#galactic unicorn skin
m4g0rtz · 2 years
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Today's polish was disappointing, but it's ok cause I fixed it. 😂 I originally had on Goth from A-England. According to the website it's a black linear holo with a red shimmer. But as you can see from the pictures the red shimmer wasn't there at all and you can barely see the linear holo. So it mostly just looked black. Well seeing as how I need my nails extra AF at all times I decided to do to use a topper (or 5) and now my nails look like this:
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Ahhh that's better. 😂 Today's polish is a rainbow skittle of the Holo Taco unicorn skins. From thumb to pinky you've got Solar, Lunar, Galactic, Sonic, and Aurora. These are some of my all time favorite toppers. I love how shifty they are and they look PERFECT over black. 😍😍😍
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dansconcepts · 2 months
DND AU - Classes V1
I've got excerpts along with what I think are some fitting classes for the Dangan characters (based on talents and personality from the three main games). Here's Version 1 under the cut while I finish up polishing some upcoming Diner AU drabbles. Also, I played DND once and watched a couple of DND campaigns but most of these are based on the wiki (dnd5e.wikidot sort of wiki) regardless of obscurity. There's also multiclassing and I may have taken creative liberties.
Chiaki Nanami:
Cleric (Peace Domain) / Wizard (School of Enchantment)
Pink eyes glisten and delicate lips turn upward as she outstretches her arms. Grass crunches as the dark wolf pup marches forward. It's caught in a warm embrace. She glides a hand over its matted fur, softly murmuring, “it’s okay. I don't wish to harm you. Nothing will ever cause you harm when I’m around.” She stands, the pup zipping through her legs and yipping. She eyes its capturers with a frown. “Unlock the cages. Leave at once, and reflect on better paths for yourselves.” They obey. The released animals warily step out. She nods at them. “Go home guys. I'll ensure it's safe, I promise.”
Kokichi Ouma:
Rouge (Thief) / Bard (College of Satire)
“Serve us, and we shall provide you with great power!” The god’s voice reverberated throughout the dimly lit chamber.  He laughs, loud and sharp. “No thanks! As if I want to serve anyone. I have my own followers, thank you very much! I’ve met enough royal assholes to know a terrible deal when I see one.” His smile drops. “Now get out of my head, you pathetic piece of shit.” He wakes up refreshed the next day.  Would it be there? He reaches into his pocket and feels a solid, smooth surface that wasn’t there before. Purple eyes glint with a grin.  It’s not everyday that I get a chance to steal from a god.
Nagito Komaeda:
Sorcerer (Wild Magic)
It’s no secret that Nagito has experienced some strange things ever since he was born. Very early on, he was plummeted into an otherworldly space. His parents were right by his side one minute, and in the next, every sensation dissolves into a myriad of stars. Around him, he faces a galactic mosaic with a strange sheen. He would turn if he could, frantically searching for the people he was just with- if only just to point out the oddness of this place. He can't seem to speak here though. Instead, he moves forward. The mist swirls, with its colours looking so pretty. He hopes it would lead to them. Unfortunately, the stars blink out, replaced by an arena of orange and yellows. They fight each other for dominance, harsh, nicking him in the process. He still doesn't really feel anything, but he can feel the temperature start to rise... He wants to leave. He doesn't want to be here. The next thing he knows, everything turns into a breeze and he is left amongst black powder dotting the terrain. A group of people find their way to him, fussing over him. They took him in after that, but it didn't stop there. His body turned blue. He doesn't know how. All he remembers is the fear on the lady that was always kind to him. Frantically, she takes him to a cleric. They told her they removed the Curse on him, and his skin was back to normal. Yet that wasn't the end. He started glowing shortly after, blinding her temporarily by the flash. ...She didn't remain kind after that. When he was in the forest, he saw a unicorn. Of course, it's entirely possible he hallucinated it, but he distinctly remembers being able to pet its soft fur and riding on its back. It even dropped him off at the nearest village. The memory is something he treasures, even if he looks back and cringes because of how unworthy he is to have interacted with it. Whatever may be the reason for any of this, he can't ask anyone about it, because the people who might've known are gone and the people he could've gotten help from have shunned him. He definitely considered that he may just be permanently cursed. But he's witnessed the world bend to his will sometimes. The way people never see him when he doesn't want them to. The way he suddenly got rich after he managed to get a job, despite being some random orphan with shoddy acting skills. The way someone attempted to capture him, and he pulls something from within him, causing them to fall while he scrambles away from their hands. Even the way some people would be kind to him, despite the fact he shied away from everyone. So he calls it "luck".
