that vs tecteuns fucking classical dead textbook gallifreyan#or thats how it would feel to the doctor bc tecteun is pre-timelord. this is just her language#or....her language would be what would later become old high#so maybe she speaks to her Child as she used to actual eons ago#and to the doctor the closest this sounds like is old high gallifreyan bc she doesnt remember this language any more than tecteuns eyes#it's close-enough-sorta-dead-gallifreyan-???#so she switches to the closest shes got. which is just. lungbarrowian#tecteun trying to rewrite history and the doctor not-entirely-on-purpose re-establishing the one she has/knows/remembers#holding on to her actual history#which tecteun tries to rewrite/unwrite/dig out from under known history with this old old gallifreyan#anyway. more language thoughts of this evening
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pl9090 · 2 years ago
[Personal headcanon] Gallifreyan
Disclaimer: As the title says this is just how I think of and use what I consider to be the main fan created Gallifreyan font/languages. This is not me attempting impose it on everyone else as a definitive organisation just as reference for my work following this to avoid confusion.
Old High Gallifreyan: https://fontstruct.com/fontstructions/show/666099/archaic_gallifreyan
Modern Linear Gallifreyan: https://fontstruct.com/fontstructions/show/657463/assassin_s_gallifreyan
Timelord Circular/History coding: (Doctor's Cot) http://doctorscotgallifreyan.com/
Faction Paradox Circular/alt time coding: (Shermans) https://shermansplanet.com/gallifreyan/
Faction Paradox Circular/alt time coding is used by sme renegades as an act of defience hence the Doctor's ocassional onscreen use of it. It's like an Eton alumni, "rebelling" purposely using americanisms in an Austrailian accent. instead of the proper English language in a London accent as taught: Paradox/Rebel Circular Gallifreyan.
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nocaffeineforlevi · 1 year ago
Got my Zine!
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So excited to read this, I got the stickers and bookmark as well but they're not in the photo.
As a side note that's just something I find amusing, I either managed to lose the extra sticker on the packaging, or Customs stole it. I like to imagine it's the latter, even if its probably the former. To the hypothetical person in customs: hope you're enjoying the thoschei sticker
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How did the Time War start?
How did the Time War start?
Now there is a hot-diggity question, and you won't be surprised to learn it's complicated. The Last Great Time War didn't just start—it brewed, simmered, and exploded.
🔮 A War Foretold
The Time Lords knew a Time War was coming long before it actually began. Legends, prophecies, and ominous stories circulated for centuries. Most dismissed the idea as impossible. After all, meddling in the affairs of other species? Surely not!
Except ... that's exactly what they did.
⚡ The Catalyst: The Doctor and Skaro
The Time Lords foresaw a future where the Daleks would dominate the universe, so they decided to act. They sent the Fourth Doctor to Skaro during the Daleks' creation with three specific objectives:
Prevent the Daleks' creation (if possible).
Alter their development to make them less aggressive.
Discover a weakness to exploit in the future.
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But the Doctor, being the Doctor, hesitated when faced with the chance to destroy the Daleks entirely. This act of compassion—or maybe indecision—was viewed by the Daleks as a pre-emptive strike by the Time Lords.
🔥 Escalations Over Time
The tension only grew from there. The Daleks attempted retaliation in increasingly ambitious ways:
Sending a duplicate Doctor to assassinate the High Council (spoiler: it failed).
Davros using the Hand of Omega to gain mastery over time—only for the Seventh Doctor to trick him into destroying Skaro instead. (Davros was not amused.)
Attempts at diplomacy didn't fare much better. Peace talks didn't work. The final breaking point was when the Dalek invaded Gallifrey during the Etra Prime Incident, which shattered any remaining chance of peace.
🎇 The Unavoidable Beginning (Or middle? End?)
By the time the first official shots of the Time War were fired, both sides had been poking each other for centuries. The Time Lords began forming the War Council and resurrecting Rassilon, while the Daleks isolated Gallifrey by attacking its allies and forming the Cult of Skaro.
🏫 So ...
The Last Great Time War didn't begin with a single moment—it was a cascade of events, misunderstandings, and deliberate acts of aggression that lasted millennia.
If you ask the Daleks, it started with the Time Lords meddling in their creation.
