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cosmicmeyhem · 6 years ago
Limitations Are A Lie
Limitations are a Lie. We live in an Infinite Universe The foundational paradigm of Nature is Abundance, Coexistence, Ceaseless Adaptation and Syntropy. It is only that your Mind has been conditioned since birth by Artifacts of Past Experience carried through The Culture that must Always Fall behind  to make way for the Future. The eternal present Now is the only True Reality and We, as Free-Willed Beings of Conscious Awareness have infinite choice in each Now Eternity Through Desire we magnetize Potential The seedstuff of Probability So why not desire to release, Release all that is not Now Release all concepts still dragging and lagging from everything that’s Old Release all fears and release all holds Look to the Forests and the Seas and the Stars for The Truth and unleash your Genius Mind  The Mind that connects the dots of Everything through the Wisdom of the Heart That Trusts, That Knows, That Innerstands the Whole from each and every Part  You are an Infinite Creator This World is your canvas You can magnetize anything to you All Limitations are a Lie.
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cosmicmeyhem · 6 years ago
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WAVESPELL of the WHITE MIRROR   ///  FEB 20 - MAR 4, 2019
White Mirror asks us to face our shadow Keywords: Clarity . Discernment . Discipline . Purification . Timelessness . Wisdom
In the modern version of the Mayan Calendar, called the Dreamspell, we begin a new 13 day cycle that carries the energetic signature coded as White Mirror. White Mirror is the Sword of Wisdom or the Surgeon’s Knife; both sharp and merciless instruments that empower us to cut away what no longer serves our highest purpose.
Try as we may, so long as we exist in physical form, we cannot escape our shadow. We inherit our shadow the moment we are conceived, for our parents carry forth the ancestral conditioning that will soon construct the first scaffolding of our Ego. 
And this is the Great Game...
We choose our parents and by extension our shadow based on the lessons our soul seeks to learn in this lifetime. There is never a mistake. Without our shadow we would have nothing to overcome, nothing to break through, nothing to serve as the tension from which we can release and unleash our Soul Essence into the world. Once we do we are exalted and our accomplishment becomes our inspirational gift and our healing to others. While Nature just is and evolves without question, it is the Human Ego that seeks striving for striving is fun! What would Life be without a little challenge to show courage, some suffering to build strength, and sorrow to seed happiness? 
Shadow work is therefore really Light Work in disguise; polishing work that enables us to refine our soulful shine. White Mirror helps us to see ourselves for who we truly are, the good, the bad, the ugly and the Divine. Use these thirteen days to do some polishing. ;) 
The path of the Sacred Warrior is the only path worth taking for those who seek true Freedom. . 
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cosmicmeyhem · 6 years ago
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Full Moon at 0° Virgo Opposite the Sun at 0° Pisces Forming harmonious aspects with Mars in Taurus and Uranus in Aries. Warrior Goddess Pallas Athena  in Libra and Chiron the Shaman in Aries look on...
