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arjunasearth · 2 years ago
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The Moon is on her way to completion, and so are you.
~Blessed Full Moon <3~ I am her. She is me~Completing another cycle so that we can peacefully enter a new one. Wishing all of you a smooth transition into these Moon Energies.
I’ve been capturing her beauty during the last weeks, watching her fruition, her blooming and her blossom. Also love how the last picture radiates a pinky-redish energy, truly reminding me of its indigenous name Strawberry Moon.
Summer time is here. And I am deeply deeply grateful for warmth. AbunDance is literally everywhere.
~Blessed be~
Faithful to the Moon
Cosmic Womb
~~Fill your cup. Over and over again.~~~
Source: arjunasearth.tumblr.com
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jacobnordby · 7 months ago
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'Spiritual’ Red Flags to watch out for (AND THEIR MEANINGS):
1: To 'hold space' for someone = To sit and stare at someone with emotional issues for an uncomfortable amount of time, then pat yourself on the back for basically doing nothing while your homie has a breakdown.
2: I'm in transition = I'm unemployed and totally fucking lost, so I have created an identity out of being an opportunist. Maybe you have some trim work for me or food? Or a trade? I do crystal readings!
3: I'm processing a lot of downloads from the Universe = I smoked too much DMT and can’t afford therapy. By pretending that my fragile brain is a sacred record keeper, I receive validation for speaking gibberish.
4: I'm a lightworker/empath = I am depressed and unstable and take zero responsibility for my own self-destructive tendencies, and need to focus on condescending your dark shit to avoid my own. (PS: I'll diagnose you as a narcissist)
5: I am a Reiki Master= I crave human contact, And this makes me feel less insecure than Tinder. I can cross personal physical boundaries with ease if I so choose, depending on what my client looks like, or I can think about random things while getting paid handsomely to hold my hands awkwardly over someone’s body.
6: You have an amazing Aura = I would love to bang you.
7: I am writing a travel blog = I don't want to go home, I no longer fit in: I never have. I don't know where I will end up, but I’d like to get paid to figure it out.
8: I'm not looking for a relationship/ only deep soul connections = I have commitment issues and fear of intimacy so I collect partners with compatible insecurities. I understand you will head off to Thailand soon anyways. “Bread-crumbing my love keeps me safe” is my mantra, while I dip my dick like a candlestick in every Shanti ratchet priestess in town.
9: 'Inner Goddess Within' workshops = An understanding of daddy Issues and a way to overdevelop the masculine side to protect the little girl within. Helping participants to surrender to the bias that all men are shit ( all of this for a nominal fee). The level 2 masterclass will teach you how to galactivate your man’s scrotum chakra enough to make him forget that you pay for bullshit workshops with his harvest money.
10: A guru = Someone who has overstepped the threshold of self-development into supreme egotism and found a niche market. Carries a flute and has a name you can't pronounce (though his driver's license says Steve) and chants words he doesn’t understand. But interesting tattoos...right?
11. A shaman = see above.
12: Worshipping the Beloved = Classic scenario where a cluster B personality type convinces you at a festival that you are their twin flame, lost for centuries in the ether. If you have never been loved by your primary caregivers, this is paradise on earth as your fear of abandonment gets spanked with a mala on the magical, mystery tour of self-deception.
13: In the flow = I never commit to anything, especially plans to do anything with anyone, so that I can completely flake out and not take any responsibility for it; ie I didn’t pay my phone bill this month.
14: Co-creating a retreat/gathering = my borderline personality friends and I have exhausted all other means of making an honest income, and have decided instead to use our social media clout (aka naked buttcheeks) to radically overcharge a too-large group of saps for 2-14 days of mediocre vegan food, awkward group encounters, and real-world-style sexual politics.
15; Substance Free Event = Powder drugs are fine but if you bring alcohol, we’ll judge the shit out of you. Tobacco’s cool if you snort it and call it "ceremony" or roll your own.
16: Speaking My Truth = I reserve the right to be an asshole in this conversation and you must honour it, regardless of how deep my delusion may be. I’ll probably use this phrase every time I don’t want to be called out for my phone bullshit, because it’s all perspective man...
(Author Unknown)
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bizonmark · 2 months ago
Super Potent Blue Lotus Mix, Nymphaea caerulea, Organic 10X Tincture Liquid Extract ⦁Third Eye ⦁Lucid Dreams |SHAMANIC| RELAX & GALACTIVATE
Highlights Handpicked by DreamCatcherBotanica Read the full description Materials: Blue Lotus Nymphaea caerulea, Pink Lotus Nelumbo nucifera, Red Lotus Nymphaea rubra, White Lotus Nelumbo nucifera var alba, Organic Cane Alcohol, Certified Organic Glycerin, Mountain Spring Water We are happy to announce. As requested, our tincture is now even stronger! This tincture is more potent than most any…
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ashtarchannelings · 7 months ago
By Natalia Alba | Source Beloved Ones, As our planet continues receiving the eight-dimensional frequencies that have descended upon us since this year started, finalizing the phase we are immersed ⇲
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alien-falacy · 9 months ago
Thursday. May 2, 2024.
Pyschic Message.
I have seen some very interesting people on Tiktok for awhile. I'm going to include someone my favorite Tiktokers in this post. Each Tiktoker has a separate life from one another. Give them a follow or a subscribe.