If you ask the Time Lords, it started with the Daleks' endless quest for domination.
And if you ask the Doctor, they'll probably just mutter something about having the right, sigh deeply, and stare into the middle distance for an uncomfortably long time.
💬|⚔️🔒How does the Time War time lock work?: The extent of the time lock and its current status.
🤔|⚔️🧬Could post-War Time Lords have biological hangups from the conflict?
📺|⚔️🪖The Could’ve Been King with his army of … etc.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any orange text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →📢Announcements |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts → Features: ⭐Guest Posts | 🍜Chomp Chomp with Myishu →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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Yes!! In-universe academia/essays are one of my favorite things to read but not my thing to write, so there should definitely be more in the universe
If you want to write stories and you feel like you're not managing to write the way you want to, maybe you haven’t found your medium yet.
I’m not talking about making money, I’m not talking about getting some agent or publisher to see money in your work. I’m talking about you, writing what you want to write.
I love writing. I do not love writing novels. They hurt me, physically. I have been so much happier since I stopped trying to force myself to write novels and disappeared into my flash fiction and short stories.
Maybe novels aren’t your thing either. And maybe short stories aren’t! Maybe your words want to be poured into poems, or songs, or TTRPG campaings, or drabbles, or podcasts, or anecdotes, or (screen)plays, or something else entirely!
There are so many ways to be a writer, and even more to be a storyteller. You don’t have to let yourself be bullied by a medium that does not suit your creativity.
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intuitive-revelations · 4 months ago
Headcanon: one of the reasons why Gallifreyan is a) so complex, and b) so inconsistent, is because it's less one language and more a complex mishmash of thousands of languages and dialects.
Think about how one of the reasons English can be complex to learn is because of the mix of Germanic and romance language roots, and now take it up to 11.
While one might expect Gallifrey to be monolingual, given its age and class structure, this probably isn't technically the case. After all, why limit your culture to one language when the average citizen is effectively panlingual (to the point that TARDIS translation circuits are actually dependent on their pilots' knowledge, rather than the other way round)?
Thus, if there once were distinct languages on Gallifrey, they probably have all been merged at this point into modern Gallifrey's super-Esperanto. Add in loan words from notable civilisations across all of spacetime (but likely primarily from Gallifreyan colonies and allies like Dronid, Minyos, Cartego etc.), and it quickly becomes quite unwieldy.
It's also likely that there's a lot of overlap between these sub-languages, which can make distinguishing meaning hard to an outsider. Gallifreyans likely get around this courtesy of their telepathic connections.
TBH, given Time Lord sensibilities, it's likely that every single word variation has its own delicate meanings, derived not just from their societal uses but also from the etymology and history of each one. Canonically (though I don't have a source) we know that there are 30 different words meaning "culture shock", for example, which likely have very minor distinctions in meaning. We also know, unsurprisingly, that there's at least 208 tenses to help in describing time travel.
As an example - imagine being a Sunari ambassador at an embassy gathering and accidentally offending every Time Lord in the room because you accidentally used a definite article derived from the memeovored Old High Tersuran colony dialect, now considered low-brow by association with modern Tersuran, when you intended to use a nearly identical form of the word originating from the Founding Conflict, a triumphant post-Rassilonian intervention, distinguished by a near-imperceptible glottal stop.
It's likely that some of these Gallifreyan sub-languages/dialects may still be spoken with increased frequency under certain conditions, such as in one's own House or when visiting other city complexes. We know, for example, that Arcadia seems to be associated with a "Northern English" accent (which Nine picked up subconsciously post-regeneration, with the Fall of Arcadia being one of the last things the War Doctor remembered before DOTD's multi-Doctor event - hence "lots of planets have a north") when translated, which may indicate some dialect differences in the original language. I suspect there is a societal expectation for Gallifreyans to code-switch depending on the situation, with Citadel business generally expecting the Gallifreyan equivalent of RP, though it's relatively common for Time Lords less concerned with respectability and politicking to not comply.
One nice benefit of all this complexity, and the reason I made this post, is that there's a good argument to be made that every fan attempt to construct a Gallifreyan language can be 'canon', contradictions and all.