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hazeltailofficial · 5 days
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Holo Taco Long-Lasting Base Holo Taco Smoothing Base Holo Taco Nail Polish in Resting Witch Face Holo Taco Nail Polish in Galactic Unicorn Skin Holo Taco Glossy Taco
Galactic Witch Nails #holotaco #nails #beauty #halloween #halloweennails #purplenails #shorts
@hazeltailofficial / hazeltail on youtube / hazeltailofficial on tiktok / hazeltailofficial on ig
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whitney7up · 1 year
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Introducing my original Monkey Wrench fan-made character, Vernie Haystacks.
He's a mix of a unicorn/donkey who's about 5 feet and 11 inches tall.
He has light blue skin, a light blue horn, jade green wavy hair and tail, thick dark green unibrow, a 5 clock shadow, has a overweight body, a donkey-like nose, and 4 black hooves.
He regularly wears his standard zip-up purple worker's uniform with his left pocket patch on, only when he's working on his space farm business.
He was naturally born blind and he's about 44 galactic years old.
He also wears his intergalactic neon green sunglasses which helps him see everything better than without wearing them.
His personalities are: Serious, Emotional, Loyal, Clever, Passionate, Friendly, Helpful, Rude (At Times), Tired (Sometimes), Stubborn (At Times), and Determined
He loves farming, fuzzy alien-like animals, banking, math, making friends, purple (his favorite color), wheat toast with cream cheese, helping others, and technologies.
He dislikes losing friends, giving up on his farming, losing his pets, having no money, getting less sleep, losing his intergalactic sunglasses which helps him see, and listening to jokes.
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aureliaphylonatlas · 1 year
Weekend Nails: This weekend I'm using Cuccio's Dublin Emerald Isle topped with Holo Taco's Galactic Unicorn Skin check it out such a beautiful Green combo 💚
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artghoulnailstuff · 12 days
Couldn’t resist the call of new polish
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Polishes are all Holo Taco and from the new Dark Academia collection that just launched minus the toppers.
Inkwell and Devils Advocate with Solar Unicorn Skin on the left.
Ivy League and Head Hunter with Galactic Unicorn Skin on the right.
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vaultofqueenorion · 2 years
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Glimmer 2
And uncomfortable visit and some banter :D
The First Chapter/Previous chapter
Next chapter
“Get your feet off the control panel, please.” 
Surge swept Vega’s feet off before she had a chance to take them down herself. Vega booped the place between his eyes that constituted his nose, and the slit widened as Surge drew in a deep breath. 
Then he opened his mouth, showing her rows upon rows of sharp teeth as he exhaled, a plume of smoke coming straight for her head. Vega closed her eyes and held her breath to avoid coughing. 
“I still think Thantyllians are the descendants of dragons,” Comet muttered from her chair. “I mean, who’s to say that dragons didn’t just nope off into space when they began being hunted by humans?”
Vega didn’t have to open her eyes in order to know that a grin coated Comet’s face. She could hear that very well from the sigh that Surge gave. Vega herself raised an eyebrow in response. 
“Sure, Comet. And they took the fairies and unicorns and all other fabled beings with them,” she said, her feet slowly lifting from the floor in order to place themselves on the dash again. 
Only to be promptly pushed off. 
“Oh, you’re still here? Don’t you have a ship to steer?” Waving a hand in front of her face to get the last of the smoke away from her, Vega opened her eyes a crack, blinking rapidly as they watered. 
“You’ve begun rhyming,” Comet said, jumping from her chair and onto the floor, waving her arms and head so the pink and brown striped braid flew around her. “O’ great galactic sea, how you make me feel like a Origorn with its prey.”
“That didn’t even rhyme,” Surge commented, his tail swishing Vega’s feet off the control panel once again. 
“You should maybe not try for a career as a poet,” Vega said, dodging the dirty look Surge sent her as she tried to put her feet up again. “Remind me again why I can’t relax with my feet up after a long race?”
“Remind me again why you don’t go and relax in your own room - which has been built for personal comfort - instead of poking your dirty shoes at the controls of the ship?” Surge shot back at her. 