●Kade Forbeck●
●Tom Who ASMR●
●Eric Mack●
●Chris Netzel●
●Jeffree Star●
●Mathew Lush●
●Cain Kerner●
●Steve ASMR●
●Freddy Krueger●
●Marco DC●
●Justin Kittel●
●Michaqre Kai●
●Dr Mike●
●Stevie D TV●
●Jae Gottlieb●
●Downtime TV●
●Daniel Rene●
●Mowgli the Jaguar King●
●kody caswell●
●Kevin Creekman●
●Shane Drayson●
●DepSwap RP●
Follow me at PyschicIntuitiveLotus
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digitalsymmetry · 5 years ago
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“Ananda” - Bliss is an essence that lives in the loving wisdom of light & colour
- B*
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erialali · 6 years ago
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Language is the Vibration of Creation. A gift from the Planetary Mind to it's local flora & fauna. But our Earth Tongue is only one example of the myriad intelligences that permeate our world at this time. Awakening here includes learning these off-world languages so that when we become Galactic Citizens we understand the Lingua Franca in vogue in different areas of the planet. ~ Galactic Maiden teaching Xenolinguistics through Visible Language #xenolinguistics #visiblelanguage #visionaryart #universallanguage #planetarymind #galactivation #galacticmaiden #higherdimension #higherlove #galactic https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx6k4FahhIb/?igshid=imwuq5nomfq7
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cosmicmeyhem · 6 years ago
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WAVESPELL of the RED SERPENT   ///  FEB 7-19, 2019
Red Serpent awakens and activates Life Force energy - Kundalini Keywords: Instinct, Passion, Creativity, Awakening, Regeneration, Rebirth
In the modern transliteration of the Mayan Calendar, called the Dreamspell, today begins a new 13 day cycle that carries the energetic signature coded as Red Serpent. This is the Kundalini Fire, the Dragon of the Soul, that lies sleeping in the base of the spine until awakened and channeled up to merge with the Third Eye and Heart. This process births the Cosmic Human who is able to access the totality of his or her potential; Creative Power combined with Higher Consciousness and Divine Love.
Today opens the portal and tomorrow we begin to fly through a sequence of ten supercharged high-frequency galactic activation days. The last day of the cycle culminates with the full moon at zero degrees Virgo on February 19th. 
The Mayans are not the only ancient culture to identify this important slice of time. According to the Tibetan and Mongolian Timekeepers, all things manifested throughout this ten to thirteen day period will be greatly amplified and produce a karmic ripple effect lasting for 90 days. 
So make the most of this potent energy! 
I am preparing by making a Vision Board for all that I wish to crystallize into my reality over the next 3 months, and starting my mornings by staring it in the face as I drink my green tea!  :)
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xanxana1 · 7 years ago
The Evolution of Humanity 💖✨🙏💫 The Ascension Stages are about the bringing down of the layers of light and sound from our higher frequency spiritual bodies, by descending these layers into matter and anchoring them into our physical body via successive kundalini activations. The transmissions of electromagnetic frequencies occur throughout many functions of our bio-neurology, between the CNS, Brain and physical body parts, as well as the Nadial Structure and spiritual body parts. Simultaneously, Ascension is a shift in the energetic spectrum of frequency patterns held in our physical self. When absorbed and activated into the layers of the human bio-energetic field, it activates the higher DNA instruction set. This catalyzes a chain of events that creates a complete transformation and transmutation of various patterns and thought programs held in the identity, which shifts Timelines and changes the direction the consciousness of that person is travelling. When spiritually activated, these old identity patterns begin to shift, re-emerge and clear from the layers of experiences coded into every cell and memory pattern held as an energetic vibration within the person’s bodies. The biological ascension process manifests physical, mental and emotional Ascension symptoms that ignite spiritual crisis, which is referred to as the Dark Night of the Soul. Many people without Ascension context are captured into the medical system and are being prescribed drugs that interfere with their spiritual development, because they are being told that they have a disease. We all must do our research and due diligence to find our own personal truth to take control over our personal health and wellbeing. We cannot give that responsibility away to others. #ascension #dna #upgrade #galactivation Source: ascensionglossary.com
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jasperscuriosity · 6 years ago
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vitalcoaching · 8 years ago
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SPACE! HOME! I LOVE YOU! #galactivation #space #humanrace
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monarchamos · 5 years ago
The Morphonova relationship dynamic is like.... Plankton and Karen’s from Spongebob, but they don’t argue, are only evil half the time, and Morpho isn’t always a genius
So like, there’s just robot jokes, the height dynamic, and affection left. Yeah, that’s it.
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ashtarchannelings · 7 months ago
By Natalia Alba | Source Beloved Ones, We are reaching the culmen of the individual and planetary galactivation phase that we started at the beginning of this year. A year ⇲
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artofrashid · 8 years ago
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Promo piece I did for Melanin Man and Afro Woman
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newsupdated · 4 years ago
Aliens and ‘Galactic Federation’ exist, ex-Israeli space chief claims
Aliens and ‘Galactic Federation’ exist, ex-Israeli space chief claims
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There is allegedly a Galactic Federation of alien species among the stars — and they don’t want humans to be part of their club.
A former head of Israel‘s military space program claims that extraterrestrials have made contact with officials in the United States and Israel over the years, but the aliens won’t come out in public because they worry people will freak out.
In other words, they’ve…
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erialali · 6 years ago
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Queen Mu Galaxy Edition It will take radical innocence to take us into the next century. Remembering the future we enter into continuous contact with our Star Family. #queenmu #erialali #visionaryart #innocence #higherdimension #higherlove #higherconsciousness #peace #peacebeing #galactivation #celestialbeing #divinemessenger #angel #lightbeing https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw3rXesBpPx/?igshid=i2lbq2w58b0s
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