#galaxy brain moment tbh
Hey if combo moves were a thing in demon slayer would uzui and shinobu's combo move be called
Caterpillar Rave
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hotcinnamonsunset · 1 year
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fresh picked🍓
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kanene-yaaay · 2 years
So I got tickled dfghjhgfghj never give up from your dreams I guess SDFGHJ. Okay okay, lemme give you some context: just like the universe intended when it gave me all the opportunities to be a AGENT OF CHAOS and a proud GREMLIN I was hiding away my friend’s car key and using his distraction as he looked for his keys to hide eve more of his stuff (friendship <3) but the thing is, a few months ago, that human discovered that I was ticklish so rip me and my entire bloodline I guess because he keeps looking for opportunities to, ya know, ATTACK ME with one or two pokes but until that point he never took it farther than that. So. He already knew where this was going, you already know where this is going, I somehow DIDN’T HAVE A SINGLE IDEA of where this was going because the moment he realized that my overalls had pockets perfect for hiding stuff and I was refusing to take my hand out of one of them he began tickling my sides until I - in my dying breath, my last moments, with the last drop of coordination in my body - decided to give him his keys back so FGHJKJHGGHJK
 I lasted like 10 seconds like COME ON KANENE PULL IT TOGETHER MAH GURL
 Anyways I also discovered that I actually have TWO responses to being unfairly attacked with wiggly fingers and it’s pretending that nothing is happening while gradually getting more and more giggly and to try to become a ball which yeah it’s just as unsuccessful as fics describes so. there’s that.
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bigbrotherkillsme · 2 years
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critterbitter · 8 months
I finally got all my brain ducks into enough of a row to send this! I just wanted to say that Tumblr recommended your art to me on a whim, and I am actually OBSESSED now lol. I had no prior investment in Submas or anything tangentially related to it prior to this (aside from liking Pokémon generally lol), but I couldn’t help but tear through everything you’ve drawn for these silly little rat children and I love them so much now!!! I wanna pick them up and shake him around like little action figures! The shenanigans and the heartfelt moments are just,, UGH so good! I have no words! Thank you for the food I am going FERAL over them <3
Your art is also high key goals for me now tbh. I absolutely ADORE your coloring and rendering style, and also they way you draw Pokémon in general?? Very animalistic but still recognizably Pokémon?? Literally galaxy brained. I’m going to SCREAM. I know you already posted a bit of your art process, but I’d love to know if you’ve got any rendering tips and/or how you get that clean but sketchy look. It looks so good I want to eat it lol.
(Also I really love the way you’ve been formatting Elesa’s dialog, with the extra lines around the letters. It really gives the vibe that her grasp on Galarian is currently shaky at best and idk, I like that you’ve managed to find a way to convey that over text. I think that’s pretty cool :D)
I SAW YOU REBLOG A WHOLE BUNCH AND IM,,, (throwing hearts at you)
Thank you so so much! I’m glad you love these terrible little guys wandering Unova just as much as I do, haha!
As a treat, lemme pull out some drafting for the mini illustrations. I usually start every snapshot with a run down of what I remember from the area, possible shenanigans encountered, and then a doodle of ideas to come.
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From there, it’s a SUPER rough sketch, followed by lineart and rough color, and then cleanup!
(More thumbs and their finals below!)
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At the end of the day, all my lines are VERY sketchy. I’m a lot stronger when it comes to mashing colors. That, and if you set your line layer from normal to multiply, the lines will always be automatically darker then whatever layer is placed underneath. It’s a trick used quite a bit for placing cel shadows in animation, but it’s useful for lineart in a pinch.
For colors, I like to stick to a limited pallet and branch out only after setting my primary colors. This entire series has been very experimental for me though, as you can probably tell.
As for the last bit— YES… YOU GET IT! As Elesa grows, the lines in her dialogue will start appearing less and less. It’s the little things that map the span of time for these guys.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 months
SHANE MY BELOVED anyways gonna request based on an oc that i made/an ai chatbot chat that i did recently. selectively mute reader with shane, and how their relationship evolves? strangers to lovers probs. hcs or oneshot/drabble :3 -galaxy
I got 5 hearts with him as we speak so this is perfect timing <3
Settling into Stardew Valley was certainly going to be a challenge, especially with the new life you wanted to build here..and of course that entails meeting new people.