“You’re just mad that I get to wear shoes,” Vega said, glancing at the feet of her shipmate which looked more or less like velociraptor feet, complete with the claws made for mauling.
They were bare, of course, because Surge and all other Thantyllians didn’t need shoes. Their leathery skin had hardened over time on their feet, forming scalelike armor that would protect them against both blistering heat and freezing cold. 
One of the benefits of having evolved to be an actual apex predator instead of a softie with sharpened sticks as their only protection, Vega supposed. 
“Stay. Down.” Was all Surge said before he marched over to his own chair, sitting down with a huff. 
Silence fell between them, broken only by the clips of video that sometimes escaped the headphones that Comet wore. She bobbed her head to the beat of the music and Vega let herself sink further into the soft padding of her chair. Her eyes drifted shut, and she gave a sigh. 
After a job well done, she could finally sleep without worrying about their next source of income. The Abyssal wasn’t a cheap ship, and their gadgets didn’t fix themselves when they broke. But the horn would give them just enough to stay afloat for a little while. 
Just enough for her to figure out how to get them out of this mess. 
“Red alert, straight ahead,” Comet said, just as the control panel of the Abyssal gave a red flash. 
“I can see that. Distance and manner of vehicle?” Vega replied, leaning forward in her seat as to better look at the stars beyond the ship. They glinted silently, no indication of threat out there. 
But the first thing Vega had learned as she flew among them was that the stars were reminiscent of the Fey and Faeries of fairytales - they always lied, always promised too much and never gave enough. 
“It’s an IPS,” Surge muttered, and Vega cursed under her breath along with her shipmates. 
“Again? They did a search just last week.” Comet got to her feet and moved towards the doors behind them.
“Interplanetary Perimeter Searches can unfortunately be made as often as the bastards like,” Vega said, following the Liriscent into the hangar. “The Council made that rule a month back.” 
“Still doesn’t mean that they’d have to do it this often.” Comet tossed her a uniform as she spoke, and Vega coughed as she inhaled the dust that exuded from the fabric. “I can’t imagine that the other Rangers are fond of perpetual searches.”
“The officers are, though,” Vega replied, sticking first one leg and then the other into the jumpsuit. There was no reason to take off her other clothes. It would be a quick inspection if she had anything to say about it.
“Ten minutes until contact,” Surge informed them from the speakers. 
“It’s unfair. We have to put on these dusty old rags and he gets to go free?” Comet tapped her jumpsuit in protest but was rewarded with nothing but a cloud of dust. 
“Perhaps if you kept them on, you wouldn’t have to worry about dirt and dust coating them every time they are required,” came from the speakers. 
Comet mimicked the sentence in a higher pitch and Vega laughed, a deep sound that came from the bottom of her chest. Then coughed again when she inhaled another set of dust particles. 
Unlike Comet and Vega, Surge didn’t have to wear the official Ranger uniform because he wasn’t one. But Rangers did need operators, and there was a cross-species policy on every ship in order to smooth over public relations and expand horizons. 
“Remind me again why we keep him around?” Comet mumbled, and Vega slapped her arm at the same time, Surge piped in with an ‘I heard that’. 
“Because we like the old grump,” Vega said just as the whole hull of the Abyssal rattled. They both hightailed it into the command deck once more. “What the hell are they doing to our ship?” 
“Rookie pilot,” Surge replied, his tail swishing back and forth. Vega and Comet both groaned. 
“I thought we’d had enough of the prickly one,” Comet said, twirling her now more orange and red striped braid between her fingers. 
“Yeah well, they don’t seem to care,” Vega replied, placing her hand on Comet’s. “You might have to activate the Blurr. I’m sorry.” 
Comet managed a tight smile. “Don’t be. I knew it was going to be like this before I joined the Rangers,” she said, tapping the side of her headphones. Slowly, the stormy gray of her skin and the blue lightning strokes faded into a uniform paleness, and her hair color turned a dull brown. 
“When we’re out of this mess, I’m coming for the Council,” Vega said, squeezing Comet’s hand. 
“Appreciate it,” Comet said at the same time a clang sounded as the IPS ship latched onto the hull of the Abyssal. 
“I’ll need to have a talk with Riaken, it seems,” Surge said, tail swishing behind him. “We can’t have rookies damaging the ships they need to search.” 