Greencook Gallifreyan? A formal evolution of Pythian prophecy scripture into the post-Intuitive Revelation era (based on its similarities with the Visionary's scrawling in The End of Time).
Sherman Gallifreyan? A modern katakana-like phonetic alphabet for the rapid-onslaught of new loan words following President Romana's open academy policies. Recently adopted by the Fifteenth Doctor for writing human proverbs.
Teegarden Gallifreyan? An archaic but recognisable near-Capitolian dialect from the Prydonian mountains, once spoken by Oldblood houses like Lungbarrow and Blyledge.
Or, in a nutshell, the state of Gallifreyan conlangs (and maybe in-universe Gallifreyan dialects):
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I guess the dream project would be to accept the complexity and create some sort of grand modular "meta-Gallifreyan" conlang, merging as many fan interpretations as possible with their own distinctions and overlaps, that can continue to be updated as new ideas come up and new stories are released...
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the-worms-in-your-bones · 6 months ago
Thinking about how we see time lords using food machines or those nutrition pill things and the implication that they don’t really cook because of this, but then we also get references to an old family recipe from Romana’s house and see that lungbarrow has a kitchen and I can’t stop thinking about that, gallifreyan culture clearly involved food at some point but that gets lost to an extent over time, but the houses seem to retain some of this
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fanfics4all · 1 day ago
Opposites Attract
Request: Yes / No  First ask :3 could you pretty please with a cherry on top write a Spencer Reid x goth!reader!! I would love that so much, btw it can be sfw or nsfw which ever you choose, but I would love some smut @alexumlol
Don’t be shy, request things! <3 Have a nice day/night
Spencer Reid x Fem!Goth!Reader 
Word count: 1957
Warnings: SMUT!!
Y/N: Your Name 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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*Spencer’s POV*
Y/N and I have been together for a year now, and in that time, I’d come to love everything about her. From her dramatic, all-black wardrobe to the way she could recite Edgar Allan Poe by heart, she was unlike anyone I’d ever met. But tonight was a big step… introducing her to my team, my family. 
I was aware they might be surprised. Okay, very surprised. As we walked into the bar, hand in hand, conversations at the team’s table came to a halt. Morgan raised an eyebrow, JJ blinked in surprise, and Emily smirked as she took a sip of her drink. Garcia, ever the most dramatic, gasped and clutched her chest. 
“Uh… Pretty Boy, I have so many questions.” Morgan said, eyes flicking between my sweater-vest-clad self and Y/N, who was dressed in a lace corset, platform boots, and enough silver jewelry to set off airport security. Y/N just smirked and slid into the seat beside me, draping a possessive hand over my knee. 
“Ask away.” She said, voice smooth with amusement. 
“How- where- how did this happen?” Garcia demanded. “You’re like… the cutest nerd in existence, and Y/N looks like she’d hex me if I said something dumb.” 
I adjusted my scarf, a tiny smile forming. “Actually, we met at a Doctor Who convention.” 
“You’re joking.” Emily deadpanned. 
Y/N grinned. “Nope. I was in a full Cyberman cosplay, and Spencer here was in a Fourth Doctor scarf, quoting obscure Gallifreyan history. It was adorable.” 
Morgan burst out laughing. “So, you’re a secret nerd?” 
“A proud one.” Y/N corrected. “I just happen to also like bats, eyeliner, and Victorian mourning fashion.” 
JJ shook her head in disbelief but smiled. “You two are actually kind of perfect.” 
I turned to Y/N, eyes soft with affection. “Told you they’d like you.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” She teased, stealing a sip of her drink. “Now, which of you and I beating at pub trivia tonight?” 
Emily grinned. “Oh, you’re so on.” 
As the night went on, the team got to know Y/N better, and, much to their surprise, they actually liked her. At first, the contrast between us was all they could focus on. Morgan kept giving me these looks like he was trying to figure out how I had managed to pull someone like Y/N. While Garcia kept dramatically sighing about how we were the ultimate opposites attract trope in real life. But as the conversation flowed, the teasing lessened, and they started seeing what I had known for a long time, Y/N was incredible. She bantered effortlessly with Morgan, giving back as good as she got. 
“You may be a genius, but I know Reid here can’t win a fight. So tell me, Y/N, if something goes down, are you the muscle in this relationship?” 