For most of your life, you've been selectively mute, only ever using your voice if you absolutely have to.
You never used it much at your previous office job, but it was still quite soulless and didn't make you feel good.
Even so, Lewis doesn't think you should stay a stranger and insists you introduce yourself to folks in Pelican Town.
You couldn't ignore the letters stuffed into your mailbox forever..so you finally headed into town.
While some villagers regarded you as "quiet", many of them chalked it up to you being new and welcomed you anyways.
Although Shane is indifferent and annoyed--as he is to most strangers.
You accidentally bumped into him, and he thinks you're rude for not saying "sorry".
Your brain sorta panics as you sign the words...but from the way he stares at you, you realize he doesn't understand what you're saying.
By the time you get out your notepad, he's long gone, mumbling about being late to his shift.
Since then, you try being polite and wave to him anytime you see him in the street or at the saloon..but he just wonders why you're bothering him.
One thing he kept noticing at the bar was that you always gave your order to Gus on your notepad, and he starts thinking there is a reason you can't talk and you weren't just being a dick specifically to him that day.
Still, he doesn't ask you. You're probably gonna stop trying to befriend him sooner or later. So why should he care?
One day, you approach Shane while he's working at JojaMart and asked him where a certain food ingredient was, pointing to your shopping list..and you see that irritable look in his eye again.
He had customers mixing up things on the shelves and snapping at him for things outside his control--and you caught him on a rather bad day.
He says nothing and just points further down the isle, but you just smile and mouth "thank you", signing the words before continuing on.
Poor guy goes red, convinced you blew a kiss at him just now...and it's all he could think about for the rest of his shift.
The very next day, you show up at Marnie's place with a fresh pizza, asking if Shane was home.
He gets flustered as HELL when he realizes you were at the mart buying ingredients to make one of his favorite foods...and he acted like a total jackass.
You left a note inside the container, which basically tells him you're selectively mute and realized your farm was just down the road from his aunt's ranch.
After reading it, he awkwardly apologizes and asks for a fresh start, to which you just smile and nod.
Jas, at this point, can see he's got a crush on you.
After that was cleared up, you two become friends and hangout together at the saloon often or share a beer on the dock.
You don't talk, but tbh Shane appreciates the silence between you two. He didn't have to force conversation, and neither did you.
Although that also enables him to vent to you about how downtrodden and repetitive his life feels, with you simply listening and accompanying him home.
It doesn't change the fact he felt like a burden to everyone, and one night you found him on the cliffside, his face covered in mud and tears, ready to give up on the world.
In his drunken haze, he forgot you were mute and wants you to tell him why he shouldn't do it..
"No wait..I..forgot you can't-"
"Shane..I'm here for you." Your voice comes out low, hoarse, and a little shaky, but he stopped sobbing the moment he heard it..and he stares up at you in shock.
"S-So..you do speak.." He mumbles. "You sound....like--like an angel...fuck..maybe they do exist. So you'll...be here for me no matter what? Even if I did something stupid...?"
You simply nod, and that makes him change his mind.
He just can't believe that out of all the people in this town, you chose to open up to him--some sad sack of shit who was about to jump off the cliff--and decide he should be the one to hear your voice first.
You actually wanted him around. And you never hated him despite all the times he was rude to you..
After he nearly vomits all over your shoes, you take him to the hospital, knowing he needed Harvey's intervention, and since then you've been supportive of his recovery journey.
He only remembers bits and pieces from that night..although the one thing he couldn't forget was hearing your voice.
It was probably so difficult for you to find it again, and he appreciates you talking him down, even if you had to close up and go totally silent for the next few days or so.
If you ever go into why you became selectively mute, Shane will do his absolute best to understand (and maybe get a little overprotective in the process if someone makes fun of you for it).
But if not, he'll still defend you regardless.
You teach him a few general phrases in sign language, which he tries to grasp and eventually gets the hang of.