Vega batted her eyelashes at him. “You don’t just want to see him again? I’m sure we can think of easier excuses for that to happen.” At the storm that formed in all of Surge’s six eyes, Vega ducked slightly, hiding a smile by turning towards the cargo. “I better go. We don’t want to keep our visitors waiting.”
“Your visitors,” it came from the entranceway to the command center. “Are already here.” 
Striding into the room was a tall woman with black hair and cold eyes. She raised an eyebrow at the smile that Vega gave her. 
“Officer Ireena, welcome to our humble ship. We hope that you will find everything-” Vega began, but was cut off by Ireena’s raised hand. 
“Spare me the trivialities. We both know you care for them as little as I do,” Ireena said, letting her finger glide over a nearby surface to check for dust. “This wreckage of a ship should have had its license revoked years ago - and you don’t even keep it clean, I see.”
Vega practically felt Surge bristling behind her, and when she glanced over her shoulder she saw him holding his tail to keep it from swishing. “Yes, Officer,” he said, schooling his features into calmness. 
“See, this one understands. And he’s only an exchange,” Ireena said, her lips drawn into a stiff smile. 
“Mother, if you would be so kind as to-” 
“What did I tell you about professionality, Ranger?” Ireena turned, walking towards the cargo room. “But if you would rather see me gone, then let us take a look at the rest of the ship. I’m sure there’s much to uncover.” 
Vega sighed, clenching her fists at her side, and felt a hand on her shoulder. “Go to your happy place,” Comet said, giving her a wink. 
“Go to my happy place,” Vega grumbled as she stomped after her mother into the cargo bay. “So, Officer, what was the reason for this check-up?”
“Merely routine,” Ireena replied, lifting the cover off a basket and wrinkling her nose at the spices that lay within. “How are your crewmates performing?”
Merely routine my ass, Vega thought. “They are the best at their individual skills, and they pose a capacity for critical thinking that many don’t.” 
“I see.” Lifting yet another cover, Ireena made her way to every one of the boxes, cases and baskets in their cargo, making some form of sour face at each one. “I have just the crew for you. Wonderful people with little to no Council policies hanging over their heads - and I know how much you despise these policies.”
Vega paused and cocked her head, her eyes widening. Then she took a deep breath. “I am perfectly content with my current crew,” she said. 
“And I do believe that you’ll be happy with the missions there. No more IPS, no more being bothered by higher powers.” Ireena put extra pressure on the last two words. “You would be free to accomplish the missions as you please.” 
“You might not have heard me before,” Vega ground out through clenched teeth, her voice rising a few notes. “But I love Comet and Surge. I wouldn’t want to be part of any other crew.” She walked over to slam down her hand upon the basket Ireena was trying to open yet again, staring her mother down. “If you have nothing more to check, we would like to get on with our business, Officer.” 
Ireena stepped back, brushing off her black and orange uniform, highlighting the difference in rank from Vega’s white and orange one. “I won’t keep you longer, then,” she said with a curt smile. “But I have to inform you that you have a code 107 violation, two 305s and your shirt’s poking through at the collar, so that’s a 209. Good day.” 
The hatch closed behind Ireena as she stepped into the airlock and disappeared from view. Vega grabbed the nearest piece of polishing cloth from one of the walls and threw it as hard as she could muster. It fell to the ground in the other end of the room with a dull smack. 
“Dust and two hull damages? We’re not so bad in shape after all.” 
Vega turned to find Comet leaning against the door, hands crossed across her chest. A screech sounded from their hull, and they both winced. “And a 307, it seems. They really need better pilots,” Comet said.
“They do,” Vega replied, bending over to pick up the cloth and returning it to its rightful place. “But mother insists on bringing the most green for our checks.” 
“We could file her for harassment,” Surge suggested through the speakers. “That way I could preserve the Abyssal.” 
“We could,” Vega agreed and left it at that. 
“While she was busy ransacking our ship, I set us up with a buyer in the Maelstrom,” Surge said, and Vega smiled. 
“Thank you. Let’s get right over there - we have an appointment with the Compound in a few hours that we can’t miss.”
