#galadriel is a badass
prattling-she-elf · 2 years
Rating Rings of Power Characters: Elves Edition!
(As of Episode 5)
Welcome to the show where you get to hear my opinions which nobody asked for!
Are you ready?
Let the frivolity commence!
Aaaaand first up, we have the Elves! Starting with....
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Elegant. Graceful. Proud. Restless. A fighter.
Everything I expect and look for in a young Galadriel. 10 points.
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10 points for putting baby Elrond in his place. She has seen shit, and no patronizing from Elrond (who literally has not seen said shit) is making her forget that.
Another 10 points awarded for the iconic line and delivery of "There is a tempest within me!"
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20 points for slapping that man in the ass with a sword. That had me howling with laughter.
-5 points for her lack of husband. Seriously, where the hell is Celeborn? Minus another 10 for being shorter than Halbrand. Our woman should be like 6 feet tall. It doesn't matter if Morfydd Clark is only 5'3. They made John Rhys-Davies (Gimli) who is 6'1 look short next to the rest of the OG cast. They could have done the same here and made her look tall. Big boo.
Galadriel comes in with a total of 35 points.
Next up, we have.....
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Quick. Agile. Diplomatic. Just. Kind. Serious. Handsome.
This guy has it all. Solid 20 points for a great original character.
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Another 10 points for his subtle expressiveness. He's pretty closed off, but the way he looks at Bronwyn.... *swoons*
10 points for the face he makes at Adar when Adar asks him if he is from Beleriand from "the mouth of the river".
*derisive laughter*
Arondir's incredulous face says it all. There are roughly 35 rivers in Beleriand, which drain into around 4 mouths, all of which have some settlement of some kind. Like, I know the writers probably mean he's from the Havens of Sirion, but that was still the elvish equivalent of asking an American, "Are you from America, from 'the state'? I've been there once, you know".
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-5 points for speaking Quenya. Not a single Silvan Elf born in Beleriand would be speaking Quenya, ever. Elu Thingol banned the language from being spoken throughout the realm when he learned of the horrors of the First Kinslaying. It's an absolutely massive faux pas on the writer's part.
That has Arondir sitting pretty on 35 points.
Next, we have ....
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He's..... old?
That's -5 right off the bat. He's not the oldest elf, so why does he look old? I mean, he also saw some first-age shit, but so did everyone else here. The writers do realize that he's younger than Galadriel, right?
Otherwise, he's a little sassy and ambitious, but relatively a nice guy. +10 points for Celebrimbor.
That leaves Celebrimbor with ..... ouch, 5 points. You know what will make you popular my dude? Forge some rings. What could possibly go wrong?
Next up is.....
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+10 points for looking exactly as Gil-Galad should, but what did they do to his character?
Since when did Gil-Galad become.... dare I say it... a dick?
The Gil-Galad I know was kind and benevolent, and overall a gentle ruler who always sided with Galadriel. I was not expecting a sneaky, manipulative, Mithril-hungry, ship-your-best-mates-off-to-Valinor, arrogant bastard, and I do not approve.
I mean, where is the man worthy of the "Gil-Galad was an elven king" poem? The writers so did him dirty.
-10 points.
That leaves Gil-Galad with a great big 0. Shape up, laddy.
Moving on to....
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He is a perfect sweet baby. An angel. Kind. Polite. Understanding. He has a lot to learn. The character is so good I can entirely excuse the hair.
10 points for Elrond!
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His bromance with Durin is iconic. Another 10 points.
He is also pure and loyal to his friends, and he is starting to learn to do both what is right for his friends, and what is right for his people. Oh, how this series is going to crush him. Another 10 for our poor baby.
That has Elrond sitting on a nice even 30 points.
Next up....
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Lore checks out. +10.
Just tell me, what idiot decided Elros gets a beard? Tolkien makes it very clear that half-elves don't get beards and it takes many generations for their descendants to acquire that mannish trait (see the princely house of Dol Amroth). -5 points.
That leaves Elros with 5 points as well. You need to shave, my dude.
Aaaaand, last but not least.....
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Right off the bat, wtf did they do to his hair?!? Terribly unsexy. -10 points.
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And what exactly happens with his death? Finrod dies in the dungeons of Sauron, not on the fields of battle. While the former (and correct version) would perfectly explain Galadriel's extreme hatred of Sauron, the show heavily implies the latter. -10 for such a vague corruption of his backstory.