At some point down the line..he asks you out on a festival date after much pressure from Jas and Marnie, and you were so excited you nearly yelled out "YES"-
But instead managed to nod happily, taking his hand and dragging him towards the celebration without a second thought.
Soon that little date turns into a genuine relationship, with Shane eventually moving onto your farm to help you care for the crops and animals, switching to alternatives to beer and promising to cut back on the hours he spends at the saloon.
Some days you'll be away mining, fishing, slaying monsters, or helping the Junimos rebuild the community center, but other times you'll stay inside and just cuddle with him, your pet, and the chickens.
He was muddling over why you chose him (a lot of self doubt still festers inside of him), and you spoke to him again--this time to his sober-self.
That was "because I love you".
And yes...he did cry.
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milkbreadtoast · 1 year
I binged this webtoon today and yesterday and it's rly good i like it sm... "your wings and mine"
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I didnt know what to expect going in(i keep my hopes low tbh) but I kept getting impressed w the writing... it's rly funny but also surprisingly emotional, it has me laughing out loud 1 moment and then crying the next and then laughing my ass off again... there's a lot of silliness but the serious moments don't feel out of place or cheesy at all bc they did such a good job of building the charas up to that point... and the genuine and heartfelt exchanges btwn the charas are simple but surprisingly feel fresh? like the writer was lowkey galaxy braining writing these kcdnfj And they actually did such a good job w the slow burn romance, it's so sweet and cute and fun to watch grow... 😭 i'm caught up now and im sad i need more
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silviakundera · 10 months
So why did I (elite hater of all sad ending dramas) watch & enjoy A Journey to Love?
ah because my devout hateration has 1 key loophole: as long as the main character(s) death is baked in as essential aspect of the story and it's clear from the start then (if the series is very good!) I can accept that I'm merely watching the mystery of how-do-we-get there. The tragic ending has to be sign-posted in all the episodes AND I need to get my full emotional catharsis before the anticipated end.
I knew what I was signing up for with Nirvana in Fire. As a viewer, I just wanted to see him achieve his goals before his time ran out! With a Journey to Love the screenwriter told the viewer a zillion times that this is an impossible mission that likely they all must sacrifice their lives to achieve, and the characters explicitly accepted that, in text. They fantasize about an 'after' but I never thought the characters believed in it deep down - it was a story they needed to tell each other to be able to press forward & feel less lonely. Like Shisan kept up a good face and played comic relief to lift his and everyone's spirits.
It was so clear to me as I was watching that whole reason all the love scenes & therapy & personal growth was taking complete screen time precedence over plot was that THIS WAS THE REST OF THEIR LIVES. The show enthusiastically wallowed in all the personal relationships and romance so the viewer doesn't feel cheated, like you would if these people came together admid a sequence of complicated adventure & politics plots and their lives end without a chance to have all these ups & downs and deep personal moments... the show sped thru plot & action in order to give 80% of screen time to the personal relationships and exploring character psychology. That was the 'trade' ... the devil's bargain I felt I had made, my reward for accepting the Tragic Ending.
But tbh I am still alarmingly difficult to please in this fashion: the writer must coincidentally want to explore the themes I'm interested in & to go in the narrative direction that I want. For instance, I would have regretted watching & felt it a waste of my time if my galaxy brain thoughts about the cast's widening perspective & priorites & personalization of the enemy country citizens and their competing army/spy units hadn't played out exactly as I wished. (lmao when Qian tells fail emperor, "now I want you to stay alive for the hundreds of thousands of people of both An and Wu" I fuckin screamed. yaaaaaaas the journey is complete we did it kings 👌 👌)
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silvertws · 8 days
Bro better pull a fucking 180 on that freaking little fairy-blue thing BECAUSE HELL NAH, HELL TO HELL TO THE NAH.
Leave the boys alone bish.
I'm too attached to them.
I cannot.
I think I would simply perish.
Just like that.
I hate how attached I am to the silly Minecraft guys.
I need someone as unhinged as me to talk about the sillies, for my own sanity.
Which is, barely there honestly, but that's besides the point.
I believe in redemption arcs PETRO PLEASE, PLEASE YOU CAN STILL FIX THIS.