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Snake Nails: Long Lasting Base Coat, Lemon Spritz, Lemon Sucker, Amber Apathy, Electro Static, Super glossy Taco, Snake vinyls from Twinkled T
Gradient Nails: Long Lasting Base Coat, Hydro Power, Hotwire Pink, Galactic Unicorn Skin, Super Glossy Taco
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hermeticphoenix · 2 years
My Sirian Wolf Family
I identify myself as a sirian starseed, and that means I originally came from the Sirius cosmic system. Sirius is a very diverse place with thousands of different races living there in different dimensions. My first incarnation there was a unicorn from Sirius C (Anu) and my last incarnation was a Sirian wolf humanoid being.
Two years ago, my galactic wolf family contacted me. I was having vertigo and it was a very difficult time for me. Then, one night I felt that I must connect with galactic beings for healing, so I connected myself to Venus and Arcturus, but for some reason, they didn't respond to my call. Therefore, I decided to call the positive souls of Sirius.
A bright bluish silvery light covered my sight as I saw blurred figures. When my vision became a bit clearer, I saw there were humanoid beings calling me from their ethereal spaceship. They have bright blue auras that reminded me of oceans and ice. They were tall and slender with athletic and slender bodies. Most of them were males, but I saw few females. I asked them who they were, and they answered that they were the wolf beings of Sirius and they were my family. They were also connected to the Sirian blue avians, felines, dragons, horses, dolphins, and whales.
Just last year, I saw my lifetime as a Sirian wolf being. I looked perfectly human with white skin and light colored eyes. I was working in a some kind of government where our mission was to heal the shadows of the planet to remove negative energies. It was like shadow working in a planetary level. I saw my colleagues there who also looked like me.
However, I also saw Sirian dog beings who, instead of having a human head, have dog head like Anubis. Currently, I am not so sure about the exact physical appearance of the Sirian canines, whether they have human or dog head, but surely they have human bodies like us.
The Sirian Wolves are serious and commonly introverted, unlike the Sirian Felines. The wolves of Sirius are very protective and warrior like. They have a rather dark and enigmatic vibes about them, mysterious and wise. They are excellent shadow workers, healers, warriors, teachers, and psychologists.
Below are the pictures that are similar to their energy.
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a-little-librarian · 2 years
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New mani drop with @holotaco Lite Link & Galactic Unicorn Skin. Might add a Matte Taco later in the week just to change it up. (at Cottondale, Alabama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CduMbQFuiR5v498ML7q1fa7C0w0ZW074BxOgJ40/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hazeltailofficial · 7 months
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Holo Taco Long-Lasting Base Holo Taco Smoothing Base Holo Taco Nail Polish in One Coat Black Holo Taco Nail Polish in Resting Witch Face Holo Taco Nail Polish in Galactic Unicorn Skin Holo Taco Glossy Taco
hazeltail on youtube / hazeltailofficial on tiktok / hazeltailofficial on ig / @hazeltailofficial
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kalm5 · 3 years
Wanted to share with you all something that I have been practicing and that is doing gradient manicures!
I getting better at horizontal gradients but it was my first doing a vertical gradient!
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Featuring Holo Taco: I’m Over Brew, Matcha Maker, Galactic Unicorn Skin, also used Long Lasting Base, Glossy Taco and Matte Taco!!!
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pokethriller · 3 years
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Car got crushed by a giant tree but check out these Shinobu inspired nails I did 😬 • • • NAIL STUFF @opi: natural nail (base coat) @sechevite: dry fast (top coat) @essie: marshmallow @sally_hansen : black to black @holotaco: full charge (green), pink fizz (pink), galactic unicorn skin (sparkles) Next week’s mani: dragon ball z • • • • • #nails #anime #nailart #nailsart #weeb #shinobu #demonslayer #shinobukochu #nailsofinstagram #nailstagram #animegirl #animeart #nailsoftheday #nails💅 #nailsdesign #animelove #animefan #opi #sallyhansen #holotaco #sechevite #essie (at Melrose) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSMoB4XsDft/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vespaertine · 6 years
shit my groupchat has said - an ask meme
this ask meme is very long, and very nsfw! there are currently 88 starter sentences, and more may be added. apparently, when you scroll up in discord far enough, your computer will lay down and die. anyway, have fun with this, and feel free to change things up or add your own to the list!
“that’s so southern of you.”
“we’re close enough friends that i can just post tit pics and it’s no big deal.”
“i’ve become she-woman man-fucker.”
“why would i want to fuck him? he looks like a thumb.”
“the highlight of that trip was having very loud sex at a family resort.”
“do you ever just read something and immediately wish the hag would come of of her cave and just kill you?”