+5 for his absolutely awesome quote, "Sometimes we cannot know [the light] until we have touched the darkness."
Finrod finishes with a grand..... -15 points.
Galadriel and Arondir for a tie!
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Elrond comes in a close second!
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Tune in next time for Rating the Númenóreans!
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jessyoflorien · 3 months
Yes, she is! 🤍
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duchess-of-mandalore · 3 months
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Five images that exist in the same mental file folder
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cursecuelebre · 2 months
I’m sorry if I’m not going to see Dark Galadriel in the Season 2 in ROP I’m fighting because yes she with a sword wonderful we love it, but when she has magic?? Just 🤌🤌
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If I see someone show a clip of galadriel in a video essay on terribly written female characters one more time I will scream
Clearly no youtuber who does has actually seen rings of power or really cared to look at her character she is leagues better than marvels crap female writing or any of the other examples they show
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greypetrel · 10 months
I see you've been asked several already, so for the Tolkein asks: whichever question you want to answer most, but haven't been asked c:
Hi Mo! :D
Thank you! The temptation to answer all the questions left was there... But I don't want to pester you with basically an essay, so I'll select a few x°D
Edit after writing it: *it's still an essay* Oops.
2. If you were the Middle Earth race that your personality most matches, which would it be?
I'm a Hobbit. Definitely a Hobbit. No love for being on centre stage, will eat six meals per day (listen, snacks are important ok), is very comfortable at home, but resourceful when needed. I miss the love for gardening, my thumb is very black and I have little interest for plants that I can't eat because what's the point. But Bilbo in the book dreaming while camping in the cold of a cozy afternoon spent reading with the kettle on the fire speaks to my soul.
10. Favorite performance by any actor in the Tolkien film projects? Bonus: What's your favorite scene with them?
Bernard Hill as Theoden always gets me. He's just the right level of intensity, melancholy and grieving because he's old and feels like he hasn't accomplished anything. The tenderness and the respect he has for Eowyn as his beloved niece AND a wise woman he can be happy leaving his kingdom to (Eomer goes with him to a potentially suicidal mission. He's saying, to me, that his heir is HER, not him). And his speeches are all-!!! The Pelennor Field's one always have me shivering. The words are nice, sure, but his acting was just great. All of the Rohan part is just peak casting and great. Miranda Otto did a stunning job, her singing the mourning song haunts me. And THAT SCENE where Karl Urban just screams himself raw when he finds apparently dead Eowyn. I still don't know why exactly it was cut from the cinematic version, it was a pity.
Andy Serkis. I am appalled that he doesn't appear in more movies because honestly find me any other person who would have delivered a Gollum in the same way. (and please Hollywood cast him in more diverse roles, make me see his face, he's GOOD, give him a chance)
Since no one named him: Sean Astin as Sam. REALLY. The way he can go from grumpy and pouty to bright and happy seeing Frodo and absolutely EPIC. He's a whole journey by himself. Favourite scene: I can tell you the PO-TAY-TOES scene by heart, mimicking Gollum as well. But his speech at the end of Two Towers.
And also. Not a favourite because it's down for lines that are not so good, but... I know it's highly unpopular, but I really liked Morfydd Clark as Galadriel. She's not Cate Blanchett, and she's not supposed to be. That's still Edgy!Galadriel that she plays, she's younger and still hot-headed and please read the book and find out that Galadriel is not an ethereal lady, she's a Noldorin and she can and she WILL kick your ass. Clark does it, she has the right look for it. (her lines could have been better? Yes. I still think she did good with what she had.) (I'm all for edgy and angry, more human-like elves, and thought I know it's flawed, but I liked Rings of Power.)
12. Tolkien's work contains a lot of interesting themes: devastation of war, things lost that cannot be restored, rebirth/renewal, holding true to one's companions even when it is darkest, and others. Which is the most important to you?
I'll try to be brief here, I could fill a dissertation over this.
But mainly:
“It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going, because they were holding on to something. That there is some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for."
The fact that no matter how dark it is outside, there's the promise of light and joy at the end of the tunnel. Hope in spite of everything.