Please, I just want them to all be happy, I'm sobbing.
ncjekwlalls PLEASE.
Let the fellas be happy.
Like, I usually don't ship characters ok? After Origins I just don't.
But tbh platonically??? Hell yeah, let the fellas be wholesome, no kissing no nothing, just hugging, telling each other sweet things- I will literally be kicking my feet like a little kid.
Also, on a side note.
Ruined Reality rants and theories up ahead.
Heyyyyy guys how are we feeling about the Newest Ruined Reality episode??? Yeah all good? Just doing a check in on all of us.
I mean, yeah, as expected.
Also, alright, this is gonna become a slight theory moment.
Rainbow crystal + heart of the soulstice?
You know how the rainbow crystal is made with the energy of the chromatics?
Yeah well, if the rainbow crystal still works, which I'm led to believe , fusing that energy with the heart, could potentially... Either give life back to the chromatics... Or... Create new chromatics but using the older souls, kinda like reincarnation.
Mf First Curse better not bother Light smh Balance, go punch him, you literally can, since you belong in the same omniverse-? So go and punch him thank you very much.
I seriously do not know if Light will be able to bring everyone back.
If he manages to bring Steves back, it's definitely not gonna be everyone.
Not only because a lot of bodies were destroyed, but also for a storytelling factor.
Which is why all of them staying dead is a bittersweet victory, sure, you did it Light, good job! Every Steve who's left is now safe from that! Except... Well, the last Steve kingdom kinda... Doesn't like you. So I don't know if you're going to be allowed there...
Oh, so living with the professor? Yeah sure, if you want to have another metal rod in your leg you can.
Living with Ellie and uh... Cassian....?(I am so bad with names omg) in their little magic thing?
Yeah sure.
Go on.
They already adopted you my good sir, come on, they saw you and were like "yes, this one, ours now, yoink"
Proxima the GOAT.
Another possibility.
TFC: "yo Light, sup"
Light "gtfo"
TFC "No u"
And then Light gets sent to ANOTHER UNIVERSE Just to suffer AGAIN.
Because remember kids.... TFC cursed Light to suffer FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND- yeah you get the gist of it.
So what happens when there's nothing more to make him suffer with in one universe...?
That's right... You send him to another one so he has to start all over again... And again.. and again...
I find this very unlikely because the reset trope is kinda overused and annoying and I also believe it would take out from the whole experience.
Like on a long run, it makes sense that TFC would do that.
There's just some things you cannot do or play with enough depth.
So, going back on the main topic.
What happens now?
Smh, letting Light go through the loss of Soren not once BUT TWICE.
I already tried to explain how I think the rainbow crystal might be tied to "fixing" this.
And I think that's honestly our best bet.
Like, before this episode, I honestly thought they were simply going to yoink it from Lewis and Light was gonna use it.
But apparently they didn't do that...
Also like I'm sorry.
Nah cause like, I always found that, not particularly logical.
Without the energy from the host, the only thing left with energy IS the crystal.
It would have made sense, in that case, if the crystal, its energy, also caused Lewis body to "live" but without actually being Lewis. But pure energy.
How would the crystal stay fused with Lewis?
Does that mean bro still has some energy somehow?
Was it the soul energy that kept them forcibly united?
I'm probably looking too much into it ngl, it's probably another plot hole or simply something that will be explained later... Maybe.
If the rainbow crystal is not going to be used in any way with the heart, I'll be surprised.
It could be like, a rainbow heart or whatever.
It's seriously the only thing I have going on right now.
Because it's the only thing with enough chromatic energy left to actually do something.
Unless SOMEHOW Light goes back to the other Steve Kingdom and Genesis is fucking alive, just like that, randomly, because he can.
I have no idea if any other deities are actually canon in RR.
Is Origin Steve canon? Or any of the other things in Rainbow Quest? Because Seer, Colle, Genesis, are all things from there as we know.
So just how much from that universe also transpired into this one?
Are demon Steves a problem we're going to have to deal with after everything and Seer is finally put to rest?
Also, yes, Seer will die.