Y/N smirked, sipping her drink. “Absolutely. I may or may not have threatened a guy at a concert once when he shoved Spence.” 
JJ nearly choked on her beer. “Wait, what?” 
I sighed. “It was an unnecessary escalation.” 
“He pushed you.” Y/N argued, crossing her arms. “And you just apologized.” 
Morgan laughed. “Oh, that’s hilarious.” 
Garcia, already a few drinks in herself, grinned at Y/N. “You are so chaotic, I love it.” 
The night continued with stories and trivia battles, Y/N and I took on Emily and Morgan and won by a landslide. Y/N was particularly proud of getting a question right about 18th-century burial rites. And as the drinks flowed, so did Y/N’s affection. 
Normally, she wasn’t shy about PDA, but she at least kept it at a respectable level in public. However, as she got tipsier, her touches became more frequent, her fingers tracing patterns on my arm, leaning into me more, and resting her head on my shoulder while laughing at Morgan’s jokes. Then she started pressing kisses to my cheek between conversations, sometimes just because she felt like it. 
“You okay over there, Pretty Boy?” Morgan asked, smirking at me. 
I cleared my throat, shifting slightly in my seat. “I’m fine.” 
Y/N, completely unbothered, draped an arm around me and pressed a lingering kiss to my temple. “You’re so cute when you get flustered.” She murmured. 
Garcia squealed. “This is adorable! You’re so affectionate!” 
“I just really love my boyfriend.” Y/N said, nuzzling against my shoulder. 
I exhaled, accepting my fate as Morgan and Emily tried, and failed, to hide their laughter. If it made her happy, I could handle a little embarrassment. 
JJ leaned in, smirking. “So, is this a common occurrence?” 
I gave a resigned nod. “It gets worse when she’s been drinking.” 
Y/N gasped in mock offense. “Excuse me? I am always the perfect amount of affectionate!” 
“You licked my face once.” I reminded her. Morgan nearly fell out of his chair laughing. 
“Okay, that was one time.” Y/N huffed, but the way she was grinning told me she wasn’t actually sorry. 
I sighed, but despite my mild discomfort, I couldn’t help but smile. She was happy, and that was all that mattered. 
As the night wore on, Y/N decided to have one more drink, which I quickly realized was one drink too many. She giggled more freely, her fingers lazily tracing circles on my knee, her lips occasionally pressing featherlight kisses to my cheek, jaw, and once, my ear. I swallowed hard, trying to keep my composure, but the team- particularly Morgan and Garcia- was having far too much fun watching me squirm. 
When she finished the drink, I gently took the glass from her and set it down. 
“Okay, I think it’s time we get you home.” 
Y/N pouted, her bottom lip jutting out in a way that I knew she thought she was going to convince me otherwise. “But I’m having fun, Spence. And they like me.” 
Morgan chuckled. “We do like you. A lot.” 
JJ nodded. “Yeah, you’re a great addition to the group. You definitely need to come around more.” 
“I second that!” Garcia announced. “We need more goth energy in our lives!” 
I sighed, knowing that my team had just given Y/N more ammunition to try and stay. 
“See? They want me here.” She beamed, wrapping both arms around me in an exaggerated hug. “Let’s stay just a little longer.” 
I rubbed small circles on her back, my voice gentle but firm. “We’ll see them another time, I promise.” 
Y/N huffed, her grip tightening for a second before she relented. “Fiiiiine…” She leaned back and pointed at the team. “But you guys better invite me next time.” 
Emily smirked. “Oh, don’t worry, you’re officially one of us now.” 
“Welcome to the family, Y/N.” Morgan added with a wink. 
With the team’s farewells and promises to meet again soon, I guided Y/N toward the exit. The moment we stepped outside into the crisp night air, he latched onto my arm, her body pressing close as she sighed dramatically. 
“You’re so bossy, Doctor Reid.” 
I arched my brow as I led her toward the car. “Am I?” 
“Mhm.” She hummed, leaning in close. “And it’s really, really attractive.” 
I inhaled sharply, suddenly hyperaware of how close she was. Y/N could be flirtatious sober, but when she’d been drinking, she was downright shameless. Once we got into the car, she turned toward me, her dark eyes heavy with something very suggestive. 