“i have a feeling that you aren’t about that, judging by the spaghetti dog.”
“your mom is the ultimate wing man.”
“her dress looked like a fancy latex sex dungeon get up.”
“she looks like a raw squid.”
“i’ve got 20 barrels of grog and some bombs.”
“my brand of romance is accidentally meme-ing while nearly sexting.”
“...the rest of the brain is devoted to stupid, ape stuff. like eating.”
“you’re the soft butch we all need in our lives.”
“bobby flay better not fuck my grandma.”
“fucking help me fend off the straight boys.”
“i’m attracted to the fish prince.”
“can you girlfriend her and have her send me some edibles? thanks.”
“this is the world’s okayest pie crust.”
“i’m proof that aquarians have god complexes.”
“i just realized that it’s a full moon AND mercury is in retrograde.”
“we all fuckin’ weebs.”
“i just need lobster when i get to the east coast, and then i’ll be gucci.”
“we all just wanna get topped and loaded like a bacon cheese baked potato.”
“fucking. unicorn skin armor.”
“war ... playing with anime tiddies.”
“you’re out here making me gayer than i already am.”
“he had a dirty foot kink and it kind of made me want to die.”
“i’m getting a bad dragon soon. i’ve waited all year for tax returns.”
“you look like the butch of my dreams.”
“Ayyee our periods are aligned!”
“i don’t have enough alcohol in my system for this.”
“it’s awkward when an ex of yours likes your nudes.”
“somehow golden showers came up in the radio room yesterday.”
“this is why you should keep multiple boyfriends.”
“i want him to kick me out of bed and into a wall.”
“cannonballing a dick would hurt so bad.”
“you’re not a real gamer unless you’ve eaten todd howard’s ass, thanking him for his 6th release of skyrim.”
“i’m not into that, but i’ve got an open mind.”
“the sparkle dog community is wild.”
“no offense but i want all of the aliens to raw me.”
“i don’t need a man. i need a swamp demon from the bayou.”
“as a furry, i have seen dark things that no man should see.”
“shut up i’m pissing. fuck i actually really have to pee.”
“that boi got the entire trans-alaskan oil pipeline in his shorts.”
“i would have fucked him, but then i heard him use the word ‘bro’ unironically in a phone conversation.”
“accept the granite.”
“my panties have been destroyed. vanquished.”
“apparently social justice summons me.”
“take a swig of some 90% isopropyl alcohol. down the hatch.”
“i always get my way ... except for the times i don’t.”
“i think i saw him have a mini funeral with his pot stuff over the trash can.”
“i die when the cornbread is in me.”
“mothman seems like the type of cryptid who waits until marriage and just wants to take you out for ice cream.”
“i’m a bowser fucker.”
“this candle is rainbow for gay intent.”
“you can catch me spooning sangria right out of the pitcher.”
“i see absolutely no downsides to prison.”
“if you decide to go with tax evasion, you get sent to a fancy federal prison.”
“do you want to see something galactically stupid?”
“hog tie me in the middle of the target wine isle.”
“i sucked his dick and he nutted in 2 minutes flat.”
“if you want the puss you’ve gotta, like, do something.”
“i went to the gym with a bottle of water, and returned home with a bag of chips and a coke.”
“i’m here, i’m queer, and i’m a little bit sad.”
“i feel like at this point we need to move out into the middle of the forest, dump everyone, and start a coven.”
“these are naturally flavored ranch chips. as opposed to unnaturally flavored.”
“i’ve had panera once and i don’t even remember the experience.”
“no, i don’t smoke pot. it’s for the aesthetic.”
“who knew that raccoons and walruses were so closely related via dick bone.”
“the aura of that google docs is so cursed, my internet went offline for a minute when i tried to open it.”
“ye olde condom and nutella life hacks.”
“can you hold on to a bull with a rope tied around its nuts for 8 seconds? i don’t think so.”
“he ain’t allowed in my vuvuzela.”
“get your applesauce injected intravenously.”
“we’re the sister wives, without the husband.”
“somehow i ended up listening to three days grace and this lyric video is done in comic sans.”
“if you can find andy warhol’s diary, he legit talks about having pubic lice for like five or six pages.”
“you had me at ‘victorian lesbians’.”
“there’s something so romantic and quaint about letters, my dude.”
“i love how decadently filthy this is.”