And the fact that it doesn't matter where you come from, it doesn't matter who your ancestors were, how tall are you, how much your people has been involved in a situation before. You are valuable, your help is not in vain, there's some good you can do. See: Pippin's arc. Going from fool of a Took, basically a baby thrown in a world so much greater than him... And standing up to the situation, in the end, just because he wants to help, even if he's scared. His taking the Palantir and talking to Sauron, in the end, is one of the biggest assists given to Frodo... and he's the member of the Fellowship that had the least reasons to be there, the least experience and knowledge to help the mission. In the end, he's just as useful as everyone else.
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that-angry-noldo · 2 years
Oh I forgot, Finarfin should get to jump ahead in the beating SAURON to hell line! At least until he's behind Finrod. And Earwen. I can't imagine she's not wishing for a turn too. Like her namesake she secretly craves violence, right? Especially if you touch her babies.
Look Finarfin and Eärwen have two hands each
which means they can hold hands and wield swords at the same time
which means sauron should hide in the deepest corner of angband and pray
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Galadriel The Rings Of Power 1x05 Partings
For @clementine-elegance
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dinosaurswant2rule · 1 year
This is my super later entry for @haladrielweek
Life rather took over, so I couldn't write more. Anyway this is my wildcard entry
Halbrand as a gladiator/slave is forced to fight an unknown opponent
It's not really an AU exactly as I've not quite worked out where it's going :D
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jojoqin · 2 years
Ok the whole Galadriel doing a spontaneous elf attack on horseback scene…tbh it’s awkward. Not because of the action itself but the way the director shot the frames and the way it’s edited. It’s literally Galadriel just hanging upside down for like 5 sec in basic uninteresting angles. If you’re gonna have an elf do cool stuff, choreograph and film the shit interestingly.
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I would really love to engage and look up Rings of Power stuff after I watch the new episodes but it’s so much negativity that I don’t get any joy out of it
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sotwk · 1 year
Thranduil simply does NOT get enough credit for his endurance (physical, mental, and emotional) against Sauron. Pretty much all the other kings and warriors across Middle-earth's history and races who faced off against the Dark Lord lost and/or died or went insane and/or killed themselves.
Thranduil endured through Sauron's harassment of Mirkwood from TA 1000 till TA 3019--for 2,000 years! He kept his kingdom, his throne, his sanity, and was still a benevolent ruler hosting feasts for his people and lending aid to Men in the thick of all that drama.
This isn't even a headcanon; it is a pretty solid analysis of Tolkien's canon that those with an interest in the character would bother to do. If only the good Professor had taken his writings of Thranduil and Mirkwood further, he would have come to the same logical conclusion: Thranduil was the biggest Elven badass of the Third Age, in essence the real heir of Gil-galad in the role of "King of Elves". (Don't be mad, Elrond stans, Elrond made it clear he didn't even want the title. Galadriel and Celeborn were pretty much conservators.)
I will die on this hill and always shout it from the rooftops as hard as I can.
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thesummerestsolstice · 3 months
My favorite Gil-Galads, and some headcanons for them:
Celebrian Gil-Galad:
This is a tragically rare take
Genderfluid just like his mother
Look he's beauty he's grace and she's a butch lady you're getting the complete package here
Takes a lot after Galadriel actually, an absolute badass who gets things done and takes no shit from the quirky evil miniboss squad that calls itself the Noldor court
Born in the late First Age, got the kingship because Galadriel was AWOL (single-handedly ripping through Morgoth's armies)
"Gil-Galad died at the end of the Second Age" you are in fact wrong she just retired to go live in Rivendell with her eldritch half-elf
Cel-Galad and Elrond have the absolute best love story I do not take criticism
No but the devotion
Yes it still took them several thousand years to confess their feelings for each other
And then they got married like a century later because they'd basically already been living as a couple for millennia
Some Random Guy who Looks a Little Bit Like Fingon Gil-Galad:
Look there was a lack of legitimate claimants to the Noldor throne and Gil-Galad looked enough like Fingon to get the kingship
By the end of the First Age everyone knows he's not actually part of the House of Finwe but he's done such a good job that they decide to keep him as king anyway
Doesn't know his actual parents (two random Noldor who died in the Nirnaeth) and was raised entirely by Cirdan
He's a free-spirited mariner at heart, forced by a strong sense of responsibility into accepting a throne that regularly makes him want to tear his hair out
He's kind of a tragic figure, someone who grew up too fast; he and Elrond bond over this
Eventually he gets to enjoy a life of peace and seafaring in Valinor
He probably becomes good friends with Earendil; Earendil lets him on the magical flying boat and Gil-Galad tells him about Elrond
When I make a post about Gil-Galad, I'm talking about one of these guys. Feel free to share your favorite Gil-Galads in the tags, I love all the different takes on who he is and where he's from :)
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sindar-princeling · 30 days
rop season 2 episode 1 thoughts
at this point you gotta admire the creators' dedication to absolutely bizarre choices when it comes to sauron. 15 minutes in I'm already going what the hell and fuck. like what was that supposed to be. genuinely
Charlie Vickers has grown on me; he still doesn't have much to work with in terms of the script or the plot though
this whole introductory sequence was there....... I'm not sure why? we could already extrapolate all that, and I mean All That, from the previous season
it still pisses me off that Galadriel is The Main Idiot and Everything Is Her Fault
also, I am reminded of all the plot and worldbuilding choices that annoyed me before. why is mithril important for the elves' survival again?