I mean, he literally asked to be killed guys, what do you want? I say let him die. Colle is gone, that's enough pain already, I'm not gonna watch Seer becoming Void again (which btw, I think it's already happening or has already happened during the fight and Void is simply playing with everyone as per usual).
Still hoping for a Light corruption/villain arc (more like corrupt) because bro deserves to let out some steam and I support Light in literally everything he will do at this point.
He needs a beach episode fr.
Actually, no.
WE need a beach episode.
... I'm drawing that shit, I'm putting that in my nonexistent list of things I need to draw for my own sanity.
I completely forgot about the redstone core guys.
I mean, I don't think that's gonna help..? Idk I feel like it's a different energy from the one in the crystal or the heart so... Idk...
But maybe it could still be used for other things???
Also, we could simply get a time skip, to like, months later or something.
It has happened before and I honestly wouldn't mind it.
There's like, the option of going to the last Steve kingdom and asking them for help, but they must have moved by now, sure we can locate them with the assistant I suppose, if it comes down to it.
Also, one thing.
(idk man, some of y'all might find this offensive or call me chronically online for this :/)
Me whenever gay is used mockingly in a Steve-verse story while literally everyone is the same fucking gender as the other and their reproduction is literally based on MAGIC.
Like I'm sorry but make it make sense.
It's probably one of the things that annoys me the most.
I'm not saying that now everyone is forced to accept ships between certain characters.
I'm saying that there are not many sexuality options in a world where there's usually one gender.
You're either, Aromantic or something on that spectrum, Asexual or in that spectrum, Gay because there's literally one gender there to be attracted to.
Unless we're talking about universes that use more.
Or we could bring in the possibility that since they're all Steves or Alexes, they're all canonically non-binary.
I don't give a single fuck about romance, I can live without it.
But it annoys me, when comments are made, that logically speaking, don't make sense.
One of the biggest plot holes in RR until Ellie was introduced, was Cliff talking about women.
Which was resolved when Ellie came through and was like "no yeah, we exist actually, well used to".
Which again creates another plot hole to how tf did Cliff even meet one of those if they went extinct.
I wanna clarify that I love RR and the other Steve verse stories or I wouldn't be talking about them. And that my rants are not directed towards the creators in any way, I do not, nor cannot, dictate how they decide to write their stories.
It's their tale to tell, I'm just here to watch, and listen.
I have opinions just like everybody else and if anybody ever takes offense (for some reason) to what I say, suck it up , talk to me like a normal person.
There are opinions to which I'm not willing to change my mind on, but I will still listen to others, just like there's some of which I will probably change my mind on.
As long as you're respectful about it, so will I.
Anyhow, I'm shit at explaining my opinions, because I'm horrible at conversations and English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if I made it look like I was being rude or judgemental.
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
we’ve been saying it for years but douyin really is the superior app. all the content it gave us and the fact that douyin night had both of them in it wearing clothes from the same brand. what else do you want me to say? douyin always delivers the goods. cpn or not — it makes me happy when they post there. whether it’s bobo’s weird posts to zz using horrifying filters.
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they really have taken the 24-hour rule and said they will do better. how about, hours apart? what about livestreams on the same day but not the same time? I guess the observation of them/their team doing things simultaneously but not stepping on each other’s time and work is right. so turtles better be ready for content coming two at a time.
everything is fake. speculation. turtles only. ✌🏼
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FOR YIBO’S post, I already mentioned here that it may be an answer for the call to keep warm. The other coincidence is the caption used was snap your fingers and how you pronounce it includes = “xiang zhi” = xz = xiao zhan. What galaxy brain you have Bobo if this is true. because tbh snapping his fingers and that caption seems random. well, maybe not.