“just let my sad, writhing, angry body glide through space for eternity.”
“tell him to try dipping his nuts in milk.”
“welcome to the femslash fun swamp.”
“i just got like 8% more gay.”
“not gonna lie ... i wanna date mothman.”
“i just read a discussion talking about getting trapped in the fairy realm after having a fairy nut in your mouth.”
“four dads at home depot? no. four moms in a sunroom of a suburban home having an orgy.”
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lil-cinnamon-bun · 3 years
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Galactic Unicorn Skin 🦄✨💕 #holotaco @holotaco https://www.instagram.com/p/CSUCC1simuG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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guidedbynors · 3 years
Quest RPG Adventure: GromSurf Championship
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Alright, I changed the name of the adventure. But it's a silly one.
In Lifeguard Life, Questers take on the role of magical lifeguards at a beach resort. Out across the water, over the horizon is a dimensional rift, which is beautiful in its swirly galactic colors, but dangerous from time to time, hence the lifeguards that are on patrol 24/7. Sometimes wonderful things come swimming (or drifting) out of the dimensional rift, like bunnies, unicorns, and perfectly arranged charcuterie boards. But there is an equal number of horrors, as well, like severed heads, oil spills, and mimic charcuterie boards!
Once a year there is the Grand Finals of the GromSurf Competition. One of the most prestigious surf comps in. . . wherever. Regardless, Groms from all over the world come to compete in the competition, and it’s up to the lifeguards (Questers) to make sure everything goes according to plan.
As the most senior lifeguards on Beach of Infinity (Not Infinity Beach--totally different place), Questers are tasked with keeping the first place trophy safe.
Note: If Questers would rather be surfers rather than lifeguards, allow them to be. If some want to be lifeguards and others are surfers, then make sure they have a clear understanding of how they know each other before the session starts. If any Questers decide to be surfers, insist that they are not Groms, as that would take away from the tension of the module.
Note: Grom, shortened from grommet, is Australian and Californian slang for a young, often precocious surfer. Gremmie is a common synonym.
The resort town is called Little Jiroma. There are many villas, resorts, and tourist attractions along the Beach of Infinity. The lifeguard culture is one of the ironic hipsters and social media influencers. As a Guide, you can really set the tone for this session by riffing on the beach/hipster/social media culture that claims to be unpretentious, yet is exclusionary (at times) in the same breath. Think of the most lavish yet ironic surf resort imaginable, that's Little Jiroma.
Waking Up
The life of a lifeguard is one of the long days in the sun and long nights at the party. Because of this, waking up is always an issue. Questers start the session waking up at a strange house where there was a party the night before. At first, it seems as though they’ve just had a really killer night, though nobody else is around. As they wake, let the Questers introduce their characters and what they look like.
As you describe the scene, broken windows, door hanging open, beer and hard spritzer cans all over, hummus platters and vegan cookies on a tray (half-eaten), one of the Questers realize they’d brought the GromSurf Trophy to the party, and now it’s gone. They don’t see it anywhere. The competition starts at 1pm and the Questers are supposed to present the trophy at the opening ceremony. It’s actually been stolen by someone, but Questers can take some time searching the house. If they succeed on a search roll, they do find a clue. They realize they are all wearing wristbands to a swanky and popular music club. They don’t remember what happened there, but it’s clear they visited the club for a reason--and together.
Infinity Beach
Infinity Beach is a fancy music club. It is a huge Victorian-style hall, with a large dance floor made of frosted glass, bars, a balcony, and a basement swimming pool that looks up through the glass dance floor to those above. The proprietor of the Infinity Beach is a slick and stylish Tiefling with dark blue skin, small, yet curved horns, and a rather pointed chin. He wears fine suites of satin and is a strict pescetarian. His name is Chrechil. All of the Questers would know him, however, when they arrive at Infinity Beach (the music club, not the Beach of Infinity, which is totally the beach and not the music club), Chrechil isn’t there. Instead, a rather sleepy-eyed bartender answers the door (as it is locked). The bartender is a human girl with dark hair and pale skin. She wears blue lipstick and comes off as sort of goth. She’s not particularly happy to help, but she doesn’t need any persuasion to answer the Questers questions. Her name is Nadi and she was working the night before. She’ll tell the Questers that everything was super cool last night and Chrechil was having a great time, and then the (number of Questers) showed up, and that’s when everything started going to shit. This is why she’s not thrilled about helping them out.