I'm so glad they kept his beard
believe me, I AM trying to find things to like about this show, but the plot choices feel like so much unnecessary drama. Galadriel and Elrond fighting feels.... tiring. I feel like all Galadriel does is fight with people
oh are we getting Rhun?? 👀 Nice
this is a personal opinion but the elven women have wayyy too strong and modern-looking make-up
it's a shame galadriel gets the ring because she's power-hungry and reckless, not because she's one of the mightiest elves in middle-earth. she SHOULD be power-hungry, don't get me wrong, it's one of her best traits, but this way you don't put any sort of accent of how very important and mighty she is
sauron having a Badass Walk into mordor at the end of s1, which was a really cool shot to end a season on, only to then get himself in chains and then turn away and come back to Celebrimbor has got to be the most '???' moments of this show. they really have no idea what to do with him
overall I'd say my main gripe, apart from the plot solutions, is that this show doesn't have much to say. it's showy, it's lore-heavy (even if I don't like the lore they came up with), but so far it still has little heart and thought behind it. to me at least it doesn't feel like it really wants to tell you something
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frostironfudge · 2 years
My Angel - Bucky Barnes Smut
Summary: Bucky Barnes, your father's best friend has been very, very patient about matters involving you. Seeing you in that outfit however, he can't help but want to corrupt his angel.
Pairing: DBF! Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Warnings: main kink: corruption, age gap: bucky is 40 reader late twenties eg: 26, smut, dom/sub dynamics, possessiveness, slight dark bucky, praise kink, mild degradation kink, nickname - angel, oral f receiving, p in v, multiple orgasms, cockwarming, handjob, cosplay, cum play, Bucky Barnes is a warning MINORS DNI
A.N: i always wanted to write DBF!Bucky and the best way is smut I guess, hope you enjoy! also side note i know nothing of the hobbit and i did ask my best friend @stevesmewmew about it. also song i constantly heard while writing - dirty thoughts - chole adams
Word Count: 3020
Main Masterlist|| AO3 || Kinktober Materlist
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You stare at yourself in the mirror, gnawing your bottom lip. The white dress looks pretty, sort of flowy, your cheeks heat at why you picked the outfit. 
The lace sits nicely, you stare at the silver woven crown you DIY-ed. Placing it upon your head. You don’t know the first thing about the character apart from what you found on google. 
Galadriel, you stare at your attempt of cosplay one more time. You do admire the dress. All your best friend said was she was powerful, innocent and that she had battle skills as well as knowledgeable. She seemed badass. 
You knew the man’s eye you watched to catch was a fan of the franchise. You wondered who he would dress as, your palms smoothen over the dress once again. Grabbing your purse you do a final check and head downstairs. Nervousness blooms in your abdomen.
Your elder brother’s annual halloween party was an excuse for friends and teens to sort of let loose. The only reason it was even allowed was the fact that Bucky Barnes, your dad’s best friend and neighbour would keep the antics in line. The same man who you wanted to impress tonight.
Usually he would be having fun with everyone and covering for your brother’s shenanigans and mostly keeping you company and coaxing you out of your shell for about an hour and then you both would sneak into the theatre room to have a horror movie marathon. 
As you traverse downstairs, the party already in full swing. Music thumping, you squeeze past the crowd in the hallway going to the kitchen for a drink. You wonder if forgoing the wig makes a difference as you head to the fridge. Shrugging you uncap the bottle. Glad, that the kitchen isn’t occupied yet. 