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Now onto xiao-laoshi’s post which is so cute! I like that it’s simple and gives us some personal information about him. Even without the CPN, it’s an enjoyable one. We just noticed that some of his answers are sus. Yes, people can change their preference but if it’s similar to that of a particular person— well, that’s pretty 👁👄👁
So I present that game to you, BJYX Edition. 💋
1. headphones prefer wired vs wireless : wired / wireless
We know GG prefers wireless especially when he’s out and about ( tho he was also seen wearing wired lately ) ; Web did too when the airpods came out but we know who is notorious in wearing wired headphones. Just use what you want boys! This is like Bobo answering that he is tall but has small feet, dude that’s not you at all. you’re describing someone else 😂
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2. like to eat noodle soup vs rice : noodle soup / rice
Well, all we can think about is wyb nagging zz to eat rice. Lol. WYB’s aggressive persuasion in making zz eat well is very special to me. He really takes care of ZZ the most. Even at the time he understood what GG was doing since he is an actor too, ( for example GG has to fast because he wanted to look slim for their photoshoot ) he still out GG’s wellness first. Yup, a colleague who he spent a few months with. not special at all right? 😏
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3. prefer typing vs speaking : type / speech
Oh you prefer to type, so care to explain these then?
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HAHAHAHAHA! It’s observed and even talked about that Bobo prefers to send voice chats. We’ve seen it in his 2018 CQL Birthday behind the scenes. I think this voice chat thing is for Yibo only. GG may not prefer it but he will GLADLY DO IT for his puppy. He knows WYB loves it so there is really no question that he will send it. I wanna fight yibo 😤😤😤
4. prefer sunny vs rainy days : sunny / rainy
I don’t even care about the other cpn clues, what I thought about is this romantic scene right here. how did they make this behind the scenes/ random moment so sweet idk. that’s just how it is when the two of them together. the love between them can’t help but show itself. 🌧
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it reminds us of a fake rumor that goes:
WYB: "I'll eat with you when it rains"
XZ: “It will rain tomorrow”
WYB: "Then tomorrow"
This two. Stop. It’s too much. 😤
Their love for the rain. And well, MISTER UMBRELLA HIMSELF. Shiying. ☂️ and LWJ too in that iconic umbrella scene under the rain.
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5. what time do you like to exercise : morning / night
their morning runs during CQL filming. that’s all. It was a habit GG developed and probably enjoyed with WYB and it was carried on even after.
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also this year, these two have been serious in building up muscles for their roles. it’s a popular cpn that they work out together and have stuff at home to help them out.
6. typing habits Twenty-six keys vs nine keys : twenty-six keys / nine keys
they are the same when it comes to this, but web is known to be scarily fast in typing.
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Finally, the IP Address tagged for both douyin posts are in Beijing. We think that YBO/Staff could have posted WYB’s video. So, XZS and YBO staff have worked hard today. Thank you. 🙏🏼
source. - especially the photos and GIFs.
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justvico · 7 months
So, here’s the question, what are we gonna call this new WOY AU? Follow up question: Are we gonna see anymore Anxiety Wander pictures from you, or maybe some theories on why he has anxiety?
i never really thought of it as an AU so much as a Headcannon, wander in the show exhibits a lot of anxiety (i think he has a little ocd or adhd maybe a mix of the two) i just wanted to explore his mind space in these moments.
Wander at his most terrified and vulnerable sees these weird smiling shadows, but why are they smiling?
I thought into how wander perceives himself, remember when wander was sick? he was extremely reluctant to allow himself to be helped, and while sick mentioned the importance of him helping others stating that “terrible things would happen” all while rejecting TLC from sylvia because he felt that he shouldn’t (not didn’t) need it.
Wander puts a lot of pressure on himself, and thinks that if he isn’t there to help, people will get hurt or be in danger of getting hurt despite that being like 90% untrue.
Dragging this back to the smiling wanders,
Wander’s anxiety might be manifesting in his stress to preform and his need to feel accepted and helpful.
The responsibilities that he has might be a little too much for him (see his escapism in The Void) but well he has to do it.
i think the “smile” is the pressure to be the friendliest face in the galaxy, if you think about it Wander has never really outwardly disliked anyone. i think wander is more than capable, but the way he shows his distaste is by allowing Sylvia to deal with them. Wander just doesn’t stand up for himself like that (he stands up for what he believes in, but he won’t really go “your awful how could you”). He will scold someone but he won’t be direct with the way they make him feel
so when he feels like upset or sad or whatever else, i think all he can think about is how many people are relying on him to be that silver lining. Wander is very emotion positive and he can take time in his life to feel sad, but he only did that once. when no one was around and no one could be sure if there was anyone left.