“You know…” She purred, dragging her fingers along my arm. 
“We don’t have to go straight home.” 
I cleared my throat, gripping the steering wheel a little tighter. “I think we do.” 
Y/N pouted again, but this time, her expression had a mischievous glint. 
“Spencer.” She murmured, drawing my name out like a lure. Her hand trailed over my thigh, and I stiffened, shooting her a very pointed look. 
“Y/N.” My voice came out more strained than I intended. 
She giggled, clearly pleased with herself. “Fine, fine, straight home.” She leaned back against the seat, smirking. “For now.” 
I exhaled, shaking my head as I started the car. This was going to be a very interesting ride home. 
As I merged onto the highway, Y/N’s hand started to wander, her fingers tracing teasing patterns on my inner thigh. I swallowed hard, trying to keep my focus on the road ahead. 
“Y/N.” I warned, my voice strained. “What are you doing?” 
She giggled, the sound sending a shiver down my spine. “Oh, just admiring my boyfriend.” She purred, her hand inching higher. 
I gripped the steering wheel tighter, my knuckles turning white. It was getting harder to concentrate with her touching me like this. 
“Spencer…” She murmured, leaning in close to press a hot kiss to my neck. 
“I want you.” 
I groaned, my foot pressing down harder on the accelerator. “Y/N, we can’t. Not while I’m driving.” 
She chuckled low in her throat, her hand cupping the growing bulge in my pants. 
“You let me worry about that, baby.” 
Before I could protest further, she had my zipper down and my cock out, stroking it slowly with her cool fingers. I gasped, my hips jerking up involuntarily. 
“Fuck, Y/N.” I groaned, my eyes darting between the road and her dark gaze in the rearview mirror. 
She smirked, licking her lips as she leaned down and took me into her hot mouth. I cried out, my head falling back against the headrest as she began to suck, her tongue swirling around the sensitive head of my cock. 
“Jesus Christ.” I panted, one hand coming down to tangle in her hair.
“You’re going to make me crash.” 
She pulled off just long enough to grin up at me wickedly. “Then I guess you better keep your eyes on the road, huh?” 
With that, she took me deep into her throat, humming around my length. The vibrations sent shockwaves of pleasure through my body, and I had to fight to keep my eyes open and focused on the road ahead. 
“I can’t believe you’re doing this.” I gasped, my hips starting to thrust shallowly into her mouth. 
Y/N just moaned in response, taking me deeper, her throat constricting around my sensitive flesh. I could feel my orgasm building fast, the sight of her head bobbing in my lap combined with the sensation of her mouth too much to handle. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” I warned, my fingers tightening in her hair. 
She didn’t pull away, instead doubling her efforts, sucking harder and faster. With a loud groan, I came hard, spilling my release down her throat. She swallowed it all, licking me clean before sitting back with a satisfied smirk. 
“Jesus, Y/N…” I panted, trying to catch my breath. “That was… incredible.” 
She giggled, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “I aim to please, Doctor Reid.” 
I shook my head in awe of the woman beside me. She was insatiable, unpredictable, and utterly perfect. And she was all mine. As we pulled up to my apartment building, I turned to look at her, a soft smile on my face. 
“You’re amazing, you know that?” 
She reached over to cup my cheek, her eyes shining with love and affection. 
“No, Spence. You’re amazing for putting up with me, for loving me even when I’m being a brat. You’re my rock.” 
I captured her hand, pressing a kiss to her palm. “I love you too, Y/N. No matter what, I’ll always be here for you.” 
Hand in hand, we walked inside, ready to face whatever the night might bring. With Y/N by my side, I knew life would always be an adventure. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @madammarvellous-blog1 @pettyjayy @bruisedfists-and-splitlips @answer-the-sirens @andreasworlsboring101 @reidssmile @currentfangirl-futuremedexaminer @mggstyles @satans-0-spawn @emofairygay @thesoftestwarlock @liz-owl @dracoswhvre​
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bagels-n-shmaegels · 3 months ago
they got technology for building custom-made stars to use as an unlimited energy source AND it comes in the form of a semi-sentient box?? like the hand of omega??? you know what that means. thats right baby series 14 full feature-length Lungbarrow adaptation
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