“Holy fuck.” The voice startles you and the water drops across your chest. You wince turning to tell of the source. Your throat dries when it’s Bucky — dressed in a suit, fangs peaking through his lips. 
“B-bucky?” You confirm, he’s gone for the modern vampire vibe and you can’t stop staring at the fit of his inner white collared shirt. 
“You, you’re dressed as—,” his eyes trace over you, crown to hem of the white gown. His fake fang sinks into his bottom lip. Tongue then peeking out to wet the flesh. 
You gulp eyes on his lips, “G-galadriel.” 
“You look, ethereal.” He admits, you look away shyly. 
“Thank, thank you.” Internally your heart hammers at his response. 
Bucky steps closer, towering over you. His woodsy cologne evades your senses, he reaches up, fixing your crown. Fingertips then trace from your temple to your jaw to your chin, tilting your head back. 
His heated gazes prompts your thighs to clench. Bucky inhales deeply. 
“Such innocence.” He murmurs, “So much light. How would you look flush against darkness?” Bucky questions he can feel all the blood rush to his cock. Your nipples hardened perceivable through the lace. The tea towel he holds pressed against your chest. 
He wants to push you against the wall and kiss you. Wants to rip the lace off with his teeth, watch how your lips part moaning his name, or stretched around his cock, how would you look bouncing on his— you blink up at him, he shifts back. 
“Can’t taint you, can I?” He muses. You frown. 
“Bucky I,” 
“Do you like my outfit?” He gestures, changing the topic. 
“Vampire?” You giggle when he smiles brightly, fangs bared. 
“From those shows you like,” He admits sheepish. 
“The one I like wears a leather jacket.” You tease, he narrows his eyes. 
“Oh so when I caught you salivating at the suit wearing one, that was what?” He chuckles when you huff caught in your own web of lies. 
“I do like him in a suit, you might just make it better.” Your fingertips trace the undone jacket button, biting your lip you look up at him.  
Bucky breathes your name in warning, not for himself but for you. He had begun to disregard warnings the night he coated his fist and abdomen with his cum thinking about you.
“Want to know a dirty little secret?” You burn his curiosity brighter than light. He nods. 
“I wore the outfit for you.” Your hand traces up to the jacket lapel, Bucky breathes deeply. 
“You dressed up as one of the most innocent characters of my favourite series, for me?” Bucky recounts, god your perfume so sweet. How would you taste? He wonders. 
“All for you.” You admit, swallowing when his palm finally meets your waist. Warmth sears through your skin as his thumb brushes over the lace. 
Bucky’s mind is a swirl of should I, should I not, but you were making it so easy. So easy to choose the idea to corrupt you. 
The groan he produces rumbles in his chest, Bucky watches as you shift and your pelvis moves in the slightest to your thighs clenching. 
“Want to know a dirty little secret, Angel?” He questions, palm trailing up your side, to your breast. 
“Y-yes.” You bite your lip trying not to make a sound as he palms the flesh through the lace. 
“I want to ruin you, with my tongue, my fingers and my cock.” Bucky’s voice is deep, you softly moan at his words. 
“Look at that, little innocent angel wants to be ruined.” He comments, tugging on your nipples. 
“You’re going to look so pretty wrapped around my cock, begging for release.” He tugs on your earlobe, you feel his thigh between your legs, your hips buck involuntary, you whimper at the contact. 
“Look at you Angel, turning into such a needy, pretty slut for me.” Bucky marvels at the way you’re complying, the way your needy little breaths are making him so hard. 
He pulls away as he hears boisterous laughter approaching. You whine at the loss of him. 
“Angel.” He chastises. Handing you the dish towel to help soak the water from your dress. 
“Oh hey, Mr. Barnes, hey tiny.” Your brother chuckles when you groan at his stupid nickname for you. He busies himself taking out drinks from the wine cooler. 
“Hi Y/N. What happened?” Nick Fowler, your brother’s best friend steps closer to you. 
“Just spilled a drink,” you shrug, his grey eyes on you. 
“Oh I’ll help—,” Nick’s hand outstretches, but Bucky steps closer, “She’s got it.” 
Nick’s jaw tenses, Bucky only smiles at him. 
You look between the two, not understanding the reason for the stare down.  