So in short, wander feels a lot of pressure to be a helpful happy guy, and when he is distressed and can’t be the positive figure, his mind will let him know who he is letting down.
Of course, this could very well be an AU if anyone would like, it does take a different approach to wander, instead of emotionally set guy, more vulnerable and less assured in his life. just the way i like my men :)
You could frame it as parts of the void coming out with wander, and now those pesky little wander pop ups come and go, but only Wander could see them. no he isn’t crazy, just has void bits in his brain. that would be cool and it would be canon compliant i love au’s that branch off an episode tbh.
you know what yeah, if this is an AU, it’s called Enter: The Void and when wander left the void a little bit of that void energy clung to him so hard and hid away in his psyche not wanting to be alone. it can get removed, if anyone can believe wander when he says he is being followed around and harassed by smiling hims. share it around WOY-E:TV wander goes crazy except he isnt please believe him!
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ways the Mario movie could potentially make me really emotional
Pretty much any moments of brotherly love between Mario and Luigi tbh. I’d love to see Mario be genuinely distraught and worried for his brother being in Bowser’s clutches and his determination to get him back/Luigi being really frightened but having faith that his big bro will save him. I really REALLY hope they have a heartwarming reunion where they hug like in Mario and Luigi: Dream Team (and don’t make them be all hip and reluctant about it!!! GIVE ME UNABASHEDLY AFFECTIONATE MARIO AND LUIGI YOU COWARDS I hope we get a little backstory for them as well a la my previous headcanon about Mario and Luigi being orphans
Mario and Peach kissing bc I’ve literally waited for it since I was 7 (IF their relationship is well developed and sincere)
Luigi overcoming his various fears and having a heroic moment of character development to help Mario (THATS MY SON)
Bowser having some sort of change of heart a la the “you don’t have to be the bad guy” scene from the Lego Movie (this would admittedly work better in one of the sequels though for now I kinda just want a classic Koopa asskicking)
any scenario remotely similar to that showcased in @elitadream’s most recent fan art (please please give me Mario being determined to the point of self destruction it looks really good on him)
any of the following pieces of music playing: Luma’s theme (I might break down in sobs), Gusty Garden or Good Egg, literally any Galaxy song tbh, Mario and Peach’s theme, Staff Roll 2 from Mario Kart Wii (that song made my brain particles shift as a child)
any indication of Rosalina existing
Charles Martinet saying “thank you so much for watching my movie!” after the credits BLESS HIM
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The potential for Will and Nico being Star Wars fans in The Sun and the Star has my brain going crazy, so please enjoy the tale of how I think Will got Nico into it
Will lasts exactly three days into his friendship with Nico before making a Star Wars reference
It’s on Nico’s last day in the infirmary. Will, in trying to impress on Nico the benefits of adequate rest, tries to explain how much better he looks by saying he could pull the ears off a gundark
Nico just stares at him blankly before half-jokingly offering to take his temperature
And Will remembers, oh yeah, he grew up in the forties and spent most of his time in the twenty-first century among the dead
And Will is ecstatic
Because no one gets to experience Star Wars with no spoilers. No one
Needless to say Nico leaves the infirmary under strict orders to join Will in the Big House for one Star Wars movie every weekend until he’s seen them all
If you asked Nico what the plot of The Phantom Menace is, he’d never be able to tell you
Will, anticipating his confusion, explained everything to the best of his ability (no, it was not nervous babbling. It was explaining), but it was still a lot to take in. Also, Nico was mostly focused on the sound of Will’s voice and how close he was sitting
Attack of the Clones went similarly, although watching Anakin’s attempts to seduce Padmé did make Nico feel better about his own romantic crisis
He genuinely did get invested during Revenge of the Sith, mostly because Order 66 felt like familiar territory
(“You get so offended when I call you Death Boy, but this is what gets you interested?”) (“Listen. It’s more realistic now”)
As he gets more comfortable around Will and more invested in the story, he’s actually able to pay attention during A New Hope and his genuine interest in the saga begins
And then comes the moment Will has been waiting for
He literally cannot sit still for the entirety of The Empire Strikes Back
But honestly? It’s kind of a letdown
They get to the “Luke, I am your father” bit and Nico just goes, “huh”
“Huh? HUH?! Obi-Wan was lying the whole time! Luke’s father is alive! And he’s the galaxy’s second-most-evil-guy!”
