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Two gangs going against each other, and only three heroes trying to set things right... #DeadOfNight #SmiertelnaGlebiaNocy #ArkhamHorror #arkhamhorror3rdedition #horrorwarkham #ffg #fantasyflghtgames @fantasyflightgames @galaktagames #galaktagames #boardgame #boardgames #game #games #playgames #tabletop #tabletopgames #gryplanszowe #gry #grybezpradu #planszowki #horror #gamenight #coop #coopgames #lovecraft #cthulhu (at Kielce, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B30C6rqhGm8/?igshid=hnwyortw7e9w
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El sol está a punto de ocultarse y con él se desvanecen las esperanzas. Ahora solo queda salir a la calle y confiar en tener la suficiente suerte para llegar a casa, con ella. Bienvenido a Pogoren, bienvenido, de nuevo, a This War Of Mine Repost @edgeent #ThisWarOfMine #GalaktaGames #boardgames #boardgame #jeuxdesociete #jogodetabuleiro #jocsdetaula #juegos #jugar #juego #games #jeux #jogo #jocs #tabletop #tabletopgames #Edgeent #edgeentertainment https://www.instagram.com/p/BuKKWh0DzAX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m8gtvielcfgm
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This War of Mine: The Board Game (2017) - By Michal Oracz, Jakub Wisniewski - 👫 1-6 players - 🕒 45-120 min - 👪 Ages 18+ - Published by @GalaktaGames .. #indiedev #bgg #boardgamegeek #tabletopgame #boardgames #juegodemesa #gamenight #juegos #bgg #tabletop #tabletopgame #boardgamer #brettspiel #gamedev #boardgame .. #gamer #spiel #jeux #eurogames #jocsdetaula #labsk #jeuxdesociete #game #games #juegosdemesa #gaming #tabletopgames #family #familia #juego https://ift.tt/2UanmEg
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3rd ed of #ArkhamHorror :D welcome the madness! #ArkhamHorror #arkhamhorror3rdedition #horrorwarkham #ffg #fantasyflghtgames @fantasyflightgames @galaktagames #galaktagames #boardgame #boardgames #game #games #playgames #tabletop #tabletopgames #gryplanszowe #gry #grybezpradu #planszowki #horror #gamenight #coop #coopgames #lovecraft #cthulhu (at Kielce, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxusR07IFs3/?igshid=72p4bi98bam8
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My new personal reckord :D 20 points in one zone. #Android #Mainframe #Netrunner #fantasyflifgtgames #ffg @fantasyflightgames #galaktagames #galakta @galaktagames #boardgame #boardgames #game #games #playgames #analoggame #analoggames #tabletop #tabletopgames #gryplanszowe #gry #grybezpradu #planszowki #cyberpunk #grid #areaenclosure #carddrafting (at Kielce, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoclYNjBQ-t/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uym1itq0n34n
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Instantly I fell in love with #AndroidMainframe I hope there will be some expansions for it. #Android #Mainframe #Netrunner #fantasyflifgtgames #ffg @fantasyflightgames #galaktagames #galakta @galaktagames #boardgame #boardgames #game #games #playgames #analoggame #analoggames #tabletop #tabletopgames #gryplanszowe #gry #grybezpradu #planszowki #cyberpunk #grid #areaenclosure #carddrafting (at Kielce, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn4UQr4hCex/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1eqexjzkkv4e1
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Lately we wanted to land #XCOM on our table so we played fast training mission to strech our team mangement muscles, just to loose horribly in 2nd game... we felt like dice were listening and as soon someones said "lets play on expert" we couldn't get any succeses on them xD #XCOMtbg #xcomtheboardgame #ffg #fantasyflifgtgames @fantasyflightgames #galaktagames @galaktagames #boardgame #boardgames #game #games #playgames #analoggame #analoggames #tabletop #tabletopgames #gryplanszowe #gry #grybezpradu #planszowki #coop #coopgames #timemanagement #gameday #gamenight (at Kielce, Poland)
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Arkham Horror didn't get chance to show up on my table in years... and it is one of my most beloved games. This time we played it in 7 player game, with Lurker at the Treshold and Dunwich expansions. After 3 hours of play we managed to close all gates with use of onlyone Elder Sign :] #ArkhamHorror #DunwichHorror #LurkerAtTheTreshold #ffg #fantasyflghtgames @fantasyflightgames @galaktagames #galaktagames #boardgame #boardgames #game #games #playgames #tabletop #tabletopgames #gryplanszowe #gry #grybezpradu #planszowki #horror #gamenight #coop #coopgames #lovecraft #cthulhu (at Kielce, Poland)