“Run along now.” Bucky speaks sickly sweet as your brother calls out to Nick, he gives you a once over and then leaves with him. 
You look at Bucky, he turns to you, signs of irritation leaving his features. 
“Meet me in my theatre room?” Bucky smiles when you nod eagerly. 
He cups your face between, his metal and calloused hand. 
Blue eyes, admire you. 
“I want the crown to remain on, though I wonder if it will stay secure after I’m done with you.” Before you can react he presses his lips to yours, warm, soft lingering taste of his whiskey. 
The cold metal of the refrigerator blooms across your back as he presses you against the appliance. 
You kiss back, as his tongue swipes at your bottom lip exploring your mouth. Taking his bottom lip between your teeth you suck on the flesh, he moans your name, grinding against you. 
Bucky parts his lips from yours, your lust blown eyes gaze up at him, so innocent. 
“Oh, Angel. I don’t think I have any patience left any longer.” Is all he says before grabbing your hand and guiding you out the side door, towards his house. 
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Bucky’s hands are everywhere, your knees either side of his lap, the dress pushed up bunching around your hips. He lifts his hips ever so slightly, you cry out around his fingers. 
“Go on Angel, get them nice and wet. Good girl, oh are you chocking on my fingers already? Oh sweet little needy baby, what will you do with my cock then?” He tuts, pulling his fingers out of your mouth, a trail of saliva connects from the tip of his finger to your lips. 
“Ask for my fingers Angel.” Bucky smirks as you whine. 
“Please.” Your hands rest on his chest. 
“That wasn’t a really good job.” He chastises, “You can do better sweet Angel, go on say the filthy words of what you want from me.” 
Staring into his eyes, your skin heats, Bucky shifts his hips again, you mewl. 
“Bucky please.” Your hands clutch at his half unbuttoned shirt. It hangs off of his shoulders.
“Please what?” His left hand moves up your back, cooler fingers find the zipper undoing it. 
“Please fuck me with, with your fingers.” You bite your lip. 
“Only my fingers?” He teases thumb brushing over your inner thigh. 
“Do you want to sit on my face baby? Do you want me to lap up your sweetness? Bet you taste so good.” His thumb brushes over your clit.
You nod, you want all of it. 
“No panties, no bra, were you wanting me to fuck you?” He raises a brow, thumb applying pressure. 
You nod preening, “Want, want you.” His left hand urges you to kneel straighter, index and middle finger circling your entrance. 
“You want, me, Angel?” He confirms again, “Look at you, clenching around nothing, let’s change that shall we?” His digit sinks into you, Bucky swirls it around touching your walls, he then begins to pump in and out. 
You begin to meet the slow thrusts, your gown beginning to fall from your shoulders. Bucky swears as he sees the untouched skin and the pebbled nipples. 
“Look at you,” Two fingers fucking into your cunt, “Meeting every thrust, not so innocent are you?” His lips latch onto your nipple, sucking and biting your head thrown back his palm rubs over your clit as you grind down upon his fingers.
Bucky shifts his attention to the other nipple, the pace of his fingers increasing he adds a third, “Have to stretch you out don’t I? Aw, Angel are you going to make a mess on me? My Dirty, dirty girl.” 
“Bucky, Bucky, Bucky—,” His fingers continually tap over the spongy sport, stars begin to cloud your vision, left hand gripping your breast, tweaking your nipples. 
“Go on, cum for me Angel, this is only the beginning of your ruin.”  Bucky smirks as you shudder against him, cunt squeezing his fingers, thighs trying to close, your hands tugging on is hair.
Lust blown blues admire you unraveling, the bliss spreading over your features as the orgasm takes you, your walls begging to keep his fingers in, Bucky’s palm rubbing circles over your clit and the burn of it delicious. Your shaking from the aftershocks ceases. It takes everything in Bucky not to have his fingers replaced by his cock swiftly. 
“You with me Angel?” Bucky chuckles, when you blink through the haze. 
“Y-yeah.” You run your fingers through his hair.
“Crown’s still on.” He chuckles, bringing his slick covered fingers to your lips, “Have a taste, you need to know how you taste without me.” 
His fingertips trace your lips, your tongue follows. Bucky then tastes you from his fingers and moans. 
Your dress is pushed off of your body, Bucky’s hands roam in admiration.