Element: Earth Rulers: Mercury: The Mind & Chiron: The Shaman Body Parts: Intestines, Kidneys, Purifying Functions _
Virgo the Virgin; Woman UnOwnable by any man;  Honour only of the Priestesses and Prostitutes and Mary Magdalenes A different story than what they told you In Bible Study Sunday School. As soulful as she is sharp, Virgo walks a measured line All those little lies you tell yourself; She will watch as you refine She’ll take you as Apprentice And purify your form Hone your mind with practical magic Show you clear skies in the storm She is the Wise White Witch The Goddess of the Grain She knows her body is the Earth, Her Heart, a warm spring rain Though her bare feet dance in dirt  She knows well the Quest of Soul Virgo guides our role, our work,  Our service to the Whole _ The Full Moon in Virgo also auspiciously conjuncts Regulus, the primary star of the constellation Leo. Throughout history, Regulus has been associated with royal power. To the ancient Babylonians it was known as Sharru (the King), to the Akkadians as Amil-gal-ur (King of the Celestial Sphere), and to the Persians as Miyan (the Centre), or Venant, one of the four “royal stars” that watched over all the other stars in the form of a Fixed Cross. Aldebaran, Fomalhaut, and Antares completing the quartet. In old India, the star was known as Magha (the Mighty), while the Greek astronomer Ptolemy used the word Basiliskos (“little king”) to describe it, which was later translated into Latin by Nicolaus Copernicus as Regulus. Medieval European astrologers also knew Regulus as one of the fifteen Behenian stars, which were stars that were endowed with magical properties through being associated with plants and gemstones. In the case of Regulus, its magical properties derived from its association with granite and the mugwort plant (featured in the illustration above). Regulus is also known as Arch Angel Raphael’s star. This auspicious conjunction makes this Full Moon a powerfully healing one.  May The Stars Guide Your Way
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cosmicmeyhem · 6 years ago
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WAVESPELL of the RED SERPENT   ///  FEB 7-19, 2019
Red Serpent awakens and activates Life Force energy - Kundalini Keywords: Instinct, Passion, Creativity, Awakening, Regeneration, Rebirth
In the modern transliteration of the Mayan Calendar, called the Dreamspell, today begins a new 13 day cycle that carries the energetic signature coded as Red Serpent. This is the Kundalini Fire, the Dragon of the Soul, that lies sleeping in the base of the spine until awakened and channeled up to merge with the Third Eye and Heart. This process births the Cosmic Human who is able to access the totality of his or her potential; Creative Power combined with Higher Consciousness and Divine Love.
Today opens the portal and tomorrow we begin to fly through a sequence of ten supercharged high-frequency galactic activation days. The last day of the cycle culminates with the full moon at zero degrees Virgo on February 19th. 
The Mayans are not the only ancient culture to identify this important slice of time. According to the Tibetan and Mongolian Timekeepers, all things manifested throughout this ten to thirteen day period will be greatly amplified and produce a karmic ripple effect lasting for 90 days. 
So make the most of this potent energy! 
I am preparing by making a Vision Board for all that I wish to crystallize into my reality over the next 3 months, and starting my mornings by staring it in the face as I drink my green tea!  :)
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cosmicmeyhem · 6 years ago
New Moon in Aquarius
When the moon rests with the Sun and the night sky is dark, be still and listen to the whispers of your heart.
New Moons initiate a cycle. They are a time to turn inward, contemplate, meditate, craft intentions and begin to draw energy in for what we wish to manifest in the weeks ahead.
New Moon in Aquarius FEBRUARY 4  | 4:04PM EST
The Moon (Our Most Intimate Self) joins the Sun (Identity) and Mercury (Thinking and Communication) at 15° Aquarius. 1+5 = 6 which opens a multidimensional doorway; a new opportunity. Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, the higher; octave of Mercury; Mind and Voice.  
Aquarius is The Spirited Free-Thinker, The Genius Inventor, The Mad Scientist, The Sage and The Cosmic Artisan whose aim is total freedom to pursue enlightenment and shine the Soul through Human form. She pours the Waters of Cosmic Wisdom upon the Love-parched Earth, granting Joy and Freedom to all who seek adventure, purpose and rebirth.
The elemental forces of Air and Water mingle Mind and Heart. This is a time to ponder how your Inner Truth becomes your Art.  Your Uniqueness is your greatest gift in service to the Whole. You are a spark of The One Consciousness, a part of The One Soul. Singing your song with joy is your One True Purpose here.
Freedom is found as we harmonize what we know with how we are, what we receive with what we transmit, how we quest for love with how we radiate love.
This New Moon asks us to seek the path of independence to find our inner genius; to be intrepid explorers in the realms of our own consciousness, and to share our deepest insight for the purpose of progressing Humanity.
As a dual vision of Individual Freedom and Equality for All, Aquarius is the Superhero making Freedom Culture his new call.
As we dance to the Music of the Spheres, we align to Nature’s Harmony and our lives become like poetry; living art evolving to the beat of the Great Cosmic Drum.  Ay Yum, Hunab Ku, Evam Maya E Ma Ho! All Hail the Harmony of Mind and Nature!
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cosmicmeyhem · 6 years ago
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cosmicmeyhem · 6 years ago
The greatest fear in the world is the opinion of others, and the moment you are unafraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom.
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