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In this scenario we had to defend the base. Imperial attacks couldn't do too much, they scratched few doors and thats it. :D #StarWarsImperialAssault #ffg #fantasyflightgames @fantasyflightgames #Galakta @galaktagames #boardgame #boardgames #game #games #playgames #analoggame #analoggames #tabletop #tabletopgames #gryplanszowe #gry #grybezpradu #planszowki #starwars #imperialassault #gamenight #gameday #adventure #dungeoncrawler (at Kielce, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv_Zv_HgKPU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15bglae935l1n
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Technology acquisition in TI4 is so much simpler than in TI3, it's great! #TwilightImperium #TI #twilightimperium4 #TI4 @fantasyflightgames @galaktagames #ffg #fantasyflifgtgames #galakta #boardgame #boardgames #game #games #playgames #analoggame #analoggames #tabletop #tabletopgames #gryplanszowe #gry #grybezpradu #planszowki #4x #ameritrash #explore #expand #exploit #exterminate #gameday (at Kielce, Poland)
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Classic worker placement, I still love it! #PillarsOfTheEarth #FilaryZiemi #Kosmos #MaifairGames #Galakta @mayfairgames @galaktagames @kosmos_verlag #boardgame #boardgames #game #games #playgames #analoggame #analoggames #tabletop #tabletopgames #gryplanszowe #gry #grybezpradu #planszowki #workerplacement #gameweekend #gameday #gamenight
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Nice weekend with TI3 #TwilightImperium #TI #twilightimperium3 #TI3 @fantasyflightgames @galaktagames #ffg #fantasyflifgtgames #galakta #boardgame #boardgames #game #games #playgames #analoggame #analoggames #tabletop #tabletopgames #gryplanszowe #gry #grybezpradu #planszowki #4x #ameritrash #explore #expand #exploit #exterminate
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Lil last stand :] #DOOM #doomtbg #doom2016 #ffg #fantasyflightgames @fantasyflightgames #galakta @galaktagames #mickgordon #boardgame #boardgames #game #games #playgames #analoggame #analoggames #tabletop #tabletopgames #gryplanszowe #gry #grybezpradu #planszowki #gamenight #gameday #gameweekend #coop #cooperative #dungeon #dungeoncrawler #fps #shooter #adventure
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This War of Mine: The Board Game (2017) - By Michal Oracz, Jakub Wisniewski - 👫 1-6 players - 🕒 45-120 min - 👪 Ages 18+ - Published by @GalaktaGames .. #indiedev #bgg #boardgamegeek #tabletopgame #boardgames #juegodemesa #gamenight #juegos #bgg #tabletop #tabletopgame #boardgamer #brettspiel #gamedev #boardgame .. #gamer #spiel #jeux #eurogames #jocsdetaula #labsk #jeuxdesociete #game #games #juegosdemesa #gaming #tabletopgames #family #familia #juego https://ift.tt/2FO6ccv
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Kicking #Shoggot, taking names, doing some astronomy in spare time... and chillin' #EldritchHorror #ffg @fantasyflightgames @galaktagames #fantasyflightgames #lovecraft #cthulhu #eldritch #horror #boardgame #boardgames #game #games #playgames #analoggame #analoggames #tabletop #tabletopgames #gryplanszowe #gry #grybezpradu #planszowki #coop #coopgames #gamenight #gameday (at Kielce, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnT1E2-BYVf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=119gyw6q9ypsz
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5 players and next 7 hours of #TwilightImperium 4th ed. Comparing it by game time to TI3 I can say that nothing changed :D #TI #twilightimperium4 #TI4 @fantasyflightgames @galaktagames #ffg #fantasyflifgtgames #galakta #boardgame #boardgames #game #games #playgames #analoggame #analoggames #tabletop #tabletopgames #gryplanszowe #gry #grybezpradu #planszowki #4x #ameritrash #explore #expand #exploit #exterminate #gameday (at Kielce, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnQtzwPhMXh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1itlu4v65r9xs
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