“So fucking delicious, I deserve a reward don’t I? For being this patient, for letting you remain untainted by me this long.” He looks at you, you nod. Bucky taps your hips and you move off him to allow him to slide down.
He kisses your clit, “Already needy, my, my.” his tongue licks over your folds, humming at your taste.
“Grab onto the headboard, Angel.” He says before his lips wrap around your clit and he sucks wantonly upon the pulsing nub. Shivers bloom across your back.
You moan, grinding onto his face, he groans. Hands clutching your hips not letting you move away, Bucky laps at your entrance, licking stripes from your clit to circle and back. Nibbling on the clit your mewls and preens don’t stop, his light scruff burns deliciously over your inner thighs and folds.
“Bucky please, please, please—,” You warn as the coil snaps again, his hips lift off of the bed in response as he hungrily devours you for every single drop. When he doesn’t relent you try pulling away, you can feel yourself getting slick again as his ministrations continue. 
His large hands push you back to sit on his lap again, pink lips glistening as he smirks. He pulls you close chest to chest.
“Rewarding.” He comments lazily tracing patters on your thigh.
You look down, the tent in his pants achingly visible.
“Can, can I?” You request.
“All words, Angel, need to know the filth that goes on in that innocent little mind, tell me is it all for me? Have my thoughts been corrupting you?” Your thighs squeeze at his word.
“Have you touched yourself thinking about me? Played with my pussy without asking me?” His thumb returns to your clit.
“Yes.” You squeak.
“Tell me what you’ve thought about baby?” He questions, “Tell me while you undo my pants, go on.”
Shaky fingers reach for the button, “I’ve thought, I’ve though about you fucking me, in your study.” You undo the zipper.
“Bent over my table?” He questions watch your tits with every deep breath you take.
You shake your head, toying with the wait band of his boxers.
“Against the window? My sweet, innocent, Angel wants the world to see I’m fucking her?” He questions, you nod.
“And maybe the table too.” You add, drawing amused laughter from him.
“What else, Angel?” He questions pace on your clit increasing, “Take my cock out.”
You do as he says, pumping him from bottom to top, his length is massive and girth as well. You bite your lip.
“Angel, don’t worry your pretty little head, it’ll fit, pussy was made for my cock.” He hisses as you rub your thumb on the slit then you bring the precum covered digit to your lips, locking eyes with him.
“Go on, taste me.” He watches as you clean your thumb eyes closed and humming at his taste before returning your hand to his cock.
“Stand up, we’re going to my office.” Bucky’s cock twitches in your hold.
His clothes are discarded, he easily lips you up, legs wrapped around him, his cock shifts over your folds with each step, Bucky keeps his lips pressed to yours as he easily moves to his office down the hall.
“Bend over the table corner.” He instructs, setting you down, you do as he says the cold marble has you shift, the rounded corner touches your clit.
“Just how I pictured.” He hums appreciative, lining himself up with you, slowly sinking in inch by inch you both moan in synchrony. Bucky grabs your hands holding them behind you. The arch it creates has him move in deeper, tip right against your g-spot.
“Fuck, so fucking tight, look at you, spread out for me, what would people say? Innocent little Angel is Bucky’s pretty little slut. She fantasises about being fucked by him. I’ll fuck you on every surface if you ask me.” His hips snap you cry out, clenching hard around him.
“Only you.” You whimper, as his pace increases, the cold marble rubbing against your clit.
“Fuck, how good are you squeezing me, cunt doesn’t want to let me go.” Bucky groans, pulling you up.
His cock moves deeper, your back is against his chest, his left hand moves to your clit, right hand around your throat squeezing lightly. Your walls quiver around him.
“Oh Angel likes being choked? Fuck, you’re perfect. My pretty little slut, look at you.” He groans, adding pressure and the sounds of his cock have you mewl and preen.
“Please, please, please,” More incoherent thoughts spill from your lips, he feels so good, so good. So deep.
“Only I, get to see you this way don’t I? Begging, on the brink of bliss.” 
Yes, yes, yes—“Bucky, please—,” 
“Look at you, can only think about my cock filling you up so good, can’t you Angel?” He bites down on your neck, leaving his mark. 
“So, g-good,” You choke on another moan.
Your hands around his neck, your nails manage to claw at his flesh. Bucky knows he’s not going to last, he knows you aren’t going to either. 