“You’re talking to the guy who found out three years ago that his dad is the lord of the dead”
Nico’s actually pretty sad when they finish Return of the Jedi, but this bittersweet feeling does not last long
One: because Will asks Nico out, so Nico gets to see him way more often outside of movie night
And two: at least a third of their dates are the two of them cuddled up making their way through every episode of the TV series
I’m gonna say one of the sequel trilogy movies comes out before ToA and they definitely sneak out to see it
(Will has Opinions)
Will probably bribes Nico to go with him as Han and Leia for Halloween 
(You get to decide who’s who)
Will also definitely gives Nico the sand speech at some point and Nico gives him these flipflops for Christmas
Will laughs his head off and wears them every day in the infirmary
He probably wears them to Tartarus tbh
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amazingmsme · 8 months
Ler!Gerald and Lee!Linda. Gerald WRECKS Linda whenever he gets home from work. Linda doesn't admit it, but she secretly loves it.
Galaxy brain moment! I feel like Linda would see herself more as a ler just because she wears the pants in the relationship & I’ll come right out & say it: she’s power hungry af. But she’s also all about me me me so if her loving husband were to devote all his attention to taking her apart with his fingers she’d be having the time of her life. Because as the end of the day, she loves to be adored, & she can absolutely feel that love & adoration just radiating off of him. I think we’ve been sleeping on them as a couple tbh
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acebytaemin · 10 months
can this be all ana songs event please and thank you… and tbh choosing numbers was very hard wish you made a podcast episode talking about all of them… but for me 6, 17, 23, 26 and 30 🫶🏻💝🎶
anything for you my sweetest darling teo also i WISH like we need to sit down over coffee and actually both of us go through the whole list to one another. deal? deal! anyway let’s GO i’ll try my hardest not to be too insane about this.
6: A song that makes you want to dance
literally first song that came to mind is get up by ciara and the second one was SO honestly low by flo rida what can i say the step up movies moved me. i was so sure i’d start a dancing career like if you know how taemin said while he was a trainee he’d dance in the street while going home from school just to spend every second practicing well. could’ve been me if that motivation lasted for longer than 30 mins after each movie
17: A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke
teo ik the question doesn’t specify w whom but you and i need to do (listen to me carefully now please see my vision): promiscuous by nelly furtado & timbaland (celibate priest version) please it would literally the best thing ever. we could do a twin moment like bey & shakira in beautiful liar too omg my brain. WHEW
23: A song that you think everybody should listen to
okay well without being goofy at all like no-brainer freedom by beyoncé. gives me chills and moves me to tears every time like it’s the first. incredibly powerful and so moving just. well. me talking about it is redundant i truly think everybody should listen to it
26: A song that makes you want to fall in love
lest i do another bey song (i got this number multiple times actually so i’ll do that in another ask hehe stay tuned!) but for SURE love from NGC 7318 by tanerélle (actually multiple songs by her make me feel this way) she’s so insanely good at translating emotion. Especially with ‘NGC 7318’ being a pair of colliding galaxies several hundreds of lightyears away from earth and with the lesbian theme oh it is just incredible. i don’t even need to be in love to feel in love when i listen to this song
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
i could go for so many fun ones (like i did the first time i answered this) and you did say this is an all ana songs instead of shinee event but oh i just have to say elevator by jonghyun. if i get into it i will absolutely start crying and i don’t wanna do that (and it’s absolutely an if i loved you less i might be able to talk about it more type of thing - a problem that i often have smh) but anyway i’ve been vocal about this being my soul song ever since it first came out so let me talk less for once and have a quote do the work for me this time: “he is half of my soul, as the poets say”
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Had a galaxy brain moment last night that lead to this:
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Tbh, not sure I have the talent to pull it off. But then I am very temted to do more with/like this
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