There are a collection of likely questions I can imagine Questers asking Nadi. Here they are with the answers she would give:
What happened once we got here?
“Well, it took a while, but once you got here a bunch of Groms showed up.”
Why would Groms show up once we were here?
“You wouldn’t stop bragging about the GromSurf Trophy.”
Was there anything suspicious going on?
“Other than X number of people bringing a trophy to a music club that should have been locked away? No. Why you didn’t lose it, did you?”
Where is Chrechil?
“How am I supposed to know? He’s my boss. He was pretty upset when all the Groms showed up, he sort of stormed out of the place after the X (Questers) were talking to him.”
Is there an obvious place Chrechil would be right now?
“Probably surfing before all the Groms take it over for the championship.”
Searching for Chrechil and Grom Attention
As Nadi has told them, Chrechil is, indeed, at the beach, surfing before the championship tournament begins. While Questers look for Chrechil they may not notice the amount of attention they are getting from the contestants (Groms), as they get ready. Due to the weighted probability of success in Quest, think about what makes logical sense for your party. If they are all intent on finding Chrechil, you can assume they are not paying attention to the Groms who are getting their numbers for the competition. However, if any character wants to pay more close attention to the Groms, breaking from their intention to find Chrechil, they will notice that the eyes of the Groms follow the Questers, pretty much wherever they go. Think of the Groms like creepy dolls in a horror film. The Groms don’t have any expression, but their eyes move in their heads, and then once they can no longer track the Questers, their heads begin to turn. On closer inspection, if Questers approach the Groms, Questers will see that some of their heads are in a full 180, or even more. Something is certainly not right.
If no Questers break their attention away from the Chrechil search, then they’ll find Chrechil on some huge swells a couple hundred yards from the bank. To get to Chrechil, the Questers will need some surfboards. The problem is the only surfboards around are those the Groms will use for the tourney. If any of the Questers try to take the boards, the Groms will spring into action.
Note: If Questers try to swim out to meet Chrechil, a school of Aboleth will attack them from below. (Monster Manifest p.18)
The GromSurf Trophy, Grom Manifest
As Questers try to reach Chrechil, the Groms see an opening to stop them.
What’s Actually Going On? The Groms stole the trophy while at the party, a collective will to share the trophy. This plays on the trope of the “participation trophy.” It was the Groms that got the Questers wrecked the night before. In stealing the trophy from the Questers, the Groms summoned a Manifestation of Gromness from the dimensional rift on the horizon.
The Groms think the Questers know about the Manifestation they have summoned from beyond the rift. The Manifestation holds the trophy within it. The trophy is the source of its power. If Questers are able to make it into the deeper waters, near where Chrechil is, the Manifestation of Gromness will reveal itself as a wave of a whiney, rather entitled water elemental that believes everyone deserves a trophy because they’re all pretty good surfers. The Manifestation of Gromness is, like the Groms themselves, terrified of losing, and thus, is willing to share the trophy among all Groms.
It is revealed by Chrechil that, in their intoxicated state, Questers were moderately accepting of the Groms’ ideas. As an old-school and solid surfer, Chrechil doesn’t think it pushes people to be their best when trophies are handed out indiscriminately.
The Manifestation of Gromness can’t really be reasoned with. It’s pretty whiny and very entitled. While Questers talk with it, the real Groms will attack, trying to protect their collective trophy. The only way to defeat the Manifestation of Gromness is by pulling the GromSurf trophy from its innards, and since it’s just water, it shouldn’t be too hard.
I suggest making the task of retrieving the trophy harder than a single roll. Set the Manifestation’s HP pool in accordance with your Questing party. Then make the attempt to dive into the Manifestation a roll that must be a triumph, at first. Give the Manifestation HP benchmarks that will lower the dive and retrieve roll by a value of 1, each time a benchmark is hit. This way Questers must fend off Groms, argue with the Manifestation, and attempt to retrieve the trophy all at once. The Manifestation cannot be killed while it has the trophy, though it can be diminished for a short time before it replenishes itself with Gromness.
When the trophy is retrieved the Manifestation is defeated. The Groms all come out of a trance, and even though they say it was like a really good dream, they also can let the tournament proceed as it was supposed to. Questers get to present the trophy to the audience which consists mostly of the Groms’ parents.
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