“Go on Angel, cum so you can feel me everywhere. My dirty, little, pretty girl. Innocent little slutty Angel.” His words set off the flame that consumed your veins, distantly you hear a desperate cry of Bucky’s name, Bucky groans your name in response your spasming walls setting his orgasm off.
He continues to fuck you through your orgasms, panting in his arms, Bucky loves how your pussy feels wrapped around him. He leans back taking you with him into his plush chair. 
Cock still inside of you, his fingers rubbing at your clit, you protest, his hand clutches at your hair, lips swallow down your protests, fingers moving fast your babbles return, cumming undone on his cock, marking it with yourself. 
“Look at that Angel, you’ve claimed my cock.” He admires the fluids coating your thighs and his balls, gathering the cum, he brings his fingers to your lips. 
You keep your eyes locked with his, as you lick his fingers clean. Your clit pulses at the taste. Bucky smirks feeling your pussy clench. Your mind is a haze as his lips press kisses to your temple and cheek. 
“I’ve got all night to corrupt your thoughts further. Against the window next, Angel. I know someone who would hate to miss out on the show we put on.” He chuckles darkly, hands roam your body. 
You hum tiredly, basking in the warmth, Bucky’s eyes shift to the broken crown discarded to the floor. 
“Little corrupted Angel.” He hums, nuzzling into the crook of your neck, "My Angel." He repeats, placing a soft kiss over the love bite on your neck.
"All yours, Bucky." You whisper, tilting your head back to meet his blue eyes.
permanent tags for bucky: @slutforsexyseabass
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anghraine · 1 month
My Rings of Power re-watch is continuing slowly now that I have more time (though not always more attention span for anything except games, thanks dissertation -> my mother nearly dying -> getting COVID). But one of the things I'm really enjoying about Galadriel in ROP is that it doesn't always frame her as the wisest and most insightful person in every interaction she has, and in fact it is clear that she's fucking up in very significant ways because of how hard and relentless she's become through her eons of suffering and her determination to exact a price for it. She is not well!
However, she is nevertheless right about some very important matters that most people don't want to see, and she's being condescended to by men of her people who are much younger, less experienced, and less correct than she is, and it's continually emphasized that she is the most individually powerful and competent Elf around regardless of any of this and that her fuck-ups, while disastrous, are cool and sexy of her also.
So many male action heroes are troubled men haunted by whatever their particular tragic pasts are, but these men are also super impressive and badass (often to a degree far beyond all probability) in a harsh, capable way founded on never giving up ever, so while they are permitted to make major errors, it's in a cool and sexy way that just makes them more appealing.
This isn't a condemnation of that; there's a place for that kind of action hero and I tend to enjoy them when it's not copaganda or something. But I like women, and I like women to benefit from a full package of tropes that are often watered down when female characters get any part of them at all, so I enjoy a female character in something that historically has been such a dudefest getting full unhinged brooding hypercompetent action hero treatment.
I even fully support the show prioritizing Galadriel getting the good wig. Her hair flowing dramatically in the wind is actually more important than someone like Celebrimbor getting dramatic impractical action hair (with love, he's an arts and crafts nerd hung up on his academia celebrity grandfather, nothing about this demands good hair).
But I also like it not only in general and not only for a female character, but also for Galadriel specifically. I was just re-reading the description of her in the Shibboleth of Fëanor, and (Teleporno aside) it tracks pretty well. The whole thing about young Galadriel's burning determination to pursue Fëanor to the ends of the earth and thwart him in whatever ways she could seems exactly the sort of thing ROP Galadriel would do, and while ROP is set much later, the Shibboleth suggests that Galadriel was still recognizably that person for long afterwards:
"Pride still moved her when, at the end of the Elder Days after the final overthrow of Morgoth, she refused the pardon of the Valar ... It was not until two long ages more had passed, when at last all that she had desired in her youth came to her hand, the Ring of Power and the dominion of Middle-earth of which she had dreamed, that her wisdom was full grown."
There's a lot of Galadriel material that Tolkien wrote and he continually overhauled, revised, discarded, and amended the Galadriel backstory to such an extent that her history is one of the most chaotic, tangled, and irreconcilable zones of Tolkien lore. I don't think anyone is obligated to prioritize Shibboleth Galadriel if they have a different preferred version. But I really love that version of Galadriel and it does make her seem like probably the best canon female character option of this era for Action Hero Disaster Area (In A Cool and Sexy Way).
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